THE MOSSING OREGOXIAX, WEDESDATf 3IAT 29, 1918. FOR BALE. Piano, Organ and Musical Instrument. SECURITY STORAGE CCK CLOSING OUT. 4300 Hobler Hohler upright, caa $ TS $4u0 Leland upright, nearly new. cash $143 $450 Kim bail, large upright, for cash $160 $375 1917 model, mahogany, cash $190 $425 large 1917 model, walnut, caab $215 475 1917 model, mahogany, cash $235 550. 1B16 model, finest style, cash S290 1750 1916 model player piano, cash ft 3 15 $175 Borth wick- 6-octave organ, cash $ A5 $95 Bridgeport parlor organ, cash $ 25 $55 phonograph and records, cash $ 85 $90 phonograph and records, cash $ 40 109 4TH ST AT WASHINGTON ST. ALL. MUSICAL. INSTRUMENTS taken In exchange for piano or phono graph; liberal allowance made. fiiilBERLLNG A LUCAS MUSIC CO., 125-127 Fourth st. Main 8586. VICTROLA and record. WlH sacrifice for $100. In first-class condition ; caiue $290. $12 CASH. $3 monthly, buy $375. new, 1918 model, improved upright piano for $281.25, at fichwan Piano Co., Ill Fourth street. SAVE $200. Have $400 credit on new player-piano, sell for $200- - A K 350, Oregonian. Furniture for Sale. ILEAL BARGAINS IN SEWING MACHINES $P..VO0 White rotary sewing machine only slightly used for $34.75. Drop-head Singer machine with electric motor priced at $41.50. Another Singer machine at $12.50. Other good used machines as low as $0. Easy terms. MISH FUR CO.. 188-190 1st St. i? nic roll -top desks with revolving chairs to match, at a sacrifice If taken at once. 205 Stock Exchange bldg. Marsh, SOLID mahogany library table, flat top, ma hogany office desk, Wilton velvet rugs, other furniture. Broadway 2327. DINING table. 6 chairs, hall rack, book 6?d' readln l&mp. bed lounge. Main FUKMTUBE of 7 rooms for sale, clearing rent, or would rent to adults. 485 Alder at. FOR SALE Furniture of 5-room flat, cen tral, low rent- Broadway 2552. FURNITURE for sale, flat for rent. 129 12th st. Broadway 2527. FOR SALE 2 usd rugs 9x12; one carpet and electric washing machine. S9 X. 6th. FOR SALE: second-hand furniture at" 631 Union avo N.. before 6 P. M. Allen NelL Typewriters. NEW Remington, rental plan; rent applies to purchase. Visible models. Remington Typewriter Co., 88 Broadway. Phone Broadway 621. GUARANTEED factory rebuilt typewriter. ALL MAKES, sold on monthly payments; end for price list. The Wholesale Type writer Co.. retail dept., 321 Wash. st. 6 EE new Oliver No. 9, $49. $3 down. $:; monthly, like rent. W. W. Ferguson, 445-7 Stark at. Broadway 290 and A 4381. NEW, rebuilt, second-band rentals' at cut rates, p. p. Co.. 251 Stark st.. Main 1407. HEBUILT typewriters and supplies. Corona Dealers. E. W. Pease Co.. 110 Sixth. Poultry. MAGUIRE'S BABY CHICKS. O. A. C. Barred Rocks and K. I. Reds, $20 per 100; White or Brown Leghorns, $15 per 100; heavy -laying, vigorous, Hoganized stock none better. Eggs for hatching. J. R. Magulre, 7S7 Oregon st. Phone East 1805. AN CON A and Leghorn pullets and young hens, $1.25 each. 787 Oregon st. East 1805. WANTED Setting of goose eggs. Phone Main 8665. Launches and Boats. CM ALL 3-room houseboat, unfurnished, elec tric lights, large porch, $150. Call Broad way 9S0. engineering dept., 9 A. M to Machinery. 6 4-POCKET washers. 1 26-inch extractor. I 7i power motor. 1 20-horsepower boiler. 1 delivery Ford. Juat the stuff to start a wet wash. AK 351, Oregonian. I"Ofl SALE: 600,000 feet left and right-lay steel cable, standard sizes. In Al condition. Can made Immediate shipment. Geo. A. Burch Co., 103 Main st.. San Francisco. M lsceilaneou. fcEWING machines, new and second-hand, of ait manes, soia ior less; no agents em ployed; machines repaired and rented, $3 per month. SEWING MACHINE EMPORIUM. 190 3d. near Taylor. A 3626. Main 0431. ONE of the best laundry openings on this Coast for man with $15,000 cash, or securi ties. A snap for someone. AH 303, Ore- fiUTCHERS, LOOK For sale, a Royal meat chopper, nearly new; cost $200, will sell for $100. C Swanson, 1053 E. 30th N. Al ts erta car. A BARGAIN in fine marble-base floor show cases, 2 National cash registers. 1 counter showcase and other atore fixtures. 226 stark st., bet. Is and 2d. CARPENTER ship tools, one white lipped a da, one hammer, one slink, one Jackplane. oua steel square; cost $16.75; will sell for iu. can o-o'.i asn. st. l'?FD hot water boilers, all size 30-gal., $5; 40-gaL. $7.50; over 600 of our boilers In use in the city. 1S9 Adams st- Phone Kast 7659. WHAT will you give me for 2 A-l hair Hwncnes, carK Drown; ror sale or trade. S 309. Oregonian. "HDD BLESS OUR BOYS." the latest Datri otic song; words and music (4 parts) 10 cents. Beit r-irtocK diock. CuIXG away; 1 extra large kimona, cost siu; never been worn; quick sale, $3.50. PIANOS, VIctrola. bicycles. Iceboxes, all kinds stoves and furniture for sale: cheap or exchange, tian t ftassiqy. 10 irst. FOR SALE CHEAP 40 North 6th St., 2 wall cases, 4 show cases, 1 safe. SHOWCASES and cash register. 329 Wash ington su Make offer; must be moved at once. 2 T. W. DESK. 1 roll-top desk. 2 filing cabinets, 3 chairs, 2 safes. Bushong A :o., vi rarK st. MILLIARD and Docket billiard table, show cases and wallcwe, fixtures; easy terms. w. j. wuigiey. 2-' f irst. Mam 5319. FOR SALE or rent, logging and hoisting engines, an tunas, macmnery. rails, cars. Railway Equipment Co.. 235 Stark st. L1BBT cut glass bowl, cost $50, for half price. Must be seen to be appreciated. AR jva. oregonian. EV EKAL good second-hand safes at the right price. 46 Front st. Broadway 1966. UNCALLED-FOR tailor-made suit for sals. large selection.. $3.50 and up. 355 Stark. GHEEN Axminster rug, large oak drosscr, $15 each. Tabor 7343. 4IVE us your order; best No. 1 old-growth flr cordwood, $7 per cord. East 7020. VACUUM cleaners sold, repaired, rented, ex chsnged. bought. Bentlcy Co.. Main 8582. FOR SALE Burbank seed potatoes. Phone Tabor 431. 00 YARDS of cork linoleum for sale. 124V 4th st. $4 and op. Uncle Joe. 89 3d 0L, corner Ash. TAILOR-MADE SUITS, slightly used, .from FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES. FOR SALE By owner, Buick, 1917, light stx ; tires and car Al condition : splendid buy; cash only. Phone Marshall 2391. or rail at 921 Yeon bldg. FOR SALE 2-ton G. M. C truck 2 years old, good running order; will take Ford aa part payment. 2S5 Wiills boulevard. OAKLAND SIX. 5-passenger. $650 cash only. Kuamnteed; 2 cord tires, extra new non-t-kid. Call Tabor 1543. by appointment. i lit'lCK TRUCK. -ton. with body, excellent mechanical condition. $500. The White t'ompany. Park and Couch sts. O. M. C. l1 -ton truck. A-l mechanical shape. $50. The White Company. Park and Couch srg. DODGE car, late model, perfect condition, like new. Call at Lincoln Garage, Union Ave. and E. Broadway. PACKARD 4-TON. completely overhauled, new tires ; f in logging truck. The White Company. P.trk and Couch sts. BUICK-SIX. 1916-model. 7-pass.. in excel lent condition: two new cord tires. A. C. StevenK. Broadway 161. 531 Washington. iiUICK 5-vassenser. $425. cash only; 1913 model with electric lighting system; all new tires. Jabor 1543. by appointment. FOR SALE cheap, 1915 Mitchell 5-passeng-r Phone Marshall 576", or call 5S6 Couch. Good condition. I CAN use your Ford. Maxwell or Chevrolet on my ferand new Saxon six. Call Adams. Tabor 630. LIGHTLY used tires. $3 to $15 each; vul canized. 25c; tire repairing. 207 Madison. WANTED Ford touring car or roadster, or Saxon roadster. Tabor 4115. 3915 FORD touring, motor Ju&t overhauled. $;50. V 330. Oregonian. 1.1GHT-SIX roadster, trade for light fi-pasa- 1914 FORD rouriiig car in good running or der; price $293. Call Sell wood 1140. 3 915 FORD. very reasonable. 223 Burn- FORD touring and runabout for sale cheap. ll w ainingiun, cor. isi. CRD roadster, a lup MX $3X5, 209 10th FOB 6A1B-AUTOMOBILES. GOOD CAKS ARE SCARCE AND UAED 1J bUX, But at present we have a fine lineup of some very fine buys in high-grade used cars, and we can save you some big money on every one. All overhauled and reaay to run. ALL SIZES, ALL MAKES, ALL PRICES. Early '17 Maxwell, perfect $ 650 Late 17 Maxwell, runs fine ......... 60 1916 Grant Six. looks new 600 1916 Hudson 6-54. Just new 100 Bulck Roadster, overhauled 4i0 Veil Touring, elec. Its. and starter.. Goo Buick Bub. just rebuilt :;oo 1914 Hupmoblle, looks new 650 Buick Touring, overhauled 350 Series '17 Studebaker Roadster 00U Series 17 Studebaker Touring, cord tires 750 1915 Studebaker Six, 7-pass. over hauled and repainted goo Chalmers Master Six, overhauled, $75 job painting soo 1913 Cadillac, big buy 60i 1915 Locomobile, Just perfect ...... 900 ?.p- Rdster. rebuild 550 191 Cole 8, just new 13'0 1U17 Oakland 8. cord tires tHK) 1912 Pierce-Arrow, cord tires ...... too 1913 Apparson, looks new 47,0 1918 Willys-Knight, cord tires 1250 1917 Abbott Detroit 8 1250 1915 Win ton Baby Six 900 $5000 Stearns Knight, elec. Its. and start., 6 tires 600 Ford 1-ton truck. Just new ...... -5.VI Llppert truck, fine body 400 15ou-lb. delivery, big buy ........... Cadillac delivery .................. 4tM New buys arriving every day. Every car guaranteed as represented. That Reliable Firm, CONLEY'8 USED CAR CENTER. Big Brick Building, Side Entrance. S. W. corner 15th and Washington. Phone Broadway 2656. BETTER CHOOSE EARLY, WHILE THE LHUUSl4(i IS STILL GOOD. Mets .....$ 450 Reo (stripped) .................. 275 White $o0 Studebaker Chassis 150 Oakland Roadster ............... 200 Studebaker Four 450 Mitchell 1350 Studebaker, "IT . 750 Ford 323 Buick Touring 1075 New Indian, extra equipment. . 375 Ford Touring, 1918, equipped with everything that can be put on it, ex cept a starter 725 "TWIN STATES MOTOR CAR CO., 514 Alder st. Broadway 494. USED AUTOMOBILES. Series 18 Studebaker 6, like new; cord tires $1250 1916 "Willys Overland; swell buy... 800 Mil burn Electric 600 Overland Bug 400 1912 Franklin 4; good tires 550 1916 Chevrolet Touring 500 1914 Jeffrey; new battery, spare tire and wheel AGO Model 83 Overland Sr.o Model 32 Chalmers 7-passenger. .. 050 1917 Bulck Light Six; like new.. 1150 Chalmers 86; Al condition 375 Chalmers 18: cord tires, 2 spares. .. 900 Chalmers 6-30, Roadster; wire wheels 1000 "WESTERN MOTOR CAR SALJSS CO., BROADWAY AT BURNSIDE. USED AUTOMOBILES TERMS GIVEN. 1917-Grant, 6-pass., 6-cyl . 875 1917-Mttchell, 5-pass., 6-cyl 1250 1917-Mitchell. 7-nass.. 6-evL 1300 1916-Mitchell. 5-pass.. 8-cyL 850 1916- Cole. 7-pass.. 8-cyL M 1915-M ttchell. 6-pass., 6-cyl ....... 750 1917- Overland, 5-pass., 4-cyL 650 1914- MitchelL 6-pasa,, 6-cyl. 650 1915- Studebaker, 5-pass., 4-cyL .... 575 1914-Studebaker, 4 -pass, coupe .... 650 Ford truck with body and top ..... 550 2-ton truck with cab 1250 Several others to select from. MITCHELL, LEWIS A STAVER CO., USED CAR DEPT., East Morrison at First St. East 7272. B 1216. WEST SIDE SALESROOM, Broadway at Oak st. , Broadway 515. B 3343. WE WILL BE OPEN TILL 9 P. M.. to ac commodate those who work every day. These are all good buys: 1016 Hupmoblle Runabout .$1000 1916 Grant Runabout, like new.... 700 1917 Maxwell, extra good 650 1917 Ford; speedometer, spot light, Yale lock 485 1917 Buick, looks like new 1000 1914 Overland, newly painted ... 450 And many other good cars at reasonable prices. MANLEY ATTTO CO., 11th and Oak sts.. at Burnslde. The House of Fair Dealing. SHORT AND' SWEET, SMALL CAR BARGAINS. Chevrolet, 5-pass. .$475 . 250 . 223 overiana. o-: Regal. 4-pass. The last two would make good bugs or service cars. MOTOR SALES CORPORATION, 344 Burnslde st. BARGAINS IN USED AUTOS. 1 Steams Knight $5.".0 1 Studebaker. with starter 4fo 1 Studebaker. with starter........... 300 1 Retral roadster 225 1 Studebaker, light 175 1 Hereshoff. touring 175 1 Ford touring .......... 825 1 Chalmers chassis 100 1 Mitchell chassis 100 LONG A SILVA, 492 Hawthorne. USED CAR BARGAINS. We have 12 cars, such as Hudson. Paiges. Mitchells. Cole 8. Chandler and Scripps Booth; some of them are 90 per cent new. which are offered at bargains and good terms. LONG ft SILVA, 462 Hawthorne Ave. BARGAINS IN USED FORD CARS. TOURINGS ROADSTERS CHASSIS Every car overhauled and repainted. ROBINSON SMITH, Sixth and Madison. TRAILERS TRAILERS TRAILERS 2 and 4-wheeIed trailers of all kinds, from 1OO0 to 400O lbs. cspaclty, at as ton -lngly low prlee. DAVID HODES A CO., Cor. Broadway and Flanders St.. Portland. Or. 1918 FORD, tires almost new, extra new tire, spot light. Price all the others, then get my price. Will trade this car In on a Bulck, Dodge or Maxwell and pay cash ti lrrerence. tee a a cox, z 1 i tnioa ave. North. A ROADSTER: price right, condition riffht. Westlnghouse starting and lighting; newly painted: two extra tires and rims, seat cover and trunk. Auditorium Garage, 1st and Mill., SUPER-SIX Hudson. 1918 . model. brand new car, for sale for cash or will trade for Liberty or Canadian Bonds; this car Is new ; no trouble to answer questions. Call 36 Third st. Open evenings. WE WRECK all makes of cars and sell the good parts for leas than half price. All kinds of used bodies and tires. Highest prices paid tor all cars. Pacific Junk Co., -.'2S Front st.. Main 4768. REGAL light roadster, strong, speedy and In excellent running order; good tires, ex tra tu be. Price $225 ; very easy terms. It's a snap for someone. 462 Hawthorne. MUST dispose of my 1918 Chalmers; not a scratch : run 50 miles; new tires; sacri fice. Phone Wdln. 86. Terms to reepon- sible people. CHANDLER. 1916, 5-passenger, in fine shape; am forced to sell immediately; a great flnsp, $90O; terms to responsible party. F 275, Oregonian. MOTORS, gears, bearings, wheel, axles: w-e wreck all makes of cars and sell their parts at half price. David Hodes Co., North Broadway snd Flanders. TWENTY-FIVE auto trucks, equipped for sand, gravel and road work, some flat beds. All makes, three to five-ton capa c 1 ty. Call 271 E. Water st. Automobiles Wanted. . AUTOMOBILES WANTED. I will take good auto so payment on small farm. See adv. under Farms to trade. Tabor 218. WANT automobile in exchange for choice beach lot at Tillamook Beach. Adjoins railroad and county road. Address A J 211. Oregonian. TO EXCHANGE for Ford or other small far, one lot located at Anabel on Mt. - bcott carUna 1 hone Main 212. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES. Automobile Wasted. SPOT CASH. Paid for late model touring cars and roadsters. Must be In good condition. THE USED CAR EXCHANGE, 527 Washington Street. Broadway 546 LONG & SILVA. Auto wreckers. We wreck cars and save you 50 per cent on parts. Send in the parts yon need snd we will duplicate them. Autos bought, regardless of condition. Phone East 6S40. 462 Hawthorne ave. HAVE five acres good ocean beach land, on mile south Fort Stevens, Or., all clear; will trade for lUe make Bulrk four. If Al condition. Address AH 302, oregoqjan. WILL buy your Ford car for spot cash. Robinson-Smith Co.. 6th and Madison. Motorcycles. POWER-PLUS INDIAN, electrical equip.. 1917 model ; must M1 next two ciavs; drafted; run 2 or 3 thousand miles. 252 Columbia st., room 12. TWO-SPEED motorcycle, first-class condi tton. cheap for cash. IOM! Macadam t. Auto Tires suid Aceeesoriee. MOTORS, gears, bearings, wheels, axles; we wreck all makes of cars and sell their parts at half price. David Hodee Co., North Broadway and Flanders. Automobiles for Hire. NEW CARS TO RENT WITHOUR DRIVERS. DE LUXE ((-CYLINDER. 5 OR 7-PASSENGER. SAXON, 6-CYLINDER. 6-PASS ENGER. PACKARDS, CHEVROLETS, FORDS. ALL NEW CARS. G. N. SMITH, THIRD AND GLISAN. BDWY. 26C9. PRAGG'S AUTO SERVICE Good cars, competent drivers. Sixth and Washington. Main 7080. NEW CARS FOR RENT WITHOUT DRIV ERS. G. N. SMITH. THIRD AND GLISAN STS. A 2629. BDWY. 2629. AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS. New cars, reasonable rates. City Garage, 86 Tenth at. Broadway 840. AUTOS without driver for hire. Fashion Garage. 10th and YamhilL Mar. 232, A 1236. $2.50 EACH, to end of paved highway and return. Wdln. 3307. FORD Sfor rent without drivers. 443 Stark St. Bdwy. 8532. 5-PASS. Dodge for hire, touring, calling, shopping, highway. Broadway 3547. NEW 7-pass. 6. highway, depots, funeral, calling, shopping; reasonable. East 4582. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. $5.00 AND UP $5.00. SECOND-HAND CLOTHING. J. Meyer, the tailur. pays the highest price for suits, overcoats and shoes. We call anywhere In the city, day or evening. Marshall 1229 or 299 Madison st. W.XTED TWO POOL TABLES. COM PLETE, BALLS, CUES. ETC.; GIVE PRICE AND ALL DETAILS. IN FIRST - LETTER, n 126, OREGONIAN. SECOND-HAND iM.OTWivn wivrrn We buy ladies and gents' clothing. We pay more for shoes and all kinds of second-hand clothing, call Main 1923. 193 r roni st. OUH specialty U buying ladies and gents cast-off clothing. Highest cash price paid. Will call day or night. PEOPLES' SECOND-HAND STORE. Marwhall 3225 or 209 Madison St. JUNK WANTED JUNK. HIGHEST PRICKS PAin For sacks, metal, rubber, second-band gooas. 4. au .Main 734. WANTED Two 00 to 80 H. P. standard tubular boilers, first-claws condition, com plete with front grate bars, etc P. O. uox 10, roniana , wcnn tMines, carioaa ana small lots. Shipments will receive prompt attention. American Jnhhlnr Hrtii Main nOa WE buy your diamonds and old gold Jewelry for cash. 204 Washington st. HIGHEST PRICES PAID for second-hand ciotnes. Alain U344. WINCHESTER and Remington automatic & pump snoiguns wantea. nocnieia, o& Bd. V ANTED A small second-hand adding iiii;iiiiib. -. a zjook, i aquina, kjt. WANT GOOD BICYCLE. Pay cash. Main 10 rirst, near Aiaer. JUNK, rags, bottles, sacks, roetala, old t-iuinin. tooi. ijooq prices, bast 294. WANTED Setting of goose eggs. Phone Main 8055. FURNITURE: Good prices for furniture. Furniture Wanted. GEVURTZ FURNITURE COMPANY, 185 to 191 First 8u BEST CASH PRICES PAID FOR USED FURNITURE. 1 Stoves, ranges, rugs, store fixtures, res taurant outfits. hotels. roomins-houuM office furniture, furniture stocks; nothing too Dig or too smaii zor us. prompt at tentlon and courteous treatment. MARSHALL 5981. A 3224. READ IMPORTANT READ. We carry a greater varied assortment of new and used merchandise than any store In the city. There is hardly an item we oo not ouy ana sen. we specialize in shelf and heavy hardware, sporting goods, household goods, office furniture, hotel ana camp supplies. When you have anything to buy or sell, call or phone MAIN 9072. A 7174. LEVIN HARDWARE Jt FURNITURE CO.. 4ti-o-u r rout. i., cor. eaimon, CALL MAIN 309 IMMEDIATELY. WE PAY THE HIGHEST CASH PRICES EVER PAID BY ANYONE IN THE CITT FOR FURNITURE, CARPETS. ETC. YOUR CALL WILL BRING THE BUY ER WITH THE MONEY. KLINE'S FURNITURE STORE. 192 FIRST ST., NEAR TAYLOR. . MAIN 309. CASH. CASH. CASH. W'e will pay the highest price for your used furniture, carpets, stoves, ranges, of- iice zurniture, etc. Phone Marshall 587 and our buyer will can at once. GEVURTZ FTJRNTURE STORE, 205 and 207 First St. MISH FURNITURE CO will pay highest cash price ever paid for used furniture, carpets, rug, stoves, ranges, office fur niture and fixture. It will pay you to can us. i ou win oe money aneaa. MISH FURNITURE CO., 184 FIRST. Main 5768. FELDSTEIN FURNITURE CO 166-16S let t.. requires second-hand furniture; best prices paid. If you need any furniture, newer used, call on us and you will be sure of good treatment. Main 4633. I WANT used furniture; cash will be paid for stoves and ranges and all kinds of household goods. Call us for one article or st houseful and a competent courteous buyer will calL Mar. 2693. I MUST HAVE USED FURNITURE to ship out of town, will pay more than Portland second-hand dealers: deal with a courteous business man. ST A ND A RD, PHONE MAIN 4773 PHONE. JUST starting In business. Call East 6487 for highest price pald-for used furniture, ruga .carpets, stoves. A. Monner Furniture Co.. 83 Grand ave. FURNITURE WANTED We will pay full value for your second-hand furniture, beds, dressers, carpets, stoves and house hold goods. Cal Main 1923. 193 Front st. WE NEED SECOND-HAND FURNITURE of any description ; have the ready cash. Phone today. Main 4J7. or 204 First st. WANTED Second-hand household furni ture; large or small quantities; good prices paid. Call up Marshall S321. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE WANTED. WILL PAY CASH. MAIN FOR SALE Good set computing scales, re frigerators, cheese cutter, coffee, mill, etc., at very low prices. 165 First st. IF" TOU want the most money for your used - furniture, call Marshall 1822 or 164 lat at. WILL pay best prices. Marshall 26S2. HELP WANTED MALE. MEN WANTED Conductors and motormen wanted. Call room 3"2 Electric building, or division superintendent's office at the carbarns. P. R., L. & P. Co. WOODS foreman wanted; good wages. Ap- Sly room 205 New Scott Hotel, between and 10 In the evening. WANTED Quick, permanent linotype oper ator. 2 or 4 weeks' experience, at $18. Also printer wanted. Wire Journal. Yreka, Cal. WANTED Experienced solicitor to drive Ford car ror aye worics: gooa wag: must be of good address. 1224 Sandy blvd. PICTURE operator wanted, steady Job, good wages; write Lioerty i neater, t-aiem, or. WANTED Al advertising solicitor. Apply Hippodrome. WANTED Boy. to drive delivery Ford- In quire 097 Belmont. BARBER wanted; steady Job; guarantee $20. 73 N. 6th st- YOUNG man. steady work, good wages. Morgan Razor Works, jl4 1st at. TEAMS to log. $4 lOOO. 3-mile haul, near Holbrook. Columbia 1051. m BARBER wanted; 120 2d st. steady Job; good wages. SAIL makers wanted. Paclfio Tent A Awn ing. Co. X North. IsU . HELP WANTED MALE. LIBERTY LABOR AGENCY, 14 N. 2D ST.. w am tula i m the cur, tu s-nr. work: MILL YARD MEN. $3.60; 5 un skilled laborers, around big machine shops. $3.75; men unskilled to run steam ham mer, $3.50; blacksmith, machine shop, $5.04; laborers around big factory. $3.5u; bakers helpers. $21 week; experienced Shop bakers, highest wages. OTTT OF THE CITY AND NEAR BY. BRIDGE CARPENTERS, It. R., GOOD NEW CAMPS. $5.5o. 8 hrs. : cutoff man. $4; off bearer from planer. $4; planer feeder. $4.40; car loaders, mill yard. $4 ; SHIPYARD LABORERS, $4. new yards Just starting, set in on this one. it Is wooden; FASTENER, $4.50. WE WANT ALL THE PEOPLE LOOKING FOR PO SITIONS AT THE SUMMER RESORTS TO REGISTER HERE FRfcE UtT CHARGE. SOME GOOD CONCESSIONS TO BE HAD. ALSO WE ARE LOOKING FOR SOME GIRLS FOR ICE CREAM AND CONFECTIONERY ESTA BL1SH M fc TS. CAN USE one rood, stead v man who can pell tea and coffee line on resruiar estao Ilshed route In city. This Job will pay a good guarantee from start: also commis sion svnd give man fine chances to ad vance with very reliable concern doing business all ever the United States II man becomes a producer. Promotion in 50 to 90 days. If you are looking for work with a cood salary to start, pleasant outdoor work, and a chance to advance yourself very rapidly, apply at once to t. iv. biker, sales manager. Jewel Tea Co., Inc. 21 Grand ave. TWO good salesmen to go on the road as route loremen tor concern selling rood products direct to consumer. We pay rail road fare, livery and such expenses, and guarantee with a very liberal saiary at be ginning. We require the best of refer ences and bond. This is your chance If you are looking for some good salesman Job. These Jobs will soon be filled, so apply In person only, st once, to sales manager zor uregon. jewel Tea co. inc z l urana ave. ENG RATER fpr Jewelry and silverware. Ap ply oetween v ana 11 A. il.. suoerintena- ent's office, basement balcony. Meier A ran; co. DELIVERY BOYS Apply superintendent's oiiice v to iv a. al oias, wormian c AlUg. MAN and wife, woman for family cook and man for garden and yard; must do ex perienced, reliable help. Wages $50 each with board and nice place to live. J. L. Bowman. 645 Kiiott street, or call at the Brownsville woolen Mill Store, city. e WANTED Young man or willing lad to naip w i ui janitor wora wiurv a iiu study hours, in exchange for business col lege course. Phone Broadway 1821 or write to C 217. Oregonian. WANTED A blacksmith who can shoe horses and do general blacksml thing. i prefer a nun who has some knowledge of autos; would like a man who is exempted from war duty. M. A. Mccann. McCoy, or. BAKER, over draft age : one with some Knowledge or cookie manufacturing pre fered; very best of wages paid to right man. Grandma Cookie Company. Phone tu. as feast to tar : su WANTED Two machinists; wages $4.75 to $5.25 per day of 8 hours; 50 laborers. wages s.DU per aay oi s nours, aieauy wora; macninists write. ioruiporx omn Ing A Rennlng Co.. Northport, Wash. 2 MEN to come with me: paid every night. $3 to $S per day: city and country; prerer ably men of magazine or newspaper experience- Apply 311 Globe bldg., 8 to 9 aauy, ana an oay i nunoay. WANTED at once, 3 Janitors. 1 dishwasher and kitchen man. Rialto Billiard Par lor, upstairs. Park and Alder. See Mr. ureen. BRIGHT young boy to run errands and make himself generally useful; age be tween 17 and 20; reference required. X 2r3, oregonian. FIRT-CLASS all-around baker. married man preferred; steady position: itood alary. Auaresi narry -a, aiorrow. ray ette. Idaho. WANTED A man who understands run ning a small milling machine; steady Job assured. W. J. Sullivan. Standard Galvan izing Co., 4io re. Asn. YOUNG man or young woman, student ore f erred, to wash a is ties noon ana evening for board In small, neat dairy lunch, not open Sunday. Apply at once. 2t6 Alder at. WANTED Man to work in extractor, steady position, good pay. Appiy in person, crys tai Laundry. East 21st and Sandy' boule vard. WANTED Out-of-town assistant . book- keeoer: steady position: $85 per month state age, experience, phone. BD 255, Oregonian. RELIABLE steady man for permanent In aide position, packing and shipping orders: liberal salary, chance to advance; no float ers need apply, urana union Tes Co. EN E RG ETI C tou n man for service room In automobile tire store. American Tire A Rubber Co.. Broadway and Oak. GOOD strong man to work In solid tire shop and shipping room of Firestone Tire A KuDoer Co., & jrarK st. r. WANTED Experienced, all-around, whole sale candy maker. Apply Oriole Candy Company, Tacoma. w ash. WANTED 2 boys for mattress factory. good wages. Carman Mfg. Co., 1214 Ma cadam st. BA KER wanted for June 1, must be first class on pies and pastry. Arlington Club, 20 Park. WANTED Good. live, awake shoe sales man; good salary and room for advance ment. Simons. 1st ana Aider. SALESMAN for cigar store; experience not necessary; f-O weeK to start; advance ment Mr. oioss, in aa su WANTED A salesman who can drive auto one familiar with Portland grocery trade. Phone Mutual creamery co.. East esoo, EXPERIENCED shoe salesmen wanted; $30 week guaranteed; only first-class uieu need apply. cJ no, urcgoman dUUU luiomuuiia inotuainti aisi expert ence and wages expected. AV 787. Ore RELIABLE, experienced boy, to work in grocery and drive wagon; $13 week to start, en Williams ave. . WANTED Yount man to do collecting. Must be undet 20 years old. Call before 10 A. M. 309 Stock Exchange bldg. YOUNG man to work In stock room of large tire house. Apply Firestone Tire Co 65 Park st. N. . MAN as night clerk, for small hotel; state age, experience ana rezerences; give phone number. AG 250. Oregonian. WANTED An assistant washer; also an inexperienced man. Opera House Laundry. :45 Everett. MIDDLE-AGED man wanted for night por ter In restaurant. Appiy from 10 to 12 A. M., I. L. Beam. 145H 6th. "WANTED Strong, active boy over 16, $14 a week.. Auaress vreion ,rews Ollsan st. BARBER WANTED Must be flmt-class. married preierreo. iuar. -.. tsest job in state. C. F. Thomas, Wallowa, Or. WANTED An expert automobile painter. Francis Motor car to., uia ana Haw thorne. MEN wanted to work on river steamboats; $70 per month and board. Apply Washington-street dock. MAN for general work on suburban place ; must know how to milk: references. V 332. Or-gonlan YOUNG men as news agents on railroad trains. - Cole News Co.. 146 N. 1th. AD solicitors; big special number; other pa pers. R. Clyde. 209 Stock Exchange bldg. COMMERCIAL TELEGRAPHER. 7 BOARD OF TRADE. KITCHEN-HELPER wanted. Harrison Ho tel. Front nd Harrison sts. EXPERIENCED apartment house Janitor and wife. Phone Main 359. WANTED A good furniture packer. Apply at once, nenry jenmns ec etons. OPERATING millwright, $6 a day; 2d ml.i wright. $5.50 a day. 21 N. 2d st. WANTED Night clerk for hoteL S 282, Oregonian. A TALLYMAN. Call at 602 Couch bldg., Wednesday. WANTED Good barber to go to Newport. Or. Apply Lester Martin. Newport. Or. WANTED Colored porter. Crystal Barber S h op- 129 Broadway. PORTER, mau or woman, for barber-shop. 133 y 4th st. WANTED First-class cake and baker. Lamb's Club. 107 6th St. pastry WANTED 2 boys over 16. eight hours, $2.50 to start. Sbeasgreene Box A Mfg. Co. WANTED Janitor for 58 N. 23d St. D. C Warren Motor Car Co. "W ANTE D Experienced cook. Campbell Hill Hotel. WANTED Gardener by institution, a Oregonian. 810, NIGHT clerk at Hotel St. Elmo. Vancouver, Wash.; $50 a month, board and room. TRIPE cleaners and casing men; wages. 223 Alder st. good BELLMAN wanted, mlddie-aged man pre- lerreQ. Arlington iup, uu run st. COUNTER man. Letghton's Dairy Lunch, WANTED Able-bodied men at American Can Co., 14th ana front sts. DONKEY sled bmlder, ton wage. 21 N 3d. HELP WANTED MALE. I'NCUk SAM WANTS EVERY MAN AT HIS POST. Your post Is the beat place yon can fill. EARN MOKE PAY YOUR RILLS and DO TOUR BIT at the same time? This Is the greatest moment in history. Middle-aged men can "come back" now. Boys must till the soldiers places at once. The Y. M. C A- Employment and Ad visory department is abie to give priceless sdvlce it puts you into the Largest p;ace ou are ab.e to till successful. y. An Employment membership of $5 has been devised because we know that a man without work deserves special considera tion. Don't miss this modern, scientific- snd thoroughly business-like way of securing a position. Phone Main 870O. A CU. Call at once In person if possible. YOUNG MAN TO TAKE CARE OF DYNA MOS; EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY TO LEARN MORSE AND AUTOMATIC TE LEGRAPHY IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. PREFER ONE WITH SOME PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE. APPLY CHIEF OPERATOR. WESTERN UNION TELEGRAPH COMPANY. 5TH FLOOR, WORCESTER BUILDING, THIRD AND OAK STREETS. L. S. GOVERNMENT EMPLOYMENT SERVICE. 247 DAVIS RT Common laborers urgently needed In shipyard. Good wages. Immediate em ployment. Good opportunities for promo- nun. STEADY men wanted to take exclusive control oi xooti territory in urexoa ana Washington; money advanced weekly, out fit and special training free, experience unnecessary; our active men are making good money, you can do the same; clean, hardy, guaranteed stock. Yakima ValK-y Nursery Company. Toppenish. Wash. BOYS WANTED, 16 TO 20 YEARS. BAG FACTORY. AMES. HARRIS. NEVILLE CO 15TU AND HOYT STS. OREGONIAN paper routes open In vari ous parts oz ttie city zor uve-mire, ambi tious young men. Apply at once. Room 203, Oregonian bldg. EXPERIENCED shoemaker. Apply between v ana it a. M.. superintendents office, basement balcony, Meier A Frank Co. U. S. GOVERNMENT EMPLOYMENT SERVICE, 247 DAVIS STREET. Common laborers urgently needed In shipyards; good wages; immediate em ployment; good opportunities for pro motion. YOUNG man. to learn window trimming; Must be nat. alert and ambitious for the future. Splendid opportunity with big re tall and wholesale establishment. Address AH 291. Oregonian. MEN wanted by Portland Gas A Coke Co. at Gasco. on Linnton road. Steady employ ment; pay $3.50 to $5 per day. Take free bus at garage. Front and Ollsan sts.. 6 A. M., or 23d and Savier at 7:15 A. M. Apply at gas plant office. MAN and wife, woman for family cook snd man for garden and yard; must be ex perienced, reliable help. Wages $50 each with board and nice place to live. J. !-. Bowman, 645 Knott street, or call at the Brownsville Woolen Mill Store, city. WANTED Janitor at once, for small new apartment, 8-room furnished apartment and reasouable salary; man can work out side; apply in person at manager's apart ment. 425 West Park. MEN wanted to carry carbon briquets from trucks to basements of our consumers; average wage $4.50 to $5 for 8 hours. In quire N. E. cor. 2d and Flanders. Port land Gas & Coke Co. DAIRY and farm hand wanted for steady position; single; milk la furnished to Gov. at Vancouver. Applicant must be clean and willing to oe particular; gooa wages, ap ply to 31 Main st., Vancouver, Wah. THREE live solicitors on trains- entering Portland to check baggage: pleasant wora and oDortunltv with old established firm for advancement: pay according to abil- Ity. BO 153. oregpnian. GARDENER, experienced, to care for flow ers and small vegetable garden, grounds. frrSMSand general housework; must have references. .Teiepnone &uwooa u ior ap point menu WANTED MACHINISTS FOR LATHE WOH K STEADY WORKt GOOD PAY. FRED DUNDEE, BDWAY. AND FLAN DERS. VOi;T. man ahout 18. for clerical DOSl tlon in wholesale house. Must be good at figures. Answer In own handwriting. BD i'5 6. Oregonian. Biv mon unnit-H to work in Ice cream fac tory; good wages; also 3 Ford drivers and one order clerk. Weatheriy ice cream factory, cor. 7th ana 1.. fr-aimon mm. LABORERS wanted ior ditch work; steady employment, top-notch wages. Inquire N. E. corner 2d and Flanders. Portland Gas A Coke Co. ACCOUNTANT, one capable of auditing partnership account, traveling work: must be steaay ana reuaoie. jk vsi ci nian. STEADY man wanted for night shift In gap vanning plant; time and a half overtime and Sundays. itn ana iovejoy. WANTED Boys 16 to 18 years for factory work, steaay employment; apply Standard Factory NO: z. urana ave. ana r. i ay ior, GOOD strong boy willing to work, perma nent jJOTIUUW WW U"U . . ....... WANTED Active man as Janitor. 325 Yeun bldg. MIDDLE-AGED man wanted for washing Help Wsnt ed faleen. AN experienced "office supply" salesman and buyer to taxe cnarge oz retail aeparx- ment with 10 clerks; must have practice: experience. Applicants wire, state age, ref erences, salary desired. Smith Bros., Oak land. Cal. CITY SALESMAN We have a fine opening for man with real selling o rains. aium have strong personality and clean record. State age. Experience not absolutely necessary. Give phone for appointment. BC 140, Oregonian. WANTED Salesmen with Ford, and one on foot, to sell and collect in city. Call II to IO A M.. 402 Washington st. WANTED AGENT ft. AGENTS to represent new soap concern. Call between n-iz. sit K. 3iomson st. AGENTS, at once. Sell &Oc per month hos pital tickets. HO Corbett bldg. HELP WANTED FEMALE. WOMAN for chamber work and on to wash dishes for self and husband's room and boa nl . 41 2 N, 19th. WANTED Young woman to operate Hoff man garment press. Must be experienced and steady; good salary. 1224 Sandy M-d. EXPERIENCED girl on power sewing ma chines. Pacific Tent A Awning Co.. 1 North First. WANTED Waitresses. Canton Rest., 403 Main. Vsncouver. Wash. WAITRESS wanted. Pendleton Restaurant. 171 3d st. RESTAURANT waitress, $10 week. A 33 N. 3d st. WAITRESS wanted. Hong Kong Cafe, 107 6th., between Washington and Stark. GIRL wanted at the Cider Palace. 293 Yam hill. Call after 9:30 A. M. WOMAN wanted for dining-room work. II arrison H otel. Front and H arrjson sts. MAIDS wanted. Apply Ash -su entrance Multnomah Hotel. WAITRESS for cookhouse. Call Wednesday at 603 Couch bids. WOMAN to assist with light housework part of each day. Wood lawn 750. WANTED Experienced chamber maid. Ho tel Conradtne. Broadway 4049. WANTED Reglatered lady pharmacist. Ad dress W 260. Oregonian. WANTED A dining-room girl and kitchep h e 1 per. Wood lawn 2915. GIRL to asulst with housework Marshall 209O. INEXPERIENCED girls for laundry work. Portland Laundry Co.. 9th and Coach. WANTED A chambermaid. Hoyt Hotel, 6th snd Hoyt. CAMP FLUNKEY, $3; 2d eook. $0; dieh- w 3 9 n er, aay. nansen . v as n. s t. KITCHEN help wanted at once. Beams. 145 6th st. WAITRESS wsntd. 102 6th St.. near Stark. LADY dtahwasher. 102 6th at., near Stark. WANTE D Dishwasher. 225 Madison. WANTED Ldy barbsr. 0.71! d aL HELP WANTED EEM ALE. YOUNG LADIES WANTED. PERMANENT POSITIONS. NO EXPERIENCE REQUIRED. $9 PER WEEK PAID BEGINNERS. RAPID INCREASE IN WAGES. CALL AT TELEPHONE COMPANY. ROOM 01. SIXTH FLOOR. PARK AND OAK STREETS. GIRLS. IS OR OVER. TO WORK IK BAG FAC TORY; GOOD WAGES; STEADY EMPLOYMENT. APPLY AT ONCE. AMES HARRIS NEVILLE CO UTH AND HOTT STS. SALESWOMEN for shoe department. Saleswomen for crockery department. Apply between 9 and 11 A. M-. Super intendent's Office, Basement Balcony, jh cur ran. to. EXPERIENCED woman to take chsrge of alteration uepanment; must be thoroughly competent In fitting coats, suits and cresses; preierenc given to woman hav ing department store experience; good sal ary snd permanent position the year arouno. taaiierua Dry uoods Co., Astoria, GIRLS wanted for addressing and enclos ing. Crane Letter Co., 2u5 Royal bldg. Come ready for work. WILL exchange two lots in the town of .-sewpor; or tne vaiue oz sivvo. unincum bered, for lato model automobile, roadster preferred; these lots are on the principal street in the town and were formerly valued at $1400. Give full particulars. P 204. Oregonian. STENOGRAPHERS To become dictaphone operators. Take advantage of our evening classes. Add to your efficiency. Buraell Private Business School. Lumberman bldg.. 5th and tark. Phone Bdwy 561. WE HAVE opportunity for a few women and giris over to to learn to weave Army nisn kets and cloth: preference Riven to tho. living on the Peninsula. Apply Portland Wooien Mllla. St. Johns. TWO or three live young ladies as solicitors on trains checking baggage; pleasant work at good salary. 8 hrs. per day; must know how to meet the public and nave general business experience. BC 152. Oregonian. WANTED Stenographer in law office in email city near t'ortiand. uive age. ex perience, salary expected, telephone num ber and full particulars. AG 243, Prego nian. WANTED A strong, heaithy w oman, will ing to work, to do the cleaning In hai.a, lobby and bathrooms In a small hotel. Main 4137. WANTED Strong woman for work In ship ping department in large manufacturing concern. Good salary, permanent posi tion. Address T 7, Oregonian. WISH kind home for a healthy, bright boy through bummer, on larm or country home. Mrs. Back, 125 14th sc. Portland, Or. WANTED Four extra waltreses for the month of June; fare refunded for Su nays' employment; positions may prove steady. Address Pilot Butte Inn. Bend. Or. THREE bright, capable women to travel; $25 to $50 per week; weekly advance ror traveling expenses. Goodrich Drug Co., dept, 701. Omaha. NeO. WANTED Neat-appearing young lady to work in candy store afternoon and night ahifL Rogers Candy Store. Broadway and Yamhill. BOOKKEEPER, $100; stenographers, $100. $90. $S5, $75. $65; bookkeeper and stenog rapher. Clerics!. $60. 301 N. W. Bank Bldg. TYPEWRITER BILLER One who under stands Wahl adding attach menu Apply superintendent's office, 9 to 10 A. M. Olds. Wort man A King. .ONE capable for all household duties, or school girl or lady to assist in a desirable home as member of family; C. S. pre ferred. Broadway 10S9. GIRL for soda fountain work; must under stand the business; nice place, good wages. 430 Waahlngton at. GoOD husky girls to operate spinning ma chines. Apply at office Portland Cordage Co.. 14th and Northruo sts. WANTED Good pialn cook; small family 67 North 17th st. Call mornings. Broad way 2134. WANTED Expert gown finisher for dress msklng shop; experienced only need ap ply. 427 Alder st. or call Main 631. WOMAN, strong and tidy; steady position, good wages, as J an i tress at Hotel Black stone. I WOMEN to work 6 hoars per day. some utelllng experience needed; apply 311 Globe bldg.. 6 to 9:30 daily and all day Thursday. WANTED Responsible dressmaker to make silk dress; references required. BC 146. Oregonian. WAITRESSES for soda fountain lunch. Ap ply 0 to 10 A. M-. superintendent's office, Olds, Wort man A King., CHAMBERMAID Georgian HoTel. 12th and Stark. Call after 10 o'clock today. Good wafies. ANY girl In need of a friend apply to the Salvation Army Rescue Home, 392 East 15th st. is., or pnone bast j.s. EXPERIENCED hands, dressmaking depart ment, permanent wort aroaaway, across from HelHg Theater. WANTED Middle-aged country woman for general housework, boara ana room, no 00 Jectlon to children. 4S60 82d st. WANTED Lady bookkeeper In retail lum ber yard in city: state experience and sal ary expectfq. m: iw urggonnn. HOUSEKEEPER WANTED Bottle beby and 10-year boy. no objections ts one child. Phone Tabor 800.'. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper, state salary. rnM and xMriflnctt. N 2L67. Oreeo- HIGH school girl, 16, to go to Coast, a slst with housework during vacation. No heavy work. 454 East 19th N. East 5996. WANTED Experienced second girl, salary 35 per month. Phone Mrs. Knight, Sell wood 10O6. WANTED Young woman for chamber work; must be experienced. Mallory Ho tel, 171 Lownsdale. WANTED Lady ever 21 years eld to run ball rack concession, show aneouver. Wash.; state salary. AG 241. Oregonian. GIRLS wanted; good chance for advance ment Apply in person, crystal Laundry, East 21st and Sandy bird. WANTED Experienced body Ironer; teady work, best pay. Appiy in person, cjryntal Laundry Co.. East a ist ana nana y Diva. MANICURIST and hair dresser. exDerlenced Apply hair dressing parlors Portland Ho teL WANTED A hand-lroner. Palace Laundry, East 10th and Everett, WANTED First-class chamber maid at Madras Hotel. 4o Washington. WOMAN collector, state age. experience and references, a . irregonian. WANTED Experienced chambermaid: wages siz per weeg. raiace riotei, waen. WANTED Experienced chambermaid, $45 per month. Broadway Hotel. EXPERIENCED telephone operator may be WANTED Chamber maid. Hotel Hoyt. fl:h and Hoyt. PRIVATE home for children 3 to 12 years oia; xo years exp. 11 t-verett. 3iar. -'itiJ. CHORUS GIRLS Hlsheat wage, long eu - gagements. nojtraveling. Casino Theater. EXPERIENCED waitress wanted; call after 11 A. M. Mandarin Cafe. 362 1 Morrison. WANTED Waitress, 8 hours, $1 week. N. Second st. SALESLADY" Inquire- at 94 3d at., corner Oak st. WANTED Experienced chambermaid; per manent position. xaotei Lenox. WANTED Women to work In Leighton's Dairy Lunch. Broadway and Washlnrton. GIRL or woman to assist with light house work and children. 854 Morrison. GIRL to anfwer phone in office. Call after 4 P. M. AR 3S5. Orego n Ian. ELDERLY woman wanted for light house work; good home. Phone Marshall 3"7&- LX PERI ENCE D waitress wanted. 154 uih St. Bean Pot. LADY cook, in restaurant. N. 5th. HELP WANTED FEMALE. W ANTED S seat-appeal ing active giris for dirc Ing -room work. 1 day off eack week, work 8 hours per day and as late as 12 P. M Experienced girls $50 per month, board Included. Inexperienced girls start at $40 per month and advanced to 50 the third month, board Inciuded. Apply at the oflice. th Haaelwood. SSS w ati:in gtwn st. 10 WOMEN for traveling house-to-house sd ver using campaign; no experience re quired; salary. 15 weekly and advance ment; te.ephone calls not answered. A p piy to 1 and 1 to 1 Mr. Gllhazu. Carl ton Hot!. AfcMSTAXT bookkeeper In wholesale house, must be quick and accurate: state age. references. If any. and wages expecieo. AO Oregonian. LOOK. I litrv Women to work In mat factory; 30c an hour and up; steady employment; tare advanced, a I N. 2d st. Gl RLS wanted to learn trimming man's .wo u, oetween i ay .or ana Salmon. CHAMBERMAID wanted. Wdln. 2915. , V anted Domestics. WANTED Girl for general housework in family of four, to go to beach for Sum mer; $50 mo.; only first-class cook need apply. Phone Bdwy. 11 or call at apart ment . WicKersham. 18th and FJaudera. WANTED Nurse girl to take entire charge of two small children, age 2 and 4, ex perienced help preferred. Appy Mtss W agner, the Fred A, Jacobs Company, lot 5th street. CM.Urr. it.M g.rl for nousework. small family, food wages; no washing; no Sun day dinner. Marshall 14L fc-6 Kearney. near Sotti. WANTED A girl or middle-aged woman for general housework and plain cooking rn family t four adults; good In- quire at 3oa Raleigh bldg.. 6th and Waah. WANTED Experienced girl for general housework downstairs; no washing or Ironing or heavy cleaning; good wages. oroaaway ivm. A !. WA.VTtlD Miaale-aged woman for general housework; any nat tonality ; sms :i family. Apply in person. l-'Go East Gllsan, or phone Tabor 1rti5. WANTED Experienced girl for cooking and general house w ork In family of three adults. No laundry. No furnace fires. Mrs. tirmdataff. li7 North 25th at. COMPETENT girl lor cooking and ome housework, tamtly of 3 adults- Apply mornings and evenings. 2o6 King su Phone Main 2511. WANTED Girl for general housework; no cooking, no washing. Apply 699 Marshall. neur 1:1 at st. YOl'Ni girl 10 siMt with housework and care of child : sood home and moderate wage. Tabor 5:6. WANTED Woman lo help cook in a board -lng-houae for husbaad's room and board. Phone East 6-Soo. WANTED Elderly woman for light work in a private home. Cull evenings alter 6, Kellwood 3411. WANTED A competent girl or worn n for light housework, family of 2; a peaaaut piace for the right party. Wdln. 3137. MIDDLE-AGE woman to look after S h. k. room for room and board; very little to jlo. BC 154. Oregonian. WANTED Woman for rlain cooking and tine housework; no washing and no care of children. 25 North 21st. WANTED Experienced girl for general housework and cooking. Main 4S63. 755 Flanders. CIUL who would like good home to arit wit h light housework , reasonable wages. Tabor 145. OI KL to exist w ith housework ; girl from country preferred; good wsgts. 461 11 a. - W AN T ED i rl for gen ra I house work, 3 adult 1. $25 a month. Apply after i.a) 1. M. 675 E. Morrison. EXPERIENCED second gill In deslrab.e home. Main 773S. HOUSEKEEPER wanted lor father and 3 children. Call Marshall U15S. after 5 P. M. GIRL to ass let with housework, from coun try preferred; good wages. 461 Haaealo st. GIRL wanted to assiat with general house work. b74 Nort hrup. WANTED A competent girl to asaiat with housework; no cooking. Main 4L"t7. GIRL for cooking and general housework. 6-'5 Hslsey st. Phone East 2331. WANTED Nurse girl. 466 19th St.. near CUfton. Portland Heights. Main SI5L MTDDLE-AGED lady to keep house for fam ily of three. A. Solly. 530 Union ave. N. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. WANTED Loganberry picker for 43 acres of berries located h mile zrom carime at Salem Heights. 15-mlnute service. 5-cent fare to Salcin. Fine camp grove, free wood, potato patch and straw for bedding; water Piped 011 ground; no tents or bunk houses. Telephone on camp grounds and free dM'y delivery of groceries. Picking lasts from five to six weeks. Pickers can make from $2.50 to $3.50 per day. Will start about June 17. B. Cunulngham. route 3, box 121, Saiem. Or. STRAWBERRY pickers wanted: White Sa.- mon straw berry -picking season win begin about June 1. A large number of pickers and packers wanted. Have Increased wages. Bring camping outfits. Write for further information. Apply to the White Salmon Valley Growers' Association. White Salmon. Waah. SPINNERS WANTED. GOOD WORK. GOOT) PAY. OREGON CITY WOOLEN MILLA OREGON CITY. WANT men and women under 55 snd bo 16 or over to work as laborers and helpers tu stores of Southern Pacific Railway Co., Brooklyn shops, steady work. Store keeper. EXPERIENCED bookkeepers and stenog raphers combined; must have references; good salary to those with the qualifica tion a. S 2$ 7. Ore g onlan. EXPERIENCED marker and sorter. Fort land Laundry Co., 9th and Couch. EDUCATIONAL- MltS DECKER'S PRIVATE BUSINESS COLLEGE. Individual Int ruction. Short Practical Course. Shorthand. Typewriting. Bookkeep ing. Spelling, Dictaphone, Mimeograph ing. Office Training. Adding Machine. Fil ing. Allsky bidg.. 3d and Morrison. ORIGINAL MOLE R BARBER COLLEGE. Founded In IS 93. Trade taught in eight weeks; tuition earned during the course: get you a position, furnish tools, scholar ship transfer card Write for free cata logue. 234 Burnslde at. . M K N WO M E n Tea rn the ba rber trs d e ; rhortage of barbers sll over the country: big wages; $5 to $10 per week earned while learning. THE BTG SCHOOL. Phne Broadway 17UL MOHLER BARBER COL LEG E. i:tt4 Bu rnaide U PRACT1CA n training in gas. electrical and team engineering, mechanical drawing, machine-shop practice, oxy-acetyien welding, automobile and tractor operating and repairing. Write for catalogue. Be attle Engineering School. Seat a. Wash. PORTLAND'S ONLlr" EXCLUSIVE TELE GRAPH SCHOOL Conducted by expert: personal attention, pracUcal work: heavy demand for operators, $75 to $S5 to staru FnJ 1 e rs Telegrsph School. Allsky bldg. WANTED More young women to prepare for telegraph service; msny positions open now for women telegraphers. For partic ular write or call Telegraph Dept.. room 318 Railway Ex. bldg.. cor. 3d and Stark. RAILROAD HELP Clerks of all kinds now In demand by railroads. Complete courses given. Prepare now to enter. New propo sition. Room No. 1 Manchester bldg. HAWTHORNE AUTO SCHOOL 42 Hawthorns Ave. Special reduced rate until Jane 13; only day snd evening classes. THEADCOX ALTO SCHOOL. $74 Wasco St.. Cor. Union Ave Call, write or phone E. 7445 about free tnsl offer. Day and night classes. MEN. WOMEN, learn barber trade free, wages while learning; position guaranteed. Oregon Barber College. 233 Madison st. PORTLAND BARBER COLLEGE teaches men snd women the barber trade free. Paid while learning. 234 Couch su TATES-FISHER TEACHERS" AGENCY Free registration. 911-12 Broadway bldg. Main 6J74, AR M STRONG-HOLMES Business College. FUedner bldg.; day and evening. Broad way 121. MRS. H ANNUM S SHORTHAND SCHOOL, day and nlcht. Tillamook and Ganteo bein. East 360. T E LEG RA PHY. stenography, Bkg. Board, rm. and tuition may be earned- Mackav Bus. Colleges, Los Angeles snd Fresno. MISS M ATTINGLVd Shorthand. Typewrit ing School, day, evening. $5 mon tb, 29 14th. near Jefferson. Main SW3. TEACHERS All kinds of t-achlng por tions. Main 4635. Fisk Teachers' Agency. FRENCH and piano lessons. European teachers highest references. 166 Lowns- dale at " " jRENCH CLASSES. KM Corh-t Bldg. Mate IO? ITU AT IONS WANTED MALE. GOOD mechanic wishes truck driving nr hover. Address Pete AnofL 455 Va Irfton. Broadway 4'"S. EXPERIENCED art-hu uin, or general work of any kind. W 5L Oregonian. I Iron 103.0