THE MORNING OREGONIAN, TUESDAY. JUNE 4, 1913. AMTSEMKNTS. Ticket Office Sale I OPIS.NS 10U.1V - UIpTT Tp Broadway at Taylor llLdllVJMaiii t and A 1123 THIS WEEK. ,d7yd.a,.N!GHTS, JUNE 6, 7, 8 SPECIAL PRICE MAT SAT. 2:15 BRILLIANT COMEDY SUCCESS i MARY'S ANKLE , r , EXCELLKT CAST A-0 PRODUCTION. EVE'S Floor, J1.50; Balcony. $1, 75c, 50c; Gallery, 5c SAT. BIAT, Floor. U; Balcony. SI. 75c, 50c; Gallery, 50c t v - lvia. Hi JTV players Tonight All Week Mats. Wed., Eat. Greatest of all modern comedies, "BREWSTER'S MILLIONS" ' ' Immense cast and scenic production. Eves: 28c, 55c. 83c. Sat. Mat.: 88c. 55c. Med. Bargain Mat. 28c only. Next Week "The Marriage of Kitty." CARTER IE HAVEN , and , Ruth Budd. Dixie Norton and Coral Mel notte. valyda and Brazilian Nuts. Funir " Cartoonist; Eddie Mack and Dot THB TinFVMnnv Wlth Glen Anders & Co. msm 1 PANTAGE MAT. DALLY 2:30 "PEACOCK ALLEY." THiaa Blackburn, Elwood P. Bostwick aad Associate Players. Six Other Bis; Acts. Three Performances Daily. Kight Curtain at 7 ana . LYRIC MUSICAL STOCK Mat. Dally 10c. Nights start at 7. Another big double show this week. IMllon St Franks and the Lyric Company In THE MKRKY-tiO-KOCXD. And Patty Arbuckle in his latest comedy hit. "Moonshine." Tonight The Country Store Extra. THE IPPODROME SUNDAY'. MONDAY, TUESDAY", WEDNESDAY, Miss Mattie Choate And Her Company Present OUTCLASSED" Comedy Playlet by George Bloomquest. 7ActsFullofPep7 Including; June Elvidge in "Nature's First Law" Continuous Performance Satur days and Sundays. 25th and Raleigh TODAY Last Two Performances U MAGNIFICENT OPENING SPtCTaCLC CONQUEST OF NYANZA T)f1fl NIFORMITO mnnlini semitiosil auium -uuu MUJ-ma.iieii-IUi tVERV ANIMAL AN ACTOR EVERY ACT AN ANIMAL ACT THC OSCAT 20TM CCNTURV CIRCUS FEATURE The X.oygs.1, Hunt GLITTERING TWO MILE OPEN OEN STREET PARADE AT 10.30 A. M DOORS 0PH I ml 7 P. H. rWOflm.NCES 7 mi I P. U Tickets on sale Sherman, Clay & Co. 6th and Morrison. Columbia Beach Portland's Coney Island. Dancing every evening and Sunday. Pelz and his exceptional orchestra, 15 pieces all artists. The ideal spot for picnics and outings. A safe resort for ladies and children. Take Vancouver Cars. DANCING! TONIGHT Cotillion Hall Fourteenth Off Washington. Portland's Finest Amusement Palace. - Hall -Rearing; Spring; Plosr. , PRIZE! W ALTZ, I AMrSEMEMS. CHAT NO. 14. Soldiers are especially welcome at the park no admission is charged them, and every day finds a great number as our guests. Skating seems to be the most popu lar sport with them, but now, since the swimming tank is open, un doubtedly many will enjoy a plunge in this inviting open air tank. These are the kind of days that bring out the picnic parties, and many happy families will be seen grouped under the trees or in the little Summer houses every after noon. There is a comic movie and orchestra in the afternoon, and a band concert by Cioffi's Celebrated Band; soprano solos by Beth Groves Young, and a movie at 8:20 in the evening. This entire programme is free to Park guests. Then, no matter how old or how young you are, you will enjoy the many unique rides and trips on the different concessions. The Rodeo is now open and it offers a thrill. a swinging out into space that sim ply enlivens as it delights. Cars leave First and Alder everv few minutes transfer from anv part of the city 6-cent fare. JOHN F. CORDRAY The Daily Chats tell all Oaks news. Prize Waltz Tournament FINALS Cotillion Hall 14th St, Off Wash. Tuesday Evening, June 4 $60 in Cash Prizes Will Be Given to the 10 WINNING CONTESTANTS. An exhibition of waltzing never be fore equalled In the city. Portland' leading dancers will compete. OPEN TO ALL. . DANCING guaranteed in 8 lessons ladies, $4; gents, $5. De Honey's beautiful acad emy, Twenty-third and Washington. Beginners' classes start Tuesday and Thursday evenings, 8 to 11. Plenty of practice; no embarrassment. Private lessons given. Learn from rjrof as sirmal dancers. Main 7656. Start this week. AUCTION SALES TODAY. At Baker's Auction if -w . . . . W. Park sts. Furniture, VtcTskle at 10 A. M. MEETING NOTICES. nJPV-EF- COUNCIL NO. 204, X. & u OF S. Members are requested to attend the V". ":." "L our late sister. Adeline M. Brown, today M. at Miller & Tracey chapel, Jasblngton street, between .cNumn anu x wenty-iirst. rVANHOE LODfiH vr. t KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS Regu- ' ""S. Tuesday ii mi, j i in ana Al der sts. Visiting Knights w.l. corns. E. M. LANCE, K. R. S. A. AND A H UTT-C OREGON LODGE OF PER FECTION. NO. 1 Regular meeting In Auditorium, Scot tish Rite Cathedral, this '""Wl evening at a o clock. Work In 4th. 6th and 6th de grees. By order VEN. MASTER. HAWTHORNE LODGE. NO. Ill, A. F. AND A. M. Stated communication this (Tuesday) evening at 8 o'clock. Brother Henry R. Hayek will deliver an address and show views of the trails of the Columbia River Gorge. Visiting brethren welcome. c -1 1 1. lr. rt, hc. PORTLAND CHAPTER. NO. 97. O. E. S. Stated communication this (Tuesday) evening, W. O. W. Hall. 334 Russell street. De- () grees. Refreshments. All O. E. S. . ' members welcome. By order of vv . .i. SOPHIE L. HOBSON, Sec. A. AND A. S. RITE. Thirty-eighth semi - annual reunion Wednesday. Thursday and Friday, June 5, 6 and 7. Candidates assemble for regis tratlon tomorrow (Wednesday) morning at 8:30 o'clock. By PRESIDING OFFICER. A. AND A. p. RITE. Members of the Cathedral Guard are urgently requested to report not later than , 7 o'clock this evening. F. C. WASSERMAN. President. WASHINGTON COMMAN DER Y. NO. 15, K. T. Stated conclave this (Tuesday) even- - ing 7:80. Order of the Tem ple. All sojourning JjSrotrier Knights invited. itU-tsi'-. i: l AiAttxin, itecoraer. OREGON ELECTRIC COUN CIL. NO. 15S2. ROYAL AR CANUM, meets this (Tuesday) evening. Masonic Temple. Vis iting brothers welcome. O. O. HALL. Secretary. COLUMBIA REBEKAH LODGE. NO. 3 O. O. F. The members are reuuested U meet at their hall todav (Tuesdavl. June 4. at 1 M., to attend the funeral of our late Sister, Ada Brown. The Rebekah services will De beld at Miller & Tracey. undertakers, 17S Ella street. IDA M. ELLIS, Secretary. LINNIE BROCKMAN, N. G. XEMBLEM Jewelry, buttons, charms, vlna new designs. Jaeger Bros.. 131-B 6th st. FRIEDLANDER'S for lodge cmblima class pins and medals. 310 Washington st. DIED. REED At 1424 E. 13th. June 2, Richard M. Reed, age 50 years, 2 months, 24 daya Funeral services will be held tomorrow (Wednesday). June 0, at 2:30 P. M. at M. E. church corner 15th and Tacoma ave. Remains are at residence funeral parlors of Walter C. Kenworthy, 1532-34 E. 13th, Sellwood. Friends invited. HARBERT June 2, Virgile Harbert. aged o. years, son oi Airs. j. j . r raler, OI Tracy. Cal. Remains at Dunning A Mc Entee's chapel. Funeral notice later. CONNERY In this city, June 2, James Con- nery, aged i2 yeaKs. Notice of funeral later. Remains are. at the residential par lors of Miller & Tracey. CEMETERIES. BEAUTIFUL MOUNT SCOTT PARK CEMETERY Lowest Prices Best Service No expense after interment. Prices lower than other cemeteries. riXEK.ll NOTICES. tKtlALD In this city, at the family '...,. inr, u-i i cH:nuyier street, June 2. naner -i. r relwald, aged Z'i years, son of Air. and Mrs. (lustsv Frelwald. brother of Alfred Frelwald. of lone. Or.; Hilda and Eleanor Frelwald, of this city. The lunerai services win be held tomorrow i tveanesaay , June 5. at - o'clock P. M. i i lie auove residence. Friends Invited. interment at Rlverview Cemetery. The remains are at the residence establishment . Finlcy & Son, Montgomery at V;??, . In tnis c"y- at her late residence. cast iweniy-iourln street South. Mrs. Adaline M. Brown, aged 63 years, wife of Mianlhus Brown: mother of Harley X. Brown. Hoy c. Brown, of this cliy: sister iio ai. Lnicman, wenatcnee, Wain.; -Morrow, or uttumwa. la.: Mary .Jones, of Okanogan. Wash.: D. W. McCain, of Spokane, Wash. Funeral will be held at Miller & Tracey's chapel today Tuesday , June 4, at 2 P. M. Interment Aimviiie, ia. HI.TCHINSOX In this city, at his late resilience. Twelfth street. June imam js. iutcninson. aged 72 years, husband of Mrs. Florence Hutchinson, father of Frederick and Howard Hutch inson. ne funeral services will be held tomorrow (Wednesday). June 3. at 4 o ciock F. M. at the residence establish ment of J. i. Flnley & Son. Montgomery at Fifth. Friends Invited. Services at the Portland Crematorium will be held unaer tne auspices of the A. F. and A. M. COLWELL In this cltv. June B. 1918. Eliza beth Parr Colwell, aged 7tf years, beloved wife of John Colwell and mother of James Colwell, Mrs. Sarali De Molt and Rachel Colwell, all of Portland. Friends are In vited to attend the funeral services, which win De neia xrom the family residence. o napman street, tomorrow (Wednes day), June 5, 1918. Interment Mount sscott cemetery. WAHL At Salem. Or.. June 1. Genevieve I. iani, aged o years, wire or w. a. Wahl, of 6B!ri North Eighteenth street, city. uhe funeral services will be held today (Tuesday) at 1!:30 o'clock P. M. at the residence establishment of J. p. Finley ac Son, Montgomery at Fifth. Friends In vited. Services at the Portland Crema torium private. O'KEEFB In this city, June 2. Michael " geu ,x years, oeioved nusDanu OI HrldKc-t O'Keefe. of 3K8 East Davis street. The funeral services will be held today (Tuesday). June 4. at U A. M. at St. Francis Church. Friends Invited to attend. Interment In St. Mary's Cemetery. F. S. Dunning. Inc., East Side funeral di rectors, in charge. PERKINS At Tamhlll. Or., Jennie Crow Perkins. The funeral services will be held tomorrow (Wednesday), June 5, at I U o'clock P. M. at the residence establish ment or j. f. finley & feon, Montgomery at Fifth. Friends invited. Interment at .rtiverview cemetery. THEIS The funeral services of the late I Koy xnels. beloved son of Mr. and Mr Stephen Theis, will be held today (Tues- day), June 4, at 3:30 P. M.. from the I cnapei or Miller & Tracey. Interment at I nose city cemetery. FETTERS At Salem, Or., June 1. Elsie I setters, aged years, hlineral services I will be field today (Tuesday). June 4. 11 A. M.. from the chapel of Miller At lracey. Incineration at Mount Scott Park. I DOOLITTLE In this city. June 2. Lois Doolittle, aged C3 years. Funeral services I will be beid today (Tuesday), June 4, at I A. M. from the Chanel of Miller Tracey. Interment at Lone Fir Cemetery. BUTLER The remains of Baby Butler. In-1 rant son oi Mr. and Mrs. c futler, will I be interred today (Tuesday), Juno 4. at 2:80 P. M. at Multnomah Park under! tne direction or Miller & Tracey. BACHLEY Remains of Jessie Bachleyl were interred at MUitnoman rarK, -Won- I day, Juna 3, under direction of Miller & I Tracey. PTNERAL DIRECTORS. H0LMAN UNDERTAKING CO. Funeral Directors Established 1877. Third and Salmon Streets. Main 507. A 151L Lady Assistant. Perfect Funeral Service for Less. MILLER & TRACEY Independent Funeral Directors. Wash. St.. bet. 20th & 21st. West Side Main 2001. Lady Assistant. A 7o5 J. P. FINLEY SON, Progressive Funeral Directors. Private Drive Women Attendants. MONTGOMERY AT FIFTH. Main 0. A 1599. VVTT.?riM Sr T?f"V3C! Multnomah at 7th. - ' v-.- a.i.vsNj-' lady Aaslstanu East 64. C 8165. DUNNING at McENTEE. funeral directors. Broadway and Pine street- Phoue Broadway so, A4J05. Laoy attendant. F. 6. DUNNING. INC. THE GOLDEN RULE UNDERTAKERS. 414 East Alder St. East 52. B 2025. BREEZE & SNOOK ""V-S MR. AND MRS. W. H. HAMILTON Fu- nerai service, ivia a., (jilsan. 'labor 4318. P. L. LERCH. East 11th and Clay streets. a-aay attendant, r-aat tat. tl i3So. A T 7171 T VP I'A 6U2 Williams ave ' ' " East 10S8. C 10S8 SKEWES UNDERTAKING COilPANY. 3d -o-x. may assistant. ERICSON Residence ITnrtert L-ir, - J 12th and Morrison sts. Bdw ay 2534. A 223s! I ERICSON Residence L'nd.rnlilni m muA aurrauH sts. Alain A 2235. FLORISTS. CLARKE BROS.. Florlsta. 2S7 Morriion L I or a aisuo. r ine iiowera ana floral a eai ids. is o o ran cn a torea. MAKTIN & 1TORBES CO.. Floriata. 354 Washington. Main 26U. A 1209. Flowers I i or an occasions aiiisticaiiy arranged. TONSETH FLORAL CO., 2S5 Washington L,Dei.iin ana din. Main aioi:, A 1 161. MAX M. SMITH, Main 7215. A 212JL be 11 in bids;., 6th and Alder sts. PEOPLES FLORAL SHOP. 245 Alder blowers and aesigns. Phone Marshall 0022 M ON C MENT. A BEAUTIFUL polished arranlta monument. ! imponea xrom rtorwiy, ior saie at tn value; dimensions, xrom rase to top, 3 fu i 10 In.; width, 3 ft 2 In., and 1 ft. 4 la thlcic; crated ana ready tor abiprneau, la quire at room 17 Worcester Dida PUKTLAND MARBLE WORKS. 264-26 4t St., eitposlta City Hall. Mala 6os. Pbilis INea hon tor m am on a ia. EBLE5!N& GPMSI1 I t CO. I NEW TODAY. INCOME - BEARING PROPERTY A. FIXE. MODERN, I P-TO-DATB FIRE FRuOF BH1CK BtiLDI.XU In one of the finest districts of Port. land. If Interested and wish to Invest Your Money Will Re- turn a Large Interest INVESTIGATE THIS. We Also Have a Fine Wrt Side Resi dence 1. ndcr Lease. Ownera m.V -1 AaV rl-ac.. XJ1CII1VI1U.X U -' V11113U11 I 702-3 SELLING BLDG. MORTGAGE LOANS On Improved city and farm prop erty at cloae Interest rateav. In stallment repayment privilege If preferred. Prompt, reliable service A. H. BIRRELL GO. 217-219 North wfatrrn Blarsihall 4114. Bank Bnlldinn-.l A 411S. I MORTGAGE LOANS ON FARM ANU RESIDENCE PROPERTY. NO COMMISSION. Wm. MacMaster 701 CORBETT BLD6. PORTLAND. OR, I MORTGAGE LOANS ON BUSINESS AND RESIDENCE PROPERTY. ROBERTSON A EWING. 207-S Northweatera Bank Bids;. I JNO. B. COFFEY mortgage: loans, Insurance, Surety Bonds 201 WILCOX BX.DG. BXala 703. A 3703. REAL KSTATE. Tor Sale Lots. PAEKROSE TRACT $1000 25 DOWN, (15 MONTH Half block to Sandy blvd. and carllne. pressure water, gas, ground all cleared, build a small house, live outside cltv lim ii.FJi1 do"n expenses. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. No. 7 Chamber of Commerce bldg., 4lh & Stark sts. Main 208. A 205O. MODERNIZE your buildings: change dead realty Into live assests: I do all kinds of uvraiiuns and repairs; seo my designs for new homes. Max M. Meyer, con tracting architect. Concord bldg. Main 1373. Formerly superintendent for Ore gon Home Builders. "THAT VACANT Lor" Turn a burden into Income. Wo design and build anything, furnish the money If desired: eignt years In Portland. L. R. Bailey Co.. contract ing architects. Northwestern Bank b:dg. Ai-L. kinds of bulldlna and alterations. CHAS. W. E1ITZ. ARCHITECT. Plttock blk. $300 CHOICE lot. East 2olh and Kllllngs- G C GOLDEN BERG CAN SELL YOUR LOT. maion Oldg. Alain 4303. CORNER lot In Albina Addition; reason able. A ly 373. Oregonlan. DRAFTED, will sell lots on East Stark St., " -at -II. uregonlan. For Suae Beach Property. COTTAGE at Seaside. Or., for sale or will rent for a season for 2.J. Five rooms. Bleeping porch. sun parlor, bathroom, laundry trays; lot. UUxlOO. On main high way, beautiful ocean view. Lot backs on the Necanlcum. K. E. BOSWOHTH, 208 Corbett Bldg.. Marshall 635. Flat and Apartment Property. FOR SALE East Hide apartment house. an lull, equity ,0oo cash; will net 12 per cent to 15 per cent on the Investment. Must be sold at once. E. K. Bosworlh, L'os Corbett bldg. Marshall 3.-. For Sale H oases. LOOK AT 535 EAST 46TH ST. NORTH. Practically New Corner Bungalow. PRICE $4750. TERMS. uiil lor a Home, and you will find it uue nn every convenience. Owner leav ing city. Hardwood flours throughout jarce tirepiace, rull cement basement, all built-in conveniences, mirrored doors, spa clous garage, plumbing and lighting fix tures better than usual. Beautiful lawn, shrubs and trees. INSPECTION BY AP- rui. i jic. i oniy. i-none Tabor 809. $100.00 IN PRIZES. 1st prize $50.n0 liberty bond; 2d prize, tJ.VOO thrift, stamps. 3d prize. $15. 0l thrift stamps: 4th prize. 10.0O thrift stamns. tu the children under 14 years of age for me neatest nouse plans giving price estl mates which would be most suitable fo their families. Base estimates at $iion per room. auDmit plans upon paper 12x18 incnes. Contest to date from June 1 and run tnirty 130) consecutive days. Awards to do mane juiy is, inis. Judging archl tect will not be connected with this coin pany. Address Building Department. NORTHWESTERN TRUST COMPANY, 202 Wilcox bid. Main 3617. TWO BARGAINS. Pine modern 7-room bungalow on th turner ul c. join and stepnens. Includln l goou garage. a Deautuui 6-room bungalow, with all modern built-in conveniences. Large . ... win auu line music-reom. Groun 5x100; street assessments all paid. I t.aureinurst on Royal Court, near the car line. J. L. KARNOPP. Railway Exchange Bldg. Main 675 7 ROOMS ROSE CITY PARK POSSESSION AT ONCE $500 down. White enameled, hardwood xioors in mam rooms, 2 stairways, large, ueei uasement. witn a good lurnace. fire place with damper, built-in bookcases nouse only occupied 6 months. J. L. haktmam COMPANY. No. 7 Chamber o Commerce, 4th and Stark sts. Main 20. rfV $400 DOWN 7 ROOMS HALF-ACRE TRACT PAKKRO.SE. Just outside cltv limit Practically new bouse, hardwood floors in main rooms, an rooms w n 1 to enameled garden in. some fruit trees and berries -rice ., possession at once. J. 1 HARTMAN COMPANY. No. 7 Chamber of commerce bldg., 4th and Stark sts. Main -". A ::imo. HOME BUYERS. XOU can save vourselvea a lot rf run. ing around if you 11 just take a look a the pictures in our window of the beautl ful moderately-priced houses we have for saie in Lauroinurst and other districts prices and descriptions under each Picture easy terms If desired. Paul C. Murphv sales agent, 27(1 Stark st-. between 3d anu nin sts. Muln 170O. A 3515. FINE IRV1NGTON HOME. Very attractive K rnOIll llOU HA In rinsv Tpu inpton diHtrlct : modern in every detail narawoou I in is n upstairs and down; tiled bath, very laricc livln c-room; fireplaces "e"Rd,iiB uiiu in iiviii c-rooiri : niz tMu. ment. srood furnace, garane. Price $out: (.nun comi. call 07. U'EDUKMA.W COMPANY. Chamber of Commerce. HAWTHORNE AVE. 31 Oaem T-room. IlTlnv. d hinrrAnm mrA Kitchen, z bedrooms 1st floor: 2 lara ocarooins ana Dam. J. ia.rsa r int. :. floor; all Imp. in and paid. Pries only w?. oca i n in oeiore it is too late. DERR &. KINO. 304 Oak st. Broadway 311. MAKE A?C OF-FTOl on this lOuxluu. beautiful Karden, bearing u,, lanu, mto IU1 cniCKTll, o rooiliaV. baaement. bath, etc.; near car and school. Price Is $22.0. but It must h mnlti t - im werK. jtseii oner taKes it. call Main 7907, h'ZKi Chamber of Commerce. HAWTHORNE DLSTRICT. iew modern 6-room bnnnninw 4" i re place. OUliet. Dookcaae. rpifnt inn hall hardwood floors, Dutch kitchen, bedrooms. bath. kitchen white enamel. basement. aunary irayi, screens. .trice 3O00 or terms, rtoen. .Main l.iw. SEE THIS! I AM GOING TO WAR M V beaut if U I. moil rn 7-rrrini V..a too -'mi bl. ; w ooa tawn or Vancouver car dandy- 5-room hou, near Sellwood car oarn; must sell qujcK. ts. Krogbtad, Main lUlO OOU a . aCain Si. BEAUTIFUL HOME. ROSE CITV PAMtr rooms. lurnace. rirenlare. h.Muinn,! xioors. cemem-iinor Dasement, modern ev ery detail. X1250 In cash will handle equity. Information 512 Chamber if oiij inerce. -nuuai uungaiow. a real Home: basement. ,; 1 1 uculiiui siiaue. lawn, garden. ocarina irutt. irraDes. lot KlOxloo. nj r r-ar ana scnooi. r-rice ..00 down. bal. rent; i am tne owner, eall at 3104 .',4th St.. r 'lit H 11'. lllinn. X I I n "fWr A HOME S1400. On East 45th St.. near Ftelmnntr S.Qn ' utiiaiiue very reasonaoie; nome Is not new. but can be made A-l with a little paint. L. H. 'WaltrlnB. Main 1027. care of r.(iwrii5 o., otn ana uaK. walking distanc e. ,i -rnrt rn ihnr.ii.hiu (iiuuniir uui Kdiuw. narawon noon r. .. i. cases, buffet, fireplace, cove celllnir. old ivory and white enumcl. It's a beauty. Jii'xlOO lot: ?.".S5U: .t:i.1 cash, f.13 month. .lohnson-Dodson Co.. rt.14 N. W. Bank bids tsou, PORTSMOUTH Terms to suit. St. Johns car and Peninsula shlovards: fi-room bungalow, corner lot, beautiful lawn, choice roses and Iiowera, garden; terms to suit the most desirable purchaser. Rdwy. 4908. 13150 BKAUMONT oungaiow, 5 rooms. bath, fireplace ibiec uniinisnsa att ir street pavlnft paid. J. A. WICK MAN CO.. 14 Stark St. Main 6S3. t4fMO EXCEPTIONALLY well built, almost new -room nome. tree of all Indebtedness- easy terms: owner leaving city offers low price tor quirk sale: best location in iit. reinurst. J. re. cronln. K02 Spaldlns bld-. 20O CASH. 2o month; J2.100; 0-room bun- eaiow, iirepiace, etc; near Hawthorne ave tar; a bargain. Just think, you pay for It with rent money. Johnson-Oodson Co., 634 n rrr: rr - 8th at. North. 4 blocks frnm i:nun .... carllnc; only 11S0O. easv terma. . f 4"4 Piatt bldg. for particulars. FOK SALE 6-rooru modern house, lot 60s joo. lurnisnea or uniurnlshed: sOOO fur nished. Telephone Tabor 8709. Mr. Cmti carllne. $:t75 AND B. Imp. buys 5-room bun a low. strictly modern in every detail. J. A. WICKMAN CO.. S14 Stark St. Main 683. I A MODERN Irvlngton 7-room home: plenty wi.. Duiiriuuc, -vwu o-iu oaaement. call 7-ROOM. house, 16th and Alberta. trir S-U00: terms If desired. Hmni t- Cham, of Com, bldg. Phone Main 14.14. OWNER will sell modern 6-room house on J4th and Multnomah : all rlonr- nrii-a $:irtOrt. Call mornlnirn. 77S Multnnmsh. SWELL 5-room bungalow. cIohh In, 2200' e.i.u aown, pr montlt. Main 33 S S. IF that mortasre worries you. consult us. in orxn western irust co zo3 Wilcox bldr. 1800 5 ROOMS, bath, fireplace Fore- ciofurs. jtux cso. Mala Ob. REAL KSTATK. For Me PAVL C. MURPHY. HOME BARGAINS. 7 -room modern bungalow, with garage. In Laurelhurst, 1170 E. Burnside St.; price $0250, terms. S 6-room bungalow with additional break fast room, large inclosed sleeping porch and finished attic, all in old Ivory, la Laurelhurat. at 1194 East Burnsids at. C-room bungalow, nearly new. with breakfast room, all in old ivory and on on floor, in Laurelhurat at 65 E. 43d St. North, near E. Couch St.; price $45oo, terms. 2-story. 6-room house, with sleeping porch, hardwood floors throughout, in I.aurelhurst. at 0S7 E. CKsan si.; price $4050; rent-like terms. 5-mom modem buneaTow In Laurelhurst, on C0xl20-foot lot; $3250, terms. S-room bungalow In old Ivory, best sec tion nose city park. 3si0: terms. 5-room bungalow, with garage, near car. In Roasmere. 038 E. 41st St. N.. aear Bra. see st,, $3U00; Inspection by appointment yuj , terms. lU-storv. A-rnon. k... ..i.k Roswmere. 527 E. 41st IL N . near Rniu 3T50 inspection by appointment only terms. 2-story. S-room house. In Irrln.iAn a ? E. 15th st. N.. beautiful grounds. $4S00 icuL-iias terms. 2-story. 8-room house with gsrsse. Sun nyslde. 50xl31-foot lot, 824 E. Salmon SU near r-. iisi st.. S45O0; cent-Uke terms. 270H STARK ST. MAIN 1700. A 1815. opportunity for a nood home at reasonable tri-sv l . r r r n. halem and 11th sts., bell wood: price $5600, reasonable tnna- frnnnH tains a dwellings, large Harden space: this vtti ijf iuubl uo tet.n to oe appreciated wnwci wiu leave ior the bast as soon as property U sold. For further particulars -y vwiis-m or can ai -iy Hallway tx, H. " v-tnvn v.o. mar. o.-oH. -NOW VACANT POSSESSION AT ONCK S rooms, furnace, full cement basement, r' rutt treen, roses, paved stre;u No 1.5 I'lUunuiok at., at .UMlx. Takr Rose V. a,ClIA..7,otf1Pr,,' J- U HAKT- 44A vfti t-A . i , rs o. uamber of Com- ner-e MdgT., 4th tnd Stark sts. Main 08. A ji;oo. $ K r(HI 1 OOx 1 OO CO H X E R Sun-room, with concrete floor, large den with. massive fireplace, billiard-room. Othur rooms large and have hardwood floors; garage plasivred. A very attractive i!"1""- rowMion can De given at once. i trms. third cash. J. Ls. HARTMAN COMPANY. No. 7 Chamber of Commerce . " tu stataric sts. Main 'JQH, A .00U, HAWTHORNE AND MST ST. . rooms and attic, modern bungalow, .uii icnivni, not-water heat, 3.xlu0 lot - " wi. mortsages to as sume, all Imp. paid. Price 310. K,o0 monin.y. Do not overlook this 304 V Oak st. Broadway 311. HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW, r Inc. modern, 0-room bungalow, fur nape, tirepiace, buffet, bookcase. Dutch "',,'lcn' iaunury trays; lot Suxlou. on K iuin, near Hawthorne; price SOOO, $000 vaai4 4s.uu a per month. GItUSSI fc lOWNEV. 310 Board of Trade. Main 7432. 1RVINUTON MODERN HOITSe" modern, 6-room house, furnace. isax-c. uiiii Riicnn. oiuit-in etrects; !r l' iit-na h.u paia; waiKing distance, on jiuiii-ui-K. hi., near t. tth; price $4250. snap, G RUS PI tc DO WN E Y. B16 Board of Trade. Main 74,ri LAURELHURST HOMES. I have several excellent bargains in ft, 7 and S-room houses. located In best sec tion of Laurelhurst, for saio on rout-lilts terms. Call for keys at Laurelhurst Tract otfU re, E. 3Hth and GUstin. Tabor 3433 w woiwei-n iu a. ai. ana o i . M J. DKl.AHl'NTY. Evenings, East 20H6. ROSE CITY PARK A REAL HOME c.-room oungaiow witn attic, concrete o---n, no. wuier neat, lot 6(xl00. fruit ..I trnuu uti ry ousnes, rine rosea, all Im provemeiits m and paid for; this week ""'w. lenns. iiuooeii 4c Son, &-d and c liny noaa, 7-ROOM Beautiful Laurelhurst Home. ionemized to the minutest detail. Fin s.tou cash. I in prove mt nt s paid. F. K. STEARNS, Main 3.M7. joj Wilcox Bldg. i OK e-A I.t. To ctoste an estate. Two houses in neaumont, one in Rose City Park, one im irviiiKion. iTiOr-n range r mm f.'OOn i ..00. All In first-class condition. Two ii.vo puritKce. ah inese are in good neigh borhoods and very close to carllne. E. E. Ho worth, Corbett bldg. Marshall 6.I.V. Bl.'Y from owner, modern 6-room house Hawthorne dlxtrirt: full basement, fur nace, fireplace: large airy rooms; lO min utes to city; all Improvement in and paid; lot 40xl0t, with fruit-bearing trees. Price f""o. iriiiin. ittoor Move iuuht in vacated. STjOO down. bal. easy terma: nri srtTift 7-r snd sleeping porch, fully modern and Karag. rogc oi irvington: rine home: lt us show you if Interested. Barr. Main XIS'J. J J 2 c. of C. bldg. AM 7i years old, do not want to be both ered with property management any long er: will arrl rice S-room bungalow and large lot 64xL'00 on East 30th, near Siski you si., ior 4o""; your own terms. Se owner at fiatt dip g. $7.0 MODERN 5-room bttnralow. A40 K .:7th st., block south of Richmond car line, sightly location on paved street, eatty terms. 6 per cent on deferred payment for sale by owner. See W. E. I'.. 67 nroanwBy, near wax. MODERN 3-room house, furnace, fireplace, iit.iuwuuu iioui , iuii cement Dasemnt and garage: location convenient to St. Johns and Vancouver carlines. Telephone FOR SALE. 30x100. with house 7 rooms and reception hall. clO! In, near shipyards; reasonable. Apply 436 3d at. Phone- Mala 2934 after 1 o'clock P. M. FOR SALE Alameda Park houe. nawlT a trnuiru . k. I tttt l MBBrBBIIlCU IB paiU in IUII, $3730. Some terms given. One-half block to carllne. E. E. Bosworth, -Ub Corbett bldg. Marshall 635. LAURELHURST BUNGALOW S N A P. J-room Diodprn bungalow, on 0(xlu-foot lot; price $3250. $6u0 cash, balance like rent- &ee J. D iahunt at Laureiiiurst tract office. E. 31th and Cillnan st. Tabor 3433. COUNCIL CREST Splendidly-built, up-to- aate nome, J. uiocks car, with wonderful view. 7 rooms, sleeping porch, fireplace : owner house. going away; will sell for cost of BROOKE. Mar. 4S7. A Sm. $1450 5-rm. house and nearly 2 lots. Just on ueimont st. on H.uat 47th; hard-surfaced street and all civic Improvements; an unbeatable buy. Hart, 910 Ch. of Com Tel. Marshall 15S5. STRICTLY modern ntx-room house. Haw thorne district; Improvements all paid; $600 down. Owner, F. E. Brown, -2 Howe St., Seattle. 1RVINOTON HOME FOR SALE. On Hancock St., between '2 2d and 24th. Inquire of owner, 634 Tillamook St.. cor. 17th. Apt. 1. t $.WtO. Modern 5-room bungalow. block off Alberta street, on loth. For particulars. Wood lawn 4.71. MODERN six-room house, sleeping porch; central hast side; terms; will take good lot or smaller house good district part payment. Owner. East 1515. COSY 4-room modern bungalow, bath, elec tric light. g. Dutch kitchen, nice yard, etc.. $1500: $250 cash, balance monthly. Taggart. 416 Chamber of Commerce. WALNUT PARK. 6-room houne, with furniture, modern. 11 convenience, delightful location, $5uOO, terms. Wood lawn 278" WILL ERECT A HOME ON OUR LOTS OR YOUR OWN Northwestern Trust Co.. 212 Wilcox bldg F. K. Stearns. Mgr. -rtoo.M moaern nouse, .oi oienn ave., near Hawthorne. aimr; terms; take a look. R. M. GATE WOOD & CO.. 165'-, 4th St. MODERN 5-room house. 1002 East 2Vh st N.. $2500; l block from Alberta carllne. Call Main 1327. FOR SALE by owner. 7-room house. Tilla mook street, irvington. too 00, good terms. Excellent buy. Wood lawn 14.Y 1630 Modern home, furnace, fireplace, roses, garden, splendid lot, worth $4000. Main 3172. McFarland. 603 Teon bldg. -ROOM house and garage. nice yard ; $3000. $500 cash. b06 Thurman st. Mar shal 4407. HUBBELL & SoN. 1421 Sandy, oldest firm HOSE tn i v Art iv. can sen you a good house cheap. See us first. Tabor 21(51. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. EXCLUSIVELY. Honses lor sale In this beautiful district, still a few bargains. Brooke. Mar. 4327. I VE home at a bargain : 7 rooms, 1 acre. $3500, half cash; Courtney station. AL 334. Oregonlan. -ROOM modern. 100x200; near Firlaod. Take liberty bonds. Tabor 5135. lloO NEAT bungalow, shado trees. Main 3672. McFarland. 0o3 Yeon bldg. BARGAINS Foreclosure and mortgage homes. Call up East 1847. IRVINGTON R. T. STREET, IRV. AtfKNT. JREAf, KSTATK. For tale House. $1200 NEW. COMFORTABLE HOME. Corner 100x100: the best otfT sets it. Look It over. Tabor t372. For Kale Business Property. fl3.O00 FIXE litlla buiiuris property. Has been- paying l:;o prr month for last 2 ye.irs Hart, mo Chamber of Commerce. Telephone Marshall i bubnrban Home. NON-RESIDENT Instructs mo to s.-ll 10 acres highly Improved, just outtddo city limits on Base Line road: house and barn cost $400i; this is well w..r:h $1(M0; owner says sell It for Jrtnoo- s.:.-.Oij ,-ajh. .'."IT" 'erms. per cent. M. S. Cobb, 4'iW Fwetiand MilK. ia,!r'?.POW-'' 10 -MONTHLY BUYS IflOx.OO garden tract in cultivation, with neat two-room house. Oregon City line; price f..o. Phone owner evenings. Sell wood 2484. it.i? . Two "cr- "o 7 -room house. S. runnln creek, near carnne. f J .1; l tl,ra hoUf "h of Ris- ley t-ta'.ton. Oregon City car '8-ROOM modern N rrrh Oak Orove Station: lot 1H)xltM feet: par ticulars see - C. Warren, owner. Phone 17. For ISale Acrekge. 64-ACRE farm. X mil.. mn,,U C a Orove. IS acres under cultivat'on. lots of flne pasture, running water and good tim ber, house, barn and out build i n rs ; would consider Portland property in exchange. 10 acres. 10 mi;s east. 4S acres in cultl rstlon. balance good timber, near Base Line road. fl-acre Lewlston orchard tract in full bearing apples; win consider Portland property in exchange. KxchrT owners. BLANCH A RD CLEMSON. 7Q2-3 Selling BUig. -7v caji-. r, 1 OWNER 3 4 .acres, ail In ' . I" a-arucn; comiort;.o 7-room i cni"e" nouse and all kind . a , aT "ernes: ;as in house; ciose to A.oha, S. P. Electric stailon. on v?roroad: idw'c to house. Mrs. Louie t a u iBon. Aioni, or. acre, wun beautiful grove of trees -.una 10 aiuitnoman Station on automo n ly water- electric light, ga ' v- v urr win me 1 1 for l.iHO on t-"J aermw. A n meal suburban homcslttt. owner ai -104 J'latt Mdg. , , l.k. near E. SJd st. and end "i5" morne ave. car. Aiso 2 S acres, v-i acre. oiocKs rrom same earn. auul nan price or adjoining land. Hart vuaiuoer ot commerce. TcL Marsh J.iSo. o AtKh&, mostly cleared. 3 blocks from .1 1 'regon fciectric. within 9-xull i a . L y In "'strict. tece iviiihon at -fitf r-iatt bldg. f'Al'fc' 1 J 1-3 HCfcH at Pirl 1 ir. Iiu . H Wash.; good oH. with timber on; $5 per Houiewteads: Kelimuihinentf. Aiiour those o. & C. lands. Those bok- ,cl" titvo you at lana office go witl: u noi niivc. I ne tUitpH 1 Ii;v show the exact location of the lands tha are agricultural. I'rice !.Ot. I made the ..... iana grant maps for the Govern ment. oet your tnttpK now and gt-t busy , -Men wno uiasMfiiMt these lands for tl oernment are at your service to show iumb i.nus ior Uon t huv wortli less small scale maps. Anderson. 43 . hamber Commerce. J. K . 1 -A. L. rorti.ilni. m...ti tii. 1. , nuoicMPaiiiii?. MH.ndid land -n MKairn, w onuer; ui opportunity : ar Aiitca in auvame tor expert locatm service muriii uumerous fme claims fo; inPcuon, eariy seie t:ou. utmost . f fici eniy and perfect saLisf action. Total ens only Including auto for two d:ys oniy umitea number accepted. l'j! promptly or write ior particulars, n. s Ehle, Gov't Land Cruiser, 227 East 49th a South. BI-l KrKINT township plats of t. & C. R. R, inn-. ii eacn. .Map or land opening In nu ui.-irici, l. to ing v uowing, i .bj riiai inn era, airs y orcoti-r OKlg. For Kale -I- arm. A FINE Yamhill Valley farm. K0 acres al unuer cultivation. .' In orchard. 7 years ota. oil in inter wheat, about 23 in oats. in veicn ana oats, s lu barlev. Houe. barn, fine granary and potato house Large hog houses. 50 a. bottom land. The une si oi sou. no rocks. A fine tubular wcl at the house, with water piped to barn aua noj nouses, witn large hog cooker, Located mile from r. r. stuUon. 2 mtK xrom town on main road; this farm com mands a fine view of urrondinr muntrv $100 worth Of hogs. S1200 of Mheetv eater, pillar tractor ensute, with gang plow and 2 J-j - h . p. engine for pumping purposes. If Interested lu a farm Owners. look this BLANCH ARD & CLEMSON. 702-3 Selling bldg. DAIRY FOR SALE. Her Is a splendid opportunity; am fur- nisnms niiiK ior growing town; trans n getting too big for me to handle: will srl at reasonable price: 150 acres of land. 75 now in rye; a gooi mooern 8-roomed house, ha rn. dairy herd and 3 dead of horses. This is a paying proposition worth investigating, l or further in;.rii,.i.woii cai on or urlto to Josephine Hulf. Ar.incton Or. FOR SALE 240 acre, good clay subsoil, l0 a. open land, 25 a. alfalfa: alfalia starter all over place ; good range, t wo ainull Douses. Darn, hen house, craimrv. amok houne, blacksmith thop and too'-; eiiot.Klt lumoer to uuild two houses; live mil from town ; good level road. Enoug h w ooa on mace to puv for it. A snap. cot m. itiesap. t jan. FARM HAR4SAIN. 20 seres near Yamhill; 140 arrta in cult I vat ion, ia m ne good, but in pas ture; good buildings, new fences, running water. I'rice $70 p-r acre; one-third can. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY, 513 ChmbiT o?" Corn merce. oj ai. tcr, levet, every loot in cultivation. Smiil orchard, -rom house, out budd ing. A snap at $oVOo: $KiUO cash, balance $;.o0 per year. One-haif mile from hv valley tow n ana rai.roaa. F. K. STEAK XS, 202 Wlieux B.dg. 146 ACRES wheat and a 1 fa '.fa land, lrrigat ed, under . L. I. Canal: ion acres now It wheat; sell crop auJ all for price raw land: owner enlisted. rannot harvest. Conrge C. Howard. ol4 Cham. Com. Mar. 2:. 4 500O ACRES in Southwestern Wsinh.n gton for sale, to settlers on:y. upon easy terms and low prices. $5 per acre and up. Write for map snowtng 1 oca t ion. terms, etc WEYE K H A El'S E R V I M HER Co M PAN i'. i a coma oiun j a coin a, us tl. 10 ACRES of laud; good orchard, house all outbuiiaings. nun itun waiur; located Jut south ot ieuta; OiJi uj st.ti.E Thomas Allen. 8 AC RES, 25 acrs In cultivation. $50 u acre; pay me down, you can have long time on balance. See Draper, 401 oi i raue. CHICKEN. FRUIT. GARDEN RANCHES Near Portland; sa to S2o per acre; eny terms; best soil; farms for saie. ail Sizes McFarland. 603 Venn bldg.. Portland, $1600 5 Olt 10 ACRES, house, orchard. $2t0 ca?h ; ct nor gooa ptaces near city. Main 3672. McFarland, 6o3 Yeon bldg. 3bl ACRES Crops, machinery, stock ; $loo per acre; terms. oravtty water; Pacific Highway. R. 2. box 13., Albany, Or. ACRES, level, fenced, c.ejred. good soil house; employment; near Wi. lamina: $2."I cath, $ 10 mo. J ease R. Sharp, Mi 3 ;! 40 ACRES Fine location for country home: good roads, Una scenery. Owner, BJ 375, oregonian. LoO 1 E D-OFF lands, $10 acre un; running water, good soil, u tillable, f-nplovmcnt easy terms. Jesse R. Shu rp. K3 . 3d st. ' SEVERAL small ranches for sale. L. A Dnugherty, Myrtle Creek, Or. Box 173. WAXriD-REAL ESTATE. 1 NEED YOUR HOME. IN need several moderate priced modern bungalows and houses to suppiy my wait ing list. Givo me too particulars and 111 se.l it. YT. R. K A PER, Main 6173. 517 Corhetf B!dg. 4 houses wanted. I want a few attractive modern houses In gootl repair, not over $4'0O. Qui K action If price is richf. PAUL f, MITR PITV. at LAURELMUUST CO.'S office 27' -2 St ;rk f t . Main 1 7"'. A 1 51 5. THE real ei,tate department of the Schwan Piano Co.. Ill 4th st., will take your cttv lot In part payment for new 101S model piano or player piano; balance $0, $8 or $10 monthly. WILL buy the best 7 or 8-room house of fered in good neighborhood; want four bedrooms; have $2.'.0 cash and can pay $20 p-r month and 7 per cent lntere&t AO "Jrtft, Oregonlan. UAV E client for a modern t or 7-room homo. Mr to 2 acres, at Capitol Hill, Mult nomah or Regan at at Ion. Only the best considered. J. A. Wickman Co., 314 Stark St. Ma In 5V. PAY CASH. " Will buy 7 to S-room modern house up to $7500. Prefer West of 23d. between Irving and R.ilclgh sts. P. O. Rot 64 Farms Wanted. WANTED Ranch in Willamette Valley or Southern Oregon, with or without stock or Implements, np to $25,000. In trade for modern hotel, siuated In the beautiful Eacondldo Valley, with 10 acres of lem ons and oranges. Hotel 25 rooms, hot and cold water in every room, private bath and showers, electric lights, gas. billiard room, garages, tennis courts. cement w a Iks, abundance of flowers and shade trees, 34 miles from San Dteco, 20 miles from Camp Kearny, 100 feet elevation, frohtlea. 17 miles from orean. no fogs, on Inland highway ; conservat ive valuation, $35,000, mortgage $10,000. 5 years. 7 De cent; no agents, please. For further in formation addrssa Hotel Chariotta, Escoa dtde, Cal. 1 hIBKRLANPS. WANTED Parly with good logging outfit to log fifty million feet finest fir timber, all ou one-half section with railroad run Ping through corner; advantageous propo sition to responsible logger. M. 413. Ore gonlan. W A N T E lT To Ieaj a smalt nawmlll. 10 00 to Jit.ouo capacity, on railroad, with logs eultuble for ties and planks furnished at null. Would buy mill end if sat hrfactory. Write full particulars. AE 06, Orego tiian. FOR ; irc BT ALE Timber land in W a 31. Township 4, R 3 W 4. ClsUekunie, Or. of & K M- WHte FOR S 817 S A LE loo acres timber In Lin u y. Oregon. Mrs, John P. Nugent. urh Tower ave.. Ccntrslia. Wash. TIM HER LANDS BOUGHT AND SOLD. . J. Mccracken. 304 mckay bldg. TO EXCHANC.l -RF-AL KSTATK. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE West Side apartment-house, in heart of the apartment-house district. This spartment-houae has been full for over a year. Owner dm a not live In Portland and therefore wishes to dispose of the property. Well located w heat f.t rm or Improved valley fa rni not heavily incumbered w ill be considered. E. E. Bosworlh. :uS Corbett bldg. Mar shall 6H5. LA ROE lot, suitable for garage, apartment house or flats, close lu. East Side, old house with good basement, for sale or will exchange for wheat farm; will put Im proved acreage or 16o acres unimproved farm land, vulue of city property flO.OOO. acreage $2400. unimproved land l5oO; will eWl any one of above or trade separately or all together. AJ 341, Oregonlan. IS YOUR A PARTM KVT-HOL'SB MORTGAGED? Have several good modern honses in gooi district, clear of incumbrance, all worth $17,500: will trade Ior apartment tovise and atume. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY. Chamber of Commerce. SOrt-A ORE RANCH Near Roseburg: well watered by springs and stream; ahont 150 ai-res cultivated ; 400 acres standing tie timber; wnil.i now operating paying 2 per t lu.iiH.i :iU mill cut : price for all; take Portland property to $15,000; terms on balance. 6 per cent. M. S. Cobh. 4H Swetlaiul bldg. 4s ACRES, up Columbia, boat faro $l.lo; e ery acre producing, part young orchard with 1 A. wheal, beta- een trees, bal. In a If aif .1 : take Portland, ail or part. BJ '0. OreiC'ti.ia 11. LiT your property with us for results; ex changes of merit; established 10 years. The Ernest Younger Co.. I05-I07 Park st bet Wf en Washington and Stark sts. I R V I N G TO N win take a small house to the value of $:t500 for equity In my beau tiful home or other pro pertiea. M a in. 2274. WHAT have you to exchange for Tills mo tk Beach iots? Address BD 141. Or goisjan. HoLSE wanted, have lot Westmoreland, one in Arlingion llt., one In R. C. Park: wi.l put :n one or a II on house. Mar. 254!!. IS your inortKKO foreclosed ? I have c".e.r land for our equity. K 25f. Oregonian. 0-KOOM house. Auto and Liberty bonds for equity. Phone C 2U. t40 A"RES of timber, cle:. to trade for equity in house. R -jitj, Oregonian. 7-ROOM house and lot, Gearhart Beach, want lots or acreage. AM 35.1. Oregonian. TO KXCflANUE MISCElXAXEOrS. SWAP L. C. Smith typewriter for Thor eiee tnc w asher or diamond. BO 174. Ore gonlan. rOR RALE. Hor-f-, Vehiideta.. I.l eMoek. SPAN of bay geldings. 6 years old. weigh in k 2...u lbs.. Mound and true. $250: must sell, us we are replacing them with auto trucks. Central Door fe Lumber Co.. 13td and Glisan. Ask for Evans, shipping clrk. WE AK inntalling an auto truck and have fepau of inures weighing 22oo lbs., harness and wagou; must bell at once. Jones Mer cantile Co.. 3o7 Davis st. Dr-AD HoiiSES and animals hauled away free. Portland Rendering Co. Call Woou l:v n -i. h o R SALE Second-hand t rucks. d rays, w aprons, etc.. at attractive prices. App.y at .! Srcond s'. FOR SALE Young white .sows, registered Mock. Inclose sump for replv. "Burrl ntsuie." Route 1. Vancouver. Wash. WANTED Irt pic?i from 6 to 8 weeks old. with or without sow. Broad a v 2&56. I- red Dundee. Hrostiway and Flaudera. DEAD cioik laKen quickly. e pv the morL f r de.d and crippled stork. Tibor 4jo;. lO 11 EA I of choice dairv roMl E. L. Parrish. lMlias. Or. Inquire oi bi U SALE Lishi team hoi ses. Phoa. Broadway 14. Kr e a. in. DEA I hot -e taken ; cash paid for dead cows. Phono calls paid. Milwaukie 6i-J. I'irtnm. Organs and Music 1 Instruments. BRAND NEW COLUMBIA GRAFONOLAS AT CUT PRICES. $15. $1S. $25. $45. $55. $73. $5. $lf. $llrt and $lt machines; with each ma - ;.i;-.e 1 1 om '5 up we will give I rom $ to $ IO wort h of records ab.volutelv free ; u!no ?".7.50 Victrola for $50, $213 Vlctrol.i lor $115. asy terms. MISH FURNITURE CO.. I&a-1L0 Firl Street. SECURITY STORAGE Ct . CLOSING OUT $ :to Engiisti upright, rash $ 4.". $.5o American ruakt uprislit. cash... t5 $4io ni oder 11 oak upright, cash $135 $4".o modern mahogany upright. cash.$lrto $.175 11. -w stored 1:17 models cash.... $215 $42". 111 7 model $235 and a $450 one. $255 1 4 T H S 1 . A T WAS H I NGTON. PIANOS. TWO BARGAIN?. A Kim hail and Fisher upright piano at a big saving. SEIBKRLING & LUCAS MUSIC CO. 123 Fourth st. tlt. Wash, and Alder). 5 FoR a good used piano, well worth $275; must veil, as 1 don't want to ship out of Portland. 1 25 1. oregonlan. NEW $215 talking machine and records to trade tor your good old piano. Harold S. Clibert. 3S4 Yamhill st. -15 cash buys $410 Kurizman Piano In dull mahogany, good as new Schwan Piano Co. 1 1 1 Fourth si., at Wasnlngton st. FlSCH ER. small mahogany .....$17 aicnoethsohn. splendid tone, like new. 238 Harold S. Ullbert. 34 Yamhill. $2M.2."i $12 cash, $0 monthly, buys R1T modi-i new improved piano in mahogany and oak ut Schwan Piano Co., Ill 4th st. PIANOS tuned, $3. George T. Peck. Tabor 85 . 4. Crad. New Eng. Conservatory. PAY CASH for used pianos. Oilbert. 3S4 Yamhill st. Harold S. secures Hohler & Hohler upright Security Storage Co., loi 4; h st. PI A NO WANTED. cah for bargain. Ma In WANT GOOD TALKINO MACHINE. ALSO REi'ORDS. TABOR 7. MAIN 4495. WA.J'KH Small Philo coop, cheap. Wood- txvn 1.'. 1'uruilure for Snl. MAGNIFICENT full size Napoleon bed. in beautiful t ig ured mahogany, and masaivo I'oiouiai chinonler to match: it has 2 small and 4 large drawers fitted with t ood knobs, scrolled posts and standard and French plate mirror. The pair cost $ 1 a5 mouths ago, now $45 and $42 ISO. respectively; easy terms. Mish Furniture Co.. 1SS-1H0 First C DESKS. ROLI-ToPS. FLAT-TOPS". REVOLVING CHAIRS TO MATCH. A ehauctf to buy office furnitu-e, ma hogany and oak, for about half prbe. Clofinp out offices and munt sell at ouct 2i.- STOCK EXCHANGE BLDG. PARTY g'ong exceptional sacrifice . 4 room, furnitur complete; garden in; grat oiP"rtnnity for right party. Mi! ---ot t car to Grays crossing, so. to Panama i rocery. FURNITURE t 7-rrom house for sale and houe for rent. 442 E. 40th et. N. Phone ort l ti. FURNITURE of 7-room house for sain and house for rent. 413 E. 4dih sC N. Phone Tabor IRON BED, complete, reasonable; alto hali tree. Phono Tabor Toll. iMt-, Rabbit . Birds. Pet Mock. THOROUGHBRED English t-ettcr, year old; a lively dog with a good nope. 1564 Sandy blvd Phone Tabor t3S4. WANTED To buy second-hand or used bird cage. AV 600, Oregonian. Typewrit era. NEW Remington, rental plan; rent applies to purchase- Visible models. Remington Typewriter Co., S Broadway. Phono Broadway 21. GUARANTEED factory rebuilt typewriter-.. ALL M A K MS, sold on monf hly payments; send for prlre Tho Wholesale Type- wti'pr Co.. retail dept.. 321 Wah. st. SEE new Oliver No. P, $40. $:t down, $3 monthly, like rent. W. W. Ferguson. 4Ji-V St ark at. Hroadwsy 21Q and A 43bl. NEW. rates rehult. Rfwon d -hand rentals at cut P. D. Co., 231 Stark sc. Main I4h7. REBUILT typewriters and supplies. Corona Dealer, E W, Fas Csx iJ.0 fiigth.