18 THE MORNING OREGONIAN, TUESDAY, 3IAY 14, 1918. VALK-OUT THHEATEIIEO rLi:CTRIC.IL WORKERS I TACOS1 Mior) SfT QllT. Slndimmtmmnt f War Sealte far nllr 4 Eal;n ky Jase 1 la HcM Xteeary. TACOMA. TVah.. Slay 1J. SpciaL) a If a readjustment of the published rata of lncra In for railroad employe la cot roarla by Juna 1. niem fcer of lha International Brotherhood f F.Ievtrtclal W orkers, local am-1 rlorl In tli Northern Pacific shops at fuu:h Tacoma. will quit their work and ek employment elsewhere, ac cordm to a telegram of protect sent to Mr. MeAdno. "Va feel that we are compelled by tha eitrema coat of living; to seek employment elaewhere If the findings tf the railway comiulnalon ara not re adju.teJ by June 1. 11. to at least enual the prevailing: witi paid In this district.- say a part of tha mea age aent by the locaL rev-ral hundred men are InTolved a momberi of this organization and the officers said today that other locals bad taken a similar eland. Several 1. -!. la the shop hare submitted pro:ct. while others ara waltlna: for .word from Ir. .McAdoo before Issuing an uimalnm. ArftT. TIC K FT rl t tc r BALE OW OPtN , HEILIGeT Rreadway at Tayloe. Mala I. A 1133 MI.HTi tWaus-isa NEXT THUR. )lat!nee Saturday. CHir.UJ FROM MAN present MAUDE ADAMS I- a New Comedy. Uy J. iL Barrl. -A KM met t INDl:EI LA." Prices. $2. ILM l. TS. 40c BAKER ALCAZAR PLATERS Tonight. All Week. Mate. Wed.. Sat "TBI rr.rt.vvL .m .ot.r t-" A roarertal Uruu ot- Today as Flayed by Julia Arthur. Jr. Mr. y- Hs. al., tie. Me. Wed. .Mai.. Sae Oslr Next Week. The Haass) ef la readies." -TIE NACGHTT PRINCE" A Faretcsl Operetta la Twa Scenes. Harry Tea 1 I swell B. Peew aad Testa Wsl isre; Hadle. Kteta aad Phillips; Lewie Steaw AetisJ Mite bells. TIN LERNER Ths BiiUlsnt Pusslaa Pianist. wimm 1DANTAGE (S il 1IAT. DAILY 2:30 fO? imri in tox Tat C kslleagrr ate Meeta Jess W illard duly , Ms rMase- Bc Arts Three Performances Psuy. Night Cartala at I and LYRIC ELK Mae. tssily. le. Nlgbts. ( ssrtlas.ns. at 1. Tils Week. DILLON aad r RANKS la ' THE HRONO ROOK. sV Hi.'l'f Farce vY" All the lt Big aeng lilts rtnl'lant rheruesa Motion rutsrts. Tees. tNt. -t smtrj tsr": Tejaes.. ladies' Sxj ii i.ssiis t res. rL t liSW taatewt. IPPODROME Sunday, Morula y, Tues day, Wednesday. i TheJotnson-Dcaii Rcrne Tie Greatest Darkey Act in Vaudeville. Intact at Showm With Nora Bajfa" Company at the Elting in New York City. Two Other "Big Time" Nainbers benidr three other excellent acts and the Feature Photoplay "The Leap to Fame" With Carlyle Blackwell. Evelyn Green and Muriel Ostriche. Continuous Performance Satur days and Sundays. DANCING guaranteed In eight lessons ladles. $4: t-nta. le Honey'a beantiful arad m -ti v. Twenty-third and WaV.lngton. )r Innrrs' riassse start Tuesday and 1 hur.tiay evenings to 11. I'lcnty of f.ra.-ilce; no embarrassment. Private essons given, lsra from Profeaalunal vsnccra. Main a. DANCING! r TO If.HT Cotillion Hall Iswrte-esab Off t aablastaav. Tartland'a Finest Amasement Palace. Rall-Rswrtsug aprlaa; t'lswr. PHKK W I.TX. BASEBALL " RCCRCATIOV PARK. Seattle vs. Portland Ma. I. IV I. 17. 1. csirAsm iwtit) m 4kia.? w a f. m. mmHv. I:M r. It- Uaal HftvtWr. ' r-rr1 Boi 5-ata for Sal at TM wards Clear st-ind. itxta aod W ahlnstoQ bta. Ladier DaftwDMllr Kmeeyt iatmrday 4 adar t Mtr to n,irT. it ; vss-iy :rh, en rn4 r., " Ian . A w l.!,-rt rrwrd. otara - r at !j HT. '.r.4 K Z r2 1 ft ANT t biAT s-t t.i dn n mni for Kates fee Classiffed Advertisements la The Oregonian Daily aad Saavday-. Fee Una. .... It .... lim .... e Oaa tie Te csaseeaitlve times ....... Three asn.eratlvs llfnei .. .. sax s sevssi f iniirml tm 1 1 Ml i Tae tmHmmnm caaawlflc-tlo-s eireptea. tbe rmjm mm which la Is pmr liaa psr dai Mlsartkes Wasted Male. SltasHlseai V ssted remste. lit Kent Kmwii trl'sls l-as Miles. B a rd aad Bnins arrivals lamtlm. aaswarliaeulna' stasnis rrl at taj-tllea. ad takes fa ess taa- t I ins. 4 swat six esnto is tbe Use. Advertlseansate 'except Pvrsaa- will as lakea ever the teleptisae If tae advertiser Is a subscriber ts mit see pbsoe. e price will bs aosted s-vsr lbs pbeae. bat statesseat will be readered tbe tollasjlsc dss. Advertise sum. are takea fee Tbe latly Or - a-aUua aatll a r. AL: far Tbs taailu Orrsosiss sslU P. si. aataniay. AKTIOM nt.T. TODAT. At the Pakee Auction Ifinse. Yamhill ind wt I'srs strei. Me hoaane , furniture, rsrpele, etr. Sale at 10 A. M. MEETIXO OTICE. A. AND A. .. RITE ORKiiOX LOIxjt; K PER. KKfTluX. NO. I 8pex-lal lah rtlts f'alheilral. tills' Tue. ?p day! eventna at o'clock. Work tJ srd.r"1- " 'K.'?(-"v, i'trV?a1r Drd'r XLS- WAmlNCTOX COM if AND- F.RI. NO. II Slated conclave thla Tue.day evening. T:3il. worn in I ne Illustrious rar ef the It. (1 Cross. Kul! form. All aolouraing brother Knight. Invited. HUBERT AlARTYN. Kec IMPERIAL LODGE. NO. 13s. A." F. AND A. M. ftated com munication this (Tuesday) even ing. Mar 14. Buatneas Session s.jrt s'rin4-k: at a o'clock an opsn meeting for members, their families snd Invited gue.ts: mn.lc. pictures, refreshments snd soms talks afterwards. W. P. ANDRIM. Sec. HAWTHORNE LOnfiE. NO. 111. A. K. AND A. Sperl.l k communication tht. tTlrl ' svsslns. st 7. n Work In Ihs K. A. degree. VMtlrg brethren welcome. C. E. MILLLK. bee. IT linob I.opgk. NO. 1.17. A ". AND A. l. Klated rom mawtration this (Toes-lavl even ing at o'clock. Visitors wel- r-r m k Orrfsr W. M. U. C. VICK. Pee. ivivllflK LODGE. NO. 1. KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS Regu- lsr convention every il Zt si.iii Castle Hall. 11th and Al- I Sli stst vT.lVmg Knights w.l- EIXISON ENCAMPMENT. NO. I. I. O. t. V. Reaulsr meeting this (Tuesdsri at a P. M.. at L or. Temnle. 2-d Alder street. tioldea Rule degree. Visitors al - ''CHARLES CHRIHTIAXSEN. C. P. R. o.-VULD. Rcrlbe. . CORINTHIAN CHAPTER. NO. 314. o. K. 9. Ststed communlcs-j isn ih!i iTuesdsvi evening at b' IsJ e clock. Degrees. By order of the W. M. MYRA IL GLINES. Sec. roI.l'MBIA RKHKKAH 1.0DGE. NO. S Officsrs and members are requested to meet at the I o. O. F. Tmple. First snd Alder, lodsy ITursdarl. May 14. for the purpose of sttemling the funeral of eur late sister. KKs Lombard. Rebekah services will be held from Lerca t'ndertsklng parlors. IDA M El. I. I.e. nee. LINN I K BRtK.'KMAN. N. O. EMBLEM Jewelry. bu:-.ons. charms, piaa. new deelgna. Jaeger Brae.. 131-S Sib C FRIEDLANDER'S for lodge emblems, I class pins and msdala 110 Wssnlnglon SL PIED. RCAV Majt 13. at hi tat reMnc. f K4( :.'tb tr t Noxth. Ciark Km. bvk1 31 ytAra. biovd huat&nd of SvtUa. bfittliir of l4r is R-ftm. on of Mr. and Ura, Cautt HaveBrn. of (itmrrliaayr. Or.: sljio brother of Mrs. Harrit 1. of llardlnir. r.: Mrs, Iwtabt wxlnnr. Vinrourr. Huh.; fpba Hnx. of Illnxltiic. Or. Kmln ac Vroa ondrtalitfis par lora, HuSMil strvol al L'nioii. BOSlsKT May 13. G-ort Bolr. affd T rrm. motfi-r or Mra. H. fti. of tota I ..... -. . i ' r i v. . vu '. , . . . I'.. mains ere at Dunning A McKntee's rhapei. from whence they will be shipped te Seat I.e. Wash. MAXON In this rIT. liar II. Charles l axon, aged TO yeare. Retrains are at th. fun.rsi psv; or. of P. S. liunnlng. Inc.. en avast Alder. -Notice or. funeral here- after. e MARTIN la thla rite. May 13. Frances J. Martin, as S3 years, beloved mother of C g. Cummlnca Remslna srs at ths rest d.ncs. an Mill St. Notles of funerst later. Arraag.msnta la care of Miller A Tracey. rAI.LAS la thla el'y. May 13. John K. ra.,aa. age J years. Remains are al ths f-m.rsi parlors of F. S. Dunning. Inc.. 414 Es.t Alder. Notice ef funeral hereafter. rCMUL NOTICES. CA.esELL At 1I Bor:hwlrk street. May 5. I Jacob i.'aseell. age . yeare 7 months lei dare, late of 4t"t Alnswnrta avenue, be- lov.d husbsad of Anns Csssell. father of I Mrs ,Mr BslL Berkeley. CaL : Mrs. Willi. m Mnetow. Mstoon. 111.; Charges C.w.tl. f'hlcsco, I:t.. sad Orlan Bruce Casseil. this city: brother of Chsrlee C.s-s-:l. t h.a city; tleorgs Cs.as!i. Aaaeortes. Wssh.; Vr fharlee F. Ileta. Battle -1--. - Virh Mrs. Lavins Klad g aad Mrs Mary Kiine, M.ndon.- Mich.: Mr. Liuie ti..i . .. ... . vf L i , I i-i,.'ni..ii. p. rnn.rmi ssrviesa win b. held at ths residential funeral Darlore of I Wi .on A Wiisoa. Ktlllngsworth avenue and Klrby etreet at 2 I . M. tomorrow I tMedneedari. May 15. Incineration at tbel Portiaad Cremaiorlam. I NICHOIJiON At the home ef his son. C. R. Nicholson. 1111)4 Plxty-fifth aventfe, liootbsssl. May 13. Iwla Nicholson. Com pany 1. liMltb Illinois Infsntry. sged 85 years 2 monlb. -O dsya. Comrade, ef tbe O A. R. and friends Invited to at tend tbe funeral services, which will be b.ld at Holman's Funeral Parlors. Tblrd f.. 'und.r and telmn morrow fWednesds: suepices ef Scout Young Csmp No 2. bpsnub-Amerlcsn War Veterans. Inter- m.nl G. A. It. Cemetery. SOPF.R-At ).U 1st. residence 84 East Twsntr-slvth street. Msy 10. E. K. piper. I aged 74 ears; father of Mrs W. A. Ches- I l-r. of this city; Mrs. Fred Jsckson. of I nsttie; aiuy ti. coper, or riait Lsae t Ity .'r Sopr. Butif. Mont., and JtmnL.A .- r. In Alaska. Th fonraJ sr-lc I - wiil b h:ej In th fOMfnrtoi7 cbipi of F. f. Imnnlnc Inc.. 414 Kt Aldr tri. tomorrow Tuaar. My j j. at a P. M. Krlad Invtte-d to attend. lnir mvnt la Hon Oly Ctmtltry. BROWX In thla etty. Mar 11 William 8. Frown. f 84 yr. father of Frank K. Hrtia, of Oakland. Cat.; Rotwn p. Kroaa. nf Mlnnpotta; Jma A. aHrown, of Hea:Iv. aad Honry R. Iron. of thu rtty. Th funoral rri:m l beid at Portland Cnm.torlura at 4 P. f . tx1jr iTu'fdr. Krinda lnrtH. Arrani:4 mnia la car of F. 8. DunntnK, Inc., 414 A.drr. comtr of Eaat (?.th. MfCAl'LXT -In this rtty. May 11. Uiwt lc Caoiy. ard J yar. wit of . W. Mc I auiry. mot hr of Dona.d. Elilna and Vta.ma Mci'auley. Th funeral srvtca mitt t hid thtw 4 To'idl mom in a at 10 o'rfock at th reaidenc MUbiuhmvnt of J. I'. Flniy 8o". Mntfomrjr at Fifth. Friend invited. Interment at Rivemew Cemetery- DRAKF.-ln thia rlty. Mar 11. Mr Afton I ra a. a1 no )eara. Tftm rnneral aerv ki wtll be hd t'rtxiorroar (Wednesday!, May li. at o'riock A. M . at tbo reel- dnr eatab.iel.ment of J. P. Flnly hon. ontnmry at Fifth. Friends Tn -ud. Interment at Mount cotl Park Cemetery. UNK-M.r 15. Ro t.an. aced 4 year. I L:r or Kv. a r nor iAtne. ot Aioiny. or. Kfmaifta are at ununf aV McEdim par lor, from wheoc they wtil be ahtpped to ? burg. -Or., tomorrow (ndoeday. M.I 5. OF.I.nAKD Th funeral aerrftre of tbe tate niiiam oiaart wtit oeia itvmy Tues day i. at 1 o'clork I. M-. at th reaidenrel it.lIiinmt?t or J. P Finley Hon, Mont lomrr at Fifth. Friends Invited. Inter ment at aLon Kir Cemetery. LOMBARD Th funeral eerrirea of tb late :i;a Isomhard i h heid at P. 1 lrrb'a fun-r: parlor. Kt Kventh and 4- sit trsvef-ta, trniar trueiav. jntxy l.J r. M. Fr.cnda Invited. FLORISTS. I CLAKKB 3tS.. FVsrlsta. 17 Msrrtssa a. Mala se s lauA. Flae flowera aaet faeral wit He brapcej ti KARTte FORBES CO, Fleelet. 131 sv .A 23 ii-t eV A, svs.nl igtosv Mate zea. A ilea, siowsre for mJ ocesslene artistically arrenged. rorttr.ru floral CO, Wsaetagtee et.. eel. th end ta. atsla 6103. A 111. MAX M. SMITH, si. Is Ills. A 2121. SelUag e-trfg. ! and Alder eta. . ,t-i ks I'LCmL SHOP. I4A Aldsr. rieaei ea Aeslcsa, iB Maiahll iasA A directory of business firms CJassuied for ready reference. For rates by the month or year, or other information, telephone The Oregonian, Main 7070 or A 6035, House 29. ACCORDION PLEATING. Hi-il!T.ITC'UTu. FLOATING. ALL, LAT- " ' w.ia-r.a. uaibKn AUV.LTZ tU, i Hl'VIl ST.. BETWEEN OsJbi AM) e-TAMK STS, BROADWAY 2O041. - STe-PllAX. tosm.tuchlng, scalloping, ec cordlou side pleat, buttons covered; mall eruvra 21 l-mofc block, Broadway lux. AGATg rtTTKR-S AND MTO. JEWELEKa AGATta cut and polished; Jewelry and watch repairing Alili.rs. 843 Wash, at. A8SAVEKS AND ANALYST. -V,TA-NA ASS AT OKKICIi. 12 becoad wv.u. ai.ver aua platinum bouhU BAKBER f-irPI ILS. OhttiON BAHbKlt bXPri.T CO. VV buy and ..II ail kinds barber supplies. 240 CARPET CLEANING. NORTHWEST RUO CO.. eatabllahed 1B03. Huff rut. and ra rut. women, all slsea, Ka.t gib and Taylor. aat io. B 120U. CANCER. Jf-"ES. M- D CANCER TRI Alorian bldr. Vlsrahail I1M CELLLLOID BUTTONS. THE 1P.WIN-HODSON CO M PAN T. 7 Washington. Broadway 434. A 12S4. CIUROPODISTS AND ARCH UPKCIAUSTS. DR. LA MONTR, rhlropodlet and scientific srr-ri speisiisu unly I'll Irnpodtst carrying State license; most ssnltary operating rooms In city; arches fit properly or money refunded. Caites eured where others failed. J-cai rcfertm-es given. Lsdy attendant. -'Ni-7-8 Mwetland bldg.. Fifth and Wai.li. lkhone Main 54 HH; evenings by appoint ment. Reasonable prices. Consultation tree. WILLIAM. Lstelle and Florelle DsVeny. the enly acstntlfio chirepodlats and arch spe cialists In the city. Farlora u2 tierllnger niag., soutnwest corner Second and AUdar. Phone Main 10L CHIROPRACTIC PHTSICIANS. 6Il'K PEOPLE: Dr. McMahon. Portland. 100 per cent chlropractlo specialist. That's vany 1 aever hava to employ drugs, oper ations, vibrators, violet rays, electricity, beat, light and other Joss-house stunta I rsinova tns cause ot disease quickly, aure ly and less expensively. Tickets. SI ad JuatmenLs. $lo; seven. A Call, phone or write. Dally convincing doubting Thorn CIRCCLAR LETTERS. -KA.-vi Lr-TTLK CO.. em SI. w. bldg.. alar. H22. 100 letter, multlgraphed. gl.eO. COLLECTION AGENCIES. NCTli A CO, Worcester bldg. Main 1THA No collections, no charge; established IvOO. DANCING. lutl. - t. Fl.Et'K'S ACADEMY Social snd stage dancing, private instruction; classes xue., frl.. to lu. jow Xd su, neu nun. and Stark. Main 2100. MANCHESTER DANCING ACADEMY, 5th: lo private lessons ".. 11 A. M. to S V. M. Phone. Broadway 2.127. EYE. EAR. NOSE AND TnROAT. Dr. F. F. Caaaeday. specialist: glassee fitted. 70 E. Burnside. cor. 2Qth. B 13a. E. 4734. ' FIREPROOF PAINT. l'alnt that roof with FIREPROOF i ( i i J I r.ir iwwr , iii? HL'tSTPROOF PAINT Prevents the growth of moss. Stops leaks snd protects from fire. Costs no mors. Phone Main 6U75. WHOLESALERS AND ACTO AND BUGGY TOPS. S3 OR BOON. ALIO luf Co. 14th nJ Couch. DLBHLILLt; Ul'OOT TOP CO.. lth and QH GRAIN MERCHANTS. PACiriO GRAtM Cv.. Board of Trade bldg. DRY GOODS NOTIONS. I fill'VCI CO! CI Pfl btocsroona and office UIUAlLOI ILL UUi 47-North ttb atreet. ' HATS AND CAPS. - fH AN H?LSfc.K HAT CO.. 63-63 Front ac HIDES. WOOL, CASCARA BARK. KA. IlKU.-s Li Front St. PAINTS AND LLBRICATINO OILS. W. P. FULLER sjC0.1itbajDjMrleels,J FCNEBAL DIRECTORS. H0LMAN UNDERTAKING CO. Fiineral Directors Established 1817. Third and baLmjn S'.rtA Alain 67. A 151L Lady Asslstanu Psrtsct ruaeral Service tor l.es. MILLER & TRACEY ladepeadeat Funeral Director. Wash St., beu iOth 31st. West 814a slsia 2bVL Lady Assistant. A Tsai. J. P. FINLKT SO?. progressive Fun.rsi Director. Private Drive Women Attendant SU.NIuuSaKl Af 11L a. Mala . . t'T'ii cnM t. T2 1"1Q3 Multnomah at Jta II U3U" . Aww Larty Assistant. East 4. c siea. . ...j.-.n.. . -t ERICSON Reeideace Lndeihlng Pr!r. J2ta and Morriaoa eta. Mala tiii. A i.ii. DUNNING McENTEE. funeral directors. Rresdway and Pine atreeL Pboae Broadway sju. A eab. Lad attsndsnt. if 8. DUNN IN J. INC. THE GOLDEN KUUk UNDERTAKERS. 414 Ksst Aldsr St. Esst bX B 2t2S. BREEZE & SNOOK 7SgSZS AND MRS W. H. HAMILTON Ftt- . " , i.rvics 17J E. Gil.an.- Tabor 4313. aersi service- . U LERCl East 11th and Clay tra, Lady T rrij T rp prv A. It. Ai.Ljlar.I. sJ. , &U3 Wiiilvm avo. t-s: ioa. c 108S tsU-B-vrira rNDERTAKINO COMPANY. 3d c.ty. Alam 41&3. A 2321. Lady mliUnt, " ' ; BEAUTIFUL MOUNT SCOTT PARS CEMETERY Lowest Price Bt Serrlct. Nt dipeina after IntermeaU Prices lower than other cems Uries. MONVMENT. A BKAL'TIKI'I poilhed rante monument. Imported from Norway, for aala at tha value: atmensiona. irm oan to i"p. a i. 3d In.; width. 3 It. - in. ani i it. in thlrk; crated and reariy for ahlpmont. In Mtr at rom 417 Worceetr bldg". ruKILAM) MAhBLK wuKiU W ac eepceite City Hall. Alaua SAe. faiu s.q ai Mm xor rn.Di.naia EE THIRD T rtADUGN 3THECT OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY Of f are. Rssm 1SS Cosrtheuse. eth 8s, LntrmsK-s. Thsae tnm list. Mala IT, Hseae rhose A sexa. MgntesU after slflce hours, Alaaai 7A ttsport a.l esse, of cru.ity to the abov. ad 4r.se. Electric lethal chamber lor email sol as 4. a Morse ambulance Icr sick aad dlsabis aausiale at a anom.at's aotlce. Anyone destr leg a dee ar otbsr net communicate with aa Ceil for alt lost er strsyed stock, a. ws isoa alaar all Impounding. There Is ao snsrs city aeaso. jusa urtfoa sbhim. MF.W TODAY. MORTGAGE LOANS OH BISI.TFIS AXD RESIDaSSC I mOPERTT, lOBCkliO.N st EWIJIO, Httl X art h weaker a Bask Bids. and professional men condensed and FLrFr BCG8 AND RAG BCGS. FLUFF RUGS FROM OLD CARPETS Inrralns. Brussels. Smyrna, Axmlnster TM ru- all sites; mall order prompt; bookleu hxx rusa, alcsm or dry cleaned. Li:a. CAfl.ET CLEANING, REFITTING, ETC. WESTERN FLCTP Bl'O CO M-S Union Ave. N. Jiast aaio. B 147a. H.lK HIU AND RAG m'G tACTOBT. NOKTHWtST RVH CO., established l03 Flulf rugs and rag- run woven, ul taat 8tn and Taylor, tiasl M : J AT AN FLURIST. i i 'j r . k K.ir PunllO Mkt 3 "T- All kina l""1" p.aais, . I I Very cti at JL pmiita i All kinds t beddmc and perennial Japonlca and irun tuna. uarasiu cneap wholesale. imi Tomato, loo. bic; luou. 00. caubase. loo, ic, iwo. MUSICAL. Oi'.KOON Conservatory (school) ot..,luS;0, liour KuBsv.ll oidg. ovsr ths lion . Entrsnce 15 4th st-. cor, ei J"""""" EM1L TH1ELHORN, violin teacher, pup" bevels. 07 Flledner bldg. Bdwy. !- PARKER School of Popular Aluslc Terma. to SO lessons. 401-2 Etlers bldg. OPTOMETRISTS AND OPTICIANS. ' uuir OAT 1IORE? as'rS A SAVINO from 80 to 6o per cent, gj" Properly fitted glasea as low as . tl.50. 4OO0 satisfied cusxiimers. bstisf action guaranteeo. m" -- man. optometrist, 20 Morrlaon. Main n. PATENTS.' R. O. WRIGHT 22years" experience. U. A and foreign patents. 801 Dekum bldg. PHYSICIANS. DR. R. A. PHILLIPS, 905 Broadway bldg. Rheumatism, female disorders, skin trou bles, stomach, liver, kidneys, bowels, throat, goitre, scalp, high biood pressure. PLCMBINO BCPPLIE8. PLUMBING SUPPLIES at wholesale prlcee. btark-Davia Co.. 212 8d. Msln 77. PRINTING. KEYSTONE PRESS J. E. Ganlenbeln. Mgr. Printing and linotyping. 10 k Frontlet, corner titark. Main or A I tie. DDHJTIUfF- W. BAlAfTES A COMPANY. I KlllllllUlst and oak sta Main 15. A 11M REAL EbTATE DEALERS. CARL R. JONES. 404 Wilcox bidg. : STORAGE AND TRANSFER. Oregon transfer co 47-4 uiisan . at, corner 13th. Telephone Broadway 12SI or A 11 We own and operate two large r, -a- warehouses on terminal tracks. Lowest Insurance rates in ins cur. ilADISON-ST. DOCK. 4 WAREHOUSE. Of . rirs 188 Madison. General merchandise and .'"."". ttttilt Phone Main 789L CUT Ire.gnt rates lo an poime roods. Manning Warehouse &Tranafr , . . w n A o.. vth and Hoyt Broadway iQB. -u-Tin xinviNG. STORAGE. SECURITY STORAGE at TKANStEB CO, 10S Park st- Main oieo. 105L FIREPROOF STORAGE. C M. OLSEN TRANSFER CO.. 248 PINE. WOOD. m nvRS taken lor Summer delivery: flrst rP,.. wood. Broadway 2339. WOOD AND COAL. ui-ivT dry wood. S and $5.50 per load. Vleilvered stove length. Phone Broadway t6s. . : - ,i - BIANUFACTURERS "PAINTS. OILS AND GLASS. RASMUtS-SEN st CO.. 2d and Taylor. PIPE. PIPE FITTINGS AND VALVES, U. L. KLINE. 84-Stt Front SL PLIMBING AND BTEAM SLPP1JES. M. I KLINE. 84-8 Front st. PKODICE COMMISSION MERCHANTS. EVEKDi.NU st FARRELL, 140 Front St. ROPE AND BINDING TWINE. Portlsnd Cordage Co.. 14th and Northrup. bAfeH, DOORS AND GLASS. W. P. FULLER A CO.. 12th and Davis sta. WALL PAPER. MILLER Wall Paper A Ft. Co.. 172 1st at, llURi MORGAN WALL PAPER CO.. 230 2d st- NEW TODAY. MORTGAGE LOANS II Oa Iraprov ed city aad farm prop erty at close latercst rates., la- jj atallmeBt repayment privilege) if II preferred. Prosupt. reUable aervlce. A.H.BIRRELL CO. ai7- :i Aorthwratcrm Baak Bolldias. Marshall 4114. A 4118. MORTGAGE LOANS M FARM 1NO HBSIDB.SfCal -KOI-tUlir AU CUAlJalSS10.1a. iWm. MacMaster, T0I COBSlilT uuou rumuM), oa JNO. B. GOFFEX MOBTGAGC LOAM. Insurance, Surety Bonds Ml WILCOX SLUUl Mala 703.' A 3T0X HEAL gSTATE. jn cai. r. 101 acres. 24 miles from Eu ene; .u acres good oat. vetch and cheat V . ? "siauce pasture and timber. Oootl house and barn; goad well. .o?tf" crtM- 6 miles from Junction City; J-i acres arood vrbeat and oat. land; bal ance pasture and timber. Improved residence property In Eugene. All on reasonable terma if I a in e H. Kovey. room II. over Bank of Commerce, Eu gene. Oregon, phone 8ui For Sale Lota. THAT VACANT-LOT Turn a burden Into Income, We design snd build anything furnish the money If desired, eight years In Portland. L. R. Bailey Co., contract ing architects. Northwestern Bank bldg 1 H AVE several choice lots in th. wni iwwn. Aiwna ai.incis. ail Tree and clear, too to .700, cash or terms; excellent op portunity for builder. Second mortgage privilege. 4-'4 Chamber of Commerce. S-ROO.VI house, beautiful SoxlUO lot. lots of iruii. t ower., ctiicKen nous, and garden; 3 blocks off Union, near Dekum ave I'J.": tiOO cash, balance easy. This Is a barcnin. Walker. Main 3517. HAVE a nice building residence lot in Pe ninsula u:sinct ror sale at a sacrifice Waiker. Main 3317. G. C. UOLDEXBEKG CAN SELL YOUR LOT. iio Aoingion oiug. Alain 4S03. ALL. kinds of building and alterations. (.HAS. W. ERTZ. ARCHITECT. Pittock blk. LOT 50xli0 at Greenwood avenue. Kenll worth. Call 394 Alonroe. $300 Choice lot. East 2Sth and Killings worth. Tabor f9l4. For Sale Houses. MODERN'6-room house. 50x100 lot, 2 blocks from carllne, near 2 shipyards, for sale; prfce $204X1. 321 Flftrf st. Mar. 1058. FOR SALE A fine 5-room house, corner, on Falling, near Williams ave. Call Woodlawn lr'.i9. Owner. No agents. AIONTHLY payment plan. Furnished, mod ern. 7 rooms, two lots, shrubbery. Tabor 74 1. 5-ROOM house. 2 lotai garden, fruit. $14041; part cash, halsnre like rent. Call 510 Alle gheny St.. St. Johns. FOR SALE 5-room modern bungalow. 3 blocks from Sellnood car. 735 E. 14th St., corner of Rhone St. ' HUBBELL SON. 1421 Sandy, oldest firm Huce. c i i I rAita, can sen you a good house cheap. See us first. Tabor 2161. FOR SALE Dantlv 3-room houseboat; V 260. Oregonian. electric logins: i.i". CONVKMKNT to 5 carllne.. 6-room house. 10 fruit trees. i-nce .'"!. wain. ..no. BAR' A INS Foreclosure and nom-s. tS'l iv cam 5.P.00M huse. 61 W. Jessup; easy terma Owner. 319 Main sr.. Vancouver. v sgn. IKS IN.:T' N HOM-o. It. T. STREET. JUV. AGENT. REAL ESTATE. Lor bale Houses. EXTRAORDINARY BARGAIN. Irvlngton palatial home. 9 rooms, three sleeping porches, billiard and maid's room, dining room In leather and silk tapestry, beautiful reception hall, living, library, den and secretary rooms. 4 bedrooms in white enamel, all rooms are decorated by Urate, the French artist; plate glass windows. S fireplaces, hot water heat. Dutch kitchen, cold water cooler and all butlt-ln conven iences; garage: lot U6 2-3x100; velvet car pets, silk tapestry hangings, Brussels net curtains go with the house free; 50c on dollar. Delahunt, Fast 1347. No agents. 2S(' DOWN. 2.". MONTH 5-ROOM BUNGALOW $3450 Hardwood floors In main rooms, fire place, furnace. Dutch kitchen, big attic porch, beautiful lawn, flowers. J. L HAKTMAN COMPANY. No. 7 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Main 208 A 2050 l Sunday only). Branch office 45th A Mnfljr Blvd. IBV1NUTON Beautiful New England co lonial home. 7 1.", East Toth at. North. Own er leaving city; 7 rooms, white enamel finish, hardwood floors throughout, plate glass vindowa, fireplace, furnace. laun dry, finished attic. Dutch kitchen, wit every built-in convenience. For sale by K. E. Bowman & Co.. 2ia C. of C. bldg. Main 3i2. HAWTHORNE. ONLY 250 w. CASH. ALL Fl'RNISHED. Fine 5-room bungalow, lust like new. hard-surface street, paid in full; room for garage. ints Is the best buy in Haw rhorne. Call any time in forenoon or after e V. M. F. FULTON, MAIN 8170. STOP THAT RENT nnd buy nearly an acre. Mt. Scott district city limits, all clear. Bull Run water. He fare, small house and outbuildings. $1300 small cssh payment, balance monthly In stallments like rent. Inquire 416 Pittock block, or 4"4 E. Alder st. Telephon Broadway 74 or East 114(1. NO MORTGAGED -23 MONTH INCLUDES INTEREST- g2450. Rose City car, 5-room bungalow. fruit trees, large chicken house, only . block to carllne. Terms -S50 down, bal snce straight contract. J. L. 1IARTMAN COMPANY. No. 7 Chamber of Commerce Bldg.. Main 2ns A 200. DON'T MISS IT. Alust sell modern 7-room house, two lots, corner, Irvington; filOOO, present cost house alone; we gtve you the iota and tnrow in improvements. E. S. Jackson, 207 Railway Exchange bldg. LAtlRELHURST HOMES. I have several excellent bargains in G, 7 and 8-room houses located in best sec tlon of I.AUREI.HURST for sale on rent like terma Call for keys at Laurelhurst Tract office. E. 39th and Gllsan. Tabor 543': daily between 10 A. M. and 5 P. M, J. DEL A HUNT Y. Evenings. East 2088. BUNGALOW SNAP. Do not Tjav rent: own this 5-room mod ern bungalow, full cement basement, with every kind of built-in convenience: fine district; only $2400; $250 cash, balance like rent. See E. W. Hughes. Ockley Ho tel. dW) Morvson. I.AUREI.HURST BUNGALOW. 1 wish to effct a quirk sale of a nearly new bungalowvith garage, located in beat section of Laurelhurst, one block from park: will give terms to responsible party. t-v . Leonard. Main 1700. Evenings, la bor 7H45. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. " Six-room modern bungalow, 50x100 lot. well located, close in. 1 block to car. blocks to school; must be sold quick to close an estate: nrir-e SHOO. S300 cash win handle it. C. M. Derr. 1100 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 937. MR. CARPENTER (or anyone else) build a porch in front and a bath and porch or room In rear of 219 E. sotn is. and you 11 have a pretty, modern home, worth sisoo. and It wont cost over xioo altogetner pay me 950 (nothing downi. $20 month. including interest. Main 7129. forenoons. MAGNIFICENT HOME. Located In one of Portland's finest re strictcd districts, having beautiful grounds. trees, flow-erlng shrubs and unobstructed vi3W of Cltv Fark. thoroughly modern. a real sacrifice. Particulars upon request. J 222. Oregonian. UNFINISHED house and 2 lots, 80x125 and -0-ft. alley; street graded and cement walks: loll feet to a macadam road and close to car; c200 cash, balance same as rent at 6 per cent; price siltru. Jonn J Conboy, owner. 4512 Woodstock ave. NEAR IRVINGTON CLUB. Modern 7-room house, hardwood floors throughout, plate glass windows. 2 fire places, sleeping porch, extra large living room, the bathroom, flnlsnea attic, ga rage; for sale by owner. 42 E. lioth St. N RARE OPPORTUNITY. BEST .PART ROSE C1TT PARK, H BLOCK TO CAR. B12 E. 49TH ST.; S ROOM HOUSE. FURNACE. ETC.: BEAU TIFUL FULL LOT; NO MORTGAGE; PRICE 12500; IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. SMALL HOUSE BARGAINS. T have concluded to sell three nearly new g-room houses, located In best sec tions of Laurelhurst and Rossmere, for best prices obtainable; term. C. E. Brown, Alain 1700; evenings. Tabor 69. LAURELHURST. Before buying elsewhere obtain our list of exquisite homes for sale on easy terms In Laurelhurst. the show place of Port land. LAURELHURST CO.. 270 Stark St. Alain 1700. A 1315. A GENUINE SNAP. Good 8-room house, handy to car, close to school, near S. P. car shops. Owner non-resident. For quick sale lluoo takes It. See E. W. Hughes. Ockley Hotel. 3l( Morrison St. IRVINGTON. Wish to make quick sale of my 8-room Irvlngton house, beautiful yard, trees and shrubbery: might take In good clear lot or smaller house. J. DELAHUNT Y, Tabor 3431. Evenings. East 20.se. 10x100. FOUR rooms, furnished, gas. phone. famiry orchard: price MiU, only 1S0, bal ance monthly payments; Alontaviila dis trict. Investigate this for a bargain. Mc Clure A Pohmauch. 515 Gerllnger bldg. 5-ROOM modern bungalow, few blocks south of Hawthorne; corner lot. hard surrace streets and all paid. This Is a pretty home sad at a bsrgain. Terms. Owner going to war. Walker. Main Jjli. 3-ROOM house, modern, on Commercial t. hard surface streets an paia: line oase ment; lot 50x100. fruit and garden: $1700. Very pretty little home: 400 cash. bal ance SO Per monin. maul p.m. 5 ROOMS, modern, good condition, corner lOOxlOO, fruit ana oerrie. improvements paid. 1 blk. to car; aiouu, a-tiv casn, e-' nr. month. Including Interest. O. O. Slet ten, Br. 1812; res. Main 5574. FOR SALE House and lot, 24 blocks from St. Johns car; iw minutes waia irom snip yard: $800; $250 cash, balance $10 per month. Apply 202 Fessenden at., between 10 A. M. and 4 P. M. ROSE CITY PARK, modern 5-room bunga low; oak Xloors, Iirepmre. lurnai-e, uunei $2050. easy terms. F. Vanduyn. 515 Cham ber Com. Main 19o5. tt-pruuf modern bungalow in the Haw thorne district; remen lor s-tui a montn. Price 3.itM): terms. auueraniii, .a inam- ber of Commerce. FOR SALE 6-room house, 2 full lots 80x JO0, parage, gooa nome, ueauuiui jru, shrubbery ana iruii. Stark. B 133. Owner, 1290 East FINE Laurelhurst home, good district, all assessments paia, norm ior -uts, terms. For particulars call at 404 Piatt bldg. , . DnaTt.i vn nronerty on E. 92d St.. 2 lots. lOOXOU; Will sell ciir. wwbhwi -it. mam. for Mrs. Tom Stevens, or call 430 Harri son. ROSE CITY PARK I have a large list of 5 and 8-rOOtn nuniiam.B 'lu wo- -iLy raia from $3000 to eJUUo; auto st your service. K. Vanduyn. 515 Chamber Com. Alain 1955. FOR SALE 6-room house, located on Ham ilton ave.: lot luiiuv, imit trees auu e-rape vines: one-half cash, one-half terms; price $1000. Inquire B 1277. ra - h.reatn. $2550 for a new 5-room bun gaiOW. H n . i. r, --'- , - Kast snermau, ijvv vaau. j. i-rite. 341 Cook ave. ; - ,-ROOAI modern bungalow, $1825; $800 cash balance 2U per montn, inciuaes o per cent on deferred; lot irx2w. r. K. Stearns, 202 Wilcox blcig. Main son. 5-ROOM house, lot 70x100, fruit and garden, woodshed and chicken house, street im provements paid: small cash payment, bal ance as rent. Walker. Main 3517. uu"T RARGAIN IN PORTLAND 3-ro bungalow, 2 blocks from car, all modern, close in. good district; only $1950, $250 down, $10 per montn. Mam auon. NEW. 7-room bungalow, with 2!i acres of land. inquir. st w- ruauwaj. xuwjf. 36118. ; ' eQiio4-ROOM cottage on AIL Scott line, near Firland: lot 60x128; roses, fruit trees and hen park; easy terms. Phone owner. East 7043 IRVINGTON My 7-room home. hdw. floors, open fire. 433 E. 16th N. ; snap at $4500. Kast 8188 or Ataln 8429. V SACRIFICED 7 rooms, modern, fireplace, furnace, half acre, block Hawthorne car'; :;7."0: terms. 200 Alohawk bldg. Mar. 125. VERY attractive 6-room modern home. 311 4'ook ave. Restricted district. Alust sell. Phone East 1746. FOH SALE New. modern bungalow, hard wood floors snd furnace. - 1705 Division, fall Tabor 3K:;o. Ii-J75 Modern collage. 4-r., Ventura Park; paved sulo road, shade trees, large lot Main 3672. McFarland. HQS Yeon bldg. MODERN almost new 6-room bungalow, dou ble constructed, hullt-ln convenience, all Improvement paid. Tabor b0ti3. REAL ESTATE. bale -Houses. 100 DOWN, 2f MONTH flOSO. PARK ROSE I-ROO.M HOUSK FULL HALF ACRE Ground all In cultivation. Hi blocks to Sandy Blvd.. big living-room, kitchen. pantry, bath, with plumbing, on first floor, 2 big bedrooms upstairs, house sealed, well .built, big front porch, ideal for the man who works in city; cut down living expenses; the house will need a little fixing un. but It's a dandy. J- i- HARTMAN COM PANT, No. 7 Chamber of Commerce Bhig. Main 208 A 2050. CORNER bungalow, 7 rooms, thoroughly modern, lot 55x100. comer 58th and Lin coln, on Hawthorne carllne; price reason able; small payments; no agents, lajt iu. Lincoln. TaDor L'4(t9. Tor Sale Business Property. NOB HILL FLATS. $4800. 8 per cent investment. Goad lo cation, good repair, fine tenants: best rea son, for selling. Phone East 2621. CHOICE 100x14X1, s. w. cor. 12th and Hall sts. Tabor o4U2, evenings. Suburban Homes. OREGON CITY LINE. Modern 7-R. house, dandy barn and chicken-houses. Gut) feet s. Risley station; la acres, all cultivated: $.i700, terms. Claude Hale, Oak Grove. 156 W. FOR SALE or lease, 5-acre home with 5 room bungalow; city gas and fruit enough to pay the rent: 30 minutes from Port land. Owner, 431 Goodnough bids. FOR SALE Two acres, fine 7-room house, fruit, etc.. running creek, near rariine, cheap. Call at third house north of Ris ley station. Oregon City car. BEAUTIFUL home and 23 acres, part In city: will divide; also 2 acres, cottage and 3 lots. D. O. Stephens, 711 Columbia blvd. FINE residence property, close in. cheap. S07 Washington st., Vancouver, Wash. For Sale Acreage. BARGAIN. 20 acres, 7 miles north of Vancouver, Wash.; must be sold at once; crop all In. 2 acres clover, 1 acre potatoes end 10 acres wheat, corn and garden ready for planting. 5 buildings, all new, that can't be duplicated for $12-0, place fenced and cross fenced, pasture hog fenced, two chicken yards, hoghouse, stables, cow barn . (8 stalls) and hay barn, 2-room house, some fruit trees, tools, furniture, machin ery, etc.. all go with place; will sacrifice for i:;2.".0, easy terms, or will take J2000 cash and you assume mortgage $1000. E. S. Hlgglns. 104 Telephone bldg.. Portland. AM GOING EAST. Will sacrifice: must sell acreage at Can bv. cost me $fl500: bungalow in city, cost $3500 ; 6-cylinder Studebaker. $1500; fur niture, cost $500: 5 acres at Estacada. cost $750; mtg. on bungalow, $1600; mtg. on acreage. $1500; total $3100 mtg.; equity $96.10; take $3650 cash. you want it? Call owner, Woodlawn 2Mftt. 500 OR 600 cords of first growth wood; 12 miles irom rortiand on good roan: win take $1 a cord stumpage. Millershlp, 4wl Chamber of Commerce. 18 ACRES of good land, all under cultiva tion, 5 minutes walk irom electric car line, for sale at a aacrihee price. Call 420 Morrison St. ONE acre and 3-room house south of Mult nomah Station, $.i0. For particulars see owner at 4(14 Piatt bldg. For Bale Farms. NO PAYMENT DOWN. WE SUPPLY" THE LAND AND ASK NO PAYMENT UNTIL YOU CAN MAKE SAME FROM CROPS. IT STANDS TO REASON WE MUST HAVE GOOD LAND TO OFFER YOU THESE TERMS. OUR LAND IS LEVEL, THE SOIL A SILT LOAM, NO BETTER LAND FOR AL FALFA, MILO MAIZE, FRUITS. NUTS. ETC WATER FOR IRRIGATION WHENEVER NEEDED. GOOD DRAIN AGE. CLIMATE AND TRANSPORTA TION. SCHOOL ON TRACT, ON STATE HIGHWAY, WITHIN 3 MILES OF RED BLUFF. TEHAAfA COUNTY (BANNER COUNTY OF tPaLIFORNIA). PRICE $l.r.O PER ACRE. SEND FOR BOOKLET AND MAP. F. D. BURR CO.. 219 MONTGOMERY ST., SAN FRANCISCO. BARGAIN. 20 acres, 7 miles north of Vancouver, Wash.: must be sold at once: crop .all In, 2 acres clover, 1 acre potatoes and 10 acres wheat, corn and garden ready for planting, 5 buildings, all new, that can't be duplicated ror siou; place rencea auu cross fenced, pasture hog fenced, two chicken yards, hoghouse, stables, cow barn (8 stalls) and hay barn, 2-room house. some fruit trees,- tools. lumiture. ma chinery, etc.. all e-o with place: will sac rifice "for $3250, easy terms, or will take 20fMi casn and you assume mortgage wi $104Hl. E. S. Higglns.,104 Telephone bldg., Portland. , DAIRY FOR SALE. Here Is a splendid opportunity; am fur nishing milk for growing town; trade is getting too big for me to handle: will sell at reasonable price; 150 acres of land. 75 now in rye; a good modern 8-roomed house, bam. dairy herd and 3 head of horses. This is a paying propositioji worth Investigating. For further information call on or write to Josephine Huff. Arlington. Or. BIG CUT In PRICE IN FARM LANDS In the best agricultural pan oi duuwmmj County: $25 per acre, 10 yearly payments; railways, schools, factories, plenty of labor. The best proposition on the market for the man who wants a farm. Send for Illustrated literature. Brownell Land Co. 904 3d ave.. Seattle. Wash. CANADIAN FARM LANDS. Cheap land, remarkably easy terms I.TiHsMtarx' even rslon nartv leaves Port land for Calgary. Alberta. Saturday. May 18: reduced rates. For further particu lars see Canadian Pacllic Railway Co., 208 Ra w-av Kxcnange oiag., xj. it. mum., district representative. t.illREI.HrilST HOME. vwrt-.forv. 7-room bouse In excellent location arid condition, 1 block east of T., ir.lhiir.it Park. $4350: $500 cash, bal ance easy ternw; key at Laurelhurst tract office, r;ast awin ana unaau b. iuuhj. Tabor 343.S. J. DELAHUNTY. FARMS FARMS. For finest Improved farm from 50 to 160 - Rcres on good macadam auto road, daily mail, fine nelgnoors, near electric rj., mellow soil, good altitude, at low nr. sea GRUBER. between 4:30 and 6 o'clock, at 927 Cham, of Com, bldg. FOR SALE 11 acres, one mile from Clat skanle. Or., on good road; a two-room house, two acres in cultivation, three acres slashed. Price $750 cash, or $800 terms of 1100 cash, $20 per month. Would consider light auto as part payment. E. W. Boyce, care Brenden riotei, laconia. wnm. into ar-tiEfi- finest bottom 'land, for sale crop some stock and machinery go with farm- 4 acres timber, 2 acres orchard, creek, house and barn; price, $7560. takes ail. r or iuii piu.umo. ,vv ... Walnut St., uentrana. tts.ii. 100 ACRES deep black loam bottom land, 12 miles west McMinnvIlle, good roads, i n.i-hbnr snrlncs and 2 fine creeks, .... .r.. nearlv cleared in hay. partly fenced, swell stock proposition, for quick Cash. .lOlrU. tf-O gau tf.u.. unno ariRES in Southwestern Washington for ale to settlers only, upon easy terms and low prices. $5 per acre and up. Write fnr man snowing iwtanuii, . WEYERHAEUSER TIMBER COMPANY. Tacoma Bldg.. Tacoma. Wash. WRITE or call on owner u interested in k,i- n. a level. aioLHWi laim m o vj ovi ..a. 4ti miles of Portland; extra good terms given. Will sell stoca separate, or rem separate, rtoutu o, . mv . Wash. FOR SALE 160 acres, deeded land, in Tilla mook LO.. 1 ' inn. -"""" and cheese factory; house, barn, outbuild ings' some cleared, some fruit trees. $1800 cash, or terms. Address AV 909, Orego nian. 60 ACRES with stock, all in cultivation, 19 acres e-year-uiu pi umc, 1 mile of town, $8500 : 240 acres, 200 In crop 40 timber pasture, 25 bottom, run ning water. 3 miles from Pratum. Or.; must be sold: $23,000. Box 215, Salem, Or. FOR SALE or trade, 320 acres, all tillable. 50 acres cultivation, Sliver Lake; all fenced with wire: good house barn and well: price reasonable. F. L. STE1NHAUS, route 1, La Center. Wash, ADMINISTRATOR'S sale. To close estate. must sell 2l acres oi uunuwu, i?". Harney County. Oregon. W. H. Fowler, 601 Panama bldg. CHICKEN, FRU1T, GARDEN RANCHES. Near roniu. -" t" terms: bsst soil; farms for sale, all sizes. McFarland. 603 Yeon bldg., Portland. NOTICE to feeders: An alfalfa place at load ing station, paying 15 per cent on asking price; leea in transit-, eut wuuu ii. ah 865. Oregonian., 28 ACRES, half or more In cultivation, $55 peracre, $75 down, long time on balance. See Draper, eui no ara ot iraue. aiain oil. 381 ACRES, crops, machinery stock. $100 per acre; terms; gravity water, r-acnic mgn way. Route 2, box 135. Albany. 5 ACRES, level, fenced, cleared, good soli. bouse; employment, near Tvuiamina; ;a cash. $10 mo. Jesse R. Sharp, Soti 3d st. V4 ACRES, near Tlgardville, $1400. mostly in crop; other farms near. Main 3672. Mc Farland. 603 Yeon bldg. 40 ACRES, near college campus. AlcMlnn- vllle, a nargain. iiaua nain, out opaia lng bldg. ' LOGGED-OFF lands. $10 acre up; running water, good soil, t tillable, employment, easy terms. Jesse R. Sharp, S3 Hi 3d St. SEVERAL small ranches for Bale. L. A. Dsuglierty, Myrtle creek, or. Pox li.. " Homesteads; KelinquishmeDts. AI.UABLE liomestead relinquishment for $500 If taken quick. 3-0 alorgan omg. WAXTED REAL ESTATE. WANTED Modern bungalow. 6 rooms or more, in good district; will trade good 1.1.000-capacity saw mill and timbcj-, now m operation; give full description in first fetter. M 3l. Oregonian. HOUSES WANTED. -I want several houses for clients with money for quick action. See me at once. W. R. KASKR. 517 Corbftt Bldg. Main 6173, WANTED A small home; give price, loca tion and condition in first letter: no Inter views. Address Reynolds. 267te Russell st. TO BUY a moderate-priced house of 0 or T rooms in Irvlngton; state prico and lo cation. AO 54. Oregonian WANTED To trade house, lot in Monta vllia for acreage close In; value $2500. L 194, Oregoniam - CASH for best bargain in 3 or 4-r. cottage. Write particulars. Buyer. 410!e Alorrison st. No agents. EXCHANGE equity in Seattle lot for lot la Portland. O 218, Oregonlaru WILL pay $50 down and $25 month for 1 to 5 acres, close in. K 264. Oregonian. WANTED At once, bungalow. Rossmere or Rose City Park. Marshall 5141. WANT to buy a house of 6 or 222, Oregonian. HOUSES wanted for quick action. Kennedy & Miller, 359 Salmon. Have tho buyers. FOB KENT FARMS. STOCK OPPORTUNITY. ESTACADA FARM FOR RENT. Here is a place of 90 acres. 35 acres under plow, balance timber and pasture; there are 500 acres outrange, fenced free, 7 acres orchard, including ;i00 prune trees, plentv of berries. 20 acres seeded to clover; i mile to school. R. F. D.. tele phone, good rook road, good well, 4-rooin house, large barn and other buildings; the rent for all Is only $200 per year; this is an exceedingly good opportunity, as the crops alone are worth more money than asked. See it at once. A. G. Bender. RITTER, LOWE & CO., 203-5-7 Board of Trade. 12 ACP.ES. all under cultivation. 9 miles from Portland, gooa auto roaa. x om. m school. This is an ideal place; very rea sonagle rent. Call or write O. O. Sleeteti. Br. 1612. res. Main 5574. 214 Lumbermen bldg. . 51 MILLION spruce and the same of hem lock, absolutely unDurnauie. cklt: i- water, Tillamook County, for $45110: I'm miles from logging R. R. X 22:1. Oregonian. FOR RENT Good cattle or hog farm; or chard, excellent son, running water. iim 91S8. jiono l.ino.000 FEET. Mull. Co. No cash. w. r:. Tiiomas, too t. namut-i m ..mum,.. Wanted to Kent Farms. WANT to rent farm, good land and im proved, well located. 4i to ou butch, euuu roads. Y 309. Oregonian. T1M.BERLANWS. FOR SALE 160 acres timber In unn County. Oregon. Mrs. jonn r. i-.ujv 817 South Tower ave., Centralla, wash. TIMBER LANDS BOUGHT AND SOLD. MCCRACKEN, 304 McKAY BLDG. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. A LOT in Ladd's Addition, with small mtg., and an acre in Tualatin, clear of incum brance; will exchange for auto. 10 acres bearing apricots: there will be between 2000 and 3oo0 boxes of apricots this year; water right goes with place: clear of incumbrance. Want house and lot; will assume some. MORRIS, 431 Chamber of Commerce. I WANT a modern six to eight-room bunga low, located in Laurelhurst. Irvington i or other good residence section on the t-ast Side: will take the same as part Payment on my apartment-house, located on 4th St.. on the West Side, which 1 am offering for il 6,000. Can show a good income. Only owners need apply. For particulars call at 4o4 Piatt omg. LOT 00 2-3x10033 1-3 ft. from corner, .u.i able for garage, apartment or flats, near the railroad bridge, old house, price 1".-000- will trade tor Valley larm or wheat land; it good wheat land will assume Also Improved acreage, value $2otJ, will put in on good farm. Address U -16. Oregonian.'' , . largc. inou- ern house, plenty of good I other building, lots of fruit, 20 acres of fine, rich soil, no rock. 16 acres in high state of cultivation. K.i,nr. nnsture. few stumps, close-in on rt ro.rl: valued S10.00O. mtg. $-11"". Want city property, p. W. Bryan, Chamber of Com. Main 1 ' 309 NOTICE. If your property, either city, farm or acreage, has merit and is for exchange or sale call or write full particulars: no in flated values considered: hv ""A"''.?. list to select from. Geo. P. Henry 3.9 .1, hiH R.f. Portland Realty Board. CHOICEST and richest 45 acres, 8 miles Poatofflce. Portland, all cultivated, 85 full- bearing fruit trees, fenced, new nome. hard-surf need road: will exchange for 9 room home. Irvlngton; no agents. East 273. LIST your properties with us; large . list farms, acreage irati" for sale and exchange. rMPAVT TALLMADUB REALTY COMPANY, 619 Henry Building. Marshall ..oo FINE homesite. free and clear, at Aslilant s,,ypay l7pn? o$6000 this year m.-iii trade lor owner, O 244. Oregonian. TisT vour property with us lor results: ex "cfange. It Jnerif. established 10 years. The Ernest Younger Co.. 10..-10T -parte at., between Washington and Stark sts. ,n, ranch, near Lewiston. well improved: IDwi,i eicSaSge for Portland property acre age or what have you? This is A No. 1. E 21. urenoin."- .. .!. TO inR Fine modern residence in Holladay' Ad- W. H. ROSS. mooit Beach To.,? Address BD 141. Ore- gontan. - TO EXCHANGE MISCELLANEOUS. WILL exchange furniture, bicycles, suns, Wmuictf in" tfuments and pianos or other goods. Hall & Cassldy. 126 t lrst st. FOR SALE. Horses. Vehicles. Livestock. RACE HORSES, young prospect- sound and SfVoni. We"seU them at a "0$ JiTa Vr'Ha. Vo?. & MJ Ha B:04V4. Have trotters and pacers. Alerrlll, 86 Broaaway. c.....e. them! muVt sea. 392 Knott, '. block east of Union ave. 22 HEAD.1 borses. young guaranteea Tnwnsend Stables. , ,iva FOR SALE CHEAP. Twenty wagons, all in first-clas con tweuij - s m.t anything, will fakenon.-tenth actual value further all hand . made. Call 263 use for them. Russell st. FOR sale or exchange. Peron stud, black. 4 year, old June 12. weighs -000 pounds, broke to worn, u ,i.ir horses, can work with any horse. snWec! ?o be registered. 380 Front St.. cor. Mont gomery. Phil Suetter. WE .ARE in a position to furnish y.uniw1' Wanr size horse, .weighing from l-'OO , teed Fralle? McLean. 240 e! Mh and Alain sts. WE have 8, head oi nms. ... - weighing irom t"v - -hay. ibee!MS:av?9;bard work, iwoaei fn.u". -" . .. ZvTZ iica .-if hnriapfl. WE are discontinuing : - - fnarVf60 Central Door & Lumber Co.. ,2th$and- GUsn sts. Ask for Evans, ship- ping clerk. A GOOD team w hich 1 have no use for as ?dnC,V.t.CA:"M. AlTshou roaa, o nines a.t of 82d st WANTED Big horse, from some fuel com W A IE. Li u , .... thronch Sum- mnry' Address 675 Clinton St.. city. "FIRST -CLASS riding or driving horses .from 1000 to 1200 pounds. Sell very cheap. fmi Falling st. Take Mississippi car. FRESH cow: 4 gals, and rich. South Port land to- Woods st., upstairs and top road to 783 12th st. ; . FRESH Holsteln and calf; also gentle, horn less Togs. buck.. U. S. Stable, Front and Aladlson. BARGAIN Good horse and wagon, new har ness, been used only 2 months, $75. Wood lawn 1004. J w JOS BUYS span of ponies,, harness and spring wagon. 263 Russell st. DEAD stock token quickly: wo pay the most for dead and crippled stock. Tabor 4203. TEAM Rbnits, with harness and wagon. Em pire 'Transfer Co. Bdwy. 155. DEAD horses taken; cash paid for dead cows; phone calls paid.. Mllwaukle 6-J. WANTED 2 good milch goats; state price and breed. P 221, Oregonian. FRESH hornless milch goat; twin kids. 124J ' Halsey at. Rose Cily car.