Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, June 11, 1918, Page 12, Image 12

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Gratitude for Gifts" of Food
and Clothing Is Beyond
llttle Fugitives From War Zone,
Warm and Safe, With Stomachs
Full, Are Happy, Says
Rheta Childe Dorr.
Lad Lies Two Hours in No Man's Land With Big Shells Bursting
All Around Him.
Published by Arrangement with the New
York Kvening Mail.
John Smith, of Harlem, gave five dol
lars to the Red Cross during the last
drive. It was a big sum for a man
with his responsibilities, but John gave
the money, and all over the country
men like him, -women, too, and children,
gave what they could to help the
wounded and the desolated across the
I want to tell John and the others
how their money was spent, and I 6hall
ask them first to go with me to a huge
basement room of the Gare du Nord,
the big north station of Paris. The
room was taken over by the American
Red Cross at the beginning of the
Spring 'offensive. March 21, and here
for days and nights, terrible days, sin
ister nights, a stream of refugees from!
the invaded districts poured In and out,
coming by train from Soissons, Com
plegne, Montdidier, Albert, and from
dozens of little villages and farms be
tween Laon and Amiens.
The Red Cross fed and clothed and
refreshed these refugees in that base
ment, loaded them on big motor trucks
and "took them across the city to the
Orleans or the Quai d' Orsay stations
and saw them off to the sheltered
All on your money, you fortunate,
generous, tender-hearted givers. We
who were over there in those first des
perate days of Spring had the privilege
only of helping the Red Cross take care
of the stricken men, women and chil
dren who had fled before the German
hordes for the second time elnce the
war began.
, Little Ones .Need Shoes.
Vividly before me I see that great
basement room, the only kind of a
place that is half way safe in Paris
these days. It is- night, or, rather, it is
early morning, nearly 2 o'clock, and I
have spent every minute of the time
elnce 9 o clock fitting shoes, your gift,
to refugee children.
When I went on duty early in the
evening there were five or eix babies
standing at the counter, over the edge
or wmcn their little white, dirty, tired
races were barely visible, and their
round black eyes were fixed enviously
on a huge pile of shoes waiting to be
I picked up the smallest -babe, a little
Doy of lour, and asked him if he needed
shoes. "Oul, madame," he did. and
stockings, too, for his feet were lit
erally on the ground. I jrrabbed i
bunch of stockings, found the right
size, ana explored the pile of shoes un
til that infant was fitted, and then I
attended to the rest, for every child
needed both shoes and stockings.
Bo, it appeared to me that night, did
almost every child in France. They
came on and on, some in their moth
eis' arms, some toddling along, som
leading other children. I worked
steadily, with only a sause now and
then when a new trainload came in and
were fed.
Their Thanks Go to Yon.
The shoes were new and they rubbed
off, and soon my hands and face and
big gingham apron were streaked and
spotted with black. I was almost as
dirty as the refugees, but still the
children demanded ehoes.
They forgot that they had endured
agonies of fear and horror, they for
got the roar of the shells in the village
streets. iney rorgot the hunger and
thirst and the deadly weariness of the
flight. Their little stomachs were full,
they -were warm and safe, and they
had new stockings and new shoes on
their feet. .
They had more, for when my part
was done other women took them in
hand and gave them new skirts and
gowns and the shiny black pinafores
which every French child, boy as well
as girl, looks upon as an indispensable
article of dress. If you could have seen
their smiles, heard their lisping words
of gratitude, felt their warm little
handclasps, oh, you fortunate and gen
erous givers, you would have been re
paid a thousand, thousand times for
your gift to the Red Cross.
Because the French rarely have large
families, it must not be thought that
they do not value children. They
adore children, as a matter of fact, and
their gratitude to the Red Cross for
what was done for children during
those days of flight and anguish was
pathetic to see and hear.
Alitaji "I,e Petit" First.
Women came Into the basement of
the Gare du Nord in a condition of half
nudity. When the storm burst they
gathered up their babies, .took what
they could carry of household goods
ana treasures and simply fled. Much
or wnat they carried was lost by the
wayside. Their clothes were rags
Some of the rags were taken off by
the mothers that the children might be
kept alive, for the weather was cold
and rainy. But whe-n these poor
women came into the-Red Cross room
their first thought was always for
their babies.
"You have need of shoes yourself,
madame, I said to more than one. She
always answered: "yes, bu,t le petit
When you saw a woman who would
not eat, who cared not at all for the
new blouse or the warm coat they of-
ierea ner, who wept unceasingly or
wore a look of wild misery like in
sanity, you knew that she had lost her
children in the flight. That happened
not infrequently. Part of the money
you gave tne. Keo uross is spent to
find those lost children and bring
them back to the desolate mother's
Late one night during that exciting
period in March the workers at the
Gare du Nord found a boy of 13 who
bad been separated early in the flight
from his family. He had walked
distance of 20 kilometers, 12 H miles,
before he reached the railroad sta
tlon, ana he carried with him on tha
walk and on the journey to Paris two
bags of feed for the horse, four or five
pounds or beans in a paper sack, a
cross-cut saw, two axes, some harness
and a gas mask.
He Believes In Red Cross.
When the Red Cross worker discov
ered him he was about all in. He sat
on his baggage and ate sandwiches and
drank hot chocolate like a famished
He had an aunt and a grandmother
in Paris, he said, but he"aid not know
his aunt's married name. He knew the
name of the street she lived on. though,
and the next morning a Red Cross man
went with the boy to the street, and
by the simple process of calling at
WHEN the AmericaTf troops made
that glorious charge on Can
tlgny, which drove the Germans
from that town, one of the Americans
who went over the top was Julian Dorr,
son of Rheta Childe Dorr and the boy
who has been the Inspiration for Mrs.
Dorr's great series of war articles run
ning in The Oregonian.
Dorr was woundedby a machine gun
bullet, lay two hours in No Man's Land
and was finally taken back to a hos
pital. He is anxious to mend the hole
in his leg and get back into the fight
ing. Mrs. Dorr did not know her boy had
been hurt until this morning, when
she read the following cable in the
Staff Correspondent of the World.
(Copyright. 1918, by the Press Publlshlng-
Co. The New York World. Special caDle
dispatch to the World.)
P1CARDY. May 29. Among the wound
ed with whom I have talked since the
Cantigny engagement, none is more
cheery than Julian Dorr, son of Rheta
Childe Dorr.
"Wasn't it hard luck?" he said to me
as he lay comfortably smoking in one
of our hospitals. "I think I was the
first man wounded when we went over
the top. I got smacked in the leg with
a machine gun bullet when we had
trone about 100 yards. I tried to keep
on going, but had to flop.
Lit In No Man's Land Two Honrs.
'The fellows all swept on behind
tanks, some even going In front, they
were so impatient. I had to lie in No
Man's Land for two hours before I was
picked up, and I saw our fellows going
nio iantigny ana Bringing DacK pris
oners. It was a good show, but it
wasn't exactly pleasant when the tanks
were being shelled as they returned.
Because some Docne shells burst near
"Well. I'm due for a little while in
hospital, then I'm getting back into it
be in the city room of the Evening Mall.
I saw mother only recently in Fiance.
Mrs. Dorr was startled and. mother
like, wondered how badly her boy had
been hurt, but she took It like the true
American mother she is.
He wanted to go over the top, sne
said. "When I saw him last he was
fretting his heart out because they
had given him some duties which were
keeping him away from tne iront. no
was trying to get back and I know he
was glad to succeed. I am proud of
him. I can't help it. I think any
American mother should be proud of a
boy who has tried to do his utmost.
Mrs. Dorr has told her friends sev
eral stories of the boy which she has
been too modest to put into her series,
but which contribute to the thought
that the youngster is prety well sat
isfied with' life, now that ne is in me
thick of the fight.
She told one story which will par
ticularly interest the mothers of boys
"over there."
On one of the few occasions on which
Mrs. Dorr saw her son while she was
in France she drove up to a building
where the boy was stationed and sent
In word that she was outside in a ma
chine with some American officers who
bad piloted her to the building.
When a messenger quietly informed
Julian Dorr that he was wanl out1
side he left the room without Tils hat.
When he found it was his -mother he
ranback into the room where his com
panions were assembled and in his
great Joy yelled:
"So long, fellows. My mother is here
and I'm going to dine with her to
night." He had only been gone two minutes
and his companions regarded him sus
piciously. Finally in the silence a lank
Yank said:
"My Gawd. Dorr you ain't been gone
but two minutes. How'd you get drunk
so quick?"
(Mrs. Dorr s story todayls Juvenile
U. S. Authorities Make Charge
of Inefficiency Against
Sheriff Longmire.
as quick as I can again. Yes, I used to I France Adores Red Cross.")
every house in every block finally lo
cated the aunt
But that wasn't all. Elol his name
was Eloi Beaussart needed Job, and
the Red Cross gave it to him: Now
that game youngster wears a khaki
uniform with A. R. C. on the collar, and
works in a Red Cross canteen. When
I came away Eloi's family had not yet
been found, but he was serene and
hopeful. The American Red Cross, in
his opinion, can do anything if you
give it time.
Your money did not wait until the
refugees got to Paris before it helped
them. In front of the Red Cross head
quarters in the Place de la Concorde
crowds gathered dally to see the great
motor trucks being-loaded with food to
be sent up into the fringes of thewar
zone. Thousands of loaves of bread,
tins of meat, condensed milk, chocolate,
coffee everything necessary and prac
The Red Cross had a great many sta
tions in the sections over which the
Germans swept, and while the workers
in those stations were helping to evac
uate whole populations, the workers in
Paris Te"re rushing supplies to feed
them. With guns roaring and shrapnel
bursting around them, the Red Cross
camions went steadily on taking hope
and relief and life to thousands of ci
vilians and wounded soldiers.
58th Annual Convocation,
Grand Chapter in Session.
Appropriation , $3 00 0 Made for
Purchase of Liberty Bonds and
$500 Set Aside as Donation
to Proposed Masons' Home.
Help Is Immediate
In one station yard, waiting for trains
to carry them to base nospitals down
the line, the Red Cross found and suc
cored 3000 wounded French soldiers.
In the town of Beauvals, almost the
last habitable poirft near the war zone,
a large number of sick civilians, mostly
women and children, were found. There
was no hospital left in the place, which
had been shelled and largely evacuated,
and to show you how promptly your
money acts, I am going to tell you what
the Red Cross workers did for the suf
fering population of Beauvais.
Some time n the early morning a
hospital was established, on paper.
That is, it was decided to establish a
hospital. At 10. o'clock the same
morning a partiall furnished house
was rented. At 12 o'clock the house
was in order, a surgery with full sup
plies was installed, two doctors, four
nurses and several helpers were at
their posts, and before the afternoon
was half over forty patients were in
the beds being treated and cared for.
Wouldn't you rather feel that you
had helped to do a Job like that than
than to have another Summer hat?
In the quaint old city of Toul.
through which the famous Rhine-
Marne canal flows, and close to which
our troops are holding the line against
the Germans, I saw another hospital.
children's hospital ef-tabllshed and
supported by Red Cross money. The
46b little children in this place came
from towns and villages which have
been bombarded with gas bombs, in
struments of torture invented in hell
especially for the German army.
Those bombs killed, suffocated to
death, a large number of babies, but
the Red Cross rescued many. There
in that hospital on the hill above Toul
466 children have had their tortured
ungs cleared of the poisonous stuff.
and their anguished little bodies have
been brought back to ease.
Wouldn't you be happier helping a
gassed French child back to life than
to buy a box of expensive cigars?
Canteens Serve Millions.
There is not room enough in a news
paper article, or in a dozen of them, to
tell half of what the Red Cross has
done and is doing in France alone in
this war.
Twenty-three hundred people, doc
tors, nurses, canteen workers, business
men, social workers and others are en
rolled in France. Twenty hospitals, 76
dispensaries and several sanitariums
are in operation. For wounded sol
diers of the allies the Red Cross sup
plies nearly 4000 hospitals. It has a
model hospital train; it has innumer
able dressing stations,, canteens, health
stations, sewing rooms for the desti
tute. Nearly 3.000,000 soldiers a month
are served in Red Cross canteens alone.
In Paris there are 13 canteens always
busy serving French soldiers on leave
In Bourg there is a canteen where
thousands of our soldiers going to
Aix-les-Bains "and Chambery for their
vacations got a real American home
breakfast. I heard many soldiers speak
enthusiastically of that breakfast,
served by the Red Cross women, but
purchased by mothers, fathers and
friends of American soldiers right here
in the United States.
Those sons of ours who are being
rapidly transported to France to Join
the hundreds of thousands already
there soon will be training behind the
battle lines in Lorraine, Picardy, th3
Aisne. Soon after that they will be
fighting, the fight to death if need be
to clear the world of that evil thing,
Between them and Such Buffering as
no one who has not seen it can even
faintly imagine stands that cross of
mercy and devotion. To support It is
to support and protect our own chil
dren. "Give till it hurts," I read on
one of the Red Cross posters. Give, if
you have hearts, until your hearts stop
Prosecuting Attorney Fred Remann
Included In Allegations of Wil
ful Failure to Bring Of
fenders to Justice.
of a minor nature, although south of
the Somme the British near Bouzen
court have carried out an operation
which straightened out a . threatening
salient that sagged ic their line.
The latest official communication
from the German War Office says ad
ditional ground has been gained by the
Germans southwest of Noyon against
newly brought up French reinforce
ments and that the Germans have taken
about 8000 prisoners and some guns.
As the Austrlans continue to bring up
large forces of men behind their lines
in the Italian theater, the artillery ac
tivity and raiding operations are daily
Increasing. Numerous surprise attacks
have been attempted by the Austrlans
on various sectors, but all of them were
successfully repulsed.
In the Macedonian theater there also
has been an increase in the artillery
Ml deputies
I Ijorlties.
U. d.
es were returned with large jna-
Baker Makes Announcement
in Chasseurs at Base of
Washington Monument.,
Lass District Attorney Summons Edl-
TACOMA. Wash.. June 10. (Special.) I
Charges of inefficiency or wilful Statement of Foreman.
failure to prosecute law violators on
the part of Sheriff Robert Longmire 1 EUGENb. Or. June 10. (Special.)
and Prosecuting Attorney I red A arrand iurv investigation of the ac-
Remann are made today by . United I tlon of William Landess.- foreman of
States Government authorities. I the Lans County grand Jury, which in
As a result of this laxness. It is dieted Dr. John -W. Harris, in issuing
alleged bootlegging and vice enter-1 a statement declaring in his opinion
prises are gaining a dangerous hold In I the doctor never should have been in-
Ex-Presldent Declares V. S. Should
Create-an Eastern Front.
NEWARK. Del.. June 10. "We must
go Into Russia and make an Eastern
front." declared William H. Taft. for-
er President, in an address at the
annual commencement of Deleware Col
lege today. "The Eastern front." he con
tinued, "has been lost through the
reachery of Germany. They say to es
tablish an Eastern front would be s
great task, but there Is no task that la
too great for the United States.
'We have got to whin the Germans.
Wo have more money and more munU
ions and we ran and will furnish mors
manpower than any other country in
he world for the purpose of ridding the
world of this serpent of militarism."
Pierce County territory outside of Ta-
coma and are tending to make condl-
dicted and asserting that he was not
nermitted to call witnesses, was In
tions inside the city difficult to cbpeldlcated by District Attorney L. L. Ray
In response to these charges three
steps have already been taken: The
secret committee of community leaders
that was active in the cleaning of the
city of vice element at the time Camp
Lewis was established is again busy.
State officials have been asked or are
being asked to bring the necessary
pressure to force local officials to act.
Lm Will Be Enforced.
"The Pierce County Law Enforcing
Association" has been organized at a
meeting of men and women at the head
of Tacoma's principal commercial civic
The District Attorney caused to be
served upon J. E. Shelton. editor of
the Eugene Guard, a summons calling
him to appear before the October grand
Jury and produce a paper now in his
possession signed by one -wtiiiam
Mr. Landess. In his signed statement.
asserted that although he was "deniei
the privilege of calling other witnesses,
enough came out. to convince me that
the charge was unwarranted.
Dr. Harris was charged with man
slaughter as a result of. an alleged
and patriotic organizations. The public crlm'na), operation upon a 18-year-old
The 58th annual convocation of the
grand chapter. Royal Arch Masons ot
Oreggn, met yesterday morning and
afternoon In the Masonic Temple. Two
hundred delegates arrived yesterday,
and the number will be increased to
400 tomorrow.
The grand chapter voted to appro
priate $3000 for the purchase of liberty
bonds, and at the suggestion of the
grand secretary and grand treasurer
the sum of $500 was set aside yearly
as a donation of the grand chapter
towards the maintenance of the pro
posed Masonic home which the grand
lodge, A. F. and A. M.. of Xregon, de
cided to build at last yearV meeting.
On account of the war the grand
lodge is cutting down on the social
events, usually attendant on a state
convention. Expenses are being les
sened as much as possible In accord
ance with vthe request of the Govern
ment. Business of Masonic routine matters
claimed the attention of the grand
chapter most of the day. The meetings
were presided over by Grand High
Priest Silas M. Yoran, of Eugene. At
the afternoon session the following
grand officers were elected for the en
suing year:
Max Bollack. Oregon City, grand high
priest: J. H. Richmond. Portland, dep
uty grand high priest; Thomas M. Bald
win. Prinevllle, grand king; Frank W.
Settlemier, Woodburn. grand scribe;
Walter R. BUyeu, Albany, grand cap
tain of the host; David P. Mason, Al
bany, grand treasurer; James F. Robin
son. Portland, grand secretary!
The Incoming presiding officer ap
pointed the following Royal Arch
Masons as his appointive officers:
Thomas F. Ryan, Salem, grand chap
lain; W. H. Hollis, Forest Grove, grand
orator; Frank M. Patterson, Portland.
grand Royal Arch captain; George G.
Brown, Salem, grand Royal Arch cap
tain: H. Wayne Stanard, Brownsville,
master third V:; J. K. Kollock, master
second "V.; H. A. Swafford, master
first- V.
Last night the order of High Priest
hood was conferred under the direction
of O. O. Hodson, of McMinnvIlle. This
evening the programme includes the
conferring of the Order of the Temple
in Washington Commandery No. 15.
Knights Templar, and degree work In
Hawthorne Lodge No. Ill, Ancient Free
and Accepted Masons.
safety department of the city and the
city police are praised by the Govern
ment authorities, and are in no wise
mixed up in what is alleged to be a
conspiracy to bring about a return of
lax moral conditions. Instead, It is
charged efforts have consistently been
made as a part of this conspiracy to
remove Commissioner Pettit and Police
Chief Smith from their respective posl
A political ring centering in the
Court House and with ramifications in
the downtown business district Is ac
cused of causing the trouble,
Since the military police from damp
Lewis have been organized, similar
charges have been made that the
County authorities would not co-oner
ate with them. In fact, the accusations
have gone further and are that the
County officials even soug-ht to block
the military police in their work.
Disclosures! Are Startling.
Recent startling disclosures regard
ing the spread of bootlegging in this
County have aroused Government au
thorities to action.
A representative of the Fosdlck com
mittee has been in Tacoma studying
Army officers have called the menace
girl. His lifeless body was found in
Hendricks Park, on the outskirts of
the city, two days after the indictment.
His friends attribute his death to
physical illness and mental distress re
sulting from chagrin over the grand
Jury's action.
Supreme Court Upholds Claim of
Nevada Company.
WASHINGTON. June 10. The right
od a holder or a sliver ciaim to iohow
indefinitely In opposite directions a
vein where the crest or apex of the
anticline is within that claim was sus
tained by the Supreme Court today. The
question Involved in this suit is impor
tant In Western mining operations.
The court decided and denied tne
claim brought by the Jim Butler Tono
pah Mining Company to recover the
value of ore extracted irom oeneam
the surface of its claims by the West
Ena Consolidated Mining Company, a
Nevada corporatUin.
v i t . v. .. I .Tim nuller
to the attention of city leaders. They CoJmpany denied that an anex existed,
demand Immediate action. fe contended that the velnTwas in the
How far the law enforcement organl- form of a roU. The lower courts, in
zatlon has gone in Its probe, what its rt sustained this contention, but
membership Includes and what course ruled that the crest of this roll con-
ii purposes to pursue to remeay conoi- gtltuted an apex and that the west
Consumers Lcagen to Meet.
An open meeting- of the Consumers'
League will be held this afternoon at
2 o'clock, room E Public Library. Mrs.
MacDoriald Mayer, of New York, for
merly Miss Louise Bradley, of Portland
will tell of the work of the National
Consumers' League.
tions are facts that have not been
made public.
Sheriff Longmire said today that
there is nothing wrong in the county,
as far as he knows, and Remann said
he would prosecute if complaints were
made to him.
End Company had the right to operate
the vein on both sides of that point.
Northern Idaho White Pine Timber
Suffers Much Damage
RPfiK A NF. Wash.. June 10. A forest
fire half a mile wide on both sides of
Marble Creek, in the St. Jose district,
of Northern Idaho, has eaten three
miles into white pine timber and con
sumed two or three camps in Its path.
according- to word received here today
at annual meetings of Northern Idaho
Timber Protective Associations. The
fire is being: fought by Z50 men
Other fires near Ftrnwoon, idano.
and in the Pend O Rellle district in
Northern Idaho, also were reported.
Their extent was not known, but It was
stated no Government timber was en
dangered. Dry, hot winds the last few
days are blamed for the fires, which
are starting several weeks earlier than
The diet of the Japanese farmer, or
laborer costs 6 cents a day and is made
up of rice, barley, fish and vegetables
Patrolman Empties Revolver i
Fleeing Robber, Who Gets Away.
Grateful Acknowledgment Made of
Aid Brought to America by
Lafayette and Kooham-beau.
WASHINGTON. June 10. More than American soldiers have gone
overseas to carry back to France the
encouragement and assistance which
Lafayette and Rochambeau brought to
America, Secretary Baker told the
French Alpine Chausseurs in bidding
theni farewell here today at the base
of the Washington monument.
The War Secretary's last announce
ment some weeks ago concerning the
size of the American forces aoroad was
that 600.000 men had sailed for the bat-
Attending the exercises were M. Jua
serand. the French Ambassador, repre
sentatives of the French high commis
sion. Mr. Baker's staff, and many Gov
ernment officials.
"You soldiers of Fiance," said Mr.
Baker, in addressing the 'k-hasseurs
"came to this country In order that
the people of America might see with
their own eyes In your own persons the
kind of men who have written a new
page In the record of human heroism
and success.
Spirit of France Embodied.
"You were welcomed In this country
from one end of It to the other. The
hearts of our people went out to you
and to your people. As theaembodl
ment of the determination, the courage
and the heroism of France you have
been accepted and received.
.Nearly all of you, I am told, are
battle-scarred veterans. You are mem
bers of an army which has never known
efeat and you are representatives of a
eople who would rather die than not
e free.
You are going back to your own
country still, thank God.your own
nd when you get there you will find
that the small beginning of our Army
which you left there has grown into a
mighty manifestation.
Army Growth Told.
"When you left France, the Amer
ican Army was there in small repre
sentallon, but now more than 700.000
Americans have sailed from their shore
carry back to your army and you
eople the encouragement and the as
istance which La Fayette and Ko
hambcau brought to America in the
arly and struggling days of American
They are there learning from you
mutating the virtues which you ex
empllfy, learning the art of war as you
ave learned it. in the hard school o
trenuous experience.
They and you are about -to accom
plish the great wonder In the world
f winning a victory which will foreve
eal the stamp of mankind's approva
upon the true theory of civilization."
Men Promise to Be Good After Sheriff
Turns BlaT Stream on Them for
Short Time.
WALLA WALLA, Wash., June 10.
(Special.) Fifteen Federal prisoners,
mostly aliens, with I. W. W. leanings,
were hosed by city firemen this morn
Ing until they yelled for mercy. Be
fore the firemen finished the work
the men gave a Bolemn promise to
Sheriff Barnes, who ondered the hos
ing, that they would be good.
However, they are Btlll defiant to
night. The drastic action of the Sher
iff was due to the actions of the men,
who have been creating disturbances
for weeks, yelling, jeering, cursing and
pounding on the bars of the Jail. They
have been put on bread and water
diets for days at a tne ten.
This morning they started a riot and I CENTRALIA. Wash.. June 10. (Spe
set up a terrific din. Sheriff Barnes I clal.) Patrolman Harry Brown about
threatened to hose them, but this only I 1 o'clock this morning engaged in
made matters worse. The small fire I revolver duel with an unknown man
hose In the Jail was used, but this who held up and robbed Floyd CTuman,
had little effect. Sheriff Barnea called of Aberdeen, of 17. Following the hold
out the fire deDartment. the heavv fire I up Cruman knocked the man down and
hose was connected with a fire plug I Brown, appearing on the scene, thought
and the water turned on. I it was a fight and started to arrest the
The men were bowled around the I palf. whereupon the holdup fired two
corridor like ten pins. They climbed shots at tne policeman at close rsnge
Into the hunks and covered their huaila and then lied,
with blankets and mattresses, but the Brown gave chase, emptying his re-
water soon rooted them out. Their volver. A trail of blood, leading to the
yells and curses could be heard for railroad yards, showed that at least
one shot took effect. It Is believed the
holdup boarded an outbound freight.
Cruman had $250 on bis person that
the robber overlooked.
several hundred feet.
In about five minutes the weaker
prisoners held up their-hands, but the
leader stuck out for about 15 mln
utes, crouching In the corner and
fS" h. threw Aphis' hands, and MERCY WORKERS ASSIGNED
after the men had promised to be good
Inspectors Required to Carry Identifi
cation Cards While Making; Rounds.
Every Precaution Taken.
On account of the numerous destruc
tlve fires that have visited mills In Ore
gon and Washington In the last few
week, the military intelligence branch
of the War Department has advised all
sawmill and logging operators to ex
ercise extreme precautions In admit
ting strangers to their plants.
The War Department now has per
fected the organization of the plant
protection and military intelligence
branch, whose duties it will be to in
spect industrial plants engaged In Gov
ernment work, but every officer em
ployed In such inspection will have in
his possession an identification card
bearing his photograph, the impression
seal of the military intelligence office
and the signature of Colonel R. H.
Van Deman on one side, and an ex
tract from the espionage law, together
with the bearer's signature, on the re
verse side.
Managers are instructed to notify
the War Department by telegraph of
any attempt to gain admittance
through pretense of being an officer.
Mill managers and logging operators
are being advised to take every pre
caution against fire. As most plants
are working on Government orders, any
dlstatrous fires will have a direct ef
fect on the war programme.
Phone your want ads to The Orego
Slto. Vain 7.0J0, A 6095,
the water was tunned off. The men
were a aorrytbunch when the firemen
were through. There were six or eight
inches of water in the Jail.
Fifty Soldier Priests to Aid
Knights of Columbus Work.
Progress of the War.
NEW YORK. June 10. Announce
ment that the French government ha
assigned 60 English-speaking soldie
priests .to assist the Knights of Co
The Germans In the center of their llumbus chaplains and secretaries with
new attack on the front between Mont- I the American -Army in France and
dialer and Noyon nave gained addl- I soon will appoint 100 others, was mad
tlonal ground against the French, but I by William J. Mulligan, supreme dl
on both the right and left wlngb they 1 rector, and the Rev. P. J. McGlvney,
are being held. I supreme chaplain of the organization
In violent successive attacks Monday I who arrived here today after a three-
they captured the villages of Mry, Beloy months' tour of the western front.
and St. Maure, and also pressed forward Father McGlvney and Mr. Mulligan
and gained a footing in the village of reported that they had expended $2.
jviarquegnse, the last-named place rep- 1 000.000 in extending the Knights of Co
resenting the deepest point of penetra- I lumbus work abroad. They ordere
tlon since the offensive began between I the erection of 45 huts, the majority
rive and six miles. I of which already are in operation.
Berlin to Regulate Wine Prices.
The French still are exacting a heavy
toll In lives from the Germans. No
where has the enemy been able to pierce I STOCKHOLM. May 1. The War
the front, which has been bent back In Profiteering Office in Berlin, which was
perfect order whenever tne necessity I organized to check Jobbery in necessa
arose. I ries of life, has taken measures to reg
The battle is described by correspond- ulate the prices of wines, which hav
ents as one of the most furious that has I reached the fourfold or even fivefold
been fought since the war began, with peace figures. German courts repeat
the enemy unusually reckless in wast- I edly have held wine to be a necessity
ing life to gain his objectives.
of life.
Harvey II. Cole, 9 0, Dead.
CHEHAUS, Wash.. June 10. (Spe
Near Bussiares, northwest of Chateau
Thierry, the Americans and French
again have delivered strong attacks
against the Germans and taken morelcial.) Harvey H. Cole, a pioneer
ground. They also captured a number I Jefferson. Or., father of MrB.O,
of prisoners and 30 machine guns. On I Porter, of. Claquato, la dead at the ag
the remainder of the front in France I of 90 years. Interment will be at Jef
ui(i Belgium the operation havo besnlXerson. Or.
Surgeon-General Assures All Parents
Their Boys Will Get the Best
Medical Service.
CHICAGO. June 10. "We are putting
Into the field the best army physically
and mentally in the world." said Major
General Gorgas, Surgeon-General of the
United States Army, today.
"The parents of the boys who com
prise this great Army should know
that they will receive the best possi
ble treatment from the time they enter
the service until they are discharged."
The Surgeon-General made the above
statement here at the annual conven
tion of the American Medical Associa
tion. Coutinulng, he said:
"We have had the best health condi
tions in mobilizing this Army that the
world has ever seen. The death rate
in the Japanese army from disease and
wounds Is 20 per 1000 and this was the
lowest of all the armies in the world.
The death rate in the American Army
is 8 per 1000.
We estimate that 75 to SO per cent
of all wounded men will be restored
to active service again and that the
number permanently disabled will not
exceed 10 per cent.
"The great epics in the advance of
medical science in war work include
the efficacy of performing all surgical
operations within 24 hours after the in
fliction of the wound, the use of large
Incisions in performing these opera
tions, the discovery of an antitoxin for
gas bacillus, the inoculation of every
wounded man with tetanus antitoxin
and the discovery that trench fever is
spread by vermin similar to typhus.
"The practical effect of these discov
eries will be of material assistance to
the Army surgeons In keeping the
death rate down and Increase the phys
ical efficiency of the men in the field."
Motorcyclists Will Be Welcomed by
Citizen' Club.
CHEHALIS. Wash.. June 10. fSpe
clal.) The Citizens' Club today made
provision for entertainment June 22 and
23 of the "gypsy tour" of Portland. Se
attle, Tacoma and other Northwest mo
torcyclises who will make their second
run here.
lr. Fath. president of Redfleld S. T.)
College, talked Interestingly of the
eclipse Saturday, having come West to
view it. .
A. S. Kresky. field worker for the
Y. M. C. A., made an appeal for a local
quota of men to go to France to han
dle the Army canteens. Some Chehalis
men are considering the matter. - Tha
age limits are between 30 and BO. Fri
day night the club and business men
generally will go to Onalaska to help
dedicate the big new pavilion just com
plated there.
Explanatory Ruling Sent Out by Di
rector-General clears In Misapprehension.
That the Increase specified in the re
cent order of the director-general, cov
ering advanced rates and fares for
railroads, applies to switching charges
is evidenced bv a ruling received yes-
erday from Washington. D. C. dated
June 7. The first advices were to the
effect that the advatu-es did not ap
ply to switching charges.
The explanatory ruling received by
he principal lines with offices In this
city Indicates that the Increases speci
fied In the order will apply to switch
ing charges as well as other charges
for the transportation of freight, ex
cept on cars switched in connection
with a line haul. The full text of the
ruling follows:-
The order does not apply to cars
switched In connection with a line
haul, but does apply to all charges for
handling freight In cars from shipper
to consignee and thus applies to what
is commonly called intra-termlnal or
nter-terminal switching, regardless of
whether rates are now published per
car. per ton or per one hundred pounds.
'The effect of this will be to In
crease such charges 25 p-r cent except
that commodities nsmed In paragraph
A. section J. will be increased by the
specific amounts" shown therein and
will bt subject to the minimum charge
of $15 under section 5.
"In order to make clear publication
which will not be confused with switch
ing charges in connection with line
haul, the Increase on these Intra and
inter 'terminal charges should be cov
ered by specific publication."
Bolsheviks Government Fared by la.
pendlnst General Political Up
heaval In Provinces.
LONDON. June 10. A great syndicate
has been formed in Russia, by permls
slon of the government, to take over
the entire import and export trade
of the country, according to a Stock
holm dispatch to the Poiltiken. of Co
penhagen transmitted by the Exchange
Telegraph correspondent In the Danish
The object of the syndicate. It Is said
is to facilitate the transition of this
trade from private to state interests
and to control trade with foreign coun
tries. Export trade will be allowed
only under government advices.
1 ne syndicate, it is added, possesses
extensive stores of oils, metals and
hemp. It plans to establish branches In
the United States. England and Scan
The movement engineered against the
government by anti-soviet deputies Is
assuming a threatening character, ac
cording to a dispatch from Moscow to
the Exchange Telegraph Company. Fac
tory workers are boycotting the soviet
deputy delegates and even attack them
A general political strike appears to
be imminent.
In several provincial towns where
elections .have, taken place anti-sovUt Drug Co. Adv.
"In the 74 Years of My Life I've
Never Seen Its Equal,"
Says Davis Fouts.
Another statement regarding the
womlerful reconstructive powers of
Tanlac was made by David Fouts. of
Twin Falls. Idaho, while on a visit to
Ms daughter at 145 Vlllard Mreet.
Portland, recently. Mr. Fouts called at
the Owl drug store for his third bottle
of Tanlac and declared that he has al
ready gained twelve pounds and that it
is almost like getting a new lease on
"I want to bless the day I bought
my TIrst bottle or lanlac. said .Mr.
Fouts. "and during the seventy-four
years of my life I have never seen a
medicine to equal It. For a number of
years I have suffered from rheumatism
and stomach trouble. My condition
kept getting grndually worse until
about a year ago 1 got so bad off
I Just had to quit work. Every Joint In
my body was swollen and pained me
terribly, and my muscles couldn t have
hurt much worse If they had been tied,
in knots. My kidneys were badly out
of order and my back hurt me so bad
at times I could hardly move. I was '
badly constipated and sometimes had
headache. My appetite went back on
me and finally my stomach got in such
bad shape that nothing I would eat
agreed with me. One time this past
Spring my stomach went back on me
entirely and I had a spell of vomiting
that lasted for three days and nlghta
before J could get it stopped. During
that time "1 couldn't even retain wa
ter on my stomach and up to the time
I began taking Tanlac 1 never knew
wha. It was to enjoy anything to eat.
Everything I would eat caused fermen
tation and gas. which w-ould affect my
heart so at times f thought It was go
ing to stop 'beating.
"I had been reading about Tanlac.
but I never thought much about it
until a friend of mine who knew of
my bad state of health advised me to
try it. I am very thankful now that I
listened to him. for I'm feeling much,
stronger and better In every way. My
rheumatic trouble Is very much bet
ter. All the swelling and pain Is gone,
my appetite Is good and I can eat. oh.
so much better than in years, and It
don't seem to hurt me. I sleep koo.1
at night and this Is another blessing I
have been denied for a long time. When
I first began taking Tanlac. some les.-
than three weeks ago. at Twin Falls.
Idaho, I was almost completely down
and out and, while I have spent
lots of money for medicines of differ
ent kinds. Tanlac is the only one that
has given me any relief. I have actu
ally gained twelve pounds on two bot
tles and if I hadn't said any mors
this should be proof enough of iis
merit. I certainly am a great be
liever in Tanlac and I feel that it Is
nothing less than remarkable what it
has already done for me."
Tanlac Is sold in Portland by the Owl