18 THE MORNING OREGOXIAX, FRIDAY. MAY 24. 191S. MILL FIRE BELIEVED SET HOQIIAM POLICE WORKING ON THEORV OF" nXENDURISM. " Registered German Allen Employed In Mill Arretted Jn.t Before Fire. I.o. Estimated at 300,000. TTOQUIAM, ' Wash.. May 23. (Spe cial.) Evidence piled up today that the fire, which destroyed the Northwestern Lumber Company mill here last night, was the work of incendiaries. One ar rest has been made and others are ex pected, according to the. police. The man under arrest in connection with. . i : 1 T - . TTw T .. lr it-1. TTo 4c; iiic ill c in , i on i . i . i ii '. - )t-i n er held for further investigation. Officials of the Northwestern Com pany and police early this morninir Vitr!iTi a tVirirmie-h invcf tiiration W h it'll has not been completed, but officers! .said tonight there were strong indica tions the fire had been set. Karly ar rivals at the fire say the odor of kerosene was marked. Estimates on the loss to the com pany today placed it at about J300.000, aside from loss of business. The most serious loss, however, generally is de clared to be the interference with the Government's aircraft programme, as the Northwestern Mill was engaged almost entirely in the production of airplane spruce. , The East Hoquiam fire station was robbed during the fire. One fireman lost $115 and another $15. The police Wednesday afternoon ar rested and lodged in the City Jail, pending investigation by the Federal officers, August Rattener, a registered German enemy alien. The man, accord ing to Information secured here, was registered in New Orleans, but left there without securing a permit, going to Ogden, Utah, and then coming on to Kcqtliam, where he arrived May 14, and secured employment in the North western Mill without revealing his Identity. He was located through the work of Federal agents, it is under stood. American Mission at Corfu. CORFU, May 22. An American mis ion which has been sent to assist the Kepbians arrived here today on the way to Saloniki. It is headed by Major T'rancis Jager. of the Red Crops. TOO I.ATK TO CLASSIFY. WANTED A nlsht nurse for small hospital. Call Tabor 17S3. WOMAN with some experience candling; egs or wrapping buttwr. can get per manent position. 74 Front St. MODERN 3-room flat70ti Jf. Ninth; $20. WnkfffHrt-Frtes. 4th St. AMl'SEMENTS. BAKER ALCAZAR PLAYERS Tonight A11 Week Matinee Saturday. THE HOITSE OF A THOCSAXD CANDLES," From the widely-known novel of mystery. 28c, 55c, S3c; Sat. Mat., 28c, 56c. Next Week: Benefit for Devastated 1 "ranee. Alcazar Flayers la a Magnifi cent production of "INSIDE THE LINES' A Thrilling Drama of the Opening Days of the "War. SALI.IE FISHER In "The Choir Kehearsal." Julie Ring, Assisted by James Norval. 'The Girl From Milwaukee." 1 "SO MAX'S LAND." A B6mbshell ' of Incitement. Taylor Trio: The Belmonts. Extra Attraction, KATHLEEN CLIFFORD. ANTAGE MAT. DAILY 2:30 "OVER THERE" W!ln I'flvate Jack Llngwood of the Origi nal Princess Pat Keglment. Six Other Bis Acts. Three Performances Daily. Night Curtain at 7 and 0. LYRIC ess Mat. Daily. 10c Only. Nights Start at 7. More laughing gas this week. Dillon &. Franks Company of 23 in "T1IE PIPE DREAM," TVlth the Rosebud Chorus. CHORIS GIRLS' CONTEST TONIGHT. TODAY AT . Council Crest Grand May Carnival and Benefit Fete of the Ladies Auxiliary of Company B. Many special features to augment the regu lar Council Crest programme. Extra Special Attraction Miss Gertrude- Donery. in her new Patriotic Dance. Something artistic and unique. Don't miss it. Monte Austin famous Exposition singer, with the dancing in the big pavilion. Austin will sing "My Belgian Rose" and other New York song hits. Hop a C. C. Car. Council Crest Park .a Kates for Classified Advertisements The Oregonian Dally and Sunday Per Una. 12 One time lwo consecutive tune ............. 2; Three consecutive time 80c. Six or seveo coi.secutl -e times &6e The ! ullou inic clarifications excepted, the rate ou whirb is 7c er Hoe per dayt (situation. Wanted Male. Sitoetioas Wanted Female. For Uent Koumi Private' Families. Board and Uooui priate tarn! lie. Housekeeping Hoomi Private Families. No ad takes for le than 2 lines, Conot six words to the liar. Advertisement 4 except "Ffraoa al") wilt be taken svet the telephone If the advertiser is a subscriber to either phone. No price will be q noted oer the phone, bat statement will bo rendered the folio wine day. Advertise ments are taken fur The Daily Ortv fonlan until 8 P". M-: for The bandaj Orccuaiau until C P. M. .Saturday. AMUSEMENTS. THE IPPODROME THCBSDAT, FRIDAY, SATIKDAV THE RODEO REVIEW A genuine wild and woolly cowboy and cowgirl show and round-up that features A dele von Ohl's trained thoroughbred Iel mar. Clarence Wilbur The Weariest "Wobbly" in Hobo land. FIVE OTHER FAST ACTS, Including MRS. VERXOX CASTLE In the Photoplay, THE MYSTERIOVS CLIENT." MATI.VEK SEATS 10 CHAT NO. 5 Tomorrow will mark the grand opening of the Oaks. Hundreds and hundreds of Portland's pleasure lovers who have been waiting for this announcement will undoubtedly plan to spend the afternoon and evening at the park. If the weather isn't all that it should be, there are so many ways of taking care of thousands in the park. The auditorium alone houses more than 2000, and that is where the band concert will be held. The skating rink will accommodate 7000 per sons, while 200 to 300 couples may dance comfortably in the dancing pavilion. The Summer houses are fully covered for those wishing to take lunch in the park. All is in readiness for the big opening. The horses on the merry-go-round are just "rearin to go," the monkeys are chattering ex pectantly, the boats on the Mystic River are rocking invitingly, and Hilarity Hall is just waiting for the touch of an electric button to set it in motion. Get up a picnic supper and come out to the Oaks tomorrow. Hot coffee may be made in the free kitchenette. Cars leave First and Alder every few minutes; transfer from any part of the city; 6c fare. JOHN F. CORDRAY, Mgr. Tomorrow Is the Opening Day at the Oaks! Phone your want ads to The Oregjo nian. Main 7079, A 6095. MEETING NOTICES. GULREAZEE GROTTO. NO. 6-r. Ceremonial session. Masonic Temple, Vst Park and Yamhill streets, Monday evenlnir. Mav tr Band concert 7:30 P. M. Candi dates report to secretary propmtlv 7:3o p. M. Ceremonial starts S P. M. Bring your IBIS car. Wear your grotto smile and fei. Huslness session Masonic Temple Monday noon. Applications must be in hands of secretary by that time. By order of monarch. R. E. FULTON, Sec. MULTNOMAH CAMP. NO. 77, W. O. W. will meet In their hall. 112 East 6th St.. Friday evening. May 24th. and hold reception in honor, of the Hen. I. I. Boak, head consul of the W. o. w. All members of the W. O. W. are cordially invited. WILL meet this (Frldav) evening at 22tt Alder street, at S o'clock. Work in the Initi atory degree. Visitors- welcome. . FREDERICK COZENS, Rec. bee E. M. WARPLE. N. G. AL KADER TEMPLK A A. HASSALO ' l(X0tfT . O. N. M. s. Stated session Saturday, May 23, at 8 P. M.. Masonic Temple. West Park and Yamhill streets. Social and entertainment after busi ness session. Visiting nobles cordially invited. By order of the Potentate. HUGH J. BOYD. Recorder. PORTLAND LODGE. NO 63 A. V. AND A. M. Special com munication this (Frldav) even ing o'clock. Work in F. C. and M. M. degrees. Visitors welcome. Order W. M C. M. STE ADMAN. Sec. ALBERT PIKE LODGE. NO 2, A. F. AND A. M. Speciai communication this (Friday) evening. May 24. at 7:30 o'clock. M. M. degree. Visitors welcome. By order of W. M. E. R. IVIE, Sec. MYRTLE CHAPTER. JfO. 15, O. E. S. Regular meeting this (Friday) evening in Masonic Temple. Degrees conferred by past matrons. Sister Jennie O. RInehart, P. G. M.. and Brother Hush T TinvH T n T n. .1 ing in the East. Bv order W. M ""' JENNIE H. GALLOWAY. Sec PHALANX LODGE. NO. 14. KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS Reg ular convention evet-v PrMav night. Caslle Hall, 426H East "itCCi. VIFlling tvnigfttS welcome. O. S. H EN DA, K. R. S. WEBFOOT CAMP NO. 65. WOODMEN OF THE WORLD, meets every Friday night at W. O. W. Temple. 128 II th st. All members welcome. Kum to Kanrp Friday night. L. G. De Young Act. C. C. H. L. BARBER, Clk. .SELLWOOD LODGE NO. 131, A. F. Ss. A: M. Stated communication lhls (Fri day) evening, at 8 o'clock; work in E. A. degrees; visitors welcome. Bv order W M. J. H. BUTLER. Sec. HIGHLAND SOCIAL ' CLUB will give shirtwaist dance Saturday evening S:30 Selllns-Hrrsch bids.. 8164 Washington at. Public invited. A-l union music. F. O. E.. PORTLAND AERIE NO. 4. meets at S tonight. 3d and Madison. Class Initia tion. Full attendance requested. J. B. F1THIAN, Sec. ' EMBLEM Jewelry, buttons, charms, pins, new. design. Jaeger Bros.. 131-3 6th st. PRIEDLAKDER'b for lodge emblems, class pins and medals. MO Washington St. CEMETERIES. BEAUTIFUL MOUNT SCOTT PARK CEMETERY Lowest Prices Best Service No expense after interment. , Prices lower than other ceme- - teries. AUCTION SALES TODAY, To be auctioned off on 3d da of June, farm, about 10O acres bottom land, 310 up land, on Oregon Electric. Ltvesley station: good houses, barns, springs; also mineral springs In house. Address Charles Schmidt. 25 Ivy street. Portland. Or. Will sell one half, three-quarters or all. At residence. 4C3 East Broadwav. ma hogany and oak furniture, WlUon and Ax minster rugs, steel range, etc. Sale at 10 A. M. Broadwav car to E- 6th at. J. T. Wilson, auctioneer. AUCTION sale today at the Baker Auction Ifouee. Tamhtlt and W. Ptfrk sts. Furni ture, etc Sale at 10 A. M. At Wilson's Auction House, at 10 A. M. furniture. 16-171 Second st. DIED. CHAR A MUG A Tn this city. May 20. Joseph R. Charamufa. aged 28 years, beloved husband of Ruby Charamuga The re main will be forwarded to Sacramento. California, today by V. s. Dunnlntt. Inc.. East Side funeral directors, where funeral services will be held and rntrment made in the family plot in Sacramento Cemetery. ROBERTS In this city. May 22. Herbert Roberts, infant sun of Mr, and Mrs. Her bert W. Roberts, residing at 17JW Sisklvou st. Private services and Interment will be made today in Rose City Cemetery by F. S. Dunning. Inc., East Side funeral directors. , , GITTINS In this city. May 23. Kdward (Jtttins. Jr., age 30 years 7 monrhs 1:1 days, beloved husband of Ethel Out In. Remains are at Holman's funeral par lors and will be taken to Salem. Or., for Interment. FUNERAL NOTICES. aii-Ql'AlD In this city, at his lat resi dence, 74 East Thirtieth street. John F. . McQuaid, aged o9 years, husband of Mrs. Florence T. McWuaid. - The funeral serv lcrs will be held tomorrow (Saturdav), Hay 25. at 1 o'clock P. M. at the resi dence establishment of J. P. Vinley A Pon. MontKomery at Fifth. Friends In vited. Interment at Mount Scott Park Cemetery. HALL The funeral services of the lat. Hazel Hall, age 22, beloved daughter of Thomas Hall, and Bister of Mrs. A. L. Marcey, will be held today (Friday), May 24. from the United Evangelical Church, West John and Ivanhoe. at 2 P. M. Interment at Hivervlew Cemetery. Ar rangements in care of Miller & Tracey.' GTT..L. The funeral services of tlje late Mark VI". Gill will be held today (Friday) at 2:.10 o'clock P. Mr at the residence estab lishment of J. 1. Finley A Son, Mont gomery at Fifth. Friends invited. Inter ment at Klverview Cemetery. Please omit flowers. AXDERSOX The funeral services of the late Hoscoe K. Anderson will be held tomorrow (Saturday). May 25, at1 2:30 o'clock P. M. at the restdenre establish ment of J. P. Finley & Son, Montgomery at Fifth. Friends invited. Interment at Rose City Cemetery. OLSEX In this city. May 21. Mangus Olsen. aged 4r. years, late of 314 Mill street. The remains will be forwarded this (Friday) morning by J. P. Finley & Son to Washou gai. Wash., where services will be held at 2 o'clock P. M. at the I. O. O. F. hall. Friends lnvlt. WOOLWORIH The funeral services of the late Patience D. Woolworth. will be held at the Laurelwood Methodist Episcopal Church today (Friday), May 24, at 2 P. M. Friends Invited. Funeral arrange ments in charge of P. L. Lerch. AGXEW At her late residence. 61S East Eighth street. Nancy E. Agnew. aged 5j vears. Funeral services will be held at the residence tomorrow (Saturday), May 2o. at 2 1. M. Arrangements in charge of P. L. Lcrch. KERR Mav 23. James Kerr, aged 47 years. Funeral will be held from Lmnnlng & M: Entee's chapel Saturday, May 25, at 8:30 A. M ., thence to the Cathedral at V A. M.. where mass will be offered. Friends In vited. Interment Mt. Calvary cemetery. MITCHELL In this city. May 21. John H. Mitchell, aged GO years. Funeral services will be held at Holman's funeral chape!. Third and Salmon streets, at 2:30 V. M. tomorrow (Saturday). May 23. Friends In vited. Interment Hose City Cemetery. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. HOLMAN UNDERTAKING CO. Funeral Directors Established 1877. Third and Salmon Streets. Main 507, A 1511. Lady Assistant. Perfect Funeral Service for Less. MILLER & TRACEY Independent Funeral Directors Wssh. St.. beu 20th & 21st. West Side. Main 26UI. Lady Assistant. A J. P. FINLEY 6c SON, Progrrnslve r'untral Directors. Private Drive Women Attendants. SIOXTUUJltiKl At A 15!M. WILSON & ROSS SrAe..."! East 54. C 81 115. KRICSON Residence Undertaking Parlors. 12th and Morrison sts. Main n::3. A 223.. DUNNING ei McENTEE, funeral directors. Broadwav and Pine elreet. Phone Broadway 430, A 45.1S. Lady attendant. K. S. DUNNING. INC. THE GOLDEN RULE UNDERTAKERS. 414 Kast Alder St. East G2, B 2525. BREEZE & SNOOK Bm?&?& MR- AND MRS. W. H. WAMIl-TON Fu neral service. 1!T3 K. GItsan. Tabor 4T13. P. Ls L.EIU:H( Kast llth and Clay ctreet. Lady attendant. Kaat 7sl. B 1388. A. R. ZELLER CO. SKEWES UNDERTAKING COMPANY. 3d and Clay. Main 4152. A 2321. Lady assistant. FLORISTS. CLARKE Main or designs. MARTIN'" BROS., Florists. 2S7 Morrison st. A 105. Fine flowers and flora! No branch stores. ' & FORBES CO.. Florists. 354 Washing ton. Mam 269. A 12&. Flowers ccaslons artistically arranged. lor all TO.NSETH St.. bnt. FLORAL CO.. 2S5 Washington 4th and 3th. Main 5102. A llfil. JIAXJL S . bldg.. 6t MITH. Main 7215. A 2121. Selling h and Alder sts. PEOPLES Flowers FLORAL SWOP. 245 Alder and designs. Phone Marshall 5122 MONUMENT. A BEAUTIFUL polished granite monument, Imported from Norway, lor sale at H the value; dimensions, from base to top, 2 ft. 10 in.; width. 1 II. 2 in., and 1 It t In. thick; crated and ready for shipment. In. quire at room 417 Worcester bldg. fuKIUNb MARBLK WORKS. 204-2SS tk sc. oposlte City Hall. Main S5H. I'allls Neu st Fon for mmorlala. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY OMco, fioom 15S CoarfthooM. Mb St, Kotrmnc. rfarme fram SUA, Maui S7S. Hong rbrm A SAltA. NUbt nil after office hours. Milam Heport s. if casta of cruelty to th abov ad rei. Eleotrlo lethal chamber for email aol mats. Horse ambulance for sick ana disabled animals at a moment's notice. Anyone deslr Ins a doc or other pet communicate with ua Call for all losl or strayed stock, as we loos after ail Impounding There U no more cii pound. Jus Oregon Humane Soclet XEW TO DAT. Garages rii iii...m1 Prire I. Int. 354 Attn; St. Phono Broadway 140. Sam Connell Lumber Co. MORTGAGE LOANS On Improved rlty and farm prop erty at cloae Interest rates. Ia atallment repayment prlvilejife If preferred. Prompt, reliable service A. H. BIRRELL CO. 217-210 .or(bntfr Bank BoIIdlnsr, Marshall 4114. A 4118. MORTGAGE LOANS OV BUSINESS AXD RESIDENCE PROPERTY. ROBERTSO.X EWI.VK, SOT-8 Northwestern Bank Bids;. MONEY TO LOANl Any amount on good real estate se curity. Farm loan Inquiries solicited. H. THV'AS. 567 Oak St, Room 3, X ins wart k Bids. "7w TODAY. MORTGAGE LOANS ON FARM AND RESIDENCE PROPERTY. NO COMMISSION. Wm. MacMaster XH CORBETT BLDC. PORTLAND. OR. JNO.B. COFFEY MORTGAGE LOANS, Insurance, Surety Bonds SOI WILCOX BLDG. Mala 70S, A STOS. REAL ESTATE. BllLDINU sultible for boardlnK-housc In IlKht shlpbulldlns; town. Kor particulars. AN gl's. Oregonian. r bal "THAT VACANT LOT" Turn a burden Into Income. w deslsn and build anything furnish th. money if desired; elKht years In Portland. I.. R. Bailey Co.. contract ing; architects. Northwestern Bank bids I00 CASH and 1S per moT buvs t, acr nc.ir Union ave. tar; a real baisain. I'rice H.,0U. See Mr. Graham. THE ukom; CO.. M.-lIn T743. -JAT'i Oak St OHXEH'S sacrifice, account sickness; SO. 3uo-ft. lot. Uwni Uale sddn., cost BJ.-. and ?2'X for Improvement. For quick sale, t'jo cash. Box 3 Centralla. Wash. LOT SOxliK". close to carilne. In a m!g. dis trict: very cheap; irom owner. Answer 1 -94, Oregonian. ALL kinds of buildina and alterations. CHAS. W. ERTZ. ARCHITECT. Plttock blk. aoo Choice lot. East iSth and Kllilnas. wort h. Tabor S0o. For Sale Houses. RUSH FOR SALE RUSH. On Ankeny St.. near Joth st. i -Room furnished modern house, with fur nace, room for garage, ready to move into. Price. S3450: cash $IOOO. balance good terms. This must be sold by Friday night man drafted. PES BEAMER. 502 Couch bldg. Phone Main 4,Vi7. ITTt'VTinv i.irT-.-r.., . Fine, modern home, beautiful grounds lOOxlOO, within -JOO ft. of II apartment bouses, neat '.:1st and Flanders: a-round alone caxiiy worth price asked for prop erty. We can sell for $16,000 and ar range terms. COUUARD & WIEDR1CK. . -M3 Stark. EAST SIDE BARGAIN, n-room cottage, in good shape, lot 60 t 143, good barn, nice fruit trees. Clear of all Incumbrances. Price $20on; J2"0 cah b.l;!"noe.a.-v- WATCH OUR ADS. WE viT J'tESL L IS. i C. A. Warrlner. RITTKK LOWE & CO., Board of Trade. ATTRACTIVE HOME. 5 Rooms, f; and view porch ; hardwood rioor. enamel woodwork, corner cup boards, furnace, fireplace, e!ectric range; nice lawn, trees and shrubs. ' Built by present owner for home; nearly new; in excellent condition. Owner. K. Denhon. lt:i7 Hillndalo Ave.. Council Crest. Main or Main 1166. A y.XAP. Pretty 6-room modern cottage, with fur nace, fine fruit trees, corner Jot. all im provements paid; 13th and Tillamook sis. in the heart of Irvingron. Price R. E. MEXEFEE A CO.. 416-417 Railway Exchange Bldg. Phone Main 4u:i.V MUfT 8F.LL IN FIVE DAYS. 6-room modern house In St. Johns, fine lot 5oxlOU. All fenced, lots of fruit, full basement with laundry trays. A great bar Kaln and you can buy it at your own t.?rms. Why pay rent ? Price 210u. Mariels or Williams. 820 Cham, of Cora, bldg. Main 7:67. ROSE CITY PARK. FIVE-ROOM BUNGALOW. Modern every respect, hardwood floors, built-in conveniences, full lot. paved street Price .tr.O. Terms. Phono Tabor 6b0. N O. Ecklund. COZY 5- ROOM COTTAG E Clean as new pin. Electric light, bath, gas: price, 51275, 20O cash. Now please note what 1 say this In a rood, respectable neigh borhood; nice homes all around, nice gar den; only 12 minutes from downtown; N. K. car. 1069 Front st. Please call after 5 P. M. ONE of the finest homes in Irvington;. 7 rooms, modern: must be sold at onre. $o2ru, Jt-'.'O cah, balance mortgage. Nice home, Mlfigjsslppl ave., tt. rooms, modern -close to Jefferson high: lot 60x100. $ 27(H) $5iio cash, balance easy. Walker, Main ."517. TURN THE KNOB. FOR SNAPS CALL, T'P DELAHUNT. EAST 1347. LOOK. LOOK. 3-room. plastered, pantry, clone ta, wash room, newly painted, brick cellar, SOxloo lot. cement walks, 4 blocks north "MV" car: new garar . trees, garden, chicken house; all for SHOO, terms. luG4 liassalo. Tabor 8517. 6-ROOM HOUSE. J0O CASH. Old 6-room house, full lot. on E. Hovt st.. near iVMh ; house needs repairing, but Is a big snap at 15"0; -'00 cash and ?1S ino.. 6 p--r cent or will sell for 13o0 cash. GKl'SKI V DOWNEY, 81t Bosrd of Trnde. Main 74T2. FOR SALE 7-roomed tmus. nice lawn and flowers, 2 14 seres of ground and new barn. Inside city limits of Toledo. Or; city water and lights; small fruits of afl kinds; would consider good car part payment. Price 2Soo; clear deed; no agents. Address Lock Box S, Elk City. or. ALL FURNISHED. Beautiful 5-room bungalow. Just like new. Hawthorne district, hard surface street all paid In full. Only S2650 for all; - cash. Call up before noon or after 6 P. F. FULTON. MAIN" 8170. MODERN 6-room house, with bath, lot 30x 100. beautiful lawn, roses, eight bearing fruit trees, berries, garden : no mortgage to assume, taxes paid: fi'OOrt. terms. Take Woodlawn caiv get off Roseiawn ave. 1113 E. 8th st. N. $2000 NOTHING down, $20 per month. 6 per cent. Modern 5-room bungalow. For feited contract. Original sale $2WOO; ex ceptional bargain. SO Beryl Terrace, near $r.th and Gllsan. Main 1242, evenings labor lOSS. A RG A I N $ SOO buys a f i ve-room n ouae. 40x100 lot, 13-ft. alley, cement wslks. 3 Mocks to sit. Scott car. 25 minute ride. 1 15i down, balance terms to suit. Phone Broad n ay 528 days. Tabor J 275 evenings. BUNG A LOW rooms!- bigat tie,- full "ce ment basement ; very attractive home: 1fc block Richmond car, 17 minutes out: $500 ct;n. balance very easy. Owner. 535 E. 87 th. AWFULLY PRETTY bungalow. Rose City. 5 rooms, fumirhed, $2850 or $2550 easy terms; hardwood floors, fire place, white enameld kitchen, laundry' trays. 67 E. 40ta N. Please call 5 to 8 P. M. B. M. car. $10O CASH and $15 per mo. buys a ft -room house, Mt. iscott district, lot 50x120 ft.; berries, garden and fruit. Prfre $1200. As It for Mr. Graham. THE BKOXG CO.. Phone Main 1743. 2eI k St- BEACTIFUL modern Irvlnjrton ttome 6 rooms and sleeping porch, spare rooms In finished attic, garage, first-class through out; a bargain at $5500; terms. 5S4 fcT llth st. N. Owner, Robert Beat. East 535. IRVINGTOX. Swell home on E. 17th St.; $4500. De Lahunt. Kast 1347. 40 CENTS thousand. 12.OO0.00rt yellow fir, CO per cent surface clear, easy to lug. tfc milo to river. AM 3r,. oregonian. $150 DOWN Attractive 4 -room bungalow, N. 17:h st., too small for my family; will sacrifice for $1500. AH 202. Or-(ronlan. $2450 EQUITY in Alameda Park bungalow for $lb50. Will take nw. lipht car as part payment. Sell. 27k j. DEAL WITH OWNER House. 7 rooms, re stricted district, no incumbrance; price $2lO. cash $10O0. Sellwood b0. 5-ROOM modern bunt-alow, with garage; clo-se in $r.oon; $5ft cash, good terms. 845 V.. Pine. East 1670. 5-ROOM modern bungalow, nearly new, on 50th st.. south of Hawthorne; $2100, terms. Tabor 7700- HAWTHOHNE DISTRICT. l?p-to-date 5 -room hung.ilow. $2S50; xroo down, balance like rent. Call Tabor S743. $50 CASH, balance monthly. Large mod ern seven rooms, two lota, shrubbery; fur ntture 1f desired. 134 Fast 53d st. FOR PALE A fine 5-room house, corner, on Falling, near Williams ave. Call Woodlawn 1300. Owner. No a cents. EVBBKLL SON. 7411 Sandy, oldest flrns ROSE CITY PARK, can sell you a good house cheap. See us first. Tabor 21ttt WEST Side houae for sale, 15 minutes' walk to Poetoffice; rente for $30 a month. 330 Grant st. IRVING TON HOMES. R. T. STREET, IRV. AGENT. IF that mori gage worries you, consult ua yortn western x rnst -o .'m-j wueox bldg. BA RG A INS Foreclosure and homes Call up East 1347. COSY little home for right parly. Woodlawn 462'. S-ilOUM house, Crvulu I' or Hand. Main bi. RF.A L ESTATK For Sle Hotkm, HOME BUYERS. Too can save yourselves a lot of running around tf you'll just take a look at the pictures in our window of the beautiful moderately priced homes we have for sale in LaureLhurat and other district. Prices and descriptions under each picture. Lasy terms U desired- PAUL C. MURPHY. Sales Agent. 27-i Stark sr. between 3d and 4th sts. Main 1700. A 1515. LEONARDS SPECIAL SNAPS. A classy nearly new 5-roora bungalow in best section of Rose City Park. 1 block from car, old ivory finish, hardwood floors, fireplace, gas heating plant. breakfast cook, beautiful yard; $3850, $1000 cah. A nifty 5 -room solid concrete bunga low, located on a view comer, paved street. 1 block to ca', thoroughly modern, old Ivory finish, gas heating plant; cost $6000, but will sell for $4000 ou easy terms. 2-story 6-room house on 50x100 lot in good location near car. $1600. $600 cash, balance $10 per month and Interest. S. W. Leonard, Main 1700; evenings Tabor 7645. " I RVINGTON BUNGALOW. $460O. WITH GARAGE. Six rooms, strict ly modern, hardwood floors, fireplar. sleeping porch, built-in buffet and book esses, white Dutch kitch en with new gas range, full cement base ment with laundry tubs and gas plate, fine furnace, shrubbery and roses. Am moving to California and must sacrifice for $5o0 down, balance to suit. If you have looked around any. you'll appre ciate this bargain. Your rent will pay for It, as it did for me, only I paid a lot more. Place Is near llth and Bra-tee; will only show by appointment, so see me at 826 N. W. Bank bldg. S. Parker, owner. Main EXTRAORDINARY BARGAIN. Irvmgton palatial home. rooms, three sleeping porches, billiard and maid's room, dining-room in leather and silk tapestry, beautiful reception hail, living, library, den and secretary rooms. 4 bedrooms in white enamel, all rooms are decorated, by Grafe, the French arttut : plate glaas windows, 3 firepluces, hot water heat, Dutch kitchen, cold water cooler and ail built-in conven iences; garage, lot 2-3xlO0; velvet car pets, silk tapestry hanging. Brussels net curtains go with the house free; 5oc on r the dollar. Owner. Kast 1347. No agents. LAURELHURST HOME SNAP. A very attractive, thoroughly modern IS -story 6-room house. In excellent con dition, located in best section of laurel hurst. 1 block from car. hardwood floors, fireplace, convenient kitchen with break fast room. 8 bedrooms, cement bSfement with best furnace, nice lawn and flowers, room for garage; price $4500. terms. J. DKLAHUNTY, Main 1700; evenings. East 2086. ."-ROOM BUNG A LOW $250 DOWN. $25 MONTH , $3450; MT. TABOR Beautiful yard, trees, hardwood floors In main rooms, fireplace, built-in buffet. Dutch kitchen. 2 bedrooms, attic, furnace. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. No. 7 Cham ber of Commerce Bldg., 4th & Stark Sts. Main 20. A 2050. ALAMEDA PARK. 5-room modern bungalow; good attic, fireplace, full cement basement, street im- provements all in and Included In price: only $2450. This is a real sacrifice. Hub straight mortgage of $100. which gives you an Idea of the value. Do not wait till this is gone. There are no more like IU J. A. WICK MAN CO.. 311 Sjark St. Main 33. $1030 3-ROOM IN PARKROSE. Half-acre "tract, 2 blocks to car. 1 block to school, water piped in house, gas and electric connections. Ground all cleared, some garden In. Terms $2O0 down. $20 month. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. No. 7 Chamber of Commerce, 4th and Stark Sts. Main 20. A 2O50. PENINSULA DISTRICT. 5-room bungalow, one block from hard surface, and car line. Fine location for shlpworkers. Patton avenue, near Lom ba rd. Price $22o. $30O cash, balance easy. C. A. Warriner. RITTER LOWE & CO.. 2K.-5-7 Bi-.nrd of Trade. I RVINGTON Beautiful New England co lon'al home, 715 East 19th St. North. Own- er leaving city; 7 rooms, white enamel finish, hardwood floors throughout, plate glass windows, fireplace, furnace, laun dry, finished attic. Dutch kitchen with every built-in convenience. For sale by F. E. Bowman fc Co.. 213 C. of C. bldg. Main 3026. ROSSMERE BUNGALOW. GARAGE. A mighty big bargain in a nearly new thoroughly modern 5 -room bungalow with garage, best home environment. 1 block to car. all built-in effects, hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace, large attic, full cement haaement. beautiful lawn with lots of trees and shrubbery; $3000. terms. J. DELA Hl'NTY, Main 17O0; evenings. Ksat 206. LAURELHURKT HOMES. T have several excellent bargains In 6. 7 ana s-room houses located In best sec tion of LAURELHURST for sale on rent like terms. Call for kevs at Laurelhurst tract office E. 30th and Gllsan. Tabor 3433 daily between 10 A. M. and 3 P. M. C. E. BROWN. Evenings. Tabor 53. jGREAT BARGAIN. Classy dwelling of 7 rooms, enameled throughout, porcelain bath, wash trays, plenty of fruit, splendid location, fine car service. 004 Albina ave. Price $2800. R. E. MEXEFEE A CO.. 416-417 Railway Exchange Bldg. Phone Main 435. BUNGALOW BARGAIN. I wish to sell three nearly new 6-room houses located in best secttobs of Laurel hurst ana Rossmere for best prices obtainable. Terms. Call for keys at Laurelhurst tract office, E. 30th and Gllsan sts.. today. Tabor 3433. C. E. Brown, evenings Tabor 59. FINE LOT FREE. Fine 5-room brick house. In St. Johns, modern, good basement, fireplace. 1H Iota all kinds of fruit; an absolute snap, as the house could not be built for price asked ; $2500 takes this at your own terms. Why pay rent? Mariels or Williams. 820 Cham, of Com. Bid. Main 7l67. ROSE CITY. Rush on 61st. 6 rooms, swell ; easy terms; only $2750. DeLahunt. East 1347. CHEAP COTTAGE. CLOSE IN. $1475. Location. 428 San Rafael, near East 7th. House Is not much, bu this la a great chance for a mechanic who does not want to spend all his tune on a car. L. B. Walt ratng. Main 1927. Care Edwards Company, 5th and Oak. I RVINGTON HOUSE. Good 7-room hou&e. full basement, fire place, 4 bed rooms, garage, six fine fruit trees, lot frOxloo. on E. 8th st., near Thomp son; price $4200. $1200 ensh. bal. to suit. GRUSSI & DOWNEY. 316 Board of Trade. Main 7452. DIVISION ST. Beauty; 6 rooms, etc; $3250; easy terms. DeLahunt. E. 1347. x STRICTLY modern 5-room bungalow with leeplng-Torch. fumsce, fireplace, hard wood floors, room for garage; best part of Hawthorne, all Improvements Included In the price, $3"00 if sold this week. Imme diate possesion. Own-r. Tabor 760. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. 5-room bungalow, no furnace or hard wood floors, otherwise strictly modern; street improvements in and paid for; i7th st. $2500, $lOOO cash, balan to suit pur chaser. 1! 1078 Hawthorne, Thor 2243. NEAT WOODSTOCK BUNGALOW. 5 rooms, modern, on carlicc; price $1600; $300 cash, balance easy. C. A. Warriner. RITTER LOWE A CO. 203-5-7 Board of Trade. FJV'E-ROOM house, close in. plastered, god plumbing. basement, street paid. nt-e shrubbery, etc. ; M and $20 pr month. Johnson-Dodson Co.. 634 N. W. Bank Building. FIVE-ROOM bimpaiow, new and modem, oak loors, dutch kitchen, good plumbing, larire attic and basement. Fine home In eood district. Johnaon-Dodson Co., 634 X. W. Bank Building. 7-ROOM bungalow. 2 acres. Courtney stt tlon, lota of berries and garden, cow and chickens, all for $5000. Terms. AN 106, Orgonlan. FOR SALE AT BARGAIN. . j2V0 0 room house, fine condition, suitable for 2 families; easy tmm. Kill ingsworth. nr Union ave. East 6235. 705 E. 7TH ST. N. ft rooms, small base ment ; aU Improvements pa Id ; $J-00: terms; owner. Woodlawn 2265, after $ P. M. FOR SALE Good 5-room house, 6621 81st st. S. E.. partly furnished, lot 75x1 0. for $1200: one-half cash, balance to suit. J. W. Collin, The Dalles. Or. wir.i. PPPCT A HOME. ON OUR LOTS OR YOUR OWN Northwestern Trust Co 212 Wilcox bldg. F. K. St tarns. Mgr. DF.SIRABLK home. $27oO. 6-S1 East .illi North. REAL. ESTATE. For feale -Horn ROSE CITY PARK BUNGALOW $4Vrt. 6 rooms and sleylng-ivr-ch. .modem, hardwood floor, white enamel tinltih, well built, furnace and fireplace; aU s'ret-t im provements in and paid. IH blocks out h of Sandy blvd at 476 E. 51st st. Nonh. Price $40O, terms, but no trade. ,or will discount for all cash. ' x CARL R. JONES CO.. 4Q4 WIWs H:dg. Main. S. r- l KLi i.N imk t iri. 5-room modern bung.ilow; l.irto, wM finished. eil tinted rooms. hail, f ! re place, white enamel bathroom. Iuth kitchen. gas. t-iotric !:gh:s, basemen t. tra s. maradannr.ed si reel, lawn, roo. trees, porch, prgoia. buili-ln buffet. tu front, sheltered. bciut!ful l-w ; owner must se'l; $2IOO. $ot cash. $10 a tnon:t. Main :t3 $600. $100 cash, ba'.ance $15 per month, in clud.ng interest : 2 rooms, with disappear ing bed in living room. lare cKc.. 3 blocks from Ron- CI v Park car. SKE MR. JENKS AT 6TH AND SANDY BLVD. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. Modern 6-roora bungalow. fireplace, bookcase, buffet, reception hail, hsrdood floors, dutch kitchen. lloord attic, ce ment basement. ash trays. st reena; $ lOn irms, "ra'l"; lions. Main 1 S:0 MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE. Fine lu-room home, high-class dlsTrl.-t. corner lot, luoxlOO, heuuttful shrubbery and trees; place cost $15.tMM 4 years ago. Indebtedness o; w 111 take $2000 for equity. A 13 254. Oregonian. BEAUTIFUL home in lrvlngton, 7 rooms and bath. 2 toilets, all buiit-in cabin n, bem ceiling in living and dining-room, garage. Xru.t trees, lot JA'xlOO. A.l assess ments paid. Buy from owner, save com mission. ti2 Tlliamook rt HAVTH(7rNK DISTRICT. Sm.ill payment down and balance like rent buys our modern 5-room house, al most new, paved street, full cemtnt base ment, fireplace, etc.: an elegant home, complete. $.t5oO; no agents. Tabor 774t. $30 CASH and 10 per mo. buy a small house on a small lot on Alberta i Price $5ou. i-ee Mr. Graham. THE BRONG CO.. Main 1743. 2W7H ak GREAT bargain by owner; modem 6-room house, barn and chicken house, fruit trees and berry bushes. All undr cultivation on I acre of ground. At 2113 Hassalo st. Phone Mam 2i7. $200 CASH and $20 per mo. buys neat, mod ern 5-room buncalow near Union ave. and Bryant si. Price $250O. See Mr. Graham THE BRONG CO.. Main 1743. 267i Oak St. S50 ALBERTA HOME $850. 5-room house. Roseiawn ave., nr. 10th. Mod. p'umblng. owner in Canada. Gre;tt buy. Sea this. Frank L. McGuire, Ablng tmi bide 5-ROOM buugdtos , nearly new. 1114 E. .Shvrman St.; now vacant. $2550; best of fer takes it. E. T. Price, owner, 341 'ook ave. 5-ROOM BUNGALOW. 4123 46th Fve. S. E.. bcL 42d and 43d st ?Oxl0. $2300; $30O down. Frank L. Mc Gulre. Ablngton bldg $1500 COSY ,4-room modern bungalow w it h nice yard, f ul 1 lot, close to car. Terms. See owner. Taggart. 41b Chamber of Com merce. FOR SA LE 6-room. modern housv. with hot water, heat and full cement basement; everything up to date. Easy terms, by owner. I'hone Tabor 253S. $2500 A REAL BUNGALOW 2500. 5-rm.. modern H. W. floors, fireplace, etc. $500 will handle. See this. On -i.d st. Frank I- McGuire. Abington bl-ig. nn TOWV price T?oo 4-room, plasterd house, bath an! toilet, elec. and gas. Hoiman. near E, ISth. Frank L. M--Gnre. Ablnyton bldg. 5-KOiM modern bungalow in nice neigh borhood. Price reasonable ; terms. Um un derstock t: Larson, 210 Oregun Bide; Brdwy 165 s. 5-ROOM bungalow, fine 8 rooms, Dutch kitchen, buffet ; fine lawn and garden ; good district. Johnson-DodSou Co., 634 N. W. Bank blrtg. 1RVINGTON BARGAIN Best buy offered Attractive home. 6 rooms and sleptm; pirch. fir-placc. $40O; terms. Eaat 311. Main P07S. . FOR SALE or trade. 7 -room, strictly mod ern bungalow, w ith fine sleeping porch. Price, $30"o; will take $60 cash, balance to suit. 345 E. 37th. $r,o0 5-ROOM bungalow for $IS75. $,".00 cash, balance $'J-" per month. Includes in terest. F. K. Stearns, 202 Wilcox bldg.. Main 3517. $4X $100 CASH, balance $10 month. Three room house, furnished.- Snap. Mt. cott district. Particulars, De Young, 315-17 Henry bldg. $230 DOWN. 5-rm.. plastered house. 53d ave. nr. 6th fct. ; bath, toilet, elec and gas. Only $1150. Frank L. MiGulre. Abington bids. FOR SALE 6-room house, located on Ham ilton ave.; lot 40xlo0; fruit trees and grape vines; $200 caili. balance tonus; Price $HMH. Owner. B 1277. EIGHT-ROOM bungalow. 11 S3 Missouri ave.. on time payments. Price $45o. By owner. H. J. Kuhn. South Bellltigham. I'hone East 2S20. 703 12th St.. city. 2-ROOM, house for sale. $35.0O. 2515. Woodlawn $3306 THIS week, modern 5-K. bungalow.; R. P. P. Owner; no agents. 4"2 E. 5:d N. COZY 3-room bungalow. U20 E. Moi ri&ou, $24ft. $.o down; owner. Sr.l. 3Q22. -Buslnees Property. WATER FRONT, with trackage. West Side 1 1 5x5oO: choice factory silo. Owner. 1421 Nort h western Bank blag. Suburban Home. 7-ROOM HOUSE I ACRE. $"OO0. On Eact Side, near station; he fart-, good oil: 2-aiorv house. 3 bedrooms, basement. gas. city water. Terms, $12oO cash, bal ance mortgage. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY. 113 Chamber of Commerce. WHY PAY RENT? Improved sere, fair house, barn, chicken house, good well, berries, fruit trees, eic. ; on gravel road, close to Metzger. Oregon Electric. Price for quick sale. $1650. part cash, balance your terms. Phone Tabor i20. FOR SALE Two acres, fine 7 -room house, fruit, etc. running creek, near carl in e, cheap. Call at third house north of His 1 e y Station. Oregon City c sr. FINE residence property, close In. cheap. 607 Washington st.. Vancouver. Wash. or Sale Acreage. COLUMBIA HIGHWAY BUILDING SITES Thompson Villa acre iractn on highway and Sanay River. 1 mile from bridge after ou leave Troutdale, from $loo to $6oO per acre, easy terras. Office open on tract Sundn a. GRUSSl DOWNEY. 31 Board of Trade Bldg. Main 74"2. " Fo bale-Farni s. S TOC K FARM AND S TOC K FOR S ALE. This farm Is on the island opposite Rldgefleld. Wash. Consists of about 735 acres; large farm house, furnished; two bams. s:los, tiacur. complete farm imple ments, choice dairy herd of registered and grade Holstein cows, other choice stock, six horses. ferryboat. gasoline launch, crops planted, finest hay la nd. Ideal farm lor fattening stock for market. Pries only $75 per acre and stock and Implements at Inventory; terms. This is s real bargain and a great opportunity for right mun. phone 5Iain 65O0 or address H. W. Strong, attorney for administratrix. 403 Gasco bidg Portland. Oregon. DAIRY FOR SALE. Here Is a splendid opportunity; am fur nishing milk for growing town; trade la getting to; big for me to handle; will sell at reasonable price. 150 seres of land, 75 now in i ye; a good modern S-roomed "house, barn, dairy herd f.nd 3 head of borsea This Is a pay.nc proposition worth investigating. For furthor information call on or write to Josephine Huff, Arlington, Or. 16 Acre-. Eastern Oregon, 35 cultivation, n tillable ; small house, barn 42x32. n s tcr piped in house and barn ; bearing orchard, free grazing land. $'1JV, some t-rms. S per cent. Write or call O. W. Thorn pson. Durk ee . Or. 64- ACRES three miles out of Oregon City, on electric car line and fine wagon road. About 1-3 In cultivation, with crops, good buildings. Small amount cash will swing tleal. or will trade for city house and lot. O D. Eby,- Oregon City. 44 ACRES, 4 mfh'S oui ti of IIiIIhooi u, 15 in crop. 3 ftlmost cl"ar'd. balance un cleared. 4-rm. hou.s. 4"x46 barn, inx.12 si'o. etc. Price $140 per acre; terms. Bar gain a-c. health. Frank L. McGuire, Al 1 n st on bldg. $00O ACRES In Southwestern Washington tor sale, to settlers only, upon easy trms and low prices. $3 per sere and up. 'Write for map showing location, terms, etc WEYERHAEUSER TIMBER COMPANY. Tscoma Bldg.. Tacorna. Wash. CHICKEN. FRUIT. GARDEN RANCHES Near Portland; $75 to $200 per acre; easy terms; best soil; farms for sale, ail sizes. McKarlsnd. 603 Yeon bldg.. Portland. 10 ACR ES of land ; good ore hard, house ; ali outbuildings. Bull Run water; located Just south o: Lea is; 6131 92d st. S. E. Thomas All-n. LOGO ED -OFF lands. $lu acre up; runuu.g water, good. soli. H tillable, employment, easy terms. Jesse K. Sharp. MS 3d st. S ACRES, level, fenced, cleared, good solt. house; employment; near Willamlna; $23 -cash. $1 mo. Jesse R- Sharp. h3 H 3d st. 40 ACRES, near college campus. McMlnn ville. -a bargain. John Baia. 07 Spald ing g; SEVER AL 8mll ranches for rs'e. I A. Dau.aeity, Myrtle Ottk, or., lox 173. KKAL ESTATE. For (aJe 160 ACRES unimproved Hood River land for automobi.e; no Junk. AP 326, Orego- eon fa n. $1250 NICE, lo-scre piece, all in wheat Hound trip. e-5e. Owner. Kast 22. WANTED REAL EST AT K. $ 50 PER MONTH. Father and t o sons. ship workers, 'irtiin good wave, wish to buy modern home wi;h 5 bedrooms in Alberta or Pe ninsula Sections. Cn make monthly pay ments of $"o; sme months $100. pnc mii6t be rip hi. State full particulars. AH 2 v. Ofegonian. B U N G A LO W W ANTED. I have several clients with money, want ing bungalow s. If our price u right. X can turn it for you. W. K. KASER. Main 6173. 517 Corbet t Bid. HOUSE WANTED. 1 will pay not over $1500 pot cash. Lo cation and price In first letter or no at-t-n uon given same. AN 21.". Oregonian. WANTED House and little acreage, nar good car st-rv.ee; rent; might buy. A V t7K Oregonian. Farm Wanted. THREE FARMS WANTED. Witli'i 20 ml-t of Portland. Price from ftidoo to $iooo. Give rull details first letter. For quick action omit in flated price. E. A. LIN DG REN. Savon I-snd Co.. t.;5 N. W. Bank Pdg Ln . i c i improved farm that can be sold ( on essy payments, or will put in improved payment. F L'!7. Orrgonlan. Wanted to Kent Farms. WANT to rent house and small screage. near carline; might buy. AV 7. Oregonian. FOR BENT FARMS. WANT WHEAT LAND. Eastern Oregon or Washington. Have clivnis waiting for 5O0 to 30O0 seres. If your price is right we can get Immediate action. WATCH OUR ADVS. WE GET RESULTS. -A. G. Bender. RITTER. LOWE & CO. 2i3-i-7 Board of Trade. 40 HIGHLY-CULTIVATED acres to plant p- miwu. ufn or wnat, you want, ior rent on liberal share-rent basis to competent party with equipment, tractor outfit pre ferred. Pronrpt attention necessary. For full Information write or phono Black 1443. or call on L. J. liaximan, R, 1. Box 76. Silvsrton. Oregon. GREAT OPPORTUNITY FOR A FARMER. Kent this a Jo -acre valley farm, growing crop worth $n0h; stock snd free rent to fill 1910 as a gift, sacrificed for $4000. See F. FUCHS, 420 chamber of Commerce. 60 ACRES. Tillamook County; 20 -cow barn, good buildings, 1 mile to town, cheese f.ictory; Immediate possession. W 233. oregonian. 120 ACRES. Tillamook County, new 40-cow ba rn, good house. ' miio to cheese fac tory; prefer renting to one with own stock. AM 342. Oregonian. 7 ACRES. 5-room house, good barn, place sll in crop; ten minutes' wsik to carline. Address Box 362. Beaverton. Or. 10 ACRES iine potato ground for rent. $5 per acre. Address B.. 228 Henry Bldg. TIMBER!. ANDS. 30.000 CAP. SAWMILL, with Umber, on R. R.. running and In good condition; a bar gain for someone ; owner dratted. 413 Fen ton Bldg. 10O ACR fc:s. 3.o".oo0 pin snd fir. near Butte Fa ITs, 34-34-2 easi ; worth $3 lump; take $loH, quick sate. V. A. Dunn. 202 Security Bank. Oakland. Cal. TIMBER LANDS BOUGHT AND SOLD. c. .t. Mccracken. 304 mckat bltxi. SM ALL LOT of old growth timber, close to rail and good rosd. at a bargain. S. R. Co.. Henry Bldg.. Portland. FOR SALE 1W acres timber In Linn County. Oregon. Mrs. John P. Nugent, 917 South Tower ave.. Centralis, Wash. TO KXCHANGK RFAL ESTATE. LOOK THESE OVER. Clear lots and cash, will exchange ror piano. One are in Tualatin. Or. Lots clesr and cash for automobile. 160 acres timber; will cruise S.000.00O feet of Douglas fir and sugar pine and cedar. 5-room house and bam. some cleared, on good road, plenty of water, on main county rosd. close to school snd postoffice ; price $70oo. clesr of Incum brance. Will tske part in city property and some cash, or will take mig. back. 15 acres, all In cultivation. 8-room house, good barn snd outbuild lugs, stock and Implements. 1 mile from city limit. 5 blocks to electric station : price $10.OO. clear of incumbrance. Went wheat farm in Eastern Washington or Montana. 40 acres. 15 acres in beaverdam. bal ance timber and pasture. 4-room house. 2 burns, ' mile to electric station. 18 miles from Portland ; price $6000. Want house in city to $4000. Balance terms. 4 acrs. all Incult i vat ion. good 7-room house, barn and outbuildings, all kinds of fruit, on paved road. 2 block from city limits; price $5Sm, clear of incumbrsnce. Will exchange fur good house or sell on easy terms. in sere In bearing spricots- There will be from 20OO to 3nM itoxes of fruit on it thi year: water right with place; pries $2500. clear of incumbrance. Want good houtse in citv; will assume. M I LLERSH I P & MORRIS, 431 Chamber of Commerce. J2 ACRES, near Battleground, Wash. ; 45 acres In cultivation. 6 acres in bear ing prunes; all crops in ; good soil. Hfl well, good water, R- F. D. snd ml'k route, telephone in. good house and out buildings; close to school, enure h and siorv. Personal property : One iron gray team. 5 years old: ft head cattle. 1 brood, row, chickens and all farm Implements; s 1 1 for $ 1 0.OOt) ; part trade, terms on balance; if you want a bargain, call and se me ; I am too old for farm work ; my boy has gone to the Army; 401 E. 50: h tot. N. Phone Tabor 5 SO 5. LA GRANDE OR ELGIN FOR PORTLAND 20 acres adjacent to La Grande: 15 acre In aUalfa, bal. in orchard: garden and grounds about the bldgs.; 7-room house, good barn, sheds and stone milk and fruit house ; H. R. passes place ; ten mlnuteV walk from center of city. The best of land, value. 12.000. Exchange for house and lots in Portland or ciose In; also 3 room house and 100x120. $15'X). In Elgin to trade for res. lu Portland ; will as sume up to $2000. CLEVELAND. Main 11. 222 C. of C. B'dg HOUSES WANTED. I want a few attractive modern house In good repair, not over $4000. Quick action If price Is right. PAUL C. MUR PHY, at LAURELHURST CO.'S office. 270 h Stark st. Main 17QQ, A 1515. LIST your property with ua for results; ex changes of merit; established 10 years. The Ernest Younger Co.. 105-10T Park aUa between Washington and Stark sta. lOs-ACHE farm. 50 seeded. 50 pasture, good buildings, water piped 3 miles to town ; $e0o0, for modem bouse to $4000, H. B. Allen. Route 1. box 119, Gaston, Or. FOR exchange, choice lots In Tacoma and Seattle for good team, wagon and harness, see Dr. Carstens at Hotel Arthur. Port land. WILL exchange nice bungs low in Spoksne. V'ash., for something in or near Portland. $l0"t mortgage. Will assume simile r amount. Main 5972. WILL accept good house ss first payment on small farm, balance long time, C. Nle meyer, Sai'tn. Or. I WILL sell your house If t he price and terms ar riiclit: buyers wa it ing. I'hone Irwin. Main 570. 401 Board of Trade bldg. X GoOD Kiocery for sa;, or might trade for acreage; rem rifchu AB 2G1. Ore- W ILL -C!Mng- cotiaces In good vallev town for timber. Bracher Timber Co.. 100 Sher lock bide. W ANTE D 4 or 5-room modern bungalow, good lot anv desirable district, reasonable terms. F 2P. Orcgonlsn. W HA r have you to exchange for Tilla mook Beach lots? Addreaa BD 14L Ore gonian. 10! BA F Y a rand Chevrolet for nice bun galow in rlKht location. Call Main 812. FOR SALE. Uonf. Vehicles. Livestock. WE HAVE a new shipment consisting of ;:o head of young mars and geldings, weighing from 1300 to l0O lbs. All srock r:iaranteed. Fraxier fc McLean. 240 East S h nnd Main sts. DEAD HORSES snd animals hauled sway fre. Poitland Rendering Co, Call Wood Tawn 20 y FOR SALE. 2 milch gosts snd 1 kid. Old T. M. C A. blt!g.. cor, of fair grounds. 26 Ni-o' wi. DEA D horses taken; cash paid for dead c o ; rhone calls paid. Mllwaukie 6U-J. DEAD sKKrk taken quickly: we pay the wrxont tor df-ad and crippled stock. Tabor 4203. Jl"i-T arrived, ! he.id choice dairy and fam ily o s. :i breeds. t5l Ir sst Ash. SOl'N D lowi-iu. horse at your own price. lu2 k amhiii su LA RG E pasture for rent near Psrtlssd. Main 5-