THE MORNING OREGONIAN, TUESDAY, MAY 21, 1918. 17 LOCAL BERRIES IN First Crates From Nearby Patches on Italian Market. nR0P MAY NOT BE LARGE Hood River Shipments to This City AV1I1 Start This MorningPresent Week Will Sec Last of Cali fornia Berries This Season. The first local strawberries made their appearance on the Italian market yesterday morning and sold at $4 a crate. The near by crop, it Is reported, will be lighter than last year's, as the acreage Is somewhat smaller and the cool weather has checked the development of the fruit. The first shipment from Hood River Is promised for this morning;. Sprlngbroolc berries were In larger supply and sold at $3.E04. Kenne wlcks were quoted at $4. Florins brought $2.302.79 and will be cheaper today. This week will see the last of the California berries on the local market. Regular market bulletins on strawberries and cabbage are now being Issued by the local office of the Bureau of Markets. The first were sent out yesterday. The straw berry bulletin notes 35 cars of California fruit In transit for various markets. Coast markets are reported by wire as follows: Butte No fresh carlot arrivals, demand and movement moderate, market steady. quality and condition good. California 20 pint crates. Dollars, $3.50; Washlngtons, few express shipments, 24-ptnt solid-cup crates, Clark's Seedling, $4.25. San Francisco Seven hundred and four chests arrived, demand limited, movement moderate, market st-ady. Wide range In quality, condition variable, considerable soft, fa 25 7.50 per chest. Eastern berry markets are summarized! Good Norfolk berries tended higher at 15-23-quart basis In the principal Kastern mar kets. Tennessee and Arkansas Aromas also ranged strong at $4.50 5.50 per 24-quart crate In leading markets. The volume of movement from producing sections decreased 88 cars, the principal losses being In Vir ginia shipments." Coast cabbage markets are reported as follows: Los Angeles No fresh carlot arrivals de mand and movement moderate, market ' steady, quality and condition generally good. California crates Early Winnlngstadt, $1.50 per hundredweight. Butte No fresh carlot arrivals, demand and movement moderate, market steady, quality and condition good. California. Karly Winnlngstadt, in California crates, $3 3.75. Spokane Demand poor, market weak. California Early Winnlngstadt, In crates, quality and condition variable, $3.10(54 per hundredweight, most $3.504. San Francisco No fresh carlot arrivals, demand and movement moderate, market steady, quality and condition fine. Califor nia crates, Karly Winnlngstadt, $1.50 per hundredweight, I.OCAT, GRAIN BIDS ARE ADVANCED Corn and Oat Aro Higher, Market East. With Stronger In line with the Eastern advances coarse grain prices wero raised on the local board yesterday. Bids for sacked oats were $1 higher and bulk Oats wero up $191-25. Corn Mds were advanced $1 on mixed and $3 on yellow. A report Issued by the seed reporting eervlc of the bureau of markets aay there will bo enough seed corn for planting and for second planting under ordinary condi tions. The California weekly crop report says: "More rain needed. Barley, wheat and oats heading low and maturing rapidly. Large acreage planted to corn. Alfalfa crop good, harvest general.' Weather conditions In the Middle West wired from Chicago: "Duluth, partly cloudy; Minneapolis, clear, fine; Winnipeg, partly cloudy, 83; Chicago, Peoria, clear, tine; St. Louts, oloudy, 62, rain last night; Kansas City, clear, fine; St. Joseph, clear, 60; To peka, clear, 62; Hutchison, partly cloudy, ."; Omaha, clear, 05; Ohio Valley, clear, fine." Wheat shipment from the past and former week were: Week ending Week Week ending ending From TT. R.. i'anada. . A rffent Ina Australia. . . . .. India May IS. 8.557,000 1,5110.0(10 620.0011 2S0.000 May 11. Mayl.'17. 4.(150.000 4.572.000 2.262. 0Ol BHO.OOn 200.000 1.360.000 1.120.000 500.000 Totals 6.017,000 World shipments for T.672.000 ' the season -.621.000 to date compare: Total since Same period July 1, li. last season. IT. S. and Canada.. ;i,20S.0OO 811.016.000 Argentina. .......... AuHtralla. ........... India Russia 41,100.000 36.305.000 14,000.000 60.363.000 fi6.3Sll.0o0 28.O72.OU0 6.352.000 Totals 312.889,000 403.092.000 Terminal receipts In car were reported by the Merchant Exchange as follows: Wheat.Barley.FIour.Oats.Hay Portland, Mon.. Year ago Season to date. Year ago Tacoma. Sat. . . Year ago Heason to data. ar ago Seattle. Sat.. . .. Year ago - Keason to date, year ago.t .... 12 lO 10 6 8 81 7 6 11 4 8736 438 121S 141 2534 C900 262 1406 2239 2479 17 1 2 40 6 K401 00 .... 204 1649 6292 127 320 2010 "ed " i ' ii ' io "is BOM' lil9 1 862 1384" 3774 JOBBING DEMAND FOR POTATOES GOOD Friers Are Well Maintained on Old Stork. Country Market Quiet. Tli ere waa a good local Jobbing demand for old potatoes and prices wero steady it 1001.25 for fancy. $11.10 for TT. S. No. 1 and 75 9 90 cents for poorer grades. Yakima Gem wero firmer at f 1.4. jsj.w Garnets war unchanged at 696H cents. Th country shipping market was quiet, steady and unchanged at T3S90 cent. Destination of the latest Coast ship ments were: From California Fresno 1. San Fran cisco 1. Tucson 1. Han ford 1. Seattle 3. VI salla 1. Portland 2, Stockton 2, Yuma 1, San Jose 1. From Washington Seattle 3. Taklma 1. From Oregon Astoria 1, Independence 1. General market condition wer sum marized as follows: "Th leading markets were nearly steady at $1.2591.50 for No. 1 Round White. Car. lot price declined 3 cent In Chicago, ruling $1.15. but ranged firm In Minneapolis at $10 1.09. New stock continued etrong at $3 per barrel. The general carlot movement of old and new stock Is about equal and together are well above 400 ears. Texas shipments In creasing. MILLING COSTS ARE NOT rXVOLVED Improvements Must Be Charged to Capital Account. The following bulletin wa issued yester day by J. W. Ganong. divisional chairman of the Food Administration milling division: "Some mills are Inquiring as to per missible method of charging additions to plant, betterments, new construction, etc. The ruling of the Food Administration is that the abov should not be charged into cost of manufacture under the head of 're pairs.' hut should toe added to capital ac count. lnco they are capital charges. Re placements and extraordinary repairs of any considerable amount should' be .charged to a reserve created by uniform monthly re placementa or depreciation charges to cost, so that the costs for any one month are not unduly distorted. Information Indicate tht some millers aro not following this method, but aro charging Into costs under head of repairs" both replacements and new con st ruction. "On account of surplus stocks of floor in certain sections of South Carolina, the Fed eral Food Administrator of that state has issued an order, effective at once, prohibiting the shipment of flour into South Carolina without first .securing written permission from his office." SAX FRA CISCO PBODCCE MARKET Price, Current en Zip, Vegetables, Frrsh Fruit, Etc.. at Bar City. ' SAX FRANCISCO. May 20. Butter. 42 O Egg, Fresh extra. 41c: first. 39c: freih extra, pullt. 39c; first pallets. 38 He Cheese New firsts. 21 Vie. Poultry Hens, Leghorn. 28 930c; roosters. young. 50c; broilers. 35e3e; fryers. pigeons. $2.50; geese. 25c; squabs. 40943c; turkeys, live. 25 tt 28c. Vegetables Green peas, 384c: asparagus. 4 5 He; squash, cream. 45 055c: Summer, 0OcS1.23; eggplant. 810c: peppers. Mex ican green chiles, nominal: Mexican Deti. nominal: tomatoes. $3B.50; lettuce, 1520c: celery, 1.50g2; potatoes, S1.50&1.65; sweet. 397.50; new, 24 03e; onions. Australian brown. 1.131.23; garlic. S94c; cauli flower, 40 60c; beets, 73C81; carrots, table, 65c: turnips. 75c Sl; rhubarb. 1.101.25; cabbage, le: artichokes. $3 3 50; cucum bers. $1.25 91.40; string beans. 8910c; car. 25c. Fruit Lemons. $5.5098: grape fruit, $1.75 92.25; oranges. Valencia. $6e.G0; bananas, Hawaiian. 664c; pineapples, $2; apples, $1.251.73: strawberries, $799; chrrles, egruo; blackberries, $2. Receipts Flour, 2093 quarter sacks; fear ley. 8444 centals; beans, 505 sacks; potatoes. 5495 sacks; onion. 371 sacks; hay, 283 tons; hides, 9S5: wine. 92.175 gallons. CANTALOUPE SUTPMENTS STARTED Only Two More Can of Florid Grapefruit An to Come. Cantaloupe are moving from Coachella In small quantities and the first will arriv on this market ,in about a week. A car of Florida grapefruit la duo tomorrow. The last ear ot the season for Portland has just been shipped from Florida. Several car of California grapefruit aro rolling. Lemon ars up again, the advance at shipping points in the past five days amounting to $1 a box. Tomatoes from the Imperial Valley made their appearance and aold at $4.23 a crate. Three car of bunch vegetables were re ceived from Sacramento. The first car of now Garnet potatoes will arrive Wednesday morning and will b put on sale, at cents. Butter and Egg Firm. The cube butter market wa firm with extra In demand at S9SJ89V4 cent. Eggs were also firm at Saturday's price. Dressed meat and poultry receipts were light and prioes were unchanged. Advance In Salt. There was a general advance In salt quo tation yeeterday. " Bale were raised 100 23 cents, fins 1 up $1.602 a ton and half-ground 100 40 cent a ton. Bank Clearings. Bank clearing of the Northwestern cities yesterday were as follows: Clearings. Portland $5.D27,DS3 Seattle 7,318.04 Tacoma 771.847 Spokane 1.541.519 Balances. $1,182,353 2.325.014 134.057 433.347 PORTLAND MARKET QUOTATIONS. Grain, Floor, Feed, Etc. Merchants' Exchange, noon session. May delivery: Oats Bid. No. 2 white feed (Thirty days.) No. 2 Eastern oats and corn In bulk Oats No. 3 white Thirty-eight-pound, clipped .$61.00 0.00 62.25 64.00 uorn No. 3 yellow . , . No. 3 mixed (Thirty days.) Oats No. S Clipped Corn Yellow . 60.00 67.00 52.00 , 54.00 00.00 57.00 Mixed WHEAT Bulk basis. Portland, for No. 1 grade: Hard Wheat Bluestem. Early Bart, Allen Galgalus, Martin Amber. $2.05. Soft White Palouse, Bluestem, Fortyfold, White Valley. Gold Coin. Whit Russian. $2.03. White Club Little Club, Jenkins' Club, White Hybrids, Sonora, $2.01. Red Walla Red Russian. Red Hybrids. Jones' Fife. Cop- pel. $1.98. No. 2 grade, 3c less: No. 3 grade. 6c less. Other grains handled by samples. FLOUR Patents, $10; Valley, $9.60; whole wheat, $9.60; graham, $9.20; barley flour, $13 14.50 per barrel: rye flour, $10.75912.75 per barrel; cornmeal. $13.10613.60 per barrel. M1LLFEEO Net mlllfeed prices, car lot Bran, $30 per ton: short. $32 per ton; mid dlings, $39; mixed cars and less than car. loads, OOo more; rolled barley, $49i5; rolled oat. $69: CORN Whole, $73; cracked, $74 per ton. HAY Buying price. 1. o. b. Portland: Eastern Oregon timothy, $2930 per ton; Valley timothy, $25926; alfalfa. $24 9 24.50; valley grain hay, $24gjiZ6; clover, sl straw, $9 910. Dairy and Country Produce. BUTTER Cubes, extras. 39 9 39V4C; prime firsts. SSc; prints, extras, 44c; cartons, 1c extra; butterfat. No. 1, 43c delivered. EGGS Oregon ranch, current receipts. 35936c; candled. 87c; selects, 86c per dozen. LHfcKaK Jobbers Duylng prices, I. o. D. dock. Portland: Tillamook triplets. 23 He Young Americas, 24 Ho per pound; Coos and Curry, f. o. b. Myrtle Point: Triplets, 23c; Young Americas, J4c per pouna: long horns, 24c per pound; Vic discount to Port land trade. POULTRY Hens. 28c: broilers, 879 40c; ducks, nominal; geese, nominal: tur keys, live, 27928c; dressed, 37o per pound. VEAL Fancy, 17917sc per pound. PORK Fancy. 23o per pound. Fruits and Teretablr. Local Jobbing quotations: FRUITS Oranges, Valencia-!. $6-37.23 lemons, $698 per box: bananas, 74980 per pound; grapefruit. $3.0O; apples. $l.r0(i'2. per box: strawberries, $2.50 9 4 per crate. VEGETABLES Tomatoes. $4.25 6.50 per crate: cabbage. 3o per pound; lettuce, $2.6593 per crate; cucumbers, $L25 9 2 per dozen; artichokes, 85o per dozen; garlic, 7c: celery. $6.50 per crate; peppers, 25935c per pound: rhubarb, $L2591.50 per box; as paragus, $1.35 91.75 per dozen; spinach, CO 6c per pound: peas, 8c'9o per pound; bean, 16c per pound. SACK VEGETABLES Carrots. $1.502.1B per sack: turnips, $2.25; parsnips, $1.25; beets. $2.75. POTATOES Oregon Burbanks. $1.1091.25 per hundred: new California, 6H96o per pound. ONIONS Oregon, IfflHc per pound; crystal, $292.23 per crate. Provisions. Local jobbing quotations: HAMS AH sires, choice, S4c: standard, 33c; skinned, 2S829c; picnics, 24c; cottage, roll. 31c. LARD Tierce basis, standard pure, 28 &c; compound, 23c. BACON Fancy. 48 9 50c; standard, 44 9 46c: choice. 40 St 43c DRY SALT Short clear backs, 29 8 33c; exports. 30ff33o; plates, 24926c Hide and Pelts. HIDES Salted hides. 23 lbs. and up, 129 12c: salted stags. 50 lbs. and up, 10c; salted and green kip, 15 to 25 lb., 12c; salted and green calf. 10 to 25 lbs., 21c: green hides. 25 lbs. and up, 9c: green stags, 50 lbs. and up, 8c; dry flint hides, 25c; dry flint calf, 2Sc: horse hides, $1.2591.30; salted horse bides. $3 9 4. PELTS Dry long-wool pelt. 40c; dry short-wool pelts, 25930c; salted pelts, April takeoff, $394. Bops, Wool. Etc. HOPS 1917 crop. 15916c per pound; con tracts. 17 9180. WOOL Eastern Oregon, 35 956c; Valley, 8570o per pound. MOHAIR Oregon, nw clip, 45o per pound. CASCARA BARK New and old. 8Vi0Sa per pound. TALLOW No. 1. 14c per pound; No. 2, 12c per pound. Grain at 6an Francisco. SAN FRANCISCO. May 18. Flour, $10.80 ner barrel. Grain Wheat. Government price, $3.50 per cental: barley, $3.4593.55: oats, white feed, nominal; corn. California yellow, $3.85. Kay Wheat and wheat and oat, $23925; tame oat. $24926; barley, $18920; alfalfa. $17 919; barley atraw, 50 9 80c Meal Alfalfa, carload lots. $36; cocoa nut. $43. Holiday in England. LONDON, May 20. Holiday on London and Liverpool exchange today. ALL LINES STEADY Local Livestock Market With out New Features. RUN FOR DAY MODERATE Quality of Cattle Offering? Does Not Come Up to Usual Standards. Several loads Received Direct. Hos Prices $ 17.25-$ 17.50. There was a fair run of slock, amounting to 41 loads, at th stockyards for the open ing ot th week. Ot th cattle arrival, five load went direct to packer, includ ing two load from Montana. There wer no development in th mar ket situation during th day and on the whole price wro considered steady. The cattl offerings, for the most part, did not grade up a wll a heretofore. The bulk of hog sale wer at $17.25 to $17.50. A few bunches of yearling sheep were sold at $12 to $1$. Receipt were $33 cattle, 25 calve. 1118 hog and 1061 sheep. Shipper wero: With cattle E. C. Erlckson, Cambridge, Idaho. 1 load: J. A. Beck. Grldley, Cat, 8 loads; E. Heckler. Maupln. 1 load: Union Meat Co., Lyle, 8 loads; H. J. Bird. Brown ing. Mont., a loads; H. W. Strong, Grass Valley. 1 load; Watklns Llese. Wasco, 1 load: F. B. Williamson. Lostlne, 1 load: W. A. Leaper, Tencalla, 1 load; Sever Commis sion Company, Red Bluff, Cal., 1 load. With hogs Brun Weber, Hamilton. 1 load; W. JEL Steen. Weston. 1 load: Fluke at Welbourno, Parma, Idaho, 1 load; J. H. Weir, Roosevelt. 1 load. With sheep L D. Rodlne. Grldley. Cal., 2 loads; Northwest Sheep Co., Arlington, Z loads; E. H. Snod grass. Maupln. 2 lot.ds. With mixed load C. R. Lisle. K ho, 1 load cattle, hogs and sheep; Bowker 4 Wells, Payette, 1 load cattle and hogs: F. Dlckerson. Welser, 2 loads cattle, calve. hog and sheep; Coles A Dodd, North Pow der, 2 load hog and sheep; D. Burshell, Medford, 1 load cattle, calve and hogs; Llneberger A Simpson, Orland, Cal., 2 load cattle and hogs; J. J. West, Maupln. 1 load cattl and hogs; W. J. Welch, Haines, 1 load cattle and hogs; Carl Hoag, North Powder, 1 load cattle and hogs; Blalock. 1 load cattle and hogs; W. B. Wilcox, Graaa Valley. 1 load cattle and hog'; J. W. Davis, Rldgefleld, 12 cattle, 6 calve and -WJiogs by boat. The day' aalea were a followi Wt. Price. " Tffe 1 steer . . 4 steers . 1170 $11.00 ,1135 12.00 1 COW J.60 $ 7.00 1 COW 1U7U 1 cow .... 770 1 cow ....1220 1 cow ....104O 1 cow . Tito 2 heifer . .1130 7.5S 7.00 6.50 8.00 19 steers .1172 . 900 .1030 .103O . 700 . 810 .1O00 .1010 . 85 .1230 . 944 .1775 .1250 .1150 . 820 .1045 .1020 .1010 .1100 . 800 . 723 . 870 .1060 . 810 . 770 . 890 . S.VJ . 6.-0 . 870 . 937 . 12 .1065 .1145 . 970 . 885 . 725 .1040 .1030 .1040 .1040 . IOIO .lOSO . 102(1 .1073 .1060 .1220 . 1221 11.50 10.00 10.00 11.25 7.60 8.50 10.00 11.00 9 steers . 18 steers . 2 steers . 5 steers . 1 steer -. 1 steer .. 2 steer . 2 bulls .. 1 bull ... 5 bulls .. 2 bull . . 1 bull . . . 5 cow . . 2 cows . 9 cows . . 2 cows . . 4.00 11.25 4 mx cat . 863 440 870 8.00 5.75 16.25 17.25 17.25 17.60 lT.'.'S 1IK 1T.23 lf.25 17.50 17.35 17.23 17.33 17.10 17.50 16.50 15.30 18 35 13 mx cat . 1 hog .... 7 hogs . . . 6.00 161 218 220 210 400 230 230 210 190 185 213 13 20 855 123 263 110 61 120 102 130 290 290 136 313 180 450 370 310 220 100 210 200 210 130 840 2(0 163 30 lOO 7.50 17 hogs ... 6.50 9 hoas ... 9. On 1 hog . . . , 8.50 1 hog 10.00 6 hogs ... 5.001 1 hog .... 7.50 90 hogs ... 0.50149 hogs . . , 7.73 7 hogs ... 9.75 20 hogs ... 10 cows . . 1 cow . . . 7 cows . 5 cows . . 2 cows . 2 cows . . 1 cow . . . 1 heifer . 1 heifer . 7.50: H hogs . . . 8.50 26 hogs . . . 3 hogs . . . 19 hogs ... 8 hogs .. , 2 hogs . . . 8 lambs . 1 ewo . , 9.50 4.50 8 00 9.23 9.75 7.50 15.7 18.50 10.00 12.00 13.00 17.25 17.23 16.00 16.23 17.23 16 25 26 mx cat. 8 mx cat. 6.50 78 sheep 11 mx cat. 5.5010 sheep 4 steers . 4 steers . 2 steers 11.00 9.30 10.00 2 hogs 2 hogs 09 hogs . 6 hogs . 12 hogs . 1 hog .. 1 hog . , 1 hog . . 11 hoars . 23 steers . 12.30 10.00 4 steers . 6 steers . 4 steers . 1 steer . . 2 steers -1 steer -. 1 bull . . . 1 bull ... 1 bull ... 1 cow . . . 2 cows . . 1 cow . . . 1 cow 1 cow 9.00 7.50 7.501 10.00 16.73 17.33 17.23 12.00 11 hogs . 6.25: lO hogs . 7.r.o'27 hogs . 7.001 1 hog . . 8.00 2 hogs . 10.00 18 hogs . 7.75 24 hogs . 11.581 3 hogs . 0.001 1 hog . . 9 sheep at the local 1C.0O 17.23 17.00 17.25 15.50 16.50 17.85 17.25 18.25 13.00 Prices current yard are a follows: Cattle Prices. Prime steers Good to choice steers.. $14 OOSf 14.50 13.00 w 14 .00 . ll.ooo12UO 8.609 9.50 Medium to good steers.... Fair to medium steers Choice cows and heifers 10.50912.00 7.30 9 B.O0 8.609 B.50 6.50 8.50 Med. to good cow and blfer. Cltnners ....................... I? mil Calves 8 50913 00 Hogs Prim mixed .... Medium mixed... Rough heavy , 17.25 9 17.e , 17.00917.23 . 16. 00918.23 . 14.50019.50 Pisa fcheep Kast-of -mountain Valley lamb . . . . Yearling ....... Wether , 16.30 9 17.00 . 16.00916.50 , ,12.30'SC 13.00 , 11.50912.00 DESTINATIONS OF 6TOCK LOADED Shipment En Route to Leading Livestock Market of Country. Destination of livestock loaded May 19. ifouDit aeca counted as two car): Cattle. Morses. Mixed Calvos.Hogs.Sheep.Mules.Stock. Boston 2 42 ... Ruf falo 21 4 ... 1 Chicago 226 141 31 S 14 East St. Louis.. 23 14 6 2 8 Fort Worth ... 06 1 1 1 ... Kansas City ... 175 53 29 1 20 Oklahoma City .41 3 Omaha r 201 106 34 ... 16 Portland. Or. ... 7 I 8 St. Joseph 24 10 3 St. Paul 19 12 I 2 22 San Franolsco.. 8 2 4 Seattle 1 1 Sioux City 23 80 3 Spokane . ... 1 ... Wichita 15 8 Varloua 205 33 98 15 2 Totals 1134 624 217 26 102 One week ago.. 970 678 204 20 135 Four weeks ago.1568 6H5 4US. 24 118 State origins of livestock loaded May 19: For Portland Oregon 7 8 ... Washington 1 Tt'l Portland 7 1 8 One week ago.. 13 1 ... ... 1 Four weeks ago 1 4 1 For Seattle Oregon 1 Washington .... 1 T't'l Seattle.. 1 1 One week ago. Four weeks ago 35 State origins of livestock loaded May 18: Cattle. Horses. Mixed Cal ves.Hogs. Sheep. Mules. Stock. For Portland Oregon 9 3 2 8 Tfi Portland 8 2 ... 8 On week ago.. 38 2 2 ... 2 Four weeks ago 2 1 ... For Seattle North Dakota 4 Oregon 1 4 South Dakota 14 ... . ... Washington ... 1 ... 1 T-t'1 Seatt:e.. 1 13 8 ... 1 One week ago.. 1 10 Four week ago 2 Dressed Meat Trade Condition. Reports on Eastern meat trade condition May 20 is:dv a. ai.. eastern time; ; Beef. Boston Beef, fresh: Receipt liberal. tail buying very aparlngly. asking price 60o to 81 per ewt above Friday's close. Kosher beef: Supply light, no chang in prices, de mand good. New York Beef, fresh: Receipt mod erate. market opening etrong with askln prices 50c to $1 higher than last week' close, demand only fair. Kosher chucks and plate: Supply light, market strong, de mand good. Hinds and rib: Supply light. market stronger, demand improving. Philadelphia Beef, fresh: Receipt mod erate, market strong at Friday' close; de mand good. Kosher beet: No report. Lo Angele Beef, fresh: Supply normal, market steady at last week's prices, demand Pork. Beaton Supply moderate, no change In market lneo Friday, demand very alow. New York Receipt light, market quiet. very. UU1 trading. Philadelphia Receipts light, market stronger, demand good. Lo Angeles Supply moderate, market steady, demand fair. Lamb. Boston Receipts moderate, market steady, demand fair. New York Receipt moderate, market opening around 50c higher than last week' close, demand only fair. Philadelphia Receipt light, market firm, demand good. Lo Angele Supply heavy continuing last week break in prices. Cnolr lambs are be ing sold this morning at $23, demand about normal. Chicago Livestock Market. CHICAGO. May 20. Hog Receipt. 37. 000, unsettled, at Saturday's average to 8 cents higher. Bulk, f 17.809 17.70; light. $17 30617.85; mixed. $1705917.60: heavy, 1 354 17 63; rough, $16.33 9 16.75; pica, $14 50O17.60. Cattle Receipts. 15,000: firm. Native steers. $10.75917.80; stockers and feeders, $9.40918 25; cows and heifer. $7.40914.60: calve. $8?14. Sheep Receipts. 14,000: steady. Sheep. $12916.10; lambs, $14.73920.30. Omaha Livestock Market. OMAHA, Msy 20. Hogs Receipts. 8600. market strong; 10 cents higher. Heavy, $16.73916. 0; mixed. $16.73 917.10; light, $17.10917.25: plga, $12916. Cattle Receipts. 78O0; 109150 lower. Na ive steers, $12917.50; cow and heifers. 9913.75: Western steers. $9.60914.30: Texas steers, $9112.25: cows and heifer. $9911.30: cannera. $7.30910: stockers and feeders, calves, $10912.73; bulla. tags, etc., $9913. Sheep Receipts. 7000, steady. wethers. 14.S0O16.30: ewes. $10918: lamb. $14,739 19.60; yearling. $16917.75. CORN PLANTING DELAYED HIGHER CHICAGO MARKET HE. SI LTS HKOM COOLER WEATHER. Oata Advance on. Talk ot Revival of Export Inquiry Meat Ship ments Large. CHICAGO, May 20. Fear of danaeraus delay to planting did a aood deal tedav to advance the valu of corn. Price closed strong at th same as Saturday finish to 2ic higher with May $1.27 01.27 and July $1.43H91.48H. Oat gained ISO to 1HC In provision the outcome varlri frnm ic aeenne to aoc advance. unaettled cooler weather advera. (a r,nM planting tended decidedly to discourage sell ing corn. Bullish sentiment was further augmented by the percentage of damaged i-uru in current arrival and Dr doubt 10 wnemer a noerai amount of contract grade Would be available, for Jim, .nt July delivery. feoaslp or a revival of exDort Inoulrv helniul to lift th oata market. Big exports of meat n atrenrth nen. visions and so did higher quotatlona on hog. The .consequent advance, however, brought out realising and led to a reaction. Leading future ranged a follow: 't CORN. Onen. Hlrh Low. $127 4 1.40 Close. $1-2744 1.43 May I1.27 tl n-: Julr L404a 1.4$S OATS. May 78U TftM .764 . .78 .63 July 66 .68 MESS PORK. Mar 42.30 42.65 July .42.97 42.97 LARD. 25.07 25.40 42.45 July Sept. .25 00 .25.30 24.75 25.07 24.92 25.22 23.00 23.62 Z yellow, standard. SHORT RIBS. July 23. IT 512(1 9 KT Sept. 23.07 23.75 2342 Cash price were: Com No. 2 yellow. $1 72. tn $1.65ttl.67; No. 4 yellow, $1.47. Oats No. 3 white. 78U IU7MI-- 78 79c. Kye Nomlml. Barley $1,309 1.30. Timothy $5 8. Clover $lb&28. Pork Nominal. Lard $24.87 6.24.92. Rib $22.1522.75. Minneapolis Groin Market. MINNEAPOLIS. May SO. Corn No. 8 yellow, 1.5010: No. S whit oata. ?6lla 77Vsc: flax, $3.9303.95; rye, $1.9892; bar ley, $1.151.45; bran, $28.2.OS3.25. drain at 6aa Francisco. SAN FRANCIISCO. May 20. Flour. 310.80 per barrel. drain Wheat. Government price. $3.50 per cental; barley. $3.15fi:3.30: oata. white feed, nominal; corn, California yellow. $3.63. Hay Wheat and wheat and oat. 123 if 2.".; tame oat, $2426; barley, $1820; alfalfa, $17919; barley atraw, 00 jf 80c Meals Alfalfa, carload lot. 386: eoooa- nut. $43. North weitrrs Produce Shipment. Carlot shipment of Northwestern produce for the season to date follow: Oregon Brocaolt. 40: dried notatoea. R. dried pr ines. 190; garlic. 1; mixed fruit. 27; mixea xruit ana vegetablea, l; mixed veg- Washington Dried prunes. 8: drv ness. 100; mixed fruit. 1272; mixed vegetables 22: rhubarb, 34; rutabagas 17; turnlpa 35. Idaho urld prunes. 2; dry peas, 7. New York Sugar Market. NEW YORK. May 20. Raw sugar steady. Centrifugal, 6.003c. Refined steady. Cut loaf, 8.95c; crushed. 8.70c; mold A. 7.95c; cubes, 8.20c: XXXX powdered, 7.65c; pow dered. 7.60c; fine granulated and diamond A. 7.46c; confectioners A. 7.85c: No. 1. 7.80c I Hop. Etc., at New Tork. NEW YORK. May 20. Hops Quiet. State medium to choice 191. 33043c: 1916, nom Inal; Pacific Coaat 1917, 20923c: 1910, 14 IOC. Hides and wool unchanged. Dried Fruit at New Tork. NEW YORK. May 20. Evaporated apples dull. California. 144elSo: state. 15 9 IS Vic Prunes firm: California. 8W144c; Ore- gone. 12H V14c. Peaches lirm: stanaara, lzapizc; cnoic. 12 V, 14c; fancy. 13V,014c Metal Market. NEW YORK. May 20. Metal Kxchang quote lead firm. Spot, 77.12Vic Spelter easy. i-ast st. Louis delivery, spot. 7.107.20c Holiday in London. . Chicago Dairy Produce. CHICAGO, May 20. Butter steady, cream ery. 35 42c. Egg lower. Receipts 19,227 cases. Firsts, 31Vti32'-c ordinary firsts. 2930Hc; at mark, cases Included, 29 g 31c. Winnipeg Oat Market. WINNIPEG, May" 18. Cash oats. No. 2 white, 84V4c; No. S white, (OKc: extra feed 80 Tic; No. 1 feed, 77 Tic; No. 2 feed, 74 9 74 ",c. Duluth Unseed Market. DULUTH. May 20. Linseed, $3.9504-10; arrive. $3.95: May. $8.95 bid; July. $4.00 H bid; October, $3.60 bid. GERMAN PASTOR TO SERVE Chehalis Sara Farewell to Chaplain In United States Army. CHEHALIS, 'Wash., May 20. (Spe cial.) Rev. Carl F. Knoll, pastor of the locil German Lutheran Church, who was recently appointed chaplain In th aviation camp at Vancouver Barracks, bade his Chehalis townsmen good-bye at today's noonday luncheon of the Citizens' Club. Rev. Mr. Knoll, who Is a native of Oermanv. has been very active in all the war activities In this section, and his great desire is to serve the coun try of his adoption, not only some where in France, as . he expressed It, hut somewhere in Germany. Captain W. A. Schoel. chairman of tha Chehalis Red Vross chapter, was toastmaster, and plans for Honor day Ruhscrlrjtions to the Red Cross drive fund were discussed by the speakers. Writing- from Soissons, -Walter John son, a T. M. C. A. war work secretary, says: "I have seen a beautiful cathe dral half shot away. I have seen where the Germans had run a railroad right into the building; to carry away big stones. It was one of the famous cathe drals In France. In one corner of the transeDt not completely destroyed, a French priest was holding; services for a few. French soldiers. .... GAINS WIPED OUT Violent Changes Occur in Wall Street Market. OPENING PRICES STRONG Revere I Is Due to Technical Condi tions Steel and Baldwin Loco motive Feature Erratic Course of Industrials Bonds Eay. NEW TORE, May 20. Stock fluctuated with extreme vlolni-e during today' irregu lar session, price rlelng and falling several time en a furthor larg volume of opera tions. From a strong opening, based on the lib eral attitude of th Administration toward th railroads, th market soon reacted. Tb reversals, which ran from 1 to points. wero prlmsrily due to th marked chang in technical conditions. Laju week' ex tensive sdvanc afforded a foundation for fresh selling of the more vulnerable Issues, notably Industrials and equipments. Th more erratic features of thes group includ ed United States Steel and Baldwin Loco motive. Shipping, oil, motor and utilities fol lowed a similar course within narrower limits. Sales amounted to LO30.O0O share. Tim money was in scant supply, but call loans wer relatively easy, despite last week' contracting of bank reserves. Foreign remittances wer virtually un altered. Domestic bonds. Including liberty Issues, were galn Inclined to eaac. Internationals shading. Total sales, par value, aggregated $5,650,000. United States bond, old issue, wer unchanged on call. CLOSING STOCK QUOTATIONS. Closing sales. High. Low. bid. 1.0OO 74 73 78 21.700 41 H 48 3.1O0 f-OVs 78 7Hs 6.800 6l r.7 4 07 H 8.800 24 81 81 1.0.0 114V 112H 112H S.too 93 1 n 40O ins 164 16 8.10O S 68 6S 1.300 86 U. 85U 85 Am Beet Sugar.. Amer Can Am Car & Fdy. Am Locoraotlv. Am Sm i Rfg. . Ara Sugar Rfg. Am Tel Tel. . . Ara Z, L A s. . . . Anacon Cop. ... Atchison AU&WK88L Bait A Ohio Butt Sup Cop. Cal Petroleum.. Canadian Pae. . Central Leather Che & Ohio. . . 12.600 113 110i 5.4O0 57 53 1.400 24 23 200 18Mj 18S 1.200 158', 146't 4.600 10 i 67 H 1.400 tS 5SV, 6.90O 4014 4h 24 IS 146H 67 H 45 92 14 22 44 461 41 V, esH 31 4 61 16 147H 122H 100 31 95 H b:i 101 x 2H 401, 8314 117 27 97S 29 H 2?.H 67i 20t, 73 H 41V, 106 SIS 31 14 20 V, 44 S 63 V4 I.-.t, Hi 14 86 U m a Ft p G N W C R I P Chlno CoDBir. . 3,900 3i 22 Colo Fuel & Iron 1.700 13. COO 10.4i0 3.000 S4.70O 3.000 " 4300 1.100 4.600 -2r.!900 69.300 1.500 3.900 1.100 1.O00 20O ioiooo 600 3.800 2O0 60 7.4O0 27.SOO 3oo l.SOO 500 4S1, 41', 701 Sl 62r 17 100 S24 "84i" lor.', 29 42 19 33 T, 117 ion" 29 H 24 6M 20 H i ,, 4:1 107 87 "4 31H 47 40i C7V 31 'i 59 H 16 122 ii 99 H 30 H "bsh ion. 28 40 1H H 117 '97H 29 S 23 U 8 20 H 73 u 41 . 106 86", Slh 44H -25H SV sn, 17'i 84-. 24 291, 1T.2 123V 1.11 H loai, 1 ion 83 Corn Pdts Rfg.. Crucible Steel. . Cuba Cane Sgr. i-it uecurltlea.. Erie General Electric General Motors. ot isorthern pfd Gt Nor Ore ctfs Illinois central. Insp Copper. . , Int M ar pfd Inter Nickel. . .. Inter Paner Kan City South. Kenn Copper. . . L & Nashville. . Maxwell Motors Mex Petrol Miami Copper. . Missouri Copper Mont Power. . . . Nevada Copper. N Y Central N Y. N H H . . Nor A Western. Nor Pacific. . . . Paclflo Mall. . . . Pac T T Pennsylvania. .. Pittsburg Coal. Ray Con Copper Reading lie I A steel. .. hat Aria Cop. . Southern Pac. . South F.y studebaker Cor Texas Co I'nlon Pac 1." S Ind Alcohol U 8 Steel ITS Steel pM. t'tah Copper. . . Wabash pfd"B' Western I'nlon. 1,900 6", 6O0 81.000 17.300 1.01 Ml 9.9UO 6,3M 14.30O 25H 89 V, 90 17- fcrt 24 X 42 17 84 !4 24 41 4 .900 156 151 7.S00 12.1 123 132 19S14, II044 1.1.100 130 304.700 11 ion m 1.4UO 84 i SitO 92 4 poi 3 mm aam. . t Westing Klec . . 90 lotal saltfS for th day. 1.030.000 shares. BONDS. II 8 ref 2 reg..97V4 Pao T T 8.. Pa con 4 v,s. . . V P 4s IT S Steel 0s... S P cv 5 Anglo-Pr fie V S Lib SVfc.. U S Lib 1st 4s V H Lib 2d 4 VT s Lib 44,. 91 Vi 9', 87 l 99 94 4 , 92 , 99 ao coupon .....97, U S 3s reg....e do coupon ....H9 TT 8 4s reg 103 do coupon ,..105 Atch gen 4s 82 D 4 H O ref 6s 54 NYC deb 6s.. 94 N P 4s H2 N P 3s .95. 06 .94.96 .97.90 Bid. Mining Stocks at Boston. BOSTON. May losing quotatlona: Aiioues ...... ArU Com .... Calu A Arls... Calu & Heel. . Centennial .... Cop Rang .... E Butte Franklin Isle Royall .. Lak Cop .... Mohawk B IV, I NT Butt 16V4 13 Old Dom ... 11 62 73 . 70 .441 . 13 . 48 . 94 . 4, . 24 V, . 7 . 64 Osceola Quincy superior .... Sup & Bo. Shannon . . t'tah Con . . Winona . . . , Woiverln . , 54 2S 4 1U 1 .3 Money, Exchange, Etc. NEW YORK. May 20. Mercantile four and six months. 6 per cent. Paper, oierung oo-oay Dills. $4.724; commercial ' y"" on nanus. 4.72; commercial ''"" J urns, t.ii; aemand. $4. 75V,; ca. bles. $4,76 7-16. Francs, demand t?iu cable 5.69 . Guilder, demand 60. cable y-m. . uemanu w:uo; caDle 9.03H. Ru. bles. demand 13V-. cables 14. nominal Bar silver, 99Ho. Mexican dollars, 77c. Government bond, heavy; railroad bonda .1110 iiisiis iicinj ou aays. fives ner ,.0.1. .v mnA am III u II L II.. n n.r cent U (1 v-aji money firm. High. 5 per cent: 4 V, v "". ui!s raie, a per cent; cio Ing bid, 4VJ per cent; orrered at 5 per cent; last loan, 3 per cent. LONDON, May 20. Bar silver. 48 d pr ounce. Money. 2V4 per cent. Discount rates: Short bills. AV4 per cent: three ' month. bill. iKr cent. Coffee Future Market Quiet. NEW YORK. May 20. There was no fresh feature in the market for coffee futures tuday and trading continued very quiet. The opening wa nominally uncnangea to 1 point lower. lb only sale reported were of Eep tember at 6.36c and October at 8.89c. Th market closed at a net decline of 2 to point. May 8.13c; July. 8.23c; September. 8.85c: October. 8.40c: December, 8.50c; Jan uary, 6.56c: March. 6 69c. Spot coffee, dull; Rio 7. 8c: Snto 4s, lOTso. Only a few offera wer reported in the cost and freight market, including Santos 4s at lo.ioc. London credits. The official cable showed no change in the primary markets, except Santos future. which wer uncnangea to ou rel lower. Clearance from Rio and Santo for th United; State last week wer 149.000 bag. Naval Store. SAVANNAH. Gl, May SO. Turpentln. firm, 46He: sales. 323 barrels: receipts, 60 barrels: shipment. 161 bsrrels; stocks. 21. 595 barrels. Rosin firm. Sales, 220 barrels: receipt, 287 bsrrls: shipments, 2160 barreia; storks. 92, 98S barrels. Quote: B. z. E. r . n, ft. K. M. $6.95: N. 7.05: WG. $7.30; WW, $7.40. DAILY CITY STATISTICS IBirthA. BRUCE To Mr. nod Mrs. Paul A. Bmc, Bit. RuiiAi . Mar 15. ft dauehtfr. GRIFFIN To Mr. and Mr, Floyd F. Crtt fin, 484 ffeit WincheU Mar IT., a mon. DECKER To Mr. and Mr. John A- Deck t 3-H Mfilti. May 12. a dauirhter. GEILi To Mr. and Mr. Harry Ed Cell, 4V4 TO nil worth. M&v 11. a daughter. REED To Mr. and Mra. Hon C. Tted. v4 y.mmt Ktsrhteentu. May v. a daughter. BOEHM To Mr. and Mrs. Elmer E. nnehm Ai2 Alblna. Mar 10. a son. HAMMOND To Mr. and Mra. Robrt M. rTamtnnrid. 732 AIICC hOTlY. 3d B T 8. a fOlt. NfclSd To Mr. and Mra. Aldon Nelaa. 551 Johnson. April 4, a daughter. HKUER To Mr. and Mra. Hurry H. Heuar. u?. v..imt Irvlnff. Mar v. a son. LEacH To Mr. and Mra. Melvln I. Leach. 6114 Kighty-Hxth, Mar !. a son. nrpiT ,r To Mr. and Mrs. Chaater H aid, Z45 Eaat Fif ty-flrat. May m. daugn FRANTZ To Mr. and Mra. Oeorje 12. Prnit u.v Pchnrler. May 1j. a daua titer. PKVCK To Mr. and Mr. C. f. Pence, i AUlwauki avenue, M.ay 1 a boo. MORRIS BROTHERS, INC. The Premier Municipal Bond House of Oregon Established 25 Years ' 201 RAILWAY EXCHANGE BUILDING ' PORTLAND. OREGON $15,000 CITY OF VICTORLV. PROVINCE OF BRITISII COLUMBIA 6 GOLD BONDS Dated March 1. IMS Due Trlthout rig-pi ot prior option. March. 1.15:8. Principal and seenl-annual interest (March and September 1) parable in gold at th Bank of British North America. New York City. Coupon bonds. Denomination of $1900.00. FINANCIAL STATEMENT. Assessed value for taxation (1)17) $73. Ml. SSI 00 Kxemptlon not included abov. ........... 1S.H S.87VOO tieneral Debenture Debt 13.U07,M7.eo Iss sinking- funds $1.!!S.40K Waterworks debenture 4.227.000 Street lighting; debenture 130.000 $ 5.652. 40S.M Net Debenture Debt $.JS5.4J.00 NET LOCAL IMPROVEMENT. (Property owners har only after deducting; sinking; fund of $SJ3.570) .1 .135.l3S.vQ Revenue from Public Utilities (after deducting; operating; expenses) ISO, 611. 09 Value of municipality's assets 27.6:3,e2.00 Area. 4637 acre. Population 4 5.000. Legality approved by Messrs. Malone, Malone & Lone, Attorneys, Toronto Free from all Dominion ciovernment taxation. A Direct Tax Obligation of the City of Victoria.) PRICE 93.92. To Yield 6.83 City of San Mateo California Denominations $100 $250 $500 $1000 Due serially 1 to 10 years. Saa Mateo (PopnlAtlon A00) I tnt center of the- Ien.nul PU- trict. man l-MclJMVa faatalaimbl tubitrh, nUy In the finest reatdeava ctMnaau CaJifn&ia. rall or Phone for Descriptive Circular Bv. A 2u60 Lumber mens Trust Company CASTTAL SUSriUJ ISO. kerraens BI4. Prtls4,0ra. COOKE To Mr. nn.1 Mrs Vi-ria. W Cooke. H41 lovsjoy. May G. a Ron. LASSWKLIi To Mr. and Mra fclrlnisv Smith Lass wall. May 1. a daughter. CARL To Mr. and Mrs. Hcnrv CI irl 30 West Webster, May 6, a son. Marriac License. JONfeS-PTiAMBEY TTarrv 1 Tors. -i Caldwell. Idaho, aad Mary 1. Clambey. 2j! Multnomah Hotel. 1 U KADSllAw-plTlN Will am J. firtd. ehaw, legal. Rose burs, and Mrs. E. M. Dunn, .erai. mn i-.asi air met street. BARTUN-DLPRKY Roy Karton. 54. Mil lers town. Pa., and Evelyn DuDirr. I! Llnnton. USHMAK-BROWN Andrew Atthmn-i 1..' rat, Scappoose, and Mra. Sarah Brown, le gal. 41 Kant Elirhth street North. DtiAN-NAGI'KS Clsmontlnn Willi Dean. Kd. issattle. and Mra. Catharine Naauea. 41. Imp-rial Hotel. WAD8WORTM-NOLAV Donald A Wrt. worth. IskbI. lid Kast Forty-fifth street, and Mario D. Nolan, le;a!. 623 Couch street. KI.VG-ROBERTSUX Charles H iftr,-. city, and Mrs. K. . Robertson, ttS. Anson is HOt(l. PATTERSOK-SMITII W Ci. T filter. on 1.- sal. Roseburs. and Alice, Smith, leffal. Carl tun Hotel. Yancourer Marriaare Licensee. DAVIS-RYCKVAV Robert T. n-iv. of Kan Francisco. Cal.. and Mrs. Edna H. Rye k man, 1M, of Pan Francisco. Cal. MXU.N-Wl IF ( i Pi Hot Jl. Niinn I r I tf Portland, and Mra. Ailca J. Wilson, lasal. of Portland. UEEX-OGCRA Vlrall Heen 4.V sf Rt Paul, Minn., and Hana Ogura, 2i, of Port land. WRIOHT-8COTT Ira Monroe Wrlarht. 42. WUlaraina. Or., and Flora J. Scott, ytt. ttt WiHamlna, Or. Ituildlntr Permits. FRANTES X. BUR DICK Krect erar&re. Fifty-second street (Southeast, between Twenty-ninth avenue Southeast and Thirty first avenue Southeast; L. . Burdlck. bulMer; !.'.. MARY Z1.MERMAN Krect relf1ence. ISOS Virginia, between .Nevada and Miles; Will iam Steele, builder; flaOO. FRKD POUKY trect rre. 228 Sher idan, between First and Second ; builder. tuna; tOO. M. F. ZIMMERMAN Repair residence. IS71 MoKenna avenue, between Houton and Hudson ; builder, same; 9.V J. M. ATTERBl RY Erect rarare. Sll Dekum avenue, between Rodney and Cleve land ; builder, same: Ji'.V CHARLES M. MARSHALL, Krect tent house. 9 ft Lombard, between Campbell and Pat ton; builder, same : S. CHARLES UKU w .-V tiepair resiaenca, lOMii Mliwaukie avenue, corner Inaley; builder, same; $90. w s kki.t Krect res a en re. i-tie saon- tana. between Dekum and Portland boule vard : builder, lama; 5oa DEL PANTAUO ARENO Repair resl dence. 1121 Henderson avenue. between Tnirty-eixtn ana a ninynventa; Buim-r, firne- MRU. K. W. t.AfSfc. x ne pair one mna-one- half-story residence, lilt Henderson street. between Thirty-sixth and Thlrty-aeventn builder, aame; So. FHKD ANDERSON neoair one-story res Idence. 610 Central street, between Fcssen- den and J I art man streets; builder. J. F. Cus Twelfth North. between Bumslde . and ankanv .rrra - hnllder. Ilaf Kvllo: 1 BO. J East Twelfth North, between uurneiae and Ankeny streets; builder. Olaf Kyllo; rfidnr-. 45 Buffalo street, between jani Flxth and East Eightl atreets; H. M I. Tr FELTS Repair" one-story residence. 211 Watt street, cornsr ueiaware; ouuuor. w. vv. taiiuk tre" V lams avenue, between Jarrett ana Jessup; builder. ame; $0. . c tt. ivic trantafs. h230 Forty fifth avenue. between Slxty-aecond and Sixty-third streets; builder. ff- r T- V tT a -NJ V 'NT TT shed. 5515 HlXtV' ..v.'nih southeast, between Fifty-fifth and m. 1 1 1 name 15ft. I. E STROUD Erect ehaek. Olympla treet between Myers ana truicuoia. LYNN D. BRANDON Repair one-story e--Menoa 1217 South Kellos-e;. between Alma and Ida atreets; builder, aame; $25. C. A. BARRETT Repair one-story rl Km West John street, com i KAniav-.rrl: builder, same; $TS. WILLIAM F. BAUMANN Erect . , v- Catiih atraet Rotlttl. saraice. brtween IT . t t " o; i ! . hi. 1 1 .1 e r. aame: i. E : J DEEDONErect parage. 1S7 East Stafford, near Kerby; builder, same; $40. POOR'S 1918 MANUAL OUT Complete) Information on Income Tax Feature of Work. Poor's manual of Industrials for 11S has Just been issued. The general in formation is revised to April IS. The book is the largest work of Its kind. It contains the latest Income accounts and balance sheets of all Industrial companies in which there Is a public interest. These are In most cases pre sented In a comparative form, show ing at a glance the growth of the business. ' , . This is tha first book Issued tliat gives complete information regarding the present income tax on Industrial securities. It states whether the com panies assume 4 per cent tax or only a 3 per cent tax or no tax at all. The book is invaluable to the in vestor or banker Interested In In- 7 Bonds V Illinois Central R.R.C0. 5 " Gold Equipment Due afT 1 4 Nov. 1, If 1 127 Outstanding $5,225,000. Secured by fir$t lien on standard equipment cost ing $7,500,000. or over 26 in excess of this issue. WHI, lor Strcial DrrrrtSlffv Circular OR-16L The National Gty Company Cmrrtrondeni Oficts in 4 Clw Cortland Ra11wy Fichanr Bldg. Telephone 6013 Mam HALL & COMPANY BUT AND SELL Railroad Public Utility Industrial , Municipal BONDS TIELDIN'Q 5 to 7 Foreign Government Loans Local Securities Preferred Stocks Lewis Bldg. Portland, Or. dustrial securities. (Poor's Manual Company, 0 Lafayette street, New York. Price, 110 a copy). Dr. John R. Mott, head of the Na tional -war work council of the T. JL C A., has completed sl visit to the war front, where he inspected the work which is belna; done by the American V. M. C. A. for the soldiers of the al lied armies. delivering: mail : Over 44.000 routes now- trans- portlns; mail to and from rural patrons, an average of elirht lieces of parcels post was de- tvered to the farmer pro- tiucers, while only one piece per route per day was trans- ported from rdral patrons. e The farmer would be the larjt- est shipper if roads leadina; to trade centers were paved with BITULITHICJ WARREN BROS. COMPANY Journal Bldor Portlaad. Or. S.S.BEAVER SAILS WEDNESDAY. MAY 22 FOR SAW FRANCISCO AXD LOS A-NC.ELKS. Th Kan Frsarlsni A Pnrtlssd S. !, C Tblrd and Washlnirtom Street twith .-V. It. A . Co.) 'let. Broad way 4500. A 124 Third St. Main ALA&KA Ketchikan. WrangslL Juneau. Douglas, yi fr4r..- Skagway. Cordova. Vaidea, 8ewarJ and Anchorage. CALIFORNIA Via Seattle or ban Francisco to Io Angeles and San Diego direct. Largest ships, unequaled aervlca, low rates. In cluding Jvtivi and meals. Make reser vations. " AUSTRALIA Honolulu, Suva, NawZaaland CiKlO'iH lOSTRALASIiK ROTH KAIL IIKP I arget. newest. r-rst-equlpped ntumfri For farea and sailings apply Can. Pac. RH way. tV5 Third IS.. Portland, or OenenU Agent. 440 rwymour HU. Van coot or. B- C r.t l. b. -Mail S. MfcKK, eO-VOMA, LMtRA. 1-ncific Tour .SO. l.i claaa. Nallins n appHratiuau Oceania b. B. C, S41 klukeC bu. b. Cal.