THE BIORXING OREGONIAN, TUESDAY.. JUNE 11, 1918. SURVEY WORK IS STARTED Tillamook and Lincoln Counties to Have Road Communication. SALEM, Or.. June 10. (Special.) Engineers for the State Highway Com mission are making a survey of a road from Nesko-win, in Tillamook County, along Slab Creek and down into the Salem Kiver country into Lincoln f n 1 1 Tl f V Tho nriTiiiiQjl Tnai will non up communication between Lincoln and ! Tillamook counties for the first time. The work on the road will be done by the counties. Although the im provement is to be local in its nature, it is considered likely that the road may become a link in the Coast High way at some future date. AMUSEMENTS, Ticket Office Sale OPES TODAY TLTT7T T Broadway at Taylor. llLll-(lUpbone Main 1, A 1123 3 SJ, Next Thurs. SPECIAL PRICE MAT. SAT. Oliver Moronco Presents HIS GREATEST COMEDY HIT, UPSTAIRS AD DOWN By Frederic and Fanny lint ton. TYPICAL JlOROStO CAST. EVE'S Floor S1.50; Bal. 1, 75c, SOci Gal. BOe. SAT. M AT. Floor ? 1.50 and HI; Bal. 1, 75c, 60c; Gal. 50c. I PITY MAIL REC'DNOWI v I VII I i ORDERS HEILIG Next Week NIGHTS JUNE !;: SPECIAL PRICE MAT. "SAT. Momrn. Comstork A Elliott Offer BRILLIANT MUSICAL COMEDY "OH, BOY" Joseph Santley SPC1D Stunning: Chorus Catchy Music. EVE'S Floor, 11 rows $2. 7 rows Bl.SOi Bal, $1, 75c. SOcl Gal., 50c. SAT. MAT. Floor, 1.50. 1 Bal., 1, 75c, 50c GaL, 50c. THE " 5 1 T T Tfc TV Tfc 11 IT n mi jkiih h SIVDAV, MONDAY', iMItJ TUESDAY, VVEDJNESDAY THE GREAT SANTELL America's Physical MarveL "MISS THANKSGIVING' A Splendid Comedy Playlet by MuUally, Howell and Gordon. PICTURES OF LAUNCHING AT FOUNDATION CO. PLANT. 7--AI1 Feature Acts--7 Including the Photoplay, "THE INTERLOPER" Featuring the Great KITTY GORDON. COTIXl'OrS PERFORMANCES SATURDAYS AND SUNDAYS BAKER ALCAZAR PLAYERS Tonight, all week. Mats. Wed., Sat. "THE MARRIAGE OF KITTY. A Modern Comedy of Love. Romance and Laughter. As Played With Great Suc cess by Max Figman. NigbtB. 25. 50. 75c Bat. Mat.. 25. 80c Wed. Bargain Mat., all seats. 28c Next week "Paid in Full." Mr. Martin Beck Presents LUCILLE CAVAKAGK with ff'nk Hurst & Ted Doner. Whitfieid-Ireland & Co. Jean & Eileen. JOVEDDAH THE RAJAH A CO. Paul Gordon & Ame Rica, M argot Francis v &. Partner. MARIE NORDSTROM TO) ANT AGE ii. MAT. DAILY 2 :30 THE ATLANTIC REVUE. With Billy Bachelor, Don Adams, Hazel Vert and Beauty Chorus. Six Other Big Acts. Three Performances Daily. Night Curtain at 7 and 9. LYRIC MUSICAL STOCK Mat. dal'.y, 10c only. Nights start at T. This week, an uproariously laughable travesty. "THE LOVE PIRATES." With Dillon and Franks, the Lyric Company of 2o and the Kosebud uuorua. "'Fun in a Sanitarium." All the latest song lilts. Tonight, country store, .xtra. DANCING! TONIGHT Cotillion Hall Fourteenth Off Washington. Portland's Finest Amusement Palace. Bail-Bearing Spring; Floor. PRIZE WALTZ. Rates for Classified Advertisements The Oregonian Dally and bun day Per 11m. One time ............ 1 Two consecutive timet ............... X2e Three consecutive time ........ Sue bix or eeven coueciitte times 66e The following classifications excepted, the rate on which im 7c per line per days situations W anted Male. Situation Wanted .Female. for Kent fioomi private Families. Board and Rooms private Famlile. Housekeeping: Kooras .Private Families. No ad taken for less than Z lineo. Count six words to the line. Advertisements (except "Person als") will be taken over the telephone if the advertiser is a subscriber to either phone. ISo price will be q noted over the phone, but statement will bo rendered tne following da;. Advertise ments are taken for The Iaiiy Oro- conian untu o mt. mi. : ior ne ounaay Oresoniaa untu a Mr. ax. Baiuraay. ATJCTIOIf SALES TODAY. At the Baker Auction House. Yamhill and V. park BU Furniture, etc Sale at 10 A. M. MEET IX Q NOTICES. B. P. O. E. ELKS, Xo. 142. Members are requested to meet at the chapel of Flnley gc Son this (Tuesday) after noon, 2:30 o'clock, to conduct the funeral services of our late Brother Perry Baker, member ot Bellingham Lodge No. 14. Visiting members Invited to attend. M. R. s PAULDING, Secretary. ELLISON ENCAMPMENT. NO. 1. L O. O. F. Regular meeting this (Tuesday) evening at 8 o'clock at I. O. O. F. Temple. 228 Alder street. Patriarchal degree and other good things. Visitors always wel come. R. OSVOLD, Scribe. CHAS. CHRISTIANSEN. C. P. WASHINGTON COMMAND ER Y. NO. 15. K. T. Stated communication this (Tuesday) evening. 7:30. Work Order of the Temple. All sojourning brother Knights courteously Invited to attend. ROBERT J1AETYN, Rec IVANHOE LODGE. NO. 1. KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS Regu lar convention every Tuesday jl night. Castle Hall. 11th and Al- ner blb. v ibiuus jn.mnL. wel come. EL M. LANCE. K. R. S. HAWTHORNE LODGE. NO. Ill, A. F. AND A. M. Special communication this (Tuesday) evening at 7:30. Work In F. C. and E. A. degrees. Visiting brethren welcome. C. E. MILLER Sec. IMPERIAL LODGE. NO. 159. a f AND A. M. Stated com munication this Tuesday ( even ing June 11. V:30 o'clock. Short business meeting. Informal V. F. ANDRtS, bee. CORINTHIAN CHAPTER NO. k n E S. Statea uu.."----on this (Tuesday) evening, a S rfclock. Adjournment to Grand Chapter. By order ot the Wortny Matron. MYRA H. ORINE3, Secretary. J,,lrf. buttons, charms, plaa new designs. Jaeger Bros.. 181-3 8th St. iPBiniT.AVTjRR'S for lodga emblem. class pins and medals. 810 Washington St. P1KP. CLARK In this city. June 10. 1918. Earl Chester ClarK. jr.; agea o year. . months, 10 days. Deceased is survived by mother, Mrs. -Helen . (Jiara, ana ono brother. Remains are at the parlors or the Skewe'l Undertaking Company, cor ner Sd and Clay. Funeral notice later. WENTWORTH In this city. Jane 10. Eva Wentworth. aged 21 years, Deioveo. win oi Arland Wentworth. Notice ot funeral later. Remains are at tne residential par lors of Miiler and Tracey. SAWYER In this city. June 9, 1918. Charles Eddy Sawyer, aged ou years, no mains at Holman's Funeral Parlors. Fun eral notice later. JOHNSON At residence, 432 E. 31st St., June 10, John H. Johnson, agea os years. Remains at Dunning & Mcn,nteo cnapei. Funeral notice later. RIDDLE In this city, June 10. Mary Elvira Riddle, age 74 years. Notice or runerai later. Remains are at the residential par lors of Miller and Tracey. FUNERAL NOTICES. DRISCOLL At residence. 65 North Twenty- second street, June 9, John jjriscou, agea 65 years, beloved husband or Mary a. Driscoll and father of John T., Marie C. and William E. Driscoll. and brother of M. J. Driscoll. The deceased waa a mem ber of Prospect Camp, w. u. w.; uaine- dral Court, C. O. F., and Portland Lodge No. 142. B. P. O. E. Funeral will be held from residence Wednesday. June 12, at 8:30 A. M., thence to the Cathedral. 15th and Davis streets, at A. u., wnere re nulnm mass will be offered. Friends in vited. Interment Mount Calvary Cemetery. Dunning & McEntee, directors. STEVENS At her late residence, 134 East Twenty-first street North, June . baran Ann Stevens, aged 73 years 4 months and 2 days, mother of Hannah L., of Portland; Surah A., of Alameda. CaL. and William W. Stevens, of Portland. The funeral services will be held In the conservatory Chanel of F. S. Dunning. Inc. 414 East Alder street, at 2 P. M. today (Tuesday), June 11. Friends Invited to attend. In terment In Mount Scott rant cemetery. MATHEWS At the family residence. 6107 62d ave. S. E., Grace smith Matnews. in years. 5 months. 17 days, beloved daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Mathews, niece of Mrs. Everett Wysong. of Great Falls. Mont., and John E. Samuelson. City At torney of Duluth. Minn. Funeral services will le held today (Tuesday). June 11. at 3 P. M at the chapel of Miller & Tracey. Interment at Rlvervlew cemetery. BAKER In this city, at his late residence. 312 E. 2d St.. June . perry m. BaKer, aged 51 years, husband of Mrs. Lulu Bak er and father of Daniel Baker. The fun eral services will be held today (Tuesday) at 2:30 o'clock P. M., at the residence es tablishment of J. P. Flnley son, Mont gomery at 5th. Friends Invited. inter ment at Vancouver, Wash. PHTLLIBER In this city. June 9, Richard Phllliber. aa-ed 4 veara. zatner or Mrs. Ethel Cola, of Wallace. Idaho, and Clyde Philliber. of Portland. Or. Funeral services will be held today (Tuesday). June 11. at 3 P. M.. from the Portland Crematorium. Friends Invited. Remains care the Erlcson Undertaking Company. . HANSON At Seattle. Wash.. Lou Hanson, age 44 years, son or Mr. and Mrs. Luther Hanson. 1701 E. Stark St.. brother of Elizabeth Hanson, of this city. Funeral services will be held In the conservatory chapel of F. S. Dunning. Inc., 414 E. Alder, Thursday. June 13. at 2 p. m. Friends In- vited to attend. SMITH In this city. June 9, 1918. Kath- erine Leavitt Smith, agea 8d years. S months, 22 days; grandmother of Mrs. Harold S. Gilbert. Friends Invited to at tend funeral services, which will be held at Holman's funeral parlors at 10 A. M., Wednesday, June 12. 1918. Interment Rlv ervlew Cemetery. Please omit flowers. SULLIVAN Lawrence M. Sullivan, aged 55 years, 4 months, 25 days. Friends Invited to attend the services, which will be held at St. Mary's Cathedral, Fifteenth and Davis, tomorrow (Wednesday) morning at 10 o'clock. Will leave Holman's parlors at 9:30. Interment at Mount Calvary Cemetery. CLiTJNE In this city, James Clune. aged 67 years, 7 months, 6 days. Funeral from Holman's funeral parlors today (Tuesday). June 11. 1918, at 10 A. M, Friends Invited to attend. Interment at Multnomah Cem etery. KURTZ At the home of hie daughter, Mrs. Norma C. uecKley. In Boise, Idaho. Will iam B. Kurtz, aged 72 years. The funeral will be held at The Dalles. Or., tomor row (Tuesday), June 11, at 6 P. M. EMERSON The funeral services of the late Everett Emerson will be held Wednesday. June 12, at 3 P. M., from the chapel of Miller and Tracey. Interment at Mult nomah Park Cemetery. ALLEN The funeral services of the late Emmett Allen will be held Tuesday. June 11. at 4 P. M., from the chapel of Miller and Tracey, Interment at Rose City Cemetery. LYON- The funeral services of the late Jennie Lyon will be held Wednesday. June 12, at 1 P. M., from the chapel of Miller and Tracey. Interment at Multnomah Park Cemetery. PENCE The remains of the late Charles S. Pence win be forwarded to Salt Lake City, Utah. Tuesday, June 11, at 9:30 A. M., under direction of Miller and Tracey. MONUMENT. . BEAUTIFUL, polished srr&nlto monument. Imported from Norway, lor sale at the value; dimensions, from base to top, S ft. 10 in.; width, 3 ft, 2 In., and 1 It. 4 In. thick; crated and ready for shipment, la quire at room 417 Worcester bldg. PORTLAND MARBLE WORKS. 204-206 tk et opposite City Hall. . Mala 8604. PhlUa Nu & Sons for memorials. Third rixoisotM jtreet FLORISTS. CLARKE BROS.. Florisia. 287 Morrison St. Main or A loOo. J? in. flowers and flora! designs. Io branch stores. MARTIN A FORBES CO.. Florists. 854 Washington. Main 269. A 1269. Flowara for all occasions artistically arranged. XONSETU FLORAL. CO., 2S5 Washington St.. bet. tn ana 6th. Main Piuz. A nei, MAX M. SMITH. Main 721S. A 2121. Selling bldg.. 6th ana Alder sts. PEOPLES FLORAL. 6HOP. 245 Alder Flowers and designs. Fhone Marshall bvn OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY - Office, Room 158 Courthouse, 5th St. Ed trance. Phone from S to 5, Main S78, Homo Phone A 2520. isht call alter office hours. Main 270, Report ail cases oi cruelty to the above aa ! dress. Electric lethal chamber for email anl male. Horse ambulance for sick and disabled animals at a moments notice. Anyone deslr in a doc or other pet communicate with us. Call for all lost or strayed stock, as we look alter all impounding. There is no more city i doudo, just urecon, human eociety. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. HOLMAN UNDERTAKING CO. Funeral Directors Established 1877. Third and Salmon Streets. Main 4)7. A 161L Lady Assistant. Perfect Funeral Servlrs for Leaa MILLER & TRACEY Independent Funeral Dlrectosi. R-ash. St.. bet. 20th 21st. West Plde. Main 2691. Lady Assistant. A rj J. P. FINLET SON, Progressive Funeral Directors. Private Drive Women Attendants, MONTGOMERY AT FIFTH. Main 9. A 1B99. WILSON & ROSS xi22?Zl&ir East 64. C 8165. DUNNING McENTEE, funeral directors. Broadway and Pine street. Phone Broadway 30, A 4558. Lady atlenaanu F. S. DUNNING. INC. THE GOLDEN RULE UNDERTAKERS. 414 East Alder St. East 52. B 2525. BREEZE & SNOOK Bsimont at 85th T. 1258.B 2646 MR. AND MRS. W. H. HAMILTON Fu neral service. 1973 E. Glisan. Tabor 4318. P. L. LERCH. East 11th and Clay streets. Lady attendant. East 781. B 1388. ERICSON Residence Undertaking Parlors. 12th and Morrison sts. iwr zoa. a A. R. ZELLER CO. l.Y&l"Z 8KEWES UNDERTAKING COMPANY. 3d and Clay. Main 4152. A 2321. Lady assistant. NEW TODAY. Ill 40 Acres, With Rustic Log Bungalow Lots of fine native trees, ehrubbery; rus tic fence; some fruit; family garden. On Tualatin River, Ten Miles From Portland A Beautiful Home With Natural Park. Spring water and everything Just as nature made it. To see it means buy; Call 316 Board of Trade Bldg. main 7452 MORTGAGE LOANS Improved City and Farm Prop erty. Installment Repayment Privilege if Preferred. Prompt, Reliable Service. A. H. BIRRELLCO. 217-219 Northwestern Bank BnUdlng. JHsranail 4114, A. -ills. MORTGAGE LOANS ON FARM AND RESIDENCE PROPERTY. NO COMMISSION. Wm. MacMaster T01 CORBETT BLDG, PORTLAND, OR, JNO.B. COFFEY. MORTGAGE LOANS, Insurance, Surety Bonds 201 WILCOX BLDG. Mala 702. A 3703. MORTGAGE LOANS ON BUSINESS AND RESIDENCE) PROPERTY. ' ROBERTSON A EWIXG, 207-8 Northwestern Bank Bids;. Phone Your Want Ads to THE OREGONIAN Main 7070 A 6095 REAL ESTATE. HENRY C. CRANER, (Member Portland Realty Board.) HOUSES. LOTS. ACREAGE. FARMS, TIMBER, COAL. Main 1800. 312 Selling Bldg. Notary Public MODERNIZE your buildings; change dead realty Into live assets: 1 do all kinds of alterations and repairs; see my designs lor new homes. Max M. Meyer. con tracting arc't. Concord bldg. Main 1S73. Formerly Supt. Oregon Home Builder UbSinAbbb cottage, neautirul location on tne ocean ridge, Tillamook .Beach. AO 289, Oregonian. For Bale Iota. THAT VACANT LOT" Turn a burden Into income. Wo design and build any thine furnish the money if desired ; eight years In Portland. L. R. Bailey Co., contract ing architects, worm western banK Diag. ALL kinds of building and alterations. CHAS. W. ERTZ, ARCHITECT. Plttock blk. LOTS. 150x100, on East Market street. itiOO. Bee owner at 404 Piatt bldg. G. C. OOLDENBERG CAN SELL YOUR LOT 215 Ablngton Eldg Main 4803. For ha le Beach Property. SEASIDE is booming; most attractive build lng site on Clatsop Seacb. lOOxJOl, racing the ocean, corner of the board walk and the shell road leading to the old Seaside House, Ci.rt wright Park. Seaside. Area more than four lots. Nothing better and at price single lots are selling. Apply Gra ham Glass, care Glass db Prudhomme Company, 65 Broadway. Portland. SEASIDE is booming; most attractive build ing site on Clatsop tJeacn, luuxui. lacing the ocean, corner of the board walk and the ehell road leading to the old Seaside House. Cartwrlght Park. Seaside. Area more than four lots. Nothing better and at price single lots are selling. Apply Gra ham Glass, care Glass & Prudhomme Company, 65 Broadway. Portland. COTTAGE at Seaside, Or., for sale or will rent for a season for $J5o. five rooms, sleeping porch, sun parlor, bathroom, laundry trays; lot, 66x100. On main high way, beautiful ocean view. . Lot backs on the Necanlcum. E. E. BOSWORTH. 208 Corbett Bldg., Marshall 635. FOR SALE 4 -room furnished beach cottage. $200 will handle deal. Will lease lor sea son. Phone Woodlawn 3273. $1475 $300 DOWN; 6-room, mod.: lot 50x loo; convenient to car ana scnooi. xaoor 660. Flat and Apartment Property. FOR SALE East Side apartment houi all full, equity S7300 cash; win net 12 per cent to 15 per cent on the investment. Must be sola at once. is. tz. ttosworth. 208 Corbett bldg. .Marshall 635. For Sale Hon sea. ri A 1 nUJioti uisirici, aroura moa. Dunga- In 'first class condition ; $2800. Main WILL ERECT A HOME ON OUR LOTS OR YOUR OWN Northwestern Trust Co., 212 Wilcox bldg. r v. bt earns, k i - SEVEN rooms, bath, basement lot. 50x100. . hard-surface streets, 8 blocks to car; price $4000. terma Owner will be at house. 936 East Davis. Monaay ana Tuesday. ROSE CITY PARK 5-room bungalow, oak floors, flrenlace. white enamel Dultrh kitchen, built-in buffet, large attic, paved street, Alain ivuo. PIEDMONT DISTRICT 6 -room house: oar ty leaving city, will sell for $1800, easy terms, r . vanauyn. .Mam voo. A FEW hundred dollars down, balance monthly. large, moaern. -rooms, two lots; I U ill 11UIO ii uesiicu. a rj. uou. GOOD corner with two good houses, Rodney and Cook aves.; $5000. Owner, L. A. Mills. East 414. FOR SALE Modern 8-room bungalow. East Slue, spot cubo. rnona ior particulars. bellwooa $1000 BARGAIN. 6-room house, full lot. near car ; f.'ju aown, uu.iH.nce io SUit. Main iwu. out - Henry ouiiaing. MODERN home on c. ADKeny st-, near otn ; very reasonaoie, on easy terma Cora aengstaKe. joj wiicox Piag. HUBBELL & SON, 1421 Sandy, oldest firm ROSE CITY PARK, can sell you a good nouse encap. - pee us tirtj, laopr uti. MODERN 7-room house for sals. Call wooaiawn ii.a, MKAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. . PAUL C. MURPHrs home Bargains. 6-room bungalow on corner lot In North Jrvlngtun. with all street assessments paid ; $1 !X0, rent-like terms. 6-room bungalow in Laurelhurst on SOxlM-tU lot; $3250. terms. 5-room bungalow In old Ivory, best sec tion Rose City Park; $3850, terms. 5- room bungalow with garage, near ear. in Rosa mr re. 633 E, 41st st. N., near Brazee St.; S3 WOO. Inspection by appoint ment only, terms. 6- room bungalow, nearly new, with breakfast-room, all In old Ivory and on one floor. In Laurelhurst at 55 E. 43d st. N., near East Couch St.; price $4500. terms, 6- room nearly new bungalow with ad ditional breakfast-room, large enclosed sleeping-porch and finished attic, all in old Ivory, in Laurelhurst at 11&4 E. Bum side su; $5500, terms. 7 - room modern bungalow with garage In Laurelhurst, 1170 E. Burnslde St.; price $5250, term a Inspection by appoint ment only. 2-story, 6-room house with sleeping porch, hardwood floors throughout, in Laurelhurst at 087 E. Glisan su; price $4950, rent-like terms. 2-story. 8 -room house with garage, Sun nyside. 50zl31-ft. lot, 924 E. Salmon St., near EL 31st su; $4600, rent-like terms. West . Side sacrifice, 2-story. 8 -room house, nicely furnished. In exclusive neigh borhood on Pettygrove St., near 24th; price $6250. Lot alone worth $4000. 270 V4 Stark St., Main 1700, A 1515. Sunday, Tabor S433. 150x170 TRACT 4 ROOMS BATH $2150. Park rose: Just outside city limits on Sandy blvd.. big living-room and kitchen, large pantry, bath with all plumbing in, 2 large bedrooms, front and side porch, house newly painted, well built, sealed throughout, ground all cleared, ready for planting, just the place for the family wishing to work In city, yet have the ad vantages of country, pressure water, gas. good school, li blocks from Sandy Blvd. Terms. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. No. 7 Chamber of Commerce Bldg., 4th & Stark Sts., Main 208 A 2050. LAURELHURST BUNGALOW. A thoroughly modern 6-room bungalow with every convenience, built-in effects for cosy housekeplng; fine muslo room, spacious living room - and dining-room, two fireplaces. Dutch kitchen and pantry. The original cost of this place was better than $9000: lot 75x100, Improvements all paid. Can be had for $5500. Royal Court, near carllne. J. L. KARNOFP, Railway Exchange Bldg. Main 675. DESIGNERS AND ERECTORS OF . ARTISTIC HOMES. NORTHWESTERN TRUST COMFANT, WILCOX BLDG. Main 3517. Sixth and Washington, ROSE CITY PARK. 6 rooms, $2500. Located Just 200 feet from Sandy blvd, on 4ttth it the finest location in Rose City Park. Full cement basement, fur nace, etc This Is a solendld home and a bargain. It certainly will pay you to see tnis. rerms to tne riant party. A. u. Teepe Co., 264 Stark st.. nr. 3d. Main 3516. Branch office, 50th and Sandy. Open hunaay. BARGAINS ALL GONE? I GUESS NOT. 7-room bungalow. Hawthorne district, hardwood floors, fireplace. Improvements an paia : zh;.u. 5 rooms, strictly modern in every detail. xv. c t. only S2525. We have the bargains. Let us show you. 314 Stark st. nr. 6th Main 583, ROSE CITY PARK. $3250. This Is a splendid buy 5-room bunga low with hardwood floors, fireplace, book cases, furnace, etc. Within 200 feet of Sandy, facing east. Full 50x100 lot. Ga rage. Owner selling at a loss. "Vou will want this. Let us show you. A. G. Teepe Co.. 264 Btaxk st.. nr. 3d. Main 3516. Branch office. 50th A Sandy. Open Sunday. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT $3100. Six-room house, built 1914. downstairs 6 rooms and sleeping porch ; upstairs one finished. 2 unfinished, hardwood floors In three rooms, fireplace, buffet, full ce ment basement. This was built for a home; my equity for $1600 cash. Can be seen evenings from 7 to b:30. AB 337. Orego nian. $1250 WEST SIXE VIEW BUNGALOW. New, artistic. 3 rooms and bath, best plumbing and fixtures, elec. and gas, hot water tank, sink. Dutch kttchen. gray with green roof ; view of river and mta. ; terms; new and attractive. See FRANK L. McGUIRE, Ablngton Bldg. To buy your home. Main 106!. $1975 A WEST SIDE HOME $1975. 6-Room house, like new; full cement basement, electricity and gas. best plumb ing, block to two cars; sewer, street Hens paid; convenient to shipyards; sightly. Term a See FRANK L. McGUIRE, ABINGTON BLDG. To Buy Your Home. Main 1068. $2650 REAL BUNGALOW $2650. 5-rm. attractive bungalow, Al condition, fine cement basement, wash trays, fire place, beam ceilings, paneled zoom, etc, sewer and paved St.. paid. E. 15th, be tween Wygant and Going; terma See FRANK L. McGUIRE, Ablngton Bldg. To buy your home. Main looa. MOUNT TABOR CAR. 5-room bungalow. good attic, white enamel finish, oak floors, bookcases, buf- ret, large closets, full basement, furnace, 70x100 corner lot. Thle is yours for $2750, $500 cash. DERR A KING, 304 Vs Oak st. Broadway 206. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. A fine modern 6-room bungalow, cor ner 38th and Stephens, Including a garage. This place cannot be duplicated for leas than $4000; price $2700. J. L. KARNOPP, Railway Exchange Bldg. Main 675. FOR SALE HOUSES. Beautiful home of 8 rooms, sleeping porcn, sun room, two oatns; n rep lace. large veranaa, garage, magnificent vie of river and mountains: choice residence section. Call Main 2268 for particulars. Terms; price reasonaoie. FOR SALE To close an estate. Two houses In Beaumont, one in Rose City Park, one In Irvington. Prices range from $2500 to $7500. All In first-class condition. Two have garages, ah these are In good nelah borhoods and very close to carllne. E. B. Bosworth, 20S Corbett Didg. Marshall 635. $150 DOWN $1000 4 rooms, plastered. 50x100 ft. lot, cement sidewalks, bonded assessments. Only &8. J. JU MAKTMAN UUMfAN No. 7 Chamber of Commerce Bldg.. 4th A HtarR sts. $2G50--CENTRAL EAST PORTLAND $2650 7-rtoom nouse ; A.L conaiuon ; moaern plumbing, electricity and gas. East 24th, near Ankeny. Bargain. Convenient to Ankeny car barns. FRANK L. McGUIRE, ABINGTON BLDG, To Buy Your Home. Main 1008. I AM 79 years old. do not want to be both ered with property management any lonaer: will sacrifice 5-room bunralow and large lot 64x200 on East 80th, near Bisiciyou St., xor oo; your own terms, Bee owner at 4Q4 Piatt bldg. I WILL SELL, only because I need money. 4 really pretty homes, 4 to 6 rooms, all well located, near car; all In fine condi tion. Prices, $1350, $1950. $2250. $3500. Pay as much as you can down and th rest monthly. Please phone me mornings. Main 7U. $400 DOWN $3250 ROSE CITY PARK 6 rooms and sleeping porch, full cement basement, corner lot. being southeast cor ner 61st st. and Sandy Blvd. J. L. HART- MAN COMPANY, No. 7 Chamber of Com merce Bldg., 4th a Stark Sts. 7-ROOM house, well built and up-to-date. near Willamette Boulevard, full cement basement, hot-water furnace: price $4Mo $200 to $300 down, balance to suit. L. K. Moore, owner. 317 Board y Trade. 8-ROOM modern home close to Multnomah Station on the Oregon Electric o-cent fare, ten minutes ride from shipyards for $1300, for sale by owner on reasonable terms. Call at 404 Piatt bldg. WEST SIDE modern home, fine view. large beautiful grounds, near carllne; might con elder other property as part payment. K. Moore, 817 Board of Trade, owner. MOST BEAUTIFUL 6-room bungalow and quarter .block In Laurelhurst: price 9 1 .ou, L. Moore, owner, 317 uotra-oi irsae. IF that mortgage worries you, consult us. Northwestern Trust Co.. 202 Wilcox bldg 2150 HAWTHORNE CAR No. 349 E. 46th St.. South Cement basement, fireplace. Possession at once. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. No. 7 Chamber ot Commerce Bldg., 4th A Stark Sts. PORTLAND HEIGHTS HOMES. BROOKE Max. 6S: 7, A 3839. HEAL t ST ATE. For bale -Hons SLASHED TO THE BONE. Just think of a modern 2-story. 8 -room home with hardwood floors, fireplace, fur nace, cement basement and large sleep ing porch in best section of Laurelhurst near car. for only S4500. Nice lawn and flowers with room tor garage. fcpeed up If Interested. Easy terms. S. W. LEONARD. Main 1700. Evenings. Tabor T645! $ 300 DOW N ; M OD ERN BUNGALOW. 5-rm.. very attractive, typical bunga low, full basement, wash trays, fireplace, leaded glass boolf cases, paneled dining room, plate rail. Dutch kitchen, best plumbing fixtures ; price only SU5O0. See FRANK L. ikiiUIhE, Ablngton Bldg. To buy your home. Alain HWa. OVERLOOK HOME $2750. rooms, modern, good view, nice neigh borhood, at 8J1 Long-view ave., 1 block from Shaver sL car. The price Is less than cost of house and Is the amount of the mortgage with, costa of foreclosure; $275U cash. CARL R. JONES CO. 404 Wilcox Bldg. Main 89. . $2400. A beautiful 5-room bungalow, hardwood floors, fireplace, all built-in effects, ce ment basement; this would be a bargain at $3000; located one block from the W. R. carllne, near 40th st. Easy terms. J. I KARNOPP, Railway Exchange. Bldg. Main 675. ROSriMERE. Modern 7-room house, bungalow type. 1 bedroom on the 1st ft., and 3 on the 2nd; hardwood f Is., fireplace, furnace, etc.; paved st. and paid; 2 blocks to car; price $4250; terms. W. K, KASER. Msln 6173. 517 Corbett Bldg. ARTISTIC HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW. $4500. 7-Roora very modern home, every eon venience. furnace. fireplace. hardwood floors, bullt-ins, etc 4og E. 58th. one-half block south Hawthorne car Tfrni K FRANK L. McGUIRE. ABLNGTON BLDG. To Buy Your Home. Main 1008. $lO0 DOWN. $10 PER MtANTH. 5-rm. house, good condition, corner lot. gas. very attractive; price only $1000. OWN YOUR HOME. Price only $1000. Mt. Tabor car. See FRANK L. McGUIRE, Ablngton Bldg. To buy your home. Main lut4. 12-ROOM house, new building, modern. South Portland up from N. W. Steel Co., dandy lot. with fruit trees, roses and garden ; most beautiful view in city. I took this In on a trade at $4500, have no use for same so will sacrifice for $2750. Your own terms. Peters. 15 N. 5th st. ROSE CITY Park, .5-room bungalow, mod. in every particular; paved st. all paid; close to car; the best buy In Rose City Park today, for $3500; on easy terms; why pay rent ? F. Vanduyn, 515 Cham ber Commerce, Main 1055. Auto at your eervlce. EAST WASHINGTON. NEAR 37th. 5-room bungalow, mod., paved St.; only 1 block from Laurelhurst .Park; a bar gain, $2350; terms. AKERSON, 506 STOCK EXCH'GE BLDG., MAIN 43S8. "HAWTHORNE HOME." 7-room modern house, full basement, first-class furnace. 266 H. 85th st. 100 feet north Hawthorne. $3400; terms; Invest- if. M. GATE WOOD & CO.. 163 H 4th St. LIKE paying rent. 10 per cent down. $15 a month, 6-room well-built home, close In, well located, good lot, large pantry and bath, china and clothes closets, wood lift and good basement; price $2S25. Phone Sellwood 636. 4-ROOM COTTAGE AND 100x100. All furnished, 4 room and bath, elec tric, lights, phone, near Twohy shops, all for $1650, part terras; a bargain will AKERSON, 506 STOCK EXCH'GE BLDG. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. Exceptionally well constructed, mod., almost new, 6 rooms; 2 blocks to car: paved st. all paid; lots of fine fruit; $500 cash, bat to suit you. 438 E. 5th. I RVINGTON. Foreclosed. 7-room handsome home en 12th St.. near Knott St.; hardwood floon up and downstairs, classy, for only $.' 000. easy terms; no agents, rast ia-ii FOR SALE Alameda Park house, newly renovated; street assessments paid In full, $3750. Some terms given. One-half block to carllne. E. E. Bos worth. 203 Corbett bldg. Marshsll 6:Uk FOR SALE 1 W lots and 6-room cottace. toilet and bath; one block from Wood stock car; 220o; S30 cash, terms on balance; now rented. Phone the owner. Tabor 861. TOO LARGE for owner, modern 6-room house, sleeping porch, central Last Side terms. Will take good lot or small house In good district as part payment. East 1515. BARGAIN. Eight-room modern home. 2 bathrooms. 14 block car, near school; 5oxluO. west front; garage. Call after Sunday, 347 E. 7th st. N. 6-ROOM house. E. Taylor near 39t h . .$l?ti00 5-room cottage, rZ. Yamhill at 4oth..l700 Cash S''50. balance payments. Speer fc Co., lOOOS Belmont. Tabor 366, or 3b5 after 5 P. M. VERNON district, mod. 6-room bungalow. ij block from Alberta car; fruit, ber ries, and- roses; $10O0 "cash, baL easy terms. George L. Ditto, 675 Alberta st. Phone Woodln. 1379. BEST buy in city, 5-room bungalow ; fire place, etc : close in, st. paved ana paia ; full 50xlO0 lot; only $2 'J 00 : easy terms. Johnson-Dodson Co.. 634 N. W. Bunk Bldg. COSY LITTLE HOME: MODERN 4-ROOM bungalow near out n ana 1 -owe 11 sis., blks from Mt. Bcott car; S1500. terms. See Owner. 416 Chamber of Commerce. 5-ROOM bungalow, modern, on east Sth st. North, near Ainswortn ave.. 4 biocka irom L'ulon-eve. carllne. only $1800, easy terms. Call at 404 fiatt oiug. SWELL little bungalow: $2250. terms : rooms, pavea st. 4 diocks ; .ortn iticn- mond car at 37th North. 1106 Arnold st. Main 7129. ROSE CITY PARK bungalow on 57th street. near school, moaern in every way, oniy $3000. For particulars call at 404 Piatt bldg. 7-ROOM house. In very good condition, close In on East cine. xew minutes warn to West Side. $4.VH); terms. L. K. Moore, owner. 317 Board of Trade. IRVINGTON R. T. STREET, IRV. AGENT. -ROOM bungalow for sale, lot fruit trees. 965 Vancouver ave. 50xlOO. nub urban Homes. OWNER In the war xone Instructs us to sell IVi-acre tract at Multnomah Station with 3-room house, 24 fruit trees, all kinds of small fruit, garden trurlc already tlanted. automobile road all the way town, gas, electric light and telephone available; will take $-o00 on easy terms. This is only ten minutes ride from South Portland shipyards on 5-cent fare. For particulars call at 404 Piatt bldg. VERY EASY TERMS Park rose acre tracts: Just outside city limits; water, gas ana electric connec tlons, good car service, low taxes, ood school. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. No. 7 Chamber of Commerce Bldg., 4th & Stark Sts. 10 ACRES, about 4 cleared. 6-room house. barn, chicken-house, small bearing or chard, gasoline engine, pump, concrete tank for Irrigating, water piped to house; Tlgard district; $1050; $500 down. Owner, Main 3517. FOR SALE Two acres, fine 7 -room house, fruit, etc.. running creek, near carllne, cheap. Call at third house north of Rls ley Station, Oregon City car. 1750 BUNGALOW. Lake View acre. fine. Main oei-- aicranana, joj 1 eon mag. For Sale Acreage. HIGHLY improved 10-acre ranch. near Gresham. tt-room house, barn and chick en houses, fruit trees, small fruit and abundance of pure water: the price right and will give very easy terms; might lease witn option to purchase. CORD PENGJSTAKE. 302 Wilcox Bldg. MULTNOMAH biAiiON if you want an " acre or hair acre near Multnomah Sta tlon on improved highway with aas. water, telephone and electricity In streets at a very low figure for cash see the owner at 404 Plstt bldg. FOR SALE 6 acres, all In crop. Dandy 6 room bungalow, new barn, hen houses, etc. Brood well with pump. S. P. Electric mile south Newton sta. Cheap on terms. will traae ior roruana property. AJ 371 Oregonian. ACREAGE FOR SALE. 40 acres on Columbia highuay, all view property; will be sold In 10-acre tracts, or as a whole; tcr price And terms see Embody A Alexander. 1305 Northwestern Bank bldg. Phor Main 2oo. 3 ACRES at Orenco and 5-roonfr-house, barn and out runnings only 6 blocks from station, sidewalk to place, a sacrifice buy at $1900. For particulars call at 404 Piatt mug. Homesteads:- Relinquishments. GOVERNMENT opens O. & C. lands nea Portland. Wonderful opportunity. Near hard-surfaced rosris and electric lines. GOVERNMENT RECOGNIZES ABILITY. The fact that I made Government map and employ only former Gov't, cruiser: who classified these lands to show them to you Is assurance of reliable service Don buy worthless maps of those who do no know., I have the only reliable maps. S l per coun 1 y. r k e k I r OK matio n ANDERSON. 431 Chamber of Commerce, 160 HOMESTEAD relinquishment. 30 miles from Portlana 1 mile off Columbia Hich way; 80 practically level, some land open marsh hay. rpring and running creek. Wuicit sate, $400. a-u Morgan bide REAL ESTATE. Homewteads; Rellnquii.hmenis. COUNTY maps of Oregon and California R. u lands on large scale, showing only the lands open to homestead, filing June -2. in Multnomah. Columbia. Clackamas, Washington, Yamhill. Marion. Polk. Ben ton and Linn counties in Portland land district. Price 5c each, former Govern ment cruisers to show these lands for $25. Map of the state of Oregon, showing the entire grant, free with each county map. Good homesteads can be had within 25 miles of Portland. Open Sunday from 1 P. M. until 5. Rowland Map Co, 411 Hen ry bldg. tor rale rrtm t-ands. TEN acres of cherries on Ore son Electric road. 8 years old, bearing. Phone E. 1224. For ISale -Farius. 2400 Acres TWEXTY-FOUR HUNDRED 2400 Acres. STOCK AND GRAIN RANCH AT A SACRIFICE. 1H miles from town on Great Northern Railroad. 50 miles from Great Falls. 2:0 acres In Spring wheat, 100 acres oats. 3:0 acres timothy, 5o acres aifalla. 6-room bouse, good well, 2 streams of water, sev eral splendid springs, 4 miles to forest reserve, big barn and granary. Crop goes with the land at the very low price of $26 per acre. Figure It up. this Is the biggest snap we know of. We also have other tracts of land for sale or trade, from $lo an acre up. Let us know what you want or have to trade. HART-HILLS BURY COMPANY, GREAT FALLS. MONTANA. MUST BE SOLD. 100 -acre farm. 6 miles from Monmouth, Or., on good gravel road. 1 mile from school and R. R. station. Almost new 6 room burcalow, good barn, grnav, chUk en houses, machinery shea: Vo acres fine bottom land. 62 of it In Fall wheat. in Spring oats and 10 acres of pasture land, with ash and maple timber. All crop, with all machinery and horses, bug gy, wagon, goes with place If sold at once. $3000 cshh, bs lance to suit. eay terms. Address Box 2-15, Monmouth, Oiv DAIRY FOR KALE. Here Is a splendid opportunity; am fur nishing milk for growing town; trade is getting too big for me to handle; will sell at reasonable price; 150 acres of land. 75 now In rye; a good, modern. S-room house, barn, dairy herd and 3 head of horses. This Is a paying proposition worth investigating. For further Information call on or write to Josephine Huff, Arlington. Oregon. 98-ACRE farm near Newberg. 5V miles from. paved highway; of farm in cultivation, 12 acres in prunes, balance good pasture and timber; family orchard, fine springs, abundance of water piped to house and barn, furnishing power for washing ma chine: could be made to furnish lights; this farm must be seen to be appreciated. Write to owner, N. P. Nelson, route 1, box 44. NewbtTg. Or. 100-ACRE dslry farm, full equipment. 20 mine cows, siuu montn income xrom cows, spring house and separator, 2 large barns, smaller buildings, large modern house and abundance of water, 75 acres in crops. 100 chickens; 25 miles from Van couver on highway. Tabor 66U7. 5301 87th ave. S. E. ALBANY DISTRICT. 92 ACRES. 50 IN CROP. This is a good place &t a real bargain. Would consider renting the place and sell ing the livestock, crops and implement a Price of entire outfit 73oO. RITTER. LOWE & CO., 203-5-7 Board of Trade. 65 ACRES, level, every foot in cultivation. Small orchard, 6-room house, outbuild ing. A snap at $650O: 1 1500 cash, balance $500 per year. One-half mile from live valley town and rail road. F. K. STEARNS. 202 Wilcox Bldg.. 44 H ACRES. 4U miles south of Hillsboro. 15 In crop, 6 almost cleared, balance un cleared ; 4-rm. house. 4ox46 barn, lox3: silo. etc. Price $140 per acre; terms. Bar gain, account health. Frank L. McGulre, Ablngton bldg. 5000 ACRES In Southwestern Wssh.nsjton for sale, to settlers only, upon easy terms and low prices, $5 per acre and up. Wru for map s ho wing location, terms, etc. WEYERHAEUSER TIMBER COM.PAN x't ii coma f ' 'i g , , a i-unm. w asn. 160 ACRES deep, black loam bottom land, 12 miles west McMinnville: good roads, good neighbor, springs. 2 creeks, and 0 acres nearly cleared: partly fenced. Make swell stock ranch. For quick ail-cash sale. 9IOOU. ai-u jiorganDia. 10 ACRES of land : good orchard, house; all outbuildings, bull Run water; located Just soutn ot Ltnu; 6131 92d st. S. E. Thomas Allen. CHICKEN. FRUIT. GARDEN KANCHE, Iear rortiaoa; io 10 .w per acre; easy terms; uen inn, .arms ior ssie. an Sixes. woe arianu. o- leonoia jr., fortiana. FOR SALE 320-acre stock ranch in Crook t'o. ; 00 acre in cultivation. More can be plowed; ooo. Terms, write m. Dor re 1 1( Landar. or., or C. H. Cook. Post. Or. 'Hi E Curtis farm of 4oo acres, near shear's bridge, aco County, on easy terms, by the owner, Frank B. Cole. Tacuiua, Wash., Prox-ident bldg. 64 AC RE a, 26 acres In cultivation, ood soil. $0 per acre; only f down, lime on bal ance. tee lira per, 4H Board of Trade. 40 At.'HKS Fine location for country home good roads, nne scenery. Owner, BJ Jfo oregonian. LOGGED-OFK lands. $10 acre up; running water, goo a sou. tiiiau.e. employment, easy terms. Jesse R. Sharp. S3 3d st. SEVERAL small ranches for aale. L. A. Daugherty. Myrtle Creek. Or. Box 173. & AC 1;ES. level, fenced, c.e red. good suti. house: employment; near illarnlna : cash. $1Q mo. Jesse R. tharo, h.l 3d su $joo 6S ACHES, house, orchard, shad. 2. McKarland. 603 Venn bldg. Main :itii WANTED REAL ESTATE. HOUSES WANTED. Z want a few attractive modern houses In good repair, not over $4ou0. Quick action if price is right. PAUL C. MUR PHY, at LAURELHURST CO.'S office, 27o Stark st. Main 17 "P. A 1 . 1 5. THE real estate department of the chwan piano Co.. ill 4th su, will take your city lot in part payment for new 191H model ptano or player piano; balance $6. $S or S10 monthly. HAVE several ship workers wanting o buy moaern ana semi-moiiern nomes at mod erate prices. Can make eubiitantlal pay ments. Deal with old establlMhed firm. FRANK L. McGUIRE. Ablngton Bldg. AM In the market for prospective business property ; nave tioou cash and improved loth street - property. Room 703, Mallory Hotel. WANT to buy. ail cash, strictly modern house. Nob Hill, Portland or 1' lanictte Heights, not over $10,uo0. AF 313, ore gonian. 1917 STL'DEBAKER Six 7-pass. car. In ex cellent condition; will trade for residence property; prefer Rose City Park District. AR 434. Oregonian. WANTED To buy home. 5 to 7 rooms; teil me what you have. AO 606. Oregonian. IN Woodlawn, 2 lots. 1019. 3-room house, $'J0O. Phone Woodln. Farms Wanted. FARM WANTED FOR CASH. From 60 to SO acres, improved farm, be tween Portland and McMinnville, west side of v iiiamette River. Send detailed de scription. Price must be low; our customer means ouslness ana pays cash it suited. E. A. LIN DG REN, SAVON LAND CO.. i33 N. W. Bank Bldg. Wanted to Rent Farms. WANTED To lease or rent, with privilege or buying, rrom 1 to a-acre tract. Mrs. H. A. Davidson. 224 Bond St.. Astoria. Or. FOR RENT FARMS. BEST INVESTMENT. NO RISK 800-acre farm, free rent to Fall 1910. standing crop worth $64 too. sacrificed for $3O0O If taken at once, also use of 15 milk cows. See owner at 420 Ch. of Com. TIM BER LANDS. $8.V00O COMPLETE sawmill. logging out- lit. togging ranroaa. ttu.uoo.wo feet first class fir, on 12oO acres, with plenty more tributary. Forced sale, whole outfit at less than value of timber alone, or $26,5oO for machinery separate. Seo K. C. KILBOURNE at Hotel Seward untik June 14. TIMBER L" quarter sections, 1 billion 2u million ft. red fir. water transoorta tlon. near Coast, at a bargain price. John McNeill. Bandon. Or. WA NTED Associate, some money, produc tion areoplane cellar. Call 440, Hotel Portland. FOR SALE 100 seres timber in Linn County. Oregon. Mrs. John P. Nugent, 17 South Tower ave.. Cent rail a. Wash. TIMBER LANDS BOUGHT AND SOLD. c j. Mccracken. 304 mckay bldg. TO FXfHAXCE REAL ESTATE. CLEAR Rose City Park lot on 42nd st. near bandy : price $10Hi, all Improvements in and paid : will trade for w ork horses. Tabor I WILL trade or sell two patents for grod hunttng camp In Coos Bay or Jacks. m Counties: what have you? Frank Schor nsck. 167 Superior. Detroit. Mich. HOUSE, modern, good condition, on carlin. take vacant lots part pay. Henkie, 512 Gerllnger bldg. 17-ACRE farm, trad for Portland resi dence. For Information, Cast 7545 after ft 30. FOR SALE OR TRAD K S mail walnut cherry orchard; full bearing. Tabor -REAL ESTATE. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE West Side apartment-house, in heart of the apart ment house district. This apartment house has been full for over a year. Owner does not live In Portland and, therefore, wishes to dispose of the property. Weil located wheat farm or improved valley farm not heavily encumbered will be considered. K. E. Bosworih. 2o3 Corbett bldg. Mar shall 635. FOR EXCHANGE 120 acres near M osier. 0 level. 35 cleared. 8 bearing apples, good buildings, fenced. $5ooo: also J57i acres near Redmond, with free irrigating water. $6.K, rou. $180u. Want California, Colo rado or EsNtern same value or less. R 1 Oregonian. HOOD RIVER bungalow. 5 rooms, beamed ceilings, porcelain bath and toilet, elec tric lights, concrete walks, good epiner ou hard-surfaced street: will trade Into home In Portland, assume or pay dif ference, Henkie, 512 Gerlinjrer bids. dO ACRES Near Grants Pass, all stock and groceries and all farm Implements; 33 acres in crops. 22 acres in apples, A acres In alfalfa ; will trade for house and lot; 6-room modem house to trade for acreage. Arnold. 620 Henry bldg. 40 ACRES improved, clear. 12 from Boise, mile from Owyhee, on main road and R. F. D., to exchange for small farm near Portland. Address lock box 105, BlHckfoot. Idaho. HOUSE, 3 lot. 50 by 100. 26 fruit trees, 4 blocks St. Johns car; equity $2500; will trade for 5-room house, unincumbered. twner, 63 W. Simpson. LIST your property with us for results; ax changes of merit; established 10 years. The Ernest Younger Co., 105-107 Park il, bstween Washington and Stark sta WHAT have you to exchange for Tilla mook Beach lots? Addxeas BD 14L Ore gonian. TO EXCHANGE MTSCELLANEOrS. N E W, heavy iron bedstead and first-class spring; will trade for refrigerator. Phone Bdwy. 2626; no dealers or second-hand men. FOR SALE. Horses. Vehicles. Livestock. AUCTION SALE, Hall. Wash., 16 miles east of oodland. Wash.. 28 miles north of Vancouver. Wash.. Friday. June 14. at 11 A. M. 25 milk cork, some fresh, others soon; 21 head mixed Shorthorn heifers and beef cattle, tuberculin tested; 10 head mixed Shorthorn calves; 1 young bull; 2 mares, wt. 2 -too, 4 and 5 yrs. old: 8 brood sows, 2 shout. 45 White Leghorn chick ens, lot machinery. J. M. Kelly St Son. owners. Col. w. S. Wood, auctioneer, Vancouver, Wah. CHOICE registered and grade Hoist ein cows from herd of late W. W. Cotton for sale. H. H. Co pells for admx., Ridge fi"ld. Wash. GRAY MARE, weighs 1500. 10 years old, little thin, right from lumber hauling. $S5; guaranteed as represented. Phil Suetter. 30 Front St., cor. Montgomery. TEAM. 7 and 8 years, wt. 2400 tgeldingsi, at bsrgain; good, true workers. E 275, oregonian. DEAD HORSES and animals hauled away free. Portland Rendering Co. Call Wood lawn 20. DEAD horses taken ; cash paid for dead cows ; phone calls paid. Mltwaukle 69-J FOR SA LE Single top buggy. Telephone Tabur !2H2. bargain, $40. DELIVERY horse and :nn. Pianos, Organs and Musical Instruments LET us put a Brunswick phonoKraph in your home at our risk. Owing to expen sive alteration in our store, which wa v ill be making this coming week, you are given tnis opportunity to test this famous phonpuraph in your own homo without charge. No obligations to pur cha. Call and select the stvle you want to try. Wkefield Music Co., 427 Wash. eU SECURITY STORAGE CO. CLOSING OUT $.too o!d Enxlish upright, cash $ 45 7t American make upright. cash...$ 95 $4mi modern osk upright, cash $135 f modern mahogany upright. cash.$l f -i T new stored UH7 models, cash.... 213 $4-' 1917 model $2-5 and a $4.i one. $-55 10 4TH ST.. AT WASHINGTON. GOOD ttprlsht piano, ebonlxed case. $S5; beautiful tone, walnut case piano. $165; aiso tine mahoRnny piano for $200; will accept good phonograph, aa part payment on these instruments. SOILK BROS. 166 10th st. $210 cash buys $410 Kurtzman Piano In dull niahoRany. good aa new. Sen wan Piano Co.. Ill Fourth St.. at Washington st. WILL accept phonograph or liberty bond as first paymt-nt on one of our high- grade pi ann Soule Bros., 166 lO'.h st. Msln 2n2rt. $241. 2.' $12 cash. $6 monthly, huys 1 11 7 model new Improved piano in mahogany and oak at Schwan Piano Co.. Ill 4th IU WILL exchange new. all-record Brunswick: phonoKraph for ptano. toule Bros., 166 loth ct. Main 220. STEINWAY Grand llke new). $625; Weber. rosewood (smull. pinlu, perfect. edOO. HAKO 1 S. GILBERT. 34 Yamhill St. ALMOST new player piauo ; beaut if ul ma- Imcuny f'tr. line b'iu! and muflo; sacri fice fr $37.. 166 lmh st. Main 2S2. UKNT a piano. No squares or thump boxea. H A ROLU S. GILBERT. 34 Yamhill feu Foil SAI.E Ludwig pU $2HJ cash. Call Kat .'ill. I PAY CASH FOR USED PIANOS. HAROLD S. GILBERT. 3S4 YamhiU St. FOR RENT Steinway piano. $3 per month. Phone mornings. Marshall ..2t-V W ILL exchange piano for clear lot if can niMtoh up In value. rl J7. Oregonian. PIANOS tuned. $.k George T. Peck, Tabor Eng. Conservatory. eo74. Grsd. New 70 cash piano. secures liohler 4t Hohler upright Sec urn y Storage Co.. lu 4th st. $4J. I'lANO. nearly new ; bargain for cash; wtii consider terms, ts ..1. uregoman. REAL anap: upright piano for $i5; terms. 166 loth st. Main 2&20. Furniture for Sale. BRAND-NEW Englioh breakfast tables; special tins week. S2..a. MISH FURNITURE CO.. 1-1ho First Street. FOR SALE Furniture of a -7-room hotel; .hotel for rent; rooms all filled; good lo cation, near shipyards. Call Columbia 2K. $oO 13 ON. Hpring maitreaa In flue condi tion, aiT.oo; private owner. t;au at -o 3-M. BARGAIN'S Rugs, furniture, hair mat tress, beddlng pictures. 715 Johnson. SALE Axminster ru,' 11x15, $40; cost Telephone Tabor fr-62. logm. Rabbits. Birds. Pet Stock. WANTED 2d-hand or used canary brooding and single cskcs, reasonable and in good order. Box loO, Astoria, Or. FoR - SALE Female Airdale. reasonable; good home most desired. Phone Bdwy. 116. FINE sinning canary birds, $3 per pair. Phone East 11 Poultry. MAGU IKE'S BABY CHICKS, O. A. C. Barred Rocks and R. I. Reds, $20 per loO; Brown Leghorns. $13 per 10O; White Wyandottes, 2ic each; best of heavy laying Hoganixed stock. J. R- Maguira. 7 Oregon st. Phone East lSof. GUARANTEED laying Leghorn pullets and young hens. $1.2. each. J. K. Magulre, 77 OreKO" st. East lfr'S. Machinery. SECOND HAND One 10x12 Washington road engine, 2.00 feet of trip line, 10OO feel of 1 -inch main lino, new sled and house; 11x14 Washington road engine, si?; nil and house; one 10x13 Willamette rotd engine with sled, wetter tank; two loxlOJ-a compound geared yarders, wit h slilgh and water tank; above en gines in good working order; also 9x10 and 7 U xlO engines. E. Tl'RNKV, 6H t-HAMRER OF COMMERCE. $65. 00O COMPLETE sawmill, logging out fit, logging railroad. 60.O1HI.0OO feet first class fir. on 12.i0 acres, with plenty more tributary. Forced sale, w hole outfit at less than value of timber alone, or 920,500 for machinery separate. Fee K. C. KILBOURNE at Hotel Seward until June 14. TO EXCHANG1 Launches and Boats. 6MALL 3-room houseboat ; good condition ; dec. lights; $l.t. Call Bdwy fh6. engl n ee r i ng department. A. M. to 2 P. M. FoR SALE I -room housoboat, $300 cash. Day. Phone Main P27. Tj pewriters. GUARANTEED factory rebuilt typewriters, ALL MAKES, sold on monthly payments; send for price list. The Wholesale Type writer Co., retail dept.. 821 Wash, st. NEW Remington, rental plan; rent applies to purchase. Visible moaela. Remington Typewriter Co., bH Broaaway. Phone Broadway 621. bEE new Oliver No. P. $49. $3 down. $1 monthly, like rent. W. W . Ferguson. 445-7 Stark tt. Broadway 21Q and A 43S1.. N E W. rebul t. second-hand rentals at cut rates. I'. 1. Co.. 231 Stark St.. Main 1407. KERU1LT typewriters snd supplies. Corona Dealers. K. W. Pease Co.. 110 Sixth. ALL MAKES typewriters rented and repair ed. Oregon Type Co.. 14 A 5th. Main 366A. 4'anh Register We Make and Sell Only NATIONAL CASH REGISTERS AND CREDIT FILES Lowest prices. Small monthly payments. No Interest charges. Written guarantee. O'd registers repaired, rebuilt, bought sold and exchanged. J. R. MUM MA. Agent. The National Cash Register Co, 5DO-02 Stark Street Broadway IS1