THE MORXIXG OREGOXIAX, TUESDAY, MAY 14, 1018. L VIEW OF CITY'S NEW MUNICIPAL PAVING PLANT, WHICH HAS JUST BEEN COMPLETED. 111 Children Cry for Fletcher's PLAN BUSY FINISH TO BE FAR DIVIDED I' 2l 14 I CANDIDATES r Tninrn SEEK Umatilla Men Wager $1000 That Mr. Stanfield' Will Win Senatorial Race. E. 0. CUSICK IS OPTIMISTIC Cnrrnr VUtlitromhe and L. J. fclnipon Claim Substantial Gain Ira All ran of Slate Will. . lam Adam Goes South. Headquarters of th rival candidal I for Senator and Gurtrnor furnish all I necessary proof of the nea approach of Fridaya primary election. Tbe of- f fore of eat a aapirsnt Is experi encing a strenuous campaign-end. and th last-hour appeals to the voters ara I almost touching. Sims Interest Is be-1 ins; shown by tbe voters, and activity! la reported in bet tins; circle. The first substantial bet on thai Senatorial race was placed yesterday, when J. N. Hurreit and W. L- Thomp son, prominent Umatilla County busi ness men. wagered 1100 at even money on R- N. Stanfield. Tba Me- Nary end of the bet was taken by Or. -. ,.'t'-" " t... j " - i' i -'i .- ?r---"..-S-'. - -V.- 1 I-- '. - r Vs: .; r-'avii.. Printed Tickets, Indorsina Candidates, Puzzle Faith ful by Lack of Agreement. 'WHO'S WHO?' IS QUESTION rAVIG MACHIERr AT foot op east alder street ready to start repairing bad streets. With tha sstabllshmenr of a munlrlna! navinar ninnt. Davlna- reoalr work throughout the city Is to be started at once. Waller itruce. of this city, a cousin of j The new plant, representing an Investment of approximately $10,000, has been completed and already has turned out not go wrong when It cornea to voting;. 'Lemon" Ticket Indorses McXary and Moser Perry Tiekct Says to Vote for Stanfield and so Does Dr. Davidson Buchanan. Printed "tickets." bearing; the names of various candidates indorsed for nomination in Friday's primary elec tion, have made their appearance. Foremost among; these printed indorse ments are those circulated by so-called patriotic organizations, more generally denominated the "A. P. A." But the "patriots" find themselves badly con fused owintr to the appearance of three separate tickets. Of the three. two make indorsements for nearly all of the offices but differ as to candi dates in a number of instances. As result, many of the recipients of "tickets" are trying to find out "who's who" in order to make sure they will aaSk!5Si& The Kind Ton Have Always Bonght has borne the signa ture of Chas. II. Fletcher, and has been made under his personal supervision for over SO years. Allow no one to deceive you in this. Counterfeits, Imitations and Just-as-good" are but experiments, and endanger the heal tli of Children Experience against Kxperlment. What is CASTOR I A Castona is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare proric. Drops and Soothing- Syrups. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. For more than thirty years it has been in constant use forthe relief o! Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying- Feverishness arising- therefrom, and by regulating: the Stomach and Bowels, aids the as similation of Food ; givine healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of S7 In Use For Over 30 Years tmc ctirraoa eesjaaav, new voac errr. Senator SJcNary. and a anaa named -raith. Tbla Is tba only bat of any consequmra that haa been . reported tier- on ths fenatorsblp. VVithtroraba headquarters announce I aa abundance of coin that ths Governor I I considerable work. une 'he "tickets" was printed by The plant, situated at the. foot of East Alder street. Is centrally placed, so that molten asphalt can be transportea authority of w. O. Kmon, 1J3 ueia by motor truck to any part of the city. A crew of pa vine; repairmen has been, selected by City Commissioner Barbur I ware street, who says he is the sue and City Engineer Lauraaard and-will be kept busy from now on. I cessor of Dr. Davidson Buchanan, an Commissioner Barbur says the worst streets will be repaired first. There are many main thorougnrares wnicn nmate of the Patton Home and long ara heavllv traveled and ara In bad condition. The cttv havinnr taken over the maintenance of most of these streets, will (he recosrntzed heart nf the A. P. A's. will win. but only a few small bets I do the work at once. Great difficulty has been experienced in getting this work done by private contract because of the Lemon indorses C .L McNary for United on lha Governorebip have bea made, excessive cost and the unwillingness or the private plant operators to atart their macninery ior oniy a aay or iwo run. and most of tbero were based on tba One of ths first tasks of tha new plant will be the paving of the north half of Terwilllger boulevard. This work order in which two or mora of tba mast be don this year. In accordance with an agreement by which the city was donated the right of way for the sit candidate will finish. On bet ot boulevard. ft) to t'i waa mad yesterday that I Tba paving plant has been made up of parts of second-hand plants. The city has purchased the various parts Mover would not finish better thaa I and assembled them on tha East Side water front within easy reach of the supply of sand, gravel and other materials. third. Another small bet of IS to 1 AUCTION GOODS COMING DOXATIOXS FOR RED CROSS SALE REACH LIBERTY TEMPLE. States Senator. Another bears the name $200 Puppy Among Receipts Reported. of captain J. E. Perry. 324 Mohawk w Suggestions for Event Are Solicited. on W I thy com be aa against Olcott was a-so reported. e -a After completing a tour of the entire s'ate. embracing all sections, Senator Walter M. I'lerce. candidate for ths Democratic nomination for Governor. ma quoted at alem yeatcrday as pre dicting that Governor Withycocjbe would win the Republican nomination easily. Senator I'lerce Is reported to have said that his study of political sentiment In all parts of the stat con xmcra htm that Governor Wltbycomoa 'is far ahead of all bis competitors for the Republican nomination and that his strength is growing dally. Tha frlenda of Governor Wlthycombe say that thla prediction la made la the fac of Senator Pierce's utteraac be fore the Portland Realty Board re cently when ha la said to have admitted to the vartoua candidates present that he wonld prefer to run against any candidate other than Governor Withy comb at tha general election la No vember. More optimistic reports cams pour ing Into Simpson headquarters In the tielUng building yesterday from all pjrts of the state. Thes are excerpts from soma of tha letters received yesterday: Ktmpeoa will go over tha top la La Grande." "Mlmpson will run at rone In Clatsop." -btraw vol In Nevarstill shingle mill Willamette Valley and Southern Ore gon points, where ha will devote the concluding days of tha campaign to his candidacy. II is leaving to his friends tha management of hia campaign In this county. It will b directed from the Adams headquarters, 414 North western Bank building. Fred A. Williams, of Grants Pan. candidal on the Republlrsn ticket for Public Service Commissioner, is at the Imperial Hotel, having com to this city In the Interest of his candidacy. Mr. Williams Is a life-lone Republican, chairman of the Republican County Central Committee of Josephine County, and Is also president of the Josephine County Council of Defense. Ha bss resided at Grants Psss for ten years, and during that time has prac ticed law In that city. He Is associated In the practice of law with George W. ColTlg. who waa a member of tha first Railroad Commission In this state. Robert C. Wright, candidate for Cir cuit Judge In Department 4, says that his sppeal to the voter haa been sim ply the offer of a fair and square court without any politics In It as the consideration for the vote. He believes It Impossible to promts mora and he nays ha Intends to promise nothing less. Mr. Wright says ha haa promised no support for or against any special laws. Interests or anything els which a Judg haa nothing to do with, nor BRUCE DENNIS BOOSTED CANDIDATE FOR ATIOAL COM MITTEE MAX INDORSED. very man but one voted for Hlmpson. ik, m p0altlon on any question which and he r.f used to vote at all. I amounta to a decision before the case is "Clatakani la atrong for Simpson "I believe Simpson otanda mor than an even chanr In Clatsop County.- Astoria business man. -Vou will get a big vot la Umatilla County." "Running strong In this part of the stat Madras). Traveling salesman eava Central Oregon Is for Simpson." "Tha rood. Imnreaalon vou made her (Vale still grows and reports come I Med ford Democrats have, Indorsed the from all over the county of your candidacy of Dr. J. W. Morrow, or tnts heard In court. Lit. J. T. MORROW INDORSED I Med ford Democrats Give Strong Reason for According Support W. E. Crews and a score of the atrength. "Simpson la running Ilka a scared wolf in my section of tha state." C P. t"i'at" Mahaffey. business man. of llend. "Simpson Is running strong la Cen tral Oregon. Our people are Inclined to follow the lead of tb National Ad ministration In aummoning to Its aid the ablest business men In the Nation." J. x. Williamson, of Prinevtll. city, for Democratic National Commit teeman. Tneaa gentlemen baa thel support of Dr. Morrow on the fact thai he Is not only 1(9 per cent American but 10 per cent Democrat, as well. Their statement. Issued yesterday. Is headed. "Why the Democrats should support Dr. J. W. Morrow for Demo- ocrattc National Committeeman, bears tha following signatures: It J. J. Frephy J r. Redd? Wood. Jetter Thorn. Pankey O. J. Fatten (t erse Hershbarcer W. C. Crewe J. E. BarkXoll "When t cornea to history and prece dent. I find tbat at ao tira la all his tory haa an boneet-to-goodncsa war Governo like James Wlthycomb bean defeated for re-election. Governor Wlthycomb has slways had solid sup-I Ceo. P. Mima port among tha law-enforcement ele ment, has been a decided favorite with in women voter, and also exceedingly popular with tha farmers of the stat. among whom he mingled Intimately during the 14 yeara be traveled over Tie slat while head of experimental wrk at tha Oregon Agricultural Col lege." remarked a political prophet In the lobby of th Imperial Hotel tha other day. as h offered to plac a cvod-sljd bet on Wlthycomb against tha field. "With the elements of th elector ate behind him four years ago he car ried 23 out of tha 14 counties of tha Sam Medendan Joe H. Beekmaa B.ake Ralriaia I. W. Berry Otto J.ldnesa RossO ftVhl.fferlla W. E. Phlppe J. W. Mitchell SIMPSON" CHEERED AT SALEM Candidate Promise Stale Clean and Efficient Administration. SALEM. Or. May 11 (Special.) L J. Simpson, Republican candidate for Governor, delivered tbe '."Irst political address of th campaign heard her to a crowded bona at a local theater to night. He was accorded an ovation. Mr. Simpson declared that he expects to receive tha nomination for Gov tate over aad above each and all of the feraor next Friday and asserted that If other seven candidates. la addition to I elected b Intends to wipe out politic his usual strength he now baa th prestlc of being on of Jh most popu lar war Governor In th United Statea. ton can't fool m with aay of this eleventh-hour brass-band stuff. My money stays ea Wlthycomb." a Supporters of T- D. Cuslck. of Albany, Republican candidal for Stat Treas urer, are much encouraged by tb opti mistic ton of reports from all parts of th stat. Mr. Cuslck Is not only quali fied by business experience for th of fice, but he haa aa Intimate knowledge of atate affairs, gained front a eervice of two terms In th Stat renat. Vot er apprcciat th need of practical business met on th lat board and ecognts la Mr. Cualck a candidal who la stat government and devot his ad ministration to " th development of Oregon. He declared that his assertion did not neceaaarlly presuppose that h would clean out all th men now hold ing nubile offlc tinder th Governor, but that h would make vry effort to plac th moat efficient men h could find In appolntlv positions. Mr. Simp son generally followed along th line of his address given In Portland. He was accompanied to Salem by a number of Cooa County voters, and whll here met a large number of eltl sens of Salem and vicinity. 8unnylde Holds Wilon Rally. "Mora than II. 000.00 of th taxpay- ' w,on.w will K imiiI h (h. rniti,! possesses th necessary qualification. ComjnlMlon.r, of Multnomah County next year and th people ahould elect successful business men as Commls mlssloners." J. T. Wilson, Republican candidal for Commissioner, told an audience at th 8unnysld Congrega tional Church last night. The rally was arranged by neighbors of Mr. Wil son la the Sunnysld district. Resolu tions Indorsing bis candidacy wer adopted. Monday noon a luncbeoa waa held at ths Multnomah Hotel by the Wlthy comb supporters. The meeting was sa enthusiastic and well-attended on. Senator Olson. manager of the Wlthycomb campaign, gav an outline of the reports received from all over the state, showing that Governor Wlthycomb' support Is uniformly strong throughout th state. Several other speakers made reports npoa conditions In different part of tha stata and th meeting wound up by verybody singing th "Star-Spangled Banner." Plans were laid for a whirlwind fin ish to th campaign a a Th concluding Simpson rally of th campaign will b held at th Eleventh street playhouse tomorrow night. I. J. Mmpon. candidal for th Rpubll-I raa nomination for Governor, will be! the leading speaker and will again ad. drrsa th people ea development and th Ideas which he ha advanced I reasons for his election at this lira. The Pimpoon-for-novernor Ueaxu also Invites th legislative. Judicial and county candidates to mak thr minute talks following th address by Mr. s-imrson. see Wtlllsm Adams. Cl'r Tressurr and randldst for Stat Treasurer on th Republican ticket, left yesterday for EIGHT ARRESTED IN RAID Police Interrupt Game and Take Participants to Station. Policemen Hunt and Martin, of th war emergency squad. Interrupted a little gam at th "Walters" Club." Sixth and Washington streets, late last nlshl and brought to th station th following alleged gamesters: A. J. Bill ings. A. Guatenson. B. Lawle. J. B. Day, Sam. Ross. Albert Toung, James Wood and Charles Raft. With th exception of Billings and Guatenson sll of the men were released upon producing fla ball money. Hill ings and Gustenson were required to furnish bonds of HO esch. They are accused of conducting th game. Read HarUy'a article, pais I. Adv. Reaablteaaa Rrpreaeatlag All Parts f State CBBKead I-a Graade Man fr Peel t lau Mor than a score of prominent Re publicans of the state yesterday Joined In a strong Indorsement of the can didacy of Bruce Dennis, of L Grande, for Republican National Committee man. In commending the candidacy of Mr. Dennis, thes Republicans refer to his ability as an organiser and his stsndlng aa a cltlxen and newspaper man. The Indorsement, which Is ad dressed to the Republican voters of the state, follows: To tbe Republlcana of Oregon IVe. the nnderslgned Republicans of this slste, recommend and urse that all Re publican, voters support and voto for Bruce leanls for Kepublicsn National Committee man at the' primaries on May 17. Ilia active and untiring Interest in Rennh- llcaa politics, coupled with hla ability as a convincing speaker snd sn able writer, prompta us to appeal to th voters to elect him as National Committeeman, As sn orssnlser. Mr. Dennis has n rover! his ability, having organized and managed to a euccessrul termination a number of aiate-wlda campaigns. With strong sanuad opposition aaalnat him he collected the good roads advocates Into one bodv and carried the election which gave to this state 11. first constructive highway legis lation. When Oregon needed a State Coun cil ot Defense he waa called to organise It. and the effective work of that body with ita wide campaigns of education paved the way for Oregon to be first In her war work, Hla standing aa a cltlsen and aa a news paper man is well known, and we sincerely believe that In hira the Republican party of Oregon will bav a live, energetic leader who will not only be eminently fair every member of the party, but who will also give to the party that life and ac tivity which modern politic, needs and de mands. Signed: Daniel Boyd, delegate to last two Republican ' National conventional W. L. Furnish, or Multnomah County: J. H. Peare. chairman Union County Republican Central Committee: Marlon Jack, Republican State l antral Committeeman of I matllla County Thomas Thompson, Republican Congres sional committeeman of Umatilla County: Frank Curl, chairman I'matllla County Re- puDiican central committee: T. J. Mahonev, stata Central Committeeman of Morrow county: William Poll man. of Baker County Drew Barnum. State Central Committeeman of Hherman County: Jay Rowerman. of Multnomah County: Grant Dlmick, of Clack- amaa County: F. 8. Bramwell. of Josephine County: Ed Wright, secretary Public Service lommlsslon: n. r Kennedy, of Multnomah County; Fred R. Uroes. of Multnomah County: W. Lair Thompson, of Multnomah County; Max Dueddermann, of Multnomah County; iw. J. w. Donnelly, of Gilliam County, and many others. building, who Indorses Stanfield, while the third was published by Dr. David son Buchanan. 975 Michigan avenue, who appears yet to be active, despite the Lemon ' claim to heirship. The Buchanan "ticket" Is known as bulle tin No. 10. It is a small leaflet and urges all "patriots" to vote for R, N. Stanfield for United States Senator. It includes no other indorsements. Controversy Has Developed To further add to the confusion of Reed College Reconstruction Course the "patriots," a controversy has al- Mike Baldwin. ' The puppy is said to be ready developed between Lemon, Bu-1 worth S200 chanan and Perry as to the genuine-1 Mr. Miller has fed the puppy on ness of their respective "tickets." I goats' milk and it is said to be one of "This ticket of preferred candidates 1 the best-bred animals on the Pacific Is Indorsed by the American Patriotic Coast. In making the donation Mr. League, whose bulletins were pre-1 Miller told Red Cross officials that viously signed by Dr. Davidson Bu- I Airedales could be trained to hunt out helpful suggestions during th closing days of the campaign. WOMEN SEEK WAR WORK Proves Popular. Donations for the Red Cross auction to be held In behalf of the second Red Cross war fund are already being re ceived at Liberty Temple. Max Miller, a breeder of police dogs, ambulance dogs and Airedales, was the first donor. He presented to the auc tion committee a 6-weeks-old Airedale puppy, a half-brother to the 'amous Applications from states t throughout the territory west of the Mississippi for the Reed College Summer course arid tion-aides have been flooding the col- I vnuso auinurneu tuccessut i wounaea persons ana inus do servico- lege office since th announcements I - -emon, assens air. wraun in able m war. were mad a comparatively short time I conspicuous type on the face of his Mr. Miller-yesterday presented to A pnniea ickbl i m. Griiiey, or the x.jii. tj. a. war serv "Any other use, or my name at tnis period is fictitious," Dr. Buchanan warns the public in his printed "ticket.1 And there you are. But here enters ago. The eagerness of well qualified wo men in western states to enter the Summer school and reconstruction work has made it necessary to limit the number admitted to the latter cou ice, a brother to the Red Cross dog to be used as a mascot at Camp Lewis. On behalf of the Arleta auxiliary of the Red Cross. Mrs. A. B. Holliday pre rug or wall-piece Y PLEDGE SUPPORT OFFICE OF C. X. MeARTHCR FLOODED WITH MAIL IS Oregea Repswtarlv's Effort la Behalf f Soldier aot Frgttea, Say Manager MeCatchaa. With bis own office fore at Wash ington, D. C, working night and day aad with the assistance of two xtra stenographers whom he bas employed at his own expense. Representative C. N. McArthur Is bending every effort to snswen the heavy volume of mail received by him from the Oregon peo pl during th past; few weeks. But It will be Impossible for all of these letters to be answered before election day according to a telegram received yesterday 'by H. 8. McCutchan, man ager ot th McArthur campaign com mittee. Representative McArthur bas re ceived mora than 20i0 letters during th past two weeka from men and women throughout Oregon, who not only take a deep interaal la hla can didacy, but who likewiao appreciate what he has done for th young men whom Oregon hss given to her Na tion's colors," said Mr. McCutchan. Th men and women of - regon are not unmindful of his untiring and successful efforts to bring about a needed betterment of thiall service for soldiers and sailor, both in this country and 'over there.' They also appreciate his good work In expedit ing tb sending out of allotment money from men in th service to their de pendents at home. Included in this heavy volum of mail are many letters from men and women of this district, who ar pledg- ng their unsolicited support of Mr. McArthun during th present cam paign, and we, her at home, feel con fident that he will roll up a magnifi cent victory at th primary election next Friday." Mr. McCutchan added that the com mittee holds out a welcome to all of he friends and supporters of Repre sentative McArthur to visit the cam paign headquarters, 110 Northwestern urse. also the redoubtable CaptalnaPerry and sented a magnificent For the second course in training aides "ts up tne claim that his ticket is composed of red crosses, stars and to rehabilitate disabled soldiers. begin-llne on'r genuine memorandum ior me I stripes intermingled nar June z. t women nave already I ""'""" "l i""""" o,. Jr you nave an laea ior a new or been admitted. Out of this list of 1 ne Oregon federation or I'atnotic noVeI feature for the auction write it candidates. Orec-nn and Wnshlna-trm I Societies. Inc., has caused this bulletin ... .nri moil if tn the auction commit each have 24 representatives, California J be lsfued and BlKneri y Captain J. E. tee at the Liberty Temple. A prize will eight, Idaho four, and one .each from I f . ' ,u""awR uuaing. ino dui- De sjVen ror the best suggestion. tti,,, v iiLnci ia kcii uiite nuuuui (.lie signature attached hereto," announces Captain Perry on his printed "ticket.' So, what Is the poor befuddled "pa trlot" to do? Lemon Ticket Distributed Sunday. The first of these "tickets" to appear was deposited on the doorsteps of many houses throughout the residence districts In the early hours of Sunday morning. Later in the day It was dis tributed from a number of the Prot esiant cnurcnes or tne city, it was addressed to "patriots." and purports to have been issued by the American Patriotic League. It is signed by Mr. Lemon. The text of the "ticket" ex- nlaifla trttafr V aa lni1ntaAmaritavnaaa ma)a hv th lalr., "without hvino- k.rt" To confer on the housing and trans- the consent of the candidates Indorsed. Portation problems Incident to the em Nevada. Montana, Wisconsin, South Da. kota, Iowa and Colorado. SALMON WANTED BY CITY Commissioner Anks Tbat Fishermen Be Allowed to Use Xets. HOUSING PROBLEM IS UP HIGH OFFICIALS HERE TO STIDY SHIPYARD CONDITIONS. A second appeal that fishermen at Oregon City be permitted to use their nets in taking the tons of salmon ac cumulating below the falls in the Wil lamette River because unable to make their way over the fish ladder was sent to Governor Withycombe yesterday by City Commissioner Dan Kellaher. Mr. Kellaher. who Is In charge of the Portland Municipal Fish Market, Is interested In this proposal because he has been offered without cost one-half the catch for distribution to patrons of the market or customers out in the state, at his discretion. "If the Governor, as official head of the Fish and Game Bureau," com mented Commissioner Kellaher, "will only grant the request we would be Because of Honse Shortage In -Van couver Many Employe of StandLfer Company May Reside Here. The so-called Lemon "ticket" indorses McNary for United States Senator, Moser for Governor and Hoff for State Treasurer. "We trust the people," reads the Perry "ticket" which appeared yester day. "The Oregon Federation of Pa triotic Societies, Inc., composed of duly elected delegates from respective pa- ployment of 3500 men in the new plant of the Standifer Shipbuilding Company, of Vancouver, J. W. McCloy, transpor tation expert of the Emergency Fleet Corporation, arrived in Portland yes terday for conference' with Fred A. Rasch, transportation expert of the Public Service Commission of Oregon. The Government has already spent trlntln organizations, have faithfully $1,500,000 on the plant of the Standifer able to supply thousands of families and Impartially investigated these can- company ana is reaay to turn out steel with salmon to eat and can at a price so insignificant all can buy." SHERWOOD TO PLAN DRIVE Systematic Giving Proposed i Method of Meeting Allotments. didatea and have by unanimous vote ships in large numbers. The number of indorsed these men as the best quail- men who will be employed in the plant fied to meet the needs of the public. I cannot De nousea in Vancouver at pres ent, ana tne representatives or tne Perry Ticket Opposes Beverldge. final decision will be made by the Emergency Fleet Corporation. Frank J. Miller, chairman of tha Public Service Commission, has co-operated with the Fleet Corporation in every way so as to get the most effi cient handling of the transportation problem. ONTARIO -GIRL IS TAKEN Xarcissa liemirez Drugged by Says She Mexicans. Was OGDEN, Utah, May 13. Relating a story of being drugged, kidnaped and placed on a . train at Ontario, Or., by two Mexicans, whom she charges with conspiracy to defraud her aged father of his fortune and land holdings, Xar cissa Sussella Remircz, 13-year-old Mexican heiress, of the Oregon city. was detained by the police here today on Information from Oregon. She was In a dazed condition when found in the Union Depot today. She charges the Mexicans with plotting to kill her father and com pelling her to marry one of them to secure her father's fortune, which had been willed to her. FOUR-MINUTE MEN RESUME Red Cross Appeals Made at All City Theaters. Four-Minute speakers of Portland re sumed their efforts last night, talking before theater audiences on the Red Cross war fund. This will be the theme of their talks throughout the week. The schedule of speakers, aa given out yesterday, follows: Orpheum, W. F. Woodward; Pantages, Walter H. Evans; Baker, Estes Snedecor: Liberty, Thomas F. Ryan: Lyric, Thomas H. Hayes; Columbia, Hugh Hardnian; Sun set, Omar C. Spencer; Star, Dr. A. M. Webster; Hippodrome, W. F. Woodward; Peoples, Dr. William Wallace Youngson; Strand, Omar C. Spencer; Circle, Hamil ton Johnstone; Majestic, Hamilton Johnstone. Emergency Fleet Corporation and the SHERWOOD. Or.. May 1J. (Special.) A big patriotic meeting will be held nere ednesday night for the pur pose of getting under way for the Red Cross drive. Th plan is to hav tha I VC ', ci,v, - cne.r,.e ... o- ir,t people agr to a regular monthly pay- Kd",.ard F. Smith; Wilson T. Hume for ment of an amount they can afford and f,it T,irie;e. Denartment No. 4. as keep It up until the war ends. It Is hoped to enlist every man. woman and child In this systematic way of assisting in the war measures and eliminate these special drives that are coming ao often. Th various measures, such as Red Cross. T. M. C. A,, Salvation Army, K. of C. and others, will ec.-h b ap portioned th amount they ask from Sherwood from this fund. The Perry ticket makes no Indorse- public Service Commission are trying to work out a system of transportation which will bring the employes of the plant to Portland with the greatest possible efficiency. Two plans are under consideration. One provides for the operation of limited electric trains over the line of the Portland Railway, Light & Power Company, by which men living in vari ous districts of Portland can be sent to their homes without stops on the way. The other plan Is to run steam trains over the Southern Pacific and O. W. R. & N. tracks, stopping at St. Johns, Albina, Oak street and East Morrison street. The reports and recommenda tions will be made to Washington of ficials after the conference and the ments for National committeemen. Representative in Congress, Attorney- General, Circuit Judge, Department No. 2, and recommends only one candidate, Rufus C. Holman, for County Commis sioner. It also differs from the Lemon "ticket" in that W. W. Hall is indorsed for County Clerk, as opposed to Joseph W. Beverldge; E. H. Collis for County Auditor, Instead of Sam B. Martin; PATRIOTS ARE CHALLENGED Election Board Official- SuggeMs Salary Donation. Patriotism of Portland citizens who serve on election hoards next rriduy is under challenge. Glenn Barnett, ember of the board in precinct No. 44 H, is the challenger. 'There are mighty few people in Port land," declared Mr. Barnett last night. who need the X3 paid to election work ers. If 60 per cent or tne board mem bers will donate their day's salary to ome patriotic purpose, I don t care which one, I will not only give my $3 but will add $6 more. I hope very much this offer will be met, for it would mean several thousand dollars for deserving war activities." PHILLIP BAKER IS DEAD Clackamas County Resident Dies at Home at Age of 75 Tears. OREGON CITT". Or, May IS. (Spe cial.) Phillip Baker, on of th old- time resident of Clackamas County and Clvli War veteran, died at the family home at Stafford Sunday. Mr. Baker was a native of Penn sylvania snd was 7s years of ago. He enlisted at Philadelphia at the break ing out of the Civil War, and served during the entire war. He is survived by th following chil dren: Henry, Mark and Fred Bakers of Stafford; Miss Minnie Baker, of Idaho; Mrs. Julia Gentry, of Vancouver, Wash.; Mrs. Annie Jacobs, of Oswego. The funeral services are to be con ducted from th family home tomorrow afternoon at I o'clock. against A. W. Orton, Of the candl dates for State Representative, the Perry "ticket" Indorses Ralph A. Coan and D. C. Lewis In place of F. G. Haas and R. A. Nielsen, whose names ap pear on the Lemon ticket. Otherwise the same legislative candidates are in dorsed on both tickets. Two Tickets Given. The following Is a complete list of the indorsements appearing on th T.emnn ticket: ' 12 Dennis, Bruce 18 McNary, Chas. L. 21 McArthur. C. N. 24 Moser. Gus C. 30 Hoff. O. P. 35 Johns. Charles A. 37 Brown. Geo. M. 3S Churchill. J. A. 3l Dftlislel. Wm. A. 44 Williams. Fred A. 47 Schaefer. J. B. 49 Morrow. Robt. G. 52 Orton, A. vv. ..- Carter. William A. l Reed. Sanderson 62 Banks. W. W. 65 Lofgren. D. E. 9 Atkinson. Dave T3 Bonebrake, P. O. LAZIEST MAN IS ARRESTED J. E. Murray, Lacking Ambition, to Act as Jail Janitor. J. E. Murray waa arrested by the po lice, last night and taken to head quarters where ha gave a few bits of philosophy In his talk at tbe desk. "I have no ambition," he said. "r believe," he continued, "that the world owes me a living and that the county should tak care of me." Last night the man of no ambition slept in a cell. Today he will assume his duties aa jail Janitor. It is figured that hia latent ambition will revive after a few days of "swamping out" in J the corridors and that ha will lose the Bank building, at any time to offer idea that th world owes him a living. 79 Gordon. Herbert HO Haas. F. G. 82 Herrln. D. C. K7 Kubll, K. K. 80 Lynn, Walter G. t McFarland. E. C. 95 Nellsen, R. A. Pettlngell. B. E. t8 Richards. Oren R. 99 Richardson, J. G. 103 Bailey. A. A. 108 Holman, Rufas C 114 Hurlburt. T. M. 115 Beverldge. Jos. W. 117 Lewis. John M. 119 Martin. Sam B. 120 Bonser, R. C. 123 Smith Edward F. 124 Petersen. Mark W. The candidates indorsed on the Perry ticket follow: For United Statea Senator 19 Stanfield. Robert N. For Governor 24 Moser. Gus C. For State Treasurer 30 Hoff. O. P. For Justice Supreme Court 35 Johns, Charles A. For Superintendent Public Instruction 38 Churchill. J. A. For Labor Commissioner 39 Dalziel. Will iam A- For Publlo Service Commissioner (4 Will lams. Fred A. For Water Superintendent 17 Schaefer, J. B. For Judge Circuit Court, Department 4 B0 Hume. Wilson T. For Judge Circuit Court. Department S 55 Carter. William A. For state senator 61 Reea. banaerson. For Senator. 14th District 2 Banks. W. W. v. For Representative. 17th District 03 T.of gren. David K. Representative. 18th District 69 Atkin son. Dave; 73 Bonebrake. P. O. ; 76 Coan. Ralph A.: 79 Gordon. Herbert: 82 Herrln, D. C; 87 Kubll, K. K. ; S8 Lewis. D. C; HO Lyon. Walter G. ; ill McFarland. E. C: 94 Pettlngell. Elmer E. : !' Richards, Oren R : 99 Richardson. Joseph G. For County Commissioner 108 Holman. Rufus C. - For County Clerk 116 Hall. W. W. For County Treasurer 117 Lewis. John M. For County Auditor 118 Collins. E. H. For County Surveyor 120 Bonacr. R. C. For County Coroner 122 Smith. Earl. For Constable 1-1 Petersen, Mark W. Worker Falls From Scaffold. Fred Barks, a shipyard worker, was cut and bruised about the head whan he fell from a scaffold at the Supple & Ballin shipyards at 11:45 o'clock last night. Barks' home is in McMinnville and he is married. Mr. Barks was taken to the Good Samaritan Hospital. Red Cross Meets Wednesday. Mount Tabor Presbyterian Red Cross Unit meets every Wednesday for 10 to 4 o'clock In the Glencoe School, East 49th and Belmont streets. All women In the community are Invited to do their Wednesday Red Cross work at this place. ' costs many a man his job d5 No matter how efficient a man may be, if he has an ugly ikm-eruption, there are position in whicL he cannot b tolerated. He may know that it is not in the least contagious, but other people are afraid, they avoid him, and he must make way for a man with a clear, healthy skin. Why ran this risk, when -ft sinol Ointment and Reiinol Soap stop itching and , clear away eczema and similar humors to quickly and easily ? All druggists sell Keslaol Oiataient and Resinol Snap.