T1TE MORNING OREGONIAN. TUESDAY, JUNE 11, 1918. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. Honaekepra. ECONOMICAL housekeeper desires position, 8 hours per tlay, salary weekly; no laun dry; city or country. AH 40, Oregonlan. EXPEH1ENCED girl wants position for gn- eral( housework In small family. X 344. Oregonlan. WANTED TO RENT. IIouMes. WANTED To rent S or 6-room unfur nished bungalow; must be close to school; will pay $25 per month and lease for year. Call East 7643. WILL, lease best 7-room, modern house. In good neighborhood, at cheapest price of fered. Will go to $40 or (43 per month, but will take cheaper house. E 243, Ore gonlan. " WANTED for tiummy months. 4 to 6-room furnished flat, bungalow or cottage, by perfectly reliable party of adults, best of care, reference If desired. .Phone Tabor 1185. S or 4-KOOM furnished cottage with large yard, or adjoining lot suitable for raising chickens; must be reasonable. AH a3tf, Oregonlan. 4 OR 5-roora furnished house or bungalow on carline near stores. Phone Mr. Har mer, Main 4677. WANTED Furnished house. 1 to 3 months, 2 bedrooms ; o adults, responsible parties. C 2S3. Oregonlan. WANTED Small furnished house, with piano, by gentleman ; highest , references. Vincent, P. O. box 629. city. COUPLE with best references would take best care of home for Hummer, for rea sonable rent. Phone Main 57ul. WANTED 5 or 6-room modern bungalow, unfurnished, adults. Main 1601. Aapartments. - WANTED Board and room within walking distance of Northwest Shipyard. State price, location, etc. Alt 43b, Oregoniun. Kooms. .WANTED Clean, sunny room for house keeping by lady employed;, modern, not too far out and with kitchenette preferred. State location and price. AF 416. Ore gonlan Rooms With Board. WANTED Homo with refined family for Summer for boy of S; comfortably situ ated in country or seashore near Portland. Must be willing to tak. full charge of child. Good pay. Kelerences to be ex changed. AN 241. Oregonlan. LADY employed at night would like room and breakfast with nice congenial family In exchange for light services. Phone Marshall 4271 after 6:30 P. M., or before 8 A. M. FOR RENT. Furnished Kooms. A Moderate-Priced Hotel of Merit. HOTEL CLIFFORD, East Morrison St. and East Sixth. Hotel Clifford Is the principal East Side Hotel and is a hotel of dignity and re finement. Daily rate, $1 up; two in room. $1.50. weekly rates. $4 and up. ANSON I A HOTEL. 124 14h st., at Washington. Raies $3.60 per week up, 75c day. Fireproof, large, attractive, spotless rooms, close to amusement and shopping center; catering especially to those desiring quiet, harmonious environment. NEW PERKINS HOTEL. Fifth and Washington sts. Right In centor of Portland's activities, with prices astonishingly low for a down town hotel. Ask for Mr. Myers. He will gladly show you our accommodations and Quote rates. ADENA HOTEL. ( When in ban Francisco stop at Adena Hotel, iu hea.rt of shopping district. All modern conveniences. 144 O'Farrell at., opposite Orpneuxn Theater. Rates, $1 and up. HOTEL NAVARRE. Alder Su, Corner 11th. New management. Thoroughly reno vated; handsomely furnished. Rates rea sonable. THE MELVIN. Transient rooms 5uc and up; $2 per week and up. H. K. rooms. SoSU Yara- hlll. Marshall 1U28. STAN DISH HOTEL. 548 V4 Washington St., Cor. 17th. Clean, cool, comfortable rooms, modern, $2 per week up. Free phonss and baths. HOTEL -ARTHUR. 170 11th St., H block from Morrison; clean and modern rooms, $1 per duy, os $20 per month. HOTEL OCKLEV. Morrison street st 10th Rates ooc per day up; weekly. $3 up running water; free phone and baths. PALACE HOTEL. 446 Wash. St.; downtown locations respectable and strictly modern steam heat; rooms large, clean. HOTEL, CORDOVA. 26 11th at- Strictly modern, private baths en suite; rooms $1 up. Alain virz. a 4 7 S3. HOTEL BROADWAY. 22 N. Broadway Low rates permanent guests, steam heat, phone. UOOD room, two beds; walking distance. 86. Baron Apts., 2H5 14th. Main 4484. Furnished Kooms In Private Family. EXCELLENTLY lighted, large, well-fur nished, elegant room; hot or cold shower ram, uest location. 161 N. 23d st. Main 4l3. PLEASANT room to Christian Science lady, could use kitchen and laundry if desired close in on East Side. Phone evenings, JcaBi loo. ROOM with board in modern home for gen tleman; walking distance; reasonable. 255 Halsey. E. 1383. FURNISHED room, with or without board1, home cooking. 748 Lovejoy st. Phone Main 9267. WELL FURNISHED room, light and airy; grand view; home privileges; breakfast if desired. 10S3 Vaughn st. Main 1030. NICELY furnished rooms, light and airy, gentlemen only. 611 Morrison. Broadway 2638. NICELY furnished room, in center of Ir vlngton, close in. $12.50 per month. Phone C 1191. 449 E. 20th St. N. ELEGANTLY furnished, light, airy room in delightful home. Nob Hill. Phone Main 8749. BEAUTIFUL, large, cool room, suitable for business man: select location, walking distance. 161 N. 22d St. S FURNISHED rooms In private family. Park st. Mar. 3069. 384 $10 COSY room in man. 54 Lucretla nice home for gentle st., nr. 23d and Wash. BEAUTIFUL, large, cool rooms, select lo cation, walking distance. 161 N. 22d. lnfarnihhed Kooms. WEIST APARTMENTS. 69 N. 23d street 6 large rooms apt. and private porch. THE DEZENDORF. 208 16th. nice 5-room. unfurnished apt. THE MARLBOROUGH. 21st and Flander 6 and 6-room. reasonable. Main 7516. X WO unfurnished sleeping rooms, private porch. 161 North 22d St. TWO unfurnished sleeping rooms, porch. 161 N. 22d. private Rooms With Board. THE WEAVER. 710 Wash. st. Marshall 5170 Residential hotel, reasonable rates; private phone and bath in every room. FEW choice rooms with board. 554 Couch, cor 17th. Broadway 2618. tu. 4da.t LAoy Jb O0VL, pAiQ-, Gxy 1IiaST ttMCUP3t- I Corrisht. tS16. by Newspaper Featore Service, inc. Gfnt Britain FOR KENT. Hoodih With Buar TO responsible tenants, a beautiful apart ment, July 1; suitable for two people, fur nished or unfurnished; long lease given if wished; hot-water heat, ail conveniences. Further particulars, phone E. 6767 before 10 A. M. hOUM and Doard for business girls; all modern conveniences; walking distance; $3.50 per week. E. 4732. E. 7th st. 452 MORRISON, cor. 13th. choice rooms and board; modern conveniences; walking dis tance. THE MARTHA WASHINGTON. 860 Tenth at. For business girls and stu dent,. Reasonable rates. Marshall 1251. PARKVIEW Family hotel. 3K8 Montgomery t.. In South Parkway; walking distance; excellent table; reasonable rates. M 8783. Rooms With Board In Private Families. WOULD like child to board: best of care given; not over 10 years old; a oy pre ferred. Must have clean, habits. Sellwood 31U3. ROOM and board for two gentlemen, near South Portland, shipyards and steel plant. 014 4th st. Phone Main 52S3. ATTRACTIVE, large sleeping porch, with dressing-room, hot water all the time, bath, with shower; good eats. E. 186. ROOM, board, sleeping porch, two gentle men. 576 Ladd ave. E. 2333. EXCELLENT board and room for two gen tlemen. 1111 E. 21st st. N. A FRONT suite of rooms for two. 563 East Madison st. East 7232. Furnished Apartments. THE CROMWELL.. Fifth and Columbia Sts. Five minutes walk to Meier & Frank's Store; good surroundings; strictly modern 2 and 3-room furnished apartments, all outside, with French doors and ba.conlca VILLA ST. CLARA. Twelfth and Taylor. Most modern apartments on the Faolfie Coast; furnished complete. Roof Garden In Connection. Walking distance. References. THE PENROSE. Grand ave., between Mor rison and Belmoiu. 2 and 3 rooms) com pletely furnished. Solid brick bldg. White enameled and mahogany finish. E. 4548. THE EVERETT. 644 Everett, bet. 2uth and Ella Sts. Furnished 3-Toom apt., all outside rooms, with sleeping porch; walking distance. FURNITURE of 4-room apartment for sale cheap and apartment for rent; good lo cation. Phone Broadway 2045. -2S . N. 20th st. THE STELWYN. 2 and S-room apartment attractively furnished with Chinese rugs and willow furniture. References req. Marshall 2830. GRAND OAK APTS. Modern furnished apts., walking distance; Grand ave. . .aat 3302. HIGHLAND COURT APTS. For rent, 4-room, newly furnished apt Sleeping porch. Marshall 3181. FURNISHED 3-room apt. b'd E. 12th. East ."64 U. JULIANA APARTMENTS, 45 Trinity Place 2 and 3-room apartments. Marshall vaa.- 4-ROOM furnished apartment. West Side; walking distance. r-nono groaoway -iwa. NICE 2-room apartment; $35. Rexford, Main 553. 401 10TH ST., 4-room furnished apt. Main 4980. ... THE DAYTON 3-room modern lower turn. apt., bath. etc. 65S Flanders. Unfurnished Apartments. NICE 2-room Main 553. apartment, $30. Rexford. BEAUTIFUL 6-room unfurnished apartment. walking distance. -East 3252. Furnished or Unfurnished Apartments. KINGSBURY APTS.. 188 Vista ave.. 23d and Washington; very desirable 3 and 4-room with outside balcony, furnished and un furnished. WINDSOR APTS. East 14th and Yamhill 8-room, unfurnished apt., 2 blocks from carline, walking distance; no children. Phone East 2907. LUCRETIA COURT APARTMENTS. High-class, perfect In all details. Lucretla st. Marshall 1513. A 3637. KING ALBERT APTS. New two and three-room housekeeping apartments; dressing-rooms, hardwood floors and elevator. 11th and Montgomery. DIEL APT., 700 EaBt Ankeny, modern, airy, 3-room apartment, firdt iloor, front, va cant June 15; no children. Eas't 1808. KATHERINE APARTMENTS. 149 N. 23d 3-room apartment, completely furnished. Marshall 190. THE LAM BROOK 2-room furnished apart ment a , $22!Ellst 4062. ARGYLE APT. 2 rooms, bath; cor. brick all outside. Cor. 14th and Market. VERY desirable 3-room front apt., walking distance; adults. .Mill st. NEWLY furnished apts. 207 2d st. Tourny apts. CARLOTTA COURT. Everett Modern, walking distance. and 17th CHOICE apartment, $14. Corner Union ave. and Klllingsworth: brick building. FURNISHED, steam heated, 5-room apart ment. Hi. Alain. MODERN 7-room flat, excellent location, heat and hot water: Janitor service. 715 Johnson. Main 2595. ,' 4-ROOM flat, good location: large, light rooms: fireplace. Broadway 3548. FOR RENT Large 4-room flat; no children. 917 i W. Williams ave. 6-ROOM lower, modern flat; neat, and yard. Tabor 19S0. FIVE and six-room modern fk&ts. garage, close In. adults. Call 601 ti E. Morrison. MODERN 6-room upper flat, 1S714 16th St. bet. Yamhill and Taylor; rent $32.50. Furnished Flats. FURNISHED FLAT, walking distance from town and Foundation shipyards. 671 Gil es m NICELY" furnished modern 5-room flat; clean, light rooms; has fireplace, porch, etc. Rent, $35 month. Call 441 11th st. FOUR-ROOM furnished flat, sleeping-porch, $30. Phone A 1149. Housekeeping Rooms. THE BEAVER.' 12th and Marshall: walking distance, furnished for housekeeping. In cluding gas ranges, electric lights, hot water, bath, laundry, all free: $15 month up. Take S. or 16th-st. car North, get off at Marshall St. Broadway 5038. MT. HOOD HOTEL, cor. of E. Water and Hawthorne ave. Double and single H. K. rooms, also furnished rooms; newly painted and renovated; cheap rent and walking distance. ONE-Toom with kitchenette, completely fur nished, steam heat, running hot and cold water, phone in every room. 7 blocks from Fifth and Morrison sts., $16 up. 291 Co lumbia St., near Fifth. NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms. 327 Salmon, single and in suites. MODERN 2-room h. k. apt. : everything con venient. 418Vi Washington st. Housekeeping Rooms In Private Family. .DOLLARS Single housekeeping room at 208 J 3th st. j H ISaIj it ) I W FOR RENT. Housekeeping Rooms in Private Family. SLEEPING or housekeeping rooms, .fur nished or unfurnished; elegant home; T minutes' walk to PostofTice. Call A 4702. S15 Morrison st. Pacihc phone applied for. 2 SINGX.E housekeeping rooms close to ship yards; also within walking distance; op poslte C. S. Church. OM4 Everett. ONE front housekeeping room, $3 per week, one front suite. $4.5o; walking distance. 54. Washington. 3 LIGHT, pleasant rooms; hot water, heat, light and phone; $20. East 21SS. TWo lovely front rooms, housekeeping, furnished. Marshall 2-16 after 6 P. M. HOUSEKEEPING room, gas, light, tele phone, 1 man, for $7 month. Main 7364. FOR RENT Modern .fi-room bungalow In Hawthorne district. $25 month. Powers Furniture Co., rental dept.. Third and Yamhill. is, FOR RENT 5-room house, beautifully lo cated at 915 Front street; bathroom, con crete basement. Rent $25. Call after 6 P. M. WANTED-1 Man and wife to share country home with widow. Can do own cooking, or will board. 1 mile out of city limits, on lit Hood carline. Have garage. For particulars. East 186. WHEN YOU MOVI Use NORTHWESTERN ELECTRIC Ugnt service. Broadway 5S0. A 6T4T. 14-ROOM rooming-house, with or without small store. East 33". Alarsnau Dioi'. K.Jlaak, 915 Northwestern Bark bldg. 6-ROOM house, close In: clean but not mod ern, $lo per month. East Ninth and Mor rison. Wakelield. Fries. 85 Fourth st. 6 ROOMS with bath, cement basement, wash trays, furnace, etc 17th and E. Taylor. Sell. 3U31. 8-ROOM modern house. 710 Lovejoy St., near 22d. Apply Harris Trunk Co.. Main 8278. 5-ROOM house, walking distance. 336 Eu gene mu GOOD 6-room house; gas. elec 79 Ever- ett. West Side. East 8. FOR RENT 7-room house, strictly modern. best section Laurel hurst. Last 2i J. Furnished Houses. TO LEASE Handsomely appointed and completely furnished home; large grounas; at 85 North 19th st., corner Everett; for residence purposes only; small family or bachelors preferred; reasonable rental. Call Broadway 2710 or Carl R. Jones Co., 404 Wilcox bldg. Main 8099. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS WILL LEASE WELL FURNISHED 7-ROOM HOUSE; BEAUTIFUL VIEW, FLOWERS, SHRUB BERY; VERY DESIRABLE. AND COOL FOR SUMMER. MAIN SUIM. FURNISHED tent house In beautiful grounds on river, 6 minutes walk from Boaxdman. Oregon City car. Water and electrlo lights, $20 per month. M. 478. WILL RENT to responsible party for Sum mer months, beautiful furnished house with large sleeping porch and garage. East TO RENT Beautifully furnished modern nome tor summer or-possiDiy six monins, $100 per month; no children; immediate possession. Call Main 4670.. FOR RENT Furnished, 2 months, 6-room fiat. 95 E. 34tu st, adults only, from June 20. WILL RENT my home of 6 rooms, 2 large porcnes ana garage, to aauus. ov i.iuiua St. Mar. 1445. MODERN" 9-rm. Nob Hill home, beautifully furnished, for rent to responsible party. Joseph H. Johnston, 702 Spalding bldg. 5-ROOM flat, completely furnished. Phone Main 943. 290 12th st. FURNISH ED 6-room house from June 15 to August 15. 327 Larrabee st. Summer Resorts. FOR RENT Long Beach, Wash., Seamore cottage, one of the finest houses at iong Beach. 6 rooms and large sleeping porch inclosed in glass, electric light, running water, one block from ocean:, also two 2-room bungalows Tabor 2072. 870 Bel mont street. WE have a double house. 4 rooms each, fur nished and strictly clean, located In lier mosa Park, Seaside, 2 blks. from beach; rent either apartment, $100 for the season, including water and elec. lights. C. R. Jordan, Allsky blk.. or phone Tabor 8flP6. FOR RENT To October 1. 1918, all or H of 8-room house at Seaaide, oentrally located. For Information address box 303 Seaside, Or. TWO good cottages at Newport. facing ocean: 4 and 5 rooms: furnished and run ning water. Rent by month or season. E. 133S. . COMPLETELY furnished beach cottage for rent at Neah-kah-nie for June and July; 6 rooms with bath; modern cottage; refer ences exchanged. D 352. Oregonlan. NICELY furnished cottage for rent at Gear hart; strictly modern. with fireplace. Reasonable rates. Woodlawn 4ff5. MODERN cottage, completely furnished, for season, one block from Moore Hotel. Sea side. Phone Main 3749. COMPLETELY furnished cottage for rent at Gearhart for June and September. - Mar shall 6170. FURNISHED 6-room house on ridge over looking ocean. Long Beach, Wash; rent too season. Marshall 4l80. COMPLETELY rurnished housekeeping rma, ocean front. r.mma bnepara, seaview. Wash. FOR RENT at Seaside, 4-room cottage for the season. East 644: evenings. East 2088. SEASIDE Classy 5-room cottage, modern. well furnished, convenient. Bdwy 3348. SEASIDE Clean, sanitary 'cottages, over looking ocean: reasonable. Tabor 1854. FOR RENT Modern 7-room house st Pea- side, completely furnished. Woodlawn 2834. VERY desirable 5-room furnished cottage al seaview; low rent, laoor two. Stores. STORES FOR RENT. Good for any line ot business, with living rooms in connection: 39th - and E. Lincoln sta; rent reasonsble. Call FOR RENT Splendid offices, second floor Stevens oing., very cneap rent. Apply room L'o-j, Stevens mag. FURNISHED office, $10; 8-office arrange ment. $30. Best service. Stock Ex change bldg. FOR RENT Grocery store: stock for sale 3 living-rooms. E. 2876. 8n3 Larabee. Offices. YOUNG DENTIST, with best of references. having one of the finest dental equip ments. desires to share office suite with M. D. having joint reception room. Morgan or Selling bldg., preferred. AN 261. Ore gonlan. OFFICES, stoperooms and halls; also rooms suitable for light manufacturing; offles . building accommodation; rent reasonable. Kweeney investment Co.. 815 Dekum bidg. 3d snd Washington. PRIVATE OFFICE. WITH ST E NOG R A PHER. GOOD SERVICE. PRO-RATA EX PENSE. G 277. OREGONIAN. MAIN 163. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. HUSBAND dratted, cleaning parlor for sale. 16th and Overton. POLLY IS'ff ii foSnt Riljs Resrrd. Rr (is tared iaU.3. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. GARAGE. GOOD LOCATION West side, brick building, lease for 26 years at $100 rent. Open day .and night. Employs 3 men; clears $350 per month. Price $1500. FISHING EQUIPMENT 350 fathoms 3-Mne net. 145 fathoms blue back net. 1 channel drift. 1 shallow right. 125-foot fish boat; this Is sn Al outfit and la ready for inspection. Will consider light Bulck car. Price $650. We have all kinds of business located In all parts of the Northwest. See us before . buying. H. M. NILES. RITTER. LOWE at CO.. 203-5-7 Board of Trade. HENRY C. CBAKER, (Member Portland Realty Board.) STORES, HOTELS. APARTMENTS, RESTAURANTS. Main 1800. 212 Selling Bldg. Notary Public. 70-ROOM HOTEL, good commercial trade. 84 rooms with private bath, (no dining room), fireproof building, centrally lo cated, with elevator and beautiful ground floor lobby; all handsomely furnished throughout. Business good for $10,000 an nual profit. Owner s long illness compels him to sell. $4500 cash; balance can be arranged. A. -T DePflREKT 613 Chamber of Commerce f 3g. PACKER of fruits and vegetables. 6-yr. con tract for cans. $1500 worth of cans and boxes on hand, plant In Al condition, hss some 7 or 8 cars fruits contracted, suffi cient quantity loganberries on own place to pack approximately 3 cara in tin; wanta party with $5000 to assist through pack Ins season : liberal arrangements can be made; location local to Portland. BI 267. Oregonlan. SUBURBAN GROCERY SACRIFICE, i 5 suburban district. 6 miles Port- isnd. New, fresh stock, new fixtures, rent ..T." ld established business, good aud till growing. stock invoices about $40uo. Owner In poor health, must quit. Ad dress owner. F 340. Oregonlan. FOR SALE Gents' furnishing goods store in small town in center of large logging operations, close to livestock district on IV.40 ntlles from main line at Baker, or. This store is doing a good business With every reason to Increase trade. Ad dress Pat McKenna. Whitney. Or. IF YOU WISH To Buy. Sell or Exchange a Business of any kind, anywhere, sse WATCH OUR ADS. WE GET RESULTS. H. M. Nlles. RITTER, LOWE at CO., . 203-205-207 Board of Trade Bids FIRST-CLASS cleaning, pressing and dye plant for sale. WrH-ell at Invoice. Good paying business. Two partners, one in ranee, other must go to service, reason for selling. Address 20 W. Main st.. cen tralla. Wash. i ALE A tin and sheet metal business "i iwwn in Boutnern Oregon; tools and machines a about half price; stock at cost, poor health reason for selling. Ad- . JTJ "-nmn "u North Grape street, MedforcV. Or. CAUTION. BUYERS. Before closing deal of so-called Interest In established real estate bmiiiiu advice of Portland Realty Board. PAUL COWOILL. Secretary. FOR RENT On account of sickness I will rent out my hotel dining-room, with dishes and kltchenware. This Is the right thing for the right party. Investigate at 246 balmon st. i"9R . 6-A-LE In working order the retail business and equipment of the old Red Tank Oil Co. This Is a good business for a maiLand family to operate. Apply Red Tank Oil Co.. 207 E. 6th st. North- MODERN BUSINESS SCHOOL. ,,?fmtd ,n Portland, easy to run. only $1000; average above all exp. $200 per mo C. E. TUGGLE. eti w. w. Bank Bldg. Main 4543. A PARTNER WANTED Tor auto garage to sell supplies, gasoline a!d make himself generally useful; pay $150 to $200 month to each partner: $650 " " rwjm t'JO ueKU m DUlg. OWNER of est. wood and rn 1 hllsln... wants a reliable partner to tend office, check wood, etc.: pay salary besides good profits. Call room 403 Dekum bide ON' account of death In my family have de- ..uou iu sen my market and grocery at East 6th. and Burnslde: a good chance for someone. Phone East 003. J. I., it-.. HAVE .vo0 or more to Invest with services in good paying business; accustomed to clerical and bookkeeping work. AP 276 Oregonlan. FOR SALE: Printing plant in good valley cneap for cash if sold at once; will take good used automobile in Dart payment. F 350. Oregonlan. GARAGE Owner of this busy place will ""'"t" "r quicK sale: nis business calls him out of town. Particulars room 511 .Ping. FOK SALE Old-established, well-located uuiei, no rooms ana dining-room; will stana closest Investigation: terms can be 'n'mj- u tfia. oregonlan. BARBER SHOP and pool hall In bu.v n.v roll town. Clears $30 dav over .Tn.n,.. Price la low. Particulars nil Railway Ex- - 1 1 1 1 1 (I, T- aIUK- xru 'vnrjAM. ort drink, near ber Jid lunchroom for sale ; swell place, every- 30 Washington st. GAR AG B FOR SALK. Too much business: all .roes for CTittv Dumps, complete vulcanizing outfit, oil and i i . 1 r-r "a grocery in apartment d strict, has S living rooms; owner will Kmi"im' -au room oil it all way Exch. -a. i i aj. auhj garage and repair shop. fully equipped; profits $4oo month; will sell iT-oaj. vbh riom , i -Kum hi j if. FOR. SALb Restaurant doing good busi ness, town 5000 Inhabitant, on account vl mii iicn.n.11. v sti. "regonian. FOR SALE Junk and hide business In well' located town in Idaho; must sell on ac count of draft. AV U4, Oregonlan. INVENTOR has a No. 1 proposition to offer 10 parties wun a xew n una re a to Invest K 273. Oregonlan. 5 PARTNER wanted; old established mfn agency, sterling, meritorious proposition. GROCERY store and fixtures for sale. 10im. Htore and six living-rooms rent for $J0. in'i nrnrn pi., wooniawn 011'. BARBER SHOP. 4 chairs, serving the S., best location In town, cheap rent. ram rieinmeis, n mn si., near tsrk. FOR SALE A small grocery snd delicates sen ; am sick ana must sen. isce owner, rfroaaway. j-rione Main IZiM. NOT h E. General merchandise store for sale bargain. W. Butler, Skamania. Wash. FOR RENT Twin City lbr. yard. Lewlaton, Idaho. Address .Berry & Wllks, Lewis ton. innvc. FOR SALE Leans on mill cutting 80. nor pr day; now operating. iiooa preposition. imii particulars iumoermens mag. ONLY drug store st county seat of Cen t rill Oregon's richest county. Writs, o coms- snd see. Miiro Pharmacy. AND HER PALS frJlL HWfc. Tb) Patent Offica BCSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. OPPORTUNITY. Confectionery, grocery and delicatessen, with 3 living-rooms and bath, on West Side; rent only $25; rash dally sales. $35. Must sell at once. All stock, fixtures and furniture only $1100. C. E. Tl'OGLE, 414 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 4543. FOR SALE Cigar stand in Perkins Hotel at a bargain. Business Opportunities Wantfd. BARBERS wanted as agents to sell our electric halr-cutttng machine. Portland Cutlery Barber Supply Co., 866th St. Hotels and Roumlne-Hooses. WELL LOCATED HOTEL Modern, close to Broadway and Wash ington, brick building, good lease at $125 per month. Shows net Income of $250 to $275. A good buy for $3500. 10 APARTMENTS Completely and nteely furnished, close In on East Side, good lesse at a reason able rent. Price $1S00. some terms. 18 ROOMS Good West Side location, handy to ship yards, moderately furnished. Must bo sold this week; price $650. 20-ROOM HOTEL Locsted near shipyards, nicely fumjshed. frame building, rent $35. Gross business $soo per month. Owner not able to stand the work; win exchange for small rooming house or will sell. Price $700. half cash. HOTEL FOR ACREAGE Brick veneer building. 50x120 feet. S2 rooms, located In good little town near Portland. Nic fining room and ground floor lobby. Pri e S3500, terms. WATCH OUR ADS. WE GET RESULTS. H. M. N1I.ES. RITTER. LOWE & CO, 203-5-7 Board of Trade. HENRY C CRANER. (Member Portland Realty Board.) FRANK W. BEACH. Editor. (Taclflc X. W. Catering and Hotel News) 212 Selling Bldg. i HOTEL ft APARTMENT SPECIALISTS. PAST SIDK APTS. Elea-antlv furnished. 44 apts.. located close in, agreeable 3-year lease at $3 per month. This place has net income ot juw. Price S12.0OO. Watch our ads. We ret results. H. M. NILES. Rltter. Lowe z Co., 203-5-7 Board of Trade. APARTMENT HOUSE containing B0 apart menta. oavlns S4.tO Der month net profit: lease B yeara made on hard-time rental basis: furnlahlnsa are In first-class condi tion. Owner unable to handle account of help scarcity; will sell right and make reasonable teems. , A. J. DeFOREBT. BIS Chamber of Commerce Ring. IF YOU WISH To Buy, Sell or Exchange a Hotel, apts. or rooming-house of as kind, anywhere, see H. M. Nilea, WATCH OCR ADS. WE GET RESULTS. RITTER. LOWE at CO. 20S-2O5-2O7 Ponrd of Trade bldg. MONEY-MAKING HOTEL Tn best hotel district In Portland : T4 rooms, well furnished. Incomt from $1000 to $1200- per month; low renL 9 .500. terms. K. A. MNDQUEN', 6avon Land Co... N. V. Bank bldg. SNAP. Owner drafted ami must sacrifice good Income bearing. West iStd m-artment-house. Will pay 16 net; no n Rents. G 279, Oregonlan. r.O- ROOM hotel with 2 store bids.. 3 years lease, rent ? 35. has more business than owner csn handle, clears SXtO a month. Pric $2300. on your own terms. Peters, 15 N. 5th st. lit! ROOMS, lovelv olace. in 2-room H. K. suites wun running water, mouern, ciose In. West Side; strictly clear; soap, boU terms. Garland. 1SS Sd st. 27 ROOMS. 1415. In heart of clTV. close to Union depot: rent (40; always full, a money-maker. Peter. 1. N. nth st. MARY E. LENT. HOTEL A APARTMENT-HOtTSE BROKER 72S-24 N. W. BANK. ULUG. FOR best bareatn Id rooming or apartment- houses see memb.ri ot ttxm Keauy .Board. Yatti Realty Co.. 'jam th st. WANTED Rooming-house. 15 to 85 rooms can pay cash. Main a'. BARGAIN 1 J rooms, very good furniture b-st West Side location. Marshall 4M. TA8T AND FOUND. THE following articlea have been found on cars of the Portland Railway. LiKht Power Company. June 0 1 purse. 1 strand heads. 1 piece music, l book. 1 basket. coat. 7 Dackaees. 2 lunch boxes. 2 suit cases. 1 umbrella. Owners may obtain property at First and A!ltr-street station FOUND A roaming yearling heifer, well marked, black and white, been in my pas ture since the 2m h of March ; owner is obliged to pay adv. and pasture bill. At W. c. Paddock's place. Columbia River Ranch. ANYONE finding roll containing three Army blankets, one smull Army tent, two mens kits and some toilet articles, between Union ave. and 71UU st. on Bdwy., notify First Sergeant, 401st Squadron, Vancouver. LOST On Saturday evening bet ween the Auditorium, Swetland'a. North 18th st. or on S. car. a string of Imitation smoked pearl and rhtneatotie beads. Phone Bdwy 4432. Reward. LOST Lady's light coat Sunday, between Vista House and Bridal Veil. Woodlawn 2hh7 or address 1 28 W. Emerson st. FOUND Amount of money at Wool worth's. Owner can have ssme. Call East 2-ttO. C. Wiles. Pay for ad. LOST Near 3tth and Knott or Sandy blyd.. pin seal purse. Phone Tabor 8503; re ward. FOUND Purse containing money. Owner can have by proper Identification and pay ing for this ad. Esst l.-.M. LOST A gold watch and fob; name Olpta Hanson on inside; Initials on end of fob. Olga Hanson. Clackamas, Or. LoST Gold pansy pin between First M. E. and First Cong. Church Sunday night ; reward. Mar. 1H92. LOST On streets. one brown suitcase marked "F. C- P." Please notify Mrs. P. Stearns, Alexander ourt ; reward. L ST Gold watch fob locht; has triangle in pearls. Initials N. F. T. Phone Tabor 10IO; reward. WORKING girl lost purse bet. King st. and Mtiedith Apt., on Wash. st. Main 7:.;.' aftr 5 o'clock. LOST Lady's small brown leather hand bag Sunday at the Vint a Hou-e In ladles' lavatory. Phone Sell wood HKti. LOST Purse, on St. Johns car, about 11 P. M. Saturday. Wdln. 220 LOST At P!aa Park, lady's Elgin watch; reward. Return Y. W. C A. LOST Purse with $15 In currency; Marshall 351ft. LOST Diamond lunliumt pin. Reward. Phone or rail H. Llebs Co. LOST ''heck and hank book at Oaks. Phone K. 3115. ill . : i LOST AND FOUND. THE following articles have been found on cars of the Portland Railway, light Power Co., June 8 3 purses. 1 rule. 1 bunch keys. 1 glove. 1 belt, 11 packages. 1 hat, 1 blanket. 1 music roll, 2 baskets. 4 lunch boxes, 1 milk can. 1 lantern. 1 sack clothes. 2 traveling bags. 3 sult ces. l umbrella. Owners may obtain property at First and Alder-street station. FOUND Fancy brooch Pin. Call cashier -'regonlan office and pay for ad. LOST In O. W. K's or on Alder st.. black velvet handbag; reward. East 240l. MKl'lAL NOTICES. Proposals Invited. SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at oiiice ot unuersigned. 401 courthouse, un til 3 P. M. Thursday. June 2o. 1'JIS. for gen eral work, heating and ventilating and plumbing of the Open-Air School. Bids will b opened in room 304. Courthouse. 4 P. M., same date. Deposit of $10 is re quired lor general work plans and specifi cations, and $5 each for heating and ven tilating and plumbing plans and specifi cations, all of which may be obtained at office of superintendent of properties. S03 .Courthouse. Certified check or 10 per cent of amount of proposal, payable to R. H. Thomas. School Clerk, must accompany each pro posal. Board of Directors reserves ths right to reject any and all proposals. R. M. THOMAS, School Clerk. Dated' June 8. 111S. OFFICE OF YELM IRRIGATION DIS TRICT, YELM. WASH., June 8. 191 S Sealed bids will Ve received at this office until 1 P. M. June 29. 1918. for the pur chase of the first Issue of Yelm Irrigation-District 6 per cent gold bonds, same being Uimo bonds of one Hundred Dollars denomination, having a total par value of Two Hundred Thousand Dollars, maturing In nine series from 1U29 to 1137. In (.of est payable semi-annually. r r Each bltl must be accompanied by a cert If ld check, payable to Yelm Irriga tion District, for a per cent of the amount bhi. The right Is reserved to reject any and all bids. Checks of all unsuccessful bidders will be returned after contract it awarded. Signed V. H. Koyse, Secretary 1 elm irrigation Olstnct. M Iseellaneoua. IN TH E DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED STATES FOR THE DISTRICT OF OREGON. In ths matter of Solomon S. Jennings, bankrupt, request for bids : I will receive sealed bids on the follow ing stock of merchandise and fixtures, formerly the property of the bankrupt, located at North Bend, Or., up to and until 12 o'clock noon of the 17th day of June, 1 1 1 8. st my office. No. 4u-4. ilor gan bldg., Portland. Or.: Stock of merchandise con stating principally of dry goods, men's and. ladles' fur nishings, millinery, notions, men's and boys" hats and caps, crockery, etc.. of ths Inventoried value of $ 9,743.36 Store fixtures pertaining to t he above, of the inven toried value of 963.50 Total $10.7O.8 All bids must be accompanied by certi fied check fur 10 per cent 10Cc) of ths amount offered. The highest bid received will be accepted, subject to ths approval of the court. Inventory of the sbove stock and fix tures may be seen at my office and at the bankrupt's place of business at North Bend. Or., at which latter place the property may be Inspected at aoy time 4rlor to vale. K. L, S A BIN. Trusts. 740-4T Morgan Bldg. Portland, Or. NOTICE OF TRADE-MARK. REGIS TRATION. TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN; Notice is hereby given that Tru Blu Biscuit Company, a corporation of the state of Washington, hss filed in the office of the Secretary of State of the state of Oregon for record, application to reg ister trade-mark consisting of the word "Branola which trade-mark Is to bs ap plied to Health Gems or Biscuits and which is owned by satd Tru Blue Biscuit Company, of the city ot Spokane, and state of Washington. TRU BLU BISCUIT COMPANY, By J. K. Smith. Sec. I WILL not be responsible tor any debts con tracted by my wife t Rachel I. Smith) from this date on: June 1, 'IS. L. P. SMITH. FINANCIAL. CONSERVATIVE BONDS. Municipal and corporation, fur discrim inating Investors. FEAR & GRAY, 10.: Fourth St. MONEY to loan first mortgage real estate security. any amounts. current rates. Phone K. A. Baker. Main 3u2. I2U0.O0O TO LOAN In sums to suit; building loans, lowest rates. W. G. Beck. 21a-216 Failing bldg. Phone Main 3407. LOANS, notes, contracts, mtgs. purchased. Lewis & Co.. 4 Lewis bldg. Main HM Money to Loan on Keal Kstata. OUR installment pian Is the bsst and surest method of paying a loan. $32.-6 per month for iiti months, or S-1.24 per month for BO months, or (15.17 for 96 months pays a $1000 loan and interest. Other amounts tn proportion. We loan on improved cty property Or for building purposes. No commlstilona charged. , EQUITABLE SAVINGS fc LOAN ASS N. 242 btark. St., Portland. Or. MORTGAGE LOANS ON IMPROVED FARMS IN OREGON, WASHINGTON AND IDAHO. LONG TIME IF DES1KED AND REPAYMENT BY INSTALLMENTS TO SUIT THE BORROWER. CUKRENX RATES. NO COMMISSION. VM Uac M ASTER. 701 CUii.lih.il BLDG.. PUltT LAND. MORTGAGE LOANS. Any amount, low rates, piomptly closed. Attractive repaying privileges. A. H. B1KRELL CO, 117 Northwestern Bank Bldg. Marshall 4114, A 411a. FARM LOANS. Any amount, current rates; flva an even-year loans with privilege to repay part or all any time. VERMONT LOAN & TRUST CO, 814 Masonic Bldg.. Saiem. Or. $2000 ON house and lot and $200 on another nouse ana 101. ooia in t-emrai caat rori land. west of 20th su; , pr cent interest. BC 1-3. oregont&a. EDWARD E. GOLDEr CO.. 2d floor United States Bsnk bldg. Mortgage loans and bond Issues, esps elsiiy In large amounts. 6 bs per cent up. a0oii, tlooo '.NU UP. NO COMMISSION. O. BOX 7.i, PORTLAND. OR. MONEY to loan on real estate security going late of Interest. Otto sc Haras Realty Co.. s!3 Chamber of Commerce. $ltoo TO LOAN on Improved ridnce prop erty. 7 per tent; no commlsMion. Call Main I'll. oO. f lmHJ AND upu aril on tin proved real estate, favorable terms, no d-Ia ; no brok erage. John Bain, .07 Spalding bldg. souo i u uuu to loan, city or iarm mort gage; no commission. 1. O. box tta. HAVE fltHMj to loin, rt per cent. Describe fully. AH 341. Orenonian. LOANS on city and farm property, ft per cent up. F. Fu:ha. 42tf Cham, of Com. S&0O TO $2500 without commission, improved real estate. Tabor 3402. Main 7oa. MONEY to loan on farm and Improved ciiy property. K. K. Baxter. 7Q4 Spalding bldg. BEE US today; loans sny amount. -7 v, CELLA RS-M URTON CO.. 72. Gasco bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS. 6 and 7 PER CENT. LOUIS SALOMON A CO.. 40S Selling jildg. locE. 1aAS To i- FINANCIAL. Money to Loss om Real Estate. MORTGAGE LOANS. 9 UNION ABSTRACT CO.. Corbett Bldg. $300. $40O. SoOO, $.30, S1OO0 and up at low est rates, quick action. Fred W. Usrmaa Co.. 73 Ch. of Com. Main 0445. Money to Lou rhattets and slarle tsALAHT. LOAN AS. CHATTEL. WE LOAN HONEY en short notice to sa.aried or working men on their own notes. Weekly, semi monthly or monthly payments. JCaclft transaction strictly confidential. NO MORTGAGE. NO INDORSER. ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY. We also loan on household furniture pianos, etc. without removal. CALL AND INVESTIGATE. COLUMBIA DISCOUNT COMPANY, LICENSED. SI! Failing Building. IF YOU NEED MONET. SEE US. SALARIES. CHATTELS. Lojuib made to persons on salary or fixed income; on household furniture, pl anus, diamonds and otlier personal prop erty ; legal ratea. BuaiucA couiidaaUrJ; private of flea, PORTLAND LOAN CO, (Licensed.) S06-307 Dekum bldg. REM ED1AL LOAN ASSOCIATION Estab lished by Portland business men to pro tect borrower. C Myers Hsrrman, mgr.. 84 Stark, st. Money loaned on diamonds jewelry. W A N T E D Money to loan on g Ood first mortfcJKe security, current rates. Phone E. A. Baker. Mam 3vo2. MONEY to loan on diamonds. Jewelry; legal rates; a:l articles he.d 1 year; established since 16S&. Dsn Marx. 2S Washington. MONEY to loan on anything of value. 4egal rates; alt articles held one year. Panama Loan Office. 64 Third, near Oak. I spans Wsstrd. 1500 MORTGAGE FOR SALE. Covers 6Jt a. of land In Clarke Co.. Waah. ; draws inteiest at 7 per cent, runs O years; assessed value or land SlMua rred W. German Co.. 732 Cham, of Com. S2.Oo FOR one year. Will give deed in trui for security. Will psy 7 per cent interest and bonus. Tabor J45 for personal lntar v'. No agents. 10000 OR PART thereof. 6 per cent, glli edge industrial bonds; interest semi-annu-ally. A K 3v. Oregonlan. 500 IN a blg-psylng proposition; good se curity. G S7;. uregoulaii. WANT loans on 3 houses. S1OO0 to $ Uuhi George C. Howard. 314 Chamber of Com merce. WANT 1-lHHi for 3 years on 1 block of loiZ AP l!7.". Oregoniun. WANTED 3O0 on first mortgage real cm tate security. Vu 17, Orcgonian. $6io ofe ON good Hale, Main S.M7. East Side residence. rtKsONAL. HAIR GOODS. LOWEST PRICKS. 1 0-1 rich wavy switch, 3 sop ...$13 24-inch wavy switch. 1 sep lot All-around transformation ........... left Haurdrossmg, shampooing, face massega. balr bobbing, manicuring. S.c JtisAt a moved by electric noodle, switch mads ol combings. IOC. We buy your combings, banltary Paiiors. 4uO-41 Dekum btu,iu 4i and Washington. Marshall 17o. AN Ei-aiCTKlC-CABlNE T BATH. A tub, a scientific massage, rejuvenates you takes out the kin as reduces higa blood pressure, and eliminates rlteuuutnui. Ironside Institute, 3l7-2j Pittock b.oca. Nurse attendant.. Piioue Bruauway Open t tq 7. Sundays by .ppuiiumeni. JOSEPH ISIIERWOoD. noted Psychic M- uiuin from London and Australia, lectures Sunday, W. O. W. Temple at t P. M.. 1-S 11th su; messages, etc. Consulted, TUford biug.. 4ti; Moirihon at mth. itraam. Uaiiy; circles Monday, Wednesday, K44- Mtt , O X'. M, Cs net both Jl.r feet LA DIES, coma 1 11 aud xixeu up goou lor l by Or. Eaton, the chiropouiei that doesn't hurt you; i yeais In 1'orLlauu. Examination free. Globe Tlt--ter bldg., 11th and Wash. Bdwy. I'm:. RELUCTION of weight by a safe and scientific method. Broadway loU2. FRANCO fcUoP. 43u Pillock Block, LADY who took package coutauiing ail dress from tfu 1'aru, st. Saturday uiurnooi and ho called for "Glenn" on tulwphouv. is known. Please return same at once aud no t.ut'stlons will be abked. .SPIRITUALISM Mra M. l. LA MAK. ft tn st.. cor. Main, teaches palmistry aaa card reading; lessons lu sulsacs J health and success. W E ai not ad ver users. We reduce it and treat stlif joints and rheumatism. Fur appointment phone Main tii2i. Consulta tion free. fc'to iu L' 4b HANfiaitUX. leading wig til toupe makers, finest stok. human ha.r fouai; hatrdi jasing. man. curing, face ao4 scalp treatment. 341 Aider. Main O4o. BAK EO VEN treatments aud electric in,fe safce fur rheumatism, poor circulation. Manicuring, sculp ti cat meats. Francis La Monte, -os Swetiund blag. Main SUPERFLUOUS hair, moles, warts removed by lO-ueedle method; trial tree. Jo&te Flu ley. t 14 E tiers bldg. Main t:to3. W ANTED To know the whereabouts ot Walton Hamilton. Important. Charles A. Bever, Tono, Wash. REV. MRS. J. C. SCHORL independent Bib. a. spiritualist. Circles Sum.ay, Tuesday and Tiiursaay. S P. M. 4uo Jefferson u A 3bl- URADUATE nurse treats lumbago. tc. Hours 2 to A or by appoiutuivui. Maui 104H. flat C, 305 3d. "HON EST merchandise at honest prices" ; coats, ureases, sklrta, petticoats, su Para street. ELLA CACKETTE. scientific facial, scan treatment, manicuring, sham poo. teacn Ing. 4' tti Broadway blug. Main 1 307. bUl'EKFLUoUS hair, tnolcs, warts removed by lU-necd.e meihud. trial free. Jusis Fia ley. til 4 El Its bldg. Main 6363. MISS MULLEN'S faolai. scalp treatmen: manicuring, lath and Washington, Nethe. land Hole.. Broad ay 117. I'BOl. bMlDT. 212 Swetland biug.. Mai li41. Mineral steam oaths, actentii. massage by one uuaet standing the body. INFORMATION regarding the addre u B. Is. Jones, or hi; thereabouts, is waute by John Miller. 2j'. Ajvler st. SO I'll 1 A B. ft El l in tu t a I, Spiriiual clio metribt. lteaain;s uai.y. Cilclcs Ta-s., 1- : S 1 M . ." - Ooodnough bldg. Minn. t . . 13 EST steam bath and massage in city, chi-f rupractic. viuraiion ana eieciric. ir. jut garet Hsynie, Al? Swetland bidg. Mq. 176'' MKS. bXEVENS. 20 years Portlaud'a r-f c owned pa mist and spirit ual reads r. a. si Taylor st.. cor. v t rant, lj ic kl H EL A. SACK Y, Ciuropodlst. deslr l point ments with old and new patleat J La.N ILLaoN t BKlUGS, manicurists; tie li ols. facial aud scaip treatment. J F i 1 fdner bids. Broadway S9'J. stoLES. superfluous hair removed. Mra. M! U. Mill. 4.w r uranir eiag. 13a wy. 7g. FRANCIS DE MAYO, SCALP SPF.CIAUai; u0 H MO RRISoN. OKI-ICS 21 A PKiMEUA. BALM, lorixerl calld Balm Figs. 4 t-- iiaa. ten. J 13. mornings LOiiSE NET .EL. electric blanKeta.- mn sax for rheumatism. 2 Ulth. Mar. ".l MAY ANDREWS teachea phrenology as SI card resdlnc 22 Park. Main 7f4B LA DIES, chl Idrm, sick ee Ir. Klna Sore; sen, 1rujw h'.er. Rf'S Psnamt bldg. SCALP treatments, gray h.Ur ren'ored to 1 natural cn'.or. T.O Swetlsnd bMg. TLtASt, Saaal. -r 1 -Bt CLIFF 8TERHETT. Li a$-J AUNT MAGGIE RESPONDS TO THE RIOT CAM