1 THE MORNING OREGOXIAX, TUESDAY, MAY 21, 191S. IUDGE H'CMUNT TO RESIGN OFFICE Governor Will Appoint Repub lican Nominee to Vacancy in Supreme Court. XACT DATE IS NOT FIXED Successor to Iate Justice Eaktn Dc fcircs to Return to Practice. Intention to Stop Down Long- Known. SALEM. Or.. May 20. (Special.) Justice Wallace McCamant, of the Su preme Court, contemplates resigning in the near future, and Governor Withy combe will name whoever is the Re publican nominee as his successor. These facts developed today as an aftermath of the primary election. Justice McCamant is not certain as to just when he will vbe able to descend from the bench. When asked today as to what he contemplated doing, he ea Id : "It is my desire to return to the prac tice of my profession, and I will do eo as soon as the work of the court will .permit. The condition of the work here precludes my resignation at the present time, nor ant I able to etate just when I can do so." Contemplated Step Known. This move on the part of Justice Mc Camant has been -in contemplation for 'fiome time. In fact, several months prior to the primary election be let it be known that he desired to return to the active practice of law, and would probably wish to take the tep before the expiration of his present term. Candidates for the Supreme bench expressed themselves as having no de sire to become factors in the race in the event it was the wish of Justice McCamant to be his own successor, and largely to clarify the atmosphere for Huch candidates Justice McCamant let it be definitely known that he not only did not contemplate being a can didate for re-election, but that he did not intend to serve out his entire term. J usCice McCamant was appointed as an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court early in 1917 by Governor Withy combe to fill the vacancy caused by the dealh of Justice Kakin. Since that time he has been one of the most ac tive members on the bench, and it was generally conceded many months be fore the election that if he desired to be returned to the bench he probably could do so without opposition. The t appointment or juaga Mctamant met '.general approval not only among the members of the bar, but with the pub lic as well. Conflnlnjc Duties Prompt Change. Confining work in connection with the routine 'duties of a Supreme Judge and also the fact that the emoluments attached to the position are much lower than those connected with Jus tice McCaniant's practice, are under stood to be the main reasons for his , deciding do retire fnom public life for a continuation of his private prac tice. When Governor "Withycombe was in formed today of the contemplated step of Justice McCamant, he said that It would be his intention to name the successful Republican candidate for the nomination to take Justice McCa niant's place and ithis will assure a continuity of service on the bench. Wlille in his statement he makes no definite assertion as to when he will retire, it is believed that Justice Mc camant will submit his resignation to tlie Governor as soon as the work now on his desk: is cleaned up, which will probably be In the course of the next few weeks. It is likely that his res ignation will not come any later than the beginning of the court's Summer vacation, in a month or two at the ;ateL GLASS OF 40 INITIATED KAIGHTS OP COLtTMBiVS MEMBER 6JfcUP IS IXCREASED. Mount Atiarcl Council IVow Second Larg est Council In Oregon. Beings Sar passed Only by Portland. MOUNT ANGEL, Or.. May 20. (Spe cial.) Mount Angel Council, No. 1767, Knights of Columbus, Sunday initiated a class of 40 candidates into the or der, which makes it now the second largest K. C Council in Oregon, be ing surpassed in membership only by Portland Council, known throughout Oregon as the "mother council." The first and second degrees were in charge f the officers of Mount Angel Coun cil and the major degree was conferred by the Albany team, headed by Will Eagles, and assisted by Frank J. Lon erpan. state deputy of the Knights of Columbus of Oregon ; T. G. Ryan and A. B. Cain, of Portland. At the con clusion of the initiatory work an elc jrant banquet was served in the City Mall, at which the following pro gramme was given, with P. N. Smith as toastmaster: Prayer, Father Dominic O. S! B.; "Knighthood in War Time." "William Bar rett. P. S. D.; "Catholic Duty." Rev C. A. Jlaher; "Camp T.ewis," F J. Lonergan, S. D.; "A Ollmpse of Cam p Life, Sergeant Oeorge S. Kick : vocal selection. Josephine Stadler Fnd Helen Keber: 'Fraternal Spirit," KlHviua Meter: service flap dedication, Bev. J. R, Buck; address. Father Bast). O. S. B. ; KnifihtH of Columbus quartet, "Till the Bay Come Home : address. Thomas G. Ryan; address. Father J. Buck. Another important event in Mount Angel Sunday was the services at the Abbey chapel of St. Benedict's College, where Father Louis A. Sanders, an Cregou boy who was ordained last week, said his first solemn high mass. The following were initiated into the mysteries of the knighthood: Aioyslus I. Bent. James J. Rentz, Clemen! J. Heroin g. Emil A. Bochsler. James T. Broptay, Ralph E. Classic, Kdgar "W. Crosby, Clement J. Pudu, Xavler Kckout, Frank J Esch. Kdwnrd J. Vaber. Robert M. Faber, Edward Heenan. Herman J. Henscheid, A. T. H off man. John M. Hughes, John V. Kirschner. Ben H. Kucnsting, Aloysius P. Meehan. George N. ?fterten. Steve J. Merten, Mathias J. Miller. Charles S. Mullen. Joe Mullen. John J. Powers, Frank J. Ramey, Frederick Ridkers. John V,. Schindter, Paul J. Scmolkp, Thomas E. Shea. Cecil J. Scot- Inrd. Andrew S?ohlechter. David Travis.-v Leo J. Wellman. W. F. Well man. Philip E. voir. LA GRANDE NIAN IS SUICIDE Jobn Essabelle, Despondent, Ends Iilfe With KevolTcr. LA GRANDE, Or.. May 20. (Spe cial.) John Kssabelle, aged 7(5, this nftercoon killed himself with a re volver at the home, of his daughter, vritti whom he had come to live last 2ilht, after a stay with other rela- AMrSESESTS. BAKER ALCAZAR PLATERS Tonight, all week. Mats. Wed.. Sat. THE HOISE OF A THOCSAXD CANDLES," From the widely-known novel of mystery. 28c. 55c, 63c; Sat. Mat., 28c. 05c. Wednesday Bargain Matinee. 28c only. xt Week: "Inside the Lines. " The American Actor WILTON" LAC KAY E Dooley Nelson, Cole, Russell A Davis LESTER SHEEHAN AND PEARL REG AT Three Daring Sisters, Ziska A Kins ?" CLAIRE ROCHESTER Phenomenal Soprano-Baritone ANTAGE MAT. DAILY 2:30 "OVER THERE" With Private Jack IJnswood of the Origi nal Princess Pat Kegiment. ' (Ix Other Big Ads. Three Performance! Tai!y. Right Curtain at 7 and 9. LV" I sT" MCBICAt at ilA. Jl STOCK Mat. Daily. 10c Only. Kights Start at T. More laughing gas this week. Dillon &-. Franks Company of 25 In -THE-riPK DREAM." With the Rosebud Chorus. Tonight, Country Store. Thurs., Ladies' Souvenir Spoons Free. "Friday, Chorus Oirls' Contest. f&il THE IPPODROME SUNDAY, HOUDAT, Cii1 TUESDAY, MEUVESUAI De Pace Opera Company Featuring: the De Pace Brothers, World-Fsmon Maadollalste Gabby Brothers & Clark Sensational CI a b-Swiss era, DIahle Spinsters and Jagsjlers 5 Other Feature Acts5 taelndlns the superb photoplay "Vengeance" with Moatafcn Lo-re and Barb arm Cast let on Continuous performances Satnr daynt and Sunday Chat No. 2. Next Saturday sees the Grand Opening of the big Oaks Amuse ment Park. Scores of new con cessions and playhouses have been planned for the new season. The grounds are beautiful. Ex pert gardeners have been working since the very beginning of the season till now the entire place is a mass of green . and of budding, flowering plants and vines. It's a restful, quiet retreat for those who like rest and quiet and it's the liveliest kind of park for those who want gayety. Every kind of amusement your heart may desire is here. There's the wonderful Cioffi Band for those musically inclined. Their concert Saturday will be a treat one will not soon forget. Then there's the splendid big dance pavilion, and the Shoot-the-Chutes and Ferris wheel, and the Merry-Cr-Round with its almost life-size horses, and Hi larity Hall, and oh! just every thing you think of when you think Coney Island. And it's all within 20 minutes of Portland. Remember! The Grand opening is next Saturday, May 25! JOHN F. CORDRAY, Mgr. The Oaks Amusement Park. DANCING guaranteed in eiht lessons ladles, $4; Knts, $5. De Honey's beautiful acad emy. Twenty - third and Washington. Beginners classes etart Tuesday and Thursday evenings, S to 11. Plenty of fractice, no embarrassment. Private essons given. Iearn from Professional dancers. Main 7656. Start this week. DANCING! TO SIGHT Cotillion Hall Fourteenth Off Washington. Portland's Finest Amusement Palace. Ball-Bearing; Spring Floor. PRIZE WALTZ. BASEBALL RECREATION PARK. Corner Vancha and Twenty-fourth Sta. Seattle vs. Portland May 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. IB. Games Besin Weekdays st S P. M. Sundays, 1:30 P. SI.. Doable Header. Reserved Box Seats for Sale at Edwards' Cigar Stand, Sixth and Washington Sta. Indies' Days Daily Except Saturday and Sunday. tlves. He became despondent and this afternoon, while the family was away, entered a bedroom and fired a bullet into his head. A. grandson, aged 12, found the body. yTalter TL Johnson. Jr., a T. M. C. A. war work secretary in Krance. says the only way to describe the German devastation in Soissons is that hell was let loose. ArCTIOX MWS TOD4T. At Baker's Auction House. Tamhill and W. Parle sta. Furniture, ate. Sals at 10 A. M. MEETING XOTTCKS. WASHINGTON' COM MAN -DERI, NO. 15, K. T. A pri ory of the Order of Malta will be convened at 7:30 this (Tuesday) evening for th. purpose of conferring the Order of Malta in full and elaborate form. Direction K. Sir Norman L. Crout. prior. R. JURTT.V, Recorder. IVANHOE LODGE. NO. 1. KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS Regu lar convention everv TnMii.v j nlKht. Caatle Hall, nth and Al- aer at. letting ivniffhla wel come. E. M. LANCE. K. R. S. A. AND A. S. RITE. AIXSWORTH CHAPTER OF ROSE CROIX NO. 1 Regular meeting In auditorium Scottish Rite Cathedral this (Tuesday) evening at S o'clock. Work in 18th degree. By order Wise HAWTHORNE LODGE. NO. 111. A. F. AND A. M. Special Luuiiuuuikauuu luia , x urnusj evening at 5:30. Work in the f. M. depree. Vlstttne1 breth ren welcome. C. . iHLLER. Secretary. IMPERIAL LODGE, NO. 159. A. F. AND A. Special com munication this (Tuesday) even Inc. May 21. 7:30 o'clock. Work in the F- C decree. Vis itors welcome. W. P. A.NDRLS, Secretary. PORTLAND CHAPTER NO. 97, O. E. S. Stated, communication this (Tuesday) evening. W. O. W. Kail, S34 Russell street. Order ot w. M. Social. Visitors wel come. SOPHIE L. HOBfciON, Secretary. OREGON ELECTRTC COVN NO. irS2, ROYAL AR CAVUM, meets this (Tues day) evening. Masonic Tem ple. Vlsitine brothers wel come. O. O. HALL. Secretary. F. O. K . PORTLAND AERIB. NO. 4. will Initiate a class Friday night. May 24. Full at tendance requested. J. B. FITHIAN. Sec. EMBLEM Jewelry, buttons, charms, pins, new designs. Jaeger Bros.. 131-3 8th at. FRIEDLANDER's for lodge emblems, class pins and medals. 310 Washington St. DIED. AKERS May 'JO. st 672 Fifty-n.venth ave nue Southesnf. Emmtt M. Akers, aged 47 years. Funeral notir later. Remains are st the funeral parlors of A. D. Knworthy & Co., 6HOJ-04 Ninety-second street South east. In Lents. RIFKSAN At 614 North Leonard street. May 20, Mrs. Margaret T. Kleksan. agpd 70 years, widow of the late Oeorge W. Rieksan. Remains at the Holman Funeral Parlors. Announcement ot funeral later. H ELMER At 211 North Sixteenth street. Gertrude Helmer, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William J. Helmer. Funeral notice later. Dunning A McEntee. directors. RICH Died, In Houston, Texas. May lft. Ren M. Rich, beloved husband of Atnalla Hlrstel Rich. I' UN E RAT- N OTICE8. MYERS At Salem, Or, May t, 1918. on a viBit to her daughter. Mrs. Blanch Irwin, Mrs. Etta Myers, age 73 years, 10 months and 9 days, beloved wife of S. H. Myers, of 1341 Oreeley st.. and mother of Klme Baker, of (Jena. Neb; Fred Baker, of V.'eippe. Idaho; Mrs. Blanch Irwin, of Sa lem, Or.; Mabel C. and Maud Myers, of Portland, and stepmother of Mrs. O. J. Laird and Mrs. T. N. Masters, of Port land, and Mrs. F. C. Embree. of Merna, Neb. Funeral services will be held today (Tuesday). May 21, at 2 P. M. from R. T. Byrnes residence parlors, 901 Williams ave. at Mason st. The interment will take place In Rose City Cemetery. Friends axe invited to attend. REED -At the family residence. 48 Clay street. May 20, Samuel T. Reed, aged 80 years 3 months and 26 days, beloved father of Blanche Reed, of this city; grand lather of Fred and Mabel Bishop, of Port land; Anita Mclntyre, of Cripple Creek, Colo., and great-grandfather of Phllis Hishop. of this city. The funeral services will be held at the above residence. 4S Clay street. Thursday, May 23, at 2 P. M. Friends invited to attend Interment in Rlverview Cemetery. Arrangements in care of F. S. Dunning, Inc., East Side Funeral Directors. NEU In this city, at his late residence, 92 Hancock street. May 19. Philip Neu. aged 54 years, husband of Mrs. Fredericks Neu, father of Adolph Neu, of this city; Philip Neu. Jr., of the United States Navy, San Diego, Cal.. and brother of Mrs. Elis abeth Conde, of Denver, Colo. The fu neral services will be held Thursday, May 23. at 10 o'clock A. M. at the family real dence. Friends Invited. Interment at Rlverview Cemetery. The remains are at the residence establishment of J. P. Fin ley A Son, Montgomery at Fifth. GRANT At the home of his daughter, Mrs. W. E. Bailey. May ly, George Arthur Grant, aged 67 years, husband of Mrs. Josephine Grant, father of Mrs. W. E. Bailey. The funeral services will be held at the conservatory chapel of F. S. Dun ning, Inc.. 414 East Alder street, corner East Sixth, at 8 P. M. today (Tuesday). Friends Invited. Interment Mount Scott Park Cemetery. HTJFF In this city, at his late residence, 0t5 Reynolds street. May 20. Wlnfield Scott Huff, aged 00 years. Ttn funeral services will be held today (Tuesday) at 1 o'clock P. M. at the residence establish ment of J. P. Flnley & Son. Montgomery at Fifth. Friends invited. Incineration at the Portland Crematorium. KANE In this city. May 1. Anna Kane, aged 81 years, beloved mother of M rs. Mary Quick. Funeral will leave the chapel of Miller & Tracey today (Tues day), May 21, at 8 A. M-. thence to Blessed Sacrament Church, Maryland avenue and Blendena street, where mass will be offered at 8:30 A. M. PHELPS The funeral services of the late James LeRoy Phelps will be held today (Tuesday) at 2:30 o'clock P. M. at the residence establishment of J. P. Flnley & Son, Montgomery at Fifth. Friends In vited. Interment at Rose City Cemetery. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. HOLMAN UNDERT.AKING CO. Funeral Directors Established 1877. Third and Salmon Street. Main. 607, A 161L Lady Assistant. Perfect Funeral Service for Less. MILLER & TRACEY. 4adpeDdent Funeral Directors. Wut St.. bet. 20th & 21st. West Side liala 2601. Lady Assistant. Jk. Tssi. J. JP. riMLdif at MUM. Procresslv. 'Jr'unerai Directors. Private Ltrlve Women Attendants. MOMXUUaUSKX AT tlblH. Main . A IBM. WILSON & ROSSSiaii1 Sast 64. C 13. ERICSON Residence Undertaklns Parlors, 12ta and Morrison sts. Main ttiaa, A 2iJi BUNNLNQ A McGNTKlS. funeral directors, Broadway and Fine street, l'none roaavajr esw. A eofta. Lady attendanc r. B. DUNNINO, INC THS GOLDEN SULs! UNDiiHTAKE RSL 411 East Alder St. Sast SZ. B gaas. BREEZE & SNOOK MR. AND AIRS. W. H. HAMILTON Fu neral service. 1U7S K. Gllaan. Tabor .31s. p. L. LEHCU. East lltlt and Clay atresia. Lady attendant. East 781. B 138a. A. R. ZELLER CO.Ut loss, c loss BKEWES UNDERTAKING COMPANY, ad and Clay. Main 4152. A 232L Lady aselataa FLORISTS. CLARSS BROS.. Slorlsts. 2ST Morrlsoa St. Main or a ISO. Fine flowers and Xloral eealsna No cranca stores. MARTIN A JTORBE3 CO, Florists. IU Washington. Main 269, A 12SUl Flower for all occasions artistically arranged. TON6ETH FLORAL CO, 284 Waaninstoa St.. bet. 4th and Bth. Main 612. A 1101- MAX M. SMITH. Main 7216. As 3121. as Ills bids;.. 6tb and Alder sts. PEOPLES FLORAL SHOP. 245 Alder. Flowers and dealsna Ptaone Marariall swa BEAUTIFUL MOUNT SCOTT PARS CEMETERT Lowest Prices Best Scrrtcs. No expensw after Interment. Prices lower than other cim Uriea, JVs A directory of business firms and professional men condensed and classified for ready reference. For rates by the month or year, or other information, telephone The Oregonian. Main 7070 or A 6095. Hause 29. ACCORDION PLEATING. HEMSTITCHING, PLEATING. ALL LAT EST STVLE4 EASTERN NOVELTY CO.. 2i.-rIi"TH ST.. BETWEEN OAK AND STARK STS. BROADWAY" 2OO0. K tolEPHAN, hemstitching, scalloping, ac cordion side pleat, buttons covered; mall orders. -J19 Pittock block. Broadway lotV. AATEjtlTTEKS AND MfO. JtHtLLUa. JEWELRY ao5 Wash. nd watch repairing. Mlller-a, St.. Majestic Theater bids. AS8AVERS AND ANALVslS 41UN1ANA ASSAY OfFICE 1 . ' ' fr.-r-.A. Ooid. silver and platinum bouht. BAKBKK MI-PI. IKS. OREGON BARBER SfPl'LV CO. We buy and sell ail kinds barber supplies. 2oO no. CARPET Cl.EAMNO. NORTHWEST RUG CO.. establlalied 1H03. JrTuff rugs and rag rugs woven, all sizes. Last bin and Taylor. East ajsO. B lso. CANCER. L. M. JONES. M. t. CANCER TREATED. 311! Morgan bldg. Marshall Q14K. ( El.H tOlD BI TTONS. THE IRWIN-HUDSON COMPANY. 3S7 Washington. Broadway A 1'.'54. rHIROPOIIISTS AXU A KOI fPE lALlSTS. tH. I, A MONTE,, chiropodist and n l.mlflc arch specialist. Only chiropodist carrying siate license; moet sanitary operating rooms In city; arches fit perfectly or money refunded. Caees cured where others failed. Local references fMven. Lady attendant. -'Ml-7-8 Swetland bldg.. Fll'th and Wash. Main &4tf; evenings by appointment. Kea sonable prices. Consultation free. WILLIAM. Eslelle and Florelle iJcVany, the only scientific rhlropodlnts and arch spe cialists in the city. Parlora 30J Uerllnser bldg.. southwest corner Second and Aider. Phone Main 1301. CHIROPRACTIC PHYSICIANS. PR. MoMAIION. Marleay bldg.. 1007. chiro practic World's best. Adjustments made easy. Obstinate cuses 50c rale. CIRCII.AR LETTERS. CRANE LETTER CO.. 810 N. W. bldg. Mar. 5S22. 100 letters multlgraphed. 1.50. COLLECTION AOKXCIEB. NETH A CO.. Worcester bldg. Main 17d. No collections, no charge; established Itfoo. DANCING. MRS. FLECK'S ACADEMY Social and stage dancing, private instruction; classes Tue. Fri., 8 to lo. 100 d St., bet. Waah. and Stark. Main 210O. DEKl'M DANCINO SCHOOL. Private lessons day and evening. Latest dances. Classes Friday. Main 7446. 803 lekum. MANCHESTER DANCING ACADEMY. 85 H Fifth; 10 private lessens. 13. 11 A, M. to V P. M. Phone Broadway !!3'.!7. EYE, EAR. NOSE ANI THROAT. Dr. F. F. Casseday, specialist; glasses fitted. 700 E. Burnslde. cor. 20th. B ir,'.t3. E. 4734. FIREPROOF PAINT. Paint that root with . FIREPROOF WATERPROOF RUSTPROOF PAINT Prevents the growth of moss. Stops leaks and protecta from fire. Corns no mure. Phone Main 61)75. PUFF HK1S AMI RAG KK.S. FLUFF RUGS FROM OLD CARPETS Ingrain, Brussels. Smyrna, Axmlmter rc rutfa. all mli", mall order prompt: booklet 9xlJ rues, Btpflm or dry cleaned. $1.20 CARPET CLEANING, REFITTING, ETC. WKSTERN FLtl'F KIT. CO.. 64-50UniouAve. N. Kait ttdlO, J 1475. .WHOLESALERS AND AITO TOPS. r OREGON. AU XU lul- Co. 14th and Coucb. DUBRUILLE BUGGT TOP CO.. tbi and OU OKA IN MERCHANTS. PACIFIC CHAIN CO.. Board or Trade bids;. DKY GOODS NOTIONS. ' 01NKELSP1ELCQ. VrZrz?2Z HATS AD CAF8. THAXHOUBER HAT CO.. S3-S5 Front St. HIUtM, WOOL. CAbCAKA HABK. K.U1 N BROS. 105 Frost st. PAINTS AND LtBBICATI.NO OILS. W. P. FULLER & CO.. 12th and Davis sta. MONUMENT. A BEAUTIFUL polished granite monument, imported from Norway, for sale at to -he value; dimensions, from base to top, 3 ft. 10 in.; width. 3 ft. 2 In., and 1 ft. 4 In. thick; crated and ready for shipment, ln qulre at room 417 Worcester bldg. PORTLAND MARBLE WORKS. 2S4-ZS 4la St., eapoalta City Hall. Mala, Sio. Pbtuj Nsu a Sons for memorial. IrBLAtSINCi CfcANlTC. CO.. I Lf THIRD KT rVQl .Orsj jiTtRg:gT. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY Offloej. Boom 153 Courthouse. Bth St. Entrance. Phooe from lint, Main 378, Home Phone A 3A26. Night rail after office hours. Mala Z7tL Report all cases of cruelty to the above ad tress. Electric lethal chamber for small am mala. Horse ambulance for sick and disabled animals at a momeat'a notice. Anyone desir ing a dog or other pet communicate with ua. Call for all lost or strayed stock, as we loos alter all Impounding. There is no more clt pound, lust Oregon Humane gecletjr. NEW TODAY. MORTGAGE LOANS f On Improved city and farm prop- II j erty at close Interest ratee. In- II 1 1 etnllment repayment privilege II (I preferred. Prompt, reliable service. A.H.BIRRELL GO. Z17-21P Kerlkweitera Bnnlc BaUdlag. Marshall 4114. A 1118. MORTGAGE LOANS OX FABH AUD BESIDEXCni rROPKUlT, No COU1119910X LWm. MacMaster 701 CORBETT B1DC. FUHTLAND. OH. MORTGAGE LOANS OSI BISIXEI9 AND RE31DENCB PROPEBTT. ROBERTSON a EWI.1G, S07 - (t nortkwnters Hank BIdg JNO. B. GOFFEY, MORTGAGE LOANS, Insurance, Surety Bonds SOI WILCOX BLDG. Mala 7 OX. A S7UX BEAL ESTATE. For Sale I-oti. $300 ROSE CITT PARK Onnrl east farinr lot. close to car. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANV, No. 7 Chamber of Commerce Bids. "THAT VACANT LOT" Turn a burden Into Income. We desigu and build anything. furnish the money if desired: elrht years In Portiand. Is. It. Bailey Co.. contract lug architects. N'orlhu-titem Bank bide. MONET to loan in amounts of $2K to fSOO on Rood real estate security, either city or suburban. For particulars call at 404 Piatt bldg. WEST lot, rear shipyard, very cheap, easy terms if desired. Jobnson-Dodson Co.. 6U4 North western Bank bldg. FORECLOSt'RE SNAP 13 full lotfi, Tlvi sion and 4Tth. $.'t.'0 ear-h. worth $75t; terms. Thomson, Mohawk bid. Mar. 125. ALL kinds of bui dinar nnd alterations. CHAS. W. ERT2, ARCHITECT. Pittock blk. $300 Choice lot. Kast -Sia and Killings worth. Tabor 6964. FU'FF RIG AND KAG RIG FACTORY. NORTHWEST RUG CO.. establUbed 3OJ Fluff ruga and rac rxigm woven, all clxea. Kast 8th and Taylor. Kast 35 SO. B 1290. JAPAN KUOKIt-T. JAPAN I.OKIl. t". 1. Nutaio, Jl3 Fourth: t.. near Yamhill. "Wt lS.de. All kind of Bed d trie and Vuetable Plants, H&ngiug B-U-i9 and J a panes Tuo. Oaran 1'iants. etc. fecial sale, price ex tra bargains. n MLSRAU OliKOON Conservatory ischool) of Music. -d floor. Kusscl aidc. ovr th "I.ion"i. Entranco lHQ, 4th st.. cor, of Morrison. fc.MIL. TUIEUIORX, violin teacher, pupil iSevcik. 2Q7 PMedner bldg. Bdwy. I" A RKKK School of Popular Mustc. Tvrms. 6 to lessons. 401-2 Hliera bidf. MR.SES. NISBKTII'S SAN IT A RI L" 34. Kervous. chronic and rheumatic cases. Mot modern equipment in the Northwest. Kleetric Jteht, steam bkke oven and shower bai hs and packs; all forms of modern electric curativ appliances, pro phylactic cymnasilcs and snaafcaxe. Calorie ystem of diet. 1'atients outsiae may re ceivo treatment daily. No surry. Milk cure treatments. Or. and Mrs. Ntshtn. in charge of all treatmenta lti I.ovejoy at., bet. It and 20i h. Broadway 16M. OPTOMF.TKIST AM OPTICIANS. WHY PAY ilOHt? tX1 A SAVING from 30 to per e v2J Properly fitted xitiufa as low cent. ' a . $1.&U. 40UO satisfied customers. fratistRctton cuaranteed. C'haa, W. Uood mau. optometrist. 2y& Morrison. Mln 2124. PATENTS. R. G. WRIGHT 22 yearn experience. U. S and foreign pstcnta 41 Dkum bids. I'lIYiSICIANf. DH. R A. PHILLIPS, tii Broadway bid. Kheumatlsm. female disorders, skin trou bles, stomach. liver. kidneys. bowels, throat, goitre, scalp. hlh biood pressure. i'l.lMBlXi tl PPI.Itt. PLUMBING isrppLIES at wholesale prices. Stark-Davis Co.. 212 Third. Main 797. PRINTING. KEYSTONE PRESS J. E. Oantenbetn. Ugr. Printing and. linotyping. loH Front at.. .jriier furn. X-lttin or A. 1418. P H M T f V fl F- w- BALTES A COMPANY. IflhllhlU 1st and Oak sts. Main 165. A 1163 KKAL KSTATE ItAI.KK. CAR1, R. J ONE 3. 404 Wilcox bld. (iTORACR AND TRANSFER. OKEOON TRANSFER CO.. 474 Gllsan St.. corner 13th. Telephone Broadway 12S1 or A 1 109. We own and operate two large clsjss "A" warohounrs on terminal tracks, lowest Insurance rates In the city. MADJSON-ST. DOCK & WAREHOUSE. Of fice Ibv Madison. General merchandise and forwarding agent. Phone Main 7il. CUT freight rates to all points on household goods. Manning Warehouse & Transfer Co.. tth and Hoy t. Broadway 703. PACKING. MOVING. STORAGE. SECURITY STORAGE A TRANSFER CO, 105 Park su Main 51U5. A 1061. FIREPROOF STORAGE. C. M. OLSEN TRANSFER CO. 24S PINE. VETERINARY (OIXKGK. S. V. VETERINARY COl-LEGE begins Sept. 16. Catalogue free. E. Creely, Sec. 1818 M nrket st., San Francisco. ORDERS taken for Summer delivery; first cias pole oak wood. Broadway 2S19. WOOD AND COAL. HEAVY, dry wood. 96 and 90.50 per load, delivered, stove length. Phone Broadway ttS. SiANUFACTUREItS PAINTS. OILS AXU GLASS. RASMUSSEN Ac CO.. 2d and TaylorT" PlfE. PIPE tlTTIXGa AM) VALVE). ALL. KLINE. 84-86 Front it PLUMBING AND 6IEAM SCPPIJES. M. L. KLINE. 84-8C Front at. PKQ1UCK COMMISSION MERCHANTS. EVEKULNU At FA Kit ELL. 140 Front It. KOPE AND BINDING TWINK. " Portland Cordate Co.. 14th and Northrup. SASH, BOOKS AND GLASS. W. P. FULLER CO.. 12th and Da.la WALL PAPER. MILLER Wall Paper PL Co.. 172 1st" MORGAN WALL PAPER CO.. 210 2d st REAL ESTATE. Por Sale Lota.- ACRE TRACTS OXI.T 25 down is month Parkrose: Dandy soil. gas. water and electricity. Put up a tent for the Sum J. U HAKT.MAN COMPANY. No. A "oao1 Commerce bldg. Main 208. For Sale Beach Property. SBAVIEW COTTAGE. Facing the track. 1 blk. to depot: 6 rooms and pantry; elec. lights, running water, pat. toilet, completely furnlhd; rent for season $75. or for sale 31000 Call 8-'3H Washington St. SKA IEW cottage facing the track 2 blocks from the depot. 6 rooms and pan try, elect, light, running water, perma nent toilet complete, furnace; rent for set J5n. $70, or for sale, $1000. Call 823' wash. I? OR SALE by owner, attractive seven-room cottage at ea View. Faces east on boule vard. Lot SoxI'mi. Price $lii00, terms. Phone Tabor 3J73. For Sale -Houses. ATTRACTIVE Iutch colonial house In A'.a meda Park ; white woodwork, hardwood floors and all modern conveniences; sold at sacrifice by owner on account of being In the Army. Tel. E. 79oU or Tabor 2217. 6-ROOM house on 100x100 corner, garag. beautiful yard, plenty of shrubbery, fruit, berries and roses. Owner, 1290 E. Btark. r 133S. A GREAT bargain, 3 -room house, $750 and your own terms; 6 -mom modern house. 1 screws, close In. $4500. Arnold. CO llonry bldg. MODERN 2-story. -room house, comer lot r0xlO0, two blocks car; macadamised etreet, $3000, terms; also many others. J. C Corbin Co.. 305-7 Lewis bldg. 3-ROOM modernized cottage with 8 side rooms. 1 block from car, $750. terms or 6 per cent discount for cash. Tabor 7858, evenings. (15O0 COSY tl-room modern bungalow with nice jard. full lot, close to car. Terms. Hee owner. Taggart, 410 Chamber of Com merce. FOR BALE 6 -room house, located on Ham ilton ave. ; lot 40x100; fruit trees and grape vines; one-half cash, one-half terms; price $1000. Inquire B 1277. WILL ERECT A HOME. ON OUR LOTS OR TOl'R OWN Northwestern Trust Co., 212 Wilcox, bldg. r K. Stearns. Mgr. NEAR J EVFERSON H IGH SCHOOL. Six rooms, modern, paved street. Im provements nil paid. Only $25oo. W. H. ROSS, 1100 X. W. Bank bldg. S-ROOM house and sleeping porch, in funny side: full cement basement, everything up to date. - blocks from carllne. Tabor B"J14 or Tabor 1251. $t00 BL'YS my 4-room modern cottage, ought to sell for $l.p00; mortKage overdue, must sacrifice, Kor particulars call at 404 Piatt bldg. BEST buy in Laurelhurst; a $6500 home for $4750; all assessments paid : easy terms. Kor particulars call at 404 Piatt bldg. WALNUT PARK. $40O0; modern. 7 rooms, sleeping porch, garage, alley. Owner, Main 47i. WEST Kid house for sale. 15 minutes walk to Postoffice; rents lor $i0 a month. 30 l.rant st. WILL accept $:.uu cash for my equity in Rose City Park bungalow; price -'S50; no incumbrances: easy terms. 700 E. Gist N. FOR SALE or trade. 6 -room modern house. W. S., 10-min. walk to P. O. Owner going to Canada. No agents. Marshall 181. S-ROOM houre, 61 W. Jessup; easy terms. Owner, 819 Main St.. Vancouver, Wash. IK VI N JTON HOMES. R. T. STREET, IRV. AGENT. IF that mortgage worries you. consult us. Northwestern Trust Co 2"2 Wtlrox bldg. $3300 THIS WEEK Mod. 5-r. bungalow. It. C P. Owner, no agents. 402 K. B3d St. FOR FALE '.-room modern bungalow, lot 100x100. Phone Tabor 337, Monday. REAL ESTATR. HOME BUYERS. You can save youreles a lot of running around if vou'll lust take a look at the picture in our window of the beautiful moderately priced homrs w have for sale in Laurelhurst and other districts. Prices and descriptions under each picture. Easy terms If de sired. PAULC. MURPHY. Sales Aent. between 3.1 and 4th Sis, Main 170O, A IMS. -DO you ant a 7-room bungalow home, modern snd complete ? Brsi plum hi ng. gts. electricity. Hot-water heat In everv room. Two bd rooms be'ow statrs. t we above. White enamel fiush throughout. 1 ine fireplace i: h tile hearth. Separate laundry room with tubs and gas plat. Lawn, roses and shrubbery. Clone in. two blocks from Hawthorn- ave. Everything paid and no incumbrance. Raricatn for cash. Call Kast 42a4 and talk with owner. HOM-8'ROOM COTTAGE HALF ACRE TRACT $20 down. $20 month at 6Tr. located In Parkrose. jut outside city limits, good soil, ground cleared, plowed aud some garden in. Possession at once. J. I. HARTMAN COMPANY. No. 7 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. IRVlNiTON Hoauttfnl New KnaUnd co lonial home. 715 East lth at. North. Own er leaving city; 7 roonm. vhite ennl f inteh. hardwood f loom throughout, plate Klass indows, fireplace, f urna e. laun dry, finished attic. Dutch kitchen -with every built-in convenience. For sale by F. K. Bowman & Co., 213 C. of C. bldg. Main S(tg. LAl'RELHVRST HOMES. I have several excellent hiirsaina In 7 and R-room houses located in beat sec tion of LAURELHURST for sale on rent like terms. Call for keva at I-aurelhurwt trnct office E. B9th and Olisan. Tabor r.4..1 delly between 10 A. M. end I- P. W. v. r.. whi'wn. Kvenings. Tabor rff. BUNdALOW B A Ri.AINV T Wish to Sell three nanrlv naiv ll.rnniTi houses located In best sections of Laurel hurst and Rosamcre for best prices obtainable. Terms. Call for keys st iaureinurst tract office, E. 3th and iiMa sis.. louiy. Tabor 8433. C. K Brown, evenlnits Tabor ft!. PORTLAND HEIGHTS, beautiful home sit uated among the fir and dogwood trees, fine view of the mountains hard-surfaced road both In front and back of property; grge. all modern conveniences: $.VHH cash will handle, balance long time at 6 per cent. Will show only by appointment. Call at 404 Piatt bldg. HURRY. $1000. HURRY. For rood Broom nlaatr-rit tioie,a. full basement. bath. tullat llrhta anrl hard-surface etreet. handy to car, close to nuui. ner o. i'. siiods, owner non-resl-derit and la ahso'uteiv arif i1m ih place, bee E. W. Hughes. :30 A. M.. or - du r. M. etc K ley Hotel. 3i-0a, Morrison Owner has for sale very attractive 8 room house, close in. Hawthorn dint riot mnd. crn in every del all. newly decorated, fine itrrping porcn, wtiits enamel kitchen, good garage, beautiful shrubbery. price low; uia. x nunc lIDOr I U. 5-ROOM cot tare, with beautiful 50 by mo foot lot. 4 J7 11th, near Hall st. : fine apartment site; see this today; price $5250; all taxes snd assessments paid. PARR1SH. WATKINS fc CO.. 10G 2d St. 7-ROOM residence, excellent condition, good neighborhood, 261 Monroe st. ; lot 50 by 10O feet; all taxes and assessments paid; easy terms; price $:;ooo; see this today. PARR1SH. WATKINS CO., 106 2d St. tiOOO 6-roorn residence, 2i:i shaver st.. cor ner Hslftht st.: lot 50 by 10O feet: ail taxes and assessments paid ; price $3000. easy terms. PAKRISH. WATKINS 4 CO.. lOtf 2d St. BEAUT1 FUL home In Irving ton, 7 rooms and bath. 2 toilets, all built-in cabinets, beam celling in living and dining-room garage, fruit trees, lot oOxlOO. All assess ments paid. Buy from owner, save coin mission. ei2 Tillamook st. 12000. MiTHl.NtJ down. $20 per month, interest 6 ner e-nt. Modern 5-room bunga low. Forfeited contract. Original sa.e $21XM. This is an exceptional bargain, so Herj-1 Terrace, near e.'.th and Olisan. Mam 1242. Sunday Tabor lo:;g. SPLENDID houae of 5 rooms, 1 500 East Morrison, near East A4th St.; lot is 5o try 90 feet: all taxes and improvements paid for; price $4."no; terms msy be had. PARR1SH. WATKINS A CO.. io 2d st. BARGAINS One -rooin home. $40oo, cor. lot; one cor., 75x100, 8 rooms and garage, $H5; one 6-room, $5500; one 8-room, $6o0, garage; one cor., S rooms. $tk'o, aarage. All close In, lrvington. East T.'t. W. H . H e rd m an . $10,000 HOUSE FOR $7,000. FOR SALE BY OWNER. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS. SS0 Rugb St.. corner Franklyn. Modern, fine view". All hardwood floors. Telephone Main 4672. GOOD 7-room residence, SO East 12th, near Kast Washington St., with lot 50 by 1U0 feet; all taxes and assessments paid; this la a bargain at $4750: terms may be had. PARRISH. WATKINS A CO.. 108 2d St. $3250 HAWTHORNE DISTRICT $3250. Modern 6-room bungalow. hardwood floors, fireplace, built-in effecta. paved street, assessments paid. Terms. Owner. 237 East 00th. OSWEGO LAKE Half acre with one-room painted cottage. woodshed, place well fenced ; must sell for $ooi on terms to close an estate. For particulars call at 404 Piatt bldg. BUNGALOW. ONLY $750 Multnomah, near East 5 2d, plastered; bargain for someone who can finish house spare time; full lot. easy terms. Phone evenings. Tabor 927, or call 613 Henry bldg. GOOD cottage with plenty of ground, 1875 Foster st.; lot is 100 by 200 ft,; will make nice h om e ; price $ 1 MXi. easy terms. PARRISH. WATKINS e CO.. 106 2d St. TOO large for owner: will sell modern six room house with sleeping porch, corner central East Side: terms; will take lot or smaller house in good district a part pay. Phone East 11.15. FOR SALE By owner. no commission, 8-room house, corner lot 60x lou, H aw (home First Addition. Will accept close-In Improved acreage part payment. Phone East 291:1. ALBERTA OR IRVIXGTON' CAR. 7 roooin bungalow, full lot. - hardwood floors. Priced for quick sale. $2750. W. H. ROSS, N. W. BANK BLDfl. $2050 BEAUTIFUL little modern n room bungalow, 1 block to cars, on E. 67th st., very cheap. Hart, 910 Ch. of Com. Tel. Marshall 15P5. H A WT H ORN E. Corner lot. 6-room bungalow. Only W. H. ROSS. 1100 K. W. Bank bldg. FOR SALE AT BARGAIN. $2TC.O 9 room house, fine condition, suitable for 2 families; easy terms. K 111 ingsworth. near Union ave. East 6235. iU5 E. 7TH ST. N. ft rooms, small base ment : all Improvements naid : Sir'uO: terms; owner. Woodlawn 2265, after 6 P. M. 7-ROOM bungalow. 2 acres. Courtney sta tion, lots of berries snd garden, cow and chickens, all for $5000. Terms. AN 190, Oregonlan. MODERN 6-room house, fully furnished, hardwood floors In all rooms, garage, etc. $.1aoo. $1000 cash. Tabor 6UV1. or East 4nrt. SACRIFICED, modern. 7 rooms, fireplace, furnace, half acre, block Hawthorne car. $3750. terms. 1181 E. Taylor. Tabor lf3. $500 CASH, balance monthly. Large mod ern seven rooms, two lots, shrubbery; fur niture if desired. 134 Kast 53d st. SNAP Good six-room hn.ise. close to car. Woodlawn district; $1500. terms. H 43, Or goiiian WEST SIDli tf-room house, corner lot, walk ing distance. Price $-650. terms. E. J. Uetser. ew tnamoer oi commerce. FOR SALE A fine 6-room house, corner, on Failing, near Williams ave, Ca.l Woodlawn irttv.L Owner. No a cents. HUBBELL A SON. 1421 Sandy, oldest firm ROSE CITY PARK, can sell you a irood LEAVING city, want to sell well furnished six-room home, thirty bearing fruit and walnut trees. Woodlawn 2im)Q. 6 ROOMS and sleeping porch; attractive Rose City Park residence; owner in aerv- ice; must sell at once. Tabor 3277. $2650 MODERN 5-r. cottage bungalow, beautiful location; furnace, fireplace, rosea. Mam is't i. Jicr arianq. euj l eon bldg. $1150 HANDSOME bungalow, paved street; f -.TrO ca? h . Mi-Fa rl an d. 6Q3 V eon bldg. 3-ROOM house. 100x100. $tK); In Woodlawn. Phone WoodTawn 724. MODERN 5 -room bungalow, cheap, by own er. Phone Bell wood 3.3S. BARGAINS Foreclosure and hornet Call up East 1347. mortgage BARGAIN Fine 7 -room home In beat of Irving ton, Go 7 Pittock block. REAL ESTATE. For (Mile House. LEONARDS SPECIAL SNAPS. A classy nearly new 5-room bungalow In best section of Rose City Park. 1 block from car, oM ivory finish, herdvood floors, fireplace, gas heating plant. breakfast nook, beautiful yard; $3&50, $1000 cash. A nifty 5-room solid concrete bungs Io. located on a view corner, paved street. 1 block to car, thoroughly modern, old ivory finish, gas heating plant; cost $6uJU, but will sell fur $4UOU on cay terms, 2-story 6-room house on 50xlo lot In good location near car. $16u, $Ck0 cah. balance $ 10 per month and Interest. S. . Leonard, Main 1 00; evenings Tabor 7vH5. BUNGALOW BARGAINS, READ C A R E FULLY. $2000 A fine two 4 -room iat house en East Sth, near Ash. $3000 A good 4 -room house and 50x10ft lot. East Ash, near Mh; lot aoni orth $4Kit. $2700 Fine modern 7 - room bunpalow. on the cornor of E. iiMh mij Stephens. including a good garaKc $5500 A beaut if ul b room buncalow. i !; i all modern bul.l-in vonvenienco. laice l!V4ii(s.room snd fine ninj-r. room. Ground 75x100, Street asseits- mrnts sli ps Id. In Laurel hurst on Koal Court, near the car .Inc. J. U KAKNuri". Rati w a y Exchange Btdg. Main T.'. LA U R E I .H L'RStTiIOMK SNAP. A very attractive, thoroughly modern 1 h -story tt-rooin huune, in excellent con dition, located in be.t section of Laurel hurt. I block from car. hardwood floors, fireplace, convenient kitchen with break fast room, 3 bedrooms, cement basement with bet furnace. nir lawn aud flowery room for garage; price $4Mn terms. J. 1 K I A 1 1 U N T Y , Main 1700; evenings. East .vroom bungalow $::;.. down. $25 month $3450; MT. TABOK v Beautiful yard, trees, hardwood feori In main rooms, fireplace, built-in buffei. Iutcrt kitchen, 2 bedrooms, attic, furnace' sT. I,. HARTMAN COMPANY. No. 7 Cham ber of commerce Bldg.. 4th 4 Stark ;:s. Main 20S. a 2o.,o. $1500 CASH R-ROOM BUNGALOW 754 UMATILLA AVE. Here is real value; f.OxlOO-ft. lot. 5 nlce'.y arranged rooms, basement, no (rimm'ini; l tkf s look, tlien see us quirk. .1. I.. UAUTMAX COMPANY, No. 7 Chamber of Commerce Bldg., 4th St Stark :a. Mam SOS. A 2O50. ROSS M K K E BUNGAIaOW. GARAGE. A mtichty big bargain In a nearly new thoroughly modern 5-room bungalow with garage, best home environment. 1 block to car, all built-in effects, hardwood floor, fireplace, furnace, large att.c, full eemo.it basement, Iseautiful lawn -vilh lots ft trees and shrubbery; $3rt-U, t.'nn. J. UKI.A 1H XTY, Muln 1'H; evenings. Ka.-t 2Q-v FOR SALE A clean, modern, 5-room bun galow, with fireplace and built-in con veniences, wnsh trays. Dutch kitchen, ery S'.Khtly location. $1!H0; $250 cash. b;l. $ 1 --50 per mont h nnd In tercet at 7 pr cent. Call Main --7i or Tabor 3270. or owner at rooms iJ and 54 Ltyette bide., city. SNA P A REAL ONE JI.m.o ST. JOHNS CA R $3V down. $25 month at Hr. . Only 3 b looks to car, cement sidewalks, no as -seumetitn or mortgage. J- L- HARTMAN COM 1'AN Y, No. 7 en amber ot Commerce bldg., 4ih fc tark sts. $10A cash, balance $1. per month. In cluding interest, .'room bouse mlth distp poaring bt-d. ;Ux loo lot. ;t S blocks from Rose City Park car. Make your rent money pay Cor the place. SEE MR. WOODMAN AT 72l AND SANDY BLVD. BUNGALOWS Rl'XGAI -O W S. I have them: Rose City Park. Irving ton. Peninsula. Monta ilia. Hawthorne. Mt. Scott. I van hoe. E.iat Portland Hcicht r. Wavcrly. $17mi to $.500; $250 down to all rash payments; $10 per month and up. Wis Yeon bldg. Main 3. evenings 7 to 9 o'clock. HAVE a few snaps in 4. 5 and -rwm houses in different parts of the city which we. can sell on small payments down and bai. monthly. Come in and see us for a square deal. THOMAS RICHAKPS. 42i Lumber Exchange Bldg. SIX large rooms and windowed sleeping porch, furnace, fireplace, bookcases, buffet, cooler. Dutch kitchen, full plumbing; this Is a splendid home and well built and is a bargain a $.1lo0, $500 cash, balance easy. Jnhnson-Dodaon Co.. t34 Northwestern Bunk hide. BEAUTIFUL bungalow, fireplace, hardwood, floors, large basement, quarter block, gs rage on corner, pric $himh; finest part of laurelhurst. This price includes all street assessments; good terms if desired. !. K. Moore, owner. 317 Board of Trade. 8- ROOM house, sleeping porch, sunrooin. two baths, larpo veranda, garage, choice neighborhood, restricted; fine view of river snd mountains; lot 75x135; open for In spection from 3 to 5 Sunday afternoon; terms reasonable. Cil! Main "2S. Owner. BEAI'TIFUL modern lrvington home. rooms and sleeping porch, spare rooms In finished attic, garage, ffrst-ctaas through out: a barnain at $5500; terms. 584 E. 11th at. N. owner, Robert Beat. East Ni.v MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE. Fine li-room home, high-class district, corner lot. luuxlOO; beautiful shrubbery and trees; place cost $15,000 4 years ago. , Indebtedness $.V0i; will take $-000 lor equity. A R 254. Oregonlan. $3500 EWUIT Y In nice 6-room house in Piedmont. KKhtluO corner, shade and fruit trees, mortgage $25o0 to run 4 years. X per cent; near two cars, Jefferson High, Park and Library. Owner. S 2nd, Ore go nian. ' JUST like an apartment, with BOxlOO lot, 4 rooms and bath, furnace, linoleum and gas heater, gaa range, disappearing bed in living room. J. A. "Wickman Co., 314 Stark st. Main 083. HAWTHORNE AVE.. 44TH ST. 7 rooms, bath, full cement basement. 55x100 lot. all Improvements paid; $t25; n..H artai r-n -ih .1 a. Wickman Co.. 314 btark st. Main 5S3. $175 CASH. $1500 -r., clean, modern. Anabel. near 52d st.. Dutch kitchen, liens paid. O C. OOLDENBERli, AB1NGTON" Bl.DO. 'R5 Years in Portland." Main 4n3. For Sale -business Pro perry. 5o BY loo. with 2-story building, northeast corner First and Mill at.; this is a snsp for somebody with a little faith In Port land's future: ail taxes and assessments paid; terms easy ; prl-c Si I.OOo. PARRISH. WATKINS A CO., 10 d St. Suburban Home. ACRE TRACTS ONLY $25 DOWN $15 MONTH Parkrose; Dandy soil, gas. water and electricity. Put up a tent for the Sum mer. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. No. 7 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Main 20s, A 2050. FOR SALE Two acres, fine 7 -room house. fruit, etc, running creek, near carllne. cheap- Call at third houee north of Kla- ley station. Oregon City car. FINE residence property, close In. cheap. 07 Washington st.. Vancouver. Wash. For faJe Acreage. 2 ACRES near 82d st. and end of Haw thorne carllne. $7O0 per acre; about ha.f price of adjoining land. H art. blO Cham ber of Commerce. Tel. Marshall 15S5. FOR SALE or rent. 100 acres, stock and Im plements; crop In. See owner. J. li M or row. route 4. Vancouver, Waah. 6 ACRES, improved. West Side, 10c fare easy terms. A F 556. Oregonlan. Homesteads: Relinquishment, O- A C. CLAIMS are going begging In South ern Oregon. If waiting to homestead in. the unit near Portland to be open, see ma at once. Maps entire land grant $1. An derson. 4T.1 Chamber of Commerce. Forrale -F arms. 1950-ACRE wheat ranch. 60 In Summer fal low wheat, all goes with place; caterpillar and other equipment, $38.50 per A.; pres ent crop looks good for at least 24 bu. per A. Opt ion expires June 1. L M oore. 317 Board of Trade. 5000 ACRES in Southwestern Washington for sale, to settlers only, upon easy terma and low prices. $5 per acre and up. Writ for m:ip showing location, terms, etc, WEYERHAEUSER TIMBER COMPANY. Tscoina Bldg.. Tacorna, Wash. CHICKEN. FRUIT. GARDEN RANCHES. Near Portland; $75 to $200 per acre; easy terms: best soil; farms for aale. all sUsa. McKar'.and. 603 Yeon bldg.. Portland. 10 ACRES of laud; good orchard, house; all outbuildings. Bull Run water; located just south ot Lents; 613L 92d St. S. E. Thomas Allen. LOGOtD-OFF lands. $1U acre up; running water, good soil, -4 tillable, employment, easy terms. Jesse R. Sharp. 63- 3d at. 3,81 ACKKS, crops, machinery stock, $100 per acre; terms; gravity water. Pacific High way. Route 2. box 135. Albany. 6 ACRES, level, fenced, cleared, good soil, house; employment; near Wiilamlnu; cash. $10 mo. Jesse R. Sharp, S3V Sd st. 40 ACRUS. near college cajiipua. McMlnn vllle, a bargain, John Bain, 507 pald lng bldg. 1CmO HOI'S Ei. orchard. 5 or 10 acre. Main $;72. McFarland. 603 Y'eon bldg. SEVERAL small ranches for aa1. L A. aOauglierty. Myrtle Creek. beg ITS.