Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, May 01, 1918, Page 13, Image 13

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Clerk Beveridge's Lead May
Be Followed by Other
County Clerks.
Removal or Xante and Ballot Nom
bcr ot Senatorial Tandidate
Make Contrniplalrl Mantla
mm Sail l" necessary.
On the.ofliclal ballot ef Multnomah
County, at least, the name of 8. R
Huston, aa a candidate for the Repub
lican nomination for inlted States
failed to report when notified by the
draft board, was found today In the
woods about four miles from Wist,
where he resided, with a bullet through
his head. Circumstances surrounding
his death point to suicide.
Columbia River Seiners Hope to
Ilrgln Operations Karty This Year.
ASTORIA. Or.. April 30 (Special.)
The Bprlnir fishing season on the Co
lumbla Hirer will open at noon to
morrow. While a considerable amount
of trap-gear will be placed In the
water at once and the seiners hope to
begin operations earlier than usual,
the number of cillnetters and troliers
on the openint day wtU be lesa than
last year.
This itt due to the fact that many
of the fishermen are earnings large
wages at the shipyards and will not
leave unless a good run ot fish shows
tduard Adams Bound to Grand
Jury on Ijirrrn y Charge.
Kdward Adams, who promoted a
dancing party for the Hustlers' Club, a
newsboys' organisation and who Is al
S. & . Green Trading Stamps Given on All Charge Accounts if Paid in Full by the 10th of Each Month
Portland Women's Research Club and Pythian Ladies Will Meet From 1 to 5 Today, Auditorium, 4th Floor
University Medical Unit to Be
Dedicated Today.
The Standard Store of the Northwest
Olds, Wortman & King
Reliable Merchandise Reliable Methods
Kntnr will not appear. This was dn- leged to have appropriated receipts
All Civic Organizations of City to
Be Represented at Kicrclscs on
New Medical School Cam
pus at 1 o'CIock.
With representatives from all the
civic bodies, women's clubs, labor and
other organisations ef the city In at
tendance, the first unit of the Univer
sity of Oregon Medical School on the
new campus above Terwllllger boule
vard will bo dedicated this afternoon
at 1 o'clock. Tbore who wish to attend
the dedication will ba accommodated
with automobiles that will leave Hotel
Portland at 1S:30 o'clock.
Oovernor Withycombe will officiate
Double Stamps All Over the Store
With All Cash Purchases Amounting to 10c or Over
CcHV" J J (Joremor- yr Y x, ys
Continuation of the
Sale of Suits
At $22.75
Second Floor Extraordinary values in this no
table offering:. Lines from our regular stock.
Finest of workmanship throughout. Splendid as
sortment of the season's most favored models
many have fancy collars, cuffs others in neat
tailored styles. Materials are striped suitings,
sheperd checks, serges, gabardines, poplins and
mixtures. Sizes for women and (IJOO rTK
misses. The price in this sale is wAAii O
Silk Dresses
LOT 1 Dresses of Georgette crepe, taffeta,
crepe de chine and crepe meteor. P"t A Q
Special in this sale at low price of XfteaJt)
LOT 2 Dresses of taffeta silks, Georgette
crepes and crepe de chine priced 31 Q QC
Latest Spring models. Priced special DJ-e7ei7J
Wednesday Grocery Specials
M. J. B., Dependable, Golden
West or Royal Club Coffee, sell
ing in the regular way at J"
$1.10 the 3-lb. can, special
Snider's Catsup, the 25c OO
size; special, bottle for '
Phez Loganberry Juice, Ofj
25c bottle at low price of -iVC
RYZON Baking Powder, full
pound can priced now at 3
A valuable Cook Book free with
each can Ryzon Baking Powder.
Notions and Small Wares
Special Sale Bargain Circle, First Floor
Pocohontas Steel Toilet Pins 40
Diraco Lingerie Tape in 12-yard
pieces, special now at only C$
Regent Bias Folds, of Lawn only,
sizes 1 to 7 6-yard pieces at 70
Phoenix Hair Pin Cabinets at 50
"Curia" Rubber Curlers in black
and auburn. Special now at 100
SILK THREAD for hand and
machine use. ' Black, white f7
and colors. 100 yards at only
Art Gum, special, a cake at 80
Tip Top Snap Fasteners, all sizes
in white or black, the card at 50
Cotton Stay Binding, four -yard
bolts, special today at only 50
Specials in Drug Sundries
Iris Brush White for white
Shoes Wednesday special at 70
EXTRA 25c Aluminum Soap
box and 1 cake of Creme OJtf
Oil Soap Wednesday at AOL
Wash Cloths in silk lined rub
ber cases special today only 70
50c Rubber-lined, Silk-covered
Traveling Cases will hold seven
articles. Special in this sale 390
nttely determined yesterday by County
Clerk Beverldge. after a conference
with county officials.
Although he haa not been officially
notllled by Secretary of ftate Olcott
of the withdrawal of Mr. Huston aa a
Senatorial candidate, except for a tele
gram received yesterday. Mr. Beverldge
haa a letter of withdrawal from Mr.
Huston, and. In accordance with an act
passed at the 115 Legislature, he de
cided that Mr. Huston's requested
withdrawal from the official ballot
should bo granted.
Law Ferasita Withdrawal.
Mr. Baveridge bases his action on
the following act:
"Upon the proper filing of notice ot
candidacy, accompanied by the re
quired fee. said candidacy ahall ba
deemed complete, and. unless the can
didate ahall withdraw and state his
or her reasons for withdrawal under
oath and file the same with the proper
official. Secretary of State. County
Clerk or City Auditor or Clerk, aa the
rase may be. auch candidacy must re
main upon the ballot.-
Had not Mr. Beverldge arrived
the decision yesterday to remove Mr.
Huston's name from the ballot, ho an
ritrtct Attorney Evana had agreed
that a friendly mandamus proceeding
be started In the Circuit Court this
morning in order that an early Judicial
opinion might ba received. Inasmuch
aa thla would mean additional delay
and Inasmuch as the 114 law provldea
that a candidate can withdraw from
the race. Mr. Beverldga decided to f
apect Mr. Huston's desires, even
though be la of the opinion that Sec
retary of State Olcott ahould have or
dered Mr. Huston's nam removed.
Secretary Olcott Slleat.
In another part of the Oregon elec
tton law It la provided that the Secre
tary of State, not mora than IS days
before a primary election and not less
than : days, must certify up with
the seal of hia office the name of every
candidate on tba state ticket, and roust
transmit these names to every County
Clerk of the state. Inasmuch as Mr.
Huston's withdrawal waa made Just Z0
ciaya before the primary, and after
Secretary Olcott had aent out the lists
to the County Clerks of the state, that
official refused to order his nama re
moved from the ballot. Thla stand. It
Is aald. la taken under an opinion of I
former Attorney-General.
"At least five County Clerks of Ore
iron have telephoned me regarding tha
Huston name on the ballot, and I have
told them all that I was going to re
move both his name and hla election
number." said Mr. Beverldge yesterday.
The other County Clerka agreed with
me that they would do likewise. If It
becomes generally known about the
etate that this action la being taken,
I believe that every County Clerk will
follow our example.
That the withdraw! of Mr. Huston
will cause soma little confusion on
election day was Indicated yesterday
when the County Clerk of Douglas
County notified Mr. Beverldge that be
had removed Mr. Huston's name from
the ballot and had likewise changed
all of the ballot numbers of the can
rtidate. Inaamuch aa the numbers of
all stata and Congresalonal candidates
are the same In every county of the
state, this will causa soma confusion
In Doaglaa County at least.
In Multnomah County and In other
rountlea which have decided to take
Mr. Huston's name from the ballot. It
haa also been decided to remove hla
ballot number of "17.-
Pre Yirdf H--
Tlaso Meats riaevd.
"The law clearly provides that a
candidate may withdraw from th
race and Inasmuch aa no time limit la
placed on his withdraw! and because of
the further fact that Mr. Huston haa
notified me of his resignation. I feel
that the only tblng I can do Is to re
move his name from tha ballot." w
the way County Clerk Beverldge
aummed up tha situation.
The telegram received yesterday by
Mr. Beverldge from Secretary of State
Olcott waa In answer to aeveral urgent
telephonic and telegraphic reqoesta for
soma official confirmation that Mr.
Huston had actually filed hia with
draw! affidavit with the Secretary of
Thta telegram reads:
"Huston filed affidavit requesting
withdraw! of his name tor United
Mates Senate and stating tha reasons.
Draft Kvadcr Kills Self.
clal) Charles
Or, April
Sit (Sne.
from the sale of tickets amounting to
approximately 150. was bound over to
the grand Jury yesterday by Municipal
Judge Kossman.
Archie Welnateln. president of the
club, testified that Adams waa to turn
over all receipts to the club and that
after certain expenditures were met.
the money waa to be divided equally
between Adams and tha club. He also
declared that Adama had obtained
various articles of merchandise for
prises and that ha failed to turn them
over to th organisation. Adams Is
accused ef th larceny of the merchan
dlse, besldea felling to account for COO
tickets for th dance. Th full amount
which th club alleges Adams la
answerable for la about 1S00.
On the date of th dance Adams dis
appeared and later was arrested in 8e
Oregon Packing: Company, at Van
couver, to Open Early This Month.
VANCOUVER, Wash.. April SO.
(Special.) The Oregon Packing Com
pany, which haa a large packing plant
in thla city near the Union Depot and
freight depot, will open for the season
In the early part of May thla year.
Employment at first will be given to
100 persons, but thla number will be
increased until capacity Is reached, or
The first vegetable to be canned will
be spinach. Spinach will keep the plant
busy until th strawberry season opens.
Th cannery will run continually until
late thla Fall.
and President Ernest TL Llndley. of the
University of Idaho, formerly professor
of psychology In tha University of In
diana, will deliver the oration of the
day. President P. L. Campbell, of the
University of Oregon, and W. K. New
ell, of the board of regents, will make
abort addresses. Bishop Sumner will
offer the Invocation.
Plana for tha new group of build
ings for the medical achool provide for
a beautiful aa well as a modem plant
for the university. Ideally aituated
away from th noise and distractions
of tha city, the new campus Is especial
ly adapted for th site of a medical
achool and hospital. Tha new build
ings are exceedingly plain Inside. Sani
tation, light and fresh air supply have
been the main considerations of the
architects in drawing the plana. The
concrete construction of the building
makea It easy to keep sanitary and the
large window space provides plenty of I
light and air.
The present war situation and the
great demand for highly trained doc
tors and surgeons in the Army make
th occasion of the dedication of spe
cial Interest at this time. The Univer
sity of Oregon Medical School, as well
aa all other good schools of medicine
In th United States, are under the
direction of the Surgeon-General of the
Army, who orders their methods and
standards so that the doctors who may
have to minister to the needs of the
Army and Navy will be properly
It la expected that all health work
of tha atata will finally center In the
state medical school and the plan of
the group of buildings provides suffi
cient laboratory space to car for all
such work In the future.
Basement Underprice Store
Double Stamps. Given With Basement Cash Purchases
ALL ITEMS BELOW will be on sale Wednesday only at prices quoted and no telephone or mail orders accepted
Odd Lines
Tub Waists
At 50c
Basement Many pretty styles to
select from. Dainty sheer materi
als. Also a few Middy Blouses.
Limit 2 to customer. Wednes- frJ
day special in the Basement JvU
At 55c
Wonderful Indigestion Remedy In
Costs Nothing If It Fails
Portland Druggists Make Amazing Offer
Sufferers From Indigestion, Dyspepsia,
Gastritis, Acidity and Gas.
"Stop Dieting: Eat What You Like, and Take Bi-nesia.
Money Back if It Fails.".
Everybody In fort land knowa a rood
reliable drucsist one whose word Is
aa good aa bia bond. Therefore cbronic
dyspeptics, sufferers from Indlcestlon,
(aMrltls. acidity, g-as. etc.. who have
uffered untold agonies and spent large
uma without obtaining relief will cer
tainly bo Interested la this amastng
aeaaet rials Coaaasoa seaee. If you
paid a tailor for a ault of clothes and
worn you called for It he should aay
I spoiled the material you paid for,
ut If you will pay me for another suit
think I can do better next time, you
wouldn't stand for It a minute. Yet
his Is the eort of "Heads I win. tails
ou lose" proposition under which mll-
ons of stomach sufferers have been
paying; out rood money for tha last
undred yeara
All this la now chanced. la Bl-aeala
we have a product so good, so quick
nd po.ltive In Its action that a binding
guarantee of "money back If It fails" is
nciosea witn every package. Bl-aeeia
not a -cure-ail. Tnere are occa-
lonal cases In whtrh It faila to give
relief, but they are so rare that we feel
ustified In clalmmr that In over S
as.a out of every 100 It will cive won-
rfuily satisfactory results. That s
why we can afford. In spite of its cost,
to ruarantea "Money back If It fails."
That'a why your own drug-gist says:
"I'll stand back of that guarantee."
BUaeela can't hurt you; It is almost
certain to help you. and you don't risk
the loaa of a cent. The worst dyspeptics
In Portland, thoaa who have suffered
for yeara who have tried doctors,
diets, and spent fortunes without get
ting; relief are asked to go today to
your own druggist and set a 50-cent
package of Bl-aeslat take it aa directed
and If It does not help you. if you are
not pleased with It. just fill out the
guarantee slip and get your money
back. No Questions eakeH nn mff,.
davtta to make. Tou are the judge and
vur vwiiiuu im iinil.
Bl-aeala is supplied In two forme
powder and tablets. For home use we
advise taking a teasnoonful of the now.
der in a little hot water Immediately
after meals or whenever pain is felt
For travelera or to send to soldiers we
recommend takinr two or three t.rriin
tablets they are much more convenient
to carry. Powder or Tablet form, 60x
a year eaeaey kirk If It falle. rn
pey'teei Bl-aeala ted ay. Tear draa
glat, a aaaa yon acrseaallr kaow. bark.
aaraatea leaaa la every package. I QE3QI
Basement Envelope Chemise,
Gowns and Skirts in attractive styes.
Limit 2 to a customer. In
the Basement special at only
Women's 171
Union Suits' 72
Basement Women's Summer weight
Union Suits. Low neck, sleeveless.
Good quality. Limit 2 071 ,
to a customer. Special 2y
Basement Coat Sale
Women's and Misses' Coats
128 of them in a phenom
enal underprice offering for
Wednesday in the Basement
Store. Smart, up-to-date styles,
made in a good range of the
most wanted materials. Some
have wide belts, large collars,
fancy pockets; others with nar
row belts. A worth-while sav
ing you should not overlook.
Practically all sizes.
The sale price, special 0XJ
Double S. & H.
With Cash Purchases
Basement Wednesday.
Girls' Dresses
Sale Price P J-
Basement Serviceable frocks of
good quality ginghams in plaids.
stripes, checks, etc. Dresses in this
lot well worth $1.50. Ages 2 to
6. Limit 2 to a customer. ffi
Soecial in this sale at DXeUlf
Women's $3.50, $4 Shoes
In the Basement Sale, Special gt
Laced or Buttoned Shoes of gunmetal or wsr
patent leather. This season's best styles Jr 1 J tJr
wiin nign or tneaiura neeie, cioui or learner
tops. Not all sizes in each style but good
range to select from. Standard $3.50, $4
Women's Shoes in a rousing one-day sale,
priced special for Wednesday, pair, $2.39
Basement Millinery
Special $1
Basement Many of these Hats are extra
values at $2.98! Styles for women, misses
and children. Sailors, pokes, turbans and
other good shapes, trimmed with flowers,
ribbons, ornaments, etc Black and good
selection of the wanted colors. ff
Priced special for Wednesday JJlaUU
Men's Shirts
Odd lines, soft or stiff-
cuff stvles. Attractive nat- Jtts
terns and good materials in the lot,
Basement Sale Wash Goods
35c to 50c Tub Fabrics
Basement Hundreds of yards beautiful new
Spring Wash Goods voiles, organdies, batis
tes, crepes, percales, etc., in one big lot and
marked for quick selling. New 1918 patterns
and colorings. Basement special, yard 250
65c Silk Poplins 49c Yard
Basement Splendid heavy quality for Summer dresses and skirts.
Shown in a great assortment of the newest colors. We also include
in this offering several hundred yards of A. B. C. Silks (mill
ends and discontinued patterns). Basement special, yard
Women's $1.50 Corsets at 98c
$1.25, $1.50
Boys Pants
At 98c
Basement Sturdy, well made pants that
will give satisfactory wear. Made up
in serviceable mixtures in medium and
dark colors. Limit 2 pairs to a QO
customer. Ages 6 to 15 the pair Ol
Basement Special
Buy at least two pairs of these,
for corset prices are going to be
higher. Medium bust, long hip,
rust-proof boning. Hose support
ers attached. $1.50 Cor- QQ
sets on sale in Basement VOK
& Brassieres
At 25c
Bandeau style with strap over
shoulder, also the kind that fasten
in front. Sizes 36 to 44. OK
Basement special, each -tlv
Enameled Kettles
At 77c
Basement Blue outside and white in
side. Six-quart size. Enameled cover.
Choice of style with side handle or with
bail similar to above illustrations.
Priced very special for today
in the Basement Store, each
Double Stamps Today
With All Cash Pur
chases in All Depts.