Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, May 02, 1918, Page 5, Image 5

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Principal of Local Business
College Refuses to Sup-
port Liberty Loan.
Atttal r School Head ntsap-
rtrotrtt by Pnpll Who Thrralra
to lm Advertisements Re-
garded a PIlovaI.
Telr r"nce at an enl. liberty
lv.n offlrUla vetrly aave up all en
deavor to persuade A. T. link, principal
f Link's Jluslnesa Colles-e. to bay a
ond. and publlrly branded him aa a
starker of Ihe mm! pronounced type.
This action wa taken .after Unk had
reeclnrted Ma promlM of the day before,
made both orally and In wrltln. to buy
m. $100 bond, and had demanded the re
turn of tha pledre card which ha had
1 am convinced, after speaklna; with
Itr. Link for aereral hours, and vainly
e.ideavorlna: to persuade him to buy
bonda. that ha la an Inveterate alacker
and doea not comprehaad tha almlfl-
ranre of hl actional declare Emery
. Olmatead. chairman of tha local llberty
loan committee. "By hla own Indict
pirnt ha haa never oouarht a bond of
any Issue, and any peraon wno i
financially able to purchaae a bond, aa
ha admittedly la. by sucn action onnm
hlme!f as a slacker.
Mayor Crtttrtaes Uak.
u Dikrr member of the execa
five committee of tha third liberty loan,
considered the advertisements by
hlcl Link sough to draw pupils to his
school, holdlnc out tna oner 01 oov
ernment employment at offlco work In to the trenchea and to work In
munition factories. Mayor Baker stern
lr criticises Link on this and other
lated while the buslnees collece princi
pal was steaaraatiy remains: to parwcj
pate In the liberty loan Issue, bore as
a title-piece a picture or uncle ham
(winding- a trumpet to patriotic duty.
"Where will you f1-htr ran tha ac
companying; query.
tha men were working are put tinder
air pressure test.
While riveters la Portland yards are
not yet In the record class, they have
a few fast days they are aot to be
ashamed of. and they are working up
peed In some quarters tl'iat promises
to surprise builders soon. The Kmer
aency Meet Corporation News. In keep
ing? count of livetlnr at all plants In
the United Mates, and In their records
It la shown Fred Sellon. at tha North
west Hteel Company s plant, drove 1S0S
rivets, they being; three-quarter-Inch
ones. In eight hours. It Is said by the
Northwest Steel Company's boosters
m:hlt ki. Keren jhm;k or
Kl.tMtTH lOl.iTV, WHO
l'.tnH ol.n nil bt.
1' : )
Naval Office, Tool of Von
Bernstorf;, Arrested by
U. S. Agents.
Inner UlustratJons consisted on one
and of a ahell-beteairuered trench.
Kith soldiers moving up to the front
lines, and on the other a large office
where rlerka are busy at their desks
It waa held by Mayor Baker. Mr. Olm
etead and other liberty loan officials,
that the Inescapable Inference was
that the college eought to ahow the
Jeetrabliity of other than active serv
ice. Pre sato te Bay Beads Made.
On Tuesday afternoon Link called at
Liberty Temple 'and professed his
willingness to buy a 110 bond. At that
time he dictated and signed a state
ment outlining hla attitude and declar
ing his loyalty.
Shortly after having Issued this
statement and signing the pledge to
purchase. Link asked that It be with
lield from publication, saying that he
lestred to modify It.
Teaterday morning Link called again
at Liberty Temple and demanded the
return of hla pledge card. He In
formed the liberty loan workers that he
had changed hla mind and would not
bur a bond, asserting that he and hla
college had received unfavorable pub
licity ana that the matter had not been
presented to him In the proper manner.
With reference to Miss. Starrett. al
leged pacifist and Russelllte. an In
stroctor In the college. Link advises
the liberty loan committee and the
public that It Is none of their con
cern what views the Instructor may
Students of the business college have
called at Liberty Temple and told offi
cial of their determination, to give up
attendance, it la understood that the
turlent body recently Informed Link
that his attltuds did not meet with their
approval, and that there would be a
general walkout of all classes If he per-
aixi m nis aecision not to buy a
Robert H. Bsmarll.
Ppeclal. Judge Kobert H- Bun
nell, who succeeded Marlon Hanks
as County Judge of Klamath
County, will take an active part
In the fight now being waged in
the county over tha erection of
the courthouse.
He la strongly In favor of com
pleting tha building started In
the Hot Springs Addition and will
fight tha finishing of the new
structure Just begun. As tha con
tracts for the new building have
been legally drawn and over one
third of tha total cost paid, the
case la certain to Involve expen
sive litigation.
that their riveters bav shown the
highest average In a week of any plant
on the Pacific Coast.
Salcsaaasj A re seed of Valawfally Oh
talala Master la liH ie
Have Disappeared.
A warrant was Issued yesterday for
arresi or James l Valentine, vice
president of Jimmy Valentine. Inc.
trurxtsts Jobbers. 101 Eleventh street.
in De.iair or the Imperial Hotel Com
pany. The company alleges that It
cashed a lis check drawn on the First
National Bank of Portland, which had
been returned marked "Insufficient
funds." M. Plchel. a clothier, says Val
entin obtained $Z6 front him the same
Examination of the books of the Val
entine company is being made to as
certain whether there Is a sbortsge in
Valentine's accounts. Clyde M. Hunt
ley, of Oregon City, is nrealdent. and
C. M. Gelllps Is secretary-treasurer of
the company.
It Is said that Valentin disappeared
April 7. He had lived at the King
I "avis Apartments. He I, widely known
en the Pacific Coast aa a drug salesman.
Jruia4 shipyards Ctalaa Hare Fast
Xeaw Attaeagh 3ft l te Rcc
ew-Brews. tag Sfaadard.
QflXCT. Mass.. May 1. A.rlvstlng
gang composed of three husky rivrlane
at the For River yard of the Bethle
hem Shipbuilding Corporation today
claimed to have brogea tb world's
record for riveting- This waa baaed on
the performance of Riveter Charles
31 a i ham. who drove itoi threo-quarter-Inch
oil-tight rlveta in nine hours last
The previous record, th For River
Company stated, was 2T:o thrse-quar-ter-lnhc
snsp rivets driven in nine
hours at the plant of tha Baltimore
Irydock and (shipbuilding Company.
Otl-ttght riveting la much harder than
snap rlvetlcg. for th bulkheads on
tha shall at jha oil taakar Pa which
Haadrede f Artiriea Fraaa AateaaekUe
arslag Bottle Art Disposed
f fer High Prices.
FENDLETOr. Or., May L (BpeclaL)
Things are selling high at th big
Red Cross May-day auction her to
day, though R. X. Stanfleld. candidal
for Senator, will probably think th
Senatorial toga cheap If It cost him
no mors tbsn his wife paid today. A
Senatorshtp waa among th things
auctioned off and Mrs. Stanfleld hid It
in for 11000 for ber husband.
" The' Round-l'p'a famous bucking
buffalo brought another thousand.
Rather than see It go to another town.
Pendleton citizens made up a Jackpot
and hid It In. Tb animal will be fat
tened and barbecued and sandwiches
will be sold for th Red Cross.
Hundreds of articles, from an auto
mobile to a nursing bottle, sold at tha
all-day-long auction and th receipts
early this evening were nearly 16000
with tba auction still on.
Louis O. Simpson Is expected in this
evening to bid in th Governorship.
Hats and coats were taken off spec
tators and sold. Colonel J. H. Raley's
hat brought th top price of ISO. Mrs.
TV. M. 81ushers parasol sold for 1200.
A mess of bass brought ISO.
Pigs, horses, cows, calves, goats,
chickens, rabbits, hay. grain, wood,
coal, all kinds of' groceries and other
merchandise were included In th list
and half a doxen auctioneers have been
kept busy all day.
Women of the Red Cross served
lunches and refreshments and glrla of
th Honor Guard held raffles. Tonight
a big let cr buck dance la concluding
tha festivities. All of tha proceeds
will go Into the treasury of Cmatllla
County Chapter of the Ked Cross.
Every article auctioned off and every
bit of labor waa contributed.
Madera Office Balldlag la Well Adapted
re la aa Hetei, aad la te Be
Ready Wittla a Days.
Plans have Just been completed by
Hugh C Gearln. attorney, who la man
aging th estate of hla mother, Mrs.
M. M. Gearln. whereby th Rothchlld
building on the Northwest corner of
Fourth and Washington streets Is to be
remodeled within the next 10 dara for
use as a hotal.
Th Rothchlld building, owned bv
Mrs. Gearln. Is one of th modern of
fice buildings In Portland. It was built
shout 1907 at a cost between 1140.
00 and 1150.060. It covers SO by 100
lot and Is a class A. ateel frame, fire
proof structure.
Tenants of ths building have alreadv
been notified to vacate. Mr. Gearln aald
last night that the alterations would
begin Immediately on th adoption of
final plans.
It Is understood, however, that he
haa already received a number of of
fers from men experienced In th hotel
business for a long-term leas on the
building, some of them being out-of-
town people.
Th Rothchlld building will not re
quire a great amount of remodeling
to make it suitable for hotel purposes,
air. Gearln aald. Its rooms are well
arranged and Just th right sis, and
th floor plan Is entirely adaptabls to
that of a hotel. The only extensive re
construction will be ten connection
with plumbing.
Oregon la as Get Marriage Licenses.
TACOMA. Wash... May I. (Special.)
Marriage licenses were Issued In Ta
coma today to MegnuaaOlsen and Julia
Jensen, both of Astoria, Or., and to
Charles Spacck. Chicago, and Mary
Novak. Scappoose. Or.
Pea 4 7b Pregoolaa lssifl4 Ada. !
Capture of "Lieutenant-Commander
X" Kxpected) to Lead to Appre
hension of Other Members
of Alleged Combine.
NEW YORK, May 1. Federal au
thorttles arrested her today a German
naval Lieutenant-Commander, who la
said to be tha head of enemy props
ganda In America, having been dele
gated to this work by Count von Bern
storff when the former German Am
bassador left this country. Pending
other expected arrests, the prisoner's
name waa wtihheld.
Th arrest of th German naval of
ficer, who has thus far figured In the
records of the Federal authorities as
"Lieutenant-Commander X," follows the
apprehension on Saturday of Marine
D'Vlctorlca, alleged to have been on
of his most valuable lieutenants.
Tha woman, who Is detained at Bel-
levn Hospital, where she was taken
after her arrest, suffering from th ef
fects of a narcotic, confessed that ah
had received about 40,000 from the
German naval officer since her arrival
her in January, 1917, Federal authori
ties assert. -
She denied the charge that she used
th money in furthering the dlssemln
atlon of Pro-German propaganda here
and said she spent it for living expenses
at hotels.
She claimed that she owns a large
estate In Chile and that the money she
received represented interest on "her
properties, which had been managed by
the German. .
"Lieutenant-Commander X" Is said to
have come to the United States In De
cember, 191C. four months before the
United States entered the war and
stopped at a hotel, where he associated
with Count von Bernstorff and other
leading Germans.
He is said to have been the paymas
ter of German agents after the depart
ure of Von Bernstorff and to have di
rected to a large extent German propa
ganda in this country. He is also re
ported to have directed German activi
ties in Brazil and other South Ameri
can countries.
One of the special forms of work In
which be was engaged here. It was said.
was trying to induce disaffected young
Irishmen to join the English navy with
We Promise You
Healthy Feet
WILL your feet let
you "do your bit?"
Not if you insist now on
wearing pointed,' "fash
ionable' shoes t
Because these bone
benders cause corns, bun
ions, fiat feet, ingrown
nails. They cause rejec
tions by army surgeons.
They cause impairment
of efficiency in every walk
of life.
Don't wear bone-bending
8 hoes. Wear Educator
shoes, made to let the
feet grow as they should."
No asaiU.ain.oi,
Tba word EDUCATOR Ta
stamped on tba tola of every
Educator Shoe. There can be
no protection stronger than this
trademark, for It means that
behind every part of tha shoo
stsnds a raeponsibl menuTso
rarer. Mad for
MeN. Women, Children
by Rio & Hutchins,Ino., Boston-
Bones & W'PZl
3 That Ware g '
' 1 rWw7 I ll 1
s ruin ted o I I ' c
Shoe Sf & iff
That Craw J
? Straight in t
' 3 Educator J
5' Ckn.. f
Cj jj k
ttJttJmmm branded J f &r
thorn oath maim wk! Jr
it im not n Vji
w stir
"TflK Button
Parent Co I
Edatmtar I
for Miammm.
QhUdrmn, Jaianrs I
Morrison, Near Broadway
a view to placing bombs on British wax
vessels and causing their destruction.
The man is believed by the Federal
authorities to have expended millions
of dollars on the Western Hemisphere
in the last 10 months.
TV. D. Wheelwright and J. C. Alns-
' worth Named as Delegates.
At yesterday's session of the Cham
ber of Commerce directors, William
D. Wheelwright and J. C. Alnsworth
were named as delegates from the or
ganization to attend the National con
ference of the League to Enforce Peace,
which will be held in Philadelphia from
May 16 to 18. Both have accepted the
mission and will attend the conference.
The assembly at Philadelphia waa
called by ex-President Taft, for the
consideration of matters vital to Amer
ica's progress in the war., The objec
tive of the League to Enforce Peace is
found in Its determined stand for an
nnrelenting war with Germany until
a victory that will insure lasting; peace
Is attained.
The discarded shoes of the English
soldiers are carefully saved and the I
pieces of leather utilized In hundreds I
of ways, and what is left is made into I
a patent etreet pavinp material.
A Business Should be
as Big as Its Job
If bigness is of benefit to the public it
should be commended..
The size of a business depends upon the needs which that
business is called upon to serve. A business should be as big;
as its job. You do not drive tacks with a pile-driver or piles
with a tack-hammer.
Swift & Company's growth has been the natural and
inevitable result of national and international needs.
Large-scale production and distribution are necessary
to convert the live stock of the West into meat and by-products,
and to distribute them over long distances to the
consuming centers of the East and abroad.
Only an organization like that of Swift & Company, with its
many packing plants, hundreds of distributing houses, and thou
sands of refrigerator cars, would have been able to handle the
varying seasonal supplies of live stock, and meet the present
war emergency by supplying, without interruption:
First The U. S. soldiers and the Allies in Europe by shipping as
much as 800 carload of meat products in a single week !
Second The cantonments in the United States.
Third The retailers upon whom the American public depends
for its daily supply of meat.
But many people ask Do producers and consumers pay
too much for the complex service rendered ?
Everyone, we believe, concedes the efficiency of the Swift
& Company organization in performing a big job in a big way
at ta minimum of expense.
Swift & Company's total profit in 1917 was less than 4
cents on each dollar of sales of meat and by-products. Elim
ination of this profit would have had practically no effect on
live stock and meat prices.
Do you believe that this service can be rendered for less
by any other conceivable method of organization or operation?
These questions and others are answered fully and
frankly in the Swift & Company 1918 Year
Book sent free on request.
Address Swift & Company, U. S. Yards, Chicago
Swift & Company, U. S. A.
Local Branch, 13th and Glisan, Portland, Ore,
I - i 1-1 -J vx ? lr Ai
WrS - Km
L- V'hC 1 "j
Li -tkm-STi. vxs I jV Bi I
i -&&Zt P I IHartSchafTnerl
K Urn,- 1 l KJvlarx it
' tm ? Ill
( rJr"i v
Copyright 191 Hart Schaffner & Man
Men with war grit
They 're saving for the fighters
THOSE of you who are old enough
to wear long trousers have "sand"
enough to want to do your bit Anything
that gives a lift to the fellows under arms
is just as distinctly a service to the country
as fighting itself
You can lend a hand when you buy
clothes If you get the all-wool kind that
wear well and last long, you save wool and
labor; that's a help to our soldiers
For the sake of economy the country's
and your owninsist on all-wool clothes
Hart Schaffner & Marx
Good Clothes Makers
We can help you save because we sell
Hart Schaffner & Marx good clothes
Sam'l Rosenblatt & Co.
. Fifth and Alder Streets