Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, April 30, 1918, Image 1

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VOL. LVIII. NO. 17.9il.
Lap a
Flemish City.
Haig Reports That Every Ef
fort of Enemy Fruitless
All Along Front.
Haig Reports Zillebeke-Me-
teren Positions Bear Up
Under Assaults.
ir.y th Associated rresa)
Germany's armies are bulling
themselves against a jtran: wall on
the three sides of the ruined city of
Ypres. After fighting of the most
terrific nature the British and French
lines are still intact and the enemy
has lost terribly in his repeated as
saults -gainst the -lints where the
allies stand at bay.
The objet-tive of the fighting that
now is going on is the capture of
Ypres, where, since 1914, the British
have held their positions.
Tpres Is Encircled.
The present battle opened with a
bombardment of the British and
French line from Meteren to Voor
mezeele, a distance of 12 miles. Then
came reports of a spread of the fight-
icg around the curre in the line in
front of Tpres until the Belgian
armies, north of the city, were in
volved. Field Marshal Haig' official report,
anxiously awaited, brought the news
that the utmost efforts of the Ger
mans had been fruitless all along the
line. The Field Marshal's statement
aid that the leutens had paid a great
price and bad gained virtually noth
ing. Li in to Be Kxacted.
The battle still continues along the
front, but tht-re is little indication that
an immediate withdrawal fum Ypres
i- contemplated by the all its, at least
not until ther have exacted from the
enemy a great sacrifice of human
The only point at which the Ge
mans made any gains wl on the
hilly section of the front back of
Kemmel Hill, where the French are
standing. At some points the enemy
was able to occupy portions of the
line, but ,'rom the greater part of
these they were driven oot by the
French, who re-established their de
fenses. Frontal Attacks Made.
Frontal attacks on Ypres would
Kfm to indicate that there is little
confidence ia the German General
Staff that .he Ypres position- can be
outflanked from the south.
When the struggle was going on
before Ypres the British positions
from La Eaee to Hojtholst wood
and from Lens to Vimy were deluged
with shells, tut so far there has been
no infantry fighting reported from
that part of the front. An attack on
this salient in the German lines is
Waves of Battle
expected soor., however, for it stands
as a contant menace to - further ad
vance by the enemy.
Region to South Quirt.
Along the front, in the Somme
sector, part of which is being held by
' Americans, there has bevn little fight-
ing of note. Further south there
hare been only patrol encounters.
LONDON', ApriT29. (To Keuter's
Ottawa Agency.) "The enemy in
fantry attack today developed over a
wide front, extending from north of
Yoormeieele nearly to Meteren, says
a dispatch from the Router corre
spondent at British headquarters in
Crab-Claw Move Starts.
"The strategic object was appar
ently a crab-claw movement, con
verging upon the chain of!s toward
Mont Chat. This front is held by
the French in the center and by our
divisions on the Tanks.
"The enemy's failure to advance at
Jocre undoubtedly influenced him to
resort to cru.shing tacticr, but the
news so fa - is eminently satisfactory
this afternoon.
"The infantry attacked at 6 o'clock,
with an atteript to advance toward
Scherpenberg- This was completely
" iCuttUMd on rs f. Co.uma 2.)
socvesor of blone I Member of St.
Louis Board of Election Commis
sioners. Prominent Democrat.
ST. LOUIS. April :. Xenophon
Wllfley. member ot th St- Louis Board
of Election Commissioners and prom
innt Wmocral of Missouri, tonlgh
is tended by Governor Gardner the
eat In th Called States Senate va
fated by lb death of Venator W,
sit one.
Wllfley announced ha would
th appointment and left for Jeffer
son Cltjr to confer with ttaa Governor.
ped wown the stairway four atepa a
wnruy la the fourth man to ba of
fered the Senatorstalp by the Governor.
Ambassador to Russia Francis ws
first offered th place, but Secretary
of Slate Lansing said that Francis was
needed In Russia at this time, and he
hoped he would not accept.
Champ Clark, Speaker of the House
of Representatives, next was tendered
the appointment, but he declined.
Chief Justice W. W. Graves, of tb
Missouri Supreme Court, also declined
the appointment.
Wllfley Is 47 years old and a lawyer.
He taught school at Sedalia and other
citiea In Missouri before being ad
raltted to th bar in Its. He baa sine
practiced law In St. Louis.
He waa appointed election commls
sloner a year ago by Governor Gardner.
This la th only public office ha b.
ever beld. although he was figured
prominently in Democratic politics for
several years. He la also active In
Methodist Church circles in St. Louis.
Labor Leader Strjcken While Ad
dressing- Meeting at Montreal.
MONTREAL. April !. Samuel
Gompers. president ot the American
Federation of Labor, was taken sud
denly 111 while addressing a msss meet
ing of labor representatives her to
Mr. Compere was Immediately con
veyed to his hotel, where It was an
nounced that his Indisposition waa be
lieved to have been the result of reac
tion from the many speeches he has
mad during his Canadian tour.
Mr. Compere had said that wtn
democracy waa enthroned no on would
outdistance him and his associates
he labor movement extending th hand
of fellowship and goodwill to th
working people of Germany.
But until then there can ba no peace
between freedom and Ralserisra. he
added, amid applause. Her Mr. Com
pers was taken ill, and walked off th
internment AMronomers Mlth First
Tarty lo Arrive.
RAKKR. Or.. April !. (Special)
The first party of scientists and astron
omers to reach Baker to observe the
eclipse of the sun. due June . arrived
his morning. In the party were: TL A.
Mitchell, of Leander McCormlck Ob
srrvatory. Cnlverslly of Virginia: J. C
Hammond. C C XVyli and William A.
Conrad, of the Cnlted State Naval
Others from various scientific In-
tltutlons are expected here, and be-
wen now and June . log or more.
probably. Arrangements for that many
re being made by the local Commer
lal Club. Th county fairgrounds will
b used as th observation point.
The Government party arriving today
xpecta a carload of apparatus and In
struments and announeea mat a targe
elesrope will ba Installed for th us of
th public.
I .ad Fall From I'rnt-e and Rifle Is
Acvltlcnlally Discharged.
LAKEVIEW. Or.. April 5. (Spe
cial.) While shooting squirrels near
the city limlta this afternoon Tommy
Drinkwater. seed IS. son of Mr. and
Mrs. T. H. Drinkwater. of Lakevlew,
accidentally shot and killed his brother,
Willie, aged 10.
Tommy waa sitting on a fence with
rifle across his knees, when he fell
and discharged the firearm. The bul
let struck the younger boy In the heart
and death waa Instantaneous.
Arclidcacon Muck Completes Six-
Months' Tour Among Eskimos.
FORT Il'KON. Alaska. April IT. (D
layed.) Archdeacon Hudson Stuck.
Episcopal missionary to Alaaka and
writer of northern travel works.
reached here today after journeying
along the entire Alaskan Arctic coast
from Point Hope to Herachel Island.
He was accompanied by Walter Harper,
of Seattle.
The two apent nearly elx months on
th northern trails investigating condi
tions among, th Eskimos.
San Jacinto Reports Slight Shocks
That Rock Furniture In Homes.
SAN JACINTO, Cal., April :. Com
paratively mild earthquakes continued
to be felt here last night and today.
One last night rocked tables and furni
ture. A less sever one wss felt early to
day. Neither did any damage.
Nerves of Parisians Not
Fright Intended Is Far From
Being Accomplished.
Report of Great Strategical Feat
Worked Successfully by British
Published in Paris Sets Cily
Almost I rcnxlcd by Delight.
(Staff correspondent with the American
forces In France.)
FRANCE. March IS. Making my
rounds I happened to be In Paris
during th recent raid by the
new Gsrman long-rung cannon. I
visited the places where the bombs
had fallen, and noted with Interest the
effects this bombardment had upon th
people In th city. Write it large, this
new attempt of the squareheads to
frighten and shatter the nerves of the
people of Paris has utterly failed.
It would be silly to say the people of
that city are not "Jumpy." They are.
The "Jumpy" ones are the kiddies,
which is only natural, and the old men
and women. I was ther Friday night.
Saturday and Sunday, when th bombs
fell on th city at stated Intervals.
Friday night th city went Into dark
ness as soon as the "alert" was sound
ed by th brass-helmeted fireman.
People had Just taken their seats In
th theaters and movies. The audience
waa dismissed. Naturally the Huns
cam In for an extra cussing.
On Saturday the business of the day
fell short of th usual volume for Sat
urday. All else was normal. Saturday
morning about 9 o'clock. Just -as a
large number of kiddies were return
ing from their morning walk, a bomb
fell which seemed a bit closer than the
rest. In an Instant, for all th world
Ilk a covey of quail, the youngsters
fluttered and scattered. For an Instant,
but only for an Instant, there waa the
wildest and most terrified expression
on their faces. Toward the quiet little
figure In somber robes with whit
trimmings about th head-dress, these
children fled. She spread wide her
arms, and In a vote as sweet as the
song of a nightingale, cooed a com
mand to them. The transformation
from fright to peaceful calm was some
thing worth traveling miles to witness,
l-alla Sot at All Disturbed.
On the same corner there was an
entirely different scene. The explo
sion cam at an hour when the little
shopkeeper was doing a rushing busi
ness. Across the big open square hun
dreds of people were hurrying to and
(Concluded on Par 6, Column J.)
L -. r
vjsVWHH 1 J 7" , , , . . jw . ... a- . v -.-.:.,,::. ..
Market Ssjaar la Arras, with the Masalfleeat Towi Balk Built la the Old Flemish
Battllag Farloasly
In Fprty Minutes Total of $19,321,
' 600 Is Subscribed to Help
Tarn Back Germans.
BALTIMORE. April "9. Secretary of
War Newton D. Baker, in an address
to financiers, merchants and manufac
turers at a luncheon given In his honor
at the Emerson Hotel today, so stirred
th representative men of Baltimore
that In 40 minutes subscriptions poured
in to the extent of J19.221.600.
. In his address Mr. Baker said:
"It is of the highest Importance that
we In America should have a full real
isation of conditions on the allies'
front. Despite the participation of
Franc In the war, that nation has
kept pace, to a large extent, with the
demands of th war.
"To the British fell the defense of
the French ports. Certain ports were
assigned to us. In addition to dredg
ing, building of great docks and ware
houses, we have supplied troops as
rapidly aa possible.
"One of th objects of my going to
Franc was to prevent, as far as 1
could, th breaking down of our ma
chinery. We have built 600 miles .of
railroad and 126 miles of switches. We
have built warehouses which. If
a continuous building, would be 250
miles long.
"I pause a minute to pay a tribute
to General Pershing. He is not only a
most capable and efficient soldier, but
he is, too, a gentleman of the highest
type. He has organised throughout
France schools of Instruction for our
officers. Ha has laid the foundation
for the victory which must surely come
to th allies.
"We look forward with confidence
to that victory. Our preparations In
France are aa complete as human en
terprise and industry can make them.
Our work In France is a monument to
American Ingenuity."
Condition of Archbishop of Quebec
Reported Alarming.
QUEBEC, April 29. Cardinal Begin,
archbishop of Quebec since IS'JS, was
stricken with hemorrhage today. His
condition Is considered alarming be
cause of his advanced age. Cardinal
Begin Is 71 years old.
ST. PACT April Zi. The condition
of Archbishop John Ireland, of St.
Paul, was still critical today.
DCBUQUE. Ia.,' April 2S. Owing to
the Illness of Archbishop J. J. Keane,
the Most Rev. John Bonzano, D. D.,
apostolic delegate, will officiate
Wednesday at the consecration of the
Right Rev. D. M. Gorman, president
of Dubuque College, as bishop of Idaho.
Tribe Overlooked In Allotments Puts
Up $4 000.
ESCONDIDO. Cal., April 29. A lib
erty loan honor flag floated today over
the huts of 200 Pala Indians far up In
the mountains of San Diego County.
Tbey subscribed JI0O0 to the third lib
erty loan from their scant savings.
They had been entirely overlooked
and no quota for the camp had been
allotted. I
m -.-. ;
lor the city i Arras, hat tae Dntisa
Action Taken Without
Treaty Obligation.
Two Neutral Nations to Direct
Relief Activities.
Secretary .JLansing Issues Statement
Covering Plans to Lighten Hard
ships in All Cases Where
Assistance Is Deserved.
WASHINGTON, April 29. With the
aDDroval and co-operation of the Amer
lean Government, the legations of
Switzerland and Sweden, representing
respectively German and Austro-Hun-garian
interests, have undertaken to
direct relief work among indigent en
emv aliens throughout the United
Relief will be extended to needy
families of interned aliens direct from
the legation funds. To aid law-abiding
enemy aliens who have suffered on ac
count of their status a National com
mittee of Americans Is to be organized
tn ro-onerate with the legations and
their consular, offices.
Lanalna; Makes Statement.
Secretary Lansing announced the r
rangement today in this statement:
"In the Interests of safety and wel
fare of this country it has been found
necessary from time to time to restrict
the movements and fields of employ
ment of enemy aliens.
"In some cases these restrictions
have worked hardships on enemy
aliens who in all respects have shown
themselves friendly to the United
States but who, owing to the accident
of birth and war conditions, have been
unable to change their status as' such
and have of necessity become objects
of charity.
"Likewise the families of those en
emy aliens whom the Government
deems it advisable to intern are often
deprived of their means of livelihood
and they also become dependent on the
charity of others.
Relief to Reach AIL
"In order to meet this condition the
legation of Switzerland and the lega
tion of Sweden, In charge respectively,
of German and Austro-Hungarlan in
terests in the United States, have with
the approval and co-operation of this
Government undertaken to systematize
and supervise all the relief that may
be given to needy enemy aliens, wher
ever and however situated throughout
the country.
"In the case of the interned enemy
aliens and their families, the legations
have agreed to supply all the relief
from their own funds, limiting such
relief to what is found after careful
(Concluded on Page . Column 2.)
Style. Th Genua Force Have Beea
nave isus rar n ii.
S3 ' "
B. G. Wctzler, Driver' of Machine,
Said to Have Been Traveling at
High Speed Two Are Injured.
MARSHFIKLD, Or., April 29. (Spe
cial.) The wild flight of an automo
bile driven by B. G. Wetzler resulted
in the death of Dan Dillinger, 59, pain
ful injuries to the driver and serious
bruises and wounds to John Koontz.
last night on the Marshfield-North Bend
water-level highway.
Wetzler and Koontz were in the ma
chine, which criss-crossed the 24-foot
thoroughfare several times within, a
short distance, and then dashed through
a protective railing between the high
way and the "Southern Pacific Rail
road tracks. Fate .was unkind to the
unfortunate man, who was killed, for
he was foUowlng the rails to avoid
autos, which use that portion ot the
highway for a speedway.
Following an inquest this afternoon.
in which the jiiry declared the death
was caused by reckless driving. Dis
trict Attorney John A. Hall issued a
warrant for Wetzler, charging him
with murder. The preliminary trial
will be held Tuesday afternoon.
The authorities declared today they
propose making an example of Wetzler,
who, according to the six eyewitnesses.
was driving at great speed and lost
control of his machine. Examination
of the automobile after the smash dis
closed the engine was running at top
Murlin Chappelle. a driver of the
Gorst & -King Company, was com
mended for coolness and credited with
saving his load of passengers. Chap
pelle. who was meeting the wild auto,
would have been directly in line of the
plunge had he not stopped his car a
few feet from the scene. Instead of
trying to dodge the expected collision.
Wheat Substitutes Declared Thrown
Away After Moulding.
CHICAGO, April 29. Federal food in
vestigators were assigned to the task
of watching wasted foodstuffs through
out the city today, in some cases even
nspecting the garbage cans of waste
ful families.
S. Adams, chief of the investiga
tion bureau of the Food Administra
tion, said that he had Information that
wealthy families who are requested to
buy equal amounts of substitutes with
their wheat flour let the substitute
stand until it gets mouldy and then
throw It away.
Germans to Reinforce Long-Range
Battery Bombarding Paris.
AMSTERDAM, April 23. Three new
long range German guns made at Dus
seldorf for the bombardment of Paris,
according to the correspondent of Les
Nouvelles, at Maastricht. passed
through Belgium last Friday in the
direction of France.
The Weather.
TESTERDAY'E Maximum temperature, VI
degrees; minimum, 4a degrees.
TODAY'S Probably fair and cooler; light
easterly winas.
German general. Von Arnlm. attacks hills
east of Alont Kemmol, defending Ypres
rage 1.
Rheta Chllde Dorr describes mystification of
Paris over bombardment by long-range
sun. rage 4.
American troops moved up to line barring
oermans irom rani ana Amiens, rage 1,
Bitter fighting for possession of Ypres only
Incident to Hun- drive. Page 4.
Bombardment of Paris falls utterly, writes
will u. Mac Kae. rags 1.
Helslngfors land batteries In violation of
Brest-Litovak peace treaty, bombard
Russian fleet. Page 2.
Party of Y. M. C. A. workers saved from
steamship sunk by Tj-boat. Page 2.
Goto, new Japanese Foreign Minister, af
firms loyalty to allies. Page 6.
Xenophon 'Wllfley accepts appointment ot
United States senator from Missouri.
Page 1,
American Government announces humans
plan to foster relief of indigent alien
enemies, rage 1.
Senate rejects all amendments and -passes
overman Dill, rage 4.
Reform In present method of war publicity
seems probable. Page 2.
Aircraft programme severely criticised In
Senate. Page 8.
Body of Gladys Bruner to occupy new grave.
Page fi.
Government appoints mediator to avert
telegraphers' strike. Page 9.
Over $18,000,000 subscribed In 40 minutes
at Baltimore meeting addressed by Sec
retary Baker. Page 1.
1918 baseball season opens today. Page 14.
Buckaroos defeat Vancouver soldiers, 6-0.
Page 14.
Fishermen throng Willamette River Sunday.
rage 14.
Pacific Northwest.
Two amendments filed with Secretary, of
State, rage a.
Thirty-one Oregon men graduated at third
Officers' Training camp, rage 7.
Threatened strike in Seattle In sympathy
wun i nomas j. juooney may be called
off. Page 7.
Tennis plans for lnterscholastlc season are
made, rags 14.
Reckless auto driver held for murder.
Page 1.
Commercial and Marine.
Coarse grains decline sharply In local mar
ket. Page 19.
All classes of cattle higher and hogs weaker
at North Portland., rage 19.
Coast Shipbuilding Company launches first
Ferris ship built Here, rage lfi.
Old Oregon dry dock to be towed to Puget
Sound. Page 13.
Portland and Vicinity.
Applegate in jail; partners less guilty, re
tain rreeaom. rage zu.
District Attorney Evans fears loss of several
deputies. Page 13.
Witnesses testify Mrs. Farrell too feeble to
make a mark. Page 9.
Weather report, data and forecast. Page 15.
Oswald West would confine Senatorial con
test to Charles T. Mc.Nary. page 8.
Yankees Across Paris
Amiens Road.
Boche Gunners Rain Shells on
New Battalions.
Xcvtly Arrived Units Placed Under
French High Command V. S.
Artillerymen I nliinlicr und
Itakc Kiicniy Positions.
(By the Associated Press.)
28. American troops have taken up
positions on the French battlefront.
Under the Frenvh high command, in
which all ranks have supreme con
fidence, the American forces face the
enemy on the line barring t'.ie Germans
from Paris and Amiens, where they
have been a certain number of days.
The Americans on entering the line
found their position in a rolling ter
rain. The artillery was the first on
on line, entering jn a dark night which
was made red by the continuous flashes
of friendly and hostile guns. Under a
fire, which in some cases was rather
heavy, the American gunners took up
the positions of the French batteries
and completed the work of digging in.
American Ranks I'eppered.
When the infantry moved in the fir
ing was just as intense. In some places
our troops, arter passing through vil
lages, were raked now and then with
shrapnel. Ill several instances they
found the trenches shallow, while in
other cases there were no trenches at
all. By this time the positions have
been improved greatly.
It should be understood that this
sector is not especially active in com
parison with others to the north, al
though it is more active than those
the Americans previously had faced.
The artillery firing is heavy and in
termittent, the German shells whizzing
over the lines into towns in certain
rear areas.
There has not been a raid on either
side of the line for several days, but
at night the patrols are active, Amer
icans approaching close to the enemy's
lines. All during the nights rapid ma
chine gun and rifle fire indicates
where the American bullets are keep
ing out enemy patrolling parties.
National Anthem Heard.
The march from the billet bases to
the line was very impressive. Many
units started off with the strains of
"The Star-Spangled Banner," played
by regimental bands, in their ears.
At one place the tune must have
reached the German lines, so close was
the band, the Kun flashes being re
flected on the instruments. The con
stant roar of artillery was deafening
as the Americans, marching as If on
parade, disappeared down the roads
past the American batteries which were
sending many shells into the enemy
The training period for the American
troops lasted a few days, after which
they moved up nearer the guns. There
they rested while awaiting orders to
go into the battle, at the same time
giving the last touches to their equip
ment. Many an infantryman curled up
in his blankets under the stars, the
more lucky having beds of straw In
houses or barns. The officers fared
about the same. All appeared unmind
ful of their hardships, although it is a
tradition in the American Army that
the Infantryman has to have something
to grumble about, providing he is in
good health and spirits. Certain it is
that the men are as healthy, enthusi
astic and happy a lot as ever shouldered
Official Reports Scrutinized.
While waiting for the time when the
Germans again come across no man's
land, the Americans have not lost sight
of the battle progressing in their neigh- .'
borhood. French and English newspa
pers were brought up as soon as the
men arrived. Every paper passed
through hundreds of hands and is read
until it is in pieces. As many as 15
men may be seen reading one paper at
tho same time, the War Office reports
receiving the first attention.
During the whole movement the num
ber of men reporting sick has been '
extraordinarily small. The doctors say
that in many cases the men apparently
put off making such reports because
they feared they might be sent to the
hospital and lose their chance of taking
part In the great attle.
For a few days before the troops
went into the trenches officers took
energetic measures to suppress false
and vicious reports regarding the prog
ress of the battle. How these originat
ed seems to be unknown, but the Amer
icans on this front have now reached a
state of mind such that they will be
lieve nothing they hear. Unless they
have read It in an official report, the
men are Inclined to doubt all alleged
news, whether good or bad.
Poilus Cheer Yankees.
The troops left for the front on trains
on which they remained for eome days,
speeding through the towns to the
cheers of the French people. Some
units passed other trains loaded with
blue-clad poilus, and the soldiers of the
two republics cheered each other.
American flags were carried Dy many
(Concluded on Page 4, Column 3 )