THE MORNING OltfeGOXIAN, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 10, 1918. OLD STEAMER SOLD BEFORE SHIP STRIKES WATER BUILDERS PREPARE KEEL BLOCKS FOR THE NEXT CARRIER. TO RISE ON THE WAYS. AMUSEMENTS. I TICKETS NOW SELLITfG I AT TICKET OFFICE 16 ' W-l M 9 'i'r ' Bailey Gatzert Purchased by Puget Sound Company. EARLY DAYS ARE REVIEWED Vcwl Will Be Taken to Paget Sound and Probably Will lie Placed In Operation Between Seattle and Bremerton. .(tattle Is to become ths hailing port f th. crack sternwheel steamer Bailey Ga.ts.rt throusjb bar aaia yesterday by tha Recnlator Una to tha Paget Sound Nastration Company. The Teasel will be taken to Puget Sound as soon as aha can be prepared for tha outside trip, and tha probabilities are she will be ntwrated between Seattle and the Bremerton Navy-yard. In a sense the Bailey Gatzert Is go ing; back to tha scene of her birth, for sh was built at Ballard. Wash, In ll. thoucn mot of hr career has been on the Columbia River. Prom New York to San Franclsro and Mont real to New Orleans the Bailey Gatsert Is known, for It Is rare that a picture of the Middle Columbia Ittver Is dis played but that holding a prominent place therein Is the speedy vessel, while If Uncle Sara had aa many sol diers In Prance today aa the number cf persons transported on the strainer. It would make a marked difference In the array facing the Huns. Soma children who voyaged on the clatsert In 12. when she was brought to Portland to enter the excursion trade, are parents today, and snany o tha more sedate Portlanders recollect their first trip on the Gatsert aa dur ing their youthful period. Tourist from all parts of tha world have viewed river scenery from ber decks aa well, teaeaer Laaaeheel la 1KM. Tha original owner of the vessel was tha Seattle Steam Navigation Trans portation Company, oraanlsed May 31, USD, and when launched. November of that year, she was rated the finest sternwheeler on Pucet Sound. She was 177. J feet long. 33.3 feet beam and feet depth of hold. Originally she was fitted with poppet-valve engines. 22x84 Inches. Only a few trips were made when she passed Into the hands of the Columbia River Puget Sound Trans portation Company, which operated her between Seattle and Olympla. In 1?2 sha wss brought to Portland and en tred the excursion trade, but In 189S she was given her first extensive over hauling, and went Into service between Portland and Astoria. In that servire she alternated with the steamer Telephone, the fastest aternwheeler in the world, snd In order to compete with the O.-W. R. N. for North Beach patronage her owners chartered the sldewbeeler Ocean Wave. The O.-W. R. Jk N. operated the slde- wbeelr T. J. Potter between Portland and llwaco and the steamer R. R. Thompson was on tha Portland-Astoria route. Those were the days In which the Telephone and Potter made speed records. Seattle Mas Cloaca Deal. Tha Oatxert blossomed out in the White Collar line and Regulator line, also known as The Dalles. Portland Astoria Navigation Company, and when purchased by Drake C O'Reilly, April 3. ISIS, bad been owned by the Spo kane. Portland Seattle Hailroad. With the Dalles City and the old steamer Regulator, sbe had been on the Portland-The Dalles route for years. Mr. O'Reilly continued her In the service, following the system of using the vessel for excursion trips during the Summer. Fhe was with drawn In November, also the steamer Dalles City, and both have been laid up. Mr. O'Reilly announced early In the year that it waa unprofitable to operate tha vessels longer on the mid die river. The next development was the ar rival from Seattle early yesterday of Joshua Green, one of the best-known steamboat ownera on the Pacific Coast, and before be returned home last night the Bailey Gatzert had become his property. Except for the cabin and pilothouse, nothing remains of the orig inal steamer, her hull having been re placed, as well as the engines and boll era. but she baa not suffered thereby. Whistle la atrlklag Fearare. To steamboat men. aa well aa persons ashore, the deep-tuned, melodious whir tie of the Gatzert is among her most striking features. Keen the young sters on streets near the waterfront knew that signal. To the river fra ternlty It Is a reminder of another steamer, tha Telephone, for that was her whistle formerly and frequent at tempt to duplicate the tones have failed. Tha Telephone, as rebuilt, was sold to the Santa Pe Railroad, at San Fran cisco, about 1904. and after her hard aervlce aa a ferry there waa dismantled recently, but even she hss not been lost altogether, for ber engines and other gear have been purchased by the Port of Portland Commission and will be In stalled in a powerful aternwbeel tow boat about to be started. Governor's Engineer Injured. VICTORIA. R C April . If. M. Preecr. second engineer of the pacific Steamehtp Company's liner Governor, waa taken to a hospital when the boat arrived here today from San Francisco, having been struck on the head bv fly ing debris when an engine cylinder bruka during tha voyage north. Tide at Aatarta Wednesday. Hill I.SW. 1 21 A. it 3 feetT-rr A. M.. 44 foot T -J f M IT fe.t WAKE UP READY HAPPY Cascarets Lie-en Liver and Bow els and Straighten You Right Up. Don't Be Bilious Constipated", Sick. With Breath Bad and Stomach Sour. FOR WORK Mm -air m I a-. Btj;i S. t I c ' i I XI .vU lift in .l-t',:-l:l H. ; 2 :. eft. efei I . t aV I - W VsVi mm fc. . a. Tm : - r W AS SCHOOXKIt CAPITAIXE GTTNEMER FLOATS. ME1 I,.Y NEW KEEL, INSERT MISS KATHERINE HART, WHO SHIP TAKES WAVES Foundation Yards Launch Capitaine Guynemer. KATHERINE HART SPONSOR Steam Auxiliary Schooner Built for France New Keel I.aJd on Ways In 6 fi Minutes, Set Una; Speed Record. In the launching; of the hull of the eteam auxiliary schooner Capitaine Guynemer at noon yesterday, the Foun dation Company's personnel acquitted themselves as before, the ship starting precisely at 13 o'clock and coasting- to the river aa easily and serenely as though it waa an everyday matter. What thrilled tha spectators equally ae much as the launching was the speed with which another keel was laid, the time being six and one-half minutes, which sets a record. The Capitaine Guynemer waa the third ship to vacate a set of ways at this yard, the Commandant Kolsln bav- ng been launched March 20 and the Capitaine Remy March 30. In each cae the crews raced to establish a keel-laying mark. W. K. McGregor, who is foreman of five ways, coached his men to lay a keel after the Com mandant Rolsln was floated In about 18 minutes, then Foreman McKay, who has the other five ways, took the laur els when the Capitaine Remy waa floated, by replacing a keel In 16 14 minutes, only to have Foreman Mc Gregor's crowd take first place yes terday with 10 minutes to spare. It Is hinted that the next launching. about April 19, may aee the time broken. Miss Katherlne Hart waa sponsor for the Capitaine Guynemer. the carried bouquet of red roses and buds. A bottle of French wine, of the same hue the roses, waa broken squarely against the Iron stem of the big schoon er aa she started from the position in which she was built. Mine Hart had a deep Interest In tha success of the affair, other than her official duty, be cause of the fact that Charles F. fwigert. Portland manager of the plant. Is her uncle. Theodore Knudson. superintendent of the yard, who planned and directed the preceding launchlngs. left It to the boys' yesterday, having a place on the platform with Bailey Hipkins. Pa cific Coaet manager for the Foundation Company, and Captain K. C. Genereaux. of the Uureau Veritas and representing he French government on the ground. There waa also another highly Inter ested watcher. Edward Patry. of Paris. France, chief engineer of the Bureau Veritas, who Is on an Inspection tour. He leaves today for Kan Francisco. Two ships laid down since the first bull waa floated are already In frame nd. In spite of the fast work that haa been done In getting vessels Into he water, the new shlpa promise to be completed In short order. CONCRETE PUS IS PROPOSED Government Told of Advantages Of fered for New Industry. Portland can offer Inducements to the I'nited States Shipping Board to warrant the establishment here of one of two concrete shipbuilding plants proposed for the Pacific Coast of five to be established in tha country and for whl-h $50,009,000 is being asked rom ConirreKS. Secretary Dodson. of the Chamber of Commerce. telegraphed the Oregon Congressional delegation yesterday of advantages here, such as sand and gravel, admitted among the best to be found In the United States; while tufa rock, said to be 2S to 29 per cent lighter than gravel. It being a light. volranlc rock, la to be had on the Co lumbia River and at Mount AngeL Also here la a surplus of labor for manning urh a plant and If more men are re- ulrrd there will not be bousing prob lems to meet. The side cut of lumber. which is obtainable In vast amounts for making forms for the concrete, la also feature. In the quality of cement manufactured In the state the same lass is obtainable as In California and in adequate supply. OAKLAND MAY TOW SOCTH Rehabilitated Schooner Laden With Lumber for San Francisco. Consideration Is being accorded a proposal to tow the schooner Oakland to San Francisco behind ' a steam schooner, so that she will gain time for the discharge of a lumber cargo there and the work of loading another for New Zealand. The vessel left St. Helens last night for Astoria in tow of the steamer Henderson, and she will work mora lumber at the Astoria mu- iclpal dock for delivery within the Golden Gate. The Oakland la on her first voyage in about two years, she having been on the beach' near Xehalem for much of that time. She was moved across a spit Into Xehalem Bay and brought here after repairs were made. Since reach ing Portland the vessel has been fully varhaulcd and rerlsgl and 14 de- , ill I . CHRISTENED SHIP. clared to be far improved over her condition previous to going ashore. MORITZ IS TO FLOAT TODAY Ball Is Seventh Grant Smith Force Haa Finished Since Febrnary 17. When the hull of the steamer Moritz is launched at the Grant Smith-Porter Ship Company's establishment today It will be the seventh that force has re leased from the ways since February 17, and the eighth hull may be In the water before April 17. Miss M. Isabel Smith, sister cf Grant Smith, Is to christen the Vorltz. The Albina Engine & Machine Works will float the steel steamer Point Lobos tomorrow afternoon. he is the sec ond of the 3600-ton vessels laid down at that yard and is the fourth hull to be made ready for launching. There are more hulls scheduled to leave the Kays during the next two weeks and It is doubted if any district in the coun try will have as many new carriers overboard for the month when May opens. ASTORIA FOUNDRY EXPANDS Marine Iron Works Contracts for Four Jfew Buildings. ASTORIA. Or.. April 9. (Special.) The Astoria Marine Iron Works let a contract this morning to Palmberg & Mattson for the erection of four new buildings on pier 2 of the Port of Astoria docks. The work is to com mence at once and the buildings are to be completed within 35 days or thereabouts. This extension Is part of the pro gramme to take care of the Govern ment contracts secured here for the completion of the wooden vessels now being built on the Columbia River. In this connection the Port of Astoria has arranged to complete the improve ment of pier 2 by decking over the west aide of the wharf and driving a series of fender piles for the moor- Ins; of the vessels. Marine Notes. The liner Rose City Bailed last ni'ht for California harbors, laden to capacity. She waa detained one extra day in port, part of tha time being devoted to fumigation, a nyu tem tha company maintalna with regularity. There were a number of paseengers aboard the vessel and Captain Parker expected to make aa early departure from tha river this morning. Captain Bleumehan, who is to command the new steel steamer Weatgate. haa reached the city from San Francisco. Captain Bleum ehan has sailed on the Coast and offshore for a lengthy period and la well known here becauae of having been chief officer of tha tanker Richmond. In that capacity he made aeven voyagea across tha Atlantic into the war sone. Kara time the Richmond towea barge No. 95. both laden with oil. and there were no mtahapa. reflnlte action haa notbeen taken concern lnr an Increase anked for by longshoremen handling deepwater veaaela of from 65 to 85 centa an hour and 31 to 31. 25 overtime. The feeling among some employera la that In tha matter of longshoremen's wagea Port land muat remain on the aame footing aa Puget Hound. Already many of the long ahore workers hare entered ahipyards. and if the erale la not raised It la aald there will be few of the experienced men left on the waterfront. Drvriocking of the Government dredge Chinook waa accomnllahed yesterday at St. Johns, and the hull will probably be painted today. Reoalra te ths schooner William H. Mar at on having been finished, sne sniltea yester day from tha flttlng-out dock of the Coast Shipbuilding plant to Inman-Poulsen'a to load lumbar. In a message from K. T. Chamberlain. Commissioner of Navigation, at Washington, the Collector of Customs baa been adviaea that regulatlone In force In English porta to the effect merchant ahlpa must display their names on entering are in vogue In French ports aa welL On the ateamer Wllavia arriving here yea terday from Cascade Locke. H. J. Turner, who waa skipper for a week, relinquished charge of Orln Shepard. and aha proceeded to St. Helena, Last of the lumber cargo of the barken tlne Charlee F. Crocker went aboard at Prescott yesterday, and her sailing la post poned until a full crew la algned. Three big Scotch marina boilers are aboard the ateamer Johan Poulaen. at West port, which the Willamette Iron a- Steel Works haa completed for the Union Iron Worka. at San Francisco, and tha veasel will probably aall tonight. Three boilers were taken south by the veaael last month. To assist the ateamer Lurllne on the Port-land-Aatorla route, the ateamer Undine was sent out yesterday. Captain Hosford. man ager of the Harktna line, acting aa skipper. W. E. Hauaer, ef New Tork. interested In the Grant Smith-Porter Ship Company, la In the elty on a business trip. He la a brother of Eric V. Hauaer, general manager of the company. Costa Rica Reaches Port. A PACIFIC PORT. April . The steamer Costa Rica, reported in distress and in danger of sinking In a gale several daya ago. reached a Paciflo port early today In tow of a tug, according- to advices received here. Movements of Vessels. TORTLAND, April 9. Sailed Steamers Rose City, for San Francisco and San Pa. dro: W. F. Herxin, for Gavlota: achooner Oakland, from St. Helena, for San Fran ciaco. ASTORIA. April . Arrived down at 9 A. M. Schooner Samar. Sailed at 11 A. M. Steamer Beaver, from San Pedro for Port land. EUREKA. April 9. Arrived at 10 A. M. Barge C. B. Kenney In tow tug Relief, from Portland. FI A TTI. K. April 9. Arrived Fteamera Governor, from San Diego; Rainier, from San Franclaco. Departed Staamera Skag way, tor Southwestern Alaska; Argyll, for San Franclaco; Queen, for San Diego. Colambia River Bar Report. NORTH HEAD. April . Condition of the bar at 5 P. M.: Sea. smooth; wind, north weal. 13 miles. I ' Vi' ,Ls .t'i. -t t v . LOCAL FIRM'S BID LOW DIXWIDDIE COMPANY TO BUILD NEW GRAI E LEVATOR. Contract Awarded on Bid ef S98M0. CoastraeHoa of Building to Begin Wlthla Twenty Days. To the Dinwiddle Construction Com pany, of this city, was yesterday awarded a contract for the erection of Portland's 1,000, 000-bunhel grain ele vator on a bid of 3688,900. Work is to commence in20 days and be com pleted in 225 days. . , The Dlnwlddie tender was remarka bly low compared with two others re ceived, Grant Smith & Co. having filed bid of 3798.383 and Barnett & Record Company's figure was 3800,000. The atter firm is of Minneapolis. The successful bid was accompanied by a check for 338,000, and after the Com mission of Public Docks had considered them. Commissioner Selling moved that the Dinwiddie Interests be awarded the contract, which was passed, sub ject to the usual procedure of re ferring the documents to City Attor-1 new LaRoche for approval. At Portland the Dinwiddie Construc tion Company erected the Northwestern National Bank building and the Jour nal building. The company also has completed cantonments at Fort Stevens and Mare Island, and at San Fran cisco built the Sperry flour mill and the Emporium building, and is now engaged in the erection of the New hall building there. Grant Smith & Co., which has com pleted the excavatfon for the eleva tor at the St. Johns terminal site, also has a contract for driving the founda tion piling- and It is hoped to carry that along with greater speed, so there will be no delay when the Dinwiddle force is ready to begin operations. In connection with the call for bids the Commission of Public Docks pro vided that a bond be filed by the suc cessful contractor In the full amount of his bids. As ait incentive for rapid work the Commission has provided that a bonus of 3300 a day be paid for every day gained under the con tract time, the total bonus not to ex ceed 330,000. Pacific Coast Shipping Notes. ASTORIA. Or., April 9. (Special.) With a cargo of fuel oil for Aatoria and Portland, the tank steamer Oleum arrived at 5:15 this afternoon from California. The schooner Samar, lumber laden for the West Coast, arrived from Portland at 10 o'clock last evening and will go to sea to morrow. After dlscharjrlns; fuel oil here and at Portland the tank steamer Atlas, towing barge No. 03, sailed at 11 o'clock for Cali fornia. The motor schooner Evelyn, recently buflt at the McEachem yards. Is ready to pro ceed to Portland so soon aa her anchors arrive. After taking; on lumber at Knappton and the Hammond mill, the steam schooner Trinidad aAlled at 3 o'clock for Stella to take on a deckload of piling. COOS BAT, Or., April 9. (Special.) The Bontta Juarez, In tow of tug 39, from San Francisco, arrlced at 8 o'clock in ballast. The Johanna Smith left for San Francisco at 8 this A. M. SEATTLE. Wash., April 0. The new power schooner Peronne. sixth vessel built bv the Puget Sound Bridge A Dredging Company for the French, was launched suc cessfully from the ways at that plant this afternoon. The Peronne is the last of the French contracts held by this yard, though two vessels of a similar type with some modifications are on the ways and may be purchased by them. On the other vacated ways at this yard keels have been laid for the 8000-ton type of steamship contracted for by the Ltnlted states Shipping Board. Hydrographic Office Notice. The following; information haa been re ceived from tha Agency of Marine and Fish eries, victoria, d. c: Manners are advised that the black ntat- rorm ouoy at tn entrance to Nantlmo Har bor, known as the entrance buoy No. 1, has been moved and is now moored In 25 feet of water 230 feet north. 85 degrees west. magnetic, from the harbor entrance aaa buoy lighted: oeacon. COMMANDER E. F. ECKHAKDT. U. S. Navy, Retired. Per Oscar W. Schwarx. Nautical Expert. U. S. N. V. S. Naval Radio Reports. (All locations ere- given at 8 F. M. yes terday nnlee sot her wise stated.) HORACE X. BAXTER, Bellingham for San Pedro, 355 miles from Bellingham. YOSEMITE, Port Ludlow for San Fran claco, 1H8 miles south of Cape-Flattery. MOFFETT, Can Franclaco for Puget Sound. 200 miles north of Richmond. WAHKEENA, St. Helena for San Pedro, five miles north of Blunts Reef. ADMIRAL DEWEY, Seattle for San Fran cisco. 00 miles from San Francisco. ANYOX, towing- Henry Villard. north bound. 30 mllea west of Cape St. Ellas, 4 P. .. 6th. ADMIRAL FARRAGUT. anchored at Ko- dlak. stormbound. 8 P. M- 8th. STEAMER SPOKANE left Kake for Sagi naw Bay, northbound, 4 A. M.. 9th. C. A. SMITH, in tow ot tut 'lye uooa Bay for San Francisco, 59 milea north of San Francisco.. LYMAN STEWART, San Luis for Vancou ver. 8aO miles from Vancouver. AMUSEMENTS. Dandy Dreamy Dancing Tonight Some Orchestra-- Some Floor Will Make loi Welcome ARBOR GARDEN SECOND AD MORRISON X. I) Grand Spring Carnival Next Week. J 5a TV - I in HP TTTJTT Braway at Taylor XlJClXHj Mala l and A 1133 3 Beg?.HnT-B Tomorrow Special Price Matinee Saturday August Pitou (Inc.) Presents America's Foremost Comedienne -MAY R0BS0N Supported by a Splendid Cast In the Melodramatic Farce A LITTLE BIT' OLD-FASHIONED EVENINGS Floor, I1.5T). Balcony, J 1.00, 75c, 50c Gallery. 50c SAT. MAT. Floor. $1.00. Balcony, $1.00, 75c 50c Gallery, 50c -I CITY or'ders REC'D N0WI-. HEII.IGwaw.XEXT WEEK ' Thur.,Ap'U8 Special Price Matinee Saturday. otis skinner; . In His Latest Comedy Success ' "MISTER ANTONIO" EVE'S Floor. 32. Bal 31.50. 31. 75c. 50c Gal.. 50c. SAT. MAT. Floor, J 75c, 50c GaL, 60c Add 10 War Tax to Above Prices Inclose self-addressed, stamped en velope to help insure safe return. BAKER PLAYERS Bargain Mat. Today, 2Se only. All Week. Matinee Sat. Frederick Ballard's great Western farce, BELIEVE ME XANTIPPE An tnstantanettus hit. - First time m stock. Romance, comedy and love, and thrills. Prlcea: ?5c, SOo. 75c. Sat. Mat,' 25c, 50c Next Week, "Salomy Jane." I LEOXA LA MAR, the Girl With the Thou sand Eyes; Count Perrone, assisted by Miss Trix Oliver; Loner Haskell; DIG AN & RAT MOXD; Tasma Trio; B rod ran ft Sllvermoon; EXEMPTION. "OA NT AGE 2i MAT. U AIL. Y 2:30 fv Leo Greenwood and Company of 10 in "YUCATAN" Bix Other Big Acts. Three Performances Sally. Night Curtain at 7 and a. LYRIC MUSICAL STOCK Hat. Dally at 2:30. Nights Start 7:30. All Weekday Mats. Now 10c Only. Thla week. Dillon A Franks in "THE ISLE OF JOY." Laughter, music and pretty girls. Fatty Arbuckle's Latest Comedy, "The Bell Boy." Thursday night. Ladles' Souvenir Spoons Free; Friday, Chorus Glrlr Contest. TODAY Thnrwday, Friday, Saturday Wm, Fox Presents The Girl of a Thousand Emotions Gladys Brockwell "A Branded Soul" A Stirring Drama of the Oil Fields with Action Galore. Also Transcontinental Vaudeville Snow Ao. 45 One of the Best Offerings of the Season. 5 HIGH-CLASS ACTS 5 A Big Comedy Show. WEEK PAY MATIXEES 1Q Note: Children under 10 free at matinees when accompanied by parents, except Saturday, Sunday and Holidays. AUCTION SALES TODAY. AUCTION TOD AT. At Mrs. Patterson's. 213 10th St., cor. Sal mon st. Furniture, carpets, etc. bale at 10 A, M. Geo. Baker & Co., Auctioneers. At Wilson's Auctloi. House, at 10 A. M. Furniture. 169-171 Second st. MEETING NOTICES. FRIEDLANDER'S for lodge emblems. claw plus and medals. 810 Washington sc. ., 1 J ' - . Y i: I: tj i ' -' A directory of business firms, and professional men condensed and classified for ready reference. For rates by the month or year, or other information, telephone The Oregonian, Main 7070 or A 6095, House 29. ACCORDION PLEATING. HTITCHINi- PLEATING, ALL LAT EST STYLES. EASTERN NOVELTY CO.. IVF.IFTH ST- BETWEEN OAK AND STARK STS. BROADWAY iiOOU. K. STEPHAN, hemstitching, scalloping-, ac coralon side pleat, buttons covered; mail orders. 21 Pittock block. Broadway lWK. AGATE CCTTEHS AND MFG. JEWELERS. AGATES cut and watch repairing. polished; jewelry and Millers. 343 H ash su ASSATKKS AND ANALYSTS. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE. 142 Second Polo, silver and platinum bought. BAKBEB SUPPLIES. OREGON BARBER SUPPLY CO. We buy and aell all kinda barber supplies. 250 2d. CARPET CLEANING. NORTHWEST RUG CO.. established 1903. lull ruga and rag ruga woven, all aizes. East 8th and Taylor, iiast U3St). B 1-S0. CANCER. L. M. JONES. M. D. CANCER TREATED. 812 Morgan bldg. Marshall 614S. CELLILOID BUTTONS. THE IRWIN-HODSON COMPANY. 887 Washington. Broadway 434, A 1254. CHIROPODISTS AND AKCH SPECIALISTS. WILLIAM, Estells and Florelle DeVeny. the acienLiiic cnirupodists ana arcn aptt clalista In the city. Parlors 302 Gerlinser bldg., southwest corner Second and Aider. rnuae Alain 1301. CHIROPRACTIC PHYSICIANS. BPVK PEOPLE: Dr. McMahon. Portland. 100 per cent chiropractic specialist. That's why I never have to employ orugs. oper ations, vibrators, violet rays, electricity, beat, light and other Joss-house stunts. I remove the cause of disease quickly, aure ly and leas expensively. Tickets, 31 ad justments, Ilf; seven, J 5. Call, phone or write, jjaily convincing doubling laomases. CIRCULAR LETTERS. CRANE LETTER CO., 610 N. W. bldg. Mar. oa. lou leters multlgrapned. Sl.ou. COLLECTION AGENCIES. NETH & CO.. Worcester bldg. Main 1790. No collections, no charge; established lttOU. DANCING. MANCHESTER DANCING ACADEMY, 88 H Fifth st. Get in line for Summer dancing; 10 private lessons $5. Hours 10 A. M. to 9:30 P. M. Bd. 232T. We teach you right. THE BECKETT-HEATH SCHOOL Dan cing taught in all its branches; private, day or eve. classes, Tues. and Fri., 8-10, assembly after. 388 "4 Wash. Main 8205. K.Ra FLECK'S ACADEMY Social and stage dancing, private instruction; classes Mon., Thurs., 8 to 10. 109 2d St.. bet. Wash, and Stark. Main 2100. DRAFTSMAN. E. B. BIKKENBEUEL,, S03 Oregonian bldg. Main 660. Res., Sellwood 2301. EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT. Dr. F. F. Casseday, specialist; glasses fitted. 70S E. uurnslde, cor. zutn. a lawa, tu. FLUFF RUGS AND RAG RUGS. FLUFF RUGS FROM OLD CARPETS Ingrains, Brussels, Smyrna, Axmlnster rag rugs, all sizes; mall order prompt; booklet, fix! 2 Hi... Steam or 1IT Cleaned. Sl.25 CARPET CLEANING, REFITTING, ETC. WESTERN FLUFF RTO CO., 64-E6 Union Ave. N. East 6518, B 1475. FLUFF BUG AND RAG KUG FACTORY. NORTHWEST RUG CO., .established 1903. Fluff rugs and rag rugs woven, all sizes. East 8th and Taylor. East 35S0. B 1280. WHOLESALERS AND AUTO AND BUGGY TOPS. 7l OKEUUS AUTO TOP CO. N ' 1 14th and Couch DUBRU jjUGGY TOP CO.. 9th and Oak. GRAIN MERCHANTS. PACIFIC GRAIN CO., Board of Trade bldg. DRY M)ODS NOTIONS. L. DINKELSPIEL C0.4S7Norrd.re1e,e HATS AND CAPS. THANHOUSER HAT CO., 53-56 Front St. HIDES. WOOL, CASCAKA BARK. KAHN BROS., 191 Front St. PAINTS AND LUBRICATING OILS. W. P. FULLER & CO., 12th and Davis sta MEETING NOTICES. MULTNOMAH COUNCIL, NO. 11. R. AND S. M.. will con fer the super-excellent degree today (Wednesday) evening April 10, before the grand coun cil in annual assembly at Salem. Or. Snecial train will eavo Tenth and Alder streets at 4:30 P. M. Wednesday and will arrive back in Port land in time to catch last streetcars. Round trin fare, including war tax, SI. 50. All R. and S. M. are invited either to witness the degree or receive It as candidates. 1. ij. auvii, ivecoruer. MULTNOMAH COUNCIL, NO. 11. R. AND S. M.. will con fer the super-excellent degree tnmnrmw ( Wednesday even Jng, April 10, before the grand council in annual assembly a Salem. Or. SDeclal train wil leave Tenth and Alder streets at 4:3J P. M. Wednesday and will arrive back in Port land'ln time to catch last streetcars. Round trip fare, including war tax, 451. uO. All R. and S. M. are Invited either to witness the degree or receive it as candidates. MOTTJCT TABOR LODGE. NO, 42. A. F. AND A. 31. Stated communication this (Wednes day) evening 7:30 o'clock. West Side Temple. F. C. degree. Visit ing brethren wercomo. E. L. CLINE. W. M. OREGON COMMANDERY, No. 1, Knights Templar, will give a complimentary enter tainment Thursday evening in their asylum at 8 P. M. to k. eA ii hv. xarrlq arirl refreshments. AH Makotih and tnelr ladies mvnea. ah o. King. its requested to wear unirorm ana bring a Masonic friend. By order of the L-TRiPiTPirw rrOTTXCIL. No 2227, KNIGHTS AND LADIES OF SECURITY Big open meeting next unaay, April 12, 8:30 P M. Swiss Hall. Third and Jefferson rarrls "500." Entertainment. Dancing. Hoch & Berry's union music . Good prizes. Admission 15 cents. Tou and your friends are Invited to come for a good ume. B. P. O. ELKS. NO. 142 Members are requested to meet at the undertaking par lors oi J. iJ- r lniey & &on this (Wednesday) afternoon, 3 o'clock, to attend the fu neral services of our late brother, George J. Blodgetc Visiting brothers invited tc attend. By order of the E. R. M. R. SPAtTLDING. Sec. T. C. REICHLE, C. of R. REDMEN. ATTENTION The members of Willamette Tribe. No. 6. and all Red men In our city, will assemble at the Lib erty Temple, 6th and Morrison, tonight (Wed), at 8:15, together with other fraternities, in the cause of freedom for democracy. In F. F. and C. PORTLAND LODGE. NO. 291, L. O. O. M. Regular meeting Moose Temple. 4th and Taylor, at 8 o clock every Wednesday evening. Visitors welcome. J. F. KENNEDY, Secretary. WASHINGTON CHAPTER, NO. 18, R. A- M. Regular convoca tion this (Wednesday) evening. East Eighth and Burnside streets, 7 -30 o'clock. Visitors welcome. By order E. H. P., Social. ROY QUACKENBUSH, Sec. REGULAR meeting this .HTL0Dg (Wednesday) evening. E. CtJ? fcL Sixth and Alder streets. visitors cordially invited. Initiatory degree. O. C. STARR. N. G. W. W. TERRY. Sec SAMARITAN LODGE NO. 2, I. O. O. F. Regular meeting tonight (Wednesday), at 8 P. M., at L O. O. K. Temple, 226 Alder st. Third degree. Visi tors always welcome. EMBLEM Jewelry, buttons, charms, pins; new design. Jaeger Bros.. 131-S 6th at. FERTILIZERS. ROTTED cow and horse manure, C 2274. East 181. IKON FOUNDRIES. PHOENIX IRON WORKS. Engineers, founders, machinists, boller maiters. boiler and blacksmith shop. Or lice and works, HawUiorua eve. aud East Third at. ' JAPAN FLORIST. 183 4th at., bet. Yamhill Tay lor. All kinda of fiowera. bedding and Vegetable plants, garden aeeds. This month, special, Easter Illy, cut daffodlla. pansiea. eto Japon ATioiia Azalea. Wistaria. llowenug cherry, holly trees, tuba. MUSICAL. OREGON Conservatory (school) ot Musi a, 2d floor Russell bid-, (over the "Lloa"). entrance 163 ft 4th at., cor, oi jnon uwu. PARKER School of Popular Music. Terms, S to 20 lessons. 401-2 Ellera bldg EMIL THIELHORN. violin teacher, pupil Seyoik. 207 Fliedner bldg. Bcwy. 1629. OPTIMETR1STS AND OPTICIANS. WHV PAT MORE? A SAVING from 30 to 60 per cent. Properly fitted glasses as low aa . $1.50. 4000 satisfied customera. t ,. ,t Phu. W. GOOd- man, optometrist, 201. Morrison. Main 2124. PAINTER. ETC. G. W. RILEY. Painter and Decorator, Sellwood 8179. PATENTS. ft. G. WRIGHT 22 yeara' experience. U. and foreign patent. 601 Dekum bldg. PHYSICIANS. DR. R. A. PHILLIPS. 905 Broadway bldg. Rheumatism, female disorders, skin trou bles, stomach. liver, kidneys. bowels, throat, goitre, scalp, high blood pressure. DR. FLORA A. BROWN, goitre and diseases of women. 700 E. Burnaide. cor. 20th St. "PLUMBING SUPPLIES. PLUMBING SUPPLIES at wholesale prices. Stark-Davis Co., 212 8d at. Main 7P7. PRINTING. KEYSTONE PRESS J. E. Ganteubeln. Mgr. Printing and linotyping. 109 a Front at., corner Stark. Main or A 1418. THE IVY PRESS, 882 Stark St. Broadway 408, A 4088. DL.HU1IMI' F. W. BALTES & COMPANY, rnlll I aj 1st and Oak sta. Main 165. A 1165 REAL ESTATE DEALERS. CARL R. JONES, 404 Wilcox bldg. STORAGE AND TRANSFER. ALWAYS PICK THE BEST Household goods specialists; storage, packing, ship ping and moving, horse and auto vans; special freight rates to all points. C O PICK TRANSFER & STORAGE CO., 2d and Pine Sta. Broadway 51)6. A 1996. OREGON TRANSFER CO., 474 Glisan sL. corner 18th. Telephone Broadway 1281 or A 1169. We own and operate two large class "A" warehouses on terminal tracks. Lowest Insurance ratea In the city. MADISON--ST."DOCK & WAREHOUSE. Of fice 189 Madison. General merchandise and forwarding agents, jimuq CUT freight rates to ail points on household goods. Manning Warehouse & Transfer Co., 9th and Hoyt- Broadway 703. PACKING. MOVING. STORAGE. SECURITY STORAGE & TRaJSS tR CO, 105 Park St- Main 5195. A 105L 4-FT SLABWOOD, partly dry, $4 a cord, for Summer delivery. Address National Fuel Co.. East 2041. GREEN AND DRY SLABWOOD, block wood. Panama Fuel Co.. East 72. B 2889. lMANUFACTURERS PAINTS. OILS AND GLASS. RASMUSSEN & CO.. 2d and Taylor. PIPE. PIPE FITTINGS AND VALVES. M. L. KLINE. 84-86 Front St. PLUMBING AND STE.M SUPPLIES. M. L. KLINE. 84-86 Front St. PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS. BVEHDINO & FARRELL, 140 Front St. ROPE AND BINDING TWINE. Portland Cordage Co., 14th and Northrup. SASH, DOORS AND GLASS. W. P. FULLER & CO.. 12th and Davis sts. WALL PAPER. MILLER Wall Paper & Pt. Co.. 172 1st St. MORGAN WALL PAPER CO.. 230 2d St. CLASSIFIED AD. RATES Daily ana euuday. Per line. One time 1 fcatue ad two consecutive times. 2a bame ed three consecutive times SUV aame ad six or sevea consecutive times.. 6te itae above rates appiy to advertisement ander "New Today" and all oilier ciassiUca liuus except the following: bituulioiM WantedMalti. bituutions Wanted-saVr'emale. J or JAent Kooins 1'rivate Fatnlllea. Board aud itooms 1'rivate t amities. Housekeeping Kooms Private t amiliea. Jiatea on the above classifications are I Cents a line each lusertiun. Xfae Oregonian will accept classified ad vertibemects over the telephone, provided the advertiser Is a subscriber to either phone. N o price will be q uoted over the phone, but bill will be rendered the following day. The Oregonian will not he responsible for errors in ad vertisenients taken over tele phone. Whether subsequent advertisements will be accepted over the phone depend upon the promptness of payment of tele pnone advertisements. "Situations Wanted" and Personal" advertisements will not be accepted nver the telephone. Orders for on insertion only will be accepted for "Furni ture for bale," "Business Opportunities,"-".Rooming-houses" and "Wanted to Kent. affect the valuo of the advertisement. Serious error In advertisements will be rectified by republication without additional charge, but such republication will not be made where the error doe not materially OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY Office. Room 153 Courthouse, 6th Si. Entrance. Phone from 8 to 5, Main 378, Home Phone A 2625. Night call after office hours. Main 210. Report all cases of cruelty to the above ad dress. Electric lethal chamber for small ani mals. Horse ambulance for sick and disabled animals at a moment's notice. Anyone desir ing a dog or other pet communicate with us. Call for all lost or strayed stock, as we look after all Impounding. There is no mora city pound. Just uregon nuimtmi awv.,.. DIED. HANSEN In this city, at hia late residence. 60S E. th St- a.. April it. X. naiiB.ii, ascu 67 years, husband of Mrs. Matthea Han sen, father of Mrs. Cora Ellstrom and brother of B. Hansen, all of this city. The remains are at the residence establishment of J. P. Ftnley & Son, Montgomery a( 5th. Notice of funeral hereafter. NEW At St. Francis Hospital. San Fran cisco, of pneumonia, April v. j. iuaiey New, son of Mrs. Alice E. New, of Port land, and brother of Charles H. New. of Seattle, and Miss Helen New, of Portland. Seattle and San Francisco papers please copy. Funeral notice later. BUSH At 88 East Seventy-second street North, April , tullzaDem cuau, .bcu years The remains are at the residence funeral parlors of Walter C. Kenworthy. 1532 and 1534 East Thirteenth street, Sellwood. Notice of funeral later. MERTEN In this city, April , aietnias Merten, agea oo jrem., i.. nMv. Thirteenth street North. The remains are at the residence eatablishmnt of J. P. Finlt-y & Son. Montgomery at Fifth. Notice of funeral hereafter. KLTJM At the residence or his son, od.i Dekum avenut, nimm aged 67 years, beloved father of Claud and Amy Klum. Remains in care of the Chambers-Kenworthy Company. 1111 Kerby at Emerson. Funeral notice later. CRAWFORD In this city, April 9. at the family resiaence, oxi oceiucuiim Reuben Crawford, aged 8 years. Remains at Holman's funeral parlors. Funeral an nouncement later. . HATCHER In this city, April 9. James v. Hatcner, ago v j.. Frank E. Hatcher. Notice of funeral later. Remains are at the parlors of Miller & TYSIL.INO April 9. John Tysillne. sged 48 years, oelovea nusoaua ui mis a.iii Tyslling. Remains at Dumifng & McLn tee's parlors. Notice of funeral later. MONUMENTS. PORTLAND MARBLE WORKS. 264-266 4th St.. opposite iity xiau. iu" uuu. -Neu & Sons for memorials. ITT TMItP ST MADI5QN .STREET n