TTIE MORNING OKEGONIAN, THURSDAY, JUNE G, 1018 15 TOK SALE. Typewriter. Jv'KW Remington, rental plan: rent applies to purchase. Visible models. Remington Typewriter Co.. 8 Broadway. Phone Broadway 621. NEW. rebui t. scond-tiand rentals at cut rates. P. D. Co.. 231 Stark at.. Main 1407. REBUILT typewriters and supplies. Corona Dealers. E. W. Pease Co.. 110 Sixth. Machinery. FOR SAUK GOO.OoO feet lert and right-lay steel cable, standard sizes, in Al condition. Can made immediate shipment. Geo. A. Burch Co.. 103 Main St.. San Francisco. FOR SALE 25 II. P. Avery tractor, good mechanical condition; cheap. James Shaw. Wasco. Or. BOILERS FOR SALE Two 54x18 high boil ers; one 60x14 low-pressure F. A. Berg man. 390 'A Morrison. Marshall 2800. Cash Registers We Make and Sell Only NATIONAL CASH REGISTERS AND CREDIT FILES Lowest prices. Small monthly payments. No Interest charges. Written guarantee. Old registers repaired, rebuilt, bought, sold and exchanged. J. R. MUMMA, Agent. The National Cash Register Co. 800-92 Stark Street Broadway 1816 Miscellaneous. r K W I N i i machines, new and second-hand, of ail makes. Bold for less: no agents em ployed; machines repaired and rented, $3 per month. SEWING MACHINE EMPORIUM. 19Q 3d. near Taylor. A 3020. Main 8431. TS"""D hot water boilers, all sizes. 30-gaL. $5; 40-gal.. $7.50: over 600 of our boilers In use in the city. 189 Adams at. Phone East 7659. BICYCLES $8 and up. We guarantee our second-hand wheels. Pee us for bargains. We repair anything. The Evening Repair Shop. 353 N. 23d St. PIANOS, Victrolas. bicycles. Iceboxes, all kinds stoves and furniture for sale; cheap or exchan ge. Hail & Sassldy. 12a First. BILLIARD and pocket billiard tables, show cases and wallcase, fixtures; easy terms. W. J.' Qulgley, 227 First. Main 5309. FOR SALE CHEAP. 40 Sixth st. N.. 2 fine wall cases, A how caser, 1 safe. FOR BALE or rent, logging and hoisting engines, all kinds, machinery, rails, cars. Railway Equipment Co.. 233 Stark St. TEXT for sale. 14x7. 104 center-poles. 7 foot walls, 10-oz., double, good as new, cheap. B 311, Oregonian. 6EVERAL good second-hand safes at the right price. 40 Front St. Broadway 1966. TAILOR-MADE SUITS, slightly used, from $4 and up. Uncle Joe. 39 3d at- corner Ash. TWO unclaimed tailored men's suits, sizes 30 and 40. 204 Aljsky bldg. UNCALLED-FOR tailor-made suits for sale. large selection, $3.50 and up. 355 Stark. t RAGS AW. first-class condition, cheap. Ad- ftma. 3nL'tl 09th St.. Southeast. COMPLETE restaurant outfit, all or part. Tabor 2120. GAS range, with broiler and oven, $10. Mar shall 1258. 4024 Clay st. VACUUM cleaners sold, repaired, rented, ex changed, bought. Bentley Co., Main 8582. FOB SALE AUTOMOBILES. COME IN TODAY. OAKLAND SPECIALS. Oakland Sensible Six. 5 passenger, 1917. extra good value ISoo 1910 Studebaker Light Four, 5 or 7 passenger, extra tire, etc.; bargain. $675 Buick Light Six. 1917 roadster, with extra tire, etc.; good condition $1000 Overland, 5 passenger $250 Oakland, 1917, 8 cylinder, looks like new ...r $1100 Will take light car in exchange. Come in early. THE OAKLAND STORE. 344 Burnslde. Broadway 82. FORDS. FORDS. FORDS. 1017 Ford touring car, with shock ab sorber and speedometer, $465. 1918 Ford roadster, with ali new tires. $4S3; 1917 Ford delivery car in excellent condition. $475; 1914 Ford touring car. $325. 209 Union ave. N. Phone East 304. LOCOMOBILE. 7-pass.. in first-class con dition; new Urea: will consider smaller car as part pay or trade for good property; prefer improved: may assume if good value. See this car if you want something good. F. W. Torgler. 100 Sherlock bldg. REO, 6-cyl. pass, automobile, special Victoria top, wire wheels, seat cover and other ex tras; car is in A-l mechanical condition and In every way first-class. Cost $2500. Will sacrifice for M200. East 4216. HOADSTEB. newly painted, electric starter and lights, seat covers, trunk, 2 extra tires and rims; goo-1 car, good condition, good looking, $600. Auditorium Garage, 1st and Mill. BUICK light six. model D-40. 82-in. wheels. 5 good tires, first-class condition; car have had fine care, looks like new; will sell for $900, cash or terms. Call Frank Smith, Broadway 1130. SOME BIG BUt. . 1918 Wllys-Knight. a beautiful car. Just new; leaving city and must sell quickly; we will give you a wonderful sacrifice. Call Broadway 2656. OVERLAND 83. like new, 4 almost new tirea, first-class condition, upholstering, body and top like new; $65o, cash or terms. Call Frank Smith, Broadway 1130. OAKLAND light six in fine condition, over hauled, good tires, repainted, looks and runs Hko new, $50, caeh or terms. Call Montgomery. Bdwy. 1J30. today. 1818 YE LIE at $150 less than a new one; this car is practically new, having run only 2000 miles. See it. Call Montgomery. Bdwy. 1130. REO truck and trailer, equipped for logging .. and hauling lumber; guaranteed capacity m o tons; good for 7 tons. AR 414, Orego "1 Rian. FORD OWNERS. LOOK. Pave 25 per cent on all Ford work by having it done by two A No. 1 Ford me chanics. Call Woodlawn 5486. FOR SALE Overland roadster, first-class condition, good tires, cheap for cash. Can be seen at the Speedwell Garage, 14th and Cnufh sts. MOTORS, gears, bearings, wheels, axles; we wreck all makes of cars and sell their part at half price. David Hodes Co., North Broadway and Flanders. FOR SALE 1915 Cadillac 8. two new tires, other two In good condition. Just com pletely overhauled; $1400. E. E. Bosworth, 2i8 Corbelt bldg. Marshall 635. 1916 CADILLAC, 8-cylinder. used on pave ments only; good as new, price $1900 cash. Deal direct with owner. AA 500, Orego nian. CADILLAC 1910 model, good running order; demountable rims, good tires, 34x4, one extra; eleo. Its.; $300. Had excellent care. J. H. JyKenzie, Fordham apts.. Mar. 1688 PACKARD 4-tor logging truest, just over hauled; one of those chain drives that Is always on the job. Call at the White Co.v Park and Couch. BODGE. DODGE. DODGE. 1917 Dodge touring car. all good tires and one extra, $850 cash, or terms. 209 Union ave. N. Phone East 304. TWENTY-FIVE auto trucks, equipped for sand, gravel and road work, some flat beds. All makes, three to five-ton capa city, can -ill- E. water st. OAKLAND Six roadster, late 1917 model, extra wide seat, plenty of leg room; had best of care, looks and runs like new. Phone Broadway 217. Mr. Blllln-rsley. FOR SALE Big Metz roadster, good as new, fully equipped; will demonstrate. Call 132 Stanton Ft. 6-SEATRD roadster; will take part trad almost new; terms. Phone East 2403, apt. 212. 6PECIAL. new 1018 runabout 6. brand new, popular make, liberal discount off price. Never driven a nine. Bdwy. 6308. FOR SALE 1016 model 83 Overland: $500, terms it desired, call Tabor 6936 between 6 and 7. i"vv E White 3-ton auto truck for Rale. In quire r at. nines, ou Mcivay bldg. I'hpne Mam louu. I CAN use your Ford. Maxwell or Chevrolet on my brand new Saxon Six. Call Adams. uaoor oov. LOO-HAULING contract. 3-inlle haul,. $2 per $10"o, pavea roan, long job. See Murch. 60 r. eroaoway. KEW 1918, 5-pass. Paige, driven 2000 miles. extra tire, spotlight, new chains. $1400, rasn or iioerty oonas. war d-4. l-ORD bug for Kale, Al condition; 2 new tires. Can be seen at Lincoln Garage, 374 Union ave. .n. FOR SALE One 19! 2 Reo, $260: good con dition. Apply 941 E. antn sf. after 6 P. M. SLIGHTLY used tires. $.t to $16 each: vul canized, 25c: tire repairing. 207 Madison. CHEVROLET 490, $500. terms. 630 P. M., Woodlawn 1970. Phone after FORD touring and runabout for sale cheap. 211 Washington, cor. 1st. 1918 MAX WELI excellent condition; rash Call evenings. Main 5508. $750 LIGHT touring car. Al condition. Phone woodlawn 30. in. 11 rvianory ave. IF you are looking for a light car. new or secona-nann. can r.ast i;m ior bargains. 191R FORD, good condition. $375; Ford de livery, fill'.i. riawmorne ave. M1AFTED Musi sell Ford touring: A-l condition: cheap tor cash. hast 207o. FOR SALE 1917 Ford runabout, engine fine shape; gi2-. pnono. bast 2ir,. (UOOD Saxon car for sale, cheap. 032 S. Zvannoa St.. tsu jonns. evenings. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES. FORDS. FORDS. v FORDS. See Models. 1018 Ford Touring 191)1 Ford Touring 1!I1T Ford Touring 1917 Ford Touring 1017 Ford Touring 1!)1 Fori Touring 1916 Ford Touring 1913 Ford Touring 1916 Ford Bug Terms Given. PALACE GARAGE COMPANY. AUTHORIZED FORD DEALER, .. 12th and Stark Sts. Broadway 1572. A USED AUTOMOBILES TERMS GIVEN. 1915 Mitchell, 5-pass., 4-cyl. .... $ 675 1917 Mitchell. 8-pass., 6-cyL 1250 1917 Mitchell. 7-pass.. 6-cyl 1300 1916 Cole. 7-pass.. 8-cyl 830 1915 Mitchell, 6-pass.. 6-cyl 750 1914 Mitchell. 5-pass.. 6-cyl 650 1914 Studebaker, 4-pass., coupe ..... 550 Ford truck with body and top...... 550 2-toa truck with cab 1250 1912 Rambler, 5-pass., 4-cyl 230 1913 Michigan. 5-pass.. 4-cyl 150 Mitchell light delivery. 4-cyl 250 Several others to select from.......... MITCHELL. LEWIS & ST AVER CO., USED CAR DEPT.. East Morrison at First St. East 7272. B 1216. "WEST SIDE SALESROOM. Broadway at Oak st. Broadway 613. B 3343. HOW DO YOU LIKE THESE BUYS? JUST UKE NEW ALL OVER. 1917 Maxwell, perfect $ 600 Series 17 Studebaker, 90 new 730 Series 17 Studebaker. 3-pass roadster '"50 Model 83 Overland, Just new 650 1914 Hupmoblle. looks new 650 1916. 3-pass. Mitchell 6. roadster... 900 1916 Overland roadster C00 Several buys for $200 and $250. New buys arriving- every day. CONLEY'S USED CAR CENTER. Big brick building, side entrance, 8. W. corner 15th and Washington Sts. Phone Bdwy. 2630. SPECIALS THIS WEEK. Ford. 5-pass $ 850 Cole SO 300 Chevrolet, almost Dew 600 Jeffries 2-ton truck : 1200 Maxwell special, 5-pass. 300 Mitchell, almost new lloo Overland Club, like new S25 Terms if desired. Open Evenings and Sundays. W. H. WALLINGFORD, B22 Alder St. Broadway 2492. SPECIALS THIS WEEK. Maxwell. 5-pass $ 490 Ford, 5-pass. 350 Cole 30 300 Chevrolet, almost new 600 Jeffries 2-ton truck 1200 Maxwell special. C-pass. 300 Mitchell, almost new 1100 Overland Club, like new 825 Case, snap. Terms If desired. ' Open Evenings and Sundays. W. H. 522 Aldef st. WALLINGFORD. Broadway 2492 POPE-HARTFORD roadster, 00 H. P., Al condition, electric lights, etc.. $350. Buick roadster, just completely over hauled, Al condition, electric lights, etc, $275. 1916 "Dodge, Al condition, new tires all around. $700. Call Main 8700. ask for trunk 30. Automobiles Wanted. SPOT CASH. Paid for late model touring ears and roadsters. Must be in good condition THE USED CAR EXCHANGE, 527 Washington Street. Broadway 6468. LONG & SILVA, Auto wreckers. We wreck ears and save you 50 per cent on parts. Send in the parts you need and we will duplicate them. Autos bought, regardless of condition. Phone East 6840. 462 Hawthorne ave. WANT automobile In exchange for choice beach lot at Tillamook Beach. Adjoins railroad and county road. Address AJ 211. Oregonian. WANTED To trade brand-new Ford deliv ery, panel body, for Ford touring body. See Thompson-Roberts Motor Car Co.. Broadway 1869. 20 ACRES good land In Clackamas County, or. 'lake late moaei auto, Dy owner. AG 265. Oresonian. RESPONSIBLE party desires to rent auto tor a week; can give Dona. J 245, ore gonian WILL pay cash for a 5 or 7-passenger 191 - 1U1J .1 t Annl0 Of,? U. 1. or 1917 model. Apply 207 Stock Ex- change, after 4 P. M. WANTED Medium-priced car for cash, N 861, Orego- Dodge, Buick preferred, nian. WILL pay cash for bargain In used Buick six roadster or other make in good con dition. Phone Irvine. Main 1123. I PAY cash for used cars. See me before you sen. Adcox. 210 union ave. jn. THREE lots on E. 72d St., value $730. mtg. CASH and clear lot for your auto. 963 East ytn Norm. USED auto: pay $50 down and good lot or iioerty oonas. pnone xaoor p:v2o. Motorcycles. BARLEY. 3-speed, a bargain; joining the army; 1915, equipped. Marshall 1351. SNAP in 1015 Harley-Davidson. 6 start. 3- speed. see it at 493 Alder. Call Bdwy. 2531 Auto Tires and Accessories. MOTORS, gears, bearings, wheels, axles: we wreck all makes of cars and sell their parts at half price. David Hodes Co., North Broadway and Flanders. Automobiles for Hire. NEW CARS TO RENT WITHOUR DRIVERS. DE LUXE 8-CTL:SDER, 6 OR 7-PAS-6 K Ft. SAXOV, 6-CYLINDER. 6-PAPSENOER. PACKARDS. CHEVROLETS. FORDS. ALL NEW CARS. G. N. SMITH. THIRD AND GLISAN. BDWY. 2629. NEW CARS FOR RENT WITHOUT DRIV ERS. G. N. SMITH. THIRD AND GLISAN STS. A 2629. BDWY. 2629. AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS. New cars, reasonable rates. City Garage. 86 Tenth St. Broadway 840. NEW 7-pass. cars. Columbia highway sight seeing, depots, funerals, shopping; reason able. Main 295:;. HIGHWAY AUTO SERVICE Good cars, competent drivers. Sixth and Washington. Main 7080. NEW 7-pass. cars, Columbia Highway, sight seeing, depots, funerals, shopping; reason able. Main i:u.3. SNYDER'S AUTO SERVICE Highway, de- pots. funerals, calling, shopping. E. 4682. FO RDS for rent, wit hout driver. 443 Stark st. Broadway 3532. 5-PASS. Dodge for hire, touring, calling, shopping, highway. Broadway 3547. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. OUR specialty is buying ladies' and gents' cast-off clothing. Highest cash price paid. Will call day or night. PEOPLES' SECOND-HAND STORE. Marshall 3225 or 209 Madison St. SECOND-HAND CLOTHING BUYER. We need the clothing and we pay all It Is worth. Call Main 734. GENTILE clothes buyer pays highest cash price ior castorr. genrs suits, lain 4300. obby Cleaners, 350 Salmon. WANTED Purebred female curly cockerel Spaniel puppy; give price. 11. Kunn, Cor- vaius. or. SECOND-HAND CLOTHING BUYER. We need the clothing and we pay ail It is worth. Call Main 734. 20 Hi 1st st. HIGHEST PRICES PAID for second-hand clothes. Main 9344. WE buy your diamonds and old gold jewelry for cath. 294 Washington st. JUNK. rags, bottles, sacks, metals, old cloth ing, tools: good prices. East 294. HIGHEST prices paid for ladles' and gents' second-hand clothes. Broacfway 3932- JUN'K. rags, bottles, sacks, metals, old clothing, tools. Good prices. East 294. WINCHESTER and Remington automatlo & pump shotguns wanted. Hnehfeld. 85 3d. WANTED To buy second-hand, or use! bird cages, AY 600. Cregonlau, WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. $7.50 AND UP -$7.50 for second-band suits. . J. Meyer the tailor pays the highest price for suits, overcoats, shoes, etc. We call anywhere in the city, day or evening. Call Marshall 1229. or 229 Madison st. SECOND-HAND clothes wanted; highest prices paid for your cast off clothing, etc. Broadway 2845. 129 N. oth. WANTED TWO POOL TABLES, COM PLETE. BALLS. CUES. ETC.; GIVE PRICE AND ALL DETAILS IN FIRST LETTER. R 126. OREGONIAN. TRUNKS. VALISES. SUITCASES. SHOT GUNS. RIFLES. TOOLS BOUGHT. SOLD and EXCHANGED. Main 4495. Tabor 6798. 128 First, near Alder. WANTED Used gasoline drag saw. East 5826. iurnituro Wanted. GEYDRTZ FURNITURE COMPANY, 185 to 191 First St. BEST CASH PRICES PAID FOR USED FURNITURE. Stoves, ranges, rugs, store fixtures, res taurant outfits, hotels, rooming-houses, office furniture, furniture stocks; nothing too big or too small for us. Prompt at tention and courteous treatment. MARSHALL 6981. A 8224. READ IMPORTANT READ. We carry a greater varied assortment of new and used merchandise than any store In the city. There is hardly an item we do not buy and sell. We specialize in shelf and heavy hardware, sporting goods, household goods, office furniture, hotel and camp supplies. When you have anything to buy or sell, call or phone MAIN 9072. A 7174. LEVIN HARDWAlf at FURNITURE CO- 221-3-5 Front st., cor. Salmon. CALL MAIN 809 IMMEDIATELY. WE PAY THE HIGHEST CASH PRICES EVER PAID BY ANYONE IN THE CITY FOR FURNITURE. CARPETS. ETC. YOUR CALL WILL BRING THE BUY ER WITH THE MONEY. KLINE'S FURNITURE STORE. 192 FIRST ST., NEAR TAYLOR. MAIN 309. CASH. CASH. CASH. We will pay the highest price for yonr tised furniture, carpets, stoves, ranges, of fice furniture, etc. Phone Marshall 587 and our buyer will call at once. GEVl'KTZ FURNTURE STORE. 205 and 207 First St. M1SH FURNITURE CO. will pay highest cash price ever paid for usea rurmture, carpets, rugs, stoves, ranges, office fur niture - and fixtures. It will pay you to call us. You will be money ahead. MISH FURNITURE CO., 1SS-190 First. Main 5768. FELDSTEIN FURNITURE CO, 166-168 1st St., requires secona-nana xurniture; oesi prices paid. If you need any furniture, new or need, call on us and you will be sure of good treatment. Main 4633. I WANT used furniture; cash will be paid for stoves and ranges and all kinds of household goods. Call us for one article or a houseful and a competent courteous buyer will call. Mar. 2093. 1 MUST HAVE USED FURNITURE 1o ship out of town, will pay more than Portland second-hand dealers; deal with a courteous ouslness man. STANDARD, PHONE MAIN 4773 PHONE. JUST starting In business. Call East 6487 for highest price paia-lor usea rurmture. rugs .carpets, amoves. A. Monner Furniture Co., 83 Grand ave. WE NEED SECOND-HAND FURNITURE of any description; nave tne reaay cava. Phone today. Main 4627. or 204 First st. WANTED Second-hand household furni ture; large or small quantities; good prices paid. ' Call up Marshall 6321. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE WANTED. WILL PAY CASH. MAIN 3332. SEVERAL good rugs cheap, spot eaeh, also Vtall ai-net n ..I ftirnlriir. Main 94R1. WILL pay best prices. Marshall 2682. H1XP WANTED HALE. WANTED--At once, first-class chicken pick ers, scald or dry pick, good wages ana steady position. Apply Savlnar Co.. Mar shall S7 or A 2:i52. 100 Front su FIRST-CLASS launch man to operate boats on Crater Lake; must unaeresiana ooat buildlng and gas engine.' Apply A. L. Parkhurst. 1233 Union ave. N. FOUR men to work in Ice factory, 6 men to work In ice cream lactory, o rora auto delivery drivers. Crystal Ice & Storage Co., 7th and E. Salmon. BOY 16 to work after school and Saturdays, steady position during vacation. Apply Mr. Bellamy. 185 Z. AN experienced man to drive 1H or 8-ton Mack trucK. Apply at once. x ne uauiu Co.. 12th and Everett. WANTED Experienced soda dispenser or young man to learn tne ousineHS. -ii 841 Washington st. EXPERIENCED grocery order clerk. Apply Superintendent's office. 0 to 10 A. M. "Olds. Worthman & King. WANTED City salesman; popular line; weekly drawing account. taii Detween v and 12 A. M. 165 Union ve. BAKER'S HELPER or second baker. Apply Superintendent's office. 9 to 10 A. M. Olds, Wortman & King. FIRST-CLASS automobile mechanic to care for tourist cam in Crater Lake Park. Ap ply A. L. Parkhurst. 1233 Union ave. N. MEN to distribute circulars. Apply at 7 A. M. today or Friday. Kelley, 100V4 Front at. WANTED Experienced Japanese man cook, private family of two. reference requested, highest wages. Telephone East 45C2. OFFICE BOY. opport. to learn good whole sale business. State age. reference and phone number. AP 251. Oregonian. MOVING picture operator evenings; slate experience, references, salary expected. R 233. Oregonian WANTED First-class auto mechanic and lathe men, top wages, steady work. Hills boro Garage. Illllsboro. Or. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and credit man. Permanent position. Kindly give refer ences. O 254. Oregonian. MANY men wanted to work in Ice cream factory. Weotherly Ice Cream Co, 432 K. Salmon. ' WANTED Re-sawyer for horizontal, car tallyman. Lumbermen's Bank hldg. A Ills-Chalmers Call room 327 BELLBOY WANTED Prefer boy over 18 or over draft age. Arlington Club. 809 Park et. ' EXPERIENCED solicitor, must drive Ford car and work steady for good salary, ex empt from draft. Call at 1224 Sandy blvd. WANTED Bright high school boy for deli catessen and grocery work, good wages and board and room If desired. 278 Bth. WANTED Warehouse man and one truck driver. Bee shipping clerk. Paclfio States Electric Co.. 6th and Davis. WANTED An experienced shoe man; per manent position. 2ti3 Morrison st. WANTED A-l Ice cream maker. Phone Norman Cream Co.. The Dalles. Or. WANTED Two first-class lathe men a 618 Upshur st. WANTED Painter 319 N. Smith ave, Johns car. St. WANTED Several machinists The Culler Mfg. Co.. 3.1 k. loth st. 'ANTED Platform men and drivers r liT !vti mt DISHWASHER WANTED Arlington Club, 209 Park st. YOUNG man wanted as bus boy. slty Club. 6th and Jefferson. Unlyer- WANTED Day janitor, office building, hours. $70 month. C 255. Oregonian. STOCKOUTTEFl. pressmen and pressfeeders wanted. F. W. Baltes Co. BARBER wanted: apprentice, 1 year's ei perlenee; good wagea. 120 2d et. PORTER for barber shop. Sam H. Howard. 110 4th st. CANDY man wanted to make taffey, Sun day. Apply nt 153 N. th st. WANTED Assistant janitor. Apply Sher man. Clay & Co. WANTED--Flrst-class shoemaker; union wages. Knight Shoe Co. STRONG boy wanted for delivery and other -purposes. Room 3. 128 2d. f STEADY men wanted for night shift In gal vanizing plant. 14th and Lovejoy sts. WANTED Experienced brickyard men. Ap ply Kern Brickyard. K. 33d and Tillamook. WANTED Man to help In warehouse. Hexter A Co.. 13th and Hoyt. Bdwy. 11Q4. MAN and wife cooks $175 a month, logging camps. 21 N. 2d. WANTED Experienced bindery girls. Kll ham Stationery Ac Printing Co. 5th & Oak. WANTED Men for general candy factory work. Apply Vogan Candy Co. WANTED A bUHhelman. Apply Henry W. Jacobson. 324 Morrison. SHIPPING flerk for machinery house, per manent; $70 per month. N 362. Oregonlnn. MAN to work In wholesale grocery ware house. Phone Broadway 403. PORTER wanted. Oregonian Barber Shop. 112 Ji flJA st, . . . HELP WANTED MALE. UNCLE SAM WANTS EVERY MAN AT HIS POST. Yonr post Is the best place yon can fill. EARN MORE PAY YOUR BILLS and DO YOUR BIT at the same time? This Is the greatest moment In history. Middle-aged men can "come back" now. Boys must fill the soldiers places at once. The Y. M. C. A. Employment and Ad visory department Is able to give priceless advice it puts you into the largest place you are able to fill successfully. An Employment membership of $5 has been devised because we know that a man without work deserves special considera tion. Don't miss this modern, sclentlfle and thoroughly buslness-ilke way of securing a position. Phone Main 8700. A 6381. Call at once In person If possible. LUMBER FILERS WANTED. WE WANT TO CONTRACT PILING OF OUR SAWMILL PRODUCTION. ABOUT 100.000 FEET PER DAY. TO EXPERI ENCED LUMBER FILERS: NORWE GIANS , PREFERRED; TAKE KENTON CAR TO STOCKYARDS. APPLY NORTH PORTLAND BOX CO. TJ. S. GOVERNMENT EMPLOYMENT SERVICE. 247 DAVIS ST. Common laborers urgently needed In shipyard. Good wages. Immediate em ployment. Good opportunities for promo tion. LIBERTY LABOR AGENCY. 24 N. 2d St. 2 boys over 16 yra. tie up box snooks. $2.25; young men common labor in fac tory, $4.15; blacksmith, machine shop, $5.04; machinist, $6.00; car loaders, $4. and general work around mill $4 In the city; carriage doggers. $4. YOUNG man, 20 years old. for extra work around tea and coffee store: this is an excellent chance to learn both inside and outside selling; rapid advancement; per manent work. Apply in person to D. K. Baker, manager Jewel Tea Co, Inc. 21 Grand ave. TWO men over 40 years of age to work on tea and coffee routes In city; salary and commission; permanent work: these are established routes; apply at once in person only and be able to furnish best of references. Jewel Tea Co.. inc, al Grand ave. DELXVERT BOYS Apply superintendent's office. Mo 19 i. U. Olds. Wortman King. EXPERIENCED shoemaker. Apply between 0 and 11 A. M superintendent's office, basement balcony. Meier & Frank Co. DENTIST wanted: I have been drafted and must sell my established dental offflca at Eugene; price $500. or will lease; fixtures cost more than price asked. Address Dr. L- S. Whetstone. Eugene, or call Main 8936. Portland. U, S. GOVERNMENT EMPLOYMENT SERVICE, 247 DAVIS STREET. Common laborers urgently needed In shipyards; good wages; Immediate em ployment; good opportunities for pro motion. MEN wanted by Portland Gas & Cok Co. at Gasco. on Llnnton road. Steady WBBloy- ment: pay $3.60 to $5 per day. Take free oua at garage, rront ana tiilsan sts.. o a. M.. or 23d and Savler at 7:15 A, M. Apply at gas plant office. FIRST-CLASS bookkeeper and credit man; must have executive ability; stats age, where last employed, salary expected and give several references; good future for right man. R 220. Oregonian. BO 1. 16 or oer. with wheal. Hustler can make $73 to $80 per month: $50 guar antee. No Sunday work; no packages. Light easy work delivering telegrams. Ap ply 7 Board of Trade blug. WANTED Two machinists; wages $4.7$ to $5.25 per day of 8 hours; 60 laborers, wages $3.50 per day of 8 hours, steady work; machinists write. Northport Smelt ing ss Refining Co., Northport, Wash. MEN wanted to carry carbon briquets from trucus to basements ot our consumers; average wage $4.50 to $5 for 8 hours. In quire N. E. cor. 2d and Flanders. Port land Gas & Coke Co. WANTED Young man or willing lad to help with janitor work before and after study hours, in exchange for business col lege course. Phone Broadway 1821 or write to C 217, Oregonian. luL'.N'O man. 18 to 20 years of age. as billing clerk in machinery house; one able to use typewriter prererred; ex cellent opportunity for right party. A 2425. Main lo47. WANTED Two young men between 17 and 21 years old, one) tor soda fountain work and the other for busboy work: salary $05 per mo. and board: work 6 days per week. Apply the Hazelwood. 388 Wash. St. MIDDLE-AGED man and wife or. single man for janitor in apt. house: steady to sltlon for the right party. R 246. Ore gonian. SODA dispenser wanted; no . Sunday work; gooa wages. CAT 'N FIDDLE. 145 Broadway. WANTED Young man to till orders and pack in wholesale auto accessories house. Apply Chansler ec Lyon, Broadway and Couch. WANTED Good elevator operator; must have office building experience: no Sun day work and good wagee; give phone ana reierence. aj oaa. uregoman BUS boy wages. wanted; 110 Sunday work, good CAT 'N FIDDLE. 145 Broadway. WANTED Warehouse truckers; good steady position; Saturday afternoon off; $3.25 per vday. Mrashaii-wens Hardware Co.. 15th and Lovejoy. MEN WANTED Conductors and motor-men wantea. wan room jii: r.iectnc building or division superintendent's office at th carbarns. P. R.. L. tc P. Co. WANTED Man and wife to cook In small camp on highway construction. Apply roo.-n 403 45 4th st., between 0 and 10 o clock Thursday morning. WANTED Grocery delivery boy; one who has naa experience in tne apartment house district. Apply 700 Washington st. ASSISTANT manager for theater, give age. previous occupation and wages expected. K 247. Oregonian. WANTED 3 extra shoe salesmen for Satur days only. Will pay $7 a day. Simon's, 1st and Aider. SALESMAN -wanted for city, prefer elderly gentleman with stove and range experi ence. B 305. Oregonian. WANTED Collector, young fnarrlcd man preferred, for city work. Call before II A. M.. 402 Wash, st. WANTED Young man to drive private car afternoons, evenings and Sunday. Main 1141. MEN wanted to work on river steamboats, $70 per month and board. Apply Washing ton-street oock. YOUNG men or boys over 16, to learn tin business; good opportunity for advance mint. Apply Lowengart at Co. BO' or young man wanted for grocery store. able to drive Ford; rererencea 434 E. Burnslrte. Fast Side Grocery. BOY, 16 years old or over, with bicycle, guarantee $60 per month; can earn more. Apply 127 11th st. WANTED Janitor for office building; night work: good wages to right man; give phone numoer. i ..-o, oregonian. SHOP MAN Must be good mechanic; $125 per month. E. L. Knight A Co.. 440 Washington t. WANTED Driyer for delivery car: must be careful, rellablo man. not afraid to work. AC 2fr6. Oregonian. WANTED Man over draft age to change tires and drive sen-Ice cars. Apply Mr. Chilton. John A. Walter Co.. 6th and Pine. WANTEB Boy over 18 years old to run eievtttor; experience not necessary. Palace Hotel. 446 Washington. WANTED Night watchman to do light Jan itor work; state experience and refer ences. AH 299. Oregonian. HOTEL CLERK, night work; number. B 3Q0, Oregonian. give phone EXPERIENCED janitor and wife. King A1bcrt Apsrtmenta. 11th and Montgomery. COUNTER MAN. Leighton's Dairy Lunch. Hroadwsy and Washington. TKrVE cleaners and casing men; wages. 228 Alder st. good WANTED Able-bodied men at Can Co.. 14ih and Front sts. American PACKERS wanted for permanent positions. Apply Rice S Phelan. Front and Oak sts. EXPERIENCED grocery porter. Apply Laug & Co.. 1st and Ankeny. MAN and wife, waitress and dishwasher; also kitchen helper. Marshall 3140. JANITOR or hall boy wanted; 'tranee. Oregon Hotel. Park at. en- Al'TO DRIVER wanted 7:30 Thursday. Cascade Market. 3d and Yamhill. GROCERY clerk. Grand svrs. tor. Aiaaaaiit SL. and HELf WANTKO MALE. STRAWBERRY PICKERS WANTED for Hood Ittver, Oswego. Kex and Silem. Pay la good. A fine outing and make money at same time You need tents, cooking utensils and bedding. Families or groups of women are especially wanted. PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT BUREAU, 247 Davis St. FIRST-CLASS mechanic to take charge of shift from 3:30 P. M. to 12; must liave general experience on machines and tools, also be capable of developing nien: new shop and equipment. s.'.o p,-r week sal ary Rothweiler st Co.. 2UU2 Jrlrst ave. So.. Seattle. Wash. FOR SEATTLE. Men's furnlttlilng goods man; btso shoe man; both must be good salesmen and ca pable to take charge of respective aepart menta. Apply at clerk's deek. Demon Hotel, between 11 A. M. and 2 P. M. IN THE CITY Two blacksmiths $6, 1 lathe man so, 1 Dlackamlth helper $4. S machin ist apprentices S3. 73; all 8-hour work, no carfare to pay, steady work, advancement. Portland Labor Agcy.. 11 N. 2d t WANTED Motorcar repair man; must be familiar with all standard cars, good trouble-shooter, able to scrape and fit bearings; steady work, good pay. Fred Dundee. Broadway and Flanders. EXPERIENCED machinist to Install and operate Land Is boltcutter. Must also be capable ot doing all kinds of repairing In manufacturing plant. References re qulred. E 242. Oregonian. ' COLLECTOR. Single man as rod collector, salary $27 per weea. ritliroad mileage, also cumnils slon; references required. Apply 406 ore- human oiag.. ii ana a o ciocK today. AUTOMOBILE mechanlo wanted: must be competent; good salary, steady poeltlon 60 miles from Portland on railroad. Sum mer resort, good trout fishing. Address A V la. oregonian. WANTED Boy, with wheel, to deliver tele grams; good salary; must be at least 16 yrs. of age. Apply district trafflo chief I'aclflo Telephone A Telegraph Company. 2ol Telephone bldg. BOYS are making $4 a day delivering pack ages to the merchants; paid weekly; bicycles furnished If necessary. Broad way 4SIP8. A 2404. 15 N. 12th. WANTED A cupola, man: aso a man who has had 2 year' foundry experience; best of mutes. Address 1034 Oly.npla St., East St. Johns. BARBER wanted, steady job. 234 1st st. WANTED TAILOR. BEN SELLING. Help Wanted Salesmen. SALESMAN wanted; wholesale notion house has good opening for first-class salesman. Call on C. E. Youngberg Thursday at Multnomah Hotel. POSITION open Thorough knowledge of Jewelry and other lines, local territory. Apply, with full particulars. Jos. Mayer A Bros.. 35U Col man bldg, Seattle, Wash. WANTED Salesman with ability to call on drug, confectionery and soft drink trade; give telephone number and references. E 240, Oregonian. BRAND new proposition for solicitors and salesmen. Periodical Publishers' Service Bureau. 811 Globe bldg. WANTED Salesmen with Ford, and one on foot, to sell and collect In city. Call 8 to 10 A. M . 402 Washington st. WANTED AGENTS. GENTS, at once. Sell 600 per month AOS pital tlcketa 206 Corbett bldg. HELP WANTED FEMALE. FIRST-CLASS DRY GOODS AND READY-TO-WEAR SALESLADY, ONE WHO WANTS A STEADY POSITION WITH GOOD CHANCES FOR ADVANCEMENT; WILL PAY UP TO $20 WEEK SALARY. F 2U5. OREGONIAN. WOMEN of refinement, over 23 under 40. ior high-class selling proposition; good pay; quick advancement; must be bright, tact xul and ambitious. Selling or traveling ex perience valuable but not necesaary, as be ginner will be given preparatory train ing at our expense. state agw, nation ality, previous employment and phone number in answer. Address R 234. Orego nian. GIRL wsnted for shoe-shlnlng parlor; good w-aKcs.' Apply to Isaac Hasson. care shoe shlnlng parlors, basement balcony, Meier St Frank Co. YOUNG woman. 25 to 30 years, for retail cigar business; good opportunity for ad vancement for right party; references re quired; $1S week to start. B 316. Ore gonian. WANTED 3 more women for house-to-house advertising campaign, no experience re quired, steady position and $15 a week at start. Phnne calls not answered. Ap ply V to 12. Mr. Gllhsm. Hotel Carlton. WOMAN to press men's clothes on Hoffman pressing machine; steady work; wases while learning. Unique Tailoring u. 104 4th. WANTED An experienced woman for gro cery department, permanent position. Kennard A Adams Department Store, 639 Williams ave. WANTED Salesladies In children's shoe department. Wright's Shample Shoe Store; $20 per week and commissions. WILLING woman for housework, scandl- navlsn preferred: good home for right party. Wdln. 3493. GIRLS for flat work department, steady em , ploymeut and good wages. American ' Laundry. 140 East 3d St. North. EXPERIENCED dictaphone operator for pleasant position: must be rairly fast; $ to commence. It 314. Oregonian WANTED Competent girl for general housework at Gearhart: must he good cook ; good wages. Broadway 619. WANTEl Competent maid or seamstress for upstsirs work In private family Phone Main 2108. t COMPETENT maid: must be good cook; small family; references; wages. $43. Mar shall .'111. WANTED A strong girl for light manufac turing. The Columbia Mills. Inc., 4th floor Royal bldg.. city. WANTED Girl over 20 years for confec tionery; one who lives at home; some ex perl en ce!IS28;C1regon2an. WANTED 50 women to work on berries. Apply at once, ready for work, at 321 Kan Yamhill. Starr Fruit Products Co. WANTED Experienced ladles, gloss iron Apply Troy ers; can make goon wage. I. sundry Co.. K. l"tn ana Pine. . EXPERIENCED grocery order women. Ap ply Superintendent's office. 9 to 10 A. M. Old Wortman & King. YOUNG girl to assist with work. Phone Main f,316. 553 W. Broadway, corner Lincoln. GIRL. 10. to work after school and Satur days: steadv position during vacation. Applv Mr. Bellam-'. !J 3K WANTED Man slid wife to share furnished cottage, small rent for light service. Sialyl 4 in 18 before 1 O- STRONG women for wrapping packages; permanent employment. Apply Jones Cssh Store. Front snd Oak sts. WANTED Two young women, nice appear ing. $12 to $18 a week, and chance to travel. jTall S09 Stock Exchange. EXPERIENCED millinery maker. Elizabeth, 105T Broadway. WANTED Nurse girl for 2 children, good home: no housework. 856 Marshall st. EXPERIENCED maid; good wages, perma nent poeltlon. Hotel I.enox. 3d and Main. GIRLS wanted; good pay. KniMIng Factory. 1202 E Apply Portl Stark St. lid CAMP waitress. $95; hotel. $-V: ehamber mald. $' Hansen, 327 Washington. WOMAN grocery clerk: exoerlenced. Cor. 1 1 n ssalo st. and tlrwnrt ave. WANTED An experienced laundress to go to beach. Main 214. WAITRESS wanted; night Shift. 4 to 1 15.X North Sixth st. WA NT ED-5- Young lady Hotel news stsnd. References. 4; 2.. Oregonian. WOMAN to take orders for the Periodical Publishers Service Bureau. 311 Globe bldg. WANTED Experienced chambermaid at Hotel Vernon-. 12th snd Stark. Good wages. BONBON" dippers Candy Co. wanted. Apply Vogan CHOCOLATE and bonbon packera wanted. Apply Vegan Candy Co. MANICURIST wanted. Shop. H2'i 6th St. Oregonian Barber W" A NT ED Experienced, chambermaid. Broadwirr 404!1. WANTED Hotel. Chambermaid 'all at room 2 for the Portland ASSISTANT bookkeeper. Main 7."--4. WANTED Waitress. 8 N. 8d et. A.-ST. Appiy 1' WANTED A. lUUag-roou, girl. Mala 67. HKTT WANTED FEMALE. HELP WANTED. Help Wanted advertisements la THE OREGONIAN must state explicitly the nature of employment and Ua basis of com pensation, salary or commission. The Oregonian rejects misleading and oblertionable advertising and any advertisements found to be mis leading should be reported Immedi ately to The Oregoulan office. THE OREGON LAN. Main 7070. A 05. GIRLS. 16 OR OVER. TO WORK IN BAO F AC TORT; GOOD WAGES. STEADY EMPLOYMENT. APPLY AT ONCE. AMES HARRIS NEVILLE CO.. 1BTU AND HOYT STft YOUNG LADIES WANTED. PERMANENT POSITIONS. NO EXPERIENCE REQUIRED. $ PER WEEK PAID BEGINNERS. RAPID INCREASE IN WAGES. CALL AT TELEFHON1 COMPACT. ROOM 601. SIXTH FLOOR. PARS AND OAK STREETS. THREE, neat appearing, active girls for dlnlng-rpora work, on day off each week, work 8 hours per day and as late as 12 P. M. Experienced girls $50 per month; board Included. Inexperienced girls start at $40 per month and advanced to $50 the 2d month; board Included. Apply at the office of the Hazelwood, 8S8 Washington st. STRAWBERRY PICKERS WANTED for Hood River, Oswego. Rex and Salem. Pay is good. Fine outing and make money at same time. You need tents, cooking utensils and bedding. Families or groups of women are especially wanted. WOMEN'S DIVISION. PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT BUREAU. 3Q9 City HalL W E HAVE opportunity for a few women to learn to weave Army blanketa and cloth; preference given to those living on the Peninsula. Apply Portland Woolen Mills. St, Johns. WANTED Lady to wssh glasses and dishes conrecuonery store at Multnomah Falls. v2 miles from Portland, on the Co lumbia Highway; salary $50 per month, board and room Included. Apply The lias- eiwooa. ttns ivaen. St. WAITRESS wanted, must be experienced; no ounuay work, nrsn wages. CAT "N FIDDLE. 145 Broadway. PRESSERS ON LADIES' WORK. BROADWAY DYE CLEANING WORKS. HEAD WAITRESS WANTED: MUST RE COMPETENT. WITH FIRST-CLASS REF- r.KtW b.f. A UUKtM PILOT BUTTE INN. BEN D. OK. WANTED Reliable. Industrious woman, not over 40 years, to keep house for man and wife: state wsges wanted and leave phone 00. 19 rt-w. I'regoman. BUUKKtErtKij. S125. $100. $65; stenog- rapners. tiuu. suu. SU: dictaphone onera tor. $75; typist, $45. Sol Northwestern uana biag. WANTED Competent woman to repre sent npireua t. orset un. we teach you v -ei J ir.manini p. r 1 n. WANTED Experienced and girls for laundry work. Laundry. 395 E. Broadway. Inexperienced Apply State Housekeeper fuil particulars Oregonian. Anted. 1 first under "letter. 40: BD give 268, W ANTED Oman to do general housework and care for invalid, good pay and a home 'Q ri g n ipa ri y. fj 24 0. Oregonian. 2 EXPERIENCED girls for soda fountain and confectionery work. Apply 234 Mor- V ANTED Experienced operator for hem stitching machine. Singer Sewing Ma chine Co., 402 Wash St. AN V girl i Solvation need of a friend apply to the Army Rescue Home 301 ri -., or pnone tait 123. SMART girls to press ladles' dresses, $10 week to start, 373 Grand ave. North, near itroanway. iki tor boy 01 I. will pay $15 per monm; a iany wiui children of her own preierreo. it a.m. uregotllan. COMPETENT girl for general housework. laimiy inree aauits; gooa wages. Ea 1430. EXPERIENCED hands, dressmaking depart ment, permanent WOTK. ,uu llroailway across from Helllg Theater. iuunu iaay as stenographer, salary to start i. good chance for advancement; give pnone numoer. A 244. Oregonian. GIltLS to sell eandy in theater. See Mr. (rundel. bet. 11 and 12. at Hippodrome ineier. i-ormer neip also apply. WANTED Waitress; must bo experienced good wages, room and board. Mallory Ho f , J 171 T n ... -.-, J GIRLS for f:at work department: good pay ana sxeaay employment. American Laun tlary Co., 140 East 3d North. COOK wanted for ranch. Eastern Oregon man and wife or single woman. A. 1'. umltn. Nortonla Hotel. Portland. STRONG woman wanted: no experience re quired. Paclfio Tent ac Awning Co.. 103 North First at- . WANTED 10 Indies to learn the barber trade, tree tuition. Appiy at once 234 rturnsioe st. Phone Broad. 173. W A N T fc.l An experienced rirl for reneral housework, wages $45; have 3 children. tau oso -a .ortn, .ast 0,94. WANTED Nurse girl for baby. 7291. Tel. Main EXPERIENCED marker and sorter wanted at Opera House laundry. 2d and Everett. WANTED A girl porter for Aronson's, 340 Wsshington. PANTS finisher wanted, steady Job. Stoler. 2Q7 Allsky bldg.. Main 1622. Joe PCPII.S, nurses wanted. Sellwood General Hospital. SellWood 847. CASHIER for American Theater, Main sts. Apply after lo A. M. 1st and WAITRESS. R. and B.. $38. nlan. 138, Orego- EXPERIENCED telephone operators may be obtained by calling Main I02. A 2O07. PRIVATE home for children 3 .to 12 years old: 13 years' exp. 714 Everett. Mar. 2102. EXPERIENCED cashier for cafeteria; references. J 243. Oregonian. give CHORUS GIRLS Highest wsges. long eu gaaements. no traveling. Casino Theater. DISHWASHER wanted. Crown Waffle House. 160 2d st. EXPERIENCED wsltress wanted; new Paris Restaurant. . 26U Alder St. POWER MACHINE operators. Apply Colum bia Awning & Shade Co.. Ii8 Second st. WOMAN ' m.nls. lo prepare Main 7..S4. vegetables. $40 and WANTED Women to work In Lelghton's Dairy Lunch. Broadway snd Washington. WAITRESS wsnted. Washington, upstair Call 11 A. M.. 845 ' WANTED Girl for general housework; wsshlng. Woodlawn 3032. WANTED Keslstered lady pharmacist. Ad- dr-fis W 20O. Oregon ;:t n. WANTED A woman to do plain cooking. 2 meals a day. Phone East 4732. GIRL for general housework, small family. Knst 4K. 4'.5 East 27th North. EX PEKIENCF.n w sltress wanted; call after 11 A. M. Mnndsrln Csfe. 362 i Morrison. EXPEK1KN' Cafe. S2' ED waitress want-d. Mandarin 1 Morrison. Call after 11 A. M. , GIRL lo assist in good wsges. Main 32' general housework. Wanteil Ikimesl lee. WA NTF.D TtellHblo Hft w:lgcs. Main for second work. un Gl!l!. lor day V207. work, 2.c hji hour. Tabor GJK1. tor general house wmk, 64 Lovejoy, Mala 6300. . - HF.LP WANTED FEMALE. W a n ted I toraeet Ira. GOOD POSITIONS FOR TWO GOOD GIRLS. COOK AND MAID WANTED. BOTH ML ST HE NEAT AND THY; urn FAM ILY IS USUALLY FOUR. HOME 13 MOOERN AND PRETTY ' AND NEAR THE WATER ON TlLLAVImiK TBAi. HAVE HAD TWO TOuKS IN SEVERAL YEARS. ONE MARRIED. PRESENT COOK 13 To BE MARR1E1. AM WILL ING TO PAY i;0D WAGES. AND BE LlrJVE MY GIRLS FEEL THEY II.U'B A GOOD HOME. RAILROAD PAKE WILL. BE PAID. BOX It 237. ORtGONIAN. Yoi:NG country uirl lor Keueral housework- experience not necessary; good wage and lucrease with ability demoustrsted; small tamily. small houpe. Call 525 N. Av. l.Mh bl, or call East 327. WANTED Working housekeeper. Good cook ano manager. Small lainily aduita. Good position for right person. linl Ala meda drive. Broad ay car. H 203, Ore gonian. WANTED Middle-aged woman for general housework, any nationality; small latnily. Apply In person. J20u East Glisan, or phone Tabor 16:5. WANTED Young girl to assist lit house work and care of 4-year-o.d chl.d: wages $13. Call bt0 Marsna.l St., between 10 and 12. WANTED Experienced cook In private of two where second girl Is kept. Comlorlaole. good home; wages. 7u2 West Main, cor. King. Phone Mam 72.'.!. GRADE or hluh school girl to assist with light housework and go to beach for J Summer months; wages paid. 540 E. 14th N.. East 7400. WOMAN for housekeeping, good cook. 2 In family, no washing, mourrn flat; $2J. Marshall 2737. GIRL or woman, housework, small fannl. modern apt.; prefer to go home nights; good wages. East 74H2. WANTKD v oiiiaii. or man und w ile for housework. Apply 4uo East 24:h st. Telephone 71S2. GIRL lor 3 hours' housework In exchange for neat room, breakfast nnd small remunea atlon. Phone Main 37.10 PHoOL girl, one employed, to assist with housework for board, room and wagea. F 294. Oregonian. WANTED Good, competent woman for gen eral housework by day In private family: no washing. 20 E. 7th st. East 1314. WANTED Competent woman for housework and care of small boy; no washing, light cooking: 2 adults. $4Q. Phone Wdln. 406. WANTED Girl assist with general housework and plain rooking; family of 8 adults. 7S6 Kearney St. Main 9041 GIRL for light housework; no washing; afternoon and evenings off. Call Tabor 33. WANTED Competent second maid In family. Main 32. 709 Northrup st. WANTED Girl to take care of 17-nionths-old baby. Call East 649. WANTEI -A girl for general housework, free. Apply- .is! loth St. evenings GIRL for general housework; aduita A4- piy mornings Main 1240. g. WANT Girl for general housework. 898 Marcla ave. Main 3214. WAN TE D Com pe tent cook. good wages; appiy to airs, vt . j. nurns. Sellwood Hw. A GOOD chambermaid wanted at the An gela Hotel. WANTED Experienced nurse to care for two small cnildren: references. Main 1S2S. WANTED Competent cook, with reference; verybest wages. Phono Broadway 2493. ItF.I P WANTE1 MALE OK FEMALE. EXPERIENCED spinners and weavers want ed to work on Government goods. Good wages. steady work. Apply Portland Woolen Mil s. St. Johns. WANTED I.ogsnberry pickers for 8 acres. Good camp grounds, wood, straw and po tatoes furnished free; good water on the ground; one-naif miie from Waconda sta- ' lion on O. E. Ry. I will pay iu,c per 1-ib. box for those stsylng through the sea son. Address Carl Asplnwsll. nervals. Or. SPINNERS WANTED. GOOD WORK. GOOD PAY. ORE-jON C1T1C WOOLEN MILLji, OREGON CiT. as-aeo. W ILL bo at the St. Hotel. June 7 and 8. to reKlster berry picker. Good camp grouncs. Wi:l pay 1 cents a pound. Chas. Fa 1st, Waconda. Or. WANTED Boys or girls, over age of 16 for wrapping soup. Ml. Hood boa p Co 4th end Glisan. WANTED Dishwasher at Estcs Griil. 12S Park st. EXPERIENCED laundry help wanted. Mult nomah Hotel. EIUCATIONAL. BL' iS ELL FlilVATE BUSINESS SCHOOL oteuograpners. Bookkeepers. Dictaphone operators wanted. ARE YOU READY .' We w-lil help you plan your course at hours most convenient for you. Day snd evening classes. l.mnbcrmens bids.. 5tli and Siark. phone Broadwuy 5601. Miss F. Bursell. principal. AJlaS DECKER'S PI'.IV.VTE lll'il.NtSa COLLEGE. Individual Instruction. Short Practical Course, Shorthand, Typewriting, Bookkeep ing. Spelling. Dictaphone. Mimeograph ing, Office Training. Adding Machine, s'li Ing. Allsky bldg, 3d and Morrison. MEN. WOM EN. learn the barber trade; shortage of barbers all over the country; big wages; $5 10 $10 per week earned while learning. THE UK". SCHOOL. Phone Broadway 1731. MOI1LEH BARBER COL-' LEtiE. 234 Lurnside st. PRACTICAL training In gas. electrical and steam engineering, mechanical drawing, machine-shop practice, oxy-acetylene welding, automobile and tractor operating and repairing. Write for catalogue. Se attle Engineering School. Seattle. Wash. WANTED More young women to prepare for telegraph service; many positions open now for women telegraphers. For panic- . ulars write or call Telegraph Deps.. room 21 Railway Ex. bldg., cor. 3d and Stark. PORTLAND'S ONLY EXCLUSIVE TELE GRAPH SCHOOL Conducted by experts: personal attention, practical work: heavy demand for operators, $75 to $85 to start. Fuller's Telegraph School. Alltky bldg. MOLER BARUER COLLEGE " pays ou while learning, gives you a set of tools,, guarantees ou a position; send lor catalogue: 234 Burnside su Phone Broadway 1731. ADCOX A L'TO Sc'HiMJL. 275 UNION AVENUE .VuKTIl. SPECIAL SUMMER PRIONS. CALL. WRITE. iR PHONE E. 7445. WANTED 15 ladies to" learn to drive and repair tractors. Apply Hemp hill's Trade Schools. 7o7 Hawthorne ate., corner East 20th. MEN. WOMEN, learn barber trade free, wages wiilie learning: position guaranteea. Oreifoti Berber College. 233 Madison St. PORTLAXU BARBE H COLLEGE teaches men and women the barber trade free. Paid while learning. 234 Couch au YATES-FISHER TEACHERS' AGENCY Free registration, kll-12 Broadway bldg. Main -i4. MRS. HANNL'M S SHORTHAND SCHOOL, day and night. Tillamook and Gautcu bein. East 360. Ti.l.EGRAPli Y. sleiiOKrupnv, Bkg. Hoard, rm. and tuition may b,t earned. Mackay Bus. Colleges. Los Angeles and Fresno. MISS MATTINGLY S Shorthand. Typewrit ing School, (Ik)-, evening. $5 month. 209 14th. near Jelfcrson. Main 3'.'3. .'KENCU CLASSES. 301 Corb-t Bldg. Main 1026. Armstrong-Holmes Busloess College. Flied ner bldg. day and evening. Broadway IS-'t TEACHERS All kinds ok teaching posi tions. Main 4835. Flsk Teachers' Agency. SITUATIONS WANTEH MALE. JAPANESE cook Tvants hotel or restaurunt kitchen work. M. Arakl. 60 N. lltli st. or A20i'.S; AGE 36. competent, with good busiueaa ex perience: want position where lias will count. H;ist 4144. SMALL sets of booKS kept; speclnl or new systems. H. N. Tuflord. rniirt Hoiel. Main 2'i"-'9. Main ;9."..; audits E.tou rosllloN wanted hv first-class stlckerman or piaiierman. Address E. it. Ka3 nci. t'nlon Hotel. 83 oth St.. rity. POSITION WMiited bv experienced bookkeep er and rretllt man: exempt; references. K 241. Oregonian. REGISTERED pharmacist, Th. G.. and ex perienced, wishes position. Sell. 22l JAPANESE, first-class cook, wants position lu prlvnte family. H Or-eonltin. MAN and a ton nnd half truck, wauls 8 hours a day. $10. Phone Fast 4O01. FIRST-'I.ASS hot ;e-.(Wsnia ernplo I janitor. ulinte dr;,ft. -ment. .1 2"2. Ore eon 1 :i s. FO!U driver wauls lob; married man, els 4. State -wages, U 13. -Oregonian. c 102.2