13 PAY RISE BRANTED!h; Headquarters District 47, Liberty Bond WorkersSTtfE 4800 Bond Booth oc lonoi I0E3O We Give S. & H. Green Trading Stamps With Purchases Amounting to 10c or More Don't Overlook This SavingStamp Books Redeemed on the Fourth Floor British War Relief Red Cross Workers Will Meet in Our Auditorium, Fourth Floor, 1 to 5 o 'Clock Friday Jake Downtown Luncheon in Tea Room, Fourth Floor Board of Control Allows In creases for State Employes. D O The Standard Store of the Northwest Freedom's Call Do Your All! Buy That Liberty Bond NOW If you bar not subscribed to the fall extent of your ability DO SO AT ONCE and help win the war for freedom. Bond Booth on the Main Floor. "BabyWeek" The Infants' Shop, Second Floor, offers splendid savings on practically everything: the baby needs, including Reubens Shirts, Arnold's Knit Goods. Olds, Wortman & King Reliable Merchandise Reliable Methods FURTHER ADVANCES LIKELY n o School for Deaf, Blind. Feeble Minded, Tabercalosl Hospital and School for Girl Included In Institution Benefited. Women's Low Shoes $3.98 & $4.98 Black Patent or Vici Pumps in 4 PQ QQ different 6tyles-$5.50, ?6 grades 5J.70 White Calf Pumps and Colonials, $6.50 and $7.00 grades also 5-eyelet Oxford QQ Ties of black kid or white nubuck 30 the aioRxnso oregoxiait. Friday, aprit, 12, 191s. BALITlf. Or, April It (Speelat) Partner tneraas approximating ItOOS a yar war (ranted to tt limitation employ by th Stat Boara of Con trol today. Added to tba approximate I2T.0O a year granted at tha last meal ing of lb board tbia now nikti a total of about 115.004 Increas granted. Iacraaaaa ar still to b given to East ern Oregon Slat Hospital empleyes at Pendleton, wale nay brine tba total ap to ar abov tba $44,000 mark an nually. Th Pendleton Institution employee will b placed on the same basla aa em ploye at tba central bospltal her. It la aot known Just what the total figures for tbosa employes will be. aa no figures war submitted by Superintendent Me JVary today, but a fair estimate la given at $900 a year. All employes here re ceiving under $0 per month were In creased II monthly at tbs previous aneetlng of th board. These employes war receiving mainly from S3 to $4 par month, and tba wag was so low, superintendents said. It was becoming practically Impossible to keep them on tb job. aawrlateadeat Gilbert Sarprts. Tba Institutions covered todsy In the' increase were th State School for Feeble-Minded, approximately I370S In crease for th year; btate Tuberculosis Hospital, approximately $0 Increase for lb year: Stats School for the Blind, approximately ITS Increas for the year: Stat School for th Deaf, ap proximately IJlIi) Increas for theyesr, and Stat Industrial School for Girls, aa Increas of approximately I7I for th year. Superintendent Gilbert, head of the Stat Industrial School for boy, fur nished th surprise of th meeting when he sent word to th board that all of hla employe were sat laded and that no Increases would be asked there. . Th Increases at the School for th Deaf Included soma teachers. In ths main, however, th Increases at all of th. Institutions cover general classes of employes, such as attendants, nurses, gardeners, carpenters and farmers. Half HeUday Bwagbt, Employe of th stats printing- de partment also died a petition with ths board asking that they b allowed a half holiday each Saturday to glv tbem ' further time for working In their war gardena This request was taken under advissraeat until th next meeting. At th Eastern Oregon Hospital It was provided that experienced help hall be started at ft monthly. Instead or JO. and then given aa Increase at tba sad of tb month, as Is now tbs practtc. Extra Special For Friday $2 Silks $1.69 Standard Grade Chiffon Taffeta 36 Inches Wide Friday at the Center Circle, on Main Floor, we shall cell a fine quality chiffon taffeta eilk in black, white, nary, gray, taupe, light blue, pink, maize, browns, lavender, rose, Copen and other popular shades for Spring dresses, waists, petticoats, etc. a quality that sells in the regular Q" ?Q way at 12 for one day 3XsU7 A CLEAR SAVING OF 31e ON EVERY YARD YOU MAY BUY! Take Advantage! Children's Tub Dresses Underpriced Bargain Circle, First Floor Special assortment Children's Wash Dresses (ages 2 to 6) underpriced for Friday's selling. Attractive styles, made up in plaids, checks and plain colors ginghams and chambrays. 3 QO. lots on sale $2.35, $1.25, if OK, Bloomers to match at 60 and 75fJ Girls' Wash Dresses $U8 to $3.00 Bargain Circle, First Floor Dainty new models,' made up in several at tractive styles. Stripes and checks. Ages 6 to 14 sale prices $1.98 to $3 Bloomers to match at 750 and 90 Gloves to Match Your Suit fANY WOMEN will be glad know we have just re ceived a large shipment of the celebrated Reynier French Kid Gloves in the wanted styles and in most desirable shades tans, grays, browns, also in black and white. Finest of workmanship. French kid 2-clasp, over-seam Gloves, tan, gray, brown, pr. $2.25 Chateau one-clasp French Kid Gloves, pique stitched, pr. $2.75 Vendome two-clasp Gloves in black, white, colors, pair $3.25 777 T if I Y. More New Spring Coats to Sell at $1830, $2230 and $2830 Second Floor Coats that embody the very latest fashion ideas Coats for motoring, for street, for dress wear not one or two styles, but a number of smart models at each of the above prices. Dressy high-waist, belted effects with large collars, fancy cuffs, buckles new pleated models with convertible collars new styles with wide belts and tailored cuffs. Materials are wool velours, poplins and serges in newest shades for Spring wear. New Separate Skirts of Silk or Wool AT $5.50 A smart new skirt of black serge with Blight fullness at back, neat belt and ' set-in pockets. A full range of all sizes. Best values. AT $7.50 Black Taffeta Silk Skirt with panel front and buck-trimmed with covered buttons. 1 This model is shown in extra sizes only. See them today. AT $10.75 Fancy plaid, taffeta skirt, shirred top, wide two-piece belts, fancy patch pockets. At tractive colorings. In a full range of all sizes. Exclusive Portland Agents for Famous Betty Wales Dresses A. M. WRIGHT IS CANDIDATE iloro Business Man Will Ran State Legislature. for MORCX Or. April 11. (Special) oter of all parties from eteny sec tion of Sherman County met at Jloro "ia afternoon in aa endeavor to select a candidal tor Stat Kepreaentatlve for tbe district embraced by futrain. Ouliam and Wheeler counties. Kor sev eral years Ibis county baa not been represented directly In tbs State Leais- 1 lure, giving the honors to tb otber two counties t th district. A- 1L Wright, retired farmer, and now la business In Jioro. former County Commissioner, wss selected by tb meeting, snd after conaiderable persuasion agreed to make the race. Immediately stter bis consent wss se cured a campaign committee wss formed and Mr. Wright shirs his po litical bst In th ring, with every voter In Shermsn County back of htm. C. A. EPPINGER, BAKER, DIES Heart Failure Overtake Prominent Retired Business Man. BAKER. Or, April 11. (Special.) Charles A- F.pplnger died suddenly lata! yesterday afternoon at bis home near! this city. His death is attributed to I heart failure. Mr. Eppinger, who waa 47 years of ace. was for li years associated with th Alexander Mercantile Company, of I'endleton. lis wss engsged In ranch ing at th time of his death. Besides his mother he I survived by a IS- year-old son. Eugene C. Epplng, of Walla Walla: to siMers, Mrs. R. Alex ander, of Pendleton, and Mrs. W. J. Patterson, of Portland. Fred W. Ep pinaer. of this city. Is a brother. Mr. Kpplnger waa a member of th Pendleton blue lodg and Royal Arch Misont and Baker Commandery of Kniahta Templar and of th Elks Lode. ENGINEER MAKES PROTEST CItII Service Board fo Investigate Alleged Cnfair Treatment. Th Municipal Civil Service Board arranged yesterday to Investigate th complaint of C. W. W'anser, an engi neer, who says he has been laid off from bts position In the I'ubltc Works Department under Commissioner Bar bur. while men not so song In th serv- Ice as he have been retained. Mr. Wan r will be called before tb board at Its next meeting. Wanxer says hs went Into th service In 1904 ss sn engineer and baa served continuously sine then, having charg of engineering work for th city thr'irhout the Wet Side. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children In Use For Oyer 30 Years Always bears the SIgnatars of , tn u a V i i i IIYALOABLE FOI COLD J T taken In time this Cajdmn imiilieamd i.m tbe rt'k of -hrata throat or long trouble. All tbe remedial sa4 tool uJ It n nnb'i4 la tola ol-iura com-T-oa- No harmful drasa. Try taesa V cy. 50 cents a box, mclixilng war tax Fee sake br alt resa) rn miliar Men's $1.50 Spring Shirts Slain Floor Ton are going to need new shirts soon why not lay in a supply now and take advantage of this low price. Famous "Belmont" make tailoi fuU 15 sizes. Excellent Quality percales and madras ma terials. Styled with French cuffs. Great range of handsome patterns. Interwoven Hosiery Cotton, lisle, silk and worsted, 35c to S1.50 a pair. Black, tan, gray, champagne and natural. For real hosiery satisfaction wear In terwoven. Men's Store, 1st rloor. Men's $2 Neckwear $1.39 Main Floor Latest Wide -end Tics in distinctive patterns and colorings. Made up in Komo quality silks. Stand- OQ ard 12.00 Neckwear OXeO DUTCHESS TROUSERS "50c a Button, $1.00 a Rip" the money-warranteed Trousers that never fail to give satisfactory wear. Exclusive Portland agents. AthleticUnderwear Shirts and Drawers, Cf- Values Up to $130 Main Floor Odd lines Men's Summer Underwear athletic shirts and drawers in Aertex Mesh, linen, soisette and crepe materials. All sizes in the as sortment, but not all sizes in each kind. For- Cflrs merly priced $1.00 to $1.50. Special, garment Jvf C 'Hatch' Union Suits $1.00 Garment Main Floor Sizes 34 to 44 white and ecru. As this is last year's price you will need no urging to buy. Hatch One-Button Union Suits Friday and Saturday at $1.00 a suit. Department, Main Floor. Boys'Clothes The Kind That Will Give. Satisfaction Main Floor Bring your boy in and let him try on a few of the new Suits he will like the smartness of the styles and you will" be more than pleased with the splendid fab rics and up-to-date patterns. We show an excellent stock of blue serge and cheviot Suits, ranging in price from $10.00 up to $10.50 Novelty Suits $0.50 to $16.50 Dutchess Knickers of Corduroy For strength," serviceability, good style and roomy cut Dutchess Corduroy Knickers have no equal at the price. You cannot take a surer step in clothing economy than by putting Dutchess Knick ers on tnat boy or yours, uur Spring stock is now complete. The money warranty of "10c a Button, 50c a Rip," sewed in every pair, gives double assurance of entire satisfaction. Boys' Store, 1st Fir. Principal Agent for Buster Brown and ' Black Cat Hose Sale of Wool Dress Goods $1j00 to $2.00 Grades Only T-TERE, INDEED, is a sale that will com- mand the attention of every woman who has need for new Spring wearables. Special lines taken from our regular stock true they are not our newest Spring ma terials, but they are ideal fabrics for Sum mer dresses, skirts, waists, etc The as sortment contains $1.50 Pointelle Voiles $1.75 Dotted Crepes $1.75 and $2.00 French Crepes $1.50 Silk Stripe Voiles $1.75 Wool Marquisette $1.00 Wool Crepes in pink, blue, rose, tan, lavender, nut brown, Nile green and apricot. Strictly high- 7Qf grade materials. 40 to 44 inches wide. See window. Priced, yard '" 7yc Best Butter 2 Pounds Qfr . Special sU Fourth Floor This is our famous Glenwood brand always uniform in quality. Friday special, Qrt two pounds for low price UC No delivery of Butter except with other purchases in Grocery. CORN FLAKES, Quak- "I A er Brand, special, package GARDEN SEEDS for that war garden SEEDS THAT GROW! Untrimmed Hats Friday-$1.69 THE BASEMENT MILLINERY announces a great two-day sale of Hat Shapes beginning Friday morn- Ling at 9 o'clock. Over 500 Shapes to be disposed of many of them are regular $2.50 and $d.UU grades. Straight brims, rolling brims, droops, pokes and doz ens of other styles. Black, white and colors. By adding a bit "of trimming these may be easily trans formed into a scmart hat for Spring wear. They come in large, medium or in the small sizes. See them. Millinery Braids O Priced Special, Bolt AJ big lot of Hat Braids in various styles and on sale in the Basement at low price 25? One colors Garden Hose 50 -Ft. Length 7C Special, O 11 1 y J Third Floor Black Rubber Garden Hose in -inch 6ize, 50-ft. length, complete with brass nozzle and couplings. Only a limited number of !? r7PT lengths left at this price. Special today at Bvl i O Complete stock of hose in all sizes and grades. Lawn Mower $5.75 Coldwell Lawn Mower with direct drive gear, ad justable split brass bearings, bottom knife of best tool steel. Eight-inch wheels. Fully guar- CJfT fTFT anteed inevery respect. Priced now at wJe I o D o Bread or CakeBoxes We have them in all the wanted sizes and in various col ors. Round corners, seamless, sanitary. K e e p bread or cake from becom ing dry. Prices range, $1.15, $1.20, $00, $1.40. $1.55, $1.75 and $2.20. D o 0 o aoi IOC VQRK LAUDED Tribute Is Paid to President's "Business Battalion." ALARMIST RUMORS DECRIED Head of Standard OH Company of 3ew Jersey IMeads for Men Who Are Quietly Working Out Government's Problems. CHICAGO. April 11. Unreserved praise for th high efficiency or Pres ident Wilson's "business battalion" was voiced today by A. C. Bedford, president of the Standard Oil Company of New Jersey. In a speech before th Chamber of Commerce of tha United States. "There Is too much for each of us to do to listen to the wild stories of th alarmist kind that seem to be the invariable accompaniment of everey war in every country." he declared. I am not a defender of the men who ar han?!ins the work of th Govern ment, but I would be lacking in fair ness If. after my own experience at Washington. I withheld tribute to those tried and proven generals of our industrial armies who have grappled with th Government's problem and who ar silently, quietly and I say her and now, successfully working Uin out. Caarww Gasoltaet I riea. While declaring that th petroleum Induatry will meet every demand mad upon It by war time conditions. Mr. Bedford urged th imperative neces sity of conservation In th use of gaao-lln. W. Lealla Corarn, president of th corporation which built America' first big concrete ship th Faith which waa launched on th faciXio Coast re cently, declared In a speech that the ahip promises to prov a success in very way. Tha shipyard In which tha Faith was built was put up within a week at a cost of :2,r00. A similar yard for the construction of steel ships of the same tonnage S00 deadweight would cost, according to the speaker, $100. 000 and would require a year's time to erect. Mr. Comyn said that at present there Is need of Government aid in concrete shipbuilding. If the Faith proves sea worthy, with Government backing, con crete ship ran be turned out in large number without Interfering with any other branch of the Industry or drawing on material needed in building steel or wooden vessels. Great Lakes Plants Busy. Tbe Great Lakes shipbuilding plants are turning out two ships every three days, according to John A. Penton. Ue said that 35 boats would be started to ward the Atlantic seaboard Alay 1 and that 135 more would be ready before December 1. Dr. Charles A. Eaton, head of the National service section of the United States Shipping Board and Emergency Fleet Corporation, said that he wanted to eee representatives of labor and capi tal go to Washington and place them selves at the disposal of the Govern ment. "I want to see a partnership cemented between these men," he said, "which I trust will never be broken asunder when times of peace come." Aberdeen Teachers Get Rise. ABERDEEN, Wash.. April 11. (Spe cial.) All Aberdeen teachers will re ceive a rise of from J SO to 1120 a year each, startinr with the next school term. The Board of Education has placed the maximum salaries In the grades at 11110 and in the high school at $1350. Tbe new schedule makes the Aberdeen, teacher the best paid in the state outside of the three largest cities. IS T ROBBERY SUSPECT MAT rJfDEHGO OPERATION SOOV. Aberdeen War Stamp Sales Grows. ABERDEEN. Wash- April 11. (Spe cial.) War saving stamps sales here yesterday . nearly reached the $4008 mark and on the day previous amount ed to $1047. Aberdeen's total sales this month now exceed $13,000. To date the Aberdeen Elks' lodge has sold to Its member $1S.S8.11 worth of stamps, or an average of $11 for every member of the lodge. Prisoner Admits Serving Several Priaoa Terms, bat Disclaims Knowledge . of Trontdale Job. Jim Carlin, who Is held under guard at the County Hospital while Sheriff Hurlburt's force clears up the safe cracking at the Fox Bros.' store at Troutdale last Monday night, may undergo an operation to determine whether he was struck by a bullet, as he stoutly maintains. Other suspicious circumstances which might tend to connect Carlin with the safecracking job were brought to light yesterday, the officers said. An examination of the overalls by Deputy Sheriff Schirmer showed them to be streaked with what appeared to be brown soap, of the same color and quality used by the yeggs who blew open Fox Bros.' safe. An analysis of the soap found on hi overalls probab ly will be made. There was also found In Carlin's pockets a spool of coarse, tolack thread. A pair of shoes which the safe crackers left at the detention home Sunday night when they stole some tools and a pair of shoes are patched In one place with black thread of. the same size and texture as that found In Carlin's pocket. Although an X-ray of th wound In Carlin's left leg shows what appears to be a lead bullet Imbedded directly under the pelvis bone, Deputy Sheriff Christofferson is not yet convinced that Carlin was struck by a bullet. The wound will be probed and opened suf ficiently to remove the substance which lies there. One theory Is that Carlin may have been struck In the leg by a small piece of the safe door when the safe waa blown open. Carlin waa questioned yesterday by Deputy Sheriffs Christofferson and Beckman. He admitted that he has served several "jolts," but refused to say for what offenses or In what prison. He denied that he is a yesrg and dis claims any knowledge Bros." safe robbery. of the Fox Tb Thrilling Personal Story f the Fighting Airmasu CAYALRY OF THE CLOUDS - By Capt. Alan Bott, M. C. , Wet. SI-25. DOIBLKDAV, FACE CO. Your Copy at r:ii Third & UIl S Alder Sts. Wheat Dont Waste It Crescent Doable Acting Baking Powder eliminates waste in baking. 25c lb. All Grocer (B-239) REED College AIDS i Offers CONSERVATION Coarse of Training for Field Workers. At th request of the FederalFood Administration. Reed College has opened a course of training1 for con- complete the course will receive cer tificates from Washington, tog-ether with authority to aid in future cam paigns of the Food Administration. The course is given free. President William T. Foster opened the course with a lecture on "The Food Situation in Europe." Other lectures and demonstrations will be presented by Professor Hudson B. Hastings, Pro fessor Harry B. Torrey and Miss Elisa beth Reed, director of the ' college dwelling halls. The class will meet Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and servation field workers. Those who Fridays at :50 o'clock at the college. You never before tasted a cracker like the WHEAT SAVER, It has taken us months to evolve this dainty cracker and is a real achievement of our master bakers. Just try it. At your grocer's 10c- Padfic Coast Biscuit Co. Portland, Or, erys. ":'" ' o D o D o D o n o u O D o D o n o