Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, May 14, 1918, Page 2, Image 2

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Russian Soldiers Reported to
I Be Rallying to Anti
: , Bolshevik Leader.
mrrwhirt along- the Ukrainian land
Tha CommaBdr-ln-Chlef aaid ha
could only acre to tha cessation of
naval operations against the Black Sea I
fleet, provided all ahlpa returned to I
Ssbastopol and were retained there. I
Then the port of Novorossysk would be
opened free to navigation, lie claimed
that the Black Sea fleet more than once
had participated In the fighting against
German troopa In tha Ukraine.
tCenilnned rmm First Pa-e )
By-Roads and Side Lanes of
France Route of Ameri
can Army on March.
at l.S3j4i tone, and even If tha suh-
narlnes ara abre to maintain this rate.
which official doubt, tha year'a total
wculd be something- like 1.700.000 tons.
far less than tha estimated amount of
Jhlch th ".ppinc Board - WAR DRAMA ABSORBING
Adding to American production tha
I OtltnDf of (Zrmm t RHf.ln V.n,. mnA
MVoclamatloB Isaued Sa- Purpose I j.pan. tha allle. would gain for th
year something Ilka J.ooe.000 tons, not
counting th 1.000.040 or more tona of
Merely to Restore Freedom Japan-
Coarse In Siberia
Has British Approval.
(By the Associated Freaa.)
chartered Japanese and Norwegian
tip and requisitioned Dutch vessels.
Xarajla of Safety Lacking.
While encouraged, offlclala empha
sis tha fact that these figures do not
furnish th margin of safety necessary.
Spokane Steve and Yvonne, Once of
the Studios, but Xow Ambu
lance Chauffeuse, Strike
Cp Acquaintance.
, PEKING. Thursday. Slay t. umciai Md there wlU b no relaxing of bulld
iannounceraent has been made at Harbin iDk erforta In any of th allied coun
1hat General Semenoff. leader of the tries or In America.
movement In Siberia against the Bol- Annouilcem.nt t7n ParU tnat ,n the
hevlkU ha advanced along th Trans- jMt lnr months more submarines have
Siberian Railway as far as Adrlanovsk, been sunk than have been built, bears
'west of th Onon River, having r- out recent unofficial statements her
Stored th bridge across tn rtver which n the submarine situation, it has been
ii. n-i.iT.iit T..t, v.rf- no secret that offlclala here have felt
, proclamation. General Semenoff niore encouraged within the last few
. in a proclamation, . - months than at any other tlm sine
has assured th peopl r,n" ,h .,,.,.,..,,, .'.. -., -,i,
TlUlkalLa that his movement is not
counter-revolutionary, but is intenaea
Tto restore lawful freedom. Many Rue
th unrestricted submarine campaign
Merchant ahlp construction by tha
United (States and the allies already
. T-.7 . 1 ciK..i. . r. r.nnrted -'"k oiatea ana vne antes aireaay
Isn soldiers from Siberia ar "J-"-0 h, passed th real danger point and
to b rejolnleg General Semenoff. .hp. being launched faster than
they ar sunk. Offlclala pointed to
(Copyright. KIR, by the Tribune Company.
Chicago. Published by arrangement.)
May 13. (Special Cable.) When we
swung Into th road at daybreak the
next morning and continued the march
north, much speculation went the
rounds as to the destination.
A much-debated question was aa to
whether our forces would be Incor
porated with Foch's mobile reserve
army and held In readiness for a pos
sible counter offensive, or whether we
would be placed In one of the line
armies and aaslgned to holding a posi
tion In the path of the German push.
But all this conjecture resulted in
day's work. A worried Lieutenant
found me in the crowd around the
rolling kitchen and Inquired:
"Do you know whether there's a
provost guard on that Inn down the
I couldn't Inform him. but I inquired
the reason for hla alarm.
Tve got a bunch that th prune
juice Is running knee deep tonight, he
replied. "I don't want any of my sec
tion trying to march tomorrow with
swelled heads.
"Prune Juice" Is aot slang: It Is
veritable expression, and anybody who
thinks that th favorite of the board
Ing-house table can't produce the fer
mented article that is tres forte In the
way of a throat burner Is greatly mis
Awfal Kick la It.
In France th fermented Juice of th
prune Is called water of life, but It
carries a dead-to-the-world kick.
The simple prune, which the Army
used to call "Native Son by reason
of its California origin, now ranks with
Its most inebriate sisters of the vine.
The flow of eu do vie must have been
dammed at the Inn. On tha road the
next day I saw a mule driver wearing
a 1 (-candle power black eye. When I
Inquired th source of th lamp I
heard the reply:
"This is my first wonnd In the war.
Me and a cop had aa 'offensive' down
in that town that's spelt like scissors.
but you say It some other way.
A Wonderfully Attractive Lot of High-Grade
td Muslin, tt -f f O
Priced at. I Vft
of Fine Crepes, Nainsook and Muslin,
Charming Styles, Especially
A Sale That Will Win the Enthusiastic Approval of Every Prudent Woman
Who Can Attend
The attractiveness of the styles and trimmings is but one of the reasons for
the widespread interest in this sale the variety and moderate price are
still further incentives to prompt selections. The materials are fine crepes,
nainsook and muslin you hjve more than 100 different styles to select
from most all elaborately trimmed, some with French pastel embroideries
heavy laces, etc. Both gowns and skirts marked one price, this sale, $1.98
Decree Relieve. Mine Company of Pay.
nut of 910,000,000 for Alleged
Pateat I-frlnges-eat.
BAN FRANCISCO. May 1J. Decision
of the United States District Court of
. LONDON. May II. Th Interchange l this fact today as proof of the wisdom I nothing more than passing time. Our Montana which granted the Mineral
f messages between Baron Goto, tneiof the American policy of building an I way led over by-roads and side lanes separation Limited, owners of
... j.uDtsi Foreign aiidwih . i eoormoua mercnanx neeu I " uvea uvwa iur u.
Jiritlsh Foreign Of tic. Is seen by the I As th supply of submersible begins I
New Embroidery Voile
Flouncings at $1.25 Yard
The very latest new designs are included in this
great showing see our window display they come
fall 40 inches wide and are shown in white, pink,
blue, tan, rose, Nile and other colors beautiful silk
embroidered patterns on high-grade voiles consid
erably undervalued at the above price.
New Coiored Dress
Voiles at 40c Yard
88-Inch Voiles shown in the best plaid, stripe, figure,
and flower styles in light, medium and dark color
and the rushing up of supplies or re
serves In case of necessity. Thousands
of pollus, too old for combat duty, do
repair work on those main arteries.
All minor and slow-moving traffic Is
im. airong and resolute part In the war. effect on German morale. Every sub
Ia such a contingency she must be as-1 merlrw sent to th bottom carries with
'.ore. of o" sympaThy If she take. U a trained I crew which It become. In-
.waatever eh deema to b th proper I
.steps for protecting allied Interests In I
1be Far East.
'imlly Telegraph as a happy omen, em-1 to diminish, th biggest part of the
-Thaalzlng the value and reality or ue supping problem or tne auies begins
Anglo-apane Alliance. to vanish.
Japan's Tleee Cos-lag. Crew Lasses Will Be Felt.
t The tlm may soon come." th paper Aside from th general effect of a
.' ,1. tt aireadv has arrived decrease In th number of submarines.
when Japsn msy b called On to Play l vl iiii ivwa, mi n to n.. hi;iuj siueiracaca to xcep tne main iim kiwi,
Traffic Crowds Highroads.
At times we were forced to cross the
, -i ..,.- . ..niir. I main nigtiroaas ana tnen we encoun
I tered a forward and backward stream
pe for protecting aui.a I ARtj, ,iTha .ffectlvenesa of to and from the front.
Far East. I .V. ..... i .- .I. I At una nf th... Inl.rurMnn. T aonrht
. . ..... I in. uvrman u.nj.rin .uiu.iki a 10-1 --- " .......
. -Jspan has '"fon,,D'"V" cllnlng. The German government is a grass bank at the side of the road
In this matter and can hardly see witn-1 awr f h( . declared Georges I for a rest. Two Interesting factors in
iat alarm the spread of noisnevism t...,.,. Minister af Vfarlne. before the I this great drama were before me.
, Vladivostok and Manchuria. To glv nBa commute of the Chamber of I One was an American soldier wesr
.Vhaac for th resurrection of I D,putlea today, but has mad the Ing a blue brassard with white letters
y holding the anarchical factors in r,a,et efforts to conceal It.
.' check la a clear and statesmanlike lu Md th, ,tuatlon was most fav-
policy for the entente powers who orabl and that th sinkings of sub-
-srmpathi.e with Russia. What country marines In the first three months of
obviously I marked out for energetic uu through allied measures was
action In this crusade? greater than th number built by the
"That can be only Japan, which or I enemy.
Minister Leygues referred to the
statement made In th Reichstag on
April IT by VIce-Admlral von Capelle.
German Minister of Marine. In which
he said CoO.000 tons of allied shipping
was sunk monthly.
I.eeaea Steadily Decrease.
This figure, tb Minister said, wss
Incorrect. It was reacned and passed
In April. May and June of 1917. In
July It declined and In November It
fell below 400.000 and sine has dimin
ished continuously.
Th Minister gave out th following
comparative table of the tonnage
claimed to have been destroyed by
r-.. . -,t , .11. In.t
Sebastopol was captured, according , ,h p',n f,T BOBth,.
BeMr.o act'lv'." front "the French r extracting ore by
sanctify tbelr main roads and reserve notation. approximately 110,000,000
them for the use of fast motor traffic, against the Butte fc Superior Mining
Silk Stripe Voiles
at 75c Yard
36-Inch Silk Stripe Voiles and Silk Mixed Suitings
in light and dark colored styles beautiful fabrics
that are extremely popular.
Men's Coat Style Shirts
at $1.50
The celebrated Ferguson and McKinney Shirts shown
in coat-style with neck band starched, or soft; they
come with soft French cuffs, also with high, or regu
lation soft turn-down collar they are of fast color
and come in all sizes 14 to 11. Priced to you at
this sale at one-third below real worth.
Company, for Infringement of patent.
was reversed here today in an opinion
handed down by the United States
Circuit Court of Appeals.
The decision held that "Inasmuch as
th defendant company keeps out of
the limit made for th plaintiff by
the United States Supreme Court by
using more than the critical proportion
of oil in the process, it does not use
the plaintiffs process."
The decision was concurred In by all
three judges In effect. Judge W. W.
Morrow dissenting on a point that did
not materially affect the decision.
- Its position on th Pacific and Its I
'. proslmtty to Fiberla la fitted peculiar--1
v to render efficient and prompt serv-
flre. even so far aa to Irkutsk la th
T est-"
t ' 'WASTirNOTON. Msy II Recent ex
changes between Russia and Germany
over German Intentions in the Crimea, I
'mad public today by th Stat Do-1
vartmcnt dlsrlos that the uerman ad
vance on Sebastopol wss made, accord- I
' d to German explanations, because of I
? attacks by the Russian HlacK Beat
fleet on cities hetd by Germany.
Gtrmaa Prosnleen Mad.
I P." He was a military policeman
on duty as a road marker whose func
tion Is to regulate traffic and prevent
Beside him was seated a peculisr
looking person whosa knee-length
skirts of khaki exposed legs Incased
In wrap puttees. A motor coat of
yellow leather and a visor cap of a
British Tommy completed the costume.
The hair showing beneath the crown
of cap was rather long and straight,
tracea of having been recently close
For all of her masculine appear- War Department Proposes Decora-
inc., sne was r rcnun, ana ma yuuug.
BUTTE, Mont., May 13. Butte &
Superior stock jumped seven points im
mediately after word of the decision In
the San Francisco court was received
here. Local attorneys were jubilant
when Informed of the decree, but de
clined to issue a formal Interview until
after they had received th formal text
of the decision.
t a German announcement, several
davs ago.
The German Ambassador informed
"the Russians that th German gov
ernment had no intention of forcing on
.Crimea any particular form of gov
emment and that It would allow th
'Crimean th right of self determina
tion. The military advance, it was
Claimed by Actual
Germany IiMfl
(tons'. Monti.
December .' 3.i"7
January SI.Onrt Sii-.'.e.VI
February so nio 3:i'.'.AJ.
Mareh. ...... so.oo S.Mt.tttU)
April StiO.UOO .XS.704
L Leygues said that in February.
March and April S713 French steamers
!sa!d". would not Interfere with Cer- nd 78 French sailing vessels passed
road-marker was lavishing upon her
everything he had gleaned in his fresh
man year of French in a Spokane high
Tvnnnc Prefers Cigar.
I offered my cigarette rase around
and was) surprised when the girl re
trained. That surprise increased wnen
I saw her extract from a leather case
of her own a full fledged black cigar
which she proceeded to light and smoke
with gusto.
When I expresesd my greater sur
prise she added to it by shrugging her
shoulders prettily, plunging one gaun-
leted hand Into a side pocket and pro
duclnc a pip with a pouch of tobacco.
There was nothing dainty about tnat
pipe. It had no delicate amber stem
tlon for American Heroes.
An Extraordinary Value in Women's and Misses'
Stylish Velour Coats
Handsome Coats of Lustrous Finish in Sixes 16 to 40 Y f
They Come in Tan, Gray, Pekin, Copenhagen, Rose, J w j
Etc.-48.Inch Models at : ySJXSm S U
Come to this eale expecting extraordinary values, and youll not be disappointed. These handsome
Velour Coats are strictly man tailored and extra well finished throughout. They come in 48-inch
models, and are shown in shades of tan, gray, Pekin, Copenhagen, rose, etc., and in all sizes from 16
to 40. Coats that can be comfortably worn for many weeks to come, considerably underpriced to
insure immediate disposal.
Store Opens
at 8 -.20 A.M.
at 9 A. M.
The Most in Value The Best in Quality
Store Closes
at 6 P. M.
man it" a political Intentions.
ri Knvlet a-nvernment renlied that
It could not take that view and pro-lTerT heavy.
- . . K . r2..m.n mtllt.rv I Sunk.
I On the other hand, he said, the num
through the danger sons where a few .nor csrclet of fillgreed gold; there duional bars added would be given by
WASHINGTON. May 13. The War
Department's plan for awarding honor
decorations to soldiers distinguishing
themselves In the service wss
mltted today In th Administration
forwarded by Secretary Baker
substitute for measure pending in
Tha decorations proposed are a medal
of honon, a distinguished service cross
noodrdTor Entrance Into War Will
ed, th bill proposes additional bars
or other insignia to be worn on the I
emblem previously won.
A pay increase of 12 monthly to en
listed men for each decoration and ad- I
Be Celebrated May 24.
months ago losses by torpedo had been
Not a. single ship was
was no meerschaum ornamentation. It
was Just a good old jimmy pip with a
full-grown cake In a black burned
bowl and a well-bitten, hard rubber
It looked lik on of those that
father used to consent to have boiled
once a year after mother had charged
It with ruining the lace curtains
But she is a girl and her name was
Yvonne. A red-wing letter "A" on her
1.1,1.. , . I V.'lUll
number of enemy U-boats oe-lr,, , . ' "... . I clal.) Owing to unsatisfactory express
nd one ' - . service by rail in securing delivery of
the roadside expiainea ner special .,Ik aB, return of empty can. th.
urancn ui worn. farmers" organisation that has the milk
Artist Turned Chauffeur. I concession to supply the cantonment at
Cha tha nnnlnc of mv ear- "mP J-ewis witn mine ana cream
ber of aubmaries destroyed had in
creased progressively since January
la such proportion that the effective
ness of enemy squadrons cannot be
maintained at the minimum required
by the regulations.
I'-Beat J3eatmrlan Gains.
V AMSTERDAM. May II Th great
mass of th population at Kiev Is main-
taialnsr a cool attitude toward the
.new Ukrainian government, with some
show of hostility, according to the
Berlin Tageblatt.
I Complete order prevails, however.
the newspaper declares. The arrival I stroyed In January. February
of three Kus-ian peace delegatea at March was far greater In each month
-Kiev Is announced by th Tageblatt,.. than th number constructed In -the
same month. In February and April
LONDON. May 11. Th Soviet gov- th number of submarines destroyed
ernment. according to a Times dls- was three less tbsn th total destroyed
.patch from Petrograd. dated Friday, in th previous three month.
confirms th report that Nicholas These results, th Ministry declared,
Romanoff, th former Kmperor. to- wer due to th methodical character
gether with th former Empress apd war against submarines; to the
.... . . . .iMU M An M th. allied iv M!
on or ineir aaugniers, was removed - -- -- . c.k- Htv .-a t
to Ekaterinburg from Tobolsk as a ,ntr P,dlt7" nd pirit t?. -I,
.result of th. discovery of a Puunt "! " "A . , nT. ,d
. ! I. K I . .... HUH IUU,UI VI 1. iu iw . ,i,iui..-i - -
Kx-Csare-rllr- Reported III.
Alexis Romanoff, th former heir p
th bllL
I Delivery to Camp Lewis More Satis
factory Than by Train.
CHEHALIS. Wash., May 13. (Spe-
President Accepts Position of First
Honorary Patron Harrowing
Report Comes From Aus
tria's Prison Camp.
NEW YORK, May 13. Telegrams are
being sent by Charles E. Hughes to
Paris publication before th war. but
had been transporting wounded since.
Tha French lesson proceeded and
learned from her
ord In th French
. - ' - '-I.. t.i nn.nn.. anri to the Intenslfl- language IS apeuea unconsiiiuiionaiio-
eonspiracy to assist in nis escape irom . - .7 'a m ,r - Roma dav I hope both of us
tha, amniavmenc of new ones. I will be able to pronounce It.
"The situation Is most favorable." On the girl's) right wrist was a silver
th Minister continued, "but It does I chained bracelet w.itn an identification
re.Ztden product, ha. established an automobile r to the Governor of every state
The bulk of the milk Is secured from I them to further the celebration of
dairymen In the neighborhood of I Italy-America day. May 24. President
Olympla. but recently a large volume wlison has consented to act as "first
nas Deen contracted in tne ChehaJia . , ,
v.n. . . .v,. i.... j honorary patron.
" J I -w... w. v. y.vuuwi;,.! . ... .... . , . 1 :.! I
In this section havine- turned thair en. " expected uin tucaj,
" .. .. . . , .
tire output to the camp. I commemorating tne imra anniversary
It is 3 miles from Chehalls to the of Italy's entry Into the war, will do
camp, hut the truck service is reported I held throughout the country. Every
to be wholly satisfactory thus far.
Tarent. remain at Tobolsk owing to not authorize th slackening of effort. I disc In response to our Interested
.all health.
.-Alexander Mlchaelovltch. who had been
"living at Dulbar. near Alto-dor. In the ,!, rtartl lair TTnn.
;crlmea. ar In th hands of th Get- BrUl9h s-P'no " Hour
With Hun, forcing Flight.
Rather, it Is necesary to redouble it I gax she exhibited It to us and on her
aa the enemy has put new submersibles I own volition Informed us that she was
Into service and Is trying a fresh I a descendent from the same family as
offensive In which, a plays lor hi. joan of Arc.
last stake." I Steve heard and winked at me with
the remark that they couldn't pull any
stuff like that on anybody from Spo-
e. because he had never heard that
AMSTERDAM. May 13. The Ukrai
nian press bureau has reeetved Infor
mation from Odessa according to which
the former Dowager Empress of Rus-
Dukes Nicholas Nicholalevltch and AV A UK KUUId LLffLLl kan
LONDOX. May 13. Th Admiralty an
nounces that during the period. May
(-11. Inclusive, air force contingeots
working from Dunkirk carried out suc
cessful bombing operations against th
Oetend docks and seaplane base, the
Zeebrugce mole and lock gates and
I MOSCOW. May II. (British Ad-
rairalty. per Wireless Press. V The Cem-
mander-ln-Chief of th Uerman troops
Jin the east, replying to the Russian re
.ouest for the cessation of hostilities on
J the Ukrainian front, says that German
troops, la accordance with th terms
of tha Brest-LJtovak treatr. have
t rlaarerf the Ukraine of red sruarda and I enemy shipping In the vicinity.
-that It should be possible to do sol "Several direct hits wer obtained on
the sheds on tne jceeerugg mole and
a large shed at tha seaplane base was
f BOON TO ."Vr'T.s
t . . -..-.-. .h.M. Irritated skla
I I.lUlilllid fr..ts
E and eulchiy enree dla-
I per rash. Xsesw baby's skla fresh aad sweet
Heals ever rtlsht; claanatac. saaatlee aad aa-
B tts-etle. Sothlns. ceallac aad rmrrvahlaa.
f It kakye sain eaews sUs-taat radasae r ta-
" Seaey ta trrttattaa, yen can relieve It at
2 with aaaiiaepu Letlaa. Saatlasptl
Is a safe aad daseadakle preparatleei tar
f baby's skis, It year strncslst caaaet supply
it. se seat Eakeacett Lakeratetiea, rertlaad.
or., with 4r., aama. will aria, past- I ftftn DIPWCDO ADC HCCnCn
u 1 I uuu 1 iuiLii rAi 1 1 i..u.u
aaia. lar.s latrstry bectla. puon
descent from the famous Jeanne, but
only from th same family.
rteve looked her In the eye and said
"J a! Icomr .'
Aviators Acquire Saint.
She explained the meaning of the
small gold and silver medals suspended
from the bracelet. She detached two
and presented them to us. One of them
bore in relief the image of a man in
flowing robes carrying a child on his
shoulders, and. the reverse depicted a
completely burned up." the statement I tourist driving a motor through hilly
continues. "In the course of the of-1 country.
fenslve patrols, six enemy machines! "This is St. Christophe." said Yvonne.
wer destroyed and two others were I "He la th patron saint of travelers.
driven out of control. One of oars Is Ills medal Is good luck against acci
dents on the road. Here la one of St.
Ellas. He Is the new patron saint of I
aviators. Tou remember, dldn t he go
to Heaven In a fiery chariot, or fly up I
on golden wings, or something like
that? Anyhow, all aviators wear on
of his medals.
St. Christoph Is now attached to my
Identification disc Steve declared the
infantrymen traveled too slow ever to I
I citizen is asked to wear a boutonnlere
of flowers showing Italy's colors.
WASHINGTON. May 13. Italian
prisoners In Austria are subjected to
horrible outrages, a dispatch to the
Italian Embassy from Rome today
"Never before in tho history of the
civilized world hav such outrsges
been registered." it says. "The whole
L ASiujtM, or, W J. topeciai., th, -eems t0 be a sytematic effort
Yvonne must have understood th '"f" p-" ""i" J"" on tne parV of Austria to destroy the
manhood of Italy. Austria Is endeav
oring In every possible way to sur-
Guns at Mouth of Columbia
River to Roar All Week.
the Maid of Orleans had been married. I ASTORIA. Or.. May 13. (Special.)-
last word, because ah exclaimed forth- tb fort, about the mouth of the
.,.. ..... v. ... .1 i.i. I river began this morning; and will
continue for several days. Th por
tion of the river where the firing will
take place has been divided Into three
zones, and signals will be displayed to
warm vessels.
Patrol boats will also be on duty.
with a view of keeping craft out of th
danger zones.
Astoria Soldier Dies.
CAMP LEWIS. Wash.. May .13.-
Beta H. Shaw. 2S, private In Company I
:. 166th Depot Brigade, died Satur
day In the base hospital at Camp Lewis.
The body was sent to Astoria.
"On May IS one of our seaplanes In
the North Sea sighted a Zeppelin on
patrol and an Indecisive action, lasting
half an hour, was terminated by the
Zeppelin retreating to Its base."
Dandruffy Heads
. Become Hairiest
Opening of Strawberry Season.
10,000 Testimonials Fran Motien
Of children whe haa sqeceaafally rjaed
M tkr irars Street Pawders far Chllerea,
Tnry not and regulate tse bewtia, ra
il. y.verlahneaa. Tth!ns disordara. eta-
' etipatloe, kaa-acti. Saetray m.rn. aad 'r-Dd women for the work. Berries will
i.n ' ' r b r. . us colda. Chlldrva Ilka th.m. . ...i , .M .ii h. 1.
r so year Mather Orar a Bwaal ranoars be nearly two - earUer than last
tar coiMr.a h.a beea tha ..f. and ran-1 year and the picking season will begin
aaJa naair la time af aaao. jiataere ahem I about May ZS.
.. K without a box In In. h mi. ft I
.mmadiate . At dru. flats evarynber. I HArley'a artlcl. p.g I. Adv.
If you want plenty of thick, beautiful. I
glossy, silky hair, do by all means gat
rid of dandruff, for It will starr your I
u. ...t.i. k. ....... .h. .k.. hair and ruin It if you don't.
Hood RJver Growers Prepare for h, w. ,0tnB to glv his to a friend I It doesn't do much ood to try to
who drove a truck. I brush or wasn it out. mi oniy sure
When I fell into line with th next I war to get rid of dandruff la to dissolve I
passing battery and moved down the I lt then you destroy It entirely. To do I
rosd. Spoksne Stev and Tvonne. of the ,et about four ounce, of ordinary
"1 enn, nau wuuuini into nn. annlv tt at nla-ht wha
n.i..l,,l I I '
v 0 B I .i.i ... in. anAiien tn mnlatan thai
scalp and rub it In gently with th fin
ger tip-.
By morning most, if not all, of your I
dandruff will be gone, and three or I
four more application, will completely I
dissolve and entirely destroy every sln-e-le
als-n and trace of It.
You will find. too. that all Itching
and digging of tha scalp win atop, and
your hair will look and feel a hundred
time, better. You can get liquid arvon
at any drug store. It 1. Inexpensive
and four ounce. 1. all you will need.
no matter how much dandruff you have.
This simple remedy saver rail. Adv.
i"Artr,r.1itlA1 PomAtrotj ,V"" " ' 2 ""f Lff !l
tnuoUlULUl V AWtwaXatot V was ltat. a. . owns. .rv.uvi. ni.u...r I lamiij
1 , . . . . I of th Apple Growers Association, will I dlscussl
- dnQlfTGSllOn.V UrUffClStS lo Portland tomorrow for a con-ling to
. ? -i e ferene with Federal employment bu-1
C re ft trr! mnnow if ir fiiie VSt I ... nf fii.ia h win r,rni.h thai v"
ntplanahlp Bitterly Contested.
I strawberry growers of the valley with I In omet that night in a village not
pickers for the approaching strawberry I 'arm from Beauvala a singing contest
I harvest.
Mr. Uton says thst the outlook for
sufficient laborers appears good at the
present. The Hood Itlver Valley will
need approximately loOO girls, boys
for a prize of $S offered by a battalion
commander was resumed with Intense
rivalry between the tenors and basses
of batteries A and B.
A battery B man was croaking
'Annie Laurie" when a battery A
booster In th audiano -remarked
tudibly. "Good Lord. I'd rather hear
first call."
First call la the bugle note that dis-
I turbs sleep and .tart, men on the next
Deep Curve Lenses)
Are Better
Trademark Registered)
Eyes carefully examined
and properly fitted with
glasses without the use or
Complete) lens grinding factory
on the premises.
SINCE 1908
pass in cruelty and ferocity all of her
The dispatch .ays the Italian pris
oners have been stripped and left
without food or care if wounded. Most
of them die of hunger and of plague.
Tuberculosis is raging, and thou
sands of consumptives fill tlie concen
tration camps. When their condition
becomes desperate the prisoners are
returned to Italy in exchange for Aus
trian prisoners, whose condition in
Italian camps has improved.
In the last 300 prisoners sent back to
Italy from Austria all were suffering
from tuberculosis in a very advanced
stage, the dispatch declares.
Army Orders.
BAN FRANCISCO, May IS.-The followln.
orders were issued by the Western Depart
ment of the Army today:
A board of officers to consist of Majors
Lionel S, Schmidt. Adjutant-General's Re
servo Corps: Justus M. Wheate, Robert 8.
Williams, Medical Reserve Corps; Captain
Neal C. Johnson, 63d Infantry; First Lieu
tenant John J. Wlckham, United Rtates
Guards, Is appointed to examine lurhip-
pilcants for commissions In tha United
States Guards, National Army, as may be
authorised to appear before It.
Flrat Lieutenant Lawrence Hopktnson,
Medical Reserve Corps, Aberdeen, Wash.,
will proceed to Fort Lawton, Wash., for
Major C Emery Hathaway, Cavalry, and
Captain John Vernon, Quartermaster's
Corps, National Army, will proceed to Camp
Lewis, Wash., from these headquarters on
official business.
Cowlitz Registration Clerks Xanicd.
KELSO, "Wash., May 13. (Special.)
The County Commissioners at their
meeting; this week appointed registra
tion clerks for those precincts in
Cowlitz County whose boundaries have
been changed or which are without
clerks. Appointments were mado as
follows: Ketso, M. J. Lord: Castlo
Rock, Kate E. Taylor; Kalama, TV. B.
Chapman; Woodland, I Hopf; Kid val
ley, William Sutton; Cougar Flat, H. A.
McLarty; Green River. William Lee;
Monticello, Hilrla J. Edmonds; Toiitle,
James Wyant; Willamette, 11. Storm.
Read Harley's article, pasre S. Adv.
Once a Noiseless Office
You'll Tolerate No Other
The great reKef obtained once Noiseless
Typewriters are installed in the office is so
evident, so convincing of its importance that
noisy machines are forever banished.
.The Noiseless Typewriter improves
working conditions and consequently
a great saying of time and money re
sults. It is a real necessity, for only
when your office is "Noiseless" can
you and your employees do their best
Investigate the "Noiseless" replace your
noisy machines with Noiseless Typewriters,
learn first hand the importance of the "Noise
less" in the bvsrrtess world.
We will gladry supply typewriters for a test in your office and
will be satisfied with your decision. We make no idle assertions,
but do make strong claims for the Noiseless because it always proves
its worth. .
Noiseless Typewriter
Distributing Co., Inc.
81 Fourth Street, Portland
Phone Main S44. J. P.
San Francisco. Seattle. Los Angeles.
Conceived, Developed and Manufactured In the TJ. S.