THE MORNING OIZEG ONIAN. FRIDAY, 3IAT 31, 1918, "GAflDY CASE" ON TRIAL EI.CTEX JAPAXESB TO AXSWER CHARGE OF SMIGGUVG LIQUOR. Several Hundred Quart ot Wblsky Are Shipped Into Oregon Packed fa Soy Bean. Labeled Caady. Tom K. Kanaka and ten other Japa nese residents of this city or San Francisco will be placed on trial In the United States Court this morning on an indictment charging; them with mis labeling: liquor shipped In interstate commerce. The case has been pending sines early last February, when the Indictment was reported by ths Fed eral fcrrand jury. The case is better known as the "Japanese candy case." so designated by reason of ths fact that the defend ants are alleged to have shipped lev eral hundred Quarts of whisky packed In soy beans and labeled "Japanese candy" from Ban Francisco to Fort land, where It was distributed to a numoer of Japanese roomlngr-houses. Kanaka Is alleged to have been the leader of the organization, and It was from the wholesale liquor establish ment of Toms frog. In San Francisco, of which he is said to be the owner, that the shipments are said to have been forwarded This clever schema for evading; the state's prohibition statute was discov ered by the Portland police depart ment, but not until a lane; quantity or the liquor had been shipped into the state and disposed of. Several of the defendants were given trials in the District Court, but in no case was a eonvjctlon secured. The. Federal au thorities then assumed charge of the prosecutions. GROCERS MAY ORGANIZE - TTmatllla Merchants) Plan' to Unite to Force Food Regulations. PHKDTJSTON, Or.. May 10. (Spe cial.) Onocers of Umatilla County may form an organization on the lines reoently formed by the grocers of the city of Pendleton for the purpose of obtaining uniform rulings on the food regulations during the war. Invitations have been sent to all the grocers in the county by the officers of the Pen dleton organization, asking them to unite In the new county-wide plan. A meeting is to be held here the flint of the wek for the purpose of discussing the matter. Eastern Oregon Rancher Dies. BAKER, Or, May 30. (Special.) Joseph Irby, 81. a rancher in the val ley near here for many years, died to day of heart trouble. He was a na tive of North Carolina, but came "West many years ago. He was twloo mar ried, and the father of 17 children, ail of whom are living. AMIJBKME7ITS. CARTER DK HAVEN and FLORA 1'ARKER Rath Budd, Nlxle Norton and Coral Msl nott. Valyda and Brazilian Nuts. Funs, Chin... Cartoonist; Kddi. Mack and Dot Williams. . THE HONEYMOON" 'With Glen Anders A Co. THE Thursday, Friday, Saturday Francis Owen & Co. Present GRANDPA a vigorous, heart-gripping CIVIL WAR VETERAN dramatic playlet. Baby Marie Osborne In the photoplay "Dolly Does Her Bit" It 1 Baby Marie at last Qtown In the long-sought natural child part. MATINEE SEATS !0c arSB USEM sELfo-T CHAT NO. 11 Tomorrow Charlie Chaplin will be with us, of course not in person, but in one of those funny, funny pictures that just make you laugh until you ache. He is not going to be the only attraction though, for in the evening there will be a concert by Cioff i's Celebrated Band and vocal solos by Beth Groves Young. This entire programme is free to park guests. Then, don't forget that this is the loveliest place to picnic imagi nable. Great oak trees shade the park, while a profusion of roses adds beauty and fragrance. Little vine-covered Summer houses af ford a delightful place for you to spread , the . picnic lunch and in the free kitchenette hot' coffee may be prepared.. Come out in the morning, bring the children and Bpend the day. Let Dad join you in the evening for supper'"un der the trees and the concert. A trip through Hilarity Hall will make you laugh for a week there are the most unexpected things happening every minute and the more unexpected they are the more you laugh. Cars leave First and Alder street every few minutes 6-cent fare transfer from any part of the city. JOHN F. COR DRAY, Mgr. Read the Chats daily for Doings '. at the Oaks. AMISEXENTS. CITY orders RECEIVED NOW heiliGm: w -w 11 tdway at Taylor 1 aad A 11 SEAT WEEK ETvfftTJune 6, 7, 8 SPECIAL, PRICE MAT. SAT. A. H. Wood Presents THE SPARKLING COMEDY MARY'S ANKLE " WELL WORTH EEOG Splendid Cast and Prodnrtlon. Eve's: Floor. 1.50; Bal.. $1, 75c, 60c: Gal, 60c Bat. Mat. Floor. $1; Bal, 1. 75c, 60c; Gal, 60c BA T" T? ALCAZAR Tonia-ht all week Mat, Saturday. . Benefit w.ek for devastated France. Earl Dorr Bisters' remarkable drama of the war. "INSIUK THE UST58"' Krenlnsa. 28, as. 3e. Sat. Mat-."28. 6 So. Next Week. Startlnr Sun Mat, "Breirster'a Million." ANTAGE MAT. DAILY 2:30 NOTORIOUS DELPHlltE, With W. J. Thome, Rom Mary King aad Company. Six Other Bis Acts. Three Performances rally. Klht Cartels at 7 and . LYRIC MrSIOAI. STOCK HOOKS OPEN 1 O'CLOCK. ()OX. Blr double bill thla week. CHARLIE CHAPU! In his latest comedy hit, "A DOO'g LIFE." and Dillon Franks with LTrlo Musical Comedy Company. In "THE MARRIED WIDOW." Bates for Classified Advertisements la The Oregonian --Daily and Sunday " Per nim On lime ......,...........,.,... 18 Two consecutive time fie Three consecutive time SOo Six or seven cousecuti te times. .... . 66 The following clarifications excepted, the rate on which Is 7c per line per dat Situations WantedMole. Situations Wanted Female. For Kent Booms Private Families. Board and Booms Private lain. lies, Housekeeplngr Koomi Private Families. iS'o ad taken for less than lines. Count six words to the line. Advertisement except 'Person al') will be taen over the telephone If the advertiser Is a subscriber to either phone. No price will be quoted uver the phone, but statement will be rendered the following; day. Advertise ments are taken for The Daily Ore son Inn unto 8 p. M. ; for The Sunday Oregon tan until P. L Saturday. FUNERAL NOTICES. REDMAN In this city. May 21, Mary Mac . kay Redman, 671 Vaughn street, aired Co &raiS. months 2 days, beloved wife of W. W. Redman, daughter of William Mac Ray, of Bend, Or.; sister of Mrs. S. E. Owen, of Independence; Mr. J. J. Gat t her. Toledo, Or.; Mrs. F. M. Wad-worth. Port land; Mrs. M. E. Masterson, Astoria; Mrs. Robert Sinclair, Field, B. C; Mrs. fieorg Bradley, Honolulu. Friends invited to at tend funeral services, which will be held at Holman's funeral parlors. Third and Palm on streets, at 10 A. M. today (Fri day). May 31. Interment Rivervlew Cem etery. A CHURCH rn this city. May 20. Alfred R. v-uutvii, ast juigntn street North, aged 03 years 3 months, beloved husband of Maggie Webber Church, father of Mrs Claude V. Bowman and Mrs. Arthur J McComb, brother of Edward J. Church. Mrs. Eliza J. Morris and Mrs. Martha A. Lawson. Friends Invited to attend funeral services, which win be held at Holman's funeral parlors. Third and Salmon streets, at 1 P. M. today (Friday). May 81. Con cluding services at the Portland Crema torium. Kindly omit flowers. ADWBN-in this city, at his late residence. oia remont street. May SO, Leslie T. Ad wen, aged 23 years, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. Adwen, and brother of Chester Adwen. The funeral services will be held Sunday, June 3. at 2:30 o'clock P. M., at the Central M. E. Church, corner Van couver avenue and Fargo street. Friends invited. Incineration at the Portland Crematorium. The remains are at the residence establishment of J. P. Flnley A Son, Montgomery at Fifth. LTNDS At late residence, 5M Washington eireei, way au, uoester w imam Lynfls, Company H. 23d Michigan Infantry, aged 65 years 5 months 18 days, survived by his widow, 8arah C. Lynda; father of Cora E. and John F. Lynda, Mrs. Irene F. Douet. Comrades of the G. A. R. and friends in vited to attend funeral services, which will be held at Holman's funeral parlors. Third and Salmon streets, at 8 P. to- morrow (Saturday). June 1. Interment Hiverviow Cemetery. PELLETTE In this city. May 80. Charles it. f-iieut, agoa 44 years. iat or 7 Mississippi avenue, husband of Mrs. Nellie Pellet te. brother of Mrs. D. La, Wiggins and William IX Pellette, of this city. The funeral services will be held tomorrow (Saturday). June 1, at 2:80 o'clock P. M., at the residence establishment of J. P. Klnley A Son, Montgomery at Fifth. Friends invited. NICKELL At the family residence. 07 Lib erty st.. May , Frank Monroe lVIckell, aged 40 years. 10 months. 14 days, son of Mrs. Laura Anna Xickcll. The funeral services will be held at the conservatory chapel of F. S. Dunning. Inc.. 414 East Alder st at 2 P. M. tomorrow (Saturday). June L Friend invited. Interment Co lumbla Cemetery. KNIGHT At the family residence, 4610 Sixty-second street Southeast, Mav 29, Alma Knight, aged 61 10 months 21 days, beloved wife of Edward Knight. Friends invited -to attend funeral serv ices, which will be held at Holman's funeral parlors. Third and Salmon streets, at 2:30 P. M. today Frlday.. May 31. Interment Multnomah Cemetery. BEERS In Sacramento, Cal.. May 2S. Louise . tteers, aged 2 years, wife of Frank J. Been, of this city; mother of Louise and Frank Beers. Funeral services will be held from the conservatory chapel of F. S. Dun ning, Inc., 414 E. Alder, cor. E. 6th et-. t 3 P. M. todsy tFrlday), May 81. Friends invited. Interment Rose City Cemetery. FENLET At the residence. 754 Kast Twenty-first street South. May 20, Lawrence J. Fenley, aged 22 years t months 15 davs, beloved husband of Lissie Morgan Fen ley. Friends Invited to attend funeral serv , ices, which will b held at Holman's fu neral parlors. Third and Salmon streets, at 4 P. M. todsy ..Friday). May 31. Inter ment Mount Scott Park Cemetery KOOL-At the family residence, Sl "West Alberta street, Evelyn Kool. ag 5 years, beloved daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Kool. Private funeral services win be held at the new modern funeral parlors of the Chamber-Ken worthy Co.. 244 Kil lings worth avenue, today ( Fridy, Mar 31. et 10 A. M. Interment Ross City Cemetery. BA1RD At his late restdenre. 1SI F. R3d et.. Msy 30, John Balrd, age 7ft years. Fu neral services will be held at the resi dence at 2 P. M. tomorrow ( Saturday). June 1. Incineration at Portland Crema torium. Please omit flowers. Breeze A Snook in charge. BRAD V In this city. May 29. Mrs. Mar garet Brady, widow of Mathew Brady, be loved mother of Mrs. George A. Vogt and grandmother of Lucile M. Vogt. Friends Invited to attend funeral services, which be held from St. Mary's Cathedral tomor row (Saturday), June 1. at 9 A. ML FOSTER The funeral services of the late Clara K. Foster will be held todav (Fri day, at 2:80 o'clock P. M. at the resi dence establishment of .7. P. Flnley A Son. Montgomery at Fifth. Friends in vited. Interment at Rivervlew Cemetery. KELLOCK The funeral services of Mrs. Louella Kellock will be held from Jack's chaps), at Sllverton. Or. today (Fxldav), May 31. 2 P. M. interment In Sllverton Cemetery. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY Office, Rm 15S Courthouse, 8th St. Eotraac. Ptione from 8 to S. Main 17. rhnn. a Mailt call after f ftr. hours. Mala 170. report an caaea or cruelty to tna above ad. dreaa. Klectric lethal chamber for .mail anl. male. Horse ambulanc for sick and disabled animals at a moment's notice. Anyone desir ing a doc or ethr Pet commantcat with ua. Call for all loat or atrayed stock, aa we look attar all impounding. There la no mora city pound, juat Oregon Humane Society. popuanapDusme A directory of business firms and professional men condensed and classified for ready reference. For rates by the month or year, or other information, telephone The Oregonian, Main 7070 or A 6095, House 29. ACCOBUION fl. EATING. HEMSTITCHING, fLEATING, ALL LAT EST BTVLLi EAS'i'EKN .SOVtLTY CO. eOVa FIFTH. EASItKX NOVELTI CO., STARK STS. BUOAUWAY HuOO. K. STErUAX, heniaUlchlog. scalloping, ac cordion aide pieat, button covered; mall ordera. Zl i-ntock block. Broadway luvtf. AGATE CCTTER3 AND MFG. JKWKLEKS. JEWELRY and watch repairing. Miller's. 855 rVaah. at.. Majeatic 'i beater bias. ASSATERS AND ANALISTS. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE. 1.2 becond Gold, silver and platinum bought. BARBEK SUPPLIES. O. K. BARKER bL'PPLV HOUSE. We aell all kinds ot barber suppllea. 86 N. 2d at. e KtV.NOLDS MUNSY-MCK TONIC. Barker Exclusive; aold direct; get prices. P. O. Box 2a. OREGON BARBER SUPPLY CO. We buy and sell all klnda barber auppllea. 250 d. CARPET CLEANING. NORTHWEST KUl) CO.. eatabllahed 1903. Fluff ruga and rag rugs woven, all alzea. Eaat 8th and Taylor. East 30S0, B lli&u. CANCER. L. M. JONES, M. IJ. CANCER TREATED. 81 Morgan bldg. Marahall 6143. CEI.I.CLOU) BITTO.NS. THE 1RW1N-HODSON COMPANY. 8g7 Washington. Broadway 4;t4, A 11:54. CHIROPODISTS AND ARCH SPECIALISTS. DR. LA MONTE, chiropodist and ecienliflc arch apeclallat. Only chlropodiat carrying - state license; most sanitary operating rooms In city; archea fit perrectly or money refunded. Caaes cured" where other failed. Local references given. Lady attendant. iOa-7-S Swetland bldg. Fifth and Wash. Main o4t6: eveninga by appointment, ilea. aonable prices. Conaultatlon free. WILLIAM. Extelle and Floreile DeVeny, the only scientific chiropodists and arch ape clalleta In the city. Parlors UU2 Uerllnger bldg., southweet cormsr Second and Alder. Phone Main 130L CHIROPRACTIC PHYSICIANS. DR. McMAHON, Macleay bldg.. 100i chiro practic. World's best. Adjustments made easy. Obstinate caaes BOc rate. CIRCILAR LETTERS. CRANE LETTER CO.. 610 N. W. bldg. Mai. BB22. 100 lettera multlgraphed. tl.BO. COLLECTION AGENCIES. SETH A CO., Worchester bldg. Main 176B. No collections, no charge; established 1UO0. DANCING. MRS. FLECK'S ACADEMY Social and atage dancing, private Instruction; classes Tue Frl., 8 to 10. 109 d su. bet. Wash. and Stark. Main 2100. MANCHESTER DAXCINO ACADEMY. 65H Fifth; 10 private lessons. $5. 11 A. M. to S P. M. Phone Broadway 2.11:7. EVE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT. Dr. F. F. Casaeday, specialist; glassea fitted. 700 E. Burnslde. cor. 20th. B 13H3, E. 4784. FIREPROOF PAINT. Paint that roof with FIREPROOF WATERPROOF P.USTPROOF PAINT Prevents too growth of moss. Stops leaks and protects from fire. Costs no more. Phone Main 0175. FLCFF RCO AND HAG RIG FACTORY. NORTHWEST RUG CO.. established 1!03. Fluff rugs and rag rugs woven, all sizes. East 8th and Taylor. Eaat 3580, B 120. WHOLESALERS AND ALTO TOPS. OREGON AUTO TOP CO. 14th and Couch. DUBRUILI.E BUGGY TOP CO., 9lh and Oak. GRAIN MERCHANTS. PACIFIC GRAIN CO., Board of Trade Bldg. DRY GOODS NOTIONS. l. dinkelspiel co. HATS ANI) CAPS. THANHOUSER HAT CO. 53-55 Front St. HIDES. WOOL. CASCARA HARK. KAHN BROS.. 195 Front St. PAINTS AND LUBRICATING OILS. W. P FULLER a CO. 12th and Davla St. AUCTION SALES TODAY. At Wilson's Auction House, at 10 A M Furniture. 168-171 Second st. MEETING NOTICES. ! 46. A. F. AND A. M. Special 1-vminuQicsiion tomorrow CSflt urday) evenlnir. June 1. 7:30 o'clock. East 8th and Bumside. xr x .!.... u . i ... . . Shellenbarger. grand master, will preside and all offices will be filled by past mas ters. Special Invitation la extended to sol dier brother. All M. M. Invited. Order W. M. J. H. RICHMOND. Secretary. PORTLAND LODGE, NO. 55. A. F. AND A. M. Special com munication thla (Friday) even ing, G o'clock. Work In M. M. degree. Visitors welcome. Or dr W. M. C. M. 8TEADMAN, Secretary. ALBERT PTKE LODGR NO. 12. A. F. AND A. M. Special communication thla (Friday) evening. May 31. at 7 o'clock. M. M. degree. Visitors welcome. By order of W. M. E. R. IVIE. Becretary. MARTHA W ASHINGTON CHAPTER NO. 14. O. E. S. Of ficers and members requested to attend lun -r;ii oi ' - I r.i.r at F-inlav's. 2:30 todav. By order W. M. BELLE RICHMOND, Secretary. PORTLAND AERIE. NO 4. F. O. E.. meets at H tonight Friday), Third and Madison. J. B. FITTTTAV. Secretary. JII'LTXOMAH CAMP. NO. 77 w O. W. Meets at their hnll. 112 East 6th St.. tonight ( Friday . May 31. Dancing. All members W. O. W.. their amine and friends cordially invited. ...r-r-. WILL MEET this (Frlday HAS5AL0 evening at 8 o'clock at 226 Alder street. Election of ofti- aftjfv cers and second degree. Vla- 12H?I5sJ ltors welcome. innr F. co.EXS. Ree. Fee LV.U.I. jj lf WARDLE, N. O. PHALA.NX LODGE, NO. 14. KNIGHTS OF PYTHIASj Reg ular convention everv FVlrlav nicht. CaMle Hall. 426 Fast Aiupi irrcu lining rvnicnts welcome. O. S. JiKXDA, K. R. 8. W KB FOOT CAMP NO. WOODMEN OF THE WORLD, meets everjr Friday night at W. O. W. Temple. 12S 11th Pt. All members welcome. Kum to Kamp Friday nlfht. L. Ci. Ie Tounc- Act. C O. H. U BARBER. Clk. HIGHLAND SOCIAL. I'LfB-Prize waits contest wiil be given tomorrow t J? turd ay) evening 8-.30 o'clock In tielllns-Hirsch bld. 38tJi Washington street. A-l unlou music. A food tima to alL FRIEDLAN'DE R'S for lodga emblems, class pins and medals. 310 V as bins ton st. EMBLKM Jewelry, buttons, charms, pin a new designs. Jseffer Broa. 181-3 tb st MOM'MENT. A ,BI5AtJTIFTTL polished srinlt monument. Imported from Norway, tnr sale at ths value, dimensions, from base to top, s tu 10 in.; width. X ft. 2 In., and 1 ft. in, thick; crated and ready lor shipment. In quirs at room 417 Worcester bidg. PORTLAND MARBLE WORKS. ta St.. opposite City Hall. Main hibL. i'hiaa Neu & Sons for mmorla!a BLAC5INC. CRKNITt CO.' 3 third -r iaogn ;trec Phone your want ads to The Orego nian. Main 7070, A 6095. jsm. !5S"r H 1 FF KtGS AJiD RAO BIGS. FLUFF RUGS FROM OLD CARPETS Ingrain, Brueiela, Smyrna, A m taster rmg rugs, mil sizes, mall order prompt; booklvu rui,-s, tea in or Ury cleaned. CARPET CLEANING, REFITTING, ETC. WEMTEKN F1.1FK Rt O CO.. 6-5 Union Ave. N. Eaat .118. H 14T3. JAPAN FLOKIr-T.e F. IX N1KHIO. 193 Fourth su. near lamhill. West bide. All klnda ot Bedding and V ettetabi Pianta. Hanging Bat keta and Japanese iuu, Garden Fianta. etc fepecia,! aaie 'price. Ml BICAL. OREGON Conaervatory (achooi) of aluaic. lloor. ltuasel b.dg. lover the Lloa". Entrance 1009 4th et.. cor. of Morrison. EMiL, THIELHOKN. violin teacher. pupU bevclk. 1'UT Flledner b.dg. Bdwy. 18-9. PARICEK bchool of Popular Mualc. Terms, & to HO leasona. 401-2 Eliere bldg. OPTOMETRISTS ANI) OPTICL4NS. WHY PAY MOKE 7 A SAVING from 30 to AO per cent. Properly fitted clasaea sa low as . 81. oO. 40U0 aatlaiied cuatomera. Sauaiactlon guaranteed. Chaa. W. Good roan. optometrist. 20 Morrison. Main 21-4. It. O. WRIGHT years' experience. U. S. and fort-lgn patenta. j501 Dekum bldg. I'll VhlCLANS. DR. R. A. PHILLIPS. Ov'i Broadway bldg. Rheumatlam. female dlaordera. akin trou bles, stomach. Uver. kidneys, bowels. tliroat. goitre, scalp, high blood pressure. pf.l MBING SCPPI.IEr). PLUMBINU bUPPLIKa at whulesaie prices. Stark-Davis Co.. 12 Third. Mam 797. PRINTING. KEYSTONE PRESS J. E. Gantenbeln. Mgr. Printing anA linotyping. lofl'a Front at., corner Stark. Main or A 1419. DQ INT I MP F- w- BALTE3 4s COMPANY. I nlilllllU 1st and Oak eta. M aln 165. Allan. REAL ESTATE DEALER). CARL R. JONES. 404 Wilcox bldg. bECO.VD-HAND CLOTHING. OF! UlWn clothing. We pay highest prises g-U-lIMIlU for men's and ladles' elothlng. shoes, etc Ws b'jy furniture and everything of value. Main 4776. 246 First street. STORAGE AND TRANSFER. OREGON TRANSFER CO.. 474 Gllsan St.. corner 13th. Telephone Broadway 1281 or A 116B. We own and operate two large ciasa "A" warehouses on terminal tracks. Lowest Insurance rates In the olty. MADISON-ST. DOCK & WAREHOUSE. Of fice 189 Madison. General merchandise and forwarding agents. Phone Main 1601. CUT freight rates to all points on household foods.. Manning Warehouse 4t Transfer p.. 0th and Hoyt. Broadway 703. PACKING. MOVING, STORAGE. SECURITY STORAGE TRANSFER CO. 103 Park St. Main B195. A 1051. FIREPROOF STORAGE. C. M. OLSEN TRANSFER CO. 24S PINE. VETERINARY COLLEGE. 8. T. VETERINARY COLLEGE begins Sept. 18. Catalogue free. E. Creely, Bee, 1818 M a rltet St., Pan Fran c Isro. ORDERS taken for Summer delivery; flrat class pole oak wood. Broadway 2339. WOOD AND COAL. HEAVY, dry wood. 85 and $5.50 per load, delivered, stove length. Phone Broadway 868. lVIANUFACTURERS V. I NTS, OILS AND GLASS. RASMLSSEN CO., 2d and Taylor. PIPE, PIPE FITTINGS AND VALVES. M. L. KLINE. S4-S8 Front St. PLIMMINO AND STEAM SUPPI.IF.S. M. L. KLINE, 84-86 Front St. PMODtCB COMMISSION MERCHANTS. EVERDi.VG FARRELL. 140 Front St. ROPE AND BINDING TWINE. Portland Cordage Co.. 14th and Northrup. SASH. DOORS ANI) GLASS. W. P. FULLER A CO.. 12m and Davis Sta. WALL PAPER. MILLER Wall Paper & Ft. Co.. 172 let et. MORGAN WALL PAPFB CO.. 2.10 2d et. KINCRBCRY In thts city. May 80. Lillian F. KinifBbury, aired C years, belorsd wlfs of Darius Kingsbury, mother of Mrs. Myr tle A. Johnston, of Portland, and Mrs. Mabel McKnlcht, of Lebanon, Or.; Mrs. Pearl Payne, nf Lebanon. Or. ; sister of Arthur Orlffln. of Portland ; a rand -mother of Gladys and Raymond Johnston. Notice of funeral later. Remains at the residential funeral parlors of Miller sc Tracey. GRAVELL In this city, Msy 80, at Garden Home, Irvln Graven, Infant son of Mr. and Mrs. David Grave II. Notice of funeral later. Remains are at the residence fu neral parlor of Miller A Tracey. FR1EBURG May 29. Peter Frlebarr. awed 58 years. Remains at Dunning A Mc fen tee's chapel.- Funeral notice later. H0LMAN UNDERTAKING CO. Funeral Directors Established 1877. Third and Salmon Streets. Main 607. A 1511. Lady Assistant. Perfect Funeral Servlc. tor Leas. MILLER & TRACEY Independent Funeral Directors. (YasU. st.. bet. i!0th sr 21st. West Side Main 'JtiUl. Lady Asais'ant. A 7tt5 J. P. FIN LEY A SON, ProKresalv Funeral Directors. Private Drive Women Attendants. MONTGOMERY AT FIFTH. Main 9. A 1591. WILSON & ROSS lsmjunib- East B4. C 8185. ERK'SON Residence Undertaking1 Fariora. 12th and Morrison ats.. Main 6iaa. A 2235. DUNNING & McENIEE, funeral (llractors, Broadway and Pine street. Phon. Broadway 430. A e.-iSa. Lady attendant. F. S. DUNNING. INC. THE GOLDKN HUL1S UNDERTAKERS. 414 Kast Alder t-t. Kast 5i B a5U5. BREEZE & SNOOK Beim,0LP5ts tV h UR. AND liRS. W. H. HAMILTON Fu neral service. Ifct78 K. Gllsan. Tabor 4818. P. L. LERCH, Kaat lltb and Clay streets. Lady attendant. Kaat 7SI. B l:t. A R ZELLER TO ajwnnana. SKEWES UNDERTAKING COMPANT 8d and Clay. Main 415. A 1'3'Jl. Lady ssslstan" KUICSON Residence Undertaking Parlors 12tn and Atorrlson ats. Bdway A 22:1.", CKMETERIKS. BEAUTIFUL MOUNT SCOTT PARK CEMETERY Lowest Prices Best Service No expense after interment. Prices lower than other ceme teries. KLORISTS. CLARKE BROS.. ilurlBta. ZS7 Morrison st. Alain or A IS').,. Fine flowers and floral designs. No branch atorea. MARTIN A FORBES CO.. Florlats. S3t Waahinaton. Main A lrtl. for all occasions artistically arransed. TONiETH FLORAL CO., 55 Washington St.. bt. 4th snd 6th. Mnln SI 02. A 1181. MAX M. SMITH. Main 71M5. A 2121. belllnj I'ldff.. flrti and Alder ats. PF.OPLK3 F LO HAL SHOP. 215 Alder Flowers and deal sua. Fhoaa Slsxsasll 6U22. du etin n NrTV TODAY. baragestiMg Call tor Illnstrated J. J rllli? Price I.lst. bm' 354 Askeay St. Pkoae Broadway .14. Sam Connell Lumber Co. . MORTQAGE LOANS Ob iBprsres city aad farm prop erty at eloae lilemt ratra. In atallmeat rrparsieBt prl vlleae tf yrefarreel. Prompt, reliable aervlc. A. H. BIRRELL GO. 217-21 Nortnwestcra Bankt Bnlldlas, Marahall 4114. A 4118. MORTGAGE LOANS ON FARM A.XD RESIDENCE' ' PROPERTY. NO COMMISSION. Wm. MacMaster 701 CORBETT BLDG. PORTLAND. OR. JNO.B. COFFEY MORTUAGR LOANS, Insurance, Surety Bonds SOt WILCOX BLDG. Mala 70S. A 3702. MORTGAGE LOANS " OS BISIAKSS AXD RESIDENCE PROPERTY, ROBERTSON A EWIVC, 207-8 Korlkirratera Bank RIdic. Phon your want ads to Th Or co lli an, Mai 7070. A 60D5. RKAL ESTATE. FOR SALE At uaic Grove, Orerort City car. 1 v blocks from station, nearly one acre, with house, bam, fruit, hemes and flowers; good water and drainage; on rock road. Also one acre beaverdam Ipnd ad joining, drained and cultivated. Win sell eparatelr. Also fo&r vacant lots, veil lo cated. Also house and two lots, loo br lol.6 feet, on HIver road and Center . streets. J. F. Rlslfv. owner. Bo6 Broad way bldg. Main 6101. HAVE equity In Parkrose a era, all ol eared, with fruit drier, ft years old, and from $400 to $700 for first payment on 6-rooiu house; Rosa City Park preferred. BC 14i, Oregonian. S. K. CORNER, o 0x1 GO. Union ave. and Broadway; good business corner. Owner, S20.000. AJ 337. oregonian. For Salfj Ita. LAURELHURST BARGAIN I-ot 16, block 24, Pacific St., near K. 33d ; price was C1350; non-rosldent now offers at sr75 with part city assessments paid. .Reason able terms or liberty bonds will be con sidered. AO 622, Oregonian. CHANGE dead realty lnio live asset. Mod ernise your buildings. X do all kinds of alterations and rr pairs. See my designs for new tionics. Max M. Meyer, contract ing architect. Concord bldg. jdVln 1373. Formerly supt. for Oregon Home Builders. "THAT VACANT I,OT" Turn a burden Into Income. We design and build anything, furnish the money If desired; eight years In Portland. 1.. R. Bailey Co.. contract Ing architects. Northwestern Bank bldg. LOT 5 ix278, close to rarllne; all In garden; bungalow, but not finished; $S0O takes It. AH 2tt. Oregonian. 3 LOTS. Dixon place, one block out of I:v Ington ; street Improvements in. From owner. A sacrifice. AR ait. Oregonian. ALIj kinds of building and alterations. CHAS. W. EKTZ, ARCHITECT. Plttock blk. $300 CHOICE lot. Kast liLh and Killings worth. Tabor B04. LOT for sale. Overlook Add., also Capitol Hill lot. Call 94S Division. GOOD equity In loOxlOO; will sacrifice. By owner. Phone Columbia 12. For 6Ue -Rous (300 VERY ATTRACTIVE BUNGALOW tlliKM). If you are looking for real bungalow, let me show you this cement basement, flreplaca. paneled t. K., plate rail, beamed celling, Al bath fixtures, electric and gas : house painted white, artistic lines; :i0O will handle. K. 4flth. 4 rooms, 2 mora could be finished In attic. Hee FRANK L. McUUIRE, ABINGTOX BLDG. To buy your home. Main loS. $100 DOWN ft-RM. BUNGALOW, ft rooms, plastered, bath, toilet, elects 50x8fi-foot lot ; good home, no shack, no liens or mtg. to annume. A3d ave., nr. 66th st. Price $1200. Photo at office. Sea FRANK L. McGUIRE, ABINGTOV BLDG. To buy your home. Main 10S. S4S50 U. C. P. 4ftfi0. S-R. VERY COMPLETE Bl'NtiAlrOW. HARDWOOD FLR.. FIREPLACE. SLEEPING PORCH, OARAGE. DOUBLY PLUMBED. BEST BUILT-INS. G. C. GOLDEN BERG, Ablngton Bldr. 35 years In Portland." Vain 4So3. rV0O CASH, BALANCE EAST. Near Alblna and K 11 Uiir worth ave., modern 4-room bungalow, bath, toilet, full basement, stationary tubs, douMy con etructed, lot 50x100, fruit, berries; price $750. Inquire C. A. Williams. 111H Kill lugsworth ave. $4500 BABY FARM IN CITT $4.'.nn. 1 acre right In city, high state cultiva tion, grapes, fruit, berries, garden, etc. ; 6-rm. bungalow. E. 40th et.. near Frances avenue. Terma. Auto at your service. Sea FRANK L. McGUIRE. AHINGToN BLDG. 10 oy your home. Mam low. $100 DOCN FURNISHED BUNGALOW. Here Is an opportunity; 4 -room bunga low, with furniture, full lot. close to Franklin High, good bath and toilet. Price only lllofl. Photo at office. Pee FRANK L. ilrOt'IRK, ABINUTuN BLDG. TO BUY YOUR HOME. MAIN 106S. SHIPBUILDERS AND VANCOl7VERREHi DKNTS, ATTtXTIOX! Five-room cottage, bath, full lot. corner. 113 East 14th. Vancouver, street 1 m prove -merits paid; $2000, terms. John M, Payne COh 311 Mohawk bldg. Main 012. 9 lino 5-RM. BUNGALOW $2'iO DOWN. Bath, toilet, elect, and gaa rnr. lot. oSd ave, nr. oflth st. Photo at office ot this and ether bargains. See FRANK I, McGUIRE, ABINGTON BLDG. To buy your home. Main 10S. 910O CASK 915 MONTHLY. 914r,0 TOTAL PRICE. H-room modern, bath. gas. electrlo ltghta. fall lot. ftOxIoo. Woodmer. Mt. Scott car A. H. A KERSOX, fn-tf Htock Exch. Bl d ir MAKE 9625. Five-room modern bungalow; cannot be erected for snle price of $175; 9375 cash balance 920 prr month. F. K. Stearns. 202 Wilcox bldg. Main WIT. 6-ROOM house, in good condition, f uil ce ment basement, SOxlOO lot. five fruit trees, small garden, hard-finished house. Hist st . near Laurel hurst. S owner. $0000; fins neighborhood. A E li.".?. Oregon lan. FOU PALE 6-room house, near cariin m.i In very fine neighborhood : .bathroom. tw miieis. uuiiT-in conven ienea Wm. M. Greirory. attorner at law. ;"' Washington bldg.. opposite Hibernia Bank. VACANT BUNGALOW. 5 rooms, a beautiful home, almost new. up to date and among city's finest, clmlce lot; for sale below builder's costs. $i;75; extra lot buyable. Owner, AG 247. Oregonian. 1230 BELMONT ST. 94OO0. -room, strict ly modern house, furnace, fireplace, hardwood fors. Dutch kitchen, all street improvements paid for: fine lo cstlon: this Is a bargain. Paul Wmnt. SIX-ROOM bungalow. 7 Ravensvfew drive. Main 4."5. Lot 60x10. garage, chicken yards, fruit trees and shrubbery, nice yard, sleeping porch, good view Jilt. Hood. Price $0O. 5-R. MODERN bungalow, Dutch kitchen, furnace, fireplace, sleeping porch, flower and shrubbery, good neighborhood ; $.V0 cash will handle. Johnson-Dodson Co., ti34 N. W. Bank bldr. 4-ROOM modern houM with sleeping porch, fine fruit trees, near E. 44th st., between Sunnysule and Hawthorne cnrllnes; $20uO. termf. Owner, phone D 11 10. WALNUT FAUK -room bouse, modern, ail conveniences, Sehghtful location, $,000; terms. Wood lawn 27S2. -R. PLASTERED bouc?. 100x100. fruit, ber ries, garden; only 922.0. 950 cash, balance $'J0 per month. Johnson-Dodson Co. 034 N. W. Bank bldg. COSY 4 -room modern bungalow, bath, elec trlo light, gas. Dutch kitchen, nice vard etc.. $lftu0; $,130 cash, balance monthly Taggarf, 4t Chamber of Commerce. HUBRELL A SON. 1-421 andy. oidest firm ROSE CITY PARK, can sell you a good house chesp. S-e us first. Tabor 2161. MODERN, 4 rooms, full basement, E. front, 1 Oox 100 lot, garden, law 11, garage, $40o0. BO Oregonian. GOOD 7-room house at East Taylor and Est 24 1 h t s. Large att!.-, basement sud fur tiHp: $:oo. aO c. Or-coniHn. MUCH below value; large, modem. 7 rooms, t u o lois. monthly payments if ditreX 134 K. f.3d st. H AWT H OR NIC f 1! 7 AO tnk-i 6-mom mod em bungalow, fine condition; pve1 sreet paid; oa Grant, o afcuta. Xabor eiaL. RFAL ESTATE. PAUL C. MURPHT. HOME BARGAINS. 7-room modern bungalow with garaga ; best section Laurelhurst; fjiO, B-room bnngalow. riRht -up-to-the-minute, old Ivory and practically new: Laurel hurst. 94oOO. 3-story. T rooms In excellent condition, lew lot; Laurelhurst. near Park; $43o0- 6-room bungalow, nearly new with breakfast room and sleeping porch, rich Old Ivory; near Park In Laurelhurst; tSiOO, B-room bungalow with attic, good con dition. Laurelhurst; $37tH. -atory. rooms and sleeping porh, hardwood floors throughout; Laurelhurst; $4k&u. B-rom bungalow, with 50x100 lot; Laurelhurst; $3i'a 5 - room bungalow. with garaga, beat section Rosa me re, near car; $00l 1 H-atory. room a with garaga, bast section Roaatuere, near car; $J7iO. i-room bungalow, oM Ivory, best seo ton Kosa city Park; $3SoO. a-roorn bungalow, oa view lot, Mt. Ta bor; $4000, . i-story. rooms and garage, beat aeo tlon Sunny side; $1000. - 3-story, g roomi In eice'.Ieat location Irving ton; $4SmO., a 6 - room bungalow, near St. Johns; $150, 1-story. 9 rooms. In fit. Johns; $2100, These houeea are la excellent condi tion and will be sold on eay terma. Phona for our auioa. . 270 '-4 Stark Street. Main 1700. A1515. $1700 BfNr.Al.OW. ROSE CITT PARK " DISTRI T $ 1700. N gray slilngled. very attractive mod ern bunKulou, cement baeement. wash trays, while enamel Dutch kitchen, scrcciied-iu back porch, electric and gaa, paneled D. R. with pluie rati, batlt-ln leaded art glass buffet, place for Clasp pearing bd in L. K., Al candttlon. It Is a huuae you will ltko: fuOO handles; cor ner lot. 1 to car. Seo FRANK l. McC.UIRE. A.BTNOTOV BLDG. ' To buy your home. Main 10S. 1 HOME BUYERS. You can save yourselves a lot of run ning around if you'll Jut take a look at the pictures in our window of the beauti ful moderately priced houses we have for sale In Laurelhurst and other dis tricts; prices and descriptions under eam picture; eay terma If desired. Paul C Murphy, sales agent. 270 Ptark et,. be ' tween 3d and 4th streets. Mam 1700, A 10 ra. 9102ft NEW BUNGALOW $1025 4 rins., just Ilka new, plastered, cement Tounaation. wnita enamel bath, modern plumbing. S bedroom, laraa closets, box IOO lot. fine garden, strawberries, rasp berries, etc. throat buy. c lone to w ood stock car and school. $450 Uunu. Auto at your service. So FRANK I MCUUIRK. ABINCTON BLDQ. I o buy your home. Main ItHta. 7 rooms, fireplace, furnat-e. lull cement basement, garage; lot 60x15; nice fruit trees; hard surface all in and paid for; one. half block from car on Fargo. Priue $3000; easy terms. A. Warrlner. RITTRH, LOWE A CO.. goa-lVT Board of Tra.te. HOMK BAR(iAlN. 919SO TERMS TO SUIT. Modern 6 -room bungalow or cottage. lo rated close In and one block to cnr. full lot. garden space, street Improvements paia ; a ngnt. airy, chceriui home, reauy to move Into; must sell thts week; hurry before It's sons. A. K. Hill, 419 Henry uuuuing. PENINSULA DISTRICT RARCSAf N. il-room houso, completely furnished ; JOoxloo lot; nice fruit trees; walking dis tance to shipyard; clear of Incumbrances, Price 93:ittO; terms. WATCH OL'K ADS. WE GET RESULTS. C. A. Warrlner. RTTTER. LOWE & CO., 2o:i-.-7 !!oa.rd of Trade. 91-iflO WEST SIDE BUNGALOW S.12.-.0. New a-rooni, very ar tin tic bungalow, gray with green roof, best of plumbing. Dutch, kitchen, electric and gas. hot water tank; new and attractive, unobstructed view river and mountains. No. 135$ Front st., Fulton car to Pendleton st. FRANK L. McliUIRK, AHINGTON BLDG. To buy your home. Main 108. LAUKELHUnST HOMES. 1 have tseverat excellent bargains la 9. 7 anti 8-room houses, located In best sec . tlon of Laufel hurst, for sate on rent like terma iull for keys at Laurelhurst Tract office. E. 39th and Gllsan. Tabor 84.13 dally between 10 A. M. and 5 P. M. S. W. Leonard, evenings. Tabor 7U45. 9171.0 INSIDE PROPERTY 9173 tireat opportunity to buy close-in 30x100 lot. all liens paid; 5-riom cottsge. E. 9th. br-tween Stark and Oak. Total price gl'.tO, $2."U down. Closer to 3d and Morrison than 23d and Washington st. Is. See FRANK L. McGUIRE. ABTNCTON BLDG. To buy your home. Main lo8. ROSE CITY PARK A REAL HM Rls-room buncalow with attic, concrete porch, hot water heat, lot ttoxlOO, fruit trees and berry bushes, fine roses, alt Im provements in and paid for; this week $4500, terms. Hubbeii A Son. a2d and Sandy Road $100 CASH $10 MONTHLY. lfH TOTAL PRICE. 4-room cottage. lot MxHm. cement walks, nothing bonded, near Oreeley st., St. Johns carllnv. A. H. AKERSON, foa Stork Exch. Bl.2g. Mar. 4079. SEEING IS BELIEVING. o look: gonno 10 GLENN AVE. 82P.OO Elegant bungalow oa your terms; small amount down. J. C. GOLD EN BERG. Ablngton Bldg. "35 years in Portland."' Alain 4SU-1. 4 C A It LI NES i. Easily accessible from shipyard, high school. Pubilo Library. Peninsula Pur. Sewfr and paved street all paid. NO MORTGAGE. Six rooms, modern, with furnace. Only $i'.".0O. Terms If desired, W. h. Boss. llio N. w. Bank" B:ug. $ 4 .". OO for modern 7-room house, close In on East Side. 10 in In. ride to P. . : hard wood floors, full cement basement, full plastered attic, laundry tray a, 3 bedrooms and den, fireplace, built-in effects, ail light rooms; can be in by appointment. M r. Wattaoii. owner. Main 132. ROSE CITY BUNGALOW BARGAIN 30OO 6-room modem, on one floor, furnace, fireplace, hardwood floors, buffet, good location. 1 block to car. A. H. KERSOX. ffb Stock Exchange BMg. N I r E HOME C Ol'NCIL CREST. 6 rooms, view and sleeping porches, bsrdwood floors, furnace, firep ace. ivory enamel woodwork, corner cupooarln; nearly new; tn excellent condition ; lawn, trees and shrubs; room for garden; terma Mnln tHSO. FOR SALE. BEAUTIFUL HOME. S rooms. sleeping porch, sun room, two baths, large ve randa: concrete baaemenr, fine furnsce, garage, lot 75x1 3 ; choice section ; un surpassed view of river and. mountains. Terms. Main 2r-. c w ner. NEAT W KiDLA WN BUNGALOW. A rooms. iiiolrn ; t wo blocks off Union ave.; clear- of sll incumbrances. Price $2250; easy terms. C A. Warrlner. BITTER. LOWK A CO. Sn.1-5-7 Board of Ttade. H AW THORN E BUNGALOW. Glenn ave.. near Ham t home; paved Street, sewer, hot uater tieat. NO MORTGAGE. Price $2flO0. easy terjj a W. H. ROSS, 1100 N.. W. BANK" BLDG. Modern 6-rootn story -and-h!f bungalow, beautiful corner lot. one block to school. Oak floors, finished tn mahogany, you will look for a long time to b-at ihis at B:;7.V. C M. Drr. lliKi N. W. R;tnk bldg. ft-R, bungalow, large porch, lot 75xS, near Peninsula Park. You can pay for this with rent money. Johnson-Dodfon Co., 634 N.V. Bank bldr- ROSE CITY PARK, by owner, 3 .".Oo7.1-r 00 m bungalow. g.irji finished atrlr. s'eeptrg por h. AH modorn ; no agents. 724 E. ith No rt h. Tabor 14j. FOR SALE .".-room modern house, lot rog J O0. furnished or unftirn.shl ; $'0Oo, fur ntfhed. Telephone Tabor b7o'j. Mt. Scott carllne. 6 ROOMS and den. Rose City: hardwood floors, furnace and fireplace, cement nane nient, corner lot OOaIimi; beautiful home, $3ftM. Sinort caeh. Walker. Main Sr. 17. Ft-'R SALE ti-room hoii.. Jo.-a 1 cd on Hsiin iiton ave.; lot 40xlm: fvutt tr?es and grape vm'-s; $2'to cash, balance terms. Prl-e lo. Oivr.rr. ii 1277. $1200 NEW. COMFORTABLE HOME. Cf-rncr 100x100; t he b. t offer gets it. I .rr K It over Tabor H A 7 2 CLOSE in Aibtna rewidenco property on G&ntent'ein ae near TuaseR at. Address ov.ncT. P. O. box ri21. Hamilton. Mont. I-ROOM ho and r seres. $'00O; Oregon t'lty line. T-kf lots as t'.irt pay. gle and lorstion. F :..:0. tregmian. BARGAINS rnrflffur" and inorigac homes. Cs II up Kaat UI47. 1R TNG TON HOMES. R. T. STREET, 1RV AGENT. IF that moriir.iK worries oon-tSl um. RFAL F.fST AT K. Fee Sale Ha $100 ihi IN PR17E9L 1st prlre ."0.hi liberty bnd; 2d prtio. $:"juo thrift stamps. prf, JiaSoo thrift stamps; ih pnre. SMiW thrift stamps, to the chllarvn under 14 years rf age for the nta-st hon plans giving prioe eetl mates which would bo most suitable for their families. Rae estimates at $ per room. Submit plana upon paper lxlS lnchew. Contest to date from June 1 and run thirty 30 .consecutive dars. Awartls to be mad July ia. idlS. Judging archl - tect will not be connected with tnia com pany. Atirrejs Buildlnr Department. OUTHWLSTLKN TRUST COMPANY. m 0U Wilcox bldg. w Main $175 WEST SIDE HOMK $187o. A lMve-rooiu house. Al condition, f. e. baaement. furnace, elect, and gaa mod -re. plumbing. 1 block to car; all st. and sewer liens pa 1 a. Lk than owner loaned. Ban croft ave.. 1 bik. west of Corbett st., cloaa to car and hool. Walking distance to ahlpvarxls. See FRANK L. McGUTRE. ABTNGTON ELDO. To buy jour homo. Main lotiS. 5-RO.'M bungalow, half Mock off Wood stock car. lut Mix 70. 1S:.0; $100 cash, bal ance easy. -room. fireplace and furnace, hardwood, floora. Hard surface streets. lxt 5'klui half block streetcar. Ihi m a fin home. MuMt be sold at ouce. f.itiiK.; ltHH rh. room, modern, clone to Jefferson High improvements all paid. $27vO; $o00 caah. Walker. Main 3017. HA WTHORNK 9 JSOO KOKC ED S ALE $ 2HO. 6-r. bung., bik. car. hardwood firs., full cement bsntt., modern plumbing and elc. f is.., built-in.-, pa ed sla. newer, etc., atl paid. cleg, built ; stuiwndoua bargain. $v00 ca-h. balance niortgsge. 1. C. Gv.I.DKXRKRG. Ablngton BMg. "8. yeara in l'ottlaud." Main 4Mi:t 200 DOVM'AL BUNGALOW. 4 rms.. nearly new. on cor. lot. Al bath and toilet. eltct- ami, gsn. b. w. tank. Dutch kitchen. Price $ 1200 Only $- down. bMlauca like lent. S. K. cor. E. ImU and HoUnan st.. Photo at office. See FRANK I- Mc;UlRE. A Bl NGToN BLDG. To buy jour home. Main lu6ft. 6-Iif'OM modern, full cement basement, cor ner lot tiii low. fenced, fruit ti es. t wo blocks of school, one to car; a sacrifice at $2:o-t, sr.oo do n. .ti) per month. per cent lnterHt : located on Pen In -tula, (.-titer of shiptuildlnK. 403 West l.tisaett st.. St Johns car. Phone evenings. Wood- lawn S!T2M. WILL ERECT A HOIE ON UR It.TS OR YOUR OWN Northwestern Trust Co.. 21J Wilcox bldg. F. K. Stearns. M?r. Kubnr'tan lfonee. "SUBURBAN HOME (-4 ACRES) "FORECLOSURE PRICK." f?RET BARGAIN LKSS 1lt A N COaT OF BUILDlNGi; SMALL CASH PAYMENT WILL HANDLE. ALL CITY criNVENf EN'CES. BIGHT IN TOWN. DESIRABLE! HoME PLACE" AT WOODiSUKN, OR.. TWO Hf.O-KS FROM MAIN ST R VIET. 3aND KI.ECTRIO CAR. A CLEAN. MOD f.HV SCHOOL AND 1TOMK TOWN IPOPI. LATION A ROUT ;hH0i. HIGH CLASS RESIDENCE. 7 ROOMS. GOOD ORDER. BATH. FURNACE. FTC. KS lKt 1 a LI Y )tn BARN, A R R A NG ED FiR COWS. HOUSES AND EQUIPMENT. THIS PLACE MMTKO FOR FRUIT. GARDEN, CHICKENS. ri'.S, KT' OWNER OBLIGED TO SKLL. $:::T.0. EASY TERMS. ADDRESS OWNER, WM. PATTERSON, SELLING BLDG. FoR HALK Two seres, fine 7-room house, fruit, etc., running creek, nea r c.iri m. cheap. Call at third hoit!e horth of Rit ley Siativtu. tregn City car. For Sale Acreage. IO ATIKS AC R I FI'KD. Old price. $l't0 per acre, new price. $4 per acre. All In cultivation; all clear. It Itrs est ol Poih istrcet and is absolutely the best buy in or near the city of Port land. Wi:i "be glad to show it sny time. 1 have made a strong statement above and will prove it nulh if you care to investi gate, b.i r.,"l. Oregon Inn. , . 13 ACRES, fine hoitom land, in Clarke County. Washington, close to csrllne and on good road to Vancouver. John Bain, r-t-7 sp;ild;ng bhig.. P. intend. 13 ACRES. 1 hr. from city, near store, school, good road. S.'.O down, eawy terms on bal a nee. .1. .lepsoii. filO Wash, st. Hmesteals: Relinquishments. join ot r homestead club cjlickly IK YOU REALLY DESIRE GOOD LAND NEAR PORTLAND. O. A C. forfeited lands (toon open to entry In Portland dis trict. Wonderful opportunity. References, my Port is mt customers. Act quickly and money. Accommodation limited. G H. Khle. 227 K. 4'.tth 5t. South. DATES set fur land opening neear Portland; best Innd in O. At grant; make ar- rHngemetits to see these lands; maps $1. Anderson. 4;il (.Chamber of Commerce. lor Sale -I- arms. DAIRY FOR SALE. Tlre Is a splendid opportunity; am fur nishing inl'ik for growing town; trade Is getting too nig for me tu handle; will se'l at reasonable price; 1 .".0 acres of land, 73 now in rye; a guod modern 6 -roomed house. b rn. dairy herd and 3 head of horses. This is a paying proposition worth investigating. For further Information cr.ll on or write to Josephine Huff, Arlington. Or. FOR SALE 0 acres; 4 acres under culti vation. 20 acres pasture. 2 acres sl.iahed, rust good wood, fenced on two sides and cms fenced, unlimited out range, small houk with motleru plumbing. fix tu res, la rxe barn and ail other necessary out buildings: fine spring water, t wo good cows, 1 email horse. 4.t bead of goats. 2 Se miles from lown. Price $25o0: $:.-H down, rest easy terms if desired. Address F. F. Srreller. Eddvil'.e. Lincoln County. Or. " IMPROVED SHEEP RANCH ACRES DEEDED, $6 PER. ACRE, With 7,CC' acres under lease, conrrol Of 4'.O00 acres outside range. The bst located and equipped sheep ranch In East ern Washington. All f.rst class. Full details. Patay C.srk. Rlttvilie. Wash. 30 ACRES, all tillable, acres in cultiva tion balance -easily cleared; can be had for the small sum of $ This property Is about V mi east of Jennings Lodge (electric lluo). This Is the best buy in the state. If ou do not bettcve It. make us prove It. U. S. Smith at Co., &2 C of C. bldg. FoR isALE Slop hog-ranch now feeding 6 hogsi; one of finest routes in Portland. S miles from city; inclu-iiiig 4 horses and li;triia.. i w a Rons. hack. 2 bug sice, gaso line engine, woodsaw aitahment. gasoline pump, water piped to barn. 0-room house. i-roo;n outhouse, fine sV.ady p!ar- for chicken rancn. l'hone Broadway gSHR. A NICE, iltt.o farm consisting of 8u2 acrea, all under fnce. 170 acres in or can be cul tivated. l.0 pasture or hay land, this en Joins the city of lone; soma water and plenty can be had: will take Sellwood property as part payment. Address box .V L-ington. Oregon. 175 ACRES. miles north of ludcpemienc'. on S. P. Electric. p!nce Is divided by Dallas Count y road ; either plsce will b sold separate; 71 acrea aith no Improve ments at per acre : l'4 at $1 00 pf r sere with house, barn and orchsrd. W1M sell all for $17,000. A dress P. O. Box 277, Monmoutti. or. 6 ACHES, level, every foot In cultivation. Small orchard. H-rnom house, outhu'.ld ing. A snap at 9i.00; lf0O cash, balance f ri0 per year. One-ha :f ml.i from Uvt valley loan and railroad. F. K. STEAltNS. 212 Wilcox Bldg. ALur.n . '1 si'"' n m s u , n k 1 o 11 hwrstem Washington (or Sale., 10 se.iiera oniy, upon cjr irrma and low prices. $b per sere and up. Write for nmp sVowinc location. t"rnis. etc. WEY Eli HA FUSE it TIMBER, 'OMPAN Y, Tacoma Ridg., Turnnm, Wash. upon easy terma 64 ACRES three miles out of Oregon City, en electric car line and fine wagon road. About l-JS In cultivation, with crops, good bulldlnga. Small amount caah will swing Oeal. or will trade for city house and lot O. D. Eby. Oregon City. 4oT. 'RE, hiKh.y improved f irm, best of soil. level. orcli:t rd, beaut iful finm., o miles souuienst of city limits. Sunnystde road; good terms. Geo. Mou.ton, 1U& ilain St.. Vancouver. Was h. FOR SALE By owner, r.o acros adjotulng Dallas, or. ; ft acres be a ring prunes, -0 acres new prunes, baiane grub oak, land sll tan be cultivated. Price 2u0 per .ttre. ;ood terms. L. D. Hronn, Dallas. Or. i8 ACRES. . 112 arres in cultivation, good soil, good neignbois. $i5 per acre; .".0 down, time on lala.nce. See Draper, ol lionrj of Trade.- 10 AC R V.i of land ; good orchard, houio; ail outbuildings. RuU P.un water; located Just aoutri of Leuts; 6131 W2d IU h. Thomas Allen CHICKEN. Fit LIT. GARDEN RANCH!?. Ner Portland; t $2od per acre; rxmy terms; bet soil; f.inns for sale, all siics.'.unl. Yr.n h!dg.. I'ortiand. LoG iKL- 'KF lnnJi. 110 arre up; running water, god soil. ti liable, employ men;, eariy terms. Jf so 1 Fh.irp, j.l t. i At'RES. l' tf.n ed. ear. .1. good sr-it. house : em ploy me -u ; nea r Will rilna : j-r, Crfrh. lrt mo. Jt'ss R. lharp. k.; 1 ..t 40 A ;j.ES. near collt-ce campus. McVinn viilc. a bargain. John Bain. 607 S paid in sr hV.g. Sl ACRES Crops, machinery, stock; li0 per i'T; terms. iravi;y water; Pacific H.chwsy. R. 2. box Ul". Albany. Or. S KV 1" ft A I smalt ranclies for s '. L. A. Ia ik her ty. Mvr'lA freek. Or., box 1 711. WAN EAL EM ATE. WANT iM...r.i hoiiit.- on Portland Ilelirhi n'l'Mit p'M'n; not fri,n( ; m u-Jt be nj, Su-iii; vU pay casu, ,N 70a Orcgouiao, ' ioa.ol