Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, May 18, 1918, Image 1

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    VOI. L.VIII. XO. 17,936.
Governor and Senator Have
Big Lead.
Mulkey Nominated for Short
Term for United States
Johns' Lead in Multnomah
1 May Be Offset in State.
Treasurer in Doubt.
Charles . L. McNary for Senator and
James Withycombe for Governor have
swept the state. Outside of Multnomah
County, as well aa within, each leads
In the totals of the incomplete count.
While this count is far short of com
plete it is so representative and so
consistent in the manner in which the
returns come in that there can be no
question as to the nominations.
Oswald West Nominated.
Oswald West has been nominated by
the Democrats for Senator, carrying
the upstate counties as well as Mult
nomah? '
For Governor the Democratic nomi
nation' seems to have gone to Walter
M. Pierce.
Returns on other etate offices are
far less complete, and the final results
are still obscure. While William
Adams ran strong in Multnomah Coun
ty for Treasurer, Thomas F. Ryan
ems to have the up-state lead.
r-State Counties In Doubt.
It is . also a qestion as to who will
carry the up-state counties in the con
test for State Supreme Judge and Pub
lic Service Commissioner. The effect
of. their pluralities on the pronounced
leads given in Multnomah to Charles
A. Johns for Supreme Judge and Fred
A. Williams for Public Service Com
missioner -cannot be definitely fore
cast. Twenty-! Conntiea Report.
For Republican Governor and Sena
tor the Incomplete returns from 26
counties, not including Multnomah, give
the following totals:
Senator McNary 6800, Stanfleld 4S73.
Governor Withycombe 491S, Simp
son 2248, Olcott 2T03, Anderson 868,
Moser 854, Harley 480.
Home Precincts Carried.
In the counties outside of Multnomah
come of the outstanding features are
the large vote given J. E. Anderson in
his home county of Wasco, which at
present puts him ahead of Moser in the
count outside of Multnomah.
L. J. Simpson likewise carried his
home county of Coos by a very large
Ben W. Olcott received his best com
parative votes in DeBchutes County, his
former home, and in Marion County,
both of which he seems to have carried.
Mulkey If a. Good Lead.
For the Republican nomination for
the short term as United States Senator
B. F. Mulkey leads in the up-state
counties as well as in Multnomah and
Ralph Williams has been named as Re
publican National Committeeman.
The following figures are the totals
on United States Senator for Multno
mah and 26 other counties combined
o far as the count has progressed:
McNary 11.034, Stanfleld 7135.
Similar figures for Multnomah and
the state at large on Governor follow:
Withycombe "173, Olcott 3719, Simp
son 3500. Moser 2014. Harley 1178. An
derson 1031.
The following are figures on State
Treasurer, not including Multnomah
County: Adams 329, Cusick 617. Hoff
S89, Plummer 469, Ryan 1663, Ben West
78 i.
On Supreme Judge the totals outside
of Multnomah follow:
Coke. 7SS.
Kelly. 2091.
Johns, 1202.
The figures outside of Multnomah on
Labor Commissioner are as follows:
Miller. 1441.
Williams, 1304.
(ram Leads in State.
The incomplete returns from the state
outside of Multnomah County on Labor
Commissioner are as follows:
Dalziel, 1040.
Gram. 1431.
Holston, 736.
Nickum. 724.
On Water Superintendent outside of
Abry, 174.
Cupper, 775.
Schaeffer, 380.
Lav Grande Vote Shows Governor Is
Also Leading Field.
LA GRANDE. Or., May IT. (Special.)
Eleven complete precincts In Union
County, most of them urban, give the
following results:
For committeeman, Dennis. 321
Williams, 105. For Senator, McNary,
258; Stanfleld. 201. For Governor,
Andersen. 17: Harley, 8; Moser, 22: Ol
Concluded oa face f. Columa !.
LOAN $4, 1 70,0 1 9,650
Number of Subscribers Is Approxi
mately 17,000,000; All Reserve
Districts Exceed Quotas. .
WASHINGTON, May IT. The total
of the third liberty loan la 14.170.019.
650, an bversubscription of 19 per cent
above the three billion minimum
sought. The number of subscribers
was about 17,000.000. Every Federal
reserve district oversubscribed, the
Minneapolis district going to 173 per
cent, the highest, and the New York
district to 124 per cent, the lowest.
In announcing these figures today
the Treasury explained that the total
may be changed slightly by later re
ports from Federal Reserve banks.
"This is the most successful loan the
United States has offered, both In num
ber of subscribers and in the amount
realized," said Secretary McAdoo in a
statement. "1 congratulate the coun
try on this wonderful result, which is
Irrefutable evidence of the strength,
patriotism and determination of the
American people.
"This great result was achieved not
withstanding the fact that the country
has been called upon to pay since the
second liberty loan and to and includ
ing the month of June income and ex
cess profits taxes to the amount of
approximately 33.000,000,000, which
will make a total amount turned Into
the treasury of the United States from
such taxes and the third liberty loan
of about 37.QOO.000.000'
Officials Find 100 Sacks Hidden In
Toppenlsh House.
YAKIMA. Wash., May IT. United
States Marshal Catlin and District Food
Inspector Melrose today unearthed 100
sacks of flour concealed In the resi
dence of Charles Lee, a Chinaman, at
Toppenish. Lee was absent, but will
be taken into custody when he is found.
The officials are seeking the dealer who
sold the flour,
SPOKANE. May 17. Charles Heb-
berd. State Food Administrator, today
issued an urgent appeal against hoard
ing of flour and requested the return
of all surplus wheat flour within the
next SO days. Some flour has been
seized in the state, said Mr. Hebberd,
but now failure to return surplus flour
will be followed by criminal prosecu
tions, he declared.
Several Houses Are Wrecked by
"Wind Preceding Heavy Rain.
FORT WORTH, Tex.. May 17. Pre
ceding a rain, wind swept over a
stretch of country a mile south of Fort
Worth this morning. Four farm houses
were overturned, half a dozen barns
and garages were wrecked and fences
Buildings at the big- American avia
tion field at Everman, five miles south
west of here, escaped destruction.
Nearby in the town, the Masonic Hall,
a blacksmith shop and a residence were
wrecked. One man was injured.
Rains helped the worst drought-
stricken section of West Texas.
California Banker's Request Wins
Four Years In Penitentiary.
LOS ANGELES, May 17. William H.
Carlson, ex-Mayor of San Diego and at
banker here several years ago, was sen
tenced today to four years' Imprison
ment for UBing the mails to defraud in
the sale of Imperial Valley land.
Carlson pleaded his own case. He
was convicted yesterday, and asked
Judge B. F. Bledsoe, in the United
States District Court, to impose sen
tence today rather thai. Monday, to
shorten the nervous strain of waiting.
Plane, Out of Gasoline, Lands Pre
maturely at Philadelphia.
PHILADELPHIA, May 17. Lieuten
ant Boyle, who left Washington at 11
A. M- today with the airplane mail for
Philadelphia and New Tork, reached
Philadelphia at 7:25 o'clock tonight.
He was obliged to land on the
grounds of the Philadelphia Country
Club on the western edge of the city
because his gasoline had become ex
hausted. .
Recruiting Pushed for Months
Makes 75,000 Now Available.
WASHINGTON, May 17. Porto Rican
laborers are to be transported to the
United States within a month for farms
in the Southern states and shipyards
and other war industries along the At
lantic Coast.
Recruiting of Porto Rican laborers
has been going on for several months
and 75.000 are now available.
Teamster Falls From Wagon . and
Skull Is Fractured.
CHICAGO. May 17. The first heat
prostration of the year was reported
here today and proved fatal to a team
ster, who fell from his wagon and
fractured his skull.
The highest temperature was S3 degrees.
ni nr iimtii
iiihh tlui v.i in
British Call on Irish to
Fight Intrigue.
Numerous Arrests Are Report
ed Made in Dublin.
Steps Taken According to Proclama
tion by Viscount French to En
courage Volunteers Commu
nication With Dublin Slow.
LONDON, May 18. A considerable
umber sf arrests have been made in
Dublin and throughout Ireland, ac
cording to s dispatch to the Times from
Dublin, timed Z o'clock Saturday son.
DUBLIN. May 17. A proclamation is
sued tonight says a German plot In Ire
land has been discovered. In the proc
lamation the Viceroy calls upon all
loyal Irishmen to defeat the conspir
The proclamation of the Lord Lieu
tenant says:
"Whereas, It has come to our knowl
edge that certain subjects of His
Majesty, the King, domiciled In Ire
land, have conspired to enter and have
entered Into treasonable communica
tion with the German enemy, and
"Whereas, Such treachery is a menace
to the fair' name of Ireland and Its
glorious military record, a record
which Is a source of Intense pride to
a country whose sons always distin
guished themselves and fought with
such heroic valor In the past. In the
same way as thousands of them are
now fighting in tbta war, and
Drastic Measures Ordered.
"Whereas, Drastic measures must be
taken to put down this German plot,
which measures will be solely directed
against that plot, and
"Now, therefore, we, the Lord Lieu
tenant of Ireland and Governor-General
of Ireland, have thought fit to issue
this proclamation, declaring as follows:
"That It is the duty of all loyal sub
jects of His Majesty to assist in every
way His Majesty's government in Ire
land to suppress this treasonable con
spiracy and to defeat the treacherous
attempt of Germany to defame the
honor of Irishmen for their own ends.
"That we hereby call upon all loyal
subjects of His Majesty In Ireland to
aid in crushing such conspiracy.
Volunteers to Be Sous at.
"That as. a means to this end we shall
cause still further steps to be taken
to facilitate and encourage voluntary
enlistment in Ireland in His Majesty's
forces in the hope that, without resort
to compulsion, the contribution of Ire
land to these forces may be brought up
(Concluded on Pare 4. Column 1.)
Injection of Saccharose Declared to
Have Marvelous Erfcct on
Tubercle Bacilli.
PARIS, May 17. Professor Domenlco
Lo Monaco, director of the Biochemical
section of the Llncei Academy, at Rome,
is credited by the Italian scientific
press with a discovery which will revo
lutionize the treatment of tuberculosis.
Professor Lo Monaco, explaining his
discovery, said he had observed that
sugar had a remarkable effect on the
secretions of the human organism.
After seven years of study of these phe
nomena he became 'convinced that the
secretions of saliva, bile and the gastric
and pancreatic . Juices were modified
profoundly by the introduction of
sugar. This gave him the Idea of ap
plying this method to the bronchlcal
secretlca of consumptives.
The first experiments made on con
sumptive soldiers gave results far ex
ceeding his expectations, he reports.
There was rapid Improvement In most
cases and he obtained cures which ap
peared to be radical.
Professor Lo Monaco explained that
the bronchial secretion is an indispen
sable medium for the existence of the
tubercule bacilli and that by the injec
tion of saccharose the secretion dimin
ishes and finally disappears, the bacilli
disappearing with it.
Veterinary Who Contracted Bovine
Disease Finishes Job.
LA" CROSSE. Wis.. May 17. Suffer
ing from lumpy Jaw which he con
tracted while treating cattle, Lemuel
H.' Jones, veterinary surgeon, of Mel
rose, committed suicide and cremated
himself on his farm on French Island,
across the river from here, at midnight
last night.. He left a note at the side
of the pit explaining the motive for bis
Jones sold his automobile yesterday.
Informed friends he was going to La
Cross for an operation, but went to the
island. There he dug a pit six by six
feet wide and four feet deep. This he
filled with alternate layers of wood
and coal and started a fire. At mid
night he Bhot out his brains with a
shotgun, toppled over into the pit and
was burned to a crisp. The remains
were discovered, this morning.
Secretary of Interior Declares One
Language Is Enough.
CHICAGO, May 17. Secretary of the
Interior Franklin K. Lane left here to
day for Denver, Colo., on his Western
trip. He ia accompanied by Mrs. Lane
and two assistant secretaries of the
Interior Department, E. C. Bradley and
Lathrop Brown.
Mr. Lane in an address here pointing
out that there are 40,000 men now In
cantonments who can neither read nor
write "American." and 700,000 subject
to call, insisted that only one language,
that of the United States, should be
taught In the public schools. Instruc
tion in foreign langu .ge, he said, should
be left for the colleges.
piirTTMnTrn nr i' !
DUC IlIIINlU lilt,
Girl Accused of Love
Murder Hurls Denial.
Grace Lusk's Frantic Protest
Electrifies Courtroom.
Wisconsin Medicine Manufacturer
Reflects Seriously on Affinity
In Story of Intrigue Lead
ing to Tragedy.
WAUKESHA. Wis., May 17. Dr.
David Roberts took the witness stand
today aa the accuser of Grace Lusk.
on trial charged with the nurder of hia
wife. .
"She tempted me." was the burden
of all his testimony.
"Oh, that la not true," the defendant
cried aa ahe struggled from her seat.
"She asked me if I loved her and I
answered that I honored and respected
her," he swore, as he bared the atory
of their relations from the time they
flrat met at the home of a mutual
friend In July, 1914. until he found hia
wife dying with two bullets In her
body In the little brown house Mlsa
Lusk made her home three years later.
Blow In Face Alleged.
" 'I want you to tell ma that you
love me more than anyone else In the
world, and I want you to tell Mrs.
Roberts so'." he testified that she aaid
to hlr.. at one of their meetings which
had been sought by ber.
"I said absolutely no. and she struck
me in the face aa hard aa she could,"
he added.
Later he told of meeting her in Chi
cago and Milwaukee hotela and pro
duced lettera ahe had written to him
and one written by her to Mrs. Roberta,
which he had Intercepted before Ita de
Letters to Wife Road. .
"1 have begged him to go to you and
tell you the situation frankly, for I
have felt that you were a big enough
woman to desire hia happiness." the let
ter to Mrs. Roberts read.
In June, 1917, he testified, she de
manded that he meet her In a Mllwau
kee hotel and he did so only after ahe
had threatened to tell hia wife of their
relatione and "to make a case for
Attorney Lockney."
At this meeting, he said, she pro
duced a revolver, which afterwards
was Identified as the same one with
which ahe later ahot bia wife and her
self, and, pointing it at hia head, aaid:
"I will shoot you dead if you do not
put your hand on that Bible and swear
that you love me and will tell your
Dr. Roberta aaid that he complied.
'Concluded on Pas 4. Column 8.)
Latest Multnomah
Following are the 1st. .---.--
sanortant and contested offices In
nuuaaua Coanty. the (taam rear,
seating incomplete con at in 1T
ont of 413 n'rectnctai
Republican National ran-iii...
Williams 32T. Dennis 1732.
United States Senator. -
Malkey 246. Schnnbcl sal. R.r..
fatted States Senator, lose term
MelVnry 4234, aaflrld 226X
Congressman Lafferty S3K7. Mr Ar
thur 3938.
(Governor Anderson 17T. Harley T4R,
Mooer 1X22. Oleott lOIS. Slaanaoa ihel
Withycombe 32.1S.
State Treasurer Adama -.i-v.
tt. Hoff 1531. PInmmcr 4B3, Ryan 683,
West 3TO.
Pa bile Service faahrio wil
ier 33.11, Williams 317S.
Thirteenth Senatorial niairies r.nt
3.10, Reed 3945.
"""cents. Scnntorial District
Banks 330. Lewis 1738, ratton 11S.
Seventeenth llfiia..i.ii m.a-
Lofgren 17S Powers 1.M. Ryncrson
Cnatr rahiliiri ' I ii
dldatea) Daly 2.164. Holmnn 2702, lioyt
The Incomplete const aa H- .---I...
city measures follows: Collecting de
linquent assessments, for 3I. against
1S city aarbaae collection, for 27,
against Sao, bonding- Jitneys, for 7S.
agalsat 54a, transferrin- aneciai
for 81B. against 3HS, eliminating: bridge
ona. nr naainat 1175 rnadlaa;
bonded Indebtedness, foe Kia.
41i two platoon, for 814. ngnlnat 0
pmereniini uregoa contracts, for 7.TO,
ngainat BoOt tax for aeneral Cn.d. ..-
TH. aanlnst 621 1 regwlatina; Jitneys,
lor oov, nasi n at B32.
Liberty Bond Posters Decorate tlie
House or Convicted German.
BERKELEY. CaU May 17. (SdcI11
Though Franz Bopp. former German
Consul-General of San Francisco, has
been sentenced to two years at Mc
Neill's Island and fined 110.000 for vio
lating neutrality laws of th.
States, the United States Government
win owe mm money borrowed with In
terest at 4Vi per cent, when hia term i.
Bopp, through bis housekeeper, pur
chased several libertv bond anH hi.
S-year-old son caused the posters that
come wnn tne purchase of them to be
pasted In the window of his former
home here. The Bopp residence now
looks like tha front of a liberty bond
X. -s-n-a-m-mm.
Son of Oregon City Couple Succumbs
to Gasoline Burns.
GREAT FALLS, Mont., May 17.
Hugh Irish, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. E.
Irish, of. Oregon City, died here to
night of burns sustained In a gasoline
explosion at the Stalcup ranch last
Monday. .
Irish was engaged working a tractor
and went to the machinery shed to get
gasoline. Ho struck a match and an
explosion followed. The shed waa
burned and he waa fatally Injured.
The Weather.
YESTERDAY'S Maximum temperature. 50
'- .-'- uiiHiiuum, . degrees.
TODAY'S Showers; aouthweaterly winds.
Allies sweep Hun planea from sky In
France. Pace 13.
American troop reach Flanders front.
Fas 7.
Italian scientist declares iticir cure for tu
berculoma. Paae 1.
Russlana recapture Baku from the Turka
Pace 2.
Detection of German plot In Ireland an.
flounced in proclamation by - Viceroy
Pas IS.
Kaiser expreaaea optimism la army cemetery.
Pare 7.
Liner Highland Scot aground off Brazilian
msi. rase I.
Csecha make threat of revolution to Austria.
Compromise expected In Senate fight over
aircraft Investigation. Page 8.
George Creel apologises to Congress. Page 4.
Rood Administration costs advance to $1 -OOO.OOO
annually. Page 6.
Third liberty loan exceeda three-bllllon
mark by 89 per cent, page 1.
Federal Government may commandeer all
" ateel mills la United States. Page s.
Dr. Roberts' aeeusatlona of Grace Lusk
dramatically denied by girl accused of
slaying Mrs. Roberta Page 1.
Leacue to Enforce Peace declares for con
tinued war until Germany Is vanquished.
Page 10.
Wood ship launchlnga average over one dally
for month. Page 15.
Evidence at Chicago trial shows shipping
tie-up planned by. I. W. W. Page 6.
President Wllaon goes to New Tork to help
launch Red Cross drive. Page .
Washington trlma Lincoln. 7 to 5. Page 14.
University of Oregon and Oregon Agricul
tural College co-eds swim today for state
championship. Page 14.
Cleveland 'wins from Philadelphia. 6 to 4.
Page 14.
Seattle trlma Portland. 3 to 2. Page 14.
Pacific Northwest.
Washington bar examiners ask suspension- of
Edgar G. Mills. Seattle attorney. Page .
Commercial and Marina.
Hide dealers await Government schedule of
coast prices, page 19.
Early declines in corn nearly offset by cov
ering. Pag IS.
J. W. Hall, assistant supervisor of wooden
ship construction, praises team-work In
Oregon yards. Page 13.
Proflt-iaklnr and short selling lower stock
values. Page 19.
Pert land and Vicinity.
Weather report, data and forecast. Page 19.
Mayor Baker proposes that auto osrners
give uniformed men lift on city streets.
page 11.
All Portland to help Red Cross auction.
Page 20. and McNary ar nominated.
Pago V.
McNary and Withycombe carry Multnomah.
Page 1.
Red Croaa drive work under way. Page a.
McArlhur Safely Ahead
of lafferty.
Stapleton, Morrow and Gan
tenbein Are in' Front,
for Judges.
Two Platoon Winning and
Free Garbage Losing.
Free Tolls Lose.
Incomplete returns from 163 of 412
precincts in Multnomah County give
United States Senator McNary a lead of
186S over R. N. Stanfleld and the com
pleted count will add substantially to
McNary'a majority.
Representative SIcArthur is increas
ing his lead over Lafferty as the count
proceeds. Partial returns from 1S pre
cincts give him a majority of 1151 over
Lafferty. The vote: Larferty ;ii.
McArthur 36st.
Wlthyesaske Lead Orsvia.
Governor Withycombe has a lead of
873 in this county, with Simpson run
ning second. Withycombe'a vote is
2078 and that of his rivals as follows:
Anderaon 161. Harley 698. Moaer IK.
Olcott 928. Simpson 1205. These fig
ures, as well as those that follow for
other candidates, are the incomplete
returns from 165 precincts at 1 o'clock
this morning.
For State Treasurer, City Treasurer
William Adams has a good lead. Hia
vote exceeds that of Hoff. hia closest
opponent, by 1032. with Ryan and
Cusick contesting for third place. The
vote: Adams 2452. Cusick 08. Hoff
1420, Flummer 453, Ryan 610. West 815.
Mulkey for Shart Term.
F. IV. Mulkey received .-. vote In ex
cess of his two opponents for the short
term Senatorshlp. The vote now
stands: Mulkey 2786, Burton 1424 and
Schnabel 836.
Republican .National Committeeman
Relph E. Williams is badly outdis
tancing Bruce Dennis. Willams' .vote
is 3655. aa againat 1606 for Dennis.
Grass's Lead SI 4.
C. H. Gram has a lead of 214 over
his three Multnomah County rivals for
Labor Commissioner. Dalsiel is his
closest opponent. The vote: Gram
1?24, Dalxlel 1710, Holston E84, Nickum
Fred A. Williams is maintaining hia
lead over Frank J. Mll.'er for Public
Service Commissioner. He has a vote
of 2956 against 2223 for Miller.
J. B. Schaefer and Percy A. Cupper
are contesting for Water Superinten
dent. Division No. 1, with Schaefer
leading by 483. The vote: Abry 643.
Cupper 1826, Schaefer 23CS.
Marrow Safely Ahead.
Circuit Judge Morrow, with a vote
of 3618 is running better than two to
one against District Judge Dayton for
Circuit Judge of Department No. 2.
Fon Circuit Judge Department No.
6 tha Incumbent. Judge Gantenbein.
leads by 711. with W. A. Carter and
Judge W. W. McCredie pressing each
other for second place. The vote: Car
ter. 807; Davis. 410; Gantenbein 1608;
McCredie. 8SE; Owen. 666.
Stapleton, Is Resanlsated.
Circuit Judge Stapleton. Department
No. f. haa been renominated in a con
teat in which he had four opponents.
He haa a lead of 1172 with Hume.
Moulton and Orton running neck and
neck for aecond place. The vote:
stapleton. 2160; Hume, 987; Moulton.
951; Orton, 963; Wright. 373.
Charles A. Johns, of Multnomah
County, has a larger vote in hia hom
county than the combined vote of his
two opponents. His lead over Judge
Percy R. Kelly, his nearest opponent.
I is 1358. The vote: Johns 2700, Kelly
1342, Coke 1220.
W. W. Banks undoubtedly has been
I nominated State Senator from Coluxn-
Ibia. Clackamas and Multnomah coun
ties. His lead is 1547, and the vote:
I Banks 3175. Hermon A. Lewis, present
Senator. 1628. Dr. H. M. Patton. 1117.
For State Senator. John Gill, candi
date to eucceed himself, has apparently
been renominated against Sanderaoa
Reed. He has a vote of 3383 against
2777 for Reed.
Powers Holds Load.
Dan E. Powers has a lead of four
for Joint State Representative from
Multnomah and Clackamas over David
E. Lofgren, his closest opponent. The
vote: Powers, 1835. Lofgren 1S31.
Rynerson 1240.
John B. Coffey, with a vote of 1925,
leads the list of 37 candidatea for tha
12 nomlnationa aa State Representative
from this county. In addition to Mr.
Coffey the other 11 candidates now In
j the lead are: Herbert Gordon. Dr.
Chester C. Moore. Eugene Smith, D. C.
Lewis. Dr. Earl C. McFarland. O. IV.
Hosford. Elmer E. Fetlingell'K. K.
1' Kubli. Oacar W. Home. Joseph G. Rich
ardson and W. G. Lynn.
Rufus C Holman ar.d Will H. Daly
Couuaued ou age , Coiuxun .
HT1 107.0