TTITS OTtEGOXIAN, WEDNESDAY, MAY 1, 1918. IOR KALE. .abkrtra. I l..lrh. All-Tin liA l.E- ftlfh-arad Molatatn dairy rtock. Crn4 faaa li'nt 1 mil. MU'h .f odiai Thurido. llay 2. Ivl. In SO A. y.nlir har.l. u 1 llolataln comm. 4 Jfritt rni all aarallanl mlta.r, . lot Srvmti. la S na Ul Hoi.talll b.if.r. from 1. to 3 month IU. Mm haavy prtngr: ralvti; o. 2-hora. rujtlTtor. 3 ona-hora. r.iti.ator. Aulo .111 ma.t oil trains. Tu- brrUiin ImM AnU rrwrii-at. gof lt atrri cow; uork loa.l'd on noot tr- HaXTU A iiornb.. ..oar. W. K Wood. iUcUoMOT, A." 1.1. .Hr blorkT-bui.t mar. hjr In f".. vaara old. jrl workar. sing., or l.Miblr IharriDlfJ Ira. mil e"--otl. AloO .... t.rn oDOut --' 1.. good harn. and rn.-n ."". rhup. Ono lop bum lii'l 3 aral a la doub.o brn)i -i your caolc. JTfl Knolt l-. I nfn Ivr IK r-AI.t. ;i (:rd of oung hnraa. wurht to lav.0. aoaraniood aa rir.- a-ntd; will .vrhanca for mu..a or ractla or hnnfa aad farm aiiolu and nam.aa. hat. oao of baat al-r.und faml.y horaa can bo found: r.u and harncaa. a. I nl at., cor. Mon.xomenr. Phil Mtottar. for qi'ick sale. ahoata. watching from &5 to lba. 'I fat anl In oxi condition, for 913 -h If you ran haanio I ho whola bunch. Box a"V Hom Lin Road. 3 ruila out of Mon- tavtlla. luH XALE Ono lot of boraaa. wacona and haxnaaa. to bo aold out durlnft- tbia mooUk V. J 2.ulltvan. :M Grind v. riaa , Org a i and .Magical Inotntnaonta Jt I RlTV 8TUKAGK CO. CLOcilNO OUT. .n lohr Hohlcr. uprlsnl. caah t 'i tw l.?;nd uprtsnl. fcaartjr naw. caart a M ,t Kimball. lar uprUnt. for caah 1LI I model, mahogany, caab ! Um 117 modal, wamut. caabJir ; 1117 mod., mahogany, caab SJ.i-S . t'14 niodt. a'-yio. raati J .'i : , lv.1 modal p.ayar piano, caab Jli ITi Portuwlra. o. tvo organ, caab t M rlri'lgr-port parlor organ, caan $ -3 prionograpb and rccnrila. caan 9 9 phnnotfrapb and rctortla. caan 9 4u BTl'lirlH. amall. mabocany .......911 Icnilv'aaoha. aPt.ndld tttna. Itko new, 9J9 Harold H. llbrt. 4 larnnill. yt.W talking oiachln and r-orda 10 1 trado for your good old piano, naroia o. t;nrri. iimkiii at. Jii A.-H buya 9300 Hohlcr A Hoblar up right piano tomorrow at riac urlly btoraga i r. i in a la at. INK II . ion play.r piano, mahogany caaa; Ui.l laka llborty bonua. Hall A caaaldy. t.'t Firt at. Ill i" r quirk y aail my I n mahogany p ar I piano wild muaic roi.a. win awtpi iirat Kd oft-r. I'hario Main 44.1 it riiiiLA. mahogany caa for a. a cbcap. or lit exebacga. ila.l Caaaudy. 1- Flrat. CA.HI paid for your eld and e-i for caab only. o. ! 4th at. piano. Wo buy urlty Storaga lulH piano taken la full pay mant for f in new talking: macmna. oca wan x-iao Co.. Ill 4lb ac fl. CASH. month . buya 9 new. 1:I5 mMl, improve! uprif ai viinv vr a - 1 . I at Khain Piano Co.. 111 rourtn at. $ .. CAdrl bua 9 '" Kniaat tiabiar upright I p.n Sat-urvry storage to., lira atft at. M..a tuned. 91 tiaorg T. Feck. Tabor a7 1. tirad. New 9.rg. Conaorvatory. 2 PAY CASH for uaed piano. Harold d.rrt. 34 Tamhlil at. JA.. . I. IN f..r Th.jre.ljj. cheap, am leaving I jns.j wanted from prlvat party; par rasn. 'est 5n. W A VTl'D Plan: caah. Main 954C paraltar fr CiWNKFt lavln city. will aell all mv ex twtiaite houaabold furniture at a eacrlflce. ronnlatlnc of leather davenport, quarter w - 1 oak rock - ra. dining-room eat. u nalrs. b'iffat. cliioa cioaet. eervtng li mattreaae. pillows, ruga, gaa rnge. kitchen beater. Alumpnrey automatic i -r b'at'.r and numeroua otbr article. Call Frflay ant rialnrdav. ibta wek. I'hone Taoor tMT or Woodlawo a. Ad' .1 r..a avt 4."(h at. N. lru.nnt car. A KKY pleaalnc and graceful William and Mary library tab.e. built of aottd quarter. aaavd oak. sire of lop 3xt inchra. cen ter draa.r with r.nk.lsli pendant pulls. nigaxln rack In enda; a 919 table f..r 9j. ji and prarttciliy new; ay terra liari urn, t o.. l4 Ural at. Ji Isll-oHAhi. furniture, dlnlag-room auttel froru Mack'a: Aollo-Persian rugs, mahog-l any four. poorer bed and drettetna tol to I riiat.-h. Vu.ri ga stove, ale. 11,9 Laurel - Miret ae. Tabor Pl.Vt J.lll.lAHU: lit range, elevated on: bed. rtwker. Wtiaelcr ac Wilson sewing rl.lne. Xnrna chair. hand-lrona and .rene. tables and cooking utensils. No .r. I'hon Hroadaay 5t4. FOR 9ALK Tufted lealher roucb. ga range, writing rieak. wlng machtn. beda. r kcra, tic; no dealer, i'hon Broadway t. F fl A I.K Pr by quvrt-er-.w'1 alt roll, ftp 4jl 4tMnttaryi and No. 10 Kemln inn iprwrur. erii t. OAfiUNP rn. "U T r.atn But- ton. b'ocks touih tady bu.vr,rtl. hit i ni b -. n 12 and ft P. t. 447 C Iftth N. l't 'lt I.K r uj n itura and piaoo 9t 3 -room I .K A I.K Uouavbo.4 svoa rooma. Tarn-r bT-41. l;AVFNFORT for aala. Wood tan a 1574). Vmm Rtraa mt4 Fet tMacftu I'lT h'i'i 4 nmnthi old. Tabr 4-'J3. roltry. WHITK LKiiHOUX baby chU from heary lavmc i (ianu-i aio-a. Marcn driivery. III vr Vi. April. 110. cuaranteo mlm arrival. T- i'loneor tiatcnery, i'cla- luma. Cat i.'r';s toe tVaitchlns from extra Iln targa U inter-1 ail n a atrjtn. . C. R. I. Rada: rfn bttr: only $1 50 for 15 a H. A. W,ir-hai. oraaco. or. XaAVINt; W hlto Leg brn pulleta and ounc hna. fl.-J each, taat lSOA. 7ai Orajon atrovt. TKAt-K nmiic roila for cbtckena. K. 700. Mar Ma iR (M.t: 4 li. P. heavy duty or I d;:i;.t rnfint. Fooa Mfg. air and water I pumps, oil and air taaka, luainsto, for $J2i f. o. b. Alao rwlls. 1rWO.imDrt hour axlda. !o t atorasa battery. $oO f. a, b. piaat baed thro years and good ao saw. t'mp- qua I.icht m roarer Co.. liardiner. or. lOH bALB -4VOO.UOO faa-t loft aa right-lay a too cao.e. standard aiaaa. In Al ooaditloav Caa amafto lmmdiata anipmaniv uaok Bwrxk Co.. loJ Main at aaa rraacUoa. IVVO bargajna: gasoitno angina, com pi at a, and ona wood saw. ataarn angina and , toi!r. latter 120. worth mora for Junk. M-rriil. Proa J way. Pbono Bdwy. 121. ntomlugs Tabor 2.1. ONE ISxt: P. C. hotsttnf and hauling link motion Hunrlv en sine. SI moat new. Ktar hD4 t o . 10 BoarU of Tratis bltig. Pbona 3Ha:n laaarbM and Boalt, HOISEUOAT for aale ceh Vng to ar. narrlflca for apot b;iwood 13U. pewrUeea. jtiVV K in lag ton raotal plan, rant appUao o parcbaao. Vlaioio xnolaia Ramir.gtoa Typawritar Co. aA Broadway. faoae Broadway 121. 4L A RA STK t:o factory rebuilt typewriter. ALL atAKKi, aold on monthly paymeoia; send fur prtco liat. Tbo Wholeaalo Tjrpa- wrtrar Co.. raiaii dept.. gJi mm. at. a.A'. reoulit, aacond-haad rentals ac cat ratea P. D. Co.. .3 biarfc at. Mala 14u7 JREBLli-T typewritara aad supp.lea. Coroaa a, w r,a Co.. lia Ota, Mfcwrelli IEWINO anachtnaa. new and aeooad-haad. of ail makaa. sold for leao; no aaenta am ploxad. machtaaa repair ad aad ran tad. 13 par montri. EWI.NO M ACniNSl EMPORTTJM. 1 3 1. cear Taylor. A 3oa. Main H31. 4I r aa-sam coat wanted, caah or Irsda. Merrii,. a4 Broadway. I'hono Bdwy. 121. cTtnmgx BXiUialAitU aad pocaat biktlrd tablaa; abaw. caeeo and waiiraaa. rixturao; easy W J. wo C r. 337 let. Ma:a I3A fiK tAufi or rant, logging aad aeletiag aaginea. an biboi macaiaery. ran a, aara Rai.war tquipmtnt C . is ataraat. ftip r vTIKri MAi'HE aemrlng trao. 12a 14. I.trtitnn a iairy Lunca adbcx. 1 Hro tdr WILL rK.I.L ray eUrhtly-ueed Dunnar va cuum canar for $4X cost ma $luo pew. ftTORE fixture, oval-end ahowraao. marble base, computing scale, coffee mill, ehetvtng at your own price, r at era. 10 tin at. CAMPING OCT FIT. - Wagon, team, harneas and 12x14 teat. TTinne C 2274. t9t 11. DIAMONDS wanted ; pair earrings. What have you? Wilt pay caa-h. Marshall &24. IIVERAL satHl aeceod-haad safes at tbs tight price 44 Front St. Broadway 1 Pi Tailor-made slits, siightiy ueed. from $4 asd ap. Lncie Joe, a 3d St.. corner Asa VAC CUM Caesars sold, repaired, rested, ax cbapgad. bought. Bentlai Co. Mala $3tX IvH 9AIa 1 Hushea electric bake evaa. a.i Mmaawar. in tne p semen t. NEW 4 B high-grade light top shoes cheap. 1m4 Brooklyn at., mornlnga. INCAlXED-rOR tailor-made salts for sal, large se.ecUoo. $J.M) sod op. M Stark. FOB BALE. FOR BALE at bargain prlroa, a, aumbar of aoc-ond-band hicia. ate. aa lonowa a trucka. g draya, 3 atako vtcont, 3 aln gla varou and a lot of aefond-hand har n.aa. r or particuiara mquira at a& oc- ona atrvat. Give mm your ordar; boat No. 1 old groa fir cord wood 97 par cord. Caat T020. tk FOR KALK Fertlltwr. 2 m. yda.. i. - Harrlaou. Main 3l. -'. V. Clark. FOR (tI K ACTOMOBII.KH. RAII-RAU-RAII. COOD CARS. BIO CARS. SMALL. CARS. WHERE? WHERE? WHERE? CONLET'S VST.n CAR CENTER. OF COL" USE. A I.I. PI7.ES. ALL MAKES. AT.I. PRICES. Ol'KN BU.NDAVS AND EVKNJ.NG.S. II7 Hrlaco. Mt new ... JV1N Wlllya-Knigbt. 9Vm f 50 new. cord llr 1P1H Maxwell. Juat pcrfart all ovor. . Overland Modal Mil. !M par cant now.. aerlra 17 etudabakar 6. T-paaa.. va per per cent nw. cord Urea 690 Scrlaa 17 Studebbkcr 4. 7-Daaa.. it Juat new 700 lfi 1 j Chalmcra. Ilttla alx. runs and look oew ffrn Tlul-k louring. S-paaa.. Juat rabullt... 300 Hanaa li clludebakar 4. 7-paaa. cord llrra S50 -H lluilaon. 7-paaa.. naw cord lira 7vu loda Ttf Orarland. overhauled. painted 4no Popa-Hartford bur. Juat rebuilt '' Franklin bug. 9-cyl ao Auburn 9-paaa.. new tlra. Booch mag. 2.V1 Packard. 7'paaa.. mechanically perfect 00 Alro. -cyL. coal 9tli00 new. Juat per fect 450 Slearng, baaauful hlgb-grade car. aloe I, and & 6A0 01t Abbott Detroit. 8-cyl.. Juat new. 1 ' Ford one-ton trurk It looka new.... 4..0 3-ton truck, brand new 7ih New buya arriving every day. If every car 1 not aa wa repreaenl It. bring It back. Wa will make It ao. roNI.KT'8 USED CAR CENTER. Klg Brick Building, fide Entrance. 8. W. Cor. &th and Waahlngtoa file. Phone Broadway 2tUo. FORDS DODGE BCICKS ....I x.-r, .... 3.-. .... l-'"0 . ... 1SIM) .... 7M1 114 Ford. flrt claaa IBM Ford, extra 1I7 8'udahaker alx. flrat claaa.... I)il7 Mitchell light alx. extra 117 Hayno alx. extra 114 Dodg roadater. good......... Im3 Hudaoo, a. L. alerter 113 Bulrk ., 1017 KlaaolKar. Ilk new 114 b aimer a. flrat claaa......... 11 Cadillac Ilk new Ill Dodg delivery Ford new on-too track. . ...... , And many olbar. COVET MOTOR CAR CO, Slat and Waahlngton. Main -K4. .... 4 HO J3". Jtt.'. BAXOX flva-taapncpr, a. moat naw...Cliai Kor1 fivpHkDr , $40 BulrH roadtr 40 Martin road t or 4.i0 ChandlT aven-paaiD(r, Just re patntrd 11 'W Hudson a-r n-pa aentT - Xa-wall only run lWft ml lea... 7hi 'ortl delivery 3"MJ AbhAtt Detroit :0 Hudaon f Iva-paaaencer. ...... Prleaa avan-paJMnKr. ........... . 1775 fir lac oa t lva-paaaener 960 Terma If eatred. Open Kvanina and Nundaya. W. H. WALLI.NUPuKD. Broadway '2492. SZ Alder St. WE bav a ftna aaartment of rood uaed cr to chooaa from. Prcm on wmt art g otitic tv oa advanced very toon, ao coma in and pick out ono today. MAN LET ATTO CrY. 11th and Oak at H'irnffH. Tha Houao of Fair leahn-. I'SKD CARH-KAST TKKM3. 1013 Ittudrbaker. aleclrlc oqutp $400 haln.era 34. ticllent tlraa. flno con- tlitlon 100 1t14 Harnea 4. flvooaaa.. 6dandr ttrea. anap 400 t'halmora St. ft cood ttrea. air atarter.. X'.O Mitchell dalt-ary, arood ttrea t'halmara Modal 18. dot erf ul and apMdy 450 Many later modeia at riirnt prieea. open Monday and Krlday ev?nlaa. W tMERN MOTOR CAR PAI-KK CO., HROADU AT AT BURNHIDK. HRD. FORD. FORD. ft-pana. I-ooRt Ilk nw. Demount abla rlma. Perry lo-k. natural wood wheels, chains, extra tune, speedometer. Instrument board, otc Would cost new over ww. Cash or Terms. Beo MR. HII.nKHHANDT. 344 Burnnd, 1 Broadway 0. PARTS. PARTS. PARTS. PARTS. WE WRECK ALL. MAKbS ?W lAhi) FOR THKIK OOD FAKId. N TO M PER CENT OFF. AUTO R Kl'ONSTRUCTION COMPA.NI, TU1RU ANU ULISAN STS. A 2t. BROADWAY 229. KORL), 1 11 7 modal. In aood condition. enuluDed with sa.r-starter. Knerator and sioragf battery, headllchts and tall light wired front both mac net o and battery, i ava bare light. Auto Ppoclalty Co. I'hono Hdw y. 1 177. Bt I K hsht alx touring. 1tl7: run 65K inllea; aood tires, body finished Uka new. fine mechanical condition; will soil, caah or terma. IluiO. Call Frank fimlth. Broad way H3rt. 1375. b.N'AP. reerleaa. fine condition. 48 H. P.. Al engine; would make grand 12200 truck. Mr r rill, ow Broadway, i'hon Bdwy. 121. evenings; mornlnga. Tabor 31. 1114 W'BITt: 3u. fiva-paaaenger. Al con dition, cord tire, beat buy In city for I7.V. i:l uooae. riratrclaaa mechanical con dition, tlraa Ilka nw ; will sell for SoOO. Call Frank Smith. Broadway 113Q. 1113 KNOX. oeven-paaeenger. and ltU2 Stoddard-Uayton. either or both trade for clear nouao ana lot or acreage; theaa cara will make good atagea. imrki or bugs 493 Alder it Broadway 2.31. 117 KEbE RA I IS -ton truck. In fine me- rnanirai conaition; a oar gain ; aold on easy terma Koahrlng Machine Co., S. W., V I Hawthorne ave. Kaat 64H2. UOTOR3, gear a. bearlnga, wheel a. ax lea; wo wraca in maaas ok cars and sen their porta at half prtco. David Hodoa Co.. North Broadway and Flanders. M AK H me aa offer for my I.oxler 1P1G. 7-paaaenger. newly painted aad In Derfct condition; cheap for cash. & .North BlxLh at., or phone Broadway 1794. FOR rAlE Bug; electric tlghta and a pot iignta. goon tires; or win trade lor tour ing car. 1211 Karby st. fcTl DtBAKtR delivery, lfrll modeL oloc ttio lights and starter. I-IOO. United states) HaJtery, E. llth and Flanders. 1914 FORD, new engine and extraa S27&. fee owner Thursday at garage. East 7th and He I mont. CHALMERS Master Six. thoroughly over hauled, newiy painted, good tlraa. vary r neap. lerma. ana -. 114 STUDE BAKER, fine condition, electrlo 1 ignis ana atarter; Dig; bargain; terms. Main TLMJl 1017 FORD. &-pawnger touring car. for ssls by owner; like new. See car at Han- Ballard's, 540 23d st. 1 CAN use your Ford. Maxwell or Chevrolet mr nrana new caxon ix. call dmm. 1 a 00 r STt'DKHAKER 6-pajatenger. sacrifice: worth Itw; sou ior shl gov Chamber Com merce. FOR HALE Dodve &-paaaenger ear In fine conaition. aarees doi 00 . ewoerg. Or. TWO Forda, touring and roadster. Hall A Caaaidy. 12 Flrat st. A BARGAIN Saxon Six roadster. Fhope. fCl Alder. Kl'DSON ALTO for sale cheap. Phono Mar- Al Malleable steel range, rugs, etc. Tabor EASY terms, lata model Haynes touring r r. 1 1 i trun 'i 1 1 iwri. vwnvr. atain VHifl. L1GHTLI uaad tlraa. $S to $15 each; vel eaniaao. xac; tire repairing. XQJ Madlaoa. FORD car. same aa new. Will sell at sacrl- flee. 22 N. Broadway. 101 HL'DSON toarlag. 7-paaa tVxyL. $400. ttn 2s Aiar st. 117 VELIK light "six. fr-pSML. fine con dtt!wi. btg bargain; terma. Main 78n, 1917 VELIE . fine condition, big bargain; Mam i!Mj. 117 CHALMERS roadater, cord tlraa. fine conaition. cneap. terma aiain io. 1&17 VELIE SIX. fine condition, like new; terma Main 70. GD o-pa as- car. $4Q". C 207. Oregonlan. H LDdON light truck at 11 Waahlngton sL FOR . A f. r. A t'TO MOBII.F.. USED AUTOMOBILES. . T 3 CilVtN. JI7 Overland. S-paaa.. 4ryl t fi."0 117 lltt-hell. 6-paM.. -cyl Jo:,( ll Mitchell, 5-pane.. 8-cyl !.'.0 luld Jeflery. 9-paaa.. 6-cyl ",n IK 18 Cole. 7-paaa.. o-cyl (.'.( lvlr Iitftiell. b-pam., 4-cyl. ......... iumi 1WI3 Chalmera. b-pane., 4-cyl ........ . 3.o 11.1 MLhlgan. n-paaa, 4yl 113 Mitchell. S-paaa., -cyl 3-'5 1K17 Mil. hell. 7-paas.. 6-cyl IlT.H llil Overland. 7-paaa.. -cyl S.'.il ll Bui. k. A-paaa.. o-cyl. 4 .'. lull Mitchell. 3-paaa.. e cvl .-, 1MI". Mtudebaker. S-paaa.. 4-cyl 67.' lld Dodge. A-paaa.. 4-cyl 700 SKVERAL OTHERS TO CKLbCT FROM. Liberal Terma Given. USED CAR DEPT. MITCHELL. LEWIS A STAYER CO.. Cut Morrison at First Street. Kant 7373. B 1319. 1P1M FORD. &-pa.ia.. fine condition and aoma extraa: car looka Ilk new. Call at Man ley Auto Co. Automobile Wanted. USED AUTOS. Dodge, 9uK. Docge roadater, 9550. Briaco. 500. Saxon, 9'"0. Hulck. 9335. Hulck roadater, 9--5. Hup roadster. 913.. Milcbell chassis. 9100. Also second-hand part for most all car. 9V SILVA. 462 Hawthorne Ave, LONG A SILVA. Auto wrecker. W wreck ear and v f aa 60 per cent on part. Send In the parts yea need and w will duplicate them. Auto bought regardless of conditio, pbon East 6040. 403 Hawthorn ava. SPOT CASH. Paid for late model touring cars, and roadsters. Must b In good condition. Tllb I'SKD CAR EXCHANGE, 527 Washington street, Broadway 5408. WANT automobile in xchange for cholc beat.h lots at Illlamoox ncacn. Aujoina railroad and county road. Addrea AJ 311. Oregonlan. WANTED Body for 1913 Bulck 5-pans. lourlne car. .Must do in lair conunioii. Call Wdln. 4543. between 6 A. M.. 7 P. M. WANTED To buy '17 or '18 model Ford. Must be in aa snaps. Tabor H6. Will pay cash. WANTED To purchaiio second-hand auto, 4-pansenger, good condition; must do snap. Oregonlan. Aqlomobileo for Hire, MiW CAHtf TO RENT WITHOUT DRIVERS. DB LUXK a-CY LINPER OH T PAftW EENGEK, BAXOX, .CTL1.IEK, 0-PASSENOER. PACliAADa. CHEVROLETa. k'ORjDa. ALL. NSW CARS. O. N. SMITH. ID AND CUBAN. BDWT. 292 PRAOO'S AUTO bivKVlCE; good cars, conv petant drivers oia mh naanuutioi Main ?0ftO. NtW CARS FOR RENT WITHOUT DRIV ERS, u. n. Ban n, su - Ani; iiLiaAJi ITS. A 1Q.V, JttUWI. ALT TOH WITHOUT DRIVERS. Now cars, rwaaanabio ralaa. City Q a rage. M 10th at. Broadway B-tu. I-PAtea. Dodga for biro, touring, calllag. hopping, highway. Broadway a047. AUTOS without driver for hire. Fash lorn Oarage. 10th and Yamhill. Mar. 233. A 1234V NEW 7-paaa. d, highway, depots, funerala. caning, anopping. reaaonama. jsaat 4at. Motorcyclca. WANTED .Single-cylinder chain drive Har ley or Indian, .state year, condition and heat price, and where It can be seen. )M, OregonUn. a WANTED MISCFMANEOrS. f7I0 AND UP IT.OO. Call Marahalt 1229. or 229 Madlsoa I to sell your castoff clot bine. J. Mayer, the Tailor, pays $7.50 and ttt for second-hand suits, lie psys xnoro for hoe a and other doming. wo can any where In the city, day or evening Call MarabaU ltf, or 22 Madlaoa. $0O AND UP IS OO KR MKN'S SUITS. GOLDSTKIaV. TJIK TAILOR. PATS HIOHF.ST PRICES FOR AM, KINDS OF H KCON I"- HAND CIaOTIUNH. SHOES. ETC. Wllal CALL ANY i'AHT OF CITY. PHONE MAIN 477 240 FIRST ciTKEttT. Between Main and liadlson. WANTED TWO POOL TABLES: COM PLETE, BALLS. CUES, ETC. ; GIVE PRiCB AND ALL DETAILS IN FIRST LETTaWR. H OKiLiOOaMAN. WE BUT DIAMONDS. OLD GULP, PLAT1- Dum, liver and hlsn-gr&de ora. Gather It up and get the money. Do It Bow. We a no deeign make and repair Jewelry. Plckeria- A Company. 9J7 Northweatara Bank bidg.. 9th floor. oLCON D-H AN D ciothing wanted. J. Meyor. tne taiior. pays gi.du ana up tor suita: as pays mora lor shoes and clothing. Wa caa. anywhere In the city, day or evening. Mar aball 1329. or Madison. OUR specialty la buying ladles and gent a' caat -off clothing. lltKheat cash price paid. Will call day or night. PEOPLE'S FECUND-HAND STORE, Marshall or 209 Madison fcjt. WANTED A pair of second-hand Fairbanks or Howe ecales that will weigh from 4oOJ to O-'h-o Iba. 8tf TUlautook st. Phono East 0n4.V OR SALE Good set computing scales, re frlgerators, cheese cutter, coffee mill, occ. at very low prices, ltio First St. HIGHEST P RICE PAID for second-hand clothea. Main 9j44. FULL value paid for second-hand goo da aad j una. can jaain WINCHESTER and Remington automatic 4 pump ahotguns wanted. Hochfeld, 65 Id. PAINTERS Cash paid for old kalsomina brushea. 97 Union ave. Phone East 782. WE buy your diamonds and old gold Jewelry ior caau. waamngion at. INK, rags, bottles, sacks, metals, old cloth Ing, tools; good prices. East 294. IKST-CLAbS kodak man wanted Apply Kchults Studio. Vancouver. WANTED A canoe and outfit. AR 300, Ore gonlan. WANT bicycle, tent, electric fan, fruit Jars, tie. etc. 31 am a.. i r irst. 100 PHONOGRAPH recorda and music rolls wanted. 31am 490. laoor S7. WANTED Several hundred cords of slab- wood. Crepcent Laundry. Furniture Wanted. CALL MAIN 800 IMMEDIATELY. WE PAY THE HIGH EST CASH PRICES EVER PAID BY ANY ONE IN THIS CITY FOR FURNITURE, CARPETS. ETC. YOUR CALL WILL BRING THE BUYER WITH THE MONEY. KLINE'S KURNITL'FIE STORE. 112 FIRST ST- NEAR TAYLOR. MAliN SOW. READ IMPORTANT READ. We carry a greater varied aaaortment of saw and usea mere nana iae man any stars la the city. There is hardly an Item wa do not buy and sen. we specialise is shelf snd heavy hardware, sporting aooda. household goods, otlloe fux allure, hotel ua camp supplies. When you have anything to buy or sail, call or phone MAIN 90TX A 7174. LEVIN HARDWARE eV FUKNITCRQ CO .Lil-S-e Front it, cor. Saimos, M1SH rURISlTURa CO. will pay highest caah price ever paid for used furniture carpets, ruga, stoves, ranges, office fur a aura and fixtures. It will pay yea to sell us. You will be money ahead. UiHii. FURNITUKJC CO, 1S4 STRSX, Mala &760. FELDSTkU.N FURNITURs? CO.. 160-143 1st sc. requires second-hand furniture; beet prices paid. If you need any furniture, new or used, call oa ua and you be sure of good treat ment. Main 4033. 1 MUST HAVtt USED FURNITURE Spot caah for your second-hand furniture, car pels, stoves, ruga, ete Call us for one tvr tic.e or a house full. Pbona and a cour ttous buyar wilt call. Main 4772. CALL at .v. a 734. We need your furniture; we will pay you market price for Its worth. Stoves, carpeta and household good a WJ. NEED SECOND-HAND FUKNlTUKi of any description; have the ready cask. Phone today. Main 4427. or 204 First at. MOST cash paid for furniture and musical instruments. Hall Caaaidy, 12(5 First street. Main 7098. IF YOU want the moat money for your used Turniture. csii jwaranan itjj or JK4 1st st. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE WANTED. WILL FAT CASH. MAIN 1332. WILL pay bait prises. .Marshall 2 4a A WAXTFJ MISCETXAXKOrB. Furniture Wanted. OETTJRTZ FT7RN ITTJRB COafPAXT. Aoo to iwi irirat bu BEST CASH PRICES PAID FOB. USXB aUALNlTUBJS. tova. range, raga. ator fixture, res. taurant outnta. noteia. roomlng-bou. ffico fnrnltur. furniture atocka: notbiag too Dig or too a Hi ail lor ua. rrompl At. vauuou ana couneoua iraatmantj MARSHALL 6ML A in. WAN TED bocoxid-hand bouaehold furni ture; large or amall quantltlea; good prloe paiu. -au up jaaranail bdA. HELP WANTED MALE. UNCLE SAM WANTS EVERT MAN AT HIS POST. Tour post Is the place you are best iniea to rill. Why not EARN MORE PAT TOTJR ! BILLS and DO YOUR BIT at the same time? Thl Is the greatest moment in history or weu-auvisea readjustment or your in.. .naaie-aged men can "come back now. Boys must fill the soldiers' placea at once. The T. M. C. A. Employment and Ad visory department is able to give priceless advice it puts you Into the largest place you are able to fill successfulry. An Employment membership of 95 has ween uevisea oecause we know thai a man wunout work deserve special considera tion. Don't miss this modern, scientific snd thoroughly business-like way ol securing a position. Phone Main 8700 A 56L Call at one in person If possible. HELL HELL HELLO! CROWN WILLAMETTE MILLS still operating full product, notwithstand ing strike declared over six months ago. Wages: 93.36 to 93.64. 8 hour Inside; 93.36 for 8 hours, outside work. Mills declared by Labor Commissioner Barest of safety first. Free employment of fice West Linn, across bridge from Ore gon City. No experience required. Cut this out; it insures a jod. work every aay ana nerp win me war. JANITORS for night or day work. Hardware salesman. Experienced watchmaker. Boys between 16 and 18 years, for stock room work. Apply between 0 and 11 A. M.. Super intendent's office, basement balcony. Meier & r rank co. BARBER. Monday, May 6. union shop, steady Job; over money regularly; located shirt dlHtance outside business district of Port land; ground floor, brick building, junction of two busy canines; plenty light, not water, steam heat. bath, agreeable trade: time allowed off for making and attending , war garden. freaent employe wun mo nearly two years; now leaving for the front. BD 168, Oregonlan. WANTED 4 boys over 10 yoars of ago with blcyolea. for messenger work; caa earn from 330 to 1100 per month; work ts steady; wo furnish uniforms aad pay j you tor tne uso oi your wheel. ai. u Bailey. 71 ed. atv WANTED Young, actlvo man for shipping ana stocK room, exempt xrom crart. oooa- yetr Tiro Ac Rubber Co., 104 N. 14th St., Portland. BOYS WANTED, 1 TO It YEARS. BAG FACTORY. AMES, HARRIS, NEVILLH COk, 1ITU AND HOYT T& EXPERIENCED janitors; good wages. Ap ply superintendent s office, V to IV A at.. Olds, wortman c King. EDWARDS FIT RN IT L"B CO., 5th and Oak. warns driver for light truck: ; o per month: must know city and be experienced with furniture. Can alao uso helper, $3 a day. WANTED First-class barber for Toppenish. Wash.; guarantee $20, TO per cent over $0; ;ood man will make from 125 to $30 per week. Apply to xewis-oieugcr uar br 4u p ply Co. WANTED A single man as collector; ono who can furninh references; salary $-1.7 a a day and commission. Splendid chance for advancement for the right man. Apply 406 Oregonlan bldg., between 2 and a today. HO V to work after school and Saturdays; must be 16 years old snd have bicycle; wages $35 per month. Apply 127 llth street. VVENTWORTII A- IRWIN desires services of. a few first-class blacksmiths, painters, lath man and blacksmith helper. Main 2 SI 2. GOOD reliable boy wanted to help in store and somo outside work; good wages right boy; give telephone number or ad dress. P 201. oregonlan. WANTED Immediately, experienced tire changrr and adjuster for our service de partment, Klek Rubber Co.. 54 N. Broad way. WANTED Good farm hand for Eastern Oregon wheat ranch. Apply P01 Broadway building, Fortland. tood wages. FIRST-CLASS coat maker wanted; union hill. $12 and up. Tony Plrta, Aberdeen, Wash. WANTED Flrat-clasa barber to go to Red ding, Cal. Apply to Lewls-dtenger Bar bra fHipply Co. WANTED Strong;, capable man for janitor work. Apply 9:30 A. M. at Hoover Bak ery. 597 E. llth st, S. iSell. 1616. WANTED Window trimmer and card writer experienced In gents' furnishings. Bowman I Kms., 3d ana juumsiae sts. EXPERIENCED man to act as employment agent in Portland for Jogging company., Big Creek Logging Co., Knappa. Or. 1 WANTED At once, laborers for work In city: 45 cents per hour, 8 hours; also few good carpenters. Apply fto uregon oiog. BOY. to work after school and Saturdays must be 16 or over and have wheel; good pay. Apply T Board of Trade bldg. WANTED Several first-class machinists mall shop, good wages. Cutler Mfg. Co. sr. I E. 10th st. f.vpkhi ENCED electric bus driver who un derstands care of same. Apply Mr. Myers, Perkins Hotel. WANTED Boy over 18 years old to run elevator: experience not necessary. Palace Hotel, 446 Washington. WANTED Two or three men having had experience In railroad or eleatrlcal store rooms. Apply room fill Electric oidg. -r.i-V4-i man tn drive and care for Stude baker delivery car and assist packing and shlpprng. j. rngugn. tiniu . WANTED Second cook, cool kitchen, work not hard. Apply stewara, nvene v,uu try Club. ERRAND boy wanted; opportunity to learn aood trade. Modern Printing ac Publish ing Co.. S6H Broadway. i-TED Helper In cleaning depot; apply arly ready for work. Cascade Dye Works, f4 K. Oak st. WANTED A man to do kitchen cleaning, 7 to 11 P. M ; $25 a month and dinners. Campbell Motet. TURF. h. or four laborera. 33.50 for S hours steady work to the right men. iu isortn 13th st., cor. Kearney. WANTED Delivery clerk to take charge of department; steady position, goon aaiarj Ben Selling. Leading Clothier. WANTED Caretaker and C'luntry home. E. 137Q. gardener for 321 E. ISth N YOUNG man for our city tree and plant yard. Call at Fourth and aiaaieon. SHIPPING or stock clerk wanted. ML Hood .Soap Co., 4th ana uiisan. WANTED Hotel clerk. Hotel Ramapo, 14th and Washington. SALESMAN wanted to work In paint store references reaulred L i, uregonian. WANTED Janitor. Rainier Hotel. 120 North 6th St. WANTED Janitor in hotel; give phone number. BD-170. Oregonlan. WANTED Janitor, man and wife preferred. for Cromwell Apta.. Dth snd Columbia. WANTED Young man as assistant shipping clerk. Address r xo. oregonian. BARBER wanted; steady Job; $18 guaran- LOCAL salesmen wanted. Eastern mfg. co. tee. 2H6 First st. Apply 818 Stk. Ex. bldg.. after 4:30 P. M. WANTED Experienced teamsters. Broad- WANTED Steam cleaner and dark spotter way Transfer Co.. $0 Union ave. East 6011. Broadway Dye Works. East 625. KITCHEN helper at Sell wood Hospital. Sell- BARBER at the Antiseptic Shop 826 & wood 347. Alder. ' BAILORS wanted. Pacific Tent A Awning WANTED All-around cook. Woodlawn Company. 2915. BELLBOYS wanted- Apply iMr. Myers. Per- WANTED Man to drive retail milk wagon. kins Hotel. Rlvervlew Dairy. 1003 Belmont st. BARBER WANTED 311 Burnslde; wages, SHOE salesman, experienced. Royal Shoe guarantee $20 week. Co.. Washington st,, cor. 4th. MEN to distribute clrculsrs. Apply 7 A. M. WANTED Able-bodied men at American today or tomorrow. Ketiey. 1004 Front st. Can Co.. 14th and Front sts. WANTED Experienced - porter. Hotel waHhlnrton- WANTED Man to care for garden and yard and 100K alter livestock. .Marina. I K4. BARBER wanted: apprentice, 1 year's ex perience; good wages. 1-0 Second st. WANTED Dishwasher. 164 6th, Bean Pot HELP WASTED MALE. NIGHT steward. LelKhton'a Dairy Lunch. xsroaaway ana wasnington. IEN TO SERVE AT THE COUNTER. LEIGHTON'S DAIRT LUNCH, BROAD- WAT AND WASHINGTON. DELIVERY BOT8 Apply superintendent' oiuce, i n iv a. M., Olds, wortman King. EXPERIENCED baker helper; rood wages. .Apply superintendent a omce. v to xu a. -!.. oias. wortman & King. WANTED A general farm hand who can nanaie horses and farm machinery on up-to-date ranch; will give married man 145. house and aarden: steady Job; no I milking; chance for raise. Can use single I man. Give your age. experience, etc Marry Asbahr. CorvalUa. Or. WANTED Sash and door machine men. hrs.. city planing mill. Sash cutter, 60 1. Machine man, Mc. Cabinet-maker, 05c. 507 Oregon Bidg., 5th and Oak. EXPERIENCED motor car mechanic; one who is capable of giving estimates on work.; must have a pleasing personality; able to meet people: steady work, frood pay. Fred Dundee, Broadway and Flan ders MEN wanted by Portland Gas A Coke Co.. at Gasco. on Linnton road. Steady employ ment; pay $3.50 to $5 per day. Take free dus at garage, Front and oiisaa sts., o a. M.. or 23d and Savier at 7;15 A. M. Apply st gaa plant office. HOLDERS WANTED APPLY MR. COAK- LEY, VALVELESS PUMP fc FOUNDRY CO., 620 Hood street. CARPENTERS on form work. 15.60: LA BORERS, 14, eight hours' work, building construction, buukhouse If desired, bring blankets. A. w. wuisr CO.. Bremerton, Wash. WANTED At once, a young; man to work around printing machinery; eight hours per day and no Sunday work. J 153, Ore gonlan. EXPERIENCED hardware packer; steady give references position, $3.50 per day; and last place employed, nian. P 169, Orego- WANTED Porter and bellboy. Rainier Ho tel Call and see manager regarding salary and hours. Rainier liotei. i- N. 0th. I MARRIED man wanted for dairy farm; no children; must be good milker; $.5 per month, house, wood, milk, potatoes and garden furnished. C. W. Laughlln, Grays KJver. wash. WANTED Man to help In cream depart ment of candy factory; either experienced or inexperienced. liuaseil v oiibert Co., E. 24th and Hoiiaday ave.. ttoee city car. WORK! DON'T BUM! HELP WIN THE WAR. See West Linn Paper Mill adv. on this pace. It will pay you to enter their employ. WANTED at once, experienced candymaker. must be Immaculately clean and thorough ly understand the work. Out-of-clty po- eitlon. AV 845, Oregonian. WANTED A baker; good job; good wages; small shop. Require a first-clans, up-to- date, all-around man ; none other need apply. AV 877. Oregonian. WANTED Young; man with a thorough knowledge ot tne manuiacturing en a or the tent and awning business. C. H. Jones & Son, Ltd.. Vancouver, B. C WANTED Youna man. about IS years sge. to work in grocery store. Hours from 8 A. M. to 6 P. M. Wages $60 per mooih. Furnish references. M 341, oregonian. EXPERIENCED watchmaker: send refer ence with first letter. Mahncke ft Co., pioneer jewelers. 914 Pac. ave., Tacoma, Wash. WANTED At once, f Irvt-class experienced knee bo) term an to work on left-handed machine. Apply Western Cooperage Mill office. Phone Columbia oj. AMBITIOUS young man who can drive Ford: ODDort unity to learn leather belting trade and advance for right boy. Davis Scott Belting Co., 312 Union ave. WORK! DON'T BUM! HELP WIN THE WAR. See West Linn Paper i Mill adv. on this pace. It will pay you to enter their employ. WANTED Competent watchmaker, refer ences; good opportunity tor man to get in new place opening at Vancouver. 807 Main. ASSISTANT cutter or chopper in our cus tom tailor department; steady place at good wages. See Mr. Bowman at Browns- e woolen Aim store. WANTED Single man for Janitor of si 114.11 apartment-house; references required. Ap nlv 213 Chamber of Commerce bldg., cor ner 4th and Stark sts. F. E. Bowman fc Co. LABORERS, 8 hrs., 40c per nour; steady work. Western Reduction Co., Z4tn and Nlcolal. WANTED A tmDW and handy mechanic to solder In can factory. Apply American Can Co., 14th and Front. WANTED Finisher and repair man at courtwrignt Furniture juig. lo union ave. and Ankeny. SAND-BLAST operator; permanent position for competent man. Portland Galvanizing Works. UPHOLSTERERS wanted; union scale; per manent positions. Washington Mattress Company, Seattle. Wash. EXPERIENCED Japanese pantryman wanted, $60, board and room. Phone Main 8761 Hotel Dalles, The Dalles. Or. WANTED A truck driver, married man preferred, steady man. Call National Ice Co.. 472 E. Bumslde. WANTED Good, all-around portrait pho tographer; also good retoucher. SOI Dekum oiag. COOK wanted; good wages; no Sunday work. Appiy at Pilots wuicit juuncn Chamber of Commerce bldff. WANTED Good etrong boy about 10 years old. Room 9. w second. WOODCUTTERS wanted. We pay money any time, inquire jBurnstae st. WANTED A boy or ma-n to drive delivery car. 841 Division st. a Ford WANTED Janitor; must be experienced. Apply Mallory rtotei. 171 Lownadale. WANTED Elevator boy. Apply Mallory Hotel. 171 Lownsdale. 2 CLERKS to assist taking stock by Amer ican Can Co.. 14th ana Front at. JANITOR, single man preferred. New Hous ton Hotel. YOUNG men, boys and girls wanted. F. W, Baltes at co., printer. AWNING man wanted. Pacific Tent & Awning Co., 1st ana Ankeny. BARBER wanted at once at Carlton. Or. jvnone oo. WANTED Machine tool maker and die sinker. Cutler Mfg. Co., 351 E. 10th St. LABORERS wanted. Crystal Ice Storage Co.. 43.1 ci. ftaimon. PRESSMEN. FEEDERS and stock cutter wanted, r . w . ttaites Co. WANTED Man to drive retail milk wagon. River view uairy. iuvs ueimont st. EXPERT cabinet maker and finisher. ply Mlsh Furniture Co.. 184 1st st. JANITOR and wife wanted for modern apt." house: wages gooa. u sei. uregonian. WANTED A Chinese cook for small logging camp. men, ayniy aiju Lnam. or com. WANTED First-class bushelman. Apply 320 Washington; gooa salary. WANTED Practical sallmakers. C. Jones ae Bon.. Ltd.. Vancouver, B. C. STRONG BOY wanted to help In creamery A TEAMSTER for hauling wood in city MAN lor Inside work. Willamette Dairy, HELP WANTED MALE. I WANTED Experienced bookkeeper and credit man to take charge of our ofiice and credit department. Apply isk tuo ner Co.. 54 w. Broadway. Help Wanted Salesmen. EXPERIENCED Jewelry Marx, :S3 Washington. WASTED AGENTS. AGENTS at once. Sell Sue ier montb bo. piwi ucuui uo .oroett mug. HELP WANTED FEMALE. TOUNG LADIES WANTED. PERMANENT POSITIONS. NO EXPERIENCE REQUIRED. 19 PER WEEK PAID BEGINNERS. RAPID INCREASE IN WAGES. MEALS ON PREMISES IP DESIRED. CALL AT TELEPHONE COMPANY. ROOM 01, SIXTH FLOOR. PARK AND OAK STREETS. GIRLS. 16 OR OVER, TO WORK IN BAG FAC TORY; GOOD WAGES; STEADY EMPLOYMENT. APPLY AT ONCE. AMES HARRIS NEVILLE CO., 13TH AND HOYT STS. WANTED YOUNG LADY WHO IS QUICK AND WILLING TO LEARN; GOOD jfOhi TION. RAPID ADVANCEMENT AND SALARY. MUST "RE OVER 16 YRS. OLD APPLY IN PERSON, CRYSTAL LAUN DRY CO. SALESWOMEN for laces and trimmings must be experienced. Annly sunerintena- ent's office, 9 to 10 A. M., Olds, Wortman &. ning. WANTED Experienced saleslady for silk and ctrfn ennri fiDt ona tnorouaniy e nnrinnced Drif erred. AddIv manager, be tween and 11 A. M. L. Shanahan. ' 266 Washington st. and 12o 3d st. WANTED Ten bright, capable women travel, demonstrate and sell dealers; s: to $50 per week; railroad fare paid; week' iv advance for travel Ins: expenses. Ad dress at once Goodrich Drug Company, Dept. 701, Omaha, Neb. WOMEN for window cleaners. S75 a mont to start. Chambermaid, $12.00 per wk Wnmnn a child' nurse. S.So. room board, liotei cook. $."0. room and board. Public Employment Burfau. City nan. HOUSEKEEPER wanted for widower, boy R. Call Wednesday evening atter t:ju o ciock. Woman without children. St. Johns car to McKenna ave., west to boulevard; wages $25. 1384 Willamette blvd. WANTED Three ladies of culture, for soma special child welfare work. cioera. re muneration, cai: Detweea a anu u. u Rothchlld bldg. THOROTTUIILV competent waist buyer, fo ftnec.Mlfv limine. WrKe. stating experience, references ana salary expeciea. Auarcss AV Sri), oregonian. bookkeeper and stenographer. $100. Dictaphone operator, $. btenograpner. $70. $75. 80. Comptometer operator, $;. aoi iN. vv. .Hank mag. WELL-EDUCATED girl, about 17 or 1 rears of age. wanted as ruin cierk in a office; previous experience not necessary, H 37. Oregonian. WANTED Experienced feeders and folders. to work in flat worK department.; steady work- highest wages. Apply, in person, Crstal Laundry Co. EXPERIENCED help for manicuring and hair-dressing oariors. Apply supenntena ent's office, 9 to 10 A. M., Olds, Wortman & King. WANTED A bright young girl to asnort and distribute man ana keep a recora o oales. F 1H. oregonian. WANTED A girl to help watt on table. Annly Royal Cafe, 12 commercial St., as lorta. Or. EXPERIENCED waitress; good room and board furnished. Alexandra Court, 03 Ella st. WANTED Experienced chambermaid; wages $ll.r0 per wpck. jraiace jitoiei, io vvasn Ington su WANTED Able-bodied women and girls over 18 years old at American can Co., 14th ana Front sts. - CHORUS GIRLS Highest wares, long an gagementa, no iravaiing. Appij taaina Theater. YOUNG ladies wanted, permanent positions. good pay. Appiy, in peiBon, corner juaat 21st, Sandy blvd. WANTED Cook, cook's holper and dish washer at Chesterbury Hotel., otn ana Kearney. WANTED A first-class lady fur operator. Wevley Bros., furriers, 810 Sprague ave., Spokane, wash. WANTED Refined young lady for art model; give description and phone. K 171, Oregonian. AUTO WASHER, camp; i! hotel Howe's Agency, $3 day : cook, waitress, waitresses, $40; maids. room 43.1. 270H Wash. ANT girl In need of a friend apply to the Salvation Army Rescue Home. 3d3 East 16th st. N., or phone East 123. WOMEN between the age of 28 and 40; ref erences an to character required; good wages. AV P45, Oregonlan. EXPERIENCED finisher on coats and vests can find ateany employment ac tne Brownsville Woolen Mills, Morrison at 3d. GIRLS wanted at once. Columbia Paper Box Co. East 25th and Hoiiaday. WANTED A WAITRESS. CAMPBELL HO TEL. EXPERIENCED waitress wanted. Call after 11 A. M. Mandarin Care. 3t2 Morrison. MANICURIST wanted at 106 6th st. Ore gonlan Barber Shop. WAITRESS wanted. House, 102 6th st. Columbia Oyster A BUS girl wanted. 567 Washington. Globe Dairy Lunch, BOOKKEEPER wanted; give experience, age and salary expected. G 210. Oregonlan. WANTED Cook for hotel In Northern Cali fornia. Call evening. Jackson Apts.. rm. 10. FIRST-CLASS manicurist Bldg. Barber Shop. wanted. Henry WANTED Experienced hands ; dressmaking department. 200 Broadway. Main 6759. WANTED Experienced Phone Main 78. chambermaids. WANTED Young girl or middle-aged wom an to wash dishes. Apply 616 Lovejoy at. WANTED A chambermaid, Fobter. 3d and Davis. Apply Hotel GIRL wanted for shopping, with some ex perience in sewing. K 17.r. Oregonlan. ALL kinds of help wanted. Hansen's .Em ployment Agency. 327 h Wash. EXPERIENCED waitress wa-nted at Olym- pia Cafe. Iltn ana wasnington. PRIVATE home for children. 8 to 13 years old; 15 years' exp. 714 Everett. Mar. 216t, JANITRESS. Apply room 319 Piatt bldg.. Park and wasnington sis. WANTED A dining girl, and to assist Woodlawn 1".15. WANTED Housekeeper, good home, small place. K 176, Oregonian. SKIRT and waist finishers wanted. 205 Columbia bldg. WANTED Chambermaid. Olympla Hotel, 151 North sixtn st. WANTED A chambermaid. and to assist. Woodlawn 291o. OFFICE girl wanted to answer phone. Phone today, between ana v a. ji., jtsawy. eu7. EXPERIENCED waitress. Nick's Res tau- rant, 64 6th st. GIRLS wanted, to work in confectionery store. 3Ui Humaiae. nroaaway 1307. AN experienced maid. Gordon Hotel. Call 02. WANTED Glass washer. Campbell Hotel, 23d and Hoyt. FINISHERS and. helpers on gowns. Flledner bldg. WOMAN to do kitchen-porter work, from 8:30 a. m. to i:ou jt. ai. .41 Washington. COOK'S HELPER. 741 Washington st. WANTED Waitress. Campbell Hotel. HELP WANTED FEMALE. TEN girls between 16 and 18 yearg for ap prentices in selling merchandise. Ten girls between 16 and IS years for wrappers and inspectors. Experienced woman for corset altera tion department. Apply between 9 and 11 A. M., Superin tendent's office, basement balcony, Meier &. Frank Co. HOUSEKEEPER, 2 children, parents em ployed. 16 per wk.; ranch cook. Eastern Oregon, 4 men, $40; housekeeper, country, 2 men, $25 per mo.; waitress. Camas, Wash., $35, room and board; 2 camp wait resses, $45. room and board. Public Em ployment Bureau. City Hall. WANTED Experienced laboratory girl, ap ply after 6 P. M., 1204 Stevens bldg. Wanted Domerit lea- WAN' TED Woman housekeeper, family of two, nttie work, near Astoria; wages io per month, permanent position; one of finest country homes on Coast. Address E. W. Smith. Grays River, Wash. WANTED Cooks, man and wife or two women. Oregon Normal School Dormitory. Monmouth, Or. Good wages. See Mins Jessica Todd, Seward Hotel. Thursday. May 2, from 9 to 12. COMPETENT GIRL or woman for cooking and some housework. No furnace. Wages $40. Small family. Apply before 3. - Marshall st. EXPERIENCED cook for private family; no wasning. good wages. 1'hone Main fil'tto. Home phone A o2o0, or inquire 312 12th street. WANTED Baby's nurse for 1-year-old cniid.; must be trustworthy and experi enced; good salary to right party. Tabor GIRL for cooking and some housework, no washing, no furnace, no Sunday dinners, good wages. 126 Kearney, near 25th. Marshall 1491. WANTED On or before May 1, competent gin ior general housework; must be ex perienced in cooking: no care of furnace; wages $40 to $45. Main 3442. WANTED Woman or girl of refinement to assist witn nouseworic; small, plain ramiiy; adults, employed; good home; small wages. F 207, Oregonlan. WANTED Middle-aged woman or girt for general housework; 2 adults, 1 child ; no washing, light cooking, $25. Woodlawn 4906. GIRL for general housework: wages $40. no wasning. 1'none K. I0i, or can at 4:18 E. 23d st. N-, cor. Tillamook, Wednes day morning. EXPERIENCED second girl for private fam ily; good wages. Phono Main noma phone A 5-o0, or inquire 312 12th st. WANTED Girl for general housework; no heavy washing or fires; good wages. Call 323 & Washington. WANTED Competent child's nurse; must have references; best wages paid. Phone mornings, East 2126. WANTED Experienced second maid, with references. Broadway 2493. 640 Flan ders st. WANTED A girl for cooking and general housework; 4 adults; $30 month. 600 Tay lor st. WANTED An experienced cook. good wages. Apply mornings. 229 Cornell road. Phone Marshall 167. GIHL for general housework; good wages and good home. 375 East llth North, near Broadway. GIRL for general housework, small family; good wages. Main 4207. 463 Montgomery Drive. WANTED Girl for general housework in family where nurse Is kept for children; no washing; wages $30. Main 610. WANTED Lady cook for small restaurant; wages reasonable. Write to Frank Peter sen, Metolius. Or. WANTED At once, young girl for light housework; more for companion. East 3769. EXPERIENCED cook for private family where second girl Is kept; wages $40 to $55, according to ability. Phone. Main 893. YOUNG woman wanted as housekeeper for widower with three children; no washing Main 6614. WANTED Competent girl, cooking, general housework: good wages; no laundry, wain 1478. B 3326 or call 1115 Spalding bldg. WANTED Experienced maid, general house work, must De good cook ; finau tamiiy ; wages $3 to $40. East fio04. EXPERIENCED second girl, must furnish good references, wages $35 to $40. Park ave., cor. St. Clair. WANTED Reliable girl for general house work; small family; good wages. Main jvr.68. 828 Kearney. A GIRL for second work; must be willing to go to beach; family ox zour. i4 iove- joy. " WANTED Girl for general housework, no heavy washing or tires; good home. Call 323 Washington. GIRL general housework. 3 adults in fam- ily. East 7 mil GIRL lor cooking and general housework ; Mar. 4787. wages $4U. ;i Cornell roaq. M IDDLE-A45ED lady or girl, to do light housework ; no washing. Marsna.11 CAPABLE girl for housework, to go to Sou- side. Must like children. ivearney. GIRL for general housework; good home to right party. tun en. GIRL for general liouework. adults. Ap ply mornings. Mam J-4M. J. ist st. GENERAL housework, good wages, second 111 N. 22. Marshall 3077. girl kept. GIRL to take care of children afternoons and two evenings, laoor win. A WOMAN for light housework; no washing. 831 K. Everett. Kant HUM. GIRL wanted for general hotiHework ; 8 family, good pay. fnone uaoor WA NTED liirl for housework for tw Phone mornings. Marshall 7oi. HELP WANTED MALE OH FEMALK, SPINNERS WANTED. GOOD WORK, GOOU PAY. UKMiU- ci ix lUiJUaua, OREGON CITY. WANTED Dairy help; family of 3 grown people to milk and take care of eu cows; good wages, house and garden. Write 1. O. box 30li, Waehougal. Wash. MAN and wife to do Janitor work in small apt. house for rent of pieaaant J-room apt. with light, gas and some wages. 704 lloyt, near 2 1st. CYLINDER and platen press feeders; high est wages. Modern 1'rinting & jfuo. co., 86 4 Broadway. WANTED Girl or boy, delivery and gen eral work; good place. 186 Fifth st. WANTEI nltor and wife for first-class Main 2276. apt. -house. EDUCATIONAL. MEN. WOMEN, learn the barber trade; shortage 01 uarqers an over tne country; big wages; $3 to $10 per week earned while learning. THE BIG SCHOOL. Phone Broadway 1731. MOLER BARBER COL LEGE. 234 Burnslde st. ORIGINAL MOLER BARBER COLLEGE. Founded in ltsva. rraae taugnt in eigne weeks; tuition earned during the course; e-et vou a position, furnish tools, scholar ship transfer card. Write for free cata logue, 234 iiurnBiqe st. PRACTICAL training In gas, electrical and ateam engineering, mechanical drawing, machine-shop practice, oxy-acetylene welding, automobile and tractor operating and repairing. Write for catalogue. Se attle Engineering School. Seattle, Vt-aan. PORTLAND'S ONLY EXCLUSIVE TELE GRAPH SCHOOL Conducted oy expert!; personal attention, practical work ; heavy demand for operators. $75 to $83 to Ht art Fuller a Telegraph School, Allsky bldg THE ADCOX AUTO SCHOOL. 874 Wasco St.. cor. Union Ave. Call, write or phone E. 7445 about free trial offer. Day and night classes. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE HEALING Substance of complete $100 class instruction course mailed on receipt of 15. Writers' Service Bureau. 41$ Green bldg., Seattle, Wash. UNCLE SAM needs 10,000 atenographers; enroll now for shorthand. typewriting, bookkeeping. MISS DECKER'S PRIVATE BUSINESS COLLEGE. Alisky bldg. MISS MATTING LY'S Shorthand. Typewrit ing School, day. evening. $3 mouth. 269 14th. near Jefferson. Mala 3893. MRS. H ANNUM' S SHORTHAND SCHOOL, day and night. Tillamook and Ganten bein. East 8860. TELEGRAPH, steno., bkpg., board, room, tuition may be earned. Catalogue frae. Mac Kay Business College. Los Angeles. ORIGINAL MOHLER BARBER SCHOOL teaches men and women the barber trade free. Paid while learning. 234 Couch st. MEN, .WOMEN, learn barber trade free; wages while learning; position guaranteed. Oregon Barber College, 233 Madison st. TEACHERS All kinds of teaching posi tions. M. 4835. Flak Teachers' Agency. Armstrong-Holmes Business College, Flledner bldg., day and evening. Broadway 182L SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. GAS engine man seeks position auto driv ing or tractor work. Phone East 7445. FIRST-CLASS auto mechanic's helper wants work. F 201. Oregonlan. A-l CARPENTER builds and repair cheap by contract, Woodlawa 128.