TTTE 3I0RNIXG OREGOXIAX, FRIDAY, MAT 10, 1918. 20 ST Va 6 nlCAT!OX.I n'lint. PS1V1TE BUSINEr RTHOOL YoU k( Ih position offered Jtoo. TOO ha abl Ify and hav kMlM" experience a aan-ral war. ana on . T nei a mi er.-!a! training to b abla la eceol THINK wlut tht maaxns to yo. W e ' give yota Ihla training. Individual lntruc t ii. i . v and avenin clajaaa: Tour ad vanreraent l rapid, our acbool haa op-to- ' data mathod Uti offlr work. Short ' hand Typewriting. Bookkeeping. Re ilng t.n-kl r.fflre Training. ftxi.ini. Duel naaa toi.lih. Adding Machlns All eorre- aMdaBM coariH. Phene Broadway 501. I. umber-mane Bui. din. Fifth and Stark. Via F. Bursell. Principal. urv. WOMEN, learn tha barber trade shortage oC barbars all over tne eoontrr ble : 85 to l par weea wi while learning. THE BIO SCHOOL. Phone Broadway 1711. MOHLaR BAKH.R CCL- I.E'iK. 2S4 Born elds st. ORIGINAL VOI.ER BARBER COLL-EOB Founded la HM. Trad, taught la eight Mkir tuition earned during the course rot yoej a position, furnish tools ecbolar- ablp tranarer cam. v rite lor iree cata lofjc Bornaid at. KirTICAL training la gas electrical ataam engineering, mechanical drawing. machlae-ehep praetlcs oxy-acetylen welding, automohie and tractor operatin and repairing, v nta lor catalogue, o ettl Engineering School. Seattls Waab- ayORTI-ANlrS only kxclcsivb tele ORAPH BrHOOL Conducted by experts aaraoaal attention, practical work: heavy demand for operators 176 to 80 ta start. Fullefa Telegraph School. A lie ay bid. ky ANTEI Mora young aamta ta prepare for telegraph arv lea; many poaitioaa apaa now for woman teles spnara For partlca lana wrlta or call Telegraph Dept.. room SI Railway Ex. bldg.. cor. Id and Stark. aWaVlAI. riaeaee aow atartlog la automobll repairing: positions liaaraataad. Haraphlll Trada sWheo-s 701 Hawthorn in. at ioth atrial. THE ADCtlX AUTO SCHuOU 174 Waaco St.. Cor. Union An. Call, wrlta or phooe T. IMS a boot free trial offr. Day and nignt el I.E CAM aaada lu.v stenographers rail now for shorthand, typewriting bookS-oplng. Wl.-S DECKER'S FKIVATB BIMNK.Htt C'll.LtOK. A.lsay bid. HI. MATTINGLYS Mhorthand. Typewrit Ing School, day. araamr. $3 month. 2 14th. aaar Jerfersoa. Main laul aK.- IIANM'H l SHORTHAND SCHOOL. dar and ulsht Tillamook aad Uaatea batn. Fast i'ta. TL8.-RAPH. at ana . bpg board, room. tuition may be aaraad. Cataioaua fra MacKay Hamlntmrn Co lara. Loa Aaraiaa. HZS. WOMEN, laara barbar trada fraa. aira whi:a laamlnv: poattlaw raaraataad. Oradoa Barbar Collaaa. SJl ktadlaoo at. PORTLAND BARBER COIXEOI taackaa man and woman tba barbor trada fraa. Paid whllo Itirclif z Coocb at. AIEJ-H8HIR TEACHER.T AOENCT Fraa r( latratlaa. Braadway bids. Mala a.. 4 FRCN'CH CIkSSEa. 41 Csrbatt B d Mala !! A rmat roe a- H o maa Bualna b!da. day and aaanlna la Collaca. Flladnaf Broadway THENCH aad plana laaaoaa; Europaaa taach ara: hlkhaal rafarancaax 1 44 Lowaadala at rrTATIO WXTTD-ll.l IK. aARDWARR MAN with al(hl yaara aa. prtnca. la opaa to poaitlon with aood hardwara firm wharn ability and dill aaaca ara racomlaad. Known tha bualnaaa from tha around up. aad capabia of taking- manajramant of roiall bualnaaa. but prafar poaitlon aa aalaaman: beat of raf riat Addraaa P10. Oraaontan. TliOROrolI dryvooda man: aipaiianead alothln and aooamaa. buyar and manaaar; boat of riernraa. apes, for chanaa on i raaaonabty abort notlca. A B 2ih. Or as o- ntan. EXPERT TRAFFIC HELP 8CAKCE. (and na your railroad orarcharaa. loaa and damaaa c:alma or ofhar traffic trou b aa. INM ATKIAL TRAFFIC BCRKAU. Room I. -OS Aldar at. Marahall IMS. VIHATI.ASf, all'trouBil pnntar. country brad, la yaara' aoiparianca. daalraa ataady Boa n Ion: prafarab.y In vicinity of Port land, fan coma at onea. Addraaa BJ 27X Oraaonlanu A YOUNO man. -1 yaaxa old. good chauffaur and all-around maa. wlsbaa poaitlon which ta ataady. Addraaa 171" li at. Exempt from draft. IHxT-Cl.ASd maatcnttar and ahnp maw wiahaa poaition: abova draft Ma with boat of rafaraa-a: good ah op managar. Phana Marahall CHOCK KY olark. 1 yaara axparlcnca. wiahaa poaitlon. 2 yaara In goo. rodaa ; it yaara of aga. Phono St. Paul Hotol. Ooo. Gora. PAISTINO. tinting. 11.25 par room up; pa par hanging. $i par room ap. Marshall HI 39. A-I WINDOW trlmmar and ahw card wntar wanta poaitlon; axparlaaca la ail llnaa. V 2!. Oragonlan MlnM.E-AOED man wanta light dray work. Addraaa Wl.lani'tta Hotal. ih and Stark. room 14. F. J. M. EXl'ERIE.t:KD Kord drtvar lion: willing to do ahowcard 417. wljthea poal aork. Tabor POSITION' wantad. or aalaaman or dIlvry for city: boat of rafarnnceo given; hara my own car. Call Eaat 4Ji. FaINTIXi. tinting, papbanglng. by axpa r'ancd workman. Lii!mi!i furslahad. Phono aranlnga Mala M7. Marahall 14. WANTED Work foranoona. clerical nor. BC 7S. Oragontan. CAKPENTEH bullde and rapalra cheap by contract. Wood .awn 12. rITkiX hotal Clark, night or day; ap-rlnco. H 22. Oragonlan phona Book haa par a. Waaographerm, OffWw. EXEMPT, expert office man and account ant, experienced In wholaaala and mana faeturlng llnaa. would change poaitlon May In; refaraocaa aa to character and ability br prosant am pi oyer. AR 141. Oregonlan. :t34PETNT bookkeapAr-etenngrapher. ex ecutive, waata poaitlon: 15 yeanr expart ence: $150 month, no leaa; A-l raferaauaa. AV QQ7. Oragontan. TOCNO man. experienced In mattafactartng and lumbar bualnaaa. daalrea poaitlon out of Portland aa stenographer and bill Clark; exempt. AV aoA. Oregonlaa. IXPERIENVKt) bookkaapar wanta poaitlon In city; beat of local rafareacea. Call Broadway 131S. ZTXPEKT lumbar accountant wiahaa perma nent poaitlon; reference aad bond. T 2al. Oregon ian. BOOKKEEPER, or ledger work; yaara ex perience; married: good rafareacea. O 210. ranlan. BITCATlONS WANTED FTCMALE. HAN and wife want management hotel or apartment-booee. Beat of refa. S 232, Ore gonlan. WORK by specialty. the hoar; experienced; Broadway 143. Ironing RS. PHIL BOWEN. communicate wltb II. D. 1 Broadway, city. EXPERIENCED telephone operator waata eyrhsnxe sUtistlon. T 226. treontan. iJlvJK curtains Is'lndered. 11 years' axper-lem-s Tabor Mrs Scott, JAPANESE woman wants a noslMon In fsm liy. housework only. A 102, Orrgonlsn. STRONG ynurrg woman wlshe to run alo- rstor. Txbor 12a fas. a Oiia 3jt 13 L-Uv-E. S6j. J Copyright. 1618, by Newspaper FMtora .Writ la. Crmmt Bi-lLsta lfTATIOa ATKI FFM KI M. EXPKRJENCEO girl wlahee houaawork In amall family where huaband can work eveailnge for room and board; good chauf feur: Weat Side preferred; do waahlng. AL 247. Oregonlan. MIDDLK-AGEU woman would Ilka to learn all-around pastry work, hare bad aome experience. Woodlawn 4nSL LADT and daughter would Ilka work In country hotel or elummer reaort. X 204, Oregonlan. WANTED Place la take of children evenings while mother la enrea Woodlawn 1611. away; rafer- CXPERIEXi'ED private exchange operator wlahee poaitlon; can do clerical work. Marshall Book keepera, ' Btawographera. Off Icq. LADT daalrea poaitlon In office. meeting patrons, answering phone; la good pan- uao typewriter; wagea 14 a 117S. STENOGRAPH KR. wall educated, thorough bualnaaa college course, but Inexperienced, deairea poaitlon; references furnished, AP 141. Oregonlan. POSITION by thoroughly capabia woman atenogrepher. flrat-claaa raxereacaa. Afar shall 6ai. tilRl IS. wiahaa ooaltlon In office; can a typewriting, and willing to learn, is zi Oregonlan. m EXPERIENCED atanographer deairea poal tloa. Tabor 127n- LINCOLN HI'iH St'HOOL student wishes po- sRlon aa stenographer, aisrsnau laa. EXPERIENCED. practical maternity auras. e7 union ava. N. Phone Eaat .a. TRAINED ander-graduata nurse wanta case. Broadway LADT wants to care for children by tha aeak or month. 441 Tenlno ave. OoOD. practical aurae. hospital experience. Eaat Hoaae keepers. WIDOW. 41 wanta position aa housekeepa for widower or bachelor: will ao ail ainai of housework: good home: give full par ticulars. X 2i. Oregoalsa. KEFI.NED. educated woman would Ilka po aitlon aa noueeaeeper ana cook in aome where hushand. employed daring day. ma stay. K 11M. oregonlan. Ioeneatlee, G1RI. wants washing and Ironing full deya. East 44fd. WAIaTKT. TO BE!T. Mawaaa. or 7 -room hoaao; want to near rrom people who have nice boms and appreciate careful, reeponslbla tenants; references Phona Tabor 17V EXPERIENCED girl wiahaa boaeework In n 1 1 v vhtra nuaoana oan wora avenlnge for room and board, good chauf feur: Weat Side preferred, ao waahlng. AX 247, Oregonlan w t s r To rant for 1 year or mora. or e-room furniahed house, with garage; can farntsb rmtrnm. Eaat 1814. WANTED la Irvtngtoo. Alameda or Rose City Park, on or before June j. uy aauii couple, etrictly modem or "-room, un furnlahed bouse or bungalow. Tat B. 1477. WANTED To rent or lease after May la. Biro S-room modern nouae, gooa loeatiou have two children. Phone Tabor 2-50. MODERN 4 to t-foan bungalow, furnished. Call Eaat 6171 between J- A. staung partlculara WANTED To rent flea or slxooro mod- era noose. Alberta Call Tabor i7a or St. Johns district. RESPONSIBLE party waata to lasso or 10-room bousa near zaa at. man. C 211. Orago- WANTED Ta rent, city or suburban mod ern bungalow at once: it you own one ioai will be vacant soon, phona Tabor sum. WANTKD g-room furniahed modern bun galow; good location. Address w. u. Iafoe. Multnomah Hotel. ' WANTED S-room house In suburb. carllna Phone Wood. awn IT 8. WANTED Four or five-room modern bun galow, completely furnished, close la; ao children, tan bti-M. Uliwsusie. WANTED 845O0 at 7 per cent oa excellent security. Muilord. 9V a Chamber of Com marcs WANTED To rent sDace la garage or small gsrsge. nesr rif, Incent s Hospital, -v 2ul. Oregonlaa. FOR BENT. COST homelike rooms to gentleman In White Temple district. 446 Taylor. Furnished Kooma. A N SON I A HOTEL, 124 14th it., at Washington. Bates l:i.M nsr week up. Too dT Fireproof, Urge, sttractive. spot leaa rooms, close to amusement and shopping center; entering especially to those desiring quiet. hsrroonlous environment. A Moderate-Priced Hotel of Merit. HOTEL CLIFFORD. Kaat Morrison St. and Eaat Sixth. Hotal Clifford la the principal alust Slds Hotel and la a hotel 01 dignity ana re finement. Dally rate, (1 up; two in room. f 1 bo: weekly rat re, 84 and up. HOTEL NAVARRE, Alder at 11th St. Best furnished hotel In the elty. Thor oughly renovated ; new management week.y rates, 84 and up. THE MELVIN. Traaalent rooms owe and weak, and up, H. K. rooms, hill. Marshall la HI. up: 2 per 858 H Yam- Kxceptlonaily destrabls rooms, THE GARLAND HOTEL, 25 Trinity and Washington Sta. 83 week. Main lias. 84 week. HOTEL BRISTOL. 12th and Stark Hot and cold water and Phona In an rooms; neat and dean; 88 to f; eome with private bath. STANDIoK HOTEL. K4HU Washlnatoa St.. Cor. 17th. Clean, cool, comfortable rooms modern. 82 per week up. Free phones and oatne. BUCKINGHAM HOTEL. 20th and Wash. All Outsids rooms modern conveniences, low rate to transient and permanent guests. PALACE HOTEL, 446 Wash. St-; downtown location: reepectabie and striotly modern; stesm best: rooms Isrgs. clean. LARRABEB HOTEL. Fine, modern rooms nesr shipyards; rea aonabla ratee. 227 St. mast 4W. HOTEL ARTHUR, 170 11th St.. H block from Morrison . clean and modern rooms $1 per day, or 820 per month. HOTEL. CoRDOVA. 269 l.ih st. htrlot.y modern, privst baths aa suits; rooms $1 up. Main P472. A 473. HOTEL OCKLET. Morrison street at 10th Ks lea ftOo per day up: weekly, 83 op; running water; free phone and baths HOTEL BROADWAY. 22 N. Broadway: low ratee permanent guests stesm neat, phone. Furnished Hooene la Private Family. NEATLV furnished front room, with or without bosrd; ctoae In. Phone Eaat COST, well furnished room, high-class spsrt ment; wslkmg dlstsnce. Msrshsll 24ii2. NI'ELY furnished room. 2 per week. Phone Wood'awn f'll&. ELL'iA.NT rooms and locatlon.Marahall Pl-s. ma He4Tei isaDRUY FOB BENT. Furnished Kooma in Private Family. X1A A MONTH or XX 7s oar weak, a da- alrablo room, bright and airy, electric llahtn. furnace heat. bath, ohone. 10 mln. walk from P. O. Marahall S40. 413 Weat Broadway. NEWLY furnlahed roome with electric llxVt. heat, phone: reaaonabla. 887 12th au Phono Main 4870. N1CB large furniahed rooms. 1 block from Sunnystda car. 87S TamhllL Phona Ta bor Sja. PRETTY PLACE AMONG THE TREES. Fur niahed rooms, housekeeping privileges. 485 lith. Main 72C2 imr RENT Nawlv furnished front room. with or without board; close In. Phone East Ml. FI'R MHMED room, nrivate family, gentle- roan preferred. 824 Glenn ava. Tabor 61b8. k MODERN furnished room, steam heat. oloaa In. West Side. Call Marshall 2..8B. Kooma Wrth Board. HOTEL EDISON. 206 Broadway. , Downtown rasldenttal hotel, plan. Ratea ressonsble. 462 MORRISON, cor. loth, choice rooms board; modern conveniences; walking dla- tsncs THE MARTHA WASHINGTON. t"0 Tenth sL For business girls and stu dents Ressonsble rates Msrahsil 1251. PARKVIEW Fsmlly hotel, llso Montgomery at.. In South Parkway: walking distance excellent fable; reasonsble rates M 8783 THE WEAVER, 710 Wash. St.. Msrshsll M701 Residential hotel, reasonable rates prlvste phone snd bath In every roora, ROOM and board for bualnesa girls: modern conveniences: walking distance 83 M per week. E. 4732. 12 E. 7th St. THE MAMTOU 261 13th. nlc rooms running wster and alngle rooms gooa oowra. THE MA KLIN. 6..4 Couch, cor. 17th, First claas room and board. Koeme With Beard la Private FamUy. BEAUTIFUL large rooms private porch, bath, bot and cold water, heat, light, phono; suitable for one or two business men: walking distance. Phone mornings atarsnnll xotiH. I Irvlngtnn. on Broadway carline. ele gantly furnished room for 2; home con veniences East 186. SELECT rooms bsth. hot and cold water. near. light, phoue; reasonable. Call mornings or after 8 P. M. 161 N. 22d WOULD like a child to board: must have clean bablta: beat of care given, use of plaoo If desired. Sellwood 3193. AICK. near, furnished room with board, la private family, for two young men. West pine. Main 4347. BOOM and breakfast In exchange for light services fnone l abor 6916. CHOICE rooma with breakfast and dinner, imngtoa district. 2SS B. 16th N. YOLNG gentismsn wants roommate; private lamnyi imob Mill district. Main TMSB. WANTED A good homo for 2 children, ages s ana ; ootn ooye; mother works test ilea. BOOM wltb board la elegant refined boms fWVllJf st. Fnrnlshed Apsrtmeou. VILLA ST. CLABA. Twelfth and Tavlor. Most modern apartmenta on the Pacific wosi; lurnisnea complete. Hoof Garden In Connection. Walking distance. References THB CROMWELL. Fifth, and Columbia Sts Five minute walk ta Meier A Frank's store, good surroundings; strictly modern 2 and 3-room furnlshsd apartments, all outside, with French doors snd balconies TO SUB-LET far Summer months six-room corner apartment, well furnished. Phone Broadway S611 or call at Wicker sham apartments loth and Flanders ELEGANTLY furnished S-room apt., front wuiaiue rooms oiue rugs wtuow and ori ental furniture; also bachelor suites snd rooms; references required. Marshall 2830. MORTON APTS.. King snd Washington. modem s-room furntshad apt., ready for occupancy; also oa Alay 10; walking dla tsncs Alain 1082. THB EVERETT. oa Everett, between 20lb and Ella sts Furnished 8-room apt., all outside rooms. mouern, wajaing Olstsncs. FOR RENT, 818. two-room furnished apt.. fine location, beautiful view, lights water, heat snd phone furnished. S. E. cor. Salmon A 20th ats THB PENROSE, Grand ave., between Mor rison ana Belmont, 2 and a rooms com- pletely furnished. Solid brick bldg. White ensmeied and mahogany finish. 1. 4548. DESIRABLE 8 and 4-room apartments. Jan itor service, telephones etc.. reaaonabla Haddon Hall, 11th and Hall sts. GRAND OAK APTS. Modern furnished spts, walking distance. Grand avs East OOU. KING ALBERT APTS. New; 2 snd 8-room aouseaeeping apts., rurnlshed or unfur nished. CORNER, 2-room apt,, modern brick bldg; private Bath, phone, rent 827. 355 Chap man, oorner of Mill. DENNISON APTS., corner 84th and Bel mont, furnished 2-room spt.. private bath and phons steam heat, 820 month. FIRMSHED 2 and 8-room apartmenta 820 aad up: walking distance. BELKNAP Ar-AriTMETHTS, 1ST 17th St., near Yamhill. JULIANA APT., 45 Trinity Place. 8-room. light, airy, furnished apartment, Mar shall 03. ARGTLE APT. 2 rooms bath, oorner brick. 11 outaids 14th and Market, AND 4 rooms hardwood floors, walking distance. Portnomsh. 200 East 13th. DIEL APTS.. TOO E. Ankeny; mod., comp, 1808. fur.. 3-room apt,, Nean, airy. E. 2-ROOM furnished apt,, including light, pri- sts pnons oloso in: iirs ay 4063. CARLOTTA COURT, Everett snd 17th- Modern. walking dlstancs KATHERINE APT., 14S N. 23d, Furnished room, with Datn. NEWLY furnished 2-room apts 207 V 2d St. Tourny Apts CHOICE spsrtment, 814, Corner Union and Kllllngsworth; brick building. BUNNY MONT APTS.. two-room modern. furnished spt. E. 25th snd Belmont, NICE 8, rooms and bath, all snd Ash. outside, 820. The ATts. E. 2St h COMPLETELY furnished 2-room corner spt, Wslklng dlstsnce. 1ST 17th. near lnmnlii. BOWMAN APTS. E. 3547. ONE 3-room furnished apt; ,:4?. rivate bal- eony. Knickerbocker Apts 0 Harrison. TJnfnralsned Apartmenta. FINE view, 2-room apt, private bath, phone. rent 822.00; a large winnows ones omg. . walking distance. Chapman apt. Chap man and MIH sts HASELET APTS. Three large outside un furnished roome. private uain ana paouo, adults only. 868 13th st THE MARLBOROUGH. 21st and Flander ft ant O-room, reasonapie. -Main i-in. WEIST APARTMENTS. 69 N. 23d street 6 Isrge rooms spt. ann private porco. BRYN MAWR Four rooms aleeplng porch. 830. la r,. c. -iae. POLLY 1 tooRS. ILL Mi 4BOUTV Riahttt R ad R-.alesrl taste, 3. PA WAS 1 Yr jiii sir m. a 1 if 1 a FOB BENT. Vafornlsned A neirtments THE BARKER, 6S5 Irving St.. 4-room unfur nished ap8tmit:hmieMss Fumlsbed or Unfurnished Apartments JAEGER APTS.. King and Washington, and 4-reom apts. LTJCRBTIA COURT APARTMENTS. - High-class, perfect I.ucretia st, Marshall in all details 1516. A 8687. 49 NEW "MERLIN" APTS., Broadway and Grant; choice, large corner apartment, bath, dressing closet, strictly modern. besutlful view. 1i month; will bave ga rage aoout lbtn. KINGSBURY APTS., 188 Vista ave., 23d and Washington; very desirable 8 and 4-room with outslda balcony, furnished and un furnished. J Flats. riTTDI C-V 10 mrtrrtm 1 Ha t Vl unlUTDSUOd location. accessible to business and churches, adults. Owner, 66 N. 19th. Fnrnlshed Plata. pivu a , t o eomnletelv fur nished, central West Slds Key at 446 Taylor. Housekeeping Booms Tun nv.AVva inn anri Marshall: walk In,M furnished for housekeeping, Includinr aaa re litres, electric lights bot water, bath, laundrv. all free: 812 month up. Take 8. or 16th-st. car North, get off at Marshall st. Broadway 5088. rm'IT rMm with COmnletelV fur- nlshed, steam heat, running hot and cold water, phone In every room. 7 blocks from Fifth and Morrison sts.. 816 ap. 291 Co lumbia St.. nesr Fifth. MODERN 2-room H. K. suite: everything furnished; rates reasonable. 413V. wash lngton. TWO fraur mnma l-T k" suite, ateam heat, elec. lights, gas hot ana coia water, e per week. 3S5 Yamhill. 2-HOOM suits complete for housekeeping. Commercial Hotel, lath, ana wssrungton. 2 ROOMS, light housekeeping, hot and cold water ana phons close in. tsroaawsy oo. 812 PER MONTH 2 clean, cheerful rooms close in. Til ltn at. NEATLY furniahed housekeeping rooms rea sonable rent, liovi N. 21st st 481 BAST Morrison, ror. E. 8th. furnished 1 and 2-room H. K. apts. Housekeeping Booms In Private F amirs here ara atrlctlv olean and neatly fur nlshed. large, single. Homelike a. n. rooms, in aood neighborhood, at reason able rates for clean, desirable working people: walking distance. Del Monts 16 Stout, 1 bioek south of 20th and Wash. . SUIT of 4 furnished housekeeping rooms. free light and phons use of bath. Tabor 661 a. TWO larva front rooma well furnished. loC trio lights, zurnace neat, not ana .viu water, 85 per week. 608 Alder st. TWO furnished housekeeping rooms, light. phone snd wster rroe. iv sist latn. NICE sleeping porch room, cooking gas, fur nished complete, eltl montniy. two r isnoers 2 FURNISHED housekeeping rooms 308 12th St. ROOMS, furnished, for housekeeping, 817 month. Call 682 East Taylor. VERY desirable room, with or a East Main. kitchenette: adults 761 ROOMd for light H. Phone East 1168. K. 416 Larrabee st. TH REE large housekeeping rooms on ground floor for rent, 6o4 uusan, near ztsu PLEASANT, desirable furnished housekeep ing rooms, walking aistancs iuo a. "v". FRONT rooms furnished; 152 E. 6th st. gas stove, etc LARGE front room for H. K, ; closs In. Call 52S Washlnglon. rnsv ainirie TT K" room. 82 ner week: con venlent to shipyara. owi uusan, cor. nu. MODERN furnished housekeeping rooms Broadway 27i. be r ianaers. FRONT room, $7 a month; gas free, oleo triclty. phone, Datn. avz rounn. House. ROOMS. Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook. lar bedroom, sleeping porch, fireplacs fuel and gas ranges coal heater, wash trays with gas plate, nice garden plot with fruit trees, revolving clothes dryer, one block from Hawthorne car. bet, 45th and 46th. on Clay; house practically new; pos session at once; references required; $21 per month. Tabor 1702. 50 PER MONTH 721 Prospect Drive; fine H-room nouse Wltn garage, rui uauu Heights district Portland Trust Company of Oregon, Sixth and Morrison. ROOM house. 116 E. 46th at., $30 per month. Good garden space and garage. J. L. IvA K.MJrr, Railway Exchange bldg. Main 678. tuwrv vnn vovk Use NORTHWESTER! JULEit-'rrtiu ngnt service. Broadway 6S0. A 6747. HOUSE for rent, furniture for sale.- Look at It today or tnis evening, ouon noiuov avs 825 PIEDMONT, modern o-room bungalow Hat, oeauuxui yara, iruu; resyuiisiuiv adults. Inquire 18S7 Garfield ave. FOR RENT S-room all-modern Laurelhurst house and garage, S blocks from park, tan Broadway 44H1. FOR RENT 6-room modern house, 1420 Di vision, corner 47tn, 20 per montn. o. u. Vincent AV Co. Both phones .ROOM house. 2 blocks from Multnomah Club. $10 per month. Apply to owner. 129 First st. MODERN B-room bungalow, Irvlngton Park district. Phone Woodlawn 6046. 6-ROOM modern house for rent, 10 16th. walking distance. ' $12 GOOD 6-room house. with nice yard. 416 al. 5roaaway. MODERN 6 and 6-room cottage. Main 6976. Furnished Houses PORTLAND HEIGHTS Nicely furnished. picturesquely situated bungalow in natural a-rave. 7 minutes from Patton Road car. fireplacs gas electricity, bath and elty water. Preference given to parties who will givs good care to lawn ana liowers City references Phone Main DU41. 8-ROOM house, completely furnished, close in. East side, near ijroanway ana steel bridges; will rent for long period to re sponsible adults. Phone East 8099. NICELY furnished house, five rooms, piano and garage. Mllwaukle st, ; e33 per montn. R. E. Menefeo A Co., 416-417 Railway Ex change bldg. Phone Main 4033. BOOMS, two-story modern, completely furnished, including piano, to responsible family of adults 930 E. Salmon. Open 1 to 5 P. M. Tabor 2245. BUNGALOW flat, 2 large outsids rooms, dressing-room, linen, sliver, phone, babies accepted. 867 Eaat Washington and 28tb, BEAUTIFULLY furnished 8-room house; desirable location. West Side. Telephone Main 2932. NICELY furnished 10-room house, best Ir vlngton district. East 7162. Summer Ke aorta. WANTED Large or small furnished houso. Seaside. Phone after 7 P. M.. Main 8600. Stores FOR RENT June 1, store occupied Merldeth. 823 Washington. Apply at Blchel. 331 Washington. AND HER PA 1 HecJ V A!' l Hfip. "BY PaAasat OfBoat r 1 TOO WILLING TO MIS0 HER. BY CLIFF STERRETT. FOB RENT. GROCERY store building, fine living apart ments above the store, good location for business; rent entire building (25 per month. See Mr. Graham. THE BRONG COMPANT, 267 "j Oak street. SPACE for rent, suitable for auto show rooms tires and accessories etc ; fireproof ounaing, gooa auto district, no as, ure gonlan. Office. OFFICES, storerooms and halls: also rooms suitable for light manufacturing: office building accommodation; rent reasonabls , Sweeney Investment Co., 815 Dekura bldg.. 8d and Washington. FOR RENT Furnished office and desks cheap. 723 Chamber of Commerce bldg. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. RESTAURANT AND HOTEL. VANCOUVER. WASHINGTON. Seating capacity 60; all furnished and ready to run: 10 rooms 2 furnished. This place has Just been remodeled and nut In good shape: 1U blocks from big shlp-sl .raiue. i.cii, e-iuv, icuo mr two ycuis. Price $750 cash. H, M. Niles, ' RITTER, LOWE 4 CO.. 203-8-7 Board of Trade. GENERAL MERCHANDISE STORE for sals situated in good farming com munity, doing about $1500 monthly busi ness; stock will Invoice about $1500; fix tures, $425; building with 7-room modern house. Will sell or rent building. Special reasons for selling. Write E. C. Grenier, Wlnlock, Wash., Route No. 2. YOUR CHANCE. Small grocery, candy store, old estab lished, near large school, outskirts of city; doing good business. Owner sick, leaving for CaTifornls Will sell with property. Price $180i. A good living. PHONE TABOR 7233. FOR SALE and lease, good paying soft drink Sarlor, cards, on prominent corner In usy city; 14 rooms upstairs could be fur nished for hotel or rooms to rent Frank J. Lackaff, 6th and Washington, Van couver, Wash. WHEN WANTING To sell, buy or trade your mercantile busi ness, address J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, Na T Chamber of Commerce Bldg. 4th and Stark sts IF YOU WISH To Buy, Sell or Exchange a Business of any kind, anywhere, see H. M. Nlles. RITTER, LOWE A CO.. 203-206-807 Board of Trade Bldg. FOR SALE, trade or rent, good, livo coun try weekly; large circulation, good busi ness, including lob plant and brand-new linotype. Just the right kind of a propo stlon for man and wife. AV 911, Orego nlan. AUTO GARAGE. Splendid location; concrete bldg.; fully equipped machine shop with good laths etc.; profits over $400 month; a bargain. Call room 403 Dekura bldg. WANTED Lady partner: $1000 takes half interest In established business tnat ciearea 310.000 In Canada in one year; must be a worker; partner preferred to hired help. Y 275. Oregonlan. CAUTION-. BUYERS. Before closing deal of so-called Interest in estsbllshed real estate business get advice of Portland Realty Board. PAUL COWGILL. Secretary. DELICATESSEN and grocery, fine location. apt-house district, doing good cash busi ness; fine fixtures, new stock groceries, rent $40, Including 6 living-rooms; must sell at once. Corner 11th and Columbia. HAVE exceptional contract for new sand ana gravel truck, au per day. Must nave truck on Job May 15. If you can finance purchase of truck the Job la yours L 166, Oregonlan. WELL established garage and car sales business for sals Owner going to war. For further information address box S19, Medford, Or. AUTOMOBILE GARAGE; have offering for active man satisfied to make $300 month, business steadily increasing. Call 304ta Oak st FOR SALE Only theater in sawmill town, 1500 population, sickness reason lor sell ing. Small amount of cash will bandls B. T. Co., AV 906, Oregonlan. WOOD AND COAL. Established business; plenty wood and good prifts; only $950 required; fully se cured. Call room 403 Dekum bldg. FOR SALE Old-established coffee and lunch, place clearing $175 month, steady trade; rent $25. Owner leaving city, will give trial; $276. Y 266, Oregonlan. OLD established wood yard, stock on hand. plenty orders a very profitable place for active man. Investment secured. Call S04H Oak St. HANDY man with $500 can buy equal half interest In auto repair shop with reiisnie mechanic; can clear $7 day for each part ner. Call room 403 Dekum bldg. THE RAINBOW FOUNTAINETTE for sale: good terms to right party. The Dalles Or. Marsret Sllcox. FOR SALE Restaurant 412 Main at. Van couver, wash.; good location, good busi ness; must sell, to be called for Army soon. LOGGER wanted for first-class contract of about 25 thousand per day. 425 Henry bldg. EASTERN mfr. wants live man every town. Big money. No capital required, pacific Coast Auto Supply Co., 70 6th st. FOR SALE Whole or half interest in two- chair barber shop, cheap. 310 Main st, Vancouver. AUTO garage on best traveled street; can clear $2o0 month easily; a bargain at $750. Call room 403 Dekum bldg. A STRICTLY cash store; will sell cheap; no delivery; can easily clear $150 montn; has living-rooms. Call 804 tt Oak st FOR SALE Hand laundry, well equipped, doing good business, at very reasonable price. Call at 688 Washington. A-l HAND laundry; reasonable for cash or part cash, balance montniy payments. An 340, Oregonlan. PARTNER wanted for good business on Mor rison st Fay salary 825 week besides large profits. Room 403 Dekum bldg. FOR 8ALE Grocery, cash basis; good busi ness; no aenvery. owner, 460 i. 5urnsias FOR SALE3 Transfer and storage business Address box 592. The Dalles, Or. HOME bakery, grocery, lunch; excellent lo cation ; small price, low rent, riast no". IF you want a good live grocery doing good business call East 628. Business Opportunities Wanted. BEAUTIFUL ridge lot. on Tillamook Beach (finest bathing Deacn in Oregon) restricted residence district on three sides facing streets, close to 200 feet depth or lot with finest tested mountain water piped to same; will trade as first payment and eomr cash for good paying lunch counter an, restaurant in business district in elthei Portland or Seattle. Please make proposi tion to AV 916. Oregonlarr. WANT to buy furniture or hardware stock: will pay cash; state slxe of stock, rv ii4. Oregon ian. . GROCERY, cigar. tobacco or gen, Broadway 1024. stocks for casn. Hotels and Rooming -Houses FOR best bargain ir rooming or apartment- houses see memDers 01 tne rtealty Hoard. Yates Realty Co.. 249 4th st. WANTED To buy H. K. house. 10 to 25 rooms, west side, fnone aiain n-i. LS 6.T-3 Too TWtfoAiU toAi-"DiiTdWcfci 1,1 a 1 1 1 1 - - 11 1 1 t mi t 1 1 rW ,H .Z ,'-: :1 l7! - A V- 7 0 V In il '"' BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. liotele and Booming-Houses IF YOU WISH To Buy. Sell or Exchange a Business of any kind, anywhere, sea H. M. Nlles RITTER. LOWE CO.. 208-205-207 Board of Trade Bldg. $1400 $800 CASH. 17 rooms, modern-, close in; snap. 62 rooms, Al, good furnishings; $7500; ask for Blaney. G. C. GOLDBERG. ABINGTON BLDG. "86 Years in Portland." Main 4803. HAVE clients waiting for 30 or 40-roora house, close In, modern; cash. Also have party for apartment-house to $4000; ask for Blaney. G. C. GOLDBERG, ABINGTON BLDG. "86 Years in Portland." Main 4S03. THE furniture of a 7-room house right down town, for sale. Rooms enough rented to pay rent. Phone Marshall 6263. 12 ROOMS. West Park, rent $30: big snap; price. Including piano and aewlng machine. $900. Geo. T. Moore Co., Ablngton bldg. NINE rooms, newly furnished; can make rent, expenses and more; best location. Main 6708. 11 LIGHT, airy rooms, electrio lights, gas. - etc.; splendid furniture. For bargain call 168 12th st. MART E. LENT, Leading hotel and apartment-house bro ker; places listed exclusively with me sold LOST AND FOUND. THE following articles have been found on cars of the Portland Railway, Light A Power Co., May 8. 1918: 1 purse, 1 silk bag, 1 pair gloves 1 pipe, 1 rosary, 1 service button, 1 key, report papers, S books, 3 pairs gloves, 1 glove, 6 packages, 1 shopping bag, 4 lunch boxes, 1 bottle poison, 2 coats, 1 traveling bag, 1 suit case, 16 umbrellas. Owners may obtain property at First and Alder-street station. LOST Will parties In machine who picked up black velvet purse at 16th and Irving Wednesday night at 6 o'clock kindly re turn same to Apt. Q. 730 Hoyt St.. and receive reward? License number of ma chine is known. LOST diamond ear ring, between Washing ton ana nroaaway, to is. 8tn and Ankeny, or In Owl Drug Store. Liberal reward. Main 6561. LOST Small Hampton watch, gold case. Initial B engraved on front and ship on back of case. $10 reward. Return to Covey Motor Car Co.. 21st and Wash. FOUND Purse on Sixth st, near Mason, Thurs Owner may hav purse by de scribing same and paying for ad. Wood lawn 1945. LOST At Council Crest dancehall. new green silk umbrella, with green ivory han ?ie.v May 8- Finder please call Woodlawn 6069. LOST An electrical case, on the Broadwar car. at 7:20 P. M., April 2. A business card of Dr. E. H. East. Morgan bldg.. was In it. LOST -May 8, lady's wrist watch, brown leather case: reward. Phone Wdln. 2463 after 6 P. M. PARTY who found purse In Alberta.' nesr Lmerson, please return to 1132 Glenn ave. Reward. LOST A purse on Council Crest Wednes day evening. May 8. Finder call Llpman Wolfe's ask for 3609; reward. LOST Eyeglasses. Dr. Chambers' nam on case, rteturn 331 Portland blvd Eaat and receive reward. LOST Lady's black straw hat. between Washington and Hoyt sts, on 23d st Tel ephone A 1554. LOST A watch fob with Initials C. A. S. Finder return to 92 First st and receive reward. LOST Coral breastpin, elk horn shsDe. with two gold bands Finder call Sellwood 910 Reward. LOST Solid silver paper powder oase. Re- waiu. rnooB Alain aojis or niast 1666, day tlms LOST Auto top cover, on East Gllsan St., last Sunday. Finder phone East 3S98. 605 Union ave. Reward. LOST 4060. -Multnomah Club pin. Call Woodlawn Reward. LOST Crescent-shaped brooch or pin, set with pearls; reward. Phone East 1436. FINANCIAL. MORTGAGE LOANS. Any amount, low ratea, promptly closed. Attractive repaying privileges. A. H. BIKRELL CO, 217 Northwestern Bank Bldg. marsnan A 4110. LOANS, notes, contracts, mtgs. purchased. jewis at t;o.. i.ewis bldg. Main 6SS. Money to Loan on Jteal Estate. OUR installment plan la the best and surest method of paying a loan. $32.26 per month for 36 months, or $21.24 per month for 60 months, or $15.17 for 96 months pays a $1000 ioan and Interest. - Other amounts in proportion. We loan on improved city property Or for building purposes. No commissions charged. EQUITABLE SAVINGS & LOAN ASS'N, 242 Stark St., Portland, Or. MORTGAGE LOANS ON IMPROVED FARMS IN OREGON. WASHINGTON AND IDAHO. LONG TIME IF DESIRED AND REPAYMENT BY INSTALLMENTS TO SUIT THE BORROWER. CURRENT RATES. NO COMMISSION. WM. Mac- MASTER, 701 CORBETT BLDG., PORT LAND. FARM LOANS. Any amount, current rates; five and seven-year loans with privilege to repay part or all any time. VERMONT LOAN & TRUST CO.. 314 Masonic Bldg., Salem, Or. EDWARD E. GOUDEY CO.. 2d floor United States Bank bldg. Mortgage loans and bond issues, eape cially In large amounts, 5H per cent up. MORTGAGE LOANS. 5 6 79i UNION ABSTRACT CO., Corbett Bldg. PRIVATE party has $1300 to loan on first- class city property at 7 per cent; give description and location of property first letter. BF 164, Oregonlan. WE- have the following amounts to loan on city securities; will divide In amounts to suit: $1000, $1500, $2000. $3000 and $5000. McClure ft Schmauch, 515 Gerlinger bldg. $200,000 TO LOAN in sums to suit; building nans lowest rates, w. yj. reca, Fsillng bldg. Phone Main 3407. $300, $400, $500, $750, $1000 and up at low est ram, iiuiuk Action, r leu v. uenuaii Co.. "32 Ch. of Com. Main 6445. MONEY to loan on real estate security at going rate of interest Otto ft Harkson Realty Co.. 413 Chamber of Commerce. $o00, $1000 AND upward on Improved real estate, javoraoie terms; no aeiay; no oro kerage. John Bain. 507 Spalding bldg. $7000, OR any part, at 7 per cent. Address H. M. Carlock. 210 Railway Exchange. SEE US today; loans any amount, 6-7. CELLARS-MURTON CO.. 825 Yeon bldg. LOANS on city and farm property, 0 per cent up. F. Fuchs, 420 Cham, of Com. MONEY to loan on farm and Improved city property. K. K. Baxter. 704 Spalding bldg. $300, $500, $1000 AND UP; loweet rates; prompt action. G 158. -Oregonian. MORTGAGE LOAN'S, 6 and 7 PER CENT. LOUIS SALOMON CO., 408 Selling bldg. $500 TO $9000 to loan, city or farm mort gage: no commission. P. O. box 878. ILL ite 'RjtrHT it FINANCIAL. Money to Loan on Real Estate. ,o..o T-rv iAAn Tn TO AN. DESHON & HAWK. MAIN 1166. 615 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Money to Loan Chattels and Salaries. SALARY. LOAN AS. CHATTEL. WE LOAN MONEY on short notice to salaried or working men on their own notes Weekly, semi- monthly or monthly payments i-aca transaction strictly confidential. NO MORTGAGE. NO 1NDORSER. ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY. We also loan on household furniture, pianos, etc., without removal. CALL AND INVESTIGATE. COLUMBIA DISCOUNT COMPANY, LICENSED. 317 Falling Building. IF YOU NEED MONEY, SEE US. SALARIES CHATTELS. Loans mads to persons on salary or fixed Income; on household furniture, pi anos, diamonds aad other personal prop erty; legal rates. ' Business confidential; private office. PORTLAND LOAN CO. (Licensed.) 306-307 Dekum Bldg. REMEDIAL LOAN ASSOCIATION Estab lished by Portland business men to pro tect borrower. C. Myers Herrman, mgr., 84 Stark st' Money loaned ou diamonds, jeweiry. MONEY" to loan on diamonds, Jewelry; legal rates; all articles held 1 year; established since 1888. Dan Marx, 283 Washington. MONEY to loan on anything of value, legal rates; all articles held one year. Panama Loan Office, 84 Third, near Oak. Loans Wanted. $1500 MORTGAGE FOR SALE. Covers 629 A. of land in Clarke Co., Wash. ; draws interest at 7 per cent, runs 6 years; assesssed value of land $2400. Fred W. German Co.. 732 Cham, of Com. WANTED $2500 at 7 per cent, on 7-room house, with large, beautiful grounds; value $6000: first-class security. E. J. Gelsar, 417 Chamber of Commerce. WANT loan of $19S0 from private party for 6 months on security at rate of four to one. A 1!H, Oregonlan. $3000 WANTED on city property. Deshon & Hawk. Main 1166. $660 ON 160 acres at Hood Hlver. AV 912, Oregonlan. reitsoNAL. DRESSES. DRESSES. DRESSES. ABSOLUTELY Manufacturers' Wholesale Price. Eastern designers' late Spring models Must Close Out These Garments. K. H. KITTS, 90 PARK STREBT. HAIR GOODS, LOWEST PRICES. 80-inch wavy switch. 2 Sep $1.88 24-lnch wavy switch, 8 sep 1.00 All-around transformation .......... 1.4S Hairdressing. shampooing, face massags hair bobbing, manicuring. 25s Hair re moved by electric needls switch made of combings 95a We buy your combings ' Sanitary Parlors 400-412 Dekum bldg.. Sd and Washington. Marshall 1762. REDUCTION of weight by a safe and scientific method. FRANCO SHOP, 436 Flttock Block. ASK your druggist for "Schugoit" a barm less, scientific ointment for reduciug en larged glands and goiters or send to the Schullcr Co., Portland, Or., lor iree clrcu lars and valuable advice. LADIES, come in and get both your feet fixed up good for $1 by Dr. Eaton, the ohiropoUist that doesn't hurt you; 6 years In Portland. Examination free. Globe Thea ter bldg., 11th and Wash. Bdwy. 2824. ' MARY ALICE CARVEL. Trained nurse and masseuse, gives medi cated tub baths, bake oven sweats and massage, chiropody. Hours, 10-9; Sundays 1-5. 311 Swetland bldg., 5th and Waah. SPIRITUALISM Mrs M. L. LA MAR, 233 5th st, cor. Main, teaches palmistry and card reading; also lessoue in scisuce 08 health and success IRONSIDE NATUROPATHIC INSTITUTE. 827-29 flttOC OJOCK. nuna Ruouutnia Electrio cabinet and mineral baths Scien tific massage Open 9 to 7. Sundays 10 to 4. MILDRED CLAKK. graduate masseuse. Mas sage, medicated vapor, salt, sulphur and tub baths, open evenings and Sunday. 202 Swetland bldg. FEBVKT & HANEBUT. leading wig and . .u i,.r. rina.i atncU hiim.D hair goods; hairdressing, manicuring, face and scalp treatment 349 Aldar. Main 646. DIABETES suoceasfully treated. Wonderful results from our new medicine. NO STARVATION. Walters Sanatorium, 16aO Sutter St., San Francisco. LIFE FORECASTS AND LESSONS. By mall or oral. Adams Astrological School, 350 Vi Morrison st; 20 years est Portland. FRANCES LA FORE. Expert Manicure. 607 Raleigh bldg.. 6th and Wash. "HONEST merchandise at honest prices"; coats dresses akirta. petticoats 90 Park street. FEUN FIELD Manicuring and scalp treatments 413 Raleigh (formerly North west) ' REV. MRS, J. C. SCHORI, independent Bible spiritualist Circles Sunday, Tucaday and Thursday. 8 P. M. 406 Jefferson st. A 3812. BOD' MASSAGE, stomach and intestinal trouble, chronic constipation, treated by. trained nurse. M. 1049. Flat C. 808 3d. SUPERFLUOUS hair, molas warts removed bv 10-needle method; trial free. Jost Fin ley. 614 Ellers bldg. Main 6868. BEST steam bath and massage In city, chiro practic vibration and electrio. Dr. Mar garet Haynle. 517 Swetland bldg. M. 1765. ELLA CACKETTE. scientific facial, scalp treatments, manicuring, shampoo, beauty science taught 657 Taylor. Mar. 321)6. MISS MULLEN. BROADWAY 017, twelve oil shampoos, $1, fur dandruff. Nether lund Hotel. ELiSCTKIC treatments for poor circulation. , ..., lam lumliHUn. face. BUklD. anlnhiir. ateam and salt baths 426 Clay. Main 63&U. MRS. STEVENS, 25 years Portland's rs- nownea vauiusi, Taylor st. cor. Weat Park. DR. ETHEL A. SACRY, chiropodist, desires appointments witn old. ana new patients; resident work solicited. East 8381. MARIE NEV1N3, massage and electric treat .- ao.. XTnp.Viua, hM, U.ln QllAB LOUISE NETZEL. massage, electric blankets for rheumatism. 286 13th. Mar, 6033. SWEDISH massage, hot oil rubs 850 Mor rison. Office -U4; open evenings Lit. ELNA SORENSEN, drugless healer, can cure you. ous r-anama piug. MOLES, superfluous hair removed. Mrs. M, D. Hill. 429 Flledner bldg. Bdwy. 8478. MME. GRENELL. scientific facial, scalp treatment- "iao r lieaner mag. uawy. lasa. SUPERFLUOUS HATrt destroyed forever by Multiple rJeeaie wotnoa. dim bwetiana ping. MISS McKAY reopen manicuring parlor. facial, scalp massage. 4U2 naielgii bldg. FRANCIS DE MAYO. SCALP SPECIALIST. 850 Vt MOKK1SOM. officm aio. PR1MEDA BALM, formerly called Balm of Figs 844 IS. S3fl. sell. 22l.i. mornings. MAY ANDREWS teaches phrenology aad , card reading 282 Park. Main 764S FRANCIS DE MAYO. SCALP SPECIALIST. HEg. w f 1 FTTT eee.eeeeeae e a. e o e e,e 0. e o e t