Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, April 18, 1918, Page 14, Image 14

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Ad Club Warmly Indorses U
Action in Recent Li
brary Episode.
Resolution of Approval Alto Adopt
ed by Multnomah Guard and
Spanish War Veteran -MUs
lMm Is Declared Loyal.
The Portland Ad Club yrsterdar at
Its noon luncheon at th Hotel Benson.
a nop ten resolution of praise for V
y. Woodward for his stand In the re
cent Central Library Incident, in which
31 r. Woodward voted against hi a fel
low directors to dismiss Mis M. Louise
Hunt, assistant librarian, who refused
to buy Jibtrty bonds.
I pen motion the name of Rufus C
llolman was added to the resolution
and it was adopted without a dissenting
As or i pin ally drawn It commended
the courage of "Fellow Member Wood
ward In insisting that the board of di
rectors of the library purse its employ
ment rolls of all names of persons who,
persist in deliberate refusal to practice
in our country a war acts in proportion
to their means and ability to serve.
W. B. Ayer la C rl 1-,mJ.
resolutions commendinjr Mr. Wood-1 J
by the Multnomah Guard and the hpan-I I
!h war Veterans. The Electrical I
"Workers' Union adopted a resolution 14
criticising1 W. B. Ayer. president of the!
library directorate, at a meeting Tues
day nlgbt.
ICobert H. Btronjr. a member of the
Library directorate, yesterday Issued a
statement In which he commended Miss
Mary Frances Isom for her Intense loy
ally. Few women In the state, he said.
are dolnjr as much war service.
Mr. Strong also explained why Presl
dent Ayer had called Mr. Woodward
"yellow" at the very heated meeting
of the directors Monday noon. It was
not. he said, because of his vote In
the Hunt case, but because be attacked
l-s Iwtn'i loyalty.
Mimm Iaesa 1 DefemVeSl.
Mr. Strong's statement follows:
I had determined to take ae further part
In the controversy 'arising; over the situa
tion of MtM M. Louis Hunt, bat I cannot
let the matter drop without a reference to
Miam Mary ranee isom. and aio making
comment coai-rnlng a certain phaas I
the cooiroversy about W. B. Ayer.
As a member of the Library board I
have been brought into close contact with
31 im lom for many years. Sines our entry
Into tbe war, I know that she has been and
la now a fixhting patriot. I know that she
nas subscribed to every liberty loan and
gtrf a contribution of SOOu to the American
Ked Cross and S10O eacn to the I. JI. C. A.
and the Knights of Columbus and also to
the T. W". C. A.-Fosdlck commission. I
take the liberty to mention these sums,
which to naturally a personal matter with
Miss Iftom, only to indicate to the public
that sht baa given generously to the
csuse In fact, haa gtvn far beyond h
means, so that tho gifts represent a real
Mrriftr on bee part. In addition to this
eh has "adopted" and Is supporting
Krnh orphan and is contributing freely to
the Poltnb relief. No on connected with
the Library, who has seen her feverish en
erg? to promote every war activity, ques
t ions for a moment this woman's Intense
loyalty. .
At the meeting of tn Library Board
Atondav noon. April 15. when W. F. 'Wood
rd rhoee to my that be believed Mle
I iota to be dietoval. every member of the
toaxd roee m rewntmeot. Aftr the meet'
trig the prpa reported Mr. Ayer as calling
. 1
mriti.TT'- j -,
' - ft Jk
; . . . it. '.. t f . t -v :' '' ..
" ' i -
City of Portland Reaches City
of Portland. .
WHITE SALMON. Wash.. April 17. (SpecUI.) Over 300 residents
of Lyle and surrounding; country gathered Saturday at Lyle for the
purpose of dedicating a large serrica flag: commemorating 20 of their
fellows who had joined the colors. Hon. N. B. Brooks, of Goldendale,
was the principal speaker.
The rollcall of the service flan consisted of Charles Auer, J. Kd
Byers, Ollle Coryell. James Condra. Herbert Cecil, Fred Dunn, George
Dunn. Howard Dlllabaug-h. Johnnie Gilmer, Henry Kure, Charles
Kincald. Frank Morgrinson, Wlllard Robinson, Emile Stratton, Kenneth
Stratton. Fred Woodward, Mike Wlrtzfeld. William Zulfer. and from
Klickitat. County Charley Burkett and Maurice Burkett. The service
flac;, as well as the new U. S. flag:, was riven by the Lyle Ladies'
Progressive Club.
Every bit of dandruff disappears after
ene or two app-lcatlons of Danderlna
rubbed well Into the scalp with the
finger tips. Get a small bottle of Dan
derlne at any drugstore for a fsw cents
and save your hair. After several ap
plications yon can't find a particle of
dandruff or any tailing; nair, aad the
scalp will never Itch. Adv.
slon has been used very freely fn con
nectfon with Mr. Woodward. I know from
my conversation with Mr. Ayer that when
he applied -this epithet referred to Mr.
Woodward's statement rerardlnc Miss Isom
and did not refer to Mr. Woodward's ac
tion tn wishing; to discharge Miss Hunt.
For Woodward's opinion In rerard to dls
charclnr Miss Hunt every member of the
board has full respect and does not for
moment wish to cast any personal re
flection on him. What Mr. Woodward said
about Ulss Isom was deeply resented by
Mr. Ayer and deeply resentd by the writer
and every member of the board.
Miss Isom was called disloyal because
she approved what nine men had Just
done. I f she was disloyal the men were.
too. and Mr. Woodward mis hi have mi
ked the mn first. Instead be pre
furred to attack the woman. Thst is why
Mr.. Ayer called Woodward ""yellow."
If It Is possible for the public to think
rationally In these times when the
situation makea clear thinking difficult, I
hone that they will Judffe fairly of two
th intra first, the loyalty and patriotism of
Miss Isom as an Individual, and, second.
the rtwenrment of the various members of
the board In regard to Mr. Woodward's
reflection upon her.
Uhrarfaa'a Associates Testify,
Yesterday all members of the staff
of the Library Association, without the
knowledge or consent of Mlsa Isom,
affirmed their fixed belief In the loy
alty of the librarian. Their statement
To the Board of Directors of the library
Association of Portland. Oregon Gentle
men: We. the members or the atari ot toe
l.ihrarr Assoclnrtnn of Portland, desire to
express our confidence In the loyalty of onr
f. Miss Mary Frances Isom. We have
been In constant association with her tor
Hrs and we ere daily witnesses to the un
failing devotion with which she hss given
imiM and strength and influence to every
movement Intended to fun her the cause ot
our country and our allfea. Furthermore,
slic has bren Instrumental In releasing from
library aervlc during the period of the war
four of the library employes for Government
service in Wa-ihlnctn, I. C
1918 Total for Oregon District
Estimated $100,000,000.
Look. Mother! Is Tongue Coated, j
Breath Feverish and
Stomach Sour?
California Syrop of Fiffs Can't
Harm Tender Stomach,
Liver, Bowels.
A laxative toua saves a sick child
tomorrow. Children simply will Dot
take the time from play to empty their
bowels, wnlcb become clogs; .up with
waste, lifer seta alustflao. stomaca
Look at the tonrne. mother! If coat
ed, or your child la listless, cross, fever,
lata, breath bad. restlea. doesn't eat
heartily, full of cild or baa sore throat
or ray other ctil!cren's ailment, kits a
teaapoonful ot "California yrup ot
lcs." then don't worry, because It Is
perfectly harmless, and In a few hours
all this constipation, poison, sour bile
andfermentins; waste will a-ently move
ut of the bowels, and too nave a well,
playful child attain. A thorough "Inside
cleansins" la ofttlmes all that is neces
sary. It should be the first treatment
given In any alcJuiesa.
He w are of counterfeit fla- syrups.
Ak your druaist for a bottle of
"California Syrup of Kiss." whic haa
lull directions for babies, children of
all ases and tor srown-ups plainly
printed on the bottle. iooa carefully
and see thst Is made by lbs "California
Jfig brrup Company," . . ,
t.ranl Smilli-PorUr lard Floats 8
Hulls Since February IT.
As the hull of the wooden steamer
rumnru entered the water at the
Grant Smlth-I'orter Ship Company s
property yesterday. It marked the
eighth launching there In two months,
the flrt ship, the Wasco, having: left
the ways February 17, and. while not
in reRular order, the averace since has
been one vessel a week. The Portland
plant is the only one In the United
States enKasjed in wood construction
for the Kmerernry Fleet Corporation
that haa reached the "Henry Ford"
efficiency stride In the matter of
launchliiRS. However, the Foundation
Company Is launching a ship every 10
days at its Portland yard.
Miss Jean Porter, of Spokane, spon
sor for the Pumaru. was surrounded by
numerous friends on the platform and
promptly at 3 o'clock the christening
bottle wss broken. A beantlful day, a
moi-t successful programme and reali
sation of the hundreds of employes
that they had contributed another ahot
toward the Kalsera future, easily jus
tified the jubilant manifestations In
dulged In when the Emmaru was aTloat.
And before May day Is ushered In It Is
predicted the company will averaa-e
one ship a week.
relumbta River Bar Report.
NORTH HEAD. April IT. Condition ef
lb. bar at ft P. M- sea amooth; wind Berth
. r.t. Tl mil...
In Both Steel and Wood Construc
tion Local Builders Are Making
Good Equipment Delivery -Is
to Be Hastened.
Lincoln County Agriculturist Crgcs
All to Attend Gathering-.
TOLEDO. Or.. April IT. (Special.)
A. A. Asbahr. county asnicnltnral agent.
lias just lesued a circular letter to mo
hair growers of the country urging
them to attend a meeting to bo held at
Kddyville on April 23 for the purpose
of organising a mohair pool.
The old mohair pool was dissolved
about a year ago and In view of the un
certainty of the mohair market Mr.
Aabahr believes that it will be to the
nterest of hair growers to orgsnise
again. Lincoln County stands at the
bead of the state In the quantity and
quality of Its mohair and the Industry
to growing. -
Close to S100.000.0no worth of steel
and wooden ships will be built in the
Oregon district in 1918, including the
vessels now in the water along the
Willamette and Columbia rivers.
That statement Is based on an esti
mate by E. W. Wright, manager of
the McEachern Ship Company, of As
toria, who figures that tonnage In the
water today, comprising 35 vessels, nine
of steel and 2 of wood, represent a
value of 2ii.000,000. With nine steel
steamers and 63 wooden vessels on the
ways along the two rivers, he calcu
lates they represent a value of 344.-
ouu.viw. and at least as many more will
be floated before the end of the year.
Of 19 steel steamers which the G. M.
Standlfer Construction Corporation is
to build It is expected that at least
two of them will be afloat in December,
and with abundant steel assured the
established steel plants of Portland,
each set of ways will turn out at least
two vessels in the last half of the
year. The value of contracts held by
builders here, based on the contract
prices, is In excess of
April really marks the active oopn-
Ing of 1918 in the number of wooden
vessels floated, and during the Summer
months It is believed the speed will be
continued in turning out hulls. The
steel yards struck a gait with the
opening of the year and they will hold
that so long as material Is delivered.
Rapid delivery on the part of wooden
builders will be facilitated by Improve
ment In the completion and transporta
tion or engines, boilers and such parts.
Soma yards have been held back
through tardy receipt of shafts and
propellers, thereby delaying launch
ing, but these troubles are being rem
edied speedily, and gradually more machine-shop
equipment Is being mar
shaled to the support of the big ship
drive of the Bmergensy Fleet Corpora
Motorshlp Swings Into Strncturc
When Steering Gear Jams.
Through the jamming of the electric
steering gear of the motor-ship Mount
Hood, which left here at 10:30 o'clock
yesterday morning on her trial trip,
she crashed Into the dork of the Asso
ciated Oil Company at L.innton, escap
ing without harm to herself, but tear
ing away about 60 feet of the dock
and breaking oil pipes thereon. The
vessel had been escorted from the Sup
ple Belmont-street dock to the' St.
Johns bridge by the steamer Cascades.
The latter proceeded to the ship when
she struck the dock and hauled her
Into the stream, where men went to
work on the steering gear. The Mount
Hood returned to her berth here soon
after T o'clock last night.
She Is the first of the earners of the
Fred A. Ballin design the Supple-Ballin
Shipbuilding Corporation launched and
la equipped with Winton Diesel en
gines driving twin screws. Gaston.
Williams Wlgmore. of New Tork,
are owners of the ship.
Tides at Asteiia Thursday.
Hlsh. I lx.
f:lt A. M. TO feet 1:48 A. M. 3.4, feet
. r. IWulT lee .28 P, 4t..0, foot
New Auxiliary Schooner Makes Run
From San Francisco to Once
Famous Eastern Shipbuilding
Center in 38 Days.
Portland. Or. and Portland, Me. were
linked closer together yesterday
through news that the auxiliary
schooner City of Portland, the first
vessel of the new type built in the
United States, had reached there Tues
day from San Francisco, after a voy
age of 33 days, establishing a record,
while she also had for delivery 2.000.000
feet of Northwest fir to be used in
The vessel was 17 days and 22 hours
from the Golden Gate to Balboa and
spent a day going through the Panama
Canal. She was 14 days making her
way from Colon to the Maine harbor.
Captain Asplund is navigator of the
ship. The voyage is declared proof
that when properly handled, both as to
navigation and the engineroom. xne
auxiliary types are not failures, as has
been asserted.
Some new ships fail to meet the
expectations of their owners, and on
her first voyage the City of Portland
made slow time, being detained on the
trip as well as in port,but since then
she has improved materially. ine o.
I. Allard, her sistership and fleetmate,
rerentlv made the run from San Fran
cisco to Honolulu In 11 days and 17
hours. The City of St. Helens, third of
the fleet turned out by the St. Helens
Shipbuilding Company, Is now on her
way back from Australia for San Fran
cisco and her operation so far Is setd
to have been satisfactory.
As the City of Portland and the S. I.
Allard were taken over by the Shipping
Board it is expected that the City of
St. Helens will be commandeered as
well. A fourth ship Is under construc
tion at St. Helens. All of them, are
controlled by the Charles R. McCormick
The City of Portland was not oniy
the first shin of the design to be built
on the Coast, but she was the pioneer
to use Bolinder semi-Diesel engines,
which were brought from Sweden.
The latest of the auxiliary schooner
fleet on the river to be finished Is the
Evelyn, which arrived yesterday from
Astoria and went to the Eastern &
Western mill to start her lumber cargo.
She is a product of the McEachern yard.
at Astoria, and was No. 8 or the ves
sels originally provided for. The Eve
lyn is said to be in a class of her own
so far as workmanship is considered,
As to the journey of the City ot
Portland, her's is not the only North
west lumber that has been moved
across to the "down East" shipbuilding
territory to hasten the construction or
Government tonnage, as a large amount
has been moved by railroad to Port
land and other Eastern -building cen
ters. Yet. In days gone by, Maine set
afloat ships that made the maritime
fraternity awake and rub eyes at the
wonder of their passages.
sailed at 6:45 this morning for Puset Sound
In tow xof the bar tug Wallula.
The gaaollDe echooner Patsy, that Is to be
a tender for the Columbia River Packers'
Association cannery at Nushagak Kiver,
Alaska, sailed for there at 3:25 this afternoon.
COOS BAT. Or., April 17. (Special.)
Captain E. Carlson, of the steam schooner
Yellowstone, is on vacation and spends the
time at his home In San Francisco. First
Officer E. Anderson is navigating the ves
sel during the master's absence.
The tug Tyee, in service towing the C. A
Smith, is still without a master, the com
pany being unable to secure a captain In
San Francisco. Captain B. W. Olson is of
ficiating until the place can be filled.
The United States District Attorney's of
fice in Portland has advised Commissioner
A. K. Peck It would be impossible to send
an attorney here for prosecuting the Hans
Aiicneisen nquor case, and Indicated a dis
missal would be In order when the cap
tain of the G. C. Llndauer la arraigned
The C. A. Smith, barge In tow of the
tug i-yee, in going down the bay this aft
ernoon stranded on a shoal opposite the
cold storage plant tn Marshfleld. She has
l.STO.OOO teet of lumber on board.
The gas schooner Delia finished shin
ping her miscellaneous freight cargo for
tioia tteacn and sailed this evening at 0:45.
Piledrlver Battery Working on Jfcw
Termlnal Increased.
Adding a third piledrlver and crew
to his force and then sending to Se
attle for a fourth outfit, while he is
prepared te obtain a fifth here if neces
sary, j. a. Mc.achern. who Is con
structing the first pier at the St. Johns
Municipal Terminal, has impressed the
Commission of Public Docks that he
earnestly endeavoring to hasten the
big job.
Mr. McEachern has promised that If
men and material are to be depended
on he will have the pier ready for use
September 1. Of course the inner sec
tion, now being worked on, will be
available for the receipt of material
for the construction of the grain ele
vator earlier. The outer half, which is
to be a covered structure, will be
rushed so it may be turned over on the
time fixed.
Third Member of Board Named Here
to Take TJp Longshore Scale.
On the appointment Tuesday of
Captain Schumacher, of the Quarter
master Corps. U. s. A., as tne tnira
member of a board of arbitration, here
to undertake the settlement of wages
to be paid longshoremen, it Is promised
there will be meetings held without
further delay and the matter taken up.
The longshoremen are represented on
the board by William Olsen and Ronert
Shaw, of the Hammond Lnmner com
pany, is the representative of the em
ployers. -
The longshoremen recently requested
an advance in the wage scale of from
65 to 85 cents straight time and 31 to
31.25 on overtime. They have con
sented to load Government vessels at
the former rate, pending the decision
of the board, but refuse to handle ves
sels on private account at less than
the high scale. A proposal that the
difference in wages be deposited and
disposed of according to the decision
was reported yesterday to nave Deen
declined by the men.
Tacoma to Have First "Moonlight"
Launching- xt Monday.
TACOMA. Wash.. April ' 17. (Spe
cial.) Tacoma will have Its first
"moonlight" launching next Monday
Lmorning at 1 o'clock when the wooden
steamer Mojavr win taKe me water
at the Seaborn yards. This launching
is made necessary at this hour on ac
count of the tides.
The Mojave, the third Ferris designed
ship to go overboard from this yard
and the fourth to be launched in Taco
ma. Is one of tne stanaaro. f erns ae
sign ships, of which the Seaborn yard
turned out the first in the United
She measures 281 feet in length, with
46 feet beam. At the present time the
Quinault and Wahkiakum are fitting
out at this yard. These vessels are
sister chips to the Mojave, and will
be ready to go Into service within
short time.
Anchorage No Iiongcr Ice-Bound.
SEATTLE, Wash., April 17. Anchor
age, Alaska, a rauroaa town on uook
Inlet, whicn nas Deen ice-oouna since
last Fall, is again in touch with the
outside world by steamship, according
to wireless message received here,
which said the steamer Admiral Wat
son pushed her way through the re
ceding ice and arrive at the port yesterday.
Pacific Coast Shipping Notes.
SEATTLE. April 17. (Special.) The Pat-
terson-MacDonald Shipbuilding Company
today launched the first vessel built at that
plant the 4'JOO-ton, wooden, full-powered.
twin-screw steamsnip ceiiaia m mo wiers
of the Duwamtsh River. The new craft was
christened by 14ns. R. M. Calkins, wife of the
vice-president of the Chicago. Milwaukee A
St. Paul Railway. The Beliata 4s built for
Australian interests and her home port will
be Sydney. Hhe differs from other vessels
in that abaft of ner engines, wnicn are
omldshins. sho haa a flush deck, while for
ward she baa a well deck. Iter engines and
boilers, as well as other equipment, are be
ing built by the shipbuilding concern which
launched her.
The public Aockm of the Port Commis
sion will have handled one of the largestvag
irregate tonnage receipts for months be
fore April passes and vessels due at this
port scheduled to discharge at these ter
minals will bring a total of over S0.0OO tons
of general merchandise, all from the Orient.
The schooner Melrose, from Honolulu, ar
rived today with a cargo of sugar a-nd pine
apples. She made a fast run from the
Islands, reaching- the cape 16 days out
ASTORIA. Or.. April 17. (Special.)
Bringing freight for Astoria and Portland,
the steam schooner Celilo arrived at 4
o'clock this morning from Pan Francisco.
The new motor schooner Bvelyn. built at
the McEachern yard, left at 7:30 thie morn
ing for Portland to go on the drydock.
The sterawheel steamer Sallejr Gauart
San Francisco Shipping Company
Takes Over Three Vessels.
MARSHFIELD, Or, April 17. (Spe
cial.) The Fife-Wilson Lumber Com
pany, of Bandon, Or., has eold Its fleet
of three vessels to a San Francisco
shipping company. The vessels are the
Bandon, Acme and Phoenix. No report
of what the company will do for ship
ping is out other than they might char
ter from the Purchasing Company.
Marine Notes.
Two of the Alaska salmon fleet sailed
from the Columbia River tor Nushagak
yesterday, the bark Berlin, of the Alaska
Portland Packers' Association, crossing to
sea at 3 o'clock in the afternoon, and two
hours later the ship St. Nicholas, of the Co
lumbia River Packers' Association, towed
out. The Levi O. lurgesa, of the Alaska
Portland flag. Is completing her cargo here
and will depart In a few days, also the tug
Akutan la to sail In the same service.
In tow of the tug Wallula. of the Port
of Portland fleet, the sternwheel steamer
Bailey Gatzert passed out ot the Columbia
River at 6:40 o'clock yesterday morning,
bound for Seattle to go into the service of
the Puget Sound Navigation Company, on
the Seattle-Bremerton route. She was sold
last week by the Regulator line after many
years' sen-ice, principally on the Portland
The Dalles route.
Excessive freight offerings op the Portland-Astoria
route yesterday held the Har
kins steamer L.urline back so it was 5
o'clock In the afternoon when she left here
for the lower harbor. It is intended to
place the steamer Undine in commission to
morrow to assist in moving freight. The
Georgiana also Is on the run In the passen
ger trade, making dally round trips.
Sealed proposals are to be opened May 1
at the office of Colonel Zinn, Corps of En
gineers, U. S. A., in the Custom-house build
ing, for the sale of 3600 pounds of scrap
brass. 224 tons of scrap steel and 23 tons of
scrap iron, all of which has accumulated at
the Government moorings and on the river
Carrying general freight for the Parr-Mc
Cormlck line, the steamer Celilo arrived up
late yesterday afternoon and began dis
charging at Couch-street dock. She will
load at St. Helens for the return and is to
sail Saturday. The steamer Klamath de
parts for California harbors today.
W. E. Springstun, of Seattle, freight agent
for the Seattle Steamship Company, was
in the city yesterday.
It was reported to the Chamber of Com
merce yesterday that longshoremen on
Puget Sound are asking for an Increase from
65 to 75 cents an hour, straight time, and $1
to $1.10 an hour overtime. The longshore
men here and along the Columbia River
have asked for 85 cents and $1.25 and that
Is now being paid on privately-controlled
vessels. The matter of an adjustment is in
the hands of a board ef arbitration, which
expected to begin Its sessions in a day
or two.
C. M. Bailey, of San Francisco, has been
appointed chief engineer of the new 8800-
ton steamer Western Wave, which is to be
ready for service by June 10, and William
Johnson, of Seattle, has been named chief
of the steamer West Indian, expected to be
in service the latter part of May.
Bob" Chesney. second mate of the
schooner lonterey. of the - Associated Oil
Company's line, left the vessel here yes
terday for San Francisco in response to
summons to Join the new tanker Paul H.
Harwood. which is to leave the Golden
Gate shortly for the Atlantic side. It is
said Captain E. D. Parsons, well known here
shipmaster and Columbia River , en
trance pilot, will be master of the vessel.
PJUTT jrZ Broadway at Taylor.
11L1JU1U Main t and A 1123.
3 LV?-?Jgf Tonight, 8:15
Mister Antonio"
EVBTS Floor $2; Bal. J1.50 to 60c;
Gal. 60c
SAT. MAT. Floor. 11 rows $2, 7 rows
J1.50; Bal. U to 50c; Gal. 50c.
4 Halev Sisters "
Miss Gwen Lewis
" j City Mall Orders Ilec'd Now
HEILIG Next Week
Thnrs.. PH.. Sat, April 25, 26, 27.
Portland's Favorite Comedian,
Nothing but the Truth'
Ev,e's Floor $1.60; Bal. $1. 75c, 60c;
GaL 50c Sat. Mat, Floor $1; BaL
Jl to 50c; Gal. 50e.
Add 10 War Tax to Above Prices.
Send Self - Addrensed Stamped Envelope.
Hat. Dally at 8:30 10e Only.
Nights start at 7:30.
This week another whirlwind of laugh
ter, music and pretty girls.
Dillon Franks in
Tonight Ladies' Souvenir Spoons Free.
Friday Chorus Olrls' Contest.
All Week. Mat, Sat.
A tale of early California Vigilantes.
Gorgeous Scenic Production.
Prices, 25, 60, 75c; Sat- Hat., 25. SOc
Next week, starting Sun. Mat. "A
Pair of Silk Stockings.
A marvelous reproduction of Germany's In-
human methods.
Six Other Bis Acts.
Three Performances Daily. Night Curtain
at 7 and 9.
steamer Bailey Gatzert, for Seattle. Arrived
at 2 and left up at 4:30 A. M., steamer Ce
lilo, from San Francisco ; left up at 7 .60
A. M., auxiliary schooner Bvelyn.
ASTORIA, April 16. Left up at 4:30 P.
M., schooner Monterey, In tow of tug Navi
gator, from Gaviota. Left up at 6 P. M.,
barge No. 93, from San Francisco. Sailed
at 3 P. M-. bark Berlin, for Nushagak. Sailed
at 5 P. M.. ship St. Nicholas, for Nushagak.
PO RT SAN LUIS, April 1 8. Arrived
Steamer Washtenaw, from Portland.
SEATTLE. April 17. Arrived Steamer
Admiral Farragut, from Southwestern
Alaska. Departed Steamers Redondo, Jef
ferson, for Southeastern Alaska; Richmond,
towing barge No.. 95, for San Francisco.
TACOMA, April 17. Arrived Steamer J.
B. Stetson, from Seattle. i
Hats Prizes Novelties
' Special Music
Second and Morrison
Comedy Skit. "Selling Out."
Slngrinsj Comedienne and Her Twe
Delton, Mareena
and Delton
Hand Balancer and Comedy
William Russell
The Midnight Trail
Matinee Seats
10 Cents
U. S. Naval Radio Reports.
(All locations given are at 8 P. M. yester
day nniess otnerwise slated. )
WAHKEENA, San Pedro for Portland, off
Northwest Seal Rock.
YOSEMITE. San Francisco, for Seattle,
rive miles soutn or Blunts Keer.
ADMIRAL DEWEY. San Francisco for
Seattle, 270 miles from San Francisco.
FIR WOOD, Squaw Harbor for Excursion
Inlet, 200 miles southwest of Cape Spencer,
j- m. April i.
ALASKA Seward for Anchorage, 10 miles
from Seward, noon. April is.
AN VOX, left Kodlak 3 P. M. April 16 for
LABREA. Vancouver to Port San Luis, 750
mllea from rort san j.uis.
Li'IAN STEWART, Vancouver for Oleum,
loo miles irom isMum.
CHANSLOR, San Luis for Linn ton, 437
miles north of Port San Luis.
ADMIRAL SCHLEY, Seattlo for San Fran
Cisco, 42S miles from San Francisco.
PORTER, Monterey for Everett, 455 miles
from Monterey.
JEFFERSON, northbound, off Gabrlola
BARGE in tow of Standard 2, San
Diego for San Pedro, 51 miles from San
RAINIER. San Francisco for San Pedro,
90 miles rrom ban rearo.
TOPEKA, San Francisco for Santa Bar
bara, 20 miles sonth of San Francisco.
Movements of Vessels.
PORTLAND. April 17. Arrived Steamer
Celilo. from San Francisco ; barge No. 93,
from san Francisco; auxiliary schooner Eve
lyn, from Astoria. Sailed Steamer Klam
ath, for San Pedro.
ASTORIA. April IT. Sailed at r4B P. M.
Why Kidneys Kill
Because they ere diseased. Two sound
ctiye kidneys are necessary for sound health.
They most act as filters, cleansing the blood
of the poiSDcons waste matters taken np in
its coarse through the body.
When the kidneys are sonnd and attire they
do their filtering work perfectly. When tbey
are weak and diseased they fail to do their
task, and the whole human body suffers from
this poisonous blood.
FOLEY KIDNEY PILLS rt Just what is
deeded to make over weak, nilin, aching
kidneys into strong, healthy active ones.
Start taking Foley Kidney Pills today, and
Backache, lame back, stiff swollen joints, dull
weary headaches and tired-ell-over feeling
will qnickly pass sway. Begnlar kidney and
bladder action, clean blood, good health,
sound sleep, and no more dnll weary pains or
headaches, will be yonr sure reward. v
Tonr druggist sells them. Bemeaber the
name oley fcidney fills,
So invigorating, stim
ulating and heathful.
the argument"
Distributers Portand, Oregon
Jivvb inin tr
Interested neks: "I am constioated.
tonirue coated, have headache, dizzy
spells and Indigestion sometimes. Please
advise .
Answer: I advise that you begin
using- three grain eulpherb tablets (not
sumnur). i-nese laoiets are laxative,
act on the liver, kidneys and bowels
and tend to Keep the blood Dure bv
arousing the elimlnative functions. Re-
liei snouia ioiiow quicKiy.
"Manager" writes: "'I have pains in
my spine and frightful headache in
back of head, fainting spells, twitching
and trembling, nervousness, sleepless
ness, loss of appetite and strength, and
in fact am a 'has been,' when It comes
to performing accustomed work and
Answer: In all euch cases the assimi
lative functions have not kept pace
with waste functions and a powerful
harmless tonic treatment is needed. I
find three grain cadomene tablets un
excelled and astonishingly beneficial In
such cases and advise them for you.
'Fat" writes: "I am seeking some I
safe method to reduce my flesh. While
my frame Is large I am getting real
fat, and, of course. It Is embarrassing."
Answer: For many years I have
placed reliance in the formula known
as five-grain arbolone tablets packed
in sealed tubes with full direction for
home use. Some have reduced aa much
as lofty pounds In a few .weeks.
The questions answerea oeiow u
general in character, the eymptome or
diseases are given and the answers will
apply in any case of similar nature.
Those wishing further advice, free,
may address Dr. Lewis Baker, College
Bldg., College-Elwood etreeta, Dayton,
Ohio, enclosing self-addressed stamped
envelope for reply. Full name and ad
dress must be given, but only initials
or fictitious names will be used In my
answers. The prescriptions can be
filled at any well-Btocked drug etore.
Any druggist can order of wholesaler.
Cella aaks: "My hair le too oily and
my ecalp itches with dandruff, and of
late It is combing out too much. What
Is a good treatment?"
Answer: Obtain plain yellow minyol
from your druggist In 4-oz. Jars and
apply as per directions. This cleans,
purifies, cools and Invigorates the hair
and scalp, thus stopping. the death of
the hair. Dandruff and Itching are at
once relieved. Men and women all over
the country now use it regularly.
"Worried" writes: "Have been doc
toring for kidney trouble and now want
your advice. Frequent desire Is fol
lowed by burning pain and am very
tender and eore over region of bladder.
Also backache affects me dreadfully.
Can hardly move when I awake in the
morning. Weakness, too, is a eymp-
t0Answer: I think If you will take
balmwort tablets regularly for a few
weeks your kidneys and bladder will
become normal and euch eymptoms
vanish. This Is wneoualled for sucll
complaints In my estimation.
NOTE; For many years Dr. Baker has
been giving free advice and prescrip
tions to millions ot people through the
Eress columns. and doubless has
elned In relieving illness and distress
more than any single individual in the
world's history. Thousands havewrlt
tn him exDressions of eratitude and
confidence similar to the following:
Dr. Lewis Baker, Dear Sir: We have
used three of the medicines you advise,
the double four, the essence mentho
laxpne and the rheumatism prescrip
tions, and I want to say they all
worked like a charm. They are the
best I have ever used and I feel I could
not keep house without them. I am
verv grateful and pleased to recom
mend any of these medicines prescribed.
Very truly yours.
r,o. Coleman
Adv. . Port Jervtt..