ttj THE 3I0RXIXG OREGOSIAX. FRIDAY, APRIL 2G, 1918. WrTTTCOMB At liw-k Spur tati.n. April 2. tTr l " . Wh Jt-omb. iH 7 ye,rv. late of 3il Glaa tvu. mother of . W. ani K. 1. Watteefna. and Mn. . M. Kftvkr. all of thta dir. and lra i. C. Lincoln, of PToaaer. vVi, Th remain are at the ralence ettabllh meat of J. p. rinirr A ten. foniomT7 i r lira. .otir- or funeral aerearrer. XftC la thia c.:y. April 2A. Mra. Margaret hr:. oi r or., aci rttn, mother At tmit A. Kyi. Mr. Albert S. ffaii. Mia Kt. r Corral M Mrt V. A. fwlnclo. of K'llnfK. Idaho rfcififi zanders, o rJ Paso. T and .ria i. Kyle, of F.4.wiv Kfmtm) forwarded by tha Hokmtn ( nd'-nAkmi Company to Albany, or, lor Interment. COrXTKR la thta ctty. April 24. WK alra. AmOna Dudley year, tat of Oimanu, Ii; . nothr of Mra. F-oi Jruraa. e-$ UM Hoxthwick tfwt. Ibia city; Mra. Harriett Halrd. of JJrEwin. or., and E. J Coulter, of Weiser. Idahrx Remain at Prrn'i Undertaking rariora. ituaeail at. an a Union ave. PAVfM Aprtl 2 I, Harry Da. via aged 5 ra, e-"a of Mra. Josephine Davtj. b-wher of John Ivia. f portand: Mra Out Bethel aal Xim Peart Davis, of aa Frurri K'mmi ar at Holman'a funeral parlors. Announcement of funeral CLARK At the farol'v residence. Twenty MVfiiih and Svtr street. Aprtl ?. ltH. lrn. Fnnfp UDPfUl 'lark. MXA 4. w -f- 0( w. aJ. Clark. NatM of fuaaral hater. lr.V:P:MAN la thla city. Apr!! 2. John C Hancman. aed M yera Remains ar at tfc raldcntUI parlor of Miller Treeey. ISitiee of funeral later. rrtxAL NOTICES. ClfFELA VT In tlVs etty. April M. John .ohMiand. ard 47 yr a montha 26 dora, blovwl huberd of J rani Mhoalaad and father of John hMiantl; brother of Freak and Jo r-hfnd. Mra. F-rank Bar ber, of Portland; Mra A. D- Garder rr er. of i-ies. frrtco; Mra. Joo Ptront, of Kuajcri: Mra. V. Prell. of Port land, and M -a. Jnea-ph Nathman. of Wood barm. Funeral corpse from fml!y resi dence. Vi Front afreet, at 8-4.1 A. M. to morrow (Saturday. April J". Itirnr to lwrtnrf Church. Third and Sherman rre:a. hr arrteea will b hid at 9 A M Frlenda larifod. Interment SU Mary's, Vnterr. IIBXniEPCr At M Taeoma ararrao. AprtJ Jl. Mary Xaj-fueretfa ZimxiebeL aed l year tnontlta S darm Funeral rTicu will b held tomorrow f5arurdavi. April ST. at 1 ov?ork A. bf.. from M. ctba'a Cathnrta hurch. eornar of Fif iMnrh etret and Mli!r avvnue. FTlonda Invttod. Iniermtt Man t irrv Cem- rr. The rmaln ara at the realdenr f'jrieral prIore f Vt'eiier C. Knworthr. Kami Thlrteanib atreet. 8e It wood. SrNFrICT Apnf at the ra:denco. 1K F. ITfh airc .North. H..a M. Pencdtct. aared J-l roar, blovd fe of teorre If. Bno diet and altr of Nina B. Malta. Fu araJ will tak piaro frm lata roaldenfa at 90 A. M. t-Mar FMdar - April Tor to f'hurrh of the (aoiln. K. 2 Id and llikiygn ata.. at A. M.. wher r'aa will b of rrd. Frlenda larited. fnrment Mount 4'alvary rmeiry. D nine MrKntvo. funerai dlreoiora. alAX';tVf In tMa rttr. April S.V ImtnHi'i MBiiiil. of r JO J-fferon (rel. aMt 40 rjra, rioTd W 1 1- oi ivoain r. Man CinL Faporal rorT fmm Holman'a fu n. rat parlor at 2.V P. M. tomorrow (Sot arrir. April IT. thnra to Sc. Mirhaet'l Churrh. wbro aerrlc all! b htd at S P M. Frvn-la Invited, later meat Mount "a;ary Cemetery. H'CrNI? AHD At tb famiry reaidanea 21 Nort H TMrttif h a:ret. April 2.t. Uoutae Tt"tnbard. a;ed i yara. 4 mont he. '- (tya; w)1aw of the laro Henry Wnhard. FrtrndJ Inritvd to attend funeral --!-., which will be held at t h anoe realdaftra at ' P M. today Thurdayi. April latenaeni Klrarrtow Cemetery. SI-TKR fA MltXA April T3, at 2S Ktantna trt. Sti'r Mary Camilla, of the Order of Saint Dominic. The funeral aerrlrea will b-a beid frtra tri churrh of the lmraauiate Hoart or Mar, htanioa atret a. id WCiiBji aveiuo. twmrmw iitur- lay. April 27. at A M. Friend Invited, !aterrnnt Mount Caivary Cemetery. JFNfKN ranacal er1cee of tha lata An orvoa J en wa axed U rar. will bo eon On. -tad tod.y KrJjy. Aprtl 2d at 4 P M. from Pearana'a andartakinc aarlor R aeii street at I'nlon a anna. Krlend in' t text. J u tor mo at Koea City Park Cent' tory. WlftTOMB The funeral aon of th late fyiireara Whltromb w;i be held lo- dv I r'rirtaj at to o'clock A. M.. at h lata residence. Z 1 3 Ulana armat. ienl. toHad Interment at Una Fir Cemetery. J. P. Flnley m boa, director. ir.OWN Th fnneral arr(fi of the lata Frd C Brown will be held today Thorwiay. April 4, at I P. M . from the rhpl or Millar A Tracer. AVaJhtnc t'ifi at Kila e?rt. Iiifln-ratioa at Mount s-ot crematorium: private. TllflT At rmltna. O-. April SI. tmnn rrlc. acd T yeora Funeral aervlcea wl b h'id at llolraen a funeral parlors. Third and "alroen atreeta. at - 3 p. M. today t I'TtOajr. Arti iv rnmli invited, ia- termeai Ta.mud Torao Cemetery. lfnV April 7V at 4112 'Ty-fourfh atreef oQtbeaat. Georce V. Haon. axed b year. Trio rrinalrra wrr forwarded t forest Gma fr.. T ho radar, for Interment bv A. L. Kenwortby A Co.. 0o.-ft Ntoety-aeconU at roe t oaihaaat. In Lroia. BROWX April ;i. :eorro Hrown. aced jears. Funeral arvt-a will bo held at Iunntnc A McCncaa'a rhail tolay i Frl- daT. at II A. M. !ien1a ravltcd. la ter cnent Multnomah Catuetory. SMITH The remains of the late Co He !mnh. b-lorei rrr or lalr Ora h. will be forwarded to Halt Uka Itr toner lTburadayt April Z by Aiuier a fracey. jA'KON Tho funeral arvlrea of tbo lata Frne Jarkaon wMl ha held tomorrow i!alnra)i. at 3 P. M., from the chapel or m 1 1 er as Tracer. interment Mult no maa l ark Cametary. sVM ITH The remains of tha lata Cbaiiea 9 Tilth wee forwarded Tnuradar. April v at it i . m.. to ra t Laaa cit. Vtab. by Millar Tracer. BtTIC The remarno of th late Minerva T. rtuk will b forwarded to Stursle. Mich., today iThnrday. April X at 111 A. M , by Miller A Tracey. 1 1 cT3niD5cih h5ii tlfotin Lliil LUO Ull W 111 .1 BMI. ESTATE. - -II A directory of business firms and professional men condensed and classified for ready reference. For rates by the month or year, or other information, telephone The Orecbnian. Main 7070 or A 6095. House 29. ML'KRATMKAD. fJiHM. BEAUTIFCl. RKSIKENCE WITH DOUBLE GAKAGU. roonu, YraLibule, liv.-room. Cftx26; a in. -room I4xlr. Uulch kitchen, library-, hardwood floor., second floor has 4 bd rooms and dthroom, sleepins; porch, attic with on. room finished, furnaco and fire place, corner lot pavins paid; t'-rms. half cash. UfriDAftP t WIEPRIfK. i3 Stark. AtrOKIHOV PLEATING. Uf MSTITl-Ml'xu. PLEATING. ALL LAT- 5-.-. 0111.U1 U3(1.H. XOVKLTT CO. tinil ST.. BKTWKt.M OAK AND currtiou .i.l. pleat. Luni.n's covered; 'mall " i-iiioci dick a. tsroadway lin. MUHCAL Af.ATK rVTTKBW An llu. JKHKI KHH. cut antt polwhed. Jewelrr and repairms;. Miller s. 33., Wash, su A.KW AM ANALlxrs .'A'NA ASHAY OFKICK. 1IJ becoad "er ana platinum boucht. BAKHr.ll MPPIJKa. OIIEGON BAHBKK 81PPLV CO U buy .u ..ii an ainos parber supplies. 2uO Jd. CARPET I.EAMi. V.K1""ES.T RUU CO.. established Isnl ano rac rus women, all stu East lh and Taylor, but iso, B Ua CAM tK. a. at. JO.NtS. 11. D. CAMT.ll THUTcn jiaiim piot. Marsnail 9143. CKLLILOIU BUTTONS. TUB 1RWIS-HODSOS COM PAN?! aS7 M ashlngton. Broadway 434. A 2,4. CHmoPOIHsTS AD AKC H rPXIA LISTS. WILLI AIL Est. II. and Florell. IxVeny, th. . - " 1 1 cnifopoaiiu ana ar n spe r I. lists m th. city. Parlor. 3a Gerlln.r bld.. snutliwest corn.r Second and Alder. Phona Main 1SOI. IMIROPKAfTIC PHYhKMNK, ICJC PEOPLE: Dr. ile M.hon. I'ortlan l. 100 Per cent rhlronractlo atMM-l.H.i tk.-. why I never hav to amploy druca. oper ations, vibrators, violet raya, electricity, beat. Ils;ht and otiier joaa-houaa stuuta. 1 r.njov th causa of disease Quickly, sure ly and leas .pensively. Tickets, 31 ad Justmenta. 16. se.n. i Call, phona or ...... ronrinam aoUDlln T liomases. lF.T a 3-Diece orchestra and entertainers furnieh your music. Any number of pieces I lurnisned oa snort notice. can REAL SNAP. Jlodern 5-ruom bunKalow. with base nient and actio, bath, toilet, lavatory, bie; lot iximo in Karden. beautiful outlook. edge of Easimoreland. one block from pavement; only $lS7u: $175 rash, balance Icks than rent; Immediate possession; my auto at your service U:o0 A. M. and S:3U P. M. dally. E. W. Hughes, Ockley Hotel, rf""' ewoi rison sc. REAL ESTATE. For bale House. ROSE CITY SACRIFICE. Owner in Missouri. Must sell choice lo cation of Rose City, 6 rooms, full cement basement, furnace and fireplace, bard surface streets. No. 463 E. 46th st. X. If you are looking- for a nice homo at a real bargain, don't miss this. C. A. Warrlner, RITTER. IJOWE & CO. Jt.1-S-7 Board of Trade. OKEuuN Conservatory (school) of Mulc. d floor Ktits.'ll lu. tover the Llon". I Entrance 4th St.. cor. of Morrison. PARKER S hool of Popular Music Terms, 6 to 2 leasona. 401-J Ellers bldg. EM1L THIKl.HoRN. violin Sevclk. L'')7 Flledner bldg. teacher, pupil Bdwy. OPTOMETRISTS AND OPTICIANS. o(K0 BUNGALOW. JJ.'.OO. Fine, large 3-room bungalow, fireplace, OHk floor, buffet, bookcases, Dutch Wtcbvn, laundry trays, cement oon-h. brirs, ptexs. doubly built; block to car. clot Ilk 00 Reynolds ave., near Milwaukie ave., near the river, l'rice $J5ou; Sooo cash, 1-5 per montn. Including Interest. GRL'SSl ec DOWNEY, 314 Board of Trade BldK. Mam 7452. WHT PAY MORE? A SAVING from 30 to 6u per cent. fitted clases aa I 4IMJO satisfied customers. H,tt wfarr inn .n.r,nl,il Chaa. W. GOOd- tnan. optometrist. 119 Alorrtaon. Main 211:4. Wc- A 8AVI.Ni tipa- Properly . Lt0. 4 PAINTER, ETC. u. w. rii.v;y. Painter and Decorator, Sellwood 8170. BY OWNER 5-room modern house. A-l condition; 4 lots; Mt, ifcott district. 1 block to car; large plot planted potatoes, early garden Nip, plenty space later gar den. 197A: $475 down, balance $16 per mo., including 6 fn-r cent int. Also will sell cheap to purchaser for cash 5o young chickens, 10 rabbits; snap. AE 17T, Ore-gonian. PATENTS. R O. WRIGHT 22 years' experience, U. and foreign patent, anl Dekutn bldg. PIIYKICHNS. DR. R. A. PHlLLirS. ' Broadway bldg. Rheumatism, female disorders, skin trou- I Dies, stomach. liver, kidneys, bowels, throat, goitre, scalp, high blood pressure. RICHMOND DISTRICT. (JOlHI BUNGALOW. Owner Will SACRIFICE FOK $2500. $1oihi Will Handle, block from car, 3 blocks from Rich mond School, 5 rooms, modern, paved street, line lawn. Telephone Tabor 70ol evenings 7 to K:.'I0. DR. FLORA A. BROWN, goitre and diseases I ot women. 7 'Ml K. rjuriislue. cor. utn at. PLUMBING SUPPLIES. PLUMBING SUPPLIES at wholesale price. Mtark-uavls Co.. 212 3d. Main TH1. $00 $100 cash, balance $15 per month. In cluding interest; 2 rooms with disappear ing bed In living-room; large closet; H blocks from Rose Cltv Park car. SEE MH. JENKS. AT WTH AND SANDY BLVD. PRINTING. KEYSTONE PRESS J. E. Gsntenbeln. Mgr. Printing and linotyping. 109 Ma Front il, corner stark. Maui or A 141B. THE IVY PR ESS. SRI Stark st. Broadway 40S. A 40""- (IKdLAK LKTTtRM. CRAVE LETTER CO.. t0 N. W. bldg.. Mar. 322. lOO letter multiarranhed 1 AA tOfJ.EUTIOX AGENCIES. MJH A CO.. W.rce.tee hlri. t.i. , to. No collections, no charge; astabllahed I900. llAMIMi. MRS. fLECK 8 ACADEMY Social stag dancing, prlvat instruction; cla Moo-. Thura. to 10. in Wash, and stark. Main 21O0. alANCUEeTER DANCING ACADEMY. 31V, oia: prlvat lessons $3. 11 A. M. to r. as. none ttroadway 2327. KVK. T.SK. NOSK AMD THROAT. Dr. V. K. Csaweday. specialist: glsiMs fitted. iQ E. Bum.nie. cor. 2Qth. B 133. E. 4734, n.vrr ku. ani rag-ru;s! FLUFF RUGS FROM OLD CARPETS Inarratni. Rroeeela. Pmyrna. Axmlnat-r re rugm. all aiatrs; mall order prompt; booklet. I1J r-ira. atini or irv n...t i CARPET CLEANING, REFITTING, ETC. r-vrrinr nrrr rio to.. B4-M Union Ave. N. East .'!, B 1473. nrrr big anu bag Kr rXcTORf: PRINTING? F. W. BALTES & COMPANY. st and Oak sta Main 1. A 115 REAL ESTATE HEALERS. CARL R. JONES. 404 Wllool bldg. SANITARIUM. NISBETH'H SANITARIUM. Nervous, chronic snd rheumatic rases. I Most modern equipment In the Northwest- I Electric light, steam, bake oven and I shower baths and packs; all forms of I modern electric curative appliances, pro phylactic gymnaatlca and massage. Caloric system OI mat. 4'aiienis ouisme may re- i reive treatment daily. No surgery. Milk I cur treatment. Dr. and Mra Nlsbeth In chars, ot all treatments. 818 Lovejoy St.. bet. loth snd 2nth. Broadway loon. STORAGE AND TRANSFER. ALWAYS l-li'K THE BEST Household I goods peclallsts: storsge, packing, ship- ping and moving, horse and auto vans; anertal frelcht rates to all points. C. O. PICK TRANSFER A STORAGK CO., 2d nd Pin sta. Broadway f,9'l. A 199. OREGON TRANSFER CO.. 474 Glisan St., corner 13th. Telephone Hrosilway 12!1 or A 1180. W own and operate two large class "A warehouses on tcrminsl track Lowest Insurance rates In the city. MADISON-ST. DOCK A- WA REHOUSE. Of- fli-e 1H Madison. General merchandise I and forwarding agents. I'hon Mam ,1. NORTHWEST RUG Co.. eetabll.hed lull r lurr rue and rag ruga woven, all sIzcSL r-el th and Tsy.,r. East 33". R I2tO. FTNERAL DIRECTORS. II0LMAX UNDERTAKING CO. Funeral Directors Established 11TT. Third and Salmon Street. .Main A lilL Lady Assistant. Perfret Funeral tlervlr tor Le. JIILLER & TRACEY tadepoadeat Funeral Dtrertora. V aah a, bet. 3ntb a. Slat. Weat 5lda Mata ZHtfU laUy Aia-atant A ?aiv. JAPAN' FLORIST. fT Fourth St. Near PuhMc MkL All ktnda of beddins and perennial p-nta. Japoaica and fruit pianta. Jet pan rae tuba Harcatn prlcea Very cheap wholeae. Vctab.a p;nta for outdoor srowth Tomato. JA. a.V, If,. $ OA. rabbaare. !, 70c; l(Kft. $ Ml'Mt'AIs. . PIANO and orrbeetra mu-lc for 4 patriotic affaire. Marahal. 2387. Brown. ineea. Mra PIAVO and orrheetra mualc for dancei. pa trlotle aifalra. M a rah at 1 3KT. Mra. Brown. CL'T frright mtea to all point a on household I Kood-4. Manning- WurabouN &- Tranafer Co.. Vth and HoL Broadway 413. PARKIN-;. MO VI NO. STORAGE. PEf'L lllTY ISTORA'.B & TRANiJFKR CO., lOi I'ark at. Mntn A 10M. WOO I p. GOOD mlx' d hard wood. anh. rrabaDDie. delivered In lloso City nrx eaat of IVoth I at.. 2 rorde or morf 17 per cord. Phonal our orarm. ia;n 4-KHT e lab wood and blcn kwood. partly dry. Natlnnnl r uei to., Kant ..4. I.AURELHURST HOMES. I have aevaral excellent bargain tn T. and 8-roum houHea located In beat aec tljn of L.aure!huri fur sale on Tint-like terma. call for key a at LAfHELHlKST tract ofTlce, K. SiUh and Ollaan . Tabor 3133. dally between JO A. M. and 5 F. M. J. DEUHUNTY. riEDMONT HOME P-VAP. Flno 7-room house, 2 flrepiacer, bullt-ln effects, etc.. corner lot, 60x100. city lleos all paid, 1 block from KUIlnftswortn ave., in a restricted district, surrounded by fine homes, i'r.ce f tu'm. easy terma. old Board of Trade. Main 74:2. ROSE city; PARK. Beautiful 7-room house on corner lot. 50x100. hardwood floors, thatch door, fur naco, fireplace, cement basement, laundry tray a, 2 toilets, large bathroom, all built- in el feet a; price f-HKJ" ir aoid tbia week; siduo cash ail I handle, balance to suit. Main l.S.'O. SUN'NYFIDE COTTAGE 1800. 4-room plasterrd cottagj 011 a flno lot 4ix100; paved atreet all In and paid, borne fine fruit trees, rhirken-house, eto. A Uhe locution on K. Main at,, near 37th. Frica $1800, easy terma. GRirSSl A DOWNET, 8iq Board of Trade. Main 74oZ. HAVE KN LISTED and mupt effect quick sale of my 2-story, modern. 7-room house, in excel ant condi tion, with sleeping porch and beautiful yard; located qJos- In. neir best carllne and school. Price 4.iio. Seo my aieot. a. W. LEU.NAKU. Main 1700. Evenings, Tabor T645. HAWTHOKNB AVENUE. 6-room, 2-atory. larire, airy rooms, Uka cw: 44x1 0ft lot. taratrf. on a aood atreet. 2 blocks from llawthorne; one of the best valuea in this district. Price S310U. S500 raali. all ImD. In and DA Id. Main PS 7. BUY A LALRRLHL'HHT HOME. faBurelhurat in Portland's most desired residence section and homes In thla tract are now very hard to get, 1 have two un usual lv well-built homes that I can sen you at the old prices and on easy terms. , For partiniinra see, e. v.. ueonara. -tuvi stark at. Main 1701. PIEDMONT bungalow, auper-fine construn 1 Inn ; a rea I home, 7 rooms ; $7."0 cash, balance it40O0r 3 years: actual cost tk"00, and it's almost like new; we never re cret buying the best, but we often re gret the cheap purchase. This property will sell for its original caah In a few months, as all material must advance. Main Tim, mornings. KEAL ESTATE. lor Sale Farms. IRVINGTON. Exceptionally choice S-room modern bungalow In this choice district, to be sold at a sacrifice: owner has gone Kaa Will make reasonable terms; price with every tli ins clear, $4500. Full Information apply A. IL BIRR EL. I CO.. 217 Northwestern Bnk bldjr. Mar. 4114. A 411S. SNAP Going East; 6-room plastered houae, bathroom, good gas and heating stove in eluded; nice restricted district; for quick sale, only $1700; cash $.i00 to $600. bal. time, rest bonded street improvements. Less cash needed if mortgage loan is in creased. Call at $31 E. 10th st., take Sell wood car to Canter street. Sellwood 705. NEAT HAWTHORN E BUNGALOW. 5 rooms and den, hardwood floors, fire' pi are, full cement basement, hard-surfac streets. Out-of-town owner needs some cash. Price $3000; terma O. A. Warrlner. RITTER. LOWB & CO. 2H3-3-7 Board of Trade. WEST SIDE PNA P. Have a modern fl-room house, nicely lo cated, on Went Sid: worth $S000. Owner offers tor xuu;, fi.iHJ casn, oaiance on mortgage. A. H. BIRRELL CO.. 217 Northwestern Bank bldg. Mar. 4114. A 4118. $2150 A REAL BUNGALOW 21&0. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. To you want a real bungalow? Here It Is: 9 r., strictly modern. Ideal location, A-l condition; K. A3d, near Sherman, Auto at your service. FRANK L. McGUIRB. ABINOTO.V BTjDO. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT 6-room bunga low, very modern, fireplace, bookcases, buf fet, convenient kitchen, large attlo. ful cement basement; a. snap at $1,630; $500 cash : bal. easy: near riawinorne car. Johnson-Dodson Co., 6S4 N. W. Bank building. ROSE City Park 6-room bungalow, modern in every way. one-nair oioric to car: hard wood floors, furnace, bullt-ln conveniences, large attic, fine buffet; an exceptionally aood buy at $3."n". terms if desired. Fo particulars see Mr. Atchison at 404 Piatt bldg. ROSE CITT PARK DISTRICT. Dandy 6-room modern home with hard wood floors, furnace, fireplace, ail built in effects: hard surface street; only $3250, want $10"" casn. call .Main 4. FOR SALE A houses, 866 East Irving-, house and full lot. $2000; 100x105, 61st and Haw thorne, good nouse, 9.iZdv; house and lot, . Alberta dUtrict, $2250; 100x100. fair house. iants district, xi-uu; easy terms, owner. Main r 2. $1WH WALKING DIST. SHIPYARDS. Great bargain In a 5-R. modern bung-alow on Stanton at Borthwlck; no mortgage or bt. llciia to assume; easy terms; auto at tout service. FRANK L. McGUIKE, ABTN-GTON BTPO.. Ml'ST sell now: modern 6-room home on Alberta carllne. rare snap and easy terms ir sold at once, owner will d there be tween 2 aod 5 P. M. for a few days. 1141 K. 3Hth St. IN. ALBERTA aaorlflce; must sell this week; good 7-room house, bath, full cement base ment, 2 fine lots, ready for garden, fruit trees, berries, roses; $200 down, balance iiae rent, inu vernon avenue. OWNER will sell modern 6-room house with sleeping' porch, good neighborhood, easy walking distance; terms. Apply on prem ises, out Anaeny. cor. jutn. For Sale Business Property. GKKKN AND DRY SLARWOOD, blorfc wool. Panama Fuel Co.. Kaet 72. B 2 WOOD AM) COAL HEAVY dry wood. Kaat Side. A 20th. $5,1 west stue, o. rnona -.roadway ttno. AVU0LESALERS AND SLVNUFACTURERS AUTO ANn Brf.t.T TOPS. ORKliON. ALTO TOI Co. 14th and Coach. DUBRI ILI.E Bl'GCT TOP CO., th and Oak OFLtlV MUHCHANTS. kAI.V CO.. Hoard of Trad bldg. URV (rfJODH-NOTIONH. ' DINKELSPIELCO.IV.rTh-'f.r.-r: hats ao cain. TIIA.VHOUSKR HAT CO.. 13 &S front St. HIUI. WOOL. UASTARA BARK. KAIIN BROS. 11 Front st. PAINTS AND I I BRK ATIM. OILS. W. P. FI'LLKR s CO.. ll'th and Davis sta. PA I NTS. O I LS AND LA SH. RASMUSSKN A; Co". Id and Taylor Pi PK. PIPK FITTINtiS AND VALVES. M. L. K LINK, t-e Kront st. Pl.lMRINti AND STRAM SUPPLIES. M. I. KI.INK. S4-S Front st. PRODI C K COMMIE-ION M K RU HA NTS, KVKItl'INi! A UAItHBl.L, 14(1 Kront st. KOPK AND BINDING TWINE. Portland Cordage Co.. 14th and Northrup. SASII. DOORS AND CLASS. FULLKR A CO.. 12th and. Davis sta WALL PAPER. MILLER. Wall Paper A PL Co.. 172 1st at. MORGAN- WALL PAPER CO.. 230 2d st rLORlSTS. CLARKE BROS., slorlsls. 1ST Morrison St. Main or a isO. rtn nor aud floral m in. No branch store. MARTIN ai FORBES CO.. Florist. SS4 Wsahlnanoa. Mala 3a. a ISnu. FIdsm for ail occaalon srtlstleall arranged. TONSETU FLORAL CO.. 23 Washlnttoa ST.. pt. etn ana otn. Main dioj. a lloL REALK STATIC. A.r etele Lot. BARfSAIV THICKEN RANCH SITE On I GARDEN TRACT. V acreT rlBht at .?.- ..n. cansre, (nod psyinent down. I term of year on bal. Inquire 611 Morgan I MAX U. SMITH. Main J21S. A 2121. Sllla( Dial., via ana Alow sta PEOPLES FLORAL SHOP, 143 Alder. slower ad design Phon Marshall sifeA MONCMKlsTS. PORTLAND MARBLE WORKS. 24-28 4tk st. city nail. Mala Ho4. Palli Ne bona tor m.rnrlla TWHD .AT MAOI53N STREET SrW TO DAT. Sam Connell Lumber Co. Bdwy. 1491. 3.H Akey St. J. P. FINLET A RON. ProcrMslv 1'un.ral Director. Prtvat. Drive Women Att.ndaata HONIOuXtlll AT miH. Mala . A 1MW. WILSON & R0SSr:dn,AA,..,VaLh 4. C SloA. ERICSON Residence L'ndertaklnc Parlor, i.ta aa jiorro sta J4.ta la, . DUN.N-t.N3 a McENTEE. fuaeral dlretr. mJ.i' aad Pm. .-.rMt Pboa Broadw. e-.o. A 4.V. Lady attradaat THE GOLCtN Kl'La' UNDERTAKERS, 414 tut Aidr t E..t Zz, B -ji. BREEZE & SX00K 1;T?X, J,''' MR. AND MKM W a.ra. strvu-a l.;i E. II. HAMILTON Fa G..rt Tabor 4J1A P. L. LEHCH. Eaat lltb and Cay street lady atfclaat Ea.t 7sl. B 1 1 Vt A. Ii. ZELLER CO.?"-",' '" a i riii 1 1 a i " Portable and Ready-Gut Houses and Garages Call for full particular and detail re garding our bouses and cfSa. DtfNT PAY HIGH RENTS. KkElVES INPEHIAKlXll COMPANT. Id ad c av. Mam 41J; A 2SL Lady assistaat ruiiuio. BEAUTIFUL MOUNT SCOTT PARK CFMKTERT Lowest Prices Beat Serrtcs. No 4Uipens after in term eat. Pries lower than other tariea. MORTGAGE LOANS Oa sara Hy aad far tvreF- II erty at elasa, laterrst rates, la- I j fallsaeat resarHBt prlvlle-R It j preferveet reliable service. A.H.BIRRELL CO. 11 72I kirtaWMtni Baak BaaJdlac Maraball 4114, A 41 IS. xmat VACANT LOT Tura a burden Intel r7.T..-K .a. --an ana ouua anytfilnc, furnlah the money If dejired alht years In Portland. ; U R. Bailey Co.. contract-I ... ,, nuruiwtitrrri tfa.n K Olag, , no. near Kenton, good building I - ' k-i rn i tail u. a aood pay ment down and term of yeare on bal. la- FOR HAI -F lVrxioo lot on Mall at., near Holrate: x VJ-nff lte; reasonable. Phone J UK SALr: IOtB I. U. 3 nrl at Ktl, Ifu. aurelhurat Write C. K. Suttaer. 41& aM'Oti CASH. $27 MONTH $2700. A-room house, furnace, fireplace, buffet. Dutch ktt-hen, flniihed floors, linoleum kitchen and bathroom. ,".0x100 lot. It bartcaln. lee owner, 634 Northwestern Hank bids. Main 3737. Will take liberty bonds. PORTLAND HTS, BUNGALOW. 27ftO. Four rooms and bath, splendid condi tion, almost new, close In, among good homes. 2 blocks car. fine lot. view of -tiv moiintsilnat and crest. Owner non resident, must sen. Asrooae. Aiarsnan o-. PORTLAND HEIGHTS BARGAIN. Trin B-rnom house, hardwood floors. TTiorif rn conveniences, hot water neat. level. 10II&100 corner, lower neignts, extensive citv and mountain view, oeauiirui and ahruDDery. one diock car. DnuuivD, i Mar. 427. A jsi. ;aii mornings. PR HT. ILMMiO APPRAISED AT $4fi40. J.atorv. 7-ie.. monern nouse near ra. i'-nn and Ivon. Waverleich Hta. dlat.; price I 2roo, ea-nr terms; get busy; auto at your I scrvloe. eM FRANK T. MXtIUFE. ABINOTON BL.DG.. TO Jill t'JlK ilUJIl.. WILL FURNIfH LOT AM) BUILD HOMI3. 11H.MJ AND UP. Substantial Initial payment required. w k stearna. -:u- w iicox digc. Main S517. Even In kb, Marshall 3770. omci Hours m-i. HOWS THIS? a .1 7-room bunaalow on 13th. near Al berta; fireplace, hardwood fioora. buffet; ImproTAinents pid; worth So500; thla week S2AA0: terms. Murphy, Tabor Bi23. No agents. "WEST SIDE. 2-FLAT PROPERTY. X-i- Nrtrthrun and 23d I each flat has five rooms and bath; purchaser can obtain 0 per month income, price jdjuo. UUUUAHU w muKiufV. i oiaia. 42200 MODERN BUNGALOW, TERMS. near iV4th at.: S-irO casn win nanaie; hawaln: mi to mt VtiUr SerV.CC FRANK L. MfiOUiRK. ABINOTON1 BTjDG.-. LATTRELHURST. Before buvlne elsewhere obtain our list of exquisite homes for sale on easy terms In Laurelhurst, tho show place of Port land. LA L rifca Liti u n t tu.. t i v ft a (.ara 3Ialn 1700, A l&io. REIVFOHCED concrete garage and fine re pair snon for sale; capacity o cars; it Is on 100x100 lot and always has rented at from $1500 to $1800 per year; the place is valued at ain.nuo. nut win n sold cheap as owner ha.i removed from Port land; only $.r.ono to $6000 required to handle this, balance on mortgage; owner has returned to Portland to close out property and can be seen at 1421 Sandy blvd. Tabor 2161. FORCED TO SACRIFICE A VALUABLE CORNER DOWNTOWN IN THE BUSIEST BUSINESS DISTRICT. I "WILL SELL AT JUST ABOVE ASSESSED VALUE. W. H. HURLEY. H5 IRVING ST. MAR. 2063. $57110 CN ION-AVE. $57o0. 100x100 corner with trackage. Union ave. near Hawthorne; noma Income; great bar gain; worth $ 10. 000. FRANK L. McGUIRB. ABINOTON BLDQ., Suburban Home. NO PAYMENT DOWN. WE SUPPLY TUB LAND AND ASK NO PAYMENT UNTIL YOU CAN MAKE SAME FROM CROPS. IT STANDS TO REASON WE MUST HAVE GOOD LAND TO Oct BK YOU THESE TERMS. OUrt LAND IS LEVEL, THE SOIL A SILT IrOAM. NO BETTER LAND FOR AL FALFA. MILO MAIZE. FRUITS. NUTS, ETC. "WATER FOR IRRIGATION WHENEVER NEEDED. GOOD DRAIN AGE. CL1MATK AND TRANSPOK 1 A TION. SCHOOL ON TRACT. OS STATE HIGHWAY. WITHIN 3 MILES OF RED BLUFF. TEHAMA COUNTY (BANNER COUNTY OF CALIFORNIA). PRICE $100 PER ACRE. SEND FOR BOOKLET AND MAP. F. D. BURR COm 219 MONTGOMERY ST., SAN FRANCISCO. WAR DRAFT BARGAIN. 80 acrea near Sandy, Or., 30 acres ft hiah mate of cultivation. 50 acres pas ture, most of it easily cleared. Fine trout stream and about 15 acres bottom land Good large barn, old house, fine family orchard, izood well and several spring; two owners in draft, must sell quick. Place sold once lor lo.ouo. our price o.i"i, $750 down, balance easy. Have pnotos. (See Ott G. S. Smith & Co., 432 Cham ber of Commerce. FOR SALE SO-acre ranch, stock and tools. a money-maker; 11 cows and bull, mostly purebreds; 1 horse; ready market for dairy products at top prices rignt at nome; buildings practically new and water piped to house and barn; near school, ftVi miles to city of Seaside, hard-surface road; price $7000. Henry A. Allen, RU 1, Sea side. Or? BY OWNER 100 acres good rich coil, fully improved ana stocKea, an rencea ana oross-fenced, 65 acres In cultivation, 5 acres apple orchard, 2 hi miles from R, R.; 1 good team young mares, 6 Jersey cows, bring $40 monthly; Sharpless separator, i heifer, 1 sow. with shoata. chickens and Im plements; all new bidgs. $o500. Terma No trade. P. O. Box 155, Sheridan. Or. FOR SALE 480-acre stock ranch. Opper Hood River Valley, adjoining free range; Jfl acrea under cultivation, free water, three houses and three barns, water piped to one house; 11 head cattle and 2 horses go with place, on which is located good power site. W. M. Keeling, owner, R. F. D. 3, Hood River. Or. BENTON AND LINN COUNTIES. THE VERY HEART OF THE FAMOUS WILLAMETTE VALLEY, OREGON. Write for our "Dozen Best Buys" In farm lands. KINNEY ik TRACEY, Real Estate Men, Corvallis, Or., Home of the Oregon Agricultural College. FOR SALE. Horse. Vfhirle-f. Livestock, SHERIFF SALE will be held on Sauvies Island, place known as Joseph Paquet ranch. 14 miles north from Portland, Linnton road to Burl in ton, lb miles east across Willamette Slough ferry at Burlington, TUESDAY. APRIL SO, Sale to commence at 10 A. 2VI. Special bus will leave St. Charles Hotel, First and .Morrison streets, Portland. Or., at 9 A. M. to the sale grounds and 10 A. M. to Burlington only. From St. Hel ens and way points, take steamer America to Smith's Landing. STOCK. 158 milch cows (about half fresh), large Durham and Holstein; 1 Holsteiu bull, 2 years old (registered; 8 heifers from 1 to 8 years old; 21 calves, mixed; 2 mare!. and 10 years old (one with $oaI ; 2 geldings, one 8 years old. 1 yearling; brood sows. 1 Chester White bear; 20 shoats. 17 pips: IH0 chickens. IMPLEMENTS. HARNESS, DAIRY UTENSILS. 1 shovel cultivator, 1 McCormlck mower, two sets of double work harness, one sin gle work harness, one saddle; 1 Fairbanks half-ton scale; 1 large milk cooler with tank; 15 ten-gallon shipping cans; 3 three-gallon milk cans; & two-gallon milk cans; strainer pails, push cart, etc.; one lot small tools. Household goods, including beds, stoves, etc. , Bring your lunch with you we furnish the coffee. SALE RAIN OR SHINE. Terms of sale Sums of $100 or under, caah; sums over $100. one-half caah. bal ance upon six months' note acceptable to First National Bank of Linnton, Or. T. M. HURLBCRT, Sheriff- AUCTION SALE. Hijrh-Srrade Holstein dairv stork CiranrK Oaks Farm, 1 miles south of Woodland Wash.. Thursday. May 2, lftlS. 10:30 A. M. Entire herd, aa follows: 13 Holstein cows. 4 Jersey cows, all excellent milkers, a lot fresh : 10 74 and UD Holstein htftrs. from 16 to 28 months old. some heavy sDrtncern: 6 calves; one 2-horse cultivator, 2 one-horse cultivators, Autos will meet all trains. Tu berculin' tested and certificate goes with each cow; stock loaded on boat free. Harris fe Hornby, owners, w. S. Wood, auctioneer, Vancouver. Wash. PUBLIC AUCTION April 27. MONTGOMERY STABLES. I will sell at public auction 9 heai horse.,, harness, buggies, , wagons, all kinds of barn equipment. BIO- CUT In PRICE IN FARM LANDS In the best agricultural part of Snohomish County: -o per acre. 10 yearly payments railways, schoots, factories, plenty of labor. The best proposition on the market for the man who wants a farm. Send for illustrated literature. Brownell Land Co. 904 3d ave., Seattle, wasn. Miscellaneous. FOR KALE Piedmont property in price: ranging irom i.iw to ,owu; special val ues. Having soiicitea tor groceries in tnn section for the past 8 years; no one has more thorough knowledge of properties than I. I. C. W oodrurr. Wood lawn 2in:;. WANTEO KEAL ESTATE. ROSE CITY PARK. S12 E. 19TH ST. N Onlv i block N. Sandy, choicest pjssibl location; good, warm, weil buiit, '3-room house; lurnace, nam, etc. trice a-o'j''. WANTED 5 or o-room strictly modern bungalow, not over $2200. some cash ana terms; give full description. AR 290, Oregonian. .., io uuy iiuiii oniitr uiuj. onion iiuua7. aioo down, ana mommy payments anu additional $100 In 6 months. Give full dc scription. AC 4tj, Oregonian. HAVE buyer for modern home In Rose City or Hawthorne district, rnone us. .wain 10fl. RVINGTON or Rose City home. Buy from owner only. Cash. M 32, oregonian. WANTED To buy or rent 10 or 15 acres near carllne. Phone East i-i-io. Wanted to Rent Farms. WANTED TO RENT A good going, stocked and equipped farm in the valley or viarKe County, with good buildings and having 80 to 100 acres in cultivation; cash or shares. Full particulars. Address M. A. Morris, 1255 Halsey st-,' Portland, Or. XPERIENCKD farmer, with Implements and some stock, wants to rent dairy farm for 10 or 15 cows at once. At ivt, ore gonian. POR RENT FARMS. :0 ACRES potato land, close to station. 16 miles irom portiana, tine son ; win i Or nish land, seed potatoes and farm equip men to good farmer who will plaht crop on shares. Lueddemann Co., 913 Cham ber of Commerce. COUNTRY HOME. Fine country home, a modem 8-ronm ouneaiow. witn aas neat in ar and all el conveniences, together with 2 to 8 acres to suit customer; near Aiiiwaukie Station will take house in city In part pay. John w. AiiKAA urJrt, owner. 1305 Northwestern Bank Building. Phone Milwaukie 80. Main 2600. WHY PAY RENT? Live In country, work in town: fli-i acrea on Highway, goo a small house, chicken house. 9.Fouo. bee Airs, uoiton, vv rtcn iaze station, a. P. i-aiectrio. I FOR SALE 2 acres, fine 7-room house, fruit, etc.. running creek, near carllm cheap. Call at third house north of Risley station, Oregon city car. FOR SALE Two acres; fine seven-room house; fruit, etc., running: creen; near carline; cheap; call at third house north of Risley Station; Oregon City car. Homesteads; Relinquishments. MAP OF O. C. R. R. LAND FREE. We have the new county maps or jose phtne and Jackson counties showing only tne agncuj curat .anas opened io Home stead fllinr April 29 to May 25. Thest maps show principal towns, streams and ranroaas. trice, josepmne coumy, Jackson and Klamath, combined. -$2.50, Ttostnald. With each county map will pre sent free map of state of Oregon showing the entire arrant. ROWLAND JHAf CUM f AN X. 411 Henry Bldg. CHAS. W. ERT35. architect. Plttock block, I BY owner. West Side Income property; gives All kind, of building and alterations. you a home and pays better than 6 per nt on entire investment: improvements: atrlct y modern, tror runner intormation address Y 201, Oregonian. No agents. For Sal? Beafh Property. "'Ai i i r l ui.i rinisned. furnished cor t.carhart, for sale; bargain, $1600. Lewis. ! O. & C. GRANT lands open April 29 to May 29. We make and sen only maps showing exact location of open lands. Man entire Grant lands forfeited xi man landa ODen for homestead JoseDhin Co., $2; Jackson and Klamath Co.s, $2.50 FREE INFORMATION. ANDERSON & ANDERSON. 431 Chamber of Commerce. Portland, Oregon. si;. IT IDE I'holre lot 50x100. bargain. AE "-I rxiinign, For Sale -Housi $2 loO FURNISHED BUNGALOW l?T.ft fi-Rm. modern bungalow, larae lot. Price I .... lut.-iuuca lurnuurc; easy terms; bar in. FRANK L. MrfU'IHE. A RING TO V FLIV3.. ROSE CITY PAHK $250 Strictly modern bungalow below I tnj nn'. u;k. car: terms. G. r. GOLDEN BERG. Ablncton Bldg. "SS Years In Portland." .Main 4na. MODERN West Side home, fine view. 4 eenlnr rooms, lot n.. large lire place, good hi a ting piaut, ior quick aaie. SD500; terms it aesirea. i l -uoore, 317 Board of Trade, owner. ALBERTA. Modern 5-room bungalow, like new, 1H blocks to car. east lace, cement porcn. See me for price and terms. C. M. Derr, 1100 N. W. Bank bldg Main 937. SlO0 4-R. BUNGALOW $1600. Monern bunralow on 50x100 corner lot: 9 hika tn Franklin Hijrh School: terma See FRANK L. aciiLiKb, ADington isiag., TO UL X 1 Ul rt HUMJU. 1 80-ACRE rellnauishment. Clatsop County, miles irom town ana .racinc tiignway fine soil, no rock; fine springs; cabin price ii Henry oiag. FOR SALE Homestead relinquishment, well Improved. Address Box Li3, Klamath i?aiis, Or. Ior SaleAcreage. QUARTER acre and modern C-room bun gaiow, rive oiocks irom inc. itoor car, ior S14UU, -uu aown ana exo a monm, i. nia place is worth .auu. or particulars can at 404 .fiatt oiag. $50 CASH, balance like rent; neat 4-room cottage, near canine; price :.',; It s in a nice neighborhood and you can apend a little money later and make it a very pretty home. Mwln 7129. mornings. HAWTHORNE COZY BUNGALOW. a moms, hardwood floors, hot water heat, paved st., nice and modern; a dandy buy at 'a.'uuu. W. H. KOf-S, J kmc- n. v. nana- mag. 6U ACRES, half mil from city limits on Base Line road, au in cultivation and berries, larre barn, spring suitable for lrri gallon. Bull Run water; $4500, terms. Y , uregonian. ROOM bungalow. Ruse City Park. $2726: 4iirmi ran. remainner ?-. per month, in cluding Interest 7T. F. K. Stearna Main 8517. A FINE 7-room house. 2 lots, corner, close in. clear of Incumbrance: real bargain at $2900; $ttnO dowV balance to suit. See me after 6 o'clock. No agents. 837 E. 11th st 4-ROOM COTTAGE $UtO DOWN. Close to MV car on E. 70th St.; In good condition. Price only $125o. FRANK L. McGUIRE. ABINOTON BLTX3 MORTGAGE LOANS OX BlILE9 AND HESIDC.NCa f-HOPavRTY. aOBEHIMia 4k KW'IMO. SD7 - m Jrtbsealra ttaak ! OREGON HUMANE SOCIEH Oaics Musi 111 Ciaf IS sweat, aVASi Latimrf. rieais l-r-Msa S tat $, Mala 17m. Rata Thmmm A lU-a. Mht emU mtxmw mtfivm ara. Mala 17 a. Keport r.. I caaaee mt cruity to tha aov s4- reaa. E xtrte lataal caantMr far axaall aal ana a Hers amtv aoct for muA aad aaabie4 saiaaw at a snoaneat'a aottce Anyone dasir Ing a 4 oft er etiaar pet toaaonlcata with aa 4. a. I far all leet er strayed sta-ck, as we loA autasa inpexisaiiag- Taere la mm aaera ajt vesss, jun taeTagesa m MORTGAGE LOaNS OI FAR aD REtlDRVn moruiir. ju cuxuissiox Wm. MacMastec rai COKIETT ILDO. PURTL1J1IX OSL JNO. B. COFFEY MORTGAGE aeOAXS, Insurance, Surety Bonds Of WILCOX BLDG. Mala 7V A S70X RR.4.L T-wTATE. er Sale Itav. G. C. GOI.DENBERG CAN 6 ELL TOUR LOT. 21$ A blag tea b.d. .Mala 4$v4. C A L I F O ItN I A owner here to aell $t..iiO home for .4:i. Cleveland. Main 11S9. 'haniber of Commerce. nrmnFATK of 15 rooms In Nob Hill dis trict., suitable for furnished rooms, board ing o private aanatarlum; in flrst-claas condition and good neighborhood; must be sold. AM 71. Oregonian. FOR SALE 7-room house, modern; $3300. $500 cash, balance can be arranged satis factorily. Call Tabor 6137, or address Y 219, Oregonian. 40 ACRES of good agricultural land on Grays River, opposite Astoria; win maice good ranch. .i-rice sa.-vi ior tne wnoie thing. W. a. Buriey, omo Irving st. Mar. 2963. WOODBURN. OR. 20 acres, on Pacific Highway; no better location anywhere for country home. Owner leaving state, wants to sen. u. j. jioupai, Eugene, or. townerj. .-- FOR SALE 5 rooms, modern house, lot 50x1 100. In St. Johns, short distance from ship yards. Price si4uv; ouu casn, oai. sio a month. Inquire at 1225 East Charleston St. 63 ACRES, 25 aores In cultivation; also SS acres hair in cultivation; euner p. ace oa per acre, Wto aown, time on oaiance. oeu Draper. 401 Board of Trade. Main 6.0. A 4-KOOM bungaiow. 141 Prrscott St., mod em. e.e4jii-;c.iy. aan ana le.epnone. Call 4,lwoo44 easy ierm. 6-KOO.M house. l blocks from Broadway bridge, walking distance. AK 310, Ore rnnun. 1.0DEHN' 6-room house, 60x100 lot, 2 blocks irom canine, near a snipyaras, for saie: price $J'H0. 821 Fifth st- Mar. 1039. IRVINGTON FORECLOSURE. a rooms, swell home. Hoc on dollar: all eakftnish: $ooO net, yea, net. Last 1347. UVHPELL A SON. 1421 Sandy, oldest firm nib III - r rv. n u c.i OU a good liouw cariic c?-i u nisi. j ior .mi. ROSE CITY PA1 bungalow; $5oo do 4477; no agents. UUtly modem 6-rm. , bal. terms. Tabor FOR KENT 3 acrea, wkh orchard. West Mar. irry r: r-wi 1 4uin mi numnifr nom enrap rent. Morgan bldg. 7-ROOM modern house. 10 Union depot. ! Ha:sey st. nun, a.:k io IRVINGTON Homta R T. STREET inV. AGENT. IliVINGTOX- the din'rlf-:. -room. o.trgaln. best part of 726 EL MAIN 6 rooms, fireplace. cas range, water heater, yid. furnace. FOR SALE Fine piece property. 2 houses. Inquire 342 San Kstaei sL Owner. FIVE reatdeaca property, close In. cheap. SOT W ashing tea su, aacouver. Wash. r-AKH srnd carry arocery for Immediate saie: doing J00 per month; located In center marketing ais trict; rent moaerate; aoout lliOOU will nanaie. i zm. oregonian. BEAUTIFUL quarter acre on the boulevard at MUltnoman staLion. imo view, ior atuu. terma see owner. 4U r-ian oiag. For Sale Farms. &-KOOM. weil buiit, 697 Pa ton ave.. 00x100 lot, soiendid view, three blocks from car- line; $1250. terms; must sell this quick. Y 220. OregoniaiJ IVOR SALE 100x75. elegant house, modern In every way, with garage; $6000, $10o0 cash, balance to suit purchaser. x HIS, Oregonian, or phone Tabor 6idT. 70 ACRES, all stock and crop, 24 miles from t portlana, a acrea in cuix., o-room nouse. barn, ore nam, x goou, cows, e head young stock, 1 sow, 9 pigs, 4 shoats, harness, wagon, hack, all farm tools. Price $4500, $1500 cash, bal. to suit. 411 Henry oiag. 5-ROOM modern bungalow. $2356 ; $866 caah. remainder $25 per month. Including 6r' in teres t on deferred. F. K. Stearns Main SM7. soon ACRES in Southwestern Washington for Saie, IO set ii or oaiy, upon ea terma and low prices. 90 per acre ana up. write for map snowing location, terms, eic. WBYERHAEUSEK TIM J3r.. tUMfAKlt, Tacoma JJiag.. lacoma, w asn. 1K50 FURNISH ED HOUSE $S50. A -R. house with furniture; price $950, on terms; iit. rcott car.- FRANK L. McGl'IRK. ABTNV5TO.V BLDG. &.ROOM modern Portland home, close car. 20 min. out, for sale by owner; low price ana easy payments 10 rignt party. 780 ACRES, dairy ranch, fully stocked, good buildings ana an implements; lueai ior 4 or 6 families; price $40,000. half cash, bal ance time. Address A. G. Micheii, Lakeside. Coos County, Oregon. FOR SALE 7-room modern house. 5 blocks from Broadway bridge. Terms. East 44tv.. a 1170-ACRE stock ranch, near Roseburg; 350 in crop, oai. line pasture. c sets 01 ouua Ings; 200 creek bottom, good fences, good orchard. $22.50 per acre; $7000 cash, long time on Dai, tn Henry dips. t OWNER. $I$0O equity In 6-room house; close In, good neighborhood. AE 176, Oregonian. CHICKEN, FRUIT, GARDEN RANCHES. aCS Oar arOrilaVULl . Iff VF fCI CVJ terms; best sou; iarms ior saie, an sizea McFarland. 603 Yeon bldg.. Portland. 6-ROOM modern bungalow with garaare. on E. 2.d st. . o, xiowiana, -oi a,. Morn- son at. . &- ACRES, level, fenced, cleared, goad soli. house; employment,; near w mamma; cash. $10 mo. Jesse R. Sharp, 63 H 3d st. ARTISTIC modern bungalow, lot terms; no incumorancc. uwner, thome district. Twbor 8044. iOxlOO; Haw- WHEAT and stock ranches, from 160 acres up to 4 00 a write .u. aV liicmaunce. con- don. Or. MUPT sell 6-room house, attlo, lot oloae In. 250 ivy stv, &aac d.. LOOGKD-OFF lands. $10 acre up; running water, good son, V tniaoie, employment, easy terms, Jesse Sk sVArp, 3 k 3d at. FOR RENT Close electric line, 40 acres, acres tn nlant: house, out Duiiamgs. tools, horse, buggy $110 cash; will take best of fer on May I. rnone racinc, ira. FOR RENT, 160-acre farm. 50 in crop, first class for dalo'lrrg; In fact, first-class for general farming. Inquirs owner. 362 East :Sd st. TIMBERLANDfl. 100,000 CORDS standing fir and ash stump- age for sale, -a mnes irom roruana, m miles to railroad and 2 miles to Wil lamette River; good roads; will seil cheap on good terma and plenty of time for re moval; lots of mining timber, piling and saw tie timber on place; good shacks and water for camps. H. L. Moore. Woodburn, Or. TIMBER 500 acres of virgin timber, 1 miles from railroad; splendid mill site; consumers only apply. P. O. box 24, Walla Walla, Wash. WANTED 3 sets of boom, sticks. 3 sets of chains. .1 sets of erwifters. Phone Malta 63S8. 1218 Yeon bldg. A BARGAIN for anyone that needs horsfts: Mare, weight 1250, a little street sore but sound otherwise, true worker. $H5. Ray horse, weight 1400 lbs., $75. Team weigh ing 2300. with harness and ranch wagon, $16.; nice bay chunk, weight 1050, fat, true and gentle, safe for a lady to drive, $60; also several sets of double and single harness, 2 light wagons and top bugtfy. 302 Knott. block eaat of Union ave. ' DON'T READ THIS. Team horses, weight 2200; plow. R. M. Wade farm wagon, double, extra heavy harness, for sale cheap, or will trade for Ford car. Buyer gets use of 15 acres of land, good house and big. first-class barn and outhouses free for one year. Drafted in Army. Phone Woodlawn 27l6, or Alt 204. Oregonian. SEVEN fresh cows, large milkers and tent ers; 4 heifers, to freshen soon; 10 head of yearling heifers, 30 head of stock hogs, 2 fine bo ',vs, one with litter of nine, at the Robinson farm, 1 'z miles west of Oregon City, near West Linn school. WE HAVE a fine assortment of young geld ings and mares, weighing fro,m 1100 to lrtoo lbs; fi sets of double work harness; all stock guaranteed. FKAZiER & MCLEAN, 2-40 E. 8th and Main. NICE 6-year-old horse, sound, weight about I'M'o i ns gentle, works single or double, $50. Bay mare, pood worker, little street sore. $30. Call 392 Knott St., ft block east of Union ave. BARGAIN for farmer, a span of brown mares, weight 24;0 lbs., both heavy m foal, cheap if taken at once; warranted sound, true workers. 263 Russell, near Williams ave. DO you want a driver or fine fast pacer. color sorrel, 8 years old, perfectly gen tle for lady to drive or handle? $75 for quick sale. Russell-Ht. Transfer Co., Rus " sell st., cor. Vancouver ave. DEAD stock and old horses bought. Phone Milwaukie 6P-J. Calls paid on dead stork. Pianos, Organs and Musical Instrument. CLOSING OUT small upright piano for $45 cash; a $3.j0 Gablcr, Jo cash; i.i0 Kim ball, large mahogany, for $l.o cash; also virtually new, modern $375 upright, $100; a $425 one at $2ir. and a $450 otio. $i3-- cash; a $90 Beatty organ, $20, and $135 Kimball organ, $35 cash. Pianos stored 50c monthly. Security Storage Co., Jolt 4th St., at Washington st. Oc DAILY buys $375 piano, less 25 per cent, $281.25: 40c dally buys $650 player piano, less 23 per cent, $4.87.50. Best savings bank for the home; secured musi cal education, entertainment and the prop erty. Schwan Piano Co., Ill 4th st. BIG SNAP In high-grade piano, used five months; win sen cneap. as we 00 not want the expense of shipping South; wiil give easy terms. Eaton Hotel. FISCHER upright piano, plain mhgy. cap. only used short time, bee this Darg un. iz Fourth St.. bet. Wash, and Aldtr. CASH paid for your old piano. We buy and nen tor cash only, becurity storage Co.. 109 4th st. YOUR piano taken in full payment for a line new taiKmg machine. cnwan riano Co.. Ill 4th st. KRANICH & BACH square. $65. Knabe grand, action and tone perfect, $o37. - Har old B. Gilbert. 364 Yamhill st. . vincT arrMRihia tract timber near Port land. 320 acres, aa joining eiecinc unn. Lueddemann Co., 913 Chamber oi Cora merce. ifln ACRES nine timber land. Josephine Co. Or., ior saie or iraue. r 01 iwu'' write E. G. HIbbs. St. Helens, or. Jli-'oU. wivTF.n Oak. ash. maple lumber; wl contract output or muis. nenrj u. fv Lumber Co., Portland. TIMBER LANDS BOUGHT AND SOLD. c. J. Mccracken. 304 McKay bldg. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. i.riT aa 2-3x100 S3 1-3 ft. from corner, suit able for garage, apartment or nais. near the raiiroaa oriage, 01a nouse, pneo iw, 000; will trade for valley farm or wheat land; if good wheat land will assume. Also improved acreage, value $2500; will nut In on gooa xarm. Aaaresa -n-n. Oregonian. 160. ACRES unimproved land, Washington County, 9 miles irom sorest rove, ex change for eood Irvington lot. Owner, East 585. house and lot. located Centerville. Mich, to trade for rorciana property or vicinity. Phone Marshall titis,. Aaaress 10 j jsan croft. WHO wants to exchange Portland property for a good stock of new and second-hand furniture and hardware business in good location? AV fi4, Oregonian. 5-ACRE farm, 40 minutes out on Oregon Electric, to exchange ior x or j.fc-ion truck In good condition. Lyman, 5921 D9th ave. LIST your property with us for results, ex changes or merit; eataonsnea m years, The Ernest Younger Co., 10-107 Park St., between Washington ana btaric sis. 6-ROOM modern house to trade for acreage or small iarm. Bee Arnoia, o.;u atienry bldg. WHAT have you to exchange for Tilla mook Beacn lots 7 .Aaaress xsu 14X, oregonian. TO EXCHANGE MISCELLANEOUS. $150 EQUITY in $300 lot. trade for type writer or motorcycle. ai. ouv, uregonian. FOB SALE. Horses, Vehicles. Livestock. HIGH-GRADE milch goats, fresh and comine fresh. 2 to 4-qt. milkers. X20 to 40. 700 Insley ave., take Sellwood car; also fresh roan Durham cow, so. OR PALE Team blacks. R-eldlnc and mare. harness and wagon, at ranch, z miles south Sycamore station on roster road. J. w. Lewis. FINE single horse, weight 1250, good puller and last traveler; price uu. Brook lyn car, off 20th, 3 blocks north to 706 Woodward ave. WANTED 1000 head of Angora .goats. Am ready to buy. Phone or ante Room 306. Clifford Hotel. Portland. DEAD HORSES and animals hauled away free. Portland Rendering Co. Call Wood la wn 20, FOR SALE- Good delivery horse and wagon. cheap; ana aiso auto ae 11 very top; iz in terested, call Woodlawn 441. FOR SALE One lot of horses, wagons and harness, to be sold out during this month. W. J. Sullivan, 20 Grand ave. GOOD, true, well-matched team weighing about 2600, also wagon and harness cheap. 312 Front. Main 1699. DEAD stock taken quickly; we pay the most for dead and crippled stocK. uanor iuj. OR SALE One beef cow. 89 W. Prescott st. $75 CASH buys $300 Hohier & Hohler up right piano tomorrow at .security .storage Co., 109 4th st. PHONOGRAPHS AND RECORDS WANTED. 128 FIRST. MAIN 4493. TABOR 6798. PIANOS tuned, $3. George T. Peck, Tabor 8574. Grad. New Eng. Conservatory. I PAY CASH for used pianos. Gilbert, 384 Yamhill st. WANTED a piano from private party, cheap for cash. East 5014. PIANO wanted Cash for good piano bar gain. Main 8586. RENT a player piano, music Included. Harold S. Gilbert, 384 Yamhill St. PIANO wanted for storage; no children. Ta bor 6441. Furniture for Sale. FOR SALE Complete set of household fur niture of 8 rooms ; party leaving town, must sell Immediately, furniture good as new. Call at 1233 Senate after 6 P. M. Rose City car to 37th, walk 1 block south, east to 41st. ICE BOX, 46 yards Axmlnster carpet, 1 piece; 1 mahogany combination writing desk and chair, Morris chair. 1 electric Iron, toaster and cooker; everything prac tically new. Tabor 6955. 891 E. 3flth st. LADY'S writing desk in quarter-sawed oak. wax rinisn, worm stz-o". ior . .o. just. the chance you have been watting; for. Mish Fur. Co., 184 1st St. FURNITURE and piano lor sale, flat for rent, can bona ay, 14s iNortn ana. mr. Lewis. Main 2259. FOR SALE Bed with springs and mattress and an Edison diamond disc phonograph; both nearly new. 1051 E. Morrison st. CLOSING out office May 1. Up-to-date office furniture for sale, inquire citf uoroett 010. &. Phone 8?0-. FLAT-TOPPED office desk and chair. Main 974. 826 Northwestern Bank Oldg. FURNITURE in-' 3-room apartment. Broad way 4H7. FURNITURE of 8-room bungalow for sale; no dealers. iaoor hum. Poultry LAYING White Leghorns, pullets and young hens, $1.25 each. East 1805. 7H7 Oregon st. FOR. SALE Large Plymouth Rock chickens; leaving town. 01 u . prescott st. Launches and Boats. WANTED- Launch hull, 18 to 22 feet, about 4-foot beam. Also want a reverse gear. Ijhone evenings, Sellwood 776. TUGBOAT, 64 feet long, 16 beam, cheap. AL 206, Oregonian. ATTRACTIVELY furnished houseboat. Sell wood JD-J. 18-FT OLD TOWN canoe, first-class condi tion, $35. can Aiaranan . WANTED To buy flat-bottom skiff, cheap. Phone Sellwood !4'o. Typewriters. IMMEDIATE DELIVERY. New silent model L. C. Smith typewrit ers; also rental machines. L. C. Smith & Bros. Typewriter Co., 104 6th St., Port land. Phone Main 674. NEW Remington rental plan, rent applies to purcnase. visioie xnoaeis. remington Typewriter Co.. 88 Broadway. Phona Broadway 821. GUARANTEED factory rebuilt typewriters. ALL hAKKb, soia on monthly payments; send for price list. The Wholesale Type writer Co., retail dept., 321 Wash. st. NEW, rebuilt, second-hand rentals at cut rates, p. u. to.. 21 stare: sc. main iwi. REBUILT typewriters and supplies. Corona Dealers, m. w. r'ease 00., 110 etn. Machinery. FOR SALE 600.000 feet left and right-lay ateei ca me, standard sizes, in aa conaiuoa. Can make immediate shipment. Geo. A. Burch Co.. 108 Main St.. San Francisco. FRSSH 6-gall on cow. Phone East 6435. WANTED To buy a good second-hand don key roader iixl3 or larger. 1. . nouie, 816 Lumbermens bldg.