THE MORXIXG OREGOXIAX, SATURDAY, MAT 25, 1918. WIFE SLAYER EXECUTED - HOWARD DB WEKSE PAYS PENAL TY BEFORE FIB15C Sftl AD. Sow Shoot Straight let 'Er Go," Last Words Spoken by Blnrderer as He Was Bring Strapped In Chair. SALT LAKE CITT, Utah. May 24. Howard H. Do Wcese, convicted of the murder of his wife, l"annie Fisher Dp "Weese, was shot to death in the state prison yard here this morning at 6:55 o'clock. He walked calmly to the chair and permitted himself to be strapped securely by Sheriff's deputies, insisting that the marksmen comprising the fir ing squad make certain of their aim. Death was almost instantaneous. De Weese maintained his innocence until the last. "I'm innocent, fellows," he said, as he was being strapped to the chair. As the cap was adjusted over his head he said: "Now shoot straight let 'er go." A silk handkerchief which he insisted be placed over his heart was turned over to the warden, with instructions to send it to his stepson. Max Fisher. A last-minute appeal to save Xe "Weese on the ground that he was in sane was made by attorneys late last jiigiit. Governor Bamberger being called upon an, hour before the execu tion, but a reprieve was denied. OIL COMPANY TO DRILL Jefferson County. Washington, Field to Be Reopened Soon. ABERDBKX, Wash., May 24. (Spe cial.) Oil drilling: activities in the Hoh Itiver district of Jefferson County will be reopened during the coming month by the King Oil Company, of Battle Creek, Mich., it is announced. Two carloads of oildrilling machinery for the company have been unloaded here. The first well of the company is to be sunk 10 miles back from the coast, ex perts of the King: company holding: that the old Jefferson Oil Company was drilling- "too near the coast for the oil to prove anything' of value." The King" company is composed prin cipally of Battle Creek men, is incorpo rated for $100,000 and has its head of fices in Seattle. Among the trustees are R. II. Kernan, City Commissioner of Battle Creek, and K. M. Stephens, president of the First National Bank, of Monroe, Wash. The company announces that it will drill until the iield is proven or until it is definitely decided that n.o oil exists. Oakand Boys Arrested. ROSEBURG, Or., May 24. (Special.) Kverett and E. L. McDonald were brought here yesterday by Constable Ferber, of Oakland, and turned over to the Sheriff's office on a charge of horse stealing. Two years ago the same lads were sent to the Reform School for petty misdemeanor, but were later re leased. They denied that they had stolen horses. The grand jury convenes here Friday and the matter will come up before that 'body for investigation. Winnipeg Strike Is Ended. YVINNIPKG, Man., May 24. Winni peg's strike of civic employes, in addi tion to which workers estimated at thousands struck in sympathy, ended late today when the City Council reached an agreement, the terms of which were approved by the strikers' committee. The strikers will be back at work in a few hours, it is said. Phone your want ads to The Orego- rtian. Main 7070, A 6095. AMrFMEMS. SALLTE VISHER In "Tho Choir Rehearsal." Ju!i Ring, .Assisted by James Nerval, "Tho Girl From Milwaukee." I MXO MAN'S LAND," A Bombshell of Excitement, Taylor Trio: Tho Belmonts. Kxtra Attraction. K.VTHIfcEN CLIFFORD. LYRIC MFSICAI. STOCK Hat. Daily. 10c Only. Xirhts Start at 7. Today and Tonight Dillon A Franks Company of 25 in "THE PJPE DREAM," With tho Rosebud Chorus. ' Next Wk: "A MARRIED WIDOW." USCM EL CHAT NO. 6. Today is the big day, rain or shine the Oaks will open its 1918 season. And rain or shine the Oaks is able to take care of thou sands; the big auditorium, in which Cioffi's Celebrated Band, will play, seats 2000, while the skating rink and dance pavilion bring the total up to at least 10,000 that can be accommodated comfortably. Get up a picnic 6upper and be among the crowds that will spend the afternoon and evening at the Oaks. Cioffi's Band offers a real musical treat, while Beth Groves Young will entertain you delight fully with her several soprano solos. The big band concert will be held at 9:45 in the evening, but at 8:20 there will be several orchestral se lectionsowing to the change in time to conserve daylight the con cert time has been made later to give a longer evening's pleasure. A special orchestra concert will be held at 3 in the afternoon. Take Oregon City or Milwaukie cars at First and Alder 6-cent fare transfer from any part of the city. JOHN F. CORDRAY Attend the Oaks Opening Today. DANCING! TOMGHT Cotillion Hall Fourteenth Off tVashlnartoa. Portland's Finst Amusement Palace, Ball-BearlBK fprlog Kloar. rBIZE "WALTZ. mmmm AMtSEMENTS. BAKER ALCAZAR P LAYERS Matinee today last time tonighL THE HOUSE OF A THOUSAND CANDLES, From the widely-known novel of mystery. 28c. 65c, 83c; Sat. Mat., 28c, 05c. xt Week: Benefit for Devastated France, Alcazar Player in a Magnifi cent production of - "INSIDE THE LINES" A Thrilling Drama of the Openinc Cays of the War. ANTAGE MAT. DALLY 2:30 OVER THERE With Private Jack Line wood of the Origi nal Princess Pat Regiment. Six Other Big Acts. Three Performances Dally. Night Curtain at 7 and 8. Classified Advertisements La The Oregonian Dally mud Sunday Per line. One time i2e Two consecutive timet ............. 22e Tbree consecutive time 30e Six or seven cousocutWe times 66e The following classifications excepted, the rate on which is 7c per line per day: Situations Wanted Male. Situations Wanted Female. For Sent Kooinj' Private Families. Board and Hon ma private 1 ami lies. Housekeeping- Koomi Private Families. No ad taken for lees than lines. Count six words to the line. Advertisements (except "Person als") will be taken over the telephone if the advertiser Is a subscriber to either phone. No price will be quoted over the phone, but statement will be rendered the following day. Advertise ments are taken for The Dally Ore gonian until 8 P; M. : for The bun day Oregonian until 6 P. Jkl. Saturday. MEETIXO NOTICES. GULREAZEE GROTTO, JfO. 6S Ceremonial session. Masonic V Tple' West Park and Tamhlll s3ts streets. Monday evening. May 27. Band concert 7:30 P. M. Candi dates report to secretary propratly 7:30 P. M. Ceremonial starts S P. M. Brlns your 1!18 car. Wear your grotto smile and fez. Business session Masonic Temple Monday noon. Applications must be in hands of secretary by that time. By order of monarch. R. K. FULTON". Sec. EUREKA COUNCIL, 204. K. & L. OF S. Members are requested to attend the fu neral of Nancy E. Agrnew, wife of Brother A. A. -Ap-new. at late residence. 618 K. 6th st.. today f Saturday), May '2Z, at 2 P. M. AL KADER TEMPLE A. A. O. N. M. S. .Stated season -Saturday. May 25, at 8 P. M., Masonic Temple, West Park and Yamhill streets. Social and entertainment after busi ness session. Visiting nobles cordially invited. By order of in jroieniate. HUGH J. BOYD. Recorder. OREGON LODGE, NO. 101, A- F. AND A. M. Special com munication this (Saturday) even ing at 7:0 o'clock. Work in the M. M. degree. Visiting brethren coraiaiiy invitea. &v order 01 LESLIE S. PARKER. Secretary. A. AND A. f. RITE. OREGON LODGE OF PER FECTION, NO. 1 Special meeting in auattorium, &cot tish Rite Cathedral, this (Sat urday) evening at 8 o'clock, work in 34th degree. By or der. YEN. MASTER. KIRK PATRICK COUNCIL, NO. 227. KNIGHTS AND LADIES OF SECURITY Special notice to all members, Cth anniver sary meeting next Friday, May 81st. Swiss Hall, od and JeTzerson sts. mg eiasn. initia tion. Beautiful degree work. Refreshment. Come and bring your candidates, help make our council Digger ana Detter than ever. X. H. TOATES. Sec. HIGHLAND SOCIAL CLUB will give shirtwaist aance saiuraay evening 5;..n, ei iing-i-Lirscn mag., .oot; vvasnington st. Public InvlLed. A-l union music. EMBLEM Jewelry, buttons, charms, pins, new designs. Jaeger Bros.. 181-3 6th st. PRIEDLANDER'S for lodge emblems, class pins and medals. 310 Washington st. inKD. JENXE In this city, May 24. J9tS. at 1820 E.- Flanders, t'omraodoro S. Jennc, aged T1 yeara. 1 month. 5 days, beloved bun band of Viola I. Jenne; lather of VI Dell Hoogstraat, Ivan M., Albert E., Elenor; brotiier of E. S. and P. T. Jenne, of Jenne Htntion ; Mrs. W. H. Norman, this city. Remains at W. H. Hamilton's funeral chapel. East Tiuh and Glisan. Funeral no tice later. LOEFFELMAN At residence, 842 North Jeonard street, Anna Locffeiman, aged 4.1 years, wife of Jacob Loeffelman. Remains at Dunning & Ale En tee' a chapeL Funeral notice later. HUNTER In this city. May 24, Rinaldo Hunter, aged 72 years. Notlco of later. Remains are at residential parlors of Millar & Tracey. rt'KEBAL NOTICES. "WILLS In this city. May 21. Maggie May Wills. Willsburg road and East Thirtieth street, aged years 1 month 14 days; be loved wile of William E. Wills; mother of Ruth. Envin and Ralph "Wills, of Port land, and Eugene Will, of Kelso. Friends Invited to attend funeral services, which will be held at the Portland Crematorium a t 2 P. M. , today ( Satu rday . May -.". Take Sellwood car for Crematorium. Re mains are at Holman's funeral parlors until 1 P. M. today . Saturday). JACOBS Louis Jacobs. 270 Sheridan street. May 24. a Red 4 years : beloved husband of Mary, lather of Matilda. Fay and Julius Jacobs, Mrs. "elia Dubiver, of Portland, and I. A. Jacobs, of Spokane. Friends in vited to attend funeral services which will be held at the above residence at lu A. M., tomorrow Sunday ). May 26. Interment A ha vat Sholom Cemetery. Kindly omit flowers. LAINE: In this city. May 23, Mrs. Julia Lalne, aged 23 years, late of 24- Holla day avenue; beloved wife of William Laine. Funeral services will be conduct ed today (Saturday), May 23, at 3 P. M., from the Pearson's undertaking parlors, Russell street at Union avenue. Friends Invited. Interment Multnomah Cemetery. ANDERSON The funeral services of the late Roscoe K Anderson win be held to day (Saturday) at 2:30 o'clock P. M. at the residence establishment of J. P. Fiuley & Son, Montgomery at otn. rTiends in vited. Interment at Rose City Cemetery. JIcQUAlD The funeral services of the late John F. McQuaid will be held today (Sat urday) at l o clock f. jvi. at the rest dence establishment of J. P. Flnley & Son, Montgomery at 5th. Friends invited. Interment at ML Scott Park. Cemetery. MITCHELL In this city. May 21. John H. Mitchell, aged 60 yeara. Funeral services will be held at Hoi man s funeral chapel. Third and Salmon streets, at 2:30 P. M., today (Saturday), May 25. Friends Invited. Interment Rose City Cemetery. CFMKTERIKR. BEAUTIFUL MOUNT SCOTT PARK . CEMETERY Lowest Prices Best Service No expense after interment. Prices lower than other ceme teries. J"ixiusts. CLARKE BSOS.. Florists. "ST Morrison st. Main or A 1S05. Klne flowers and floral designs. iso Drancn stores. MARTIN FORBFS CO.. Florists, 3.".4 "Washington. Main A Flowers Tor all occasions artistically arranired. TONijETU FLORAL CO.. -JUS Washington St.. bet. 4th and 5'h. Main 51"2. A 1161. MAX M. SMITH, Main 715. A 2121. Sellln oiag-. otn h mi Aiaer bis. PF.OPLES FLORAL SHOP. 245 Alder Flowers and designs. Phone Marshall Ml 1:2 Phone your want ads to The Orego oian, Uain 7070, A 6095. F the W. M. A directory of business firms and professional men condensed and classified for ready reference- For rates by the month or year, or other information, telephone The Oregonian. Main 7070 or A 6095, House 29. . ACCORDION PLEAT1XO. KEMSTITCBING, FLEAT1XU. ALL LAI-i-ST STYLES. EASTERN NOVELTY CO.. JS-fot1?.!1 ST" "WWEEX OAK. LVU bTARK bTS. BROADWAY -jUOO. SsTKPiiAN, henistitchins". scalloping, ac cordion, side pleat, buttons covered; orders. zl'J PUtocK bioca. Broadway luuw. AOA1 t. Cl1'la.lta A-1 Jltj. atw r.l.Kil -,i?l:.Jr1'i' and walch repairing. Miller's. 5j wash, tot.. Majestic Theater bld. ASiAVt.KS AJ1 ANALYSTS. IIOXUXA ASSAY Officii. lil Second Oold. sliver and platinum Douche . HAJbVBLK Sti-rHES. BAKBfKS ir you wish a (food hone, atk your dealer lor the Cranaall hone. They are ool. - O. K. BARBER SUPPLY HOUSE. e ell all kinds ot barber supplies. 36 l EU OKEliO.V BAHBEH SLPPi.1T CO. We buy and sell all kinds barber supplies. 230 o. CAKI'KT CLEANIXO. NORTHWEST ltLO CO.. established 1UOJ. Fluff rugs and raff ruga woven, all sizes. East bill and Taylor. East lioMi. B 1-eu. CAMCfcU. L. M. JONES, il. U. CANCER TKEA1EB. 313 alorgan bids. Marshall B144. CELLILOIO BUTTONS. THE IBW1K-UODSON COllPA-NV. 387 Washington. Jbroadwa 4J4. A li. ciiiRoromsTs ad akcu kiialists. XR. LA MONTE, chiropodist and scientmo area specialist, only cniropodlst carrying state license; most sanitary operating rooms In city; arches fit perfectly or money refunded. Cases cured where otners failed. Local references Given. Lady attendant. i'OO-7-8 Mwetland Dldg.. Fifth and Wash. Main &4io; evenings by appointment. Rea sonable prices. Consultation free. WILLIAM. 'Kstelle and Florelie L-eVeny. the uu.y scieni.:ic cniropoaists ana arch spe cialists In the city. Parlors liUU Cerllnger bldg.. southwest corner becond acd Alder. Phone Main laol. CHIKOPKACTIC PHYSICIANS. DB. McMAHON. Macleay bids.. IU07. chiro practic. World's best. Adjustments mad. easy. Obstinate cases &Uc rate. (IK11I.AR LtTTKKS. CHANS LET XjSK CO.. tilo N. W. bldg. Mar. 58J. 1U0 letters multlgraphed. $1.30. COLLECTION AGENCIES. NET1I 4: CO.. Worcester bldg. Main lTUtt. No collections, no charge; established luou. DANCING. MRS. FLECK'S ACADEMY Social sad stag, dancing, private instruction; classes Toe. Fri.. 8 to 10. 109 d St.. bet. Wash, and Stark. Main 2100. DEKUM DANCING SCHOOL Private les sons day and evening. Latest dances. Clashes Friday. Main 7440. 3oS Deltum. EYE. EAR. NOME AND THROAT. Dr. F. F. Casseday. specialist; glssses fitted. 700 E. Burnslde. cor. lloth. B 13U3. E. 4734. 1IREPHOOF PAINT. Paint that roof with. m FIREPROOF WATERPROOF RUSTPROOF PAINT Prevents the growth of moss, tstops leaks and protects from fire. Costs no mora. Phone Main 6ifV&. FLUFF K161 AND RAG Rl(,S. FLUFF RUGS FROM OLD CARPETS Ingrain, Brussels, Smyrna. Axmlnster rag rugs, all size, mail order prompt; booklet. 9x1 rugs, steam or dry cleaned. $ 1.1' j CARPET CLEANING, REFITTING, ETC. WESTERN J'Ll'l'K Kl'G CO., 64-58L'nlon Ave. K. East bilB. B 1475. WHOLESALERS AND AUTO TOPS, S3 OREGON. AUTO TOP Co. l.tb. and Coucb. PUBKUILLE BUGGT TOP CO.. th and Oak OKA IN MEKCHANT9. PACIFIC CHAIN CO, Board of Trad, bldg. DBI GOODS MOTIONS. ' D1NKELSP1EL CO. VTtTc'r.t,. HAT8 AU CAPS. TUANHOCSEK HAT CO., 63-65 Front at. BIDES. WOOL. CASCARA BAKE. KA11N BROS. 1U5 Front at. PAINTS AD LIBK1CATINO OILS. W. P. FULLER CO.. 12th and Davis .ta PI N KRAI. OIRKCTOKS. HOLMAN UNDERTAKING CO. Funeral Directors Established 1S77. Third and Salmon Streets. Main 507, A 1511. Lady Assistant. lerr:t Funeral Hcrvic. for Less. MILLER & TRACEY Independent Funeral Oirpctors. Wash. st.. beu -0th Ac aist. West Side. MhIii Lady Assistant. A J. P. KIN LEY & SON. Progressive Funeral Directors. Private Drive Women Attendant. aMONTUOMEUV AT FIFTH. Main l. A 3 uO. WILSON & ROSS TssisVan7 Kast 54. C 3130. ERK'SON Rwidenr Undertaking; Parlors, 12th and Morrison sts. Main 613 J. A u:5. DUNNING &. McENTEE, imieral dlrector.-i, Broadway and Pino street. Phon Broadway 431. A 4fi58. Lady attendant. F. S. DUNNIXC. IXC. THR CIOLDEN IiULE UNDERTAKERS. 414 Kast Alder St. Kaet Z2. B 20-.". BREEZE & SNOOK BeTm102nit8 MR. AND MRS. W. II. HAMILTON Fu neral service. 1973 B. Glisan. Tabor 4:S1S. P. L. LERC1I. East lltli and Clay streets. Lady attendant. Last 7S1. B 3"S8. A R ZELLER CO bu- WUHama av.T fiKEWKS UNDBRTAKING COMPANY 3d and Clay. Main 4152. A 2321. Udy aBsis,ant. MONUMENT. A BEAUTIFUL polished granite monument. Imported from Norway, for sal. at H the value: dimensions, Iroro bas. to top. S It. 10 In.; width. 3 a ; in., and 1 !u 4 lnl thick; crated and ready for shipment, la. quire at room 417 'Worcester bids. POKILAND MARBLE WORKS. :04-2a 4ta St.. o.poalt. City Uall. Uala Si a. Pbllla Ken t Son, for m.mortala. f U Third vt r-iDi-50M jtheftJ OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY Of flc. Room 1SS Court houso. 5th Ss. Ivntrmnco. rhoae to ft, Main 378. Hom Pbona A Nla-fat call after of flco hoars. Mala S?sl Report all cass of cruelty to the above ad tfress. Electric lethal chamber for email mat naia Horse ambulance for sick ana 4tsab.4. aolmaJs at a momut'i notice. Anyone dsair tnc a doc or other pet communicate with ua Call for all lost or strayed stock, as we loos; alter ail impounding;. There la no more ott pound. Juai Ortcoa Humane Society., 1VEW TODAY. MORTGAGE, LOANS OS BUSINESS A"D RESIDENCE PROPERTY. ROBERTSON A EWIXfi. 207-S Jorth western Bank Hlds;. MORTGAGE LOANS ON FARM AND RESIDENCE PROPERTY. NO COMMISSION. Wm . MacMaster T01 CORBETT BLDG. PORTLAND. OR. JNO. B.COFFEY MORTR AHR I.O A X . Insurance, Surety Bonds S01 WILCOX ELDG. Malm T03, JL 3702. ITLCFF Kl'G AND RAO Rl'G FACTORY. NORTHWEST Rl'G CO., established 1V0X uf f rugs and rag rugs woven, all sizes. East 8th and Taylor. East 3&S0. B 1280. JAPAN FLORIST. F. D. Xislilo, 183 Fourth st.. near Yamhill, West Side. All kinds of Bedding and Vegetable Plants. Hanging Bas kets and Japanese Tuo, Garden Plants.etc. Special sal. price. MISICAL HtV'X Conservatory vschool) of Music, uiu,. tov.r tne ud i. Entrance 4th st.. cor. of Morrison. EMIL TH1ELHORX, violin teacher, pupil K V- I Lr VllT Eti.. s.1 .1 i j . ... . . PARKKR School ot Popular .Uualc Terms ft uraptu-, iui-. t,i,era oiag. MRSES. KISBETH'b SiANITAItlUM. rservous, chronic and rheumatic rases. SI out LQQUern .equipment la the .Northwest. Electric light, sietxra bake oven m.nd shower bams and packs; all forms of modern electric curailva appi lances, pro phylactic fc-ymnusilcs and xnanaage. Calorie nystcm ot diet. Patients ouistoe may re ceive treatment daily. No surgery. MUlc cure treatments. ir. and Mrs. Ntsbth ta charge ot all treatments. ttlO Lovejoy st.. bet. IV and Oth. Broadway ltiut. OrTOMKTKiaTS A.U OKTIClAXgt. W H V WAV MitR C! ' A SAVING from 3a to iu per cent. Properly fitted classes as low as .sw , a.ou. iuuv saiisxieu customers. aLiMfaction sTuaranteed. Cbas. W. Uooh mn, optometrist, liutf Morrison. Main 14. PATENTS. R. G. WK1GUT -'2 yoars experience. U. S. snd foreign patents. tQl Uakum bldg. DR. R. A. PHlJ-.I-IlraS, WU5 Broadway bldg. Kheumatliiii, leuxale disorders, akin trou bles. stomach. liver. kidneys. bowels, throat, golire. scalp, high blood pressure. PLC ALBINO bll'fUkS. l'LU.MBl.G iL-pl'Llt;?' at wholesale prices. titark-Uavls Co.. Third. Main 7b7. KiiVSTUNK PRESS J. K. Gantenbeln. Mgr. Printing and, iinot; ping, luy Front su. corner aitarlc. Main or A 141a. PPIPJIMUU K- W- ALTES c COMPANY. rniillliltf 1st and Oak sts. Main ltj. A 1163 REAL KSTATK UtALKHS L'AKL It. JO.N'Ea. 4U4 Wilcox bldg. bTOKAOE AM TKANbifcK. OREGON TRANSFER CO., 474 Glisan st.. corner lwfti. Telephone Broadway Jl or A llod. We own and operate two large cia "A warehouses on terminal tracks. Lowest insurance rates In the city. MAUJSON-ST. .DOCK c WAREHOUSE. Of fice lbtf Madison. General merchandise and forwarding agents. Phone Main 7dai, CUT freight rates to all points on household goods. Manning Warehouse & Transfer .Co.. tfth and Hoyt. Broaaway 7u3. PACKING, MOVING. ST OR AG Efcf SECURITY STORAGE c TRANSKSR CO. 1U5 Park SU Main M'Ji. A 1U51. FIREPROOF STORAGE. C. M. Oi-SEN TRANSFEXt CO. PINE. VETEKINAKY COLLKGE. v. VETERINAUV COLLEGE begins SeDt. 16. Catalogue free. E. Creely, Seu. leltt Market St.. san r rancisco. ORDERS taken for Summer delivery; first cIshs pole oak wood. Broadway 339. WOOU AND COAL. heavy, dry wood. 5 and 3.50 Per load. delivered atove length. Phone Broadway 668. MANUFACTURERS PAINTS. OILa AM) OLAS4. RASMUSSKN CO.. ad and Taylor. PIPU. PLVC IITTINOS AMI VALVES. M. L. KLINE. B4-8tf Front .C PLUMBINU AND blbAM BlPPIJES. St. L. kLISK. B4-00 Front SC PKOULCL COMMlaalON MEKCHAXIH. aVLKbLNtj FAHK.LL, HU Front St. HOPE AND BINDING TWINE. Portland Cordage Co.. 14th and Nortnrun. bAbH. UOOKa ANU CLABS. W. P. FULLER fc CO.. lath and Davis sta. WALL FAFEB. MILLER -Wall Paper A Pfc Co.. 173 1st St. sunmn wall FAI'EH CO.. 230 2d at. KW TODAY. MORTGAGE LOANS On Improved city and farm prop erty at r?lose Intere-at ratra. In- (ailment repayment privilege If preferred. Prompt, reliable service A. H. BIRRELL GO. S17-3M9 orthirpiirrn Bank Building, Marnball 4114, A 4118. REAL ESTATE. A or bale -Lxto. SOMETHING WRONG. If you don't buy this 20ox!00, 2 bllts. of St. Johns depot, clear of debt, for $1100. half cash. G. O. GOLD EN BERG, ABINGTON BLDG "Ho Years In Portland." Main 4H03 "THAT VACANT LOT" Turn a burden Into income. We design and build anything furnish the money if desired: eight years In Portland. L. R. Bailey Co.. contract- ing architects. Northwestern bank bldg. FOR SALE Real sacrifice; A lotMenTo Park Addition. Portland, Or., $100 each Mips C. Morley, 430 24th ave. South, Se attle, Wash. LOTS for sale. Eastover Addition, bloei Nos. 7 and S. Address F. M. Fisher, N k 2. abb. FORECLOSURE SNAP 13 full lots. Di vision and 47th, $.i.10 each, worth $7.10; tfcnns. Thomson, Mohawk bldg. Mar. 125. LOT 00x100. close to carllne. in a riifg. dis trict: very cheap; from owner. Answer D 204. Oregonian. . ALL kinds of building and alterations. CHAS. W. ERTZ. ARCHITECT. Plttock blk. $300 Choice lot. East 28th and Killings worth. Tabor Ef64. Plat and Apartment Property. 9- SALE A fine, up-to-date. modern brick apartment building; am leaving for the East presently and will dispose of this and other income bearing properties, as well as farms in Oregon, all at the right price. Investigate if you are In the market for something good. Y C66, Ore gonian. For WaJo Beach Property. IRMhHbD cottage. Tillamook Beach, $4QQ. Wm. Dunsmoor. Main 7920. For Sale Houseo. TERMS ALAMEDA PARK TERMS. $4ouO buys a bt-autv, 6-rra, S. P.. B R . oak firs., furnace, fireplace, all built-in conv., very tastilv installed. G. C. GOLDEN BERti, ABINGTON BLDG. "35 Years in Portland." Main 4tt0:t. GREAT bargain by owner; modern 6-itom house, bam and chicken house, fruit trees and berry bushes. All under cultivation on I acre of ground. At 21S8 Hassalo at. Phono .31 a in .vid. 5-ROOM bungalow, nearly new. 11 14 E. Sherman st. ; now Tacant. $2i50; best of fer takes lu EL T. Price, owner, 341 Cook ave. FOR SALE 6-room, modern house, with hot water, heat and full cement basement; everything up to date. Easy terms, by owner. I'hone Tabor i;538. 0-ROOM modern bungalow in nice neigh borhood. Price reasonable; terms. I' mo de rs toe k & Larson. 210 Oregon Bidg; Brdwr 160S. FOR SALE or trade. 7-room. strictly mod ern bungalow, with fine sleeping porch. Price. $3000; will take $dOO cadh. balance lO SUlt. O-tO ft,, at I in. SACRIFICED, modern 7 rooms, fireplace; fur nace, half acre, block Hawthorn car; $HT50. Terms. Owner, 209 Mohawk bldg Mar 125. FOR SALE 6-room house, located on Ham ilton ave,; lot 40x100; fruit trees and grape -vines; $200 cash, balance terms; Price $1000. Owner. B 1277. EIGHT-ROOM bungalow. 1183 Missouri ave., on time payment,. Price $4oOO. By owner. H. J. Kuhn. South Belllngham. Phone East 2S20. - 705 12th at., city. $W00 6-ROOM modern bungalow. Rose City Park; $1500 will handle. Phone Tabor 0-0 and xnako Appointment. REAL ESTATE. For le HOMK Bt'TKKS. Tea can save yourselves a lot of running; around If you'll Just take a look at the pictures In our window of the beautiful mode rate 1 y priced h omea me have for sale in Laurelhurst and other districts. Prices and descriptions under each picture. Kasy tor ma If de sired. PAUL C. HURPHT, Sales Aent, -70S sStark st. between 3d and 4th ta. Mala 1700, A 1015. ATTENTION. ST. JOHNS PEOPLE. -room, old house, but comfortable .and roomy home for two families; corner Kos senden ave. and Central, right In the heart of tft. Johns, frontage on Kessenden ave. of 150 ft.: on car line. ha.rd surfaced stret. This is semi-busintss property, and is bound to so into bis; value. Nu merous big. bearing fruit thees and Har den. Enough (round to build threo more houses. Price. i.k0. for quick sale; terms, $000 cash, balance like rent. THK OHOi-SLEV-VlOAKa CO.. 270 Stark St. Main 30.12. EXTRAORDIXART BARGAIN. Irvinpton palatial home. t rooms, three steeplnu porcheb, billiard and maid's room, dlnlnc-roora In leather and silk, tapestry, beautiful reception hail, living, library, den and secretary rooms, 4 bedroom In white enamel, all rooms are decorated by Grafe. the Krench artist; plate glass windows, S fireplaces, hot water heat. Dutch kitchen, cold water cooler and all built-in conven iences; garage, lot 06 2-3xlK; velvet car pets, silk tapestry hangings, Brussels net curtains go with the house free; due on the dollar. Owner. Kast 1347. No agents. CASH S7.10 CASH. We want to tell vou about our Mr. Re gan, who is offering hl beautiful 6-r. home and orchard on t4i:J5-ft. ground for $2730, in Wood '.awn. conv't to ship yards, etc. Xou will not regret your visit to our office. It's worth nc-arer $40O0. Ci. C. GOLDE.VBERO, ABlNliTON 1SL.LHS. 3 Tesrs In Portland." Main 4M':i. LAURELHURST HOMES. I have several excellent bargains In 6, T and 8 -room houses located in best sec tion of LAL'RELHL'RST for sale on rent like terms. Call for keys at Laurelhurst tract office K. 30th and Glisan. Tabor daily between 10 A. M. and S P. M. C E. BROWN. Evenings. Tabor 59. ROSE CITY PARK. FIVE-ROOM BUNGALOW. Modern every respect, hardwood floors, built-in conveniences, full lot, paved street. Price $32.10. Terms. Phone Tabor ofcO. X. O. Ecklund. MR. HOMFSEEKER. I tigv cottages, bungalows and homes from $700 to $1500 each. I have soma with extra lota, fine for gardens. Can quote a homeneeker very reasonable prices and terms. J. B. Hoi brook. 214-11& Pan ama bldg. OWNER In Prance, am authorized to sU his established real estate snd fire insur ance, business, inc.: over $4KK Insurance premiums; good chance to start In bui ness; price $600, which Includes all offlco equipment. FRANK L. McGUIRE. Abington bldg. ONE of the finest homes In lrvington; 7 rooms, modern ; mupt be sold at once. $3lMO. $12.10 cash, balance mortgage. Nice home. MlimJsslppl ave.. 6 rooms, modern; clone to Jefferson high; lot tUtxlOO. $:70O. $.ino cash, balance easy. Walker. Main 8517. ROSE CITT. Rush on 61st. 6 rooms, swell; easy terms; only $-700. Dc La hunt. East 1347. CHEAP COTTAGE. CLOSE IN, $147.1. Location. 428 San Rufael. near Eaat 7th. House Is not much, but this Is a great chance for a mechanic who does not want to spend all his time on a car. L. R. Walt raing. Main 1927. Care Edwards Company, ftth and oak. TURN THE KNOB. FOR SNAPS CALL UP D LA HUNT. EAST 1347. WEST SIDE RESIDENCE $7000 9-rm. colonial, practically new. unnurpasfed view, everything nat and clean, large rms. and dance parlor: rwr lines; 1-1 min. on 'W" car. Exclusive dint. G. C GOLDEN" BERG. ATUNGTON BLDG. HOUSE AND LOT. FURNISHED. SO. Lot 40-vlOO. good "-room, well-fiirnthed houb, bath, pat. toflet, g. street linprov mentH paid, 7th. near Alberta. Come quick if you want it. $.100 or more cash required. Call at office. 329 Salmon at. MODERN (i-mom house, with bath, lot .lOx KM), beautiful lawn, roser. eight bearing fruit treos, berries, garden: no mortgag to assum, taxes paid: $WOO. terms. Take odiawn car. get oil Itoselawn ave. 11 E. Mh st. N. B EAL'TI FT'L modern Irvlug-ton Iiome, rooms and sleeping porch, spare roms In liuiHhcd attic, garage, first-class through out; a ba r sa in at S.l.loO ; t ertn a. &S 4 E. 11th st. N. Owner, Robert Beat. Eaat r.;5. WEST SIDE HOME. $2.10 down. per cent on remainder; $10 month payments. t-ignuy lot. overlook ing and near the great shipbuilding plains. House of four rooms, in good condition. Price $130. K02 Stock Exchange Mdg. DIVISION ST. Beauty; 6 rooms, etc.; $3200; easy terms. DeLahunL E. 1347. 1RVIXGTOX. veil home on E. 17th st. ; $4.10 La hunt. East 1347. BARGAIN IN HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. Six-room modern house at ROth and East Main, full cement basement, furnace, street paved and assessments paid. $3800. Thoa. P. Brown. 216 Washington bldg. BIGGEST SNAP IN PORTLAND. 1 1 ;i v e vou $ loOO ? If so. you can buy a Jrt.'AO residence, best of locat ion : rest of $2C-oO at 7'e in 3 years. F. Fuchs. 42Q Chamoer or .om. 6-ROOM house, in good condition, full ce ment basement. 60x100 lot. five fruit trees, small garden, hard-f lnlshd houae, "1st ni nes r Laurel hurtt. See owner. S30O0; fine neighborhood. ae j.vj. oregonian. BY OWNER modern house. 2 lots, 5 blocks from St. Johns shipyards: price $3000. terms. Phone Woodlawn 3942 or AN -bi, uregonian. FOR SALE AT BARGAIN. $2930 9 room house, fine condition, suitable for 2 families; easy terms. Kill in gs worth, near Union ave. Eaat 6?:'0. I2.10O MODERN 6-room house, good lora tlon. good neighborhood ; $000 cash, easy terms on balance: 2 blocks to Union ave. car. woodlawn 795 E. 7TH ST. N. B rooms, email baae- ment : all improvement a paid: .2x; terms; owner. Woodlawn 22ti. after $ P. M. WILL ERECT A HOME. ON OUR LOTS OR YOUR OWN Northwestern Trust Co- 212 Wilcox bldg. 1". K. Stearns. Mgr. 7-ROOM houtA and 2 acres. $.1000; Oregon City line. Take lots as Part pay. give price and location, r oregonian. nEAL WITH OWNER House. 7 rooms, re stricted district, no- incumbrance; price $2900, casn i wu. wiiwooq ow. r.-RiiOM modern bungalow, with raraae close In: $3000; $.lort cash, good terms. S45 K. Pine. East itto. unn PAGE ST.. NEAR WILLIAM FIVE-ROOM COTTAGE. LOT 33xlOO. TERM" hAM . ca i 5-ROOM modern bungalow, nearly new. on 50th at., south of Hawthorne; $2100, terms. Tabor 770O. 5-ROOM modern house, two blocks from car. 9t42 60 th ave. S. E. Take Mount Scott car to Moth st. P. V. Sweeney. $000 CASH, balance monthly. Large mod em seven rooms, two lots, shrubbery; fur niture If desired. 134 East 63d st. FOR SALE A fine 5 -room house, corner, oa Failing, near Williams ave. Call Woodlawn i :niu Owner. No aa-enta. HUBBEUL A SOX 1421 Sandy, oldest firm ROSE CITT PARK, can soil you a good WEST Side house for sale. 15 minutes' walk to Postoffice: rents for $30 a month. 30 Grant st. COZY 6- room bungalow, Q'Q E. Morrison. $2400. $5UO down; owner. Sel. 3o.'2. BUNGALOW for sale. lot 50x100. fruit tree. JWV Vancouver ave. IRVINGTON HOMES. XI. T. STREET. IRV. AGENT. 6-ROOM house, good condition: lot 50x100 Call Sellwood 41 or Esst 1J2.1. DESIRABLE home. $2700. 6SI East 7th at. North. " IF thst mortgage worries you. consult ua Northwestern Trust Co- 2Q2 Wlteog bldg. BA RG AINS Foreclosure and homes. Call up East 1347. mortgage fl-ROOM house. Sou'a Portland, AUia BC.M MATE. lor 2ol Hon sea. WANT A HOME Cnme to us aith $, snd you will own . a $o7oi new home near the Willamette blvd.. overlooking the harbor; elegant ma rine view. Of course. It has everything in it. A rms.. maid's rra., oak lira., tire placc, buf'et. bok. ssea. elegant plumb itB. Every rra, piped for furnace. Sewer, vaik?. al pd. If you haven't the carh. we will savance enouth for you to buy U if reiponsittf. G. COI.PKNPKRG. G. C. GOLDEN BiiKG. 215-16 AB1NGTON BLlXi. MAIN 4S03. J.1 YKS, IN PORTLAND." $-.oOU (H CASH Hustle your huOand out to seo this beautiful bungalow-. Vou may be the first to see IL It so. It's you i a. lias 5 rnis, sleeping porch. brkf St.-room. f I rep. ace, eies. plumbing, full bas'L. complete home. Just beyond Laure. hurst, on Glitau car. O. C. GOI.DEXBERG. 215-16 Abington bldg. Main 4503. 1IOSK CITY PARK BUNGALOW $400. 6 rooms and sleeping-porch, modern, hardwitod floors, white enamel finish, well built, furnace and fireplace; all street Im provements In and patd. 1 14 blocks south of Sandy blvd.. at 476 E. &lst su North. Price $4UO.i. terms, but no trade, or will discount for all cash. CARL R. JONES CO.. 4Q4 Wilcox Bldg. Main 1RV1NGTON Beautiful New England co lonial home, 711 Last 19th ot. North. Own er leaving c.ty; 7 rooms, white euamol finish, hardwood floors throughout, plate glass windows, fireplace, furnace, laun dry, finished attic. Dutch kitchen with every built-in convenience. For sale by b E. Bowman at Co., 213 C. of C. bldg. Main 30-. LAI It EI. H l" KST SNAP $.1000 $0.0 JoolKi o"0t $.1500. 7-r., S. p.. biltiard-rm., 11. W. firs., furn., fireplace., impt. decorations. bulU-ina are perfect, garage, choicest sect paved sta. pd. Main 4VJ. g. c. golden be fig. abington bldg. "'3j Years in Portland. I, KAV 1 T. i'ITV Choicest bungalow in Beaumnnt. 6r.S i.ast 4oth st. North, will sacrifice; six rooms, all oak floors, strictly modern. 'paved district. Cal! between 1 A M. and 4 P. M. Sunday. Phono Woodlawn 5S or isoor i4. 3-ROOM house, in Jom smor. Add.. - blocks from OUian cut line; fireplace, full cement casement. iaunUry trays. Dam. toilet, hot mud cod .'.r, lights and gas; lot GO x loO. price l'50: 3Mti cash, bal ance to suit. Jordan. 3ll Lumbermen's bldg. $2rt(KV ALBERTA HUNG ALOW 6 rms.. very beautliul home on 39th St.. only $3.10 cash, bal. easy. 4b03. G. C. GO I. D E N BE Rl 210-16 ABINGTON BLDG. 3.1 YRS. IN PORTLAND." FOR SALE 7 -roomed ho us-, nice lawn and Lowers. 2 acres of ground and new tsm. Inside city limits of Toledo. Or.; city water and lights; small fruits of all kinds; woua consider rood car Dart Payment. Price SJS'H); clear deed: no agenda. Address i.oi-k Hox :i. Kik k ity. or. HAWTHOHNK MsTRICT. Modern 6-room bungalow, fireplace, bookcase, buffet, reception hail, hard ood floors, dutch kitchen, floored attic, ce ment basement. waan trays. B'-rwui, $:tOoO. terms, "call"; Itoss. Main 1390. MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE. Kino lo-room home, high-class district, comer lot, lOOxloo; beautiful shrubbery and trees: place cost Slo.OOO 4 years ago. Indebtedness $bO00: wi.l take $20u0 for equity. AB :.4. oregonian. BEAUTIFUL modern lrvington home. Six rooms and sleeping porch, spare rooms in finished attic: garage; ftrst-ciass through out; a bargain at $05o. terms. OS E. llih st. N. Owner, Robert Beat. East. COSY little home for right party. Woodlawn 4U20. or Sale Businese Property. WATERFRONT, with trackage. West Side, lu.tx.tOO: choice lactory site, owner, iti Northwestern Bank bldg. BU 1 1. DING suitable for boarding-house in light shipbuilding town. For particulars. A.N oregonian. BUI LD1NG suitable for boarding-house In live shlpbuiluing town. or particulars, A N l"!". On-Bonlan. FOU SA LI. Desirable aterf rout alte. A E 249. Oregonian. Suburban Home. WHY PAY LENT? Improved acre, fair house, bam. chjckei n J uer, f.ivu " ru, i . nun i vB. riv. , on gravel road, close to Mo tiger. Oregon Electric. Price for quick sale. $1150, part WOULDN'T you like to own a nice little suburban home, v. here you can enjoy the hcauUca of country life and ralte your own vegetables, fruit, iiiickens and eggs? I have uome nice Kiiburbau homes for sale and exchange. J. B. Hoi brook, 214-215 t'anama oiug. FOR SALE Two acres, fine 7-room house fruit, etc.. running creek, near carllne, cheap. Call at third houe north of Kla- ley btstion. Oregon City car. For Pole Farms. BIG DAIRY FOR S'A I.E. Only few miles from heart of city. Supplies over 2A0 CUSTOMERS in bes Last Side Residential Districts. 35 cows, mostly Hoisteln In the herd 35 Cows. Producing about !o gallons of milk rtallv High tests in Panama- Pacific Exposi tion, Gresiiam rair. North itkima Talr, City Jaooratory. FINK GOING CONCERN. Income OVER TWELVE HUNDRED DOLLARS Monthly. Complete milk house equipment with la ias l a pp nance?. irciumns ocp.iraior, i ooier, r ii it, aMerinser. x uos. oi ier. Heater, Ico Box, Gas Lights and Heat. Bic Republic truck, two horses, har ness, wagons, agricultural implements. Hoisteln bull. FINE OPTORTUNTTV FOR MAN WITH FA MILY. No other help needed. Right parties can rent plant, consisting of bams, sheds, milk house, one rt-room house and one B-room house, with gs and water In all. 3 W -acre lot, 25-acre pasture and 20 acres for grain. Good Reason for Selling. Will sell for CASH or REASONABLE TERMS. With good mmafmnt you can pay for the outfit out of the profits. If interested, !rt it be known quick; this plant will sell on sight. In answering, give address and tele phone number. AE ;54, Oregonian. STOCK FARM AND STOCK FOR SALE. This farm is on the islsnd opposite Ridgefleld. Wash. Consists of about 75 acres; large farm house, furnished: two barns, alios, tractor, complete farm Imple ments, choice dairy herd of registered snd grade Houatein cows, other choice stock, six horses. ferr boat. gasoline launch, crops planted, finest hay land, ideal farm for fattening stock for market. Price only $& per acre and stock and implements at inventory: terms. Thia la a real bargain and a great opportunity for right man. Phone Main 6O0 or address H. W. Strong, attorney for administratrix, 403 Gasco bidg., Portland. Oregon. v DAIRY FOR SALE. Here Is a splendid opportunity; am fur nishing milk for growing town; trsde is getting too big for me to handle; will se.l at reasonable price; 150 acres of land. 73 now in ye; a good modern 8-roomed house, barn, dairy herd and 3 head of horses. This is a paying proposition worth Investigating. For further information call on or write to Josephine Huff. Arlington, Or. FOR SALE BY OWNER. 160 acres. Eastern Oregon. 35 cultiva tion. W tilinble: small houae, barn water piped in house and barn, bearing or chard, free gruxtng land; $:tw0, some Trms. K per cent. Write or tall. O. W. Thompson. Durkre. Or. 64 ACRES three miles out of Oregon City, on electric car line and fine wagon road. About 1-3 In cultivation, with crops, good buildings. Small amount cash will swing deal, or will trade for city house and lou O. E. f.oy. uregon 60 tO ACRES in Southwestern Washington for sale, to settlers only, upon easy terms and low prices, $5 per acre and up. Write for map showing location, terms, etc WEYEKHAEUSER TIMBER COMPANY. Tacoma Bldg.. Tacoma. Wash. CHICKEN. FRUIT. GARDEN RANCHES. Near Portland; $75 to $200 per acre; easy t.rmi; best soil; farms for sale, ail sixes. MeFarland. 603 Yeon bldg.. Portland. 10 ACRES of land : good orchard, house; ail outbuilding. Bull Hun water; located just south of Lents; 131 d sL S. E. Thomas Allen. 14 A. IRRIGATED. 100 A. NOW IN WHEAT Owner en!lstd. cannot harvest. Water light all paid. Sell raw land price. Terms. Y Orvconlan. LOGGED -OFF lands. $10 acre up; running water, good soil. H tillable, e-nployment. easy term a Jesse n anarp. aq st. A ACRES, level, fenced, cleared, good soil, house; employment; near Wlllamina; $$ cash. $10 mo. Jesse . fc-narp. b d 3d st. FOR SALE or part cash and part trade. I ib acres, with buildings. A. B.. Milwaukie, Or.. Route 2. box ao.iA. 4.0 ACRES, near college campua Mc.Minn vilie, a bargain, John fiaia. 607 bpald ns bldg, .. .. RFAL FSTATf, arm. WK have ver.l cash customers, one tv;t I ,ihmi casrt as part p. y ment. on w it $:; cash, one with $10 cauli and $4.m this Fall; some with cash and part trail. We are getting results. If your price right we can do the rest G. . taitth o. C. of C biis. bEVKK L sma'.l ranches for gain. 1 Dauglierty. Myrtle Creek, or., box 173. WANTED REAL ESTATK. WANTED From owner for cash, modern. & to b-room house, with 2 to acres land, up to $4.0O. In or out city limits; must be a bargain : near carllne said schools. N. Goymer. Stay ton. Or. WANTED Six-room bungalow In good netgnoorhood ; must be a bargain : gie general description and location. Y Sfta, Oregonian. HOUSE WANTED. 1 will pay not over $1,100 spot cash. Lo cation and price in first letter or no at Vntion given same. AN 2K1. Oregon!. .n. A WILL seil your house if t he price ar.d terms are nchi; buyers w attitig. 1'none rwin. Mam 5T0. 401 H-va rd of Trade blo. WANTE1 4 or ,1-room modern bur'icaow. gioa lot. any desirable dtatricu reasouab.e terms. F 2S9. Oresonlan. HAVE buyer for a house in Hawthorne d. tnut. t:h s 0 down. Vrice $3tH or less. E. J. GEISEK, 41? Chamber of Cora. WANTED House and little acreage, near good car service; rent; might buy. Av 1T'.. Oregonan. Wanted to Kent 1 arms. WANT to rent house and small acreage, nea canine; might buy. AV t,i. ttrrgoman. FOR RENT FARMS. 12 ACRES. Tillamook County, new 40-cow nam, good houao, u mile to cheese fac tory; prefer renting to one with own stock. AM 342. Oregonian. 7 ACRES. 5-roora house, good barn. p:c an in crop; ten minutes waiK to canine. Address Box 362. Beaverton, Or. 10 ACRES. smaK house, barn. Sw auk, Zl 7 Mcnry bldg. T1MBKRI.AMM. SO.OOO CAP. SAWMILL, with limber, on R. It., running and In good condition; a bar gain for someone; owner drafted. 412 Fenton Bldg. ItiO ACRES. ;.0o.imo pine and fir. Hut te l a I S. :.4-:;i-2 east ; on h $.! ft; take $lOt0. sa. Y. A. Dunn. Security Rank. Oakand. Cal. TIMBER LANDS BOUGHT AND hOl.D. c. j. Mccracken. ;; McK.w bldg. 40 CENTS l hou sand. 12 million yellow fir. per cent furta. clear. -ay to log. "t mile to river. AM SX. Oregonian. FOR SALE 1 0 acres timber In Lin a County. Oregon. Mrs. John P. N ugent. 617 South Tower ave.. Centra It a, Wah. TO tXCIIANt.E-RKAL ESTATE. U2'3 Ai'KES, near LalUcgm.unU, Wash.; 45 acres in cultivatioin, G acres In bear ing pninen; all crops in ; good oii. lies well, good water. H. K. l. and milk route, telephone In. good house and out buildings: close to school, cnurch and store. Personal property: One iron gray team. 5 years old: head catUe, 1 brood sow, chickens and all larm implements; all for $10.OOO; part trade, terms on balance; if you w ant a bargain, cat I and me; I am too old lor farm work; my boy has gone to the Army; 401 E. 50h st. N. Phone Tabor 5m5. bO-ACRE ranch, goo.l house, chlckou house. not cieareu, macs irom goon mining town: mill sell or trade for a few acres on the Columbia River between Portland and Astoria. 1 want a nice place where no high water floods it. M rs. M. A. An rmtts. SHverton. B. C. box 14. HOUSES WANTED. 1 wsnt a few attractive modern houses In good repair, net over $4000. Quick J action If price is right. PALL C. MI R 1 PHY. at LAt'RELHVnST CO.'S office ce. 2T0 -a Stark St. Main 1 iQQ. A 11 o. LIST your property with us for results: ex changes of merit: established . lu years. The Ernest Younger Co.. lO.'i-ioT Park at-, between Washington and Stark sts- 10.-ACKE farm. ,"0 seedeJ. pasture, good buildings, water pipd :t miles to town; $mhr', for modern house to $400. H. B. Allen. Route 1. box IIS. Gaston. Or. FOU exchange, choice lots in T-oomi and Seattle for good team, wagon and harness. See Dr. Carat ens at Hotel Arthur, Port land. W ILL accept good house aa first payment on small farm, balance long time. C Nic meyer, Salem, Or. y" ill rh.n cottatres In cood ai1ey i for timber. Bracher Timber Co.. 100 STi.' lock bldg. WHAT have you to exchange for Ti ta in or. k Beach lots? Address BD 11L Ore gonian. FOR 8 ALE. Horses. Vehicle. Live lock. WAGONS FOR SALE CHEAP. Twenty wagons, all in first -class con dition, suitable for most anything, will take one -tenth actual value: no further ut-e for them, all hand made. Call 263 Russell st. DEAD HORSES and animaia haulM away 1 ree. Portland Rendering Co, Call Wood lawn 20. FOR SALE Second-hand trucks. dras. wagons, etc.. at attractive prices. Apply at M second at. FOR SALE CHEAP A good delivery wagon and 5lngle harness . almost new. Phono Uonitami 441. - " FOR SALE. " 2 milch goats and 1 kid. Old T. M. C A. bldg.. Cvc. of fair grounds. 26 'a Nicoiai. BEAUTIFUL Shetland pony and rubber-tired buggy for wale, L". S. Stables, Front and Madison DEAD horea taken; csah paid for tlad cows; phone calls paid. Milwaukie 6tf-J. DEAD stock taken quickly: we pay the most for dead and crippled stock. Tsbor 42".1. TWO good fresh cons for sale. Route it. box 42. Vancouver. Wash. JLST arrived. 10 head choice dairy and fam ily cows, a 1 1 brt:ede. 7ol East As ii. SOf'ND 10o0-lb. horse at our ow n price. 1 02". E. Yamhill al. LARGE paaturo for rent near Portland, Main . Pianos. Organs avd Moical Inatrumfsta. SECt" RITY-STORAGE CO. CLOSING OUT. S.(Ht Hohler i Hohler upright, cash $ 7. J4f0 Leland upright, neany new. rah $1-5 $450 Kimball, large upriaht. for cah $l0 $:t75 1917 mode., mahogany, rnnh $1l $423 large l'.17 model, walnut, cash $213 $47. 3A17 model, mahogany. cash $'n. $..".0, 1 T 1 model. fnet style, cash 5'J!0 $70 1 1 0 model pia er piano, cash f J l.j Jt7i Borthwick, 6-ociae or gain. c.-h $ $9 Bridgeport parlor organ, -caeh $ -. Ji. phonograph and records, cash $ 3. phonograph and records, raah $ 40 10 4TH ST. AT WASHINGTON ST. PIANO BARGAINS. We have a few good used pla-nos at a big saving. See them before buying. SKI BELLING -fc LUCAS MUSIC CO. 125-127 Fourth St. Bet. Wa-h. and Alder. $12 CASH. $e monthly, buys $375. new. 1PM model, improved upright piano for $JS1.2o, at Schwan Piano Co.. Ill Fourth a tree u FOR a good uaed piano, well worOl $27; must aeli, as 1 don't mant to Ship out of Portland. G 251, Oregonian, NEW $215 talking machine and records to trade for your good old piano, llaro.d S, Gilbert, 384 Yamhill at. FISCHER, small mahogany $17 Mendelssohn, splendid tone, like new, JS Harold S. Gilbert. 384 Tamhlll. PIANOS tuned, $3. George T. Peck, Tabor 6574. Grad. New Eng. Conservatory. I PAY CASH for uwd pianos. llaro.d S, Gilbert. 3S4 Yamhill St. $J CASH bu s $3.'0 Ernest Gabler upright piano. Security Storage Co.. low 4th st. WANTED- Piano, at onr; jiy cseih. What have you T No dealer. Mar hull t"4. CASH PAID for phonograph and records. Main 44!5. Tabor 7lS. 1 2S Fir?t. .NEW $55 hornlrM phonograph and 40 selec tions. $10. Newman. 12S 1st. nar Alder. PIANO wanted. Will pay caah If satisfied. East T.014. PIANO TUNING. $3. NATE AKDKEY. SELLWOOD H155. PIANO wanted: cash. Main $5$. Furniture for Nale. OWNER LEAVING CITY. "Will sacrifice my fumed oak furniture, $2-'0 dining et, $115: $15o davenport. $5o; $:5 rocker, $17.."u; $0ij roll -top desk and chair. $25: $i5 brass bed, $4". and other articlea. Call between 10 A. M. and 4 P. M. Sun. lays 63S E. 45th st. North. Phone Tabor ts47 or Woodlawn 58. OFFICE furniture for sale at sacrifice: roil top dsk. cost $5; 1 deak choir. 5 chairs, lot of maps, etc.. all for $r,5 if taken at once: leaving town; office can be rented reasonably if desired. call Monday or Tuesday. "15 Abington bldg. EIGHT mahogany and 7 ouk roll-top dske and swivel chairs, al?to flat-top; sacrifice. 72-i Chamber of Commerce. HOUSEHOLD furniture for sale. Phono Bdwy. 2418 after 5:30. Mrs. PoweJ. GAS rang-. Ruud heater and chaira Call I'-fiS Qccltlent St.. af t moons. IKsgs. Bird. ad Pet Stork. FOR SALE Young Flemish Grant rabbits from good stock: some prise winners loil Union ave, iN near Alberta, Phone Wain 174L ,