Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, May 29, 1918, Page 9, Image 9

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Managing- Editor Main 707. A S095
City Editor Main T070. A 6J3
Sunday Editor Main 7070, A C095
Advertising: Department . . .Main 7070, A 6095
superintendent of Building. Main 7070, A GS5
ORPHEUM (Broadway at Taylor) BlB-tlme
vaudeville this afternoon at 2:15.
BAER (Broadway at Sixth, between Alder
and Morrison) Alcazar Stock Company in
"Inside the Lines." This afternoon at
2:13 and tonlsbt at 8:30.
TANTAGES (Broadway at Alder) Vaude
ville. Three shows daily. 2:30, T and 9:05.
HIPPODROME (Broadway at Yamhill)
Vaudeville and movlne pictures, 2 to 5;
6:45 to 11 P. M. Saturdays, Sundays, holl
, days, continuous, 1:15 to 11 P. M.
STRAND (Washington street, between Park
and West Park) Vaudevilla and moving
pictures; continuous,
X.TRIC (Fourth and Stark) Musical com
edy, dally, afternoon and night.
River) Band concerts and diversified en
tertainment afternoon and nlsht.
on Sale at
Business Office, Oreeonlan.
cycle Officer John J. Mekkers collided
with a car driven by N. A. Sweetland,
of 854 Kast Seventeenth street North,
early yesterday at Nineteenth and
I.ovejoy streets and received serious
Injuries.. Officer Mekkers was going
south on Nineteenth street and at
tempted to cut around Mr. Sweetland's
car at the street intersection and was
burled violently to the pavement. He
received bruises on his face and body
and his leg and back were injured. He
was removed to St. Vincent's Hospital.
His motorcycle was badly damaged.
Mekkers is a new member of the motor
cycle squad.
Radical Upholds I. "W. "W. Joseph
Kohler. an enemy alien Jn custody of
Federal officials, virtually insured his
Internment during; the war when he
yesterday told Assistant United States
Attorney Veatch that he firmly be
lieved in the principles of the I. W. "W.
of which he is a member. The same
disposition Is assured of Christopher
Mayer, also alien enemy, who was un
able to produce a registration card or
a permit to be within the zone from
which unnaturalized alien enemies are
prohibited. Emil Shellenberg;, another
alien enemy, was found within 100 yards
of the waterfront and authority has
been requested from Washington for
bis internment.
Red Cross Sale Stjcctss. The Red
Cross Shop, 106 Fifth etreet, has a
supply of work clothes for shipbuild
ers and other workers. The shop is
open daily and closes at 6 P. M. House
wives will find special attraction in
the supply of children's stockings sell
ing at reasonable prices. Afternoon
dresses, a black satin one-piece gown
and a pink linen suit are on sale on
the third floor of the shop. A clear
ance sale is now being held prepara
tory to remodeling the shop. The re
ceipts from the third floor for May
already amount to 11252.87.
Drugstore Man Fined. S. Miller, pro
prletor of a drugstore at Third and
Couch streets, who was found guilty
by a jury in Municipal Court last week
of violating the prohibition law by
having "portolive" in his possession,
was sentenced by Judge Rossman yes
terday to serve 30 days in jail and
was fined $100. The jail sentence later
was suspended. His attorney filed
notice uf appeal. Miller was found
(ruilty about a year ago of violating
the prohibition law when he sold
quantity of Jamaica ginger.
Foresters Visit Alaska. E. C. Erick-
son. lumberman, and Asher Ireland,
forest examiner, wilt visit Alaska to
classify the forests there and to in'
struct mills regarding the best way of
getting out aeroplane spruce. The
Tongass Forest will be the principal
field of their Investigations. Practi
cally all the forests of the Portland
district have been classified with the
exception of the Alaska forests. The
representatives of the Forest Depart
ment will be in Alaska all Summer.
The classification work in Alaska tim
ber will take several years to complete.
Unmarried Couple Arrested. James
Moudy and Goldie Downs were before
Municipal Judge Rossman yesterday
on a charge of living together as hus
band and wife. Moudy was bound over
to the grand jury under bail of lioo
and Mrs. Downs was allowed to go on
her own recognizance. They admitted
that they had been living together for
about two years. According to the
police Moudy engages In no useful oc
cupation while the woman is a hard
worker. She told the court that she
regarded him as "herv protector."
Eastern Trolleys Seek Rise. Evl
dence that streetcar compan'es in other
cities are facing serious financial prob
lems is shown in two letters received
by Mayor Baker's office this week, one
from Buffalo and the other from
Brooklyn. N. Y. In each of these East
ern cities, application has been made
by the transportation companies for
increased fares and the city officials
are seeking data on the conditions in
other cities in the United States on
the same problem.
O'Lkart Sought bt Officers. Offi
cers of the Department of Justice in
this state are participating in a Na
tion-wlde search for Jeremiah A.
O'Leary, under Federal indictment in
New York for alleged violation of the
espionage act. O'Leary is one of the
best known Irish leaders in the United
States and a reward of $250 has been
offered for his arrest. He is 37 years
old, 6 feet in height, weighs 165 pounds.
has dark brown eyes, heavy eyebrows
and brown, bushy hair.
Barmett H. Goldstein Returns.
Barnett H. Goldstein, Assistant United
States Attorney, returned yesterday
from New York City where he was
called by the serious illness of his
mother, whose condition is still grave.
Mr. Goldstein says the people through
out tie East are completely engrossed
In the war to the exclusion of every
thing else.
Not:cb to Shippers. Owning to re
pairs being made the steamer Joseph
Kellogg will not operate between port
land and Kelso during the week June
S to 10. Adv.
Rare Iris in bloom: plants for sale
E20 Davenport St. Port. Hts. Mar. 2
Why You Should
Never Pare a Corn
If you are troubled with corns or cal
louses, do not run the risk of blood pot
son by paring them. Statistics ehow
that many deaths have occurred from
this seemingly innocent practice of par
insr corns.
Simply go to your druggist and get a
few cents worth of Ice-Mint, rib a little
on any pamiui corn or callous. Imme
diately the pain will disappear and in a
short time the corn or callous will loosen
and lift off easily with the fingers root
nd all leaving the surrounding akin
In a healthy normal condition.
This, together with the fact that Ice
Mint overcomes such affections as sore,
tired, aching, puffed or burning feet and
makes them cool, easy and comfortable,
is probably responsible for the hearty
indorsement given it by druggists.
To rid one's feet of every hard corn,
soft corn, corn between the toes or
painful callouses in such a pleasant and
safe way, makes It seem the height of
tolly for anyone to pare a corn and
people are warned to atop it. Adv.
Important Meetijo Called. All
members of the Woman's Auxiliary of
the Oregon Pioneer Association and
their helpers, are requested to meet
in room F, third floor of the Portland
Library, at 2:30 P. M.. Monday, June 3.
to perfect plans for preparing the an
nual banquet In connection with the
46th annual reunion of the association,
which will be held in the Public Audi
torium on Thursday, June 20. Mrs. M.
A M. Ashley, secretary.
Land Condemnation Sought. Con
demnation of property within the pro
posed Peninsula Drainage District No.
2 Is sought in a suit filed yesterday by
the incorporated district against Edwin
G. MacGrouther, who has refused to
come to terms with the district. The
land held by the defendant, it is said,
is along the right of way of one of the
dikes now in the course of construc
tion. Mexicans Bound Over. Julio Grageda
and Juan Alvares, Mexicans, were
bound over to the grand jury by Muni
cipal Judge Rossman yesterday for at
tempting to rob Frank Arba, an Italian
bootblack of the North End. Bail for
each was fixed at $500. Alvares has
been employed at the Northwest Steel
Company's shipyard.
Oriental Ruos repaired and wash
cleaned by native weavers. Cartozian
Bros.. Inc. Tenth and Wash. Br. $433.
Rhododendron Inn. open for the
Summer; Zigzag bridge completed,
flowers are in bloom. Mrs. FranzettL
. New Issue of Pittmon's Portland
Guide. A most complete and up-to-date
guide of the city will be off the
press shortly. Adv.
Barber Shops will close all day on
Decoration day; open the night before
until 9 o'clock. Master Barbers' Assn.,
by Sam H. Howard, sec. Adv.
Attorney F. H. Whitfield has moved
from N. W. Bank bldg. to suite 504-6
Lumbermen's National Bank bldg. Adv.
Dr. Higgs returned. Selling bldg.
Final Appearance of M a steal Comedy
Star at Orpheum Today on Un
usually Good BUI.
Sallle Fisher, musical comedy star.
will be seen for the last time in her
Orpheum engagement here this after
noon, as a local attraction at the Heilig
Sallle Flaner in Artistic Sketch
t Or-
Theater tonight prevents the staging
of an extra Wednesday-night Orpheum
The Choir Rehearsal. Miss Fisher's
vaudeville vehicle, is extolled generally
as being one of the most artistic acts
ever booked over the Orpheum circuit.
It Is a playlet with music, the plot
centering around a worldly song sung
by Esmeralda Tucker In the church
choir and the action of the piece call
ing for rehearsal by the choir In the
Tucker home. "Tha. Choir Rehearsal"
teems with comedy situations and it
gives Miss Fisher ample opportunity to
display not only the singing voice that
helped make her famous but her talent
i an actress.
In her Orpheum engagement here
Miss Fisher has won an ovation at
every show, the applause at the close
of "The Choir Rehearsal" obliging the
star to respond to several curtain calls.
The extra attraction of the Orpheum
show which will close with the mati
nee today is Kathleen Clifford, "The
Smartest Chap In Town." and the third
big featnre Is "No Man's Land," a war-
trencn sketcn tne stars ot which are
Sergeant-Major Jack Anderson, one of
the original Princess Pats, and former
Captain E. I Ransom, of the Amer
lean Expeditionary Forces. This Is the
first actual trench production to be
booked In big-time vaudeville.
There are an awful lot of lunches
being put up in Portland every day,
and it keeps you guessing somewhat.
doesn't it, to strike the right things
to put In every time? As to the sweet
things, you won't have to guess if you
make a practice of putting in Hoover's
products cakes. French pastry, pies.
doughnuts and cookies. These are fine
for the picnic lunch, also. Call at
Hoover's retail store, 1,45 Third, or
phone your grocer. Adv.
Another Big Drive.
Men ot .rortiana ana vicinity are
aroused to action by the boom of fall
ing prices at the Brownsville Woolen
Mill Store, where men's suits tailored
to measure are being turned out
36, worth to 4. These suits are
very fine, cut from bolt ends and odd
patterns. Adv.
American and Chinese dishes served
at popular prices. Excellent merchants'
lunch and dinner 25c and up. Special
Sunday dinner 0c; cuistne facilities un
surpassed. The place is clean, sanitary
and perfectly ventilated. Dancing from
to 12. Best orchestra in city. The
Toung China Grille. 133 Park st. Cor
aelius Hotel, bet. Wash, and Alder, Ad.
l " v I
f i
, 1
r- J
Washington Scientist Here to
Observe Eclipse.
Entire Duration of Eclipse, Total
and Partial, Is Less Than
2 Hours Astronomers
Gather at Baker.
Just a trifle more than a week
away. Interest centers in the total
eclipse of the sun. which Is to trav
erse Oregon and America on Saturday.
June 8. At the local Weather Bureau
scores of questions concerning the
solar spectacle arrive daily by letter
and phone. Most of these concern the
time at which the eclipse will be vis
ible in various localities.
Confusion has anisen concerning the
moment when the shadow of the moon
first encroaches on the sun's disc and
the moment when totality occurs.
While Portland is not in the direct
path of totality and must be content
with 98 per cent, the time of shadow
arrival and the time nearest approach
ing totality should not be confused,
for the entire duration of the eclipse,
total and partial, is only a little less
than two hours.
Baker Favorite Spot.
The first contact of the shadow will
anrive at the mouth of the Columbia
River at 2:35 o'clock, new time, on the
afternoon of June 8. It will arrive
at Portland at 2:38, with the zenith
of obscuration ' occurring approxi
mate! an hour later.
At Baker, where the eclipse will be
generally observed by scientists, the
first contact will take place at 2:57.
with totality at 4:05. The period of
totality varies from slightly more
than a minute to slightly less than
two minutes, with one minute and 53
seconds at Baker.
Among the .scientists who have ar
rived In Oregon for the purpose of
selecting locations for viewing the
eclipse is Professor H. H. Kimball, of
the United States Weather Bureau,
who spent several hours in Portland
Eastern Scientist Here.
Kos his purpose Professor Kimball
has chosen Goldendale, Wash., ex
pressing the belief that there Is less
danger from cumulus clouds in that
vicinity than there is at Baker, though
he admits that atmospheric conditions
are likely to be clearer in the latter
Professor Kimball carries no photo
graphic or telescopio apparatus, as his
wortc is not along astronomical lines
He is Interested In the measurement of
heat radiations from the earth. Hith
erto such measurements have been
taken at night, and it has been diffi
cult to arrive at any accurate esti
mate of radiation during the day,
when the sun, also sending forth heat
radiations, affects the instruments.
With the sun blotted out in mid
afternoon, the long awaited opportu
nity is to be seized for the measure
ment of heat radiation from the earth
unaffected by solar influences.
Meeting In Response to President's
Request That Memorial Day Be One
of Fasting; aid Humiliation.
In response to the request of Presi
dent Wilson that Decoration day be
observed as a day of "fasting, prayer
and public humiliation," a solemn serv
ice will be held In the White Temple
at 10 o'clock Thursday. The meeting
will be open to the public, and the con
gregations of the First Christian, First
Baptist. First Methodist and First
Presbyterian churches will unite in
the services.
Madame Arabella Angelini will speak
on the spiritual life of the church dur
ing the war. Mrs. Virginia Spencer
Hutchison will sing.
In the afternoon from S to 4 o'clock
there will be a prayer service In the
chapel of the First Presbyterian
Church, arranged by the Woman's As
sociation of the church.
The Methodist Ministerial Associa
tion at its meeting this week adopted
resolution urging the solemn and
fitting observance of the day.
The six Christian Science churches
and the Christian Science Society of
this city will hold appropriate serv
ices In their respective places of wor
ship at 11 A. M. May 30.
Army Officer Assures Andlenc at TL se
veralty Clnte That German Mental
ity Understands Force Alone.
Lieutenant Bruno Roselll, of the Ital
an Army, who Is in Portland In the in
terests of the Italian government under
the auspices of the United Italian So
cieties of Portland and Reed College,
In an eloquent and impressive manner
described the sufferings and heroic
deeds of his countrymen to a large
audience of men and women at a lunch
eon In his honor at the University Club
"Italy has received offers of bribes
day after day from the leaders of au
tocracy, he said, and had she ac
cepted she would have now been fat
and rich and free from hardship. She
would have had everything but her
T0W that the
almost here,
be more daintily
satisfy. The food at the Portland is of the
best quality, well cooked and daintily served.
The service is always the same ex
For that trip or outing to
morrow. Here are things to wear that
embellish your looks and increase
your comfort
Silk and other shirts with new
soft collars to match. Silk as low
as $5, others $1.50 and up.
Snappy ties 50c, 75c, $1, $1-50
and up.
Socks leading brands of course
Caps? Sure.
Straws and Panamas, too.'
v Last, but by no means least, or
all. Suits. See our array of Kup
penheimer Suits $25, $30, $35
and up.
Items charged balance of month,
billed July 1.
Store closed all day tomorrow.
Decoration Day.
The Kuppenheimer House In Portland.
national self-respect. We made our
choice in May. 1915. and are riot sorry."
Lieutenant Roselll stated that the
stories of German atrocities are true
and couM not be exaggerated. In proof
of this he uncovered before the audi
ence to horrible looking instruments
which were found in a German trench
and which are used on the helpless and
dying soldiers after a gas attack.
One of the Instruments was a heavy
metal club about two feet long, with
a lot of pegs projecting from the larg
er end. The other is in the form of a
billy club" and consists of a cast iron
rod with a large mushroom-shaped de
vice on the end to Insure its effective
ness. "German mentality yields only to
force," he said, "and It Is only by force
that we will finally conquer it."
Council to Vote on Measure to Regu
late Itinerant Venders.
Legislation to control and curb the
"transient vendor" evil will be intro
duced to the City Council by Commis
sioner Kellaher at the request of the
Greater Portland Plans Association.
The purpose of the ordinance, which
provides for a license fee of $100 dally
for such merchants and vendors, is to
prevent the itinerant merchants from
engaging In business for a few days,
then leaving the city.
Provision is made In the proposed
ordinance that in cases where such
merchants claim to be establishing per
manent business in the city, a bond of
$1000 may be deposited In the Municipal
Court to secure the payment of a license
fee In the event that the merchants
fall to carry out their promise. Six
months in business is construed ai
permanent in this measure.
For Rent.
Arrah Wanna, the finest and best lo
cated mountain hotel In all Oregon,
completely furnished. Is for rent to
responsible parties, at a very reason
able rate. This hotel Is located in the
Mount Hood district. 40 miles from
Portland. The roads are fine and every
thing is in readtness for the right par
ties to open up a good business. For
particulars see J. L. Bowman, owner,
at the Brownsville Woolen Mill Store.
Funeral of Aged Resident Held.
CENTRALIA, Wash., May 28. (Spe
cial.) The funeral of Mrs. Mary
Rathska. an aged resident of Dryad,
was held In Pe Ell yesterday. Mrs.
Rathska was 95 years of age and Is
survived by three children Mrs. Fran
ces Gluba, of Dryad; Mrs. Mary Joeb,
of Pe Ell, and Louis Rathska, of Mon
tana. Republican Committee Meet.
PENDLETON. Or., May 28. (Special.)
How to Remove Wrinkles In 15 Mlnntra.
Bottle of rouge or powder with pur
chase, fiend 3c stamp for booklet or
call at main office. No. 9 Second f loor.
3864 Washington St.. Dept. F, Portland.
Or. Office hours: 1 to a Jr. M.
Five cents for return of every cream
jar at office only. Phone Main 3271.
hot weather is
food should
prepared in order to fully
Noonday Luncheon
50 Cents
The housewife's
tud to economy J
The StarMonroe Salisbury
The Play-"Jhe Guilt of Silence"
ThePlaceSTRMD Theater
The Date-Starting Today
A Picture
Set in
Special Showing
each day 11 A. M.
during Guilt of Si
lence engagement
Don't Miss This
At a meeting of the Republican
central committee here yesterday, E. B.
Casteel, merchant, of Pilot Rock, was
named county chairman to succeed
Frank Curl, whose term has expired.
H. A. Williams, of Freewater, was
elected state committeeman and Henry
h i
f ' . - ; .' , ;t
Mabel Rlegelmnn. Prima Donna Soprano Caleajc nnd Boston Opera
Companies. One of the Four Celebrated Soloists Wkt Will Appear
at the Annual Mlc Featlval In the Analtorinsn Jane , 7 and S.
Bents Now Selling at Saerman-Clay'a.
Four bathtubs, special big: recess bathtub, plumbing: fix
tures and best high-grade guaranteed plumbing: accessories;
showcases, shelving, new stocks and dies, tools, vises, cutters,
wrenches, fire pots, fittings, etc.
New Burroughs adding machine. Undertank gas water
heaters, $6.00.
Store for rent or lease till the war is over. Finest loca
tion in town for business.
112 Fourth, Near Washington
Will do well in the Boys' Vacation School.
Sixth, Seventh and Eighth Grades are offered.
School hours are from 8-to 12 daily, giving time for
afternoon recreation.
Registration now open. TiT 0 A
Call at Room 416, I lVJU Jm
New Animated
Weekly and
Barrett, of Athena, son of State Senator
Barrett, Congressional committeeman.
Japan has built at Tokio an astron
omical observatory that for slse and
completeness will equal anything in
the United States or Europe.
Main 7300
' f ...
-W.-is. ...
'? ' I
William Carrick Says He Is Kow
Ready to Go Back to
Work Again.
"Before I began taking this Tanlac
I scarcely weighed one hundred pound,
so today when 1 got on the scales and
the beam went up to one hundred and
fifteen, giving rae a gain- ot fifteen
pounds or more. 1 was one ot the roost
surprised persons you ever saw."
The above statement was made ty
William Carrick. a well-known car
penter living at "OSvj Pacific Ave,
Tacoma. Wash., while In the French.
Drug Company's store recently. Contin
uing his statement. Mr. Carrick said:
"Several months ago I contracted a.
very hard, dry cough, which I could
get nothing to relieve me of. There waa
a tight- stuffed-up feeling in my chest
and the strain from coughing at ttms
would almost overcome my strength.
Then I commenced to cough up mucua
and phlegm so much that It would nau
seate me. My appetite left me. mv
stomach got In a bad condition and I
became very weak. I finally got in
such a bad shape that I waa forced to
give up my work entirely. For two
months I was up and down, just hardly
able to get around, and for three weeks
was una Die to leave my room. I waa
badly constipated and so nervous that:
couldn t get a good night's sleep. I
got so I couldn't eat a thing except a.
small piece of toast and a little sweet
milk, and even this failed to agree with
me. I fell off until I barely weighed,
one hundred pounds, and vat so sick
and weak I couldn't even go down
Then I decided to try Tanlac. aa I
had read so much about It In the pa
pers, and my improvement has been a.
great surprise to me. I am now C&
years old and a medicine Is bound to be
good that will do so much for one ot
my age in so short a time. I have just
finished ray second bottle and. as I
said before, I have already gained fif
teen pounds. I have gotten rid of thac
tightness In my chest and the cough
entirely, and my appetite has improved
until I can eat most anything without
the least discomfort afterwards. My
nerves are getting better all the time.
1 sleep well at night and feel so much.
stronger that I'm going right back
to work. I have been so much benefited
that I have written M- sister, who has
stomach trouble, sending her a clipping
rrom the newspaper about Tanlac and
telling her whatever she does to trv It.
as It certainly has done me a world of
Neglected coughs and colds result in
catarrh and lung troubles. Catarrh of
the stomach la the most frequent cause
of dyspepsia and catarrh of the nose
and throat lead to inevitable deafness.
In the treatment of these troubles Tan
lac is unquestionably the best and most
satisfactory preparation known. Not
only does Tanlac seem to remove the
catarrhal secretions and allay the lung
pain, but It Is blood Improving, appe
tite giving, food assimilating, nerve
strengthening and upbuilding. Tanlao
will convince anyone who tries it that
it Is the most helpful and the most ra
tional method for treating catarrh and
Its distressing consequences, and hun
dreds of testimonials are being received
daily from people who have been bene
fited by Its use.
Tanlac Is sold in Portland by the Owl
Drug Co, and In Vancouver by A. C
100 Percheron Horses
Will Be Sold at
Saturday, Jane 1, 1918
Commencing- at 10 o'clock A.
and will continue until aU are
TERMS Or BALE Six snenths
tins on approved Botes nt per
cent Interest, wttn 5 per cent off
for cask.
These horses ran re In from
4 to years and ar la tin
k FRAVK KXOX, FossO. Or.
E. WHE1 R. Auctioneer.
For Rent
Fine corner store; also
smaller inside store, in
prominent location. Rea
sonable rental. Will give
S 299 Oregonian
In San Francisco
Cearr Street lost off Union Square
From SI. SO a Day
Breakfast 60c Lunch SOc Dinner f 1 .00
Sundarsi Brotidasi 75e Wnoertl.25
Munkpal car line direct to door. Motor
Bin mwti principal trains and steamers.
MA tin I O F F INI ?tlNTlMO'
Stajuc at Second
Main 178. A 17a C