TITE 3I0RNTXG OREGOXIAN, THURSDAY, 3IAY 2, 1918. MTTlTIOW.t.TTEP-rtsmi. V." VNTF.D Position by esprl.B.d book-I k-.e-.a- and tvoi.l: r.rro-4 or mercantile I pref-v-1. reference iuralaaed. pFRMA.vr.NT do.. I loo KitH by you ' tedv. age 2u: r.pid in4 fiurit et.no 'ViBMr, torn effuff .spen.nce. bet of ret- - K 170. Or. soman. B''KKEKPf:R-A-i'OI NTANT. yr. of -, iwrsasn, will work by hour i yur afflr . -r ml mv erf I,-.- bMt ellv nffnnrfc 4 'All Rroadwar 27J2 befoe M or 'ter S .lu. -T- .- tt.. ,.TT rtvat eTtarr or g.nerel office work; r r . a,.-' i v -..-- eat of r.f. F 19. regonin. lANTED Po.l-.oa private secretary; i .pab.e ef taking charge of correepoad.ece. M A Oron1.n fcrENOGRAPHER. yr' exrr1D'-e. a anowieU- of bookkeeping. Call Et r.Mtr .r. .i.-.oi or . iar CJ.V. In.ip.nnr4. INFTXPKIlIt.NCEn atanocrapk.r wl.haa , pormannt poattloa la food locatioa. Max- .nan iji Cf'iiPETr.VT .c.no.raoh.r. bookkeeping or s-n-r.l office, work; experienced. B 242. "r.e-on'an Ill' .HI'i:HI.V .xp.ri.nod st.noarspher do- s".. poaulon. best rei.rencea. M uitl KalKlNKD young girl for gen.ral offlca work. grduata front high achool aad buslnaas coii.g. East ae. TPt'XO nut wuhea Do.lt loa. year and a ha.f bank expen.nce: good refareacaa; HI of craft. PJ 2.tV Or.gotuan. STENOGRAPHER Hlsh achool and buai- n.a coig graduate: one year's cxpe- Htif. Prions aiilwaukl. ZrQ J. M I IDL:-Ai",ED woman wtahea hoUMwnk; bo c.r. chilJrn. Eat 4 after l A. M. EFFICIENT bookkwpr and at.nographar; at of city ref.r.ncea. Main gtlt. BXPKHIEXiKD. firat-claaa stanogrspbar d.irea poMlt loo. Call MiiatMt J.XlKRIt.NCED at.nognaphr dralrM poet lion. y.ars' iprlnc. Phone East 4K. Pi aasaahera, NEAT eoamatma wlahaa children or plain .owing at noma; rtaaonabia Eaat 2aa. lrT'-DATE dreasmak.r wanta day en- gac'monl.. Call T to P. M., Main 470X iiXPr.KI tlNCEO practical nura with lie D'.t .f r.f.renrea. rliona fc. -Jia. REPINED girl would Ilka Boaltloa as child a wirva. AC 1T4. Oregonlaa. A I HACTICAL. aura wlahaa poaitloa. Wood. t.wa 1 jo. MR.iS wuhea poeittaa; mataralcy caa pr-f.rrl. Mala IU1 EXPERIENCED, practlr,! aaatsraltr IBM. sr7 umoa avo. N. Phono East T74 I far iavAiida I ir lava-Ida. I PKtVATC home, traiaed aura; Tor Haajavkewpa. M&t'aE KEEPER wanta poalUon. genUaaaaa I preferrl: CO bjctla ta chlldr. AH -1.3 tr.gonian. CuMt'ETtM womaa want day work. Call -.. r 8 PM. Wodiawa 440. Panattra. TwL'Nii womaa employed part of the day I w isa.s ta r lor room aaa aru. Tel. Wood awa IM1 WANTED TO RENT. llHM-hCU bouaw wasted, good locatioa: jmmmu.-a Bin rooma Muat ha v. om I vard. Four small children In family, hu man but not d.atrwttve. WUI leas three I moat "a t year. Addraaa roam 1118. Bea- aon Hotel. WANTfcL To reat a lustra hlgb-graUe boua.: moat b la good ciatrlct. rumlsh.d or uafuraoahad; a children. F 204. ure fon;n. WANTED A furnlahed hous. 8 or rooma; no chi.iirea. Call befor 10 A. M. or after T P. M room 8il CongTaae MoteL WANTED at anc. 3 rooma, furnished apt. or houae. aeavr fit. John car Una. Phone Tabor Kit, WANTED To r.nt houe r apartment, pra f.rab.y unfurniabed: Irvlnctoa, Laur.l hurst or Roe City Park. Tabor S4. StrONMBLb bualneaa maa dealrea to lease . 8 or T-rooot Btodara houae. Phone Tabor 7974. WANTED Permanently, small house, part ly turnisneq. py jtay a. col aeo. A part meat a. 8-ROOM furniehed apartment: prefer Weat i.ie witn gtrago panuy. J ivj, or.gonlan- WANIalD To loan 61600 on good security from private party; B commlaaloa. ?o Oregonlaa. R -,;os furalahad flat ea ground floor Mala 3038. jluOll. walking distance, breakfaat and din ner by woman employed Government of I fice. X 821. Oregonlan. GIRL dealrea room and board with private family oa Weat Clda. E. 2.19 evenlnga I J worn RFM-r. FemUhe-l Ro A Mooerate- Priced Hotel of Merit. HOTEL, CLIFFORD. Cast Morrlaoa BL and East Blvth. Hotel CllfTord la the principal East fid rTotel aad la a hotel of dignity end ra-frn-metit. Dally rat. 81 up; lea la rowan, 61 80; weekly rata. 84 and Bp. ANdoNIA HOTEL. 124 14th sl. at Washlagtaa. Rata 8t per week up, ,6c day ap Fireproof, large, attractive, spotless rooms, cieee to amusement and shopping center: catering eepecially te those desiring quiet, harmonious envlrocmenu TUI MELV1M. Treasteat rooma 6M aad an: 2 per week aad up. H. K. mat, 8681b Taaa hl I. Marehall 128. avxiptlonally deatmbl rooma, THE GARLAND HOTEL t6 Trinity and Waahtngton ata. 13 week. Main 1186. 34 week. , THE ANGELA HOTEL. -6 WASH. A atrtctiy modern, homelike hotel: larea lobby, parlor, mualc and comfort: rea-I A -o'i. o:e niri, ,Biun o ninct I IN HOItl. ut'Rnav. Weat Park and Yam-lA hill, ratea 8-i.oo amd up per week: free I pnone aad beta: good locatioa for bualneaa I reopie. LARGE front cool modem 2-roont suite, amiable for 3 mea Commercial Hotel. l:h and Wa.hlngton. MOTEL FR ANCE. Furniabed rooms; few hue.keepiag; reaaeaable. Weat park aad M-rrlaon. BUCKINGHAM HOTEL. 3oth and Waah. All eataido rooms, mod.m cenvenlence. low ret,e to trenal.nt and permanent gueeta ri. PALACE HuTCU 444 Waah eu; dewalewB .'eeatiea. reepectabl aad atnctlf asedem et..m b.at. rooma la-ga, cleaa. UoTEL ARTHUR. 176 11th SU. S black front Morrlaoa; clean and modern rooma. 31 per day, or '. pr mentn. THE hut.!. CukDOVA. 2 lith sc atrtet.y me-i.m. private baths ea aulte, raaaaa 88 ao. x.ia 4ti. a a 7 48. MOT all. OCKLaiT. MarrUia at rex at lata Rate 6oe per day ap: weekly. 33 bp: re.i.e w.'.r fre hae aad bathe FTALUuIG- SQL ' - U;) J THt C4P.TAL Ov , 3 1 . MOW 'nfc CAPOaL 1 L. J TroVT - rx ,T""W"VA i I Wl -jricjui AA,, SrO I II II I ZZ . . II I Copyrifbt, 1910, by fwspp- CTANDIbH HOTRU 4H Washiasto bL, Car. ITtk. Faraieheai n la Prt-at FstMlly. N 1JEiT f urnlitid room. auliablwj for 1 ar -. fr-n- pboa. iiMiinc Ilgbl and bath. M i. l'4tn. corner Nor thru p. COST. homtik rooms ; gntlmn prcfarrtd; rfrwca fichtnfd. 446 Taylor. I NEW furmahed room, la flna location. lir I IR vingtoN room, new bom.. 1 bik, t "l"' or "B" car: breakfast. East 419. NIi'ELY furnished from room. privet fam- J 'r. r.aonan... 34 inn su $12 FhOXT room for gentleman; nlc I nome. a nfwni ai.. nr. y.ta ana wun. ROOM for young, man In sleamhealed apart- menu ciom In. West Plde. Marshall 2MH. . rI H.vlb)ED room and Knt-heuaa. tLKilANT rootna. flna locatioa. klaxahali H. CLEAN rooma for working (Irla. and 10 month. 114 North I7lh. I BLEEPrxo-ROOMS, 810 and 12 a month. I Tamhlll. I liOTKL, BROADWAY, 22 N. Broadway: low rmioa permanent guest., st.am neat. phon. a 14TH, near Jrfferson: choice room. walking 'dlatance. Main 93. Room. frNb Boatrd. HOTEL EDISON, 20 Broadway. IXwBlm realdential boteL Amarlcaa plan. Rate reasonable. 412 MORRISON, cor. JSth. choice rooms and board, modern convenience; walking; dla- itnca PAHKV1EW r.mliy hot,. SH8 Montgomery su. In Sooth Parkway; walking dlatance: excellent taole; reasonable rat.a. M STsX THE WEAVER. 710 Wash- at-. Maraaall H7o Koold.ntial hotel, reasonable rata; pnftia pnona and batn id ovary room. I ROOM aad board for bualneaa glrle; ail moaern convenience: walking atetaace; SJ o per weg. E. 47BZ. 12 E. TIB SU THE MARTHA WASHINGTON. IM Teuth at. For bualneaa glrla aad ats denta. Reaaonable ratea. Marshall 1UL Usssas WHS tVoara wm frtvato Faaatty. LARGE room on first floor: alao on oa sec ond; ue of parlor and piano: large, cool porch: 9 meals a day; reasonable rata; near Bt. Johns carllne. E. 6160. IN IRVINGTON. Broadway earlm. large. rront room: alao on wun si.pin-prcb; ahowar bath aad horn comfort. East 188, LARGE, attractive room for a r two tn beautiful room acre freaa Multnomah j Club. Main 7720. ROOM AND BOARD far tw. young m.a; a meais; mooern. East 7977. FL'RNSUED room, strictly pnvat family. I toud if , v vi.i-.n mi I aoard it aaairad. T48 K. Madlaan at. WANTED ChLdroa to room aad board. B 144. COST, wall furnished room, la f!rst-laaal apartment: central. Marshall 2402. ROOM aad board for gentlamaai la prtvmt family. Phono K. 8"8. Fa raided Apatrtaaesna. TUB CROMWELL. Fifth and Columbia 8ta. Five minutes' walk to Meier aV Frank's 1 etero: good aurroundings; strictly modem a and room furniabed apartmenta, all utataew with rrencb doors and balcoal, ATTRACTIVE RATKM. FETtMANENT OR TRANSIENT. TTLI.A BT. CLARA. Twelfth aad Taylor. Meet modern apartmenta a the raclfi Ceaat; furalabed oampiet. Roof Garden ia Coaaoetloa. walking distance. Heferaee 3 LARGfc, bouaekeeplng eultee, ateam heat, hot and cold water, electrtot llgnia, fur nuhed complete. 316 a month: one single housekeeping room, furniabed. 812 a month. Xsl Tamhlll. THE STANFIELD. 204 Porter street shlp- yarda: light outside 3-roont apta.. com- pi'teiy furnished, reaaonable. Phone Maia 73i THE PENROSE. Grand ava. between Mor rlaoa and Belmont. Three rooma ram. ?n.tmi,,iiJ"""h,d- J1"1 D"F ld"; Wh" enameled and mahogany finish. E. 4648. I KING ALBERT APIS. New 2oo-roora house, 2 aad 8 -room I.Uh!Jft?!.."i". .urnu,n1 I"?-- nl.hed. 11th and Montgomery. Mala 869. THE EVERETT I 644 Everett, between 20th and Ella eta. I Furniabed 3-room apt., all autalda rooma. I . waiamg niatance. ... . . - i INORA-FLO apartmenta. 864 E. Madlaon at. wot -room apartment, ground floor, ail LUUKUI.UI rm. CAAl OUOJ. 6260 NO. 19 Large front room apt. and kitchenette, finely finely f urn lehed. only 320; I Tel. Broadway 2,22. I relerencea. FURNISHED housekeeping rooma: ataam heat; ao children. 610 Flanders, cor. ef lain. Broadway 14oo. UT: mrl UtmlT? s-7on P": walking distance. The Alco. Cut Couch and Union ave. L" Li ANA APT., 48 Trinity Place. 3-room, '"I, timuaoa apaxemant. Aiar ehell 93. 2-llw.M fumlahed front apt., for housekeep- 1 6 - ing. IS 60 month. 847 Morrison su Broad way 2612. CARLOTTA COURT. Everett aad 17ta taou.rn. waiaing oistanca. DIEL APTS.. 790 E. Ankeny: mod., comp- tur., a-room apt., clean, airy. K. lo8. CHOICE apartment. 314. Corner Union ava. ano Kllilngawortn: onck oul,dlng. ELEGANTLY furnished 6-room apartmenta. sleeping porch. Ref. req. Mar. 2830. CLINTON AIT.. 3 ran. 2 dreaa. ran., prlv. bath. 623 E. lth. Campbell. 611. 1032. THE DEZENDORF. 208 16th SU. ale 6- room xurntsned apartment. NEW 3 or 4, all outside rooms. 240 E, 16th ana stain, fnon fcaat 86hl. ATTRACTIVE 6-room apartment, Weat Side. i ooi ror gummer. Htu zitu. (-ROOM apt., furnished awell. 326. 192 W r.. ata. cor. sandy. East 1347. 2-ROOM fumlahed apu for housekeep- ins. ef muni rx. o.l Morrison St. 2-ROOM fumlahed front apt. for house' keeping. Broadway 2612. rafurnlmned A pen tmaata. HAFLET APTS. 3 large outside unfurnished rooms, modem, private batb and phone. 8 13th at. Phone Main 3Q43. KO-K-KRIilND. B'WAT at JEFFERSON ST r.yw LJZrZ'i:?"1 I - vr, i-w. .-room apu, pnvaie oata, reat i a--, jjj unapman. cor. Ann. TUB ORMONDE Four-room. front. Flanders. Nob Hill. Broadway 3S73. 666 I BL'BNA VISTA 2 aad 3 rooms; reference. 1 Mara lovi. 1 MARLBOROUGH, flat and Fiend $ and 6-room. reaaonable. Main T816. WEIST APARTMENT81 69 N. 33d street I VV a large room ape. and private porch. I I'arakael er I'afsrokked Apartmewle. THE HA1IKKR. &i Irving at. Two. three and four rooma: modern. Phone Marshall 21'1. Fsatwrw Swryice. Inc. Crt BritaanT Rights R-rd. Ragiaterwd in U. . Pnot Offic FOB RET. Famished or rnfnm taped A part meat. KINOSBURT APT8.. JgS Vista til, Sod ud Waehlngtoo; v.rv deslrabl 3 and 4-room with outaid baleeay, furalshvd aad ua furnlahad. JAEGER APT". King and Washing tea. a aad 4 -room apta. ONB furnished 3-room apt., disappearing beds, private batb and phone; West Side, about 5 blocks from Morrlaoa; 327.60. Main 216. LUCKETIA COURT A.F iHIkKNIl Hlgh-cl. perfect fx all detail. Lecr.tla at. Marshall 1613. A JUT. LOWKR flat. 6 raoma. aecaaaibla bul naa and chare ho.. Ownar. 19th at. N. W. Broadway 44 IS. FOR RENT a-room flat, with garaga. If dealred. com.r 12th and E. Ataaiaon. Ta bor 10. 4-Kouit flat, 1884 Union are. N. Good c s.rvico. FOR BKNT 5-room flat. 371 Pacific ast. cor. union ava. I NICE ft rooms, gas and electricity, wa Ing distance. Phona Kaat 41'.ti. FOR RENT -room flats. West Side, aei shipyards, call Brosdwsy 1141. 18 ROOMS, very central, modern, partly fur nlahed. Inqulra 44g Taylor. Fnrauabed Flata. COMFORTABLY furnished 4-roora upper flat. 791V. V'aushn. Key at Tftl Vaug at- Marshall 3870. Rant 31T.80. Adul sad-at. car. 18TH and East Ash. 6-room modern per, clean. Well located. East 2871. NICELT furnished ft-room flat, piano. 132.30. Apply M7 Taylor st. .Marshall aws. Hottaekeeplng Rooms. ONE room with kitchenette, completely fnr aishad. steam heat, running hot and ea.d water, phone In every room. T blocks from ritta and jaorriaoa ata gxa up. sax wa lombia at., near rirtn. l-ROOU suite, also one room for bachelor. eomplata for housekeeping. Commercial Hotel. 18th and Washington. 481 t. MORRISON, cor. E- 8th: furnlahe l and -'-room li. K. apta. lvmta Fa DBKIRABLJi front alcove room In widow horn for gentleman or coupl without ennaran: noueekeeping; pnviiegea. atai 4 ISM. 698 Flander. FOR RENT On large front bedroom con neoted with kitchen for housekeeping. In new bungalow In Ros City. Phon before 10:80, Tabor 8669. LIGHT houaekeoDlnr apartment for rant a tn so. ia frospeot unv. j-orxiana rielgnts. Alain ivt. ,r-,,T. ..... .. . ..,. LIGHT, clan housekeeping rooma, pnvat .ntranc. ground floor, walking dlatanc. 494 East Ankeny. I ri'iivmitrn hn....uunin, MAm. snk lfith t.. corner Columbia- TWO good H. K. rooms, water, heat and light. 818 par month. 1183 Belmont. ONB slngi room with kitchenette: desir able tor one or two aouitg, jbi lam st. 1 2 LARGE 11. K. rooma, 854 Johnson st. Broadway 040. FRONT room. $7 month; large closet, gas. free electricity, phone, batn. 82 tn su TWO light, clean h. k. rooms, walking dla- tanc, 83 per week. 648 S Washington. TWO nice, light, housekeeping rooms, 32.60. 244 Montgomery. 110 CLINTON St.: RM car: modern 8-room dwelling, beautiful hardwood floors, fire. place, furnace, buffet, bookcases, whit enameled kitchen, very oesiraoie neigh borhood. S200 for 6 months In advance or 8 too for 1 year. Main 7129 forenoons. ft-KOOM modern bungalow, hardwood floora, fireplace, batb, electric llgbta, gaa and built-in conveniences, cement oaaamanK. Tabor 8936. FOR RENT West Sid. 170 17th St.. near Tamhlll, 6-room house: gaa and electric ity; 3i0. Inquire 814 Morgan bldg. Pbon Main owu. SVHbN TOtl MOV Us NORTH WioTERN ELECTRIC light service. Broadway 888. A 6747. BUNGALOW for rent. 6 rooms, hardwood fio)rB. furnace, fireplace, large attic, beat East Side location, room for auto; very superior; 27.60. T 216, Oregonlan. ATTRACTIVE modern 6-roombungaIow flat on portinnd Helgbta; sleeping porch, flre- place and line view. .loae in, rent sai.ou. Main 1U34. . . ... , oik i.t wnvsvs.A muuvrn uiii uwi.vu owuae t wiv M.ln lnoulra 917 U. KL Mala or nhona Tabor Oittfl. FOR RENT 6-room houae on Weat Side. close In; rooma all freahly tinted: 883. 818 Chamber or commerce. Main evt)7. MODERN 8-room houae. with carpets and curtalna. 6oU E. Couch, near 12th. 340. (VROOM hous for rent. 420 Benton, near Broadway bridge. E. 6743. t-ROOM modem house, 10 mla. walk to Union Depot- 188 Halaey su 7-ROOM houae. large yard, close in. Union ave.. 314. Mam a,,i. 6-ROOM hous In flna condition. 823. Apply tile Lumbermena bldg. Broadway bl. ROOM house, eaat end of Broadway bridge, 318 Owner. Main 8916. 6-ROOM houae, cement basement, furnace. Owner. East 4277. -ROOM bungalow, 323. E. Franklin. 7-ROOM bungalow, 328. 85th and Clinton. Furnished Rooae, BEAUTIFULLY furnished 10-r. house In best Irvlngton district. 1 block from car Una: hardwood floors, large ateeplng porch, everything new. Including curtalna. bed ding, linens, dishes, silverware, piano, etc. Must be eeen to be appreciated; rent 886. Telephone. Will leaa for year or more. Or 644 Oregon Hotel. FOR RENT Portland Helghta, 8-room bun galow; 6 rooma fumlahed up to data, new carpets, piano, garage, paved street; one block from car. 780 Montgomery Drive. Rent 310; reference required. Thl Is a - dandy home. Key at 400 Dekum bldg. Phone Marshall 1702. NICELY furnished 7-room modem houae. large garden. 34o; Between union and wiu lama ave. Call Woodlawn 5618. 333 Beach etreet. PIEDMONT 1169 Rodney ave.. comer Klll- ingawortn Lower apu in nicely turalsned home; no children. Near SU John and Vancouver car. FURNISHED house. Rose City Park: no children. 604 E. 46th North. Call evenings from 7 to 10 COMPLET - ELT fum..h modem 6-room bungalow. 4526 70th eu 8, . Particulars l.'ti nrst. near Aiaer. 6-HOOMED Irvlngton home, completely fur- nlsbed. with piano, $66; without piano, $50. Phone East 55t. CALL evenlnga at 1207 E. Yamhill for five room, well-furnished house. HOUSE. 4 rooms and bath, no small chll- dren. no piano, no dog. 4Q1 lath su KNISH ED 6-room house In Irvlngton. '.Mat and Hrasee sta. hummer Resorts. 6-ROOM cottage, completely fumlahed, at Long Beach. Waah.; $100 advanced rent until Oct. 1. Inquire 446 Taylor. POLLY JIEEWAH'S OX. FATHER KNOWS HI S HISTORY. BY FOR KENT. 6mm. ETORES for rant la brick building, aouth weat corner Second and Flandora; rant 16. Inqulra 291 ilorrlaon at. STORE or big offlco on ground floor. 44 N. 1st at. Broadway 3875. Offlcaw. OFFICES, atorcroorna and halla; alao rooms suitable for light manufacturing; office buliding accommodation; rent reaeonabla. Fweeney Investment Co. 815 Dekum bldg.. 3d and Washington. PRIVATE office, 13x10, with stenographic service, at reasonable rata. BIO Plttock block. Surroundings suitable for engineere. contractors, mig. agent, etc idone .Broad way 1075. S-ISUITK offices 30: desk room and fur. nlahed privata office. (10. Stock Exchange FOR RENT Furnished office and desks, cheap. 723 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Miscellaneous. FOR RENT Modern garage. 1201 Kerbj at. Woodlawn 800. BTJSrjrEM OPPORTUNITIES. FOR SALE At a bargain: owners have other business that demands their atten tion. A business that shows a profit of over Sr.no monthly and could be made to show 3700. and by adding a restaurant could still Increase the profits to over 31000 per month: beat building In town, 60 feet wide by 66 in lencth. two stories. lower 160x100; will sell building and take Inventory of stock; muat sell quick. .Write Astor Mercantile Co.. HornbrooK, cai. EAST SIDE APTS. 24 apu., central Eaat Side location brick building, modern In every respect low rent: will sell outright or will trad' this in on a larger place and pay up to anoifv in caso. ATlce 342UO; $J2Ut win nanaie tnis. If. M. Nlles. RITTER, LOWE eV CO.. 203-6-7 Board of Trade. for. i.Ei.qe The dining-room of the best hotel in one of the most Important town in East em Washington: fully equipped, ever 100 people seating capacity, fine Lang a -oven range, bakeoven, big Ice boxes, etc.; neat. light rurnlahed. Good chance for first class cook and wife; reference required. For particulars address AV 844. orego man. PRICE CUT IN HALF. Hotel and restaurant in good live town sear Chehalls. Wash.; population looo only care hi town: onlv 4 days left to sell first come, first served. Price. Including 30U stock, 31200; some terms; hurry. H. M. Nile. RITTER. LOWE CO.. 803-6-7 Board of Trade Bldg-. MARKET AND GROCERY. Oood location, close In on East Bide: es tablished 8Vj years: nearly all cash bust- neas: clearing over $200 per month. Price, mciutung auto a. i very, sowu casn. H. M. Kile. RITTER. LOWE CO.. 208-6-T Board of Trade Bid-. WAR INDUSTRY. paying from 10 to IS per cent, need more capital to Increaae output; amount from 35u0 and upwards accepted: produot sold In car lota for spot caah. with unlimited demand both during and after the war. Address ror interview, J 1B6. oregonlan. $10,000 WILL purchase a controlling inter eei in an eataouaned automobile and truck business In Portland of 10 yearr atand Ing; did $400,000 worth of bualneaa last year and paid 316,000 net; no on but good bualneaa men need apply, u 140, Oregonlan. $300 BALANCE EAST. 6-room cottage: good barn, small or chard: lot IOxl43: clear of all lncum b ranee ; E. 65th near Ankeny. Price $2200. c a. v arriner. RITTER, LOWE CO.. 203-6-7 Board of Trade Bldg. SMALL confectionery etore with llvtng- rooms; a nice, clean place In new brick building; rent $16 mo., sales $17 per day casn trade, price 360O cash and Its worth more. A. J. De FOREST: (Note new address) 913 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. IF TOU WISH Te Boy. Sell or Exchange a Business of any kind, anywhere, see A. J. De FOREST Note New Address: Phone Main 6967. 918-917 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. IF YOU WISH To Buy, Sell or Exchange a Business of any kind, anywhere, see H. M. Nlles. RITTER, LOWE 14 CO.. 203-203-207 Board of Trade Bldg. CAUTION, BUYERS. Before closing deal of eo-cailed Interest fa eatabllehed real estate bualneaa get advice of Portland Realty Board. PAUL COWOILL. Secretary. MEAT MARKET Old. established place: preaemt owner been tnere o years; April bualneaa waa $4536; thl is a snap. Stock and fixtures, $2000. Jordan. 301-2 Luffl bermen's bldg., 6th and Stark. OWNER of a growing bualneaa wants a partner to help him; give wholesale houses for reference and guarantee active man at least $30 week; $1300 required. Call room 403 Dektrm bldg. DELICATESSEN and grocery, fine location. apu-nouee district, doing good caah busi ness; fine fixtures, new stock grocerlea. rent $40, Including o living-rooms: muat sell at once. Comer 11th and Columbia. EDITOR-PRINTER, for quick sale you can buy county seat paper la booming ooast town for leaa than $1000. Positively a snap. Best of reaaona. Investlgato this now. AV 858. GARAGE and repair business; has full linne lathe, etc.: ha big. steady etorage: clear $360 month. Particulars 304 hi Oak st. FOR RENT, aale or exchange, Dallas Hotel, so rooms, completely furnished; only one other hotel and no restaurants in town. Owner. E. K. Plaseckl. Dallas. Or. 8NAP. Butter stall in busy market: this can be handled with little money. Particulars. 8-MV Oak su LIVE restaurant and lunch counter for sale by owner In best small town In Oregon. Write or Inquire 427 Main su, Oregon city. CIGARS, soft drink, pool tables, etc.: an ex cellent corner; oleared over 3400 last month; will sell at Invoice. Call room 403 Dekura blor. WEST SIDE garage and shop: eplsndld paver; commercial trade and private care; $1900. Owner, R 198, Oregonlan. PAYING bakery, good location, a small amount down. Write to Master Baker. 917 6. Grant St., Tacoma, Wash. BUSY garage and accessory business: fine west tilde location; clearing $700 month. Particulars 304 H Oak st. RESTAURANT, clearing $200 month; rent $15; will sacrifice for Invoice. BJ 235. Ore gonlan. AUTO garage on beat-traveled atreet; ca-n clear $250 month easily; a bargain at $750. Room 403 Dekum bldg. BARGAIN Two-chair barber shop, near city, working alone; a good buy for some one If takeu soon. AV 886, Oregonlan. STORES for rent, best location In Seaside. See ALEX GILBERT 4 SON. Seaside. Or. RESTAURANT. $600: cost $1500, going to war Swank, 517 Henry bldg. WKLIPAYING business: sell half interest; $H5Q required. Mlllershlp. 4111 C. of C. Interest In barber shop In Vancouver. Ad dress I. S. Barber Shop. Vancouver. Wn. LAUNDRY for sale; doing over $200 a week. AV 944. Oregonlan. AND HER PALS BCSUTESS OPFORTOfrrilEB. FOR SALE or trade, soda fountain and luncheonette outfit, description as fol lows: 16-ft marble counter, clear counter service, 14-ln top. Interior 8 syrup pumps, 2 lea cream cabinets, one sink, one auto matic tumbler washer, 8-ft. silver drain board, automatic electric carbonetor. 8 electric mixers, one Whitall-Tatum ven dor. 1 milk vendor. 2 compartments, aweet milk and butt.rmllk. one No. 2 coffee urn. one steam table, 24x36. 4 holes and 2 meat pans, fit In the work board, 2 straw holdera, 5 shakers and all glassware, spoons, knives and fork! and all acces sories that go with the soda fountain. Wrtta. phone or call Baker Drug Co.. 6th ana pomiioe, lortlano, uregon. A RARE CHANCE To get Into a good established business In a live payroll town of 7000; this business did over $22,000 In 1917: business 40 per cent better first 4 months 1918 and the busy season Just to start: first-class con fectionery. Ice cream, soft drinks, meals, lunches (home cooking) and cigars; this fi-o oeii Biflctro up 10 run tne larg est part of 191&. Will .ell foi- ss.tnn terms 31600 cash and reasonable time on balance, or will sell at Invoice; don't write unless you have the money and mean busi ness, airs- j. j. seller, Klamath Falls, urrgon. AUTO garage, concrete bldg., low rent, long lease; do big repair and supply business; full of steady storage: profits over $400 montn. itoom 403 DeKum bldg. HANDY man with $600 can buy equal half interest In auto repair shop with reliable mecnanic: can Clear 7 day for each part- oei. van room 4QJ iMKum bldg. 'OB bALE 2-chalr barber shop, fully equipped. $150. Inquire John Baker. Hood River. TAILOR SHOP for sale. B. W. pressing ma- i-niue. ajoi in r-orcianu. uox .so, uamas. w asn. SODA fountain and back'bar, worth $1200, for sale cheap. See me today. ' Anderson t anqy i-'o., o..i wash. A WELL-EQUIPPED meat market for rent In town close to Portland. AV 95. Oregop Business Opportunities Wanted. WANT to buy furniture or hardware stock; will pay cash; state size of stock. K 174, isregonian. ON account of military service will sell eatapiisnea business. Phone Bdwy. 2105. Hotels and Rooming-Houses. 74 ROOMS, modern brick bldg.. down town. rent special Dargain: lease i years clears $450. Price X750O oh 66 rooms, furnishings first-class, first time on market; lease 5 years: rent $300; clears $600 per month; $6000 caah will han- uie. 17 rooms, nicely furnished, close In. rent $60; ail modern conveniences; fine place ior man ana wire; sauo cash will handle. u. U. GOLD h,N BERG, AB1NGTON BLDG. "3S Years in Portland." Main 4803. 130-ROOM AfT.-HOUSE. Consists of 46 apartments: exceptionally well located on the West Side and la one of the very latest apartment-house in Portland; clearing $360 per month net; can positively substantiate this statement. If you have the money and want a first class proposition. Investigate this; $5000 cash will handle lu A. J. DeFOREST: (Note new address) 913 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. BOMB APARTMENTS. 170 rooms, elegantly furnahed: best lo cation; all apartmenta full: automatic ele vator; low rent, with 10-year lease; this place clears about $000 per month; best of reasons for selling. Prioe $12,000. H. M. Nile. .RITTER. LOWS CO.. 203-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. APARTMENT-HOUSE For RentL Fine brick building, steam heat, walla all newly tinted: extra good location, close in; rent oniy sw per montn. RITTER. LOWE & CO., 203-6-7 Board of Trade. NOB HILL DISTRICT. Furnished new within last month: all light housekeeping rooms; a first-class money-maker. Price $2500; $800 cash, $30 per month, no Interest. H. M. Nile. RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 203-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. COUNTRY store: rood point for business win sell or trade. Price 37500. Including stock, buildings, 1 acre of ground and 5 acres of planted spuds; must have a little caan in any deal. A. J. DeFOREST: (Note new address) 913 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. IF YOU WISH To Buy, Sell or Exchange a Hotel, Rooming or ApL-Houae. sea A. J. DeFOREST Note New Address: Phone Main 6967. 813-917 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. COUNTRY HOTEL. In a fine aaw milling town, that la net ting $400 per month: no dlnlnc room will exchange for rooming or apt. house in r-oniana ana assume some. Geo. T. Moore Co., Ablngton bldg. $50,000 APARTMENT house for sale; 54 rooma: income 3500 per month; Eaat Side walking distance. EMBODY at ALEXANDER, Phone Main 2600. 1806 Northwestern Bank Bldg. IF YOU WISH To buy, sell or exchange a hotel, rooming or apt.-house, see H. M. Nlles, RITTER, LOWE & CO.. 203-205-207 Board of Trade Bldg. MARY B. LENT, Lead In a hotel and enartmant hAnna hra- fcer; places listed exclusively with me sold m L. 1 AMD WU1H1TLZ, T28-4 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 8566. BIG SNAP. 12 rooms, beautifully furnished, rent $22.50, with lease, all housekeeping; $600 will handle, full price $760. Geo. T. Moore Co., Ablngton bldg. BUYERS TAKE NOTICE. Any else, any price, any location; aquare deal guaranteed. Automobile at your service, uruce xjoqaarq, oois uoucn biag. FOR RENT 26 room in a brick building on 2d floor, regular rooming-house. S. W. corner 2d and Flanders; reaaonable renU See owner. 291 Morrison su SMALL apt.-house : atrlctly modern; always tun ana wortn tne price asitec; sow 1 all. A. J. DeFOREST: (Note new address) 918 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. BEST YET. 60-room apt. house, rent ony $60. long lease, making good money. See us for price. Geo. T. Moore Co.. Ablngton bldg. 20 ROOMS, low rent, a bargain at 8800. X600 cash will handle this place; can clear $90 per montn. mast 3012. FOR best bargain In rooming or apartment houses ese members of the Realty Board. Yates Realty Co.. 249 4th su THE furniture of a 7-room house right down town, for sale. Rooms enough rented to pay renu r hone Marshall o2t3. FOR hotels, apartmenta or rooming houses, see Geo. T. Moore Co.. Ablngton bldg. 84 ROOM-S; modern, always full: clearng $150 mo.; bargain. Mlllershlp. 431 C. of C. IX8T AND FOUND. LADY'S alligator cardcase. containing call ing cards and two rings. Finder please phone Main 6947. Reward. LOST Elk's tooth charm. Initials W. H. xi., 2-13-13. Liberal reward. Wm. Hllde brandt, 344 Burnslde. Broadway SO. FOUND Black purse in Lipman & Wolfe's, Wednesday afternoon. Call Marshall 4223. LOST A Standard Oil Co. service pin. Re ward. Marshall &7u. LOST Near 4th and Stark, small blue silk bag. Finder call East 3140. Reward. CLIFF STERRETT. tOST A"I FOUND. THE following articles have been found on cars of the Portland Railway, Light & Power Co.. May 1. 1918: 9 packages, 2 purses. 1 leather case, 1 cigarette case. 2 pins, 2 keys, 1 tooth brush. 2 gloves, 1 bonnet, 1 flashlight, 2 books. 2 cards, 8 lunch boxes, 1 can coffee. 2 milk cans, 1 lantern, 1 wrench, 1 basket, 1 grip. 1 wheelbarrow, 4 umbrellas. Owners msy obtain property at First and Alder-atret station. LOST Hamilton watch, 17-jewel. No. 1410693. Initials on back B. M. M., be- ' tween Jennings Lodge station and Spoon er'a boat landing. Reward. Bert Mouiton, Bull Run, Or. LOST Officer's Army overcoat from ma chine while driving. In city park. Satur day between 7 and 8 P. 11. Please notify Captain James. Alain 24o. LOST Canadian military bronze pin. inl- tlals Y. T., between 10th and Jefferson and Fifth and Stark; valued as keepsake. Telephone Marshall 1022 after 6 P. M. LOST April 29, tan leather purse with First National Bank imprint. $90 in cur rency; reward. Main 6294. 716 Chamber of Commerce. LOST Lady'a black leather puce. with Initials of owner in gold. Liberal reward. Return to Star Theater, between 2 and or phone East 2120. LOST On road to North Plains Saturday, grip. Owner; H. P. Ferguson, 1113 Wasco. Tabor 1761. LOST Feather collar or cape, between 21st and 22d East Side, in front of Irvlngton clubhouse. East 2612. Reward to finder. LOST Tan-and-whlte hunting dog, license No. 210. Call Main 1SS0, engine No. 22. Portland Jflre Dept. LOST Soldier's picture, on Alberta car or dental college steps, yesterday, call ,aat 0356. LOST Purse containing greenbacks, notes and other papers. Liberal reward. Alain BH14. H." 1-irst St. m. L. K.IIIS. LOST Near 12th and Wash., large black and white cat. Reward. Broadway 2254 LOST Pair of tortoise-shell glasses. Marshall 1615 after 8:30 P. M. FUNERAL NOTICES. Proposals Invited. PROPOSALS for construction of employes' quartera No. 112. Department of the In terior, office or Indian Affairs. Washing ton. D. C. April 22. IBIS. Sealed proposals, plainly marked on the outside of the sealed envelope "Proposals for the construction of employes' quarters No. 112, at the Klamath School. Oregon." and addressed to the "Commissioner or Indian Allatrs, Washington, D. C." will be received at the Indian Office until 2 o'clock P. M. of May 20, 1918, for furnishing materials and labor for the construction of employes' quartera No. 112 In strict accordance with the plans, specifications and Instructions to bidders, which may bo examined at the office of the paper or periodical In which this advertisement appears, the United Statea Indian Warehouse, at Chicago, 111.; St. Louis, Mo.; San Francisco, Cel.. and the Builders Exchange. St. Paul, Minn. and at the office of the superintendent of the Klamath School. Klamath Agency, Oregon. For further information apply to tne superintendent 01 tne Klamath bcnooi, Oregon. Cato Sells, Commissioner. IN THE County Court of the State of Ore gon, for the county of Multnomah, in the matter of the estate of Theodore Bur ner Wilcox, deceased. Notice to creditors: Notice la hereby given that the under signed have been appointed executrix and executors of the last will of Theodore Burney Wilcox, deceased, by the County court of the state or Oregon, lor the County of Multnomah. All persons having Claims against the estate or said deceased are hereby required to present the same, with proper vouchers, within six months after the date of this notice, to the un dersigned at room 608 Wilcox building, Portland, Oregon. NELLIE STEVENS WILCOX. RAYMOND BURNEY WILCOX, JOSEPH W. GANONG, Executrix and Executors. Dated and first published April 18. 1918. Miscellaneous. I WILL NOT be responsible for any bills run by my wife, Mrs. Constance Meyer, after May 1. W. N. MEYER. FINANCIAL, LOANS, notes, contract, mtgs. purchased. Lewis a- Co.. 4 Lewis bldg. Main 688. Money to Loan oa Real Estate, OUR Installment plan is the best and surest method of paying a loan. $32.20 per month ror 80 months, or $21.24 per month for 60 months, or $15.17 for 98 months pays a $1000 loan and InteresU Other amount In proportion. We loan on improved city property. Or for building purposes. No commissions charged. EQUITABLE SAVINGS ft LOAN ASS'N, 242 Stark St.. Portland. Or. MORTGAGE LOANS ON IMPROVED FARMS IN OREGON, WASHINGTON AND IDAHO LONG TIME IF DESIRED AND REPAYMENT BY INSTALLMENTS TO SUIT THE BORROWER. CURRENT RATES. NO COMMISSION. WM. Mac MASTER, 701 CORBETT BLDG.. PORT LAND. MORTGAGE LOANS on real "estate security, any amount from $300 up on Improved city or farm prop erty, , THE LAWRENCE COMPANY, 153 4th SU M. 6915. A 2815. FARM LOANS. Any amount, current rates; five and even-year loan with privilege to repay part or all any time. VERMONT LOAN tc TRUST CO.. 814 Masonic Bldg.. Salem, Or. EDWARD hi. GOUDEY CO.. 2d floor. United States Bank bldg. Mortgage loans and bond Issues, espe cially in large amounts. 5fr per cent up. WE have the following amounts to loan on city securities; win aiviae in amounta to suit: $1000. $1500, $2000. $3000 and $5000. McClure 4c senmauen, 010 tremnger oiag. $500 TO loan on real estate In or about lortiana. X can give yuu quic. results upon seeing the security. Make applica tion at 404 Piatt bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS, 6 6?. 77. ONION ABSTRACT CO, Corbett Bldg. MONEY to loan on Improved Income-bear ing real property m Aiuitnoman county. Geo. Estes' law office. Lumbermen's bldg. Phone Bdwy. 1080. ask for Mr. Hobart. $600, $1000 AND upward on Improved real estate, xavoraoie terms: no oeiar; no Bro kerage. John Bain. 507 Spalding bldg. $200,000 TO LOAN in sums to suit; building loans, lowest ratea w. o. xecs, iiio-zitt Failing bldg. Pbone Main B407. MONEY to loan on real estate security at going rate 01 interesu utto sc liarkson iteaity o., .10 t-namoer or t-ommerce. $1000 TO $4000 TO LOAN. DESHON & HAWK. MAIN 1166. 615 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. $300, $4uo. $5ou, $750, $1000 and up at low est rates, quica action. rea w. German Co.. 732 Ch. of Com. Main 6445. EEE US today; loana any amounu 6-7 caiuu.Arts-jduxti.tjiN t;u.. sua xeon bldg. LOANS on city and farm property, 6 per cent up. r . r ucna. e.-u cnam. or Com. MONEY to loan on farm and Improved city property. x. iwnar, opaiqing blag. $600 TO $2500 improved real estate; no com- mission, aaam aioa. -laoor S4UZ. $300. $600, $1000 AND UP; lowest ratea; r'v'"r i umi. vj, inq, vregoniKn. $500 TO $9000 to loan, city .or farm rnort- gage; no commission, x-. u. pox 873. IK12 GACtAlAlAVt 74Ci FINANCIAL. . Money to Loan on Real Estate.- MORTGAGE LOANS, 6 and 7 PER CENT, LOUIS SALOMON CO.. 408 6elllng bldg. Money t loan Cnattel and Balartea." SALARY. LOANS. CHATTEL, WE LOAN MONEY en short notice to salaried or working men on their own notes. Weekly, semi monthly or monthly payments. Each transaction strictly confidential. NO MORTGAGE. NO INDORSER. ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY. We also loan on household furnlturay pianos, etc, without removal. CALL AND 1NVESTIGATB. COLUMBIA DISCOUNT COMPANY. LICENSED. 81T Falling Building. IF YOU NEED MONEY. BEB US. SALARIES ....... CHATTELS.' Loans mad to persons on salary or fixed income; on household furniture, pi anos, diamonds and other personal prop, erty; legal rates. Business confidential; private office. PORTLAND LOAN CO. (Licensed.! 806-307 Dekum Bldg. REMEDIAL LOAN ASSOCIATION Estab. llahed by Portland bualneaa men to pro tect borrower. C. Myers Herman, mgr. 894 Stark su Money loaned on diamond, Jewelry. MONEY to loan on diamonds. Jewelry; legal rates; all articles held 1 year; established since 1888. Dan Marx. 283 Washington. MONEY to loan on anything of value, legal rates; all articles held one year. Panama Loan Office. 84 Third, near Oak. Loana Wanted. ANY part of $5000 of first mortgage bonds or eaie. near per cent interest, pay able semi-annually at Portland Trust Co. Bonds are In $500 denomination, have 4V years to run, and are guaranteed and In dorsed by responsible banker. AO 642. Ore gonlan. $1500 MORTGAGE FOR SALE. Covers 629 A. of land In Clark Co., Wash.; draws interest at 7 per cent, runs 6 years; assesssed value of land $2400. Fred W. German Co., 732 Cham, of Com. $5000 FOR three to five years; will pay 6 per cent; no commission: on ciose-m acre age and inside properly. AM 306, Ore gonlan. rEKSONAL. HAIR GOODS. LOWEST PRICES. 80-Inch wavy switch. 2 sep li ne 24-lnch wavy switch. 8 Sep.......... 1.00 All-around transformation 1.48 Hairdresslng. ahampooing. face massage, hair bobbing, manicuring, 25c Hair re moved by electric needle, switch made of combings, 95c We buy your combings. Sanitary Parlors. 400-412 Dekum 'bldg 84 and Washington. Marshall 1762. REDUCTION of weight by a aaf and scientific method. FRANCO SHOP, 436 Plttock Block. ABK your druggut for "Schugolt" a harm less, scientllic ointment lor reducing en larged glands and goiters, or send to the Bchuller Co., Portland, Or., (or live circu lars and valuable advice. LADIES, come in and get both your feet fixed up good ror $1 oy Dr. Eaton, the chiropodist, that doesn't hurt you; 5 yeare in Portland. Examination free. Globe The ater bldg.. 11th and Wash. Bdwy. 2824. MARY ALICE CARVEL gives genuine mas sage treatments, bake oven sweats and tub baths, cures rheumatism, la grippe, etc Hours 9 A. M. to 10 P. M. Open Sunday. 311 Swetland bldg., 6th and Wash. MISSING RELATIVES WANTED. Relatives of H. O'Brien, who died at Othello, Wash., April 23. 1918. Communi cate with J. E. McMauamon, admlnistra tor. Othello. Wash. SPIRITUALISM Mrs. M. L. LA MAR. 238 0th su, cor. Alain, leacnes palmistry ana card reading: also leasona in science of health and success. JOHN TOBIN la wanted to assist In the business of his brother, who, because of Illness, needs him. Thoiuaa P. Toblu, Shawnee, Okla. IRONSIDE NATUROPATHIC INSTITUTIS. 827-29 Plttock block. Nurse attendants Electrlo cabinet and mineral baths. Scien tific massage Open 9 to 7. Sundays 10 to 4. ELLA CACKEITE, scientific facial, scalp treatments, manicuring, snainpoo. elec trolysis, beauty science tauguu 507 Tay lor st. Marshall 3295. FEBVET 8V HAKEBUI, leading wig and toupa makers, linest stock human hair goods; hairdresslng, manicuring, face and scalp treatmenu 349 Alder. Main 648. DIABETES successfully treated. Wonderful results trom our new meaicine. itu STARVATION. Walters Sanatorium, 132S Sutter St., San Francisco. DR. ETHEL A. . SACRY. experienced and painless chiropodist, desires appointments with old and new patients; resident work solicited. East 8381 LIFE FORECASTS AND LESSONS. By mail or oral. Adams Astrological School, 350M Morrison su; 20 years esu Portland. FRANCES LA FORE. Expert Manicure. 607 Raleigh bldg., 6th and Wash. 'HONEST merchandise at honest prices"; coats, dresses, akiru, petticoat. 90 Parle treet. FERN FIELD Manicuring and scalp treatments, eio itaieiga uurmeriy iNortn west). REV. MRS. J. C. SCHORL Independent Bible spirlluallsu circles sunuay, xueuaay ana Thursday. 8 P. M. 40U Jetterson su A 3812. BODY MASSAGE, stomach and Intestinal trouble. Chronic constipation, ireuiea ox trained curse. M. 1049. Flat C. 303 3d. SUPERFLUOUS hair, moles, wart removed bv 10-neeaie meinou, uim iree. juaio ia ley, 614 Ellers bldg. Main 6368. BEST ateam bath and massage In city, chiro practic vlDrauou auu eicciuc. ur. wtkr garet Haynle. 517 Swetland bldg. M. 1766. WILLIAMS MATERNITY HOME Nurse and doctor iurmsneu; complete; strictly private, xaoor pin. ELoCTHIC treatments for poor circulation, rheumatism, lumbago, face, scalp, sulphur, steam and salt baths. 426 Clay. Main 8359. DR. ETHEL A. SACRY, chiropodist, deslrea appointments with old and now pattern; resident work solicited. East 8381. MRS. STEVENS, 25 years Portland's re nowned palmist and spiritual reader, 373 Taylor St., cor. West Park. MME. GRENELL. aclentlflo facial, scalp treatmenu 230 Flledner bldg. Bdwy. loss. SUPERFLUOUS HAIlt destroyed forever by Multiple Needle Method. 501 Swetland bldg. MISS McKAY reopens manicuring, parlor, facial, scalp massage. 4uJ' Raleigh bldg. WANTED To adopt a tiny baby. BF 163, Oregonian. - ALMA S. JOHNSON, facial, scaip; Franco American toilet articles. Main 145L FRANCIS DE MAYO, SCALP SPECIALIST. 350. MORRISON. OFFICE 216. PRIMEDA BALM, formerly called Balm of Figs. 844 E. 33d. Sell. 2213. mornings. MAY ANDREWS teaches phrenology aad card reading. 282 Park. Main 7548. FRANCIS DE MAYO, SCALP SPECIALIST. 86 J MORRISON. OFFICE 215. MARIE NE V1NS, inaasage and electric treat. ment. 404 Northwest bldg. Main 9068. LOUISE NETZEL, massage, electric blankets. for rheumatism. ?to 13th. 3iar. 5038. SWEDISH masaage, hot oil rubs. 350ft More rlaon. Office 204; open evenings. DR. ELNA SORENSEN, druglesa healar, can cure you. 60S Panama bldg. MOLES, superfluous hair removed. Mrs. M. V. Mill. 429 fneaner oiag. Bdwy. 8473.