fl TIIE MORMXG OREGO.MA, THURSDAY, 3LVT 2, 1918. BU OS AGAIN TAKE 3-2 DEFEAT Beaver Twirler Proves Too Much for Local Batters and Safe Swats Are Few. CLOW STRONG UNTIL' 8TH 4 S 3 111 4700 110 20 IJs Fine Tosnpirr Holdi Visitor, to four Scattered Hit, bat Blowt I'p oJ Is Replaced by Klrwta. Game Is Lost la Moth. Awift Caws IMwnihnl Iimm taatls. W. L rrt I W. L. Pet. TAWurtr . 2 nrti Port'and ... O 2 .ee. Ivemt ... 3 It -ipobane. . . 3 .no Seattle 3 O lotto A Mrdm ..S3 llihitoT'l Hi lt. ' V-mT-r. 3; Portland. 3. , T w,m a. 10; Spok ane. a. , al!t. Ab.rd.eo. 1. BT JAMES J. RICHARDSON. From a pleasant tfcougut of two run Wad a tho eighth Inning to tba cold gray grief of a one-run defeat In the ninth was tha nnpleaaant portion of tho Portland Buckaroo. yesterday at the Viuihn-ilnrt lot. Tber were outbatted. outwitted and tho biggest Item that might be mentioned was tbat Jhr were ont pitched. i Jimmy Hamilton trotted out a young- j'r named Henion. who looked no Mrr than a minute, but tba way that "bird" baffled the Buckaroo batters waa a sight well worth seeing. Henlon'a twisters were mystifying to the Port HlTtnn r 4 S S ' Ttlrhla.r. . V Kart d.l 3 0 Ol Moree.s... Kslmon.e. 3 O 3 2 o Downey. e. i'imm.( 4 11 3 o Alesan'r.p Koee.... 1 0 001 Tta:s 33 5 : ir :i Totals. 34 10 37 15 4 rutted (or JtrKarland lo ninth. Aberdeen V 0 O 1 O 1 . 1 A 3 Beam 4 .20.O03 t Ituna. Heater 2. Kean. Kmsle. I.esrd. alar. Phy. Carman. I,rboureau. Richie. Stole baes. Lebourvemu. Mora. Two-tiaae hit. Kindle. I.CDeurvreu. Haaea on balls, off t'a- moal 1, Alemamler 4. Struck out. br Ca moaal 1. Alexander S. Double play. Mora to Carman lo Murphy. Notes of the Game. Car! new drew the undivided attention or Maneser Hamilton, of Vancouver. In the third Inning. Wllb Henion oa flret Hamil ton, complained te Umpire Bedford that flow was commuting a balk. but the umps" couldn't sea It that way. e a a Harry Meyer. Bean Brummel traveling man. divided honors with the fair fannsttse. Meyer likes tba looks of the Hurksroos and says they eagbt to "Hoead-lp to a last aggregation. e e e Hugh MrOedle's pockets wars bulging ? with the "Jits" ha collected ss the (air sex passed through tba pass-gate and paid their war tax. Tbere was only a haadfui of fans st the game. see Elmer Joseph Cox. Backers, catcher, has not yet accustomed himself to catching high foul sella barb or tho plate. tie am a merry-go-round yesterday on fttewart's foul and then muffed It. Outside of that weak aeaa we'll ssy he' Is the "old doughnuts." e e e every day except Saturday and Sunday la Isdles day at Vaugha-etreet park. All the women have te do la to pav tho war tax. SHIPYARD OFFERS E TEM PI G Two Already Desert Organized Ball and Others Said to Be About to Jump. MITCHELL FIRST TO GO Ruckaroo Recruit Makes Leap, Fol lowed Closely by Catcher Feuer born; Bay Frowns on Attempts to Induce Men to Leave. FRANKLIN WINS, 6 TO I J IKES JOH BESTED I SLOW AND RAGGED CONTEST. Lowers rail to Support Pitcher and Are I aable e Flad Quaker Twirler. t arses Allewe Three Hits. Istsrsrbabaatle League Staadlnsrs. W. L. Pet. W. L. Pet. Lincoln .... 3 looo Christ. Bros 3 3 .S"0 Jefferson ..3 0 ll Hensoa .... 1 1 .J1! Wsahlasioa 4 1 .WW If 111 S O ."" rnnk:m ..S 1 .750 commerce ..0 3 .oo batters, only two bit being registered Columbia ..11 .Soujamee John. 0 4 .0O0 off his delivery during ths time be was on tho mound. Hamilton sent Glpe la to bat for Henion In the eighth and there after another lad who answers to the nam of Kelly stepped to the mound and allowed one bit and whiffed four batters In the two Innings ho worked. Carl Clow, the Let Pine. Or, young ster, took, bis first whirl at professional baseball when he essayed the role of Buckaroo burler. Ho breezed along Yesterday's latersrbolaatle Results. Multnomah, Field Franklin. 6: J John. L test Twelfth ana Davis wasnington. i Bill. X There were no announcements yester day of any further Jumping of organ ised baseball players to ths ranks of the shipyard's teams. Since the ar rival of the Portland and Vancouver teams In this city to open the Pacific Coast International season a number of promising young players have seen fit to desert the ranks of organized ball for more lucrative positions In the shipyard. Richard ("Dick") Mitchell, whom Portland transported from Pasadena for a trial, was the first player to cast his lot with the shipyards. Bill Feuer born. released bji Halt Lake to Port land, has joined the St. Helens team which aggregation Is captained by Ed die Mentor, formerly with Oakland. In the Pacific Coast League. Mensor is now playing second base and lining up the players for St. Helens. Mensor. methods have not made any hit with President Bay, of the Ship builders' League, and be said when asked about the situation yesterday afternoon that as long as be waa presi dent of the league he would not favor the plan of getting men to jump tbelr had an opportunity of seeing ther Buckaroos lose In the final inning. All three players are ready to don the Portland spangles. Smith will play left field today. Cliff Lee moving over to right. Umlth Is a diminutive but husky lad and Is said to be a corking good outfielder. Morton and Arken burg are right-handed pitchers, whose services are badly needed by the Fort- land team. If BUI Shoup does not start pitching for Portland today the task of trying to tame Vancouver will fall to either Morton or Arkenburg. O. A. C. UNITS TO COMPETE Military Tournament to Be Staged at College Tomorrow. HOMER WIHS III 101 St. Louis Victor When Ball Goes Over Cobb's Head. U SVaV SISLER STAR OF CONTEST OREGON" AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE, Four Hits In Five Trips to Plate Is I Corvallls. May 1. (.special.) 'mere Record for Afternoon Cleveland Drubs Chicago, 6 to 5, and Washington Defeats Boston. will be a military tournament at Ore gon Agricultural College on Thursday night, which will really be a track meet worked out along military lines. It is planned to have a variety of races and a few military movements put on by the various organizations in the ree-lment. There will be a back to back race. -May i.-nim me score an enninment race an nhatacla, race . lied In tno tentn, two OUtS and TO bin tug-of-war of battalion teams, a relay on second. Siller drove the ball over race between battalions, a three-legged r-""" "V scoring iooin v.itn m race and a standing broad Jump.' lie sides this there will be a contest In rifle assembling, with a man from each run. tbat gave St. Louis the victory over Detroit. Sisler got four hits and a walk in five trips to the plate, stole The Franklin High balltossers won I contracts with organized baseball for their third start out of four In the I the Shipbuilders' League. Interscholastlo League yeaieraay. ae-1 ,. - - i. testing James John, to 1, on Mult-I , ... , . . . nomab Field. nl .v. J , Ed Thompson, the Quakers' star ""f"-"" ws mui " ""- twirler who has been striking- out on I era have already jumped or no line a cnampiou ior seven inning a. ai- , . aro contemplating Jumping have me lowing four scattered bits, but In the hl. ti i th2 bo? .te they arl going to He around eighth be lost his nerve when a base w. "' to " th" Vcoch the shipyards and play ball once a on balls and three bits, good for two "ci. ihmounS week, they had better get the Idea out irnB";,,,K,,rn.,B "C,er" ,mTr ' Corn.Thm'.'hT.g- f their head-, a. every man who play. down ,n ,h. nr., Bill TtAnZS slven tVtVZ J " : Fisher -lammed th. ball against the hit' "nd vf-",.0.,. h Player, are said to ha-, been of- renter field rence for a aouot. ana - Jame. John and also got rred asTiigh as 17 and 18 a day, which ; -cored on Lee s single to center. In l'tI .1.7101 oMy four ' of ths question, as neither the : the seventh Sullivan walked and scored J;:,!0-.??? laB that to. rot waa managers of the teams nor anyone In when Cog bit a long fly to Wolfer. i'.ibli- HI. tartmu.. made tSl the shipyard can pay such wages, as t With a two-run lead .taring them w?h.cir ill theyar. setbyth. UnltedState.Gov- race. There will also be bomb throw ing for accuracy. - company entered and a wall scaling base scored a run and drove in the R. H. E-l R. H. E. Detroit... 2 6 list Louis . . 3 9 0 Batteries Erickson, and Stanage, Spencer; Gallia and Nunamaker. Cleveland 6, Chicago 5. CLEELAXD. May 1. Cleveland won the last game of the series from Chi cago. Coveleskle outpitched Cicotte, but errors by Kavanaugh, Roth and Wambsganss allowed the visitors to score four of their five runs. In the r..sin.i.... iei.u T - ninth inning Chicago had runners on , - ' I . . . .. 1.1, BCLiuu mil iiibi y 1 1 1 1 naLnouii nit an easy bounder to Coveleskle retiring the side. R. H. E.I R. H. E. Chicago... 6 9 llCleveland.. 6 114 Batteries Cicotte and Schalk; Cov eleskle and. O'Neill. Washington 5, Boston 0. STUMPF IS NOW HUBBY BALLPLAYER TAKES MISS CLARA SCHIEWE AS BRIDE. frfnVMHpipyw' This Trade-mark on ewery Lewis garment guarsntees you quality. Look tor it. League Contract and Sign. With Foundation Yard Team. William ("Bill") 6tumpf, former Portland, Spokane. Oakland and Pitts burg ballplayer, put In a real busy day yesterday. He started th. fireworks yesterday rooming when he Journeyed to Vancouver, Wash., and signed a con- BOSTON, May 1. Walter Johnson held Boston to four scattered hits. i.k .4....,u xri. rin.. I Washington bunched bits off Mays in ..-vw .. v-.-. . . Schiewe. of 149 Porter street, this eitv. l" ioui m. geiiing nvo . ui.o to play in the Matrimonial League. The ning. Hooper made three of Boston s weddlna- waa the culmination of a ro- while Mclnnis scratched out the mance of long standing and the happy couple are comfortably domiciled at apartments In this city. In the afternoon Stumpf made up his mind to jump organized baseball and signed with the Foundation Shipyard's baseball team to cavort at third base New Tork Kame postponed; rain l J I 1 11 c i.l umiu liiu ht:(.iii il! nv Dm 1 11 i fourth la the ninth. R.H. E.l R. H. E. Wash'ton . 6 8 01 Boston 0 4 1 Batteries Johnson and Ainsmith; Mays and Agnew. NEW TORK. May 1. Philadelphia- Let Quality Decide Your Underwear Selection THIS is a season to buy under-garments on more than mere appearance a time to purchase on a basis of utter de pendability. An ideal garment is the Lewis Nainsook Athletic Union Suit Note the unmistakably finer madras, the armholes taped to prevent chafing, the clean-cut, tailored lines and the seat, smooth as a pair of trousers because of the famous Lewis Can t-Gap closure. Put your body into a Lewis for comfort and appearance. Ask to see these garments. Only at Beit Store LEWIS KNITTING CO. JanesvUle, Wise 0,97) CIXCLXNATI LOSES IX TEXTH drilling 'eight hours every day in the big shipyards. StumDf had a lona lournev across the continent from Pittsburg, which club St. Louis Takes Game Through Hit- released him to Oakland in the Pa- In th. fae. In th. first half of the I .... , , v.i-i.. t.-,.. jh ernment. eighth Inning. Jimmy Hamilton'. Beav- on Corn., .lightly In th. .lxth 9 ' th Inning with two men on and threatened to .core, but th. drive failed to go through. Nygarrd mad. a beautiful triple In the third inning, scoring Tucker. Thomas knocked out a double, scoring . ers got out their old hickory pole, and tied the score. J Vancouver scored tb. winning run In th. ninth, when with two down and bases full. Hitter "kicked" th. ball, let ting Cook score. Tb. score: Vancouver I Portland B If OAR BROAR Wolfee.m. 1 3 S ..Kibble.:... 4 S T. Htm loai 4 1. S 0 rtaher.l. .. 4 110 It .Jlenla.1... B 1 1 . O 4ulllvaB.IBV S S 1. .-t..art.r. ail .vle.l 4130. Rreva.1. 4.1 a s Peterson,. I I 1 II 5-okta.l.. 4 .1 vi'.l.l 3.311 Cask.. 4 11 Itinera... 3.311 Hoeiale,c a . T I 0 lmpa7.r I 0 t.moa.s. 1 . 10, low. p.... 3 . 3 a. Ulna 11. .OKlrwm.p.. 1 1 . a,.iIT.- ... dfceuB.p... . . . . Totsls. I? art 14 Ol Tot ale.. ST 8 31 li a bailed for Henloa In eisbta. sneowver ............ .......3 11 Hits 1.111. .a 1 S Portland 1.....1. a J KlLa 3......1 O I HSU Oaok. Boslslo. OlDO. Flaher. Sulll van jtruk out. bv Clew 1. bv tienloa 3, br Kelly 4. Baaea a. balls, oft Clew 3. oft kirala X of Uenlna 3. olf K-llv 1. Two- .baeehlts. yiehar. Hamlltoa. KouMa plsr, aibbia to Rltter. bacririce k ta Hamilton. rwiaraow. t orn. Stolen baaea. Etswart. Sulll va. Innlnss put-bed. H.alon 7. runa 3. bi'a 3: flow T l-S. runs X hits : K!r win y 1 -X m. s. hits 3: credit victory to Kelly, r.iiaa reasonalbta for. Henion Z. '"in. 2. irwta ; c Serve defeat to Klrwta. Time ef atf l.U. Impira Badfoeti. 'TACOMA WINS SLOf GAME e rules of the Columbia Willamette Shipbuilders League Is that a man must work SO days for a com pany before he can play ball with the team. The rule was let down to the McCormlck Company for a period of 30 day. so aa to enable them to get a V v -1 m rrA KhevHer rannetl Ant an- first-class team together. Tb. SO days other two-bagger, bringing In Thomas, will be up thi. Sunday and hereafter the Quaker, scoring three run. In the piayer inu saensur r mucr third frame. Tbey mad. two In th. first and th. other run In tb. fourth. Bill Schroeder and Wilkinson played a good game for James John. The score: Franklin I Jams. John B It R E B R H E 3 3. o re7uTnsn,s.. 1 o o v 0 l Jower.3... .. 4 O 1 1 3 0 Ohm.S 4 0 0 0 1 W. BVh'der.L 4 0 11 . Kuiil.c... 4 O 0 1 0 VYulf.p 4 0.1 . a rook, i a . o . O 1 H Sch'der.e. 4 O 1 1 0 O,wuktnson.r. 4 1.1 e fttanford.s Tocker.e. . Nrsarrd.c. Thorn as.2. )ers.r. . . . fchryder.!., llobeon.S. . udiev.l... rornw.p. . Kevneiue,i. liordoar. . a a . S 1 . a i . a o .40 . a a . a o .. 4 . .. . . .. . . Totals ...33 4 4 Totals 82 1 8 S Pranklln 3 0 3 1 0 0 0 0 0 6 James Joha .01 000.0 0 1 struck eut. br Comes T. by vs ulf a. Ha.e. I bulla, off TVult T. off Cornea 8. Slolen basee. Tucker. 4. Two-baee hlta. fthrrder. Sebroeder. Thomas. Toree-basa hits, 7- .srrd. Lmplro. Hsrbtla. GRKSIUM XIXE IS DEFELTED Spokane Pitcher Touched Safe Swats. for 1 4 ." TACOMA. Wash-. May 1 Tacoma . won a slow and uninteresting game from Fpokane today. 1. to Broten .patched the full gam. for Spokane and waa touched up for 1 hlta. walked nine men and hit on. batter. Clayton re lieved Menth In the sixth, when the former weakened. Wright, of Tacoma. averts a triple, double and three singles In five times at bat. bcore: '- Ssoaaao Tacoma m m r;i B ft OAK 4 O'r-uble.l.. 4 . 1 S 3 . o Wrlshia, 4 4 . . 0peas.L.. S 3 3 . . 1 taal un. S 1 3 . 1 1 O Stevena.s. 3 3 3.. 1 eieubt.e.. 8 114 1 . 0- Wllaon.r. 4 13. 3 : tiorra.1.. 4 1 10 1 . 1 O Menth.p.. a 1 1 1 . iarra.0. 1 . a 1 Totals 37 14 37 13 4 Onffea.5 a . 3 Ifollo'r.l. 4 3 8 Nira.m. 8 . 3 Var.h'Lc 8 t a . fM.n'r.t 4.1 .Wall, at 4 1. . eiaurs.r. SI. e.hnota.o. a a a B rot.o. p. 8 3. 1 I 1.34 1. 31 Tetsls 3 . Score by Innings . svkane ...3.3.1 ft Tacoma .13 1.31 HI T Runs Msrshsll Towney. Walter.. Boars. . Shonta. Broten. Wrteht 2. Speaa. Dsnlels .atevens. Wilson. Hoffman. Xenth S. Innlnss pitched By Broten. S; Itentn. 8 1-8: Clar t.m. 3 2-8. Stalon bases Dsnlels Z Stevens. Three-beee hits Wrlsht. V llaon. Two-baas "K'te Wri(ht. spaas. Lanle:s. Stsvans. fac ' rtcs hits t'able. htevena Baao on belle "Vf Proten S. Menth 4. Clayton 3. struck 'eut Bv Brotea 3. iieath 1. Double plays ' f'sble to Imubert to Hoffman. Runs ro sooa.lble lor Brotea 10. Menth 8. Clay ten. 1. Christian Brother. Team Wins From Out-of-Town Aggregation. Th. Christian Brothers nine defeated the fast Gresham boys yesterday after- noon by the score of to 3. The game waa played on the victors' ground and was exceptionally fast. Brother Fa bian', men not only out-hit tbelr rivals but also outplayed them In every stage of th. game. The Gresham boys made only two hits off the delivery of Ores sens and Jewett. while the local boys were credited with nine saf. blows. Childers. the Gresham star, was the only on. of th. visitors abl. to solve the delivery of the Christian Brothers pitchers, and he acquired two singles. Th. lineups or tn. teams are as fol lows: Christian Bros.'' Tom. Whits s.. ftvsn ............. .c.. Broat 8.. Keating r.. Dunbar ..1 . . Huno ............. ..I . . Nelson 2.. K renter ...........m.. tlraaeens P.. A:.tork m. Jewett p. MANY COASTERS BATTING .300 Pitchers Have Poor Week and 18 Slugger. Keep In Charmed Class. SAN FRANCISCO. May 1 Jacques manager may line up will bav. to work In th. yards 30 days before be can play ball. Mensor was on th. Job again yester day and Induced Catcher Pike, who was to Join the Vancouver team, to play ball for him. Pike was turned over to Bob Brown's outfit by Los Angeles. Teek May Jump. . Eddie Teck, Inflelder who waa re leased by Bill Fisher several days ago, has been offered jobs at several plants in the shipbuilders organization and b. may decide to take a fling at the gam. here. It has been reported that the Corn- foot Company baa been whispering tn th. ears of several players In the Pa cific International League, but Man ager Charley Moore denied the asser tion yeeterday and says that if anyone on the Cornfoot team aproached any ballplayers they were unauthorized. - All of th. teams In th. Shipbuilders' League are taking advantage of the great weather thi. week and are prac ticing hard, getting in shape for next Sunday's games. Oscar Johnson, th. lanky catcher, who was released by Portland upon the arrival of th. team here, has gone to work at Supple-Ballln'a. and will do the receiving for Supple-Ballin team. There will be no shipbuilders' game at th. Vaughn-street grounds this Sun day, aa Portland Is at home. Instead ther. will be a double-header in Van couver and gamea at St. Johns and St. Helena Th. Norwesco club will play Grant Smith-Porter at St. Johns; the Foundation league leaders will Journey to St. Helens and meet the formidable McCormlck team, and Cornfoot vs. Clarkson-Standlfer and Supple-Ballin vs. Peninsula will furnish the double header at Vancouver. ciftc Coast League. Bill breezed into Los Angeles last Saturday night and registered at the same hotel with the Oakland team. Manager Del Howard left a 7 o'clock call for Stumpf and the rest of the Oakland players, but Stumpf had a longing in his heart for pretty Miss Schiewe, so he went the Oak man ager one better by leaving a 6 o'clock call and beat it for Portland on the 8 o'clock train, arriving here Tuesday. ting of Hornsby. SENATORS BEAT SEALS SACRAMENTO SCORES S IX EIGHTH AND WI.VS GAME. CINCINXATL O.. May 1. The hitting of Hornsby was the deciding factor Vernon Defeats Salt Lake With Ease by in St. Louis' 10-lnning victory over 8-to 3 Score, Oakland Takes Fea tureless Contest From Angela. SAN FRANCISCO, May 1. Sacra Cincinnati today. Hornsby scored Balrd with a double in the fourth in ning and In the tenth he led off with a three-bagger and scored on Cruise's sacrifice flv. Cincinnati hit May often, but found mento overcame a lead of three runs by difficulty In bunchinar their safe drives, scoring five In the eighth inning for a Stumpfs intentions were to get mar- it was liberty loan day and the play- win over San Francisco. Gardner, who ried and return to Oakland and play ers of the Cincinnati team subscribed replaced West, was never in danger of with the Oaks, but he received such a I H2.850. Manatrer Mathewson leading Deing scored on. Six double Dlavs fea flattering offer from the Foundation the list with the purchase Of $10,000 tured the game. Oliver, an outfielder, people that no decided to go to work in 1 worth of bonds. I was signed Dy the Seals today. Score the shipyards and play ball with the B, H. E. REE., R. H. E. R. H. E. Foundation nine on Sundays and holi- St. Louis... 2 6 llCIncinnatl. . 110 2 Sacram'nto 7 12 2 San Fran ..4 11 days. I Batteries May and Gonzales; Eller I Batteries West, Gardner and East and Allen. Stumpf, who is 26 years old, said he purchased J3000 worth of liberty bonds before leaving Baltimore, his home, last week. erly; G. Johnson, Seaton. McKee. Baum and Chicago 5, Pittsburg 3. DOYLE AS GOOD AS CHICAGO, May 1. After three post- EVER 1 ponements on account of Inclement Vernon 8, Salt Lake 3 SALT LAKE CITY. May 1 Jack Popular Player Silences All Doubt ers by Work With Giants. NEW TORK, May 1. When John Mc- Graw brought Larry Doyle tack to the Giants be announced that he believed the popular Larry to be as good ; as ever, and the fans, hoping that such was the case, probably thought per haps the doughty manager was a bit too optimistic Reports from Marlin earlier In the Spring indicated that Doyle was In great shape and his work in the games played to date has borne weather Chicago and Pittsburg met in I Quinn had little opposition today. He the final game of the series, the former I pitched masterly ball most of the way ana veraon won without much trouble. McCabe and Penner, the Salt Lake pitchers, issued eight bases on balls between them and four of them were converted Into runs. Score: R- H. E.l R. H. E. Vernon 8 11 1 Salt Lake ..3 6 Batteries Quinn and Moore: McCabe. r-enner ana i.oinick winning. Merkle's home run, which went into the left-field bleachers in the third, scored the winning run. R. H. E. R. H. E. Pittsburg.. 3 9 0 Chicago.... 5 8 2 Batteries Carlson, Jacobs Schmidt; Vaughn and Killefer. Boston 4, Brooklyn 2. and Oakland 6, Los Angeles 0 LOS ANGELES, Cal May 1. The Oakland team of the Coast League won BROOKLYN. May 1. Boston broke the tie for seventh place in the Na tional League by defeating Brooklyn. Muffs of flies by Hickman and John- 111 viio name, iiwcu iu unto nas uorne 1 . . , d . - . , - out the statement of those who saw f?nl'7i?rl. S-?weJ h, .T5L""'."vf" fu"? from J?" Angeles . ...... - 1 I.WUO.J , iuviu liio icnu 1 ii in o urst in a sacruice ny gave in. uraves one more in the ninth. R. H. E. R. H. E. Boston 4 9 llBrodklyn. . . 2 6 Batteries Ragan and Henry; Mar quard. Griner and Wheat. Qreaharrv Wulssey . . . Co .. ... Ch ii DARCYT0 BOX S0IBS .. Johnson . . Wlnlsrs . Peterson ... Butler FA LOOK FORWARD TO B01T TO . BE STAGED MAY 10. him In action at the training camp. Doyle is now slugging the ball at an even .500 clip, and his blows have been clean and timely. Also his fielding has been. If anything, better than ever before. Any regrets expressed at the trade of Charlie Herzog and Jimmy Smith for Doyle and Jess Barnes have been silenced by the work of Larry and the slim young pitcher in these first few days of the campaign. PHILADELPHIA. May 1. New York Philadelphia gam. postponed; wet grounds. Iagle ie Meet Fred Gilbert, of Bead, la Seaal-Wladap, i Slagging Match I. Expected by Followers. UKATTLE BESTS ABERDEEN Jack King, matchmaker for the Cen tury Club, which organisation is going to stag. th. Al Sommers-Jlmmy Darcy Foumler. of the Los Angeles club of the Pacific Coast Baseball League, was the leading batter of the circuit at th. end of the third week of play. H. had I six-round bout at the Eleventh-street advanced his average during th. aix I Plsvhouae Frirlsv niwht xt.w m i. Alexander Pltche Good Ball and M7",?' ?!r o P'centage of 404 waxing enthusiastic over the boosting Alexander rucrsrw wowi to 4J4. Farmer of Salt Lake, who led Portland fight fans are giving his main Tightens ip in i-incnes. -",i'i"u m .. w doul Both Doys have started train- It he sixth place among the regulars. I ins- for their aet.tr i,irh n. v.. SEATTLE. Wash, May 1. Seattle Fournler ended th. last season under a hammer-and-tonas affair from trt mads it two straight with Aberdeen 1 .300 per cenL I to finish. hr. today, winning. S to S. Alexander n was not a particularly good week Sommers is' working out at the Co oitrhed rood ball for tn. local team. I for th. nltohera. fls-ures ihoainr ih,i i.-m. ..i..i 1 ..w . n while hi. teartimates consistently h t In 1( batsmen among the regular, were In .on and Marty Farrell. while Darcy is lh. pinches K Aberdeen made two Prlt- the charmed percentage cl.es a. agaln.t putting in his hard licks at the Rose ed rallies, but Alexander tightened up n th, previoo, week. city Club, where he boxes with his brother, Alex, and Jack Graham every afternoon. Promoter King closed for two other bouts last night which ought to prove good new. to Portland fight fans. George Ingle. Pacific Coast lightweight champion, affixed his signature to a agreeing to box Fred and held them. . Aberdeen I Seattle- Vlt OAK.' Bessrt s.. 8.8 a e Smala.1. . Heat sr. I. 4 18 1. Leard.2.. Vcen.2.. 8 . S S 1 Murpbr.S .7:ntie.m. 4 8 4 tOCarmaa.1 o.n'tl m B H O A E 4 1 a 4.421 4 118. 4 310 1 4 ? ; 0 CAS CO - 21 to. Clyde -1 v$ in. Collars FOR. SPRING C7uu.r.ery V C Inc. eMsiee. Baseball Summary. Veraon . . Sslt I-aks. Uaklaau. . . Boatoa. ....It Cleveland.. T rhlraio.... 8 Washington 8 rsetflc Cast, W. I. Pet. I W. I Pet. IS 13 -Srto Sacramento IS la ai is 13 ..vie i. Anreiea. ia i .441 1 set of articles, ia li .ow sao arso.. 12 17 .414 Gilbert. Clair Bromeo, th .Ms st. Louis... 4 .4no I youngster who has San Francisco defeated Jimmy -1V New Tork.. S S lo n... j.. .-a V. j t t ..-.'.1 Detroit. 5 K I "'."r" oo. Philadelphia 8 8 .27 I Polnger. Willie Mnclalr and Frankle lucner, em meet vveiaon '., ing. Three other bouts to complete the evening s programme will be announced by Jack King tomorrow. CALIFORNIA FISHING BEHIND Lack of Rain Makes Season Slow In Reaching Normal; Fish Small. 6 AN FRANCISCO, CaL. May 1. California, considered a paradise for anglers, is offering thus far this sea son, good fishing "in spots" only. Over a large section of the state there has been a heavy shortage of rain, which has resulted in the streams remaining exceedingly low. This has resulted in reducing th. size of the fish which are being caught. In many places the rain WASHINGTON BEATS HILL CADET ARE OUTCLASSED AD DE FEATED BY 12 TO 2 SCORE. Error, by Losers Give Game to East- alders Who Also Garner 12 Hits Off Johnson's Delivery. The Washington High nine had an easy time with the Hill aggregation fall bas been approximately only one- and walloped them 12-2 yesterday af- half of the normal. W h .r. the rainfall iaa been nitrmal the streams continue too roily for the ott color and mussed up many ground- best results and it will be some weeks yet before Ideal conditions obtain along the inland streams. Reports from Catalina Island, famed for its ocean fishing, are favorable. Mackerel fishing now is. good and a few barracuda and yellow tall are be ginning to be brought in by the anglers. Good barracuda fishing now Is due. PING BODIE LIKED BY "FANS Ex-Coaster Praised for Work Gardens and With Willow. In ers that should have been easily caught. Pitcher Johnson of the cadets, pitched a good steady game and although the box score credits Washington with 12 hits, many of them would have been cut off with any kind of fair support With the exception of the three-bagger made by Miller, the hits made by Washington were singles. The Washington support was won derful throughout the game, consider ing the field they were playing on. Sunny. Sundelief made a great running catch of a hard fly in the third inning. Emil Tausher, the clever little thlrd- sacker of Washington, watched the game from the stands. He h$.s been With each succeeding day the con- nopplng. on crutches for the last two viction grows that Miller Huggins week, and w, probabiy DO out for made a ten strike when he added Ping tha remainder of the season. Tausher Bodie to the New York club. Likewise without a doubt, the best third tne wonaer grows mat aucn a piayer onri the heet runner in , Vi was auowea 10 remain wa seasons in I leatry the minor leagues arter nis iirsi en- with the exception of the second gagement In the majors. For b' I and third innings, Washington scored man ouio is remaraauiv imi, e-nu "u at least one0 in ali the other frames. Mstlessl. New Tork. 11 1 .PIT fMttsburs. . . 4 8 .444 Chics so.... T 8 .'no "t. Louis... 8 1 .417 Phllsdelp'a, T 8 .Mt Boston 4 S .SM Cincinnati. T 8 .80S Brooklyn. . . 3 10 .1ST rwrtsawd Bat lias; Averages. Rltter..... S 2 .rm ri.her a 1 .1SJ !.ea. ...... S 3 .37 Peterson... . . .0041 1 r.t e 3 Rspp...... 3 o Kibble.... T 1 .141 Clow 1 e Hulllvsa... T 1 .14.1 Klrwla.... . . .ce") I usmpoey.. 1 1 .lu.tnoup . , Mow taw aerie. Mas da. Vancouver. 3: Poetlsnd. 0. Tacoma. 2; hpoksne, n Seattle. 2: Aberdeen. .. Wbers th. Teasas rhiy Today. Vancouver at Portland. Spokane st festtl. Abacdeea st Tacoma. W hers taw Teasas Mar Neat Week. Aberdeen at Prt!se4. V anrouver at Tacoma. Cpokaa. at Seattle. TRIO OF PLAYERS ARRIVE 2 1 Morton, Arkenburg and Smith Here From Salt Lake Bees. The Portland Buckaroos were rein forced yesterday with the arrival of Pitchers Morton and Arkenburg and Outfielder Lyman Smith from Salt Lake. Thi. trio was released by Wal ter McCredie. along with John L. Sulli van, outfielder, in part payment for Paddy Klglln and Jack Farmer. The trio arrived at the Vaugh-street park yesterday while the Vancouver- Portland gam. was In progress and plays the outfield with such good judg ment that he more than makes up the difference between himself and some fleet-footed youngster. As for bitting. Ping can slam the ball about as hard as any right-hand hitter in the game today, and he has throwing arm that will take rank among the best arms in the major leagues. Bodle has been hitting the ball hard all Spring, has played a fine defensive game and is sure to prove a Hill Roblnson.s.. 4 Beige. c 4 Johnson, p.. 4 Boyd.l 4 Gallop.2 4 Parks. 4 Heyden.r. .. 2 Ball. 3 3 Psge,m 3 B R H E Washtna-ton B R H E 2 10 Oil 111 10 0 2 2 0 0 10 4 0 0 0 3 0 0 10 2 10 0 4 Mann.r. 1 lIHitchcock.l. 6 0 0Haar.l 1 1. lSunnevleaf,l 3 0 2Mlller.c 4 0 1 1 Regenouch.p 5 O OiDolp.m 5 O llClouirh.s 5 0 OjFltchner.3. . 5 Kidwell.J... 4 Totals ...82 2 - 10 Totals ...44 12 13 2 Struck out. by Johnson 6. by Regenouch 10. big favorite with the New York fans. Bases on balls, by Johnson 4. by Regenouch Miller. Double plays. Boyd to Gallop. Rob inson to Ball. Tims of fame, 1:53. Umpire, Rankin. Race Winners Paid in Bonds. "ROWDY" ELLIOTT TO ENLIST White Sox Catcher in Class Al to I Leave for Mare Island Sunday. BALTIMORE, May 1. During the drive for the third liberty loan, the CHICAGO, May 1. Harold (Rowdy) Maryland tracks are putting on one Elliott, of Bloomlngton, 111., catcher race each day, valued at J700, which with the Chicago Nationals, who Is In 8 paid to the winning owner In lib class Al of the draft, decided tonight erty bonds. The successful Jockey alsd to enlist In the Navy. recompensed in this manner. Turf- He will leave Sunday for the Mare men at Havre de Grace are oartlculaxlv Island Navy-yard near San Francisco. anxious to win these Government se curities in spite of the fact that many Phone your want ads to The Orego-1 owners, trainers and riders already man. Main 7070, A 603a. I have liberally subscribed to the loan. ning, driving Crandall from the box in the fourth and being never in danger. Score: R. H. E. R. H. E. Oakland ...6 8 OIL. Angeles .0 5 3 Batteries Martin and Mitze; Cran dall, Valencia and Boles, Lapan. FISH ARE QUITE PLENTIFUL Sportsmen .Easily Get Quotas in Skamania County- Waters. UNDERWOOD, Wash.. May 1. (Spe. clal.) Fish in the White Salmon, Little White Salmon and Trout Lake are nu merous this year. 'Also fine fishing has been experienced near the Northwest ern dam, on the lake. Many bave bad to stop fishing, as they had reached their "quotas" as far as the game warden was concerned. Also, licenses are a thing one must be careful of, as several have been discov ered without them. BROWN BRINGS OWN" ROOTERS Soldier-Boxer Pulls New One When He Purchases 185 Seats. George ("Knockout") Brown, former Chicago middleweight, now of Presidio, California, who fought Willie Meehan in San Francisco tha other night. pulled a new one corded Brown before and after his mill with Willie Meehan has been revealed. Something like 200 soldiers, all from Presidio and every man jack a loyal supporter of the Chicago middleweight, applauded from the minute their choice strode down the aisle and hopped into the ring, all the way through the four rounds and as he left once more for the dressing room. And here's how it happened: Fay day at the Presidio post is not until some time this week. Most of the boys are "brokers" and there was sadness as the day of the fight approached. "I'll fix It, boys," said the resourceful Brown. He arranged with Harry Foley, the promoter of the show, for a special rate $1 per soldier and then purchased $185 worth of seats. These were ap portioned to his friends, chiefly from his own company, with the understand ing that after payday the boys were to shell out $1 apiece. Not a bad scheme at all to bring your own rooting section, even if you have to finance it. And no wonder there were so many cheers every time Brown landed. ' MATTY TO AID MORALE CHRISTY MAY RECRUIT TEAMS FOR "BEHIND THE LINES." Cincinnati Nationals' Leader to Help Y. M. C. A. Officials and Sugg-eats Hans Wagner'. Aid. CINCINNATI, O.. May 1. Christy Mathewson, of the Cincinnati Nation als, will go to France If officials of the Y. M. C. A. can convince him that his services there in improving the morale of the American troops would be Indispensable. Mathewson made this declaration today after a prolonged conference with Dr. George G. Fisher, internation al director of physical instructors of tho Y. M. C. A. Dr. Fisher assured Mathewson he could convince him his services would be Invaluable. Mathewson asserted that he tnougnt well of the idea of sending over two teams from the big leagues to play for tho soldiers behind the line. He and President Herrmann will confer In Chicago Thursday with r-resiaent Weeghman, of the Chicago .Nationals, and President Comiskey, of the White Sox. on the matter. If the teams are sent abroad Mathewson will recruit the clubs. Mathewson suggested to Dr. lsher that Hans Wagner was as popular and stood as high in the estimation of the American youth as he himself did. Germans Supply Shoes. NEW YORK. April 20. The German government is now supplying the people with ehoes. xne tierman r eoerai coun cil has issued an order creating an im perial board for the distribution of shoes, eay German newspapers. At last the secret of the backing ac-'nlan. Main 7070, A 6095 Phone your want ads to The Orego- WHY SUFFER WITH RHEUMATISM? Almost as Common in Sum mer as in Winter. While the damp, cold, changing weather of Winter intensifies the pains and other disagreeable symptoms of Rheumatism, it is by no means a Win ter disease exclusively. Through the long months of Summer its wandering pains and twitching nerves are felt by those who are afflicted with this dis ease. Rheumatism is a disease that Involves the entire system. Its primary cause results from the failure of the elim inative organs, tho Liver, Kidneys and Bowels, to carry out of the system acids and refuse matter. Not only is Rheumatism the most painful of all diseases, with Its swollen, stiff joints, throbbing muscles and stinging nerves, but it is a formidable and dangerous trouble. If its cause is allowed to remain in the blood and the disease becomes chronic, chalky depos its form at the joints and they are rendered immovable and stiff, and the patient left a helpless cripple. Every day the poison remains in the system the disease gets a firmer hold. The best time to cot rid of Rheumatism is in warm weather; because then the blood takes on new life and the skin Is more active and can better assist in the elimination of the poisons. External applications may sometimes relieve the pain temporarily, but they cannot have any effect on the disease. The blood must be treated before a cure can be effected. S. S. S., a remedy made from roots, herbs and barks, is the best treatment for Rheumatism. It attacks the disease at its head, and by neutralizing the acid, driving it out, and building up the blood so it can supply nournishment and strength to every part of the body, it drives out Rheumatism permanent ly. Being purely vegetable. It will not injure the system, as do medicines which contain Potash or some other mineral ingredient. S. S. S. tones up every part of the body Wy its fine tonic properties. While cleansing the blood of all poisons it builds up the appetite and digestion and completely relieves Rheumatism. If you are worried with the nagging pains of Rheumatism, do not wait for it to become chronic, but begin the use of S. S. S. today and purge the blood of every particle of the poison. Write for our hook on Rheumatism and any medical advice.. Address 410 Swift Laboratory, Atlanta, Ga. Adv. . 1