Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, May 21, 1918, Page 5, Image 5

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Only Six Democrats Are Sure
of Seats G. 0. P. Certain
of 79 Out of Possible 90..
Two Contents to Be Staged for Seats
in Ippcr House, While Three
l ights for Six Places in Lower
House Will He Waged.
SALEM, Or., May 20. (Special.)
The next Legislature, wbich convenes
In January, 1919, out of its 90 members,
is certain to include at least 79 Re
publicans and six Democrats. Contests
are still to be waged in the general
election to determine whether Demo--
crats or Republicans will sit in any
or all of the other five seats.
The complexion of the Senate will
how 23 Republicans, five Democrats
find two uncertain, to be decided by
contests at the general election. The
last State .Senate contained 24 Re
publicans, five Democrats' and one In
dependent. The Independent. Hermon
A. Lewis, of Portland, was defeated for
re-ejection in the Republican primaries
Just closed, having entered the lists
as a Republican in the latest election.
66 Republicans la House.
The House -will contain at leant 66
Republicans, probably three Democrats
and one seat is being contested. The
Jaft JloUFe contained four Democrats.
Kor places in the Senate C M.
Thomas, of Medford. Republican, is to
fiKht it out in the general election
against Dr. Charles T. Sweeney, Demo
crat. Medford. They were colleagues
In the lower Jlnue at the last session.
The other contest in the upper body
lies between Colon R. Eberhard, Re
publican, of La Grande, and Norborne
Berkeley. Democrat, of Pendleton, for
the ijenatorshlp from Morrow, Umatilla
xtnd Union.
Three Contest in House.
For the House a contest has de
veloped between W. B. Dennis, Carlton,
ftnd J. M. Crawford, Dundee. Repub
licans, against O. R. Matthls, Amity,
Democrat. Two places are to be filled
for Yamhill County and the contest is
to determine whether Matthls can nose
out one of the Republicans for the Job.
AVith two places also to fill tn lTma.
tilla, I,ou Ifodge, Democrat, of Uma-
plne. will attempt to wrest one of them
at the general election from cither K.
Dodd. of Hermiston, or Cyril CJ.
Brownell. of Umatilla.
Woman Seeks Rr-Klrct ion.
The third contest is in Hood River
and Wasco counties, where Mrs. Alex
ander Thompson, who was successful
last time, is again seeking election
She is now running against Herbert
Kgbert, The Dalles, and W. C. Bolton
Kriend. Mrs. Thompson is a Democrat
and the other two are Republicans.
Two places are to be filled and Mrs.
Thompson hopes to crowd one of her
male opponents from one of them.
In the Twenty-fourth Representative
District, comprised of Union and Wl
Iowa counties, S. L. Burnaugh. of Kn
terprlse, received the Democratic nom
ination, and no one tiled for the Re
publican nomination.
Republicans May Enter.
"Whether or not opposition will de
velop there is not known here as jet.
although it is possible some Republic
an's name was written In on the ballot
for the nomination to stir up a fight
before the general election. The same
condition exists in Baker County in re
lation to Senator Strayer, and in Linn
County relative to Senator Garland,
who both served in the last two ses
sions as Democratic Senators and went
on the ballot in the recent primaries
with no Ke publican contender?. If
Ttepubllvan names were written in on
the ha 1 Jots In the respective districts,
whether opposition develops will de
7rnd upon whether or not those receiv
ing the Republican nomination will be
In a receptive mood.
lAnt of Members Given.
The members of the next Legislature
are given below. In the Senate list
wherever the Senator is a holdover it
Is indicMted, otherwise he was nomi
nated at the recent primaries. Where
the contests mentioned are developing;
it is also indicated. In other instances
it is apparently clear sailing for the
nominee to enter the Legislature with
no other task to perform than to qual
ify at the proper time after the gen
eral election:
State Senate.
Firf District. Marton W. At Jones R.).
U'Tvain; Louis Laolimund (R.), Salem.
Second District, Linn Samuel it. Garland
t L. . I it'banon.
Third lttntt, Lane O. H. Foster R ),
Fourth District, Lane-Linn John B. Ball
tR . KuKene.
Fifth District. Douglas B. L. Eddy (R.).
Konoburs (holdover).
ASi x i li District. .T.ickwn (on to elect) -C
M. Th"ma H . Medford; Charles T. Swe
nrv i D. ). Medford.
seventh Dis: rlct, .Tonphine J. C. Smith
KiKhT h District. I'oos-Ourry I. S. Smith
Ui'. i s niiriu ( no hi over i.
Ninth District, licnton-Foik I. L. Patter
son lit.), Kola.
Tent h Dim net. Vamhill W. T. Vinton
t m i. Mc.Minnvme.
K:eventh District. Washington W. D.
TYond ( It. ), H il labor o holdover).
Twelfth District. Clackamas Walter A.
Dimirk (K.l. ore son City.
Thirteenth District. Multnomah John Gill
f R. ), Portland ( nominated t. The follow
ing sre holdovers and all Republicans, of
i'ortiana: iloDert iv J-arreii. is, B. Huston
Km Moser. Onrd V. Olson. A. W. Orton.
fourteenth iistrict. (. lackatnas, Columbia,
WHltnoman v . w. iianKs. K Fortland.
Vtfteenth District. Clatsop A. W: Nor
bind, tK Astoria.
Sixteenth District. Hood River. Wasco
t-forso R. Wilbur (D. Hood River thold-
t e r 1 .
invent eenth District. Crook. Jefferson,
Klnmath, Lake Ocorjse T. Baldwin. t.D
KlHiiintn falls holdover).
Kin h tee-nth District. Gilliam, Sherman
Wheeler M. D. Shanks RJ. Condon (hold-
ever .
Nineteenth District. Morrow-. Vmatills.
l tnon (Una to elect) Colon U, Eberhanl,
1 R I Grande; Norbonia Berkeley, (D
Twentieth District, Umatilla Roy W. Rit-
ne-. t Ft I'endleton.
Twenty-first District. Vnion, Wallowa
Walter m. fierce, (Dj La Grande (hold
over .
Twenty-second District. Grant. Harney,
juaincur junen a. Hurley, R) Vale, (hold
Twenty-third District, Baker W. H.
Strayer. tD) Baker.
Twenty-fourth District. Lincoln. Tillamook.
wnmston. aaninni 1. is. fiandley. (R-
Til)amtKk (holdover. )
House of Repreentative.-
f H5t insirici. Clarion Seymour Jones
'K.i. Salem. K. f . D. 8: S. A. Hujthes tR..
Salem; tieorne . eeki R., Salem. R. F.
8; David H. Luone (R.). Jefferson
1 van .. Martin i XI. . ialcm.
Second District. Linn Robert P. Acheson
Tt.i. Khedci; l. C. TTioms R.). Scio
Chsrles 'hllds ( R. Brownsville.
Third District. Lane tl. C. Wheeler (R.1
rtensaiit Hill: L. K. Bean (U.), Kusene;
Ih ill t.ranam r. up ere.
Fourth District, Dons las Roy Griccfl
f Tl. . L'omilock, Charles A. Brand tR.),
Fifth District. Coos A. K. Peck (R.,
Sixth District, Coos. Curry -J. R. Stan
Ujd (B-), Goid Ba&ch.
Seventh District. Josephine C. A. SIdler
(R. ). Grants Pass.
Klghth District, Jackson Benlamln C.
Sheldon R-. Medford; J. A. Westerlond
(R.). Medford.
N'lntb. District, Douglai, Jackson William
H. Gore R), Medford.
Tenth District. Benton W. P. Lafferty
(R), Corvalli.
Eleventh District, Polk W. V. Fuller (R).
Twelfth District. Lincoln, Polk B. F.
Jones (R), Newport
Thirteenth District, Tamhlll (two to elect)
W. B. Dennis R), Carlton: J. M. Craw
ford (R), Dundee; C. R. Math is D, Amity.
Fourteenth District. Tillamook, Yamhill
C. J. Bdwards R), Tillamook.
Fifteenth District, Washington W. G.
Hare R. HUlsboro: . W. Haines R.
Hlllsboro; Graham (R.
Sixteenth District. Clackamas H. A.
Dedman (R.), Canby; Harvey Cross (R. Ore
gon City; Chris Schuebel R). Oregon City.
Seventeenth District, Clackamas, Multno-
man David E. Lofgren R). Portland.
Kfghteenth District, Multnomah John B.
Coffey, K. K. Kubli. D. C. Lewis. Herbert
Gordon, E. C. McFarland. Oscar W. Home,
O. W. Hosford, Joseph Q. Richardson.
Chester C. Moore, H. L. Idleman, Eugene
E. Smith, Walter G. Lynn, all Republicans,
and all of Portland.
Ninteenth District, Clatsop J. E. Roman
(R.), Astoria; E. N. Hurd (R-). Astoria,
Twentieth, Columbia i two to electj B. I.
Ballagh ( R. ) ; Ham Kautzman.
Twenty-first. Crook. Deschutes, Grant. Jef
ferson. Klamath. Lake Benton Burky (R. ).
of Deschutes; George H Merry man (R),
of Klamath.
Twenty-second. Morrow, umatllia C. E.
Woodson 4 R. ). ileppner.
Twenty-third. Umatilla (two to elect)
K. P. Dodd ( R. ). Hermiston ; Cyril G.
Brownell (R-), Umatilla; Lou Hodgen (D.,
Twenty-fourth. Union. Wallowa B. L.
Burnaugh (D.), Enterprise.
Twenty-fifth. Union Charles Albert Small
(R,). La Grande.
Twenty-sixth, Baker D. M. CartralU (R.,
Twenty-eighth. Gilliam. Pherman, Wheeler
James Stewart (R. ), Fossil; A. M. Wright
(R. ), Moro.
Twenty-ninth, Hood River. Wasco (two to
elect Herbert Egbert iR.), The Dalles; W.
Bolton R.). Friend; Mrs. Alexander
Thompson T.), The Dalles.
light Rct. A. V. Prnrlrr,
Bishop of New Weslmlaitrr,
KplNropnl Cbareh. Speaker.
The annual celebration of Empire
day will be held by the combined Brit
ish societies of Oregon at the Audl-
torium on Monday evening'. May 27, It
being- impossible to secure the building
for May 24. Owing1 to the close co
operation of the American and British
forces in France and at sea. the pro.
gramme will pailake of a more Inter
national character than usual. Ad
dresses will be delivered by distin
guished Americans as well as by Brit
ish and Canadian speakers, and repre
sentatives of other allied nations may
be heard. The musical programme will
be made up chiefly of national and war
The principal speaker on behalf of
the British Empire will be the Right
Rev. A. U. de Fender, Lord Bishop of
New "Westminster, B. C, for the Kpls
copal Church since 1910. Two years
ago he obtained leave of absence to
serve as chaplain with the Canadian
forces at the front, and was made di
visional commander of chaplains with
the rank of Lieutenant-Colonel, return
Ire to Canada on April 2 He is i
man of energy and is a leader in the
Kpiscopal Church of Canada. He has
visited in Portland and has many
friends and admirers here.
- The entire proceeds of the entertain
ment will be devoted to the war fund
of the British Red Cross of Oregon.
Petition Bearing Name of 67 Firms
and Freeholder Openly Opposed
ly Postmaster Myers.
Residents of the Portsmouth and
University Park districts of the city
are petitioning for improved postoffice
and mail delivery facilities. Post
master F. S. Myers, to whom the peti
tion is addressed, declares present
service in those districts is adequate
and that the cost of granting ex
tensions urged would be prohibitive.
The petition bears the signatures of
67 firms and freeholders of the two
interested sections. It asks for "restora
tion of the local postoffice in these
districts to its former standing and
Inconveniences experienced by resi
dents because their mail is now deitv
ered from the St. Johns office are cited,
The loss of time -and manpower be
cause the carriers have to come from
so great a distance is decried. One o
the chief considerations advanced i
that population of the" districts has
greatly increased by reason of the
shipbuilding activities in the vicinity
Postmaster Aiyers voices open op
position to the granting of the peti
tion. It is primarily a move, he de
clares. to win an increase in salary for
the man in charge of the existing
branch office at Portsmouth-
Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Ellsworth, South
Bend, Celebrate Anniversary.
SOUTH BEND, Wash., May 20.
(Special.) Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Ells
worth celebrated the sixtieth anniver
sary of their marriage at their ranch
home here on the south fork of the
Willapa River Sunday.
They came to the United States from
Canada in 1865. settlingr in Grand Rap
ids. Mich., where Mr. Ellsworth legged
I for -0 years. He ranched here on the
I N'asel River for 23 years and has re
1 sided In Pacific County for S3 years.
U V ' V
11 - r J
I Bishop A. I . dc Pencler. .
I Mr. Ellsworth is 81 and hi wife is 78,
$100,000,000 SHIPS
Director-General Practically
Closes Contract for 130
New Vessels.
Steel Corporation President AsWcd
to Become Director of Operations
of Shipping Board Many
Craft Delivered.
CLEVELAND, May 20. An agree
ment tantamount to a contract to build
130 vessels to cost approximately $800,
000 each and totaling about $100,000.
000 was reached here today between
Charles M. Schwab, director-nreneral of
the Government's shipbuilding- pro
gramme, and Great Lakes shipbulldlne
The order was apportioned among the
following firms:
American Shipbuilding Company, 60;
Oreat Lakes Kngineering Company, of
Detroit. 24; Manitowoc Shipbuilding
Company. 12, and the remainder were
divided between the Toledo Shipbuild
ing Company, the McDsugall Duluth
Shipbuilding Company and the Glove
Shipbuilding Company, of Duluth.
The ships will be of 4200 gross tons
deadweight capacity and will have
1500 horsepower.
Deliveries are to be completed by
the end of the lake ehiprlns season in
WASHINGTON. May 20. James A.
Farrell, president of thUnited States
Steel Corporation, is the latest captain
of industry tp be asked to help the
Government win the war. He has been
tendered the position of dlreotor of
operations of the Shipping Board.
Ten steel ships of 68.850 aggregate
tonnage were completed and delivered
to the Emergency Fleet Corporation
during the last week, and 14 others.
ome wood and some steel, totaling
3,000 tons, were launched.
22 Wood Ships Launched.
On Saturday four wooden ships left
the ways, the third time during the
present month, when four vessels of
this type were launched In a single
day. The total number of wooden ships
launched In May to date is 22.
The completed ships include eight
requisitioned and two built on contract.
Four of them were of 8800 tons or
larger. They were delivered at an
Francisco, Chester, Pa.; Seattle (two);
Ecorse, Mich.; Camden. N. J.; Manito
woc, "VYls.; Ashtabula, O.; Long Beach-
Cal.. and Cleveland. O.
Two of the vessels launched were
steel and 12 were wood. Klne of them
were launched on the Pacific Coast,
three on the lakes and one each on the
Atlantic and Gulf.
Machinery Supply Short.
Hulls are being put Into the water
now more rapidly than machinery can
be obtained to equip them.
It was learned today that the Ship
ping Board has acceded to the Navy
Department's refusal to surrender
turbines ordered for use in transports.
The transports can be commissioned.
but their speed will be reduced by the
lack of turbines.
Important Deal In Northwestern Ad
vertising Field Closed With New
ly Incorporated Concern.
Consolidation of the two largest ad
vertising agencies in the Pacific North
west was affected yesterday, the agen
cies being the Botsford-Tyler Company,
of Portland, and the Constantino Ad
vertising Company, of Seattle. The
combined firm, known as Botsford,
Constantine & Tyler, will maintain of
fices in both cities.
The merger is the most important
development for many months in the
Northwestern advertising field. It
brings together agencies that have
handled some of the largest campaigns
inaugurated in behalf of Pacific Coast
products. The Botsford-Tyler Company
itself is a merger of two Portland ad
vertising companies that was effected
last Winter.
The enlarged organization has been
perfected in order that the agency may
have the facilities to conduct still
greater campaigns.
The new agency ss incorporated in
Oregon and Washington with a capital
stock of $50,000. Following are the of
ficers: President and general man
ager, P. S. Tyler; vice-president and
manager of the Portland office, David
M. Botsford; vice-president and man
ager of the Seattle office, C. P. Con
stantine. The Portland office will be
in the Spalding building, and the Se
attle office in the White building.
Among the commodities that have
been advertised by the men associated
in the new agency are: Phex, Loju,
Appleju. Rite-tirade red cedar shingles.
Skookum apples, rionecr minced sea
clams. Wade drag saws, big "yM ap
pies and Tillamook cheese.
From End of Carltne Animals Will
G. to Range Country All
Arranged by B. I. O. E.
The ellc in the City park are groin
to attend the annual picnic of the Fort-
land B. P. O. K. lodge at Estacada
It will doubtless be some job to Bet
the animals to the picnic grounds, but
members of Portland Lodge 143 an
nounce that all details for the trip
have been made.
Lured by the skillful coaxing of Dee
Wright, experienced woodsman of the
Forest Service, and W. L. Finley. state
biologist, who has a way. with him
even with deer, it Is expected that the
17 elk will all show up at Estacada
Sunday In time for a picnic lunch with
the Elks of Lodge 142.
It will be more than a mere picnic
for the elk. It will be an extension of
life for them. But for the efforts of
the Portland B. P. O. E. they would
have been slaughtered ere now in the
interests of war time food conserva
tion. When the cost of feed went up,
and kept on rising, the park commis
sioners decided that it would be un
patriotic to continue feeding the city"
elk herd, and they determined to dis
pose of at least a portion of the herd.
This probably would have been done
but for the protests lodged with the
authorities by the B. P. O. E.. who held
that it would be a shame to kill the
animals when there were such fine
ranges open for them In this state.
It was decided finally to take the
elk to the Big Bottom country at the
headwaters of the Clackamas. Dee
Wright was sent to Portland from that
district and he has been living with
the animals in the park in order to ac
custom them to the sight of humans,
tents, and campfires. so that they will
not be frightened when they run across
such things on the trip to their new
home. The Portland Railway, Light &
Power Company has donated a car to
take the elk to Estacada, From there
they will be led Into the range country
by Mr. "Wright, while Mr. Finley takes
moving pictures of the trip.
' The committee which has charge of
moving the elk Includes Robert Dun
can. W. J. McPherson. Frank Hen
nessy and W. IA Finley. Thomas Sher
rard, supervisor of the Oregon Forest,
and Herman Wallace, district super
visor, will assist.
Private Jark Llnjrwood. Formerly f
Princess Pat's Canadian Regiment.
Is Star In Playlet.
Another capital bill in on at Pin
tages, one that will pack that theater
to capacity all week.
The headline act, which brought
storms of applause at every sentence,
is "Over There," picturing a bit of
the western front in France and intro
ducing Private Jack Liingwood. one of
the few survivors of the famous and
original Princess Pat's Canadian Regi
ment, which went so gallantly over the
top at the war's beginning.
Private liingwood tells graphically
of their enlistment and of the shat
tering of the splendid company. Then
he takes part in. a dramatic playlet,
called "Over There." which sparkles
with bright dialogue and ascends to
splendidly dramatic heights as Its ac
tion proceeds. It tells a story, a true,
everyday happening, of the life over
there. The act registered btg and
makes a bid for genuine patriotic
Crewell, Fan ton and Company, in
"Reveille a brilliant military spec
tacle, are ringleaders In the comedy
entertainment, with all the other acts
following close . on their clever heels.
Crewell and Kan ton and Company are
all acrobats who have original methods
and out of the ordinary features In
their physical prowess. The setting of
their act Is unusual, too.
The curtain goes up on a beautiful
encampment spot, with twilight com
ing on and reveille sounding. A pretty
Red Cross nurse sings a patriotic mel
ody and then the trio of khaki-clad
soldier acrobats stage a little exhibl
tion of their own on the rings and
bars which Is truly pen national and
provokes rounds of applause.
The Six Musical Nosses have a musi
cal treat, exceptionally meritorious for
the variety of Instruments used and
the exquisite melodies that come from
the many instruments. Four attractive
girls, garbed as Pierrettes, and two
men. as Pierrots, are the Nokhpb, and
they make sweet music on everything
from horns to violins.
A number which held closest atten
tion and interest was that of Miller,
Packard and Howard, who of fer " A
Real Pal." It has a thread of plot
sufficient to hang a capital lot of fun
and a surprise finish, and clever char
acter acting by the trio of comedians,
two men and a good-looking girl with
lovely hair.
Harry "Wright and May belle Davis
have an act that is wholly new and
novel, called "Cornology,' which opens
with Maybelle demonstrating em in
window, while Harry chats outside, and
winds up with a brilliant dash into
song and smart dancing. Opening the
bill is a beautiful classic dance act.
sponsored by Verna Mersereau and her
talented company of four.
Another series in the dramatic film
stories, "The Son of Democracy," is
shown In "Tender Memories," telling
of Abraham Lincoln a boyhood.
Class to Train for Librarians.
Entrance examinations for the train
ine class for librarians, conducted
yearly by the Library Association of
Portland, will be held or. June li at
Acid "Sets Your
Teeth on Edge"
That is Nature's warning of
too much acid;
" Acid -Mouth'' gives you no warning
but a slight excess of acid in the mouth
night and day works slowly but surely
to cause decay of .the teeth, according'
to many authorities.
This condition may be combated by the
regular use of Pebeco. Tooth JPaste
which combines all the properties of
a tooth cleanser with the added benefit
of neutralizing' the
is made for the purpose of maintaining
dental health.' It produces a delight
ful sense of cleanliness- in the mouth
and retards decay. The first trial will
convince you that your teeth are cleaner
than ever before and .that its continued
use will "preserve your teeth. -
The' price of Pebeco is SO cents and
ir sold by. druggists everywhere
K. CVv.-'
S4.'rf'0 M lis
Wednesday Evening. May 33
The Galli-Curcl records are "true to
life, and we invite you to our
store to hear them, whether
you have a VKTROLA
or not.
4532 Dinorah. Shadow Bong $1.5(1
4.MI Home, fewet Home l.:0
4510 Lakme Bell Pong l.P
T4.ri:i Ivast Rose of Summer 1.50
4i69 Laughing Sons "M anon
73509 Mad Scene from "Lucia"... 1.50
9&212 Lucia Sextet (lth Caruso..
etc.) S.on
74S00 I Partida (Th Departure) l.f-n
74439 Kigolrtto (Dearest Name).. 1.50
95100 Kigoletto Quartet (with
( aruso, etc.)..
74512 Waltz Song, from Romeo
and Juliet I "
4S2! Solve lira Sons' (Orleg) 1.60
74552 Thou Charming Bird (Pearl
of Hraiiil a.. in
74SS7 Prorh'a Air and Variations. 1.60
S4748 I Know Not What I'm Do
ing (Marriage or ngaro
Mozart I 1.00
74558 -In Sweetest Accents (Purl-
tani) i.ov
140 Sixth St.. Portland.
Mehlln Parkarl Bond Planes. Tie.
trolss nnd Keeords- We Xnne Pianos.
the Central Library. The examinations
will cover history and current events,
and literature and general Information.
Applicants must have had at least a
high school education and should pref
erably be between the agest of 20 and
35. Anyone desiring to take these ex
aminations should see the director of
the training class at the Central Li
brary. Tenth and Yamhill streets, and
file an application as soon as possible.
Picture One That Will Interest Boys
'Working In Woods nnd Possibly
Speed I'p Production.
Oregon state liberty loan headquar
ters, through Publicity Manager Free
man, has assigned the official film.
"Swat the Kaiser," by Douglas Fair
banks, to a 60-day engagement among
the Loyal Legion of Loggers and Lum
bermen of the Northwest. The film. In
charge of Lieutenant William Cutts.
Spruce Production Division, U. S. Signal
Corps, will be taken on a tour of the
camps of the men who are getting out
timber for the great "bridge of ships"
and fighting planes.
The "Swat the Kaiser" film is an ex
tremely popular one, and proved a
splendid working partner in the selling
of war bonds to the public City audi
ences everywhere in the state clamored
for dates for showing the film, and.
there being but one copy of it. the
liberty loan management was in a
It was finally decided that the logical
thing to do was to give the film to the
camps. It believed the Loyal Legion
of Woodsmen are more entitled to con
sideration in the matter of entertain
ment than the people In the towns,
as the former have less opportunity for
amusement than the latter. And the
"Swat" story has punch enough to it.
Lieutenant Cutta thinks, further to
speedup spruce production.
excess , acid in the
No time for
or the sluggard
HESE are days when the readjustment of
business offers remarkable rewards to the re
sourceful. Many concerns, many individuals.
faced with overwhelming difficulties, have turned
those very obstacles to profitable advantage.
One New York town, on a branch line, was
threatened by extinction by freight congestion.
It could not get supplies and deliver products.
An enterprising man organized a truck fleet,
carried supplies from a nearby railroad, delivered
factory outputs via the Erie Canal, and turned
disaster into prosperity.
There is opportunity everywhere for the alert
man who is far-seeing enough to recognize it and
has the nerve to grasp it. This is no time for the
timid or the sluggard. If you see an opportunit-,
ask us to help you grasp it. The success of the
Fierce-Arrow is knowing how.
Motor Trucks
No other company is equipped with service
facilities like the Fierce-Arrow to insure the suc
cess of our trucks.
Sinclair Refining Company bought 10O tracks, choosing the Pierre
Arrow. Sinclair depends on its tracks to maintain its service to its
customers. So Sinclair bad to have a track that would not fail them
in any circumstances.
Through subsidiary companies, they had had experience with cheap
equipment. They found it depredated too fast, was too often and too
long out of commission.
They examined Pierce-Arrow records in actual service and chose on
performance solely.
Then they required service facilities in priori pal cities of New York,
Massachusetts, Ohio, Indiana. Pennsylvania, Illinois, Minnesota, South
Dakota. Iowa, Nebraska, Missouri, Kansas, Oklahoma and Colorado.
Fierce-Arrow afforded it.
Pierce-Arrow bad had experience in the oil business and could supply
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Similar considerations influenced many nationally
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These concerns know what they are about. So
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The Texas Company
Arbockle Bros. Co.
Standard Oil Company
Carnegie Steel Co.
I Cudaby Packing Co.
American Express Co.
General Chemical Co.
Li ode Air ProductsCo.
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Liggett & Myert
Great Atlantic &
Pacific Tea Co.
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