In THE, SIOItSTXG OREGOMAX, MONDAY, 3IAY 13, 1918. BAKER CITIZENS STUDY ASTRONOfflY Washington Scientists, Having Set Up Big Telescope, Now Give Lectures. QUESTIONS ARE ANSWERED XTVhat People Most Want to Know Regarding Eel I pee of Sou Told in Plain Enllh for Beneilt of The Orcgonlan'a Reader. BAKER. Or, Mar 'Speeiat Baker la studying aatrenomr- Thia should not be taken to mean that It la becoming a community ef mar atar gaxere. buv feeling that tha honor of having bar tha Oovernment naval ob eervatgry party to atudy tha ecllpee of June a, la not ona to Be ugntiy neio, tha paopla ara taking an active Inter at In tha preparations of tha scientists, headed by Professor J. C Hammond, of tha Cnlted States Naval Observatory. Tha eclipse la not exclusively Bakef a. bat the presence of the Government party la putting the town on the as tronomical nap and the populace Is finding the mambara ready and willing to enlighten tbm on celestial topics, which will make possible Intelligent atudy of tha phenomenon by the people at larre. Teaierdar tha setting tap of a large " telescope waa completed and last even ing Professor Hammond and hta assist ants held their first "class. many vis itors taking advantage of the Invita tion to visit the observation atatton and take a peep at the solar system. Tha original "foolish questions" man would have found fruitful fields at Uie a tat Ion, but. In the end. the broadside of Interrogatlona waa boiled down and the answers constituted the first lesson of Bakerilee In astronomical matters. Uetarr Will Be Gives, la addition to Inviting the people to , vlstt the station and make use of the telescope, arrangements ara being mads for public lectures by members of the party, all of whom are willing to give their time In this way to make It poe- sible for (hose, who wltneas tba eclipse, to do so with at least soma degree of Intelligence. To Professor VT. V. Conrad, of the ob servatory party, was delegated the task Af urrtiitlnv from tha mill Of foolish "questions asked, those whose answers would In a Urge measure make clear the objects of the study of the eclipse and tell the ordinary observer what to look for. Toe most important ques tions, at least the ones most asked and answered by tha astronomer, will give a good Idea of the results sought by , the observations, the scientific ques tlima to be answered and how the casual observer ran take advantage of the opportunity of witnessing an event '" which will not occur In this section of the country for another two centuries " and a half. How often do eclipses occur? Will I ever see another? There are two eclipses of the sua each year, but on account of the nar rowness of the shadow (he same com munity Is rarely visited mora than once la Si years. badev Slaty Mlleo Wide. "Row wide ts the shadow? The moon shadow, as It crosses Baker. Is 44 miles wide and Baker ' will be very near the center of the ' ahadow. ao that anyone can be as far '- away as mttea from here and still sea the total eclipse. How long will the eclipse last? One hundred and twelve seconds, and thta leads up to the Interesting fact that since the shadow Is f A miles wide " and passes centrally over Baker In 111 seconds. It travels at tha rate of nearly 1049 feat per second, or ISO miles an hour. Why was Baker choaea as the site ef the station? Among others there ara four main reasons. It Is near the rentral line of the path of totality. Weather re- porta show that the chances for an unclouded sky are good. The duration to totality Is greater than at any other place east of Baker and the sun Is Msner In tha sky than any place east. Further west the sun would be higher and the duration longer but chances for a clear aky lesa. Vila at 3t3T. What shall I look for during an eclipse and when can I sea It? The first contact takes place at t.sT , p. M, Pacific time. This Is when the moon takes the first Hula blta out of the aua's As the eclipse pro ' gresses this dark spot grows In slse 7. aad encroaches farther and farther on the aun until only a thin creaevnt Is ' left. Until this ttmo there will be little diminution of the sun's brlght . ness. An Interesting thing to note at this time ts that the little bright spots - en the ground under a tree where the aun shines through the leaves ara creecect Instead of circles, as Is usually the case. A vary Interesting thing that can best be seen from the top of a hill facing a little north of wast, . whence the landscape can be aeen for 10 to SO miles. Is tha ocruahing shadow of the moon. As the shadow rapidly approaches the light dims' down and things abont take on a weird aspect. As the edge of the shadow passes, the second contact takea place, the . wonderful corona and prominences . spring Into view. tha. stars come out and the chickens hunt their roosts. This occurs at 4:44 and 111 aeconda later the bright edge of the sun appears again en the other aide of the moon. Thta Is the third contact i.t It Is not until that the moon completely leaves the sun's disk and the fourth contact takea place. Maay Tblaga Wer-lb Seeing. tKirtrg the period of rbtallty the things roost worth while paying atten tion to will be the shape, color and else of the corona: the number, else, ahape and color of the prominences and any stara close to the sun. The bright - star just cast of the aun la the planet Jupiter, southwest of the sun will be the etar Aldebaram. and a little west of this will be the planet Mercury, and II further north the brilliant planet Venus Just north of Jupiter and the aun will be Beta Taun. Any other star as close or nearly aa close to the sua as Jupiter or Beta Taun should be noted carefully as to brightness and position. Comets have bean discovered cioee to the sun. What are the definite results ex pected from the observations to be made by the Government party la Baker? The observation of the times of con tact wis Improve the tables of the moon. The corona Is vfcsioie at no time except during a total eclipse so that our knowledge of this, one of the most beautiful of natural phenomena, de pends on the observations made at that time. Tba observations with the spec troscope will be for study of tha solar atmosphere and corona as well as) some of tie foreea artlng there. What Instruments will the naval ob servatory party use? The .i-foot camera. This u soUilug WELL-KNOWN PORTLAND AND GRADUATE) FROM HILL MILITARY ACADEMY SATURDAY. ,5n Cl lS at i. H I -j. i J I V H fl4 f?) h! J''-'Z ' Jl rl . .; 1 f - -. jr yj.'- -J Captala Irrlag Dor. Pwrtlaadl Captain Ceorge II art sees, Adlataat, rertiaaai irat i.ieateaaat a urea Baraiuna. san rnsclsra, qaarterasaeteri Seeead Lleataaaat Caxaoa Nllea, Everett, Wash.i eeoad Llewteaaat Wllllasa Hartasaa, CesWs, Or.f first Llenteaant Knasell Page. Saaayalde. Wash.) Vlrst Lleateaaat Donald Aaatla. Pases, Wash. more than a huge camera, the distance I radio line established between Wash between the lens and the plate belngllagton and the station and over the (5 feet. The light of the aun la re fleeted by a plain mirror through the ena and on the plate an Image or tne un aeven Inches In diameter Is formed. The plates of the big camera are IT by 20 inches and are especially coated ao aa to be aa highly sensitive to the coronal light aa possible. Several ex posures will be made, varying In length from one second to 60 seconds. The 106-Inch and the 33-Inch Dalle- meyer cameras are smaller Instru ments, taking smaller Imagea of tha un. but giving better Images of the xtremely faint corona at great dis tances from the sun'a disk. The spectroscopes will get pictures f the spectra of the corona and lower avers of the sun's atmosphere. A study fthese spectra will disclose the ele ments such aa Iron, calcium, hydrogen. te- In the aun a atmosphere and other nterestlng facta of more highly tech- cal nature. The fourth transit and senlth tele scope are oseox la determining tha ocal time and latitude. The difference between the local time and Washing- on Is the longitude of the station. Washington time will be received by, he party In two ways by a direct ELECTION COMPLETED and corrected list of polling booths for the primary and special city elections next Friday were announced yesterday by Sheriff Hurlburt. So far aa possible the polling places used at the last elec tion were procured again this year, but there are, nevertheless, a large num ber ef changes. It will be well for all reglatered vot ers to acquaint themselves with the ex act location of their polling booths that they may cast their ballots next Fri day with the least possible confusion. Following are the polling booths for every precinct within the county: 1 Garaga. Thurmaa atreet, between I2J and Rage. . . n it Thurtnan. a North..t corner IMh and TTpehar. e corner 2tb and Thurmaa, be tvjeen c Fl and JStn. iwi'North 2ttt. bettreea Tork aad Reed. jji North Twenty-third, corner Savior. . -. , w. ... iw.twen ul.t and 11A. a ait Thurmaa atreet. eetweea 20th and S i-.J Saner, between ITth aad 18th. IS ilO Gllsaa atreet. 11 im Nona Hta. corner Marshall. 1 1 Jjo Nona. 17th atreet. Bear Northrop. l.'w Marshall-street Praetor terlaa Church. lllh and Marshall. 11 not Nonh 21st atreet. 14 t;ar.ce. rear i'-i Slat atreet Korta, Iff, eiN overt oa atreet. ljv, Hill aililtary Academy. IS Engine-Bouse. tth and Johneoa, IT Toe Kearney atreet- IWIU Nonh Z3d atreet. lu jd. between Hort and Irving, garaga. M Hartford Apartments, northwest corner ?1.f and landers. ;i Carsse. Slmt. between Kearney and Lore- Jo.. S3 an Oilaan. between tOtb and Stat r ma rourh flrhool. 17th and Kearney. 24 Portland Van Storage Company. 13th and Kearney. Si 1 2D North lth atreet: basement, north' east corner lath and Ollsan. 13 S Basement. Wellington Court, north' west corner ISth and Everett. ; fengine-house, fill Cllaan atreet. :T Dundee a gaxaaa, Broadway aad Flan' ders. a fteeond street North, '.u -IS Sixth atreal North. tii ?'j loth atreet North. 11 JJ 11th atreet North, between Burnalde aad Couch. 32 speedwell Motor Car Company, corner 1 It h and fours- 33 3T3 Washington street, between ITth and lain. 34 Jeffery garage, entrance 40 and 43 Ella 14 s 133 Washington, between Trinity aad Twentieth. Jj Si :3d atreet Nonh. between Washing' ton end EveretL US Hoffman garage, Davis street, between King and 1-d. rt,-ott'e garaga 339 Cornell road. 37464 burnalde atreet. 17 till Washington street, aa 413 stars, between 10th and 11th. is Si 14 Fine, between el a aad th. 40 r-nglne-house, 24 and Oak. 41 atu O.k street. 4.' 4 Washington street, between 3d and Sd streets. 41 Building, southeast earner Park and At Amr streets. 44144 11th street, betweea Morrison aad Ald.r. 44S lis 13th streak betweea Washington and Alder 43 4t4t Washing toa street, betweea 14th and loth. 44 Corey Motor Car Company. 21st and Washington. 41 "a Tailor shop, 704 Washington, betweea King and 2-d. 4T -'J Jefferson street 45 Mrs. tlcC.rf'l garage, 333 Vista avenue. 4S tiarase. lth atreeb between Yamhill and Taylor. 4H 1 14th street, between Morrison aad YamhllL 30 CIS 11th street between Morrison aad Yamhill Fs.hloa Garage. H 10th street, betweea Tamblil and Taylor. 52 Y. M. C. A.. 4th and Taylor streets. .! Kngine.houee. 4th aad lamnlll. 54 :S'' 3d atreet S3 East entrance Courthouse. 34219 Broadway, betweea Tayler aad Bat men atreeta 5T White Temple. 13:h and Taylor. : 14th. near Jefferson. 45 S Oarage. Svt 13th. betweea Taylor aad Malmoa. IS Knisht residence, nonh west earner Chapaiaa and Main. 40 Fiower Miealea Day Nursery, 404 Madi son street Si l-add iteheol. A-h and Jefferson. 2 Kest entrance Ctty HalL 4V lnoa Hotel. 24S Main Street 44 223 Clay, between 1st and Sd. si 34T 1st between Market and Mill. City Auditorium, Market-street entrance. S7 SOS 4lh street 44 Corbett's garage. Broadway and Colum bia street 45 Vhurrh basement southwest corner West Park snd Jsffereon- f Frank's garage. 313 13th Street Tilit ;MH Itth atreet corner Columbia. Tl Jefferson, betweea 11th aad 14th. Tit Hasement SOT Cay street T3 Northaaat corner 14th aad Meatgemery. 7 J SVJ Jefferson atreet T4 2U Chapman. I 7J Knglne-heuae. Lewasdals aad Mentgom-, ery. NORTHWEST" YOUNG MEN WHO I eLe .rrV Photos by MeAlpln. Oeerte If. Daaghtry, Portland l Captala 1 i telegraph lines as well. tatlea Eaalpped With Wireless. The atatlon will ba equipped with a wireless receiving sat by which wire less time signals may be received from Washington every evening. The lati tude and longitude are Important for reducing the times of contact for the Improvement of the lunar table. The five-Inch dark- equatorial will be used on the day of the eclipse for the determination of the time of the contact, prior to that time for the use of visitors. Among the celestial bodlea visible to those present at the station Saturday night, which were seen with extreme Interest by the first party to receive their first lessons In practical astron omy, aa outlined, were the moon, with Its mountains, craters, valleys and plains; Saturn, with his rings and many moons; Mars, In so many respects sim ilar to earth: double stars, nebulae and star clusters. More is promised by the observers later la the present period of the moon changes. The city of Portland will witness 9 psr cent totality during the eclipse, and Seattle 03 per cent. POLLING PLACES TS 433 Montgomery. 74 H 430 Harrleoa street between Xlth and uth atrseta. TT Southwest comer 4th and HalL TS Garage. 42 Sth street, between Hall and College. T Engine-house. 4th and Montgomery. 19 Irourth-street garage, northeast cor ner 4th and Lincoln. 30 341 let street corner Mill. 1 443 1st street, between Hall and Lin coln. M Cottell Drug Store. 1st and Sherman. S3 Back room Gaynor Grocery, northwest corner 4th and Lincoln. Carage, 43.. West Park, corner College. s Oarage, northeast corner Broadway and Lincoln. 4 044 Vlata eeenua. near Spring. 7 Englne-houee. 20th and Spring. "J Strohecker-e garage, 733 Patton road. 3 4.n, it atraet, betweea Sheridan and Anhur. so Failing School. Front end Porter. ' e -i nooaer, corner 4th. pa 473 Gibbs. corner 11th. S3 Fourth Preabytariaa Church, lat and Glbha. 4 8113 Corbett street S3 Holmsn School, Corbett snd Bancroft 1104 Corbett street corner Seymour. ST Fulton School, lat and Mllea. liH7 Macadam, sear Nevada BV 1434 Macadam, betweea Dakota and Carolina. Northwest corner Fast 13th-and Harney, ion 174S test 13th, between Marlon and Clatsop. 101 1403 East 13th, nesr Tenlno. 103 Md Umatilla, near Eaat 13th street I lua Pell wood Y. J. C. A.. 15in and Spo kane avenue. 104 ."trahlman'e Hall. 13th and Spokane. 103 Garage, 1303 East 31th. between Leo and Maiden. 103i By bee street nesr Mllwaukle. lod Midway Hose House, on Mllwaukle, be tween fcouih and Kamona. 107 Campneirs garage, 113S Mllwaukle, corner Ellis. 101 Berkeley store, 1403 Esst 87th street Southeast. 108 4420 Woodstock avenue, betweea 44th and 43th. 110 Woodstock V. K. Church, northweat corner 44th and Woodstock. 111 McCourt's Floral Garden garage, 41at between OAtb and 53d. 112 Building 41st street between Holgata and 4tth avenue. 113 3"io Woodstock avenue, between fiSth and 57th. 114 Southwest corner East 72d and 35th avenue 113 Woodmere Ball. Wood mere station. 114730. 50th avenue, betweea T3d and 74tn. in-oreens residence. East T4th near Powell. 118 Realty office, S2d and Woodstock. 119 Southweet corner Plst and Woodstock. 120 Coffman a garage, tl2d and W'oodstock. 121 Fire Hall, B2d, between Foater and fiath avenue. . 122 Orange Hall. B2d street Lents 12.1 Building 7 2d street north of tsth ave nue Boutntast 123 H dots Foater road, between esth and 4vth. 124 30 East TOtb Southeast, between 87th and 40th avenues. ISO W. O. W. Hall. East S3th. between 45th svenua snd roster. 124 Lsurelwood M. E. Church, 4223 East 4td street Southeast. 13S '"' 7th avanne Southeast corner l.ast eetn street. 137 Old South Mount Tabor School. Eaat 43th and uiviaion. , 12b 1')4 Division, opposite 40th. 129 3333 Foater, between B4th and SSlh atreeta lin 3324 Foster, betweea 53d and B4th 131 Anderson's garage, southeast corner 45th avenue snd 52d street. 132 Crestoa School, Eaat 48th and Powell. 13.1 Northwest corner 50th and Powell. 134 JJciiahons Hall, East 43d and PI- vlalin. 133 Baaement Kaat 37th and Clinton atreeta, southwest corner. 133 H Klchmoad garage. East 37th and Di vision. 134 Southeast corner East 83d and Glad stone. 134e Knglns-heuse. "Trances and Green wood. 13T Building. GIsdstons avenue, betweea 29th and 30th. 133 433 East 21at near Powell. 13P Ollnton-Keliy Brheol. Eaat 2Tth and Franklin. Manual Training school. 140 Garage, 4VT Kaat Sstn, betweea Divi sion and Cllntoa. leu boutheaat corner Kast 33d and Di vision. 141 Cllntoa. between 23th and 26th. 142 713 Cllntoa, betweea 20th and 21st 143 442 Mllwaukle, between Beacon and vederlck. 144 Back room 04 Mllwaukle, corner Hhine. 143775 Mllwaukle. corner Bismarck. 143 1 Brooklyn school. Mllwaukle and Frederick. 144541 Mllwaukle. between Brooklyn and Wood worth. 14T Northwest corner Kaat Sth and Grant 14H Engine-bouse. Eaat 7th and Stephens. 14 314 East Clay, betweea Union and Grand. Mat, iTl Hawthorne, betweea East Ith aad Sin. 130 Evangelical Church, East 14th and Poplar. 130 Garaga. rear 414 Elliot svenua 131711 Division street near iutn. 131 H B Division street between 33d and Oreenwood. 132 W30 Hawthorne avenue, betweaa 10th 1 act 4XIU CADETS GAIN HONOR Hill Military Academy Bestows Commissions. PROFICIENCY IS REWARDED Offices Are Confererd "In Recognl- . tion of Good Scholastic Records and Also for Excellence In. Military Drill. At special patriotic exercises on Sat urday night, the officers of the cadet corps of Hill Military Academy re ceived their commissions and appoint ments. Among the students to be hon- ored were several .Portland boys. The offices are given in recognition of good standing in deportment, excellence in scholastic work and proficiency in drill. Among the commissioned officers Cadet William Albert Young, Major, is the son of John E. Young, battalion chief of the fire bureau; Irving N. Day f is the son of Mr and Mrs. I N. Day; George N, Daughtrey la the aon of William Daughtrey, president of the Union Stockyards. The programme Saturday Included patriotic music and military features. The certificates were presented by the principal, Joseph A. Bill, and the head master. Professor J. W. Daniels. Followln- is a complete list 'of the cadet officers: Commissioned officers William Albert Touhk, Major; George Victor Hartnees, Cap tain and Adjutant: Irving N. Day, Captain; Oeorga N. Uaughtrey, Captain; Donald Aus tin, Pasco, Kir.t Lieutenant: Alfred ura- lund. First Lieutenant: Russell Oordon Pass, Sunnyslde, First Lieutenant; Carson Perrjr Nlles. Everett, Second Lieutenant; William K. Uartman, Second Lieutenant. Staff musicians Harold M. Dag. Seattle, chief bugler, rank aecond Sergeant; .Wal lace Edmond Smith. Seattle, trumpeter. rank second Corporal: WUey JJelbert Free- berg-er, Canada, trumpeter. Color cuard Stanford Daniel Oamera, Lewiston, color eerseant, rank second Ser geant; Harold Samuel Churcnill, uwac Wash, color corporal, runs aecona cor poral: William Forney, color corporal, rang third Corporal. , Noncommissioned offlcera Gael Green. First Seraeant: Dexter Packard, First ber- eant; Vernon Ford Johnson. Sergeant-Major rank First Sergeant; Richard Harlan BklU Second Sergeant; Donald illss. Second Ser geant; Thomas Austin. Third Sergeant; vrnk F-riese. Third Sergeant; Robert Lea airirklind. First Corooral : Alexander Ber- ger. First Corporal; Harold Parka Second Corporal; Homer tieyaen, Second Corporal; Graham Stuart Dlddock. Third corporal; Leroy Livermore, Third Corporal. ANNOUNCED 1324 Runyons garage. 297 Eaat 24th, near Hawthorne. 153 1024 Hawthorne, between 34th and 83th. 134 1044 Eaat Lincoln, 34th and Mar guerite. 134 Vi Southwest eornsr East 89th and Lincoln. 155 First V. P. Church, northeaat corner 87th and East Clay. 1 1534 125S Hawthorne,- ""southwest corner Hawthorne and 43d. 130 Garage, southwest corner 4Tth and Hawthorne. 1C6S " E"t 0th street between Lin coin and Harrison. 157 M. E. Church, East B2d and Eaat Lin coln streets. 137 H 16 Division. nar East 60th. 10 375 Hawthorne avenue, between East Id and Union avenue. 1S 133 Vj Grand avenue, near Belmont lrto 120 Grand avenue. . 16j 91 Grand avenue, between Washing. ton and btark. 12 m. Francla Hall. Eaat 11th and Pine. 13 Kast 11th and Alder. Eaat Side Library. 154 Krancla Motor Exchange, -Eaat ISth and Hawthorne. 13 o4i Kaat Madlaon, corner East 17th. 1VD uavlea' garaga. Eaat 14th, between East . Tl . I Uf TT1 fl II t lg7 Washington High School. Eaat 14th and Stark. . in au.t Vmmt Morrison, near Eaat 20th. lUd Southeast corner Eaat 20th and East Morrison. tin Tumi Hawthorne, between 20th and 21st streets 17nt Garage, T89 East Vain street 17 osi Belmont corner East 29th. 1 7i r'.n.n-t Hall. VBth and Eaat Stark. 173 03 Belmont, northweat corner 83d. 174 I'toS Belmont between 33d and 84th. 175 Garaga. East 2Sth street between Eaat .t 1 T " . . I .1 . rt vi, in on,! I ,,t Madison. 1T5V4 Oarage, aouthweat corner East Slat and Kast Main 17ft '2111 Kast 87th street corner Madison. 177 mo Kaat S4th street between Belmont and East Yamhill. 17M 1013 Belmont, near East 34th street 17SV4 Garage. 1056 East Wsshlngton, cor ner 83th street 179 150 Eaat SSth. near Belmont 17HH Garage. 125H Belmont. 1SU 1187 Eaat Madison, between East SBth and 4(tb. 1M 1327, Hawthorns avenue, between East 4tith and 47th. 182 1309 Belmont between East 45th and 46th st rants. 13 Garage, Eaat Madison, between Cist and 52d. 1S4 Northweat corner tst and Belmont ICS 17S4 Belmont aouthweat corner East 49th street IBli 19N4 Kaat Etark, oppoalte East 70th. K7 :i'J0 Eaat Stark, between 80th and 81st 18 Engine-house, Eaat 2d and Eaat Burn side street. ' 139 19S9H Esat Stark, between East 78th and 80th. 190 Chapel Oddfellows' building. 80th and East Glisan. 180", mis Gliean, between East -75th and East Tilth. 191 192.1 Eaat Gltsan, northeast corner East T6th street. 192 2001 Glisan, between Eaat 79th and both streot 193 Glenhaven School, East Slst and Schuy ler streets. 193 Gregory garage, Fremont, between 7d and 73d. 194 Jenka real eatats office, corner 88th and elandy. 194 Lack's garage. 685 Eaat 64th street i North, between Siskiyou and Klickitat 193 Garage, 15T Eaat 63d st North (Hoyt and Oregon). 194 1774 Eaat Glisan, between 69th and 70th atreet. 197 15TS Vs East Glisan, between Esst 60th and eiat. 19, Garage, 89 East 41st street North, near East Davis. 19Kt, floutheast corner East 47th snd East Glisan. 199 Northweat corner East 624 and East Glisan. 20O Lsldlaw's garage, Fandy boulevard, be tween 36th and 57th atreeta ;oo-4 Engine-house. Eaat 56th and Sandy boulevard. 201 Plumbing shop, northwest corner East 47th and Tillamook. 201 14 Garage, southeast corner East 47th and Tillamook. 202 West End Laurethurst office. East 89th and Kaat Glisan. 2oa " Parage, aouthweat corner East 88th and Gltsan. 203 fctJS Handy boulevard, near East 28th. 2u4 910 East Glisan street between iOth and 50th atreeta.. jii!Va4 East Zftth, near East Ankeny. tod Kern Kchool. Eaat 27th and Eaat Couch. 2o7 732 East Ullsaa and Bandy, between East 20th and 22d. J07 W Nea.and's garage, Eaat 22d and East AnkenV. 20P Baptist Church, northwest corner East 0th and Ankeny. 209 Garage, southeast corner East 16th and Eaat Ankeny. 20HS Garage. 574 East Couch, between East 13th and 14 in. 210 Garage, 523 East Flanders, between East 11th and 12th. 211 Buekmaa School, Eaat 12th and East Burnalde. 211 Anderson's garage. No. 12 Eaat 12th atreet. between anaeny ana beat Aan. 212408 East Burnalde, betweea Grand and East 6th. 213 S Esst Burnalde, between Union and Grand. 214 53 Union avenue North, corner Esst Davie 213 Garage, East Slat and Oregon. 314 31'3 Eaat 28th street North, southeast eornsr Halaey 210 'a -Oarage, near Til Multnomah street 21T Garage, between East Sth and 10th, oa Hasealo. 218 Engine-house, Grand avenue and Mult nomah atreet 219 Maxwell Motor Sales Company, East 84th and Oregon. 220 24T Hnlladay avenue. 221 164 Eaat Broadway. 22 1H Garage, northweat comer Boss and McMillan. 222 Baaement 484 Larrabee, corner Dupont -4 SStl Mroacway. near corner WUllama 223 333 Union avenue Nonh. 224 375 East 6th street North, between Broadway and Schuyler. 225 Garage, 572 Eaat Broadway, corner East 14Ul. ' 226 Garage, rear 642 Weidler, corner ITth. 226 Garage. East 17th and Schuyler. 227 Garage, 894 East Broadway. 228 Basement northeast corner 22 d and Til lamook. 22 Engine-house, East 84th. between Tll- jamooK and Thompson. 2291, Fernwood School. Hancock, between cast autn ana oed. 230 Hills grocery, 89th and Sandy boule vard. 230", 1209 Sandy boulevard garage,' between eist ana a. 231 552 East 67th North, near Sandy boule vara. 232 Real -estate office, "northwest Eaat 53d and Sandv honl.v.rti. 232 V -Garage, Thompson, between. East 46th and 47thi 233 Garage, southwest corner East 41st and ivnott 233 Garage, northweat eornsr 43d and Klickitat - - 34 Garage, northweat corner. East 24th snd Knott, 1 233 Garage, 611 northeaat corner 21st and biBKiyou. 233 M Garage, northeast corner Eaat 16th ana .uresee. . 236--Garage, -540 East loth street North. Between praxes and Knott 238-4 Irvlngton School, East 14th aa Thompson. 237 714 Union avenue, between Cook and ivy. a3(4 078 union avenue North, near uranam. - 28s Garage, northeast eornsr East 12th and Tillamook. ISO 4 ao Union avenue North. 240 lis Union avenue North, near Caa Rafael 240 ft t7T Williams avsnue North. 241 300 Buasell atreet 242 364 Williams avenue, betweea Knott and Graham. 243 702 Williams avsnue, betweea Cook and Ivy. 244 729 Williams avenue North, between Fremont and Ivy. 243367 Williams avenue, between Knott 24tl 203 Russell street between Williams and Vancouver. . 247 142 Russell, between Borthwlck and Alblna. 248 Northeast comer Ruaiell and Ablna atreeta. 249 677 Borthwlck and Fareo. 249 i 881 Mississippi avenue, betweea Cook ana Monroe. 250 Garage, Shaver, between Colonial and Longview. 251 West Killlngsworth, between Denver snd Concord. 251 to Oarage, Willamette boulevard, be tween Gay and Denver. 252 94 Killlngsworth, between Mississippi sna Jllcnigan. "tiL " t l.' .. t itiiii.w.1i 203 Real estate office, in skidmora, near Aliealsslppl. 254 855 Mississippi avenue, between Shaver ana Aiason. 254 789 Mississippi avenue. 233770 Mississippi avenue. 236775 Williams avenue, near Beach. 25(1 H 823 WUllama avenue, between Fall Ing and Shaver. 257 6 Alblna avenue, betweea Preseott and Blandina. 25714 9i' Williams avenue, between 6kid more and Going. 238 North Portland Branch library, K1U- lngswortn and commercial. 259 824 Williams avenue, corner Falling and shaver. 260955 Union avenue North. 2tl Southwest corner Union avenue and Alberta. 262 840 Union avenue North, between Fall Ing and Shaver. 263 107 Mason, between Grand and East Sixth. 263 e 883 East Sth North, corner Mason. 204 998 Union avenue North, between Going and wygant 264-4 332 Alberta street, between East 12th snd East 13th. 263 .94 Preseott, near East 13th. 2ri 613 Alberts. 2i)H 674 Alberta, between 18th and 19th. 287 Vernon School, Eaat 23d and Wygant 2K3 Garage, 860 East 29th atreet North. 2t)S Vs Hall, Eaat 28th and Alberta. jn) Garage. Kaat 83d and Alberta. 2091-1 Keal eatate office. East 27th and Alberta. 270 Garage, 1228 Eaat 80th street North. 2704 Basement Concordia College, Eaat 28th and Holman. 272 671 Alberta, between 18th and 19th. 272 Vi 1063 Eaat 26th. near Alberta. 273 Garage, rear 1060 Eaat 14th street North, near Alberta. 27.t4 533 Alberta, between 12th and 13th. 274 887 Alberta, near Union avenue. 273156 Union avenue North, near Alns worth. 276 144 Dekum avenue, ill 7 555 Dekum avenue, near 13th, 278 127 Durham avenue. 279 Woodlawn School, Union avenue and Brvant atreet. 27914 Holy Redeemer School, Portland boulevard and Vancouver avenue. 280 B a a e m e n t Piedmont Presbyterian Church, between Piedmont and Jarrett 280 !4 Garage, 1233 WUllama, between Jar rett and Alnaworth. 281 141 Killlngsworth. between Alblna and Borthwlck. 28H ill Killlngsworth, corner Mississippi. 2824 Hlbba' Grocery, southeast corner I'm ton snd Alnaworth. 283 Kenton Club, Kuaaett snd Greenwich. viii uu Lombard, near Alblna avenue. 284 114 West Kllpatrick, betweea Derby and Brandon. Arbor L.odae Fire-hall. 2e6 Thlem's Grocery. 92 Portlsnd boulsvard. hivin Denver and Campbell. 286 !4 Northwest corner Killlngsworth and Campbell. 2S7 1241 Greeley, between Jessup ana Alna worth. 2874 145 West Killlngsworth, corner Gsy. 28H Hall. 1587 Peninsula, near Lombard. 2&s 14 Lutheran Church, Peninsula, corner Kilpstrlck. 286 103 Lombard. 290 Church, Flake and Lombard. 201 606 Lombard, near Flake. U2 AII4 Lombard. 298 Portsmouth Mercantile Company, Forts- mouth snd Lombard. 294 103 Richmond street, sorner Jersey. 294 V4 Garage, Ivanhoa, betwaea Burr and Alma 25 City Hall, St. Johns. 296 621 North Syracuao, between Fessenden and Trumbull. 2904 101 Eaat Feasenden, eorner Rmtth. 297 St.- Johna Branch Library, Charleston and Valine streets. rau Nicolai Door 'Manufaoturing Company Midway ana seseenaen. ....... Columbia boulsvard, near Derby. 300 Park Roae Congregational Church, Park I Hnne. 301 Grange Hall. Ruesellvllle. 30'2 Buckley Schoolhouse. 303 Calkina Hall. Gilbert station. 3U4 Farnaworth store, Gilbert slatlea. 303 City Hall, Falrvlew. aon Maccabeea Hall, Bockwood. 307 Pleasant Valley Orange Hall, Syca more station. 808 Murphy"a Hall, Oreaham. gini First state Bank building, Oreaham. 31194 City Hall, Greaham. 310 Masonic Hall, Troutdal. 311 Elliott's Hall, Powell Valley, mu Baotist Church, Pleasant Home. oany. Bridal Veil, S14 Bridal veil Lumbering t,ompsn. Palmer. . . 315 Warrendals store, Warrendala, 310 schoolhouse. Bauvies Island. glT Holbrook Schoolhouse, Holbrook. 31T 14 Fire Hall at Whitwood court (in the iSlI-Vire Hall, Llnnton (In the city). 318 14 Frank Johnaon'a house, one-eighth mile north of Germantowa road, oa Sky line boulevard. $11 sylvan Schoolhouse, Sylvan. 320 l-'airdale Schoolhouee. 321 Hllladale Schoolhouee, Hillsdale. SJ2 Byan Place Clubhouae. HJ3 Maplewood Clubhouse. 324 West Portland Suhoolhouse. 323 Riverdsle Schoolhouse. 3J3 v( intersection Palallua Hill and Boone's Ferry road. 326 Brentwood Hell, corner Cooper and Matthews. . 328Vs Panama Grocery, 82 street and 70th 527 Errol Heights Clubhouse. Errol Heights. Sheep Sent to Range. YAKIMA. Wash.. May U (Special.) Ten thousand sheep of the McGuffie and Butler & Knox concerns were shipped yesterday from Eunnyside and K'ona over the Northern Pacific to Leavenworth, where they will be placed en Summer range. Baron Burlan Created Count, AMSTERDAM, May li .According te a telegram from Vienna, Emperor Charles has made Baron Burian, Aus-tro-Hungarlan Foreign Minister, astiun garian count In recognition of his services In connection with the con clusion of peace with Roumani. WHEAT SAVER the Victory cracker. Victory because they save whtat. A victory for our master-bakers in creating a delicious food. Ask . you . dealer for WHEAT S A V E R Sthey will delight every member of the family. Pacific Coast Biscuit Co; Portland,' Oregon. PRICE FIXING URGED Measure Intended to Prevent Profiteers' Advances. PRESIDENT GIVEN POWER I Congressional Action Declared to Be Accessary If Abuses of the Past Tear Are to Bo Avoided In the Future. Senator McNary Is writing to his con stituents urging; them to take action by writing to him or to the Sonata committee on agriculture and forestry, their views upon the measure fathered by him, increasing the powers of the President in the matter of fixing prices of food, fuel and clothing. The bill which was introduced by the Senator April 2, and is still in com mittee, is to amend the law of August 10, 1917, which was enacted "to en courage the production, conserve the supply and control the distribution of food products and fuel." The amend ment would empower tm President during the war "to fix the price of petroleum and its products, hides and skins, and their products, hemp, jute, cotton and wool and their products, farm Implements and machinery, wheat substitutes, corn, rye, barley, oata and their products or the joint product or products of two or more of said ma terials, livestock and its products. wherever and whenever sold, either by producer or dealer; to establish rules for the regulation of and to regulate the methods of sale, shipment, distri bution, apportionment, or storage thereof among dealers and consumers, domestic or foreign Should any producer or dealer fall to conform to the prices or regulations that the President shall have the powe to requisition and take over the plan business and all appurtenances thereo belonging to such producer or deale as a going concern, and to operate or cause the same to be operated in such manner and through such agenoy as he may direct, just compensation to be fixed by the Federal Trade Commission. Of the proposed legislation Senato McNary says During the consideration of the food control bill, I took the position that a law to be effective should be compre hensive In its application In order to prevent profiteers from gaining con trol of those commodities not coming within operation of the statute. Th ever-increasing cost of all products and materials without the law has con firmed my opinion and has persuaded me to propose a bill, which, if passed and executed, will correct some of the wrongs now being practiced upon the producing and consuming public. This measure empowers the Presi dent to fix the price of petroleum and Its products, hides and skins and thei products, such as shoes, etc., hemp, jute, cotton and wool and their prod ucts, for example, clothing, farm im plements and machinery, wheat substl tutes, corn, rye, barley, oats and their products, or the joint product or prod ucts of two or more of said materials, livestock and its products. Experience has taught the lesson that Congressional action is necessary it the abuses of the past year are to be avoided in the future. Unless change of policy is made with respect to grain it is inevitable that the price I of wheat substitutes will advance until suffering will actually come upon the poor people and those of moderate means. "I am going to press this legislation upon tha consideration of the Senate at as early a date as possible in the belief that the people of the country will profit by Its enactment Into law." LOVE EXTOLLED Dr. Hugh Pedley Stirs Congregation at First Congregational. At the First Congregational Church yesterday morning. Dr. Hugh Pedley preached a sermon appropriate to the observance of Mothers Day. The pro gramme of musical numbers included the duet, "I Will Extol Thee," by Mrs. Arthur Cook, soprano. Mrs. Mitylene Fraker Stites, contralto, and Walter J. Gill, tenor, sang "Mother," with the choir quartet. Dr. Pedley's topic was, "Woman's In fluence; the Evil Side and the Good, and he said, in part: "Womanhood has its own peculiar power and it can either Hit or cast down, cleanse or blacken urge human ity forward or turn it backward from the good. "Ruskin, in his 'Queen's Gardens.' sums up Shakespeare's teachings in re gard to woman's Influence In this way: 'The catastrophe of every play is caused always by the fault or folly of a man; the redemption, if there be any, is by CASTOR For Infants and Children In Use For Oyer 30 Years Slgaalura tA-et Krf'IL' . Laa.V'. XisjCefern--" Always bears tho r ZZS7-- virtue and wisdom of a woman, and falling that there is none.' "That is a very strong statement. If it is true, then Shakespeare was not as well balanced in the judgment of humanity. If in every case the man la the cause of evil, and In no case the woman, the presentation is hardly true tollfe. But perhaps Ruskln la exag gerating. "The Bible keeps close to reality. It testifies to the power of womanhood, but it does not find the power working in every case for good. "But it is not that with which I have to do in this sermon, but rather with the good influence of woman. That is brought out in the text. "We may rest assured that tha young man of a nation will be very much what the young woman demand that he shall be. If she strikes a low note he Is very apt to do the same. If she sounds the high note he will see kto be in tune." . MUSIC AND COMEDY VIE "THE WHOSfl ROOM" TAKES "CTRIO , audience: by storm. Rosebud Chorus Introduces Tfaraj,er of New and Clever Songs Mike and Ike In Action. Although It is simply a series of humorous Incidents very fllmstly con nected, "The Wrong Room," this week's musical comedy at the Lyric Theater, brought forth the usual amount of applause from the "somewhat differ ent" audience which attended that show yesterday. As the title indicates, one room Is the cause of all the trouble and mirth In the play. The room is in a country hotel, somewhere In Amer ica, It is the only room in the biuld ing which is pnoccupled when Mike and Ike, the versatile comedians, ap pear on the scene. Side-splitting situ ations follow. The Rosebud chorus breaks Into the plot every few min utes with a patriotic song, and the play ends with everything in a muddle. A feature of this week's attraction is . the sudden appearance of the girls In the aisles of the theater, daintily clad and singing. The musical num bers are suited to chorus singing and are put forth in a very harmonious manner. Some of the titles of the songs are "Around the House That Jack Built," "When Uncle Sam Leads the Band," "How'd You ' Like to Be My Daddy," "I've Adopted a Belgian," "Your In Style When Wearing a Smile" and others. Ben Dillon and Al Franks play the title roles and Madeline Mathews pre sents the part of Matilda. The Lyric orchestra is composed of women. BEAVERTON MAKES MERRY Bond Buyers of Community Gather at Schoolhouse to Celebrate. BEAVERTON, Or.. May 12.-r-(Spe-cial.) For the third time that the Btate honor flag has been flung to the breese, it floated from the flagstaff over the Beaverton' High School last night in the commemoration meeting of Beaverton district's record in the third liberty loan campaign. Chairman Doy Gray gave an outline of the work done and stated that when belated mail orders had been added and the errors corrected, Beaverton district had 644 bond buyers who had pur chased an aggregate of 354,750 worth of bonds on a quota of 310.600, making an oversubscription of 616.5 per cent plus. Lieutenant Ebert Called. VANCOUVER. Wash., May 12. (Spe cial.) First Lieutenant Laurence R. Ebert, Engineers, has been called to the active list and ordered to report to Camp Lee, Va., for duty. He will leave tomorrow. Lieutenant Ebert Is son of Colonel Rudolph G. Ebert, in command of the medical department of the Department of Hawaii, with headquarters at Honolulu, Read Harley's article, pa are T. Adv. THEY GAVE HER 10L And It Cured Her Read Mra. Thayer'. Letter West Somervllle, Mass. "I suffered from a severe attack of bronchitis, with terrible cough, no appetite, no energy, no strength and loss of sleep. The usual remedies failed to help me, but they gave me Vlnol and It restored my appe tite, stopped the cough and built up my strength so I am able to do my housework again." Mrs. P. B. Thayer. We guarantee Vlnol for chronic coughs, colds, bronchitis, because it is constitutional cod liver and iron rem edy. Formula on every bottle. The Owl Drug Co., Portland, and at the best drug store in every town and city, in the country. Adv. FOR BRONCHITIS L A DTI 103.21