TITE MORNING OREGOXIAN. SATURDAY, JUNE 1, 1918. 15 DfHEIi TO LEAVE Portland's Second Quota Will Entrain Tomorrow Night. GREAT FAREWELL PLANNED Dinner to Be Served at Multnomah and Programme of Blnsio and Speaking Observed Men to Pass In Parade. Practically every man, scheduled to depart tomorrow night for training cantonments as members of Portland's second selective draft quota will be present at the "sendoff" dinner, planned by members of the National League for Woman's Service at the Multnomah Hotel. In addition to the Portland boys, 37 members of the Yamhill County quota have been invited to attend the function. The dinner which will be served promptly at 6:30 o'clock Sunday after noon, is being: handled by a corps of capable women under the direction of Mrs. Alice Benson Beach. The pro gramme for the event is in the charge of Miss Helen Flynn and the'epeaklng section has been arranged for by Mrs. J. JD. Farrell. Lunch Boxes Prepared. Several hundred members of the Oirls' Flying, squadron section of the National League for Woman's Service will serve as waitresses. These same girls, at some point not yet designated, but probably near the Union Station, will line up and as the departing sol diers pass -through their lines, hand each man a box of lunch. Acting Mayor Bigelow will preside at the dinner and Colonel John Leader, the principal speaker, will deliver an interesting message to the future fight ers. Dr. John II. Boyd will deliver the invocation. In addition to the selective service men, who will be admitted by the show ing of their service badge, representa tives of all the various civic clubs and organizations and of military organiza tlons will be present at the affair. Governor Slay Speak. Governor AVlthycombe has been in vited to attend the dinner and make a short address, but it Is not yet known definitely if he will be able to accept the invitation. Through the courtesy of the Musi cians' Mutual Association the Oaks' Park orchestra will furnish music dur ing the meal hour. The following? well- known singers have volunteered their services at the dinner: Mrs. Herman Polltz, Miss Goldle Peterson and 'Mrs. Jane Burns Albert. The singers will be accompanied by Miss Helen Flynn. At 7 o'clock, following the dinner, the boys will form In line and parade through the streets, past Liberty Tern pie and to Union station, where they will entrain. A platoon of police will head the procession and the Multno man Guard Band of 60 pieces will march and play in the lead of the men. The line of march for tljo parade is as follows: Formation at Fourth and Pine, south on Fourth street to Mor rison, west on Morrison to Sixth, past Liberty Temple, thence north on Sixth street to Union station. In a wood lot In Gloucester, R. I., owned by Andrew J. Steere, stands the largest white pine In North America. It Is 125 feet high and seven feet nine inches In diameter. - ' AMUSEMENTS. E1J ALCAZAR PLATERS Mat. Today Last Time Tonight. Benefit week for devastated France. Earl Derr Biggers' remarkable drama of the war, "INSIDE THE LIXES" Evenings. 2S, 55. 83c Sat. Mat., 28, 85c Next Week. Starting Tomorrow Matinee, "Brewster's Mrtliong." ANTAGE MAT. DAILY 2:30 NOTORIOUS DELPHTJfE, ITIth W. J. Itaorne, Rose Mary King and Company. Six Other Bis Acts. Three Performances Daily. Night Curtain . at 7 and 9. LYRIC 71ITSICAI. STOCK DOORS OPEN- 13 O'CLOCK. NOON". Today and Tonight Last Two Times. CHARLIE CHAPLIN In his latest comedy hit. "A DOG'S LIFE." una Dillon & Franks with Lyrlo Musical Comedy Company. In "THE MARRIED WIDOW." DANCING! TONIGHT Cotillion Hall Fourteenth Off W'snhlogtos. Portland's Finest Amusement Palace. nall-Bearinir Spring; Floor. PRIZU "WALTZ, 25th and Raleigh Two Days Commencing Mon., June MAGNIFICENT OPCN1NQ SPCCTACLC CONQUEST OF NYANZA ionn rtufORiiiiis iinn Hm ttsTiot ini liUU- AHIMALB -lUU IUJ-A1IM4L ACTS iwe EVERY ANIMAL AN ACTOR -EVERY ACT AN ANIMAL ACT THE OREAT 20TM CENTURY CIRCUS FEATURE rriaia KoyalHuiit GLITTERING TWO MILE OPEN DEN STREET PARADE AT 10:30 A. M. 0C05S OPEN 1 Md 7 P. M. FEB'CRSr-ANCES 2 aril S P. H Tickets on sale 9 A. M. Thursday Sherman, Clay & Co. 6th and Morrison. AMCSEMEJTTS. carteb ik haven flora'pareer Ruth Budd. Xlxl. Norton and Coral Mel notte. Valyda and Brazilian Nuts, Funr, Chinese Cartoonist; 2dH. Mack; and lol Vllilami. '"THE HOSKTMOOS" With Glen Anders A Co. r.rv USCME-NT CHAT NO. 12 t Charlie Chaplin is at the Oaks today f tinny old Charlie, in his funniest picture the kind of a movie that is a laugh from start to finsh and besides, in the audi torium, there will be featured Cioffi's Celebrated Band and Beth Groves Young, whom Oaks patrons have grown to love for her beau tiful voice and charming per sonality... A picnic today or Sunday at the Oaks would be the most delightful programme you could plan. The great oak trees, the world of roses, the beds of little nodding flowers, all combine to make a fairyland, where little children may play in perfect safety and dads and moth ers may spend many restful hours. Have lunch in the little vine-covered Summer houses everything will taste better out there in the open and hot coffee may be pre pared in the free kitchenette. The skating rink is drawing big crowds these days, while Hilarity Hall, for fun, has the world beat; the Ferris Wheel has a waiting list every day that almost blockades the board walk, and all the other concessions are doing a land-office business. Take cars at First and Alder 6c fare transfer from any part of the city. Launches leave foot of Morrison street. JOHN F. CORDRAY. Don't forget to Bee the Baby Monkey at the Oaks. Kates for Classified Advertisements In The Oregonian Dally and Sunday Per line. One time lie Two consecutive times ............. Zte Three consecutive timed .. ........ Sue Six or seven consecutive time. . . .. Dtte The following ciasclf ications -excepted, the rate on which ie 7c per line per days Situations Waated Male. Situations Wanted Female. For Kent Room Private Families. Board and Rooms private Families. Housekeeping Kooma Private Families. No ad taken for less than 2 lines. Count six word to the line. Advertisement except "Pereoaw al" will he taken over the telephone if the advertiser Is m subecriber to cither phone. No price will be quoted over the phone, but statement will be rendered the following day. Advertise ment are taken for The Daily Ore gonian untU 8 P.- M. : for The fianuaj Orecuulau until 6 P. M. bat ur day. FUNERAL NOTICES.. LYXDS At late residence, 651 Washington street, May 30, Chester W nilara Lynds, Company H, 23d Michigan Infantry; also member 'of Tyler Lodge, No.. 317, A- F. and A. M., Cass City, Mich., aged S5 year 5 months 18 days; survived by his widow, Sarah C. Lynds: father of Cora E. and John F. Lynds, Mrs. Irene F. Douet. Com rades of the G. A. R. and friends Invited to attend funeral services, which will be held at Holman's funeral parlors. Third and Salmon streets, at 8 P. M. today (Sat urday), June L Interment Kiverview Cemetery. STANDIFER In this city, at his late resi dence. 417 East 16th st- N.. May 31. Isaac M. Standifer, aged 60 years, husband of Mrs. M. II. Standifer, father of Guy M. Standlfer, Ruth Standifer, of this city; Thomas Standifer. of Vancouver, Wash., and Lieutenant I. M. Standifer. In France. The funeral services will be held this Portland Crematorium. 14th and Bybee i-treets. Instead of at the Chapel of ," I Finley & Son, a previously announced. ROBERTSON In this city, at hfs late resi dence. 495 Going St., May 81, Captain Will iam H. Robertson, aged 68 years.' hus band of Mrs. Mattie E. Robertson, father of Mrs. W. E. Robinson, Bertina A., Doro thy E. and Ben H. Robertson, all ot this city. The funeral services will be held Monday, June 3, at 1 o'clock P. M.. at the residence establishment of J. P. Finley Ac I Son, Montgomery at 5th. Friends Invited. I NICKELL At the family residence. 0T Lib erty St., May 29, Frank Monroe Nlckell. aged 40 years. 10 months. 14 days, son of Mrs. Laura Anna Nlckell. The funeral eervicea will be held at the conservatory chapel of F. S. Dunning, Inc.. 414 East Alder st at 2 P. M. tomorrow (Saturday), June L Friends invited. Interment Co lumbia Cemetery. NICKELL At the family residence. 60T Lib erty st.. May 29, Frank Monroe Nlckell. aged 40 years, 10 months. 14 days, eon of Mrs. Laura Anna Nlckell. The funeral service will be held at the conservatory chapel of K. S. Dunning, Inc. 414 Esst Alder EL, at 2 P. M. today (Saturday), June 1. Friends Invited. Interment Co lumbia Cemetery. PETERSON In this city. May 31, Anna Peterson, agpd 57 years, wife of O. A. Peterson, of Femdale. Wash. The funeral services will be held Monday, June 3. at 10 o'clock A, M., at the residence establish ment of J. P. Finley A Son. Montgomery at ttth. Friends invited. Interment at Multnomah Cemetery. A.U wcin xne xunerai services oi tne late Leslie x. Auwen win oe neia tomorrow tounday). June at 2:8u o clock P. Al. t tne central ai. j. tnurcn. cor. van couver ave. and Farro st. Friends In vited. Incineration at the Portland Crema torium. J. P. Finley & Son directors. BAIRD At his late residenoe. 181 E. K8d t.. May 80, John Batrd. age 76 years. Fu neral services will be held at the resi dence at 2 P. M. tomorrow (Saturday) June 1. Incineration at Portland Crema torium. Please omit flower. Breeze St Snook in charge. BRADY In this city. May 29. Mrs. Margar et itraay. wiaow oi Jdatnew uraay; be loved mother of Mrs. George A. vogt and grandmother of Luclle M. VogL Friends invited to attend funeral services, which will be held from St. Marys Cathedral to day (Saturday), June J., at A. At GRAVE LL The funeral services of Irvln Graven, infant son or Air. and Mrs. D. Graven, win be held today (Saturday) June 1. at S P. M.. at the chabel of Millet oc rracoy. interment Rose t;ity ceme tery. MAHON In this city. May Si. 191S, James Francis Mahon. axed 63 years 1 month 2 days, of Princeton, Or. Remains at Holman's funeral parlors and will be for- warded io urane, nr., tomorrow tsunaayj morning, where interment will be made. OABARIXO The funeral services of the late Frank Oabarlno will be held at St. Philip Neri Church today (Saturday). June 1, at 2:30 P. M. Friends invited. Re mains at P. L. Lerch's funeral parlors. Jb.ast t-ieventn ana uiay streets. KINGSBURY The funeral services of the late Lillian Kingsbury will be held today (Saturday). June 1. at 11 A. M. in the chapel of Miller tc Tracey. Interment at mount scott f&rK. cemetery. PELLETTE3 The funeral services of the late Charles H. Pellette will be held today (Sat urday), at 2:30 o'clock P. M.. at the res idence establishment of J. P. Finley A Son, Montgomery at oth Friends Invited. PARKER In this city. May 31. Dr. TV 11 Ham Parker, late of Baker City, Oregon. The remains are at the residence establish ment of J. P. Finley & Son, Montgomery at oth. .Notice or xunerai hereafter. ITPTTTTlT'nn TTVAni1 Invlt.I 4n at.nr1 the funeral services of the late Peter Frle- I burg: at Dunning A McEntea'a chapel to- I day (Saturday), at 2 P. il. Interment I 2uItnoma2i. CemeteiT . r I a directory ot business linns and proiessional men conaensed una classified for ready reference. "For rates by the month or year, or other information, telephone The Oregonian, . Main 7070 or A 6095, House 29. - ACCOKDIOS PLEATING. HEMSTITCHING, PLEATIXG. ALL LAT- MI STKLtS. EA81 JSrt.N MJVfcbTI UU., SO, F1TU. EASTbKN NOVfcLTS' CO. blARK BTS. UHUADWAY 20UU. K. bTLPUAN, hemstitching-, acalioplna. ac- coraion ia pieat, puuoaa covereu; m" order. 218 Pit lock block. Broadway luwu. ACIXJL.MAMS. J. J. CUAMBREAU, certified public ac countant, audita ayslems. examinations. 216 Lumbermen bids', ghon. tidy. 8U4U. AOATK tlllt-Ktl AXA Mtii. Jt.WEl.KKa. JEWELRY and watch repairing. Miller, 6bo Wasa. at.. Majeatlo Theater Dion. AB8AVEK8 AM) ANAUST9. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE, 14 Second Gold, silver and platinum bought. BAKBEH (SUPPLIES. REYNOLDS MONliY-BACK TONIC. Barker Exclusive : sold direct; set prices. P. O. Box 2. OREGON BARBER SUPPLY CO.- -We buy 230 2d. and sell all kinds barber suppnea CX. X. BARBER SUPPLY HOUSE We sell all xlnd ot barber supplies. at r.. aa st. BEAUTY STECIAUST. SUPERFLUOUS HAIR destroyed forever by Multiple Needle Aletnod. 8W4 aweusna mug. CARPET CLEANlMr, NORTHWEST HUG CO.. established 1803, Fluri rugs and rag rugs woven, aii sues. East 8th and Taylor. East HMO. B 12U. CANCEK. U. M. JONES, M. D. CANCER TREATED. 812 Morgan bldg. Marshall 6143. CELLULOID BUTTONS. THE IRWIN-HODSON COMPANY. 887 Washington. Broadway 434. A1254. CHIROPODISTS AND ARCH SPECIALISTS DR. LA MONTE, chiropodist and scientific arch specialist. Only chiropodist carrying state license; most sanitary operating rooms In city; arches fit perfectly or money refunded. Cases curea wnere oiner laneu. Local references given. I-ady -attendant. 206-7-8 Bwetland bldg. Fifth and Wash. Main 6466: evenings by appointment. Rea sonable prices. Consultation free. WILLIAM, Estelle and Florelle DeVeny. the only sclentiiic cniropoaisie anu ar.u claltsts In the city. Parlors 302 Gerllnuer bldg., southwest corner Second and Alder. Phone Main 130L 3r7 GARTNER. Chiropodist- Bunions, in grown nans a specially. unij m. city foot arches made to order. 2-6 Alder. Main 10141. rn? tll-ISE COX. asentlov clllropodlst. successor to IJr. Owen, urnce journal Barber Shop. Phone Main 7173. CHIROPRACTIC PHYSICIANS. t-vd u.v iiinv f2rl.nv "h'dr.. 10034 chlro- practlc v oria oesi. aujuoihw, m. easy. Obstinate cases &oc rate. CIRCULAR LETTERS. CRANE LETTER CO.. 610 N. W bldg Mar. OSJ. 1UU letters nmuiBimJnou. w -w. COLLECTION AGENCIES. ETH A CO.. Worehester bldg. Main nun No collections. o cnt-rKP. e-...-.. DANCING. MRS FLECK'S ACADEMY Social and stage dancing, private Instruction; classes Tue Frl.. 8 to 10. 100 2d St., bet. Wash, and -Stark. Main 2100. MANCHESTER DANCING ACADEMY, 85 --4 Fifth; 1U private ie--iii-. - 0 p. m. Phone Broadway 2327. EYE, EAR. NOSE AND THROAT. Dr. F. F. Casseday, specialist: glasses fitted. TOO r.. aurniiuB, --. ... " FIREPROOF PAINT. ' Paint that roof with FIREPROOF WATERPROOE RUSTPROOF PAINT Prevents the growth of moss. Stops leaks and protect from fire. Costs no more. WHOLESALERS AND AUTO TOPS. OREGON AUTO TOP CO. -14th and Couch. DUBRUILLE BUOOT TOP CO.. 0th an Oak. GRAIN MERCHANTS. PACIFIC GRAIN CO.. Board of Trade Bldg. DRY GOODS NOTIONS. . LDINKELSPlELCO.-tT Stockroom and office North 6th street HATS AND CAPS. THANHOUSER HAT CO., 53-55 Front St. HIDES. WOOL. CASCARA BARK. KAHM BROS.. 185 Front St. " PAINTS AND LUBRICATING OILS. yy p FULLER & CO. 12th nnfl Davis Pts MEETING NOTICES. WASHINGTON LODGE NO. 1 48, A. F. AND A. M. Special communication tomorrow v-"-urday) evening. June 1. 7:80 o'clock. East 8th and Burrislde. M. M- degree. Brother V. . .. I oh.ll.nhirrar. grand master, win pi"" 8nd all office will be filled oy pt n- ters. Special Invitation .a ... wh.,-L All M. M. invneu. w7 m. J. H. RICHMOND. Secretary. WA-RMONY LODGE. NO. 12. A. VA F. AND A. aiasonit Kn-rial communication ttns 2:1.1 P. M.. for tne purpose cf conductlns; the fu nral of our late brother. Chester w. Srnds. of Tyler Lodge. No. -,17. Cass city. Mich. By order W. M. K u r U 0 XV. uni.m J OREGON LODGE. NO. 101. A. I. AND A. M. Stated . com- ,1 munlcatlon this (Saturday) eve ' nlng at 8 o'clock. lsltlng brethren coroiauy invito. order of the W. M. LESLIE S. PARKER. Secretary. A. AND A. S. RITE Thirty- eighth semi-annual reunion be gin Wednesday mornlhg, June 6". Candidates assemble for reg Istratlon at 8:30 oVlock. By order PRESIDING OFFICER. WASHINGTON COMMAN DERY, No. 15, K. T. Special nniu-ltv this (Saturday) aft ernoon. 3 P. M. Malta and Order of Temple. R. MARTYN, Recorder. HIGHLAND SOCIAL CLUB Prize waits rnnipiil will he elven tomorrow (Saturdavl I evening 8:31) o clock In tselllng-Mirsch Diag. i 3864 Washington street. A-A union music. I j good time to a all EMBLEM Jewelry, buttons, charm. Bins, new design. Jaeger Bros.. 131-s ota at. FRIEOLANDKH'9 for lodge emblsms. class pins and medals Ulo Washington at. DITTO. FLEMING -At the family home, on the Deardorff road, near Bellrose station. M; 27. Gerald H. Fleming, aged 64 years months. The remains were cremated the Mount Scott Park Cemetery and the ashes will be scattered on the waters of Puget Sound. FOGEL In this city. May 81. 101S, Isaac Fojrel. Atemains at noimu a xunerai parlors. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY Office. Boom 153 Courthou?. 0th St, Entrance I Phone from 8 to 6. Main 878, Home Phone A 1 2015. Jisnt call alter oince noura, Alain iwu. ileport an cases oi cruelty to m sdovq aa dresi. Klectrlc lethal chamber for small anl male. Horse ambulance for sick and disabled animals at a moment a notice. Anyone desir ing a dog" or other pet communicate with us. Call for all-lost or strayed stock, as we look after all impounding. There is no more city pound, just Oregon Humans society. M ON F ME NT. A BEAUTIFUL nollihed cranlte monument. imported from Norway, for sale at hk the value; dimensions, from base to top, 8 tu 10 in,: width. 8 ft. 2 in., and 1 ft. 4 in. thick; crated and ready for shipment. In quire at room 417 Worcester bldg. Fi.HTl.ANb UAhBLB WUHK3. 204-2ee 4tS C opposite City Hall. Main hi 04. l'hi;i Nea A toni rnr m.monan. EE 6laE:.inJ tftANil-C CO. TM-.FtO AT MAOISOM STREET ZUaA Xb Oresonlan claoalfled v0a. 52 Vl H.l'FF Rl'G!) AND RAO Rl'tiS. FLUFF RUGS FROM OLD CARPETS In rain, Brussels, Smyrna, Ax minster ras ruga, all sizes, malt ortier prompt; booklet, kfxl. rugs, steam or dry cieaonU, $L5. CAHrET CLEANING, REFUTING, ETC. "Wr.Sli.KN IrUllr KlU tO, 64-56 Union Ave. N. East Dole. U lilt. H.ttF KtO AND ItAO KtO rACTOKV . NORTHWEST Hlu CO.. established 103. I'lutc rugs and rag rugs weveu, a.l sue. tgs weveu, a,i ei aasl aJeu, H 12o. East sin and layiur. as J A PAN 1LOKIST. F. D. KUJHIOl n 11)3 Fourth st, ncr lamnlll. West sme. All kinus oi Dtaumi nu vegetable 1-iauia, Hanging feas ants and Japanese Auo, ixaruen fiants, etc epecial sat, price. MlblCAL. OKliliON Conservatory tscliool) of Muslo. ild lloor, Kussel biog. over the "L,lon . i-ntrance 11k;s em sU, cor, ot Morrison. tMlL THltLHUKN, violin teacher, pupu bevclk. 2U," rutuner blug. uay. lo-u. PARKER School of Popular Music Terms. 6 lo 20 lmuus 4U1-J Ellers bldg. OPTOMETRISTS AD OPTICIANS. WHY PAY MORE T ry-'. a SAVING from 30 to 0o per cenu 4JJ Properly Iltlcd glasses as iow I ti iuiHi saiisiied customer KL.iactlon auaranleed. Chaa. W. Good man. oDtometrist, 2Ui Morrison. Main K124. R. G. WRIGHT 22 years' experience, l and foreign patents. UOl Uekum bldg. PHYSICIANS. DR. R. A. PH11.I-1PS, Broadway bldg. th.nmail.riL ramaie diaoraers. sain trou bles. siomacu. liver, - kidneys. bowe.a. throat, goitre, scalp, hlgll Utood pressure. PLUMBING BUPP1-IKM. PLUMBING SUPPLlfc.ei at ho.eaie prices. Stark-lavls I.O.. mu. - PRINTING. KEYSTONE PRESS J. E. Gantenbeln. Mgr. Printing and linotyping. 1J4 Front St., corner Stark. Main or A 141a. RDIIITItll F. W. BALTES & c-Mr-A- . rnlNllilU 1st and Onk sts. Main 106. AI165. REAL ESTATE DEALERS. CARL R. JON ES. 404 Wlicox bldg. SECOND-HAND CLOTHING. An ill lit ll-nAllLl tnr men's and ladles' clothing, shoes, etc. We fuy furniture and everything Of value. Main 4liO. to girni snept- KTORAGE AND TRANSFER. . . . r-,-iiv rn i VS1TEH ( " i 1 . 474 Gllsan St. --.,. i!trh TeieDhone Broadway 1281 or A 1160. We own and operate two large class "A warehouses on terminal iracaa. Lowest Insurance rates in the city. V. . i.icnv.KT DOCK. ; WAREHOUSE. Of flee 18 Maulson. General merchandise and forwarding agents. Phone Main lw'i. CUT freight ralee to all points on houbo.(l Mannins Warehouse oc I rannier Co.. th and lloyt. Broadway 703. nWti-rv uill'IVtl STORAGE. SECURITY STORAGE Ac TRANSFER CO, 105 Park st. Main 5195. A lUL -rTD-coo i-iov STORAGE. C M. OLSEN TRANSFER CO. 248 PINE. VETERINARY COLLEGE. 8 -fr. VETERINARY COLLEGE begins Sept. -IK I RlBIOKUti II 1TO. . . j , Market st.. Kan Francisco. WOOD. ORDERS tsken for Summer delivery: first class pole oak wood. Broadway 2339. WOOD AND COAL. HEAVY, dry wood. 5 aud S3. 50 per load, delivered, stove length. Phone Broadway BOS. SIANUFACTURERS "PAINTS. OILS AND GLASS. RASMUSSE.N tt CO.. 2d and Taylor. PIPE, PIPE FITTINGS AND VALVES. M. L. KLINE. f4-b6 Front St. PLUMBING AND STEAM 8UPPIJE8." M. L. KLINE. 84-86 Front St. PKODICE COMMISSION .MERCHANTS. VERDI NG & FARRELL, 140 Front St. ROPE AND niXIUXM TWINE. Portland Cordage Co.. 14th and Northrup. SASH, DOORS AND GLASS. W. P. FULLER & CO.. 12th and Davis St WALL PAPER. MILLER Wall Paper as Ft. Co.. 172 1st s MORGAN WALL PAKKK CO.. 230 2d St. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. H0LMAN UNDERTAKING CO Funeral Directors . Established 1877. Third and Salmon Streets Main 607. A 161L Lady Assistant. Perfect l-'uneral Service for Less. MILLER & TRACEY Independent Funeral Directors tvash. St.. bet. 20th t 21st. West Sid. Main 2al- Lady Assistant. A 7SS J. P. FINLEY SON. Progressive Funeral Directors, Private Drive Women Attendant. MONTGOMERY AT FIFTH. Main 9. A 1!"a; WILSON & ROSS MLslAa2i.Vitr East 54. C 8103. ERICSON Remdenco Undertaking Parlora 12th and Morrison sts. Main cilia. A 22Jj. DUNNING A McENTEE, funeral directors. Broadway and Pine street. Phone Broadway F. S. DUNNING. INC. 'THE GOLDEN RULE UNDERTAKERS. 414 East Alder St Esst S2. B 2325. BREEZE & SNOOK "VSwi. MR. AND MRS. W. II. HAMILTON Fu neral service. 1973 E. Gllsan. Tabor 4313. P. L. LERCH. East 11th and Clay street. Lady attendant. East 7M. II 13S8. A. R. ZELLER CO. 'Joi! ma ave. C 10S8 fiKKWtS L'XDKHXAK INCJ COMPANY. Hd and Clay. Mam 415-. A Lady ai&siatant. ERICSON' Residence 1'ndertalcln-r Parlora. lio anu Aiornson bis. jaaway o4. A ZZSd, CKMETER1ES. -BEAUTIFUL MOUNT SCOTT PARK CEMETERY Lowest Prices Best Service No expense after interment. Prices lower than other ceme teries. FLORISTS. CLARKE BROS.. Florists. 2S7 Morrison st. Main or A 1805. Fine flowers and floral designs. No branch stores. MARTIN & FORBES CO., Florists, 354 Waahmgton. Main 20!. A 12UU. Flowers for all occasions artistically arranged. TONSETH FLORAL CO.. 2S5 Washing-ton St.. bet. 4th and 5th. Main 5102. A 1161. MAX M. SMITH. Main 7215, A 1.12L Selling bldg., Oth and Alder sts. PEOPLES FLORAL SHOP. 245 Alder Flowers and designs. Phone Marshall 5V.22 NEW TODAY. MORTGAGE LOANS On improved city and farm prop, erty at close latere. t ratca. In stallment repayment privilege If preferred. Prompt, reliable aervlce A. H. BIRRELL GO. 217-219 Nonhweitern Basic Bull din ft. MarihaU 4114! A tUSs NKW TODAY. JNO. B.COFFEY MORTGAGE LOANS, Insurance, Surety Bonds SOI WILCOX BLDG. H1. 702. A. 3702. MORTGAGE LOANS OX BUSINESS AND RESIDENCE PROPERTY. ROBERTSON at EWIXG, S07-8 Norlknratrn Bsak Hid-. MORTGAGE LOANS 0 FARM A NO RESIDENCE PROPERTY. Hit COMMISSION. Wm. MacMaster oi coBuurr bluu, Portland, or. REAL ESTATE. lull SALE At Oak Grove. Oregon City car. i, diocks iroro elation, nearly one acre, with house, barn, fruit, berries and flowers; good water and drainage: on rock road. Also one acre beaverdam land ad Joining, drained and cultivated. Will sell separately. Also four vacant lota, well to cated. Also house and two lots, loo by 14U.5 feel, on Klver road and Center streets. J. F. Rls.ey, owner, boo Broad way bldg. Usin eii'tf. HAVE equity in Parkros acre, all cleared. with xruit drier, 9 years old. and from S4ot to .TOO for first payment on 9-room house; Rose City Park preferred. BC oregonian. E. CORNER. tvxlOO, Colon ave. and Broadway; good business corner. Owner, sju.utm. aj Sol, oregonian. For Sale -Lots. LAURELHUKST BARGAIN Lot 18. block 24. Paciflo St.. near o3d: price a as $lS5u; non-resident now offers st $53 with Dart cltv assessments Dald. Reason able terms or liberty bond wi;l be con sidered. AO B22. Oregonian. ClilXiiiKl tl.ad realty into live asset. Mod ernise your buildings. l ao an Kinus ot alterations and repairs. Bee my designs for new borne. Max M. Meyer, contract ing architect. Concord bldg. JIi.-4n 1373. Formerly supt. for Oregon Home Builders. THAT VACANT LOT" Turn a burden Into Income, We design and outid anytning. furnish the money If desired: eight years in Portland. L. R. Baliey Co., contract in galhllecta1rthweaternBankbld: FINE West 61de lot. near shipyards; very cheap and eatiy terms, fr-ee owner, jonn-son-Dodson Co.. 634 N. W. Bank bldg. ALL kinds of building and alterations. CHAS. W. ERTZ. ARCH1THCT, 1'lttooK om. Suu CHOICE lot. East 28th and Killlngs- wortn. laoor nyw. G O GOLDEN BERG CAN SELL YOL'R LOT. 213 Abington bldg. .Main suj. LOT for sale. Overlook Add., also Capitol Hill lot. Call U4S Division. GOOD equity In 100x100; will sacrifice. By owner. Phone lo.umoia 1-. For feale House ON THE EASY PAYMENT PLAN. 105, down and IS monthly. CARHON HEIGHTS. On th. Oregon Electric Railway, 15 min ute rlda. fare 5 cents. Go out Sunday. Trains leave Tenth and Alder street at 1:05 P. M. and 4 :l'5 P. M. and salesmen will meet you at Roland Ftatlon to show houses and lota tor sale. Bull Run water. electricity, gas. cement sidewalks, streets graded. House from J575 to 2j0; lots from (250 up. If we haven't a home to suit you we will build one that will. THE CARSON CO., OWNERS. 6th Floor Piatt Bldg., Washington at Park St. Tel. Marshall 6025. TO KETTLE ESTATE. $4500 ADJ. WESTOVER $4300. 7-r.. mald'a rm.. H. P.. oak floors, fl place, furnace, highly Improved. West bide view property, casn. . C. GULDE.NBEHO. MAIN 4808. 213-218 Abington Bldg. loOVa 8d. 3 YEARS IN PORTLAND." A SNAP. 4-room modern bungalow with bath, completely furnished: good garden all growing, berries; owner will sacrifice for Immediate sale. AH 807. Oregonian. SIX-ROOM bungalow, 676 Ravensvlew dtlv.. Main 45S3. Lot 00x1 OO. garage, cnickeu yards, fruit tree and hrubbery, nice yard, sleeping porch, good view Mt. Hood. Price $a0OQ. 220O GRANT. NR. 81TH $2200. M-r., very attractive' residence, worth $3000; $4.'.0 cash. G. C. GOLDEN HERO. ABINOTON BLDG. 83 Year In Portland." Main 4.l. $100 CASH $13 MONTHLY. $1430 TOTAL PRICE. 0-room miVdern. bath. gas. electric lights, fall !-t, 3oxlit0. Woodmer, Mt- Scott csr. A. H. AKERSON, 5oo Stock Exch. Bldg. MAKE $023. Five-room modern bungalow; cannot h erected for sale price of $175: $375 cash balance $20 per month. F. K. Stearns, 202 Wlicox bldg. Alain 3317. 6-ROOM house. In good condition, full ce ment basement, 30x100 lot, five fruit trees, small garden, hard-f InlAlied house. 31st St.. near Laurelhurst. See owner, $30O0; flue neighborhood. AE 232. Oregonian. FOR sXLE o-room house, near carline. and in very fine neighborhood; bathroom, two toilets, bullt-ln conveniences. Wm. M. Gregory, attorney at law. 39 Washington bldg.. opposite Hlbernla Bnnk. 1230 BELMONT ST. $4uu0. 6-room. strictly modern house, furnace, fireplace, hardwood floors, Dutch kitchen, all street Improvements paid for: fine lo cation: this Is a bargain. Paul Waldt. 4-ROOM modern house with sleeping porch, fine fruit tree, near E. 44th su, between Sunnyside and Hawthorne carlluea; $20tH), term. Owner, phone D 1110. DANDY 6-11. and aleeptng-porcb bungalow; all conveniences: $30(H: $50O cash, balance monthly. Johuson-Dodsou Co., 63 1 N. W. Rank bldgj FOR SALE, cheap. $1600 modern bungalow, lot 50xlOO. $:lo) cash, balance terms. Cnil and see It Sunday. Owner, ISIS E. Vth st. N.. near W L car. ROfc'i: CITY PARK, bv owner. $:t.0, 5-room bungalow, gars s. i tnisnea a inc. i:epiiig porch. All modern; no agents. 7-4 K. iUili North. Tabor 4Jo. FOR b AL1C 5-room modern house, lei 5ux 100, furnlshea or uniurnisnea; lur nlahed. Telephone Tabor elotf. Mt. Scott carline. , A ROOMS and den Rose City; hardwood f nnrft. furnace ana Tt replace, cement oas mni, corner lot 60xlo0: beautiful home. $3i0O, 10P0 cash. vtaiicer. Main goi7. viih K a l.P". ti-room house, located on 21am 11 ton ave. ; loi iuiiw; xruit trees ana crape vines; $200 cash, balance terms. Price flOtw. Owner, a 12 1 7. COSY 4-room modern bungalow, bath, elec tric light, gas. uuicn aitcnen. nice ytra, etc., 15o0; $J50 cash, baiance monthly. Taggart, 41o cnamoer or commerce. SACRIFICED modern 7 rooms, fireplace, it ma. a half acre, block Hawthorne car. tA7:,). Owner. 2ott Mohawk bldg. Tabor . WALNUT PARK. 6 -room house, with furniture, modern, all conveniences, dellchtful location, $0000, terms. AV'oodlawu 7 62. WILL KKKCT A HOME OM OCR LOTS Oil YOUR lWN Northwestern Trust Co., 212 Wilcox bldg, T. K. Steams, aigr. riv n v R.roAm bun tr alow. nar car. ful mnr Kta mrnt &nd f IdeWal'K. lot ! 4' viiju. Price 2-50; 3uo cash, balanc monthly. 155 Vermont st. MODERN bouse. 6 rooms; barn and fruit trees on 1. acre 01 -rounu, m bargain; In city limits and near carline Inquire owner. Main 207V 6-ROOM modern house, large attic, full basement, furnace, streets paved and paid for; only $3500, Including furniture. 20 fincramento st. CLOSE In Alblna reaidence property on Gantenbeln ave., rear Russell st. Address owner, P. O. box &21, Hamilton. Mont. MODERN ft-room bungalow, &OxlO0 lot. $21O0; terms, lo-u umnu ave. aut.u. cor. liolman: no agents. ATTRACTIVE 7-room house one block from Hawthorne car; lot 100x100. Owner, East 347 8. MODERN 6-room bungalow, hardwood floors, 2 blocks car and school. Irvlngton. 575 K. 13th N. HUBBELL EON, 14U1 Sandy, oldest firm ROSE MTY PARK, can sell you a good house cheap. See us first. Tabor 2161. FINE home at a bargain: 7 rooms. 1 acie. $ti500. half cash; Courtney station. AL 834, Oregonian. t A NICE 6-R. bungalow and a-arage. near car; only $2350. terms. Johnson-Dodaon Co.. 634 N. W. Bank bldg. MODERN, 0 rooms, full basement. E. front, 100x100 lot. garden, lawn, garage, $4500. BC 156. Oregonian. - . " $1200 N EW. CO M FORT ABLE HOM B. Corner 100x100: the best offer gets It. Look It over. Tabor 8372. BARGAINS Foreclosure and homes. Call up East 1347. mortgage 1RVINOTON HOMES. R. T. STREET. IRV AGENT LOT and .-room shack, for $200. $20 down and $10 a month. AF 362. Oregonian. IF that mortgage worries you. consult us. Northwestern Trwet Co.. 202 Wiicox bldg. FOR SALE 7-room modern house on 4dth street. Rose City Park. Call Tabor 613. MODERN 7-room house, fireplace, furnace Price $3000, terms. Call East 7187. loob EAST . GRANT ST., strictly modern 6-room tunaiow. $50.-Ko, MaiJi !&. REAL ESTATE- For Pnle II X1ilO.no IN PRIZES. 1st prise "o H liberty bond: 2d prise, s JA.Oo thrift stamps. 3d prize. (1.1 .on thrift stamps: 4th prize. ,10. 00 thrift slatups. to the children under 14 yer of age for the neatest house plans giving price esti mates which wouM be most suitable for thalr families. Base estimates at '0 fer room. Submit plans upon paper lllz.13 nt-hes. Content to date from June 1 and run thirty t30) consecutive days. Awards to be made July 15. 101S. Judging archi tect will not be connected v. lib, tills com pany. Address Hulldlnc Department. NORTHWESTERS TKVST CUM PANT. 2U2 Wtlcoi bldg. Main 8517. HOME BUYERS. Ton can sav. yourselves a lot of run ning around If you'll Just take a look at "the pictures In our window of the beauti ful moderately priced housea me have for sale In Laurelhurt and other dis tricts; prices and descriptions under each picture; easy terms If desired. Paul C Murphy, sales aicent. 27(.', Mark St.. be tween 3d and 4th streets. Main 1700. A 1315. WAVERLY UTS. ELKii. FIREPLACE. HARDWOOD FLUOR3. FURNACE. 6-r.. with all the real' home comforts and up-to-date conv., artistic neat s.d clean, like new; paved ate; nr. 31st; IJikk). tioo CIlll. G. C. GULDENTtERO. ABINGTON BLDG. 33 Years in Portland." Ms'.n 4S".t. HOW WOULD YOU LIKE TO BE THE LANDLORD? You can have a good home and collect rent from two If you buy thea. thre. neat 5-room house., located close tti, easy walk ing distance to heart of city; now rented for 18 each to sam. tenants nearly three y-ara. ,3uo casu. owner. T Ul, Orego nian. PilACTlCAI.LY NEW HOME FOR SALE PRICE 5150. WOR1II MURE. If you ar going lo be critical of loca tion, architecture, cement work, construc tion, finish, healing system, etc. In the .loriinn of vnur home, art the full par ticulars of4 this modern bungalow from owner, who la leavlug city. All aos. ore gonian. OWNER will sell m modern five-room house An K..l X'1 avenue, near 4. union sirei-i. paved street, gas, sewer, paid in full, lot boxlOO. good surroundings: only 14tH, t.rms. Lot Is worth as niuch aa 1 am a.-Vtlnr for the property. Telephone Main 17i. F. W Maddux, for appointment to a-e place. I.Al-REI.HI-RST HOMES. I have several excellent bargains In 6, 7 and 8-room bouses, locatetl in oest s tlon of Laurelhurst. for sale on rent- like term. Call for key at Laurelhulst Tract office. E. 3Kth and Uilsan. Tabor 843.1 dally between 10 A. M. and 3 P. AL, B. w. Ionard, evenings, iiriMj. ROSE CITY P.MiK A REAL HOME Six-room bungalow with attic, concrete oorch. hot water heat, lot GnxIOO. fruit trees and berry bushes, fine roues, all Im provements In and pld for; this week S43UO. terms. Hubbell &. Eon. 32d and Sandy Road. 9-ROOM modern, full cement basement, cor ner lot HiilltO fenced." fruit tre-a i blocks of school, one to car; a sacrifice at X.Mno. l.-ilH) down. S30 per month, per rent Interest r located on Peninsula. center of sh inbulldln g. 403 West Rus.-el St., St- Johns car. Phone evenings. Wood lawn 2723. FoK SALE To close an estate. Two nous- In Beaumont, ono in Rose City Park, one in lrvlnaron. Prices ranee from $2300 $7300. All In first-class condition. Tw have garages. All these are in irood n'lgh borhotttis and verv close lo c.trilne. E. K Hoaworth. 2'9 Corbett bldff. Marshall .Vl.V $lO0 CASH $10 MONTHLY. SK.-.O TOTAL PRICE. 4-room collage, lot CiOxloo, cement wslk, nothing bonUvd, near Greeley st., at. John carlinc. A. H. AKERSON. RAeJ Stock Exch. Bldg. Mar. 4Q79. 4 CARLINES i. KfnllT accessible from shipyard, hlg rhnni. Public Library. Peninsula Park tewer and paved street all paid, NO x R Td Ai'.V. six rooms, modern, wit furnace. Only 2r00. Terms If desired. W. H. HUS S, 1 1 ytj N. W. Hank Bldg. ROSE CITY PAR K HI' N G A LO W. and bonded improvements. 5 room unfintahed attic, flreuiace. furnace, hard wood floors. Dutch kitchen, full cemen basement, wash trays. Terms. J. A. WICK MAN CO.. 314 Stark st ?amJL?3 $4."oo for modern 7-rootn houhe. close in on bast oiae, iu miu. nun m r-. v. . wood floors, full cement basement, full plastered attic, laundry trays, H bedrooms and den, fireplace, built-in effects, all light rooms; can be seen by appointment. M r. Wattson, owner. Main 13-0. FOR SALE. BEAUTIFUL HOME. 8 rooms, sleeping porch, sun room, two baths, large ve randa; concrete basement, fine furnace, garage, lot 7.1x1".'.; choice section ; un surpassed view of river aud mountains. Terms. Main 220H. owner. SoOO CASH, BALANCE EASY. Near Allnna and KiUingworth ave.. modt rn 4-room bungalow, bath, toilet, full basement, stationary tubs. doubly con structed, lot 60xl0, fruit, berries ; price $'J700. Inquire C A. Williams, Kill ingsworth ave. HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW. Glenn ave.. near Hawthorne; paved street, sewer, hot water heat. f NO MORTGAGE. Price $2000. eay terms. W. H. ROSS. 1100 N. W. BANK HLPO A BEAUTIFUL MOM E 5 rooms and Urice attic. H block Richmond car. pavea street, all elegant homes' surrounding ; place sold for fo&oo when butiding was clteap (-Alii prove this, ; yet it s going to s.:ll for $2Vio $400 cash. $110 mon tit. r:5 E. with. MODERN bungalow, lOuxlOO corner, paved. one block went 01 i-nion ave.; amrase. iruiv tree a berries, garden. In piedmont re stricted reeiuence u.attict; price $4'.oO, terms. See this at 350 Holman st. Owner. FOR SA EE Alameda Park house, newiy rennvAtd: street assessmenip nam iu iu.i t:::.i Komj terms tiven. one-half blork to rarlino. E. E. Bos worth. 2'JS Corbett bldw. Marshall CSa. FOR SALE 4 -roo 111 hou4 good lot; r-a- kounMy close in. eieciric imni'. ihj wster: 7o0 will buy this place; fo down. 110 a month. Inquire 33.. Main st. or phone Mar. 324. lint and Apartment Property. l-ij x I W mr Nul tntrtm'Dt.hoUJiii. full, equity s...o casn: win nfi 1- i-r cent to 13 per cent on the investment. Must be sold at once. r.. r.. uiawona, 2ti Corbett bldg. Marshall ft'taV Hoburba Homes. 2ft ACRES. Clarke County: best prune land 3 to U acres cleared, fenced, within ea.y roach of Portland; only ."0 an acre with easy tor ma. W. W. Harrison. Battleground. Wash., iu r. U.. K. i. FOR SALE Two acres, fine 7 -room house, fruit, etc.. runnlnir creek, near carline, cheap. Call at third house north of lin ley station. Oregon City car. Homesteads; Relinquishments. BLUEPRINT township plats of O. A C. It. R. lands. $1 each. Map of land opcnlnn In Portland district, fl. Cowing & Cowing. Map Publishers. 31 Worcester bldg. Sale -Acreage. 10 ACRES SACRIFICED. Old price, flood per acre, new price. $400 per acre. All in cultivation; all clear. It lies west of With troet snd Is absolute. y the beat buy in or near the city of Port land. Will be alad to show It any time. 1 have made a strong statement abov and will prove Its truth If you care to investi gate. BJ 301. Oregonian. FOR SALE BY OWNER 3 4 acres, all in crop ana gsraen; romionnuia -ioum. house; barn, chicken houio and all kinds of fruit and berries; gas in house; close iiniii in P. Electric station, on HlUs- boro road; gldewalk to house. Mrs. Lottie M. Paulson, Aloha, t'r. 15 ACRES, fine bottom lann. in v.iarn County, wasninarion. ciobo . ...!,. ... on good road to Vancouver. John Bain. 5o7 Spalding bldg.. Portland. 13 ACRES. $575, 1 nr. from city, near store. School, good roao, o oown. rn.'y i"i u on balance. J. Jepson. 610 Wash, at. For Sale r.noo ACRES in Southwestern ash! nx ton for Sale, to leuimi on.j, uyun e;iy i-rina and low prices, su per aero auu up. v rue for map showln g 1 oca r Ion. terms, etc. WEYERHAEUSER TIMBER COMPAIS 1 Tacoma Bldg.. Tacoma. Wash. 64 ACRES three miles out of Oregon City, on electrio car line and fine wagon road. About 1-3 In cultivation, with crops, good buildings. Small amount cash will swing dea.L or will trade for city house and iou ' O. D. Eby, Oregon City. FOR SALE By owuer. 60 acres adjoining Dallas. Or.; 8 acres bearing prtines. :;u - acres new prunes. Balance grno oak; land all can be cuiuvaieci. price f.'ou per acre. Good terms. l. lj. prowo, lianas, vr. 10 ACRES of land; good orchard, house; all outbuildings. Bull Run water; located Just aoutn ot ienis; 011 ua iu b. t Thomas A lien. CHICKEN. FRUIT. GARDEN RANCHES. Near Portland: $75 to $200 per acre; easy terms; nest son; iariua tor aie. an aiatss. Mcrariana. ouj ieon mag., rortiana. LOGGED-OFF lands, $10 acre up; running water, good soil, H tillable, employment. easy terms. Jesse xu &narp, aa st 5 ACRES, level, fenced, cleared, good soil, house; employment; near Wiilamlna: fJo cash. $10 mo. Jesse rt. rnarp. fc.;" 3i 40 ACRES, near colletce campus, MrMinn vtue, a bargain. John Bain, 507 bpald- Ing bldg. : &EVlkKAsU small ranches for gale. L. A. aUaagiicru. Alyrti6 trttit- ur nox J.J REAL. ESTATE. Per Sale -K.rma. DAIRY FOR PALE. Here Is a sp.end.d opportunity ; am fur nishing mlik for growing town; trade I getting too big tor me to handle; will sell at reasonable price: 10 acres of land. r now in rye; a good modern 8-roomed house, bam, dairy herd and 3 head of horses. This is a paying propos.Uon worth, lnveallgatlnf . For furiaer Informstlon ca.l on or write to Josephine Huff, Arllngtou. Or. ; Fell SALK acres; 4 ai-res under culti vation. 20 acres pasture, 23 acres slashed... rest good wood, fenced on two side ami cross fenced, unlimited outrange, small houi with modern plumblns. fixture., large barn and all other nces!"ary out bui.ulngs: fins spring water, two good cows. 1 small horse. 4.1 hesd of goats, 2 Vi miles from town.- Price iu0: i00 down, test easy terms If desired. Address F. F. Streller. Eddville. Incoln County. Or. FuR SALK 240 acres, good clay Subsoil. ttf a. open land, 25 a. airalfa: alfaira atartea all over place: good range, two smail. houses, barn, henhouse, granary, iraok.v house, blacksmith shop and tools: cnouglt lumber lo build two houses: five miles from town; good level road. EnougU wood on place to Dav for it. A snap. How. 81. Wlnesap. Wait). CANADIAN FARM LANDS. Cheap land, remarkably eay terms. LndrHrkfr excursion party leaves Port land for Calgary. Alberta. Saturday. June 8. Keduced rates. For further particular s Canadian Pacific Railway Co. -"4 Hallway Kxchange building. L. P. Thorn ui, u .t rici rcjAt t-sentanv?. i ACRES. - S miles north of Independence, on S. 1. L.ecmc. P. see is divided by Dallas County road ; either place will be sold separate ; 7 1 acres with no Improve ments at per acre; lo4 at $10 per acre wit h bense. barn and ore ha rd. . e:i all for lT.uuO. Adrcas P. O. Box "T7. Monmouth. Or. ACHES, level, every foot In cultivation. fmaa orchard, A-room house, out bui.d fnc A snap at $H.Vrt. flOJ cash. ba;ance $M0 pr yeir. one-ha.f mile f roru live . aney lows and railroad. V. K. STEARNS. jn-j Wilcox Rldd. 44 W ACRES, 4 S miles south of Illilsboro. 15 in crop, o aimom c.earea. Da.fince "in- cleared. 4-rm. Iioute. 4Ux4G barn, 10x3 s.'. etc. Price $l4t per acre: terms. JBar ga.n acc. health. Prank L. McJ un e. Ab ington bide. ACRE Crois. mach.nery. s;ock : 100 per acre; terms. Uravity water; PaviiiC llighw ay. R. box 13-s Albany. Or. WANTED REAL ESTATE. HAVE several clients w orking In shipyards who centre to buy nomes rrom l wo t f J 'K, ran make heavy pay menu; now I: the ttme to aell. If you will list your louse w ith me I will photograph it, ad -veri i.tf ' and It- KRANK L. McOl'l RKABINGTON BLDC W A N T E D To buy lot wiih 2 cotta gem 5 rotus or more each; or esamu nt noublc f la ts. or on hoiuc to accommodate a f.i milieu. V ent t-itie ; mut hv modern ; pay $o)0 down. Describe and name bs prl'-e. A K Oregonnn. HC-LTSES WANTED. I want a few attractive modern houses In good repur. not over 40u0. y-.iifk action if price Is riirht. PATE C. M r Fi ' IH Y, at LAlKELliniST CO.'S office, 27 1 S Ftark Pt. Mala 17i. A l.M:. WANT E D e i O L'tr ES. We have buvers with cash, or terms. WATCH OUR ADVS. WE CiCT RESULTS. C. A. W;i rriner. RITTER. LOWE & CO. , S03-3-T Hoard of Trade. THE real rslate department of the Schwnn 1'iano Co. Ill 4th st.. will take your city lot iu part payment for new 191H model pmna or player piano; balance 6. o or ' lO monthly. - . HAVE buyer for o-r. bungalow, in good dtsu, all cash, $J.00. ti. C. OOLPENBERG. 215-21 AbtnKton Uidg. Main 4S03. '-35 YRS. IN PORTLAND." " WILL buy the best 7 or 8-room house of fered In good neighborhood; want fnur -bedrooms; have $-."0 cah and can pay $20 per month ami T per ctnt interest... A C 2 tit. Ore son tan. WANTED Lot or house and lot served with. Hull Hun water and electricity, near car. State exact location, price and owner's)" name flrnt letter. AH 2i:. Oregonian. WANTED One lot ."uxl."iO feet, or two .ots-i ;.n io foet, tfa.ion.-i lle, i-ioue In, Rose City Park or Mt. Tabor, tilve ail details.., 1U 2o0, Oregonian. WANT PORTLAND HUSINESS PROPERTY. Will exchange highly improvedw fttrm lands, clear oi nmrttan-, up to tl.SO.OtHi. W. H. ROSS. 11O0 N. W. HANK HLDG. WANT to buv bungalow, preferably fur nished; prefer Koe City I'ark district. John M. Payne ak Co.. Main 9012. V ANT moderu bumealow In Hawthorne d;s trict. only a snap considered. AO b44. brtKonijii. WANTED To buy 5 or 6-room bungalow. What can you offer? Cive d-scription, lo cation and price. AJ 321. oregonian. WANT modern house on Portland Height about $ s too: not on carline; must oe bar gain; will pay cash. N 1170, oregonian. WANTED Good building lot, for o-p;s. nn:o. Elertrt starter, lights Tabor harms Wanted. WANTED Ranch Iu Willamette Valley or Southern Oregon, with or w ithout stock; or Implements, up to 2o.OOO, in trade for modern hotel. Mluated lo t ho beautll uL Kacondldo Valley, with 10 acres of lem ons and oranges. Hotel 2." rooms, hot and' cold water ia every room, private baths and showers, electric lights, gas, Millard room. garaea, tennis courts, cement walks, abundance of flowers and shade trees, 34 miles from San li'KO, - mile from Camp Kerny. loO feet elevation. f rostlesa, 17 miles from ocean, no fog. 011 inland highway; conservative valuation. 3j.OoO, mortgage 10.O0O, . years. 7 per cent; no agents, pleaao. For further in- formation address Hotel Charlotte, Escon- dido. Cat. FOR RENT FARMS. LEASE and crop of 1 acres, clse in. for sale. Phone Tabor Sf.l. Address Rob Case. i uukamm, ir.. Route 1. box 47. TIM HKKl.AMW. V ANTED Party with good log c mg o-itdt t log fifty million fet finest fir llnihf., all on ono-haif tectlon with railroad rutw nlng through corner; advantageous propo- . sttion to responsible logger. M 413, Or gonian. . 1'R SALE At a bargain. 320 acres timber. V miivs from Forest Grove; over 4.oo.Mti feet fir accessible along Scoggin's Creek. ' Terms. Main 2-K. - FOR SALE 100 acres timber In Linn County. Oregon. Mrs. John P. Nucent. . h 1 7 South Tower ave.. Oni ra'la. salt. -. " tTmrer lands BOUGHT AND Si I.D. p. J. Mccracken. 4 mckat bldo. TO KXCHANGE: REAL r.STATK, FOR. EXCHANGE. 100 acres all iu cultivation, black loam sc-il. all in crop, wheat, oats. clocr. acres seeded to clover this Spring. Sold s $1200 seed clover last year off of 4 acres. Good house and barn, family orchard, on main graveled road. Close to school, milk route, free delivery, telephone. Near Dayton, or. Personal property ; ii horses, harness, wagon, all kinds of machinery:' 11 head of lino cow a, H young cows w.ll be fresh this Fall; 1 brood sow and p 1 gs, 1 0 chickens. Good c rea m se pera -tor. Price of place. Including every t Inn k. fix. 000. Will take good residence in good district. $:.o0 cash; mortgage back 011 place at tKn. If you are looking for a farm and home, money-maker, come and let me show you this place. $225 to $2.o milk check each mouth, and soon will be mora. . No Junk wanted In this deal. Phone Ta bor 0sr ; w rite 4ol Euat Out h Nortli. Mrs. D. Etchison. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE West Sidfv apartment-house, in heart of the apart -ment-house district. This apartment-bous-' has been lull for over a year. Owner doea. not live In Portland and therefore wishes to dispose of the property. Well located wheat farm or Improved valley farm nt heavily incumbered will bo considered. E. E. Bos worth, -OS Corbett bldg. Mar shall 65. LIST your property with us for results; ex changes of merit; established 10 ears. The Ernest Younger Co.. 105-107 Fark si., between Washington and Stark sts. WHAT have you to exenange for Tilla mook Beach lots? Address bD 14L Ore gonian. BUILDING SITE. Portland Heights, fine lo cation, value $2000, for Improved acreage. J. Jepson, 610 Washington at- 7-RtxlM house and lot. Gear hart Beacit. want lota or acreage. AM Oregoniaa. TO EXCHANGE MISCFXLANEOrS. TR A DE Counters and fix cures formerly used In a variety store: will exchanee for ' second-hand auto. L. D. Brown, Dallas, Or. FOR 5AI.E. Horses, Vehicles. Livestock. 24O0-POUND team of horses; no better work-, era. good harness, good 3 -Inch wagon,. $175. A. Schuhrlng, Tlgard, Or. GOOD pasture at Lsdd's Canyon farm. 12c per rly. rhene Main 4la. TWO good, fresh milch cows, heavy milkers, , or will trsde for fat cows. Sell. 141. 10 HEAD of choice dalrv cow-a Inquire ot E. L. Pa rrlsh. Da ! i as. Or. FOR SALE 25 high-grade HolsLcm cows. ii-aiLt CKourke. Nswixr-r, Oc. . , fFTI 1 05.2