VOL,. LVIII NO. 17,935. PORTLAND, OREGON, TUESDAY, JUNE 11, 1918. PltlCE FIVE CENTS. 1MB SMASH SECRET DIPLOMACY II GRAY-HAIRED WOMAN ARRESTED IN C0URT FARM WAGES FIXED IN INLAND EMPIRE OPPOSED IN SENATE HUH UIIE ATTACK LED BY SENATORS REDUCTION OF 7 5 PER CENT TO BE EFFECTIVE AIGIST. 1. , JUDGE ORDERS BENCH WAR RANT FOR MRS. STEVENSON. BOKAII AND KELLOGG, WOOD TREATED RIGHT; SAYS BAKER ' ' - Relief From Command Declared Proper. FUEL RATION OF AUTO PLANTS CUT 25,000,000 TONS OF D.S.SH1PS FORECAST Chairman Hurley Gives Estimate for 1920. to ATTACK LAUNCHED IN WOOD Americans Take Two. Minen werfer, Large Field Pieces, From the Germans. FOE PRESSES BACK FRENCH Few Villages Taken, but the Allied Line Holds Firm on Two Wings. WITH THE AMERICAN ARMY IN FRANCE, June 10. (By the Asso ciated Press.) The United States Marines attacked the Germans after daybreak this morning and penetrated - the German lines for about two-thirds of a mile on a 600-yard front in the Belleu wood, northwest of Chateau Thierry. The Germans now hold only the northern fringe of the wood. The Americans captured two min nenwerfer, which are the largest pieces yet taken by them. It is ex pected one will be sent to Washington and the other to Annapolis. Machine Guns Hunted. Major Edward D. Cole, commanding the machine gun battalion, captured several German stragglers during the early stages of the attack. Numerous machine guns, it is- believed, will be rounded up in the woods. The ninth and 23d regiments of infantry, comprising what is known as the Syracuse brigade, hold the ground on the right of the marines at the point on the front nearest Paris. This is the second time the Syracuse brigade has held the point on the line nearest the capital, the former oc casion being at the offensive when the allies were still falling back, and the ninth and 23d went in at Coulomb for a short time. The 23d captured ma chine guns June 6 while supporting the attack by the marines. PARIS, June lOThe French gov ernment tonight issued the following statement respecting the American troops: "With strong will and. irresistible activity the American troops continue absolutely to dominate the adversaries they oppose. Detailed operations, which are frequent northwest of Chateau Thierry, have an importance which, thanks to the liaison existing between the two armies, is of the highest degree and the results of which have already been felt. PARIS, June 10. Several small vil lages were occupied by the Germans , on the center in the Montdidier-Noyon sector, including Mery, Belloy and St. Maure, according to the War Office announcement tonight. This was done by gpeated assaults ana at me-cost. 01 great sacruice. 1 Battle Waged in Elincourt. South of Ressons-sur-Matz the Ger mains gained a footing in Marqueglise. Further to the east the battle con tinues in the southern outskirts of Elincourt. LONDON, June 10. "Throughout the night and morning the battle raged along the new front of attack with unabated fury," says the Reuter correspondent at French headquarters, where the dispatch was filed at 2 o'clock in the afternoon. Huns Held on Wings. ' "On the wings the enemy was still held on practically the same line, in spite of his persistent and reckless at tempts to advance." "On the extreme left the village .of Courcelles changed hands six times. On the extreme right Plemont, al though almost in the first line, was still holding out, the .little French garrison .having beaten off a wave of German infantry.- Mont Renaud is still ours. "In the center of the battlefield, by pouring in fresh battalions, the enemy succeeded in pushing deep into our line and are pressing southward be tween Cuvilly and Thiescourt. The fighting was of the bloodiest char acter, hand to hand over the ruins of every village, hamlet and farm. The enemy's losses are extraordinarily heavy, there having been this time no surprise in the attack. "The enemy has from 18 to 20 di Yankees' Penetrate 2-3 Mile Depth. (Concluded on Page 2, Column 2.). Idaho Statesman Declares Peace Treaty to End World War Must Have Approval of All. WASHINGT6N, June 10. Secret di plomacy versus open diplomacy waa argued at length in the Senate today during consideration of the rule pro posed by Senator Underwood of Ala bama, to limit Senate debate during the war, with an .amendment by Senator Borah of Idaho for public consideration of treaties. Senator Hitchcock of Nebraska, chair man of the foreign relations committee; Senator Lodge, of Massachusetts, rank ing Republican of that committee, and Senator Knox of Pennsylvania, former Secretary of State, Joined in opposing the Borah amendment, which was up held by the author and Senator Kellogg of MiVinesota, The opponents declared that the prin cipal evil of secret diplomacy is secrecy concerning treaties actually consum mated, which does not- obtain in this country. Senator Knox said negotia tion of treaties in public is impractical; that statements made in open discus sion" of treaties might prejudice the Nation's interests. Senator Borah insisted that the peace treaty to end the world war must be made with all the peoples of all the nations concerned having full informa tion and giving their approval to the terms, while -Senator Kellogg declared that the country could not afford to go on record now in favor of secret diplo macy. ... Senator Sherman asserted that free speech is "dead as far as the Adminis tration is concerned." SENATOR ASKS DRY NATION Amendment Provides for Complete Prohibition During War. WASHINGTON, June 10. A proposal for complete prohibition during the war was presented in the Senate today by Senator Jones, of Washington, as an amendment to the $11:000.000 emer gency agricultural appropriation bill. It is designed to meet President Wil son's objections to the Randall amend ment, which would prevent-, use of $6,000,000 of J.he appropriation unless the President should : exercise his au thority to prohibit manufacture of beer and wines. The Jones amendment would prohibit the sale or transportation of distilled spirits during the war; prohibit manu facture of beer and wines 30 days after passage of the bill, and in addition would provide that no whisky held in storage should be withdrawn for bev erage purposes. - ITALIANS USE SEA-TANK New Naval Craft Reported in Last Attack on Pola. LONDON, June 10. "According to Vienna newspapers received here," says the Central News correspondent at Amsterdam, "the Italians used a 'sea-tank' during their last attack, on Pola. Austria's naval base on the Ad riatic. The boat was 40 feet long, six feet wide, apd propelled by electricity. "There is an endless rotary chain around the vessel fitted with barbs which cuts nets and other obstacles, like the land tanks. The vessel has two torpedo tubes." " LINES MAY BE TAKEN OVER Bill Empowers President . to Seize "Wire Communication. - WASHINGTON, June 10 The Presl dent would be empowered to take pos session of all cable, telegraph and tele phone lines under an amendment to the $12,000,000,000 Army appropriation bill introduced today by Senator Shep- pard of Texas. The purpose would be 'to assure se crecy oj military information and to prevent communication among spies. CITY MEN WILL PITCH HAY Indiana Townsmen Promise to Help Farmers. LOWELL, Ind., June 10. This town of 1S0Q people will close up its business houses two days a week during . July and August, and most of its merchants, clerks and professional men will help the surrounding farmers harvest their crops, because of the shortage of labor according to plans which became known today. - MRS. SHEPARD IS IMPROVED Woman Passes Comfortable Xight; Operation May Be Unnecessary. NEW YORK, June 10. (Special.) Mrs. Finley J. Shepard, who is at her home. 579 Fifth avenue, suffering from an attack of appendicitis, was reported today to have spent a very comfort able night and to be much improved. It has not yet been decided wthether an operation would be necessary. - MILTON LANSING ENLISTS Mother of Secretary of ' State's Nephew Resides In Med ford. - LOS ANGELES, Cal., June 10'. Mil ton Sebastian Lansing, 20 years old, a nephew of Robert Lansing, Secretary of State, enlisted in the Navy here today. His mother, Mrs. Catherine Lansing, resides in Medford, Or. SENATORS ASK QUESTIONS Secretary of War Avoids An swers to Some Queries. S0L0NS FIND OUT LITTLE Denial Is Made That General Mas Detached Because of Any -Prejudice o Feeling. Ill WASHINGTON. IX G, June 10. (Special.) Secretary of War Baker told the Senate Committee, on Military Affairs today that Major . Leonard J. Wood was detached from command of the 89th Division on the eve of its de parture for France because of military reasons and for no other reason. The Senate committee had Secretary Baker before it in connection with the $12,000,000,000 Army appropriation bill and members of the committee thought It would be advisable to inquire into the matter of General Wood's detach ment which has aroused so much ill feeling throughout the country. Little Information Gained. While many members have had their individual opinions as to the reason General Wood was not permitted to go to France with his command, they sought to inquire into the matter from the head of the War Department in their official capacity as Senators. The result, according to several Sen ators who participated in the question ing, which was conducted In executive session, was not very satisfactory. At least it did not serve to throw, any light on the situation. Orders to Wood Defended. According to Senators present. Secre tary Baker insisted that General Wood had been relieved of his command in an "entirely proper manner," and the action had been taken because it was considered the right thing to do from a military standpoint. His detachment, the Secretary assert ed, did not result, as has been publicly charged, from prejudice or any ill feel ing on the part of Administration of ficials toward General Wood. General Wood, according to the Secretary, had talked the matter over with President Wilson and thoroughly understood the situation. it Aolitnmfiit Not Decided. There has been no final disposi tion of General Wood's war status. Secretary Baker said, and it has not been decided where his next assign ment will be. All the questions asked regarding the General Wood incident were not answered. Secretary Baker asking to (Concluded on Page 3, Column 4.) I c ' 4 j L LJ?U sss-a. r , r ew I -r ) ;DMCGStusnr sW Vov J(Mess.i . 1 llr LJ BJr ynrteooucecr-J f amWp oe I Tc xX Qu.fres Lf ss "oto-ro&esse . i rj jtxgiyr f y:' XS'r ' i'f &j?s v to Se z ' ... - I Y yooe0 ooc jy t , I rl-rovnt. rc.s vv. V i o ?VL ssjQ ' wurfowowi' J "N. X f QA Z- ! rfCO fMliXl I I If J7). Hi fjllf TW c ronS sTcrS'r' I vEl m ' Vl J a "ff s- r jZ-J I I ua Jot (is Wfl v X , ---'p s-y'f o - Pip lx-- ! Administration Order,' Just Issued, Affects Only Manufacturers .- of Passenger 'Cars. WASHINGTON, June 10. Curtail ment of coal supplies to manufacturers of passenger automobiles for the year beginning August 1 to 25 per"cent of the quantity consumed in 1917-18 was announced tonight by the Fuel Admin istration. This is one of the steps In a drastic programme for reduction of fuel al lowed non-war industries to meet the expected coal shortage next Winter. Just how other Industries will be affected has not been disclosed, and It is said to be probable that there will be no publication of a list of so-called non-essentials. Instead, an announce ment may be made as each order is given applying to a particular Industry-There is understood ' to be before President Wilson now a report upon which it Is proposed to base concerted action by the fuel administration, the food administration, the war indus tries board and the railroad administra tion In the matter of curtailment orders. The fuel administration is prepared, however, to i enforce its programme without waiting for the other agencies to act, if necessary. Director of Conservation Noyes has reported to Administrator Garfield that 100,000,000 tons of coal, more than pro duced this year, will be needed to meet the demands of the coming year. This, Dr. Garfield explained, is based upon an estimate of 80.000,000 tons for actual demands In sight, with -an additional 20,000,000 fns to allow for progressive war preparations. Increased production cannot meet this increased demand. Dr. Garfield said. ECLIPSE SCARES INDIANS Redskins Rusli to Tents and Cover Themselves 'With Blankets. YAKIMA. Wash.. June 10. (Special.) When the darkness of the eclipse crept over this city Saturday scores of Indians working in hop fields near this city hastily sought their camps and covered themselves, under the blankets. Horses on ranches stopped and in sisted on going to the barn. A num ber of cases of superstitious fear were reported amenj Qfchtte people. The wife of. one hardware merchant gath ered her. children about her. believing that the world might come to a sud-d-a end.. 200 SOLDIERS FIGHT FIRE Men Are Rushed in Auto Trucks- to Little Creek Forests. NEWPORT. Or.. June 10 (Special.) Two hundred soldiers last night were rushed in auto trucks to Little Creek, three miles north of Newport, to fight a forest fire. After working all night, assisted by a heavy shower of rain, they got the blaze under control. About 200 acres were burned over. Reports received today indicate that 10 other similar fires were set out yesterday between Summit and New port. SPEAKING OF THE NEWEST STAR. . FLEET TO BE BIGGEST. EYER Americas Will Be Linked With Vessels; Pacific Bridged. IMPRESSIVE FIGURES GIVEN Head of Shipping Board Makes at Notre Dame University Most Com plete Statement Vet Issued on Merchant "Marine. SOUTH BEND. Ind.. June 10. Amer ica in 1920 will have a merchant ma rine of 25,000,000 deadweight tons. Chairman Hurley, of the Shipping Board, declared here tonight in an address giving the most complete statement of the Nation's shipbuild ing programme which has yet been made public. He was speaking to the graduates of Notre Dame University. This great commerce fleet, Mr. Hur ley said, the largest ever assembled In the history of the world and In volving the expenditure of more than $5,000,000,000. will link the United States and South and Central America by weekly steamer service which will enable the Latin-American countries to utilise their unlimitted natural re sources in the freest competition with other nations. Pacific to Have Bridge of ships. "It also will bridge the Pacific for the transportation of products of Japan, Russia. Cnlna. Australia and the Orient, and will continue to pro mote America's trade with Europe." "And. with it all." he added. Ameri can ships "will serve humanity loyally and unselfishly upon, the same prin ciples of liberty and Justice which brought about the establishment of this Republic" "The vast merchant fleet we are building." said Mr. Hurley, "must be come the greatest Instrument of In ternational probity, honesty and square dealing at the close of the war." 13 Mlllloa Tons Predicted. Mr. Hurley said he and Director General Schwab, of the Emergency Fleet - Corporation, expected the ship ping output this year to exceed 3,000, O0C deadweight tons, while next year the Nation's tremendous new ship building industry will be capable of turning out 13.158,000 deadweight tons, more than Great Britain, heretofore the greatest builder of ships, has com pleted in any five years of her his tory. "In round' numbers," he continued, "and from all sources we have added to the American flag since our war against Germany began nearly 4,500, 000 tons of shipping. "We are adding to this tonnage rap (Concluded on Page 6. Column 1.) Alibi Witness In Van dor Haideu Murder Trial Is Take Into Custody at Seattle. , SEATTLE. Wash., June 10. (Special.) The Van der Heidcn murder case took a sudden, dramatic twist today when Mrs. Olivia A. Stevenson, a gray-haired, motherly looking woman past 50. and who was one of the principal alibi wit nesses for the defense, was arrested in open court and charged with being an accessory after the fact to murder In the first degree. Mrs. Stevenson had just electrified her hearers by frankly testifying that the day following the killing of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Collinson. she had sought td aid Franciscus van der Helden, who is charged with the crime, to escape. Judge Clay Allen immediately direct ed that a bench warrant be issued charging her with being an accessory. She was detained in the courtroom un der guard of a woman bailiff until Van der Heiden's attorney. Jay C. Allen, bad secured a J3000 bond for her release. The murder occurred at 8:52 P. M.. August 16. 1916. Mrs. Stevenson assert ed that from 8:20 to 8:50 that night Van der Helden was visiting with her and a Mrs. Em at the latter's home. The nest morning after the killing apd after she had read the papers she said Van der Heiden called her on the telephone, saying he would like to see her. He spoke in English, she said, but she answered him in French, telling him the police were searching for him. and for him to "lay low." She also said she would come immediately to see him. COLUMBIA AT HIGH NOTCH River Rises 12 Inches In Day and Sandbar Is Submerged. HOOD RIVER. Or.. June 10. (Spe cial.) The Columbia River, raising 12 inches today, has completely submerged a sandbar of several hundred acres north of town, for the first time this year. The stream, still rising, is now two Inches higher than it has been at any time this year. Rlvermen do not thinlc the water will reach a point where bottom truck gar dens will be damaged. MAN, 13 TIMES WED, DIES John Dempsey, Nearly 10O Years Old, Buys Cofrin Far in Advance. MAflOX, 111.. June 10. Married 13 times. "Uncle" John Dempsey, William son County's oldest resident, died to day, four days before his 100th birth day. no purcnasea nis coirin seven years ago and married his 13th wife five years ago. Final Connt ars Knd. SALEM. Or.. June 10. -(Special.) With figures on the recent primary election being checked over from Mult nomah County, it will probably be the latter part of this week before the of ficial count will .be completed by Sec retary Olcott for the state. INDEX OF TODAY'S NEWS The Weather. IlMEKUAl'h Maximum temperature. 80 ueffrers; minimum. u.t aeitrees. TODAY'S Fair; moderate northerly winds. War. French confident of holdlns enemy. Pare 1. Hundreds killed or wounded In seven Ger man air rmida on British hospitals. Pass 13 V as hi opt on minimizes German thrust. Page 3. . Austria preparing to strike Italy. Pace 3. Mg-ht or Army transport with U-boat re ported. Page 4. Marines again smash Germans. Page 1. oreign. Deadly epidemic sweeps Krupps plant at fc,saen. Page 3. Juvenile. Prance adores Red Cross, says Rneta I'niiae Dorr. l'ag l'j. Mexican editors assured of friendship by I'resident w uson. f age z. National. Secret dlplomscy opposed In Senate. Page 1 National financing on huge scale engrosses Congress. Page 4. Secretary Baker tells Senators Wood waa detached from command for military reasons, page 1. . Baker says over 7ii.0O0 American troops In J-Tance. page Coal allowance of passenger automobile manufacturers cut 75 per cent. Pago 1. Domestic. Chairman Hurley predlcta 17. S. merchant marine of 25 million tons in 1H20. Page 1 L,analrg declares war can end only with dN- teat of Pruaslanlsm. Page 4. American women are loafing, ssys Dr. Es ther Pohl Ixivejoy. Page S. Freedom of press defined by highest court. Psge . American labor pledge support to U. 8. In war. Page 7. Sports. Boston wins from Cincinnati. 1-0. Page 14. Fisher loses La Clouatra to shipyards. Page Shipbuilders tied In pennant race. Page 14. WUhelm to defend title at Seattle. Fact 14. Psx-lflc Northwest. Inland Empire farmers fix wages for hay ing ana harvesting, page 1. Allbl witness In Van der Helden murder arrested as accessory. Pago 1. Tacoma officials declkred lax In enforcing laws. page J-. Commercial and Marine. Cattle strong feature of local livestock mar ket. Page lu. Corn bulge at Chicago due to probable re ductlon In receipts. Page 10. Stock trade small, and leading Issues except marines are lower. 1'age is. Machinery men to meet with Shipping Board representative to Increase output. Page 15. Portland sad Vicinity. Father Black's anniversary mass to be Thursday. Page 11. Field workers for war savings stamp drive begin their auties. race it. Trana-Paclflc trade sure to develop. Page SO. Dandelion wine and apple Julco cause ship yard foreman a arrest, fage 9. Fallng case reopened. Page 1U Numbers assigned new registrants. Page IS. Hill astronomer discusses vagrant celestial. Page 13. Grand Chapter. Royal Arch Masons, In ses sion. Page li Reception rendered Captain Hardy. Page IS. WealU.r rcvort, data and forecast. Pass 13, Common Labor $3.50 a Day and Board. SKILLED LABOR TO GET $5.00 Eight Grain-Producing Coun ties Reach Agreement. 10-H0UR DAY VOTED DOWN Little Anxiety Apparent Regarding Shortage of I.nlxir Some Think Shipyard Work Will Suffer by Desertion to Karni. PENDLETON, Or.. June 10. (Spe cial.) An agreement on wages for the coming hay and grain harvest was reached- here today, by farmers and their representatives from the eipht grain-producing counties of Oregon and two of Washington, after an all-day session, at which many of the problems of war-time farming were discussed. For the present season common labor during haying and grain harvest will receive 3.50 a day. stackers and load ers $4, header and harvester drivers to. sack sewers on standard machines $5. cooks $3. Board is Included In all these wages. No scale was adopted for any of the other jobs, such as separator tenders. tractor men and the like, the opinion being that the variance In prices waa altogether too great to be averaged. J O-Hoo r nay Voted Don, After considerable discussion a pro posal for a 10-hour day was voted down. It was decided that no action need to be taken on the number of hours which will constitute a day. on the ground that the question will settle Itself; that a farm hand, hiring himself out. realizes that the length of the' day depends on conditions oyer which the farmer has little control and that , the day is likely to run to 11 hours. Little anxiety waa apparent regard- " Ing any shortage of labor. The opin ion seemed to be that the situation had been magnified and that there would be a sufficient amount of help to handle the crop. Farmers said they were prepared to get into the harness themselves again during present con ditions. Others said they were cutting their force to the minimum, sparing im provements. If necessary, to lessen la bor needs. Shipyard Work May Suffer. According to a number, shipyard work will suffer by desertion. In har vest time, for the farms, unskilled ship yard workers, and even skilled me chanics who have had experience In farm work, preferring the smaller wage and correspondingly smaller ex penses of harvest work to shipyard labor. . Numerous Instances of offers to return to the farm from the shipyard were cited. Included In the attendance of about 75 representative farmers and agri culturists was a party of farm advisors returning from a meeting In Portland. Among these were Dr. E. O. Wilson, farm specialist of the department of Agriculture, and farm -help specialists, Lyons, of Wyoming; Thomas, of Colo rado; J. C. Scott, of Washington; M. O. Evans, supervisor of the work of 11 Northwest states; Ueorge Thometz, of Idaho, and Watson, of Utah. J. W. Brewer, farm help specialist for Oregon, was in charge of the meet ing. The counties of Oregon represented were Baker. Union, Wallowa. Umatilla, Morrow, Gilliam, Sherman, Wasco. Gar field and Walla Walla. Counties of Washington were represented. CAPITAL MOVES TO UNION Governor Wlthycoube Arises Early, Feeds Pigs and Milks Cows. LA GRANDE, Or.. June 10. (Spe cial.) For the next 10 days Union County Is the "capital" of Oregon. Gov ernor James Wlthycombe is transact ing such business as must have imme diate attention from a farmhouse on the outskirts of Union. Job seekers, parole aspirants and other usual callers at the Statehouse get the experiment farm dog sicked on them when they appear around the place, and no speech making or social functions are the rule in the temporary Executive mansion of Oregon. The Governor has a little grandson who gets up early In the morning and tumbles granddad out In time to help feed the pigs and milk the cows. TEUTON DUPE TO BE TRIED Connaught Ranger, Landed by U Roat Held In Tower of London. LONDON, June 10. The man put ashore on the 'west coast bf Ireland from a German submarine some time ago. who is now a prisoner in the Tower of London, is Lance Corporal J. Dowling, of the Connaught Rangers, it was announced in the House of Com mons today by James I. Macpherson. Parliamentary Secretary to the War Office. Mr. Macpherson said he believed the corporal had .been a prisoner In Ger many. He will be tried by a court martial, charged with voluntarily aid ing the enemy, the Parliamentary Sec retary said.