Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, April 12, 1918, Page 12, Image 12

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rmU 1 1 1 1 iTTTTi i ITTtn
SERVICE, TO HOLD MEETING IN LIBRARY TO DAI. ces. ln every way. both nnancially and
socially. Tha corps bought a liberty
bond to celebrate its 34th birthday.
The Multnomah Chapter. D. A. JL,
team of liberty loan women has a
large sum of bonds sold with fine co
operation aa the dominating spirit of
their work.
rD.T Is to be an unusually busy
one for the younger and older
contingents, one of the Interesting
affairs being tbe exhibition drill and
dance to be given at the Multnomah
Club; the tea for which Mrs. Holt
Cookingham and Miss Virginia Mene
fe wll be hosts honoring Miss Helen
Wood; the dinner and dance In the
evening for the Randall-Wood bridal
party, for which Miss Mary Karon will
be hostess at the Mallury Hotel; tbe
'dante at the Irvlngton Club, which is
to an informal affair; numerous
theMer parties at the Heilig preceded
by dinners; the dance to be given by
the Oregon Field Artillery, lotteries
A and K. and the 14Mn Field Artillery
In Moose- Hall: as well as a number
of other smaller and informal events.
A delightful affair of Wednesday
Bight was the Informal surprise party
given by a group of friends of Gujr It.
l'nrter in celebration of his birthday.
; The party motored out to Forest Hall,
where they enjoyed dinner and dan
' clng. The group included about 30 of
the younger married and young con
tingents. Mies Isabel Clark was a luncheon
hostess yesterday complimentary to
Miss Helen Wood. The affair was
given in the University Club, and cov
ers were placed for 12. including the
bridal party of six and a few close
. friends. Jonquils and ferns adorned
the table, and the bride-elect's place
was marked by a lovely corsage
bouquet of violets and rosebuds.
Another Interesting affair of tonight
la the dinner to be given by Mr. and
Mrs. John E. Wheeler at the University
Club In honor of Miss Shanna Cumming
and Lawrence It. Wheeler.
rr. and Mr. B. Alexander Randall,
f Philadelphia, arrived in Portland
last night to attend the wedding of
their son. Lieutenant Randall, to Miss
Helen Wood, which will be a smart
event of tomorrow night. Dr. and Mrs.
Randall will be house guests of Dr. and
Mrs. William Lee Wood during their
visit here, and they will be rxtenalvety
entertained by the medical men of the
city, as Dr. Randall is one of 1'ennsyl
. vania's foremost physicians.
Mr. and Mr. James A. Beckett, who
have been spending the Winter In town
at the Multnomah Hotel, left Wednes
day for their country residence at
Garden Home.
Mr. and Mrs. John Claire Monteith
are in Hood River, where Mr. Muntelth
appeared in concert last evening.
While in Hood Kiver they are the bouse
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ktewart Moore.
This evening members of the Lanrel
Aurst Club will hold their regular semi
monthly dance at Cotillion Hall.
Mrs. W. W. Jordon and Mrs. J. C
Ftevens were hostesses at tbe club
house on Tuesday afternoon. The iO
prtiea were taken by Miss Wltma nine
hart and Mrs. W. Hugh Williamson,
and bridge honors by Mrs. Law Wallace
and Mrs. Duane A- Fellow.
Miss Annette Peterson Is spending
the week-end In Seattle visiting rel
ative and friends.
The Portland Pan-HeMenlc Associa
tion will bold its regular meeting hat
nrday at I 3i) at the home of MU
l.nrtlte Shepherd. 4?t Multnomah street.
The "Til Omega and Delta Delta Delta
fraternities will act as Joint hostesses,
and all members of Pan-lleilenie are
urged to be present.
Clifford f. Hurfce. of Portland. Von-
dar celebrated his list birthday in
form of a launch party. Several musical
numbers were given, and refreshments
were served on the trip. Mr. and Mrs.
John U. Lee chaperoned the party. The
guests Included Clifford Hughes. How
ard Wersrhkul. Newton Matthews.
Kenneth Banks. William Martin. Robert
McCauley. Keith Blakeney. Walter
Htaw. Ac Lamb. Fred Turk, Floyd
Banford. Kenneth Smith. Arthur Beck
with. Gustave Brock man. Irene Stelb.
Hazel Mathews, Frances Gansneder.
Miss Fenrdeck. Mr. and Mra. John L.
Lee. Hazel Miller. Jeneva Franks. Kuth
Lyons and Florence McUulre.
The Multnomah Amateur Athletic
Club will hold its annual exhibition at
the Auditorium this evening at 8
o'clock. The fore part of the evening
will be taken up with many entertain
ing features, showing the proficiency
of the members in their different lines
of athletic work.
Kspecially attractive will be the folk
dances and drills, in which the boys
and girls of the Junior classes will
participate. The exhibition will start
promptly at 8 o'clock and will continue
until 10 o'clock, when dancing will
commence on the main floor. All pres
ent may participate in the dances.
Some prominent members and their
wive will be patrons and patronesses
and popular Intermediate members will
act as reception and floor committee.
Mr. and Mrs. Sol Poznanski, of Hel
ena. Mont., are visiting at the home of
Mrs. A. Cohn. 131 North .Eighteenth
street. Mrs. Poznanski is a sister of
Mrs. Cohn.
League for Woman's Rervice
Mra. Winfleld R. Smith ask
all patriotic organizations to
be represented: Library, 3 P.M.
Portland Woman's Club Mult
nomah Hotel; 10 A. M.. sew for
Belgian and French babies;
P. M., programme.
Pont land Railroad Woman's
Club Study class, with Mrs.
Olive Shurtllff. 274 Grand ave
nue North, t P. M.; discussion,
"Liberty Bonds."
Multnomah Chapter, IX A. R-
Library, t P. M.
Fernwood Parent-Teacher At I
P. M Mis Grace Gillette to
Woodstock Study Club Wood
stock Library, 1:30 P. M.
Oak Grove. Milwaukle Social
Service Child study depart
ment. 1 P. M.
Highland Red Cross At JO A. M.
First Presbyterian Red Cross-
All day.
The Ohio Society will hold Its regu
lar monthly dinner Monday at 7 P. M.
at Turn Vereln Hall. 133 'Thirteenth
street. Dinner will be followed by
dancing and cards. All former Ohloans
are Invited. Reservations may be made
by telephoning the secretary. Main 17,
before 10 A. M. Monday.
The Irvlngton Club will give their
Informal dancing party this evening,
and all who attend are requested to
wear sport clothes.
Mrs. John Corklsh has returned from
a visit of several months In Southern
California and is at home in the Dezen
dorf apartments. Mrs. Corklsh's cousin.
Miss F. May Darrow. of New London.
Conn, came to Portland with Mrs.
Cnrkish and will be her guest for the
HE Portland Woman' Club will
meet today In the Multnomah Hotel
at t o'clock.
Mrs. Eleanor Sanford Large will read
Tater Noater," a one-act play by Fran
cois Copple. This Is guest day for fh
club. Mrs. Nettle Greer Taylor will lead
in patriotic songs. The club members
will sew In the hotel in the morning for
Belgian and French bablt-a,
The woman's auxiliary to the Typo
graphical Union will meet at the home
of Mrs. Simmons. 610S Fifty-third ave
nue Southeast. Take Mount Scott csr
to Stewart Station and walk nine blocks
south. The ladles are invited to 'come
at 12:30 and bring their knitting.
Mr. Gilbert H. Horton. of Brooklyn
Mothers' and Teachers' Club. Is the new
head of the Presidents' Club. Mrs.
Horton waa chosen unanimously at the
meeting of the club on Wednesday.
Mis Harriet Thayer has been elected
president of the Portland Grade Teach
ers' Association. Miss Thayer Is popu
lar and efficient and her friends predict
she will prove a worthy successor to
Miss Jessie McGregor. The latter guided
the association ably, tactfully and suc
cessfully. During her presidency the
trarhers did a large amount of con
structive school and patriotic work.
The Fernwood Parent-Teacher meet
ing will be held this afternoon at 3
o'clock. Miss Grace Gillette, of the do
mestic arts department of the public
achools. and Mra. Alhands will give
short talks. The pupils of the upper
grades will be in attendance.
Arlet Parent-Teacher Circle will
meet at 3 P. M. today. "Health Con
servations" by the children will be
read. Dr. W. D. Lockwood will sDeak.
The prize essay will be announced.
Willard W. C. T. TJ. will meet at
P. M. today with Mrs. K. E. McKln-
nlater, 73$ East Twelfth street North.
The regular weekly meeting of East
Side Central W. C T. U. will be held
at headquarters. East Fifteenth and
Morrison streets, today at 2:30 P. M.
There will be a short business session,
following which Dr. J. H. Anderson
will apeak.
e e
Couch Parent-Teacher Association
will discuss the possibilities of ob
taining a kindergarten, at their meet
ing today, and Mrs. J. F. Chapman will
Air. And Mrs. John Ker returned yes
terday from an Ka.vtern trip, whither
they were called owing to the death
of Mr. Ker mother. Mrs. Thomas J.
Gregg, widow of the late Major Urerg.
U. S. A of Englewood, N. J. En
route to the Coast they visited in New
Orleans with Mr. Ken's family, and
stopped off at some of the other cities
in the South.
By Edith Knight Holmes
Face Wrinkled?
Complexion Sallow?
Tare vky See Treat Ye
mm Resellml Freaeh Wea
Paris: Science hss d'.veevered that faded,
fnmti.'t. asMS-lookleg complexions can he
virtually renewed and ntaU. aurprlalngiy
autlful by mean or tho foTtoaUtf rtrjp.: aaah jriMir faco with butt.rmlik
rub la a toa-.poonlul of Tukalon
K".atl: vilpo trie face sad apply foulre
t'awmatloe o very fine complexion powri.r
pf.pare.1 aaDelally for shiny nop.a ant had
eoraptrltotia. It yoar face la ba.l , y wrtnhlea.
g.t a bo of Japan. lr rnct.a to vm la
cnnrtton with Lh roaeated cream and you
should sc nuick attion oa even the drtpt
VTtnkl.a, Thus do famous Krenrh actrr.ars
r r. . in rar b.auty of rum d.k -orta.
and If you aer to pay hundreda of
Stilars for prtal trootm.nt you prortabiy
auil lot b anything US aa o.ll off as
e. ualns this alropl and Inexpensive rerlpo.
The arucl.e mentioned above are supplied
In tnta city by staler a Frank. Owl brug
. . t-lpmn-VVotf.. Kob.rts Mroa.. Hulior
Ieveaa, Corae irtrug btere. Adv.
Auxiliary to Company B. 116th Engi
neers will meet Tuesday at 1:30 P. M-,
Llpusan-Wolfe building.
The Oeston lied Cros Auxiliary
with Mrs. B. ltouthit chairman and an
average atendanre of 13, has turned
Into headquarters during the psst two
months 14 bedshlrts. 13 pajama suits.
13 bodv bands, nine arm-slings. 13
sweaters. 31 pairs sox. During Fel
glsn relief week, with the aid of the
Crrston school children, three auto
loads of clothing were gathered. This
unit meets every Tueeday In room 1
of the' school building.
All grade teacher are asked to no
tice that the teacher will meet Sat-
lurday morning from 10 to 13 o clock
in the I.lpman. Wolre A Co. building,
eighth floor, for Bed Cross work. Miss
Jessie McGregor has called the meeting.
Mr. John Keating, regent of Mult
nomah Chapter. Daughter of the
American Revolution. requests all
members of the chapter to assemble
today at 1 o'clock in the Library to
meet Mra Winthrop Smith, head of the
National League for Woman's Service
of the Northwest, with a view to unit
ing all war services in one general in
terest by the organization of a branch
of the league in this slate.
Mr. Lee Davenport, chairman of
women' club for the third liberty loan,
asks all committees for clubs to com
plete their work as soon as possible
and turn In their blanks to the head
quarters. 213 Northwestern Bank build
ing. see
I The dinner and programme given by
i . 1 " ' . , - Tr"fcirr ""i ti'
1 'rv
I ini 7 mm t
I V Myn3w
New Coats
"Popular Prices"
They're in the very popu
lar poplin, velour and
Delhi weaves for the most
art. Ail ot tne new
Ipring colorings are here
and in ever and ever so
many models. You're sure
to find your new coat
among them. And there
are new coats at $17.50
and at $25 'that are wonder
'Popular Prices"
Reign at The Emporium
While the trend of prices seems to march constantly forward,
we've been able, by masterful merchandising, to maintain our
value giving to nearly its normal level.
We're proud of our ability to continue offering you new, up-to-the-moment
merchandise at "before the war" prices. Every woman who
appreciates values will recognize these as the best findable.
i NEW SUITS Are Priced $25
I that have all the smartness of much higher priced models. Splen-
I didly tailored many are of navy blue serges, though there are
plenty of novelty weaves and colors for those who like them best.
I More than a dozen models all sizes.
and there are suits "popularly priced" at $27.50 and $29.50 that will arouse
I a world of enthusiasm.
I NEW DRESSES, Sensations at $16.75
Attractive frocks for street and for afternoon wear, too, of most all
the popular silk weaves many of them combine silk and Georgette
in the prettiest ways imaginable. At $16.75 they'll all go out in a big
1 hurry Friday and Saturday.
Scores of other handsome new dress models are priced but $19.50 and
. $23.50.
They were specially purchased that's hov
I it comes we can sell such unusually attrac
tive blouses for so very little.
Georgette and crepe de chine blouses jol
aa vjaaa. HA.lllellt vn .SWt s-4 A Uw TTT '
Special at $2.00
Ue " " we a U
? J28 JkthJuJiJjt dfWa5hi$cfu
New Hats 1 1
the smartest, most at-
tractive you'll find in
1 all Portland are priced I 1
$7.50, $8.50 and $12.50. I
Hats for every time of I
1 day and for every face ! 1
On. the Third Floor
we feature Hats at $4, f
$5 and $6 that are val-
ues way out of the ordi- (
I nary! They're all from
our own workrooms and j
each is as individual and
I as cleverly designed as
I can be. I I
3 the Portland public schools'
army of thrift stamp and war savings
stamps buyers, reports total sales for
the week ending; April 5 amounting to
1:9,414.79, brlnzlns; the aggregate for
tne i'ortland schools to date to $124.
Irving-ton School, with Its enrollment
of 6TS pupils, leads again for the week
in total sales, amounting- to J3521.60.
and Is second in per capita tor the
week, with J6.ll. Alnsworth School,
with 2:5 pupils and sales amounting to
I1451.25. being: first in per capita with
J6.45. Irvlngton also has a big lead
in per capita for the campaign with a
record of 118. 7. and Ainsworth la 'sec
ond also In campaign per capita with
$15 99.
Irvlngton I expected to reach Its
required per capita of $20 by the end
of this week, and with eight months
of the campaign yet to go the school
may establish a National record. Major
A. M. Cannon I in charge of Division
VI. which Includes Irvlngton School.
The Third Junior Rainbow Regiment
ha Its full complement of 1000 boys
and girls, each of whom has sold $50
or more of war savings stamps, and J.
A. Churchill, State Superintendent of
Public Instruction, has started enroll
ment of the fourth regiment. A roster
containing the names of the third regi
ment will be published.
A thrift stamp a day keeps the Kai
ser away.
Then when the plants such as radish,
carrots, beets, peas, etc., are taller the
common hoe can be used to cultivate
deeper. The wheel hoe, where avail
able, will work more quickly but will
have to be used with care when the
seedlings are yet small. The rake is
one of the best tools to use between
rows wide enough to accommodate it.
n breaking clods and smoothing the
Radishes mixed in the carrot and
parsnip seed packages will quickly
break any soil crust forming and per
mit a more even germination of the
weaker carrot seedlings.
I have just finished a test on the
germinating power of some last year'
seeds left over. The 1917 carrot seed
(Chantenay) gave a 67 per cent germ
ination; parsnips, 68 per cent; salsify,
95 per cent, and onions, 52 per cent.
Seeding of these will, therefore, be in
accordance with the test. It Is satis
factory to know that by seeding thick
er than usual I shall have to buy no
seed of these varieties.
Affidavit Most Be Made Defendants
Sot la Military Service.
Anxious to legalize divorce decrees
granted to them during the past month,.
four plaintiffs who won decrees since
March 8, last, yesterday filed affidavits
in the Circuit Court'setting forth that
the defendants are not now in the
military service of the United States.
This action was taken in view of the
announcement by Presiding Judge Mor
row that a r ederal act approved March
8 forbids the granting of default de
crees unless the plaintiffs first file
affidavits that the defendants are not
in the military service. The act further
provides that If the plaintiffs cannot
make this affidavit they must file suf
ficient bonds to protect the. defendants
in case further litigation Is started.
More than 50 divorce decrees since
March t are held to be void under the
Trained Worker Will Give Little Onei
Care and Attention In Another
Room e-f Multnomah Hostelry.
Wilbur Methodist Episcopal Church,
a downtown congregation, meeting in a
ballroom and growing rapidly in popu
larity, will have some additional at
tractions this Sunday when the mem
bers will assemble as usual in the Mult
nomah Hotel for divine service.
To give mothers who live in hotels
and apartments and others who wish to
attend church an opportunity to enjoy
the sermon and song, the Wilbur Church
has arranged to have a trained worker
present to take care of the little chil
dren in another room in the hotel. This
will afford the best of carp and enter
ttainment for the babies and tiny tots,
and will be a chance for the parents to
get an hour or so uninterrupted by
tired, wriggly youngsters, who cannot
understand the sermon, or who find it
a bore to keep quiet so long.
A brilliant young evangelist. Rev.
Guy Fitch Phelps, D. D., who has just
returned from Washington, will preach
at 10:30 A. M. He is well known as an
author and has many friends here. Sun
day school will be at 12:10, immediately
after the service.
Patriotic) Platform Announced
Would-Be Jlepresentative.
"Over the top for Oregon, United
States and our allies" is the slogan of
R. M. Burley, for the last 10 years a
practicing lawyer of this city, who yes
terday forwarded an announcement of
his candidacy for State Representative
to the Secretary of State.
Mr. Burley promises "to do those
things necessary to make Oregon of the
greatest possible assistance In winning
the war. I will work for the promotion
of our industries and to make the state
a desirable location for new Industries.
I am in favor of rigid economy, the con
servation of food and the stimulation of
the production of food products."
f hs f ood c vauly
lis a. wonderful
aid to cook
Early 9prtaa- Caltlvatloa.
THE appearance of some early vege
tables, such a peas, green onions,
radishes, lettuce, turnips or kohlrabi,
etc, and the alternating sunshine and
rain makes It necessary to keep the
soil from forming a crust. A light dust
mulch on the other hand will conserve
moisture to the greatest possible ex
tent. It is Important that the soil
stirring be done at a time when the soil
will readily crumble and not be touched
until that time. When vegetables are
small, the cultivation may be rather
deep and close to the plants, but as
they grow larger It should become
more shallow and further from the
Cultivation when weeds are small
and the plants yet low growing can be
quickly done by a shove, scuffle or
push hoe. The hoe named has a longer
handle than the ordinary weeding hoe
and I quickly pushed along under the
top surface of aolL skimming off the'
weeds and leaving a light mulch.
Campaign Card Boosts Re-election
- of Oregon Representative.
Now at his post of duty -vote to
keep him there," Is the plea to voters
that appears on campaign cards recent
ly Issued by the McArthur committee.
H. S. MoCutchan, chairman. Tbe cards
bear an excellent picture of Representa
tive McArthur, with the caption, "Our
The balance of the campaign card
message is equally terse, reading as fol
lows: "Re-elect C. N. McArthur, Re
publican: a 100 per cent American.
Pledges continued support to America's
great task, the winning of the war.
Primary election. May 17, 1918."
Mr. McCutchan has issued an invita
tion, to Representative McArthur"
friends to call at campaign headquar
ters, 1109 Northwest Bank building.
Lebanon Boys Enlist.
LEBANON. Or.. April 11. (SpeclaL)
Two more Lebanon young men will
leave this week to enter the naval
service. They passed a satisfactory ex
amination in Portland the first of the
week and were directed to report to
morrow. These are Glen Moss and Max
H. Millsap, both Lebanon High School
graudatea and boy raised in Linn
This fast-growing store is
ready for another busy
Seoree of thrifty mothers reg
ularly outfit their girls and
' boys at this popular shop be
cause they can depend upon the
quality and the price is mod
erate. Boys' Suite $7.00 to $17.50
Wash Suite $1.25 to $6.00
New Spring Hate.. 60c to $4.00
for babies, girls and boys but
ton, lace or blucher kids, gun-
- metal, tan, smoke, white and
patent. Every pair dependable
in quality, style and price.
f a V- - at afV. mm je 1
Outfitter;-ybr- Childrc
143 Sixth
Opp. Meier Fraak
Nu Bone Corsets
Ae sold through our own shops and by our trained
corsetieres. We specialize in CORSETS. Our
women are trained for this particular work and are
capable of giving intelligent advise when choosing
the model best suited to your figure.
Na Bone ha taken Its place at the very top as a figure builder. Flow
ery advertisements frequently lead women to believe that they can
Immediately be transformed from an abnormal to a perfect type: this is
unreasonable to expect in most cases, but by using the model designed
for your particular figure, you will very eoon realize the advantages of
wearing Nu Bone.
There Is ae much difference In the contour of
figures aa in the expression of faces. Realiz
ing this, we long since decided to handle
NuBone In such manner that our shops and
corsetieres would have access to the scores
of models we manufacture, enabling them to
fit each customer in their own model. In
stead of altering garments that we designed
for an entirely different figure.
If you wish service in your own home, we will send one of our trained
corsetieres, who will confer with you regarding your needs. There
will be no obligation on your part unless you are satisfied that
NU BONE is what you have been looking for.
207 Central Building, Cor. Tenth and Alder
Phone Main 1491