THE aiORXIXG OKEGOXIAX. FRIDAY. APRIL 12, 1918. .GURU SPIHIDONOVA BOLSHEVIK LEADER Little Woman in Puritanical Black Attire President of All Russian Congress. WOMAN PRESIDENT OF ALL-RUSSIAN CONGRESS. VAST AUDIENCE SWAYED Tli-iory a Rrrolatlonlst Stands Out !rn In Minds of Russian Who .Ire Long Familiar With Great Injustices. BT LOUISE BKTAST. Cpj right. ISIS, by ruklle Ledgrr Co' ro llMb4 by Arraagemeal.) VL Marie Splrodonova looks as if ah cam from New England. Her part tmnical tlatn black clothes, with ths chaste little white collars, and a cer tain air of . refinement and severity about her. seem to belong to that re gion more than to mad. turbulent Rus sia yet she la a true daughter of Rus sia and of the revolution. She Is very young. Just past 1ft and appeara ex ceedingly frail but aba baa the wiry. unbreakable atreagth of maay eo -called "delicate people and aha baa great powers of recuperation. Her history aa a revolutionist stands out even In the minds of the Russians, w ho are used to great Injustices. "Oh! Fplrodonova.- they will say. -yea. she Is one of our greatest martyrs." Then they will tell you this story: h was 11 when she killed Lupjenovsky. Oov ernor of Tambov. iAipJenovsky bad aa dark a record aa any official aver possessed. Ha went from village to village, taking aa In sane, diabolical delight la torturing peopla. When paasanta were unable to pay their taxea or offended him In any way at all ha made there stand In Una many hoars In the cold and ordered them publicly flogged. He arrested anyone who oared to aay that ha held a dif ferent political view from his own. Hs Incited the Cossacks to all aorta of outrages against the peasants, espe cially against the women. Tmlem ef Ctrl Rvattlaa Vplrldonova waa a student In Tam bov, she wss not poor and ana suffered no personal discomfort, but she could not bear the misery about her. Ebe decided to kill L,upJenovsk- Ona afternoon she met him la ths railway station. The first shot she fired over his brad to clear the crowd, the next she aimed straight at his heart, and Splrodonova baa a stsady hand aa well aa a clear head. Lupjen o-vsky waa surrounded by Cossacks at the time. They arrested Spirodoaova. Ihea followed as hideous a pertorm- anro aa ever occurred. First the Coaaacka beat her and threw her Into a cold cell quite naked. Later tbey cams and commanded her to teal t he namea of her comrades and accomplices. Hplrodonova refused to speak, so she had bunches of ber long. Theauttful hair pulled out and was burned all over with cigarettes. For two nights she was passed around among the Cossacks and ths gendarmes. But there Is an end to all things; Hplr odonova fell violently I1L When they passed ber death sentence she knew nothing st all about It and when tbey rhartged It to Ills Imprisonment she did not know. They eent her out to itlbe rla tn a half -conscious condition. Nona of her friends ever expected to see her rain, ffhei the February revolution broke out 11 years later shs came back from Siberia, ready agaia to offer ber life for freedom. Ma re Worship Spirodoaova. It Is bard for us in comfortable America to understand the fervor of people like iSpirodonova. It Is a great pity that we do not understand It. be tif It Is so tine and unselfish. I once a-ked ber how aha managed to keep b--r mind clear during all the 11 years that the was in Liberia. I learned languages. ehe said. 'loo see. It Is purely a mechanical busineea and therefore a wonderful soother of nerves. It Is like a game and one gets deeply Interested. That Is how I learned English and French." No other woman In Russia has quite the worship from the tnasaea of ths people as iSpirodonova. She waa elected presldeat of both the All-Russian con gresses held In Fetrodgrad within the last six months and she swayed those mncresecs largely to her wilL At the present time she Is chairman of the executive committee of ths peasants' aovlets and she is an Influential leader in the Lett Not Lai Revolutionist party. So1dlers and sailors address her as ' dear comrade" instead of Just ordinary lavarttche." Ths first time I saw Spirodoaova waa at the Iernocratle Congress. Orators bad bean on the platform arguing about roalltlon for hours. A hush fell over the place when aha walked out on the stage. Sbs spoke for not mora than three minutes, giving a short, concise, clesr argument against coalition. Ths audience roared when she ceased and cried "Bravol Bravo" In tba same way that she can stir up her hearers she can also keep them down. 1 hare seen ber keep down the radicals when a conservative speech was being made that aha wanted spoken for one reason or another sometimes because she wanted to smash It when It was fin ished. She will stand exactly Ilka a bandmaster, swinging her arms behind the speaker In gestures you are aura mean "Put on the soft pedaL" Leadership of Giants TtVeaSerfaL. If she were not such a clear thinker and so Inspired a person her leadership of the physical giants would be ludi crous. Splrodonova is barely five feet talL She may weigh 100 pounds and she may weigh less. She has bis gray eyes circled with blue rings and soft brown hair, which she wears In a coro net braid. She worka on an average of about It hours a day and everybody In Russia pours Into her office at -""tr' ?-. ' ... J -J' i V V ' . - - . '.t -r V" s'x f -" j ftVt" '. '' . -- S ft f - - -:- - ; :q .;, v . -' . ? - f J jf A, i. ... ... . ,-v.. r. - ft -" s-f5v. i w r L , Vaasirii MARIA SriRADOTIOVA. BEWARE OF IfflTATIOJiS Corliss Laced Stocking IDBtt arrrPORT foe Varicose Veins ttttK AltKI.F sad AIL VF.n THOl Bl.KS aabable. adjustable aad doreble. At elaa lie to stretch. EACHKrJ. Hone TrtATBcmt For all leg leers, all vesaedles, two etsek tags, rail Sin ruses. ZrJLT $5.00 lt&Qd fxlfty for fr booklet Ko. J Corliss Limb Specialty Co. IS Court Seas re. Bsstsa. Jfasa. if m Fontanka to ask advice. I used to go there and stt and watch her and she would tell ma Interesting stories. Ons day I took In a Russian girl who be longed to the Menshevlg party and who, therefore, waa opposed to Spirodo aova. She aat silent and listened to her for two hours. When we came out on the street the gin stopped and her eyes were full of tears. "To think." she said, "that with such eyes and such a face aha should ever kill a roan! Al ways until I saw her I waa opposed to ber. but now I know she Is the great est woman In Russia!" I believe that, too. and I have great respect for Mad ame Kollentat, The Bolshevik Minister of Welfare; for Countess Panlna. whom Lealne speaks of as "one of the cleevr est defenders of the capitalist class": for "Babushka." Madame StahU who managea the violent Cronstadt sailors, and for many others. Sse-iaUst Army' la View. The last time I saw Splrodonova she talked to me aoout the war and the cured at Brest-Lltovsk. She did .nail have any faith In the success of the ne gotlatlona and she was seriously work ing on ths orgsnixatloa of what she called a "Socialist army." "Wa have made aecret Inquiries." she went on. "and we know we will have enough men: they will all bo volunteers; there must be no compulsion. rthe spoke sadly of the sabolagera. especially of the Intellectuals. "They consider the Russian revolution an ad venture and they hold aloor. but the Russlaa revolution is much more than that, even If It falls for the present. It Is the beginning of social revolution all over the world: it la social revolu tion hero in full swing." The whole country Is taking part In It now. My reporta coma in from ths remotest dis tricts. The peasants are very con scious and are making social changes everywhere. We talked about women and 1 want- ad to know why more of them did not taka publlo office, alnca there la abso lute equality now and no one thinks It Is strange at all lor women to ao any thing that men do. In Russia today. mora than ever, the refreshing attitude of the whole nation is to let everyone do. act and aay what he pleases, bplr odonova smiled at my question. "I'm afraid I am a bit of a feminist." she confessed. "I will tell you my theory about It. Ton will remember before the revolution aa many women as men ware sent to Siberia and exiled. Some years there were even more. Now that was all a very different matter. It needed no particular training to bo a martyr. Political careers are another thing not at all ao fine. I think women are mora conscientious than men. Men accept political positions with readi ness, whether they are sure they can fill them or not. They are used to do ing It aad so It doea not appear strange to them." Kaiser Will Have Colossal Task. I remembered something Angelica Balabanov onco said when we were discussing ths same thing. "Women." she said, "have to go through a tre mendous struggle before they are free at all, so that they take their freedom very seriously, because they sacrflce so many precious things to obtain It." When the Bolshevlkl came into power tbey took over the famous old land programme of the Social Revolu tionists. This brought about great turmoil In that party. The Right maintained that It was their pro gramma and no one had the right to stesl It. but Splrodonova and all her lng only laughed. "What difference dnei It make." she wanted to know. ho lives the peasants their land the principal thing is that they get It." Thla waa one of the reasons that the Social Revolutionists split and the great left wing Joined the Bolshevik!. The Left Social Revolutionists are the only party in Russia who rise above party and. personally. I have mora ad miration for them than any party In Russia. They are" bound to play a large part when the first wildness of the revolution begins to settle down, be cause they are a reasonable. Intellec tual party, led by soma of the purest Idealists of all Russia. I was not at all surprised today when I read they have decided not to accept the disgraceful German demands, no matter what other party signs them. The Kaiser will have a colossal task to subdue their unconquerable spirits. I would not ba surprised, either. If Splro donova should become the Joan of Are of Russia, leading her soldiers to bat tle as well as through the difficult msses of politics. Tha day I left Russia Splrodonova avve me her picture. the hates public ity srad has stubbornly refused to have a photograph taken. This one aha took off bar passport. When aha waa signing her name on the back she looked up and aaid: "Never mead saying anything good about me. but do ssy something about, tha revolution. Try tb make them understand In great America how hard wa over hero are striving to maintain our Ideals. " . (Continued tomorrow.) ALLIANCE WILL pi German-American Body De cides to Dissolve at Once. ARE YOU DEAF? ThouFanda of TJaera Far "I HEAR SO WELL" with th Port-0-Pa.on.M With th aintvlleat. almplect and mofft parfect of heart tux darlcea. Ton. too. ca hear aerraoaa. lecturaa and g-eneraJ conversation with tha Port-O-Phona. In Juatlc to yoaraelf. com In and let too export from the factory adjnat ne to your persona requirement. - FREE DEMONSTRATION Two Days Only TODAY AI TOMORROW APRIL is AD IS Spec's! price during demonstration. Woodard, Clarke Co. Alder at West Park mm ISO I J opeciai r rices and 20 EXTRA S. & H. STAMPS Friday and Saturday Bring Coapon lilllillllllllllllH BRING THIS COUPON AXD GET 20-Extra-20 -S. & H." Trading Stamps on your first $1 cash p.ur chase and double on the balance. Good on first floor and in basement today and Sat urday. April 12 and 13. Special 22c pint Chinamel Varnish... pint Screen Enamel Liquid Veneer Dusters 1 lb. Lawn Grass Seed 25c assortment Spencer Sweet Peas Colgate's Shaving: Stick.. Silver Polishing: Cloth.... Folding: Drinking; Cups... 3 bottles Grape Sparkade. 23; 22 22S 22 ( 22 22 j 22 Special 49c 16-inch Nickel Towel Bar. 49 Pint Wiley's Waxene 490 Black Enamel Thermometer 490 12-inch Turkey Feather Duster 490 Razor Hone 490 Glass Vase 490 Oval Oak Frames 490 Camel's Hair Color Brush or Paint Brush 490 2 rolls "Bonafid" Toilet Paper 490 Complete Alcohol Stove 490 BENTHALL FOUND GUILTY Socialist Candidate for Governor of Minnesota Faces Severe Sedition Penalty Bolo Paslia Still ; Informing: on Associates. PHILADELPHIA. Ptu. April 11. The executive committee of ths National f.ormaji-Amerlcan Alliance at a special meeting here today decided to dissolve the organization immediately and In structed the officers to turn over at onco to the American Red Cross the JS0.00S In the treasury.' Announcement of the dissolution was made by K. A- M. Scholtz, of Balti more, attorney for the National body, after an all-day meeting behind closed doors. It was also stated that dissolution will become effective tomorrow, when the executive committee will meet again to act on certain financial mat ters and obligations that will have to be adjusted. The 130.000 which waa by resolution contributed to the Red Cross waa the nucleus of a fund of S 100,000 that was to have been raised, the Income of which was to have been used to defray the expenses of the business adminis tration of tha alliance. It was an nounced. TOPEKAV Kan.. April 11. At the trial of Dr. Eva Harding. Ike Gllberg. Ernest Newman and Professor George W. Kleige. all charged with conspiracy to defeat the selective service act. United States Filstrlct Attorney Fred will surely follow." Robertson, in Federal Court today, de clared that leaders In the alleged anti draft meeting at Topeka last Spring directed the distribution of literature similar to that prepared by Emma Goldman and Alex Berkman. CHICAGO. April 11. Mayor William Hale Thompson, whose war attitude has subjected him to much criticism, gave a written pledge today that hs would cause the arrest of any person making seditious or treasonable state ments. ' Protests Force Pledge. The pledge was given as the result of protests against a meeting of the Bueker Singing Society scheduled to give a programme in German. CLEVELAND, O.. April 11. The Waechter Und Anzeiger. a Cleveland German daily, according to Attorney Harold T. Clark, chairman of the city war board Americanization committee. may soon be converted into a United States Government publication, work lng for. the Americanization of Ger mans in this country. Mr. Clark said today he Is writing a letter to A. Mitchell Palmer, custodian of enemy alien property, suggesting such a plan. Mr. Palmer has written court offi cials In Cleveland asking them to com pile lists of all enemy property on record. His letter Indicates this prop erty will be taken over for the period or tne war. WASHINGTON. April 11. Further disclosures of German propaganda in the United States were made today before the Senate Judiciary committee Investigating - the German-American King, the chairman, read a letter from John F. Coar, In which Coar said that In 113 on a visit to Germany he waa Informed that no less than 36 German agents had been sent to the United States annually for the six years preceding his visit. The duties of the agents were not mentioned. While he waa In Germany, Coar said, representatives of German organiza tions asked htm to aid in furthering a law in the United tatea which would enable German immigrants "to retain their supreme allegiance to the Ger man Empire." MINNEAPOLIS. April 11. J. O. Ben tall, Socialist candidate for Governor, wss found guilty on two counts of violating the espionage act by a Jury In Federal Court here today. The maximum penalty provided for violation of this act Is 2(1 years" Im prisonment and a fine of $10,000. He will be sentenced next Friday. Bentall now is under one-year sen tence In the Crow Wing County Jail for obstructing the draft. Ball was fixed at 10.000. Bentall was charged with obstructing enlist ments through an address he delivered last July In Hutchinson, Minn. PARIS, April 11. Bolo Pasha, con demned to death for treason but grant ed a reprieve of Indefinite duration on his plea that he had important revela tions to make to the military Judicial authorities, entertains no doubt aa to what his ultimate fate will be, accordr lng to the Petit Journal today. It quotes htm as saying to his keeper on Monday: "I will go to vlncennes, but otners Special 79c 3-blade Pocket Knife 790 Aluminum Shaving Mug: 790 Quart White Paint Utility Jsrand 790 Quart Inside Floor Paint, choice of 13 colors , 790 $1 Special Assortment Spencer Sweet Peas v-790 Bath Brushes, with handle 790 Nine 1000-sheet Toilet Tissue 790 Washable Window Chamois ..790 Hage's Pottery Vases. 790 Bleached Bath Sponge.' 790 Special 97c Rubber-Set Shaving Brush 970 Imported Cuticle Scissors 970 Alarm Clock 970 Trench Mirrors 970 Razor Hone 970 Wicker Thermos Bottle Case 970 Mezzo Prints 970 Wool Duster, with handle 970 Sheepswool Auto Sponge 970 Washable Auto Chamois 970 , TOILET GOODS OF KNOWN QUALITY Colgate's 1 Talcum Powder g comfort &?.er.m::::::::::::: OUC Kit 2 Coleo Soap 1 bath, 1 toilet J 25c Woodbury's Soap .'....A 220 Eau de Japora, 6-oz. bottle $1.00 50c Camelline.... 400 50c Robertine 430. RUBBER GOODS $1.50 Combination Hot Water Bottle and Fountain Q- Syringe D1. $1.25 3-qt. Fountain 0"7 ' Syringe Oil 3-quart Red Rubber Molded Fountain Syringe, 2 year guarantee 33c 50c Pinaud's Merigny Face Powder 25c Rosary Talc Powder.. 170 $1 Delatone Depilatory. .. .900 Phelactine Depilatory $1 Riker's Violet Cerate. .... .500 50c -Daggett & Rams-ilQ dell's Cold Cream IOC Elite Cloth Cleaning Pad.. 100 60c Imperial Florida 0i OJ Water, three for tBXeaSeJ 50c Cucumber and Elderflower Cream, 3 for $1.25 Tooth Brushes, 250, 350, 500 Replaced if bristles come out. Japanene Shampoo Comb.. 150 Japanese Ice Pencils and Wrin- kle Films $1.50 EE Neo-Plastique :.$2.50 NIkk-Marr Peerless French Balm, 500 QQ S1.00 Wrinkle Eradicator 250, 500 and Sanitax Hair Brush, absolutely anti- CO ft A UliUU septic LSB aisxATATWgaTfwaK MARSHALL STOP -HOME A 6171 J Always SL H." Stamps First Three Floor cennes that French military executions take place.) Bolo is continuing his "revelations. but the utmost silence is preserved In official circles as to their trend. NEW YORK,. April 11. The house of bishops of the Protestant Episcopal Church today accepted the resignation of Bishop Paul Jones, of the missionary province of Utah. The house of bishops requested tne resignation several months ago pend ing an inquiry into Bishop Jones' al leged utterances of pacifist senti ments and his connection with "ques tionable organizations." fit t Vin- WAR VETERANS TO SPEAK Patriotism WH1 Feature Portland Roalty Board "Luncheon. This is to be "liberty loan day" with the Portland .Realty Board. At Its regular weekly luncheon at 12:15 o'clock in the Benson Hotel two Cana dian officers Major Donald Sturrock. of the 60th Canadians, and Lieutenant James Warren, of the British Koyau Flying Corps will be the speakers. Snerial Datrlotic music will be pro vided- by the Street quartet, composed of Miss Ruth Agnew, soprano; Mrs. George Hotchkiss Street,' contralto; PirhHrd Robertson, tenor, and George Hotchkiss Street, baritone. The quar tet will give several selections, and will also lead the realtors in the sing ing of National airs. Judge George W. Stapleton, of the Circuit Court, will be chairman of the day. The general public is invited attend the luncheon. to The earth's population reaches only ten bushels to the acre. 111 1 i v la i Ij Does business upstairs sells Mens and Young Mens Clothes at low-rent prices gives you style saves you money.. Suits -915, $20 25 Hats $2.50 and $3.00 Second Floor, Eilers Building Broadway and Alder Publicity, Progress and Dentistry The trend of the times is to place com modities available to the few accessible to all so what were once luxuries are now every day necessities. Henry Ford made automobiling (once the exclusive diversion of the opulent and purse proud) the everyday experience of the mid dle class and the aver age workman. ' So I seek to put den tistry by specialists at the disposal of those who, while appreciat ing superior service, yet demur atxnon-es-ccntials to efficiency znd quality. That I have succeed ed is demonstrated by tangible proof the largest and most suc cessful, completely' equipped dental organ ization in the world. Painless Parker Den tistry is good dentistry put within the reach of all, on a business basis of common-sense fees and no charge ac counts for the cash paying patron to shoul der. A fight for dental freedom is your fight and my fight It means more dentistry and bet ter dentistry. Compe tition cannot hurt the man who knows his business. Only the in competent and unskill ful complain. PAINLESS PARKER DENTIST Dr. A. D. Cage, Mgr. 326 Washington St, Cor. Sixth St. Portland, Or. Nineteen offices: San Francisco (2), Oakland, Stock ton, Sacramento, San Diego, Los Angeles, Bakers field, San Jose, Santa Cruz, Fresno, CaL; Portland, Salem, Eugene, Or.; Taeoma, Bellingham, Wash.; fijooklyn, N. X (2); New. York pity, N. T, ...