TTTC MORXIXG OREGOXIAN, WEDNESDAY, MAY 29, 1918. HALF-HOUR STAMP DRIVE IS PLANNED Flaps for Decoration Day Silk, Wool, Cotton All Sizes Lowest Prices Fifth Floor Store Closed Tomorrow Supply Your Decoration Day Needs Here Today Orders Must Be In by 1 P. M. Today to Insure Delivery in Time for Decoration Day Order Early This Morning. Official Headquarters for The National League For Woman's Service One of tho principal objects of the League is to increase the war-time efficiency of women to make them more useful to themselves, the community, the state, the Nation, to humanity. Apply Sixth Floor. Thrift Stamps at 25c and War Savings Stamps at $4.16 on sale at our Accommodation Bu reau, Basement, Sixth Street. Sole Portland Agents for Perrin's French Kid Gloves for Women The Meier & Frank Company are principal North west distributors for Perrin's real French kid gloves for women. Splendid stocks of these famous gloves are here. Glove Shop, Main Floor. All Charge Purchases today and balance of month go on the June accounts payable July 1st, War Savings Convention Fa vors Raising State's Quota of Securities Promptly. $17,500,000 TO BE RAISED 18 ' ' c z "TsTys"""'""j TH& QjOALITV STORg Of PORTLAND JZ Mass Meetings to JJe Held In Every Schoolhouse in State Jane 28 for Purposes of Sub scribing Quotas. A small square of perforated Breen paper is pre-eminent in the public in terest of Oregon today. It is the thrift stamp, backed by the pledge of the United States and to further its wider circulation the Oregon War Savings Convention assembles this morning in Elks' Hall, Broadway and Stark, streets, with several hundred delegates In at tendance from all Oregon counties. Today's sessions are the finale of the Oregon educational campaign, car ried on for the war savings stamps and mark the beginning of an active cam paign for the sale of the state's quota f $ 17,500,000 in the stamp securities. - School Meetings Planned. Delegates to the convention will dis cuss and ratify the plan to pledge Ore gon's allotment in a half hour on June 28, when mass meetings will be held . In every schoolhouse in the state and when individual quotas will be appor tioned to each citizen. The same plan Is to be observed throughout America, by proclamation of the President and is an amplifica tion of the original plan drafted by Oregon promoters of the war savings tamp sales. This plan was to conduct an-educational campaign of six months, during which stamps would be sold to all applicants and to follow the infor mative drive by an active campaign for the completion of all quotas during the remaining six months of the year. "Now we've got our goods out among the people," said C. N. Wonacott, as sociate state director, commenting yes terday on Oregon's tactics. "They -understand that a mere two-bit piece puts on overalls and goes out and builds great seagoing ships, that it harvests our crops, drives our traffic, and manufactures munitions. In a word, all that has gone before has been a passive retail campaign. Now we pro pose to sell war savings stamps by wholesale and to clea .-up the state's quota In half an hour. "This is a vital and tremendously important phase of Oregon's patriotic activities. If the plan is successful, as we have every reason to anticipate, it can readily be seen that there will .be no more need for long and tedious drives that each individual henceforth will realize his or her duty to the Na tion and will respond when the hour strikes." Nationally the war stavlngs stamp campaign calls for $2,000,000,000 for the current year. It has a larger pur pose than the mere gathering of funds, though the total will be of powerful influence in the war budget, for it is to brinir home to the mass of American people a realization of what war securi ties signify and what the war aims of the United States consist of. Stamps' Minnlrtn Manyfold. "Through the medium of the 25-cent security, and of the $5 stamp, it is pro posed to- bring an understanding of what war securities are," explained Mr. Wonacott. "The little stamps teach not only patriotism, but they incul cate, thrift and. character. "In the reconstruction period that is to follow the war, the importance of this campaign will be felt. For the boys and girls of today will be heirs to th- greater part of the reconstruc tion era. Today we are reaching them thrOUCTh tllC. Hl-hflols With lAactna thrift as shown in the war savings' stamp, we or America today have one great fault we are thriftless. But the younger generation will have been taught the lesson of thrift and the Influence of that lesson will be marked for good in the years to come." Today's convention will be attended by delegates from all Oregon counties. With approximately 300 delegates In attendance from outer state points, the delegation from Multnomah County and Portland is counted upon to swell the total attendance to at least 500. Sessions will open at 9:30 this morn ing and adjournment will be taken at 5 o'clock this afternoon. Following is the convention pro gramme: C. S. Jackson. State Director 9:30, regis tration ; 10, "America." call of the conven tion, C. K. Jackson, director. L. J. Simpson presiding, chairman First Cong-resglonal District 10:16. address of welcome, w. P. LaBocha. representing- the Mayor of Portland; 10:25, the significance of the war savings movement. A. L. Mills 11. the work of the W. 8. S. over United States. H. E. Reed: 11:15. the campaign plan in Oregon. C. N. Wonacott; 11:45. busi ness session; 12. get-acquainted luncheon for cut-of-town delegates. Multnomah Motel. Afternoon session, Henry E. Reed presid ing, chairman Third Congressional District 2. the organization plan In detail. C N. "Wonacott: 2-30. round table; 3. group con ferences: relegation, educational interests. A. J. Churchill, room A; delegation, com mercial interests. D. A. Pattullo, room B; delegation. Industrial Interests, w. H. Daly, room C; delegation, general Interests. H. E. Reed, room D: delegation, promotion inter ests. J. H. Stevenson, room E: delegation, merchants' Interests. J. L. Meier, room F; delegation, postmasters' Interests. F. S. My ers, room C4: 8:45, delegation conferences; First Congressional district. L. J. Simpson, chairman: Second Congressional District, lon Cohen, chairman: Third Congressional District. Frank McCrlHIs. manager Portland campaign: Dr. C. H. Flxott. manager Mult nomah County outside of Portland. Closing session. I .eon Cohen presiding, chairman Second Congressional District 4:3. reports of delegations, business: 5. "Our Part In Winning and Ending- th War " Dr. E. H. Pence. BUY SMITH'SJAEAT, 10c UP At Frank L. Smith's, 228 Alder street. roup meat iocHest soup meat 12 He Keef livers 12HcBeef stew isc Beef short ribs.l5ePot roasts 16C Beef rump r'sts,15cjcorned beef 15c eai stew iicKoast veal 15c Breast veal 15c Hamburg steak. 18c Porterhouse stk.20c T-bone steak... 20c Fancy pot roast-18c Sirloin 20c-22c Veal cutlets. 25c Roast pork.25c-30c Pure lard 30c Taney hams.... 36c Calves' liver.... 20c Sausage meat 18c Tenderloin steak 20c Prime rib beef.. 20c Fancy veal roast 20c Fcy Porterhouse 25c Round steak.... 26c Pork chops 30c Compound ......25c Choice bacon.... 40c Mail and express orders filled promptly. We want the trade of camps, hotels, restaurants, etc Closed Thursday all day. Frank L. Smith. 228 Alder St. Adv. Militia Man Is Hurt. Edward Mullen, 18, of 582 East Twelfth street North, member of the Oregon State Militia, while on his way to report to the 17. S. S. Liberty for special recruiting duty, was knocked down by the Pacific Laundry Com pany's auto at Seventh and Clackamas streets last night. He sustained slight injuries. Our White Sale Admiration of 95 Lovely Street and Afternoon Frocks for Summer Wear $25.00 D resses Of Fine Quality Silks Reduced to $18.75 Beautiful new dresses of Crepe de Chine, taffeta, foulard in black, navy, Copen, tan 'and a large assort ment of checked and plaid silk dresses. The latest models straight line and deep tunic effects are strongly featured. Many shown in effective combinations of plain and plaid silk. Today at $18.75 instead of $25.00. Apparel Shop. Fourth Floor. 07: ' The opportunities for advantageous buy ing are especially evident in our great de partment of Undermuslins "Made-in-America" merchandise . is splendidly to the fore. Besides the immense assortments of these good domestic undermuslins we have fine new stocks of hand-embroidered undermuslins, Crepe de Chine and wash satin undergarments. Al Hand-Embroidered Undermuslins Of excellent materials, beautifully hand embroidered in a fine selection of designs that will appeal to the most fastidious. GOWNS in slip-over models with kimono or set-in sleeves. Many have yoke effects of small cluster tucks and beading, ribbon run. At $2.47, $2.79, $3.57, $4.59, $5.45 to $9.75. DECORATION DAY Apparel and Accessories for men, women and -children are here in complete new assortments for last-day choosing everything from top to toe, under one roof. Highest quality at lowest prices. Get Your-Films for Decoration Day in our Kodak Shop. We carry the genuine Eastman kind. NO PRICE ADVANCE has been made on these best of all films. Kodak Shop, Main Floor. ENVELOPE dainty designs. CHEMISE in a beautiful array At $2.8?, $3.59, $4.75 to $6.75. of STRAIGHT CHEMISE with plain scalloped edges or beautifully embroidered. At $1.79, $2.47, $2.93 to $5.95. CORSET COVERS, plain scalloped or with daintily embroidered designs. At $1.93 to $3.29. DRAWERS in new straight models, fancy embroid ered, scalloped, eome with ruffles. At $1.95, $2.95, $3.45, $5.95 to $12,-95. Crepe de Chine And Wash Satin A splendid assortment of these desirable undergar ments in finest materials and styles. GOWNS of good quality crepe de chine, in plain tailored model.'., hemstitched neck and sleeves. In flesh and white. At $3.75, $4.22, $5.45, $6.95, $7.95 and upwards. CAMISOLES of fine quality materials, trimmed with Georgette, fine laces, tucks, beading and ribbon. At 98c, $1.59, $1.89, $2.59, $3.45 to $5.95. ENVELOPE CHEMISE, plain tailored and lace trimmed models. At $1.98, $2.49, $3.85 to $12.75. PETTICOATS, plain tailored, hemstitched and em broidered styles. Some with fancy lace-trimmed flounces. Many styles in the new. straight skirt effects, with hem or plain scalloping. At $3.95, $4.95, $5.95 to $18. KNICKERBOCKERS, plain or fancy ruffles and lace-trimmed styles. At $2.98, $3.45 to $6.95. Third Floor. Sixth Street. Special Introductory Offer Today, Friday and Saturday Challenge Cleanable Collars The Meier & Frank store has been named in conjunction with other leading stores throughout America to introduce the wonderful new Challenge Cleanable Collars for men. These collars have recently been and still are the subject of a great advertising campaign in leading National publications. You have doubtless seen some of these ads in the Post, the Digest and such widely read periodicals in which the Meier & Frank store is listed as Portland distributors. To introduce these wonderful collars We Are Making This Great FREE Offer for a Limited- Time As the demand is sure to be enormous we strongly urge all to take advantage at the earliest opportunity. A Challenge Cleanable Collar -L L b With Every Purchase of One or More of These Collars at 25c Each JL. JL V 11 J fl J That is to say we will give a Challenge collar that sells regularly at 25c free to everyone who purchases one or more while, this limited time offer lasts today and balance of this week. Mailmen, policemen, firemen, carmen, shipbuilders industrial workers of all kinds men in all walks of life will welcome these new Challenge Cleanable Collars and our free offer. Challenge Cleanable Collars are made of cotton they're stiff, but not starched. They look exactly like starched collars, but being waterproof stiffened require no laundering. No ironing. They won't wilt, are impervious to' water yet pliant and comfortable. Clean in a jiffy with a little water, a rag and some soap. Always fresli always look dressy. Ideal for hot weather. Never get "saw" edges. Made with slip-easy groove for tie. Every man will like this collar because of its convenience' and economy. Made in popular styles as illustrated and in half sizes. Come in and let us show this National Thrift Collar. Buy one or more today and receive a new collar free. All sizes 14 to 18. Some styles in smaller and larger sizes. Men's Furnishings Shop, Main Floor. Ik SBBSSSBSBSBBBBSBaBaSBBBaSBSSBBSSSSBBBSBSBSBStf White Sale Laces, Yard 25c Very special offerings in effect on good quality laces and embroideries during this, our annual June White Sale. Today we feature these wash laces at 25c yard. Many are imported laces, marked at the "old" low price. Included are 18-inch shadow laces; Piatt Val. edges and bands, silk shadow edges and bands, Venise edges and bands, Filet edges and bands, cotton Cluny bands and net top laces in white and ecru, widths 2 to 7 inches. 85c to $1.00 Flouncings, Yard 69c Imported designs in eyelet and Fast edges. Patterns suitable 27-inch Swiss embroidery flouncings. blind work combined with Venise laces, for women's and children's wear. Main Floor, Fifth Street. Women's & Misses' S6.50-S7.50 Trimmed Hats Very Special Values at $5.00 Medium and large shapes in light and dark colors. Trimmed with flowers, fancy feathers and ribbon. Millinery Shop, Fourth Floor. $2.00-$2.50 Waistcoats $1.49 Novelty waistcoats of satin in rose and gold striped effects. Fancy weave gabardine waistcoats in checks and . stripes of blue and gold. These- have roll collars and button trimming. . ". Neckwear 29 Tailored pique sets and collars. Colored satin neckpieces. Pleated organdy sets. White organdy col lars with colored frills. Embroi dered lawn models. Organdy and gabardine vestees. Other styles. Neckwear 50 Neat styles that will add chic to a new blouse or suit and touch up an old garment. Collars and sets of pique, crepe and satin. Organdy vestees. Tailored gabardine sets with roll collars. Other styles. Neckwear 95 Colored organdy neckpieces with frills. Organdy vestees in white and colors. White dimity in striped effects with net and organdy frills. Gabardine waistcoats. Crepe col lars. Colored dimity neckwear. Stoles, Capes .Dressy marabou stoles and capes in natural, black, taupe and brown. Some combined with ostrich,' others with tail ' trimming. These are priced from $5.49 to $19.50. Motor Hats A popular new line of motor hats and caps of cotton and silk poplin, black and white silk and wool checks, soft messaline and changeable silk styles combined with straw as well as colors. Priced 50c to $4.50. Motor Hats Novelty new styles in motor hats suitable for your Decoration Day outing. Motor hats with leather trimming, some have Shetland veil attached. In green, rose, taupe, brown and tan. $4.50 to $11.75. Neckwear Shop, Main Floor. White Sale of Notions Charter Oak Cotton Thread, white only, 6-cord, all sizes, six 200-yard spools 25c, spool Conqueror Basting Thread, white only, Nos. 40 to 70, four f? 200-yard spools 15c, spool Bias Lawn Tape, 6-yard piece, priced Dexter's Knitting Cotton, white only, 4 thread, Nos. 6, 8 " ft and 10, ball -LUU Charter Oak Darning Cotton, white only, 8-ply, four 50- 1 A. yard spools Dorcas Hooks and Eyes, white, sizes OO, O, 1 and 2, three pr cards 10c, card.... . Panama Snap Fasteners, white only, 2 sizes, card of Or snaps for , SatJli Silk Binding Ribbon, 10 white, 8-yard bolt --Ol Enameled Coat Hangers, 1 P white only, each.w -LJl d.25c Stickerie Trimming, scalloped edge, 2 patterns, 4-yard piece Stickerie, white with seal- 1 A loped edge, 3-yard piece White Lingerie Braid, with self threading bodkin, 10-yard " Cn piece at -LUC Dressmakers Silk Covered Wire, white only, priced special, piece c)C Corset So-On Hose Supporters, white only, 9-inch, priced "1 Q- pair at AUU Sanitary Aprons, white OQ only, each special. ....... Naiad Bolero Dress and Garment Shields, three styles, spe- CCT rial, sach - JJC Cotton : Belting, white, inch, yard Silk Blanket Binding, white, lhi- inch, bolt of 12 yards 55c, J Notion Shop. Main Floor. 2:7c yard 2 Good Specials in Needlework Bedroom Sets 45 Regular 65c values. New scarfs with pincushions to match. Stamped in neat designs, to be embroidered with Coronation cord. Luncheon Sets 75 Luncheon sets consisting of cen terpiece and four napkins to match. Stamped on art crash. Needlework Shop. Second Floor. Decoration Day Picnic Needs 5c Waxed Llmch Paper, 3 rolls for 10?. 15c White Paper Napkins, 100 for 10. 10c Paper Plates, package 8. 15c Picnic Sets, consisting of cloth, napkins and plates, spe cial, set 10c Lily Drinking Cups, doz. 8. 7c Ice Cream Dishes, doz. of. Many other specials. Stationery Shop. Main Floor. Special Sale of Cemetery Vases Tin cemetery vases, painted green, 9 inches high and 4 inches wide, each 12f. Galvanized iron cemetery vases, 9 inches high and 4 inches wide, each Glass cemetery vases, 10 inches high and 3 inches wide, each 30f . Splint market baskets, for carrying flowers, each 15c and 13f. Basement. Fifth Street. Veils for Your Holiday Outing You will want one of these smart motor veils for your holiday outing. One model of extra fine quality chiffon with satin border in 20 different shades 1 yards long is priced $1.35. . Motor Veils Standard quality chiffon motor veils with border and hemstitched finish. All the wanted light and dark shades. xl yards. Priced $1.75 to $3.50. Drape Veils - A sale of 75c to $1.00 drape veils today at 59f . Flowing and cir cular styles in black, taupe, brown and navy with chenille dots and bordered effects. Main Floor. Three Big Curtain Specials A' special purchase enables us to offer these curtains at these ex tremely low prices. All brand-new merchandise that is very desirable. Three groups as follows: Filet Net Curtains, pair . . . .$2.95 Madras Weave Curtains. . .$2.65 Marquisette Curtains, pair$2.35 Curtain Shop, Seventh Floor. Save Food Save Fuel Save Labor With a "Glory" Universal Range For even, uniform baking: for durability and all around service giving qualities the Glory Universal castiron ranges have few equals and no superiors. The Glory has all the advantages of the old castiron range in a modern and attractive design. The smooth castings, plain nickel trimmings and white enamel panels are sanitary they do not catch dirt and are very easy to clean. The Glory Universal, installed com plete in your home, including hot water connections $75. Make Your Own Terms in Reason Sixth Floor. Fifth Street.