Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, May 02, 1918, Page 20, Image 20

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J. C. Tait Surprised That Brit- A
a a a -t. fa " 'A
isn snouia inx bruiser
Outside Zeebrugge. 2
50c Polish Mops Today for 25c
A very serviceable polish mop "deans, dust and
polishes at the una time" just half price today. Shaped
to Tit the corners, with adjustable handle. For wax sur
faces, linoleum, woodwork. Padded to protect the furni
ture. Can be washed and renewed. Complete in tin
container 25c.
23c CAN OF
Good size can.
'enter Aisle. Bargain square, iijuu i loor
Thrift Stamps
and War Savings Stamps on
sale at our Accommodation Bu
reau, Basement. A filled Thrift
Card of sixteen 25c Stamps with
16c added is immediately ex
changeable for a War Savings
Stamp worth $5 Jan. 1, '1923.
Tickets for Lecture by
Dr. Edmond C. Labbe
at Little Theater, .Twenty-third and Washing
ton streets, Friday evening, May 3, at 8:15 P.
M "The Problem of the Child in France and
Belgium." Benefit of Homeless Belgian Chil
dren tickets 50c. On sale Book Shop, Fifth
Conrrr'e-Laden Craft Scuttled Be
fore German Bate 20-Knot Ship,
Say American Cltlsen Who
Was Member of Crew.
' Twenty-two years ago. off the County
Cork, on the coaat of Ireland, a Port
land man encased In the annua) ma
aeuvera of the British navy on the
cruiser Brilliant, which was recently
(tiled with concrete and blown up by
Kne-Iand to block the harbor of Zee
Janes C. Tait. dealer In building ma
tertala at U Madison street. Is the
man who entered the navy of Great
Britain In UK and after a few months
oa a training ship was assigned to the
reserve cruiser Brilliant for the sham
battle between the fleets of Chatham
and Portsmouth. '
Brllltaa Wmmt Craft.
"She was a fast ship la her day.'
aid Mr. Tait la discussing the Brll
lLaat yestsrday. "and I am surprised
that the British navy would destroy
her as they did at Zeebrugge. She was
rated at 2 knots an hour and was sim
ilar to the United States erulser Bos
ton. She was used as a reserve erulser
br the British aavy and as far as I
know never was oa any commission.
"Whoa I was put on the Brilliant I
was a greea seamaa who bad never
been off the training ship before. The
Brilliant was my nrst sailing veesel
ad I hardly realised the seriousness of
the naval maneuvers that I went
through on her. To me, at that time, it
was all for a good time, and I eajoyeo
it ss best I could. We eame down from
the naval arsenal at Chatham en the
Thames and put ont Into the channel,
where Mr sham battle was to be
"When wo were off County Cork, en
the coast of Ireland, we sighted the
assays destroyers and after we had
chased them for about six or seven
hours, tiring blank charges at them,
the Admiral who refereed the big game
called It off and declared our aide to
be the winner.
"That wan my only experience on the
BliUtaat. After three months the an-
nnal mobilisation was completed and I
was put on a regular nailing ship. The
Brilliant was a good vessel ana it
mmt a shame that they had to Junk
Mr. Tart Beeoseeo C. P. O.
Mr. Tait remained la the British
navy and when ho cams out to the
PaciSa Coast and purchased his dis
charge from H. it. S. Shearwater. In
. It was as Chief Petty Officer. Since
coming to the Coast ho has lived In
Tortiand and engaged la the building
' saatecial business
One of the most etcltlng experiences
wTiloh Xr. Tait had la the navy was
during the Turkish rebellion of
On the ship Illustrious, be was sent to
the Mediterranean to help repress the
rebellion there, which was a masaacre
of women and children of periodic re
currence. The Illustrious put la at
Candta. on the Island of Crete, and the
order was sent ashore that unless the
ringleaders were given over within 41
knurs the town would bo shelled. The
leaders were turned over to the com
mander of the vessel and were sen
tenced to be hung by a court martial
of ship officers. Oa scaffold In ths
most prominent part of the town, where
all the natives could witnsas the pun
ishment of their leaders, the 41 men
were strung up seven at a time and
hung from noon to sunset, when the
natives cams and took the bodies away.
"PToand Certlncate Treasured.
It was In this mission that Mr. Tait
received wounds which resulted In a
wound certificate being granted him.
This parchment, now yellow with age.
la one of the most tressured of Mr.
Tail's possessions.
-If I were not a cltlsen of ths United
States I would probably have been
called back to the British naval service
long before this.- said Mr. Tait. "but
if I am needed to serve on the ocean I
want to go for the United States. If
ths war keeps up long enough I will
volunteer ray services to this country's
Navy to help lick the Kaiser.
Receipt Will Go Into Oregon Brit
Ish Dependents' Fund.
A vaudeville performance will be
given by the British Red Cross So
ciety at the Lincoln High School audi
torium on Tuesday. May 7. at S o'clock
P. M ths proceeds of which will be
devoted to the Oregon British Depend
ents fund. The turns will be entirely
local talent and among the attractions
wt!I bo a sketch written by Mrs. Mac le
Holmes Parsons, of the University of
Oregon, featuring Mrs. Eleanor San
ford Large, of Portland. In the princi
pal role. Interpretative and character
dancing as well as several vooal and
Instrumental numbers.
Tickets may bo obtained at ths Brit
ish Consulate. Ainsworth building, cor
ner of Third and Oak streets, and at
the door on the evening of the performance.
Mrs. -Miller Says Brother Refuse to
Assist Mother.
Thst her mother will soon become a
county charge aniens the two sons are
compelled to pay fl.Ss a month each
as. ordered by the County Commission
ers March 4. la the sworn statsment of
Mrs. Msry Miller, daughter of Mrs.
Klla Cox. In an affidavit filed yester
day with ths board. She asks that the
brothers bo again cited before the
board and ordered to make ths re
quired payments.
Mrs. Miller alleges that her mother
Is la a critical condition and la In ur
gent need of help. Her two brothers,
sns says; are financially able to pro
vide for their mother, but have re
fused to obey the order of the board.
The citation was given to 8beriff
Hurlburt to serve and another heart-rig
probably will bo held by ths board
tomorrow morning.
Banks Has Tall Flagpole.
BANKS. Or, May 1. (Special) A
3-foot flagpole has been secured by
patriotic citizens of Banks and wlU be
erected soon In ths center of ths city
to bear Old Glory and ths honor flag
of the liberty loan drive, which now
has one star, and will soon have the
61st Amniver
A Special 3-Days Anniversary Showing and Sale Women's and Children's
Light Weight Undergarments
These balmy Spring days suggest the changing of heavy undergarments in favor of
those of lighter weight Thursday, Friday and Saturday there will be very special prices
in effect on such well-known brands as Harvard Mills, Nushape, Penn and Swan Brand
underwear all famous for their excellent wearing qualities and perfection in fit. Look to
all your underwear needs select from any of the following groups and pocket a handsome
Women's "Penn" union suits of fine
quality light weight cotton. Band top
yokes, reinforced crotch. .Low neck,
sleeveless, knee length style. Regu
lar sizes 75c Extra sizes 90c
Women's "Penn" closed bloomers,
made of fine quality light weight cot
ton. Reinforced crotch. In black,
white and pink. Regular sizes priced
at $1. Extra sizes priced" $1.25.
Women's "Harvard Mil la" vests and
pants, made of a durable tuck-etitch
fabric Elastic, well-fitting under
garmente in all Summer styles. Reg
ular sizes 86c. Extra sizes $1.
Women's "Nushape" union suits
made of extra quality lisle yam, tuck
stitch. Low neck, Eleeveless, knee
length style. Regular sizes priced at
75c Extra sizes priced 85c
Women's Swiss ribbed cotton vests
with fancy crochet lace yokes. Low
neck, sleeveless style. Regular sizes
only. Each priced in our Anniversary
Sales at 28c or 2 for 55c
Women's "Swan Brand" vests of an
excellent quality light weight mer
cerized lisle. Taped yoke. V-neck,
sleeveless style. Regular sizes only.
Specially priced at 85c.
Children's light weight' cotton vests and pants in all the popular Summer
styles. All nicely finished. Sizes 2 to 12 years. Garment priced at only 25c
Knit Underwear Shop, slain Floor.
A 3-Days9 Anniversary Sale of R. & B.
"Jewel" Design Silverware
Very special prices on the desirable "Jewel" pattern in R. & B. silverware for Thurs
day, Friday and Saturday in our 61st Anniversary Sales. This silverware is in the popu
lar gray finish and is guaranteed to give ten years of ordinary family service. One piece
Priced in Sets of Six as Follows
Teaspoons, set of six, 72f.
Dessert Spoons, set of six, $1.29.
Tablespoons, set of six, $1.44.
Soup Spoons, set of six, $1.44.
Bouillon Spoons, set of six, $1.44.
Medium Forks, set of six, $1.44.
Medium Knives, set of eix, $1.09.
Individual Salad Forks, set of six, $1.44.
Individual Butter Spreaders, set of six,
special at $1.44.
Fancy Pieces Priced as Follows
Sugar Shells, each only 291.
Butter Knives, each only '29 1
Cold Meat Forks, each only 48f .
Baby Spoons, each only 2of).
Food Pushers, each only 23f.
Gravy Ladles, each only 59f .
Berry Spoons, each only 69.
Three-Piece Child's Sets, at only 65V
Two-Piece Child's Sets, at only 49ff.
Pie Knives, each only 98.
SUverw&ro Shop. Main Floor.
Women's $1.00
White Kid
Women's white kid leather
belts in the popular 2-inch width.
All sizes. Covered kid buckles.
For wear with Spring suits,
coats and sweaters. In our 61st
Anniversary Sales 83c.
Leather Goods Bhop. Main Floor.
D o You Value Your Furs?
If so, don't delay storing them
until moths have had an oppor
tunity to lay their destructive
eggs in the soft folds.
Store Them in Our
Safety Vaults
where furs will be secure from moths,
dust, theft, fire, loss or damage from
any cause
Repairing and Remodeling
Now at Special Prices . .
Furs Received, Fourth Floor.
This Columbia Outfit for $46.50
An Anniversary Sale special on this popular Columbia outfit. Outfit
consists of Columbia Grafonola, cabinet and six 10-inch double-disc
records (12 selections) of your own choice. Machine and cabinet are
illustrated at left. Let us send this outfit to your home today.
New! Just Received!
This Popular Columbia
Grafonola for Only $75
This new model, just received, is in mahogany, walnut,
golden oak or fumed oak finish. These new grafonolas have
the same exclusive features as found in the higher priced
grafonolas and have a very sweet tone. Very moderately
priced at 75.
Make Your Own Terms in Reason
On either of the above, as on all phonographs we sell, you
can take advantage of our most liberal credit offer make
your own terms in reason.
Phonograph Shop. Sixth Floor.
is what we prophesied of our sale of 2000 new silk shirts which
began yesterday morning. We KNEW what we were saying.
The sales so far prove it. It would be strange, indeed, if it
were otherwise if such silk shirt values as this sale offers
would be allowed to go a-begging. Men read our announce
ment yesterday that we would sell
ITS Silk Shirts
at the sensationally low price of
were told of it by their good friends and either way the
result was the same: They came and bought. And they
bought liberally many taking the set of three in some pat
tern they liked particularly well. And any man who can come,
see and feel these shirts and go away without buying one is
dead to all love of fine things and proof against all the urgings
of ecdnomy, comfort, the desire to be well dressed at a hitherto
unattainable lowness of cost.
Peau de Crepes, Broadcloths, Bengalines, Jap Silks
are the materials in these shirts famous as well for
their wearing qualities as for beauty of weave and
richness of appearance. Made up into perfect shirts
by one of the country's most reliable manufacturers
of high grade shirts for men. Bought by us at a
handsome price concession and offered to you at equal
reductions. Dozens of new and exclusive patterns
and colorings for men and young men of every taste.
There are all sizes and many different sleeve
lengths in the sale. You can Bee the shirts in our
Morrison-street windows it is natural and easy to
step inside the store and examine them more closely.
When you buy as you assuredly will remember
that you may not be given such an opportunity again
in years to purchase $7.50-?8.50 and even $10.00
silk shirts at $5.65. Three is a good buy.
Men's Furnishings Shop, Main Floor
Buy Kayser
Silk Gloves
At Meier & Frank's
Our stocks are complete in
all styles, colors and sizes
for women and children, 60c
to $2.
Glove Shop, Main Floor
For Thursday A Special Sale of
New Separate Skirts
For Women
All Sixes
Separate skirts of plaid or
striped taffeta and satin striped
silk in a broad range of fashion
able colorings navy, Copen,
garnet and green combinations
as well as black.
A most attractive assortment. Skirts with shirred or plain tops, fancy
patch pockets and wide girdles.
The values are altogether exceptional at $5, quality of materials and
style newness considered. "-Apparel Shop, Fourth Floor.
New Welworth
Two charming new models
in these celebrated two-dollar
blouses go on sale today. The
same price today as years ago.
Now, as then, the best blouses
made at the money. Here
Blouse bhop. Fourth Floor.
Artificial Eyes
Cost $5 to $15
. Hardly less costly in the long
run are eyes weakened from any
cause allowed, through lack of
proper treatment, to go from bad
to worse until their function is
vitally impaired. .
What Are Your
Eyes Worth?
Surely everything in - reason
that will keep them functioning
properly. For impaired vision
consult our skilled optometrist.
Optical Shop, Mezzanine Floor.
Special Sale of
A timely Anniversary Sale of
fine quality cretonnes at yard,
33c Cretonnes suitable for Sum
mer curtains, cushions, bags, etc
A wonderful variety of colorings
from which to choose.
Sale of Curtains
. One very special group of mar
quisette curtains with real hand
made French lace at pair $5.85,
$7.65 and $8.95. Also scrim
curtains at pair, $1.65, and mar
quisette curtains at pair, $2.35.
Curtain Shop, Seventh Floor.
Universal Combination
Buy your Universal Combina
tion range during our Anniver
sary Sales and save from $7 to
$10. After our Anniversary
Sales, prices will advance.
Place your order now and we will
install your range at any time you
The Universal Combination is the
right kind of a range for any season
Summer or Winter. Burns wood,
coal or gas. Requires only 40 inches
space. Made of cast iron throughout;
durable, handsome, sanitary.
Your old range taken as part pay
ment and on the balance you can
Make Your Own
Terms in Reason
Sixth Floor, Fifth Street
Keed College, Cnlverslty of Oregon
and Benson Polytechnic to Aid.
Reoonstructloa and rehabilitation of
wounded soldiers will bs discussed at
ths members council of ths Chamber
of Commerce Monday; br Dr, .William
T. Foster, president of Rsed College,
who spent several weeks la the .study
of such work in Franco and England.
Dr. E. A. Bommer will present the
advantages which the -University of
Oregon medical school will havs to
Directors of 'ths Chamber of Com
merce havs given approval and assur
ance of aid to ths plan proposed by the
School Board for. ths uss of snson
Polytechnic as an industrial training
school for wounded soldiers.
Women, Jurors Approved by Court.
SAN FRANCISCO, May 1. The state
law permitting women to sit on juries
was upheld by ths State Suprsme Court
here today.
Bead The Oregonlan classified, ads.
for April at
Showing Made
Union Stockyards.
Comparative statistics Issued yester
day by the Portland Union Stockyards
Company for April and the first four
months of the year, compared with sim
ilar dates In 1917, show a gain In cat
tle with varying losses and gains in
other stock handled. The tables issued
Cattle. Calves. Hon. Sheep. Mule.
April, 1918. 7,08 250 16.43a 6,022 106
April. 1917. 6.475 607 19.183 8,080 170
Tear to date
1918 80.423 970 71.615 28,598 1.378
4 Mos. 1917 26,581 985 84.297 33.208 751
Total can April. 1918, 395; April, 1917,
417; year te date, 1907; four month 1917,
182. ...
Allen's Foot -Ease, the antiseptic powder to
be ahaken Into the shoes and sprinkled In
the footbath. The Plattaburg Camp Manual
advises men In training to use Foot-Ease in
their shoes each morning-. It prevents blis
ters and sore spots and relieves painful,
swollen, smarting feet and takes the stinir
out of corns and bunions. A certain relief
for sweating, callous, tired, achlnr feet.
Always use Allen's Foot-Ease to break in
new shoes. Sold everywhere, a5c Ady,