Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, May 22, 1918, Image 1

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    ifi ri Yi i ..... . . .
VOL,. jLVIII. 0. 17,938.
Coroner's Inquest De
velops Few Clews.
Missing Husband and Father
Is Believed to Be Slayer.
Boy Who
tlfies at
Discovered Crime Tes
Inquiry, and Merchant
Describes Man Vlio Is Thought
to Have Committed Murder'.
KELSO. Wash., May 21. (Special.)
Kelso's- triple killing, discovered yester
day wjien the bodies of a woman, girl")
and boy were found in a camping tent
beside the Pacific Highway, yielded up
little of its mystery today.
Identity of the victims, assuredly
mother and children, remained unfixed,
though tonight the investigators were
working on a clew furnished through
reported identification of the license
number of the automobile in which the
party traveled.
Authorities of Cowlitz County and
Kelso admit that they lack tangible
clews leading in the direction of the
supposed murderer.
Developments of the day, including
the Inquest conducted by County Coro
ner Bailes, assisted by County Attorney
Spauldlng. point directly at the missing
husband and father as the one who sent
four bullets through the brains of the
victims as they slept in the tent.
Wide acceptance of this theory leaves
the motive unfathomed. Statements by
persons who thought they had seen
the couple quarreling were uncor
roborated. A well-defined report that
relations of the father with the 13-year-old
daughter precipitated the
crime as concealment was shelved by
the physicians. Belief of others that
they identified the party as containing
a young man, presumably not a male
relative, was discredited by credible
witnesses at the Inquest.
Mlsslair Man Sought.
Evidence of wliat Is considered a
bungling attempt at framing a murder
and suicide setting, fixing guilt on the
dead woman, the developments dis
closed, but the authorities are bending
every energy to apprehend the head of
the family as the slayer.
This man is described as 35 to 37
years old, approximately the age of
the dead woman, through a bit of in
formation recorded in the little girl's
crude diary; his height is given as 5
feet 4 inches, and his weight as 1423
pounds. He is said to have been wear
ing a brown suit and soft hat. All
of the party were very plainly dressed.
Man Kiees Southward.
The party reached Kelso from the
florin, traveling in a ord car or an
old model. That the man fled south
ward in the car after committing the
crime Sunday night is the belief of
the officers. It is believed the fiend
journeyed down the valley toward
Portland rather than take chances of
being recognized on a return trip to
the north.
The tragedy was enacted in a little
clearing, but a few paces off the Pa
cific Highway, two miles southeast of
Kelso. Testimony at the coroner's In
quest fixed the time as Sunday night,
though the campers had been at this
locution since Friday evening and had
been seen by few persons in the mean
Curiosity of Penoyer Holmes, 15
years old. a student In the Kelso
schools, led to discovery of the crime.
Young Holmes had been passing the
tent on his way to and from town.
Puzzled because he never saw anyone
about the tent the lad ventured to
peer within as he journeyed homeward
at 4:30 o'clock Monday afternoon. Horror-stricken
by the ghastly scene dis
closed he sped to town and reported
to Constable Hull, who with Sheriff
ttudebaker hurried to the scene in
Many View Bodies.
All day yesterday the bodies of the
elain lay side by side, just as found
in the tent. In the little undertaking
chapel of . E. Marx hundreds of per
sons, some from sincere intent to help
in identification, more from morbid
curiosity, were permitted to view them.
Not until after the inquest were prep
erations for burial begun. They will
be held for possible identification if
necessary. The inquest was started
1 o'clock this afternoon. Testimony of
Sheriff Studebaker and Constable Hull
concerned the finding of the bodies.
"1 think the man who was with them
did the killing; there is no question
that the woman had nothing to do with
it," was the conclusion drawn from the
Mother la Exonerated.
Ic tails of the attempt to give the
appearance that the woman fired the
hots were barely touched upon at the"
hearing. The supposed ruse consisted
of the dropping of a rusty pistol, "con
taining four exploded shells and
fifth intact, at the woman's side.
Though this was the number of bullets
fired, the posture of the matron's right
hand across her breast beneath the
covers, with the left beneath her head,
with the further assurance that rust
accumulations of months were undis
turbed in the pistol barrel, constituted
convincing proof exonerating her, it
was held.
Clews upon which the authorities
started their efforts to identify the
tragedy victims were presented at the
hearing. An empty pill box. which had
evidently contained quinine, bore no
druggist's- name, but has the address
Concluded on Pag. 2, Column 1.)
Scientists From Lick Observatory
Locate Valuable Observation "
Devices After Four Years.
Somewhere on the Pacific Ocean, in
a steamer approaching a Pacific port,
are a number of valuable astronomical
instruments. Since August, 1914, these
Instruments have been booted around
Russia and have caused the Lick Ob
servatory endless trouble and worry.
They were taken to Kusisa four years
ago in the vain hope of viewing and
studying a total eclipse of the sun, and
now, if they arrive In time, they will be
used at Goldendale, Wash., by scien
tists of the Lick Observatory in study
ing the solar eclipse Saturday, June 8.
Professor Sidney E. Townley, of Stan
ford University faculty, who is in the
Pacific Northwest giving lectures be
fore schools and colleges on the forth
coming eclipse prior to studying the
eclipse from Union, Or., has received
information tllat the instruments are
expected almost any day.
W. W. Campbell, director of Lick Ob
servatory, will be at Goldendale for
several days prior to the eclipse, ac
companied by Dr. H. D. Curtis, also
of the observatory staff. They are
equipped with additional Instruments,
should the now celebrated cargo fail to
reach American shores on time.
Director Campbell and his party took
the instruments to Russia In the Sum
mer of 1914 and set them up at Bovary,
on an estate of a Russian nobleman
across whose lands the path of totality
extended. Unfortunately, it was a
cloudy day, and all their efforts went
for naught, and then war was declared
and the party was unable to bring them
out of Russia. The party's tickets read
via Berlin and Paris, but the members
escaped from Russia after trying ex
periences by way of Finland and Swe
den. For a time the instruments were
stored in the Russian National Obser
vatory at Poulkova, near Petrograd;
later, trace of them was lost, but a few
months ago they were found and
shipped to "Vladivostok, where they
were put aboard a vessel for this coun
try. The vessel carrying the Instruments
Is thought to have left Vladivostok in
Official Will Proclaim City Meas
ures in Effect Tonight.
Before leaving for the East tomor
row night Mayor Baker by proclama
tion will put into effect all municipal
measures that were approved by the
voters in the special city election last
Friday. At the request of the Mayor
the official canvass of the returns was
begun yesterday by City Auditor Funk.
The task will probably be completed
All that will then remain to be done
to give the successful measures full
force and effect is the Issuance by the?
Mayor of a proclamation. This will
be done not later than tomorrow.
Supremacy of English Airmen Over
Germans Shown in 2 Months.
LONDON, May 21. The supremacy of
the British air forces over the Ger
mans is strikingly shown in tonight's
report on aerial operations in France
which says that since March 21 the
British have downed 1000 German
The statement reads:
"Since the beginning of the German
offensive, exactly two months ago, 1000 V
German airplanes have been brought
down or driven down out of control,
and more than 1000 tons of bombs have
been dropping over the enemy's lines."
Fred Byron Abandons 52 0-Acre
Ranch to Fight Huns.
Selling his sawmill and leaving his
wife to take care of a 520-acre farm
and four children, Fred Byron, of
Olalla, has enlisted in the United States
Army and will start his military train
ing at once.
Not to be outdone, two other men
of the community left their wives and
farms in order to go into the service.
Charles M. Purdy, 40 years old and
married, sold his dairy farm and James
W. Byron of' the same age, left his
wife and child, sold his dairy farm and
enlisted in the Army.
Famous Yankee Flyer, Thought
Dead, in Hun Hospital, Wounded.
(By tbe Associated Press.)
FRANCE. May 21. Captain James
Norman Hall, of Colfax, la., who had
been missing since May 7, is wounded
and a prisoner in a German hospital.
Captain Hall, who is attached to the
American aviation corps, disappeared
after an aerial engagement over the
German lines.
Though Critically III Former Vice
President "Still Holds On."
INDIANAPOLIS, May 21. Charles W.
Fairbanks, who is critically ill here.
"continued to hold his own," according
to an announcement at his home here
It was said his physician still had
hopes for the recovery of the ex-Vice-President
of the United States,
Mrs. Roberts Taunted
by Grace Lusk.
Admissions Written
Wronged Woman.
Veterinarian Represented . as Hav
ing: Been Cheated In Marriage.
Cchool Teacher Will Go
Upon Stand as Witness.
WAUKESHA W, Wis., May 21. Grace
Lusk will take the witness. stand to re
veal every detail of her relations with
.Dr. David Roberts at her trial for slay
ing his wife, tomorrow.
This was announced by attorneys for
the defense late today, after the prose
cution had completed the presentation
of its evidence against Miss Lusk. Her
story is expected to be a flat denial of J
Dr. Roberts' testimony that she pur
sued him with the object of wrecking
his home.
Before the prosecution rested, it in
troduced a letter written by Miss Lusk
and found in her desk after the tragedy.
It was addressed to Mrs. Roberts ahd
was presented as evidence only after
the attorneys for the defense had reg
istered an emphatic protest in which
they declared that Miss Lusk could not
be used as a witness against herself.
The letter said:
"When your husband first came to
me. it was for business, at least that
was his excuse. He did all of the pur
suing. I thought it was all quite a
good joke and, in fact, it would never
have occurred to me to take the situa
tion seriously if, one night at the Bap
tist church affair, you had not come
up to us when we were talking in the
most innocent fashion imaginable and
rushed him away. Tou did' not do it
In a courteous manner well, not
rather, i vowed thereupon to get even
with you for your discourtesy, and 1
have. Only I have hurt myself in do
ing so."
The letter than frankly related her
relations with the veterinarian, of
how he spent his evenings with her
while his wife was ill at home; of his
jealousy and of nis statement to her
that he felt that he "had been cheated
in the marriage game."
"It seems to me," the letter added.
that ir you loved your husband un
selfishly, you want him to be happy
honorably, even if it were a sacrifice
to you in some respects. It is not an
unheard of thing for a husband or
wife to give up voluntarily the mate
whose love has been lost. Did you
ever hear the story of Ruskin, or more
recently, of James K. Barrie?
Another letter headed "explanation,'
Oh, I am sorry, sorry that all this
(Concluded on Page 2. Column 2.y
Auction Is Held in Front of Libert)
Hall, Despite Protest or
Prominent Women.
WALLA WALLA, Wash., May 21.
(Special.) A kiss auction held in front
of Liberty Hall tonight brought out a
large crowd, after prominent women of
the city had worked hard all day in an
effort to head it off as unsanitary and
The kisses were to be auctioned by
the women members of a vaudeville
troupe. Women whose names the City
Health Officer. Dr. William van Patton,
refused to reveal, insisted that he stop
the exhibit. He refused to interfere,
the Red Cross committee. In whose In
terests the same was held, also re
fused, and the angry women attended
tonight only to be told that tho oscu
latory auction referred merely to andy
kisses, which the women attempted to
But the candy kisses refused to sat
isfy the crowd and no bids were re
ceived. The vaudeville girls said they
were game and the real kisses were put
up for sale. William Paxton, promi
nent insurance man. paid the highest
price for one, $22. Sheriff Lee Barnes
invested $14 In another kiss, and alto
gether about $100 was realized from
this. A hat passed through the crowd
brought about $130 more.
F. H. Hurd Candidate for Com in an -dcr-in-Chief
of Grand Army.
SEATTLE, Wash.. May SI. (Spe
cial.) At the next national encamp
ment of the Grand Army of the Re
public, which will be held in Portland
beginning August 18. Seattle will have
candidate for the high office of com
mander-in-chief, in the person of P. H.
Hurd, past department commander of
Washington and Alaska.
The candidacy of Mr. Hurd has the
indorsement of the Department of
Washington and Alaska, a resolution
submitting his name to the national
encampment having been adopted at
the Tacoma meeting last week. Dele
gates from this state and from Alaska
were instructed to use all honorable
means to secure the election of Mr.
War Risk Bureau Declares Danger
From Submarines Now Slight.
WASHINGTON, May 21. Danger from
submarines has decreased ' to such an
extent that the Bureau of War Risk
Insurance has recommended a reduction
from $2.50 to $1.50 per $1000, the Insur
ance rate on lives of officers and crews
of merchant vessels passing through
the war zones.
This Is In line with the recent lower
ing of marine Insurance rates on ves
sels and cargoes from 3 to 2 per cent.
President Wilson Receives "Colonel
Jake Dawson," Famous Gobbler
WASHINGTON, May 21. Colonel
Jake Dawson, a Texas turkey gobbler
that recently sold for $10,000 in a Red
Cross auction at Austin, was delivered
as a gift to President Wilson today bjtlally had been collected by last night.
I Representative Hardy, of Texas.
Northwestern Division
Raises $1,155,884.
Fifteen Counties of Oregon Re
port Quotas Raised.
Official Figures of $62,000 Raised,
However, Really Include Only
Two Hours of Actual AVork of
Rcd and White Rose Teams.
With a quota of $1,890,000, the
Northwest division of the Amer
ican Red, Cross, comprising Wash
ington, Oregon. Idaho and Alaska,
had raised $1,155,884 at the close
of the second day of the drive,
according to an announcement
last night by officials in charge
of the campaign. Alaska has
"gone over the top."
Returns from 80 of the .11$
chapters in the division show the
Washington Quota, $1,000,000;
raised $653,226.
Oregon Quota. $6So.000; raised
Idaho Quota, $250,000; raised
Alaska Quota. $40,000; raised
Never a doubt arose yesterday in the
path of Oregon's drive for the Red
Cross war fund, although Multnomah
County Is proving tardy, that the state
would redeem her promise to win
victory long before the week has
passed. For thousands of hands- held
forth their gifts to the cause pledges.
currency, stiver and gold and trinkets
and keepsakes that are not to be val
ued in mere money.
"Is It enough" asked the multitude
who gave.
Nearly every county in Oregon, with
a few exceptions. Is sweeping rapidly
toward the Red Cross allotments. Fif
teen counties have made their quota:
and Multnomah County alone has proved
disappointing. If Portland and Mult
nomah County attain their quota of
$260,000 by tonight, the pace must
Official Local Total 963,000.
When the downtown captains and
their workers reported yesterday noon
it had been confidently anticipated that
their total would be over $100,000. The
actual total was $62,000.
While Red Cross leaders admitted
that It was possible that $100,000 actu-
Concluded on Page 4, Column 1.
National Church Bodies Now In Ses
sion Asked to Send Delegates
to Merger Convention.
COLUMBUS. O.. May 21. Resolutions
urging the organic union of all the
evangelical churches in the United
States were adopted here today by the
general assembly of the Presbyterian
Church, North. This action was de
clared to be the most important taken
by any denomination in years.
As a beginning toward such a churcn j
union. Moderator J. Frank Smith, of
Dallas. Tex., and the Rev. William
Henry Roberts, staled clerk of the
assembly, were directed to telegraph
to the four National church bodies now!
In session the Northern Baptists,
Southern Baptists. United Brethren and
Southern Presbyterians asking them
whether they will appoint delegates to
a convention on organic church union,
together with the information that the
Presbyterians had voted in favor or
such an amalgamation.
' Word of the action tnken at Colum
bus, O., was received by local pastors
and members of that church with grati
fied surprise. Such a move had long
been ontemplated an discussed, but
its realisation has never been so near.
"In effect, such a union would form
a federation of evangelical churches
for the promotion of common ideals
and work," said Dr. Arthur F. Bishop,
pastor of Central Presbyterian Church.
"It would not mean that any of the
federated churches would lose indi
vidual Identity, though bound by a
closer tie. For 30 years we have been
courting the Southern Presbyterian
Church, to bring about such a union
as is now proposed for all. It Is won
derful." Understanding of the term "evangel
ical." as locally interpreted. Is that the
union would include all orthodox Prot
estant churches, and that the Unitarian
and Universalist churches would be
excluded, as would also be the Roman
Catholic Church.
Pershing Reports Successful Opera
tions In Lorraine Region.
FRANCE, May 21. (By the Associated
Press.) "In the course of reconnois
sance combats in Lorraine we captured
prisoners," says the official statement
Issued from American headquarters
"Here and In the Woevre the artillery
of both sides showed considerable ac
President Poses for Cuban Crarts
man; Havana to Get Picture.
WASHINGTON. May 21. President
Wilson posed today for a celebrated
Cuban artist, A. Romanach, who will
paint a portrait of the President for the
city of Havana.
The Weather.
YESTERDAY'S Maximum temperatures, 64 1
decrees; minimum, 40 degrees.
TODAY'S Fair; light frost la morning.
Oregon boys In Franca begin Intensive train
ing. Page 3.
Allies make gains at three points and take
1000 prisoners. Pag i:
Americans declared finest and best-behaved
soldiers in France. Page 8.
Germany seizes Dutch vesseL. Page 2.
I House proposes dry amendment to food pro-
r dilution hill. Pim 4
Presidents of railroads In United States Re
moved by McAdoo. Page 1.
Sinn Fein revolt In Ireland plotted In Amer
ica and financed by Germany. Page 5.
Ten million dollars, annual sabotage damage
in California claimed by i. "W. W.
Page 2.
Presbyterian general assembly proposes or
ganic union ok an evangelical churches.
Page L .
Bryan hit In La Follette defense en sedi
tion charge before Senate committee.
Page 6.
Mooney re-sentenced to death and date of
execution set. Page 11.
Grace Innate tells Dr. Roberts wife that
veterinary pursued her. Page 1.
Finals of Oregon Trapshooters tournament
today. Page 12.
Coombs pitches Brooklyn to 1 to victory.
Pace 12.
Buckaroos defeat Camp Lewis, a to 4. in
exhibition same. Page 12.
School athletes train for bis meet Frldar.
rags 12.
Pacific Northwest.
Girls sell kisses at Walla Walla to aid Red
u rosa. ras l.
Glad welcome given Maror Baker and Coun
cllmen at Camp Lewis. Page 6.
Seattle sedition case of International Impor
tance. Page 7.
Spirited debate features Idaho's first war
conference. Page 6.
Supreme Court sets aalde Judgment of
131.354 against Title Insurance A. Trust
Co. Page 7.
Kelso triple murder Is yet mystery. Page 1.
Commercial and Marine.
Stock market recovers most of ground lost
during preceding session. Page 17.
Cattle are weak and lower at local stock
yards. Pago 17.
Steamer Wasco may take Beaver's run.
Page 13.
Port 1m d and Vicinity.
Few ears are deaf to Red Cross appeal.
Pas. 1.
Red Cross workers to stop autos and ask
occupants to give. Page 9.
Oregon idlers to be compelled to work.
Page IS.
Government sues to revoke cltlsenshlp of
Carl Swelgln. L W. W. organiser. Pag. IX
City streetcar service may be curtailed.
Pag. S. ,
Italians plan big celebration for Friday.
Pag. 11. .
Ship with astronomical Instruments to ob
serve solar .clips, spells to U. fci. Pag. 1.
Letter sent by airplane reaches Portland.
Page 9.
New election totals Indicate nomination of
F. A. Williams for Public Servlc. Com
mission. Pag. 10.
Manr rar. offerings to be made at Red
Cross auction. Page 4.
Weather report data and forecast. Page 13.
Federal Directors to
Be Appointed.
Many Former Railway Heads
Will Fill New Positions.
C. H. Murklumi Will Manage Oper
ations of Principal Trunk Lines
Kasl or i'ltt.liiirs :17 Tit-Wet
Offices to Consolidate.
WASHINGTON. May 2). Every rail
road (.resident In the United States was
nelieved from active duty as executive
manager of his road today by Director
General McAdoo. who will appoint a
federal director for cat-h road, respon
sible only to the railroad adminis
tration. In many cases the president of the
road may be named federal director.
To safeguard the interests of stork
holders and maintain tbe individuality
of each railway, federal directors,
whenever possible, will be appointed
from anions the operating officers of
the property, the director-general an
nounced. This will avoid disrupting
any road's working organization un
necessarily. The director general's announcement
of the new policy, dictated from his
sickroom at home, was as follows:
"In view of the direct responsibility
for the operation of the railroads of
the country placed upon Director Gen
eral McAdoo by act of Congress and by
proclamation of the President, he has
been unable to escape the conclusion
that it will be advisable to place In
direct charge of each property for op-,
crating purposes a representative to
be known as the Federal manager, who
will report to the regional director.
"So far as practicable this Federal
manager will be chosen- from the oper
ating forces of the property who are
therefore entirely familiar with its
employes and with its condition.
Hms I nit. t. Rrsnaia Intact.
"Except so far as may be necessary
to meet the emergenecy conditions
which compel the Government to take
control of the railroads, the Federal '
manager of each road will endeavor to
avail himself to the fullest extent of
the advantages Incident to the opera
tion of the particular railroad ns a. unit
and the preservation of its identity.
"This is believed to be of essential
Importance, not only to secure the best
results during the period of Govern
ment control, but also to give the
greatest degree of reassurances to the
officers and employes that railway ca
reers upon which they huve entered
will not be narrowed, but if anything
will be broadened, and to give the
greatest possible reassurance to tbe
stockholders that their Just interests
in the properties will be respected and
that nothing will be needlessly done to
have even the appearance of Impairing
their Just rights.
Service Expected of Boards.
"While in this way the' responsibility
for the operation oi the property will
be directly to the regional directors
and not to the board of directors, it
is the purpose of the director-general
to accord to boands of directors and
their representatives the fullest op
portunity to keep advised as to the
operation and improvement of the
properties and to maintain with the
director-general and the regional di
rectors the fullest interchange of
views as to what Is to the best Inter
est of the Government and of the
"In the development of this policy
the regional directors and also the
Federal managers will be required to
sever their official relations with the
particular companies and to become
exclusive representatives of the Fed
eral railroad administration."
- New Districts Created.
As another step In the reorganiza
tion of railroad mangement, the
director-general ordered the creation
of two new operating districts the
Allegheny Region, consisting of the
principal trunk lines east of Pittsburg,
excluding the New York Central, man
aged by C. H. Markham. now regional
director for the South and the Poca
hontas district, consisting of the east
and west trunk lines terminating, at
Hampton roads.
Regional directors for the Pocahon
tas district and for the southern dis
trict to succeed Mr. Markham will be
appointed soon
Other smaller operating districts will
be created from time to time in the
Southern and Western regions, now op
erated as units by regional directors of
the Railroad Administration.
The first act of the Director-General
today in executing this new policy was
the removal of C. W. Huntington, pres
ident of the Virginian Railway, as chief
operating officer, on the charge that he
failed to carry out promptly the Rail
road Administration's Instructions re
garding the repair and maintenance of
his line. J. H. Young, of Norfolk, tra
been appointed . Federal director of
the road.
This was thought to be the forerun
ner of similar disposition of a number
of other railroad presidents, but an
nouncement of the plan for wholesale
replacement of railway presidents by
Federal directors came as a general
surprise at this time.
Many Prealdeata te Serve.
It was explained tonight that a large
proportion of present railway presi
dents will be named to manage their
iCuncludcu un pas. i. Column 2.)