Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, May 14, 1918, Page 11, Image 11

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14, 1918.
i t
oftr.coM ix TCLEraora.
MMMiiif aMuer IlinWliWI
Cur Kal'ar Mala T"TO. A
miUr Kdltnr Mala TOTO. A S4
ad.rtalns litrtnMl Maia T7. A anal
aaarutaaoaat at BolMlas. Mala Tela, A 0
fc N a a r. . rm t t t .ft i m m m - - ,
OnriffruM iBroadwir a"4 TsTler)
tma ouiltr;: a. This aliereoea at S;1A.
BAKER (Hra4ar at Slsth. Mtw Alder
M-i i imii l-aar tak Compear la
-Ti- n.r... M4aina" Tu traaoa
at aad toaiaot at a acock.
riNTAGM (BrMdnr at AMer Veiaa-
VII la. Tar sally. 3 . T 4 S:06.
HPmiiinyt Brae!war at Tamhll!
av1lla aa4 iMTinf pletwrea, 3 ta a
la It T. M. aetardara, ttaadara. kail
aajra. reatiaowua, 1:11 la II r. M.
ITKiVn IWiainim atra. hetweea Par
and U m farat Vaudeville aad aaevias
ptrtoraa; eeeiiaeeua.
LTKrC iFoertli and Stark MoaKal
Mr. dallr. alaraiaa aad aiaku
a n't
on PaJa, at
Business Office. Oregonlaa.
Carratx Robcto:( lnworwa Th
many friends of Captain William II
Ilohertaon will ba clad to know of th
daily Improvement In hln condition.
While on hts vacation at Long Beach
bo suffered a atroka of paralysis, bat
ha haa bn gradually Improving,
bavins' bee . removed to hla boma on
Ooing street. II will ba remembered
br Iba old-tlrara aa captain of tbo
Ftsrbstret ferry, later having been
connected with the Alblna ferry.
Itauax-Amsricahs to Oaasnvm Dat.
Mar :4. the annlvcraarr of Italy' a en
tranca Into the world war on tbo aide
of tha allies, will ba observed appro
priately In Portland with a programme
to bo arranged by a committee not yet
named. Mayor Baker received a tele-
cram Monday from Charles E. Hashes,
president of the Italy-America So
ciety, calling attention to tho date of
tha anniversary and requesting that
some celebration be arranged for.
T T. M. C A- In co-operation wllh
the T. W. C. A will conduct another
clase for women tn tha car a. mecha
mem and operation of tha automobile
beginning Tuesday avanlng. May 23.
Women who drive cars and who wlah
to get tho maximum service and to
avoid road troubles should enroll: clasa
limited to Ji. To reserve a place, call
at room 41C T. M. C A. building. Sixth
and Taylor. Adv.
Crrr Cotncat to Visrr Camp Larwrs.
The City Council will pay Ita official
respects to Camp Lewis by a visit on
Tuesday. May :i. Mayor Baker and
the Cltr Commissioners will leave Port
land Monday night for Tacoma and
will visit Camp Lewi on Tuesday
Mayor Rolph. of San Francisco, waa a
visitor at the camp a few days ago
and Mayor Paker spent a day In Camp
Lewis about one month ago.
TgAMSTcn Hurt is Rcwawav. A.
Slater, a teamster, living at SI41 Sixty
sixth street Southeast, waa seriously
Injured yesterday when bis team ran
away on tha Kast Side. Tha wagon
collided with a telephone pole. Mr.
Mater being thrown to the pavement.
Ho sustained fractures of both legs.
Ho waa taken to St. Vincent's Hospital
and later removed to hla home.
Gbbma Held as StkcxcR. Com
plaint that he la a alacker was filed
by tha United Ftates District Attorney's
office yesterday against Ludwtg
J-.hnKx. Zf. a German who has been
working at Baker. Or. The man. who
has ben posing under tho alias of
I-ouls Huffman, says ha registered I
oraaha. Neb, bat no proof of the
statement haa been obtained.
NaTtoMAt. Patt FonCM Tohioht. At
the National Party Forum a discus
sion on the labor programma aa out
lined by local labor leaders will ba
given aad a comparison of this pro
gramme with that of tha labor pro
gramme In tha National party a plat
form. This forum meets at the Library,
room IL thla evening at t o'clock.
Wk. A. DaLXiat. for Labor Commie
sinner. What the Oregon Stats Fed
oration of I-ebor says about htm: "Dal
slel Is a machinist and la now a deputy
commissioner: haa been successful In
keeping peace between tha employers
and men and la well thought of by
those be comes In contact with. Adv.
Jit- eT Msasvrm to Ba SL'mjrcr At
the Alblna Branch Library, iit Knott
street. Wednesday night at S o'clock.
May IS. Frank C Coulter will speak on
the Jitney ordinances and tha f-cen
fare. Voters of tha Alblna district are
urged, tn their own Interest, to be a
thla meeting.
Jmnrra to Fs Scbjsct Judge Henry
E. McGinn and Dr. C H. Chapman will
speak tonight In tha Vernon School
hoaeo on the "Jitneys and tha f-Cent
Kara." This will ba tha last chance
to bear Mr. McGinn In thla district
before tha primaries. Coma and bring
your neighbors and sample ballots.
G b-axts Pass Pa vroa Rev. L.
Myron Pooler, pastor of the First
Presbyterian Church of Grants Pass. Is
In Portland on business this week.
Years ago Mr. Booser had a charge in
thla city. later going to Orenco where
be established a flourishing church. He
went to Grants Pass two yeara ago.
Hair CurriMi $1.15 and up: barber
sheara for cutting hair. 75c and up
combs. lie and up; rasors, strops and
hones at reduced prices. All goods
guaranteed. Portland Cutlery A Bar
ber Supply Co.. 1 Ctn St., near Stark.
Crrr Ballot to Ba Topic. At the
Central Library balL at t o'clock
Wednesday night. May IS. Judge Mc
Ginn will speak on tha city ballot and
the S-cent fare and Dr. C H. Chapman
will preside. The public la Invited.
Jack Krwo's Hsaltst Baths. JiH
mark street. .Alain l7. Adv.
Da. M. S. BetthsTT. dentist. 1ST Pit-
lock block. Adv.
? V: T j i0;) -
r 1 W ?
Slii im i w mm ii - - - - '
ateaV Captala Casta Beaotat. V. S. R. "taadlag ea Ift L, R. Aldersaaa.
asertateadea mt City SrhMla. Oa Itlgbt Kraak H. Shepherd. Ulstnet
Kdaratlaaal Director a the War Departsaeat CoaaaBltte aa Kdacatloa aad
Speeial TralaJag.
enough men to make up the deficit.
Xo person will be admitted to the
school except by Induction by his
local draft board, but If men who are
not subject to call wish to enlist In
his course they may request their
draft boards to Induct them into the
In tha contract which was approved
yesterday the School Board agreea to
furnish Instruction In asitomoblle me
chanics for 10 men. general mechanics
for (0 men. blacksmlthlng for 10 men
sheet metal work for 20 men. plumb-
nr fop 20 men. carpentry for SO men
and courses In electrical work, teleg
raphy, wireless operation or radio con
traction for 10 men.
Tha board will provide suitable
workroom and classroom space and
equipment, one Instructor for each 2e
men, tn training, grounds for drill and
tactical work, and will co-operate with
tha War Department Inanatters of rec
ords and supervision of the training.
Tha Benson High School Is the only
Igh school sreepted by the Govern
ment for technical training In the
i9 rxizAirra yocxg rfcocxts
May Fifteenth
Straw Hat Day
And may we be fortunate in -putting:
one on your head?
Variety in crown, brim and '
band to make satisfactory se
lection certain.
STRAWS, f3, fS
Sailors and Sennets.
$4.65, $5, $6, $7.50
$2 and $3
plain and fancy bands.
the genuine, very light,
finely braided.
Today's the day to choose.
Hat Headquarters.
Manager Cordray Announces
Plans for Season.
Summer of 1V1S Promises Augpl
odouIy, With' Splendid Music
and Xovel Shows of Many
Varieties on Schedule.
Ueveraaseat Will Bava 3e-e Mea Take
laetrwrtlea for Twe Ptrathe Tader
Contract J mat Slsaed. .
Aften approval by Captain Eugene
Penotst and Prank It. Shepherd, dla
trict educational director of tha War
Department committee on education
and special training, tha contract for
the use of the Benson Polytechnic
fcchool was aimed yeaterday aad sent
to Washington. D. C for final action
of tho War Department.
Oa June IS. tha day after school
rlotea. tha Benson High Cchool will
be transformed Into a soldiers' train
ing school. Three hundred men will
report at tha school on that day and
will be enlisted there, given uniforms
and arms, and started on a two months'
course of technical training under ths
Instruction of teachers provided by the
Portland School Board.
Aa soon aa the contract, which was
mailed yesterdsy. arrives In Wsahing
tnn It will be registered by tha Trovont
Marshal of the Army, who will then
t'legraph to the Adjutant-General of
Oregon to call for 70S volunteers to at
tend the War Department training
school at the Benson Ilig If the
required number of volunteers do not
a;pear the War Dcpartmcat U1 atnd
While War Held Aaierleaa trass Lea v-
lag rswarry, She-la Ce relied ta
Slag ta Borneo la Hospitals.
"I was forced to sing in German hos
pitals to entertain the boche." said Miss
Elisabeth Toung. opera singer now In
Portland, "and now I'm going to alng
for our boys In the campa and canton
ments of America.'
John F. Cordray, manager of the
Oaks Amuetment Park, announced yes
terday that Portland's popular pleasure
resort would open its 1911 season on
Saturday. May 2S.
Preparations for tha opening have
been going on at the Oaka for the past
three months, and the results are now
plainly visible.
A number of new attractions for both
young and old have been installed.
"Hilarity Hall." tho most prominent of
these, has been constructed at a cost
of IsOOO. In it there are moving stair
ways that don't seem to get you any
where, sinking floors, rooms that seem
to bava no entrance or exit, and other
wonderful contraptions.
Jumping horses have replaced the
tama chargers that have heretofore
adorned the merry-go-round.
A .Treat Ferris wheel haa been built
and promises to vie with the chutes
iTin'eye'r: Zt wsTwa. , - -
given the opportunity to hear and aee
the effecta of tha conflict on the Ger
man people and to form soma estimate
of their war strength and condition,
She saya she cannot understand how
Germany can hold out much longer, for
the food supply waa very much cipleted
when aha left there two yeara ago. At
that time everything was issued on
cards and no butter or fats were ob
tainable. Black bread and potatoes
formed the principal article of diet and
milk could be obtained only In moderate
quantities. t
Miss Toung Is a former Portland girl.
a graduate of Portland Academy, and
la visiting her aunt. Mra. James Muckla,
St! Ladd avenue. She has studied music
abroad and In New Tork and at the
outbreak of war she was a member of
the Royal Opera at Altenburg, Saxony.
While In Germany Miss Toung waa
subjected to much unpleasantness on
account of her nationality, because the
German people taunted her with the
fact that America was furnishing mu
nitions. to the allies.
To arouse the wounded Germans In
tha hospitals of Saxony, Miss Toung
was forced to sing to them by order of
the Duke of Altenburg, who had charge
of the Royal Opera.
Two years ago Miss Toung and her
mother left Germany for America and
since that time Miss Toung .has been
appearing in vaudeville In the East.
Shewlll remain In Portland through the
Summer. Next Sunday aha will alng at
St. David a Episcopal Church.
Mayer Baker ta Attend Meeting of City
Repreaeatatlvea la Saa Fran
ciaee Mar 24.
Plans to bring large theatrical at
tractions to tho Pacific Coast to be
staged In the auditoriums of the various
Coast cities, including Portland, will
ba discussed at a meeting In San Fran
cisco May S4. at which Mayor Baker
will attend, representing Portland. I
The meeting, which will be held In
tha Office of Mayor Rolph, of San Fran
Cisco, will bring together auditorium
representatives from Portland. Seattle,
Oakland. San Franclaco and Loa Ange
Mayor Baker will visit Salt Lake to
confer with tha managers of the Salt
Lake Tabernacle, after which he will
continue eastward to Atlantic City to
attend tha annual aension of the Im
perial Council of the Shrine. Portland
will ba an active bidder for the next
Shrine convention. He will ba absent
from Portland for 10 days and will visit
numerous large cities in the United
States, with a view of learning what la
being dona In other cities with war
emergency problems.
A sure way to avoid mistake la to
vote for W. W. McCredle for judge of
Dept. . Experienced and fair. Adv.
We wlah to thank our manv friends
for their kindness and sympathy during
the Illness and death of our son ana
brother. Hnbert: alo for the many
heaiKlful flowers. Mr. and Mra. J. S.
Deary, laabel and Eileen. Adv.
Read llailey's article, pas a. Adv.
There have also been added a num
ber of little Summer houses for picnic
parties and vines are already climbing
along the lattice work.
Beautiful beds of flowers have been
planted and are springing up to form
blight spots of color on the green
carpeted floor of tha grove.
Tha first concert of the Oaks Park
band, under the leadership of Eugene
Ciofll. will be held on opening day.
Manager Cordray haa expressed hlra
aelf aa being greatly pleased in his
success In signing a contract with this
musical organisation for the daily
Summer concerts, and promises some
of the finest musical programmes ever
offered at tha park. Popular, classical
and patriotic eelectione will be played,
and at least one spectacular number
will ba rendered at each concert.
Arrangements have also been made
to bring here an excellent musical
comedy company from the East, but
the date of Its arrival has not yet
been set.
Following the precedent established
by ths management of the Oaks last
season, all soldiers and sailors In uni
form will ba admitted free of charge.
No pass will be necessary, as Mr. Cor
dray believes that the military uniform.
the Insignia of our country's service,
should be Identification enough to al
low our boys to go wherever recreation
and pleasure awalta them.
Manager Cordray expects this to be
one of the finest seasons ever passed
by the park, on the grounds that under
the present conditions people desire to
get close to nature, where they are free
fro mtheth oughtsof etaolna etaolnn
from tha thoughta of war and Its horrors.
rolet, 8.11T: Chevrolet, 40497; Bulclc. 21T38;
Ford, 24548; Ford. 88920; Chalmers. 48922;
Ford. 4S381; Studebaker, 20156; Ford. 80095;
Saxon, 44083; Overland. 3855S; Ford. 20988;
Bulck. 24710; Studebaker, 6273; Ford, 6563;
Ford, 6823; Ford, 062; Overland, 24486;
Chandler. 41447; Marmon, 36520; Ford,
25869; Ford. 10135; Ford. 19882; Bulck,
18:t96; Chalmers, 24-460; Ford. 10529: Ford,
18.114; Maxwell, 7819; Ford 14465; Overland,
14S-K (dealer); Bulck, 31107; Ford. 27003;
Ford, 20719: Hudson. 17802; Ford, 4142:
Ford. 5725; Ford. 10629; Bulck. 22388; Ford,
30138; Bulck. 7164: Ford. 10978; 8tudebaker,
17704; Ford 4721 (Washington;.
Suburban Exhibitors Said to Be Vio
lating City Ordinance.
Motion picture theaters in the sub
urban districts of the city are being
watched by Mrs. E. B. ColweU, secre
tary of the Motion Picture Censor
Board, for violations of the ordinance
requiring permits for the exhibition of
every picture.
Reports that some theater managers
secure pictures and show them without
having eliminations made by the board
have resulted In three arrests and flnea
In the municipal courts. Some theater
owners secure pictures that have been
shown in the downtown theaters with
elllmnatlons made, but before securing I
them the eliminations have been again
Inserted, according to Mrs. ColweU.
The board at its last meeting in
structed Mrs. Col well to cause tne ar
rest of any theater owner who failed
to abide by the ordinance covering tha
exhibition of motion pictures.
Have You Tried Hazelwood
Strawberry SJiortcake
Oh! But it's good. The
" best you've ever tasted!
Fine, immense, big strawberries come every morn
ing to the Hazelwood and go into shortcake made
in a way only Hazelwood chefs can dictate
. and, too, there are v Vj '
Strawberries and Cream
" Strawberry Ice Cream and Sodas
Strawberry Sundaes
and, in the Bakery are
Strawberry Tarts
127 Broadway
388 Washington
.-iff is a. a' TU I
Comfort and Personal Service
the keynote of Multnomah hos
pitality. Sumptuously appoint
ed, refined and congenial atmos
phere. Adjacent to the business
and amusement center of Port
land. Moderate prices.
E. V. Hauser, Pres.
H. H. Cloutier, Manager.
Lee Sam's Matrimonial Venture
Proves Eventful One.
Lee Sam's matrimonial venture in
trying to win as a bride 16-year-old
Grace Hop, who is now confined at the
Fraxer Detention Home by order of
Judge Taxwell, was at least eventful.
The ardent wooer, who three weeks
ago paid 1460 for his bride-to-be, was
arrested yesterday at the instance of
Deputy District Attorney Dempsey on
a statutory charge. The girl also was
Lee Sam furnished the 12000 ball and
was released pending a District Court
hearing. He declared, however, that
be is not in the least disheartened, and
expects to take his Celestial honey
moon with his $450 wife on schedule
time. He Is now endeavoring to se
cure the written consent of the girl's
parents In California for the marriage.
Portland Woman Passes After Brier
Illness at Age of 72.
Funeral services for Mrs. Margaret A.
Jones, whose death occurred in this city
on Friday last, were held Sunday after
noon at the Miller Sc. Tracey chapel.
The body will be sent to Mrs. Jones'
foimer homo at Cranford. N. J., for in
terment. Mrs. Jones passed away at her home,
2C3 North Twenty-third street, after a
brief Illness, at the age of 72 years 10
months and four days. During the past
five years she had been a resident of
this city.
Mrs. Jones was tha wife of the late
John W. Jones, formerly of New York
City and of Cranford, X. J. She was
one of ths founders of the New Jersey
Society for tne Prevention of Cruelty to
Animals. She was also a director of the
Humane Society.
Portland Plans Entertainment for
Director of Emergency Fleet.
Charles M. Schwab, director-general
of the Emergency Fleet Corporation
of the United States Shipping Board,
is heartily in favor of the entertain
ment plans proposed by Mayor Baker
in anticipation of a visit of the head
of the shipbuilding industry to Port-
I Oriental Cafe I
American and Chinese Dishes
Service Hours
6 A. M. until 2 A. M.
1 Special Lunch 11 A. M. to 8 P. M.
25c and up
(Soup, Vegetable, and Drink Included)
Music by Gerry's Oriental Jazz Band
, 6 to 8 and 9 to 12:30 Evenings
345'i Washington St. Corner Broadway Upstairs
) Bid?.
10URTESY, comfort,
homelike atmosphere
at moderate prices.
whether for the day, week
or month,, .
Absolutely fireproof.
Centrally located.
Convenient to all carllnes aad
points of Interest.
Refined and anbstantlal rnr
oUhluga cheerful and Inviting.
Portland, Oregon.
The SEWARD Is a new. modern and
elegantly appointed hotel, possessing
one of the most beautiful corner lob
bies in the Northwest. Located at
10th and Alder Ms, opposite Olds.
Wort man A KJnrs bfc department
tore, la heart of retail and theater
district. Rates. $1 and up. Bus
meets all trains. "W" car also run
irom union Depot direct to Hotel
" 8
land, according to a letter received by
Mayor Baker.
H. L. Corbett has been named as
chairman of the entertainment commit
tee, and under the proposed plan one
ship from every yard in Portland will
be launched on the day that Mr. scttwao
visits the city. It is believed that such
a programme will prove to Mr. Schwab
the Importance of .Portland as a snip
building- center much more effectively
than words.
J. L. Doak and M. J. ItobinBon Due
to Arrive This Morning.
Denutv Sheriff Chrlstofferson, on his
way from San irrancisco to .r-oruana
with J. L. Doak. who Is wanted here on
a rharsre of lssulner a forged cnecK
stopped at Oakland on his own initia
tive and gathered In M. J. KODinson,
who Is wanted in Portland on an in
dlctment for the aliened theft of i
quantity of contractor's material, in
cluding; a hoisting cable, a hydraulic
jack and some copper wire and on a
District Court warrant charging him
with larency by bailee in having sold a
quantity of beans for an East Side mer
chant and tailing to account ior me
The deputy telegraphed tnat ne wouia
arrive with his two prisoners mis
Lincoln County Man Dies.
TOLEDO, Or., May 13. (Special.)
J. Redfleld. a well-known citizen
of this county, died at his home here
The Aristocrats of the Eye Glass
World Are Our Punktals
Thieves Busj In Portland Since First
of Tear, Many Cars Taken.
Since the first of tha year more than
ZOO automobiles have been stolen in
Portland, according to the police. Anto
thieves have been unusually active
within tha last month and with im
proved conditions of ths roads, many
of the operatives have been able to
drive cars out of the state without
being caught.
The number of cars stolen in Port
land last year totaled 9S2.
The following automobiles, which
have been stolen within the last few
weeks, have not yet been recovered:
Ford, llrensa number. SXM4: Fiord. 6I3:
Ford. 5C: r1i ( Wanhlnmon llcn.
llttSeT; ford. 3474; Chevrolet, ISO; Cher-
eld of
net Vicinri
Afield of
Distinct Vision
r vj I V i iaal,
Every lens has this trade
mark engraved on it, ac
cept none without
They Give Supreme Satisfaction
to the wearer. With our scientific eye examination the best service
is assured. We have been fitting glasses the past 23 years, 10
years in Portland, and never did we get the praises from our pa
tients we are getting from those we have fitted with these marvel
ous lenses. You can rotate your eyes with the most natural free
dom; you will find the entire field of your Punktal Lenses avail
able for accurate sight. Each lens is separately computed and
ground to giye perfect results. While we continue to sell the ordi
nary Toric Lenses of our usual superior quality, we recommend
Punktals for all patients who feel that their eyes, once become de
fective, deserve nothing but the best. Ask for booklet, "The Eye
and the Lens."
Wheeler Optical Co.
Second Floor Oregonian Bldg. '
yesterday. He is survived by a widow
and three children. His funeral will
be tomorrow from the Catholic Church.
He was for many years a conductor on
the Northern Pacific railroad, but for
the last eight years had resided in this
Soldiers Clear Rlght-or-Way.
TOLEDO, Or., May 13. (Special.)
soldiers working under the direction
of the Warren Spruce Company are
busy slashing right-of-way between
Yaqulna and Alsea bays for the new
Stubborn Conths, Weak Lonss and Colds
Eckman's Alterative
For many years this Calcium nrenaration
has maintained an ever-Increasing- reputa
tion for accomplishing- good, and often re-
marKaDia results.
Hire i sue
now S1.50 now SOo
Price Includes War Tax. All Drugrlsts.
Eckroan Laboratory. Philadelphia.
Reward $50
For recovery of body of Jess Jakes,
who was drowned May 9, at Scappoose.
J. SETVIX, Scappoose, Or.
A oh lid of a factory town gets her
chance and takes It.
By Marjorle Benton Cooke
Net S1.40.
O Visiting Buyers 2
in Portland
First Find
Way to
C. V. Cornelias, President.
If. K. Fletcher. Manager.
Park and Alder, Portland, Or.'
Special rates by tbs week or montn
in in
KM 'B.aelB"r 9
islaWBa Also
: ,' 1 Talking Machines and
I fia, 'J Musical Instruments
I Export Workmen.
' Vary Reasonabls Prices.
' All Work Guaranteed
as Ordersd.
Broadway and Aldor.
Pianos and Playar
Pianos. Frtcas reaaoa
abla for expert wars.
Cor. Sixth aad Morrison.
Reflniehed by a new
and better process.
E x p e r 1 e need men.
Sares money. Largest
shop In Portland.
HAROLD S. GILBERT, 384 Yamhill.
The Reliable Piano Merchant.
f-V fffn 53 tt! '
Fonrternth and Wasbtnston Sta,
.Iteinfnrced Concrete liuilding
Positively Fireproof.
Victor Brandt, Cbas. Q. Van Inya,
Proprietor. Manaser.
Special Kates by the Week or Month.
Palace Hotel
Rates From 75a to $3.00 Per Day.
Near Shopping and Theater District.
Absolute Cleanliness Throughout.
A Moderate-Priced Hotel of Merit
East Morrison St. and East Sixth.
$1.00 4'er Day. Two in Room $1.50.
Wanted Chairs to Cane,
by School for Blind
Mr. J. F. Myers
Mar. BOflO o
East 80O0.