Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, May 02, 1918, Page 4, Image 4

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International Head of Union
Will Not Sanction 1m
mediate Strike.
Air Scout Travels 59 or 60 Miln mnd From Height of 2000 Yards Has
Radios of Vision of 90 Miles.
$1,600,000 INCOME, '
$5000 BONDS HELD :
Western Tl nlon President Refuse to
Refrain From Discharging 3fes
v Who Join rnion Hearing
' I Set for May 8.
' WASHINGTON'. May 1. S. J. Konen-
ump, International president of ' th
Commercial Telegraphers' Union, an
aounced tonight that ha would not
sanction a striae of onion telegraphers
pending a settlement of the contro
versy between the men and the West
ern Union and Postal Telegraph com
panies by the National 1 ar Labor
His announcement came after the
War Labor Board had received a. tele-
(ram from Xewcorab Carlton, president
f tha western Union, refusing; to com
ply with the board's request that the
company refrain from discharging- em
ployes who Join the union until after
the board could hear both aides to the
controversy. Mr. Carlton screed to ap
pear May t to state the reason why the
company has determined not to retain
In its employ men who affiliate with
tha union.
No reply was received from the Postal
Six Uassrea Reported Dlaaslaaed.
Mr. Konenkamp told tha labor board
taday that 0O telegraphers had been
discharged since Sunday. The situation
la particularly critical on tha Pacific
Coast, he said, where the service Is
badly crippled. In Seattle, ha said. 200
telegraphers have been discharged.
Earlier In the day Mr. Konenkamp
teld the board that the question of a
strike reated with tha men and that he
would go to New York and Chicago to
confer with them. In announcing: later
his compliance with tha request of the
board not to sanction a strike. Mr.
Konenkamp aald the men appreciate
that "this Is not the time to accept
challenges to fight If peace can be had
y other means.
His statement follows:
"The labor members of tha National
War Labor Board hare urged me not
to sanction a strike, d'-splto the attitude
of tha telegraph companies In refusing
to establish a truce between now and
next Wednesday, and I have consented
: to await the decision of tha labor board.
f!abr Board llaa Power.
"The labor members laid stress upon
the necessity of complying with the
Presidents proclamation, even though
ench a course Involves even greater and
mora extensive lockouts than have al
ready taken place, so that It might be
shown to the Nation that labor is loyal
to tha Uovernment at all times.
-la taktnr this step I reallxa that It
will meet with some criticism from our
members who resent the arrogant at
tftude of the ofrt-tals of the Western
T'nlon and Postal Telegraph companies.
The assurance that ' the board has
power to sustain Its decisions, how
ever, will give our people confidence
that their rights will bo recognised."
The Wsr Labor Board adjourned to
night until next Wednesday, with an
announcement by Frank P. Walsh, Joint
chairman with former President Tsff,
that It would take no action In the
controversy antil then.
SEATTLE. May 1. "Between iZi and
lie men and women operators have
been locked out thla week In Seattle
by the Western Union Tejegraph Com
pany beeans they attended an open
meeting of the Commercial Telegra
phers Union here last Sunittjr." J. K.
Campbell, of Vancouver. B. C Interna
tional vice-presides I of tha Operators
Union, asserted hero today.
George Seeour, President of Local
j Colon, Slakes Statement.
FAX FRANCISCO. May I. (Special.)
Although rendered mora acute by the
etucharge of three operators by tha
Western Union Telegraph Company, the
fight between the National organization
of telegraphers and tha companies prob
ably will ant lead to a strike In San
Francisco. This was: the statement to
day of George Seeour. president of the
local union.
Feeour Is nrw of the three men die-
PerPair Sj
CsJferBklck eA
GesiMetal Jf a IJ
To walk into a store
and say, "1 want a pair
of Army Shoes" is.
all right as far as it
goes. But only when
you insist on the
(Copyright. Ills, by the Press Publishing
Company. The New Tork World.)
HE Captain of a big British oil
tank steamer that had been cap
tured and sunk told me the fol
lowing piece of history. I afterwards
verified this and vouch for Its truth:
While tha Wolf was lying- at Sunday
Island, underrolna- ren&lra to her ball.
jers. the prisoners were furnished with
fish hooks and lines and a couple of
Jolly boats snd allowed to go among
the rocks and catch fish. Each boat,
of course, was In charge of an armed
sentry. After fishing they would re
tarn to the Wolf each night.
Ob the night before the Wolf was to
sail two men, the chief mate and first
assistant engineer of the steamship
Turltella, dropped overboard and swam
for shore. Tha next day the Wolf
started as per schedule, and these men
were not missed- for three days. When
their loss was finally discovered there
was a great rumpus, and as a punish
ment all the prisoners were kept below
deck for 2S days, only being allowed on
deck for one hour each day for exer
cise. The British Captain said that
those were the worst days he ever ex
perlenced In his life, and that each
day he and the rest were getting per
ceptibly thinner. ,
"Hell Hole Cleaned Oat-
Just about this' time I got the sign
from the sentry that the prisoner off!
cer wss coming and I had to beat i
retreat. Afterward I found out It was
not the prisoner officer, but the mine
officer. Lieutenant Dedrlck, who proved
to be a humane officer and champion
of the prisoners.
Dedrlck came down below into the
hell hole and got ona good lungful of
the rotten atmosphere and went Im
mediately to the commander and re
ported conditions.
Commander Nerger at once called
both doctors and accompanied them aft
on a tour of Investigation. The next
day everybody was chased on deck and
the hell hole below was cleaned out
and painted and better ventilation ar
ranged for. Also the captured Cap
tains and ships officers were given
quarters for themselves, while the
whites and blacks were separated. On
the whole, conditions for these 200 men
were Improved 100 per cent.
The prisoner officer was confined to
his room for five days for letting such
a condition exist. Nerger had Inspected
these quarters before, but only when
the men were on deck and the place
freshly cleaned out. Personally I do
not think ha knew how bad conditions
Hvdraplaae fsed aa Sewat.
All thla timo we were steaming In a
northerly and westerly direction. When
wo arrived at the southernmost end of
New Guinea we stopped and lay to for
a couple of days. I soon learned that
we were waiting for a steamer and ex
pected her any minute. Muring these
dsrs tha Wolf's hydroplane would, go
np to reeonnotter three times a day.
It would travel (0 or 0 m!ls on clear
days and from a height of 1000 yards It
had a vision for SO miles.
One of ths German aailora told me
that In another day or so we should
have plenty of beer that they had
picked up a wireless messsge stating
that the Australian steamer Matunaa
would soon arrive In Rebul with 600
tona of coal for the Government. 100
tons of foodstuffs, aa many hundred
cases of beer, and so forth.
Sure enough, on the morning of
August 4 1 was awakened by my or
derly with the usual supply of cotton
batting for our ears. Shortly there
after there was a bang from one of the
cannon and the Matunga stopped. Lieu
tenant Rose and (he prize crew went
on board and took charge. .
In about an hour the launch came
back with the Metunga's captain, Don
aldson, and his officers and crew, also
If Australian soldiers who were en
route to the Islands. Both steamers
then proceeded north, arriving on Au
gust 10 at what we named Pirate Cove.
Naked New Guineana. men, women
and children, camo out to the Wolf in
30-foot long native canoes, and for to
bacco, which was the only understand
able word they could say. they offered
to swap parrots, pigs, cocoanuts, sugar
cane, bits of coral, woven mats of gar
ish colors and queer patterns showing
whales, birds and primitive human fig
ures. The Wolfs officers got first whack
at the bargains and) went in strong- for
the fancy mattings, but when tbey got
them aboard found them full of native
These souvenirs for their wives and
sweethearts were promptly turned
over to the "anesthetic department"
and cleaned. For the Wolf had on
board Jt complete dlslousing plant.
A. C. Townley Admits, Non
partisan League Is Not.
Backing War Loans.
Senate Committee Told Organization
Hot Profit-Making- Scheme by
President, Who Admits He
Was Twice Indicted.
WASHINGTON, May 1. Charges that
leaders and members of the Farmers'
National Non-Partlsan League are dis
loyal were answerAri tnHav K.rnr. th.
through which all new prisoners, male senate military committee by A. C.
or female, were put, whether you Townley, of St. Paul, the league's presl
needed It or not. I deht. who is under Indictment for al-
The German prisoners had second leged violation of the Minnesota laws,
choice after their officers, and went Townley categorically denied that
In strong for parrots and cocoanuts. the organization was disloyal.
The prisoners, who could buy tobacco "The majority of the voters of North
at the Wolfs canteen If they had the Dakota are members of the league in-
money, had last choice of the New eluding the Governor and state 'offl-
Guinea merchandise. I had no money Cers," Townley said. "We don't want
on tne eeiuga. naving seni mine oj to D8 ostracised. If the charge is true
draft to Sydney, but I had stacks of a great many people In the Northwest-
ciotnes, ana to get a. nine ratay cmn- i ern states would be traitors.'
teen money I sold some of them, tne Townley said 90 per cent of North
wous eriicers paying me t-a lor eec- Dakota farmers belong to the league,
ond-hand suits and $3 for second-hsnd I ana that about 50,000 farmers each In
shoes. I North Dakota and Minnesota are mem-
woir uets tneer .n ascot. i Ders- In Dotn 8tates, he eald, there
The natives were cleaned out by the I had been oversubscriptions to liberty
Wolf. Among the purchases was an bonds.
alleged New Guinea pig. which had the I Senator Weeks, of Massachusetts, de-
legs and body of a deer and the bead I veloped that, the league'a annual dues
of a porker and it bad fur, too. 1 1 are t$. "That would make receipts of
never saw anything like It. it aldntlat least 1800.000 a year, he observed.
have an orthodox corkscrew pigtail, I "How much did the league, as an or
but a. compromise between a pig's ana I ganlzatlon, subscribe to the loans?"
deer's tail. The pig mascot was I Townley replied that nothing had
given the freedom of the wolf, ana I been subscribed to the first and second
dashed If It didn't lick every dog on I loans, but that 15000 was taken In the
the ship. We had seven dogs aboard, I third.
taken from -sunken ships dachshunds. I Townley put the league's lnoome at
fox terriers, all sorts and the pugna- I SI, 600,000, and Senator Weeks asked
clous deer-pig cleaned them all up. I why it had subscribed for only $5000
But the Germans were too mucn I worth of bonds.
for it. After two months in German I "We are not a profit-making corpora
company the pig couldn t stand it any I tlon, Townley responded.
longer, snd after the slaughter on the I Townley eald he had been twice In
Hitschl Maru, of which It was an eye- I dieted under Minnesota state laws. The
witness. It committed suicide by leap- I basis of one Indictment, he asserted,
Ing Oown sn open hatch to its death B0 I waa a speech In which he said the war
feet .clow. The Germans buried the I was caused by "industrial autocracy,
pig st sea with military honors. I The other Indictment charged unlaw-
An.frmlla.a Are Boastful. assembling.
While laying to In Pirate Cove the
cargo and coal of the Matunga. were
transferred to the Wolf, also nine of
the Matunga's passengers and the bal
ance of her crew. I WASHINGTON. May 1. The casualty
Quarters were provided for these hi.t todav contained 75 names, rilvirlorl
passengers on ine same ore i aI follows:
was. -mere was a oione snu jcniert in .Mir,. .iht- rii.4 r ..
and his wife, belonging to the Aus- one; died of accident, one: died of disease.
rallan Medical Corps, three Australian I three: died from other causes, one: wounded
military captains, three civilian plant- I severely, five; wounded silently, fit; missing
.r. wh were en route to their plama-l'n aciion, iwo
tions on the island, and the stewardess I -inree omcers were named. Lieu-
or the Mat tinea. tenants William H. Jenkins and Frank
This addition of prisoners to the top "n . reancn are missing in, action
m-a. m. welcome change to myself and Lieutenant Nathaniel C. Reed was
and family, as it gave us someoody to I wounaea sugnuy.
talk to. and I was also able to ret im use rouows
news of the war from another source I Killed In action Sergeant Arvld Ceder-
:han the Germane. I was anxious to I noim. i orpnr.ii jonn . uties. George
earn what steps America had taken tmm' - S"r. Enri
or Forest. James N. Joyce.
IO near xnoso auuii -"h ni.H hi..... d ,.... i T
you womo ni " I Barnott. Charles H. Bolden. Benjamin mil.
was a high lark, and that Just ss soon I Died from wounds Private Lyndon L.
as Britain got. arounn m u. ane, cury,
Utesisted by the Australian forces, would I ried of accident Private John Teas.
Send Greetings to
Our Soldier Boys
To the boy who's away,
A message a day
Will keep cheer in his
And the blues away.
50 and $1.00
Tablets 25t
A new papeterle with
lined envelope,
75 and $1.00
Insignia Stationery
Box 50
$2.50 3-qt Molded Red Rubber Fountain
Syringe 2-year guarantee. Special 1.59
2-quart "Wood -Lark" Combination Hot
Water Bottle and Fountain Syringe one
year guarantee. Price 2.25
Red Rubber Toys for children. Price 35
Official Casualty List.
ase Kritzey off the map.
(To Fe Continued.)
Died from other causes
I A. Mowery.
-Private Howard
BZ. U.S. fear. Oss.
are you sore of gettins the
roost for your money the
most comfort, the most serv
ice, the most value.
For practical, everyday wear
for lasting comfort you can't
beat the Buckhecht Army
Shoe. Made on the Munsoo
Last specified by tne U. 5.
Army worn by all of oar
soldiers and thousands of smea
ia anl Lie.
Leek for oar reris'sred trade mark
BUCKHECHT stamped oa
very pair to protect J on.
Bocauagkavm &. Hecht
M.esrfsilMs S Free raw a
I The RsM-fchee-ht Araay Ssse as la
tre Feetlaiesl tT t H. "sker. II
la srtbe wea by prtaeipel If
dealer. H
I Mssefseterers Pan Fraartere D
missed last week by the TostaI Tele
graph Company for union activities.
doc our said two men operators and one
woman were discharged Monday by the
Western Union after they had joined
the union. The two men discharged
were John sf. Serre and Uavid Allen.
Advices were received by scconr to
day to the effect that S. J. Konenkamp,
president of the Commercial Telegraph.
ra Union of America, had made repre
sentations to the War Labor Board
seeking; Immediate action to prevent the
companies from continuing; tneir pol
icy of dtschsrg-ing- operators ror union
Seeour said be had been informed that
Newton Carlton, president of the West
ern Union, and Kdward Reynolds, vice-
president and general manager of tne
Postal, have been summoned to appear
before the War Labor Board in asn
Ington on Saturday.
We are making; every errort to pre
vent a local atriko or walkout In this
city. seeour said. "We realise the
seriousness of the situation Irom tne
Government's standpoint and propose to
adhere strictly to the wishes of the
We propose to guide our course in
such a way that no blame or odium
will be attached to our actions. The
telegraph companies have seen fit to
olace themselves above the uovernment.
Their action In discharging telegraph
ers for no other reason than their
union affiliations Is a direct challenge
to the pronouncement of the War La
bor Board affirming the right or
workers to organise. The outcome Is
of keen Interest to every organised
worker In the United Ststes.
Aecording to Seeour. many non-union
operators have been sent rrom &sn
Francisco and other Western cities to
Seattle, where the largest number of
onion telegraphers are out.
Restaaraat Preprteters te Flave Ltaa
Ited Asaesnt ef Bresd n Table
l aser Pewalty et FIs.
After a Joint meeting of the caterers
and bakers' associations la the offices
of Food Administrator Ayer yesterday,
s new war-bread programme for res
taurants was agreed upon. All bread
will be mixed on a basis of 40 per cent
substitute hereafter and baked In two.
pound loaves. By cutting these loaves
Into slices and allowing only two
slices to each patron the eating-houses
can offer one slice of pie or piece of
pastry and still stay within their al
lowance of one ounce of wheat to each
The restaurant proprietors are al
lowed to put only two slices of bread
before each patron, but cornbread and
Figure Prevailing on July 30,
1917, Is Legalized.
wounded severely Corporals Walter G.
Caul, John Murray. Privates Raphael Carbo,
jonn j. cook, jtoDert is, itemington.
Wounded silently Lieutenant N'athani.i
C Reed. Corporals Edward D. Brown. Dan
iel Caplet. Leon T. Colman. Bernard F. Cun-
ningnam, James . Ienlce. Joseph A. Dixon
John C Fleming. Charles J. Krey. Carroll
V. UleasoD, If red Morln. William U. Whit
man. Sergeants (ieorxo A. Gillespie. Chester
tmltn: Mechanics Artliur A. .Prescott. Fran
cis D, Qulgley: Cook Victor A. Tatro; Pri
vates Alfred John Appleyard, Angelo Bal-
lanflelll, Harold V. Jjoggs, John II. Breen.
I.ufgl Cerullo. Chester K. Cooper, Napoleon
Duuamei, Daniel d. .rwin. Louis Farona, A),
bert Fllteau. Walter 11. Fisher, William 8.
Foster. Bernard R. Garrity, Thomas M.
Gavaln. George K. Gochie. Austin 8. Har
low, James W. Hyatt. Harold H. Johnson
Alfred J. Justice. Thomas Kicley, Thomaa
G. Laston, William H. Nicholson, Mike
l'aternnstro. Kozard J. Pollxzottl. Lester J
notch, Frank C. 8chroeder, William Stromakl,
Henry A. Bull Ivan. William J. Tatro. John
Vv. Thomas, Leroy F. Webber. August H.
Wigren, James Zambone, Joseph Zapolsky.
Missing In sction Lieutenants William H.
Jenkins and Franklin B. Fed reck.
A total of 112 sick and wounded sol
diers were returned to the United
States from France in the week ending
April 26. the Surgeon-General's office
today announced.
DAYTCHf. O.. May 1. Lloyd Allen,
aged 24. of New Tork City, a cadet
WASHINGTON'. Jlar 1. The Govern- flyer at the Wilbur WYight aviation
. . i!n Ho.t.r. in ru a I field, met Instant death today when
, , . . , j.j I his machine became unmanageable
commission of 3 per cent for ungraded ..vino- r,r.n riio-hr
ana 3 Per cent lor graueu wui. ,nd crashed into one of the school
was made known by the ar Indus-1 buildings on the ground.
tries Board today when It officially
. ft. i.ilnn of last weelc in
fixing the price of raw wool to the BtLUIAIMS SLAVtS IU HUNS
producers at that prevailing juiy o,
Patriotic Attitude . of. Both .Dealer
and Producer Commended W
X. McKellar Named to Super-
rise Entire V. S. Clip.
The commission will cover all stor
age. cartage and Insurance, Including
marine Insurance of imported wool, ana
this will be added to the price of the
wool as It leaves the dealers' hands. . ki..i,.i ' have been compelled to work on mill-
are arranging to make a blanket Price nr1- . . h wh.
growers when wool Is sold and Mntrles behind the German
Men and. Boys Work Under Whip of
German Sentries. ,
LONDON1, via Ottawa, May 1. Twenty-
five thousand Belgian men and boys
to th
delivered by the dealers.
German sentries behind the German
lines In the regions of Valenciennes and
The prices were fixed voluntarily by Maubeug;o aione, according to Router's
agreement with the Industry. A new
price, to be made effective August 1
will be fixed at a conference two
The mortality in the camp of the de
ported Belgians, it reports. Is terrible.
weeks before the expiration of the Tne numbrs sent back as unfit are re-
three months' prices.
The general public, under the Gov
ernment's price-fixing policy, will
share .In the prices obtained by the
In making Ha official announcement
of Its action last week In fixing the
price of raw wool on the basis of that
prevailing; at Boston ror washed wool.
July 39 last, the committee paid trib
ute to tne patriotic attnuae tssen oy
both the growers and dealers.
WASHINGTON. May 1. The prlce
flxlng committee of the AVer Industries
Board today fixed the maximum price I
of the present stocks of packed and
country hides at thar prevailing April
34, this year. By thua stabilising the!
raw material, officials think a reduc
tion In the cost of shoes will be ef-
The complete schedule of hide and!
skin prices fixed by the committee to-
placed by fresh recruits.
Boils, broils, fries
and toasts. Any
two operations at,
same time, one -above and the
other below coils. Price $7.50
Hotpoint Ovenette -. . . .".$3.50
Free demonstration by factory ex
pert. Come in and let her show you.
Double S. & H. Stamps this week
on all electric goods.
25c "Listerated Antiseptic Tooth Powder,
3 for 65
25c Cla-wood Peroxide Dental Cream,
5 for $1.00
25c Camphor Cream, 3 for 65d
50c Pepsodent Tooth Paste 45
25c Colgate's Dental Ribbon 23t3
25c Lyon's Tooth Powder or Paste 205
25c Bathasweet 23
50c Lablache Face Powder, all shades. .45
50c Java Riz Powder all shades 45
50c Santiseptic Lotion
50c Robertine , 43
50c Camelline 40
25c Syke's Comfort Powder -22
Eau de Japora S1.00
Derma Royale Beauty Lotion S1.00
50c Limestone Phosphate .45
50c Cascarets 43
50c Lane's Family Tea .40
$1.00 Ayers' Hair Vigor. . . 90
$1.00 Danderine 89
$1.00 Johnstone's Sarsaparilla 90
60c Bromo Seltzer .50t5
$1.00 Listerine 85
50c Foley's Honey and Tar 45 J
60c California Syrup of Figs 50
$1.50 Fellows' Syrup .-...$1.35
75c Scott's Emulsion .69
25c Carter's Liver Pills 19
35c Castoria . ... . .29
50c Hoff's Liniment 40t
30c Bromo Quinine 25
Cla-Wood Poison Oak Salve 25d
Alwaya- 8: SUm'psjijgv Three, floors
Emperor Charles Starts for
Conference. With Kaiser.
Ukrainian and Balkan Affairs Men
tioned as Subjects That Will
Be Di&oiiscd at German
LONDON, May 1. Emperor Charle
of Austria-Hungary, accompanied by
Baron Burian, the Foreign Minister,
and their respective staffs, accordin
to an Exchange Telegraph dispatch
from Zurich, will proceed almost 1m
mediately to German headquarters to
confer with the German Emperor.
Ukrainian and Balkan affairs. It I
added, will he discussed.
MOSCOW, April 23. 'By the Asso.
elated Press.) Reports have been re
ceived here of tne disarmament of
anarchists' quarters In Petrograd on
the night of April 22 without resistance
or untoward Incident.
Detachments of General Kaledines'
Cossack forces entered Novo Tcherkask
capital of the Don Cossack region, on
April 17. The Hoviet iorces iook tne
offensive the next day ana recapturea
the town.
MOSCOW, April 18. (By the Asso
elated Press.) A strong protest has
been made by M. Tchltcherln, Russian
Foreien Minister, to the Roumanian
Premier concerning the announcement
ths.t reDresentatlves of Bessarabia had
proclaimed the union of their country
with Rouraanla and that Roumania
would hereafter regard Bessarabia as
an integral part of Roumania.
This, says Minister Tchltcherln, Is
not only In defiance of the Russian
Soviet republic, Dut is a nagrani viola
tion of an agreement previously con
cluded with Russia for the evacuation
of Bessarabia.
It Is also a violation of the asplra
tions of the local population, and ex.
nresses only the will of the large land'
owners of Bessarabia, "who are sworn
enemies of the Deople and adepts- in
exploiting them under the protection
of Roumanian bayonets."
The fusion of the two countries, he
declared, will not destroy the fraternal
solidarity which unites the working
masses of Bessarabia and Russia.
We Are Building
barley cakes may be supplied without day contains some 1500 different prices.
Restaurant proprietors who place a
large plateful of bread on the table
are liable to fine hereafter.
Ia order to further save wheat. H.
W. Kent, secretary of the Portland
Caterers' Association, Is preparing
plans for a special lunch to be put up
for men to carry to their work wlslch
will provide plenty to eat In an at
tractive manner without the use of
wheat bread.
Quantities of wheat bread have been
used In work Ins; men's lunches In the
past and this measure, made necessary
by the food conservation programme,
will result In a large savin- ot wheat
flour. -
They axe for the kill of May, June and
July. hlle somewhat higher than
their differential value of present etocl
and market prices, the prices are de
clared by the committee to be reason
able. Full control by the Government
over all Imported hides and skins.
through Its Import license system.
caused the committee to fix the prices
for Imported hides the same as for the
domestic hides.
Tanners will be called by the price
fixing committee at once, with a view
of establishing fair and equitable prices
on leather, and the committee will, it
Is stated, endeavor to see that leather
products reach the consumer at fair
Government Ships
At Astoria by the Sea, and Want Immediately
250 shipwrights, carpenters and laborers. Wages from
$3.85 for common labor to $6.60 for shipwrights night
shifts 5 additional.
Board and room $1 to $1.25 per day.
The eountry needs ships and in helping us build them, you
can do your bit without going abroad.
McEachern Ship Co.
Astoria, Oregon
Courtesies Extended Are Acknowl
edged by Dr. Tanlmnra.
Dr. Issa Tanlmura, representative of
the agricultural department of Japan,
tendered a dianer last night at the
Hotel Portland to prominent Portland
men. In recognition of the courtesies
extended him during his visit.
Those present were S. Akamatu,
Japanese Consul: C. C. Colt, Dr. A. C.
Smith, Robert Stanfield, W. P. Dickey,
E. W. Rumble, R. D. Inman, C. B.
Moores, H. C. Hegardt, W. D. B. Dodson
and IL L. Corbett.
Dr. Tanimura departs for Japan
within the coming week. For the past
three months he has studied the sheep
raising Industry in Oregon and
throughout the United States, commis
sioned to make his report to the
Japanese government with the proba
bility that the industry will be taken
up In that country.
City Commission's Proposed Cut In
Trices Disappointment.
Whether milk distributors and dairy
men will comply with the recommen
dation ot the City Milk Commission
appointed by Mayor Baker, to cut the
price of milk halt a cent a quart, is
yet uncertain. They said yesterday
that while they had read of the com- '
mission's recommendations they had
not been officially notified and had not
The dairymen. It is said, were look
ing for an Increase in price rather
than a cut. Also they say they were
expecting the inauguration of some re
forms to eliminate waste. It is prob
able that representatives of the dairy,
men will confer with the Milk Com
mission today.
Read The Orrgonian clnsHiflod ads.
Marvelous Duo Art
Requires No Pedaling
In the Duo Art, the air chamber is kept filled with air
without pedaling. This enables the one playing to devote
his entire attention to interpretation, thus making the
instrument a pleasure instead of a labor.
The Duo Art is ideal for Dancing:, as no attention is re
quired after the roll (any make) is inserted. Because of
the superior Tone Coloring, Time Control, and Solo Ac
centing features, the Duo Art dance music is perfect.
The Duo Art is far ahead of all other Players in these
vital features.
1 Tone Gradation having practically twice the number
of Tone Gradations of any other player instrument,
producing perfect "tone color impossible in any
other Player.
2 'rTime" Control which not only regulates the time
but instructs and guides the one playing, assuring the
correct interpretation of the selection.
3 Accenting the Solo bringing out perfectly the solo
(or melody), but at the same time controlling the ac
companiment so that it properly supports the Solo.
4 Simplicity of Construction No complicated' or trouble
some mechanisms, as in other - Players.
5 Reproducing the actual playing of the Great Pianists
with the wonderful Duo Art Rolls, as perfectly as
the Victrola reproduces the voice of Caruso and
other great artists.
There are so many interesting things about the Duo Art.
We cordially invite you to come in to see and hear it.
Sherman Jlfav &jGa
Sixth asd Morrises Streets
(Opposite Postofflce)
Seattle Taeo ma Spokane.