TOE ZIIORXIXG OKEGOXIAX. TV'EDXESDAT, 3IAT 1, 1918. 11 CITY NEWS IN BRIEF OlICOMiX TELETHOXES. fsBasi"e 4ltor ........ ..Main TT. A ansa Cltv E4i"r ............... Mala 77. A ras4ir Editor Miia TOT3. A W-'S AfrrfUlnc LTrt mn I Mia To;o, A S uprian a4pt f Bonding. Msia 770, A SOI ivrsntm CKrtncrif (Hre.jw.7 at Tartar) Vud- I camp at the Presidio, after which he CaPTA!! Ras V I I T PonasTra's Orrm. Captain Frederick VT. Rase, o Portland, formerly entry surveyor In tha United States Forester's office, visited the headquarters in the Beck butldlna: yesterday. Captain Rase now with the Sftth Infantry at Camp Lewis, lis reports the men in the can tonment "on their toes" to get OTer to France. Captain Rase was an Inatruc tor in the second officers' training ! FOOD Hi FIRE OUI is. Tbis a.fnooa at 2;la. BAKER (Broadway at Sixth, betweaa Alder H Homssav AJrssar Mark Company In "The Dummy.' This afternoon at 2:1S and toaiaht at :J0 'clock. VAXTACRS (Broadway at A!der Vaude. viae. Thro shows dally, 3.3'). T and 9.00. RlrPOSROMB (Broadway at Tamhlll Vaadevtile sd moTtns victor. 3 to a: 4 te 11 P. M. Saturdays. Sundays, boll daja, contlaaoua. 1:1a te 11 P. M. (Washington street, between Park and West Park) Vaudeville aad saovtnf alctares: coollnaoua. X.YRIC Peart h aad Stark) Vastest com edy, dally, afternoon aad nuke Witness in Farrell Will Case Testifies to Neglect. AGED WOMAN IN WANT was aaalaned to Camp Fremont and later was made Instructor in the third officer's training: camp at Camp Lewis. Raphael Zon. of the forester's office in Washington. I. C-. spent yesterday in the Portland office. He went to Se attle last nla-ht. Forkstrt Films to Be Showic. Men of the spruce division cut-up mill at Vancouver will learn about tha work Mental Incapacity Declared to llave or the United 8tatea Forest Service to- Followed Second Stroke of Par alysis Suffered by Mrs. Ann Eliza Farrell in It IS. THRIFT STAMPS and WAR SAVINGS 8TAMP3 en Sal at Business Office. Oresonlaa. Crrr Sckd roa Damaozs. Allertnc that Mary Q. Coleman fell Into an open stairway en the Market-street aide of r. . a famll. n t H ti T t Ifnir li r - the Public Auditorium last December ,lbl prtle, who WU tak, car of and sustained Injuries that resulted In th ,. appointment call A. H. -err E POULTRY NEEDED S A BE." CAMPAIGN LATEST W AR-WISMIG MOVE. day filed claim against the city for $700 damages. It U claimed In a let ter received by City Auditor Funk that Mrs. Coleman waa fee Una; ber way aionff the butldlna; because of ber near alfatedness and the darkness of the night and that she walked directly Into th open stairway and waa mortally Injured. . Board to Coxsidkb Ixmrtoxt All inventions and suggested Ideas of In ventions, whether patented or not, which pertain to the Army should be submitted to the newly created ln veattons section of the Army War Col lege. Washing-ton. D. C. according to advices received here today by Dis trict Forester, George If. Cecil. This new agency baa been established within th general staff of the Army so that Inventore mm v anhmlt their wark t A fha frnm,rl for ln,n-llnn I Ht Of Agriculture. teat, development, or with a Tlew to Federal poultry husbandman, for Ore Burcaaae) or use by th department. morrow night when A. O. Jackaon will give a lecture Illustrated by motion pictures. The pictures Include Tree Planting; On the National Forests. Grazlna Industry on the National Forests," "Lumbering Tellow PTne in th Southwest," "Lodg-epole Pine for naurgng lies ana .touunoi r urrsis i ., . ..., i w.m. p.t e l.... tr n. w..e " appeared yesterday as a wra less my ten-room residence, completely 'r the contesUnts In the Farrell will furnished with 100x100 feet of around, contest, now being heard before marnlflcent view located Isth and I County Judge Taawell, and testified Raleigh streets, below Westover Ter- thmt ,ne onc, went to th home of the late Ann Ellxa Farrell and found the woman without food and without wood in the house. Witness said ehe split some wood and built a fire. Mrs. L. Lantls testified that in her belief Mrs. Farrell waa not mentally capable of knowing; lust how much property she possessed during; the last years of her life. "I used to ask her why she did not tak her money and enjoy herself during- the remainder of her life," said Mrs. Lantls. "And she always replied that she didn't have much money or property. It Is my belief that she did not know how much she had. Witness Saw "X" Mark Slsmed Mrs. Lantls further testified that It waa her. belief that Mrs. Farrell was not mentally strong; after ber second stroke of paralysis In 1913. Although A234L 5 G 7 8 91011 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 232425 26 27 28 29 3031 i'4 iBIrrell. 217 Northwestern Bank bids;. larshall 4114. Adv. C. V. Tsaes, Paahlaa- Work for laele Sam. Saya City rassUlc Skeald Keep Several Layisa Hems. "Buy a hen- Is the latest edict of oth" witnesses for the- contestant had . ' . . ... . . I testified that In their belief Mrs. Far- IsrotaASSj r Pat f aoan. Increase la th pay of technically trained men em ployed by th city la urged In a peti tion filed yesterday with City Auditor Funk by th Oregon Society of Engl aeers. It la said la th petition that th dollar of two years ago has lost about 4 cents of Ita value and that employes must bo irivew Inrressed pay In order that they may keep pace with the increased cost of living. It Is stated further that it Is unfair to re fuse any Increasea until the employes present bona fid offers for other out- aid positions at higher salaries. MAaataoa Lirxxsns I.xcarAsa. April was a busy month for both the mar riage license bureau and the divorce courts, according; to the monthly tabu lations made by County Clerk Beverldge at th close of business last evening. There were III marriage llcensea is sued during; April as against HI for the month of March, while the divorce record showed It new suits filed during th paat month. There were 71 divorce sutta started in March. There have bsu more than to divorce decrees granted during; the month. Trnc ORDwAca Prrrro. When ft. I AHimt fnel Healer no automobile In front of the pol tloa yesterday and refused to further down th street, he waa ar rested by Sergeant Erwln. of th motor cycle aquad. on a charge of violating the traffic ordinance. According; to Sergeant Erwln. Mr. Adams defied the officer .to arrest him. After he bad been booked on th charge, the motorist refused to remove his car. lie will have a hearing In Municipal Court today. CRArrntca hxto 3S. When Peter Orano. a chauffeur, attempted to run his machine around a streetcar on Hawthorne avenue, at East Third street, be missed his calculations and barely escaped a bad collision. The streetcar Jammed the automobile, but little damage resulted. Motorcycle Officer Taylor witnessed the Incident and arrested Grano for reckless drlv Ing. The chauffeur receive! Zi in Municipal Court yesterday. . rALtiHTxa or J. t. L. Monmsox Pus. Word has Just been received of the death of Hope Morrison, gon. Is In Portland In the Interest of the "Buy a Hen" campaign. He Is trying; to put a hen In every borne, or. ..11 mm Kan- .1 tryA th. ' X C. Lv UpSOn, ! ..V tnr k.r Ifrnature fin her llLUt WllL Mrs. Lantls testified that sn nerseu had witnessed Mrs. Farrell sign her "X" on a codicil to another will In el; hi, ,JL .m for nartS . although some person waa hold- ! r.. W member of K Mr rarreI,., hand at tne tlm .v. she said. The "X" mark on th 1111 keeping chickens, say. Mr. Upson, and I"'" Jt "' th one on t,he every household shiuld bav a few ""will, which several witnessea, In laying; bens In order to eat up the c r. n ". x" we.t. from the table. ' The flovemment luiamson ana oinoro, icoinitru mm . . i . k.r .hiir.ns k, iA not more I bad aeen made. than 10 per cent of wheat, the remain-I A. McCormick. another witness, der of the feed to be table scraps and said she often visited with Mrs. Farrell potat peelings which would otherwise and that on on occasion airs, rarreii be a total loom. felt badly because Mrs. John B. Yeon, Because of the depletion In the nura- chief beneficiary of th $40,000 estate, bar of lavlne- hena and the heavy da- had told thtj aged woman to shut her mand for eggs for convalescent sol-1 mouth. The witness said that Mrs. Far dlers In the hospitals, the price of eggslrell had spoken of how Mrs. Teon was In England haa already advanced to I complaining because sue talked too IL44 a dosen. There will soon b a I much. similar demand for eggs In the hos- You'll find here Every day For the month of May Everything; in the way Of dress for men. Today what do you say To a new " KUPPENHEIMER SUIT . $25, $30, ?35 or up, In a quiet gray Or a bit more gay? Hats, too, Just the shape for you. Shirts and Ties That put you wise As to what's correct And best to buy. Every style for man or boy may be seen here. Real Pleasure is not so much a question of dollars as it is of sense. Sense enough, for instance, to insist on comfortable shoes, knowing 'that little pleasure can be had on any occasion if one's feet .are in misery. Insisting on com fort is only another form of insisting on llalstons. They have a style that fits every foot, it's mere ly a question of let ting us show you.- So let us show you Ralstons the Spring models. i LIVING DOOM IUIcNjTTJKB Itacoma.. -wa. mm WASH. The Knppenheimer House in Portland MORRISON AT FOURTH STREET The Ralston House in Portland CITY LEADS IX APRIL MA RIVE CORPS RECRCTTIXG. nltala of the United States. Portland school childrsn are respond ing; loyally to the call of the Govern ment, and at the schools In which Mr. Upson haa epoken thla week the num ber of children who are raising chick ens Is gratlfylngly large. Mr. Upson will address a meeting of the manual training; teachers tomorrow. LIQUOR FOUND IN OFFICE U R. KAYLOR, BROKER. HELD OX OOTLEGGIXO CILIRGE. Scare Ceadarted by Depaty Sheriff Harlbart Rewarded by Finding; ( Bottles f Whisky. "Now when you set up here I'll show you bow you can tie a rope around your waist and put th "goods' Inside your shirt where It won t be noticed. While L. R- Kaylor. real estate and mining broker, with offlcea at 405 Merchants Trust Building, was talking; over the telephone to a prospective fine Of I CDilolnvr Xepuiy Dnvrui wuie puri mm iicuuidb jev v " v . door with his ears wide open. Th deputy walked into th office whil Karlor looked startled and daughter of I stammered a little. Mr. and Mrs. J. V. I Morrison, of "I've come up to search this office Crane. Or. Mr. Morrison was formerly for liquor." Hurlburt announced, n.anager of the Oregon c Western "Why. what do you mean?" thundered Colonisation Company, with head- Kaylor. "Barters In the Railway Exchange But the search proceeded and Hurl- butldlng. this city. The body will be hurt waa rewarded by finding- a half brought to Portland for interment, dosen bottle of whisky. He took the Tb funeral will be arranged later. liquor and Kaylor up to the County FYai. Orrssso Fnaa roa Hru.vq. A Jail, large amount of old wood from build- "A friend of mine Just left it there Inss being; torn down at East Water over night." the real estate dealer pro- and East Salmon streets mav ho ban' tested. "It doesn't belong to me." bv anv Mrmi wlshinar to haul It a I "That's what they all say." retorted Octofrsarlaa Gives Evidence. Mrs. S. S. Ilawley. nearly 80 years old. testified that In her belief Mrs. Farrell was not mentally competent during the last few yeara of her life. Pha said she had known Mrs. Farrell for more than !0 years and had noted great change durlne; the last .fe yeara of their acquaintance. It was durlne; the cross-examintion of Mrs. Lantls that Judge Tazwell was compelled to censure Fred Olson. torney for the contestants, for hi frequent Interruptions of Arthur Moutton. durlne; the examination the witness. Mrs. Lantls was bein questioned closely concerning: varlou conversations she had with Olson and as to whether or not she had been re minded of certain dates and incidents by him. when Olson flared up with tirade about "big; business" and othe similar .charges, when Judge Taxwell brought him to task and told him that he Insisted that the case be conducted In an orderly manner. The case was continued by Judge Tazwell until Thursday morning. which time other witnesses will tak the stand In behalf of the plaintiffs, Lydla Lott. Harriett Paddock an Albert Sunderland, sisters and brothers of th deceased Mrs. Farrell, who were bequeathed but It each of the $40,000 estate. TOPIARY ART DESCRIBED MAYOR BAKER -TELLS OF CITY'S EW ROSE TEST GARDEN. Hurlburt. "but I happen to have lnfor nation that you have been bootlegging I for at least two months. A Plstiict Court complaint wss filed and Kaylor will be up for hearing later In the week. for fuel. Th offer to this effect has been mad by th Pacific Marin Iron Works. This concern is tearing out several old frame buildings preparatory to extending ita plant. ficarroosa Fanaaa Facxa Charos. J. Johnson, a farmer living; near Sea p poose. Is charged with selling diseased veal, in a complaint filed yesterday In the District Court. The complaint was signed by G. IL Fullen wider, a deputy Executors of Allen Estates Must File in tne oince or tne uairy and Food FEDERAL ORDER IN EFFECT Complete Inventories. Notice was given yesterday by County Judge Taswell that all execu tors and admlnlstratora of estates within the jurisdiction of his court must file forthwith a complete In ventory of all property In any estate which belongs to enemy aliens or to the allies of any enemy of the Lnlted States. This order was based on a recent decision of the United States Supreme Cnurt anthorlxlns' President Wilson to ricn mellow Diena. I .nn.l.1 riiiinillan or all alien enemv stands tne teat, racked under vacuum property and making It the duty of proe.. in economy quart jars: retails I 0thorlsed persons to make a com at 4c per jar. lou throw tin cans pit report to the custodian of all away. An empty economy quart Jar lssurn property within their jurisdiction. """" mnu pacara oyi Thi, order not only applies to ex W adhams A Kerr Kroa, Uonopol ...i.m or tea now in the nnmu W holesale Grocery. Portland. Or. Adv. f helna- nrobated. but likewise seniles Commissioner. Johnson Is alleged to have shipped the diseaaed veal to Port land and sold It through a local com mission merchant. I'M'un to Dauvsa Bacoaljcx:at. Ir. C. E. Cline. of Portland, will de liver the baccalaureate address to the graduates of the Homer High School. May 1 Z. upon Invitation of W. C Gauntt. principal who Is closing a suc cessful year at Romer. Mr. Gauntt has taught for many years in Marlon County. Mosopolb Corrxit. dry roast, steel cut. high grade, Koxn Recital. Madame Florence Ferret!. American soprano, of New York, assisted by Miss Grace Freeman, violinist, will give a recital at the White Temple next Saturday evening at 1:24. Complimentary ticketa may be secured as long as accommodations re main by applying at "Hyatt's," 121 Mor rison. Adv. Jcdqb McCi.i to SrcAK Judge Henry K. McGinn will speak tonight at Jefferson High School, discussing; the various jitney measures and speaking especially on "the relation of the Port land Railway. Light A Power Company te the government of the city." Ftas-r Maaasw Bsxxvouxxt Associa- TKn annual meeting will be held thia(eif. evening at Lonrorais nuorooms at 1 1 time, o clock. Members are earnestly re quested to attend. By order president Sol tUumauer. secretary. Adv. Cham. E. La know to Steak. Charles E. Lannon will speak tomorrow night at Couch School on the city bal lot, the Jitney roeasur and th (-cent far. Tb meeting opens at o'clock. Asroaia Niost' Boat. Steamer fndlne leaves Alder-street dock at S:10l Adv. clock every night except Sunday. Adv. OaiBXTAt, Rene repaired and wash cleaned by native weavers. Cartozlan Bros.. Inc. Tenth and Wash. fir. 3411. Adv. Pa. It. U Sbaskst returned; Medical bldg Adv. to those who pointed. shall hereafter be ap- FOR EVERY MEAL. Well, what can Hoover do for you today? He has doughnuts for your breakfast. French pastry for your lunch and pie and cake for your din ner. Don't use up these nice Spring days standing; over a hot stove making these things yourself. It Is a waste of time and energy that might better be put Into th war garden. Figure up your fuel and materials and you'll find It costs more, too, to make them your- So drop In the retail store any 14S Third. Adv. CARD OP THAXKS. I wish to thank the many friends and especially the river pi lots 'for tb nu merous floral offerings aa well aa for the acts or kindness and sympathy ex tended durlne; the last Illness and at the time of the death of my late hus band. Captain John Peterson. AIM. a. J W1M fL it.KSON. CARD Or THAXK9. We wish to thank th members of A. O. H. and friends for the kind help and sympathy during the Illness aad death of our husband and father. MRS. C. GILROT AND FAMILY. Adv. Asaerlraa Rae Annual Contains Much Interesting and Valuable Informa tion for Portland Growers. The American Rose Annual. Just dis tributed among the members of the American Rose Society, contains & long and Interesting article written by Mayor Baker describing; the new Port land rose test garden In Washington Park and inviting the rose world to send Its new roses to Portland to be tested under the ideal conditions which prevail in this city. The Rose Annual, which Is the annual publication of the American Rose Society. Is this year a 200-page volume .bound in cloth and filled with Interesting Information for rose lovers, as well as numerous Illustrations. Portland haa a very prominent place In the book, for. In addition to the ar ticle by Mayor Baker, there Is an ar ticle by Jesse A. Currey, of this city, on the use of roses In topiary art. Frequent reference Is made by vari ous writers to rose culture in run- land,' and particularly to the new test garden. The book contains a run review or the progress in rose culture during the year and of particular Interest is tne report of the experts at Cornell cm versity. who have been working to find an effective cure for rose mildew and other diseases. This report indi- catea that a powder sulphur mixed with arsenate of lead In certain proportions will accomplish wonderful results. The roster of members of the society show there are about 35 members In Portland.. CRUELTY ALLEGED IN SUIT Mrs. Fred Hamilton Charges Hus band Beat Iler, In Complaint Filed. Fred E. Hamilton, a mechanic, had a habit of staying out too late at nights and his conduct and cruelty kept grow ing worse dally until It culminated four days ago, when he gave her a severe beating, alleges Lola Hamilton, In a suit for divorce filed yesterday. They were married in Portland In 1912 and have no children. Desertion Is charged by Harold E. Curtlss in a suit for divorce filed against Elsie Irene Curtlss. to whom he was married st allows in 1915, and who. he alleges, deserted him eight months later. They have on child, but the plaintiff Is willing that his wife retain th child. All he asks is a divorce. Official Report Gives St. Loals Second Place, New York Third, Chi cago Fourth. For the month of April the Portland Marin Corps recruiting atatlon led all competing offices of the Nation in the number of men taken for service. In December, 1917. the Portland district achieved a similar distinction. Since that time the big St. Louis district had held first rank, with New York and Portland jockeying between second and third positions. The official report from Washington giving Portland the honors for April recruiting arrived yesterday. Statis tics were not Included In the communi cation, but- will be given out later. This Is the way the Marine recruit ing centers ranked for April: Portland first, Missouri (St. Louis) second. New York third, Chicago fourth, Buffalo fifth. Cleveland sixth, San Francisco seventh. Philadelphia ' eighth, Seattle and Detroit ninth, Los Angeles and Pittsburg tenth. Portland has consistently led the Pa ciflc Coast districts in the past six months. The population embraced In the Portland district is small compared with that of nearly all others, making the record all the more noteworthy. First to congratulate Lieutenant E. B. Hammond and his men on the achievement of the Portland station, of which the Lieutenant has charge, was Mayor Baker, whose letter of fe licitation reached the office within two hours after the "Portland first bulletin arrived from Washington. As one result of the fine showing of the Iocs.1 recruiting force of the Ma rlnes. First Sergeant Harold E. Potter was yesterday made a Second Lieuten ant. istsred to bring the grand total to 9148. Generally, men have registered loo per cent stronger than the women. but In some precincts women who are for prohibition outregistered the males. Read The Oregronlan classified ads. Coos Republicans Doable Democrats MARSHFIELD. Or., April 30. (Spe cial.) Coos County has more than twice as many Republicans registered as there are Democrats, the totals be ing 5661 Republicans and 3492 Demo crats. There are sufficient others reg jiiiimimiiiiimiiiiiimM"","umiiiiiiii CARD OF THAXKV Mrs. Hazel Bartlett. Mr. and Mra W. F. Bartlett. extend aincere thanks to their many friends for their sympathy and kindness during the illness and death of Clyde Edward Bartlett. be loved husband and son. Also for the many floral tributes. Adv. Our I 1 Pimktal Lenses are the talk of the town. You E 2 can look at any angle through them and obtain equally clear results. This is impossible with ordinary lenses, for their central portions only are fully satis factory. PUNKTALS, the new lenses, are corrected to give equally distinct images to the very mar gins, however the eyes may ro tate. We still continue to sell the ordinary Toric lenses of our superior quality. Let us tell you more about Punktals. Ask for booklet, "The Eye and the Lens." iWHEHRnPnCALfOj )wj TODAY Thurs., Fri. and Sat. Sensational Crook Photodrama with Dainty What Is G ood Furniture? NOTHING is either cheap or good that does not completely fulfill the purpose for which it was bought, regardless of price or quality. i Furniture is bought because it is a necessity in our modern daily existence but it need not be expensive to be good. A most expensive piece of furniture, covered with carvings and upholstered In a rare covering, but not accomplishing something as a piece of furniture, would not be. good as such and so, not worth any price paid for it. - j Furniture made under the Monarch name is good furniture in every detail. It is good in .its design (appearance). It is good in performing the purpose for which it was made, and it is good in its capacity to serve its owners as long as they have use for furniture. The booklet "Monarch Good Furni ture," tells you more about this idea as to what constitutes good furniture. Will you give us your name and address that we may send it to you? You will be interest ed in it. WASHINGTON PARLOR FURNITURE COMPANY Tacoraa, Vajtinton Olt furniture dtaJtrs whom von Inow earn and sell Jlonarch furni ture. They also hav ike catalog. Asi your dealer to thoto you his catalog and JVJnnnrrh Jewel Carmen ehsssssMMsVli iftAj!OV.imM .Y Vftsfhrt If You .Can't Die in supifort of democracy, get the training that will make you efficient in some branch of civil service or business life, such as Bookkeeping, Stenography, Business Administration and Accountancy, College Pre paratory, Wireless Telegraphy, Electric Engineering, Automobile Engineering, Shipbuilding, Mechanical Drawing, etc., etc. The Y. M. C. A. can give you the training you need. In asking for catalogue indicate which school you are interested in. Call at office, 416. if possible. Address Div. C, Department of Education, Y. M. C. A, Portland. MHiBaaiiBiiBaiv. "The Bride of Fear" Her latest production from the Wm. Fox studio. A Steady Stream of Thrills Also 5 High-Class Acts 5 of Transcontinental Vaudeville The NORTON! A HOTEL Where quiet dignity, home-like comfort and perfect service predominate. The many pleasing features of this hotel make it especially desirable for residential guests. Attrac tive permanent rates, either American or European plan. Eleventh and Stark Streets Off Washington Week Day Matinees 102 Sd floor. Oregonlaa Bids'. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMir; NIKK-MARR DEMONSTRATION at WOODARD, CLARKE CO. How to Remove Wrinkles la IS Btlnatea. Bottle of rougs or powder with pur. chase. Send Ic-stamp for booklet or call at main office. No. 9 Second Floor, tSStt Washington St, Dept. F. Port land, Ore. Office hours: 1 to i P. H. Five cents for return of every cream jar at ofXlca only, fhon ilala 2271. POPDLAR Spring Concert &fje gpoilo Club i of Portland, Oregon. k With Fritz De Bruin Baritone Thursday, May 2 8:15 P. M. At the Auditorium s Seats (including tax) $1.10, 85c, 55c, 30c, 20c Sale now on at Sherman, Clay & Co. ) W. W. HALL FOR County Clerk Graduate of the O, A. C, class of 1888. Ex-County Clerk of Marion County, Oregon. ' Lived in Portland TEN years. Educated, qualified, experienced, determined, fearless. Makes no promises of positions. Will reduce the expenses by more than $10,000 in two years. .Inrto-A R. P. Boise said W. W. Hall waa th best-auallfied County Clerk and had made the best record he had ever known In his over 30 years a Circuit Judge In a district of five counties. Can he make Rood? Think before May 17. (Paid Adv.) . In San Francisco HOTEL STOP AT THE i STEUAiT i Cearv Street lust off Union Square From SI. SO a Day Breakfast 60c Lunch 60c Dinner S 1 .00 Sundairti Breakfast 76o Dinner $1.25 Munlcpal car One direct to door. Motor Bus meets principal trains and steamers. J Phone your want ads to The Orego- nian. ilain 7070, A 6095. THE JOY OF MOTHERHOOD Came to this Woman after Taking Lydia E. Pinkham's i Vegetable Compound to Restore Her Health Ellensburg, Wash. "After I waa married I was not well for a long time and a good deal of the time was not able to go about. Our greatest desir was to have a child in our home and one day my husband came back from town with a bottle) of Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound and wanted me to try it. It brought relief from bv tronhlps. I improved in health so I could do my housework; we now have a little one, ail of which I owe to Lvdia E. Pinkham's. Vegetable Compound." Mrs. O. S. Johnson, E. No. 8, Ellensburg, Wash. There are women everywhere who long for children in their homes yet are denied this happiness on account of some functional disorder which in most cases would readily yield to Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Such women should not give up hope tmtil they have given this wonderful medicine a trial, and for special advice write Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co., Lynn, Mass. The result of 40 yeara experience is at your service. PI iwii Makeks of Fine Printing STARK AT SECOND MAIN 178. A.1781.