8 TTTE MORNTXG OBEGONTA3T. FRIDAY. APRIL 12, 1918. TWO MORE SUE GAGE! Trader Faces Charges of Fraud and Deception. I i i 1 ; ; i ll it i i i 1 ( ' . 1 h t : i i i m 1 1 1 1 . 1 1 i ti 1 1 1 I 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .;. Moving Picture Ndw5 coming next Sunday. Just when Mr. and Mrs. Spectator are worked up to quite a mental frensy of expectancy qtmu the bope-shatterlng finale "See , etc CIVIL SUITS ARE NOW FILED Co-Defendant In One Action Alleges; He Is Victim of Sharp Practice la Connection With Confection ery Store on Washington. trhtle Chief Deputy restrict Attorney Collier was presenting evidence against htm In a criminal prosecution before a Jury la Circuit Judge Kavanaugh's court yesterday. Nathan Gage was served with papers tn two separate civil suirs started against blm and his wife. Vlda Gift. In which he Is charged with fraud and deception In connection wlirt other transactions. The Indictment under which Gage la bow facing trial Is the result of an al leged crooked trade which he engl- . aeered. In which he la charged with defrauding 1L E. Price out of a $:i00 confectionery store on Washington street In ezcbange for a house and lot en the East Stde which Is encumbered for more thsn 11709 and the value of which la admittedly not greater than l:S09. Gage la charged specifically with obtaining Price's signature to a bill of sale by false pretenses. He Is alleged to have represented to Price that the bouse and lot were unencumbered ex cept for small property assessments not ' exceeding U00. when, as a matter of fact, records later disclosed that the property was subject to a lien of more than 11700. The prosecution In the criminal trial waa started during the afternoon, but the case probably will not reach the Jury until tomorrow noon or some time Monday. In a dvtl aetton brought by Price against Usge aa a result of this same transaction, a Jury In Judge Stapleton's court found that Price had been de-1 frauded and ordered the confKtlonery store returned to him. John B. Goddard. named aa a co-defendant with Gage In the civil suit brous-ht by Price, appeared aa plain tiff yesterday In a suit against Gsge and his wife. In which he demands re covery of Hi which he alleges he paid to Gage for the confectionery etore after the latter had secured It In the trade with Price. Goddard asserts be paid Hit for the store. tZi of which waa paid in cash and 1300 se cured with a promissory note. He says Gags returned the note, but baa refused to refund the t2i. In the other civil action started yes terday. Ellen 3J. Woodward Is plaintiff aaalnst Gage and wife and E. E. Mil lion. She alleges she waa Induced, through falsa and fraudulent represen tations on the part of the defetndanta. to trade a well secured mortgage for 10 for a 1509 mortgage and tlOO In cash, fhe says she paid Care $' out of the 110 In cash received by her. She further alleges the mortgage which the defendanta gave to her ia worth less and la signed by fictitious namea She demands the return of her till Leaves Clara for War. XI gel Barrle, well-known young Eng lish actor who has won popularity on the screen as well as on the stage. recently left the Clara Kimball Toung company to enter the Royal Flying Corps. Re had been engaged by Miss Toung for the role of Burke, the chauffeur-crook In "The House of Glass." but be heard his country's call and enlisted In this perilous branch of his majesty' service;, and the star, real izing the primary Importance of the summons, released him from bis con tract with her. members of the Lake Placid Club, of Washington. D. C, who took part In scenes for the filming of the Mary Roberts Rlnehart atory, "The Street of Seven Stars." According to the press agent for the producing company of which Doria Kenyon la star, auss Brooke made "amazing skiing Jumps" before the camera. Mary Fan Yes, Mary Plckford is honorary Colonel of the 143d Field Ar tillery of the National Army. . e e e Edwin August Is to play with Cannel Myers In Universal pictures. Molly Malone was drafted for a tem porary Job with L-Ko and Neva Gerber ia Harry Carey's leading woman now. and is responsible for the artistic beauty of some of the sets In her pic tures. see A theater baa been built In Southern California for Sessue Hayakawa by wealthy Japanese, where the Para mount star and his wife sometimes pre side over a stock company. George Beban studied makeup while a boy with the minstrel company and specialised on Latin characters, being of Latin' parentage. That Is the reason why be Is so clever in Latin charac ters, v Theodore Roberts, besides being one of the cleverest character men In Para mount pictures, is one of the most fa mous chess players in the country. Vivian Martin has a yellow Persian eat with green eyes named Fluff, that s her favorite pet. She insists that he has a part In every picture. a fllmatlon of the Zane Grey story. "The Light of the Western Stars." Next he goes to Salt Lake to make "The Wolf Breed," written by Jackson Greg ory. Peter B. Kyne Is another author who will furnish "Dusty" with mate rial Wlnntfred Kingston is Far num's leading woman aa usual. Over in London someone extracted bits from several Charlie Chaplin com edies and concocted a nve-reeler, "Chase Me Charlie." It soon will be presented to the American public. Elsie Ferguson and her Artcraft company are in Maine filming scenes for Ibsen's "A Doll's House." It will be Miss Ferguson's most ambitious screen effort. see Harry Pollard. Margarita Fischer's husband, is now directing Ella Hall for Universal. Essanay has bought the picture rights of the Cohan and Harris suc cess, "Toung America," and will pro duce It with an all-star cast selected from New York and Chicago. sortgage. BOYS WANTED ON FARMS ORKGO.VS GREAT DRIVE STAGED l-OH sr.xT WLEK. 1 I - - - - - 1 I i I - w fcrwassnw. -i l 't ! 1 fit in vv-r, v. - t t , -m s . . sill I I r . . ; is&al X - ill) a sDectacular film version of his great II I -"j.-e. .1 fl II Screen GosslD. money-maker. "Way Down East" HIE 1: . V, ' TLy" ll 11 An attack of mumps kept Marguerite Eugene O'Brien and Frank Mills, two I '" ' - r Jk ' fi -w. 3 I Clark from starting her liberty loan popular leading men, will be with I 4Je -v : v-- . . . vrft ' III I soeaklnsf tour on schedule time. nrina Talmadea in "De Luxe Annie." II I .. . .-.'' 'V ' 71 11 see I i .. Dustln Farnum finally is launched on I I hvi- i-vr.' " '2 . VtV ' J I II Genevieve Brooke, prominent Port- In her spare moments Louise Huff I his own film-making enterprise. He I I . .'.T. -J. . . ' 'l k. i. II rii.. .. , nn I .Tn.rlmaiMi with Interior decoration has a company in Arizona working on I -r -itr'' l . ' " -jj .mnmm i - b ?wJ. 1.. 2- 1. -.M : JiQH I jeXJVTHi 7z WW law - - -riiiii i j c-i.war-''rtt. i " Mil I W ,SI 'fpsfc.J tiJa 1 1 1 1 j : ' - '1 iXismmkr : to HeiP c-mv,- i ImJw 1ST qaw UMJ (F AME1RIC A Oklnl U Earall so Taatha at CasaasMwvalth la t sited Statea Rsral Wsravlaa Kewrte, Oregon's next drive Is to be stsged next week. Its object will be that of enrolling S0 youths In the United Htatra Hoys' Working Reserve. This la the state's quota. The drive Is directed by the Vnlted States Department of Labor, and Is de aimed to mobilize an army of boys sboH services may be used upon the farms In caring for cropa. J. W. Hrewer, Government farm help Spe cialist, la directing work In prepara tion for the enrollment campaign, and haa the co-operation of the State Council of Defense and kindred organ isations Secretary of Labor Wilson haa ad dressed a personal letter to all pas tors of the Nation, asking their help la the movement and stating these facts: "L'nless every available source of Labor supply is mobilized to Increase food production this current year the war will be prolonged. One of the best single nntapped labor sources Is the magnificent army of young men who are not yet old enouKh to enter the army but are old enough and strong enough to do the work of men on the farms. "Enrollment of beys will bs under taken chiefly through the high schools and Y. it. C. A. Foys who are ellaible to enroll should report to the principal of the nearest high school, or associa tion boys' seerelarv." TOBtrS FILM FKATrRK. Liberty William Desmond. "Cap tain of His Soul." Majestic Mabel Taliaferro. "Pac ifist or Traitor?" Peoples "The Kaiser. Beast of Berlin." Columbia Bushman and Payne, "The Voice of Conscience." Star Ann Pennington. "Sunshine Nan": Fatty Arburkle and Ma bel Nnrmand. "His Diving Beauty." Sunset "The Price of a Good Time": Charlie Chaplin, "Work. Globe Vivian Martin. "A Klaa for Susie." d t LOVEl sen. sion New Bank Organising. VANCOUVER, Wash-. April 11. (Spe-elal-1 K. E. Bowman waa elected pres ident of the newty-organlzed American Security lUnk here last night at a meeting of the stockholders. O. Jor gen Olson was chosen first vice-president: Henry Craea. second vice-president, and Much MeKlnley cashier. This will make the fourth bank In Van eouvea. The three already organized have more deposits than ever before tn their Mefnrv FIFTY CENTS FOR OVER FIFTY YEARS Dr. Ktnjf's New Di:coTery for Coughs and Colds. It Is Just aa effective today as It ever was In checking coughs and cold. The only difference Is that every year adds thousands and thousands of users to the millions who already use It because f Its gratifying results. Warda oft the dangerous aftermaths of a severe cold, grippe, coughs, croup, sore throat, chest-tlghtnesa, bronchial attache. Use It yourself give It to every Biember of your fsmlly. Pleasant, harm less, boo thing, dependable. Hacked by a belt century of ever-Increasing pops lrify. Tour drurgtst sells It. e. Constipation Causes Sickness. A vigorous Stonach, perfect working iJver and regular acting Bowels, If you will use Dr. King's New Life Pills. They correct Constipation have a tonic effect on the system eliminate potions through the Bowela, Still lac Adv. Liberty. OVERS of melodrama of lurid and sational Incidents, with pas- onate love, secret plotting and sudden death, have an opportunity to revel In their favorite brand of acreen entertainment at the Lloerty Theater. where "Captain of His Soul" is the headline film attraction. An unusually strong cast. Including William Desmond, Charles Gunn. Walt n hitman. Jack Richardson. Mitsl Gould and Claire McDowell, contribute to the success of "Captain of His Soul The story hss to do with.- a murder and brothers who suspect each other of the crime. Boyce. munitions manu facturer, places his affairs in the hands of Martin (Jack Richardson), and when the latter betrays htm into the hands of the trust the shock kll)s the old man. The next morning Martin Is found lying by the rosdslde. desd. and Horace Iesmond) and Henry (Gunn). the Boyce boys, suspect esch other of the crime. - The shock, combined with the suspicion directed at hia brother, causes Henry to become 111, and Hor ace, who bears the ordeal calmly, is sent for. Myra (Miss Gould), daughter of Mar tin. h-Ips at Henry's bedside, and when he recovers discovera hia brother mak ing love tn the girl. Infuriated. Henry accuses Horace of the murder, and It Is not until then thst Annette (Miss McDowell), an adventuress, confesses that she killed Martin In a struggle with htm. An interesting and educational Fin ley Nature Picture, Mutt and Jeff car toon comedy, and Animated Weekly of news events, complete the latest Liberty programme. Orchestra for "The Blue Bird." A 10-plece orchestra, directed by Henry Harke, will musically interpre "The Blue Bird." the lavish artcraft plcturlzatlon of Maeterlinck's literary gem. which la the unusual film at traction at the Peoples Theater com mencing Sunday. The new Peoples or gan, a Ki.Puo Robert Morton orches tral Instrument, will not be ready for the public until April 21. Manager J. C Sulla, of the Peoples, haa issued an Invitation to the chil dren of Portland to be guests of the theater on Sunday mdVning at a spe cial showing of "The Bluebird." the "spectacle of happiness." All ehll dren under 14 years of age are to be admitted free, doors open at S o'clock. and tne exnibttion to commence at 9:10. "The Blue Bird." with Its thousand piayers ana hundreds of gorgeous scenes, was directed by Maurice Tour aeur. the famous Frenchman. It ia tald to be the most artistic and at the aame time one of the most human pic tures ever inmea. blended together to hold the atten tion. The hsndsome Francis Xavler plays a dual role In this production. William Potter, railroaded to prison via a frameup. and James Houston, his double, and a man he Impersonstes In Houston's home. Potter Is pressed Into service by a fellow prisoner, Hous ton, who cannot respond to a call for his Immediate presence In the home I he haa not seen for many years. Potter goes to the Virginia msnsion. Is received with open arms, and la placed In charge of the estate. He dis covers that a crook is In the confidence of Mrs. Houston and making love to I her beautiful daughter. Allans. But while Liggett, or Johnson, the crook. Is discomfited In hia encounters with the fake Houston, he exposes the latter, and when the real Houston appears Johnson becomes nis murderer. Potter Is accused of the crime but freed upon the eleventh-hour confession of a ngro boy who had witnessed the shooting. Ralph Ruffner has his audiences singing; "Where Do We Go From Here, Boys?" this week, and not only that but he aska them to whistle and then hum the air. He. extracts many a laugh from his ten-slide heart-to-heart-stuff query which winds up as an advertise ment for the El.le Ferguson picture Columbia. A story of the South, with Its hero posing as the brother of the girl he loves, presents that popular co-starring team. Francis X El u fa man and Beverly Bayne, at the Columbia The ater. "The olee of Conscience" Is ths nams of their latest vehicle, an Interesting subject with action, dra matic situations, sujslerjr and romance Brtdwi7 at Stark Caatlaaoaa 11 tm 11 Today Wm. Desmond Qaad AH-Star f "THE CAPTAIN OF HIS ' SOUL" BBspSsBBeVBanjBVBBn Finley Nature Pictures Mutt & Jeff U -Animated Weekly 5 Go! BUY LIBERTY BONDS with the money you save by purchasing clothes upstairs. Every suit or overcoat bought at Fahey Brockman's, at Sixth and Washington, releases another $10 for the use of Uncle Sam. DRESS WELL but economize for the sake of your country. Be patriotic and come up where there are no high rents to pay, no credit losses or costly fixtures to tax you with. , Men's Spring Suits and Overcoats $15 $20 $25 FAHEY-BROCKMAN CLOTHES ARE LIKE LIBERTY BONDS; because they represent a full 100 per cent valuation. . Prpduced by the best clothing makers in America, they are up to the highest standard of style, fit and wearing quality. Come up now and see the approved styles for Spring; Raleigh Building ' Sixth and Washington THE UP-STAIRS CLOTHIERS Portland Store Raleigh Bldg, Sixth and Washington Seattle Store Arcade BIdgn Second Ave.