Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, April 12, 1918, Page 6, Image 6

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PATRIOTS REFUSE Tflll official war reports
Portland.Men Waive .Claims in
Asking to Be Inducted
Into Service at Once.
RrglMrants Bring Notified to Report
for Induction and Entralnment
April It bne Drafted of DI
vilon 7, 'ow la Shanghai.
ft eager ara two Portland patriots
f draft aa to enter their country's
acnrlcs they hava had themselves ad
vanced from far down tha Jina In order
to be irnl to Camp Lewla with the next
quota of selected men.
Charles Kratrwn Babcoek. 101 Russell
street, and Kobert Ford Garrison.
Twenty-fourth and Mason, ara tha men
who have waived all claims and ob
tained aa order from the Adjutant
Cieneral. authorising; their Induction
Info tha service April 1.
Mabcock and Garrison are married
and registrants In division No. S, of
Portland. Babcock had been running- a
barber shop In this city, but haa sold
It. Kestlesa because not slated for in
duction soon, ho has had himself volun
tarily advanced. He filed an affidavit
statins; that his wife lives at The
Ialle. and Is not dependent on him for
her support.
Garrison was formerly located at
Pendleton, working as a salesman and
motor truck driver. He la a newiywed,
havlnc been married December 1. 1917.
Affidavits aliened by him and his wife
aliow that she la carnlnc a competence
as a nurse.
Hrslatraals JTet Replaced.
Inclusion of these two "rarln-to-fiaht"
patriots doea not replace other
registrants. It merely means that board
No. will send Zi Inatead of 2i In
ducted men to the cantonment.
With the exception of board No. 4.
which had the status of two men un
decided, the IV boards of Portland and
the Multnomah County board yester
day completed lists of registrants called
for induction and entralnment April 29.
Jn most cases tbe time of induction nas
been set for la or 11 o'clock of tha day.
All boards are notifying- alternates, but
not all are announcing the names of
revision No. T has one man of Ita list
at Shanrhal. China. He Is Victor W.
lienntnasen. He is beinjr Included for
induction at the stated time, but In the
meantime an extra man is being- for'
warded under the latest call.
Except for elialbles called by division
No. (. previously reported, and those
to be summoned by board No. 4. the
men to be sent from the county are
Beard Xe. 1.
W!tr M. N.Hoo. 13 Tenth street.
Ferdinand (Iraae. Him! tlulid avenue.
NicoIa lieorcafr. 5Ht tloyt afreet.
ItAjrnoid W. Mrkr. 4"'J Hmi street.
Carl A,ot H'frpt, 11 Tee:fth street.
KUward tluml.arh. Conralin Hotel.
alarms Rdlr Waters. & Everett street.
An:oa Kunta. 4a North elx-eemn street.
Cnr.cs Ctlward Conroy. Uui Vaughn
ni:ilam lasleaby. sr Nerth Twentieth
Robert Nole Beraer. 199 Twtnty-lhlrd
A.eaander Better. 993 T'pahor street.
HoOert Jini Lou: til. Sou Fifteenth street.
Iaa Nonorlch. 3')4 Courh street.
Krnest intn tUuer. II North Second street.
Henry S. IlrawDinc. s Overton street.
Joua sarphr. el Nona First street.
James GftrruKk Wala. 6V lUel Twentieth
T.lumaa K. O'DonnelU North Nine-
taenth street.
WuUaro I'eul Roee. 125 North etvth street.
ZenilA H. Pm:, 2wi North Nineteenth
0. 1f 0:n. SIT North Twelfth street.
V"!n Kraua. M.rehall street.
Thonua A. Lout: It. North fifteenth
Tbamai Polan. Btlnd Q,ush. Or.
Emory Albert Kern, lol-l becond avenue.
tlerl Un1e K'.eppln. Astoria.
H.rry Richard Tlmmoua, f3s Nsrth
Sixth street.
Board No. I.
Harold r. Mitchell. 201 Dominion building.
Vancouver. 11. C.
Jeeee T. lora. 473 Waehlneton street,
II i;:uia Ueorie Riter. . intra, or.
Kerry Jamee e.-irtatunaen. i Cast Twelfth
street, apartment 7. ToJd apartments.
Carl Ouatav Koseburg. beveniy.lif th street
1. aareiot J. Garvin. 5- Fourth street.
..yd spence Kiralaad. :!70r Fourth
Jack Krnm. Sixth street.
We.ier Herbert Marimaa, North Fifth
Ila.rrv Mqniame. Saa Frsnrlaco. Cat.
Haro.d hufua Chnatmaa. Marmot, Ur.
John Ausuatlne. Bristol Hotel,
tieverln -..atier. Covernment dredge Xillt-ae-nab.
Weatport. Or.
Piu; Jeaain. Third street.
Mike Zeasoe. X4S Morrison street.
P. W. at. Denla
Carl Anuerson. -"an rranclsca, Cel.
Conatantlne Guiioa.
Beynioad Basil Torvea, atoatberae. Wash.
Alette FarraaJL.
,rnei opphaer. CoraeMus. Or.
Arthur Ci Baiaiey. Kan Kranclsco. CaL
tirria Brjraa t.ocKlenougn. featt.e. Wash.
Norman 1. 0ConneiL et. Kaul. allnn.
-Wilfred James Sinclair, a US WUI build
Blrhard Ne:s Ne!aon. TTtH Grand avenne.
tj::ver Cbarboneau. : - a Uarket street.
John F. I'eterson. tiiobe Hotel.
Joevph John Hovers. l'o3 Boundary svenne.
Klcoard iomascbotak, 401 Ss Washlagtea
Strr.' 1-
Henry TVarren Dunham. Sa!em. Or.
l.ou.a F. -redlro. i.- c'lr
avarl Ture I'raniilia, 1
Jhucuet Massnuaon.
Brkeey street.
t;roeo l.ioanni. Seattle, Wash.
Ouatav Johnson. Oovernme&l dredge Wil
lamette. Portend. K. Diamond. Central Hotel.
Joerph A. Kratt. auS liroadway at Cast
Xen:y.f:fth atreet. ,
Joan B. Cof ( r. Butte. Mont.
T. braaten. 7 Siata street.
:vAjte.e riame.aa. Seattle. Wash.
Centre West latee. Hotel Garland.
Jmee Eraatua Leabo. 2aa Kranciece. Cat.
CoostaaUne leiuetrue Oaaaopulea. Y. ai.
C. A.
lstaa:d Cloud Faweett. Huntlngtoa. Or.
Beard Ne. .
Koaard N Franrrs. 413 Haasale street.
J-iron C. Vlnea, 3let Bruaderar.
l.s Halenan. No. 22 Berkeley- spartmeata.
.bert Crane Nivie'.n. 2vl i.inco.a Street.
t.eoraa alarms. v First street.
Aoranam Silver. 471 W eat Broadway.
Natuea . alake'ee. ft Second street.
t-a aledfskv. s-tl Second street.
i narler t!.::era Hlack. 71 Kellv street.
Juna oroaa alarana-i. 4o Co.iese atreeu tVarscamidt. fcael a.,-Uly nc
Sal atreet.
Joe Joha Barret!. 63 Second street.
tlarry WuXred Thlmmea, ss Tsaahill
Triomu Maacott. lse Fast !xlh street.
sHt-r T. kaamuaeen. 10J alaradata street.
Carle ZaJinU 24 Co.iese street. Olenn. 7o4 Ke. f street.
lvid Finaieatem. s.o Cibba street.
K.xco Mkc&.a. 11 e rterulaa.
lar iiruaa. eeaaiae, or.
ke c Kiboee, UJt Carroll aveaae,
Xur CaL
tee Homuaift, lie North Breaderay.
C hirlea Cotestio. la Oraat street.
Vv, :iei Al.ea Clark.
2we3rt Uar.ow
Beard Ne. .
John Baderph Ksns, SIT Karl street.
Ilrarei kkUsea Neeie.1. a-4 Eieveata street
r're4 Wplndolph. a Csrqthars street.
ATiane Roy s'alrciuia. 1-4 fcast aiateeatb
at - t.
Vineense Maeslnss. S3 East atf-.seath
t r I.
Jnha A. Ceetter, 411 Faec Merrteoa street.
Hotea A, Wakler. eUl Eaat Forty -am to
xieroert Mosaelm Cayier, aeattle.
LONDOJf. April 11. The official re
port from Field Marshal Halas head
quarters In Prance toniitht reads:
The enemy pressed his attacks
strongly throughout the day on the
whole northern battle front. Heavy
and contlnuoua assaults have been de
livered by fresh German divisions In
the region of the River Lawe between
Lolsne and Istrem. -
"In this fla-htlng- the Elst Division
has beaten off Incessant attacks with
Treat losses to the enemy and by vigor
ous and successful counter-attacka has
recaptured positions Into which the
enemy had forced hla way.
"Heavy flgbtlna; haa taken place at
Estairea and between tstalres and
Bteenwerck. In thla sector also the
enemy attacked In strength and suc
ceeded In pushing; back our Una to just
north of these places.
"North of Armentleres a determined
attack developed this morning against
our positions In the neighborhood of
Ploegsteert wood and the enemy made
come progress. Further north a heavy
attack waa launched this morning
against our lines In the neighborhood
of Wytschaete and Hollebeke. but was
completely repulsed by the Ninth Di
vision with great loss to tbe enemy.
"Fighting; la continuing on the whole
front between La Basse Canal and tha
Tpres-Comines Canal. On the re
mainder of the British front the day
again paased comparatively quiet.'
BERLIN". Tla London, April 11. The
official communication Issued from
general headquarters thla evening
The battle near Armentleres la tak
ing a further favorable course. We
have penetrated Into the suburbs of
Armentleres. South of Estaires the
Lawe has been crossed at some points.
lot oatiio ox Armentleres nas occn
In full swing since April . Between
Armentleres and Festubert General von
Quest's army has captured English and
Portuguese positions on the southern
bank of the Lys and on the eastern
bank of the Lawe. After storming the
Grenier wood and Neuva Chapelle In
its first assault across the swampy
crater field. It overpowered the wide
plain prepared for stubborn resistance,
with Its Innumerable farms and houses
and clusters of trees, which by the
Joseph Drapeau, 1170 East Main
Allen Frank
sixth street.
Black. S272 East Thirty
Vlarvla B. Klneaid.
11S3 East Madison
Helmuts Edward Krauae, S10 East Twelfth
Frederick William Garner. 410 East Fifty
alrhth street.
Antonio lcnale. S2Ji Orsnd svenoe.
Kilward r.- Wacner, 8S1 Plvlalon street.
Charles Wilson atU'lri. Han Franclaco.
Naaareno Clcrosal. 37 Eaat Lincoln street.
Arnold Joba Zelier. 6 IS Cast Twenty-third
Street. .
Walter Lee Conn. 103 East reny-eixin
street. ,
Albert Janlta, jr. in z.aat xwenty-tutn
street. .
Halph F. Coryea, orana union notei.
Christian sis East Twenty-third
Kmldlo Crlspo. SOT East Ninth street.
Srlveeter E. Blnsenbeimer, 412 East Ilar
rlson atreet.
Ls;ie lRoy Csmsr. 1143 Rswthorne avs-
Isvld Lloyd Fainter. 0 Elliott street.
Haymend E. Guernsey. 106 East Twenty
elshtb street. ...
Alternatea Mark Toemaa. Panlel Alex
Suiilvaa. 'rank Parslow.
Board Ne. 7.
j. A. Dryden. 80 Thirty-fourth street
Nj"mej af. Bond. SS Jn Rafael street
John F. Bchabert. 41 Stanton street.
Victor W. Hennlnsaon. Shanshal. China.
John J. Laln. 107 Carlotta court.
Harry Shenher. 649 Eaat Seventh street
North. ,
Ward F. Cos. 80S Multnomah Cloh.
txnlel O. Berne, I4 Fourteenth street
William E. Zimmerman. Cambrldse. Man.
Frederick W. Brook. Kins Bui apart-
""Thomss Franklin Funk. 101 East Seventy-
ninth North.
Ueorce Lolllca. 4IO iwnraiist.
Loze'n. 10S East Eighty-second
Oren O.
Jake wetnetein. " ' " c
Marvin Lester Smith. Gilror. CaL
lanlel J. Kenney. 4S Trinity place.
Sidney S. Gebble. S7 Krhoyler.
Kilward D. thinners. U-7 Eaat Alder.
William V. Brad.ey. Norfolk. Va.
Nlmrod G. Aube. Jl tpaldlns balldlnc.
Leonard Thomas, lei East Sheldon.
Wallace Howell Martyn, Chlraso.
Horace Lyman McCoy. 854 Hancock.
Victor O. titlrnwela, b-3 Knott
Henry Waters Armstrong-. Falls City Lum
ber Compsny.
Beninmln F. nnas. 10 riu-" "-
Carlton O. Button. 63H Eaat fclxly-miro.
Earl LeKoy Jenka. Salem. Or.
Board No. a.
T.h. rtaroid Forsbera. Fnttla
Charlrs Robert Psrk. Wli Mlaaourl avenue,
albert. Palmer. Ill Eaat tlx nth street
Nort h.
J . cb John leaser, i"
East Twelfth
Street North.
Earl Artnur l noraaon.
tea Mississippi
Harry Alhert lienor. n noyr eueeu
James Wilson. f 1 Vernon avenue,
t PirtMau. has Williams avenue.
William Adoiph Barnes, Ai't Falllnf
Louis Hsnanca saiaiser, wia aaijot
A at on Usselmsn. 4tn eumner iren. 1123 East tilth North.
lietro Ulannlnl. loll J East Twenty-Ufth
Georre Henry Emmen, eoos una e-
Fred G. Johnston, 141 x.ast jwimrmia
iimi Vorth.
orvllla Barker, jawt eaat ennui ame.
Emll Keller. SOT renin street.
Albert Edward Dartnail. olney. Or.
w 1 f r.i Roberta. Carson. Wash.
Jim Elotea. Jetfers Hotel. Burnstde and
PfftK etreete.
Albert Julius Hrtstic I"" iwenty-
umrrt atreet North.
Fred Albert Whlthalr. S4 Mlchljaa
joe . Torres, f : Butte Hotel.
Board No. .
r.nk Tt 400 Jessun street
Waiter P. Schnelier. East Eighteenth and
ytufi.iA atreeta.
Charles W. Brownlnc 1096 East Twenty-
aeventli North.
Peter P. J ansae. 1031 Eaat Twenty -seventh
street North,
John Defehr. T01 Washington street
alerle BilTeu. 1402 Hawthorne avenae.
Anders M. E. Anderson. Columbia Hotel.
Elmer Little. 141a Vulcan street
.Carl T. Kay. 711 1 flan Francisco.
Koy Clara. 3 Jeaaup street
lavld A. Wheeleaa. 6S4 Liberty street.
Myron C. Case, oeweso. Or.
Jonn Hitter. Lebanon. Or.
Arnold M. Johannesen. 11M East Seven
teenth street North.
Henry p. Bartel, 11U East Eighteenth
street North.
Walter H. GelaeL, Washing-ton. D. C KretweiL Walhalla. S. C
L. Barney Levhtacr. Winnipeg. Can.
Alternates are:
Ert-ico Maatrautooia. 3 2 eg East Thirty
fourth street North.
George Arthur Mitchell. 53 Jessap street
E.tner C Kowley. SI McCiellan street
Gilbert A. Anderson. 404 Alnaworth avenue
Erneat L. hhort. 11144 Maryland avenue.
Kobert H. Thompson. 730 Hoyt street
Waller B. kcott. First and V aahinglon
w 11. lam E oik oaky, 111S East Thirty-see-
end stxeet
Beard Ne. IS.
Carl A. Peterson. 443 Roes street
Andrew Asuerson, e4 Minnesota avenoe.
Frederick William Schumann. sl Bod-
aey avenue.
Georse washingtoa sircasro. am Barta-
wick street
LeRoy Peck. Bend. Or.
Frank Markeveta. lit Waet Farrasut
Ernest 7f. Hopklmt 4"7 Clsy street
Albert I- ecaactL laoa East Slztseath
street North.
Marcus Pehl. 131 V) FnsseTl street
William Georse Gib be, 1472 Van Hasten
Roy K- Mock, foot ef Bene street
Tom Gataoe. ZuOa Columbia boulevard.
M. Eve Morgan, 343 Cherrv street
Norman W. Weet. lao MrKe&aa avenue.
Georse E. Wells. Perdue, Or.
Clifford H. Whiting. 102 4 Philadelphia
Edward James C
elsmaa. Se4 Elan ton
labor of years had been constructed
into strong; points of support.
"The crossing of the Lys was forced
by the jTtfth Infantry regiment.
Testerday the attack was continued
on an even wider front. General Dixt
von Arnlm's troops captured Holle
beke and the first English line adjoin
ing to the 'south. They stormed the
heights of Xlesstnes and maintained it
against strong enemy counter attack.
"To the south of Waasten-Warneton
they pushed forward as far as Floes-
steert wood and reached the Ploeg-steert-Armentleres
"General von Quest's army crossed
the Lys at several points between Ar
mentleres and Eitalres and la engaged
In battle with freshly brought up Eng
lish troops on the northern bank of the
river to the south of, Estaires. We
fought our way to Lawe and to tha re
gion northeast of Bethune.
"The number of prisoners haa In
creased to considerably more than 10,
000, including- a Portuguese general."
PARIS, April 11. The War Office
today Issued the following- statement:
"French artillery developed activity
In tha courae of the night between
Montdldler and Noyon. A German de
tachment waa caught under the French
fire In the region of Orvlllers-Sorel
and dispersed before It waa able to ap
proach our lines.
"Northwest and east of Rhelms, the
French made successful raids, bring
ing back a dozen prisoners and one ma
chine gun.
"In the Champagne the Germans at
tacked advanced French poeta east of
Soualn. They were repulsed after
spirited engagement. Another effort
In Apreraont forest waa broken up by
the French fire. There la nothing to
report from the remainder of the front.
"On April 10, two German airplanes
i uno uiuukui uuwu v,
French machine guns."
were brought down by the lire of
ROME. April 10. The official state
ment from the Italian War Office to
day tells of artillery activity through
out Wednesday between the Astlco and
the Brenta.
"At Aslago enemy patrols, faced by
patrols of the allies, were turned back,
the statement says.
William Jones. Greshsm. Or.
Carl C. Kalllamla. (Thlcaxo.
Henry J. Hawley. Fort Worth. Tax.
Frank Hvnry Strelchen. '-acoma. Waah.
Clarence W. Everett tio4 Williams avenue.
Joeeph Stachnemscy. Pittsburg. Pa.
Albln Bernard Lindblom. Burllng-ton.
John Christiansen. Chlcsge.
Ole Pederson. 423 East Tioga street
Albert E. McDonald, Tillamook. Or.
Alternates are:
Alfred .William Anderson. 1124 Lombard
Lewis Drat hers, 1800 Pennsylvania avenns
Hudolph Arthur Anderson, 811 Uatrcock
Albert B. Wrinkle, 404 Wast Charleston
Khennaa Barkson. S43 Esst Thirty-third
Gray Edwin Teellng. S19 West Tyler street
Carl Leo Gund. lis Kllpatrlck atreet
Board No. 11 (County).
Gottlieb ftehwah, Falrview.
Manuel Garcia. Tacoraa. Wash.
John MMdell. Seattle. Wash.
Foklon 1. Catslfaa. Bridal Vail.
Henry Stlieff. Hillsdale.
Ernest A. Nellsnd. North Portland.
Kusaell . Thuraton, Greahsm.
Marrello Gaaiola. Hllladale.
Henry Buah. St Helena. Or.
Ernest Hubschmtd. 232 Front street,
Kobert Magnuson. Gresham.
John Tannlrr. Hotter, Mont
Kaiph C. Klncald, Corbett
Carl W. Alder, Troutdale.
Waif red Stefanson, Gresham.
Joseph H. Iollowltrh. Greahant
Drills Given by Aero Squadron Mem
bers Evoke Applause.
To the rhythmic tramp, tramp of 150
pairs of Army boots worn by stalwart
soldiers of Uncle Sam's Army, three
platoons of the 412th Aero Construc
tion Squadron of Vancouver Barracks
went through one of the finest and
most creditable drills possible last
nlKht In tbe Auditorium.
The drill waa the feature of the big
military dance given by the Signal
Corps, Spruce Production Division, for
the benefit of their mess and other
funds. Fully 2000 persons attended the
affair, and repeatedly burst into loud
applause and cheers as the squadron
went through their drill, under com
mand of Lieutenant T. M. Thomas.
They also went through a whistle
drill in an equally creditable manner.
The finale waa an effective closing,
two buglers standing against the
American flags at the back of the stage
sounded taps as the lights In the
Auditorium were dimmed and a spot
light showed the Stars and Stripes be
ing lowered. Thla waa followed by
the audience singing "The Star-
Spangled Banner."
Another pretty feature of the affair
was the grand march, led by Lieu
tenant-Colonel and Mrs. Van Way,
Colonel and Mrs. Brice P. Dlsque. The
march was resplendent with dozens of
girls, attired In Red Cross nurses' uni
forms and caps, members of the elec
trical union, who are called upon fre
quently to attend military dances
partner for the soldiers. There also
were a number of well-known Port
land and Vancouver women In smart
evening toilettes. The balance of the
evening waa devoted to dancing.
Sawmill Workers Show That Charges
Against Them Are False.
Charges of disorderly conduct against
George Anderson and J. Alrldge, saw
mill workers, were dismissed by Muni
cipal Judge Rossman yesterday. Both
were arrested Monday for alleged state
ments that they would not purchase
liberty bonds. It was shown that re
marks attributed to them were false.
Mr. Alrldge said that as soon as he
had paid some current bills he had In
tended to buy a bond. His wife al
ready was th. owner of a bond of a
previous issue.
Mr. Anderson explained that he had
a large family to support and had quit
his ob at the sawmill and was going to
work In a shipyard, so that he could
make more money and be In a position
financially to Invest in a liberty bond.
Action Aratnst Two Dropped on Mo
tion of District Attorney.
ASTORIA. Or, April 1L (Special.)
At Saturday's session of the Cir
cuit Court th. Indictments against
Henry J. Ober. Frank Millard and M.
Nelson Seaserand. charging them with
perjury, were dismissed upon motion
of the District Attorney.
On account of the dismissal of the
case the Jury was excused till tomoiw
row. when the case of the State Fish
eries and Gam. Commission against
Charles Guilllum. will com. up for
bearing. . This Is brought to condemn
tract of land wnicn tne aepartment
desires In order to make additions te
and Improve th. aalmoa hatch. ry on
th. Klaakanln. River.
Phone your want ads to Tha Orego-
nlan. JJaln 7070. A 6036.
Figures Greatly Increased in
Latest Estimates on Income,
Excess Profits Levies.
Request for Installment Method Re
ceived With Some Favor by Com
missioner Roper Rich Men
Praised for Patriotism.
WASHINGTON. April 11. Recent re
ports from revenue collectors indicate
that the Government may receive from
Incomes and excess profits taxes in
June much more than the $2,600,000,000
estimated. Some estimates, based on
preliminary examination of returns
filed ten days ago, run as high as
If these calculations of big collec
tions are borne out by further exami
nation of returns within the next two
weeks, the Treasury may recommend
legislation toprovide for installment
payment of taxes, probably on June 15,
August 15 and October 15... The Treas
ury's decision on this question also de
pends largely on the success of the
liberty loan in the next week or ten
A delegation of the National Confer
ence of State Manufacturers' Associa
tions, accompanied by members of
Congress, today appealed to Internal
Revenue Commissioner Roper for the
establishment of a system to ease the
financial burden on business In June.
Roper GIvea Eneooraajrmenr.
Ur. Roper promised that the Treas
ury would grant the request If the
conditions of Government finances
made it possible and advisable. Here
tofore both Secretary McAdoo and Mr.
Roper have expressed themselves
opposed to the plan.
The liberty loan would be stimulated
by making It possible for business con
cerns to pay their taxes In install
ments, the manufacturers declared.
Under the present rule many feel that
they are financially unable to buy lib
erty bonds for resale to employes and
at the same time make arrangements
for the tax outlays In June.
CHICAGO, April 11 Some men are
paying aa high as $30,000,000 income
tax in the United States, according to
Charles A. Eaton, head of the National
service section of the United States
Shipping Board and Emergency Fleet
Some Pay Thirty Million.
The statement waa made In the
course of an address here today. The
stenographic report of his remarks
quotes him aa follows:
There are men In this Nation today
paying five millions, ten millions and
some as high aa 30 millions of dollars
in income taxes to the Government,
and I have yet to hear from these men
the first objection, the first squeal.
They are patriotic. They walk up and
give their money In service to the Na
Portland Citizens Asked to Give
Autos for Scenic Trip.
There are 120 soldiers at Vancouver
Barracks, all members of 318th En
gineers, who have been asked to go
over the Columbia River Highway Sat-
rday. Patriotic citizens of Portland
will be given the opportunity of tak-
ng these Eastern boys over Oregon s
mos; scenic roadway and it is asked
that owners of machines De at tne
south end of the Interstate bridge at
2 o'clock, Sunday.
Mrs. E. W. Godfrey, of 301 Fargo
street, is in charge of the trip and de
sires that all car owners phone her at
Kat 479. Friday.
Tomorrow yon will find here a collection of new, but shopworn, 1915, 1916
Pianos, as
Original. Upright Pianos.
S450 Kimball, laree. mahogany
300 Hohler & Hohler, swell rosewood, small
450 Eilers, Duotone, mahogany, large
550 Steger, 1917 model, golden oak
550 Steger, 1915 model, mahogany.........
500 Reed & Son, 1917 model, fancy walnut.
425 Thompson, 1916 model, fancy walnut.
350 Ernest Gabler. ebony, small
275 Collard & Collard, walnut, small
350 KneiseL 1917 model, fumed oak
525 Singer, 1917 model, fine mahogany
373 Thompson, 1917 model, mahogany
475 Thompson, 1917 model, fancy walnut
550 Kroeger, large, oak, upright grand
425 Mendenhall, 1917 model, mahogany
525 Singer, 1917 model, fancy walnut
500 Bennett, large, mahogany
375 Davis & Son, 1917 model, mahogany
450 Thompson, 1917 model, mahogany
TERMS EASY $10.00, OR MORE, CASH, $5.00, OR
tflVl v 1fWV, was the price paid for a good piano bv our parents or grandparents after the Civil War. Prices I ui. Biwaraj a weu-rawa pnysoraan
$OUU tO $1UUU on pianos are going; up bv leaps and bounds now some local piano stores have already raised la Ohio, perfected a Vegetable com
prices (50 to f 150. Will you wait until you need to pay $600 to ,1000 for your piano? pound mixed with Olive Oil to act Ott
Pijino R-vchnn.rfe Denartment Ju.r ""d?,a"?i.or5a"- it.lkJn5.m..1?!nl ?I.J2uZ"ZJ0liK?lna- ft8 Uver bowels, which he gave to
. - in bl uibh jfftymeui, uu jvu . " -
Insr month. We sell 25 per cent lower than local market cash prices, whether you pay balance in cash or on easy
monthly Installments of P6 or more monthly. WE WJLL SEND YOU A OOD. NEW TALKIXG JWACHI.NK FOB TOI R
rEi org oh sarARE piaxo. we will, se.nd you a SPLENDID new talking MACHINE fob YoiB
I SED UPRIGHT PIA-NO. Call, bring or mall us full description of the instrument you have to trade.
I Irdei IOIII I inno hV 1
Your boy or slrl working can save 20c dally and secure a musical education now.
mlls. and tne olano will be shinned subject to exchange within one year, we allowing the full amount paid. This vir
tually rives you a one-year trial of the piano you order.
Every piano or player piano purchased carries with it the Schwan Piano Co.
usual guarantee zrom eactt m&nulaciurer
Massfae tsrers
Coast Dlstrlbntara,
111 Fonrlk Street
at Waaalna-toav,
I . Gray's Twenty J
1 A Clothing Famine staring every 1
mail in the face,. Uncle Sam will j
1 probably commandeer all the mills j
in the country. Those .who do not
. buy clothes now. will pay from 80 to 100 g
H more for their clothes when present stocks are
exhausted, and the indications are . there will be j
g the greatest scarcity of clothing ever known in 1
1 this country the next season. 1
U We have 2000 Suits in stock, of splendid styles and g;ood mate- g
H rials through our profit scaring policy with our customers we
H are still able to give you Suits at Twenty and Thirty that are H
H dependable. We save you half the profit you pay other stores. H
Compare Gray's
Suits and Overcoats with those sold
by other stores for $25 and $30.
Conservation to Be Practiced csrennij
. fcy College; Men and Women W
Draw Up Rules.
Corvallis, April 11. (Special.) Drastic
action on the Question of food conser
vation was taken at a special meeting
of fraternities, sororities and clubs of
Oregon Agricultural College last night.
Binding rules were drawn up by the
students and each pledged the support
of his organization to the measures.
The result probably will be that the
soda fountain and candy counter of the
co-operative store owned and operated
by the students will be closed, for the
students pledged themselves to use no
candy, soft drinks or sodas. This meas
ure will also mean that no downtown
stores carrying confectionary will ne
visited by these students.
The meeting was tne resun or a pa
triotic move on the part of a number
of the bovs and girls to really conserve.
Public sentiment will be the determin
ing factor in the new regime and stu
dents found not living up to their
pledge will be looked upon as slackers
to their country.
The list of substitutions and ail ac-
tion taken was first submitted to the
home economics department ana a
carefully balanced supply of foods ar
ranged so that no one might suffer.
All action is absolutely voluntary on
he part of the boys and girls and the
also some used Pianos, f layers ana
. 85
. 163
. 395
. 865
. 395
Original. Player Pianos.
S600 Mendenhall, fancy walnut
650 Thompson, 1916 model, fumed oak
650 Thompson, 1917 model, fine mahogany
775 Steger & Son, 1915 model, fine walnut
550 Steger & Son, 1916 model, Cir. walnut
950 Steger & Son, 1917 model, Cir. walnut
750 Singer, 1916 model, mahogany
750 Singer, 1917 model, mahogany
650 Peerless Electric Player Piano, oak
250 Angelus Player, fancy walnut
750 Reed & Son, 1917 model, mahogany
1050 Steger & Son, 1916 model, Cir. walnut
950 Steger & Son, mission, oak
650 Thompson, 1917 model, mahogany
1000 Large Parlor Grand, rosewood
1100 Steinway & Sons, rosewood
1G50 Steger & Son, old model, rosewood
1050 Steger & Son, 1916 model, Cir. walnut
1 n 1 1 lw,u compare oar
oi these new musical instruments.
Schwan Piano
Values Will Tell
matter was started by themselves. The
president of each organization will en
force the rulings In his house.
Vancouver .Shine Artists Organize
and Affiliate With Portland Union.
VANCOUVER, Wash, April 11. (Spe
cial.) The shoeshiners of Vancouver,
operating about half a dozen or more
stands, have organized and become
affiliated with the Portland Bootblacks'
Union. It is now said that on Sundays
and holidays shines will be 15 cents,
instead of 10. The bootshiners also
plan to quit work about 3 o'clock Sun
day afternoon to have a few hours for
themselves In which to spend the in
creased amount of money they expect
to make from raising the price of
They claim the high cost of living,
materials, etc, have seen affected by
the war as much as other lines, and
so feel constrained to raise the price
ot shining shoes.
Kindergarten Council to Meet
The monthly luncheon of the Kinder
garten Council will be given in the
committee tearoom of the Y. W. C. A. at
12 o'clock tomorrow. Superintendent
Alderman will speak about the connec
tlon between the kindergarten and the
primary grades, ah oi tnose wno are
luwrawu o "-"sv'"
Webb Export Bill Signed.
WASHINGTON, April 11. The Webb
exoort bill, permitting American ex
porters to co-operate in export trade,
was signed today by President Wilson.
and 1917 Model Pianos and Player
uranas, viz.:
. 395
. 435
. 495
. 562
iiBinr, Pric
. . , A. I
guarantee 0f satisfaction, as also the j
Used Y
Compare Gray's
Suits and Overcoats with those sold
by other stores for $35 and $45.
Hair Health
All drtoi.ta: Boas S. Ointment S a S9. Talenra 25.
Saarple each free of "OvUcBra, Dept. S, Beaten."
Tells How She Was Made
Well by Lydia E. Pink
ham's Vegetable
Brooklyn, N. Y., " For one year I '
was miserable from a displacement,
which caused a gen
eral run-down con
dition with head
aches and pains in
my side. My sister
induced me to try
Lydia E.Pinkham's
Vegetable Com-
Eound. I found it
e 1 p e d 'me very -much
and such a
splendid tonic that
I am recommend
ing it to any woman 1
wd o h a s similar
troubles." Mrs. Elsie G. Lewis, SO
Vernon Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y.
Such conditions as Mrs. Lewis suf-
fered from may be caused by a fan or
a general weakened run-down condition
of the system, and the most successful
remedy to restore strength to muscles
and tissue and bring about a normal
healthy condition has proved to be this
famous root and herb medicine, Lydia
E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound.
If you have disturbing symptoms you
do not understand write Lydia E. Pink
ham Medicine Co., Lynn, Mass. The
result of their 40 years experience is at
your service.
It's Easy If You Know Dr.
Edwards' Olive Tablets
The secret of keeping young Is to feel
young to do this you must watch your
liver and bowels there's no need of
having a sallow complexion dark rings
under your eyes pimples a bilious
look in your face -dull eyes with no
sparkle. Your doctor will tell you ninety
per cent of all sickness comes from in.
, active bowels and liver.
riie rjatients ior vears.
jT pjzL"f AfjZl ,TM-iL, av- ,t,t
Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets, the Substl-
tute for calomel, are gentle in their action
yet always effective. They bring about
inai exuDerance ot spirit, mat natural
buoyancy which should be enjoyed by
everyone, by tonmg up the liver and clear
ing the system of impurities.
You will know Dr. Edwards Olive Tab
lets by their olive color. 10c and 25c per
box. Ail druggists.
Phone your want ads to The Ore&TO
nlan. Main 7070. A 60S5.
( H if I !U