10 TIIE MORNING OREG ONIATT, TUESDAY, JUNE 11, 1918. pooooOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO-oooooQOOOOOOOO'SOO&OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO fill 1 I I I I I III iBY ooooooooooooooosooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo MISS MIGNON ALLEN, a charming young maid of Astoria, became the bride of Lieutenant James H. Cellars Saturday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock in Grace Memorial Church, Dean E. H. McCollister. of St.. Stephen's Pro-Cathedral, officiating-. The bride was attended by her sister. Miss Zoe Allen, and the wedding; guests were relatives of the oouple only. A wed ding supper was served in the evening, and the entire affair was most in formal. The bride was attractive in a simple gown of white net, worn with larpo picture leghorn hit, trimmed with a pink ostrich feather. She carried a bouquet of Ophelia rosebuds. The bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Carlton Allen, of Astoria. She was graduated from University of Ore gon, where she was a popular Gamma Phi Beta girl. While at the university Lieutenant Cellars and his bride began their courtship, and although they have been engaged for some time, a formal announcement of the betrothal has never been made. Lieutenant Cellars has been taking the intensive course in artillery at the School of Fire, Fort Sill, and with others in his battery he has been ordered back to Tacoma,i to prepare for duty overseas, hence the hastily planned wedding. Lieutenant and Mrs. Cellars will make their home for the present at the Tacoma Hotel, leaving Portland last night for the north. He is stationed at Camp Lewis with the 348th F. A., ,-nd he is a son of Mr. and Mrs. George B. Cellars, of this city, and while at the University of Oregon took a special course in journalism, later joining the staff of The Oregonian. Lieutenant Cellars re ceived his commission at the first training camp at the Presidio and since that time has been station at Camp Lewis. ... Mrs. Ben M. Levin and son, Herman, have returned from a delightful visit with relatives and friends in Tacoma and Seattle, and they again are at their home, 484 East Forty-ninth street North. A garden party has been planned and arranged by the members of the Visit ing Nurse Association for Friday even ing at the country home of Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Montague, Hillsdale. This spot Is ideal for a garden fete, and the gardens and grounds all about the Montague residence are charming and most unique. Truly wonderful in blooms and artistry, and a trip to see them, aside from the fact that this garden party is for an excellent cause, is worth consid erable effort, in the opinion of all those who have visited the Montagues. A sil ver offering will be taken at the gate and refreshments will be gratis. The strawberries will be from the Mon tague gardens, and they also will sup ply the cream and other refreshments from their own place. So many demands have been made upon the association by soldiers' fami lies that their funds are sadly depleted, and the committee urges everyone to attend the party Friday night and as sist them in building up their fund and thereby carry on the necessary and excellent work they are doing. No invitations have been Issued, but everyone will be welcomed. Hillsdale adjoins the Portland Golf Club links, and it can be reached by Southern Pacific and Oregon Electric trains, Whitford Station for the former and Raleigh Station on the Electric. Motor cars will meet all trains. The party will commence at 7 and continue until 10. Miss Maybelle Hefferlln will become the bride of Dr. Frank H. Haigler, Lieutenant-Commander of the U. S. N., at Bremerton, this morning at a simple home wedding at the residence of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Hefferlin, 711 Thompson street. Dr. Ar thur "Van Dusen, U. "S. N., of Astoria, , now stationed in Bremerton, came down yesterday to act as best man at the wedding. The bride-to-be la a charming Kill and a popular member of several musical clubs and also is well known in dramatic circles. St. Ann's Charitable Society will hold the last regular meeting of the sea son on Thursday at 2:30 at the resi dence of Mrs. P. H. Costello, 1319 Haw thorne avenue. A large attendance is requested. Miss Marjorie Hall will return the latter part of the week from Boston, where she has been attending Miss i McClintock's school. Her mother, Mrs. John H. Hall, returned recently from Boston and other Eastern cities, where she visited friends and attended the conference of the Daughters of the American Revolution. Miss Louise Leiter, daughter of J. M. Leiter, will become the bride of Gil bert James Newell, recently of Albany, N. Y., tomorrow. The engagement was announced Saturday at a small and in formal tea for which Miss Ruth Ral ston was hostess, only close friends of the bride-elect being asked for the affair. Miss Leiter is a charming girl, a graduate of the University of Oregon and a popular trl-Delta girl. She is a sister of R. A. and O. C. Leiter, of this city, and is very popular in society. Mr. Newell is with the Northwest Steel Company, of this city. Assisting the hostess at the tea was her mother, Mrs. L, O.' Ralston, and the guests were mainly sorority sisters of the bride elect. Dr. and Mrs. Chester Henry Keogh, of Chicago, are being felicitated upon the birth of a daughter named Lura Benjamin Keogh, born on June 4. Airs. Keogh is the daughter of the late Major Lawrence H. Knapp and Daisy Bellin ger Knapp, and granddaughter . of the late Charles B. Bellinger, FederalJudge of Oregon. Mrs. Everett Marshall Hurd had charge of the entertaining at the Lib erty Club Red Cross benefit entertain ment and dance Friday evening at Moose Hall. It was one of the big events of the week and the dancing and en tertainment were enjoyed thoroughly. . Registered at the Hotel Clark, Los Angeles, from Portland during the past week were: W. B. Crane, Mrs. J. A. Johnson, Claude Johnson, Miss H. M. Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick R. Behrends, Mr. and Mrs. L. Penne, Miss Anna L. Sexton and Miss K. Gleason. Mrs. Robert R. Rankin and daughter, Marion, left for a visit to relatives in California- last Sunday evening. Her husband. Assistant United States At torney Rankin, left a few moments be fore for Chicago, Washington and other Eastern points. On his return he will DON T WANT WHEAT FOODS When I can have PgstToasties (MADE OF COBH) says QjctXfy, : tki. IriiillPHiiiil i i i i i i i i i i i iiii t r . m i i r ! i i i i r : i i i i i i i r i i i i t- GERTRUDE F. CORBETT. ATTRACTIVE GIRL WEDS ARMY OFFICER CEREMONY. i --.-v..; : - pi- -'"., : i ' , -; : :- -i.-f . - - -tt f, ' - ': ' ' , -i " r - - V is z J h y ' ,- , - r-. '-'.- - - " " ' ' "" 7 N - ' , ' : ' , ' - i ' m : ." -i S7f9'TtOTxW&r' PAo meet his family In California and after a few days' visit with their relatives they will return about the first week in July. A meeting of the Illinois State Society will be held this evening in the assem bly room of Portland Hotel. Cards and dancing will be the features of the pro gramme. All former residents of Illi nois are invited to be present and take their friends. . Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Zimmer (Le onora Dowling) are being showered with congratulations and floral gifts upon the arrival of a son, bom May 16. He has been named William Clarence. WqiiehS PAraioncSERvitE By Edith Knight Holme An appeal is made to the mothers and sisters of men in the service to. form military service war savings clubs in honor of their boys. The clubs may be named-, for the man in the service. All who wish to do this may telephone to Miss Valentine Prlchard, Marshall 6180, or go to headquarters in the Journal building, where they may obtain blanks and all the necessary de tails. The women in the clubs and societies are asked especially to form war sav ings clubs and not leave all the task of raising Oregon's quota to the chil dren. Miss Valentine Prichard, secre tary, prepared a message for the Fed erated Clubs, in which she said: "The President of the United States real izes what organized womanhood stands for and what it can accompFish and be asks you to act quickly and to be & part of this great movement." Following is an extract from the President's message: "I earnestly appeal to every man. woman and child to pledge themselves on or before June 28 to save constantly and to buy aa regularly as possible the securities of the Government and to do this as far as possi ble through membership in War Savings Societies. June 28 ends this special period of enlistment in the great volunteer army of production and saving here at home. May there be none unenllsted on that day. WOODROW WILSON." Auxiliary to Company C, 116th Engi neers, will meet Friday at 10 A. M. in, the University. Club. The auxiliary to Company C, 162d Infantry, will meet Wednesday even ing in the Library for election of offi cers. White Temple Red Cross unit will meet tomorrow morning. Members take their lunch and tea and coffee will be served. The White Temple women also meet Mondays and Fridays in the Lipman-Wolfe store for Red Cross work. At present workers axe wanted to pick over the sphagnum moss. This moss is used in some of the surgical dressings as an absorbent. The mothers of boys of Base Hospital No. 4 are invited by Mrs. E. Williams, of 242 East Fourty-f ourth stneet, cor ner East Main street, for Thursday aft ernoon .at 1 o'clock, when Mrs. Will iams will entertain the mothers and give them an oportunity for a social time. Messages from the base hospital boys will be read. All mothers eligible to attend are invited. Following Is an extract from the News Letter of the woman's committee of the Council of National Defense sent to this department by Miss Ida Tar bell, chairman, of the news department: The generous recognition of the Woman's Committee given by President Wilson at the recent annual conlerence was greatly appre elated by the visiting members. On their ar rival they were greeted by his kindly mes sage. "The work which has been undertaken by tne women s uommittee or tne council nf -National Defense has my warm SDDroval and support." he wrote. "Already what the committee has been able to accomplish has been most encouraging and has exceeded the first expectations of those who were instru mental In constituting It- .... I hope that the conference .... will be fruit ful of the finest results. ' On the afternoon of the second day. May 14. President and Mrs. Wilson received the delegates, fully 300 In number. In the East Room of the White House, and they also honored the evening session, held in the as sembly room- of the Memorial Continental Hall, by occupying a box and remaining through the programme. The National Committee was much grati fied by the willingness of the President and Mrs. Wilson to give this full recognition to the women of the states who in the past year nave so xuity ana so eageriy auoorai nated all their Interests to the effort to give the full co-operation asked by the Govern ment la war work. Oregon was represented at this gathering. War Chest Fond Swelled. CENTRALIA, June 10, (SpaolaU.Tbe W wnm ooooooooooooooooCSiM AT SIMPLE CHURCH war chest fund of Centralia lodge, B. P. O. E., was swelled by the receipts of the Foley & Burke carnival, which closed a week's engagement here Sat urday under the auspices of the lodge. The carnival will appear in Raymond this week. WomensCluds i CALENDAR FOR TODAY. War Service Committee Y. W. C. A. Luncheon. 12:30 P. M. Consumers' League Library, 2 P. a! ; address by Mrs. McDonald Mayer (Louise Bradley), open meeting. Franklin High Parent-Teacher Tea at 2:30 P. M., school gym. Boys' and Girls' Aid Surety With Mrs. W. H. Skene, 61 North Sixteenth street. Progressive Woman's League Library, 8 P. M.; election. Catholic Woman's League Ex ecutive board meeting, 11 A. M. Albina W. C. T. U. Flower Mission day at Patton Home, 2:80 P. M. Gearhart Club T. W. C. A.. 8 P. M. Montavllla Association School, 2 P. M. Council of Jewish Women Red Cross work, neighborhood house. Mount Tabor Parent-Teachers Schoolhouse, at 10 A. M. THE regular meeting of the County Council of Parent-Teacher Associa tions will be held at the Lynch School (district No.- 28) June 15, 1918, at 11 A. M. Visiting patrons are "asked to bring sandwiches for themselves. Machines will meet the 9:45 car, leav ing First and Alder streets, at Linne man Junction. Machines also will meet the 10:85 year, leaving Mount Hood depot, on the Troutdale line, at Elwood Station. Those coming in machines-will find the school on Barker road and Section Line road. e - Portlanders who remember Miss Louise Bradley, now Mrs. McDonald Mayer, of New York, will be Interested in hearing her speak today at 2 P. M. at the open meeting of the Consumers' League. Mrs. Mayer will tell what the National Consumers' League is doing for women now engaged in war indus tries. The public is invited to this meeting. Miss Ida V. Jontz will speak this afternoon in St. Johns branch library. She will address a club of patriotic St. Johns girls. The annual meeting of the Boys' and Girls' Aid Society board will be held at 4 o'clock, today in the home of Mrs. W. H. Skene. The service flag, .rep resenting about 40 lads of the society now in service, will h nrjant.,4 . t i W. B. Gilbert will preside. . Mrs. Raymond A. Sullivan will be soloist at Flag Day celebration. Wil lamette Chapter. Daughters of the American Revolution, Laurelhurst Club, Friday. Mrs. Sullivan will sing patri otic songs and numbers by a French composer. Mrs. Carrie R. Beaumont, accompanist. Marguerite Camp Coterie Club held its last meeting at the residence of Mrs. Blanche Hoffman. '563 Mulberry street. Friday, and much sewing for the needy babies of France was ac complished. The next meeting of the Coterie Club will be at the residence of Mrs. F. C. Galer. 7 East Burnside street, Thursday afternoon. June 13. All resident and sojourning Royal Neighbors and friends are welcome. e Clinton-Kelly Parent-Teacher Circle will meet in the assembly hall of the school Wednesday afternoon at 2:30. At this time the Circle will entertain the graduating class. Principal S. F. Ball of Franklin High School will be the speaker of the afternoon. Music will be furnished by Mrs. Gray's pupils. All are cordially invited to attend. Hawthorne Circle of the Aid Society of First Methodist Church will meet Friday at 11 A. M. with Mrs. W. I. Bar ley, 634 East Th I rty-fivnUX Street. AH members of the Portland Division, Woman's Committee. Council of Na tional Defense, are requested to attend a meeting Thursday, at 1:30 P. M., Li brary Hall. Central Library. This meet ing is. called by the stats chairman. Mrs. Charles H. Castner. Mrs. John F. Beaumont, local chairman, urges all to attend or send a representative, as Mrs. Castner has many matters of import ance to present. Mrs. John Bagley, past regent of Willamette chapter, and Mrs. T. N. Knight, chaplain, spoke at Lents School Wednesday. While In Lents they were guests of Mrs. A. Geisler and Mrs. S. J. Allen. They hope to have a chapter at Lents during the year. Susannah Lee Barlow Chapter. D. A. R.. is invited to Join Willamette Chap ter on Flag day, June 14. at Laurelhurst Club. - The Couch-Parent-Teacher Associa tion will entertain the Couch School teachers tomorrow at 11:50 o'clock at a luncheon. The affair Is planned as a token of appreciation for the teachers. An event of today will be the luncheon of the war service committee of the Y. W. C. A. at 12:16. association tearoom. Mrs. Fulton, who, with her husband, has been interested in mis sionary work In Japan for the past 30 years, will speak. k An Interesting report of the biennial convention of the General Federation, held recently at Hot Springs. Ark., will be given by Mrs. Charles H. Castner, president of the Oregon State Federa tion, at the club luncheon Saturday at 12:30, Multnomah Hotel. All members of federated clubs are Invited to attend. Make reservation through Mrs. J. Fran cis Drake, 685 Elliott avenue. East 3653. or Mrs. G. H. Horton, 821 East Eleventh street, Sellwood 510. Luncheon, 75 cents. A presidents conference will be held immediately after the luncheon. All presidents, especially newly - elected ones, are urged to attend. Legislation passed at the recent biennial will be acted upon at this time. An important conference of state Woman's Christian Temperance Union superintendents was held yesterday In the state headquarters. 310 Selling building. It was decided to hold the state convention in Portland October 17, 18 and 19. Plans for the policy for the organization were adopted. Mrs. Ward Swope, , state president, was hostess at luncheon for the dele gates. She was assisted by Miss Bell, of East Side Central Woman's Christian Temperance Union. DciMEsnc Science By Lilian Tlnolb. LEABVHIl, Or.. June 2. Please suggest some wheatless hot breads suitable for breakfast; also some wheatless cakes Mrs. G. D. C. I hope you saw the first part of the reply to your question. Following is an excellent barley sponge cake, good to jeat with Ice cream. You say that you have plenty of eggs, but in case someone else might like a plainer cake. I may say that two eggs, instead ot four, with 4 tablespoons hot water and IVi teaspoons baking powder added to this will make a good inexpensive sponge cake. One or two tablespoons oil or melted shortening, added just before the egg whites, makes & more tender cake, half way between a true sponge and a butter cake. One-half cup barley and 4 cup rice flour (in stead of 11-8 cups barley) will also give a good cake. Barley Sponge Cake (without baking powder) One and one-third cups bar- lev flour. 1 cup sugar, 4 eggs, 1 table spoon lemon juice. Vt teaspoon salt. Beat the yolks until light lemon-col ored, add the lemon juice and gradu ally beat In the sugar, fold in alter nately the flour and stiff-beaten egg whites. Bake . in an ungreased pan with a sheet of greased paper in the bottom. This cake Is suitable for a meal In which vegetables have taken the place of meat. Following is- a chocolate cake that has proved very popular: Wheatless Chocolate Cake. Ons-half cup fat, 2-3 cup sugar (about 4 os.), 1 cup eyrup (about 11 or.), 3 eggs, i cup milk, 1 teaspoon salt. 1 cup rice flour (5 oz.), 2 cups barley flour (6 os.), 6 'teaspoons baking powder, 1 teaspoon cinanmon, 1 teaspoon vanilla. 2 squares chocolate. Cream the 'fat, sugar and egg yolk. Add the syrup and mix well. Add al ternately the liquid, and the dry in gredients sifted together. Add fla voring and melted chocolate. Fold in well-beaten egg white. Bake about one hour, starting in a moderate oven (350 degrees Fahrenheit). After 20 minutes raise to 400 degrees Fahren heit. Have you used "spoon breads" for breakfast or luncheon? Virginia Batter Bread. One cup white commeaU l'4 cups boiling water. 1 cup sweet milk, 1 teaspoon salt, 3 teaspoons baking powder, 2 eggs. . Sift meal into a bowl. See that the water is boiling vigorously, pour over the meal, stirring at the same time. When lukewarm add the sweet milk, the well-beaten egg yolk and beat thoroughly. Add the" baking powder and last fold in the stiffly-beaten whites. Pour Into a hot, well-greased baking dish and bake in a moderately hot oven 30 minutes. If baked in a shallow pan 20 minutes will suffice. Serve with a spoon. Hominy or Rice Bread. Two cups boiled hominy grits or boiled rice. 2 eggs, 1 cup sweet milk. 1-3 cup flour, 1 teaspoon baking powder, 1 table spoon fat. Cook hominy with four times the bulk of water. Cool and add the sweet milk and well-beaten eggs. Sift in the flour and baking powder. Last add the hot fat and pour into greased bak ing dish and bake in hot oven, until firm and brown, but not stiff. Serve with a spoon. Use as bread or serve with crashed or stewed fruit or pre serves as a dessert. A little cream passed with the fruit would be a good addition for a dessert. Substantial des- Do You Know This Lovely rum Star? She, loo, says her wonder' full Clear, Beautiful Complexion is due to CREME TOKALON ROSEATED Totally different from all other cream. Guaranteed to ban Inn complexion blemlehaa. tone up a sallow, wrinkled. aaKging skin and give marvelous new beauty in three night or money refunded. Note Fan nlf Ward, pictured above, la but one of the hundreds of tamoui actreaes who uae and rrcomrurud rente Tokalon Kotel a the ft-reateet of all beuUflera, Supplied at ail toilet couuters. YOU will like Alpha because it is a real drink the best draught you ever quaffed. Alpha is a golden, bubbly beverage pleasing to the most exacting taste appreciated by people looking for an ideal all-the-year-'round drink. "THE TEST Alpha is a beverage of quality sold everywhere. Order some for your home - drink this healthful beverage with your meals enjoy its cheery hospitality. ALPHA BEVERAGE DEPARTMENT Chicago, Illinois T. W. Jenkins & Co. Lang Jones & Co DISTRIBUTORS Portland, Oregon serts are desirable when no bread is served at dinner. Cornbread With Rice. Two cups sour milk. 1 teaspoon soda (scant), 2 cups boiled rice. 1 cup cornmeal. 1 tablespoon shortening:. Combine Insre. dients in order named and bake In greased bowl until firm. I will give you other wheatless cake and bread recipes as soon as I can. This answers several correspondents Destdes yourself. CO-OPERATION IS PLEDGED Non-Essentlal Public Work to Wait Until War Is Over. Co-operation with the Federal Gov ernment in confining the expenditure of public funds for -actual necessities only was pledged by the Board of County Commissioners yesterday. The action was taken upon receipt and con sideration of a letter from John Per rin. chairman of the sub-committee, capital Issues committee of the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, who suggested a policy of strict economy during the war. Incidentally, Mr. Per rin called to the attention of the Com missioners the fact that all Issues of securities for any purpose in excess of $100,000 must first be approved by the capital issues committee. Mr. Perrln emphasised the need for Governmental economy In the absorp tion of labor, money and materials and said that all public Improvements, nat ural and proper in peace times but which can be postponed until after the war, should not be entered upon at this time. "No German propaganda would be more Insidious nor more harmful than one for undertaking at this time public work which can be deferred and when the cost of government should be re duced to the minimum in order that all energies may be concentrated in the one vital effort of winning the war," he wrote. . A copy of the Perrln letter was or dered transmitted to the head of each department of the county government as a reminder that only requests for funds of an emergency character will receive favorable consideration by the Board of Commissioners. Baker County Pioneers Die. BAKER, Or., June 10. (Special.) Two Baker County pioneers, Amos T. Pennoyer, of Keating, and J. P. Baird, of Sumpter, died in Baker last night, Our Guarantee v Your grocerwill refundMefull price you paid for M. J.B. Coffee, if it does not please your taste, you have used Vacuum It Reaches M. J. BRANDENSTEIN & COMPANY OFFICE. AND WAREHOUSE 27-29 N. FRONT STREET PORTLAND IS IN THE TASTE" aged 76 and 73 respectively. Both were ranchers and stockmen and had lived in Baker County many years. LESTER COFFIN IS BURIED Wenatchee Land Owner Resident of Oregon for Many Years. The funeral of Lester Coffin, land owner, of Wenatchee. Wash., who died June 6 at a hospital In Wenatchee, was held yesterday morning from the undertaking parlors of J. P. Flnley & Son. Kev. A. A. Heist, pastor of the Rose City Methodist Church, officiat ed. Interment was at Riverview Ceme tery, l n pauoearers were: i. j. aeu-i fert, T. J. Johnson. K. r. Donovan, E. W. Wlngate, K. E. Forstel and N. W. Roundtree. Mr. Coffin was 64 years of age and a native of The Dalles. He was well known In Eastern Oregon and had many friends In Portland. He Is survived by a daughter, two sons and a widow. Two brothers and a sister also survive. Seattle Man Killed in Action. SEATTLE. June 10. Lieutenant Al bert H. Bolay, a member of the British Roynl Flying Corps, formerly a Seattle "Summer Togs Are in Or der, Judith, and Cherry's Is the Place to Get Them." "Just oodles of pretty things up at Cherry's the kind of cheerful clothes we ought to wear in these dreary war times. Sports togs In abundance in bright Summer shades. And they're yours, even If your purse Is flat, for all you do to secure any of them for your own to wear and enjoy Is pay a little down as a deposit. The remain der you finish off so much a week. I tell you this Cherry way of being well dressed is great these war times. when one's purse must do extra duty and ready money is always so scarce. Tou know. Cherry's have a whole string of stores up and down the Coast and that enables them to sell on credit at cash prices. 389-91 Washington street, Pittock block, is where you will find this up-to-date style shop." Adv. MB' ? Jb iLVkLJsiLJi iLJ o Remembei This Coffee Goes Further no matter how much out of the can. Packed You Fresh 4 En- ISEBVECOIO I kONALCOKOUc r,..i t.ifni'nr.iTif,, jf SOOvtRttHCNTHt)l V If KUllWlSO(lMM"t 11; "ON-WOXlCATINa J 'lf,M0 WITHOUT 0UGS II fiW '"VIOORATINO "o . .SATISFYINO Sit i AND NUTRITIOUS.' J7. AV SESVE ff Ak Your Dealer resident, has been killed In action In e ranee, according to word received here. Bolay enlisted ten months ago. He was department manager In a local furniture store before he Joined the army. Read The Oreuronisn clHuKifled nds. sir sssssiswsss sxy oocieiy vyquicu.'i A number of the most I j noted Beau ties of? Society have obtained f their pure -rsoft pearly"1, white sppeamn'ce.thru V the constant use of ( Gouraud'ft E Oriental Cream Sd 10c for That SU FERD. T. HOPKINS & SOS. New York AN OPEN LETTER The BIacklurn Products Co., Dayton, Ohio: Gentlemen: I have taken 3 tubes of 3-GraIn Cadomono Tablets and I am not nearly so nervous as I was, while I am now catlnK with keen relish and have no more trouble with my stomach whatever. Tours' very truly, R. F. Hamilton, 23 Cottace St.. Franklin, Mass. Cadomene Tablets are abso lutely Riiarante'd the best medi cine to build up the body and nerves. Drusrprls'.s sell and rec ommend them. For sale by the Owl Drue: Co. stores and all other druggists. Adv. Frenchgloss The Laundry Marvel Gives a perfect, pliable, lasting: fin ish. Used either with starch or by itself for soft 1 1 n I s h parm.nts. Makes lroninsr a plranuro. lengthens the life of all garments, gives them a costly appearance. Satrs starrh, labor and fuel. Real satisfaction with economy. lOo pkg. enough for i family washings. At your grocer or by mail. 1'RENCHGLUSS CO. Oaklaad. Cat. fV y it's just S i Like Walking on " Soft Turf towalk on Slipknots, they o resilient. Slipknots l I oP Your feet eaty and cooL I ! Slipknots take longer to wear If f 1 at, too. Insist on -Slipknots." II I I Mnrfcti.rl,T V t 1 PLYMOUTH RUBCER COMPANY f I Cantos, 11m. J I Put on at ail Shoe Repair Shops If Jj in r