TIIE MORNING ORECOXIAX, FRIDAY. 3IAY 10, 1918. SCHOOL FEUD ISSUE W. W. Northway, Alleged Un- patriotic, Blames Enemies. uAXES ORDERED RETURNED Pcltool District 'o. 23 I-'orvcd to Help Support High Soliool in Another Dl.-trlct, Thus l"V Starting Fight. That, as is me victim or A Itcuoiial chool district fight which had become o bitter that his opponents hare tramped up false charges against hla I patriotism, la the assertion made yesterday by W. W. Northway. merchant of Springdale. lour mllea I abort Trout dale, who appeared Tester- I fy at the Courthouse to explain his tde of A controversy which has been carried to the County Commissioners ad the Circuit Court. Northway declares that the entire trouble was started by V. M. Lassley, ho headed the opposition against him In the school district fight, and he makes heated denial of every accuse tlon which has been made atrainst his patriotism. "As old as I am. and I am SS years of t(r. I would Join the service today and fight for my country." he de clared fee Una: I)-. -1f they would only take me Into the Array. I own two 1 1 0 liberty bonda of the third loan and my wife has saved up at least $40 la the war savings stamps. Northway declared that his school district. No. 25. was forced, against Its will, to Join another district to make up high school district No. 1. ror two years, he said, the property owners of lils district wera compelled to pay taxes for the support of the high school district. lie took a prominent I Tart In litigation against the other district and won out in Circuit Judge listens' court and again In the Su preme Court. Northway explained that he refused . . .. iik..t i i - r.. I Troutdale committee, of which Lassley Is a member, because of the bitter feel ing which exists between them. He raid ha came to Portland to purchase Ms bonds. The receipt Is dated April SO. while the trouble first flared up I publicly nearly a week prior to that date. "I am as loyal to my country as any of those who are seeking to traduce me. and those who know of the entire situation know that the charges have l-een Inspired because of our factional chool district fight; which we won through the courts of this state." he asserted with emphasis. EUGENE WOMEN IN NAVY 1EOWANETTES SIC.XED KIXRUTIXQ MIS.MOX. BY I "Thirty-five Meat AIm Kaliat la Service, larladlag Ma t'atversity at Oreaea Stadeata. EUGENE. Or.. May . (Special.) The special recruiting mission of the I'nlted States Navy, which la making trip through Oregon, enlisted li men ana nine women during a seven days' stajr in Eugene. The party, which Is ia charge of Ensign F. B. L'pshaw. Is now at Maxahfleld. An Itinerary has been announced as follows: Corvallis, May 13 to May -3. Inclusive; Albany, May 24 to May ii: Salem. May 27 to Slay Jl; Portland. June 1 to June 7. University of Oregon students were among the men who enlisted here. TASy are as follows: M.ynard D. Laavltt. Eosena: Ceorsa F. Oudacer alobll.. Ala.: Matolll W. Hanna. C'eurc. ITv.rett If. Ptxiey. felus.n.; Herbert J. Il.ywood. Portland; liorac. M. Koalk.a. 1'ortlaad: Mer!a W. Moora. Eusena; Brtraad v. vteoda. Portlaad; Thurston W. Larmway. Kood stiver. ina xonowing young women, ail or j " " 7 , 7 ""ur"" -ac. I enrolled as yeomanettes: E!nora C Cyllaad. Helea I. Peteraea. llaaei a. urr. Um K. ftrownflcld. Crac. 1- Tbevanla. Florraca M. Pamner. Lottie M. 1'arkersoB. lra. Le Roy Aadrewa Other enlistments were as follows: r"har!e M. Fletcher. Ens.ne: Edwla A. feiason. I'obnrs. llarrv A. Toms. Eusl, Arvtl Pean. larlm; Merntt O Tuel. r.prins- I .;d. l lareac A. l j.se: Eddia Fraaklla It. Eusenc: Alfred Miuunt Mnltand. Kb . ' .1 . IU.M K flunra. H',llna A ! V 1 Jjia ortoa. Kim,: charlM Oraa Dick. I ai.r:. HI1L Eu...; o R P.an.ntoL E: sens: Walt.r Bonaey. Eusen.: John L Me-1 Cllntlc. Event: Roy Lincoln Butler. Elk ton: Featoa aV llar-tey. Eucena; Ernest D. rd K.rr. Lebanon: Ocors. jo. Jacktoni I tv.nrfllns. Howard D. Mulkey. Eusen.; Karl I V. Moms. Eocene. LODGE HONORS MARKEY Xemorlal Servlcea Sunday Afternoon 1VI1I CV9e Contention. T P Mark irninnu Mmimmiu ,i the Maccabees, waa gueat of honor at Ji a big meeting held at the Knights of 1-ythias Hall last night. Judge R. O. Morrow presided, and talks were given l y Mayor Ueorge L. Baker. Judge U. W. Stapieton and Judge W. N. Catena. Memorial services, to be held Sunday afternoon at the Oddfellows" Hall on the Eaat side, will cloaa the conven tion. It will be a Joint meeting of all Maccabee tents In the city, presided over by Commander W. A. Burke, of Tent No. 17. Women of Portland Re view No. 7 will conduct ritualistic serv ices and Supreme Commander Markey -will deliver the memorial address. The convention will close with the singing of "America. Mr. Markey will be taken over the Columbia River Highway thia after- aoon and will go to Albany Saturday. Pre-War School la Idea. Class 1 registered men of Portland and vicinity are to be given prelim inary Instruction In the line of pos- Rases far Classified Advertisements The Oregonian Per tlB Tin tea.srBftve llnaee ........ txe Three seaeeeeuve iianaai .. ..... soe Six er sevea f aiiateatl e tin,, a See The faiaawlaa eiaaal riraUoae e-teeped. the rate aa which as 3e pee liae pv das tMaatatat V Baled Male. fltaall.aa WaBtew rematla. I KasA M..n rrt'.ie Faaslltea. Btai-I aaa " Prttste lamlllea. MauaeAseprag Hiirai trlTt. saaniuea. Ne ad taken fee leas tAaa t linen. Cawal six werda ! tbe line. Adveniaesneata eareui " I'lraee ala" will b. tahea over Ibe -'- h,as tf the ad.ertlaee la a auhiirtber te ettfeer sim. Me arkra will be euee4 er lb pbia.. bat etateassat will be lead. sad taw f.Jlotrlae; day. Adwrtlaa aent. are lakea far 1 be Dally Ura naan) aatil S f. M i l The SaaaaS Onaaaiiaa aatll P. M. baiardavy. AMl'SKMENT. TICKKT OW SF.LLI!G """" HPH TO Br"-""r Taylor. J. 1JL.1 Ltk KJ rkciri Mala I. A 1132 ROBERT B.MANTELL M'LK.UIU KirPOKIIM. COMPANY TO I (i HT, " f L 8.15- ii u k U C I II -PK(II. CHH- NITIl.t; TUNOHKIIU, 215 "Romeo and Juliet WITH (;l:KWKVK HAMPER !(. Mast. RK HAHD III." rVK'S Kim, II r.r 2i T rows IJMH Ralrway. T.V-. JWfcri Gal. Mk. T O H O K ROW'Ji M T1 EE floor. I -SO. sit BaU . "Sc. 8r ial. SOe. V, THE NAIGHTY PK1NCE9S- A Farcical Ooeretta In Two Scenes. Hun va Fsssea: Lowell B. Drew aad Vcrfa Wal I lace: liodler. Mtrta aad rhilllpa; UuU St.se; I Aerial .Mitchells. T1'A I.F.R. ':". T Bniiiam Russian pianist. C7M fj It RAKER ALCAZAR PLAYERS Tonight. All Kk. Mat. Patorday. Wrn. H. Crane'a famoua comedy success, TIIF. NEW HENRIETTA. First Time la Htoek. Rights 35c. 60c. 7Sci bat. Mat, 33a, , Aec. Nest Week. Martina- Hub. Mat. Flees! Magdsleae." PANTAGE MAT. DAILY 2:30 Mary Norman In bar original monologue. -WOMEN I HAVE MET." Six Other Big Acta. Three Performances Dally. Night Curtain at 7 and . T . Y R ZT"?:J' Piw,a Mat. dally. 10c only Nights start at 7. All thla wk Dillon A Franks with the Lyric Musical Comedy Co. of SS la "FROLICS OF THE DAY." CHORUS GIRLS' CONTEST TONIGHT HIPPODROME Thursday, Friday and Saturday "The Four Seasons" Quartet of beautiful girls in musical aelections. Billy Knights Roosters The funniest thing you ever saw 5 Other Excellent Acts 5 Including GLADYS HULETTE in the Photoplay, -MRS. SLACKER" Matinee Seats lOc BASEBALL rf uriTint sabk. Career Vaagha aad Tweaty-f.wrih sta. ABERDEEN PORTLAND MAT . T. s. a. ia. 11. IX Ciasaea Beala, Weekdays a. 4 r. M. Saaeaya. P. St. Reserved Box Peats for Sale at Edwards Cigar Htand. Sixth and Washington Sta. - - aya Dally Fae.pt S.t.rday aaa aaaoay. lbl duties at two big assemblies to held In connection with the war work conference. May 22 and 23, at ina aiunicipai Auditorium This par ticular feature of the conferenra has l requ','l br ,h War Depart" Instruction of the draft ellgiblea In things of a military nature will be given by Captain Harry Williams, or the Oregon Military Police. Dr. K. A. J. Mackenxla la scheduled to give one " more talks on social hygiene as 'eUtea to the life of the soldier. ' ' ' ' "r"1 nature ill b extended by C E. Cochrane. MEETING NOTICES. PHALANX Lnrwiir vn la .KNIGHTS or PYTHIAS Reg ular convention every Friday nla-M. Castle Hall. .2A East Al der street. Visiting Knts-hts wel come. O. o. HfcSDA. K. B, 8. PELLWOOD LODGE. NO. 111. A. F. AND A. M. Stated Com munlration thla (Friday) even Ins at M o'clock. Visit of the senior grand warden. Enter tainment and refreahmenta Vis itors welcome. By order W. il. J. H. BUTLER. Bee. ALBERT P1KB LODGE NO. A. r. AND A. M. Stated communication this (Friday) avanlnc. May 10. at T:S0 o'clock. F. C. degree. Visitors welcome. By order of W. M. E. R. 1VIE. Secretary. PORTLAND LODGE. NO. 58, A. F. AND A. M. Special com munication this (Friday) even ing 7 o'clock. Work In F. C. degree. Visitors welcome. Or der W. M. C. M. STE ADMAN. Sec HASSALO WHO. meet thla (Friday) evening at 8 o'clock at 26 Alder street. Work la the sec ond degree. Vlaltors welcome. . FREDERICK COZENS. Hec Sao. E. M. WALDO. N. G. MYRTLE CHAPTER. NO. 15. O. E. S. Regular meeting this l Friday) evening, la Masonic Tempie. at o'clock. Social, liy order W. M. JENNIE H. QALLOWAT. secretary. WtBFOOT CAMP NO. S. WOODMRV OF THE WORLD, meets every Friday night at W. O. W. Temple, lsa 11th at. All members welcome. Kum to Kamp Friday night. L. G. Do Teung Act C C. H. U BARBER. Clk. F. O. E.. PORTLAND AERIE. NO. A meets at tonight. 3d and Madison. j. n HTllux, becretary. EVBI.EM Jewe'ry. Outtons. charma Dlna Dew dtelgna. Jaeger Bros.. 131-3 6:h sL FRIEDLANDER'SI for lodge emblems. class pins aad ncdala. 310 Waablngioa aw mmmm I i 1 jMawaasssasArvaavsaaDsvaswtwaaaaw M trj J AUCTION SALES TODAT. At Wllson'a Auctlou House, at 10 A. M. Furniture. 169-171 Second st. DIED. FARREL In thla city. May 8. Anna Far rel. age 66 years, beloved mother of Mrs. Anna Hodklns. of Albany. Or. Remalna are at the residential parlors of Miller A Tracer. Notice of funeral later. FCNEKAL NOTICES. ROCKWELL Mar . 1. at the faml'y residence. Ions East loth North. Alfred H. Rockn-ell. aged l7 --ars months '.'1 davs. beloved father of Miss Clara A. Rockwell, of Portland. Mrs. O. C. Brownlee and J. C. Rockwell, of Cheyenne. Wyn.. and grandfather of E. . eatnn. of Portland. Funeral services will be conducted by the "oraon granger j'osl or the t;. A. FL at H. T. Byrnea residence parlors. foi Will iams avenue, at Mason etreet. this (Fri day) evening. May lo. at 8 P. M. Friends Invited. Rrmalns will be forwarded Sat urday morning. May 11. at 10 A. M-, to Cheyenne, Wyo.. for Interment. KRAEMER In this city. Mav . 1S118 at nii East Klghty-flfth street Southeast, of cs-nrer. Mrs. Ella A. Kraemer. beloved wife of A. J. Kraemer. elster of Mrs. E. T. Harlow, this city; Frank H. Phillips Sher idan. Or: Ida B. Gier. genera. Neb : Anna II. Krsklne. Tllden. Neb.; Fred K. rhllllos. Arlington. Or.: Stella Carmodv. Meadow Grove, .Neb.; Floyd F. Phllllpa. Washougal, 1 ash. Funeral aerirea at the residence today (Friday). May 10, 1018. a 1 P. M. Interment Multnomah Cemetery. W H Hamilton, funeral director. HAfPERT In this city. M.ir 0. Joseph Frederick Hatipert. 337 Ivy etreet. age 4S years months 23 dava. beloved huaband of Nellie llaiipert. son of Rnrbara Haupert. father of Loulaa and Edward flaupert. brother of William H. and Amelia Hau pert. of Portland, and Edward W. Hau pert of Goldendale. Friends invited to at tend funeral services, which will be held at llolman'a funeral parlors. Third and Salmon streets, at 11 A. M. tomorrow (Saturday). May 11. Interment Rose City I lemetery. MONROE May 7. at the residence. S(V Hsl sey street, .nary A. Monroe, ased 70 years, widow or tne late Alexander Mon roe and mother of Mrs. P. B. Dora Is and Mrs. Frank Hoffman. Funeral win take place from the above residence tomorrow (Saturday). May 11. at 2 P. M. Servlrea at the Madeline Church, corner East C.td and Siskiyou streets, at 2:30 P. M. Krlenda Invited. Interment arount Calvary Cem etery. ELLISON May P. James Ellison. S73 Hslght avenue, agfd tS4 years, beloved husband of Adeline r.inson. rsther or Samuel. Hugh Pavid. Robert, Jamoa. Anna and Hannah Ellison, and Mrs. Wllllsm Hargreaves. Frtends Invited to attend funeral services, which will be held at Holman'a funeral parlors. Third and Salmon streets, at 'J:30 I'. M. tomorrow (Saturday), alay 11. GROVFECK Late of 11K0 Glenn avenue. Ihl city. Adolph Peter Gronbeck. aged - years, beloved husband or Myrtle (iron beck; brother of Thor Gronbeck. Funeral services will bo conducted today (Friday May lo. at 4 P. M. from the Pearson T ndertaklng Parlors. Russell street a T'nlon avenue. Friends Invited. Inter ment Mount cott Park Cemetery. KEt.I.OGG Tn this city. May S. at her late residence. .;n Kast Twentieth street North. Mary E. Kellogg, aged (Vi years, wife of ( harres M. Kellogg. The funeral services will be held today (Friday) at 2:30 o'clock P. M. at the residence establishment of J. P. Finlev A Son. Montgomery at Fifth Friends Invited. Incineration at Portland Crematorium. BARfEVir-At St. Vincent's Hospital. May 9. Ip-ll. Mary, infant daughter of Us rence and Katherina Barlcevic. aged 4 days Services will be held today (Friday) at 10 A. M. from the chapel of the Skewes Vndertsklng Company. corner Third and Clay. Interment Mount Calvary Cemetery. ALEXANDER May T. at 811 South Kellogs street North, Katherln Alexander, aged fit! years, beloved sister of J, T. Alexander, of this city, and W. R. Alexander, of De troit, Mich. Funeral services will be held from A. R. Zcller parlors Saturday, May 11. at 1:30 P. M. Friends Invited. Inter ment Mount 6cott Park Cemetery. HANLET The funeral of the late Edward T. Hanley win leave the residence. 170 Eaat Tenth street, at 8:30 A. M.. Friday. May 10. Maaa will be offered at St. Aga tha's Church at sillier ave, and Fifteenth street. Interment Mount Calvary Ceme tery. Arrangements. In charge of Miller A Tracey. DEAN In this city, at his late residence. 418 East Eighty-second street North, slay O. C. W. Dean, aged 2'1 years. The funeral services will be held at the Portland Crematorium at 2 o'clock P. M. tomorrow (Saturday), slay 11, under the direction of J. P. Flnley A Son. Friends Invited. MAKAN in this city. May 8. Thomas F. Mahan. aged 4 years. runeral services will be conducted tomorrow (Saturday). May 11. at 4 P. M. In the mortuary chapel of A. D. Kenworthy A Co.. HKO'J-4 Ninety second street Southeast. In Lenta. Friends Invited. Interment Multnomah. Cemetery. PAt'TZ In thla city. May . l.udwlg Pauts. Infant son or air. ana Airs. a. nuti. Funeral services will be held Saturday. May 11. at 3 P. M-. from the chapel of Miller A Tracey. Interment Multnomah Park Cemetery. WILSON In this city, Nan Wilson, aged He years. Remains rorwarded by the Hol man Undertaking Company to Dallas. Or.. where funeral services will be held today (Friday). Interment in family cemetery plot. rONIBAl, DIRECTOR. II0LMAN UNDERTAKING CO. Funeral Directors Established 1877. ThlrdCatnd Salmon Streeta. Main 607. A 1611. Lady Assistant. Perfect Funeral Service for Leas. MILLER & TRACEY Independent Funeral Directors. Wash st., beL 20th A 21st. West Side Mala 2sL Lady Assistant. 7883. J. P. F1NLEY BON, Progressive Funeral Directors. Private Drive Woman Att.ndaata MONTOOM-KHX AX FIFTH. Mala . A IBM. WILSON & ROSS'ryTf. La stent. East e. o siea. XRICSON Residence Undertaking Parlors, 13tB aad Morrison sta. Main 6133, A 2133. niTXKINO A McENTKaV funeral directors. Broadway aad Pine street- Phone Broadway tso. A 4338. Lady attendant. F. a DUNNING. INC. THE GOLDEN RULE UNDERTAKERS, 414 East Alder SI East 52. B 2326. BREEZE & SNOOK StVti MR. AND MRS. W. H. HAMILTON Fu- saral service. 1973 K. Ollaan. Tabor 4313. v I. LEKCH. East 11th Slid Clay aireets. Lady attendant. East 781. B 1388. A. R. ZELLER CO.Lf SKEWES UNDERTAKING COMPANY. 3d aad Clay. Mala 4132. A 2J2L Lady assistant. CKatgTeniea. BEAUTIFUL- MOUNT SCOTT PARK CEMETERY Lowest Prices Best Serrlca. Mo expens. after interment, Prices lower than other ceme teries. FLORISTS. CLARKE BROS.. Florists. 28T Morrlsoa st. Main or a ISO. Fine flowers aad floral designs. No branch stores. MARTIN A FORBES CO., Florists. 854 Washington. Main 389, A 1289. Flowers for all occasions artistically arranged. TON8ETH FLORAL CO, 385 Washlngtoa mu, bet. 4th and 6th. Main 5102. A HSL MAX M. SMITH. Main 7216, A 2131. Balling bldg.. 6tb and Alder sts. PAUPLES FLORAL SHOP. 345 Alder. Flowere and deslgaa. Phone Marshall 6vjA MONUMENT. A BEAUTIFUL polished granite monument, imported from Norway, for sale st Hftthe value: dimensions, from base to top. 3 fL 10 In., width. 3 ft- 2 in. and 1 ft. 4 In. tblck; crated and ready for ahlpment- In qulre at room 417 Worcester bldg. PORTLAND MARBLE WORKS. 264-2S 4ts su. opposite City Hall. Mala A364. Philip Nee a Sons for memorlala KBLC5INC; CHanjTC CO. i I U n-.RO .T MADISON 3TREET nlan. Main 7070, A 60S5. Phone your want ads to The Ore go- A directory of business firms and professional men condensed and classified for ready reference. For rates by the month or year, or other information, telephone The Oregonian, Main 7070 or A 6095, House 29 ACCORDION PLEATING. HEMSTITCHING, PLEATING. ALL LAT r-OT STYLKjt EisLTL-nv kwi'.tt fit FIFTH ST.. BETWEEN OAK AND " ". SI a. BROAD WAV 20OO. bTtPHAN. hemstitching, scalloping, ac cordion side pleat, buttons covered; mail orders. 21 Plttock block. Broadway 10KD. AUATK CUTTERS AND MFG. JEWELERS. AGATES cut and polished; Jewelry and watch repairing. Miller's, 343 4 Waah. si ASSAYERS AND ANALYSTS. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE, 142 Second Oold. silver and nlatlnnm bought, BAKBEK SUPPLIES. OREGON BARBER SUPPLT CO. We buy and sell all kinds barber supplies. 230 2d. CARPET CLEANING. NORTHWEST RUG CO.. established 1903. luff rugs and rag rugs women, all sixes. East 8th and Taylor. East 3380. B 1 28a CANCER. L. M JONES, M. D. CANCER TREATED. 312 Morgan bldg. Marshall 0143. CELLULOID BUTTONS. THE IRWIN-HODSON COMPANY. 87 Washington. Broadway 434. A 1234. CHIKOPODISTS AND ARCH SPECIALISTS. DR. LA MONTE, chiropodist and scientific arcn specialist, only chiropodist carrying state license; most sanitary operating rooms In city; arches fit properly or money refunded. Cases cured where others failed. Local references given. Lady attendant. i'.-7-8 Swetland bldg.. Fifth and Wash., pp. l.ipman-Wolfc. Phone Main .14AK: evenings by appointment. Reasonable price. Consultation free. WILLIAM. Estelle and Florelle DeVeny. the only scientific chiropodists and arch spe cialists In the city. Parlors Su2 Gerllnger bldg.. southwest corner Second and Alder. Phone Main 180L CHIROPRACTIC PHYSICIANS. SICK PEOPLE: Dr. McMahon, Portland, 100 per cent chlropractlo specialist. That's why I never have to employ druga. oper ations, vibrators, violet rays, electricity, heat, light and other Joss-house stuuta. I remove the cause of disease quickly, sure ly and less expensively. Tickets, 81 ad justments. SIS; seven. 15. Call, phone or wriq. uauy convincing doubting momi CIRCULAR LETTERS. CRANE LETTER CO., 610 N. W. bldg.. Mar. 6822. 100 letter multlgraphed. 31.30. COLLECTION AGENCIES. NETH A CO.. Worcester bldg. Main 17 Ne collections, no charge; established 1900. DANCING. MRS. FLECK'S ACADEMY Social and stage dancing, private instruction: classes Tue., Frl., 8 to 10. 108 2d St., beL Wash, and Stark. Main 2100. EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT. Dr. F. F. Casseday, specialist; glasses fitted. 709 E. Burnslde. cor. 20th. B 1393, E. 4734. FLUFF RUGS AND RAG RUGS. FLUFF RUGS FROM OLD CARPETS I nr rains, Brussels, Smyrna, Axmlnster rag rust, all atxes; mall order prompt; booklet. VxlZ rugs, steam or dry cleaned. l.ai5. CARPET CLEANING, REFITTING, ETC. WESTERN FLUFF RUG CO.. 64-06 Union Ave. N. Eaat 6316. B 1475. WHOLESALERS AND AUTO AND BUGGY TOPS. 13 ORBGON. AUTO TOP Co. 14th and Couch. DUBRU1LLE BUGGY TOP CO.. 9th and Oak GRAIN MERCHANTS. PACIFIC GRAIN CO., Board of Trads bldg. DRY GOODS NOTIONS. ) niMi'CI VUlLl Of Stockroom and office UllirtLLOr ILL UUi 47 North fith etreet. HATS AND CAPS. THANHOUSER HAT CO., 63-65 Front at. HIDES, WOOL, CASCARA HARK. KAHN BROS, 1U5 Front iL PAINTS AND LUBRICATING OILS. W. P. FULLER A CO.. 12th and Davis ata, OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY Office, Boom 16S Courthouse. 6th St, Ext trance. KiuQ irorn 0 WO 0, eo. IIWIIW X uuuw ' 3625. Night call alter office hours, mala zia. Report .1 cases or cruelty to the aoove aa. Jru Kl.etrle lethal chamber for email anl mala Horse ambulance for sick and disabled animals at a momsat a notice. Anyone desir in. do. or other D.t communicate with ua Call for all lost or strayed atock. aa we look alter all Impounding. There is no more pound. Just Oregon Humane aocteur. NEW TODAY. Sam Connell Lumber Co. Bdrry. 149, 354 Aukeay St, Portable and Ready-Gut Houses and Garages Call for full particulars and details re garding our nousea ana garages. DON'T PAY HIGH IlENTS. MORTGAGE LOANS Oa Improved dry aad farm prop- erty at close) Interest rates. Is- stallmeat repaymeat privilege It j referred. Proaapt, reliable service. I A. H. BIRRELL CO. 217-319 Northwesters Baalc Building. Marshall 4114, A 4118. aMORTGAGE loans ON FARM AND RE9IDK!Caj PHOPluAll Y. MO COMMISSION. Vm. MacMaster T0I CORBUTT BLUU. PUB. ALAND. OB, MORTGAGE LOANS ON BUSINESS AND RESIDENCs) ' PROPERTY. ROBERTSON at AC WING. 07 a Northwestern Bask Blde JNO. B. COFFEY MORTGAGE LOANS. Insurance, Surety Bonds Ml WILCOX BLUU. Malm. 702, A S7UA Phone your want aC- to The Orego nian. Alain 7070, A 6095. REAL ESTATE. FOR RALE ll acres. 2i miles from Eu gene; 70 acres good oat, vetch and cheat hay land: balance pasture and timber. Good house and barn; good well. 202 acres, 3 miles from Junction City; 123 acres good wheat and oat land; bal ance pasture and timber. Improved residence property in Eugene. All on reasonable terms. Blaine H. Hovey, room ll, over Bank of Commerce, Eu gene. Oregon. Phone 802. For Sale Lota. THAT VACANT LOT Turn a burden Into Income. We dealgp and build anything, furnish the money if desired, eight years In Portland. L. R. palley Co.. contract ing architects. Northwestern Bank bldg. FORECLOSURE snsp 13 full lots. Divi sion and 47th, -$:i.0 each, worth $750; terms. Thomson. Mohawk bldg. Mar. 123. G. C. GOLDEN BERG CAN SELL YOUR LOT. 213 Arlington bldg. Main 4803. ALL kintls of building and alterations. CHAS. W. EilTZ. ARCHITECT, Piltooa bis. FLUFF RUG AND RAG KCG FACTORY. NORTHWEST RUG CO.. established 1903. Fluff rugs and rag rugs woven, all alxea. East 8th and Taylor. East 3580. B 1280. FURNITURE FOR SALE. JUST starting in business. Call East 6487 for highest price paid for used furniture, rugs, carpets, stoves. A. Monner Furniture Co.. 83 Grand ave. JAPAN FLORIST. 193 Fourth St. Near Public Mkt of bedding and perennial Japonlca and fruit plants. tubs. Bargain prices. cheap wholesale. Vegetable for outdoor arowth Tomato. 100. 83c: 1000. 18.00. Cabbage. 100, 73c; 1000, 17.00. MUSICAL, OREGON Conservatory (school) of Music 2d floor Kussell bldg. (over the "Lion"). Entrance 1854 4th St.. cor. of Morrison. EMIL THIELHORN, violin teacher, pupil Sevcik. 201 Flledner bldg. Bdwy. 1628. PARKER School of Popular Music Terms. S to 20 lessons. 401-2 Ellers bldg. OPTOMETRISTS AND OPTICIANS. .Bv WHY PAY MORE f ACV A SAVING from 30 to 60 per cent JfjaK Properly fitted glases as low as Mmm . S1.50. 4000 satisfied customera Satisfaction guaranteed. Chas. W. Good man, optometrist. 208 Morrison. Main 2124. PATENTS. PATENTS that protect and nay. advice and books free; highest references, beat re sults, promptness assured: send sketch or xooaei ior searcn. watson a. .oi.u.u. Patent lawyer. i24 F at.. Washington, D. C R. o. WRIGHT 22 years experience. TJ. R and foreign patents. 601 Dekum bldg. PHYSICIANS. DR. R. A. PHILLIPS, 905 Broadway bldg. Rheumatism, female disorders, skin trou bles, stomach, liver, kidneys. bowels, throat, goitre, scalp, high blood pressure. PLUMBING SUPPLIES. PLUMBING SUPPLIES at wholesale price Stark-Davis Co.. 212 3d. Main 78T. PRINTING. KEYSTONE PRESS J. E. Gantenbeln, Mgr. Printing and linotyping. 109 H Front at., corner Stark. Main or A 1418. DDlsJTWc'F. W. BALTE3 A COMPANY, rn til I 111 U 1st and Oak sta Main 163, A 1163 REAL ESTATE DEALERS. CARL B, JONES. 404 Wilcox bldg. STORAGE AND TRANSFER. OREGON TRANSFER CO.. 474 Ulisan at, corner 13th. Telephone Broadway 1281 or A 1169. We own and operate two large class "A" warehouses on terminal tracks. Lowest insurance rates la the city. MADISON-ST. DOCK A WAREHOUSE. Of fice 189 Madison. General merchandise and forwarding agents. Phone Main 769L CUT freight rates to ail points on household goods. Manning Warehouse A Transfer Co.. 8th and Hoyt. Broadway 708. PACKING, MOVING, STORAGE. SECURITY STORAGE A TRANSFER CO, 105 Park St. Main 6195. A 1051. FIREPROOF STORAGE. C. M. OLSEN TRANSFER CO., 248 PINE. WOOD. ORDERS taken for Summer delivery; first class pole oak wood. Broad way 2339. iMANUFACTURERS PAINTS, OILS AND GLASS. RASMU3SEN & CO., 2d and Taylor. PIPE, PIPE FITTINGS AND VALVES. IS. L. KLINE. 84-86 Front St. PLUMBING AND STEAM SUPPLIES. M. L. KLINE. 84-86 Front at- PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS. EVEKDING & KAHKELL, 140 Front St, ROPE AND BINDING TWINE. Portland Cordage Co., 14th and Northrnp. SASH, DOORS AND GLASS. W. P. FULLER A CO., 12th and Davis sta. WALL PAPER. MILLER Wall Paper A Pt. Co.. 172 1st St. MORGAN WALL PAPER CO.. 280 2d St. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Lota. INVESTORS. ATTENTION A non-resident client owns 89 50xl00-ft lots in Vancouver, Wash., on carline, 10 minutes' car ride to shipyards; these lots are mortgaged for $4250, which must be jiam. we can deliver these 39 Iota at $121 each: .$4875 will buy the whole bunch good merchantable title. Vancouver is now a beehive of Industry. These Int. mitrht bring $5ti0 each within the next year or iwo. nere s a great opportunity ror very profitable investment. Builders of small nouses ior worKingmen. take notice. THE CROSSLEY-VIGARS CO.. 870 Stark St. Main 3052. sli lot at bargain, Alameda Park, all liens paio. emu, benwooq 2023, Main 5450. For Sale Houses. EXTRAORDINARY RARnAlK Irvlngton palatial home, 9 rooms, three sleeping porches, billiard and maid's room. dining rOOm In leather nH lllr a nAU, beautiful reception hall, living, library, den and secretary rooms. 4 bedrooms in white enamel, all rooms are decorated by Grafe. the French artist: plate glass windows. 3 iiicmitBi, not water neat, uutch kitchen, com water cooler and all built-in conven iences; garage: lot 66 2-3xirHi. velver ca. pets, silk tapestry hangings, Brussels net curtains go with the house free; 50c on collar. ueianunt. East .1347. No agents. $600. $100 cash, balance $15 per month. In. eluding Interest: 2 mom. ih L.annur. lng bed in living room, large closet, 8H ""v,.. . t .mi nu,a 1 1 y r-ara car. KEE MR. JENKS AT 68TH AND SANDY BLVD E. 22D AND SALMON. RARE OPPORTUNITY. BKST PART ROSR CITY TABIT It BLOCK TO CAR. 513 E. 40TH ST : 6- TIFUL FULL LOT: Nfl' MnBTniriK PRICE $2300: IMMEDIATE POSSESSION.' A. M. UUKbU 1395 SANDY BOULEVARD. HOSE CITY PARK. Beautiful modern home, larae llvin.. room with pretty flreolace. mu.lc-mnm dining-room and breakfast-room, Dutoh Kiicnen, two oearooms ana sleeping porch Ideal home. Improvements In and paid for $4300; will give terms. J. Bobbins, 301 nni7 excuange Ding. GRAND AVE. HOUSE KNAP Good 6-room house, corner lot 50x100, on Grand ave. and skidmore; value $4000. Will sell for $2450, with paved street and an city liens paid; any reasonable terms; u i a .imp. GRUSSI A DOWNEY. 816 Board of Trade. Main 7452. FOR $100 down and $15 per month we will buna you a small house from your own plans. If you desire, on one of our choice lota In North Union avenue district. See Air. uranam. THE BRONG COMPANY, 267 Oak street. $3750 ROSS M E RE $3750 One of the niftiest 6-room bungalows (wnn garage) in city; i block to car; oeauuiu! yara, trees, snrunnery, every thing complete: street assessments paid J. DELAHUNTY, 2704 Stark St. Main 17UO, evenings bast 2036. $2900, $300 CASH. BEST HAWTHORNE BUY 5 rooms, oak floors, fireplace, attic, con crete basement, buffet, B. C. mirror dr., practically new. G. C. GOLDBERG. ABINGTON BLDG. "35 Years in Portland." Main 4803. $3200 HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. "Full basement, fireplace, fur., mirror doors, etc.. sitting-room. dining-room, kitchen, one bedroom, bath and toilet on first floor: two bedrooms and sleeping porcn on aecuuu iioor. Main 1189. CLEVELAND. 222 C. of C. $2850. $500 CASH. BAL. EASY TERMS. Modern 6-room bungalow, fireplace, all built-in conveniences, paved street, excel lent neighborhood, near car, hardwood floors, full basement, Johnson-Dodson Co., 634 N. W. Bank bldg. $50 DOWN and $15 per month buys a small no use on a Deautiiui uuxiuu-tu jot, near Union ave.: price $800. See Mr. Graham. THE BRONG COMPANY. 267 H Oak street. IRVINGTON My 7-room home, hdw. floors, open lire, one diocjc to i-r car, a oiocka to "B" car; snap at $4750. 833 Morgan bldg., or Main 8429. CLEVELAND, near Skldmore. 4-room eot- tace. lot -oxiuu. suuo. .terms easy, ilaln 32H7. BARGAINS Foreclosure and mortgage homes, can up bast ut. MODERN bungalow, furnace and fireplace. garage. f.t.oo. l.t;o Hawthorne ave. FOR SALl 6-rootp house; bearing fruit trees. Near a canines. w ooo. lulu. -ir All kinds "J""""-" plants. J : I I Japanese I Very At - AV nlanta REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houa. HAWTHORNE S27.MI. BARGAIN (iARACE. Just think of it: r-room bungalow with hardwood floors, fireplace, built-in book cases with leaded glass doors, swell buffet, built-in china closets. Dutch kitchen with every conceivable bulit-ln convenience such ss ironing board, cooling closet, canopy over kitchen range, etc.; cement base ment with wash trays. Splendid furnace: garage. LocAted block from car. Can be handled on terms. V hy pay $:t."itl0 or more for a home less complete? Mind you. all this for 32750. A. G. TEKPE CO.. 264 Stark St.. near 3d. Main o."l(. PARKHURST HOME. 3-room, plastered, newly painted : pan try, clotnrs closet; new garage; cement walks: 50x100 lot : fruit trees, garden, chicken-house, woodshed; 4 blocks from MV car, on (i:td. PRICK. XIOOO: TERMS. Also have Wssliinctoii Co. farm lan Improved, and Salem Income, to trad for Portland. Owner, Tabor 8317. PIEDMONT HOME SNAP. Fine 7-room house. 2 fireplaces, built-in effects, etc., corner lot 60x100. city liens all paid, I block rrom Killlngswortn ave. In a re.trlc.ted district, surrounded by fin homes: price $4000. easy terms, or lease for cash. GRCSSl & DOWNEY, 816 Board of Trade. Main 7432. LAUREI.HURST HOMES. 1 have several excellent bargains in T and 8-room houses located in best sec tlon of I.AUREI.HURST for sale on rent' lib. term.. Call for keva at Laurelhurst tract office, E. 3!th and Ulisan. Tabor 8433. daily between 10 A. M. and E P. M. S. w. LEONARD, evenings -xaoor NICE BUNGALOW. Verv small cash oayment. balance like rent: house has living-room and den dining-room, kitchen, two bedrooms an bath, fireplace, hardwood floors, sliaae screens, good location, near car. on xfir.n A. H. BIRRELL CO., 217 Northwestern Bank Bldg. Marshall 4114. a tin-. r.BKiTi.Y RKm:f:ED. Von-resident owner has authorized sal of 6-room bungalow. Gladstone ave.. coi ss.-.nn- now reduced to S2330. Wants fair good cash payment. This Is a real bargain A. H. BIRRELL CO.. 217 Northwestern Bank Bldg. Marshall 4114. A 411H. WILL FURNISH LOT AND BUILD HOME. S1830 AND UP. Substantial initial payment required. F. K. Stearns. 202 Wilcox bldg. Main 3517. Evenings. Marshall 3t70. Office Hours 10-1. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. PRICE S.tSllO 31000 DOWN. One of the finest 6-room bungalows 1 Hawthorne. STRICTLY MODERN ana i perfect condition. Call up before noon or In evening. F. FULTON. Main 8170. priBTUKn HTS. RUNG A LOW 32750. Four rooms and bath, almost new, fine condition, close In. among good noinea, a blocks car; view of city, mountains and Council Crest. Owner gone away; must sell. BROOKE, Mar. 4827. A 3838. S100 CASH 313 MONTH. gfiso 4-room cottage, nice shade an fruit trees, cement walks, near Alberta car. See this if you want a bargain. AKERSON, r.OH Stork Excll. Bldg. Main 4388. PORTLAND HEIGHTS BARGAIN. 8 rooms, modern, hardwood floors, hot water heat, beautiful, level grounds, trees and shrubbery, walking distance, wonuer ful location and view. $9500. BROOKE, Marshall 4827. A 3839. REAtTTlFUL MODERN RESIDENCE. 6 rooms, hardwood floors, furnace, fire olnce. buffet, bookcases, laundry trays (ce ment floor put In free). 50x100 lot, 1350 cash, $25 month. Price $3650: worth $0000. MAIN 7120. FORENOONS. X22.-.U 2250 3250 $2250 $2250. Close in. walking distance: 5-room cot tage. very neat, paving paid, modern plumbing. G. C. GOLDBERG. ABINGTON BLDG. "35 Years in Portland." Main 4S03. RITNNYSIDE BARGAIN. 6-room, bath, electric light, gas, lot 30x75, all Improvements in and paid for, $1500; $500 cash, balance small monthly payments. 7 per cent. J. Robbing, 301 Railway Exchange bldg. LAURELHURST. Before buying elsewhere obtain our list of exquisite homes zor sale on easy terms in i. sorei hurst, the show place of Port land. LAURELHURST CO., 270V4 Stark st. Main 1700. A 1515. FOR SALE Modern 7-room house, furnished or unfurnished, nice lawn ana lowers wtii firifice on account of leaving city price $4800 furnished; terms. Owner, 90 Pi. .atn st. poui.il. MODERN 6-room bungalow, with garage. In Irvlngton, lot ouxiou; nouse renieu now for $30 per month; tenants nave no lease; Ivory woodwork throughout; oak floors, Call owner, c w-. J ltJg- SPLENDIDLY built 9-room modern house and garage; one of the choicest locations in irvin.rnn: iiruxiw. 11110 inu. am uu- ery and flowers: $12,000; terms. Miller. 824 Morgan bldg. Main 21 035 rLWLT hamAln bv owner: modern 6-room house, barn and chicken house, fruit trees and berry ousnes. am unuer cumv&iiuu on 1 acre of ground. At 21S8 Hassalo St. Phone Main 207B. eoor.n r,n CASH. $20 per month; good 6- room house on 100x100, apples, cherries. peaches, pears, prunes, an Kinus oi uer. rtA. chicken nark, in good neighborhood, Johnson Dodson Co.. 634 N. W. Bank bldg. PAY $100, TAKE IMMEDIATE POSSESSION .nm huneulow. basement and attic, 75x100 corner lot. one block east of Eastmorelana; nanay ig ti. umj eio.... terms to suit your convenience. See Mr. Hnirhes. Ockley Hotel. ,iM's morneuri i $30 DOWN and $20 per month buys a 5 room house on a small lot close in on East Side; a good buy at $1500. see Mr. GrBhatTHE BRONG COMPANY, 267 Vz uak street. " i.itiRiti.HURST BUNGALOW SNAP. Attractive, strictly modern 7-room bun aralow in good condition, one block from ?ar; $30507 J. DELAHUNTY, Main 1700. Evenings, kksi -. viiibt ...II 7-room bungalow, fireplace, book cases, buffet. Dutch kitchen, cement base ment, laundry trays, lot doxiiiii. rrult tree. 1019 E. 23d N. Vernon car. See this. $2600: $600 down. Tabor 1811. THOROUGHLY modem home for sale by owner, 5 rooms, reception nan, suii uorcu. Indirect lighting fixtures, full cement basement, furnace, garage. 100x100. fruit trees, berries, flowers. D 1T)8. Oregonian MODERN 6-room house sleeping porch cor ner, easy WaiKing uiaiKnic. irmiAi r.a.i Side- terms. Will take lot or amall house in good district as part payment. Phone Owner, r.ast PORTLAND property on E. 92d St., 2 lots. lOOXDO; Will Sell cneap. .uni nnou -' ' ana for Mrs. Tom Stevens, or call 430 Harri son. j;! j i M i $2000 CASH. Owner. Fine 5-room bungalow, rv. . .. uu.wni "e place. Alameda Park, corner, hard sur face. $900; $300 cash. 408 k. aad N. FOR SAL1S 6-room house, located on Ham ilton ave.: lot tuxiu'i; irun trees ana grape vines; one-half cash, one-half terms; price $1000. Inquire B 1277. HAWTHORNE district, strictly modern five- room bungalow wnn sleeping purcn, aii on one floor, room for garage. Owner, Tabor 7608. IRVINGTON BARGAIN Attractive, mod ern home, near idio auu xvuuii: owner must aacrlflce for quick sale; $5500. East 394: Main 8078. RARE opportunity New $.1500 house, 8 rooms, for $2oo. Lot auxiuu. good loca tion; garage, garden, etc. $500 down, bal. to suit. AJ 253. Oregonian. HUBBELL SON. 1421 Sandy, oldest firm ROSE CITX rAtta. can sen you a good house cheap. See us first. Tabor 2161. 5-ROOM bungalow, 920 E. Morrison st.. $2600: $ooo casn. uwnw, imo .Brooklyn st. Sellwood 3022 A 5-ROOM bungalow, modern, paved street, near canine, less man cost; pan cash. Owner. AR 348. uregonian. CITY FARM, 5 acres, half mile from Rose City Park, wltn o-room nouse. jrnce $o000. Terms. 417 Chamber of Commerce. UNFINISHED house on tSxlOO lot, in Al berta distnct, 1.U4D c. oou at, ,. rnone Woodlawn 5649. LAURELHURST Modern. 6 rooms, val $6000. lor .i.iu; m.ii' caao, uwner, 10T6 Sandy blvd. Tabor abT.t. MODERN bungalow, nearly new, choice lo cation, soutn. oi nawinome ave., near cars; $2350, terms. Tabor 7700. 5-ROOM house, 2 lots, garden, fruit. $1400; part casn, utuvc uno inn, v. m i 0u Alle gheny st,., St. Johns. !000 EASY terms, 5-room bungalow. Ala meda district. C. P. Miller, 824 Morgan bldg. Main 2035. MONTHLY payment plan. Furnished, mod em, 1 rooms, two lots, snruooery. Tabor 7418. FOR SALE A fine 5-room house, corner, on Falling, near w imams ave. call Woodlawn 1309. Owner. No agents. SIX-ROOM HOUSE. 3 tine lots, fruit trees. rrice siauu. .terms iov casn. aee owner, 417 Chamber of Commerce. MODERN6-room house, 50x100 lot, 2 blocks from carline. near 1 shipyards, for sale; price $2000. 321 Fifth St. Mar. 1058. MODERN 5-room bungalow for sale. $2000; hair casn. mu rj. -ttn st. Nortn. .-.0 UNFINISHED cottage, SOxlOO. corner 60th at. and 73d avenue. Sellwood 10H5. IRVINGTON Bungalow. 6 ran. snap, $4800. East 1347. 5-ROOM house. 61 W. Jessup; easy terms. VnUCl, .A. nu wuvvuicj,, .11 AV-U, REAL ESTATE. For Sale Business Property. NOB HILL FLATS. $4800, S per cent investment. Good lo cation, good repair, fine tenants: best rea sons fttr selling. Phono East 2621. Suburban Honiea. SEE THIS BEFORE YOU BUY. 6-room modern bungalow, with all city conveniences, ;! acre land, near carline and river; price $3250. Nelson, owner, phone 8-W, Oak Grove, Sundays or even ings. t FOR SALE Two acres, fine 7-room house, fruit, etc.. running creek, near carline, cheap. Call at third house north of RIs ley Station. Oregon City car. BEAUTIFUL home and 25 acres, part in city: will divide: also 2 acres, cottaca and 3 lois. D. G. Stephens. 711 Columbia blvd. FINE residence property, close in. cheap. 307 Washington st.. Vancouver, Wash. For Sale Acreage. FINE cultivated acre, all In bearing fruit trees and small fruits; right close to Gar den Home station on Oregon Electric; 7c commutation fere, all city conveniences: price only $1200. worth $1500: soe this today, make your own terms. Thono Mc- Cormlc. Slain 9318. 80-ACRE tract of bottom land for pale; M mile from navigable stream; creek runs through it; $50 an acre; 12 miles to town. For further Information write C. A. An derson. North River. South Bend. Wash. 5. 10. 13-ACRE HOMES In the GARDEN valley, near the city of schools and col leges, the home town of the Northwest. G. T. GREGORY FARM AGENCY, WALLA WALLA, WASHINGTON. ONE fine acre for a home at station, run ning stream all year: will sell on easy terms. .Main 5456, evenings Main 0882. For Sale--FruU Lands. FOR SALE 10 acres of bearing apple or chard, in the best of condition, 1 mile from electric road; Rome Beauty variety, at a sacrifice price, as the owner wishes to purchase liberty bonds. Mrs. Stella Mur ray. R. R. 2. Carlton, Or. Homesteads; Relinquishments. HOMESTEADS. Good claims you may file on. No loca tion fee charged. FREE INFORMATION. Anderson. 431 Chamber of Commerce. FREE homestead land: it costs ymi nothing to investigate. Party in city for a few days. B 276, Oregonian. WANTED Homestoad 233. Or-gonlan. relinquishment, H For Sale Farms. NO PAYMENT DOWN. WE SUPPLY THE LAND AND ASK NO PAYMENT UNTIL YOU CAN MAKE SAME FROM CROPS. IT STANDS TO REASON WE MUST HAVE GOOD LA N 1 TO OFFER YOU THESE TERMS. OUR LAND IS LEVEL, THE SOIL A SILT LOAM. NO BETTER LAND FOR AL FALFA, M1LO MAIZE. FRUITS, NUTS. ETC. WATER FOR IRRIGATION WHENEVER NEEDED. GOOD DRAIN AGE, CLIMATE AND TRANSPORTA TION. SCHOOL ON TRACT. ON STATE HIGHWAY. WITHIN 3 MILES OK RED BLUFF. TEHAMA COUNTY (BASNSli COUNTY OF CALIFORNIA). PRICK $150 PER ACRE. SEND FOR BOOKLET AND MAP. F. D. BURR CO.. 219 MONTGOMERY ST., SAN FRANCISCO. BY OWNER. 1S4 acres, fine land, 2J4 milra north Monmouth, level land and in fine cultivation, practically all in Fall grain, balance In Spring grain, large new barn, fine outbuildings, good 8-room house on West Side Highway; one of finest farms In Polk County: this fa.-m is all ready for a good farmer to mrtke some money: will sell at a snap price. Write Charles O'Brien, route 1, Independence. Or., better still, call at farm. Take electric train (red curs) get off at Nesmith station. Phone me. DANDY LITTLE FARM AT A BARGAIN. For sale, by owner, 20 acres, well im proved, well drained, beautifully located, couple of blocks red electric flag stop: 7 acres apples bearing for third year, fruit dryer quarter mile away: 1 acre chicken run, high fence; house, barn, woodshed, good well, incubator, stove, har ness, washing machine, etc, go with place. $600 cash, balance easy terms. Don't fail to see this. Can go out Sunday. 8 A. M., return at 3 P. M. BC 54, Oregonian. A GOOD WHEAT AND DAIRY RANCH, 7,' miles north or Warwick, in lviicKitat val ley; 320 acres rolling prairie, lies well to work; 250 plowed, bal. pastuce: 150 In wheat, 30 In alfalfa: fenced in 6 fields: water on each end; family orchard, good house having phone and on R. F. D. Price la right: would give time on part. T. D. Adams, Centervllle. Wash. FARM BARGAIN. 370 acres, at Farminglon. 15 mllea west of Portland; good roatl, on the Tualatin River; best land In Oregon; 180 acres now in wheat and oats, all equipped, artesian well; some cash, crop payments, $125 per acre. A. S. Ellis. Hlllsboro, R. D. No. 5. BIG CUT In PRICE IN FARM LANDS In the best agricultural pari oi Biiouoini. i County: $23 per acre. 10 yearly payments; railways, schools, factories, pleniy of labor. The best proposition on the market for the man who wants a farm. Send for illustrated literature. Brownell Land Co, 904 3d ave.. Seattle, Wash. FARMS FARMS. For finest Improved farm from 50 to 160 acres on good macadam auto road, dally mall, fine neighbors, near electric ry. ; warm, mellow soil, good altitude, at low price, see GRUBKR, between 4:"0 and 6 o'clock, at 927 Cham, of Com, bldg. 48.10 ACRES, finest bottom land, for sale: crop, some stock ana macninery go wnn farm: 4 acres timber, 2 acres orchard, creek, house and barn; price, $7560. takc all. For full particulars, address 709 W. Walnut st., Centralla. Wash. 5000 ACRES in Southwestern Washington for Bale, to settlers omy. upon easy n'rins and low prices. $5 per acre and up. Write for map showing location, terms, etc. WEYERHAEUSER TIMBER COMPANY. Tacoma Bldg., Tacoma, Wash. WRITE or call on owner if Interested in buying a level, BWKea lann oi .i-u acres. 4iA miles of Portland; extra good terms given Will sell stock separate, or rent separate. Route 5, box 47, Vancouver, Wash. FOR SALE 320-acre wheat ranch; plenty or water, sioca. am iiufi..c..ic.,.a farm for $45 per A. If taken at once. For particulars, write D. A. Johnson, Golden d ale. Wash. Liberal terms. 61 ACRES, adjoining Barton Station, on Es- tacada electric line; iv w-iib owhwii irtnv in cultivation, balance pusture; no build ings. nqiiire5(8PJa2(bjd: CHICKEN. FRUIT. GARDEN RANCHES. jear ronianu, m .-"v 1 " - tnrms; best soil; farms for sale, all sizes. McFarland, 603 Yeon bldg.. Portland. 65 ACRES, 26 acres In cultivation, good soil, running water, too irei vic, ...y uuwu. time on balance. See Draper, 401 Board of Trade. 40 ACRES, near college campus. McMlnn- V1I1S, a oargan. uumi saiu, uv, earn ing hldg! LOGGED-OFF lands. $10 acre up; running water, good soil, miaoie, ciniiiojmeili, easy terms. Jesse R. Sharp, 83 3d st. ACRES, level, fenced, cleared, good soli, house: employment; near Wlllamiua: $25 cash. $10 mo. Jesse R. Sharp. 834 3d st. TEN ACRES at Reedvllle, 5-room house, for sale cheap. Mignt consiaer some irsue. Arnold. 620 Henry bldg. 30-ACRE farm, about 10 miles from Port land; no agents, uau iw -jnira st. o. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WANTED Strictly modern 6-room bunga low, with garage, or room tor one, on paved street; R. C. P. district, not over $3500; client waiting; can pay $1400 cash and $75 per month. Hurry! Full informa tion to Jos. C. Gibson, Gerlinger bldg., or Tabor 1993. WANTED 6-room bungalow, strictly mod ern. Immaculately clean ana at least two bedrooms on first floor; Hawthorne dis trict preferred; client waiting; will pay spot cash for best bargain up to $3rn0: rush Information to Jos. C. Gibson, Ger- llnger bldg.. or Tabor 1993. HOUSES WANTED. I want a few attractive, modern houses in good .repair, not over $4000. Quirk action If price Is right. PAUL C. MUR PHY, AT LAURELHURST CO, OFFICE, 2704 Stark st. Main 1700. A 1513. EXCHANGE equity in Seattle lot for lot in Portland. O 218. Oregonian. TIMBERLANDS. FOR SALE Old-growth cordwood stump age, close to city limits; good hard road. Phone East 03S9. FOR SALE 160 acres timber In Linn County, Oregon. Mrs. John P. Nugent, 817 South Tower ave., Centralla, Wash. TIMBER LANDS BOUGHT AND SOLD. C. J. MCCRACKEN. 304 McKAY BLDG. HALF section timber, one or two miles from S. P.; more adjacent; trade for liberty bonds. BD 196, Oregonian. FOR RENT FARMS. FOR RENT Good cattle or hog farm; or chard, excellent soil. Tabor 9188. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE, WILLAMETTE Valley farm to trade for city property: $163 acres with good house; 40 acres in cultivation. W. H. Ross, 1100 N. W. Bank bldg. WE have client wanting 10 to 20 acres, with small house, within 25 to 50 miles of Port land; will pay cash or give some tradf. Geo. T, Moore. Co., 618 Abicgtoa bids.