20 TIIE MORNING OR EG ONI AN. SATURDAY, MAY 11, 1918. ' WAR ACTIVITY IS BOON TO BUSINESS Bank Clearances Continue to Increase and Wages Near Top Notch. VABOR SHORTAGE IS ACUTE JVptce Gotrrnmrat Rrquirrmrnt, Ix-nianl From Cnl Sourer for Good of All Kind Contin ue to tifrrd Supply. AiHUviiTO. lT 10. Hap Id re adjustment of business and Industry to meet spe-clallierJ war demand ami i4ndoo activities not contributing to th war. la ihown by tha Federal rawer board" monthly summary of business condition. Issued today, baaed a report irom an federal reset-re districts. The report said the transition to war preparation "I being accomplished with little Iocs) of momentum and busi ness generally may be aald to be broad ening And settllnr on a aattsfactory baila. A note ef concern I expressed, how vr. over Lh alownes or ronsumers to economise on food, clothing; and other material needed for maintenance of the Army. Despite the blar Govern ment requirement, demand from usual aourcca for food of all kind continue stronger than supply, and consequently tn mercantile and neral business situation la described a "on of Intense activity, with war needs receiving firt consideration. I. awe a arts; A rate. The labor supply continue much be low the demand and tha scarcity of workmen Is now Increased by farmer' seed of laborer for Spring planting. The trend of wage Is upward nearly everywhere, and few labor disturbances are reported. Construction work and ail lines of business depending; on It ar suffering; severely a a result of ovrrnment curtailment. Bank clear iocs generally are Increasing; and money rate continue firm Condition noted In each district fol low: Hoetaa Generally boat n -as slightly better, labor st-aree and well pai.1. housing Condi- uone serious, manurarturing devoted more lars.Ir le war orders, bank cleartoss de creased. N.w Tork Business aetlre. industries very busy, foreign inult nmra decreased. sen a rrrings increased. rniiat.iphla Business belter, rion-eeaen-llal fndteiri converting rapidly, mercantile (eylf of better grade scare. lev.laao .Industries active, money rates awr. laser scarce and exacting. Leaabrr Bawaras Kattfartary. Richmond. Government building active, laser eeodielon "Inadeouate and unsatis factory." sAoaey demand Increasing. Atlanta Industrie busr. labor conditions fair, wages Increasing slightly. Chicago Business sousd condition, little speculation, labor scarce and consequently, independent, automobile Industrie adapting lo.mselvee to war work. St. Louis Labor conditions deldediy bet- sr. owing mainly to Government eftons to settle strikes, bousing conditions quite satis factory. Minneapolis tadastrtea irtln. hank clear. lags about the same, farmers p.antlng heavt lly for war needs. Kansas City farm building aetlre. Conditions Improve general business. crop imiiae rlenatng activity greater. crop reeidtttena excellent. farm labor scarce. aages In all branches advancing. an tranciar:o ecaeral buslnea satisfac tory, lumber business cm-tallcd lv freight amoargoea. Inonstrtee busr. GO AHEAD ww iiiimiu JJ. ailERTVOOD CIIOSK DF.1.K- GATE TO nttTERL. COC.HE!. IX P. Marker, ftaprease ( esasaaader. la Partlaad la laterrst of Mern berahlp Drive. If the Maccabees of Oregon manase to keep this state amor.g the eight blithest In membership increase, they can send a delegate to the National fraternal congress, which meets In Philadelphia next August. The big; drive for new members which will de cide whether or not Oregon will have -a representative at the convention started May 1 and will continue until August 1. J. W. Sherwood, of Portland, state commander of the order, is the dele gate whom the Uarcabees of Oregon decided to send to the congress at their convention Wednesday afternoon. V. P. Marker, supreme commander of the Maccabees, whose visit to Port land is the occasion of the state con vention, enjoyed a trip up the Colum bia River Highway yesterday as Burst of Mr. Sherwood and other high offi cials of the Marcabee Lodge. Mr. Marker addressed the various meetings of the convention. Under his leader ship the order expects to push its membership up to 3,ouv before 111), and the Oregon tents are going to be among tha biggest membership in crease rs in the country If they keep up their present record Sunday Mr. Markey will address the mi mortal service which Is to be held in memory of tha Maccabees who have died during the past years. The serv ice will be held In Orient Hall. East Sixth and Alder streets. COTTON CROPJS DONATED Red Cros to Have PrxK-trds of Rich 4 0-Acre Tract. CORPUS CHRIST!. Tex, May 1. Forty acre of rich cotton land have been placed at the disposal of the American Red Cross at Robstown. near Corpus Chrlsti. by rltlxen of that com munity, and the entire acreage I being planted tn cotton by volunteer. The land also will bo cultivated and the cotton picked by volunteers and the entire gross proceeds will go to the Rd Cross. It la expected that 11000 wl'l be re all red from tha plan. KNIGHTS MEETAT TACOMA Annaal Convention to Be Featured by Visit to Camp Lewis. TACOMA. Wash.. May 10. SpeciaL) Knighta of Columbua of Washington will bold their state convention In Ta coma next Sunday and Monday. Will iam J. Mctilnley. National secretary of the order. Is coming from New Haven. Conn- for the meeting. Among the features of the convention will be a visit to Camp Lewis and an entertain ment at Knighta of Columbus Building tin. 1 on Monday nlghL The first, second and third degrees of the ritual will bo conferred on a large cUsa Sunday aXuraoon. Willie iUlchie. MrfMKT!l. TICKETS WOW t:LLIU l T-fPIT "I fl at TirUr. llLilLilVJpkMn Mala I. A 1123 ROBERT B.MANTELL l'LtUIII M PFURTIMi COMPA.M ;7tTMAT. TODAY, 2;I5 Romeo and Juliet WITH GEMVIKI HAMPCR LAST TIME TONIGHT, "RICHARD III' TODV r1or. rewe il.BA. 7 rewa I I Hal-eay, HI. T5-. Sttrt Gallery. BOc TOMI.HT-KlMr, It wmtrm 2 7 txn 9 1 -AO Hsleemy. a I. TSe. Mr I Gal.. BOB. BAKER ALCAZA rLATEKS Mat. Today 'at Time Tonight. Wm. H. Crane's famous comedy success. TIIR SEW HENRIETTA, rlrat Tleee la Stack. eights Sc. Mr, 73ei bat. Mat, 35c, OUr. Next Week. HtmMIng Temorrsw Matv "I be Kteraal Magdalene. "THE NArCHTV princess- A Farcical Operetta In Two Scenes. Harry Vaa fae.ee ; Lerwell B. Drew aad Veeta rTat Lace i Hadler. Hlela aad Phillips; Lewie Staaet Aerial Mttrbetl. TINA LERNRR The Brilliant Russian Planlat. LYRIC MraicAl. fcTOCK Mai. dally, lee aaly Mghta start at T. AU this week DUlea Franks with ths Lyric Mu.lcaJ Comedy Co- of U In -FROLICS OF THE DAY" Next Week, Heglanlag Tsaiuerew Mstlaee. THKItrTT rADS." PANTAGE MAT. DAILY 2:30 Mary Norman In her original monologue. -WOMEN 1 HIVE MET." Ms Other Big Arts. Three Performance Dally. Night Curtain at T and . BASEBALL KECREATIOX PARK. Caraer Vaaghn aad Tweafy-foart k Sta. ABERDEEN PORTLAND MAT V T. a. 9, 10, 11. IX Gasaea Bee la ee-kdaya . 4 T. X. auaaaya, 3 P. SC. Reserved Box Seat for Pal at Edward Cigar bland. Sixth and Washington Sta. Ladlra' Days Dally Except Saturday aad Baaday. DANCING! TO'ICUT Cotillion Hall Paarteeath Off Waaklaartaa. Portland' Finest Amusement Palace, Ball-aVeariaar Isrisg floor. eeres-Pleee 4 Ire a est re. former lightweight champion of the state deputy world, and now boxing instructor at Is, will be one of the novltl- rge Lv Nyere. of Aberdeen. Is of the Knights of Colum bus. Scolcliy" McAUrn Wins. Commission as Lieutenant has been won by William L. McAllen, who has Just finished his coure of training in the flying school at San Diego. Cal. Word of the son's achievement reached the parents. Mr. and Mr. D. McAllen, yetrday. The young man. familiarly known In Portland as "fccotchy, re ported that he will visit here on a 10 days' furlough before being assigned for service. Read Hartev's article, page 11. Adv. Rate far Classified Advertisements The Oregonian Daily aad buaday Per line. One time Tw la narrative time ........ Three ceueccutlve llmee, .. ... lux er eevea ceueeeutlee times. It lie so Tbe teilewrlag elaeelfieatlons excepted, the rate ea which la le per line per dart eltaatloae W sated Male. flilualloa Wanted Female. For Kent Koeroe prl.ate Families. Board aad Heome Private Families, ftaeueekeeping Keoms I'rivate ramllles. No. ad takea fee leea taaa X liaen. leant aix wards te tbe line. Advertleemeota (except MPeraa ala'l will be takea eves tbe telepaeae if the advertiser la a subscriber te either pbene. N e price will be quoted eer tbe paeae, but statement will be readered the following day. Adverttse aaeata are takea for Tbe Dally On. geolaa watll s P. M.: for Tbe ttaadar Oreaeaiaa aatll P. at. botardar. PIED. SOPER At his 1st residence. 804 East 2th si aiay iu. e. A. ooper. age1 74 years. father of Mrs. W. A. Chesley. of this city; Jir. rrca jacsson. or neattie; ouy B. cioper. lal cnarlee: t harlea So per. Butte. Mont.; James Super. Alaska. The remains are at the parlora or F. H. Dunning, inc. 414 E. Alder at., corner East Sth. Funeral notice ia a later issue. JOST.3 In this city. May 10. Margaret A. Jones, ago Ti years, beloved wife of the late jonn v . jonee and mother of Mr. Louise Jonee Sears, of this cMy. Remains are at me residential parlors or Miller Tracey. Notice of funeral later. New iorx city and Crawford, N. J., papers please copy. BERLENT At the family residence. . T18 Second SU. May 10. Nate L, Berlcnt. aged 52 years, beloved hue hand of Anna Ber lcnt. father of Sam. Morrlx. Abe, Max and Marcus Berlent. of Portland, and Nate Berlent, ef Camp Cody. N. M. ANSON In this city. May 9. Loula M. An- son. age 43 years, beloved husband ef Jennie Anson. Remains are at the resi dential parlors of sillier A Tracey. Notice ot funeral later. MASSET In this city. May 10. Orlando Parkr Masaey. age 4 years, st his late reeid-ace. all East 21sr. Announcement ef funeral later by the Ericsoa Undertaking Company. VANIKIOTIT May 10. Nicholas Vantklottu age -7 years, nephew or Harry Vanlklotlt. of 4tl East llumaide etreeu Rematna at Donning A McEntee undertaking parlora. FLORISTS. CLARKK BROfU nortata. MT Msrrlsoa St. Mel or a ISO, rin newer aaat fleral design. No branch store. MARTIN e FORBES CO-, rtortsts. Ill Waeblagtoa Mala W A 13a. Fleaer for 'l ecoaaloaa artistically arranged. TON8KTH FLORAL CO.. 13 WaablBgtea St.. beu 4th and sth. Main 310X. A 111. MAX M. SMITH. Mala TZla, A SLU, SelUag stag., eta ana araer sta. PEOPLES FLORAL feHOP. iS Alder. Jstwetsaa aaslgas. aa Marshall ass A MEETING NOTICES. ATTENTION G. A. R. Cemrtdn In good standing are requested to mm at Vet erans' Hall. 470 Courthouse, this (Saturday) evening al 8 P. M. to ml Commander-in-Chief Orlando A. Somen and Adjutant-General Robert W. Me Brl.le. of Indiana, and Quartermaster-General C. D. R. stow- lla. Of Buffaln XT V , " , 'ty. A large attend .uS iiisnca guests. By order P A l-ii,. ' -IxAMHER8. ...OR?GON COMMAKPERT - T. Officers and . wl" assemble at tj;"ylum- M"-n:o Temple, tomorrow (Sunday). May 12 at 6:30 divine service w,-,Z"l!?rZJ" T.mnl.i i it . ' "awtl.l V.nUIXn hltl I?mf 4J;"nl friends are courte , x. irlur". C. i. WIEQAXD. Recorder. UKbCSO.N LODGE. NO. 101. V A-S'D A. M. special com munication this (Saturday) even ing at 8 o'clock. Work In the r. C. degree. Visiting brethren cordially Invited. Ey order of the W. M. LESLIE 8. PARKER. Sec WASHINGTON LODGE. NO. 4B, A. F. AND A. M Special communication this faturda evening. 7 o'clock. E. blh and Burnslde. F. C. degree. Visitors welcome. Order W. f. J. H. RRHMUMJ, Bec lOStf Col'RT NO. t. ORDER OK THE AMARANTH Regular meeting this (Saturday) evening tn Masonic Temple, West Park and Yamhill sis., at 8 o'clock. Degrees. ALICE C. GIBBS. Secretary. utritt -rk aCMM&t. rl.l'B will give dance tonight at lls hull. eiiing-iir.i u km. SMitk. wa.hineton st,: good muslu. Dance given every Saturday night. Evnl.RM Jewelry, buttons, charms, pins. new deeigna. Jaeger Bros.. 181-J sth at. FRIKDLANDER'S for lodge emblems. Class pins and medals. 310 Washington st. riNEBAL NOTICES. HAVPERT In this city. May . Josepn Frederlrk Maupert. a-i I ivy n - " rears. months. 23 days, beloved husband of Nellie Haupert. son of narbara rtau pert. father of Louise and Edward Hau pert brother of William H. and Amelia Haupert. of Portland, and Edward Vk . Haupert. of Unltlendale. Ertentia Invited to attend funeral services, which will be held at Holmsn's funeral parlors. Third and Salmon streets, at 11 A. M. today (Saturday;. May 1L Interment Rose City Cemetery. MONROE May T. at the residence. 05 Hal- sev street. Mary A. -Monroe, agea i years, widow of the late Alexander Monroe and mother of Mrs. P. B. Dorala and Mia. Frank Hoffman. FunersI will take place from the above residence tomorrow (Satur day). May 11. at 3 P. M. Kervlces at the Madeline Church, corner East -:d and Msklyou streets, at 2:30 P. M. Frlendx Invited. Interment Mount Calvary Cem etery. Dunning McEntee. directors. ELLISON May . James Ellison. S73 Height avenue, ared St years, beloven nusDanu 01 Adeline Ellison, father of Samuel. Hugh. David. Robert. James, Anna and Hannah Ellison, and Mra. William llargreaves. Friends Invited to attend funeral services, which will be held at Holman's funeral parlora. Third and Salmon streets, at 'J.30 P. M. today (Saturday). May 1L Inter- j ment Rose City Cemetery. BLANCH A RD In this city. May . Dean Blanchard. aged s.t years, late or nxinier. lie henlhee nf t P. John Dibble. Of Rainier. Or. The funeral services will be held tomorrow tMunday). May 1i, at 2:so o'clock P. l.. at the Portland Crema torium. Fourteenth and Byuee streets V'rienri. Invited. The remains sre at th realdrnre establishment of J. P. Flnley A Son. Montgomery al Fifth street. IIILLEART In this city. May . Elmer A. Hllleary. age 37 years. ,Ieloven son ot air. and Mrs. Marlon Hllleary and father of Norman Eugene Hllleary, brother of Mrs. Davis, of Yacolt, Wash.: Mabel and Ray mond Hllleary. Remains are at the resi dence, 401 Mason st. Notice of funeral later. Arrangements In care of Miller & Tracey. DEAN In this city. May 0. at hie Is.te resi dence. 411 East Eighty-second street soni, Charles Wendall Dean, aged 22 years. The funeral services will be held Monday. May 13. at 2 o'clock P. M. at the Portland Crematorium. Fourteenth and Bybee sts. Friends Invited. The remains are at the residence establishment ot J. P. Flnley & ton. Montgomery at Fifth. - KFCURR In this city. May 10. Mrs. Coraa Keeeer, aged 31) years; neiovea n Albert R. Keeaer. of 401 Forty-fourth street Southeast, this city. Funeral serv res will be conducted today (Saturday), May 11. at 3:30 P. M.. from Pearson's un dertaking parlors. Russell street at t'nlon avenue Friends Invited. Interment Mount Scott Park Cemetery. rOLEX At Hot Springs. !. u., jluy . Franklin Folen. agea jcere. nuei-auu hi i M.etha Polen. of Portland. Or. The funeral sen-Ires will be held today (Satur dsv) at 2:30 o'clock P. M., al the real j . ...uhii.hm.nt of J. P. Flnley A Son. Montgomery at Fifth. Friends Invited. Interment at alount ocott r i.ciiirici;. FtSKS At Dunean. lKia.. atsy . r.rnns Ruth rinas. aueu )"''" , h.v. Funeral services win oe nem iuu. .Ctitrrtav). .VlaV 11. at -.,1" r . ..... ml wi new chapel of Breexe A Snooks. Belmon at 85lh. Incineration at roru.nu v. i cuia torlum. COUTURE In this city. May 10. Lewli W illiam l ounure. axe u iiiwihh -in. w-iii He Mh inner! to Condon. Or., a' 7 30 today (Saturday), where services will kJ. held tomorrow (Sunday). May 12. and lnlarni.nl mXUS. r. 0. UUUHiui. a.il-. charge. PAUTZ The funeral services ot laidwig x.tit. inrant son 01 air. enu ji i o- Pautx. will be held today (Saturday). May . i . . . r i. from the charjel of Mllle A Tracey. Interment at Aiuinoman i-ara Cemetery. MASSET In this city. May 10, Orlando Par ker Maaaey. age o-t yeara, at nie late resi enee XII East 21 st st. Funeral serv Ices will be held today (Saturday), May 11. at 2 P. M. from Erlcson'a chapel, Mor risoi at 12th st. Friends invited. FUNEHA1, DIRECTORS. HOLM AN UNDERTAKING CO. Fiineral Directors Establ.'shed 1877. Third and Balnun Streeta Alain S07. A 161L Lady AaslatanL Perfect Funeral Service for Leas. MILLER & TRACEY Independent Funeral Director. Wash su. beu 20th A 21st. West Side Mala 20VL Lady Assistant. A 7se3. J. P. FLNLBT SON, Progressive Funeral Directors. Private Drive Women Attendants, MONTGOMERY AT FIFTH, Main 9. A 1309. WILSON & ROSSXisisSial1 East 84. C 81S3. ERICBON Residence Undertaking Par'ora. 12th and Morrison sis. siain eiaa. a nm-NINO A McENTKhV funeral directors. Broadway and Pine alreeu Pkaae Broadway 4a o, A eoaa. laay attenaaau F. 8. DUNKING. INC. THE GOLDEN KUUE UNDERTAKERS. 414 East Alder 6U East 32. B 2523. BREEZE & SNOOK 'JSi'S.' MR. AND MRS. neral service. 173 W. H. HAMILTON Fu- E. Gllsan. Tabor 4313. P. L. LBRCH. Eaat llth and Clay streets. Lsdy atteadant. East 781. B 1JS8. A t Wl l .VVf r.Ct 2 Williams ave. : 108. c loss SKEWES UNDERTAKING COMPANT. 3d asd Clay. Mala 415X. A XI 2 L Lady aaslstaat. rgxtgTKnis BEAUTIFUL- MOUNT SCOTT PARS CEMETERY Lowest Price) Beat Service. No cxpens after Interment. Pricag lower than otbex tcrtca. Phone Your Want Ads to THE OREGONIAN Main 7070 A 6095 Jpt P. If A directory of business firms and professional men condensed and classified for ready reference. For rates by the month or year, or other information, telephone The Oreffonian, Main 7070 or A 6095, House 29. ACCORDION PLEATING. HEMSTITCHING. PLEATING, ALL LAT L.T STYLES EASTERN NOVELTY CO, J FIFTH ST.. BETWEEN OAJC AND biakk. BTHL BROADWAY 2000. l. STLI'UAN. hemxtltchlns. acalloDlna". ac cordlou side pleat, buttons covered; mall oraara. Big Pittock block. Broadway loll a. AGATE CCTTEB8 AND sfFG. JEWF1.EK& AGATES cut and polished; Jewelry and repairing, aimer a. ma is v asn. su ASMAYEKJ AND ANALYSTS. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE. 141 becond Gold, silver and platinum bought. BAKBF.R gl PPLIES. OKEGO.V BARBEK SUPPLY CO. W buy and sell all kinds barber supplies. 2o0 CARPET CLEANING. NORTHWEST RUG CO.. established 1903. Iurf rue, and rag rugs women, all sixes. East 8th and Taylor. East 3580. B 128Q. CANCER. L. M. JONES. M. D. CANCER TREATED. 312 Morgan bldg. Marshall 8143. CEIXILOID BUTTONS. THE IRW1N-BODSON COMPANY. 87 Washington. Broadway 484. A 1254. CHIROPODIST! AND ARCH SPECIALISTS. DR. LA MONTE, chironodlst and scientific arch specialist. Only chiropodist carrying state license; most sanitary operating rooms In city; arches fit properly or money refunded. Cases cured whero others failed Local references given. Lady attendant. l'Ott-7-8 Swetland bldg.. Fifth and Wash., opp. l.lpman-Wolfe. Phone Main 516i: evenings by appointment. Reasonable prices. Consultation free. WILLIAM. Estelle and Florelle DeVeny. the only scientific chiropodists snd arch spe cialists In the city. Parlora 302 Gerllnger bldg.. southwest corner Second and Alder. Phone Msln 130L CHIROPRACTIC PHYSICIANS. SICK PEOPLE: Dr. McMahon. Portland. 100 per cent cnlropraotlo specialise That'a why I never bav to employ drugs, oper ations, vibrators, violet raya, electricity, beat, light and other Joss-house stunts I remove the cause of disease quickly, sore ly and lesa expenalvely. Tlcketa. 81 ad justments. (IS; seven. SS. Call, phone or wrus. ueny convincing ooabtlng 'I no mi CIRCULAR LETTERS. CRANE LETTER CO.. 610 11. W. bldg.. Mar. BS2il00 letters multlgrsplied. 11.S0. COLLECTION AGENCIES. NKTH CO.. Worcester bldg. Main 1T No collections, no charge; established l0tt DANCING. MRS. FLECK'S ACADEMY Social and stage dancing, private Instruction; classes Ttie.. Kvl.. 8 to 10. 100 2d su, bet. Wash, snd Stark. Main 2100. MANCHESTER DANCING ACADEMY. S.'.'i ..in: in private lessons 11 A, II. to I P M. Phone Hroudway 2.127. EYE. EAR, NOSE AND THROAT. Dr. F. F. Caaeeday. specialist: glasses fitted. 70 E. Burnslde. cor. 20th. B 13U8. E. 4734. FLUFF RUGS AND HAG RUGS. FLUFF RUGS FROM OLD CARPETS Intn-alna. BnuMla, Smyrna, Axtnlnater rc rujr. all mall order prompt: booltiaC itxlJ rjgs, steam or dry c!end. Sl.i;v. CARPET CLEANING, REFITTING, ETC. WESTERN FLUFF RCO CO.. B4-S8 Union Ave. N. East oils. B 1478. WHOLESALERS AND BUGGY TOPS. OREGON. AUTO TOP Co. 14th snd Couch. DUBRU1LLE BUOGT TOP CO.. 9th and Oak GRAIN MERCHANTS. PACIFIC GRAIN CO.. Board of Trada bldg. DRY GOODS NOTIONS. I niH'VEl Vtllkl I'll btocaiooui and office kllllILl,OI ILkUUi 47 North Sta strseu HATS AND CAPS. THANHOUKER HAT CO.. 63-53 Front SU HIDES. WOOL, CASCARA BARK. KAHN BKOS. 1U5 Front St. PAINTS AND LUBRICATING OILS. W. P. FULLE R A CO, 12th andDavia ata. MONUMENT. . RR1TTTIR l. nolishea granite monumen imnorted from Norway, for sale at i the -!... Hlmenninns. from base to top. ft lo"ln.. width. 3 ft. 2 in. and 1 fu 4 In. thick; crated and ready for shipment. In quire at room 417 Worcester bldg. ruKlLUlIb MAKBUH WORKS. 2S4.JS 41 su. ckposlt City Hall. Mala ten. Hull Neu a bona for m.mortala. bLESiN6 CftANiTC CO. THIBD T MADISON 3TREET OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY Uiflca, Room 133 Courthouse. Sth U kaitranoeu Pboae from S to 6, Main 378. Home Phone A Zaza. Nlgnt call alter ouice nours. us Report ill cases ox cruelty to toe auo.e au' a.-.. b-i-tele lethal chamber for small SQl' ma. a Horse ambulance for alck and disabled aolroals st a moroeat s notice, anyone oesir in. a doe or other net communicate wlta ox Call for all lost or strayed stock, as aa loo alter ail Impounding. There is no more mi pound, just Oregon Humane aooieu). NEW TODAY. MORTGAGE LOANS II Oa Improved elty and farm prop- Herty at close Interest rate. In stallment repayment privilege If preferred. Prompt, reliable aervlc. A.H.BIRRELL GO. 217-210 Nortkvceatern Bank Bulldlag. Slarshall 4114. A 4118. MORTGAGE LOaAJMS O?! FARM AND HE9IDKNCR PROPalUTV. MO COMMISSION. Vm. MacMaster TI COHBavlT UUIU. PUat'l'LAAO. Ok MORTGAGE LOa4IS ON BUSINESS AND RESIDK.NCB PROPKBTV. ROBKuisuN at a: wing. 07 -S Nortawealera Baak Bldg. JNO. B. COFFEY MOHTCAGtt LOANI, Insurance, Surety Bonds IQl WlivCUX -JLtlXi. Malik 702. A TOl REAL ESTATE. FOK iSALK ll s.cres. 2h mflsa from Eu sene; tU acreu icood oat, vetch and cheat hety land ; balance pasture and timber. tii'od house and barn; good well. acre, 5 mllea from Junction City; X?5 acres food wheat and oat land; bal ance pasture and timber. Improved residence property in Eugene All on reasonable terms. Blaine H. Hovey, room 11. over Hank of Commerce. Eu gene, Oregon. Phono 80?. For Sale Lots. THAT VACANT LUT Turn a burden Into income. v, a ueaign ana oui;u anything, furnish the money If desired, eight years In jjVortiaod. I. R. Bailey Co.. contract ing architects. Northwestern Bank bldg. FORECLOSURE map 13 full lots. Divi sion ana ian, wv ea.cn. worm fioo; terms. Thomson, Mohawk bldg. Mar. O. C. GOLD EN BERG CAN SELL TOUR LOT. 213 Abl rig ion oiug. Main 4 sua. ONE to i0 lots on Peninsula; terms. Main .".17. ALL kinds of building and alterations. CHAS. w. Antnnt,CT. rittock bik. MODEilNB-room houae. OxlOO lot 2 blocks from carllnei near z snipyaraa, ror sai. price $."'00. aiil Fifth at. Mar. 105tj. MODERN bungalow furnace and fireplace. garage, s.i.iw. i.t,jv niwinorn, ave. -ROOM house. 61 vv. Jessup; easv terms. Owner, 21 iltua. it- .Vancouver, Wash, FLUFF RCO AND RAO KCO FACTORY. NORTHWEST RUG CO., established 1903. Fluff rugs and rag rugs woven, all slsea. Eaststh and Taylor. East 8SU. Blioo. H BMTI KE FOR SALE. JL'ST starting in business. Call East 64S7 for highest price paid for used furniture, rugs, carpets, stoves. A. Monner Furniture Co., S3 Grand ave. JAPAN FLORIST. ni3,? 133 Fourth Su Near Public Mkt. kind of bedding and perenni ants. Japonic, and fruit plants. panese tuba. juarxain prices. ry cheap wholesale, vegetable nts lor outdoor growth- Tomato, loo, hie: low, IS.00. Cauoage. loo. 76c: 1000. $7.00, MISICAL. OREGON Conservatory (school) of Music, 2U f ioor Ru.seil Oiug. tover the Lion Entrance lU5i 4th St.. cor. of Morrison. EMIL T11IELHORN. violin teacher, pupil bevel. S07 Flledner bldg. Bdwy. ltis. PARKER School ot Popular Music Terms, to 20 loasona. 401-2 Ellera bldg. OPTOMETRISTS AND OPTICIANS. - WHY PAT MORE? "rWx A SAVING from 80 to 60 per cent LS Properly fitted glases as low aa 1 i . sloo. 40O0 satisfied customers. Satisfaction guaranteed. Cbaa. W. Good man, optometrist, 209 Morrison. Main 3124. PATENTS. PATENTS that orotect and par. advice snd books free; highest references, best re sults, promptneaa assured: send sketch model for search. Watson E. Coleman. patent lawyer. l4 F at.. Washington. O. c. R. O. WRIGHT 22 years' experience. O. a ana foreign patents, qui poKum oiug. PHYSICIANS. DR. R. A. PHILLIPS, 805 Broadway bldg. Rheumatism, female disorders, skin trou bles, stomach, liver, kidneys, bowels, throat, goitre, scalp, high blood pressure. PLUMBING SUPPLIES. PLUMBING SUPPLIES at wholesale price. Stark-Deris Co.. zia d- Main PRINTING. KEYSTONE PRESS J. E. Gantenbeln. Mgr. Printing and linotyping. 10V Front su. corner Stark. Main or A 1418. F W. BALTES & COMPA-NT. 1st and Oak sts. Main 165. A 1108 REAL ESTATE DEALERS. CARL R, JONES, 404 Wilcox bldg. STORAGE AND TRANSFER," noirc-.rM TRANSFER CO.. 474 GllSSn St corner 13th, Telephone Broadway 1281 or A 1189. W own and operate two large class "A warehouses on terminal uxcaa Lowest insurance rates In tn city. C. . ...onv-CT linrK A WAREHOUSE. Of fice 189 Madison. General merchandise and forwarding agents. Phons Main 1WL L'ii'l Ircight rales to all points on household enoda. Manning warehouse as irMaiK Co.. Bth and Hoyt. Broadway 70S. oirvur. MOVING. STORAGE. SECURITY STORAGE TRANSFER CO, r; . Xt.ln B10&. A 103L FIREPROOF STORAGE. . C M. OLSEN TRANSFER CO., 248 PINE. WOOD. ORDERS taken for Summer delivery: first- class PUIS oas, woou. MAN UFACTUKERS "PAINTS, OILS AND GLASS. RASMUSSEN a: CO.. 2d and Taylor. PIPE. PIPE FITTINGS AND VALVES. If. L KLINE. 84-88 Front at. PLUMBING AND STEAM SUPPLIES. M- L. KLINE. 84-80 Front St. PKODl'CK COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Evs.klii.ng &. FAKHEL.L. 140 Front su ROPE AND BINDING TWINE. Portland Cordage Co.. 14th and Northrup. SASH. DOORS AND CLASS. W. P. FULLER CO.. 12thand DavU sta. WALL PAPER, MILLER Wall Paper PU Co.. 172 1st st. MORGAN WALL PAPER CO.. 230 3d st. REAL E8TATE For Sale Hou-reti. HEIGHTS HOME. 5 rooms and S. porch, whit enamel wood work, hardwood floors, modern conven iences, nearly new. Built by owner for home. Pretty lawn, trees and shrubs: has benefits of country with city conveniences. Main 64S0. 1037 Hillsdale ave.. Council Creat. FOR SALE A nice place for anyone who wants a hojne and garden; lots 140x100 and 5-roorn bungalow, all modern and fruit trees and berries, with garden planted; all fenced: a small barn and cow; price $l00. 400 down. $20 monthly, 4212 68th ave. S. E.. cor. 42d st. Woodstock car; get off at 41st at. and 00th ave. BUNGALOW SACRIFICE. Modern 3 -room bungalow. fireplace, built-in effects, etc. 100 Arnold, near Marguerite ave,, Hawthorne district; rent for month. If sold before rented will take 92500; cost me f:200; S500 cash, bal. to suit owner. io uoara oi Trade bldg. Main Hi'. 3-ROOM cottage: semi-modern, including gas range; ouxjuu-it. 101, east iront, on naro surface street. 2 blocks to carline; nice neighborhood; fine garden already planted. This is a snap at $750. Easy terms. SCANDINAVIAN-AMERICAN REALTY CO. s-uite 212 Lumbermens Bldg. OWNER LEFT. SAYS SELL fine bungalow, 5 rooms, large attic, oak floors, fireplace, bookcases, biUfet. This Is a very fine house and cheap at $250; easy terms. JOHNSOX DODSON CO., 634 N. W. Bank Bldg. 2-ROOM house, furniture, woodshed and gar den. $150; will trade ror auto or motor cycle: close to shipyard and carline: Caro lina St. and 1414 Beaver st. Take Fulton car. THOROUGHLY modern home " for sale by owner, o rooms, reception hall, sun porch. Indirect lighting fixtures, full cement basement, furnace, garage. 100x100. fruit trees, berries, flowers. D 258, Oregonian, SWELL BUY, 3-ROOM BUNGALOW. NEAR SUNNYS1UK tAB u aurti ST. IUU CANNOT BEAT THIS FOR $2650. ON TERMS. W. H. BURLEY, 685 IRVING ST. MARSHALL 2063. IRVINGTON My 7-roora home. hdw. floors. open lire, one oiock to - i-j car, 3 oiocks to "B" car; snap at $4.50. 833 Morgan bldg., or main e-i-p. FOR SALI3 Small modern house with ga rage n fen insula, rnono owner, wooa lawn 5538. PORTLAND property on E. 92d St., 2 lots. 100x50; will sen cneap. Aiarsnau iiii, ask for Mrs. Tom Stevens, or call 430 Harri son. FOR SALE 6-room bouse, located on Ham ilton ave. ; lot uxuu; zruit trees ana grape vines; one-half cash, one-half terms; price flOOO. Inquire B 1277. HAWTHORNE district, strictly modern five- room bungalow wun steeping porch, all on one floor, room for garage. Owner, Tabor 7008. IRVINGTON BARGAIN Attractive, mod em home, near itiin mil njiori. owner must sacrifice for quick sale; $5500. East 3!M: Msln Q7. BARB opportunity Jew X JoOO house, 8 rooms, for sxsuu. 1.01 uvxjuo. good loca tion ; garage, garaen. etc xauu down, bal, to suit. AJ I'M. Oregonian. 4 CLEVELAND, near Skldmore. 4-roorn cot tage. lot axiuv. twuw. icrms easy. Alain HUBBELL, & EON", 1421 Bandy, oldest firm ROSE till rMtx, can sen you a goo a house cheap. Bee us ilrst. Tabor L'IBl. 5-ROOM bungalow, Bo E. Morrison sL, $4000: ,.oo casn. vnusr, ivjg asrooaiyn st. Sellwooa dO.J. 5-KOOM bungalow, modern, paved street, near carline, less than cost; part cash. Owner, AR 34.t, uregonian. LAURELHURST Modern. 6 rooms, value Stiooo, xor sjou; ,io.m casn. owner, 1070 Bandy blvo. TaDor 3tt3. ROOM house, 2 lots, garden, fruit, $1400; part cash, balance like rent. Call 510 Alle gheny St., SU Johns. MONTHLY payment plan. Furnished, mod ern. t rooms, two 101s, snruooery. xaoor 7418. FOR SALE A fine 5-room house, corner, on Falling, near wiutams ave, call wooaiawo 1 309. Owner. No agents. ' FOR SALE 6-room house, $1200. Inquire at 1842 East Alder at., near 76th. MODERN 5-room bungalow for sale, $2000; half cash. 1071 E. 2th st. North. BARGAINS Foreclosure and jiome. - Call up East 1317, mortgage REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. EXTRAORDINARY BARGAIN. Trvlngton palatial home. rooms, three sleeping porches, billiard and maid's room, dining room In leather and silk tanestrv. beautiful reception hulk living, library, den and secretary rooms. 4 bedrooms In white enamel, all rooms are decorated by Grafe. the French artist; plate glastf windows. 3 i ire pi aces, not water beat, Dutch kitchen. com water cooler ana all Dul!t-ln conven iences; garage: lot 06 2-3X100: velvet car pets, silk tapestry hangings. Brussels net curtains go with the house free; SOc on dollar. Delahunt, East 1347. No agents. TODAY'S BEST BUT $3000 MODERN 5-ROO.M B UNG A LO W ? 2 1 50. Richmond distirct, block from car, paved street, sewer, fireplace, built-in window seat, cement tray. Dutch kitchen, 2 bedrooms, 2 closets, bath, dining-room, large living-room, beautiful ahade trees; $500 will handle: coat owner S3000; no amenta. 504 E. 4lat at. 6.. phone Tabor 7051. GOOD HOME BUYS. $1300 Woodstock car, attractive, corner lot, 5-room house, ' newly tinted; some cash required. $1150 Woodstock car, good 6 -room house, bath, fruit trees; small cash pay ment. GEORGE E. EXGLEHART, Main 7266. 6-14 Henry bldg. ALMOST new modern 5-room house, with sleeping porch, fireplace, hardwood floors, white enamel Interior; built-in conveni ences and cabinet kitchen; full cement basement and furnace; close In on Eaat Side; corner lot; fin view. Way below coat; only $.'1250; easv terms. SCANDINAVIAN-AMERICAN REALTY CO. Suite 212 Lumbermens Bldg. RARE OPPORTUNITY. BEST PART ROSE CITY PARK, BLOCK TO CAR. 512 E. 40TH ST.; 6 ROOM HOUSE, FURNACE. ETC.; BEAU TIFUL FULL LOT; NO MORTGAGE; PRICE $250l; IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. 1.1750 ROSSMERE $3750. One of the niftiest tf-room bungalows (with garage) in city; 1 block to car; beautiful yard, trees, shrubbery, every thing complete: street assessments paid. J. DELAHUNTY. 270 Stark st. Main 1700. evenings East 20S6. LAURELHURST HOMES. X have several excellent bargains In 6 T and 8-room houses located in best sec tion of LAURELHURST for sale on rent like terms. Call for keys at Laurelhurst tract office, E. 30th and Glisan. Tabor 3433. daily between 10 A. M. and 5 P. M. S. W. LEONARD, evenings Tabor 7645. STOP THAT RENT and buy nearly an acre. Mt. Scott district, city limits, all clear. Bull Run water. 6c fare, small house and outbuildings, $1300; small cash payment, balance monthly In stallments like rent. Inquire 416 Pittock Mock, or 4i4 fcj. Aider st. ieicpnone Broadway 7S4 or tiaat 4. HAWTHORNE BARGAIN. Our modern, well-built. 5-room house. practically new, fireplace, full cement base ment, built-in conveniences, lot aoxioo rosea, lawn, fruit trees, garden, paved sL garage room; cost $3600, now $;200, terms. No agent, no trade. Tabor 7i4. WILL FURNISH LOT AND BUILD HOME. $1850 AND UP. Substantial Initial payment required. F. K. Stearns. 202 Wilcox bldg. Main 3517. Evenings. Marshall 370. Office Hours lu-1. NEW, modem 5-room bungalow, al! bui in conveniences, full cement basement. East Morrison st., one block to Mt. Tabor car; restricted .district. Would coat $2500 to Dunn, toaennce f easv terms. SCANDINAVIAN-AMERICAN REALTY CO. Suite 212 Lumbermens Bldg. , MR. HOMESEEKER. I've some nice bungalows in very de sirable districts, one or two completely furnished, for sale; can quote very rea sonable prices and terms on some of these. .J. B,Holbrook, 214-15 Panama bldg. PORTLAND HT& BUNGALOW $2750. Four rooms and bath, almost new, fin condition, close in, among goo4 homes. 2 blocks car; view of city, mountains and Council Crest, Owner gone away; must sell. BROOKE, Mar. 4S27, A 3630. PORTLAND HEIGHTS BARGAIN. 9 rooms, modern, hardwood floors, hot water heat, beautiful, level grounds, trees and shrubbery, walking distance, wonder ful location and view. $9500. BROOKE, Marshall 4S27, A 3839. LAURELHURST. Before buying elsewhere obtain our list of exquisite homes for sale on easy terms In Laurelhurst. the show place of Port land. LAURELHURST CO.. 270 '-j Stark st. Main 1700. A 1515. $2250 $50 CASH, $20 PER MONTH. Good 6-room house on 100x100, apples, cherries, peaches, pears, prunes, all kinds of berries, chicken park, in good neigh- oornood. jonnson uoason io., bo4 i. Bank bldg. FOR SALE BY OWNER. 6 rooms, furnace, fireplace, buffet, Dutch kitchen, finished floors, linoleum in kitch en and bath, full lot. nar car: terms to suit you- Owner. 6-4 N. W . Bank bid Main 3787. Residence phone. East 5062 GREAT bargain by owner: modern 6-room house. Darn ana cnicKen nouse, iruit trees and berry bushes. All undr cultivation on 1 acre of ground. At 2188 Hassalo su Phone Main 2076. ALMOST new 4 -room modern bungalow, with large attic, cement Daaement; lire place and bullt-lns; East Morrison st,, Mt. Tabor car. onlv S21n0: easy terms. SC AND IN AVI AN-AMERICAN REALTY CO. Suite 212 Lumbermens Jtfiug. 574 EAST 18th, corner of Brooklyn: 5-room modern bungalow, large lot. 02 z-6 d y iuu ft.; room for another house; hard-surface streets, loouo, siuou casr.. owner. Las 3288. MUST sell 7-room bungalow, fireplace, book cases, buffet. Dutch kitchen, cement base ment, laundry trays, lot 50x100. fruit trees. 1019 E. 23d N. Vernon car. See this. $2600; $600 down. Tabor 1811. ROOM modern house In good condition, lot 50x50. 553 Frederick st. All imDrove ments in and paid. For $2500; $500 down rest on easy terms. See owner at 375 East 30th st. South before 11 A. M. REAT bargain by owner; modern 6-room house, barn and chicken houae. fruit trees and berry bushes. All under cultivation, on one acre or ground. At Hassaio st. Phone Main 2"76. $2250 $50 CASH, $20 per month; good six room house on 100x100, apples, cherries, oeachea. pears, prunes, all kinds of ber ries, chicken park, in good neighborhood Johnson Dodson Co.. 634 N. W. Bank bldg, FJNE 8-room modern home In Weatmore land: muat be seen to be appreciated: most new; will make a special price for oHsn, or may traae ror improved acreage, SCANDINAVIAN-AMERICAN REALTY CO. Suite 212 Lumoermens J3ldg. MODERN 6-room house sleeping porch cor ner, easy walking distance; central Es Side; terms. Will take lot or small house in good district as part payment. Phone Owner, East lolo. NEW. up-to-date bungalow, furnished unfurnished: built-in effects: large garage west of S. P. cars hops. 560 Reynolds. Sell wood a--.. BURRELL HEIGHTS. Beautiful home. 8 rooms. 75x100 corner, $14.0o0 for $o00, easy payments. Sale by Delahunt. East 1347. $2950 FOR 10-room houae on lllngsworth ave. near Union; fine condition, suitable for 2 families, easy terms. Owner, Oil E. Ash st. Phone East t)-'35. MODERN 6-room house for sate, corner Graham and ttorthwlck; fruit trees; warn ing distance: no reasonable oiler rexusea, wooaiawn 204.'. For Sale Business Property. NOB HI LI. FLATS. $4800, 8 per cent Investment., Good lo cation, good repair, fine tenants; best rea sons for selling. rnone frjae: jtji. Suburban Homes. SEE THIS BEFORE YOU BUY. 5-room modern bungalow, with all city conveniences, 4 acre land, near carline and river; price $3250. Nelson,- owner, phone 8-W, Oak Grove, Sundays or even ings. PRETTIEST 7 acres, near Portland and station; large house, barn. fruit trees. trout stream, lights and phone available. $1000 down, easy payments on rest, uwner, Woodlawn 3686. (il E. 17th North. FOR SALE Two acrea, fine 7-room house, fruit, etc., running creek, near carline, cheap. Call at third house north of Rla- ley Station. Oregon City car. BEAUTIFUL home and 25 acres, part in city: will divide: also 2 acres, cottage and 3 lots. D. G. Stephens, ,11 Columbia Divd. FINE residence property, close in. cheap. 807 Washington st., Vancouver, vash. For Sale Acreage. FINE cultivated acre, all in bearing fruit trees and small fruits; right close to Gar den Home station on Oregon Electric; 7c commutation fare, all city conveniences; price only $1200. worth $1500; see this today, sake your own terms. Phone Mu Cormlc Main 11318. 80-ACRE tract of bottom land for sale; mile from navigable stream: creek runs through it; $00 an acre; 12 miles to town. For further Information write C. A. An derson, .North River, South Bend. Wash. 5. 10, 15-ACRE HOMES in the GARDEN alley, near tne city ot scnoois ana col leges, the home town of the Northwest, G. T. GREGORY FARM AGENCY, WALLA WALLA, WASHINGTON. Homesteads: Relinquishments. WANT to buy about 20 acres land with 5 acres Improved: would pay $2uO down: price not over $000; near Portland. BJ 282, Oregonian. FREE homestead land; it costs you nothing to investigate, i-arty m city lor a lew days. - B 270, Oregonian, REAL ESTATE. for Salts Fruit Lands. FOR SALE At a bargain, 59 acres Irri gated apple land in the Wenatchee Val ley. Washington; 32 acres of apples and pears, all in bearing, 10 years old; has two houses, 1 new packing house, 6 acres alfalfa; overlooks the Columbia River for 6 miles; $5000 worth of fruit sold off the place last year. Would accept am all pay ment down and 20 years on the. balance: might consider some exchange up to $15. 000 on first-class California land; prop erty" is clear. T 204. Oregonian. FOR SALE 10 acres of bearing apple or chard, in the best of condition, 1 mils from electric road; Rome Beauty variety, at a nacrifice price, as the owner wishes to purchase liberty bonds. Mrs. Stella Mur ray. R. R. 2. Carlton. Or. For Sale Farms. NO PAYMENT DOWN. WE SUPPLY THE LAND AND ASK NO PAT MENT UNTIL YOU CAN MAKE SAME FROM CROPS. IT STANDS TO REASON WE MUST HAVE GOOD LAND TO OFFER YOU THESE TERMS, OUR LAND IS LEVEL. THE SOIL A SILT LOAM. NO BETTER LAND FOR AL FALFA. MILO MAIZE. FRUITS. NUTS. ETC. WATER FOR IRRIGATION WHENEVER NEEDED. GOOD DRAIN AGE, CLIMATE AND TRANSPORTA TION. SCHOOL ON TRACT. ON STATE HIGHWAY. WITHIN 8 MILES OF RED BLUFF. TEHAMA COUNTY (BANNER COUNTY OF CALIFORNIA), PRICW $150 PER ACRE. SEND FOR BOOKLET AND MAP. F. D. BURR CO., 219 MONTGOMERY ST.. SAN FRANCISCO. YAMHILL COUNTY FARM. 24 acres, 19 acres in cultivation. 1 acre stump paature. balance fir timber, about 12 acres in vetch and grain, 5 acres planted to corn, beans, potatoes and other garden, family orchard, good soil, level and rolling land, 6-room house, barn and outbuildings, spring water piped to house, on county road and R. F. D.. 4 miles of town, including team, wagon and har ness, inower, buggy, harrow, plow, culti vator, a dandy cow. heifer, feed In barn. 1 doz. chickens. This is a bargain at only $2450. Owner has heart trouble, hence tb low price for a quick sale. Other rood buys. Write for price list. W. E. Klddor. Carlton, On . FOR PALE 40-acre farm, on Irrigation project, near Hermleton, Umatilla Co., Ore gon ; good house, barn, outbuildings, 10 acres in alfatfa, 15 acres more almost ready to seed; good driven well: water pumped by gasoline engine; large orchard, mostly apples and peaches, soma other frults and berries; team horses, two cows, one heifer, 6 pigs. 20 hens, some small chickens, good wagon and all farm im plements go with place; price $6000; will take small place In or near Portland as part payment, easy terms on bal an o. Ad dress John Williams, owner, Hermlston. Oregon, route 1. ' BY OWNER, 184 acres, fine land. 2S miles north Monmouth, level land and In fine cultivation, practically all In. Fall grain, balance in Spring grain, large new barn, fine outbuildings, good 8-room house on West Side Highway; one of finest farms in Polk County; this fa-m Is all ready for a good farmer to make some money: will sell at a snap price. Write Charles O'Brien, route 1, Independence, Or., better still, i call at farm. Take electric train (red cars) get off at Nesmith station. Phone me. DAIRY FOR SALE. Here Is a splendid opportunity; am fur nishing milk for growing town; trade i getting too big for me to handle: will sell at reasonable price; 150 acres of land, 75 now in rye ; a good modern 8-roomed house, bum, dairy herd and 3 head of horses. This Is a paying proposition worth Investigating. For further Information call on or write to Josephine Huff, Arlington, Or. FARM BARQAIN. 370 acres, at Farmington, 15 miles west of Portland; good road, on the Tualatin River; best land In Oregon: ISO acres now In wheat and oats, .all equipped, artesian well; some cash, crop payments, $125 per acre. A. S. Ellis. Hillsboro. R. D. No. 5. BIG CUT In PRICE IN FARM LANDS In the beet agricultural part of Snohomish County: $25 per acre, 10 yearly payments; railways, schools, factories, plenty of labor. The beat proposition on the market for the man who wants a farm. Send for illustrated literature. Brownell Land Co.. 0u4 3d ave., Seattle. Waah. FARMS FARMS. For finest improved farm from 60 to 180 acres on good macadam auXo road, dally mall, fine neighbors, near electric ry. : warm, mellow soil, good altitude, at low price, see GRUBER. between 4:30 and 6 o'clock, at 927 Cham, of- Com, bldg. 48.10 ACRES, finest bottom land, for sale: crop, some stock anil macninery go wltlt farm; 4 acres timber, 2 acres orchard, creek, house and barn: price. $7680. take all. For full particulars, address 709 W. Walnut St.. Centralis. Wash, . BOno ACRES In Southwestern Washington for sale, to settlers only, upon easy terms and low prices. $5 per acre and up. Write for map showing location, terms, etc. WEYERHAEUSER TIMBER COMPANY, Tacoma Bldg.. Tacoroa. Wash. WRITE or call on owner If Interested la buying a level, stocked farm of 320 acres, 4U miles of Portland; extra good terms given. Will sell stock separate, or rent separate. Route , box 47. Vancouver. Wash. FOR SALE 320-acre wheat ranch: plenty of water, stock and improvements go with farm for $15 per A. if taken at once. For particulars, write D. A. Johnson, Golden da ieWsjh;IbeaJltms: 51 ACRES, adjoining Barton Station, on Es tacada electric line; 10 acres bottom land In cultivation, balance pasture; no build Ings. Inquire 506 Piatt bldg. CHICK F.N, FRUIT, GARDEN RANCHES. Near Portland: $75 to $200 per acre; easy t'-rms; best soli; farms for sale, all sixes. McFarland. 603 Yeon bids.. Portland. 40 ACRES, near college campus. McMlnn vllle. a bargain. John Bain. 507 Spald lng bldg ' LOGGED-OKF lands. $10 acre up; miming water, good soil, H tillable, employment, easv terms. Jesse R. Sharp. S3, 3d st. 381 ACRES, crops, machinery stock. $100 par acre; terms; gravity water, raciuc nigii way. Route 2, box 135. Albany. 5 ACRES, level, fenced, cleared, good soil. house; employment; near tvuiamina; e,o cash. $10 mo. Jesse R. Sharp, 83S 3d St. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WANTED Strictly modern 5-room bunga low, with garage, or room tor one. on paved street; R. C. P. district, not over $3500; client waiting; can pay $1400 cash and $75 per month. Hurry! Full Informa tion to Jos. C. Gibson, Gerllnger bldg., or Tabor lno.'l. WANTED 6-room bungalow, strictly mod ern. Immaculately clean ana at least i bedrooms 011 first floor: Hawthorne dis trict preferred: client waiting; will pay spot cash for best bargain up to $35oo; rush lnrormation to jos. uioson. linger bldg.. or Tabor 13B3. Ger- HOUSES WANTED. I want a few attractive, modern houses In good repair, not over $4000. Quick nction If price is right. PAUL C. MUR PHY. AT LAURELHURST CO. OFFICE, 2701, Stark St. Main 1700. A 1515. WILL rent or buy a small furnished house. with garden space or acre; oc tare, tau Marshall 84H2. between 1 and 2 P. M. to day or Sunday before 9 A. M. WANTED Modern 5-room bungalow, with all conveniences, in nose vity rarx; auv first payment. AK 814. Oregonian. IF you have a real bargain 1 am in the market for a monern o or i-room ounga low or house. BJ 281. Oregonian. SECTION oi saw pliing and tie timber, near g J. rl. rt., sou per acre, ci;iiuo u part. F. I. Warner. 428 Oregon st. WANTED To buy 5-room modern bunga low from owner. rnone tanor ion,. EXCHANGE equity In Seattle lot lor lot In Portland, o iiu, uregonian. I iirni, Wanted. WANTED One to 5 acres, close In, on West Side, near station; must nave nauuaoie house. AO 582. Oregonlaiv . FOR RENT FARMS. SELL lease on 20 acres, stock, crop and im plements, miles r.. rj. t.enia. mne r.. of Sunnyside. Clackamas County. U. G. Longsworth. Clackamas, Or. WANT renter on shares for potato land near Portland. Will iurnisn equipment ana seen. Inquire at once. Lueddemann Co., a3 Chamber of Commerce. TIMBEBLANDS. WILL exchange fine Portland Income proper ty for a tract 01 limner ox id to 00 mil lion. Must be well located on R. R. F. E. Bowman & Co.. 213 Cham, of Com. OR SALE 160 acres timber in Linn County, Oregon. Mrs. John p. Nugent, 817 South Tower ave.. Centralis, Wash. TIMBER LANDS BOUGHT AND SOLD. C. J. MCCRACKEN. 304 McKAY BLDG. ALF section timDer, one or two miles from S. P.; more adjacent; trade for liberty bonds. BD 196, Oregonian. WAN rFI REAL ESTATE. -ROOM modern house In good district to trade for acreage or small farm. Arnold, 620 Henry bldg. MAKE me offer on lot southeast corner 15th and Klickitat streets. Owner, 122 East 2th. Phone East 1S53. WHAT have you to exchange for Tilla mook Beach lots? Address BD 111, Ore Ionian. $750 EQUITY In 175x250. Bellevicw Sta tion, tor gooa auto, or vnxt nav you a Phone D 1091,