Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, April 12, 1918, Page 7, Image 7

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Only One More Day Remains
to Get in Names for Of-.
a ficial Ballots.
tJrary Gri$t Expected by Secretary
f Stale's Office In La. Day.
Sl-osftnft AH Breathe of
2 I'alrluCiMtu
Or, Aprfl II (Iieri....
rn mora day remains for candidate I
to flla their declarations Id order to
Tet on tha ballota of thHr r-rpctira
rrtl at the primaries May 17. At 6
o clock tomorrow afternoon, with tha
eloalnc of Sacretary Olcott'a office,
t'tnc tT tillna declarations aa well aa
for fillnr statements and cut a for the
primary party pamphlets will ba closed.
On hundred, apd forty candidates
filed thetr nomtnatinc petitiona or
ftMrr fa with th rlonlnv of th I
office, tiua aftarnoon and to complete
th litta will mean a hcary ajnst tomorrow.
"rom prent tnd!aHm-is tha candl- j
dates paraphlrts will ba up to the
standard as work of literary art and
tha quantity promises to ha there any- I
war. Tha space In the pamphlet eelin,
under tha Uw, at the rate of ITS for
tha first pace and $l for each addt
t.onal pac. with a limit set of four
s)as;cs tr any one candidal.
O. M. Ilaasar for Trrausairer.
O- SI. Flummer. of Portland, today.
In flllnr Kepubltran candidate for
tCate Treasurer. ti In hla platform:
Aitampt to tltsv-har-E the dutt- ff Slat
Tffurr ffn ' m manner aa ttl m -
wtrrt in Moctioa of rr nprisht etttitn
n Oncua 1 . II try to hantf.a tn aiata
fnd that Uitr maf far as po
.! la tT department. in tha many
wM(id mnrintttnumir caat my vote for tha
aat istrata ox ta atat.
Ills aloaran Is "wtnnlnr tha war tha
ftrst responsibility of stata and a
5arro any eooatr and at at a ta tha beat of
sny ability. will prartic ntd and Judi
c.oa- Konomy and favor only such laa
s will b of (rosiest t-n--fti to the srt-
t anmber or ps-a-p.-v. 1 wiii aupport vry
eroach oX our tmmn t tn proowcutinc
tn war to - earrfui conclusion. 1
wf th tnctmnl of a Uw that will
I'Mnwl free ao4 opa compotitia tn road
pa ins.
Ills slorati !a: 1 will do my best
la faithfully serrlna my constituency.1
L. V. Kreemaa, of Neveratil. seklnff;
the Republican nomination for Kepre
sntatire in tha lea:ietatura from Co
lumbia County, says In his platform:
'I will work dilicently for tha beet
Interests of Columbia County and tha
Ctata of Orearon." Ha has no slogan.
V. If. Gore, of M-dford. filed aa a
candidate for re-election is Represent
attva from IouaIas and Jackson coun
ties. accompany tnar hia declaration
with no platform or slogan.
W. A. Carter FHea far Jadsa.
William A. Cartsr Republican, of
Portland, filed aa candidate for Cir
cuit Judfa in department .No. . aay
Inr In his platform:
a.Io ra matter comrn s (oro me
f-r heart n f-ir and Impartial conald
ration. .ret- Sound Judicial
tion for tb furtharnc of Justle and
a-lnat technical iail. prevent uaaieoa U
l.ia in th trial of rar and re-rvo n.r
Juttsment aa lu tha r;a-.t Iv ratntt of
fuoTofi1 until ejeh p.rty h ba fain
mai fuMv harti. 1 wiM at alt timn rnir
;-.) patriotic iMti:anr and devotion
tiia cauao of our country and tta ... la
Ills s!orsn la Tontinuoui effort for
Impartial administration of law, Lib
ert y and Jtiatlc shall prevalL
homo P. Hurst, of i'ortlHnd, al0
filed as a 1 democratic candidate for
Circuit Judze tn Iepartment No, 2,
atallnc In his platform he mill do my
full duty by the office and public." and
In Ma sloe an, A conscientious admin
it rat Ion.'
Charles M- Crandall. Republican of
Vale, who wishes to be re-lcted
Jlepresentatlva from Harney and Mal-
J.eur. says In his platform:
fa mr effort to support ear enuntry
tn tha preent sreot wr. profit Our peo-
frim th -nrn tht aro tn our mlt;
wab rr the enactment or a pmctical eec
Slanhattan Shirts $2 to 510
1 1 1 1 1 "3
Stetson Hats $5 and $6
What Kind of Clothes Are You
Going to Wear?
Maybe' you haven't decided what style youH pick
out; but one thing you've undoubtedly made up
your mind to the clothes you buy this Spring are
going to be the kind that vill give unusually good
In these days when war taxes and high cost of
everything are affecting all of us, there's a special
reason for being particular about the quality, you
There's more economy in buying right than "in
buying cheap.
Hart Schaffner & Marx New Spring '
Styles Are Here
That's the most important announcement youH
get this season, because it means smartest styles
to be seen anywhere, and it means the best of
material and making all-wool fabrics and high
class tailoring. It means economy that figures
cost by the month, not by the price. You'll find
these clothes here in all the newest styles at prices
that spell economy.
$25, $30, $35 and Up to $50
Sam'l Rosenblatt. & Co.
The Men's Store for
Quality and Sen ice
Southeast Corner
Fifth and Alder
and avar from horn mn opportunity to cut ballot.: alao a la, making aabotaaa.
..Plonac and aynritraliam a ffflonr. and
ukih ivir lha riant of franchla. to thoa.
rnnviotad thrOTf: and aiao a lar prortdlns
for a atara noma lor tna dependent coll-
drea. of our atat.
Hla lornn la "Fidelity, duty, honest
rovernmont. (air dealing, education,
loyalty to country and tte."
F. A. Mr ta Ham (or Lirlalatar.
P. A. Klca. Portland. Republican, ai
candidal lor Kepreaentattvo In the
legislature from Multnomah County,
a) a:
Perform tio duties tnereof ta tha beat In
terna of the people. 1 piedaa that "bual-
n.aa In public affaire", will be atnctly ad
hered to, thua enabling the Individual and
tha atate to better aid the Nation to "win
th. war." 1 will lr..:t on few.r !aws and
more tlm lor the conetderation or tnoae
present. d; will favor enforcement of the
'"Workmen'o Compensation Art." ao that the
toneflta will meet th. prearnt hla cost of
tlvinf. 1 will vote protection to the Indue
tnra of tha atate and will ua my endeavors
to advanra tha development of Oregon,
His slogan la "Business in publio af
eorre C. Brownell. Oregon City. Re
publican, member of the House from
Clackamas County in th 1917 iKis-
Uture. now a candidate for the state
Senate from that county says:
Wilson Declared Most Potent
Official in Christendom.
In Senate to Measure
President Further
Powers Brings Out Eulogy
of Chief Executive
Support Stat Board of Arbitration, a rep
resentative of labor to b l member of tha
board. Favor National and state prohibition
and- woman's auffra.. Will oppoao county
division unless majority of voters of t'lacka-
s irounty direct otherUe. Support all
war illation and aid to wiaowa ana or
phan of a.Uier and widowed mothers of
ot filers. W i.l abnllati offiro of County Ke
rnrdtr of Oa kamas County and limit dep
uty hir. Will endeavor to abollsb or con
solldato unneceaaary commisalona.
His platform is "Square deal. Econ
omy in county and state expenditures.
" Aaaerlranlawi." la loKaa-
rvld M. Graham, of Euuene. Re-
publican, candidate for Representative
from Lane County says:
' Support aound leglalatlon along conserva
tive and constructive Itnea. I have no apo
dal meaeur.a which I ravor rrom peraonai
motlvea: I have no epeclal Intereata to rp
rrwol. I will represent the entire county and
will at all llmeo work to aateguard and
foater Its tnterrete. Aa a loyal American I
II lend mr enthualaetlc aupport to all
a. urea which wilt bop to carry on and
win th. war. and I will aleo aupport all leg
islation which will benefit our state ana
people during the period ot reconstruc
"Just Americanism" Is hla eloran.
Benjamin 8. Worsley. Astoria. Re
publican, aeekina- election as Kepre-
sentative from Clatsop, says:
I will uaa my beat afforta for a strict
euelneea aHmlnlatralinn. every act. after
tore d.iioerauon. for ine preservation o
the Nation. The development oi tna atate
and county.
He has no slogan.
Gordon J. Taylor. Molalla. Repub
lican. Minn aa candidate for Repre
sentative from Clackamas, says:
Karnaet'v work for such laws aa will
j4vanc. th. moral and matei
f the atate. ly flrat thought
III b. toward a ape.dy
for liberty.
al welfare
and effort
winning of the
J favor atate and National
of the problem
atate la tha development or tne
community. r recoanlie giod roan.
Am the moat Important factor In thie. 1 will
legislation whten wltl give tna oeei
r.aulte In riam for tarmera. i ravor econ-
rtmv the cuttmr aowa oi every
cipenee and aalary In the state and county.
'Retter legislation, less asltatlon, la
his slogan.
This Massachusetts Woman I
came Strong and Robust
When She Found the Right
Tonic Medicine.
TVhen ynnr color fadea. when your
Vheeks and lipa grow pale ami sou get
ghort of breath easily atil your heart
palpitates after attcht exertion or tin.
d'r th. leant eacltenient it means that
)oit are suffering from thin blood.
Ileatlarhe and backache often
Ktmpanr this condition and nvrvous-
Be.a la freuently present.
The remedy, of ccuree. is to bulM
ar te btoocl. and for this ptirpoee Dr.
V illume' Pink I'llle are recommended.
They are the remciy beat suited to re
store the Mood, bring brtfihtnees to the
evca anl put color In the cheeks and
Throngh bulldlrg up the blood with
Ir. Wllliama Tlnk 1111a. Mrs. U F.
lfhrop. of 3 t'nlon street. Stoughfon.
l ta tHriaoii atrona; aud rubuaC ihe
"I waa In a nervoua. run-down condl
in f-r aevrral month. i'art of this
t-nie I waa confined to my chair ami to be carried about the houe. My
fctrk was a weak that I could not get
tp. When I got ao that 1 rotiM ataml
up I wa troubled with dlxslncaa when
over 1 tried to walk. I had to walk
Terr slowly and was in constant fear of
f illing. I waa emaciated and lost sev
r.l pounds tn weight. My frienda
trto'ight I waa going into consumption.
"I waa treated by a phet-ian for a
long lime without any benefit. One
day I chanced to rend about Ir. Will
lam' I'lnk fills and bought some for
a triaL They helped me almo.t lm
nietiately. I have never been without
the pilla alnce and take a few of them
once in a while for a .m 1 recom
mend lr. Williams' link Tills to any
one eufferlng sa I did."
Two hooka. "Hiillding lp tha Flood"
and V hat to Kat and How to Kat."
give Just the information that every
mother of a growing girl needs. They
are f"ee. Write for them today to The
Ir. Williams Me,frielne t'o. S-hen rtad v.
N T. Yonr own drucct.t sella Ir.
Wllliama' link 1111a or thev will he island of OaHu. on which this city la
availed, postpaid, on receipt of price, so I located, will hecome -dry" at midnight
genre per bus. six buics for 1140. in compliance w iia a i resiuentiai r-
Adv. der.
snNIICA rX)LTS eteks kact.
CandilnU for State IlcprcwitaUTe
la on War I-latfurtu.
Seneca Fouts. former member of the
State legislature from this county, yes.
terdav announced his candidacy for
State Representative on a war piinorm.
"Spanish-American War veteran, joe
per cent loyal. World democracy our
flitht." Is bis slogan. If nominated and
elected. Mr. Kouta says he will "work
for legislation assuring our country
that I'recon will do more than its full
share to w m the war. 1 will use the
experience trained as a aoldier In the
panish-Amereran war toward paasing
all nereeeary legislation to give our sol
diers at the front the loyal support or
our state Will sea that no useless ex
penditures are made, but will be liberal
In any appropriation that win tend to
win the war quickly. htTicienry and
economy coneietent with the develop
ment of the state will ba the keynote of
my efforts.
WASHIN'GTON. April 11. Restric
tion of the President's power in reor
ganising Government agencies to the
military establishment and other war
making; branches was advocated and
opposed today when th Senate re
sumed debate on the Overman reor
ganization bill, laid aside a week for
passage of sedition legislation.
Senator Smith, of Georgia. Democrat,
led the attack on the Administration
measure, declaring that while there is
no lack of confidence in President
Wilson, he should not be given au
thority to disturb the Interstate Com
merce Commission, Federal Reserve
Hoard. Federal -Trade Commission or
other agencies of the civil establish
ments. He said he favored giving- the Presi
dent more power over the military es
tablishment than the bill provides, but
by specific designation by Congress.
In a long speech championing the
bill Senator Lewis, of Illinois, de
clared Congress should give the Pres
ident any powers he deemed necessary
successfully to. prosecute the war.
Senator Cummins, of Iowa. Republi
can, who has vigorously opposed the
measure, suggested that under its
terms the President could appoint i
"deputy" president, transfer all his au
thorlty and virtually retire.
Senator Lewis said this was not a
fact, but suggested that the Interstate
Commerce Commission. Federal Trade
Commission and Federal Reserve
Board could be abolished and their
functions consolidated in a board of
business, finance and transportation.
Senator Reed, of Missouri, Democrat,
again spoke In opposition.
Senator Ashurst, of Arizona. Demo
crat, pleaded that no aid or comfort be
given to the enemy by shackling the
American Commander-in-Chief. He de
clared President Wilson the most po
tent official in "all Christendom" and
the spokesman for the allies.
"Yet." he continued, "this man. who
has demonstrated his great capacity for
publio affairs and has moved with un
erring precision in matters of world
wide Import, Is not to be trusted so
say some Senators with the power of
transferring certain bureau officials
and chief clerks tn Washington."
Young Wife Who Won f S,000 Suit for
Alirnatloa Against Father-ln-Law
Wina Again.
SEATTLE, Wash., April 11. (Spe
ciai.) Mrs. Carols B. Jones, who, as
the 17-year-old wife of Tom C. Jones,
son of a wealthy Seattle contractor,
obtained a judgment for $25,000 for the
alienation of her husband's affections
from her father-in-law, and later ac
cepted $12,500 in settlement of the case,
today sued her husband for divorce, al
leging desertion, and the decree was
entered in her favor.
The troubles of the Joneses occupied
the front pages of Seattle newspapers
in 1916, when their tearital difficulties
were aired in court. When Airs. Jones
sued her father-in-law for alienation
of affections she was 17 years old. The
125,000 was a record of Its kind
In King County, but two months
later Judge Frater cut the verdict of
the Jury in two. on the ground that it
was excessive. Mrs. Jones accepted the
reduced sum. When the verdict was
awarded her the father sought to pay
the award to the son, aa the head of
the family. This the court did not al
low, and the daughter-in-law obtained
the full amount.
Young Jones Is now a corporal in the
National Army at American Lake. He
was in court when the divorce decree
was granted, but did not contest the
case. After"lhe decree was entered the
couple shook hands in friendly fashion.
Louis T. Shipley Takes Bodr of 7-
Year-Old Daughter South.
Former Aberdeen Man Vp for Life.
ABERDF.EN. Wash.. April 11. (Spe
cial.) C. V. I.or, formerly of Aberdeen.
has been sentenced to life Imprison
ment in W yommg for shooting a ne
gro In a hotel lobby tbere. according to
word brought back to Aberdeen by an
attorney who saw Mrs. Ut tn Seattle
recently. lAy claimed that the negro
was attempting to steal nis coat, fttra.
l,or la endeavoring to secure funds
with which to try for a new trial for
her hueband.
Makes Oahu Pry.
11. T.. April 10 The
Tiay Casteiy Chast la Declared ta Be
Brat Kmsi aad Moot .notable
f Ssaall Players.
Little Lord Roberts Is as usual creat
ing a sensation a thing which happens
everywhere the diminutive comedian
appears. On the other occasions In
which be has tome to Portland he has
crowded the theater and now that he
is appearing aa headliner on the Hip
podrome that theater will no doubt be
filled for the remainder of the week Ly
patrons anxious to see and hear the
tiny comedy ohap.
Little Lord Roberts Is reckoned the
best-known and most notable among
midget actors. He is perfectly formed
and only about two feet high, and
splendidly proportioned. He has a great
sense of humor, which Is evidenced in
all he does. When the curtain goes up
it shows a nurse, looking after the
wants of a howling Infant, which ro'.e
Little 1-ord Roberts Impersonates niar
velously well, with fine attention to
detail. Later he appears In a series of
costume changes and of these hlr ap
pearance aa a Lieutenant of the Cana
dian army captures his audience. Hy
turns he recites and sings, lit excellent
Knglish. and when he dances his little
steps are quite correct and artistic. He
provides a big lot of entertainment and
is exceedingly gencroua with his con
tributions. Not alone tn Kiddle-, but
the grown-ups as well evince clo-e in
Louis T. Shipley, superintendent of
construction of public buildings under
the supervising architect of the Treas
ury Department, now stationed at
Boise, Idaho, passed through Portland
yesterday for Albany. Mr. Shipley is
taking to Albany for Interment the
body of his 7-year-old daughter, who
was killed recently by falling from a
truck on which she was riding to
school, the wheel of the heavy truck
crushing out her life.
While stationed at Albany, Mr. Ship
ley lust two sons, aged 12 and 14, by
drowning in the Calapoola. The body
of the little sister will be buried be
side those of her brothers in the Al
bany Cemetery.
Centralis, After Xcw Mart.
CE.VTRALIA. Wash.. April 11. (Spe
cial.) An appeal to one Centraiian in
every Ave to subscribe to the third
liberty loan was issued yesterday by C.
Paul I'hlmann, chairman of the Cen-
tralia district. The city oversubscribed
its original allotment of $121,000 the
first day of the campaign, but an effort
is being made to reach $200,000. the new
mark set by Secretary McAdoo, by Sat
terest, in the antics and artistry of this
miniature man.
Another important and entertaining
number Is that of the Gellis family, a
group of acrobatic tumblers de luxe.
Their departures from the usu'tl rut in
this line of endeavor, and th'.-lr t'eti-
ance of the law of gravitation is noth
ing short of startling.
Argo, a harpist with Virginia, who
sings, present a novel musical turn 'n
which melody is emphasised pleasur-
ably. Fox, with Foxle s Circus, is an
act calculated to delight younj and
old. There's a cat and a d3g, botti
sagacious, well-trained animals, wno 1
with a stuffed monkey put over
remarkably funny turn.
Doyle and Wright, a couple of fun
sters in blackface, delight with their
patter and chatter exchange called
"Fifty Miles From Somewhere."
Mcllyar and Hamilton present
rapid-fire acrobatics barrel-jumping epi
sode which is diverting. The photo
play is "Runaway Romany," featuring
pretty Gladys Hulette.
More than a million men have said to
Uncle Sam: "Everything I have is at your
service my life if needs be." You should be
willing to- say : "Take my money and use it
as you think best." Buy a Liberty Bond
Pro tection
The necessity for complexion protection is well established. Many naturally good com
plexions are sacrificed through lack of attention. Every skin needs frequent cleansing
with a good cream ; every skin needs protection against wind and sun.
The Owl Drug Stores offer splendid assortments of creams, lotions, powders, etc
brands that are nationally recognized and approved by thousands.
Pond's Cold Cream
Pond's Vanishing Cream...
Colgate's Cold Cream
Todco Complexion Cream..
Tbe Owl Koae Cold Cream.
Malvlna Complexion Ci
De Miracle Cream...
Anyvo Tbrat. Cold Cr
TMeloroae Beaoty Cream. . .
Red Feather Cold Cream.
Kowata Cream....
ot Ramadell
Cream ...................
Creme Simon
Mel ha Face Cream
Charles Fleah Food
The Owl Skin Cream.
Ingram's Milkweed Cream.
Eleaya .55
Pompelan Massage Cream.... 47
Haaellne Snow ..-SO
Kuthymol Cold Cream 25
Satin Skin Cold Cream 27
A. D. S. Peredixo Cream 25
armellta Vanishing Cream.. 50
Riker's Violet Cerate 50
Creme de Merldor 50
Colgate's Cbarmls Cold
Cream 50
Palmolive Vanishing Cream... 45
Luxnria Cold Cream 5
Hyacinth Cold Cream 50
Brown's Wonder Face Cream. .50
Anbrey Slaters Cold Cream. . .t0
Lnxor Cold Cream 50
Creme Rbea. ................. 65
Oxyan Balm SO
Magda ToUet Cream 65
Creme Mealys 50
Graham's Complex. Cream.. $1.40
Creme Ambre Royal. ....... $1.50
Hind's Honey and Almond
Cream .45
Melba Skin I.otlon 25
Orchard White 35
Froatllla 25
Eapey's Cream 20
Owl Benaoin Cream 25
Owl Witch Hazel Cream 25
Graham's Bath of Iaia 75
Roger's Skin Jelly 50
Hudnat's Milk. Cucumber and
Orris $1.00
Jackson's Jersey Balm 22
Friday and Saturday
The Owl Theatrical
Cold Cream
(Regular 60c Size).
.47 c
This simple statement carries a most important message. The price on this fa
mous cold cream is seldom lowered and the rapidly rising cost of materials will
make it impossible to duplicate this offer for a long time to come. Take advantage
( of this opportunity.
Full Pound Tins 47c, Friday and Saturday Only
Complexion Powders
Java Rice Powder.. . .1 ."...45
Bird Complexion Powder 25
Swaasdown Compl. Powder ... 20
Freeman's Face Powder 25
R, dt G. Pondre de RIs 30
Meloroae Face Powder ..39
Red Feather Compl. Powder. .50
Luxor Complexion Powder. ... SO
Satin Skin Powder 33
Woodbury's Facial Powder 22
G r a h a m's Kosmeo Face
Powder 45
Armand Complex. Powder. .. .50
Uiadine Face Powder 45
Mavis Face Powder 50
Colgate's Florlent Face Pow
der 50t
T e t I o w'a Puaaywlllow Pow
der 50
Tetlow's Gossamer Complex
ion Powder. 22
Ingram's Velveola Face Pow
der 22
Vogue Complexion Powder. .. .50
Harrison's Face Powder 40
Melballne Powder 25
711 el ha Powder 50
H n d n n t'a Violet See Face
Powder 50
Sanltol Face Powder 29
La Blacae Face Powder 45
Reynal Face Powder 75
Poasoni's Complex. Powder... 39
Djer Kiss Complex. Powder.. 60
Lov'Me Face Powder 75
Poudre Fascination 59
Egyptian Face Powder 50
Exora Face Powder 55
Mary Garden Face Powder. . $1.00
Hndnnt's Gardenia Face Pow
der 81. OO
Pondre Simon ftl.OO
Varna Violet Face Powder. . SI. OO
Leone Face Powder Sl.OO
R. Ar G. Anthea Face Pwdr. .iJl.lO
Vernlce Complex. Powder. .$1.50
Plver's Face Powders $1.50
Violet's Ambre Royal Face
Powder $2.25
Honblgant's Ideal Complex
ion Powder $4.50
Liquid Face Powders
Dickey Creme de Lis -39
Arabalene Compl. Beautlfier. .45
Raymond Complex. Cream... .40
Camelllne. 40
Creme de Camelfs 50
Anyvo Make-Up 22
Buena Tonic 53
Velveta 49
Red Feather Beantifler 50
Hagan'a Magnolia Balm.. . . . . .75
Oriental Cream. $1.25
Melba Ronge 25
Da Val's Rouge. .....20
Dorin's Ronge 65
Veda Rose Rouge 40
Red Feather Ronge 50
Stein's Ronge 20
Roger 4t Gallet Rouge 25
Bourjois Rouge 25
Lip Stick Rouge
Varna Lip Stick 15
Luxor Pomade 25
Roger & Gallet Pomade 25
Laos Lip Stick 25
Exerda Lip Stick 50
Bourjois Lip Stick 25
Dorin's Lip Stick 35
Violet's Lip Stick 40
Eyebrow Pencils
Bonrjois Eyebrow Pencil 10
Dorin's Eyebrow Pencil 15
Roger & Gallet Eyebrow
Pencil 25
Tootnolr 50
Stein's Mascara .......59
Meyer's Mascariila 55
PrwvojutctKj Sem-prav Jojc fia
Wiarang; aJansa Icmff
Sempre Giovine is not a rouge or a soap; neither
is it a cold cream. It cleanses the pores of the skin
and removes all impurities from the skin the real
cause of all local skin troubles.
Sempre Giovine is really fine for blackheads
and pimples, dry skin and harsh wrinkles.
Sold in all Owl Drug Stores at 49 a cake.
This, the original sanitary liquid,
devitalizes superfluous hair. It
has passed the tests of many
chemists and is approved as .the
most scientific and practical way
to remove hair. The method has
the indorsement of physic ians,
surgeons and dermatologists.
60c a Bottle
E. Struplere, Manager. Marshall 2000 Telephones A 1333
Oregon Boys Ready for War.
LEBANON. Or.. April 11. (Special.)
Mrs. II. T. Wilson, who lives near this
city, received a letter from her son.
Arthur J. Wilson. In the ordnance de
partment of the Army, in which he said
few days ago the commander called
for volunteers for overseas duty, and
the 14 boys from Oregon in the com
pany were the first to step out and say
that they were ready.
Aberdeen Couple Get License.
TACOMA. Wash.. April 11. (Special.)
James Cornwall and Mattie A. Swan,
both of Aberdeen, obtained a marriage
, license here today.
The kidneys sre the most overworked
organs of the human body, and when
they fail in their work of filtering out
and throwing off the poisons developed
in the avatem. thinas begin to happen.
One of the firBt warnings is pain or
stiffness In the lower part of the back;
highlv colored urine; loss of appetite;
indigestion: irritation, or even stone in
the bladder. These symptoms indicate
a condition that may lead to that
dreaded and fatal malady. Fright's dis
ease, for which there is said to be no
You can almost certainly find Imme
diate relief In GOLD MEDAL, Haarlem
Oil Capsules. For more than 200 years
this famous preparation has been an
unfailing remedy for all kidney, blad
der and urinary troubles. Get It at any
drug store, and if it does not give you
almost immediate relief, your money
will be refunded. Re sure you get the
GOLD MEDAL, brand. None other genu
ine. In boxes, three sixes. Adv.
: This Fire-Fighter
; . Says This
T have used several packages
of Cadomene Tablets and found
J them very beneficial, and have
recommended them to several
members of the fire department,
who also speak well of the re
s' suits. Most respectfully,
"Fire Marshal, LanBdowne, Pa."
' For nervous, weak, impover
J lshed men and women there is
a, nothing so good to build up as
Cadomene Tablets. Sold in sealed
tubes by all druggists. Adv.
Clk I A
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lt t .-3-aita. Sai g ilS f jESJ
i aYVefc 4 as Doses roa tiL2ri--l
as csmts -T
Phone your want una to The Orego-
nian. Main 7070, A 6095.