THE 3IORXIXG OREGOXIAX. MONDAY. APR It 15, 1918. 11 M'COY WINS TITLE Woodburn Gun Club Protests Winner's Victory. OLD SCORE IS TURNED IN Marlon Count? Club Contend Mark of 103, Made Sunday by McCoy, Should Stand, Gifinff Honor to Woodburn Chib. w I. P r TT. x p.p. ..TO lnoo! Vneoarr.. 3 4 -4C1 .. 1 .a: Ab.rd.ea.... 2 .14 .SI .TM Altn...... 1 .141 .. S fand.eloa... 7 .W ... Allffl .. wol bara fppa.r . Veatrrdavy'a KrMlts. Ic"r la est? Weodbora (110. X ' oj Kn protested AtriMa iisoi d.feat.4 r.n4!.tfi (110). t:or't iril doIra-.l H.ppner 1I. Vancouver tl20 defeased Albany (113). Tha Columbia WUIametta tU-fc-raphlo trapihootlnc tournament came to a sensational finish yesterday with the. JlcCoy Gun Club, of McCoy. Or, apparently winning- tba championship of tha tournament by defeating tha Woodburn Uun Club. 1-S to 110. 1'realdent E. U. Hawnian. of tba Woodburn Gun t-lub. haa entered a protest against the score sent In by l ha McCoy Gun Club, contending- that it la 105 Instead of 120. Six members of the Woodbnrn Gun Club, hearted by Vreoldent K. . llawman. well-know In Portland trapsbooting- circles, an also a crack shot of the Portland Gu Club, made a trip to McCoy yesterday to ahoot the latter In the final charoptoashlp match of tba year on their homo sjrounua. Prior Sewrea Offered. According to President Hawman. be fora tha shooting started Henry Domes, eecretary of the McCoy Gua Club, aald that several of tha shooters of tha Mc Coy Club had turned in thair scores a tha club on Friday and Saturday of last week, as they would be unable to shoot yesterday. Tha woodburn Club re fused to accept tha scores made last week and asked tha McCoy shooters to boot yesterday as scheduled. After a Ions; talk and objection on the part of the McCoy shooters they started to shoot and brought down only 103 birds out of 12S shot at. according to Haw man. Following were the scores recorded at the time thev were made b McCoy: A. L. Fink. 21 Henry Pomes, II: It. Cobblna, 30; lr. It. L Woods. 20. and Fred Newman. 20. making- a total of 101. The Woodburn nlmrods scored 110: Charles Lelth. 24 IL B. Handy, II; Tete Whitney. 21; Charles Feller. 22, and K. G. llawman. 20. A wind and rain storm kept tip throughout the day and made it ex ceedlnitlv difficult to shoot. After the shoot waa over the McCoy members told llawman that they were going to send Fridays and Saturday's scores In regardless of what the latter had to say and leave It to The Orego- ntan. under whose auspices the tourna ment ia being staged. McCoy Clab Forewaraew. Tha Woodburn Gun Club gave the Mrt.'i Gun Club two weeks- notice that Uicr would come to McCoy for the flnal shoot and ther reeclved no word whatever from MrCojr as to some of tha members shooting on any other day but .Sunday as scheduled In the tourna ment. The scores sent In by McCoy yes- terdsv were: AJolph Newman. 2 llrnrv rH.mea. 24; Charles Newman. 24; Itatpb l:tg. I, and It. Cob bins, 2t. nly two of the foregoing ehoalers shot attain. t Woodburn yesterday. those two being Iwmn and R. Cobblns. both of them bringing down only 2 birds out of the :i shot at. according to the. irorM kept veeterdav. Tha protest entered by K. G. llaw man and the other members of the tram that shot scaln-t McCoy yesterday will be looked Into at once arid (he matter ettl-d as soon as McCoy Is heard from n rre-ard to the question. The r . luri haa not asked permission U l-l some of its members shoot on other davs than those schedule.! In the tour nament. The only club In the league that does not shoot on Sunday Is the Alhanr Gun Clnh. That club asked for special permission to shoot on every Friday In.teal of Sunday, as msny of the members were out of town on the latter day. and they have turned in their scores every Friday. Astoria Hem Ferfcev. T'ue Astoria Gun Club shooters turned In another perfect score yes terday of Hi. shooting against Heppner. which scored lie As it now stands. McCoy Is first. As toria second and Woodburn third. The other results yesterday were: Aberdeen defeated Fendleton, 120 to It, and Vancouver defeated Albany. 12 to lie. The fallowing open letters to every team In the t'olumbia-WIMamette wss received from tha Vancouver G n Club fcaturd.iv: Sporting Editor. Sunday Oregontan. Portland. Or. lear Sir: The Vancou ver Gun Club proposes to shoot a match rare wltit any club now shooting In the Columbia-Willamette telegraphic tour ranient. preferably the winner, under thr following conditions: The race to be shot on the grounds pf the Portland Gun Club. tme hundred regulation targets per man. 1-osing tesm to psy the expenses, llejpectfully yours. Vancouver nirs club. woonniRx cim:s fare McCoy Club Prclared Bratrn and Score of 129 PrulfMlril. tVOOPPCRN. Or.. Arrll 14. (Spe c'al The Woodhnrn Jun flub tied the championship of the Columbia Willamette trapf-hoottng tournament today oy defeating the lloOoy tlun t'lab by the ecore ot lie to 10-1 on tie latier'a own grounds at McCoy. Slg ehootera of the voolburn Gun Club went over to McCoy to fhoot in perron against the league lead er. There was a high wind and etorm throughout the day and the two rluba had quite a wraniclo before the hoot'og began. It eeemi that nearly all of the members of the McCoy Gun Club ebot Krtday and Saturday and wanted to turn In their ecores made oa tbosa dales, while the Woodburn ehootera Insisted that they ahoot to day, as scheduled under the rulee of the tournament. Tl-e McCoy shooters shotyeeterday.bat said that they would end tn the score made !a.t week, which was 1:4. while they only made Iti today. Following "re the scores made by tha McCoy Gun Club today: A. L. link. SI: Henry Iome. l; R Cob blna. !: rr. II. U Wood. SO. and Kred Newmanda. total. 13 out of The scores that the McCoy Gun Club rontend were made Friday and Satur day, wblca they sent tn to the trap shooting editor of The Oregonian. were: Adolph Newman. SS: Henry wins, re; Charles Newman. Kalph tVlggs. Zl. and R. Cobblna. it. CubblawS anl Pomes were the only two of the above mentioned members who shot today, and Cobblna and Tteraee enle broke S targeia earn. K. O. Hawwian. prestdent of the Uoudbuia Gua Club, ta protcstcj the score of 120. The members of the Weodburfr -Gun Club who made the trip and the score are: K. G. Haw man. 20; Charles Lelth. 24: H. B. Handy, 23: Fete Whitney, 21, and Charles Fel ler. 22; total, 110, defeating McCoy Gun Club by 7 targets. VAXCOITKR MF..V MISS FIVE Washington f-hols Score 120, Slioot ing Against Albany. VANCOUVER. Wash., April 11. (Spe cial The Vancouver Gun Club shoot ers Journeyed over to Portland snd shot against Albany at Everdlng Park, scor ing 120 out of a possible l.i clay pigeons shot at. It was the last tourna ment match. The men making the team were: Frank Troeb. 25: W. S. Short, 25: J. P. Troeh. 21: C. Woods, 21. and J. A. Troeh, K. 1. Troeh had an off day and bagged only IT out of his first -5 tar gets. In the IS and 10-target events ha brought down 14 out of the 15 and in tha 10 broke 10 In a row. 116 SCORED BY FENDLETOX Eastern Oregon Gunners Compete With Aberdeen. rENPf.KTON, Or., April 14. Spe cial.! The Fendleton Gun Club shot at Heppner today, breaking 11 "tar hawks" out of 1-. the same as the Heppner un Club. The l'endleton gunners were shooting against Aber deen In the Columbia-w Ulametta trap- . shooting tournament. Tha high guns were: Shull, 24; Jack Hamilton. 2J; D. C. Hoa man. 24; John McNurlen. 22: Kd Kirkpatrlck, 24. ABERDEEN' MARES ISO SCORE Trapsliootcra Compete Against Ex perls of Pendleton. AEERDEKX. Wash.. April 14. (Spo olal.) In the last shoot of The Ore gonlan Columbia-Willamette telegraph ic trapehootlng tournament the Aber deen Gun Club scored 120. shooting against Fendleton. The trapshots com pe ted In a gusty northwest wind. The members to make the team were: S- Laughlln. 25: H. A. Benham. 25; D. W. Fleet, 24: J. O. Weatherwax. 23. and J. W. Clark, 23. Nine shooters con tested. STORM HANDICAPS HEPPXER Total of 11C Pigeons Broken In Match With Astoria. HEPPNER, Or, April 14. (Special.) A anow storm and fluctuating winds handicapped the Heppner Rod and Gun Club shooters today. They scored only 11 out of a possible 125 targets shoot Ing against Astoria. The high scores were: A. Rowker, 24: Harry Duncan. 24: Ed Atkins. 23 Will Spencer, 23, and Dr. McCurdo. 22. The Fendleton Gun Club shot with Heppner today. ASTORIA HAS PERFECT D.Y Total of 123 Hnne I'p In Match With Heppner Club. ASTORIA. er.. April 14. (Special.) The Astoria Cup Club made a perfect score today of 123. ahooting against Heppner In the final match of the Columbia-Willamette trapshooting tour nament. Nineteen shooters turned out at the traps to participate in the shoot. The high guns were: Oscar Wlrkkala. 25; Walter Harrison. 2i; f. A. Rusco. 25; Mark SiddalL. Io. and Charles Anet, I McCOV GIXS SHATTER 120 Newman Make Perfect Score Shoot- Iiir Asjalnst Woodbnrn. McCOY. Or.. April 14. (Special.) The McCoy Gun Club MhooUra broke 12o targets out of shooting against the Woodburn Gun Club for the cham pionship of the Columbla-Wlllainette Irnpehooting tournament. Tho high shooters were: Adolph Newman. 2i; Henry liomee, 24; Charles Newman. 24; Ralph Riggs, 23; R. Cob- bins. 24. ALBANY MARKSMEV SCORE 115 Final Match of Tournament Is Shot Against Vancouver Team. ALltAXT. Or, April 14. (Special.) The Albany XHun Club nlmrods shat tered 113 bluerocks out of 126 today. shooting against Vancouver, in their final match in the Columbia-Willam ette trapshooting. tournament. The five high guns were: rrlnkard. i: Rlckard. 22: Lrlningcr, 23; I. B. Dodell. 22; iooney. 22. ATIII.KTKS TO Illlll. ;RF.X.X1F.S Valilngton l'nlvcrl(y I'uls Array Stnnt on Iro;ranmic SKATTI.E. Wash.. April 14. ISpe- ial.) Grenade throwing Is the latent ent to be added to the University of Washington track and field athletics. 'oilowing the exanipie f the I'nlver- ty of Oregon, the Oregon Agricultural ollege and several other Institutions, he athletic department of the Unlver ity of Washington has decided to In clude grenade throwing In the track r.d field events of the coming season. Two regulation grenades have been ent for and Instruction in the art will be given by Track Coach Vanderveer. Contest In grenade throwing were irst taken up by the Army canton ments, but colleges and univers.tles 1 over the country soon followed suit. The two Oregon Institutions were the frl in the Northwest to Include the port In their Spring field events. The activity haa proved very popular as well as helpful to students who expect t ) be soldiers In the near future. As y4 no definite plans have been made to the manner In which In struction In grenade throwing; will be Klven. BEST TEAMS DEFEATED roltTt.AI A1.I.KY. NO. I. ANF..KS irOKAMl W KKPSTAKEJ. laalag feore ef 3S7 la 10 Plas Better Taaa rkaaaploae Kollrel la Taaraasaeat Flay. FTOKANK, Wash.. April H. Spe cial.) The Tortland Alley. No. 1. team won the sweepstakes competition, in which the six strongest teams entered In the N. W. I. R. C. tournament, were contestants today on the Spokane alleys with a score of ISTS. The score was Just 10 pins greater than that with which the Rose City pin smashers won the championship. The sweepstakes was a battle from start to finish, the Portland men win ning by a four-pin margin from the Wales Adders, of Spokane. Five splits In the last game cost the local men flrwt money. Campbell, of Portland, made the best score in the final shift ot the singles In the regular tournament competition with a total of SS: Irby, of Spokane, being second m-tth h'i. St. J -on Is Americans City Champs. ST. LOUIS, April 14. By winning to day's game, J to la the St. Louis Amer icans took the Spring city series from the M. Ixula Nationals la four straight contests. Your Country Calls You! As a real American to back the Army and Navy They will do their duty you must do yours. MORRIS BROTHERS, INC. 201 Railway Exchange Building, Portland, Oregon The Bank of California National Association Portland Branch Third and Stark Streets Capital Paid in Gold Coin $8,500,000 Surplus and Undivided Profits 8,237,248.47 TRANSACT A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS Issue Commercial Letters of Credit, covering; importa tion of merchandise, as well as Letters of Credit for use of travelers throughout the United States and Foreign Countries. Interest Paid on Time and Savings Deposits 60 DAYS IS LIMIT Portland Shipyard Proposes to Smash All Records. WORKERS LOYAL TO NATION Grant Smith-Porter Plant Expects to Clip Several Days From Best Previous Performance of 93 Days on Steel Ship. Since Tortland has wrested away from the world the plum in speedy construction of eteel ships, 61 days on the hull of the freighter Westgrove and assurance that several days will be clipped from the best previous per formance of J days on a completed steel ship. It is now proposed to build a wooden hull in 60 days- The Grant Smith-Porter Ship Com pany's plant is to be the scene of that unheard-of effort, and at the rate that organization has turned out hulls so far. seven of them having been put In he water since February 17. it is fully believed by the shipbuilding fraternity hat the time promised will be resi zed. Of 1 wooden ships for the Govern ment afloat in he Northwest today. 11 of them are in the Willamette River, he others being In the waters of Pugct Sound, and while pride of the Oregon district is an incentive, the real pres sure behind the determination to speed building Is for the relief of the allied armies. Klsewhere In the country ship ard forces are striving to reach the tride of the Oreconlans. Perhaps they will be victorious, but so far no takers have been found for 120,000 offered as wagers that two yards are prepared n back their work against all comers, for speed, workmanship and efficiency. And 60 days in which to complete a wooden hull will not be the flnal mark. for lit fitting out the vessels with ma- hinery and all equipment for service s not doubted the Oregon workers will give competitors an interesting race. ' PORTLAND IS LIBERAL HlWnnKD OP MABIK GLASSKS DOXATKD TO f. S. AVT. Hereafter All "Eyes" f freed to Nation Will Be Kxasalaed by Kxserts Before Being Seat East. Patriotic Portlanders are responding to the "Eyes of the Navy" campaign, which haa for Its object the collection of marine glasses that may be used by Navy vessels at sea, searching for the wary Hun subs. Itecause of the fact that numerous glasses have been offered that were unsuited for sea requirements, the Navy Department has decided to have experts in each city receive the glasses and pass on them, so only those that can be utilized and shipped to Washington. Oscar W. Schwarz, nautical expert in charge of the Portland branch of the hydrographic office, who has been des ignated to. receive glasses, haa pre pared the following as a guide for those wishing to lend glasses: "Hereafter all branch hydrographic offices operated by the Navy Depart ment are to co-operate tn giving: their assistance to the "liyes of the Navy" movement. Branch hydrographio offices will receive from donors telescopes, prism binoculars, field and marine glasses and forward them to Washing ton, free of expense to the owner. The glasses will be properly tagged and a receipt issued to the owner for the same. The glasses most suitable for our use are as follows: Telescopes, single draw preferable, diameter of objective lense over 1H Inches: prism binoculars, lx or more: individual or universal focusing eyepieces, diameter or objective lense 20 m-ra and over; field glasses, stand, ard makes, tall body, 19 to S llgne objective lenses: marine glasses, stand ard makes, short or medium bodies, 22 to 26 ligne objective lenses. "Until further notice no glasses will be accepted that require repairs. The Army at present can use separate lenses as follows: Ross Homo-Centric Serus V No. 11; Cooke Serus V No. 19 or 19a; Steenheii Ortho Stigmat Serus B; Koll morgen Process No. t, and Goerx Dagor No. 10. "Glasses, the use of which are do nated to the Navy, should be taken to the Branch Hydrographic Office, 40J Custom-bouse. Portland. Or." Graduates Granted Licenses. Sis licenses were issued last week by the steamboat inspector to pupils of the local nautical school. R. it. Kaiser. J. A. Anderson, O. W. Hugo and K. N. DeRose obtained licenses as second mates of ocean vessels. R. L. Canady and 11 ward Pfaff passed as third CLARK, KENDALL &CO. '"Tis Freedom's Call; Lend Your All" BUY LIBERTY BONDS NOW We shall be glad to give you any information con cerning Liberty Bonds, or to help you make your pur chase. Directly Opposite the Liberty Temple 205-206 Northwestern Bank Bid. mates. Mr. Hugo is second mate of the motorship Mount Hood, J. A. Anderson got the Job as second mate on the new S00-ton steamer Westshore almost be- Movements of Vessels. PORTLAND, April 14. Arrived Steamer Klamalh. from San Francisco. Sailed Steamer Westahore, for trial trip. HK ATT I.E. April 14. Arrived Steamera Admiral Schley, front San Diego. Can Pedro and San Francisco; Jefferson, from South eastern Alaska: Amur, from Anyox, B. C; Prince George, from Prince Rupert. De partedSteamers City of Seattle, for south eastern Alaska; Prince George, for Prince liupert. ASTORIA. April 14. Left up at 10 last night, steamer Klamath, from San Fran cisco. SAX FRANCISCO. April 14. Sailed at 2 P. M.. steamer Celllo. for Portland. Arrived at 4 P. M., steamer Oleum, from Portland. SAN PEDRO. April 14. Arrived Steamer Rose City, from Portland. CAVIOTA. April 14. Arrived Steamer W. r. Herrln, from Portland. TACOMA. April Justin, for Seattle 14. Departed Steamer Pacific Coast Shipping Notes. ASTORIA. Or., April 14. (Speclsl.) The steam schooner Klamath arrived at 10 o'clock lust niftht from San Francisco en routo to Portland. The canning- ship Berlin will sail tomorrow for Nushafalc River, Alaska. The steam srhooner Tamaipais is due from San Francisco to load lumber at Rain ier. V. S. Naval Kadio Reports. (All .orations are at ft P. M. yesterday. unlet. otherwise stated.) ANYOX. Atlla Bay. noon, April 18. ADMIRAL. FARRAGUT. Juneau. for Petersburg. 43 miles north of Petersburg;, 8 P. M.. Anrll 13. PRESIDENT, San Francisco tor Seattle, 1S8 miles south of Seattle. ASUNCION. Richmond for Victoria, 90 miles south of Columbia River. C. A. SMITH. In tow of tue Tree. San Francisco for Coos Bay, 236 miles north of San Francisco. ATLAS, low In ir bar so No. 93. Richmond for Portland. -00 miles north of Richmond RAINIER. Seattle for can Francisco, 31U miles north of San Francisco. ARGYL.1, Oleum for Seattle, 7-6 miles south of Seattle. ADMIRAL DAVE i, Wilmington for San Franriseo. five miles from San Francisco. Ml'LTNOMAH. ban Francisco for Seattle, 55 north of Point Arena. GOVERNOR. Seattle lor san Francisco, 36 miles southeast of Arena. WILLAMETTE. San Francleco for Ban Pedro. J5 miles south of San Francisco. t'ELILO. San Francisco lor Portland. 50 miles north of Point Arena. WAPAMA. Everett for ban urancisco, o mtlejt north of San Franrlgco. TRAVELERS GUIDE. S.S. Rose City Sails 3 P. M. SATURDAY, APRIL 20 FOR SAX FRAXCISCO AND LOS AXGELES. The San Franclaco A Portland S. S. Taw Third and Waahlaarton Street (with O.-W- R- A X. Co.) Tel. Broad nar 4,-iOO, A S121. AUSTRALIA NEW ZEALAND AND SOUTH SEAS Via Tahiti and Raraton. Id ail and pas sencer ssrvlca from Saa Francisco every days CNION 8. S. CO. OF NEW ZEALAND. CM California St.. San Franclse. local steamship aad railroad agencies. I hmut. i &tfi THwrsniAiingut NEW YORK BORDEAUX PARIS IWrwt Root to the Continent. WEEKLY DEPABTtKES. Fora Bro4v., lac Ccast Agents, 109 Cherrj ta, Seattle, or mux Local Areata,. AMrSFMENTS. TICKET OKF1CE SALE OPKNS TODAY TI I ? T T T Broadway at Taylor. 11 C1L1 VJ I-honc Main 1, A 1122 3SNextThur. Special Prlc Mat. Sat. Charles Frohman Presents " OTIS SKINNER In Booth Tarkinffton's Comedy, -MISTER ANTONIO." Kves.. floor $2, BaL $1,110 to 50c, Gal. 50c; Bat. Mat., floor, 11 rowi $-t 7 rows $1.50; BaL, V rows $1, 5 at 75c, S 50c; tial. COc.' BAKER Bargain Nit tit Tonight, 35c Only, All Wwk, Mats. Wed., Sat. Paul Armstrong's dramatization of tha famous Bret Harte story, SALOMY JANE A tale of early California Vigilantes. Gorgeous scenlo production. Prices. 25, 50, T5c: Sat. Mat.. 25. 50c. Wed. Bargain Mat., 2Sc only. Next week: A Pair of bilk Stockings. Mr. Marttn Beck present! TIIK GKEATER MO KG AN DANCERS W. H ilacart and Ethlynne Bradford; Francis Yates and Gus Reed; Burley ana Burlev; Three Natalie Sisters; Harry D Coe; l'ABZAN, The .Marvelous Chim panzee. PANTAGE MAT. DAILY 2:30 "THE FiLL OF RHEIM9. A marvelous reproduction of Germany's in human methods. Six Other Big Acts. Three Performances Daily. Night Curtain at 7 and s. L'Y I? I f MUSICAL Mat. laily at i:30 10c Only. Nights start at 7:30. Bargain tonight all seats 20c. This week another whirlwind of laugh ter, music and pretty girls. Illllon & Franks in "CABIKET 1)B LIXE." Tuesday night The Country Store. Thursday Ladies' Souvenir Spoons Free. Friday Chorus Uirls' Contest. Rates for Classified Advertisements in The Oregonian Daily and Sunday Per line. One time 1-c Two consecutive times ?e Three consecutive time 30c tiix or seven consecutive times 56c The followintr clarification excepted, the rate on which it e per line per Jy: Situation! Wanted Male. Situations Wanted Female. For Kent Kooinn Private Fairtilleij. Board and ICootm Private Vamitiew. Housekeeping- Rooms Private Families. No ad taken for le than 3 Him. Count six words to the line. Advertisements (except "Person al") will he taken over the telephone If the advertiser in m subscriber to either phone. No price will be quoted over the phone, hut statement will be rendered the following1 day. Advertise ments are taken for The Iaily Ore Knnian until H P. M.; for The Sunday Oreffonlan until 6 P. M. Saturday. Phone Your Want Ads to THE OREGONIAN Main 7070 A 6095 ArcnoN todat. At Wilson'.1; Auction House, at 10 A. Furniture. 168-171 Second st. MEETING NOTICES. WASHINGTON CHAPTER. NO. 18, R. A. M. Called convocation thl (Monday) evening. East Eichth and Bumnide streets, at 7:.10 o'clock. R. A. degree. Vis itors welcome. Bv order E. H. P. ROY QUACKENBUSH. Secretary. HARMONY LODGE, NO. 12. A. F. AND A. M. Masonic Temple. A special communication this (Monday) evening. 7::i0 P. M. Work in the E. A. degree. Visitors welcome. By order of W. ai. RUFL'S R. BALL. Sec Pro tem SUNNYSIDE CHAPTER. NO. D. O. E. S. Stated communica tion this (Monday) evening. April 1ft. at Daw ley Hall. E. 34th and Yamniii sts. social. Last meet Jnsr before grand chapter. By or der of Worthy Matron. EDNA L. DOWNING, Secretary. WILLAMETTE LODGE. NO. 2. A. F. AND A. M. Special communication this (Monday) evening, nt 7:30 o'clock. Work in E. A. degree. Visitors welcome. W. S. WEEKS. Sec. CAMELIA CHAPTER. NO. 27, O. E. S. Stated communication this (Monday) evening. SoclaL Visitors welcome. By order of W. M. MARIETTE ROBINSON", Sec EMBLEM Jewelry buttons, charms, pins; new designs. Jaeger Bros.. 131-3 0th at- FRIEDLANDER'S for lodge emblems, class pins snd medals. 310 Washington st. DIED. ANDERSON In this city, April 14. Charles G. Anderson, aged 4ti years, late of Sunny side, Clackamas County, Oregon. Husband of Ttlle AndTfrn. father of Arthur Carl Andrew Anderson with the American mili tary forces in France, and Elmer Ander son. Mr. Anderson was a member of the Tollurlde Lodge, rso. o. A. J, ana A. Air, also of Telluride Lodge No. 92, B. P. O. E., both of Colorado. Remains at the Pearson undertaking parlors, itussell street at Union avenue. HARTMAN At the family reidene, 1111 E. vvasn., at., April x. wuma .Marion Hartman. age 2 years, 7 months and 15 days, beloved daughter of Tracey and Jessie Hartman. Arrangements In charge of Breeze k Snook. Notice of funeral later. NELSON April 14, 191 , at the family residence, xva iast irty-secona street North. Earl Clifford Nelson, aged in months, 23 days, beloved infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Emll Nelson. Remains at Pearson undertaking parlors, Russell street at Union avenue. MILLER In this city. April 14. Roy A. Miller, agea years, oe.ovea nuioana of Agnes Miller. Remains are at Hol man'a funeral parlors and will be taken to Salem. Or., for interment. TESLOOK April 14, William Teslook, aged 8 years, Detovea son or Air. ana sirs, r-aui Teslook. Remains at Dunning & JIcEn tee's parlors. Notice of funeral later. WALSH In this city. April 14. at his late residence, Carson ave. ana nn bl, parson Heights, Jacob Walsh, aged 60 years. No tice of funeral hereafter. FULMER April 14, Henry Fulmer. aged 47 years, r.emami at uunmng iacr.niee s parlors. Notico of funeral later. FUNERAL NOTICES. TANQITARY April 12. George Tanquary. age 4n years. f uneral services win do held at Dunning & McEntee's chapel to day (Monday at 1 P. M. Friends Invited. Interment ilultnomah Cemetery. A directory of business firms and professional men condensed and classified for ready reference. For rates by the month or year, or other information, telephone The Oregonian, Main 7070 or A 6095, House 29. Accordion pleating. HEMSTITCHING. Pi-EATINU. LAT i.T STYLES. EASTERN NOVELTY CO.. ioii FIFTH ST.. BETWEEN OAK AND bTARK STS. BROADWAY 0O. K- STjsPHAN, hemstitching, scalloping, ac cordion side pleat, buttons covered; mall orders. 19- Putock block. fimid;av 1U91. AGATE ILTTKRS AND MFG. JEWELERS. AGATES cut and polished; jewelry and Millers. 343 ft VVadh st. watch repairing. ASSAYERS AND ANALYSTS. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE, 142 Second -"vex- mou piatinum nougat- BARBER bLPPLIES. OREGON BARBER SUPPLY CO. We buy m .wn tu mnuij barber supplies. 250 2tL CARPET CLEANING. N."i1WEiiT KUa Co established 1J03. u rag rug woven, an sizes. East 8th and Taylor. Ease 3ii). B 130. CANCER. M. JONES, M. D. CANCER TREATED, au Morgan bldg. Marshall 0148. CELLULOID BUTTONS. THE 1RWIN-HODSON COMPANY. 887 Washington. Broadway 434. A 1254. CHIROPODISTS AND ARCH SPECLiLISTS. WlLLlAAi, Estelle and Florello DeVenv. the only scientific chiropodists and arch spe cialists in the city. Parlors 3U2 Gerlinser biug., southwest corner Second and Alder. Phone Alain 1301. CHIROPRACTIC PHYSICLANS. fil'-'K PEOPLE: Dr. McMahon. Portland. 100 ier ceni cniropractio specialist. That's why 1 never have to employ arugs, oper ations, vibrators, violet rays, electricity, heat, light and other Jotu-nouse stunts. I remove the cause of disease quickly, sure ly and lees expensively. Tickets. 81 ad justments, $15; seven, 5- CalL phone or write. Daily convincing qoubting Taomasea. CIRCULAR LETTERS. CRANE LETTER CO., 610 N. W. bldg. Mar. 6822. 100 letera multigraphed. $1.50. COLLECTION AGENCIES. NETH & CO., Worcester bide. Main 179A No collections, no chargo; established 1900. DANCING. MANCHESTER DANCING ACADEMY, 854 10 private lessons $5. Hours 10 A. M. to v:ov jr. ji. jou. we teach you right. THE BECKETT-HEATH SCHOOI Dan cing taugnt in 'all its branches: private, day or eve. classes, Tues. and FrL, 8-10, assembly after. 386 Wash. Main 8205. MRS. FLECK'S ACADEMY Social and stage dancing, private instruction; classes Mon.. Thurs.. 8 to 10. 109 2d st bet Wash, and Stark. Main 2100. DRAFTSMAN. E. B. BIRKENBEUEU 503 Oregonian bldg. EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT, Dr. F. F. Casseday. specialist; glasses fitted. tvv c. nurnsiqe. cor. zoth. a 133, E. 4734. FLUFF RUGS AND RAG RUGS. LUFF RUGS FROM CLD CARPETS Ingrains, Brussels, Smyrna, Axmlnster rag rugs, all size; mall order prompt: booklet. 9x12 Kugs. Steam or 1ft Clfaned. SI.L'i. CARPET CLEANING, REFITTING, ETC. WESTERN FLUFF Rrn rn 54-56 Union Av. N. East 6516. B 1475. FLUFF RUG AND RAG RUG FACTORY. IS""1""t'sr RUG CO.. established lona" r iuii rugs and rag rugs woven, all size. Eaat Sth and Taylor. East 85S0. B 12SU WHOLESALERS AND AUTO AND BUGGY TOPS! OREGOI AUTO TOP CO. 14th and Conch. mJOOY TOP CO.. 9th and Oak. GRAIN M E RCHANTS. PACIFIC GRAIN CO., Board of Trade bldg. DRY GOODS NOTION'S. .Dli.XELSPIELC0.47 ockroom and office North 5th street. HATS AND CAI'Si. THAHQUSER HAT CO., 53-55 Front St. HIDES. WOOL. CAsCAHA BAKK. KAHN BROS.. 191 Front st. PAINTS AND LUBRICATING OILS. P. FULLER fcCQ.. 12th and Davis sts. FUNERAL NOTICES. CHRISTY At Roseburg, Or., Friday after noon, April 12, 1918, Joseph W. Christy, aged il years. Deceased was a member ot tne orand Army of the Republic and a mem Der or uuray; lso. 5, Im proved Order of Red men, at Denver, Colo. Funeral services will be held at t he Port land Crematorium. Fourteen th street and Bybee avenue. Tuesday even ing. April Id, at 8 o'clock, under the auspices or tiie Willamette Tribe, No. 6, Improved Order of Red men. Friends In vited. Take Sellwood car. TILLEY At tho residence. 366 St. Clafr street, April 11, Dr. Guy E. Tilley, aged 40 years, beloved husband of Helen M. Tiliey. Funeral from Holman's funeral parlors. Third and Salmon streets, at 2:30 P. M. today (Monday). April If.. Serv ices at the grave under tho auspices of Sellwood Lodge No. 131. A. F. and A. M. Friends invited. Interment Greenwood Cemetery. PETERSON April 12, at the family resi dence, 416 Brazee street. Mrs. Natilda Peterson, aged 72 years, beloved wife of - Carl Peterson; mother of Mrs. Alice Van Court, of Boise, Idaho. The remains, ac companied by mem hers of the family, will be forwarded today (Monday) evening, April 15, to. Boise, Idaho, by Pearson Un dertaking Company, Russell street and Union avenue, for services and interment. REED In this city, April 13, Jane Florence Reed, aged 5 years, 11 months, 20 days, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred B. Reed, of 1W0 East Jessup street. Funeral serv ices will be held today (Monday), April 15, at 2 P. M., at residential funeral home of Wilson & Ross. Multnomah at East Seventh street. Interment Rose City Cem etery. Please omit flowers. REED In this city, April 13. Jane Florence Reed, aged 6 years n montns days, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred B. Reed, of 190 East Jessup street. Funeral serv ices will be held tomorrow (Monday), April 15, at 2 P. M., at residential funeral hall of Wilson &. Ross, Multnomah at East Seventh street. Interment Rose City Ceme tery. Please omit flowers. BRUNNER In this city, April 14, Gladys Brunner, aged 21 years, late of 414 Mar ket st. The funeral services will bo held today (Monday), at 3 o'clock P. M.. at the Chapel of J- P. FInley & Son, Montgomery at Fifth. Friends invited. Remains will be forwarded to Omaha, Neb., whero in terment will he made. GRAHAM In this city. April 14, Mallssa Graham, aged 71 years, late of 163 E. 7th Bt N. The, remains were forwarded Sun day evening. April 14. by J. P. FInley & Son. to Falls City, Oregon, where services will be held and Interment made. CARLSON1 In this city, April 14. Amelia Carlson, agea years, sisier ot airs. auv. Elidia Carlstrom, of Seattle. Wash. Re mains forwarded today, April 15. by the PearHon Undertaking Parlors, Russell st. at Union ave.. to Seattle, Wash. KRAEFT The funeral services of the late Airs. Caroline ivraeit wnt uo miu luucxjr (Monday), April 15, at 2 P. M. from R. T. Bvrnes' residence parlors 901 Williams avenue. Interment Lone Fir Cemetery. Friends Invited to attend. COWAN In this city, April 13. Bernard j Cowan, agea years, inonina. uhbioi services -ere held at Holman's funeral j parlors 0 fcunaay. Apru . FOT5RAL DIRECTIB. jTp. FINLEY & SON. Progressive Funeral Directors. Private Drive Women Attendants. MONTGOMERY AT FIFTH. Main . A 1599. WILSON & PwOSSra'drSsfstVnl'11 East 54. C 3165. ERICSON Residence Undertaking- Parlors, 12th and Morrison ats. Main 613a, A 2235. nilNXISG & McENTEE. funeral directors. Broadway and Pine street. Phone Broadway 430, A 455S. Lady attendant. F. S. DUNNING, INC. THE ROLDEN RULE UNDERTAKERS, 414 East Alder St. East 52, BJ525. BREEZE & SNOOK .'ES&bi WILSON & WILSONUc,,,, MH AN-n MRS. W. H. HAMILTON Fu neral service. 11)73 E. Gllsan. Tabor 4313. v I. I.ERCH. East 11th and Clay streets. Lady attendant. East 7al. B 13S8. A T TfTTTO nO 5S2 Williams ave. t 10. C 1088 . . . "'.-..IT, . w ' .4 I Dl'BRuiu, and Clay. Main 4152, A 232L Lady asslstant.tOl W1XCOX BL.DG. Malm 703, A STOa, JAPAN FLORIST. 193 4th st.. bet Yamhill A Tay lor. All kinds of flowers, bedding and vegetable plants, garden seeds. This month, special. Easter Illy cut daffodils, pansies, etc Japon ic a. Cornelia. Azalea, Wiatarts, flowering cherry, holly treos, tubs. MUSICAL. LKT a J-rieco orchestra and entertainers furnish your music Any number of pieces furnished on short uollce. Call Buwy. a Ian. OREGON Conservatory (school) of Music, 2U floor Kussell bids', (over the "Lion"). En trance 16obs th sc. cor, of Morrison. PARKER School of Popular Music. Terms, to 20 lessons. 401-2 tilers bldg. EMIL TH1ELHORN. violin teacher, pupil Sevclk, 20T Fliedner bid. Bdwy. 12. OPTIMKTKISTS AJ'1 OPTICIANS. WHY PAY MORE? WrTaaSS" A SAVIN u from SO to 60 per eent. tSJ Properly fitted (lasses as low as ' . J1.6U. 4000 satisfied customers. Satisfaction guaranteed. Chaa, W. Good man, optometrist. 2u9 Morrison. Main 2124. PALNTEK, ETC. Q. W. RILEY, Painter and Decorator, Sellwood 117. PATENTS. tt. O. WRIGHT 22 years' experience, U. & and foreign patents. 801 Dekuin bldg. PHYSICIANS. DR. R. A. PHILLIPS. 805 Broadway bldg. Rheumatism, female disorders, skin trou bles, stomach, liver, 'kidneys. bowels. throat, goitre, ecalp. high blood pressure. DR. FLORA A. BROWN, goitre and diseases of women. 700 E. Burnside, cor. 20th at. PLUMBING SUPPLIES. PLUMBING SUPPLIES at wholesale prices, Stark-Davis Co.. 212 Sd st. Main 7T. PRINTING. KEYSTONE PRESS J. E. Gantenbeln. Mgr. Printing and linotyping. 100 hi Front at, corner Stark. Main or A 1411 THE IVY PRESS, 882 Stark st Broadway 403, A 408s. PKINIING 1st and Oak ets. Main 165. A 11SS REAL ESTATE DEALERS. CARL, R. JONES. 404 Wilcox bldg. STORAGE AND TRANSFER. ALWAYS PICK THE BEST Household goods specialists; storage, packing, ahlp plng and moving, horse and auto vans; special freight rates to all points. CT O. PICK TRANSFER 4 STORAGE CO., 2d and Pine Sts. Broadway 596. A 1B96. OREGON TRANSFER CO., 474 Gllsan at, corner 13th. Telephone Broadway 1281 or A 1169. We own and operate two large class "A" warehouses on terminal tracks. Lowest Insurance rates In the city. - MADISON-ST. DOCK & WAREHOUSE, Of fice 189 Madison. General merchandise and forwarding agents. Phone Main 7691. CUT freight rates to all points on household goods. Manning Warehouse & Transfer Co.. 9th and Hoyt Broadway 708. PACKING, MOVING, STORAGE. SECURITY STORAGE Jt TRANSFER CO., 105 Park St Main 5195. A 105L WOOD. 4-FT. SbABWOOl), partly dry, for Summer delivery. National 1-uel t o., Jast -oil. GREEN AND DRY SLABWOOD. block wood. Panama Fuel Co.. East 72. B 2889 WOOD AND COAL. HEAVY dry wood. East Side, S. 20th. 55; West Side, $5. Phone Broadway 668. B1ANUFACTURERS PAINTS. OILS AND GLASS. RASMUHSEN & CO.. d und Taylor; PIPE. PIPE FITTINGS AND VALVES. M. L. KLINE, S4-S6 Front st. PLUMBING AND STEAM SUPPLIES. M. L. KLINE. 84-86 Front st. PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS. EVERDING & FARHELL. 140 Frojit it HOPE AND BINDING TWINE. Portland Cordage Co.. 14th and Northrup. SASH. DOORS AND GLASS. W. P. FULLER & CO.. 12th and Davis sts. WALL PAPER. MILLER Wall Paper & Pt. Co., 172 1st st. MORGAN WALL PAPER CO.. 230 2d it. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. HOLMAN UNDERTAKING CO. Funeral Directors Established 1877. Third and Salmon Streets. Main 507, A 1611. Lady Assistant. Pertect Funeral Service for Less. MILLER & -TRACEY Independent Funeral Directors Wash st., bet. 2nth & 2lst, West Fide Main 2691. Lady Assistant. A CtMETEBies. BEAUTIFUL- MOUNT SCOTT PARK CEMETERY Lowest Prices Best Service. No expense after interment. Prices lower than other ceme teries. FLORISTS. CLARKE BROS., Florists, 287 Morrison at. Alain or A i80-. Fine nowers and floral designs. No branch stores. MARTIN & FORBES CO., Florists, 8S4 Washington. Main 269, A 1260. Flowers for all occasions artistically arranged. TONSETH FLORAL CO., 285 -Waahlngtoa St.. bet. 4th and 5th. Main 6102, A 1161. MAX M. SMITH, Main 7215, A 21111. Selling bid g.. 6th and Alder sts. PEOPLES FLORAL SHOP. 245 Alder. Flowers and designs. Phone Marshall 5922. MOSCJIEMS. PORTLAND MARBLE WORKS. 264-266 4tO St.. opposite City Hall. Main 8561. Philip Neu & Sons for memorials. I Li THIRD Vr MADISON JTREET OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY Office, Room 153 Conrthouse. 5th St, Entrance. Phone from 8 to 6, Main 878. Home Phone A 525. Night call after office hours, Main 70. Report all cases of cruelty to the above ad dress. Electric lethal chamber for small ani mals. Horse ambulance for sick and disabled animals at a moment's notice. Anyone desir lne a dos: or other net communicate with us. Call for all lost or strayed stock, as we loolc after all impounding1. There is no more cltx pound, just Oregon Humane Society. MEW TODAT. MORTGAGE LOANS II On Improved clly aad farm prop- II erty at eloae Interest rates. Ia- j II atallment repayment privilege If II II preferred. Prompt, reliable service. A. H. BIRRELL CO. 217-21B Northwestern Bank Building. Marshall 4114. A 4118. MORTGAGE LOANS OM BUSINESS AND RESIOBNCB PROPERTY. ROBERTSON EWISG, 107 - 8 Northwestern Bank Bids;. JNO. B. COFFEY mortgage: loans. Tricm-nrine. Siiretv Bonds A liUU. - . J n