TITE 3I0RXIXG OREGOXIAN. TUESDAY. 1 MAT- 14, 1918- ..' . " ' " ' " ' ' MAYOR ASKS VOTERS III TV Pgture FOR IRE lie " 1 . i Ij''lillHWiiiMliiililiiW ' Contlaaeas XI A. M. te 11 P. M. Better Wages Paid by Private TODAY! Employers Is Making It Hard to Retain Good Men. GO! 1 as. m m m i w l-r,T,li UVJ lli!!ilH!li!li!l! Broadway aai tark PROBLEM MUST BE FACED trrualion Particularly Bad In Police and l ire Bureaus, Well as In Some Departments Requiring Trained Technical Men. The city face the serious problem of competing with private employers for competent men without being able to rfer nearly as good a wags scale, ac cording to a statement Issued yester day br Mayor Baker In behalf of the measure to be on the ballot at the special city election Friday providing aspeclal J-mlll tax to provide funds for war emergencies. The city's service has lost hundreds f man, the Mayor says, and is power loss to stave off the resignations be cause of lack of funds to Increase wsge calea The situation Is particularly ' bad In the police and fire bureaus, he says. He urges that the public sup port the measure which has been sub i , Kw . - rnnn.-M t h anlv Avail able means of keeping the city service vp to any sianaara 01 tiucunt). llnndrena ilave lt- The Mayor's statement follows: The city's fire and police bureaus, as well as some of the departments reaulrlnf trained technical men. face the very serious problem of having to retain competent men at salaries oe low what is paid by private employees. The reeult has been that the city has lot hundreds of nood employes and more axe leaving as better offers pre ent themselves on the outside. "The city administration Is handi capped in its effort to atave off this disintegration of its department by reason of Inability to provide any ad dltional fund lo provide for increase In wages so that the city service will afford an attraction to competent men and women. "To overcome this difficulty and to provide money for many war eraer gency propositions which arise con stantly the Council has submitted to the voters a measure to be voted on Friday giving the Council the authority to provide next year for arf additional one-mill tax levy. It Is Important to the welfare of the city that this meal tire pass. PvatcetJaa la Xarw Iaaarattve. The fire bureau has 1ot somewhere dear 1(0 men In the last 12 month and the police bureau has lost a great number. Including some of the best men. We have had to go Into the labor market to obtain new men and xave been handicapped by reason of the fact that we could not offer them W - - mtniuiUnl ..,-. n k. outside. "At no time has good fire and police protection been so Imperative ss now under war conditions, and with so many new industries In the city. It is a problem which f.ices the people of rortland. and it is their duty to heed the emergency and approve the plan we have presented to them as the only polbl solution of this problem, which Is the problem of the entire city as well as the city administration. "Comparison of the clty'a payrolls show clearly that city employes are paid leaa than are employes perform ing comparable service for private em ployers. In short, our. wage scale Is so low that we cannot compete with pri vate employer for competent men and we have no money available to Increase our acale unless the voters will au thorize it. "For these reason I nrre the voter to give their approval on Friday to the measure providing a special one-mill tax during the period of the war to provide funde for war emergency pur-liosea." . .. i . ' -- o it ' . ' Wasco lloltl IMcnlo. rUFT-R. Or.. May 1 J. (5p-ial.) The annual Industry club picnic for Wasco County was ild Saturday at Tygh Valley under the direction of County ' School Superintendent Bonny. Patriotic addresses were delivered by ir. unsey. or Portland: U B. Harring ton, of Ortcnn Agricultural College Tx)u Smith, of the O.-W. R. Jk N ; Jilsi fllan. of Oreron Agricultural College fiergesnt Christie.' of the Canadian Xorcee, and John Robertson, of Dufur. TODAY'S FILM FEATTRE9. Sunset "The Masque of Life"; Charlie Chaplin. "The Tramp." Liberty Marguerite Clark, "Rica Man, Poor Man." Majestic William Far num. "Hough and Ready." Peoples Billie Burke, "Let s Get a Divorce." C o I u m b I a Alice Brady, "The Knife." 8tar Vivian Martin. "Unclaimed Goods." -Globe Louise Huff and House Feters, "The Lonesome Chap." J JIany IHminutlve Stars. The t five-foot favorites of fllmdom would furnish pony ballets for all the musical comedies on Broadway If they could be engaged for that purpose. look over the list of diminutive screen stars, and you II agree that there are compensations for not being tall, aside from being able to sleep comfortably In a Pullman berth. Isn't It significant that two of the most popular artressea In the world Mary rick ford and Marguerite Clark are In the five-foot, class? Far from being a handicap, brevity of stature has con tributed towards the success of these and many other stars of the silent drama. L. K. Eubanks, of Picture Play Maga zine, has gathered the following height statistics: Marguerite Clark, four feet Inches: man Martin, five feet: Mary Miles Mlnter. Are feet two Inches; Mabel Normand. Ave feet: Ruth Stone house, Ave feet; Violet McMillan, four feet nine Inches: Dorothy Uish, Ave feet "plus"; Bessie Barriscale, Ave feet wo Inches; Louise Huff, Ave feet 'plus"; Fannie Ward, Ave feet ..one inch: Bessie Love, Ave feet one and one-half Inches: Madge Kennedy, Ave feet two Inches; Olive Thomas, Ave feet two Inches: Viola Dana, four feet 1 Inches: Gladys Leslie, five feet; Knld Markey, Ave feet two and one half Inches; Margarita Fischer, Ave feet "plus." It Is Interesting to noes that the majority of the small girls mentioned re comediennes, though most of them. of course, play roles that are often serious. But It takes height for trag edy and "vamp" things. For Instance, Theda Bar a. Pauline Frederick. Alice oyre, the Tattn'.dge Sister. Alice Brady and Mrs. Vernon Castle. Burke Fans Aid Bed Cross. Read TfrW article, par Adv, aaelij 'jV U a Your Personal Efficiency requires a shots of comfort and style. STYLE marks your good taste. COMFORT your good sense. Both attributes are present in the ulti mate degree in RALSTONS the efficient man's footwear. Lion Clothing Co. The Ralston House in Portland. MORRISON at FOURTH The other dsy Rilllg Burke sent her heck for 140 to the Red Cross. That wasn't the largest check she sent In by ny means; but it meant the most. It represented the amount of money sent o ber In very small sums from 10 cents to SI. by persona, mostly children, who have written her In the past few weeks for autographed photographs. She fig ured that she received from 25 to SO request each day. and In retarnins; the pictures Inclosed a little note asking that the recipient send ber such a sum as be or she could spare to devote to the Red Cross. One little girl In Lin coln. KekV. sent ZS S-eent stamps and a two-weeks" allowance from her father. A little boy sent ten pennies In an en velope and they were so heavy It cost nearly that to send them but of course he never thought of changing them to one piece for the ten. as there mast have been a sacrifice In every penny. Miss Burke received a splendid letter from the Red Cross thanking the kid dles through her. - e Farnuru Likes Fights. There Is nothing that appeals more to William Fsmum s heart than a rood. clean, square boxing match. Mr. Far num. the star of the new production, "Rough and Ready," la always present at every pugilistic exhibition of Im portance that Is held anywhere near the city In which he happens to be. Mf. Farnum's prowess In the rugged, man-to-man screen encounters Is far-famed. Farnum can handle a pool or billiard cue with the same ready skill that he can a stage cue. He Is a devotee of the game. I'm not a Willie Hoppe." he con fides, "hut I've got hopes, and you can't arrsst a man for that." Mr. Farnum Is also an adept at bowling. "Unfortunately." he says. "I mads a strike with the first ball I ever hurled, and of course I've never been able to live It down." e e Aspirants Get Tryout. World lectures have determined to seek out new talent for their produc tions and for thto purpose, have set aside one afternoon a week to try out applicants and making final selection Tbs applicants are tried out by the various directors to test their qulck neas of perception, their ouecesa In de picting emotions and grasp the essen tials of a scene. Then they are given a test, in other words, the directors put them through their psces before the camera, so as to determine whether or not they register well. Recently at one of these tryout. SS young ladles were given a trial. Of the 1$. six developed enough ability to war rant screen tests and of the six two were hired for work in new pictures. Screen Gossip. Marlon Davles, stage beauty and mu. ical comedy star, mads one picture. Runaway Romany, and It must have she will devote her entire time to the studio hereafter. In her second pic ture, "Cecelia of the Pink Roses," the supporting cast Includes George Le Guere and Harry Benham. The Educational Fllma Corporation Is to produce a seven-reel photoplay, "The Romance of Coal." Within a fic tional story will be shown every phase of the industry. Including the'relatlon of the American coal fields to th world war and the success of th allies. Do you remember that little mongrel (tag in the Chaplin picture, "A Dog's Life"? The canine died while Charli was away on his liberty loan tour. A negro mammy 114 years old will be seen in an early Mae Marsh pic ture. e e Since Loa Angeles adopted a new studio .ruling requiring the presence of mothers at studios when children are posing before the camera, the cost of several productions has been material ly Increased. Fox played host to 30 mother for many days during th making of the Farnum subject, "Riders of the Purple Sage." e Back In the old Lubin days there used to be two Huff girls playing in that studio, Justlna and Louise. Jus Una married, leaving Louise to uphold the family- name. She's the same Louise who has appeared In so many pictures with Jack Pickford. m m m Jewel Carmen says she has re nounced ill rights to the title, "The Dresden China Girl," since the war. The Fox publicity Is open for augges tlons. Ed F. Roseman, the well-known "heavy," speaks with authority on the subject or screen fights. As Red Ike in "Rough and Ready," as Lew Bara beau in The Sign Invisible' and as Butch in "The Blue Streak," he has bad experience. The best .fights, he says, are always fakes. Real blows don't alwaya register and real blood Isn't as effective as fake blood. More over, the psychological effect of a fight In a room where furniture Is upturned, articles knocked down, things smashed In general. Is always much greater than one out in the open with only the blue sky overhead. William Courtlelgh, Jr.. who died re. eently In New Tork, a victim of pneu monia. Is survived bv his wife, Kthel Fleming. He was playing at the time In Lou-Tel legen's "Blind Youth." II last film was "By Right of Purchase, with Norma Talraadge. Marguerite Clark IsHet Latest Delightful Play. RICH MAN, POOR MAN With Mack Sennett's "Saucy Madeline" A Bowling Alley Symphony, in which everybody gets balled out. A few helpful hints to press agents. or a few gaga that haven't been used for a,few weeks: The Vamp from the Pyramid of the Sahara (all our near- vamps for some time now have hailed from Russia): the daughter of an old Chicago fambly going Into pitcbera aa xtry girl; the popular Blank star who In the "fight scene" walloped the professional heavyweight so hard he was unconscioua for 10 minutes. Chet Franklin, one of the famous Franklin boy, who directed "Jack and the Beanstalk" and the other big Fox kiddle pictures, has been called by Uncle Fam. Before leaving Californi for American Lake he married Ruth Darling, well known In film circles. . William Hinckley', who died the lat ter part of March in New York, was very well known to STeen followers. He was a Chicago man. born in 1S94, and educated at Northwestern Univer sity. He made his stage debut at 15 In a Denver stock company, and later appeared In stock at St. Louis. During his stage career he supported Char lotte Walker. Amelia Bingham. Marie Doro, Hattle Williams snd other stars. Hinckley deserted to the movies snd played In many of the old Majestic and Reliance photoplay. with Dorothy Giah: he had Important parts in the Fine Arts productions, "The Lily and the Rose," with Lillian Glsh, and "The Children In the House," with Norma Talmadge. Later he did "The Ama zons." with Marguerite Slark, "for Fa mous Players, It has, been reported that Henry Walthall has deserted Paralta and signed with D. W. Griffith for Art craft productions. e - Goldwyn has two new leading men. Rodrlque La Roque will be seen with Mabel Normand and Clarence Oliver with Madge Kennedy. This leaves Tom Moore with Mae Marsh. . G. M. ("Broncho Billy") Anderson has leased a studio in Los Angeles and will soon . be making two-reel .western dramas. Sounds like old times. Triangle lost a half dosen of Its cow boys recently. They enlisted in the cavalry. KLAMATH ROADS IMPROVED Highways Being Repaired and New ,.' Grades Constructed. KLAMATH FALLS, Or., May 1J. (Special.) The greatest improvement In the county, roads, apparent for a number of years, has been wrought In different sections of this district In the past few weeks. The highways are being repaired and new grades in a number of Instances have been con structed. The Fort Klamath road on the east side of Upper Klamath Lake, roads in Poe Valley and Latigell Valley under the supervision of recently appointed district supervisors are undergoing a thorough overhauling and n our' are bet ter than they have been for a long period. Stanfield's Lieutenant Hot "Worried MARSHFIELD. Or., May 1J. (Spe cial.) Jack Guyton, campaign assist ant to R. N. Stanfleld. was la Coos Bay for the purpose of plugging some holes in the Stanfield fences. Several attacks were made on Candidate Stan field's defenses and it appeared there had been breaches made which needed repairing. Mr. Guyton said he did not Ind the situation demanding any spe cial attention and he looks for a heavy majority in Cooa County for the East- rn Oreron man. "V" ..... ' - ' ii f WILLIAM ADAMS STATE TREASURER. He has the experience and ability. He Is a tried and true executive. (Paid Adverilaemeat. Wllllaea Adama, Sua City Hall.) -.:. f- n - T -' " ;Tax Payers, Attention! The expense of the Coroners of fice for 1915 was $5,851.93, for 1916 $5,080.02, for 1917 $8,844.42. Why elect incumbent with such an increased expenBe witnout in crease in efficiency? Vote No. 121 X on ballot for Coroner, DR. H. E. SCHLEGEL Republican candidate for Coroner. He has had four years' experience as Coroner for Spokane, Washing ton 100 per cent American citizen. He will perform the duties of Coro ner in an efficient manner at an expense not to exceed that of 1916, saving you thousands oi dollars. He is obligated to no special inter est bat the interest ef all tax pay ers, all the time. (Paid Aavertiaenest, C, 8. Hadson, sua etca uiam-i There is a close relationship between the war and the Senatorial contest in Oregon. Here is how it works out: Congress is loaded to the guards with lawyers, but war is now a busi ness proposition, and the Government is appealing to practical business men to help. No one has heard of the Ad-' ministration sending out a call for corporation or constitutional lawyers, as they are a drug on the market. The men who have the "know how," the men who have rubbed shoulders with real, hard work, men like Hurley, Schwab and others who have come up from the ranks of the toilers, are in demand. War is not conducted in a law library or a swivel chair it calls ' for work, hard, grinding, gruelling work, and plenty of it. Republican voters of Oregon have a choice between two men: Robert N. Stanfield, farmer, stockraiser and business man, and his opponent, a lawyer. . Which do you think the Government needs most at Washington in its war problems the practical, efficient, . self-reliant business man, or the cor poration lawyer with a career punc tuated by soft political jobs, to which he was in every instance appointed? Which of these two candidates is best , equipped to render genuine service to the Nation? And when the reconstruction period comes after the war, as come' it must, which is qualified to tackle the prob lemsthe man who has met and solved the problems of life on the ranges and in the business world, or the man whose career has been on cushioned chairs? This is a bigger question than one of mere partisanship, for it affects, in a measure, the successful conduct of thewar and the trying period which will come afterward. Oregon can again show its patriotism and will to win the war by nominating and elect ing Stanfield. At the same time there is a political aspect to the primary contest. It is worth the consideration of every Re publican voter, who has a regard for party. The Republican primaries is a family affair for Republicans. The Republicans are not attempting to dic tate to the Democrats, but the specta cle is presented of a Democratic boss "butting in" on the Republicans with all the assurance of an over-lord and demanding that Republicans vote for Stanfield's opponent, who happens to be the friend, protege and appointee of the Democratic boss. AND Republicans can rest assured of this: IF STANFIELD IS NOT NOMI NATED, THE REPUBLICAN PARTY IN OREGON IS DEAD FOR YEARS TO COME, FOR THE DEM OCRATIC BOSS WILL BE IN CON TROL. The history of Stanfield's opponent discloses that while Stanfield is 100 per cent Republican, his opponent is a 50-50 per cent Demo.-Rep. And wrhile Republicans are picking out a candidate in their own party why not select theman who is Republican all ;the time? .' If Oregon wants results and not press-agent stories, Stanfield 'is the man. When Stanfield is Senator he will get results and not try to "film flam" the public by posing for motion picturesand capitalizing soldier boys. (Stsrsfleld Senatorial Leagae, Paid Advertisement. 203 Northweetern Bank Building, Portland, Oregon.) V Vri Sam B. Martin COUNTY AUDITOR . ForBe-election . " Republican BALLOT NO. 119 (Paid Advertisement by 9. B. Martin, ' ' 2 v X ' V s A : - w i LJ, ! Wm. A. Dalziel For Labor Commissioner What the Orearon State- Federation of Labor Saya About Hint "Dalziel is a machinist and is now Deputy Commissioner: has been successful In keeping peace between tne employers ana men ana is well thought of br those with whom he comes in contact" . (Paid Advertisement br R. V. Frost, 6Z; 43t S. JQ. ' at&Ks: 4 For County Commissioner RE-ELECTION. Philo Holbrook REPUBLICAN ' BALLOT NO. 107. His long service as County Sur veyor and Commissioner qualifies mm to give an etliclent, economical and business administration ot coun ty affairs. (Paid. Adv. by Holbrook Campaign t on. Court bouse.) been a success, for she asaounceg tbat