Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, May 29, 1918, Page 4, Image 4

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" Always Toke Them. .
4 Caii Purchases J" oday and Balance of
Month Go on June Account Payable July 1
Rt. Rev. William Ford Nichols
Delivers Sermon Address at
30th Annual Session.
UH I Wiley's Waxene
Supplies for tie Bather
An indispensable household help. Can
be used on all furniture to renew and
brighten; also good on any floor lino
leum. Use it on your window screens
to prevent rust, and your stoves and
stovepipe before 6toring- for the Sum
GALLONS, $2.23.
all-wool and to fit the body. They look
good and feel good, and are made to last.
Prices SS.OO to $10.00
BATHING SHOES 23 to $1.00
WATER WINGS, pair ..... S3
XMshop Sumner's Report Occupies
Place of Importance in Day's
Programme Hospital and St.
Helen's Hall Prospering.
Fires in the Fall are very often traced
to chimneys left full of soot all Sum
mer. A package of
' rpj rw "pr ' ! ' ' 17" -z:. U J rfeff
W :&f ' VMM
: m w y pit
A W i f " " . Vl ffihtm
"Let us bomb the submarines of
Kalserism, of petty jealousy, of per
sonal ambition, of selfishness, and let
us have a dominant sense of sacrifice
and service."
This message, an extract from, the
eerraon-addrees of the Right Rev.
William Ford Nichols, given at the
opening: session of the thirtieth annual
convention of the Episcopal churches
of the diocese of Oregon, formed the
keynote that inspired the day's meet
ing'. The convention will continue
throughout today and the sessions will
fee in St. Stephen's Pro-Cathedral,
vhene yesterday's meetings were held.
A notable fact of the present gather
ing, is the presence of three bishops,
the Right Rev. Walter Taylor Sumner,
of Oregon; the Right Rev. William
Ford Nichols, of California, and the
Xight Rev. Adam de Render, lord
bishop of New Westminster and
Xieutenant-Colonel of the Canadian
Bishop Klebol', Spurs Clergy.
Bishop Nichols urged the clergy to
?ret away fr-cm t'ae fireside, the com
fortable slippers and the interesting
book and get out into the parish and
know the people and help them, and
knock out the heresy that Episco
palian clergymen aren't made to be
Bishop Sumner's charge to the clergy
of the diocese and his annual report
occupied a place of importance in the
day's programme. The strongest plea
of the bishop and the subject of dis
cussion of the afternoon by Bishops
Nichols and De Render -was in favor
of religious education, enlarging the
irope of the Sunday schools and en
couraging young men to study for
holy orders.
llrfgrt an Flaaaeee Give.
Bishop Sumner reported for the va
rious funds and branches of wonk that
come under his supervision. "The
time has come," he said, "when there
is no more cash on hand." Sugges
tion was made that the temporary
emergency be met by an assessment on
the parishes.
Praise was given to the manage
ment of the Oregon Churchman, the
Good Samaritan Hospital and St.
Helen's Hall, all of which are pros
pering. The Churchman is free from
debt, the hospital is doing about 20
to 25 per cent of its work for the
worthy poor, and the school has 188
students, as against 77 of about four
years ago.
A special tribute of . appreciation
was given oy sisnop sumner 10 jjean
Horsfall. of Bandon. one of the oldest
and "most faithful men in the clergy,"
the bishop said,
lilshop Scott Troprrty Deteriorating.
Reference was made to the condi
tion of securities of the former Bishop
Scott school funds. The bishop stated
that the lease on the property on
Trinity Place Is not being met by
those who made it. and that the prop
erty in Yamhill County is in a fast
deteriorating condition, having been
badly constructed. He stated that "it
is a question in the minds of some
whether it is honestly constructed."
"I am sure that nothing has been
left undone that could be done to save
out of the wreck of this deplorable
fiasco some assets to the diocese." said
the bishop.
. Rev. John D. Rice was elected sec
retary of the diocese, and Rev. T. F.
r.owen. assistant secretary. The even
ing programme was devoted to & dis
cussion and study of missions.
At 1 o'clock the women of St.
Etephen's served an Oregon luncheon
in honor of the visiting clergy and
delegates. At the head of the table
was placed a bowl of fleur de lis be
fore Bishop de Pencier, some Cali
fornia poppies before Bishop Nichols,
and some Oregon roses before Bishop
nnd Mrs. Sumner. Roses and peonies
adorned the other tables.
Mrs. Sumner took the visiting
lshops for a motor drive during the
early afternoon, and tonight Bishop
and Mrs. Sumner will entertain for
them at & reception at Blshopcroft.
Today the election will be an in
teresting feature. Members for the
e-tanding committee and the important
boa.rds will be chosen. The first com
munion service will be at 7:30 A. M.
and the second at 9:30 A. M. The pro
gramme of the con'entlon will open
t 10 o'clock.
Lively Discussion Kxpected.
Woman's suffrage in church affairs
will come up for discussion and as a
special order of business at this morn
ing's opening session of the con
vention and a lively exchange of
pinions is anticipated. In his ad
axess Bishop Sumner referred to the
small percentage of women who are
doing church work, saying that but 228
of the 2788 women communicants of
the diocese regularly attended auxiliary
Bishop Nichols spoke on the plan for
forming a House of Churchwomen and
praised women's part in church jvork.
This morning definite action will be
taken regarding the preparation of a
canon governing the status of woman
in the church.
Last night the climax of the meeting
was the raising of a substantial sum
for war work in the diocese of Oregon.
: - f f j: f f I I ' ' fe
r ; v"r - I f;;; - J .It' . i
placed on the hot coals now may save
yourhome next FalL
The gift that will keep Graduation Mem
ories fresh for a lifetime: Waterman's Ideal
Fountain Pen, $2.30 to $23.00
Right Rev. William Ford Nichols. Bishop of California; Right Rev. Walter Taylor Sasaaer, Bishop of Oregea Right Itcv.
A. V. de Pencier, Bishop of ew Westminster, Lieutenant-Colonel and Chaplain of Canadian Army.
I. W. W. Activities in South
west Disclosed at Trial.
Loma station, has been detailed by the
Covernment to make the round of Coast
Guard stations on this Coast and' take
finger and thumb prints of the crews
at the different stations for the pur
pose of identification in case the man
is drowned or washed overboard and
his body comes to shore.
University Gets Colonel Wright.
WASHINGTON. May 28. Colonel Ed
mund fc. Wright was detailed today as
professor of military science and tac
tics at the University of ftah. He has
teen in command of the F"lrst Cavalry
at "Douglas, Ariz.
For Infants and Children
In Use For Over 30 Years
Always bean
Slraatoie of
Bousand Girls (OA
l Tiinn 2Se. saa.
Arizona Men Indicted as Result of
Deportations File Demurrers.
Walter Douglas One of
Those Involved.
CHICAGO, Slay 2S. The industrial
war in the Southwest, which created a
reign of terror culminating in the Bis
bee, Ariz., deportations last year, was
related, in part, in correspondence
seized from the personal files of In
dustrial Workers of the World leaders
and placed in evidence by the Govern
ment today at the trial of 11: I. W. W.
leaders for violation of the espionage
The disorders in the big mining dis
trict shortly after America began war
against Germany, the Government
charged, was a part of the general
conspiracy directed from I. W. W. head
quarters in Chicago to disrupt the Na
tion's war programme.
The big drive "into the trenches of
capitalism" was set for last June, one
letter read today Indicated. It was
from the files of Grover H. Ferry,
leader in the Arizona labor battles.
General Striken Urged.
Other letters urged force to subdue
the "unfair attacks" by the authorities,
proposed general strikes to compel dis
charge of members held in jail, out
lined plans to defeat the objects of the
Western Federation of Miners and to
entice its members into the ranks of
the L W. W. and spoe of victory only
a few steps forward that awaited the
red flag of "industrial freedom."
Renewed efforts' of George F. Van
derveer to have some of these letters,
particularly those written by Frank H.
Little to Perry, stricken from the rec
ord as improper were overruled by Fed
eral Judge JLandis.
Little, who was killed by a mob in
Montana last year, was one of the most
radical anti-war speakers, and a vigor
ous opponent of the draft, according to
his letters, one of which informed
Perry that he had Instructed members
to enroll at draft boards and then make
a concerted fight when called for serv
ice. TUCSON, Ariz., May 28. That Wal
ter Douglas, of New York, president of
the Phelps-Dodge Corporation, was
among those indicted in the United
States District Court at Tucson for al
leged participation in the deportations
at Bisbee on July 12 last developed
here today.
Douglas, through his attorney, en
tered a voluntary appearance, together
with other Bisbee and Douglas citizens
indicted Jointly on a charge of con
spiracy to deprive citizens of the rights
guaranteed them by the Constitution
and lasvs of the United States.
Today was the date set for the ar
raignment, but none of the defendants
appeared in person. Through their
counsel they filed a demurrer to the
indictments on the ground that the
facts as alleged do not constitute
violation of the Federal laws. Hearing
on the demurrer probably will not be
heard before FalL
In addition to Douglas 21 prominent
Arizona citizens now stand as Indicted
by the Tucson grand jury. All of these
entered demurrers today through coun
Counsel for the defendants stated
that they were ready to present their
case at any time agreeable to the court.
Douglas Captain of Indus try.
Walter Douglas was formerly gen
eral manager of the Phelps-Dodge in
terests at Bisbee and lived there prior
to ln. He was in .Bisbee on the day
of the deportations. He la one of the
most widely known copper producers
in the United States. About a year ago
he succeeded nis lather, James Doug
las, as president of the Phelps-Dodge
Attempt Made to Blow l'p Boiler of
Clam Cannery at Westport.
WESTPORT, Or., May 28. (Special.)
Guilford's clam cannery at Westport
was broken into Saturday night and the
water drained from the boiler. The
valve was tightened in the lower end
of the water glass, making It appear
there was water in the boiler, when in
reality it was below the crown sheet.
The engineer, Mr. Ingram, happened o
notice there was more water in the
glass than usual, caused by condensa
tion, and upon investigation discovered
the valve had been tampered with and
that the glass showed "false water."
which disappeared when the valve was
The canneryman believes it to be a
case of sabotage, and part of the Ger
man programme to slow up the produc
tion of food in America. Publicity is
given for the purpose of warning fire
men and engineers in charge of boilers
at canning plants to look out for this
kind of L W. W.ism.
Senator Dies at Athena, After
Long Illness.
Finger Prints to Be Taken.
WESTPORT,' Or.. May 28. (6pecial.)
Hr. J. F. Clarke, keeper at folnt
Additional Advances Granted by
- Council to City Employes.
Additional readjustments In salaries
of city employes were agreed upon
yesterday at an Informal meeting of
the City Council.
William Hay, chief plumbing in
spector, was granted an Increase of 85,
bringing hie salary to 8165 monthly.
E. F. Dunlap. chief electrical inspector,
and A. 8. Lotspeich, chief building in
spector, will receive 8160 monthly and
three men employed as plumbing in
spectors are to receive 8140 a month.
Instead of 8135 formerly agreed upon.
The Council also approved a read
justment for second grade captains in
the tire bureau, who will receive 8140
a month, instead of 8135. This was
done because lieutenants in the fire
bureau are to be paid 8135.
Miss Clare Sherwood, Coquille, to
Be Wife of Bev. F. G. Jennings.
Rev. Frederick G. Jenirga. rector of
the Episcopal Church at Eugene, yes
terday announced to his brother dele
gates at the Episcopal convention at
St. Stephens Pro-Cathedral that he
soon will be a benedict. Rev. Mr. Jen
nings will marry Miss Clare Sherwood.
of Coquille, where he formerly was
vicar. The ceremony will be June 18
and Dean Horsfall. of Bandon. will
Rev. Mrj Jennings was ordained in
Portland by Bishop Sumner. Prior to
his ordination be assisted Dean Hors
fall in the Coos Bay district. He is
one of the youngest men in the clergy
and a general favorite among church
and college folk.
All Receipts ef Opening Day of Bil
liard Hall to Be Given.
For the benefit of the British de
pendents' fund an opening reeeption
will be held next week inline Rialto. a
new building and billiard hall at Alder
and Park streets, Ue exact date to be
announced later.
H. D. Green, the manager, has of
fered to donate all the materials for
the soda fountain menu and all the
day's sales will be for the benefit of
the dependents tuna. A number of men
and women of the British organization
will serve as a reception committee.
Red Cross auxiliaries, women's clubs
and church societies are Invited to at
tend the reception and assist in raising
the fund.
Foremen Attend Convention.
A- W. Perley, special representative
of the O.-W. R. & N. Company, who
looks after coal, and. Fred Shilke. road
foreman in charge of engines at La
Grande, attended the fuel convention
held at Chicago, May Zi-ZS.
Besides Serving Four Terms in leg
islature. Veteran Acted as Mayor
and Councilman of Athena
for Several Tears.
ATHENA. Or., May 28. (Special.)
After an Illness extending over a pe
riod of nearly two years Senator C. A.
BaVrett died at his home in this city
at 2 o'clock tonight. A few days ago
Senator Barrett was brought to his
home here from Portland, where he
passed several weeks taking medical
Senator Barrett was an old-time res
ident of Eastern Oregon, coming to
Umatilla County from Maine in 1S72.
In 1877 he was married to Miss Jennie
Mays, of Weston, who with a son, H.
A. Barrett, and daughter. Miss Areta
Barrett, both of this city, survive bim.
Mr. Barrett served two terms in the
Oregon Legislature as Representative
from Umatilla County and two terms
joint Senator from Umatilla, Mor
row and Union counties. He took an
active interest in city affairs, having
served Athena in the capacity of May
or and councilman for a number of
years. No arrangements have been
made for the funeral as yet.
Mr. Barrett was elected state Senator
from the district composed of Morrow,
Umatilla and Union counties at the
election of 1910 and was a conspicuous
member of the state Senate at the
V: -r ; v J
If ' ) -V'-'l
State Senator C. A. Barrett, Who
Died at Hie Home at Athena,
Or, Last Mght
four succeeding sessions of 1911, 1912
1915 and 1917. having been re-elected
in 1914. In the Senate he was a quiet
but active member and unselfishly de
voted himself to the best interests of
the state. He was at all times inter'
ested in and earnestly supported lexis
latlon for good roads and permanent
state Improvements.
At the 1917 session he was Dartlcu
laxly zealous as chairman of the Senate
committee on consolidation of state
boards and commissions and it was the
regret of his political career that po.
Utlcal influences defeated various con
solidations his committee deemed feas
ible and recommended for enactment.
Senator Barrett's health was poor
during the last session of the Legisla
ture, dui nis aevotion to duty kept him
at his desk throughout the delibera
tions of the Senate's 40-days term. It
was not long after final adjournment
that his condition became serious and
he came to Portland to consult with
specialists. For a number of weeka be
was treated at a local hospital and two
weeks ago was taken to bis Umatilla
$1.00 Othine (double strength) . . . . .QS6
$1.00 Wood-Lark Freckle Cream 85
$1.00 Miolena Freckle Cream. ..... .85
50c Stillman Freckle Cream 45
$1.00 Stillman Freckle Cream 90r
50c Malvina Freckle Cream 47
50c Pompeian Massage Cream 47
50c Daggett & Ramsdell Cold Cream 43
25c Lyon's Tooth Powder. . . '. .20
25c Colgate's Dental Ribbon 23d
50c Java Riz Powder 45
50c La Blache Powder 45
50c Pozzoni's Powder 39
Iron Rust Soap.' 25
25c Cuticura Soap 20d
25c Woodbury's Soap 22
3 bars Creme Oil Soap. 25
50c Pepsodent Tooth Paste 45
Theatrical Cold Cream, j lb 30
Theatrical Cold Cream. 1 lb 60?
25c Listerated Antiseptic Tooth Pow
der, 3 for 65r
25c Cla-Wood Peroxide Dental Cream,
3 for 65d
County borne when medical skill failed.
Arrangements for the funeral will be
announced later.
Position of Wool Administrator at
Portland Formally Orfered.
The position of United States Wool
Administrator at Portland has been
offered formally to John H. Burgard.
an insurance man of this city.
Word to this effect was telegraphed
from Washington several days ago. and
yesterday Mr. Burgard received a letter
from the headquarters of the War In
dustries Board asking him if be would
accept the position. It is believed that
he will undertake the duties.
A telegram was received by Mr. Bur
gard from Washington late yesterday
afternoon to the effect that a ruling
had been made that Washington and
Oregon wools might be shipped to Port
land for disposal, but wools other than
those of Oregon and Washington can
not be shipped here.
Purchase of Oregon Products for
Use of Army Interfered With.
ington, May 28. Oregon milk con-
denseries are again complaining De
cause governmental standards operate
to prevent the purchase of many
brands of Oregon milk by the quarter
master of the Army.
Complaints have been filed with the
two Senators and with Representative
Hawley, who jointly urged a modifica
tion of Array milk standards.
The delegation is convinced tnat a
careful examination of Oregon milk
will satisfy the quartermaster as to
Its merit and the request was mads
that a competent officer be sent t-
Oregon to make a study of the milk
and revise quartermaster standards so
that Oregon milk may nereaiter ds
purchased for Army use.
(Continued From First fn.)
Patriotism Pervades Conven
tion at Seattle.
card stipulates that unless tie bearer
obtains work within three days he
must report to the bureau and receive
a new card. A second appearance will
be pretty convincing evidence that the
bearer Is not seeking work any too
sealously. By that time be will have
occasion to consult Municipal Judge
Loggers and other workers who come
to Portland on short visits and who
can satisfy the police that they have
steady employment will not be affected
by the new ordinance.
tratlon. that "the news that General
Leonard Wood is to be kept in this
country while the division whose train
ing he is completing will go abroad un
der bis second in command, will give
every fair-minded man a bad taste In
the mouth.
Tactical Blunder Charged.
"I think that the order to keep Gen
eral Wood out of France," said one
Influential Democratic Senator, "is a
Berious tactical blunder. General Wood
is the most popular officer in the Army,
and if for no other reason, this move
is a blunder from a purely phycholog
lcal standpoint. It arouses resentment
among the people and is bad for the
general morale of the country."
The Administration Bought to defend
the action by saying that the order
was inspired by General Pershing who.
It was alleged. Had namea oenerai
Wood as one of two prominent officers
it would not be desirable to send to
Franco. The other officer is said to be
General J. Franklin Belh
Bvclc Passed to Pershing.
It was stated that General Pershing
had forwarded a list of officers he de
sired sent to France and that the names
of General Wood and uenerai eeii were
"General Wood is a masterful man.
like General Pershing, and France Is
not big enough to hold two such men."
said the War Department official who
gave out this version of the affair.
This move to "pass the buck" to Gen
eral Pershing bad no sooner material
ised than General Wood appeared at
the Capitol and called on Senator War
ren, of Wyoming, father-in-law of
General Pershing. Kelther the General
nor the Senator would discuss the mat
ter afterwards. t
Doubt Curt an Statement.
Friends of General Wood, however.
emDhatically disputed the truth of the
assertion that General Pershing does
not want General Wood In France.
Officers who were in France with
General Wood a few months ago re
called that Wood and Pershing had a
cordial exchange of greetings in Paris.
General Pershing, recalling the fact
that be bad been appointed Governor
of Moro Province by General Wood,
when the latter was military com
mander of the Philippines, asked Wood
if be would serve under blm In France.
General Wood replied that nothing
would give blm greater honor and
S Tote $35,000 Bond Issue.
VANCOUVER. Wash-. May 28. (Spe
claL Slight interest in school affairs
is shown in election returns. To in
crease school facilities and build i
manual training building on the nigh
school property on Twenty-sixth and
Main streets, the school directors asked
to bond the distrtat for 3j,CO0. Twenty-
nine voted in favor and six against
the proposition.
Read The prcgonian classified ads.
Every Aid Pledged to Food Admin
istration; "Stealing" of Help
Not to Be Tolerated by
Higher Wage Offers.
SEATTLE, Wash.. May 2S. (Special.)
A spirit of deep patriotism prevailed
at the Joint session of the hotelmen of
Washington and Oregon who met In
Joint conference at the Washington
Annex today. It was the spirit of "win
the war," which has come home forcibly
to every big enterprise In the country.
While the Bonifaces talked tourist
trade and exchanged pleasantries about
the attractiveness of the various cities
in Washington and Oregon, they real
ized the big problem of hotelmen
throughout the United States and bow
best to conserve the food and meet the
demands of labor as it may be exacted
by Federal act from their male em
Greater Saving Keeeasary.
Resolutions were unanimously adopt
ed to do anything that the Federal.
military or civil authorities may deem
expedient, also to assist in every way
possible conservation which may be
required by the Federal food act. Al
though much has been done already in
the way of substitutes in foods, tbe
hotelmen believe that a still greater
saving must be made.
The question of charging 10 cents
for baggage "In and out" was brought
up and referred to a committee for
future report. It was also agreed that
there shall be no stealing of male
and female belp from one hotel by
another by luring wages. Exception,
however, was made aa to clerks.
Marasaauke Elected President.
Election of officers for the ensuing
year resulted as follows: President,
J. C. Marmaduke, New Washington. Se
attle; first vice-president. D. W. Baas,
Frye Hotel, Seattle; second vice-president,
W. 8. Norman, TacoraaAioteL Ta-
comar third vice-president, Henry
Scbupp, Hotel Leopold, Belllngham;
fourth vice-president. J. T. Harrah,
Commercial Hotel, Takima; fifth vice
president. L. M. Davenport. Davenport
Hotel, Spokane; secretary, T. D. Rock
well, Seattle; treasurer, P. II. Watt,
Frye Hotel. Seattle.
Following a dinner at the Washing
ton Annex at noon the visiting dele
gates were driven over the boulevards
of the city, about shipyards and
through the residential sections. In the
evening there was a dinner-dance at
the New Washington.
Tomorrow the delegates will leave
for Tacoma. where they will have
luncheon at the Hotel Olympus, stop
ping on the way over at Bonneville,
where a reception to the women will
be bejd. In the afternoon an Inspection
of Camp Lewis will be made and In
the evening a dinner and dance at the
Hotel Tacoma.
Loiterers to Be Required to Furnish
Good Excuse.
The first move to enforce the pro
visions of the recently enacted ordi
nance requiring all able-bodied persons
to engage in some useful occupation
was taken yesterday when Chief of Po
lice Johnson instructed . patrolmen to
investigate the number of idlers in the
North End and In other districts where
loiterers have been wont to make their
All persons temporarily out of work
now must bear a blue card issued by
the Public Employment Bureau. The
Soldiers at Cantonment Declared
Gifted Marksmen.
CAMP LEWIS. Tacoma. Waslru. May
28. If the soldiers of the 91st Division
shoot one-tenth as well when they get
into the first-line trenches in France
as they do at target practice, they will
be able to account for every man In a
Hun army outnumbering them 10 times
when the Germans come over the top.
This statement is no mere boast, but
is a matter of cold calculation from a
field officer on the basis of the show
ing made by organizations of the di
vision in practice night firing on the
200-yard target range. It was tbe turn
of the 816th Engineers last night, and
the Associated Press correspondent
was permitted to witness the practice.
More Officers Needed.
(Special.) The War Department has
asked the university to name an un
limited number of qualified students
and former students for admission into
the offcera' training school of the Coast
Artillery, which opens at Fort Monroe,
Va., July 6.
Considerable difficulty is experienced
in finding men with tbe requisite train
ing in mathematics, and a call has been
sent out for graduates. Men of draft
age are eligible, and if accepted, will
be Inducted directly into the Coast Ar
tillery and sent to Fort Monroe, where
tbey will be assigned to a special cora
pany for training until July S.
As men select their
e h o e s with more
care R a 1 s t o n a
win out.
Surely. In these
days, it pays to
buy good shoes
Ralstons are made
to give you satis
faction. They stand tbe
test of service.
We beartly
Sheen for Men.
becauae w e'v e
known them for
years and they've
"made good."
That's the best as
surance we have
that they'll prove
right In the future.
If you want value
received, try them.
The Ralston House
in Portland
Decoration Day, Thursday, May 30, 1918, all
markets operated by members of