TIIE MORNING OREGONTAN, TUESDAY, MAY 14, 1918. rem sale. Kkw. Wkleaee, lAveaterk. ilAHuAI.No ilohr-l-.-l. HAHNESd AND U'lCtVK 1 head ef grading stack, all warranted sound and gooa woreera. A la described ' ni white tiara. -XOB la 300 Iba - ... . . . . b. jx tkMth ex nii-e xxiia i ram aaru xaor, va - Back arut aieel-gray galn'.BBa, 3400 ta IJr lea.: la sood ereer; sua. bpaa aC graye, lav lea. . load order Fair ef Browne, 3400 Iba.: food) order Ma grays. 33 lbs : fat: 81S4X Hn u brown ? ux Iba.: $110. M ack gelding. ll'W lbe;$. B-e..o.d saula. wl. 1150 lt; m UT Uouutnt Iria, 1100 Iba.; oa4 pair 1 a- x May snare. oo4 single ar doable. 1430 ta J I al I Pa. . f.-vo. . ... xi..i ,.. ateni 1100: raagy Built. faat pai-er. very geat.a. perfectly safe for aajboir. fli. w A.eo several athar geed week Boreas ' t,.. . the ara all vark horses. fully guaranteed aad mosey back U Bet Be repreeented. Several ctiala tirnm't; 118 aaek. " etaa i wr. an A15. una light (ara attm, $-3- A aa a me r-od sprtag weaoa-a with ea l.awj tope. ry cheap. A.1 af ma above mentioned otoff rea ba lata icf ear at the Roaaail-etreet Trmaafar Vara, corn or Rx.ea.il and Vanoou.tr ee- aua. ma block aaal ar w liiiama avauw- le.AU HuKSEJ ana anuria. aai fr. Port.end Keed.rtng Co. Call W eod- PWavaa. Oeaasxo astd Mtaaarxxl laMtaraamT Nr.w i xa.kiBg aacaiBt a... , , . t-ade tor your good e:d piano. Uareld oi.TCri, . j i ui iii.i -. Foil KENT I'Uno and cabinet Crafnna a. ilk record Umpire Ireultf C B4wy, 13 CASH. $4 monthly, bora IJIA. aew. ll modal. Improved eprlgol plane for 82123. at itrnvan nana o-. in roinn " " v. BJ I'uK coed uaed plana, wei warth - .1 muat salt, aa I don I ara at ta aalp out af Forr.asd. ti UU Ora.aalaa. aris-.-HEB. email mahogaay H Msndelaaoha. efleodid tone, tike new. 248 Harold 9. Ullbert. 3 Hmnill. iiikiitTnv LtHrlJ rahlar.t rraad plana. uwd a f-r yrara. wart b -&0. have to a!l at mrt: M taa It. fan at Ba'on rlotai. V ILL. par raah for aeod make Plan ba rtnaa irrta. Na daalara. V 2 muat 2. Of lb- .ni aa ail tour D..oa for caan. ar irle for a phoaorapa. call at lt4 I't"! a". JilNua tunad. ti. :aora T. Park. Tabor ,i 1 iiiau. . w ai . v i. - . w r. 1 I'AV CASH for n.ad p.anea. Harold l!brt. TamM I at. FIANO wanted, lll bujr. aa I bare caan. Ft FA 14. J I'UAKR plane far any roaaoaable ef- fwr: ravel re aoin. a v tti r ara. riASO wanted If bargain. Call Mala Hit I aralfrtre for Caala. feHANO-NaVW COI.TMBIA ORAFOOLja,S AT ITT HU1H. tS. lit. .-.. Ti. I". I10O atid f 110 marhlnra: wltk rack machine from a a wo ill ate 15 worth of recoaMe abaelutalr fraa. Aao U iO 'lrtrala for $ J: JI Vlctmla for eaay frma. ills-H KI'B.N'lTl.'KkJ CJ.. I M Kb-oa t. In I I.KX Alcaaar romblnatlon eteei range, burn aood. coal or gaa. parfrct condition. u-l alinrt tlm; l-orlnr rtry. fcaat . 11SI.N; tab'., rarpota. aina:i kltckaa Iraaa- ura. plrturaa, cpaap. J tirta'iniaa. ta. Htrda aaH Tr Work. 1UL give one year and half-old male Alradaie do ta aome on w ho will prom la a good bome I lle whore dec are met rwairf1 O 2t trrgonln. raaltrj. miil'IKK BABY CHICKS. O. A. ' Harrad Korka aad R. I. Reds f?t par leo. White ar ftrewn Igherne IIA par !. if rkroaa. ntaty taking, negan tied elerk. .Nona battrr. tiS I'uK MATT-HINO. J. R. MA''.l;iBE. 7 Oragoa St. I'htna Ea( 1""0. DaHRL'D ftH'K agga and rhlcka. aaveatk yrar rantlauouJj trapnoetlng; kana rac orrta Ji to Zt agga par )ar; males frern hian.racord kena. knd for folder. Al hart Kaitntr. ItMre 1. Taroma. Woah Cllh K. White Leghorn. fra range, trap tiaatrd fonadatlow ata-k. klaatar Incubator t'o. 41.1 Jaaaup tr . Portland Wdln 4.144. LAI IS1 White lgknra and Aacaaa pullata and yotang h'&A. eack. Kaat laOa. TT rraa;o0 at. -H SAI.K ttilrkma. Al ar-old Barrad Kvk rorkral and 4 baas. . fall K 2-2- t'all artar a P. M. Bundav or plonrlajr fltA tit lAUI'lvn Itii. t' p.r IS. Urare Bartlalay. Ranlaa atalln. Wood'awn 119 W ftamlngtee rental p:aa: raat appaa te parrhaaa. Vlaib'e modala. Bemtrgtea Ttpriir Co.. Is Broadwa. phone Broatwr r? Ol'AhANTKED farter raoiit;t tjpawrttora. ALL. KAKK.-. eo.d on aaanthly paymoata; aaad for prtce lieu The w ho aea.e Type writer Co.. retail dept.. l-l u . at. 'ANTkl1 Otaod Ladraiowd ar f.arulngtos typawrttrr. give model, prlra and condi tion of marhlne. A tirrganiaa. FOR BUST OR 8AI.E fndarwood and Oil. ar lypewrttara. almplre Traaafar. Aid wy. LW. raatit. aacond-kand ranta'a at cut ratra. P. t. Co., 21 btark al. ktala 1407. MX nw modl a Ilral kuandard typewriter, parfrrt er.lr. $15. Kaat KKHt'ii.T t pa w m re ead auppliaa. Cereaa Laalara. C. W. I'raaa Co.. 110 ith. Maahliaaa-y. TvH aALK-w faat left aad nght-lar atael cabia, etaadard aiaba. la At eon A i ilea, eta make Immediate eMpimeat. Gat, A Burrh Co.. liKi Mala St.. Pan Kraaclaco. Mlaaatla la'HINii machlnaa. new and eecoed-haad. e4 ell aaaiA aold for teee; ageate em piayaat. machiaas rrpalrwd ead raetad. $1 ear moara UKalNil MAC'IIXB rVPOKTW. ftp Id. noar Taylor A .-'. klaln PUT. .faC FOTATOE-AarrtM WoodeT Bead, white, raiaaly. reload eai titgh Land, Iba erf for aarka. HUK.tl eimcd. an X kaea. aaeorta-1 alaaa. $10. MerTUt RrrMdaay evealaga AT A BAR'iAiN. Xattonal caab rasteter: ene 31 tie 1-draeer National rerteter. 4 a baaa aad plate glaaa ataewtfaeee Bad afore future. '.'d Btark at. t cOKlfd of wood, addraae Hiaeeck A Roecbar. Jaanloara laflfo. Or. Pbeae Oak l rove -S W batwaarr H and I. 1.N email bandaw. one elngie ehaper. ane drum aanil-r. V::t-ld Coaatrectlea Co.. ;i Hood at. Main 1 1 -it. TOR SALE Valrenlaer. rarrlra T caaa a. iuba. iiargaia for eaWA aaie. Or coo tan. -Id. lllia.lAHU and pocket bl.llard tablae, anew, caaaa and waUraaa, f'aturee: aatr talma, W. J 4jl;-y. til PI rat. Mala tie 1 vjH kAL ar rant, logging aad hoisting aagmaa, a:i klaua. macblnery. rails, cars, Tt .way Kn-amnl Co. SA Bara at. Al l. a.aaa . OO-cal.. i 4A-gal . IT 14 El part soi'or welding. 9 ue if yoor bolr leak B Adams at. Phone Pa at TaSk Itvr.RAL good earond-haad safea at the rrgnt prr-a. 4a. rrnnt at. rtroadwar lead. VN.'ALl.Sta-FoR tailor-made eatte fee eeie. Aria aelactlon. 11 SO and a p. BSB Stark. FINKST equipped rhlropoly parlors In city, going Into the serrlco. AJ .!. Oregonlan. Fwit SAIJa Xarea pool tab.aa. Panama aon'riom. N. kecond si . apetalra HaT'T'S ault. worn once, a-a B4. coot 113. Will sell for tea M ISM. Oregonlan. lilVt us your order: beet N 1 e.d-grewtk r cordwood. 7 per card. Eaat lo.o. rt-in s ti.FAr-ro-aioBn pa. 1'. .i tUNUKB, T-paaaanger 0!dameblle. need three weeka: will aell for BtwM. Call 3-S Marrta. or phone Woodlawa I04T. l-t.l.tvr.RT TRICKS cWsTeral t-tea cara. sub or without bod tea. af bargain prteee. The Wktte Compaay. park aad Ceurk eta UVIIU.AMI 10)1. 3-aaaeeager. beaatlful car. fu. y equipped: a snap at l7B. ka,f raah ll aru'hara. after P. M ICR SALE by owner, fit-eat Six. drleea 2204 triilee; liae nw. Owner leavins city. Price I.). Woodlawa 404. J i iR SALE !laLeJWell. g4 tlraa. narer fcaan eerbauled. price l.'s. Phone E. f CAN eee yeur Fard. Maxwe.l or Cbearrolet en my bread aew Saxea Sis. Call Adama. Tan.r 4-ld. 114 lli ns. y teunas. T.paaev. B-ryL. leva. Call 2- Alder et. "pAH'JAlN lel.1 Oidamobl a, good ee Bew, 17-.0. w or-h Bier At 211. Oregorlon. CVI'.KLANP 4-paaa. fine running order. 3123 ewk. Monder. I la 4. 413 Hawtharwa are 7iRO touring aad runabout for aa.e ckeap. all Wahlngon, rer. lat. HJOHTLT aaed Urea 83 ta 313 ta-h: l caled. 2ic : tl-e rapalriag. anf Madleon. jiri'SOX aula for aale er trade. SlaJtia.l a.pA7C ViiE R car for mmim cheap on account ef draft Ctl! Feat 473 Eaat Bumald. 114 FORI tour-Tie. good aa new, by prltate awner. il'J Warion. ;EWAad. XaATC B IInes ''n- c-esdiuea. easy tiaat-ai; aoaA, Xa.i j4. FOK At.r AfTTOMOBII.FS. C8FI APTOMOBILEi. ltT Mitchell, T-Pasa.. -cyl I11S0 ivit Mitchell. T-paae., -cyi.. witn oDfflmar and Wlnlar tana, far aulck sa.a only 13M 1017 MiteaaM i.aiaa. al.eL. caad as new 7...' I"5" ims M1trVi.II. -pmsa.. d-ryl 7 1UI4 Mitchell, k-pasa., 4-cyl. 101.S Hmrl.htkar I-dibl. 4-rtrl- 5. lwt4 Mud. baker. 4-paas.. 4-cyU. caupe A.v lie Jarrrjr. ft-paas.. S-ryl n 1914 Cole, T-paae. 1-cyl - I4 inrarland, a-paaa. 4-cyl " llilT f taerl m.rA t.ntaa.. 4-cVl. ........ H, 1 !1 ej Oakland. B-paaa.. 4-cyl M lttll Mlfhlaaa. k-aaaa.. 4-cyl ........ 30O Ford truck with body and top. s) I 3ten truck with cab lao' A anmSae .1 waad autoanoblta bodice. eack IS aflTCHEI.U LEWIS A kTAVKR CO., East Morrleon at 'lrst St. Pkeaee: Kaal T272. B 1.14. WEST PIDB BAUKSROOM. BROADWA T AT OAK ST. Phones: ii roadway BIS. A 3443. SPECIALS THIS WEEK. Terd B-Bissicger 50 Bnirk readstsr M Vajtwail flDeclBl. 1-BBaS 300 Marina roadster 400 Brtarwa. k-naee. eSO rk.aia tuat re naintad 1100 Badsaa t-paasenser ., Xlteball. Blmost sew 78 1100 Terms If desired. Open evenlnge and Sundays. W. H. WALUNKORD. BIJ Alder t. Broadway UK IP YOU want cash for your car or want ai te sell It oa comraieaioa. inn ii in. Brropalled by gaa. CONLtT'S L'REO CAR CEXTEH. Big brick kldg.. aula entrance, eutkweet corner Uth and WaablBBtaa. Broadway 34S4. llt rja, ,s I.IOHT SIX fXAP. fttrirtly first -elaea light six. T-pasaenfer Hadaen. fine mechanical condltlna; good Urea, one extra: newly painted: inoci ib anrbers. dome light, eaay shift, bumper. etc.. A car ef power, apeed, appearance and reliability, coat liio. i-nce ewi: 4no down, balance monthly. E. B. Hyatt, 8AI Morrleon at. KNOIXEtt. KMJI.NES. ENGINES. All atelea and elaea. from 1 te 4-ctL at aatonlahlngiy low prlcaa. All anglnee Juaraateed ta aa la coed anecBaaioai cob itlea. . DAVIT. HODEf. CO.. Car. Broadway aad Plaadera 8L. Portiaad. Oregon. 03TS SERIES P-RANKIelN. 114 FRANKLIN. 313 FRAMCLIN". 110 T-RANKLJX. JB14 BOCK ROADftTlim. lYIXLa AVNOERSOM MACUINB SHOP AND OARAGE. 44 NORTH 20TH BT. BCO FOR (SALE. ev n. r.t aperco wnen opra. aw aniiaa rri , elactrla lights, all good free, lined lines. fa00 an terms, or (4.10 cash. Call o rhone aatween v ana i . a at . or o an m P. M. Broadway 2nS4. or 0 LucJ e Court apta., jrm k'tojuj . ., aw a TRAILERS TRAILERS. TKAILEKa, 1 and 4-wheeled t raj i era at an ataaa. from 1000 ta 40O0 Iba. capacity, at aaton- tshtngly low prlcea David hopes CO.. Cer. Broadway and Flanders at. Portland. Or. W WRECK all makee of care and aell the good parts for Irea loan nan snoe. aii klnde of aeed eoaies ana tires nigntat prices paid for all rare. I'aciOo Junk Co ..O rruiti aain TWO braad-aaw S-ton Packard fracka un der the market. rearer oean ereei. rin ne equipped with beds and kolete If deeired. Terms ar liberal discount for cash. L ISO. Oregon laa. 111 I-PAHSENQtR Cola automobile easy terma: Al oonriltlon. aorta new cord Urea an car: 100. Twla fltatea Mo tor Car Co., lota ana Alder. Broadway eee. MOTORS, aeara. bearing, wheel a. axlea: w wreck all makes or cars and aeii taeir parts at naif price. David Hooea COa North Broadway and Flanders. FOR SAIJC One S-toa Rapublle track, has beea need meat ha: win aell reasonable Call at BIT W aeklngtoo st. Alultnouab I'pliolatertng Mfg. 'o. ti. M. C. m-too wltk power kolnt and body, arartically new tiree. line aaape mernan- (rally: B1KM for quick aale. The Wklte Compeny. perk an J ajonca eta ui7 r'ORD. la beat mechanical condition. 1430 if taken at once. s..a caan. ta an. an good tarma. F. B. Crumley, 7ST Water atraat. 3-TOM Ite la good running order, able te carry 1H ta 3 CO roe wood. will take wood In pament or caeh parcnaaer can eerure heuilng contract, ktlleraan Firol t o. PACKARD TRICK. B-ton. juat overhauled. new giant flrea: Bargain for ciuicK aali The V hlte Company, park and Couch ati Aatoeaebllea Vlaataej. bPOT CASU. Paid far late modal toarlnaT cars aad roadatara. Msat be In good rondiuee, TUiv IHRO CAR KXCHANCik, 827 Washlagtea street. Broadway S4od. lJJSa A 8ILVA. Ante wreckers. We wreck cars and sbts yea BO par cant aa parta Sand In the parts yea nece eee wre win aopucate tnern. Aatea boaght. regardleaa ef condition. phone Eaet a4a. ta;' Hawthorne are. WAkiT aatemoblle In exchange for choice besck lets at Tiiiameok ueacn. Adjoins railroad aad ceaaty road. Addreaa AJ SI I, Oregonlan. WANTED Ta rent Ford ar light car for twe weeks: win pay good price. Apply Koom aoa rtenann itotei. WANT light auto; will glee ST acrea all aah. Phone Mala 8714. clear aad eoama Mall. .11 Weak, a BRI40 yowr Dodge. Rulrk. Ford or light car ta .ta ZTB cnioa ate. n.; good spot raah prir-e. Adrvz. BvHi LIBERTY bond and balance cask for Iodga. tiulcR ar any good, light car; give full particulars. AB 247. Oregonlan. ISaO TO B4BO for good Ford. Aik for Cam- eren "chool. union Iff. and w aro sta. WIIJ. pay $4 down and Baa menlk for light auto, r .oa. urrioDian. AUTO WANTED Will give clear lot In ex change; price 1TJO. BIT toroett blrlg. Motorrv rjea. FOR SALE IBIS Davtnn motorcycle, fully equipped. like aew, iijv. call tea a-aat bth atreat eouth. Aot, aoMlee for Hire. yr.w cars to rent WITHOUT DHIVfcKS. SB LUXE aV YI.INDF.lt, B OR T-PA8-P ft NO H R. VAXOM'. -CTt.lNbFR, B-PASFKVnitR. fACKARDa. CHFVROLETS, ioRDti. ALL. NEW CARS. O. N. f kITU. THIRD AMD OI.I8AN BDWT. SrrB. PRAC.OS AI'TO I-EH VICE C.ood cars. compataot drivera. biatk and waahlDBioa. Main T. XW CARS FOR RENT WITHOUT DRIV ER". C N SMITH. THIRD A.ND G Li BAN ttTB. A 2aV. rtIWT. 21-1. , r j i a u'lTunne tioifvoa New cars, reasonable ratea. Clly Qarase. 34 Tenth SU Broadway 840. B-PABa. Dadge for hire, louring, calling. shopping, highway. Broadway 3S47. Al-1. day on ike Highway. 3X30 sack. Wood lawa 33u7. AUTOS without driver for hire. Faahlon Oarage. lOtb and Yamhill. Mar. 133. A 1344. NEW 7-paea. a. highway, depots, funerala. calllag. ahopplng. reaaoaabla Eaat 4 IK 3. W1XT ED MlTFI.lJlFOr8. WASTEtV TWO POOL, TABLES. COV- PLETE, RALLS. HTS, ETC.; GIVE PRIi-E AND ALL DETAILS IS FIRST LETTER. R 1.4. OREGO.NIAN. 8EOND-HAND c.othlng wanted. J. Mayer, the taller, peys 87-30 end up for suits; he pars more for ehoee and clothing. We call anywhere In the rtty, dsy or erealog. Marshall 122B, er 2 Madison. Ol'R specialty Is buying ladlea' and gents' caat-oS clothing. Iltchast cask price paid. Wi t call day or right. PEOPLE S FKCOND-HAVD STORE. Marshall 8225. or 2H) Madlsoa St. WANTED T4 communicate wllh party ha tna Alaaka doga alee any Alaaka eaa tumee or Alaaka dog sled. Call Manager Strand Theater, rtiarannll noao. WANTED .31 nfle. repeater, short and long rifle. Wlnehetr or Remington: must be In rood ronditloa and cheap, p 2-12. ftragonian CAall rasister. receipt printer; eta'a beat raah prKa, also aad eeaditloa. S 343, Ora- BIlOWrASE. caN rexister. safe, other store fixtures BJ !7I. Oregonlan Jl'NK. rage, boltlee. aacka mate. a. old nothing, toola tioad prlcea Eaat 24. WANTED ta buy. potatoes. Simon a. 1st snd Aldst- WANTED White wooden, cr.b or rartole Svc. cosaiUoa. ftBTjoabla, Jaber b-7. WANTED k-IHCFI.I.ANEOrS. 3T.S0 AND UP 8T 80. Call Marshall 122B, or 329 Madlsoa St. to sell your cestoff clothing. J. Meysr, the Tailor, naya 87.50 and tip for second-hand aulta He pays mora for shoes and other clothing, we call any where In the city, day or evening- (.'all Marshall 12-:, or 32 Madlsoa. $100 AND CP 300 FOR MEN'S SUITS. GOLDSTEIN. THE TAILOR. PATS HMHEST PRICES FOR ALL KIXDS OF ECOND-HAND CLOTHING. SHOES. ETC WILL CALL ANY PART OF C1TV. PHONE MAIM 4774. 344 FIRST STREET. Ttetween Main and Madleon. WANTED Voters for the coming election to rote for free garbage hauling In order to keep up the prices on eegetaoiee ana fruit by hauling the surplus to the In cinerator and helping the poor farmers, snd also sating us the expense et having It heated away. Commission Merchant, r. at. Hmlth, Ml Montana ave. Paid Adr. WANTED Aa adjustable dress form, any make. Tabor 4784. Farnllnre Wajatcd. OBTVTTRTZ FTRNITCRB! COMPA2TT. IBS la 1B1 First St. BEST CASH PftlCES PAID FOR USE" Fl'RNlTLIRE. Stoves, ranges, rugs, store fixture res taurant outfits, hotels, rooming-homes, office furniture, furniture atocka; nothing toe bis or too email for us. Prompt Bt- tsotlon aad courteous treatment. MARSHALL Bl. ' A 8114. RE AT -IMPORTANT READ. We carry a greater varied assortment ef new aad uaed merchandise lass any etore In the city. There la hardly aa Item we do not buy and sen. we speciaiixs in ehelf and heavy hardware, sporting goods, household goods, office furniture, hotel and camp euppllee. When you have anything to buy or sell, call or phone MAIV 0O72. A TIT. LEVI V HARDWARE A FURNITURE CO 221-8-S Front St.. cor. Salmon. CALL MAIN BOB IMMEDIATELY. WE PAT THB HIGHEST CASH PRICES EVER PAID BY ANYONE IN THE CITY FOK FURNITURE. CARPETS, ETC. YOUR CALL WILL BRLNU THB BUY ER WITH TUB MONEY. KLIVsrs FURNITURE STORB. 1B3 FIRST ST.. NEAR TAYLOR. MAIN BUB. CASH. CASH. CASH. We will pay the highest price for your need furniture, carpels, stoves, rangee, of fice furniture, etc. Phone Marshall B8T aad anr buyer will call at once. CEVURTZ FTJRVrTURB STORB. 203 and 307 Flrat St. MISH FURNITURE CO. will pay highest caan pnoe ever paid lor used rurmture. cerpeta, ruga atovaa. rangea. arfloa fur Biture and fixtures. Xt will pay you ta call as Ton will be money ahead. M1SU 3-CRN7TURB CO. 184 FIRST. Mala B7S8. FELDCTEIN FURNITURE CO., 144-168 1st St., requires aecona-aana, xurniiure; ocet prleee paid. If you need any furniture, new or uaed, call on us and you will be aura of good treatment. Msin 463T I MUaT HAVE USED FURNITURE Spot caan ror your eocona-Bana furniture, car pete, alevea. ruga. etc. Call ue for one article or a hours fulL Phone and a courteous buyer will call. Main 4778. CALL Mala 784. We need your furniture; we win pay you minttt price for Its worth. Stoves, carpete and household gooda WE NEED SECOND-HAND FURNITURE or any description; have the ready cash. Phone today. Main 462T. or 204 First st MOST caah paid for furniture aad musical inatrumenta. Hall 4k c seel ay, 128 First erect. Main 'Ova. WANTED Second-hand household furni ture; large or small quantities; sood prices paid. Call up Marshall 632L FOR BALE ood set computing; goalee, re frigerators, cneeee cutter, corxee mill, etc., at very low prices. 143 Flrat at. FI LL value paid for eecoad-haad goesa. and .tunir. can at a in isi. . WINCHESTER and Remington automatlo A pump anorg-nns wanted, rjocnteia, ea ed. WE buy your dlamonde and old sold Jewelry for caan. .-ye wasnington st. HKillF.SX PRICES PAID for second-hand clnthea Mam P344. SHOWCASE, rash register, safe, other store flxturee. BJ 31. oregonlan. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE WANTED. WILL PAY CAeH. MAIN 8332. IF TOU waat ths most money for your used WILL pey best prlcea Marshall 3483. HELP WANTED MAIJS. WANTED Young man for general work In grocery store; muat be eepecjally good for delivery work: must be experienced and have Al reference: good salary for right man. Apply S5 3d et. GOOD wages and rapid advancement for strong boy to iurn good trade. Klelst m Co. B24 tillasa St. HOTEL nlxht clerk, experienced and under- etand switchboard; give phone oumber. B 23. Oregonlan. fcLDKRl.Y man wanted as messenger for an otrice: small salary, hut permanent po eitlon. P 331. Oreaonlan. K. P. RASK. Please call at 0.1 First at. or call Main ftfielS and sek for msnager. WANTED ntrong lad to work In bakery. royal Bakery, un ana Everett, Call after 10 A- M. STRONCl boy wanted to learn automatlo printing press; good wagee. rapid advance- meat Rlelet Oo.. ft 24 Oliean at. WANTED A good atable man and 3 men ..,- a-. a., ti aa ... day. Apply 20 Grand ave. W. J. SnlMvan. WANTED Blacksmith aad horeeshoer; Job ail year rouna te rignt man. Address box 238, Sliverton. r. PACKER wsnted for wholeeale auto supply house. Apply cnaaeiar A Lyon Co., Broad way and Couch. BOYS from 14 to IB for laboratory work. Apply 8 A. M. B.umauer-Frank Drug Co.. park and Everett eta YOUNG men for genersl work In tea and coffee etore: one with some experience prererreu. Apply at weanington st. SALESMAN to learn retail bualnoaa: good opportunity for advancement, cavil B to 2 A. am. air. itiaew. lot H sc. CLERK retail claar etore; experience not (eceaaary; advancement: salary 320 weekly to start, air, uioaa. ipt aa at. MEN wanted to work on river sleamboata 3.0 Per month ana Doara. Apply ashing -ton-street dock. -ROOM furnished flat, 820: alao a suite of housekeeping rooms, fla.ou. sou Aim at. Marshall 4174. a ' all DOLE-AG ED man to clerk In clgsr store from T to 10 a. m.. o to :so p. M. ; stats s.tlary and phone. AR 340, Oregonlen. EXPERIENCED pants praeeer can find steady work at the Hrownevllla .Woolea .Villa. Morrleon at Third at. MAN with aome knowledge of hardware to fill ordero In wnoleaale house. Appty Rica A Phelsa. Front and Oak sts. CARPENTER, flrst-claaa mechanic, to con tract carpenter wora on now nouse: nust lere only. Phons Tabor 1800. CUD aula-driver, or grocery store; muat have experience; good salary. Call 840 1st et. MARRIED man for general farming; prefer one who unaersianaa milking ana orchard. Main 406A. MAN to do Janitor work; steady employ ment. v ra. oaoaoy ex sons, u ana tor. WANTED -Second-hand, electrically-operat ed cash registers, r .n-j. tjregonian. WANTED Fliet-ciaas ladles tailors. 203 U obe bitg.. eu wssn. st. COOK wants camp Job; all -around man. 43 Clay st. WANTED Boy with wheel or motorcycle; steady Job. ciarxe urns, nonets. MARRIED man for general farm or dairy by the y-sr. rteia. xmj vviicox Diog. WANTED Experienced bus boy. Apply Sewsrd Hotel dining-room. ANIToR wanted, eingle man or coupla Apply 4B N. 33d. apt. 4: good pay. EXPERIENCED automobile drivers wanted. Oregon. Taxi r., tn-egon Hotel. WANTED WANTED Janitor. Call at BS1 Malmon street EXPERIENCED Jsnltor and wife. King Al bert Apta.. inn snq Montgomery. BOY 16 yrars old to make himself ussfuL Lion doming ao.. worrtson at etn. BOY. after or boot, 16 or over, with wheei.' good per, apply 1 noarn or Trego bldg. WANTED A bor with wheel. Chappell Flower rtiop. ear ainmson st. WANTED A truck driver. Apply 473 Xsst Hurnside. - YOL'NtJ man. stesdr work, food wages. Morgan rtaxox vorae. rimt ana eaimon. RELIABLE man wanted to fire boilers. Ap ply to KnlrQt ranting cq . th snd Airier. MAN and wife, muat be hotel cook; good wager, rnopo proeuway .3.1s. WANTED F:xpeienced elevator operator. iWaedaatB.yJI ai ajy, VBala. HELP WANTED MALE. UJVCLE 5AM WANTS EVERT MAN AT ma r-ois r. Tour post la the place yon ara best fitted ta fill. Why not EAR! MORE PAT TOUR BILLS and DO XOUR BIT at the same time? This Is the greatest moment" la history for a well-advised readjustment of your ma Middle-aged men can "come back" no Boys must fill the soldiers' places The r u. c. A. EmDlovment and Ad Isory department la able to glvs prlcsless advice It puts you into tne largeai oiat you are able to fill successfully. Al Employment membership of 85 has been devlssd bscause we know that a man without work deserves special consiasra Don't miss this modern, aolentiflo and thoroughly business-like way of securing a poeitlon. ... Phone Main 8700. A 856L Call at once In person If possible. WE ARE offering ateady and Summer env nlnwm.nt I. ItlulM AVer 1 A ... T . foT GOV' ernment work and regular 11 nee. This work la especially desirable for mutes. Wo are now employing about 400. Our factory aoaratai S dava Der week, oa three eight- hoar shifts While learning operations we pay you 85o per hour plua 10 per cent bonus on all wages for steady attendance computed In weekly periods. Alter learn tna tsa work which takaa from ona to six weeks, you are able to earn from 33. to Bo per aay ana oeuer. We refund R, R. fare not over 810 In 80 dsys and not over 320 In 60 dsya Ws aid in sscunna room a Atnietice ana. cu- urstlonel onnortunitlea ara offered. Apply In person or communlcats with Factory Employment uiuce. int uoou year Tire A Rubber Company. Akron. Ohio. WANTED Ambitious, healthy young man. by a large electrical manufacturer to learn the electrical buelness. An opportunity for a young man who la not afraid of hard work to advance. Only thoae looking for a steady Job, which calls for application, and Incllnatloa toward a high-grade me chanical and electrical Una of work need apply. Appilcanta must be single, between the arae of 17 and 21 and have a high school sducatloa or its equivalent. Wages 26 snd 27 cente per hour, with bonus pay ments and a 48-hour wsek. Address, wllh refer enree, Y 807, Oregonlan. U. S. GOVERNMENT EMPLOYMENT SERVICE. 14T DAVIS STREET. Common laborers urgently needed In shipyards, oeod wages, immeuiate em ployment. Ooed opportunities for promo ttoa. WANTED Thoroughly experienced man in the manufacture of sheet metal and heavy plate produots: must bs a good organiser of men. eystemauc. agreeaDie ana inor eughly understand manufacturing euch goods In the most economical manner. Oeod position and good pay to right party. In answering, give age. experience and names 01 past employers, a. aui. ura genlan. AUDITOR far a aabstantlal corporation. young; man praxerrea. wot nee oaq aiiw runoa in the office af a certified subllo accountant and knowa cost accounts and hew to handle man, Muat ba a good ex ecutive and have a sood peraonallty. Ap plications will ba treated in confidence and must be In own handwriting, with full details, ta eecure interview, uooa oppor tunity for right man. AO 206. Oregonlan, V a J 1 M. r irai-aiaaa. ' -i" .......... ' . . 1. .. , . w u.i. a C . nl 1 1 1 1 . lax in BTfiaia anuii w.i... ..iu.vbu also flrat-elass bollermaker. Steady em ployment and sood wages to competenl ana eooer men; none, oinoa " i" j Tranaportatioa furnished; give full record. Address B. M. Helgho. general manager BOTS WANTED. 16 TO 20 TEARS. BAO FACTORY. AMES. HARRIS, NEV1LLB CO, 1STH AND HOTT STS. DELTVERT BOTS Apply auperlntendent's office, 8 to 10 A. Al., 01 as. wort man t King. fCV wanted bv Portland Oaa A Coke Co. at Oasco, on l.lnnton roao. meaay employ ment; pay 38.80 to 85 per day. Take free bus st garage. Front and GUsan sta, 6 A. M., or 23d and Savior at 7:13 A. M. Apply et gee plsnt ortlce. WANTED RECEIV1NO CLERIC. LEIOHTON'S DAIRY LUNCH, BROADWAY AND WASH. U. S. GOVERNMENT EMPLOY MH..M arvvirr. . i iitvin n i ivr. r. i . Common laborers urgently needed In shipyards; good wsges; Immsdlato em ployment: sood opportunities for pro motion OPPORTUNITY for clerk, laundry or milk route anver to iiititnoa m e -liave a good tea and coffee routs for tne ngni man; a ouainess oa ruur own. Bend and ref. required. Phone East 358. m zB, urrionian. HELP WIN THB WAR. The Portland Woolen Mills need add! tlensl men to eld In making clothing and biankata for the soldiers, bteaay ana at tractive work. Apply Portland Woolen Mills. Bt. Johns. MACHINISTS Experienced men wanted for steady Job. vaiveiesa rump & rounary Co. 2S HOOd SU WANTED B men with magaslns sxpe- lience; muat be live wiree ior we nave eomethlng new to offer the public. Call before 10 A. M. Sunset .Magazine Co.. BOB Stock Exchange btog. WANTED Young man or willing lad to hslp with Jsnltor work oetore ana siiet- etuay noure. in exensngo tor puainess col lege course. Phone Broadway 1821 or write to C 217. Oregonlan WANTED Young man or woman, experi enced In sawmill office, who can handle typewriter. Call TOJ Northwastera Bank bldg. SHIPYARD laborere wanted, Astoria. Or. Rapid advancement to able men. Apply Geo. F. Rodgers Co., 506 Concord bldg. 2d snd Stark sis.. Portland. Oregon. BOYS and man ta insert papers Saturday night only. Boys must he 16 years old. Inquire of E. D. Dswey, basement Ore gonlan oiag. MEN WANTED Conductora and motormen wanted. Call room 802 Electric, building, er division superintendent's office at the earbsrns. P. R.. L- A U. Co. WANTED At onoe, flrst-claaa experienced knee bolterman to work on left-banded machine. Apply Weetern Cooperage Mill office. Phone .Columbia 82. WANTED At once, flrst-claaa automobile trimmers. woodworksrg and painters. Write Alex Christie A Co. 1100 East Pike at., Seattle. Wash. WANTED Good boys avsr 16 yeare for charglng-room and work oa floor In de psrtmsnts; good chance for sdvsncement. Apply Lowengart A Co.. 11 N. Broadwey. WANTED All-around country printer, more especially pressman for cylinder and plat en preeses; 8 hours, but non-union. Leader Herald. Nampa. Idaho. WANTED Young man with hardware a tore experience, good opportunity for right man; must brlnB recommendations. Rail way Equipment Co.. 233 Stark st. WANTED Advance aalesman to call on re tall trade. 330 per week and better for right man. -O 247. Oregonlan. WANTED Two auto trucks with trailers snd drivers te hsul logs by the thousand. Harris Lumber Compsny. Wren. Or. MEN 16 to 18 years and np to learn candy trade. Vegaa Candy Co., S. 11th and Flsndsrs. MOVINO picture operator, evenlnge only; state experience, referencea, salary ax- pec teoi-av WANTED Experienced trailrosd machlnlat for general shop work, lathe man. Addreaa AL Tl74. Oregonlan. LABORERS. 8 hours. 40o per hour; steady vtork. Weitera Reduction Co.. 24th and Nlrolsl. BOOKKEEPER wantsd; bank individual ledger work; must be fast and accurate. East 4i LIVE WIRE ad solicitors, good man can . OAA a mnnlll SUA XCKeaan make ova - -" " - -bldg. Call between 11 and 1 o'clock. JANITOR, slngls or married, couple without children, for Trinity Apartment House, 48 Trinity Place. 13-T EAR-OLD boy to work In garage: good references required. Milwaukle, Or. Phone WANTED Ao experienced dining room steward or head waitress. Write Hotel Os borne. Eugene. Oregon. MEN to work In stockroom, hardware ex perience preferred. Apply Jones Cash Store, Front gnd Oak sta WANTED Blacksmiths, riveters, tinsmiths and laborere; working conditions good. Apply Cosst Culvsrt A Flume Co., Kenton. JANITOR and wife wsnted for modern apt? house; wsges good. O 841. Oregonlan. WANTED Drivera aad platform men. In quire 87 Bth ex. WANTED Able-bodied men at American Can Co.. 14th end Front sta BARBER wanted. Apply Morgan Bldg. Bar ber bliop- WANTED A good meat cutter. Apply 812 East Brisdwsy. PORTER wanted. Union elation barber io. aol tat xttJi K tfttff. HFXP WANT FT) MA I.E. DAIRYMAN WANTED A man with wife who milks, or a aon who would help with the milking and farm work preferred- This farm is located at urays xtiver, wasn.. 22 miles north or Astoria. Barn ana equip ment are new and modern in everv par tlcular. The man who takes this farm and runs It right may have the privilege 01 renting; If he prefers. The investment i large and soil and climate are right for dairying. Mall steamer comes to farm dally. Write W, N. Meserve, Grays River. Wash., for partlculara WANTED A real saieaman between 40 and. 30. man who wants to flu opening which 1 permanent: nositlon offers good salary and commissions, expenses advanced; territory selling wholesale groceries direct to farm era Write all about yourself In first let ter. A 229. Oregonlan COLLECTOR Young man, $13 week to start; good chance lor advancement. State ace. references. B .84, Oregonlan. EXPERIENCED picture fitter for picture framing department- Apply between 8 and 11 A. M., superintendent's office, basement balcony. Meier at rank co. WANTED Young man between 21 and 40 who la dissatisfied with present employ- ment and wants something better; state age, past experience and present income; all replies treated confidential. J 228, Oregonlan. WANTED A live salesman for city work will pay you well and arive you good train ing, according to the best methods: state your age, selling experience and phone number; all replies treated confidential. 1 am. oregonlan. FIVE additional advertising solicitors, quick oik special numoer automnn o naner. 13. OoO copies: liberal commission contracts cashed quickly; new selling feature; one solicitor made 327 on one order. Apply iwr. dyne. Ad Mgr.. 208 Slock Exch. bldg. WANTED Experienced timekeeper, familiar witn cost distribution, lumber plant lowar v-oiumoia rliver; good salary to rlgnt man. Apply personally, G. F. Peeke, Portland noiei, Between 2 and 0 P. Al. this week. Wednesday. WANTED Man to serve as nightwatchman and office Janitor in wholesale house. 12 noun; Sunday nights off: 87Q to start with possibility of more If you make rood. Anaa-tr, stating age, experience and refer encea. m .ow, uregoman. WANTED Boy for office work; large news paper: aoaa mare tor wmine- worker chance for advancement: 810 week to start. Apply at once. ASK lor Eord, ore gonisn business office. VULCANIZER Good on canine.; will pay eitner piece work with guarantee, or good salary with extra bonus. Fine opportunity ior amDitioua man. z?t, oregonlan. WANTED Meter reader. Ajiply In own nanuwnting. giving previous experience, salary expected and phono number. F 2dS, oregonisn. BOY WANTED; ONB THAT 18 WILLING TO WORK. CALL. AT THIS DAVID HODES CO., BROAD WAT AT FLAN DERS ST. WANTED Truck driver; must be ateady ana wen recommended and willing to work in warehouse; particulars, wages to right party, apply zou r ront st. WANTED Young mil to drive Hunt de livery truck and help In wholesale ship ping-room; sood Chance for advancement. 1ST Second St. WOODWORKER wanted. New Haven Car riage Works. N. K. comer 4fh and Gllsan WANTED Willing young man for outside and inside grocery work. Alain 4io. FIRST-CLASS grocery clerk at once, $20 per week to start. 1310 sandy nouievara. DISHWASHER wanted, man or woman. The Park Hotel, 8th and Gllsan. Help Wanted Salesmen. TWO exnert sales managers for Oregon Washington-Idaho territory. stanaara talking machine line. Commissions of good men average $125 weekly, with bo nuses. Only first-clans, successful salea- men need apply. Weekly, advance against 'commlsslone. s zoo. oregonlan. WANTED MOTOR TRUCK SALESMEN. SIDE LINE DUMP BODIES. TRAILERS AND LOADERS. GOOD PAY. CALL ON . SALES MANAGER. 71 BROADWAY. WANTED AGENTS. WANTED Live agents to distribute Na tional Honor tnbleta In Portland and sur rounding territory; commission 20 per cent; can earn 320 per day easily. Write V. s. Army Kecrulter, tawj Market etreet, Ban Francisco, for further parttcuiara. A SPLENDID opening for ladies outside of Portland; demonstrators, ealea agenta end dlntrlbutora; instant polish! sample 10c, refunded If not satisfied; also ladies for spare time at 50c per hour. Dept. IS, xie stork Excnange Ding. AGENTS, at once. Sell BOo per month hos pital tickets, xoo coroett niag. HELP WANTED FFMAlt ( GIRLS. IB OR OVER, TO WORK IN BAO FAC TORY; GOOD w WAGES; STEADT EMPLOTMENT. APTLY AT ONCE. AMES HARRIS NEVILLE CO. 15TH AND HOTT STS. WANTED WOMAN TO BAKU POTATOES. LAYTON'S ANMEA, l.e jjkuauiiai. GIRLS for fancy feather work; eome milll- aery experience. Hartnesa Plume tnop. cor. Pork and YamhllL EXPERIENCED waltrees wanted; good wanes. Call arter ll A. ai., loung t,nina Grill. 133 Park at. COMPETENT girl for billing; stats expe rience ana salary axpecteo. sl sou. urcgo nian. GIRLS for labeling. Apply 8 A. M. Blu- meuer-lr rank urug Co., j-ars: ana ,vsr- etl sts. GIRLS wanted, steady employment at good waxes. Apply iroy Liunorj wo., tu. iurn and Pine streets. NOTICE All kinds of positions waiting for women and girls at Hansen a, room oui. Raleigh bldg., 327 Washington st. WANTED Experienced girl to work la candy kitchen, call lsio nawtnorne ave., near 4"th st. A LADY to attend switchboard and assist in office: small hotel. 1 nours weekdays, 4 Supdeyr. $1 per day. AP 154. Oregonlan. WANTED Women for light work In fac tory: working conditions good. Apply Coast culvert ex lume o., aanion, WANTED A bookkeeper: must have some knowledge ox xjpow.tiii. x ix, Ore gon Ian. WANTED School girl to go to beach thla Summer, have care or a-year-oia ooy. Telephone K. 3120. - WANTED Able-bodied women and girls ovsr 18 years old at American can Co., 14th and Front sta EXPERIENCED hands, dressmaking depart ment, permanent worn, noo Broadway, across from Heilig Theater NEAT girl for general housework; good weges: no wanninxt. Appiv moroinfts, ozv Thompson st. Telephone East 8012. STENOGRAPHER, capable and efficient. willing worker, rurnisn reference. Good ealary. AO CP-fl. Oregonlan. COMPETENT bookkeeper for wholesale house; state aouny auu eaoenence; kieo furn. ref. Good salary. BC 81, Oregonlan. WANTED Experienced bookkeeper and aieUOgrapner ior raBma.iirio vwBiLiua o of city. 8 24S. Oregonlan. EXPERIENCED waitress, 311 per week, 6 . . , , . T) ... ....... 1 AT X? art. . fiayS. .lewpul I nr.- cm mi on. et. GIRL to work In confectionery store; one with experience preierreu. atain sto. GIKL to run errands. James, Kerns A Ab bott CO.. pin ana r lanaers. GIRLS wanted at once. Columbia Paper Box CO., Er. totn aim xxoiuuay. WANTED Teachers for mission school. 206 'j second st. at o cioca i-. bt. WANTED Chambermaid. Hotel Hojt, Bth and Hoyt sts WANTED Bright girl for shop work. Pa cific Coast bump woras, oo xsroaaway. EXPERIENCED waitress wanted. Call after 11 A. .. Jianuann cam, Jitn Jiornioo. PRIVATE home for children. 8 to 13 years Old: It years exp. I l nvrimt. mar, tofc CHORUS GIRI.I3 Higheet wages. long an- gsgements. no traveling, vasino i neater. WANTED Waitress. Public Restaurant. 384 East Burnslde. East livv. WANTED Chambermaid for the Portland Hotel, rail at room 20. WANTED A chambermaid. Apply Foster OaM. laiW aUa UBYIB B opiaa HELP WANTED FEMALE. TELEPHONE OPERATORS. Our rapidly growing business af fords an unusual opportunity at this tlms for young women who desire to take up telephone, work. We do not require -previous experience, but will instruct you and pay you from the beginning. Many young women In Portland ara now engaged In this Interesting work. They find it pleas ant and profitable. Salaries are good and advancement rapid. We sug gest that you come and talk the matter over with Miss Thomas at the omp!oyment office between 8:30 A. M. and 6:80 P. M. Call at TELEPHONE COMPANY. Sixth Floor. Room 601. Park and Oak Streets. LADY to take charge of small home. Nob HUI district, two adults, two children. 'Marshall SOOO. WANT young girl to assist with housework; wages according- to girl. Apply Mrs. L. R. Bailey. 1320 Alameda ave.. corner E. 47th. Phone Tabor 2280. -Experience not neces sary. GIRLS wanted to address envelopes by hand; ...uei 00 goou. speeay writere. Apply at once. 222 Stark st. SMART girl to answer phone; must be very tu..". ai receiving messages over phone; pieaaant rolce; good wages end permanent position. Broadway Dys Works, corner i.aim ave. anu ocnuyier st. WANTED Good, reliable lerlv m.ixr iiguree. for cashlsr In office of Oaks -amusement rarK. Must give bond and have good city referencea Call at office wctaeen a ana e O CIOCK. V. H. I, ADD. WANTED A Klrl to aaslat with Ileht hoi.a wora ana nerp care ror little girl B years old; experience not neceesary; may have anr overling out urn wo are not going our.. iHwr 199. WANTED 3 young ladlee, nice appearing. must be over 18 yeare of age: 315 to $20 per week. Call before 10 o'clock. 309 cov-a xAunango Plug. WANTED Housekeeper for man and two man cniiuren; good home; permanent Piece ior ngni party. Apply 2318 43d St. E. Catholic preferred. TYPISTS wanted: must be accurate operator mil air epoeu. Jtppiy 2.a BtaTIC St, WANTED Competent young lady for aub- 11 oan ury gooae stare; state experience vi aaiarr eapeotoo. xi rat tetter. Li 188. Oregonlan. GIRLS wanted to fold circulars. Apply at a., oxavra ex.. BOOKKEEPER-STENOGRAPHER, good po aiiiuu ior oxuar sncaa. onmMi.nt nernn references; pleasant surroundings. H 236, caoniaii. GIRLS wanted to address envelopes by nana, muse oe gooa, speeay writers. Ap ply at once. 222 Stark st. WANTED Several young ladles between ages or ia and 22, blonde or auburn- tin 1 red preferred. Apply 4 P. M. today, Liberty Theater. WANTED First-class bookkeeper; must be expenencea ana nave good referencea Call at office of Oaks Amusement Park petween -t and 4 o'clock. d. k. ladd. COMPETENT cook; references; wages $45 10 au nave laundress and second girl four adults. Mrs. R. Koehler. 173 N. if til St. mono K roadway 3120. TYPEWRITER BILLER One who under stands Waal adding attachment. Apply superintendent s ottice, v to iu A. Al. uias, Wortman A King. GIRLS wanted to fold circulars. Apply at once, za btark at. STRONG and Industrious woman to learn vulcanizing traao: gooa chance for right party. See Mr. Walter, John A. Walter Co.. 6th. Pine and Ankeny sts. GOOD plain cook for cannery mesa averag ing live men: would employ woman with one child: nice place, light work; wages $50. Apply 1107 Yeon bldg. TYPIST wanted; must be accurate operator with lair speed. Apply z.e stark st. WANTED Young girl or lady as vaudeville partner with Hawaiian actor. Addrcsa r 237. Oregonlan. HOU8EKEEPER wanted, about 40; Dur ham, on Oregon Electric Addrees W. H. Montgomery, Sherwood. Or. Route 1. WANTED A housekeeper at 6607 62d ave. S. E. ; no children; no washing, call Be tween 13 and 2 P. M. WAITRESSES for soda fuuntain lunch. Ap ply V to 10 A. M., superintendent s orilce. Olds. Wortman A King. Stenographer itnd bookkeeper, $100; .. stenograpner, sou; nictapnone operator, II J. ovi v. nana oioa. ANY girl la need of a friend apply to the Salvation Army Rescue Home. ID 3 East 15th st. N.. or phone East 123. SEWING girl; dreeemaklng chop. Apply In person. S221,; Hroaqway. J A Nl TRESS, for floor maid, private hoa- pltal. Phone Broadway 1208. WANTED A hall woman, or man; $50 mo. and room. Rainier Hotel. TRAY girl. Phono Broadway 1266. WAITRESSES wanted at 83 Grand ave. Wanted Domeeties. WANTED Woman for cook and do gonerai houaework. assist In care or children, coun try girl preferred: wages 340. Apply 1498 E. Lincoln, cor. 5oth. Hawthorne car. EXPERIENCED girl, getieral houeework; must be good cook ; small family, no wasn Ing, good wagea Telephone before 1 P, M., Marshall 3474. WANTED Woman for cook and do general housework, asaiet in care of children ; country girl preferred ; wages $40. Apply 14VM F. Lincoln, cor. Both. Hawthorne car. GIRL for general housework: no washing. $30 to $40 per mo. Apply at once, 849 E. 87th St. WANTED A woman to work In small coun try hotel; one wno can coos. Addreaa Knappa Hotel, Knappa, Or. WANTED Nice working girl to keep house for gentleman, 32. workman; noject noma. Address box 64, Oak Point, Wash. GIRL for general housework in family of two; must be good cook; no washing wages from $45 to $30. 819 Overton st A COOK for private family; no other work required. Apply to un. Burrow. b?tt flaw thome avenue, pnone East ai. WANTED Confident woman to take care of baby and assist in upstairs work, close In, West Side; good wagea Phone Main S64. LEARN lllustrstlng, cartooning; eaay, sure, spare time, home study, write for In terview. P. O. box 24. Portlsnd. WANTED 2 competent girls, one cook, one pantry gin; small lamuy. can .e si. Clair st. GIRL for general housework; no washing; no Sunday dinner; gooa wages, s.o -Kearney St.. neA- 25th. Marshall 1491. CAPABLE girl for second work; reference; best wagea 640 Flanders st. jrnono Broadway 2493. GENERAL housework, good wages; second girl kept- Aiarsnaii nun. in c. a. a, near Glisan. WANTED Experienced maid. general housework; must oe gooa cook: small family; no laundry; wages 840. Esst 5004. WANTED Girl or woman for general housework; no wasning. let, a. in-t. COMPETENT nurse maid for care of child 3 years old, aiain iv. WANTED School girl to assist with house- . . . '- - - ,'.ti a. a WOrK, BtSy Oil BUnilllgl.. a.. J-.a.v .i-rv. EXPERIENCED girl to assist with gsneral housework, email lamuy. r.. p-hp. GIRL for general housework. J117 Cleve land ave. w. a. cai GIRL in good home, housework In flat, $30, small ramny. e. ooio. WANTED A girl for light housework. Call Woodiawn .'oa. OIRL for light houeework, small family. 1217 l-lawtnorne ave. i qiqq. GIRL to assist with housework, family of S . . ..a C..11 x.'... acno adults; wagea ' i o-j. WANTED Girl to care for children. East 2144. GIRL for houeework; no cooking. 791 Love- Joy. Main zti. GIRL for upstairs work and mending. 813, uregoman. GIRL for general housework; good wages; o wssning. tui l nurman sr. WANTED A competent second girl. Apply 15 Norm .0111 St.. COr. ijQVe.ioy. GIRL for housework, no cooking and Sun days orr. Aiain iupo. WANTED Girl for general housework. No washing, good nome. 101 r.verett st. WANTED Experienced chambermaid. H.O. $01 afa-onlUiIaa 0 JYaaUUiaWO. 1. HELP WANTED FEMALE. Wanted! Domestics. NEAT, refined housekeeper, for two farm ers, near Portland: only good, economical cook need apply. Extra pay if can milk.. No objection to boy who could do chores; good schools. Give wages wanted, address and phone first letter. No matrimony. AV 828, Oregonlan. GIRL attending high school or college may obtain a congenial home and remunera tion for services a few hours a day In as sisting with household dune. Call Broad tvay 10S8. A MIDDLE-AGED man wants a middle-aged woman as housekeeper. Apply to day watchman at Multnomah Box & Lumber Co. at foot of Bancroft ave.. South Port- land. A good opportunity for right party. WANTED Cook for private family; wages $45. Telephone E. 8126. HELP WASTED MALE OB FEMALH. SALESMAN, no order taker, to call on coun try business and professional men to pre sent high-grade business service; commis sion basis with guarantee; our men make $300 to 3500 clear per month; clean-out, legitimate proposition, well established and favorably known. Write postofflce box 723, Portland; give phone number. SPINNERS WANTED. GOOD WORK. GOOD PAY. OREGON CITY WOOLEN MILLS. OREGON CITY. WANTED Woman or young man to stay In office at night; bed furnished. Phono Mar. 4271. , RELIABLE, experienced person to manage refreshment counter. Apply at Cotillion Hall. Mr. Rlngler. MAN and wife, tailor preferred. Address P 236, Oregonlan. TEACHERS All kinds of teaching posi tions. M. 4835. Flsk Teachers' Agency. EDUCATIONAL. BURSELL PRIVATE BUSINESS SCHOOL. YOU have the position offered you. YOU have ability and have business experience In a general way and only need a little special training to be able to accept. THINK what this means to you. We can give you this training. Individual Instruc tion, day and evening classes; your ad vancement is rapid. Our school has up-to-date methods. Like office work. Shorthand. Typewriting. Bookkeeping. Remlngton-Wahl, Office Training. Spell ing. Business English. Adding Machine; also correspondence course. Phone Broad- -way ,5001. Lumbermen's building. Fifth and Btark. Miss F. Bursell. Prlnclpsl.: BURSELL PRIVATE BUSINESS SCHOOL. The school with up-to-date methods, In dividual Instruction, rapid advancement; deny and evening classes: also correspond ence courses. Enroll before advance In rates. Lumbermen's bide, Bth and Stark. Phone Broadway 6601. Miss F. Bursell. MISS DECKER'S PRIVATE BUSINESS COLLEGE. Individual Instruction. Rapid advance- . ment. Short Practloal Course. Shorthand. Typewriting, Bookkeeptng, Spelling, Dic taphone. Mimeographing. Office Training, Adding and Filing. Allsky Bldg., 3d and Morrison. ORIGINAL HOLER BARBER COLLEGE Founded in 181)3. Trade taught in eight ' weeks- tuition earned during the course; get you a position, furnish tools, scholar ship transfer card. Write for free cala logue. 234 Burnsirie St. PRACTICAL training in gas. electrical and ateam engineering, mechanical drawing, machine-shop practice. oxy-scetylene welding, automobile and tractor operating . and repairing. Write for catalogue. Se attle Engineering School. Seattle. Wash, MEN, WOMEN, learn the barber trade: shortage of barbers all over the country: . big wages; $5 to $10 per week earned while learning. THE BIG SCHOOL. Phone Broadway 1731. MOHLER BARBER COL- LEGE. 21)4 Burnmnc at. PORTLAND'S ONLY EXCLUSIVE TELE GRAPH SCHOOL, Conducted by experts; personal attention, practical work: heavy demand for operators. $73 to $SJ to start. Fuller's Telegraph School. Allsky bldg. SPECIAL OFFER. 10 days onlv. Tuition fee half prlre. ADC0X AUTO SCHOOL. UNION AVE. AND WASCO STREET. THE ADCOX AUTO SCHOOL. 374 Wasco St.. Cor. Union Ave. Call, write or phone E. 7443 about free trial offer. Day and night classes. MISS MATTING LY'S Sliorthsnd. Typewrit ing School, day, evening. $3 monih. .88 14th, near Jefferson. Main 3808. MRS. HANNUMS SHORTHAND SCHOOL, day and night. Tillamook and Ganten betn. East 3860. TELEGRAPH, steno.. bkpg.. board, room, tuition may be earned. Catalogue free. MacKay Business College. I.os Angeles. MEN. WOMEN, losin bsrber trade free, wages while learning: position guaranteed. Oregon Barber College. 233 Madison st. PORTLAND BARBER COLLEGE teaches men snd women the barber trade- free. Paid while learning. 234 Couch st. YATES-FISHER TEACHERS' AGENCY Free registration. 811-12 Broadway bldg. Main 6274. FRENCH CLASSES. 301 Corbett Bldg. Main 1026. Armstrong-Holmes Business College. Flledner Dlag., day ana evening- ju."".r m... xr-cxr-v-r.tr .nH nl.no leeanns: European teach ers: highest reterencea. xoo umniu.i. ... SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. AMERICAN, 23 years of age, 5 years .. stenographic, omce ana sailing M"i ence. leaving railroad account Govern ment control, desires position as private secretary or lit reliable establishment where Industry and loyalty will a In ad- vanccment; exempt from draft, o .4 Oregonlan. HARDWARE MAN with eight years' ex perience. Is open to position with good hardware firm wnere sonny a.... gence are recognized. Knows the " from the ground up. ndca'b.. hnt Ing management of retail business, but prefer position ss salesman; beat pi rei erences. Address 910. Oregonlsn. EXPERT TRAFFIC HELP SCARCE, c- i ... vmir railroad overcharge, loss snd damage clalme or other traffic trou "es. INDUSTRIAL TRAFFIC BUREAU. Ttcnm 1. 208 Alder st. Marshall 1548. EXPERIENCED msn. collodions, credits or department manager, familiar wl.li all lines, but prefer groceries or rau nuau . local references. AM 331. Oregonlan. EXPERT timekeeper, etc. paet draft age. at present empioyeu a-m. .-.-...-. camp, desires change of employment. E camp, desires change 1HU, uregoniao. MAN and wife, one 2-year-old child want ranch work. Walla Walla or Pendleton country preferred. P 235. Oregonlan. STATIONARY steam engineer, good machin ist, wants steady place. Address room 4. 87Qt. East Morrison st. Phone Eaat 795. FiftKT-CLASS florist, vegetable and land scape gardener; flrst-claaa references; wants Dosition. F 256. OreannJatK . PAINTING, tinting, papernsnking oy a pertencad workman, estimates furnished. Marshall in; eveiiui,. WANTED Any kind of a position for two hours after 0 o'clock, by Japanese boy. AP 197. Oregonlan. . , a TAPANESE music student wsnts posi lion in music "tore. EF 191, Oregon.an. CAPABLE Joung Japanese wants a Position at garage in en... KALSO MINING, painting, plasler-pstchtng. Reasonable. Main t32!. WANTED Work forenoons, clerical or la bor. BO 78. Oregonlan. HOUSE and garden work, hour pr piece. Broadway 2894. A 1147. A-l CARPENTER builds and repairs by contract. Call Woodiawn 1.6. FOR all kinds of brick and cement work call Tabor 7204. AUTOMOBILE machinist, truck driver or chauffeur. Apply ''"" Blackstone Hotel. Bookkeepers. Stenographers. Office. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper- and talleyinan desires employment at lumber mill at rea sonable salary. Address C. E., Delmajo Hotel. POSITION wanted by experienced logging camp bookkeeper: experienced scaler, buy er and timekeeper; not subject to draft. AL 278, Oregonlan. BOOKKEEPER wants position; ll years' ex perlence; exempt; best references. X 2)6. Oregonlan. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. -n.-ntiT.ri like a nositlon as traveling sales lady or companion to a xamuy. r .jo, ui-e- gonlan. A PLACE for a nice school girl to stay with a wealthy family ior company max it iw children. Call at 95 M Russell St.. roam 2'.', WOMAN wants day work washing and house cleaning: satisfaction guaranteed. Phone Broadway 506. A COLORED weman would like curtains to do up or would take wasning nome. lih East 1558. Mrs. Webb. YOUNG lady would like to do stenographic work in exchange lor f penisn lessons, r 2."5, Oregonian. WIDOW, with girl years, wants position as housekeeper; references exenangea. x. 2i;4, Oregonian YOUNG lady wants filing or clerical work; can do some typing. latmr : LACE curtains laundered, 15 years' fuperl euce. Tabor 633. Mrs. Scott. -, , i r 171 1 02.2