Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, May 02, 1918, Page 10, Image 10

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Eataraai at Fort!aa4 (Orasaa) Poatoftlce a
HcM4in aaaUl Bttur.
tiMcnwiaw raiaa lnr.t:y la aa.aace:
tflr Mali.)
r-aMr. ?'ja4y la-ra1a,. ana yaar feuntlAT laarlaataaal. ata oaoalha..
ii:v. Kufluy tacia-laal. taraa motaa
I'Ai.y. aanlx liilai. ne moAlb..
I:;. una.! Munday, ana yaar....
V. y, wit&eut Ituaday, a. I motains...
1 . r. wiuiaat feiiadajr. aoa moon...
la unthinkable, that families ar bet
tcr cared (or. that fathers and son
are more regularly employed, and that
prohibition Is beneficial.
oftar la arrra la the tranches, and la
any rapacity, will aland ao Ions as the coun
try la at war. From the campaign pan
ft, en I palat at A. LaKarty.
2 11 1 Thus we hear from Lafferty, who
U I offers also a noble and annealing Die
tura of himself. In his advertising
c roc n lire, -in me unuorm or a pri
v.a.t. mum yiar.. ..........
ta&ly. ana jrr. .......... ,
aoiMiy aad kiv .
( ly Carrtar.)
IUr, 9aadar lmr.uda.1. ooa yf lw
!.. y. ttfiir laaduilaai. aoa month. .T
1 a.i.y. uadj lacuaU. thraa monuia....
1 .-y. ithou: riuartay. ana yaar. ...... ?
2a..jr. ai:aul ruoUay. taraa montha.... 1
la..y. without buntlay. ooa moata...... .li
Mow to RmJt Sand pootofflca manor
IIM nl raMla..- mt tha. -!.! lt training
I n A .. .a ...-. . - 1 .
quotation marks "In the uniform of
J a private soldier" are Lafferty very
own. lie Is proud of his soldierly ap
pearance, and. being equipped for
war, says he wants to go to war.
What Is keeping you, Mr. Laf
roar, .ipm or aoraonoi caack oa roarlfcrty? What Is keeping you? Here
you are. a fine, healthy, handsome
young man, patriotic (you say It your
self) and anxious to serve "In the
trenches or In any capacity." You
also say that yourself.
Can you give. Mr. Lafferty, or can
anyone give a reason why you should
cot go to the nearest recruiting office
and enlist as a private soldier in that
same uniform which you wore last
Summer? Why not wear it again?
What is keeping you at home, run
local bona, tuapa coin or aarraaey ara al
aorvra nak. Cio pootoffica addroaa la. rutt.
Uu..uJm couatr and state.
roataa-o Ralra 12 to 1 r. 1 rant: 11
tm 1J a mm. cam.: 14 to 41 Da.-a. a cants:
to oaaia. caata: 3 to paa.
conla: 7 ta J pasaa, conta. roralsa Pool
asa. douhia rataa.
ttymrrm Baalaaaa OffW Vrrao Conk.
tla. Orauaut aultna. Kaw Tark: Varroa
Cork to. Ntacar bot.dlna. Chlraso; V ar
aak liv. Kr arM baudlac. . It. Mich.;
rraariora raprasaatau.a. H. J. Bldwail,
. J XaHit atroat.
mfmbek or Tils: AswcuTtD rBE5. I nlng for office, when you say you
The Aaaoeiatawi Praaa la aelaiva!y an:l
t ad to lu boo (or roaubiicaitooi mt all nawa
diaaaichao crodito ta It or Mt etaarwiaa
ar4iiad ta thia paoar, aad a:ao tha local
saw pubiianad karaia.
ill ri-bta c( rapaOlleaMoa of asocial dU-
pochaa aocata ara aloo roaarvod.
want to go to war?
method to the time-honored way of
the historian in his efforts to support
a theory that society does not know
what It is doing when it sets up cer
tain standards to govern the relations
between men and women, and enacts
marriage statutes and holds fixed
opinions on the subject of the sanctity
of the home.
The average man, who prides him
self on the possession of homely com
mon sense, wilt look askance at th
experiments of men of this professor'!
type. . For If we are to let down the
bars to investigation, there must be
no special favors for professors o
sociology. All are seeking for truth,
each In his own way. what a merry'
go-round of licentious adventure we
should have if the "case method" were
to become universal! The perfect,
automatic defense against every social
crime would be established, superio
to the alibi, or even the claim of
mental Irresponsibility. We can bet
ter afford to grope along In the twl
light, finding our way as best we can
by the sense of touch and the familiar
landmarks here and there, for a while
longer. The defense of Professor
Thomas is interesting chiefly for its
ingenious elaboration; it will not be
safe for some time to come for others
to adopt his methods of "investiga
TTie Oregontaa has from an Antl-
A desirable article of food, and one
OTHlaE) BtTX aUJloT 1UE1H WiUES, I ,h . Pnraont tha aaaanr-a nt Connor
A strike by tha telegraph operators I vation. promise to go to waste be
would be a disaster, not to say calam-l caasa there la prevalent in some quar-
I fPk. mm . t. I ...... . niirlAtia nnHnn t V. r f i a -aflnr
. Irnmpani.a a fully aware of the I of cabbage which has been salted and
consequences. They have prevented permitted to ferment In its own juice
unionization by the operators in the constitutes a pro-German" act. It is
past and they have always maintained perhaps true that thia article of diet
Moon worker In New York ao anxious I a nourishing black list, and they are is or Teutonic origin, although data
, , ... I not inclined to any other policy now. are lacking as to precise time ana
xicy ara uvi c.u j uiamrwu. aiiiwr i I'lat., .u, iti .inviuii, b m
antlv hv tha rhanrtd conditions of I that Its common name Is undubltablv
cry uwn rnmioiuon Cia wiw iaoor shortag and higher living cost. German. Nevertheless, there is no
la Tortland. Or," and widely circa-1 They know that tha Government Is copyright on the recipe for putting
lated by tha Presbyterian Board of I vitally Interested In free and.unlnter-1 up cabbage In any form, nor any
Tempera ore of Pittsburg, Fa. I rupted telegraph, service during the! patent on the process of fermenting
-The matter la tha pamphlet," aay B1 muat maintain It, at all It. and thera are few who will sub
. . . I hazards. Thera Is also a. mora or I scribe to the doctrine that one's char
ur tv.rnrvuw UM ywau .u- . .,.-..-..., nrlm,.Atm . artar la Influanra.! h. wnat ha aata.
rent for some time la temperance I jjQp)yfa a, class and employes as land those- who are fond of sauerkraut,
literature, and Is ona af those state-la, cIsjis that there shall be no strikes either with spare ribs or pickled pork
menu that has been taken for rranted. I ta raeoralxa anr new union d urine-1 or slain boiled will not be contrlbut
so universal la its appearance. . . .1 the war and no strikes to non-unlonlxel ing to tha winning or tha war by
Tha brewers now take exception to any unionised employment. Very welL I denying themselves this particular
. . . tn. I id It is true mai tna teiegrapu item, m it wouiu aorva iuq uer
" m., m I operator (commercial ) la poorly paid I man purpose for Americana to waste
A uw i.ia auu w u . ui i-
land and Its happy experience with
prohlbitioa are:
Wat (ara!ared Ralnlor Browary. Ill;
Portland Hraoary. 1 00. Parlfla O
ary. 1UJ: total amsloyad. ara
firy tarnpioyad or a tanaory. ISOS:
aoa a furnitara factory, aoO; bow a abaa
factory. i0; total ampioyad. 4Mi
If we gather tha drift of this over
powering argument for prohibition,
tt la that one brewery Is now a tan-
uua luw jjwi cot amtm u L 111. j i
skilled emDlovments. We should like I Prejudice against tha use of an ar
to sea a statement of the wage scale! tide of "unmitigated German origin,"
of tha average operator. Wa should It seems, la widespread. Officials of
Brow. I itke to know how much Increase these tha federal Food Board In New York
Industrious and efficient men and I were told the other day that consump
women have had in the past ten years, I tion had fallen off fully 75 per cent
or the past year, or tha past month, since the war began. On dealer tes-
How does their wage compare with tilled that he had four hundred tons
tha well-paid press telegraph opera on hand, with no prospect of a market,
tor? How does It compare with the There are immense quantities In stock
now Af mon In klndroft mnlnnnanti In tha ITnttaff fitntaa annngh tA fond
another a furniture factory, audl.yg.k llnotme operators? la good-sized German army, which
.k third a shoe factory, and that the if t be true that the Vnlted States would be glad enough to get it.
change has rnarvclously made 4700 Government and Its welfare are so Some of the dealers have suggested
contented workers where there were deeply Involved In eontlnuous opera- changing the name to "liberty cab-
only IT before. Wonderful. If true. . tion or teiegrapn lines mat a sinxe cage, in me nope mat mis win re-
musi ana win om prevented, i oaouia store u to jjui'uiur ittvur. iiarui
also be true that 'tha Government, will ba dona by adopting the plan,
through Its mediation bureau, is perhaps, although th necessity for it
enough Interested In th grievances la not fully apparent. Still, the point
of poorly paid operators that It will la that we must continue to consume
Tha trouble la that It ta not true,
and bears only th faintest semblance
of truth In tha Instances cited. Why
was so much "taken for granted" by
anybody, when tha facts ara eally K dJu8t tbem an(, tnat they hav6 a our vegetables so far as possible, and
available, and they ara favorable, un
questionably, to prohibition? Why
was it assumed by tha Presbyterian
lioard of Temperance of Pittsburg
that gross and astounding misrepre
sentation will aerve better than
living wage.
no better way of carrying cabbage
through th non-growing season has
been devised than th pickling of it.
Let It be liberty cabbage, if that will
remove the prejudice against It, and
let us eat up the thousands of barrels
The notion that
tt Is food fit only for the Kaiser ought
to ba dispelled In the Interests
economy and conservation.
The defense offered by a professor
of the University of Chicago, who ta
i . . . L t. . i s I v. A v .... i . r v. - . I
atrn aiaiemani tJt wi o rat Biiuttioa r a iu,iuui:i v i ins iui wa anct uau of it DOW In Storage
x ncrv is not, aoa never was. a iuuvd iiu iuu(vr, n jubuuuiiiiiii vi mi
Kainler Brewery lPortland. Scathe unconventional plight In which he
enjoys the distinction of being the found himself and in which tha wife
site, or tha grave, of that delectable of a soldier absent in France Is em
Institution. Thera Is not. and never barrassingly Involved. Is highly con-
was, so far as we can recall and we venlent. but It la not new. The pro- EQUIP THE NATION FOR COMMERCE.
have a fairly good memory about af-lfessor. according to his own version,! Foreign trade was recognized byth
fairs Portland, including Institutions I was simply conducting soma expert- recent National Foreign Trade Con
for the making of beer a pacific I ments In sociology doing "labora-1 ventlon as one of the essential meant
Coast Brewery in this city. There I tory" work, as the scientist might of success In the war. as welt as foi
was a Portland brewery, months since I phrase it. Perilous work he admits I carrying the burdens which will rest
cone hence; but It has not been trans- I It to be. as. Indeed. It Is; but ha takes I upon the Nation after the war. Foi
formed Into a furniture factory. I to himself tha flattering thought that our success In the war we must main
Portland Is a manufacturer of fur- I ha la mora a martyr, for example, I tain trade with all the great markets
nttiire. In various establishments, and I than tha Intrepid geographer who I which supply war material and the
employs many hundred men In that I risks his Ufa In uncharted wilds, or I raw material for our domestic Indus
Industry, fio It was In tha old wet I the bacteriologist who inoculates him-1 tries, and we must tear out the ten
days. It has a number of tanneries, I self to put his own theories to th test. I taclea which Germany has fastened on
but no on employ the grand total I For tha other scientists only stake our domestic trade and finance. W
of 1(00 busy and sober tanners, or I their lives, while tha sociologist defies I must also occupy tha fields of for
any number approaching it. As to public opinion and puts his good name I elgn trad from which our enemies
a shoe factory, let onr New York In-I in the balance. -In th Instance In I have been driven by th war. To in
qmrer be content with our assurance I point, ho even risked the good nam I sure our prosperity after the war we
that th total In that employment Is I of another than himself. I must equip ourselves ta maintain and
lea than 1509. I Then, of course, there la th other I strengthen, under the intense compe
The Oregontan would like to know I familiar defense that th accepted I tition which will then prevail, the hold
where the stories, such as are put I standards of society ara all wrong. I on foreign markets which we gain
forth by th Pttuburg propagandists, I We grow to expect, when we read I while competition Is at the minimum,
rome from? Wily are men so willing I about a sociologist gone wrong, thatl These things require vast reorgani
to accept and proclaim, without In-I he will have something to say about I sation, improvement and extension o
ventilation, abatements about anything, I th injustice of "man-made laws." I our internal machinery for produc
much less about any matter In con-I The "great error" of society, It seems, I tion and transportation. Under this
trovcrsy? I 'o they fear that the! is that while It expects from Its head come:
truth will not serve them, and they I members creative work, it "continual-I Improvement and extension of rail
muht rely upon manufactured evl-lly hinders, them from doing It by all I roads, especially terminals and car
deuce? It would almost seem so. I kinds of special regulations." Among distribution, and eo-ordinatlon of the
But the truth Is decidedly In their I the hateful regulations are certain I railroads with each other and with
fior. th temperance workers I antiquated notions that even a pro-1 waterways; also- National regulation
of New York Ignore th rosy fictions fessor of social science ought to ob-lof all Interstate roads.
of the hired anti-saloon crusaders, and I scrva some old-fashioned proprieties! Improvement of waterways, con.
go to disinterested sources for their I and outward restrictions in his rela-1 struction of water terminals and es.
information. Nothing could be more I tlons with the wives of other men who I tablishment of modern lines, eo-or-
rffcrttve. for example, than the plain I may not have been consulted and who I dlnated with railroads and secured
taotimony of any large employer of I probably do not understand tha ways I from destructive railroad competition,
labor In Oregon or Washington. Take I of bohemlans. Also, it Is safe to say, I pistrlbutlon of ocean commerce
the logging camps and th sawmills, they do not sympathize with them. among a larger number of ports on
The tvenellts of prohibition there are The professor. It seems, Is a stu- all coasts, in order to do away with
r.ot to be questioned by anybody. Or dent of romance and of tha human th glut of traffic at a few ports and
take the shipyards of Pucet Sound or I emotions, with especial reference to I on the railroads leading ta them,
the Columbia River. Without eon-1 their bearing upon the question of sex. I A large addition to tha present
ulting any shipbuilder. The Oregonlan I lie is not content with the methods I ocean tonnage, not only for direct
venturra nothing In the guess that all I of tha historian, although history Is I military service, but to maintain and
responsible makers of ships will say I the piost elaborately organised of all extend foreign trade by means of
that tha efficiency ef labor has been the social sciences and has made the Amerloan shipping lines, and during
Increased greatly by prohibition; and I most minute and painstaking contrl-1 the war to bring raw materials from
that prohibition prohibits, not abso-1 buttons." The trouble with th his-1 abroad for war purposes and for do
lately, but measurably. Ther s noltorlan la that he attempts to present I mestic consumption as well as to sus-
loas of time, or very little, from I lessons to the present from the rant. I tain and add to our economic strength
drunkenness, no waste ef money In I This method the professor rejects in I as a means of financing the war.
saloons, no demoralisation In the I toto. He finds that It accounts fori Development of all our neglected
I th "failur of lntellectuallsm." He I resources in the shape of water power,
prefers the case method, which In-1 minerals of all kinds, agriculture,
vokea association with all sorts of I especially on arid land, timber and
persona. Including "prostitutes, thieves I grazing land.
and bums" and. also. It appears, the Training of an army of young men
wives of absent soldiers. Only In this I and women in our schools and col
county. Here and there are wet spots, I manner can human conduct ba ana-1 leges for foreign trade, that they may
and there ara numerous Infractions I lyzed to his satisfaction in no other know tha products and th needs of
of the dry law. But th consumption I way can th well springs of emotion I the countries with which they will
of liquor has enormously decreased. I b sounded to their depths. I do business, may write and speak the
There can be no dispute of that state-I So the Intrepid social explorer goesi languages of our foreign customers.
merit. No figures as ta present-day I his unfettered way at least h Is un. I may know American and foreign,
cm or liquor are avaiiab'j, ana they lettered until a acanaaiutea notei pro-i Business metnoas, ana may Da mis
would be worthless if they coulj be prietor and a too conventional police sionarles of American commerce in
had. Tha real evidence ta to be had man Interfere with his Investigations, spired with a patriotism, which can
In the changed condition. Any eye A hidebound university dispenses with not Influence tha many foreigners
may sew it; any tongue may tell of I his services. Reporters who also have I who have hitherto been employed
It. and It will be true. A drunken man a taste for probing the human emo-I abroad by American exporters.
co the streets of Portland la a novelty. I tlons ask him deeply personal ques, I Portland and the Columbia River
A saloon Is a memory. A bootlegging tlons. It Is a cold world. The search, I should play an Important part In this
Joint la a rarity. Not ona citizen In for Truth, with a capital "T," Is ham. expansion of trade. Railroads lead
a thousand knows where It Is to be pered. as usual. directly from one of the broadest,
found, and a surreptitious drink may It waa always thus. At ana time, richest and most productive areas to
be had. There are left-over stores. Professor Thomas reminds us, it was thia port, and ara paralleled and In
doubtless, In many plaeea, but they a sin to rescue shipwrecked sailors In tersected by great inland waterways,
are not dispensed, and ara not for Scotland; a moral act In England to The port is reached by a navigable
miscellaneous use. burn a boy for repeating a bit of channel from the sea which, is deep
If a suggestion from Th Oregontan profanity which h did not understand, enough and broad enough for the
to the prohlbitioa workers of New One widows were burned In India, greatest ships. It Is the center of
York, or any wet state, should prove and th use of th Iron plow was th wooden shipbuilding industry, and
li order. It would be for them to re- condemned as blasphemy and the tele- plays no small part In butldlng steel
tire th professional agitators to th graph was rejected by th British war ships. These facts point to it as one
background, and to Import a flying department. The Aristotelians, If wt of the new, neglected ports which
battalion ef plain citizens from the remember lightly, made Ufa uneotn- should be used to relieve the conges
I'aciao Northwest, to tell what they fortabl for Oalileo. Now a twen. tion prevailing at those tew ports
think aad what they know.' They will tteth century world pillories a socio- where our commerce Is centered. It
aay tai rttura to former conditions legist becaui h prefer 'th cm Is the natural gateway Hbrougb, which
the products of th Pacific North
west should flow to the sea, and It
produces the vessels to carry them.
The Columbia River and its main
tributaries should enter Into any
comprehensive scheme of water trans
The shipbuilding industry should be
fostered here, both for the purposes
of war and for the present and future
purposes of commerce.
Oregon has as large a share as any
state of the undeveloped resources
which are needed both in war and
commerce, and they should go to
market through this gateway.
In the Agricultural College at Cor
vallls and in the Benson Polytechnic
School at Portland, Oregon has Insti
tutions which train men and women
for industry, agriculture and science.
and in the University of Oregon at
Eugene it has a department which
trains them for commerce.
All the equipment for a great part
in expansion of commerce exists in
Portland and Oregon. It waits only
to be used.
complete organization ot me united
States for foreign commerce also de
mands much Federal legislation,- of
which the laws authorizing American
banks ' abroad and combination of
American exporters for sales abroad
Stars and Starmakers.
Br Leone Cass Baer.
AREN'T women exacting and queer?
The wife of a nice actor. In her
divorce petition, alleges that when they
were first married he referred to her as
The Wife," later that became "The Old
Woman," and now, although she Is not
yet 30, she claims to have overheard
him saying to a friend, "Have you met
Th Hagr
a a
In these pestiferous times of worry,
I certainly envy that woman found wan
dering In the streets who, when ques
tioned, said: "I know my name is Lena
Dike and that's all. I know about my
self or anybody or aaything else."
a a
Walter Regan is playing with a stock
company in Providence, R. L May Buck
ley Is the leading woman.
a a a
A likeness of Geraldine Dare's color
ful brunette beauty has been made into
the principal figure for a poster to be
used In patriotic work. The artist is
Tmalno Sukl. a Japanese girl, whose
magaslna Illustrations are widely
known. She met Miss Dare while the
are but the beginning. The consular I latter was In motion picture work in.
service should be Improved by release I Los Angeles, and Miss Sukl was having
from hampering restrictions, by pay-a holiday In Southern California. In the
ment of more liberal salaries and by I poster, which la idealized, of course,
enlargement of its staff, that It may the little Dare girl is pictured against
become efficient In gathering first- a background of Old Glory, her lips
hand information. The tariff system nlnrert tn a trumnat and ona hand out-
should be revised to become an In- ztretched. appealing for support forbe
strument in Dargaimng ior protection liberty bond.
and extension ot ioreign trade, since
direct taxation has become, and seems
destined to remain, our main source
of revenue, the contribution which
customs duties make to the Treasury
should be regarded as merely Inci
dental to these purposes. Adjust
ment of duties should therefor be
entrusted to an administrative body.
In order that the tariff may be flex-
Th son of Marc Klaw will likely go
Into productions next season for the
legitimate stage. He is Joseph Klaw,
now auditor in the Klaw & Erlanger
office, in which firm bis father is part
ner. e
Owa Linking of Name With Lincoln's
Suggests a StrUtlnc Contrast.
PORTLAND, May I. (To the Editor.)
I have before me a 64-page booklet.
containing much that pretends to be
political argument, and two half-tone
photographs. They are excellent like
nesses of Abraham Lincoln, the mar
tyred President, and of A. W. Lafferty.
pretender to Congress at the coming
primary election.
I marvel that presumptious egotism
should so overreach itself. Lincoln, 1
fancy, looks In the picture much as he
did when Booth killed him in Ford's
Theater, when he paid in full the price
for such Americanism as the world will
remember when the 20th century la
ancient history. Lafferty wears the
uniform of a student at the Presidio
training camp.
In Other Days.
, Twenty-five Years Age.
From The Oregonian, May 2, 1893.
Chicago. President Cleveland yes
terday touched the button and the
World's Columbian Exposition formally
opened. There was an auspicious
crowd and attending excitement. The
spectators on opening day numbered
more than 200,000.
Monte Carlo gambling receipts last
year were $5,000,000 and a 41 per cent
divldent on $6,000,000 nominal stock
was paid.
James Whitcomb Riley, it has been
disclosed, does not share in the general
adulation of Walt Whitman.
President Seth Low. of Columbia Col-
The booklet is Lafferty's bid for the lege, has inherited from his father a
nepuDiican nomination to uongress. i large estate.
Beneath his likeness appears the
declaration: "I feel prepared and ara I Mrs. James Abraham, whose recent
ready to serve my country in the munificent bequests prospectively go
trenches In any capacity. My offer to I largely to endow the school of theology
this effect is on file with the War De- I at the Portland University, was a visl-
partment and will stand aa long as the I tor of Mrs. Hall In University Park last
country is at war. I week.
May I be pardoned if I ask why Lar-
Half a Century Ago.
From Tha Oragonlan, Mar 2. 1S8.
"The Spirit of '7," a drama illus
trating the possible result of the wom
en a rights movement, which has been
ferty does not press his offer? Surely
one who rates his Americanism with
that of Lincoln should not hesitate to
bear arms in a struggle for freedom.
Does ha wait until the War Department
shall se
enlistment; I t.nrn in u h
' " wv- . ... ... I m Ka v n'N IhAltar In that
sought a commission at the Presidio
and that he was discharged. We are Proposals are advertised for by tha
not concerned with the reasons for his postoffice Denartment for tha oarrv-
dismissaL Hundreds of able young inlr of malla from Salt Lake Citv to
nd la speciaVemba88y to beg his rformedwVth gVeat" success hV am."
nt? I o..n- I. v. ......
men, lacking somewhat in the Army
standards of leadership, were sent home
without their shoulder bars. Nor would
we be concerned with the case of Laf
ferty did he not have the presumption
to flaunt this worthless record as an
argument for his election to Congress.
My dear sir, it is my privilege to
know of a young man who, like Laf
ferty, sought a commission at the Pre
sidio and failed. But resemblance ends
The Dalles.
Dr. Benson writes the Advocate from
New York that the removal of the
President is a foregone conclusion.
Miss Mary C. Wiggs andi W. H. Tidil
were married April 29 at Lafayette.
At tha Union course this afternoon
there will ba a race between Acker's
mare, "Legal Tender," and Shea's mare.
The all-star east which George Tyler I there. For this one choked down his
k. . . . . n. v. 1 a . khabah "Vi , , Thara ' I H 1 RfLfinn tn t rrt m n t turnori nim ffira toward
... . . ...... I nabs UJ.iilt,l.u ru Ul GUilL wuk a, v. . I . . -.
iqie ana may De usea in anving Dar. h ... war r-H.f the colors and enlisted as a private in WHERE SCHOOL BEGINS AT 7:ao
mrr I .LI- J ..I ana I " ' - - " I . . . . . , , -I '
f'"" " charities, ia about completed Dorothy I ln" Army ot American uemocracy.
Cavanl ri.urimanta on4 )im.i I CaaritlOS, S DOUt COmpiOtea. UVTULny . j.v, ., 1. I T1..H tn.
would hav a hand In this work un-Pnnelly nd V,!a Allfn w111 bV w"h day. offering his body to the Prussian
der existing law the Departments of the company. -There is a possibility bullets that -the world may be made a
State and Commerce, the Federal """ """ " " aeceni piaco to nvo m.
Trade Commission and tha Tariff ol1 r w" to ha plJr,d 1 nold u ? bo v'aent that we.hav
rnmmlulnii on tfc.1i. flinr-tinna oral Vinors IB tne CSSl ST: laaureite wtiow. u, Huao
apt to conflict and
wnrka too Indenendentlv
onrl Affix al iaalnnenr nfton a-niinoa CC7 UlOOlt. ilimil Xk., niCKIll M i .i i .a
friction. Ona of the important uses George MacFarlane. Lincoln does he not answer the call? ,p "iD ..JrA, ,!.. .
n.k ,v T-..i .... . i.k, mttir af I Tha eomDinv Anena at tha National. It. innj Y, a T . 11 .... alaHan I logos. lrilcienoy 1
the authority granted by the Overman Washington. May 13. This aggregation clear? It is with reverence that l ai
bill is to consolidate and co-ordinate of stars will not come to this Coast, rect his tardy attention to the many
, v. V.i:.. , v. . 1, ... .v,ll J -a !,,, wfn nl, u I tH, .vrvAmai Faclnm I luOUHUnuB W II IJ 1HV a JlBBI a o-iiu wiiu
f fiiitptlnni ara VlBers IB We CSSt ST: Lauretta lay passea mo irao wnon any man anuuiu
overiap Ettch 0o ArlU. Oeerge M. Cohan. e Permitted to pledge hi. faith to
ovenap. -acn w j. "' p ,, chaun. America and yet shrink at the test. If
Jy of the others. H- Vr?erL Ja,n" L P" '7 Lafferty, as he declares, is ready for
single and. The present emergency
and the coming commercial struggle Arthur Guy Empey, who wrote "Over
forbid that time and energy be wasted I the Top," has written a song called
by division of authority-to do the "Tour Lips Are No Man's Land but
same or kindred work among several Mine," which Is being sung In vaude
officials or commissions. ville. The chorus runs like this:
AH of these things ara needed to
There is but one place for the man
who "ia ready te serve." It is with the
colors. The trenches wait. The boys
... . v. .1 a.n ,h. ... -.I ih.i will
.l ia li uuvin awi , iiu ..u.i. ....... ......
send them over the top. Death blows Blon ""d we would soon be among the
a lusty gale across No Man's Land. "''K Jn.djaP: "d. hatC.V. ?.ih-
But this self -professed hero, this "'"i;"" --....
Crabtree High Students Are Ready for
Farm Work Soon After Noon.
CRABTREEJ, Or.. April SO (To the
Editor.) Some officials are asking
that our school year be shortened, as
If begrudging to the growing Amer
ican mind the insufficient training it
now receives. The Oregon School
Superintendent asks that all persons
schools and col-
s the watchword.
Our government is now calling, call
ing and almost in vain for well-trained
and educated men and wmnn. In the
face of an awful shortage. Is it possi
ble that there are persona who wish
to atrat a retrace of the heart-sickening
journey up from the caveman?
Carry the idea to its logical connlu-
enabl the Nation to bear without
strain the burden which will be a
legacy of the war. It la quite con
cetvabie that, by wise legislation ana I Aaron the foam In Ne Man's
administration and by patriotism and I soon be fighting, ,
rm coming back soma day
Wbaa the fray ta avar, my darllqf,
I know you'll be 4ms, dear.
So I'll saver ba blue, dear;
Lafferty person, lingers at home and
his well trained, well educated officers
'." ". ""6' " """- -"- and their mnn Tt will talio efflniennv
runs for Congress on the aeir-satisneo - -
assurance thatie will enter the ranKs - "
whenever the War Department makes 'fJor" I a"0"! f bra'n "nd Ek'n
a special request for his presence. " P1 u .. , , . ,
.. .;. . x .hi. hvit That word "efficiency" ia the pivotal
of iifferty's. I note that It is issued aa Point f"d St '8 attained only by con-
enterprise among th people, this Na. But I know yeur lipa ar. so man's land 1ut his "platform" by 'A. W. Lafferty, can- " ",,,',", ',,'.
tion may so Increase producUon. lm- mm didate for, Congress, primary May 17, i" -V1 r eKllrT.h"5 ,
prov. and economize transportation 1918' " ,s recent- U represenU tno be ken? in
na ,rn..H mm.m that tt After I read it over I decided that full fruition of Lafferty's ablest thought ?a "pl. n1" v."""?". ."."f. 1 ...'Jl...'
will bear the added burden of th war om might com under the title on the issues of the day. Very well. of Crabtree Hgh . etudent body with
as easily as It has hitherto born the of horrors of war. L ifhfJ at.?iin. ntrioti of h a thelr own tiaers, took up the matter
burdens of peace. , dee understanding and handled it effectively. They voted
Eva Tanguay 1. canceling vaudeville lerePwhTch certain "oregon boys already to iaet at 7:30 A M in continuous
yards from debauchery, and no pov
erty in tha horn because of liquor.
Or not so much, by an immense per
centage, as formerly.
io -It la In all Industries. In all
walks of life. In every town, city and
Aiaanna. .nail,.. rr-a, thalcuts off her own nose, cancels a lot of I by Lafferty:
. V 1. 1 a . . M rvl miw.u.i aaf,aa mi. I I - - ,
remnant of the Armenians and reeon- engagements and rushes Into print with I "I am for peace now, ust as I was
a. x . . . . . a aha a . . I 1 1 t a. J nl 1 a aa a rl waft I BOm an t tn -mmfxtf a 1 1UI UCCHZV (II li-lV. A Will: I
quers tno i.rmorjio, u w' " " , "-""-" r " . constant in my purposes and my friend-
rrrv n . av 1 -j-iai - j rw i i iifltai a rain wnaiiAvaa rntln tn ire a a I i ji.j Tt ia talran .- i i a.aa-.....-I..p. -
Ynue mo criuaa cnaso one ium- - - - -""" u,cu " .f1'"-": " iiva five miles In the country. The
:an army up tn JSupnrates valley "" '"f e.l "" """"" Drlnclnal. who lives in Lebanon. 10
miles distant, coming and going on
train morning and evening, expressed
doubt aa to students being oil time.
To prove their courage, the day tha
new rule went Into effect, March 19,
the students came early, went to the
alnnAt fnnmaafl n aam.-i-jfiila. tn n-raaf
that country will be decided In France I Coast. She doesn't say what part, graph rests a declaration that is stag- thgir teaoher on his arrival. They
marched him to the school and pointed
to the clock.
April 1 clocks went forward ona
vain hope of establishing a ran
Turkish empire which shall extend
Into Central Asia. But tha fata of I she's going
that the crltlo was all wrong. Now Eva Im and
Is mad at some Chicago writers, and mall j $0
to come to the Paclfie
when I once believe in a
not lightly change."
My dear sir, at the heel of that para-
and on the Rhine, and America will Hope It's Aberdeen or San Diego.
hav a hand in the decision. I a a
Jack Girard. a member of the Lowan-
In the case of the young man dies, the equestrienne act which ap.
Haines found guilty of perjury, therelpeared a few weeks ago at Pantages
is little good that ean be said. Heand now appearing 'In Oakland, waa
gering, unwnoiesome ana appalling.
One turns from it as from a stench.
Hara It in-
"I am still for Woodrow Wilson." as
serts Laffeyty, ''but I am also still for
Robert Marion LaFollette. I believe
that they are both honest and patriotic
hour. We now meet at 6:45 A. M., sun
time, quitting at high noon, putting
in as many hours as formerly with no
niore tardies. Students are ready for
by the things he sees.
gave ms two cniiaren a name oniy lB8t week taken into custody, accused mac iney merely tuner m farm work at x p. M., standard time.
wnen ne nopeo sucn acuon woma of violating the espionage act by mak- i wat -cuuun S , , T,, , . This was done without orders or re
keep him out of the Army. When, lnf, ro-German remarks. Girard denied etand.s or R?be.r.t Mario" La .l."B' quest. The students appointed a corn-
finally, he gets into th service. It is tna chargea airain8t hlm and pf.te.tt4 I??,, the toth of world taederi, w,tl" tQ g,et cogent of tho directors,
to be hoped that ho will be awakened M. ,v., R " , ' ..J1,C,I, lc?- "J?T?i af.w.. K-.ffJ .A Coming early while mind and body are
' V, . . . ,V tr..... ,1 renewed rrom a nights rest ani nature
plavers with the blood of Belgium and ja a her bes there aoems tQ ba
of France, whose secret blow struck I ...,. ,, hr, u.,,n.
down the Lusitanla let that citiaen," lost Kratfyinsf and Btuq"ents are ,,ureiy
I puBseai, T ,7 . " doing their "hit" both mentally and
profession and to vote for Lafferty physically. OhCAR INGRAM.
Iaafferty is not proHun. It is grant- r i,i..i,.i
ata , I . . 1 ..,!, A maalna n 1 . . ... ..
es tna.1, IIIH Jltjai l. poaica -win. ia.u. .a...
1. 1 a T i. tr I- o n t o mi t li a li ia utrnillrl die.
iiui n it arlaHlv. for American wnere to uet j raining.
. - :vV: ,V.. A rlht-lf tha issue were thrust before rOKTLAND, May 1. t'ro the Wili-
on iuioni, ui 5 K,,m past all escaping. But. he is pro- tor.) Some time ago I noticed In hh
has secured a theater site in Kansas x :, H h.i- irh ha seeks article in The Oresonian, that thu
McAdoo frowns on th railroader
seeking office and objects to employes
mixing in as obstructive to the serv.
ice. What a situation it would create
If all employers felt that way, and
only the worthless, shiftless and good.
for-nothlng could be candidates.
his loyalty. Sentence was suspended.
a a a
George Beban has commissioned
Harry Weber to secure vaudeville en
gagements from June 15 onward. Mr.
Beban will reappear in his former
sketch, "The Sign of the Rose."
Vlllalstas are as bad as Huns, If th
story from El Paso be true, that re
fusal of delivery to them qf three
young girls brought on the massacre
of an entire village of forty-seven
I ll. ...a aa.1... taa.llal . .a .i -a...,llAmartrnn l-r.alfl ARIinilfll fill Walt firill.
. " "' """" i to ride two horses, ana ne rities tu tan. I , -.
I . r , r r, a . , i a - . , .n, , . I ntrlerin c nnenlntr nn a feleirranh fiirnonl
growing and the shows are universallyJ the German societies of Oregon his fr class A-l men who had had previous
l' ,. if .ia.,....,. i.a, wnuirt fl c h t U c leg raph experience; altio m anothrr
I irniin. I iibuuh, iiic, aa ivvvw a I
a a a
Eddie Foy has canceled his vaude
ville engagements to go to Dallas, Tex.,
Thai T7tlla X7 a. 1 1 . IHa.a wrt, . . .
resUd a man making an Insurance! wnP nvaIeset Lafferty.
against the exportation of arms and
munitions to the allies. It was his way
of seeking the German vote, of petting
the Prussian; it was his solicitude for
map was not much to blame. A man
n that occupation has a suspicious
look in times like these.
...I.... TT. I. .nl.- a. a ,. 1 I . , . a II.. ... II... I
" .a... .a B""ib I MY UKO.T BIT, i ,l COCHI Llio a,.. a..... . . .,j ,.--,l- II., 1
Pope Benedict's Intent Is commend-
able, but the time is not here. When
viotory shall be gained with uncondi,
tional surrender, Christian nations
will listen.
to their home in New Rochelle, N. T, A. W. Lafferty was willing
a a a aid in the garrotlng ot trance, waa
. ..,, t a ready to tie the brawny arm of Britain,
Carter, the magician, who comes to ltl order to retrain a seat in Congress.
Portland occasionally and maglshea Let there be no talk of discrimination;
around and has all the women in town the traffic in arms and munitions was
nou pi nir their ae'ereta Into his ram nn (sanctioned by international law. It
rather the ears of his assistants, who was as open to Germany as to the al- J? " '
really answer the oueatlona has tried ,l08- To Bet u as"5e at tna beneBt N'clols' di
tT l.i-h in n To . ' , , . Germany would have been dishonorable partment,
te maglsh In New York and failed. anA a violation of neutrality. be obtaine
rticle that the Benson Mrhool would
give instructions in wireless.
I have had telegraph experience anil
some wireless and expect to be called
In July. and wish you would adviso 1110
If there is any school like this, or
training, or drilling during my epare
evenings, or two or three afternoons a
week. J. A. M.
The rumor that Kitchener is alive rte essayed to give eueie proadway a I There was 1ov in the German socie
and In a German prison can be dis- whole evening of magic at the Belmont I ties when that declaration of Laffcrty's
missed. A vainglorious princeling, full I and to have the New York girls all I was read before them, when it was
of wine, would have boasted of it long fussed, Just aa he gets 'em In Walla Published in the German language pj-
' I I aam - .aA ,,ril1ln 4 n r. a V at li aa
ago. I Walla and Eugene, and they wouldn't
be Interested a bit,
The Portland Y. M. C. A. has been
conducting a radio course, open only
to men of draft ana. Consult L. U.
rector of the educational le-
MUttary drill might easily
ed by joining the Mutnomah
One reviewer says
That Lewis County man, father of I that the most Carter made in one
five and drafted because of non-sup- I night was $65. So Carter is coming out
port, will not make much of a sol- I to the Pacifio Coast again, he says,
dler, but may serve a useful end. j a a
pera. etrhey were willing to pay the
vote for the service. Listen to iat
ferty, even now, as he speaks in his
Had I had my way about it every
energy of this country would have been
exerted from the first day of the war
Chllson Hyphen Ohrman, for
States Without Death Penalties.
SISTERS. Or., April 2S.-(To the .edi
tor.) -How many statea have abolished
capital punishment, and which were
abolished by a vote of the people and
Which by the State Legislatures?
States that do not imnose the death
peace. We would not have export- u tn- foIowinK: Kansas.
Tnla-div Wiuh.. la not a. hltr town. .hi. viaita na aah .,. ed a dollar's worth of arms anil ammu- I., . . ,,,,, .. .....u ....
. , --ta - I ' ' " - WI. i,u i ,,, . ra naiitral " I .4iV 1 1 P, 111 I V. 1 1 1 a, a ii , aia i ii 1 1 t-j u 1 1,, . Ll 111 'it -
but it la large enough to regulate the Orpheura circuit and elnsrs classical n't'on while we were neuir at. kota. Qretton. Rhode Island. !5outh Dn-
loyalty of Lewis County. There is ,ongr9 ,n a pale blue dress and blonde Lee f with ffertles. And at the kota, Tennessee. Washington and Wis
need of many Toledos. hair, la the latest exponent of the no-I end, with Europe in slavery, the Prusr j consln. Available records do not dis-
ttlon that love doesn t ruq smoothly in sian beast would have liltea Diooayi close in which states capital punlsh-
"T apjiropnaw pauaiiy tor operatio clrolas. Madame Chilsonr eyes toward America ana set tonn to ment waa abolished by vote of the
. cu,'B""Jr" wuu'" uo lu Hyphen-Ohrman is divorcing Elmer L. new conquest, nave we ."W " people,
mpel them to live under German . . J, Lafferty seems to, what the Kaiser told "
rule. LV " "-"" 7. """ Ambassador Gerard:
aTas vaaaa,aaa w aaalliuviy WtMaJI aUO I
Mr. Hustons name will be left off wa
. . . . , , . a -r .u..ti
America naa oetter luuit oui. j. ona.1. Dr.DTr.iwr. v t t .ha i.M
Of the Ohrman Mortgage stand no nonsense from America after I Hn x noo. th. rlliin that e-emnts
the ballot- Has any other gentleman Company, and, according; to his wife. thiVar " . . tnat T wrv vou soldiers from having judgments gjven
a similar desire? Ladies, also? formerly had an income of $100,609 a 'ear, my dear f ir. that I weary yo, u. ag.atnat theln ,n cas9 o( aebt apply to
, Th! d"0rC V ,un "! Z' And ye T hold thaTt'
That three-pound catflsh caught grounds of non-support, desertion and ters Bhoula bo known to all. Pardon
near Ridgefleld is not bad, consider- I cruelty,
lna the distance from Missouri.
This may interest some local vthea
As eighteen Is to thirty-three, so trlcal fan who has some sheet music
are Oregon's wood shipyards to those I he would like to see pasied on to an
of the entire country. (appreciative deatipation:
Fort Leavenworth, Kan.. Aarll IS. Editor
It's all right to Use women for Win- Variety: am a plana player; wa have a
dow cleaning, but stand from under,
They might fall
my intruaion, but tha linking of Lincoln
and Lafferty was, frankly, too much for
me to pas8 with patience.
MRS. IT. W. S WAaVl UaNa
aUaalieny I ma. 117 V, oral naa.t rf m ft a Ilhll IllVI
iV68. registered in the public service re
serve of the United btates and are
orklng in the shipyards and have
een awarded a "service flag" by the
Shipping Board? A RkJADER.
squatting on his haunches, licking his 'Jtli;p,,3uP,ly
Name on Service Flag.
COVE, Or.. April ao. no tne c-aii
tor.) It is suggested that the narpe
new piano at aur barracks, about 23 and hranch of service of each soldier.
clans in our crowd, but no music. Am get- Ua.ll.r anH fiver h nrinted with indeli-
i'n; ?)XFtor,.0l.hTJ. V COUl4 US 'e ink on a bit of white linen cloth
any and all kinds ef music. - . , ; v, :
is Whatever you ean do for ua In the way and sewed with red stitches, within
. of (renins as a aupply of musla wil) be his blue star en the service flag, thus:
The strongest objection to chain
letters is that they are so hard to
C, R. Kelley, S F, A., Bat. F." Any
HARRY D. CHICHESTER. lob printer who puts up butter wrap-
Fifteenth Servira Company, 8iitnal Corps, Ipers'uaea a blue ink which withstands
Barracks Sin.
a a. a
Carrie Jacobs Bond, composer of "The
End of a Perfect Day," ia reported
No public utility can be bigger than seriously ill at Los Angelea. Mrs. Bond
the Government in war time.
Russia has many governments, bti
few rulers.
was caught in a sandstorm and her
Illness la the result of Inhaling quan
tities of the sand. Her condition is
ill effects from hot, cold, fresh and
salt water and weather conditions.
Needless to say no other colore than I
e National red, white and blue should
used. Whenever one loses his life!
in the service, let the word "hero" be
vvorked in blue thread under the name
Mne. I think many more reasons can
be given in favor of this suggestion I
MATIO.V. The Oregontan has established
a bureau of Information and serv
ice at Washington City fo- the
benefit of its readers. No charge
la made for a reply to any Ques
tion relating to Governmental af
fairs or for procuring any avail
able Government publication. For
reply send 2-cent stamp. Addreaa
Frederlo J. H a s k 1 n. director
Oregontan Information Bureau.
Washington, P. C, Po fiOf write
to The Oregontan at Portland.
than against It.
N. R, O.